Skyline High School – Lycée Bazin Partnership 2012- 2014 WHO o Heidi Trude, French Teacher, Skyline High School Front Royal, VA USA o Nicolas Houpert, Math Teacher, Lycée Bazin Charlville-Mézières, France WHAT o A partnership between students at Skyline High School and Lycée Bazin that encompasses projects relating to French, as way as cross-curricular connections to mathematics. The projects will serve as preparation for the visit of Mr. Houpert and his students in Spring 2014. o
Ms. Trude’s students will host Mr. Houpert’s students. During the week, the students will attend classes at Skyline High School and participate in activities with Ms. Trude’s students relating to the project. Cultural outings on the weekend will also be arranged for Mr. Houpert’s students.
WHEN o Mr. Houpert and his students (8 -16 students) will visit Skyline High School for one week in the Spring 2014 (most likely April).
WHY o We want to see this partnership continue. Both the French and American students are very excited about the possibilities for the partnership. During Mr. Houpert’s visit, the American students were very positive – they were extremely motivated and showed a desire to learn from their French counterparts. The work that was accomplished during the week of Mr. Houpert’s visit validated the fact that the students are ready to continue the partnership. The excitement that was present in the room that week could not be matched. Furthering the partnership for the coming school year will only strengthen the work and energy levels that are present in Ms. Trude’s classes. As a result of the successful visit, Ms. Trude and Mr. Houpert have agreed to continue the partnership with a visit by Mr. Houpert and his students in Spring 2014. Additional Information o Please see the PDF file (Report_Skyline High School_TRUDE_HOUPERT_March2013) for more information regarding the partnership and the projects.
PROJETTS PEDAGOG GIQUES 16 mai 2014 4 E Etablissement ts partenaires
NCOIS BAZIN Lycée FRAN Charleville‐Mézières (Ard dennes) gh School SKYLINE Hig Front Royall (Virginia) de coopératio on Aout 2012 :: Mise en relattion dans le caadre d’un acccord bilatéral d entre l’acad démie de Reim ms et l’Etat dee Virginie par lle biais de la D DAREIC. Septembre 2012 : Prise d de contact aveec Miss Heidi TTRUDE 012 : Travail prréparatoire à l’élaboration des projets fu uturs Septembre‐‐Décembre 20
Projeet #1 2012‐2013 semestre 2 Travail collaboratif : Ms TRUDE (Français) Mrr HOUPERT (M Mathématiquees)
MAKING G THE CONN NECTION Objectiifs : Découvrir laa classe partenaire Se familiarisser avec le lycée hie de la Virginie/des S’approprieer la géograph Ardennes différences entre les Mettre en éévidence les d deux systèm mes scolaires nus : Conten 1. Présentatio on des élèves e en vidéo on de la ville et du lycée 2. Présentatio mps 3. Etude des eemplois du tem 4. Analyse dess différences 5. Vidéoconféérence de préssentation Visitee une semainee de Mr HO OUPERT à Skyyline
Mars 2013
Projeet #2 2012‐2013 ssemestre 2 Travail collaboratif : Ms TRUDE (Français) M Mme CHARRO ON (Physique‐ Chim mie) Mrr HOUPERT (M Mathématiquees)
FROM SE EDAN TO RIC CHMOND Objectiifs : Découvrir lees liens entre les Ardennes et la Virginie Etudier la p perception du sport dans less deux pays Approcher sscientifiquem ment des données sportives Conten nus : 1. Biographiess parallèles de e Yannick NOA AH né à Sedan et Arrthur ASHE né é à Richmond (VA) 2. Description n des sports prratiqués par lees élèves 3. Activité en mathématiqu ues sur la trajeectoire d’une balle de tennis 4. Activité en physique sur la trajectoire d’une balle de bassket
Projet #3 2013‐2014 semestre 1 Travail collaboratif : Ms TRUDE (Français) Mr HOUPERT (Mathématiques)
PEDAGOGICAL KIT Objectifs : Rédiger une conversation sous contrainte de vocabulaire Jouer un rôle d’acteur en anglais/français Monter une vidéo avec/sans sous‐titre Etudier les vidéos des partenaires Contenus : Les américains envoient leur futur thème de travail avec une liste de vocabulaire à apprendre. Par exemple : Commander une boisson à la terrasse d’un café. Les élèves français créent des vidéos en français sur ce thème en respectant les contraintes de vocabulaire.
Visite d’une semaine de Ms TRUDE à BAZIN Novembre 2013
Projet #4 2013‐2014 semestre 2 Travail collaboratif : Ms TRUDE (Français) Mr CROIZIER (Anglais) Mr HOUPERT (Mathématiques)
QUIZ ONLINE : PLAY WITH ME ! Objectifs : Développer ses connaissances sur la culture américaine et française Répondre à des questions mathématiques américaines Répondre à des questions mathématiques françaises Jouer en live lors d’une vidéoconférence Contenus : 1. Création d’un quiz commun en ligne ( 2. Rédaction de questions en français et anglais sur la culture américaine et française 3. Réalisation de question orales sur les mathématiques 4. Publication du quiz en tant que production finale 5. Vidéoconférence du lundi 7 avril 6. Vidéoconférence du lundi 19 mai (School Board)
News / The Northern Virginia Daily/
French teacher crosses Atlantic to experience teaching, American-style
Nicolas Houpert, a mathematics teacher from Lycée Bazin in Charleville-Mezières, France, gives a thumbs up for Skyline High School French II student Alex Paschall, 15, as he successfully completes a French phrase on the white board inside Heidi Trude's class on Thursday. Houpert, who is spending the week visiting the class, has been working with Trude in fostering relationships between their schools' classes. Rich Cooley/Daily Posted Mar. 21 By Kim Walter FRONT ROYAL -- Nicolas Houpert, a 32-year-old math teacher from France, had never seen Pixie Stix before, but that's n'est plus le cas now that he's visited Front Royal. Pixie Stix, the size of cars and the freedom of students in a classroom were among the things that surprised Houpert this week while he visited with Heidi Trude's French classes at Skyline High School. Trude helped foster a Skype relationship between her classes and another teacher's classes in France last year, and expanded the project this school year. Houpert's students, who are required to learn English, have communicated via letters and Facebook with all of Trude's students. This year was even more exciting for Trude after learning that Houpert would be able to stay in town for a week and present information about France and the high school where he teaches -- Lycée Bazin in Charleville-Mezières. This was his first time in the United States. His students also made a video in which they talked about their daily schedule and gave a tour of their educational facility. Trude's students are still working on their own version of the video, and plan to Skype for the first time with Houpert's students in the next few weeks. Trude's students include those being introduced to the French language, as well as those in their fifth year of instruction. During a class on Thursday afternoon, Houpert gave his presentation comparing monuments and landscapes in the United States and France. When asking questions, he required Trude's students to answer in French, and applauded their efforts. "French is complicated language to learn, so to me they are very brave to take it on," he said after the class. Even with Monday's snow day, Houpert had already managed to learn each and every student's name. Some of them admitted they were nervous and didn't know what to expect, but by Thursday they felt comfortable conversing with him.
