ABOUT THE ARTIST Hi! I'm Nikki! I'm a Portrait Photographer with a specialty in Child Photography, photographing from maternity through 5 years of age. I have spent the last 10 years photographing, studying, and educating myself in photography. I love babies: their squishy little toes, sweet smiles, and tiny button noses. I pride myself in providing a good customer service to deliver what you require.
CAPTURE YOUR STORY My approach and style to photography is relaxed, natural, fun and to capture character. I am your storyteller. I'm here to capture the story of your newborn baby; from the very start. The first few days when they are sleepy, squishy and curling up as if still in the womb. The first smile, the flaky skin, and the swish of curl upon their head. These are your memories that have only just begun.
Creating Memories Your child is the most priceless. Capturing the first few days of your baby's life with a photographer is unmissable. The love you have for your child is the celebration of love between two people. Those moments captured as photographs will be your memories forever .... family heirlooms you will share with your child and their children for many years to come.
Don't let these moments pass you by ...
I love to use textures, bold and soft colours On occasion I will add in small props such as baby blocks, hats. headbands, blankets and sentimental soft toys. Details and extreme close ups are my personal addiction; Capturing all those tiny fingernails, eyelashes and chubby creases.
Those fond memories of motherhood begin before the birth. You may not feel at your most photogenic, but you do not look how you feel. You will be oozing radiance and beauty, created by the excitement of your new arrival! This is the beginning of the new life growing inside you; your body as one with your unborn child. An experience we are blessed with for a very short time in our lives. Sometimes we may think we don't want to capture this time. For whatever reasons we may have, this is a moment in your life you will treasure forever. You'll always remember hearing your baby's first heartbeat, the first kick, or the tiny little hiccups. But will you remember the beautiful baby bump or how gorgeous you looked? Maternity photographs are personal and a change in our body we should capture.
Baby Bump • • • • • • •
scheduled at 32-36 weeks studio: 1 hour location: 1-2 hours mum alone mum &dad with siblings begins the photographic story of your baby's life
NEWBORNS Your newborn session will be a special milestone in your baby's life. I want to help you tell the story of your new baby. I like to create a calm and peaceful environment during our time together. It's important to let me know if we will be photographing older siblings, as well as mummy and daddy shots. These will take place at the beginning of the session so that we may have the remaining time focusing on the baby alone.
WHAT TO EXPECT You should expect to feed 10-15 minutes before your scheduled session. Make sure that your home is kept at a warm temperature in order to keep the baby warm and comfortable. Newborns can lose their body temperature quickly, especially when unclothed, so we need to assure they are kept warm at all times. You may want to dress in layers so that you are comfortable as well. Please know that babies pee and poo on everything and you don't need to worry. Have plenty of towels and wipes on hand that can be washed after the session. I will bring a white noise generator to help soothe the baby. Feel free to sit back, relax, read a book, or even take this opportunity to take a nap yourself!
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WHAT TO GATHER Extra Bottles - Whether you are nursing or bottle feeding , having
extra bottles and/or milk is suggested. Some babies tend to eat more than usual during their photo sessions. It's best to be prepared! Feel free to have food for yourself as well, as well as bribes for siblings! Nursery Items - Hand knitted hats, blankets, a special toy, rattle ....
these are all things that help create the story of your baby's first few days of life. I love photographing separate items to be used in their newborn albums! Clothing - Generally I will be photographing your baby unclothed.
Part of the experience in capturing a newborn is seeing the squishy little toes and cute tiny bums. However, I do recommend picking out simple clothing, such as simple onesies. Keep it plain or pastel coloured. For others that planned to involved, again keep it simple. Don't be embarrassed to shead some layers in order to capture some skin-to-skin imagery. That goes for siblings too. As with most portrait sessions, avoid patterns. Aiim to wear similar, light tones. Avoid dark clothing , logos, writing unless appropriate to the session.
sleepy The best age to photograph newborns is when they are between 2-10 days new. During this time newborns are still very sleepy and curly. They don't mind you moving them around from pose to pose while they rest in dreamland! Once they have a full belly and are kept warm, they will generally sleep the entire session! This is not to say we can't photograph your newborn at any other age. Beautiful images can be captured at any stage. However, you should know that once beyond this " new" stage, we may not be able to get the curly poses. If you are sure you want specific poses, please ask about those prior to your session .
