Starting The Year Off Right - Part 1

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Starting The Year Off Right – Part 1 Part 1: Personal Goals Plan For Starting The Year Off Right The best time for writing a personal goals plan is any time of the year, however if you are interested in starting the year off right, the time between Christmas and Chinese New Year (February) has the greatest impact. Every year between Christmas and New Year, right on into the first week of the New Year, I refocus on my personal goals plan for my life, so I start the year on the right foot. This year, for the first time ever, I thought I'd share my success routine because it works so well for me. We all have good intentions with our new year's resolutions, and we vow to make changes. But when that New Year comes around so fast, it feels like the year hits the ground flying with you chasing its tail. By the end of January you often feel like you are behind the eight ball. Every year I take this special time out for me, my life and my personal goals in life, to make sure the next year runs smoothly from a solid foundation under my control to avoid being out of control as the year progresses. When I take that time out to reach my goals, magical things happen and all is moves forward according to plan. Sometimes I even surpass my goals receiving something even greater than what I had planned for. I have had years where, for one reason or another, I was just too busy to put the time aside. Those years, I have noticed, seem to fly by without me having much of a handle on how things are progressing. So I have learned how important starting the year on the right foot is. Here's my Success Routine for starting the year right. I've listed the routine below in eight easy to follow steps, and then linked them to the blog post that explains in more details for those of you interested in learning any, or all of those steps. 1.

Step One – I Change Subconscious Beliefs That Could Be Holding Me Back While this is something I do on a regular basis through out the year, I give special attention to this part of my routine at the end of each year. The first thing I do toward the end of each year, before I plan for the coming year, is examine whether or not I have subconscious mind beliefs that I need to change so they

don’t hold me back from reaching by big personal goals in life. I look to see how did I do this previous year? Have I learned my lessons from the obstacles and difficulties I faced? Have I rooted out any unconscious limiting beliefs lurking away in the depths of my subconscious mind? I do this self examination exercise first, because no amount of strategic planning, goal setting, creative visualization, affirming, humming or action will succeed while there are counter beliefs and programming operating in your subconscious mind. They need to be found and fished out, transmuted and replaced with support beliefs that will get you to where you are going. Read More About How To Change Your Subconscious Beliefs Here 2. Step Two - Check My Alignment With My Higher Self Aligning or realigning to my Higher Self, whether ever the case may be, is a critical step in my yearly success routine. Starting the year off without that alignment is like walking out the door with my pants on. At some stage I’m going to have to stop moving forward, and go back home to recollect myself, and what a waste of time that is. If you’re interested in starting the year off right, best do it with your pants on !  and with a connection to your Higher Self. Being in alignment with your Higher Self when you set your personal goals, is one of the fastest ways to succeed in reaching those goals. That’s because so much goal setting is performed from the ego. Now, the ego is a mine field with all sorts of conflicting beliefs and counter limiting beliefs that can get in the way of you achieving those goals. Your Higher Self contains no conflict. When you are in alignment with your Higher Self and then you set your goals, you are giving yourself the best chance for success. If you set goals in life, that are not aligned to your Mission Blueprint, that thing you came here to do in this world, then you may struggle in reaching your goals, and this leads to the all too familiar ‘failed goals syndrome’. The failure to reach goals doesn’t have much to do with how you write them, but more to do with; whether or not they in your Soul’s blueprint to achieve; are they what you really want at that Soul level –the level of your Higher Self; do you have your goals timed within the Laws of Nature (The Law of Periodicity in-particular); and do you have any subconscious beliefs that limit you from reaching those goals that need to be routed out. Read More About Aligning To Your Higher Self Here 3. Step Three - Review My Personal Mission I review my personal goals within my personal mission every year to make sure I’m on track and not running some programming of what other’s think is good for me, or what I think I should do. It’s also a great idea to review your goals and personal mission each year for one reason, and one reason only. Things change! While your personal mission never changes at the Mission Blueprint level, you grow and the world changes, new technologies are born, new ideas come into our sphere of influence, and part of living successfully is adapting to change fast! One of the other phenomenon’s I see with my clients is that many of their goals and personal missions aren’t their own. They belong to their parents, society, to their internal chirping monkeys, and so their goals are set from this place of “I should”. I should strive for this or I should make this my goal or I should do this. If you are sitting on any failed goals or struggling for some of them to come into fruition, it could be because you have set a goal you think you should have rather than because it’s part of your personal mission at your Soul’s Mission Blueprint level. Read More About Setting Goals From Your Personal Mission Here

