
37 minute read
November 2019
1st - Ezekiel 36:1-4 Prophesy to the land 1.We speak, in Jesus’ Name, the overthrow of the powers of darkness in high places that influence the life of our nation for evil. 2.We speak, in Jesus’ Name, the return to godly values in our national government and local governments in every part of our nation. 3.We speak, in Jesus’ Name, to all the institutions that are part of the fabric of our daily lives in this nation, that all opposition to Christian practices would cease. 4.We speak, in Jesus’ Name, over all the cities in our nation, that the forces behind crime and violence will be bound. 5.We speak, in Jesus’ Name, over all the towns and villages in our nation, that where there is a spiritual barrenness there will be a turning to the Lord. 2nd - Ezekiel 36:5-7 The nations 1.We pray for all the nations of Europe, that there will come from the people a rejection of godlessness and a great turning to Christ. 2.We pray for all the nations of Africa, that revival will sweep from north to south and east to west, and the nations would know prosperity as they turn to Christ. 3.We pray for all the nations of Asia, that they will see a great revival for Christ in Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and all other nations. 4.We pray for all the countries in North and South America, West Indies and other islands, that there may be a great move of the Spirit of God in revival power. 5.We pray for Australasia and for all the other island nations of the world to witness a sudden and new and powerful turning to the Lord of all their peoples.
3rd - Ezekiel 36:8-12 Fruitfulness 1.Lord, prosper Your church and make it fruitful in terms of the deep spiritual growth of Your people. 2.Lord, prosper Your church and make it fruitful in terms of the numbers of people turning to Christ and being added to the church. 3.We pray for church growth up and down our land, O God, that people would grow weary of their spiritually empty lifestyles and turn and find You. 4.Lord, we pray that You would make Your people fruitful in every area of their work and business lives, with a heart of thankfulness to bless Your work financially. 5.Lord, we pray for fruitfulness in every area of our family lives, that we would recognise and give grateful testimony F or some years, Ezekiel prophetically warned the Jews in Jerusalem that the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed if they did not repent and turn back to God. They ignored the warning, and so Jerusalem was razed to the ground. In these chapters the city had now already been destroyed, and Ezekiel is looking forward into the future, right up to the present time in which we live now. His famous vision of the valley of dry bones that come together after he follows God’s instructions to prophesy over them, portray the once-dead nation of Israel, coming to life once more and becoming exceedingly powerful. The nation of Israel would be reborn, and the land would be occupied once again and be rebuilt.
For the next 2,500 years after this prophecy, Israel was not a nation. For a brief period it had some measure of autonomy under the Jewish leaders called the Maccabees. But then the Romans came and conquered the land and, not long after the time of Jesus, expelled all the Jews from the land. It became a wasteland, a place that was neglected and without much population. But, in fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophetic words, all that changed in the 20th century and, on 14th May 1948, the nation was reborn with its ancient name and has since grown to become a powerful nation once again.
Our generation is the one that is alive to see the fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophetic words. He went on to prophesy that, in these days - the last days - a coalition of nations from the north, including Persia (modern-day Iran), would attack Israel but that God would supernaturally protect His people. As we follow the news today, and see the hostility of the nations around modern-day Israel, and hear of their desire to totally destroy its very existence, we can be sure we are truly in the last days. It is quite conceivable that this war could take place at any time now.
As such, seeing the reality and truth of God’s prophetic words, the Church needs to be awake, alert, and as active as any time in its history. Time is short – no doubt much shorter than most would realise. And while it is still day, the Church needs to be seeking to pray and act to see the revival of the dead bones of the Church in modern-day Britain.
God has not changed. He gave Ezekiel the spiritual power to prophesy new life into a dead nation. We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to help us live for Him and serve Him. We have access in prayer to the very throneroom of the Father, through the blood of Jesus. We need to be interceding for a revival in our nation before the time is over and the opportunity lost. And, as we pray through these chapters this month, we are doing just that. Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth Praying for our nation’s revival Ezekiel Chapters 36 to 38
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to Your goodness to us.
4th - Ezekiel 36:13-15 God’s enemies silenced 1.Lord, cause all those in our nation, who seek to impose a godless, atheistic agenda in our schools, colleges and universities, to be frustrated in every attempt. 2.We pray for our hospitals that God’s people will have a freedom to honour Christ without fear of reprisals. 3.We pray for all Your people who work in all our national institutions, that the forces that seek to silence them will be thwarted themselves. 4.We pray that all those who promote ungodly lifestyles in the name of freedom, will find that people see the harm it causes and turn away from it. 5.Rise up in the midst of our nation, O Lord, and silence those who seek to claim the soul of our nation.