LITTLE BOYS If you are considering having your baby boy circumcised, we will need to make sure we allow him at least 5 days of healing time before his session . It 's always best to schedule the procedure after the photo session if at all possible . NIKKI WA TERLOW PHOTOGRAPHY I 9
My goal as your Photographer, is not only to pose the baby in to the curly, squishy poses everyone loves, but to also capture natural imagery portraits of your newborn. This is a time to reflect on the true, untouched, unposed expression of the baby as themselves. Little things that help shape and mold them in to whom they will become as a person are special and unique to each baby.
It's not about the picture you take ... it's about the story you tell.
Babies at 6 months of age are full of smiles, tongues and chewing! This is the best time to capture the next milestone when they are sitting on their own and fully engaged in everything you are doing! If your baby is not yet sitting on their own by this age, it's best to wait another month or two until they are ready. We want to make sure we capture this next milestone.
Toddlers from 12-24 months are doing all sorts of activities at this stage! A fun time to capture them walking, laughing, and just being silly with all that is around them!
is eVen better than
AFTER THE SESSION Within 5 days from your session, a "sneak peek" with a small selection of photos from your session will be posted on my blog and facebook page. This is a great time to forward this on to family & friends & build up some referral credits for yourself! For each referral that books a portrait session, you both receive a ÂŁ25 print credit! Proofs will be available for in-studio viewing within 2-4 weeks. I will call you to schedule your ordering session. All orders are due at this time. When I visit you for your ordering session, please make sure all decision makers are present, as your appointment is designed for you to place your order. It's best to arrange a time when little ones will not be a distraction. As a creative artist, I will select up to 60 images for your gallery. Once your order is placed, I will put up an online gallery for you to share with family and friends. They are welcome to contact me to place their order. The gallery will remain active for 60 days. Orders can also be made through this gallery. Orders can take anywhere from 2 weeks, depending on the type of product(s) you order. For example, prints can take a week, whereas custom albums will take longer. If you need your order by a certain date, please make sure to let me know at your ordering session. I will call you when your order is ready for pick up. Orders can also be shipped for an additional charge. NIKKI WA TERLOW PHOTOGRAPHY I
Baby @Ten Days
Bumpat8 months
Ba~y @Ten
Baby@3m, ~m&12m
Ba ~y @Ten Days
12m & 2yr
One 7x5& Three 8x12's SIx 6x4's &Three 12x~'s
Ten 7x5's& Ten 12x8's
Ba~y Montage (unframed) Baby Montage (unframed)
Ba~y Montage (unframed)
Three PocketAI~ums
Three Pocket Albums
Portrait Session - £40 2 Hours of Coverage Up to 60 Proofs Sneak Peek Blog Online Gallery
Gift Prints 5 X7
.................... ............. £25.00
Specialty Products Pro of Book
... ............................ £40.00
8 X 12 ................................. £45.00
Photo Slideshow...... ......................... £45.00
2forl on all prints
Hi-Res Digital File .............................. £25.00
FREE low-resolution digital file
Fa c ebook Timelin.e ........ .................. £ 10.00
of each print ordered
Family Montage........................ ....... £190.00 Word Art (additional) ...................... £5.00
5 (5 X 7) & 5 (8 X 12) ........... £150.00 10 (5 X 7) & 10 (8 X 12)....... £200.00
Wo oden Prints ... ... .. ..... ....start fro m £70.00 Ac rylic Prints
........ ......... start fro m £115.00
Montage products are a beautiful way to present some of the images from your session. We have a range of montage layouts to suit your desired images. Montage products are available as wooden, canvas or framed prints.