PROJETS PEDAGOGIQUES 16 mai 2014 Hannah Henry, 15, said it was nice to hear French spoken by Houpert, and it felt even better when she realized she knew what he was saying. "I can already tell that I learned so much in the past few days," she said. "It's so much better than just reading a book or watching a video." Throughout the year, Trude's students also learned that students in France aren't much different from themselves, which came as a surprise. "They're just like us, just normal teenagers," said 15-year-old Alicia Zarzuela. "I wonder if they were surprised when they saw us for the first time." Both Trude and Houpert agreed that the experience wasn't just beneficial for the students, though. "This has changed me as a person, it is something that I am so happy to have been a part of," Trude said, looking around her classroom. Before Houpert came, Trude worried her students would disappoint him, or that he might be unimpressed with her teaching. However, she said Houpert was delighted with her students and classroom, calling it "a home." "He reassured me that sometimes his student misbehave too," she said. Contrary to some of the students' expectations, Houpert said he loves Front Royal and Skyline. "It is a beautiful place ... I know some of the kids don't like it, but I think it's wonderful," he said. The students' ability to walk around a classroom, talk to each other and ask for help surprised him. "These students are free," he said. "That is something I will take back with me to my high school ... I want to take the best of America's method of teaching and use it to enhance my students' learning." Houpert has wanted to come to the United States since he was a child, and said he was now living "the American dream." On Friday and Saturday, he and Trude will embark on more sightseeing, which will include a trip to Washington, D.C. Trude said her French accent and vocabulary have managed to improve during Houpert's stay, and in turn he has learned more English words. Houpert also had the chance to teach a couple math classes Thursday morning, which he called "rewarding." "It is always so wonderful to teach and see a student smile, so you know they understand and enjoy it," he said. "It is right to say that this experience was good for everyone involved." Mashayla Roy, a 17-year-old senior, is in her fifth year of taking French, and said meeting Houpert and communicating with students in France has been just what she needed. "This has all been so important to me," she said. "I'm studying abroad my first semester at college, so to meet people like those that I'll be interacting with every day is priceless. I feel so much more prepared to continue my education." Trude said it's important to her that her students keep an open mind, not only to other languages, but also to people and cultures around the world. "How can they grow if they only know what is right around them," she said. "My students have embraced Nicolas, and he has embraced them. I'm so proud ... everything has gone so perfectly." Next year, Trude plans to visit a high school in France for a week. Upon Houpert's return to France, he said he hopes to use his experience to help convince the headmaster of his high school that some of his students should join him when he returns to Skyline next year for another week. "I want my students to come to America, they need to," he said. "You can't just learn through a computer or books ... you have to make it real."
PROJETS PEDAGOGIQUES 16 mai 2014 Contact staff writer Kim Walter at 540-465-5137 ext. 191, or
Teacher Nicolas Houpert of Charleville-Mezières, France, speaks with Heidi Trude's French class at Skyline High School on Thursday.
Gabi Huebner, 15, center, a French II student at Skyline High School, is flanked by Nicolas Houpert, a mathematics teacher from Lycée Bazin in Charleville-Mezières, France, and her French teacher, Heidi Trude on Thursday. Rich Cooley/Daily
FRANCE-US : culture&maths Objectives : ‐ ‐ ‐ Production ‐ Organisation :
To study the french culture To study the american culture To study mathematics from the different coasts of the Atlantic ocean A quiz online gathering information and questions about culture and mathematics Second semester
Login : bazinskyline
First steps : How to add a question ?
Pass : skylinebazin
1. 2. 3.
First, log in the quizrevolution website : You can find the quiz in “My Account” Click on “Edit” to add a question in the quiz.
Skip the next step which is dedicated to the choice of the background.
Skip the next step which is dedicated to the name of the quiz.
Page 1
Section européenne Première
2013 6.
Click on “Add a question” to add a question ☺.
7. 8. 9. 10.
Add your question in the first box up to 90 characters long. Write several answers up to 4. And give 100 points to the right one, 0 else. If the question needs an image to be illustrated, you can select “image” in the media menu. If the question is asked in a youtube video, just attached the youtube file by clicking on “video” on the media menu.
11. Finally, submit your question. Questions
What to write in the quiz ? The objective of this quiz is to mix different questions from both French and American culture. Moreover, this quiz has a second aim, which is to develop the math connection between France and US. Try to find questions linked to your curriculum to be shared with your partners.
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Section européenne Première
For example, each French student has to write 4 questions : • • • •
An illustrated question about the French culture (possible topics : geography, monument, history, economy, sport, gastronomy…) A video question about the American culture (possible topics : geography, monument, history, economy, sport, gastronomy…) An illustrated question about maths (possible topics : calculation, equation, graphs, geometry, probability, statistics, …) A video question about maths (possible topics : calculation, equation, graphs, geometry, probability, statistics, …)
You can organize your questions and the media to use following the advices of your teacher.
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Section européenne Première
Sommaire I.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT : Main guidelines ........................................................................... 2
POUR ENREGISTRER VOTRE VIDEO AVEC LA WEBCAM .............................................................. 6
INVITER LES ELEVES DANS UNE WIKIPAGE .................................................................................. 6
POUR PUBLIER VOTRE VIDEO SUR UNE WIKIPAGE ..................................................................... 6
7 1.
