nicola vitale_architecture portfolio

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nicola vitale architecture portfolio

current activity: 2nd year Master in Progettazione Architettonica, UniversitĂ degli Studi Roma 3 2013/2014: Erasmus program, Bauhaus University, Weimar 2010-2013: Bachelor degree in UniversitĂ degli Studi Roma 3



Personal informations name: nicola surname: vitale date of birth: 09 April 1990 place of birth: Ischia (Naples), Italy nationality: Italian address: Lungotevere di Pietra Papa 99, 00146, Rome (RM),

Italy ( temporary address)

Via Bosco Dei conti 9, 80077, Ischia (NA), Italy phone: 0039 3488846079 email:

nicola vitale architecture portfolio




portfolio nicola vitale

4 Design for HUB offices, Rome design offices and spaces which can be used by users who need temporary workstations. 8 Design proposal for a SPA foyer rearrangement of massage rooms, tea shop and welcoming area to the SPA of Hotel Parco Smeraldo Terme, Ischia, NA 10 European Skyscraper skyscraper in Friedrichstraße, Berlin. 12 Design for a chair wooden seat designed with the bending plywood system. 13 Modular home for Ethiopia living module designed to better use the size of panels. 14 Social housing residential complex based on the concept of participated Architecture analyzed by Giancarlo de Carlo, Terni. 18 Reconstruction and re-use of an ancient Roman cistern recovery of the artifact with the reconstruction of the original roof. Via Appia Antica, Rome 19 Private house project for a couple (an artist and a writer) and their two children. The site is located on the mountainside of the Bracciano lake, Rome. 20 Design for Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Use of passive systems to benefit from the climatic conditions of the site project, Madrid 21 Workshop C.A.S.A. design and construction of a prototype housing made of raw earth for a Crafts school in Guatemala. 22 Kindergarten kindergarten at Muratella, Rome

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Design for HUB offices, Rome design offices and spaces which can be used by users who need temporary workstations. Accademic work 2015 The type of these offices provides a variety of spaces to adapt to the different needs of young professionals who can lease individual isolated locations, workstations in open space, tables for co-working and meeting rooms, all served with places for relaxing and recreation. The main purpose of the offices HUB is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaboration between more professionals in order to create a network of useful contacts for all users. The spaces are very versatile and can be joined and divide thanks to mobile walls in polycarbonate. The central part of the plant divides the coworking from that of individual work. This division at the same time welcomes some functions essential to the functionality of the standard floor. Even the partition walls in the center are designed of polycarbonate, but compact, to improve the sound insulation qualities and to ensure transparency.


HUB offices

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


The entrance to the floor is accompanied and facilitated by patios which alternate favoring the composition of recreation or work spaces and contribute to the comfort of the environment. The development of the plan of the standard floor outlines clearly an axial direction, which has as end point the space of the roof garden. The axial position is reinforced by the succession of furnishings, partitions and lighting that characterize the entire central span.

The roof garden is not only an end point, but also a transit or starting point to go in other floors through a steel staircase. This element promotes circulation and contributes to the affirmation of the principles that underlie coworking philosophy.






HUB offices At night the lights of the offices highlight the dematerialization of the facade of the building creating a landmark of the district. The polycarbonate is not limited to just covering the building, but gets into offices and becomes partition wall between the individual workstations or, in compact form, delimits the meting room. It’s a material with different properties depending on the functions they perform. To the south side the polycarbonate is disconnected from the facade to protect users from direct light of the warmer months.

The choice of the facade of polycarbonate is due to several factors. At first this material is very innovative and has reached levels of technological development definitely advanced. Polycarbonate has a very low cost and requires setting up specialized, but fast. The color chosen is a white that allows the clear reading of the elements behind. 1

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south facade

north facade


nicola vitale architecture portfolio



0 4m





Design proposal for a SPA foyer rearrangement of massage rooms, tea shop and welcoming area to the SPA of Hotel Parco Smeraldo Terme, Ischia, NA Private client. Work in progress


SPA foyer Hotel Parco Smeraldo Terme

Overall, the intervention focuses on the design of a new desk for welcome guests. The element must be in a central position of the space that is located between the swimming pool, the access to the massage rooms, the gym and other services. It was also required the inclusion of a showcase for spa products and the possibility to have a point for sale and prepare herbal tea during the therapies. The intervention is synthesized in the design of a Corian desk in a circular shape to facilitate the control function and at the same time to welcome guests at 360째.

The material is backlit with the RGB colors of the indoor pool in front and creates a visual continuity with it. The showcase with tea shop is characterized by its simplicity and transparency and uses the existing pillar, not invading the space further focused on the presence of the curvilinear object.