4. Step Four – Goal Setting Your Mission Milestones Now I've cleared the path by changing subconscious mind beliefs, realigned to my Mission Blueprint, reassessed my current personal goals in life, and realigning to my Higher Self, it's time to set my personal goals for the coming year. Achieving these goals lets me know I'm on track and living on purpose fulfilling my reason for being here – my personal mission. These personal goals then become my mission milestones for my life. Goal setting doesn’t only help you with direction, it actually helps you bring into your world that which you want to experience. Without goals you wander aimlessly, totally reliant on what is stored in your subconscious mind to bring to you experiences. If you haven’t programmed your subconscious mind for that which you want, via goal setting, you might not get it. We change agents and social entrepreneurs have goals in our missions and business, but have you taken the time to look at what your goals in life on a personal level? Read More About Personal Goal Setting Here 5.

Step Five – Make A Dream Board For Reaching My Goals Fast I love to make a dream board, also known as vision board that creates a vision of my dream. This is my favourite part, and it really helps create my year the way I want it. John Assaraf of the movie ‘The Secret’ and Law of Attraction fame, put making a Dream Board for goal setting on the map. Since that movie, dream board software came onto the market so you could not only set your goals, but you can visualize your goals and dreams as well. Vision Board Software, named exactly that, was the first goal setting software to come out that electronicized dream boarding, that I am aware of.... Traditionally to create a Dream Board you would cut out pictures that represent the goals you want to reach and place it prominently so you can use the power of creative visualization to manifest those dreams. I know, to some of you blokes it might seem girly, but if it’s good enough for multi-billionaire John Assaraf, in fact if it’s part of his arsenal that helped him become a multi-billionaire, then I figure it’s good enough for you. Read More About How To Make A Dream Board Here

6. Step Six - I Use A Meditation Technique And Meditate There are a number of meditation techniques out here. I personally have used a number of techniques over the years. I like to meditate every day, but particularly before I set my new years resolutions and personal or business goals for the coming year. One of the most common questions I get asked when I suggest to my clients to meditate is, “How do I practice meditation?” “What is the best meditation technique to use?” So here’s a very simple beginners meditation technique on how to practice meditation. Read More About Using This Meditation Technique Here 7.

Step Seven - Setting Self Development Goals For My Butterfly Effect Before I set my new years resolutions, I like to set some self development goals as part of my starting the year right success routine. I think setting and reaching personal development goals are an important part of why social entrepreneurs and change agents will reach their mission milestones. Our greatest enemy is often our selves and our mind right? If we are not developing our selves, our abilities and talents then we

are not growing or accumulating the very skills we need to succeed as change agents and social entrepreneurs. I take my self development very seriously. I have been called the Queen of Personal Development after all. Being a Queen in self development then, I make sure I set my goals for the coming year. Continuing education for both my business and my personal development are part of helping me reach those self development goals. Read More About Setting Self Development Goals Here 8. Step Eight - Setting The Goal of Purposeful Eating Part of my Life purpose is to help others to live their Life purpose. In order to achieve life balance and happiness in all areas of life, I believe we also need to be fit and healthy. We need vital life energy to get jobs done, reach goals and manifest that which we desire. I recently discovered this idea of eating according to your Life Purpose. Interesting! A very interesting take on how to loose weight and gain vital energy with the foods you eat. Every year billions of people set the news resolution to eat better and loose weight. I'm no different. But this year I'm going to do something a little bit different. This past year I’ve talked about how being on purpose makes life a little easier and certainly more fulfilling. This coming year I’ve made the commitment to eating on purpose to make my goal in life of eating healthy, easier and more fulfilling just like living on purpose. Often we associate healthy eating with emptiness because we think we can’t have the things we love to eat. I wanted to turn that around this year. I found a great new book called The Numerology Diet. My goal is to read it and follow it. I also want to introduce my subscribers to the book so they can give me feedback as to how it's working with them. I might well incorporate it into my Living On Purpose program. Read More About Purposeful Eating Here Well there you have it - My yearly success routine. I hope you find it useful and it brings you the successes it's brought me, when you follow these steps. I'd appreciate your feedback via way of comments over at my blog by following this link here: Here's those posts Again: • • • • • • • •