ONE OF YOUR MAIN TOWN IN YOUR COUNTRY ......................................................................... 7
THE TOWN WHERE IS LOCATED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL ................................................................ 7
CREATE A TOURIST GUIDEBOOK ................................................................................................. 7
Lycée BAZIN (Charleville‐Mézières/Sedan) In English
SKYLINE high school In French
From Sedan to Richmond, from the Eiffel Tower to the Statue of Liberty
1. One dream, two mens. o Start to study these two sportsmen and underline what they have in common (the love of tennis) o Then, imagine they had studied in your high school. How would they feel ? Try to describe using their eyes your high school and how sport is important there. 2. Imagine you will host your foreigners students from FRANCE/US Introduce what you will make them discover in your country : 1. One of the main town of your country, showing a few famous monuments or touristic areas 2. The town where is your high school, showing a few monument or touristic views
• Biography of Yannick Noah (Born in Sedan) • Roland Garros Tournament Vidéo d’Archive ina :‐et‐techniques/medecine‐ sante/video/CAB93007025/mort‐arthur‐ • Paris and its famous monuments Modeling the Eiffel tower using mathematical curves • Sedan and Charleville ; Ardennes : Localisation and presentation in English Modeling the Place Ducale using SolidWorks software. • The Eiffel Tower and Gustave Eiffel
• Biography of Arthur Ashe (Born in Richmond) • US open Tournament • WASHINGTON DC and its famous monuments • Front Royal; Virginie : Localisation and Presentation in french. • The statue of liberty and Gustave Eiffel SECONDE EUROPEENNE | US PARTNERSHIP
3. Answer this question : What is the common point between La tour Eiffel and the statue of Liberty ?
Sports : Football, Tennis and Basket Ball 3. Let’s introduce your favourite sport in your high school/city/country
• Let’s study the life of the Noah’s family to describe our favourite sporte in our area : o The grandfather Zacharie NOAH was playing in the local soccer team CSSA Sedan o The father Yannick NOAH was playing tennis o The son Joakim NOAH is playing in NBA • Describe rules and equipment o Maths activities about trajectory of a ball in a tennis game o Video analysis and movement modelling in a Basket free throw o Analyze different soccer actions using sciences and geometry software
• Football (Superbowl) • American players who won Roland Garros (Tennis) • They have crossed the Atlantic to play in NBA.
Olympic games / Doping 4. Comparing events 5. Before and after London 2012
Noah is pro doping :‐potion‐ magique‐par‐yannick‐noah_1605664_3242.html • The chase to the doping molecule
• The comics : Astérix and the Olympic games, one of the most famous comic in France SECONDE EUROPEENNE | US PARTNERSHIP
• How to improve your performance • Ad Coca Cola OG London 2012 : about sports in the ad : • Comparing system of measurements using mathematics calculation • Comparing best records in Beying 2008 and London 2012 using statistics
• They have lost their medals due to doping • Lance Armstrong and « le tour de France »
COCA COLA, a famous brand 6. Coca Cola and other energy drinks
• Coca cola : modification of the original recipe‐recette‐originale‐du‐ coca‐cola/ using the chemistry lab • Measure of the proportion of acid phosphoric • Matter of the food additives : newspaper :‐ cancerigene‐coca‐cola‐oblige‐de‐modifier‐sa‐ recette_1654219_3238.html‐coca‐cola‐va‐ changer‐recette‐cause‐colorant‐cancerigene‐coca‐et‐le‐pepsi‐ contiennent‐des‐traces‐residuelles‐d‐alcool_1131255.html‐france/pepsi‐ coca‐de‐l‐alcool‐des‐colorants‐et‐des‐secrets‐devoiles‐ 0612.shtml using the chemistry lab • Ad red bull
• Coca cola and Pepsi cola : Two world brands.
SECONDE EUROPEENNE | US PARTNERSHIP‐77xJ2fCIU‐red‐bull‐ athlete‐red‐bull‐2012‐ hq_creation‐ nouveau‐clip‐du‐Monde‐de‐Red‐Bull‐au‐cinema‐ 021243076490242 using the chemistry lab
1. POUR ENREGISTRER VOTRE VIDEO AVEC LA WEBCAM 9 Allez dans windows movie maker (OU un logiciel du type FOTOFRIEND‐booth) 9 Allez dans fichier 9 Allez dans capturer la vidéo 9 Mettez suivant jusqu'à ce que vous voyez un petit écran avec ce que vous filmez avec votre webcam dessus 9 Allez dans démarrer la capture 9 Enregistrer votre vidéo
2. INVITER LES ELEVES DANS UNE WIKIPAGE 9 Cliquez sur Manage Wiki/Show wiki controls et add members
3. POUR PUBLIER VOTRE VIDEO SUR UNE WIKIPAGE 9 Click on insert FILES 9 Either you upload your videos on youtube and embed them on the wikipage to save space like FOTOFRIEND does ; 9 Or you upload video files from your computer as a link to save on harddisk.
Introduce what you will make them discover in your country.
1. ONE OF YOUR MAIN TOWN IN YOUR COUNTRY 9 showing a few famous monuments or touristic areas ; 9 In FRANCE, we are going to introduce for instance the Eiffel tower under a math point of view.
2. THE TOWN WHERE IS LOCATED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL 9 showing a few monument or touristic views ; 9 In France for example, we are going to introduce the PLACE DUCALE of CHARLEVILLE‐MEZIERES using a 3D‐software.
3. CREATE A TOURIST GUIDEBOOK 9 4 pages (2+2) ; using publisher or another software and save it in a pdf format to ease the publication on the website or to be able to print it without any problem.
Compte-rendu de visite Semaine du 17 au 24 mars 2013 HOUPERT Nicolas -
Timeline of the day
Snow day : Day off for teachers and students Visit of Skyline High School Library, administrators, Fristoe`s classroom, Trude`s classroom
Monday 18th march
Meeting with Mr KELLER, headmaster of SKYLINE High School
After school Workshop on the project : Assessment : wiki, fb, webtools : link Adjustment : we may not manage to work on the 4 topics we were supposed to do facing the time left. Perspectives : we plan to organize a skype meeting on one Monday in May to make our students introduce their town in live. Conclusion : Topic 1 done : INTRODUCING YOURSELF Topic 2 to be continued : INTRODUCING YOUR TOWN Meeting with Mrs FRISTOE_Maths teacher Introducing her activities of the week Sharing ideas about teaching geometry 1st block French IV, II
Stand up during a message under the US flag : pledge of allegiance
85` Tuesday 19th march
School announcement on school tv 7 students Bellwork during attendance (quick activity) nd
2 block French II, IV 85` 25 students
Presentation of Mr HOUPERT Questions/answers in French about : Identification, High school, France, Gastronomy, Hobbies
Meeting with teachers from the foreign languages department : School schedules for year 2013, upcoming events, SOL (standards of learning).