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


European Skyscraper skyscraper in Friedrichstrasse, Berlin.

European Skyscraper III Professor Karl-Heinz Schmitz

European European European Skyscraper Skyscraper Skyscraper III III III Accademic work at Bauhaus University, 2014. Nicola Vitale Professor Professor Karl-Heinz Professor Karl-Heinz Karl-Heinz Schmitz Schmitz Schmitz Guests of the course: Alberto Campo Baeza, Christopher Platt, Alexander Schwarz. Nicola Nicola VitaleVitale Nicola Vitale

On the corner of the Spree Mies van Der Rohe proposed an idea that has become the prototype of the European skyscraper. The goal of this project was to design a hybrid building with two or more public functions within it. The skyscraper concrete contains a museum in the basement and a design hotel in the tower. The type of this hotel allows the museum to develop in it, creating a public exhibition space on each floor. The roof of the museum is characterized by a shed to benefit from indirect light. TJUF QMBO


plan diagram

plan diagram plan diagramplan diagram

building diagram

building diagram building diagram building diagram


section bb

European Skyscraper The pool has a privileged point of view for a skyscraper and can enjoy the natural light. Below an example of exhibition space between the rooms of the hotel. This ambients can be used by design companies to show their own products. Guests can use these spaces which are not limited only to the exhibition. Going down the stairs you can discover different scenarios involving the visitor and invite him to try again what is proposed in the various installations. The space of the museum continues inside the hotel giving a different meaning to the rooms. Guests are in the building go through the museum having different points of view within it. This reinforces the connection between the two public FBTU FMFWBUJPO functions.

exhibition space in the design hotel

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Design for a chair

bending plywood chair

experimentation of bending plywood system. Accademic work at Bauhaus University, 2014. Cooperation with Ackermann company to produce a prototype of the chair.

The chair is designed to use less material as possible. The panel follows the geometry of the object, creating curves and linear parts. Building a scale model 1: 1 has been verified the structural system of bending plywood. All the wooden strips are glued with a special glue on a plastic sheet. The part of the seat is covered by a layer of skin to make the chair more comfortable. The project has a double meaning: first head a new system built using the bending plywood; on the other hand, the components of the object are minimized for easy assembly. The study model suggests weaknesses for the effective implementation of the seat: the overall size (the linear parts and curved parts) are significant compared to the size of the cutting machine available and the junctions are not completely defined because of the variety of geometries. The most interesting thing is the way this material was used as the self-supporting system. To calculate the distances between the strips was used the parametric software Grasshopper. Set the distance (based on the size of the saw available) and the thickness of the material the program has calculated the length of the pieces to obtain the structural arc.


Modular home for Ethiopia

modular home for Ethiopia

designed using less material as possible in a panel 240x240 cm Accademic work at Bauhaus University, 2014. Cooperation with Addis University.

The project concerns a module that can be assembled to build a house in a short time and in emergency conditions. Again the material is wood and the objective suggestion is to use it without waste parts. The project is based on two different possibilities to build the module. The first is very rational and center fully the goal of saving the wood. The linearity of the shapes allows to utilize the parts remaining inside the panel to generate other elements of the module itself (stairs, doors, furniture elements ...). The second experiment attempts to create an irregular geometry that clearly wastes much of the wood available, but give an idea of versatility of the model obtained using a parametric software like Grasshopper. Particular attention has also been given to the joining systems between the different panels that make up the module thanks to their continuous succession. In this regard has been designed a triangular element, always proceeds from the panels themselves, which has the function to keep the planes detached at the same distance and contributes to the action of the steel cables that act on the four corners of the module stiffening the entire structure .

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Social housing residential complex based on the concept of participated Architecture analyzed by Giancarlo de Carlo, Terni. Accademic work 2013

The scale of the project is very large and the theme is not only residential, but social housing. Is it necessary to design the houses surrounded and entered into a series of services that promote the common life and being together. The accommodations must meet the needs of young users, couples, students, seniors and interact with the public space. The concept of social in this complex is considered in a different way compared to how it is considered usually in Italy. Here the social is not an economic factor, but outlines a way of living and relating with other people, typical of northern Europe. Many services are available to those who live in these residences and there are two different spaces that communicate with each other, one semi-private between the patio houses and the row house, and another semi-public on the street front. Connections by balcony promote common life.


