==== ==== For the best related Tips, here the best related website: http://tinyurl.com/7qfdds6 ==== ==== Fasting Fasting relates to not eating or drinking either certain items or for a particular period of time. Some people fast in an effort to make a statement of protest against something. Others do it for religious reasons or because they have read that it can speed up their metabolism and they are doing everything they can to get into shape. Many athletes believe that fasting will help them to be able to cleanse their body of toxins in a manner that is very natural. This process can involve not eating anything at all or only removing certain food items from the diet. Many individuals that fast completely allow themselves to continue drinking only water. This keeps them from becoming as hungry and it also ensures that they will remain hydrated. Others also drink juice while fasting as it helps their body to get some of the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Many individuals feel that fasting is an important part of their spiritual growth. There are many passages in the Bible that refer to fasting and so it is a part of many different religions. For some families only the adults fast while in others they expect their children to take part in it as well. For some this is a form of child abuse but if the parents are doing it for religious reasons then it isnt classified as so. Some people fast as a way for them to explore what goes on in other countries. They may want to help with relief efforts for those starving in third world countries. They agree to fast for a period of several days so they can feel first hand what it is like for these individuals on a daily basis. As a result they are more compassionate and work harder to help make changes in such countries. It is a good idea to speak with your doctor about fasting. It can be very dangerous for your body if you do it too often. It can also deprive your body of the essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy. A person that fasts for too long at one period of time or too often can do irreversible damage to their liver. A person may also experience high blood pressure due to the process of fasting.
==== ==== For the best related Tips, here the best related website: http://tinyurl.com/7qfdds6 ==== ====