Step One – Examine My Subconscious Mind Beliefs That Could Be Holding Me Back Step Two – Check My Alignment With My Higher Self So I’m Reaching MY Goals Step Three – Review My Goals and Personal Mission Step Four – Setting Personal Goals As Mission Milestones Step Five – Using Vision Board Goal Setting Software For Reaching My Goals Fast Step Six – I Set Goals For My Meditation Practice and Meditate Step Seven – Setting Self Development Goals For My Butterfly Effect Step Eight – Setting The Goal of Purposeful Eating

Enjoy! Tags: success routine, daily routine of successful people, daily success routine, daily routine for success, goal setting for life, setting life goals, new year’s goal setting, personal goal plan, personal goal setting, personal goals work, starting the year off right, starting the year right, change subconscious mind beliefs, subconscious mind, limiting beliefs, higher self, your higher self, be your higher self, access your higher self, connecting to your higher self, personal mission, my personal mission, goal setting, personal goal setting, dream board, vision board, make a dream board, how to make a dream board, meditation, meditate, meditation technique, how to meditate,

meditation practice, self development, self development goals, goals, butterfly effect, change agents, social entrepreneurs

Step into the clarity of where your greatest meaning, fulfilment and success can be found, and the confidence you can make a difference living your life purpose. • • • • • •

Discover important distinctions about your purpose, so you can have gaining crystal clear clarity; Learn how you make a difference and why, so you can feel important in the cosmos; Find out what forms of expression will give you the greatest happiness and success in life; Discover what you need to know to seek, find and remove blocks holding you back; Find out where your multi-million dollar idea is within your life purpose; Learn how to develop a greater connection to yourself and your Soul…

Discover What You Are Here To Do is a book designed specifically for people who want a live a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment, without sacrificing the financial security of a job, or getting stuck with relentless obstacles.

About The Author Nicola Grace, The Mission Mentor and 3 x International Best Selling author, helps purpose seekers find and follow their higher purpose, so they can experience the fulfilment and satisfaction of knowing they’re doing what they came here to do. She delivers speeches, workshops, mentoring sessions and online programs designed to overcome the challenges social entrepreneurs face, and take advantage of the opportunities presenting in the emerging New Era. Recently honoured with an award for implementing a strategy that saved a billion dollar change agent industry from ruin, and make history, four time author, Nicola Grace has an eclectic professional background in education, contemporary dance, politics, public relations and television starting her career as a history teacher. For the past twenty years, Nicola has captivated her audiences as an inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader bridging the gap for her audiences, between bright ideas and successful implementation strategies. Nicola’s expert insights appear in the best selling book, Ready Aim Captivate - Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall. CelebrityPress recently chose Nicola to join a select group of the world’s leading experts to co-write the forthcoming book titled, More.Better.: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life With Better Results. Her most recent title Discover What You Are Here To Do, offers finer distinctions of finding your Higher Purpose, postulating that as we step into doing the very thing we were born to do, through the Butterfly Effect we begin to create the better world we all desire. As spokeswoman of the not-for-profit organization she founded, she made history with her “Ten Step Master Plan” using the Undefeatable Laws of Nature to achieve an impossible mission in 2006. She has defeated two different types of cancers with short expiry dates and gone on to teach her Master Plan to social entrepreneurs and organization leaders. Now living on the Gold Coast of Australia she writes, educates and speaks internationally on how to transform the world leveraging the Universal Laws of Nature and Law of Purpose. Her interests are as eclectic as her background. She loves the ocean, theatre, contemporary art, dance, politics, quantum science, and enjoys gourmet vegetarian food in beautiful spaces. Nicola is also an active humanitarian with a grand vision for the elevation of ALL of humanity that she would like to share with you.

If you are interested in learning more about the finding and living a life of purpose and meaning, be sure to get her “Strategy With Spirit” nuggets. Learn how you can make a difference; achieve your mission, get better results without wasting effort; develop your Soul Power & Connection to Self… and create a better world! Either: 1. 2. 3. 4.

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