Why not also consider an album; the perfect keepsake. Albums carry a sense of Heirloom quality and feel and can be passed down from generation to generation. A range of types and sizes to suit all tastes and budgets.
COPYRIGHT All images captured through the Nikki Waterlow Photography studio or on location are copyrighted by photographer Nikki Waterlow. It is illegal to scan, copy or reproduce in any way or any manner of all images, unless you have received written permission from Nikki Waterlow or her studio. This includes copying from the blog, Facebook, or any other form. It is the clients responsibility to ensure that all friends/family adhere to these rules also.
I will be happy to provide you with a free face book image for you to use on your page after your ordering session, for each image that you order, but please do not copy them from my page or website. Web sized images that I give to you are not to be altered in any way, shape, or form. There are strict restrictions that apply. Please inquire if in doubt.
I thank you for respecting my work. As an artist, I would like to have complete control over the final output of my images to ensure proper quality control. When images are scanned and poorly represented, it not only affects my reputation, but does not ensure that the image is represented in the way it was intended.
If purchasing images on disk, a full print release will be given, as well as suggested labs to have your portraits printed. My guarantee and/or warranty does not cover any images printed at any lab, including suggested labs. Guarantee is only given if prints are purchased through the studio.
Thank you for your respect and honesty.
POLICIES While I understand life can throw us curves sometimes, I like to keep some policies in order.
1. A booking fee is due to hold your booking and is NON-REFUNDABLE. 2. If you or your children are sick, please give me notice. I know that emergencies occur. However, if there is no phone call or you are a no show, there will be a ÂŁ50 fee charged. I will accept one cancellation, due to unforseen circumstances. If a second cancellation is made, further charges may incur. 3. I will call you when your order is ready. Thank you for your patience. Orders need to be picked up or a delivery fee will be charged. 4. Please handle your prints with care. Any damage to a print that has left the studio, is the responsibility of the client and there will be a fee to replace it. 5. Cameras, mobile phone cameras and camcorders are not permitted during any session, in studio or on location. 6. Please DO NOT COPY or save photos from my Facebook page, website, or any other form of advertisement. Once you place your order, you will receive 1 FREE web sized image you can use on your personal pages only. If ordering digital files, you will receive web size images of all files. Please keep the logo intact & remember, no alteration of photos is allowed. 7. Nikki Waterlow Photography reserves the right to use images for display, publication or other purposes. You will be requested to sign a model release form at the booking stage. Any changes to this contract can obviously be discussed. 8. For all orders, payment is due in full at time of order. 9. All portraits, books, albums, frames, etc. are non refundable. Orders can not be canceled due to the custom nature of the products. 10. All portrait orders are final and can not be changed or refunded for any reason. 11. By placing an order with Nikki Waterlow Photography, you agree to the above. NIKKI WA TERLOW PHOTOGRAPHY I
NURSING NUTRITION GUIDE foods to avoid while nursing
To help keep your baby happy and gas free in preparation for their newborn session, I've compiled some listed foods I recommend you try to avoid beginning two days prior to your session if you are nursing. This guide is a suggestion only, and as always, please consult your midwfie or pediatrician.
curry, cinnamon onioins - peppers broccoli - cauliflowr cabbage - asparagus cucumbers - beans
whole grains brown rice salmon avacadoes eggs lean meats squash apples berries milk, cheese, yogurt melons plenty of water
CITRIUS FRUITS pineapple - oranges lemons - grapefruit tomatoes - ketchup
MERCURY IN FISH mackerel - swordfish shark - tuna
OTHER FOODS peanuts chocolate caffeinated drinks saturated fats pesticides
Babies experiencing gas or tummy discomfort may feel uncomfortable during their photo session. It's important we work together to keep the baby soothed and calm as possible.
Thank you for your businessl REFER A FRIEND! ÂŁ25 Print Credit for you and your referral!
Nikki Waterlow Photography www. n i kkiwa terlow. co. u k 07786 300 140