Causes of Weight Loss You Need to Avoid this 2015: The Possible Reasons Selena Gomez Gains Weight
New Year has just arrived and it is not surprising to know that losing weight is part of your resolutions. And since you have goals of getting in shape, you need to know the things you need to avoid this 2015. But losing weight is not something that happens overnight. Even Selena Gomez was trying to lose weight, but it turned out that she gained weight instead. There were rumors that she has started a program in order to lose weight, but looks like weight gain happened instead. What are the possible causes? She confessed in an interview on Kidd Kraddick’s radio show about her eating problem. She said, “I do eat. The problem is I don’t eat right. I love everything that’s possibly not good for me.” Gomez also told Teen Vogue, “I eat junk,”.I’m from the South, so I love Mexican food, greasy pasta, and fried things. I do try, every now and then, to put something in my body that will be good, but, honestly, I’ve never liked working out. I need to be active in some way, though, that’s why I kind of secretly do it for my show. We have thirteen choreographed pieces, and it’s a 90-minute set. I consider that my workout!” Gomez’s weight gain may be caused by her love for junk food. She consumes sweets and other junk food, but in order to reduce body fat, she promise to stop the unhealthy habit and try to eat healthy, more vegetables, drink juice and consume products that are good for her health. Now, she follows a strict daily routine. She typically begins her day with a
healthy meal, usually turkey, eggs or soy-beans, from products that are high in iron and gives energy to a person’s body. So now that it’s 2015 and the time for setting plans up to achieve a better you, find the best ways on how to lose your body fat and make sure that you include a well-rounded diet . Gomez loves dancing, which is also a great way to keep your body in good shape. Gomez also takes ballet-inspired workout classes from Pop Physique studio in Silver Lake, California. Losing stomach fat for women can be easier and more fun by dancing all the stubborn fats away. You may also love to learn about the cost of freeze fat procedure.