4th block French IV, V 85` 7 students
Presentation of students in French (examples) : Mashayla : Ashley : Tiffany : Courtney : Michelle :
17yo basket Front royal saxo and clarinette 17yo Softball Front royal Guitare dog called Angel 17yo Tennis Front Royal Painting cat called Vindicator 17yo Art Front Royal goat dog cat cow 18yo Front Royal no puppies photo
After school From 5 pm to 8 pm
Differentiation Class : Learning event with 10 teachers in Warren County High School Topic studied : o o o o o
Assessment Grading Differentiation PowerTeacher “no children left behind” policy
Wednesday 20th march
Presentation of the French school system and differences
1st block French IV, II 85` 7 students
2nd block
Presentation of the euro class : French kids from Lycee BAZIN
French II, IV 85`
Presentation of FRANCE, Lycee BAZIN Buildings and students living there.
25 students
4th block French IV, V 85` 7 students
Slideshow : o French monuments o French landscapes Game1 : guess whether this monument is in France Game 2 : guess whether this landscape is in France American students must answer in French to several questions about the French culture.
TV interview : link French teacher Heads to Skyline to share French culture
After school Perspectives for the project 2013-2014 Analysis of the curriculum to find connections Example : French I,II o
Workshop 1 : COMPARING UNITS Match one American student with a French one. Write a same recipe in US units and in FR units.
Workshop 2 : FOOD COSTING Match one American student with one French student to compare a same recipe. Compare the prices in different stores.
1st block GEOMETRY 85` 24 students
Lesson with a math teacher : Mrs FRISTOE - Transformations - Slides - Rotations - Dilations - Reflexions
How to use the smartboard in a math class ? Sharing activities and math tools Presentation of the software geogebra to American teachers
2nd block GEOMETRY
Presentation of a magic trick in FRISTOE’s classroom Magic numbers
Thursday 21st march
25 students
Introducing binary numbers to the class
4th block French IV, V
Northern Virginia Daily report : link
85` All classes After School Flex course : Tutorat
Friday 22nd march
Visit of Jefferson’s house in Charlottesville Connections with French history (1743)
Visit of the university of Virginia US university vs. French university Sports fields, …
Visit of Washington DC : First steps in the US main town White house, Washington monument, the national mall, the Capitol, the WWII Memorial Connections with French history (1945)
Saturday 23rd march
Workshop on the project 2013 : Regarding the Trude’s curriculum map. Trude’s working on videos, linked to a textbook to learn basics. The aim of the next project would be to create new videos by making our own in France. For French students : 2 French students would make a video in both French and English of 30” to 1’ about the topic studied. The video of French students would be the opportunity for Trude’s students to apply their recent knowledge on a new movie. It would be the opportunity for my students to speak in English and to write subtitles in English on it. For American students : Students from Skyline would film a movie in French and in English to talk about the same topic but linked to their American life.
Sunday 24th march
Introducing GoogleDoc/GoogleDrive Sharing documents for the project on the Googledrive
En rouge : Les périodes de formations ou d’écoute En vert : Les périodes d’intervention orales de Mr HOUPERT en anglais En violet : Les périodes de travail sur le projet
Au regard de la semaine passée, les évènements et les contacts ont renforcé notre idée et notre désir de rendre ce partenariat encore actif l’année prochaine et ainsi de pérenniser ce travail entrepris cette année 2012.
Nous, Ms TRUDE et Mr HOUPERT, sommes enthousiastes à l’idée de faire partager cette expérience à nos élèves. L’accueil des élèves américains a été très favorable, et a suscité toute la semaine une motivation accrue et un désir d’apprendre très visible. Enormément de questions ont été soulevées, et une vague d’optimisme a inondé la classe pendant ces quelques jours.
Devant tant de joie, nous avons décidé de mettre en œuvre un nouveau projet pour l’année 2013-2014. Ce projet s’articulera sur la réalisation de mini-clip en français et anglais avec sous-titrage, pour permettre le travail écrit/oral, et le travail en interaction, pour respecter les indicateurs du CERCL. Pour les élèves américains, ces vidéos viendront en support des vidéos de Ms TRUDE pour l’apprentissage des bases de la langue française. Pour les élèves français, les clips des élèves américains seront l’occasion de se confronter à l’écoute de natifs, d’analyser, et de traduire les phrases basiques ou moins de la langue anglaise. L’idée est pour les élèves de se familiariser avec leurs camarades outreAtlantique pour préparer une visite de classe, aux Etats-Unis au printemps 2014. Le projet est en actuellement en cours de rédaction pour préparer la rentrée 2013-2014, il concernera la classe européenne du lycée BAZIN.
Le dossier qui suit explicite nos fructueuses réflexions menées lors de cette semaine. Il met à jour les élèments porteurs d’un futur projet, et détaille les impressions des acteurs concernés, en premier lieu les élèves.