5th - Ezekiel 36:16-21 Honour God’s Name 1.Lord, forgive Your church for years of compromise with the world, we pray, and cause our hearts to burn for You. 2.May we honour Your Name, O Lord, by ensuring our actions in all we do are uncompromisingly godly. 3.Teach us to fear Your Name, O Lord, so that we are always careful to honour You. 4.Teach us the difference between honouring You with our words but not with our actions, O God, so we may not fail You. 5.May we learn to hallow Your Name, O Lord, by living as Your ambassadors at all times
6th - Ezekiel 36:22-23 God’s holiness demonstrated 1.Lord, for the sake of Your great Name, demonstrate Your power and presence amongst us, we pray. 2.Help us to draw closer to You, O Lord, so that You may display Your power through us. 3.In all we do and in all we think, enable us to be holy, as You, O God, are holy. 4.Holy Spirit, breathe afresh upon us and stir our hearts to seek our God more and more. 5.Holy Spirit, bring to our minds anything within us that runs contrary to Your holiness, and help us to change, we pray.
7th - Ezekiel 36:24-26 A new heart and a new spirit 1.Lord, renew within us a new heart and mind that only ever desire to draw closer and closer to You. 2.Lord, renew and refresh our spirits, we pray, so that we may scale new heights in our relationship with You. 3.For all those in the church who are not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, give them the desire to ask, and the patience to wait on You until they receive, O Lord. 4.Give us a keen sense of what is pleasing and unpleasing in Your sight, O Lord, so that our desires may always be godly. 5.Help us to grow spiritually daily, so that we do not remain as spiritual infants but become mature in the Lord.
8th - Ezekiel 36:27-28 Led by the Spirit 1.Lead us this day, Holy Spirit, and guide us in all we do, so that all may be done in accordance with Your will. 2.Cause us to understand the God-given plan for our individual lives, and cause us to make the right choices to ensure we fulfil our God-given destiny. 3.For all those seeking a marriage partner, guide and lead them to the right person, we pray. 4.For all those seeking a job, career or profession, O Lord, guide them to what You have planned for their lives. 5.In all our service for You, O God, guide us in each ministry You have called us to, and give us the courage and wisdom to begin to step into it effectively.
9th - Ezekiel 36:29-30 God’s prosperity 1.Lord, we pray that You would prosper our jobs, homes and families, and cause Christ to be firmly and clearly at the centre of each of our homes. 2.Lord, we pray that You would prosper our Discipleship Groups and their leaders, and that through them many will find Christ and grow strong in spiritual maturity. 3.Lord, we pray for every activity of witnessing and evangelism, that You would prosper all we do, enabling us to lead many to Christ. 4.Lord, we pray that You would prosper our children and youth, causing them to become great witnesses for Christ to their own generation. 5.Lord, prosper Your church spiritually, and send us an abundance of men and women seeking after Christ, and an abundance of signs and wonders in our midst.
10th - Ezekiel 36:31-32 Turning from sin 1.Lord, we bring Your church before You throughout this land, asking You would have mercy for every failing, compromise and faithlessness, and send revival. 2.Lord, as we bring the national leaders of our nation before You, and pray for Your mercy in leading us away from God and down a pathway of sin, send revival. 3.Have mercy on those parents in our nation, who have neglected to teach their children the pathway of righteousness, and rescue the lost generations, we pray. 4.As we bring before You the institutional, moral corruption that pervades our schools, colleges and universities, rescue us from our iniquity, we pray. 5.Lord, by Your Spirit, turn our nation from celebrating sinful lifestyles, as it does at present, back to desiring what is right in God’s eyes.
11th - Ezekiel 36:33-36 Restoring the cities 1.We bring our capital city of London before You, O Lord, praying You would send revival from north to south and from east to west. 2.As we bring all our major cities to You, O God, revive the churches, and let there be a new turning to You, we pray. 3.We take authority over every spirit of violence, corruption and lawlessness over the streets of our cities, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 4.We take authority over every spirit of poverty that blights the lives and hopes of people, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 5.We pray for all the towns and villages of our nation, O Lord, praying You would turn the spiritual deserts back into fruitful spiritual gardens.
12th - Ezekiel 36:37-38 Filling God’s house 1.Fill Your church to overflowing as people turn and flock to know their God, we pray 2.For all the churches in our area, we pray for a move of the Holy Spirit that will fill them with men and women seeking and finding Christ. 3.We pray for children and the youth to be drawn to Christ by Your Spirit, O Lord, who seek and find answers in the church. 4.Fill Your church with Your Holy Spirit, O God, and may we be overflowing.