Social housing, Terni

The main feature of housing is the relationship between interior space and outer space. In fact, every house has a balcony, large terrace or garden on the ground floor. On the top floor of the row houses well as a few accommodations are designed common areas (reading room and kitchen) with very large outdoor environments. Horizontal and vertical connections and loggias are, in all cases, elements structurally distinct from the houses to minimize the possibility of thermal bridges.

nicola vitale architecture portfolio



Social housing, Terni

Particular attention has been given to the study of plants of individual apartments that have different dimensional cuts depending of user. Great importance is always given to the relationship with the outside and the height differences of the gardens enhance the perceptual limit between semi-public spaces and semi-private.

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Reconstruction and re-use of an ancient Roman cistern recovery of the artifact with reconstruction of the original roof. Via Appia Antica, Rome

re-use of an ancient Roman cistern


Accademic work 2013

Was crucial the survay phase made with trilateration and with the use of software for photographic straightening. The client required a point of reception and information, a small garden, always within the original structure, and a small exhibition hall. The intent was to leave unchanged the actual status of the cistern preventing, of course, its further deterioration. This has necessitated the rebuilding of the original roof (a medieval wooden truss) with modern materials.


Private house

private house on the Bracciano lake

designed for a couple (an artist and a writer) and their two children. Lake of Bracciano, Rome. Accademic work 2010

The house is a permanent resident of a couple with two children, who decided to settle there, as that their activities may take place largely away from the city. One of the owners is a writer (a essay writer, a critic), the other plays an artistic activity (painting, sculpture, design, etc.). The position of the site suggests a prevailing housing opening to the outside to enjoy the landscape offered by the Lake of Bracciano. Very important is the large garden and very wide terraces that constitute an added value in this context. All the rooms have large openings to the south and are protected by specific shading systems. On the second floor are the office of the writer with large windows, a terrace to the south and the art workshop with a height greater than the other volumes and big openings on the north side to take advantage of the diffuse light. Independent access to the balcony and terrace serves both work spaces.

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Design for Europe 2012



Solar Decathlon 2012, Madrid

Use of passive systems to benefit from the climatic conditions of the site project, Madrid Accademic work 2013

The project is based on regulation of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012took place in Madrid, and must satisfy in an economic and functional energy needs of a house paying attention to the unusually warm weather of that latitude, to the modest size that housing needs to have (45 square meters), to the simplicity of assembly and transport of all the necessary components (structural and non) and to give the maximum comfort as possible. It was chosen a completely wooden xlam system with a good coating of insulation providing excellent transmittance value and exploitation of the temperature outside hot inside during the colder night.


Workshop C.A.S.A.

Workshop C.A.S.A.

design and construction of a prototype housing made of raw earth for a Crafts school in Guatemala. The Workshop took place in Sibari, Calabria Workshop 2013

The workshop focused on test construction techniques in raw earth. All necessary materials are low coast and 0 km. The technique of raw earth has necessitated the construction of a wooden structure for a metal sheet cover to protect the walls from rain, very persistent in Guatemala. First has been choose the right mix of earth selecting the right components: earth, clay and sand. During the workshop have been taken care of the realization of a prototype in 1: 1 scale. The raw earth provides excellent insulating properties for consistent thicknesses of the walls and has good mechanical properties if crushed carefully. The material is at zero cost and it doesn’t require specialized labor and has very modest times of realization. The entire prototype was made in five days by a team of 15 people. Following the construction of this model in scale 1:1 has started the construction of the house of crafts in Guatemala (Cerro) and the project is in continuous development.

nicola vitale architecture portfolio


Kindergarten construction site in Muratelle, Rome. Accademic work 2012



The design theme relates to a public use that will appeal to a particular type of user: the children. Most of the rooms and furniture must meet the needs of little users and need to be specialized for all activities that host. The building must have a cafeteria with adjoining kitchen, laboratory/gyms, administrative offices, classrooms with tailored baths annexed.

Plan 1. entrance 2. classroom 3. children wc 4. children’s wardrobe 5. patio 6. secretary 7. office 8. meeting room 9. staff’s wardrobe and wc 10. mensa 11. kitchen 12. laboratory 13. terrace 14. parking 15. plyground 16. vegetable garden 17. fruit trees 18. little woods 19. driveway area 20. secondary staff’s entrance

nicola vitale architecture portfolio

The project is developed according to a comb type which generates 6 different hexagonal cells, each of which has a specific function. These ambients are joined by a structure always with an hexagonal mesh, but with lower size and height which performs the function of common space and distribution. The structure takes advantage of the roof which is practicable. During the design were given particular attention to the structure of the classrooms and space distribution using wood and metal. The hexagonal shape of the most high ambients is repeated in the section of the central wooden pillars which join (with steel elements) six beams of rectangular section which are fixed to a circular columns to the opposite side. The lower space distribution presents a wooden lath structure that still need of hexagonal pillars to give greater strength to the obtuse angles imposed by the geometry of the elements.


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