20132014 Partnership Project Proposal
Heidi Trude – Skyline High School, Front Royal, VA USA Nicolas Houpert – Lycée Bazin – CharlevilleMezieres, France
What is a partnership between schools? A partnership is a relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, for the achievement of a specified goal. School partnerships provide a wide range of opportunities for all involved, fro, the enrichment of educational experiences and the broadening of school culture, to pedagogical dialogue. Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community all stand to benefit from international school partnerships. Partnerships can be established around the following themes: curriculum support, extension, or enrichment; second language learning; exploring culture and identity; and development projects or issues. In curriculum based projects, the focus is on common curriculum experiences in which students experience project-based learning through an exchange of work and communication. In second language learning partnerships, students are given the opportunity to practice language skills and communication with other students through various means of communication and visits between countries. By exploring culture and identity, students involved in the partnership develop a deeper sense of cultural awareness and understanding. Development projects focus on global inequity and provide an outlet for students and teachers to enact global change. Who benefits from a partnership between schools? Partnerships provide benefits for all involved in the project. Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members all benefit from international school partnerships. 1
Students o Partnerships provide students with the opportunity to learn about another country or culture from the people that live there. o Partnerships provide students the opportunity to reflect on their own lives. o Partnerships illustrate the concept of global interconnectedness in a tangible way. o Partnerships encourage students to locate and explore common ground and develop cooperative learning skills. o Partnerships provide students with collaborative learning opportunities Teachers and Administrators o Partnerships strengthen relationships among staff members as they work towards the achievement of common goals. o Partnerships provide the opportunity to create international professional learning communities. o Partnerships involve students in engaging, authentic, and motivating activities, and as a result they allow teachers to use differentiated approaches to support student learning. Parents and the Community o Partnerships create opportunities that directly engage parents and the community to the projects. o Partnerships provide opportunities to allow parents or community members to share their experiences relating to the project in the classroom. 2
o Partnerships encourage a better understanding of different societies and cultures, as well as an appreciation of different values. How does a partnership support the curriculum? School partnerships provide opportunities for learning that are meaningful to students and relevant to the curriculum. When students share perspectives, compare conclusions, or explore course materials with their peers abroad, they gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum. Foreign language learning emphasizes the importance and value of other cultures. Students who are studying a foreign language benefit from a learning environment where they are surrounded by the target language and are using it to conduct real and meaningful conversations. A partnership with a school whose students speak the target language can create a supportive language learning environment. The following activities could be incorporated into the foreign language curriculum to support the partnership: Encourage students to describe a scene, object, or situation to their partner student. Have students imagine they are part of an event, scene, or situation their partner has described. Have the students write journal entries or role plays in the target language describing the event. Create e-mail “partner talks� to provide opportunities for the students to talk, read, or write with a peer to practice their language skills. Provide opportunities for students to conduct research on the partner country’s culture or ways of life and present their findings in interesting ways. 3
Encourage students to share products with partner school through projects, video presentations, webpages, social media, etc. Partnerships also allow for cross-curricular activities. Students can apply language and mathematics skills, explore social and global perspectives, and compare biospheres or technology, all within the context of the partnership. Partnerships can reinforce curricular goals such as, active citizenship, conflict management, valuing diversity, understanding interdependence, and skilled communication. Furthermore, partnerships can provide opportunities for cross-curricular methodologies. These strategies can lead to increased student achievement and learning in the classroom. Research-based strategies proposed by Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock (Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, 2001) can be incorporated into the partnership to increase student learning. These strategies include: identifying similarities and differences; summarizing and note taking; reinforcing effort and providing recognition; nonlinguistic representation; cooperative learning; setting objectives and providing feedback; generating and testing hypotheses; and using cues, questions, and advance organizers. Overall, partnerships support the curriculum and enhance the learning outcomes for students. How do exchange programs relate to the partnership? Exchange programs are an essential component of the partnership. These programs are valuable to both students and teachers. Exchange programs provide students and teachers with the following opportunities: 4
Opportunities to develop and practice language skills Experiences with other cultures Exposure to new and different environments Authentic contexts to develop and practice cross-cultural communication and problemsolving skills Time to reflect on ways of living and learning What is the role of technology in the partnership? Technology plays an integral role in the partnership. As 21st century learners, students will use technological resources to complete many aspects of the project. The use of technology will allow the students to explore multiple sources of information, apply different research strategies, collaborate with other students or teachers around the world, and express understandings and findings in a variety of ways. Technology can be used in many forms in the partnership including: email, instant messaging, Skype, live streaming video or video conferencing, or wikis.
Our Partnership: Skyline High School and Lycée Bazin Through the French Embassy and the Virginia Department of Education, I established a partnership with Nicolas Houpert, teacher at the Lycée Bazin in Charleville-Mezieres, France. The partnership was approved in Spring 2012. Over the summer, Mr. Houpert and I communicated and developed projects for our students to work on throughout the school year. In March 2013, Mr. Houpert had the opportunity to spend a week at Skyline High School to work with my students and to further develop the partnership. Currently, we are working on projects introducing our towns and major cities to each other via the wiki page. Students are also communicating and sharing information via Facebook and social media sites. In the future, we will participate in video conferencing to share the results of the projects. Next year, we plan to create videos that present vocabulary in English and French to supplement the material taught in class. We also plan to make cross-curricular connections between mathematics and French. As the partnership progresses, we plan to participate in student and teacher exchanges. The partnership with the Lycée Bazin will provide my students with opportunities to enrich and extend their study of French. Impact on Student Learning Our students are digital natives. They have grown up surrounded by technology and they are very comfortable using technology. As a result of their technological knowledge, teachers need to provide their students with the tools they need to be successful. After my first trip to the computer lab with my students, I quickly learned that the students thrived off of using the technology. Not only were they communicating and functioning in a manner that they 6
are very comfortable with, but they were also applying their knowledge of French to real life situations. Foreign Language learning needs to be active. It is not rote memorization and paper/pencil exercises. Having laptops in the classroom would allow my students to have firsthand experience with native French speakers on a daily basis. It would also allow them to function in a way that they are most comfortable. I know that my students’ French would greatly improve if they were given the opportunity to utilize technology to communicate with our sister school on a daily basis. School-to-school partnerships will become an important part of Foreign Language learning in the years to come. In addition to bringing students from different backgrounds together for a shared purpose, distance learning promotes collaboration, cooperation, problem solving, and critical thinking, which are, and will continue to be, among the most important skill sets for students in the 21st century. I will continue to make connections across the globe with schools that share my interest and enthusiasm for collaboration, ensuring that my students are poised for success in a rapidly evolving global community. Media Coverage of our Partnership During Nicolas Houpert’s visit to Skyline, both the Northern Virginia Daily and TV 3 Winchester came to report on the partnership. The links to both stories are below: TV 3 Winchester (March 20, 2013) – French teacher heads to Skyline to share French culture Northern Virginia Daily (March 22, 2013) – French Teacher Crosses the Atlantic to Experience Teaching, American-style 7
Wiki Page for our Partnership Students and teachers are using a wiki page to share documents and presentations relating to the partnership. The wiki allows for easy sharing of information between the French and American students. The link to the wiki is below:
Social Media and our Partnership In addition to using the wiki, French and American students have the opportunity to communicate with each other using social media. A private Facebook group has been created to allow students in Ms. Trude’s and Mr. Houpert’s classes to communicate with each other in an informal setting. This group allows the students to practice both French and English language skills. The link to the page is below:!/groups/100771510106448/
Partnership Plan for 2013 -2014 Because of the success of this year’s project, we would like to continue the project in 2013 – 2014. Both the French and American students showed great enthusiasm and energy towards the project. We discussed how we would like to see the partnership continue to grow during the coming school year. Mr. Houpert’s students will be creating videos for Ms. Trude’s students based on the curriculum that Ms. Trude is teaching her students. The videos created by Mr. Houpert’s students will be in French and English. This will allow Ms. Trude’s students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to a new film. The videos would allow Mr. Houpert’s students the opportunity to speak in English, as well as write English subtitles for the films. In turn, Ms. Trude’s students will create films in French and English relating to the topic of Mr. Houpert’s students’ films with a focus on American lifestyles. Furthermore, Ms. Trude and Mr. Houpert will make cross-curricular connections to French and mathematics throughout the year. Students will participate in correspondence with their partner to discuss topics relating to French and Mathematics curriculum (example – writing a recipe and comparing American units to French units; compare prices in different stores – US dollar vs. Euro). This will allow the French and American students to correspond with each other using both French and English, as well as allowing the students to make crosscurricular connections. We want to see this partnership continue. Both the French and American students are very excited about the possibilities for the partnership. During Mr. Houpert’s visit, the American students were very positive – they were extremely motivated and showed a desire to learn from their French counterparts. The work that was accomplished during the week of Mr. Houpert’s visit validated the fact that the students are ready to continue the partnership. The excitement that was present in the room that week could not be matched. Furthering the partnership for the coming school year will only strengthen the work and energy levels that are present in Ms. Trude’s classes. As a result of the successful visit, Ms. Trude and Mr. Houpert have agreed to continue the partnership with a visit by Mr. Houpert and his students in Spring 2014.
