Review Your Goals and Personal Mission – Part 4 Part 4 of the "Goals In Life - Starting The Year On The Right Foot" Series It’s a great idea to review your goals and personal mission each year for one reason and one reason only. Things change! While your personal mission never changes at the Mission Blueprint level, you grow and the world changes, new technologies are born, new ideas come into our sphere of influence, and part of living successfully is adapting to change fast! At the end of each year I review my goals and personal mission and I tweak my Vision, Mission and Purpose statements, making any adjustments I need to with my life goals, aims and objectives. This Is part of me making sure my ladder is still up against the right wall so every step I take in the new year is the right step in the right direction. In other words I’m ensuring I’m starting the year on the right foot. One of the other phenomenon’s I see with my clients is that many of their goals and personal missions aren’t their own. They belong to their parents, society, to their internal chirping monkeys, and so their goals are set from this place of “I should”. I should strive for this or I should make this my goal or I should do this. If you are sitting on any failed goals or struggling for some of them to come into fruition, it could be because you have set a goal you think you should have rather than because it’s part of your personal mission at your Soul’s Mission Blueprint level. So by reviewing your goals each year and making sure your personal mission is YOUR personal mission and not someone elses dream, you are ensuring you are following your heart, passion and reason for being here in this world. You can realign and tweak your Life Path Plan each year to keep you focused and on track, reaching your mission milestones. This year I’m starting the year out with taking on board another 30 people for Mission Blueprint Home Bootcamp because I believe this review process is that important to starting the year on the right foot. Once you’ve discovered what it is you are here to do, what personal mission is and set your goals in life, you have tool you can use every year to review your goals and personal mission, keeping you focused on building the you want, the life that gives you the greatest satisfaction and success.
your a life
If you’re interested to learn more about Mission Blueprint and how it can help you with your Life Path Plan visit this link for the complete details.
Tags: goals, personal mission, goals in life, mission blueprint, vision, mission, purpose, life goals, aims, objectives, life path plan, mission milestones, for mission blueprint home bootcamp
Step into the clarity of where your greatest meaning, fulfilment and success can be found, and the confidence you can make a difference living your life purpose. • • • • • •
Discover important distinctions about your purpose, so you can have gaining crystal clear clarity; Learn how you make a difference and why, so you can feel important in the cosmos; Find out what forms of expression will give you the greatest happiness and success in life; Discover what you need to know to seek, find and remove blocks holding you back; Find out where your multi-million dollar idea is within your life purpose; Learn how to develop a greater connection to yourself and your Soul…
Discover What You Are Here To Do is a book designed specifically for people who want a live a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment, without sacrificing the financial security of a job, or getting stuck with relentless obstacles.
About The Author Nicola Grace, The Mission Mentor and 3 x International Best Selling author, helps purpose seekers find and follow their higher purpose, so they can experience the fulfilment and satisfaction of knowing they’re doing what they came here to do. She delivers speeches, workshops, mentoring sessions and online programs designed to overcome the challenges social entrepreneurs face, and take advantage of the opportunities presenting in the emerging New Era. Recently honoured with an award for implementing a strategy that saved a billion dollar change agent industry from ruin, and make history, four time author, Nicola Grace has an eclectic professional background in education, contemporary dance, politics, public relations and television starting her career as a history teacher. For the past twenty years, Nicola has captivated her audiences as an inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader bridging the gap for her audiences, between bright ideas and successful implementation strategies. Nicola’s expert insights appear in the best selling book, Ready Aim Captivate - Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall. CelebrityPress recently chose Nicola to join a select group of the world’s leading experts to co-write the forthcoming book titled, More.Better.: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life With Better Results. Her most recent title Discover What You Are Here To Do, offers finer distinctions of finding your Higher Purpose, postulating that as we step into doing the very thing we were born to do, through the Butterfly Effect we begin to create the better world we all desire. As spokeswoman of the not-for-profit organization she founded, she made history with her “Ten Step Master Plan” using the Undefeatable Laws of Nature to achieve an impossible mission in 2006. She has defeated two different types of cancers with short expiry dates and gone on to teach her Master Plan to social entrepreneurs and organization leaders. Now living on the Gold Coast of Australia she writes, educates and speaks internationally on how to transform the world leveraging the Universal Laws of Nature and Law of Purpose. Her interests are as eclectic as her background. She loves the ocean, theatre, contemporary art, dance, politics, quantum science, and enjoys gourmet vegetarian food in beautiful spaces. Nicola is also an active humanitarian with a grand vision for the elevation of ALL of humanity that she would like to share with you.
If you are interested in learning more about the finding and living a life of purpose and meaning, be sure to get her “Strategy With Spirit” nuggets. Learn how you can make a difference; achieve your mission, get better results without wasting effort; develop your Soul Power & Connection to Self… and create a better world! Either: 1. 2. 3. 4.
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