From Front Royal to Charleville: Making the Global Connection
Heidi Lynn Trude, M.Ed French Teacher, Skyline High School Front Royal, VA
From Front Royal to Charleville: Making the Global Connection Heidi Trude, French Teacher Skyline High School
would be accepted and if we were accepted what our partner school would be like. So many questions and so long to wait. The long awaited day finally arrived – I learned that Skyline High School would
The Partnership Begins
have a partnership with the Lycée Bazin in Charleville-Mézières, France. I was ecstatic,
Students rush into the classroom exclaiming, “Is today the day? Are we Skyping with France today?” This is the excitement that every foreign language teacher hopes to have in his or her classroom. Fortunately for me, this atmosphere is present every day. It didn’t used to be this way, however by taking a
along with my students and administrators. The partnership was really going to happen. Still, many questions filled my mind – What is the partnership going to be like? How will the students respond? Will I get along with my colleague in France? Will this partnership be a success? So many questions.
chance and responding to an email from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), everything changed!
The partnership was approved by the Virginia Department of Education and the French Embassy in Spring 2012. Filled
The day I received the email from the VDOE announcing that Virginia had signed an agreement with the Academie de Reims, I knew I had to take a chance at creating a partnership with a school in France. The application process was intensive – numerous forms that I had to complete along with the administrators at my school. Finally, the application was
with enthusiasm and anticipation, I immediately contacted my new colleague, Nicolas Houpert, a math teacher at the Lycée Bazin. Even though we both teach different subjects, we realized that we had the same common goals and interests for the partnership. Any fears and apprehension that I had about the partnership were erased once I began
complete. Now, the waiting period. During this time, I continually wondered if Skyline 1
communicating with my new colleague in
class that Monsieur Houpert would be
visiting Skyline in March 2013. The
Filled with questions and lots of ideas, Nicolas and I decided we needed to spend the summer organizing our ideas and deciding on what projects we wanted our students to complete. Taking the original list of ideas, we narrowed the list down to a few projects to work on each semester. We decided to have the students work on basic projects introducing themselves and then introducing the areas where they lived. We thought that this would be a good starting point and that we could expand from there. The school year began and the magic happened. I explained to my students that we would have a partner school in France that we would be working with throughout the year. The students became
excitement that filled the classroom that day could not be matched. The students had so many questions and could not wait for his arrival. I never imagined that this visit would change the atmosphere in my classroom. However, there were still many questions running through my mind – What will he think of my students? How will my students respond? What will happen with the partnership if things don’t go well? So many questions. Saint Patrick’s Day is typically a day that Americans celebrate by wearing green and having a little too much fun. However on this Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17, 2013), I celebrated the arrival of Nicolas Houpert in the United States.
even more excited about French class. Suddenly, it became real to them. They were no longer just taking a foreign language to fulfill the advanced diploma requirement. It was now real life application of the language! The excitement of the partnership continued to inundate my classroom and reached a climax when I announced to the 2
Despite a snow day to start the week, things went off without a hitch. During the week, Nicolas taught my students about life at the LycĂŠe Bazin, the Champagne-Ardennes region, and general French culture. The students had so many questions for Nicolas and he graciously answered each question. During the visit, Nicolas taught the class along with me. As a result of his teaching, I was able to learn new strategies and techniques to incorporate into my own lessons. Throughout the week, we provided opportunities for enrichment for the students in my classroom. The students were given the opportunity to work on advanced material in small groups with myself and Nicolas. On the last day of his visit, we organized a special presentation and project for the gifted students to participate in. This session was taught entirely in
Not only did Nicolas’ visit benefit my students, but it changed me personally and professionally. I now realize that I need to work even harder to challenge my students because the results of the week were outstanding. The positive outcomes of the week are definitely some of my proudest moments of my professional career and have reminded me why I teach - to touch the lives of my students and make a difference in their lives. While the visit at Skyline High School was great, I also made time for Nicolas to tour the area. We spent a day touring Charlottesville and Monticello.
French and made my students use the French language in a way that they had not previously been asked to do. The results of this session were amazing! The students surprised me and made me realize that I need to continuously challenge them.
We also had the chance to tour
students focused on working on projects
Washington, DC.
introducing their towns and major cities to each other via the wiki page. The students also communicated and shared information via Facebook and social media sites. At the end of the semester, the students participated in video conferencing via Skype to share the results of the projects. Overall, we were very pleased with the results of the projects the students completed. It was
Through all of our adventures, we found
evident that both the French students and
ways to make connections to math and
the American students benefitted from this
French. Who would have thought to look at
the various sidewalk patterns in DC and see what geometric shapes one could find or doing metric conversions to determine the height of various landmarks in Washington, DC? We did! No matter what we did, we always found a way to make it relate back to the classroom and the partnership. At the end of the visit, Nicolas and I developed a plan for the partnership and how we envisioned the partnership in the future. This visit to the United States served as the springboard for the partnership. Both the French students and the American students were eager for the partnership to continue and to take the next step in the project. For the rest of the semester, the 4
Impact on Student Learning When I began this partnership with Nicolas Houpert and the LycĂŠe Bazin, I
technology to communicate with our partner school on a daily basis. School-to-school partnerships will
would have never imagined the impact it
become an important part of Foreign
would have on my students. Our students
Language learning in the years to come. In
are digital natives. They have grown up
addition to bringing students from different
surrounded by technology and they are
backgrounds together for a shared purpose,
very comfortable using technology. As a
distance learning promotes collaboration,
result of their technological knowledge,
cooperation, problem solving, and critical
teachers need to provide their students
thinking, which are, and will continue to be,
with the tools they need to be successful.
among the most important skill sets for
After my first trip to the computer lab with
students in the 21st century. I will continue
my students, I quickly learned that the
to make connections across the globe with
students thrived off of using the
schools that share my interest and
technology. Not only were they
enthusiasm for collaboration, ensuring that
communicating and functioning in a manner
my students are poised for success in a
that they are very comfortable with, but
rapidly evolving global community.
they were also applying their knowledge of French to real life situations. Foreign Language learning needs to be active. It is not rote memorization and paper/pencil exercises. Having laptops in the classroom allows my students to have first-hand experience with native French speakers on a daily basis. It also allows them to function in a way that they are most comfortable. My students’ French has greatly improved by giving them the opportunity to utilize
Media Coverage of our Partnership During Nicolas Houpert’s visit to Skyline, both the Northern Virginia Daily 5
and TV 3 Winchester came to report on the partnership. The links to both stories are below:
Social Media and our Partnership In addition to using the wiki, French and American students have the
TV 3 Winchester (March 20, 2013) – French
opportunity to communicate with each
teacher heads to Skyline to share French
other using social media. A private
Facebook group has been created to allow lines/Skyline-French-Class-Learning-AboutCulture199255111.html?ref=111&mobile=yes Northern Virginia Daily (March 22, 2013) – French Teacher Crosses the Atlantic to Experience Teaching, American-style
the students to communicate with each other in an informal setting. This group allows the students to practice both French and English language skills. The link to the page is below:!/groups/100 771510106448/ nging-a-language-to-life.php Wiki Page for our Partnership Students and teachers are using a wiki page to share documents and presentations relating to the partnership. The wiki allows for easy sharing of information between the French and American students. The link to the wiki is below:
The Partnership Continues Because of the success of the project in 2012-2013, we wanted to continue the project in 2013 – 2014. Both the French and American students showed great enthusiasm and energy towards the project. We discussed how we would like to see the partnership continue to grow during the coming school year. In June 2013, an official agreement was signed by the headmaster at the Lycée Bazin and the principal at Skyline High School. We could now begin the next phase of the project. With lots of ideas and a new found enthusiasm, Nicolas and I began to plan the next steps of the project. So many ideas and so little time. How could we possibly accomplish each project? To make things easier, we began
created by the French students will be in French and English. This will allow my students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to a new film. The videos will allow the French students the opportunity to speak in English, as well as write English subtitles for the films. In turn, my students will create films in French and English relating to the topic of the French students’ films with a focus on American lifestyles. Furthermore, we will make crosscurricular connections to French and mathematics throughout the year. Our students will participate in correspondence with their partner to discuss topics relating to French and Mathematics curriculum (for example – writing a recipe and comparing American units to French units; comparing prices in different stores – US dollar vs. Euro). This will allow the French and
using the Google Drive to share all of our
American students to correspond with each
files. By simply uploading a file to the
other using both French and English, as well
Google Drive, we could easily work together
as allowing the students to make cross-
on creating the new projects for our
curricular connections.
students. For the current school year, the French students will be creating videos for my students based on the curriculum that I am teaching my students. The videos 7
The Opportunity of a Lifetime With all the exciting things already happening with our partnership, there was only one thing missing – the opportunity to travel to France to visit Nicolas and his students at the Lycée Bazin. Nicolas and I both agreed that my visit would only strengthen the partnership and would allow us to plan for further exchange visits. Now, the hard part – to get the trip approved and to find the funding for the trip. After speaking with my principal, instructional resource coordinator, and the superintendent, the trip was approved! I would be going to Charleville-Mézières, France from November 21 – December 1, 2013!!! While getting the trip approved was a lot easier than I imagined, the task of
In the weeks leading up to my trip, I had so much to prepare – substitute lesson plans for my students, lessons and presentations for the students in France, and suitcases to pack. I knew that somehow I would get it all done because I had been given the opportunity of a lifetime to go to France and truly experience the French culture and lifestyle. I managed to get everything packed, despite having my suitcase break right before I was ready to leave for the airport. Just a minor complication! After quickly changing suitcases, I was finally ready for my trip and ready to begin an adventure of a lifetime! After a seven and half hour plane ride and two train rides, I finally arrived in Charleville-Mézières, France. I was instantly taken by the charm of the city.
finding financial support was extremely difficult. I sent out numerous letters to the local civic groups, teaching associations, and any other groups that I thought might consider sponsoring my trip. It was like panning for gold - lots of negative responses, until I finally struck gold with a
It was all decorated for Christmas! I felt as if
generous donation from the VA Chapter of
I were in a Winter Wonderland! If all
the AATF. My trip was now a reality!!!
continued to go like the first day, I knew the trip would exceed my expectations. My first weekend in Charleville was amazing! I was given the opportunity to experience the French culture and lifestyle. Hiking in the Ardennes, exploring the medieval fortifications in Rocroi, and learning how to cook French cuisine were all experiences that gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and experience the French culture. I also learned many lessons from these
The weekend was over and it was time to teach at the Lycée Bazin. I was excited and nervous – that feeling that teachers experience on the first day of school. I wondered how the students would respond to me and my American teaching style. There were so many questions running through my head, but as soon as I stepped into Nicolas’ classroom and began to teach my first class, all my fears were gone. The students were so receptive to my presentation.
experiences that I could share with my students.
The French students wanted to learn about life in the USA, life in Front Royal, and life at Skyline High School. They asked me many questions, in French and in English, which I
answered. Each class I taught on my first
While Tuesday was my longest day
day went like this. I was so relieved and
at the Lycée Bazin, Wednesday was the
pleased that my first day went so well. I
shortest day with only one class! After we
could not wait to return to the Lycée Bazin
finished teaching for the day, it was time to
on Tuesday.
experience more of the French culture –
Tuesday was our longest day at the Lycée Bazin with classes from 9am to 6pm. I
grocery shopping and cooking French cuisine.
was definitely not used to having seven classes in one day! During the school day, I observed several classes and then had the opportunity to teach and work with some of the English classes. In one of the English classes, the French students and I participated in a FaceTime call with my
Thursday was to be my last day at
students at Skyline High School. It surprised
the Lycée Bazin since Nicolas does not teach
my students and gave them the opportunity
on Fridays. I spent my last day teaching the
to practice their French with native French
French students about Thanksgiving. The
students were very interested in learning about the American holiday. After teaching our classes, we had a formal meeting with the headmaster to discuss my thoughts about the week and the similarities and differences in the French and American school systems. The headmaster was very receptive and open to my thoughts about the differences in the school systems. He was also surprised at some of the differences between the two school
systems. Overall, the meeting with the headmaster was a very positive experience.
I had such a great time exploring Charleville and shopping for gifts! My true test would come in the afternoon. I was asked to return to the Lycée Bazin to teach one final class with the After returning from school, it was time to go to the grocery store to find the ingredients to prepare a Thanksgiving meal. This proved to be quite a challenge! We ended up preparing a delicious meal – roast chicken, potatoes with chestnuts, green beans, baguette, and pumpkin pie! Since
students in the European Section. My challenge would be getting there! Nicolas wanted me to experience the true French lifestyle and walk to school. With some trepidation, I began the 20 minute walk to school. Surprisingly, it was a lot easier than I thought!
there was no NFL football to watch, we ended up watching soccer! The FrenchAmerican Thanksgiving was a success and a great experience! On Friday, I was able to explore and tour Charleville on my own. This was one of the best experiences of the trip as it forced me to use the French language and experience the French culture. I taught my last class at the Lycée Bazin. The students in the European Section were so kind to me while I was at the school. It was 11
hard to say goodbye to the students at the
helped to prepare for future student and
end of class, but I knew that I would
teacher exchanges in the coming years.
continue to work with them through the projects in the partnership.
It was hard to believe that my time in France was really coming to an end. I learned so many things during my week at the LycÊe Bazin and had the chance to work with many great teachers. My time in France was coming to an end. The entire trip exceeded my expectations and allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I was able to live the French life – the language, the food, and the culture. I also had the opportunity to observe and teach in a French school. The lessons I learned are lessons that will last a lifetime! I am so grateful to the VA Chapter of the AATF and my school system for allowing me to go to France and work with my partner school. My visit definitely
Where Does the Partnership go from Here? After this trip, there is no doubt in mind that our partnership will continue. Nicolas and I are already planning new projects for the upcoming semester. We are also looking into ways to take our students to visit the each other. If one would have asked me when I submitted my application to the VDOE in 2012 if this is where I imagined the partnership would be, I would have said no. This partnership has exceeded my expectations, and as my principal has said numerous times it is the epitome of what collaboration should look like.
has strengthened the partnership and has 12
Both the French and American students are very excited about the possibilities for the partnership. During my visit to France and Nicolas’ visit to the US, the students were very positive – they were extremely motivated and showed a desire to learn from their counterparts. The work that was accomplished during the visits validated the fact that the students are ready to continue the partnership. The excitement that was present in the room those weeks could not be matched. Furthering the partnership will only strengthen the work and energy levels that are present in our classes. Amy Poehler summed up the power of partnerships and collaboration best during a speech at Harvard, “As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” By making the global connection, we have created an atmosphere that any foreign language teacher would want and have created a partnership that will last a lifetime. 13
EXTENDING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH GLOBAL CONNECTIONS Heidi Trude, M.Ed French Teacher Skyline High School Warren County Public Schools
• •
Heidi Trude htrude@wcps. 540-631-0366 x31156
To understand how to create effective global connections through school partnerships To understand the benefits of school partnerships and their effect on student learning To learn how to extend learning opportunities for students
A partnership is a relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, for the achievement of a specified goal. School partnerships provide a wide range of opportunities for all involved, from the enrichment of educational experiences and the broadening of school culture, to pedagogical dialogue. Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community all stand to benefit from international school partnerships.
about another country or culture from the people that live there. • Have the opportunity to reflect on their own lives. • Understand the concept of global interconnectedness in a tangible way • Locate and explore common ground and develop cooperative learning skills • Enjoy collaborative learning opportunities
Relationships are strengthened among staff members as they work towards the achievement of common goals. Are provided the opportunity to create international professional learning communities. Are able to involve students in engaging, authentic, and motivating activities, and as a result they allow teachers to use differentiated approaches to support student learning.
PARENT & COMMUNITY BENEFITS Opportunities are created that directly engage parents and the community to the projects. •Parents and/or community members are able to share their experiences relating to the project in the classroom. • A better understanding of different societies and cultures, as well as an appreciation of different values unfolds. •
Provide opportunities for learning that are meaningful to students and relevant to the curriculum. ●
When students share perspectives, compare conclusions, or explore course materials with their peers abroad, they gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum.
Students who are studying a foreign language benefit from a learning environment where they are surrounded by the target language and are using it to conduct real and meaningful conversations. ●
Activities associated with foreign language curriculum
Provide opportunities for cross-curricular activities Provide opportunities for cross-curricular methodologies Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock (Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, 2001)
Established in Spring 2012 Lycée Bazin in CharlevilleMézières, France Nicolas Houpert, math teacher
Projects associated with the partnership Role of technology in the partnership Plans for 2013 – 2014
Creating and sharing videos in French and English on various topics
Method of Communication ● ● ● ●
Wiki Page FaceBook Group Google Dive Skype Sessions
Continue to create videos in French and English on various topics Create quizzes in French and English covering French and American culture, as well as mathematics and science using Quiz Revolution
• •
Wiki page https://bazinskyline-2013.
• •
FaceBook Page https://www.! /groups/1007715 10106448/
• •
Google Drive https://drive. tab=wo&authuse r=0#my-drive
Student reactions Increased levels of motivation Increased student engagement
http://animoto. com/play/b6rD3d 4JbhXPJ99Li0viIw http://animoto. com/play/GlSok0 HCJwulR3vskGxt Yw http://animoto. com/play/eafLs0e 5WaqWI1i2PlSUq w
http://bazin-skyline-2013.wikispaces. com/FRANCE-US+Online+quiz
To continue to develop the partnership with the French students and my French colleague To plan and develop new projects for the French and American students to complete To discuss the possibility of a trip with our students To gain an understanding of the French education system To gain a better understanding of the French language and culture
Classes from 10am to 1:00pm ●
• •
Morning break
Lunch from 1:00-2:00pm Classes from 2:00-6:00pm
Classes from 9:00am -12:00pm ●
• •
Morning break
Lunch 12:00-1:00pm Classes from 1:00 – 6:00pm ●
Afternoon break
Class from 10am-12pm
Classes from 9am – 1:00pm ●
Morning break
I like this!!!
Pas de classe!
NO CLASS ON FRIDAY!!!! I like this schedule ☺
Taught multiple lessons to different classes ● ● ● ●
US History and Landmarks Front Royal, VA Skyline High School Thanksgiving
! ! G ZIN
? ions t s e Qu ci! Mer