October 2019

1st - Ezekiel 33:1-6 Heeding God’s warning 1.Help us to continually walk in the righteous fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. 2.Keep us from becoming complacent, O Lord, so that we never treat Your Word and Your ways with anything other than 100% seriousness. 3.Holy Spirit, we ask that You would help us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. 4.When You speak to our conscience, Holy Spirit, cause us to respond in obedience without hesitation. 5.Give us ears to hear and eyes to see all that You want to reveal to us, O God. 2nd - Ezekiel 33:7-9 The watchman 1.Lord, You have revealed Your truth to us, so guide us to those You would have us speak to with the message of salvation. 2.May our lives and characters be so like Christ that even when we are not speaking, our actions may be a witness to others of the truth and the power of the Gospel. 3.Give us a Holy Spirit boldness to be witnesses and ambassadors for Christ, O Lord. 4.Keep us from unconsciously absorbing the values of this world, O God, even though we need to be mixing with those who share this fallen world’s values. 5.Use us to bring others out of condemnation, and into the forgiveness and freedom in Christ.
3rd - Ezekiel 33:10 The sins of the nation 1.Have mercy on this nation, O Lord, which has turned so far from Your ways, and bring godly change. 2.Cause our government to recognise the destructive nature to our society of our nation’s acts of godlessness, and to bring strong leadership for godly change. 3.Break the scales over the eyes of the people of our nation, O Lord, and cause them to begin to desire to see a change in the destructive selfishness that marks our society. 4.Shake our nation, O Lord, in a way that will cause many to see the foolishness of rejecting the biblical values that so much of our nation’s heritage was built upon. 5.In Your great mercy, send revival to this land once more, O God.
4th - Ezekiel 33:11 God’s heart for the lost 1.We give You thanks, O Lord, because You are a God of love, who has gone to the greatest extent to give repentant sinners the opportunity to be saved. 2.Heavenly Father, give us a heart of love for the lost like Yours. E zekiel lived at a very distressful time in the life of his nation. The people, whilst paying lip-service to God, were engaging in the immoral practices of the followers of Baal and their pagan activities. Prophet after prophet had been raised up by God to warn the people that, by forsaking the true and living God, to engage in these wicked practices of the pagan religions around them, they were breaching the covenant they had made with God as a nation. The penalty for this, set out clearly under the Old Covenant through Moses, was to be overrun by their enemies and taken into exile.
God’s mercy was so patient that He waited for many years to give the people an opportunity to respond to the message of His prophets. But they did not. So, as a warning, God sent the Babylonians to take captive some of the people from Jerusalem - the aristocracy - which included Daniel and his three friends. That did not cause the people to change, however. So God sent the Babylonians once more to take into captivity more of the Jews, this time including Ezekiel.
From his enforced new home in Babylon, Ezekiel was raised up by God to warn the Jews that the city of Jerusalem would be totally destroyed if the people did not repent and turn back to God. At the same time Jeremiah, who was still living in Jerusalem, was prophesying a similar message. The prophets were ignored, and so about ten years after Ezekiel was taken to Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar marched his armies back once more, and this time totally destroyed the city of Jerusalem - including the temple built by Solomon - and reduced everything to rubble. He then took virtually all the nations into exile. Shortly afterwards, Jeremiah wrote his book of Lamentations, expressing his utter sorrow at the needless fall of the city caused by the hardness of the people’s hearts against their long-suffering God. The people would experience, just as Jeremiah prophesied, 70 years of exile before being allowed back home to begin the process of rebuilding Jerusalem and the nation. They learned the lesson and never went back to following the idolatry of paganism.
We live in a similar generation. Our nation once held the Bible and the moral laws of God in high esteem. But, like the Jews of Ezekiel’s day, it now prefers the immoral ways of the followers of the religion of secular humanism that takes its values - or lack of them - from its theory of evolution that excludes God, the Bible and the moral values based in it. As a result, our society is on the pathway to destruction. God is patient and will allow time to repent and turn back to Him but His patience has a limit. This month, as we pray through Ezekiel’s prophetic words, we are asking God to turn our backsliding nation back to Him before it goes too far and before the time for repentance is over. Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth God’s warning to the nation Ezekiel Chapters 33 to 35
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3.Show us, Holy Spirit, what we can do to reveal the love of God to those who are currently bent on self-destruction through rejecting God’s way of salvation. 4.Give us words of wisdom, Holy Spirit, that will speak directly into the spirits of those we share the Gospel with. 5.In our speaking to people who are living ungodly lifestyles, may love always prevail over judgment.
5th - Ezekiel 33:12-13 No backsliding 1.Keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, we pray. 2.When we pass through times of trial, keep us from fainting, falling or failing, O Lord. 3.For those who are struggling with issues which keep them in bondage, help them today to make the decision to call on You to break free totally, we pray. 4.Give us the strength to persevere when times are difficult, and to cast all our cares upon You, heavenly Father, for You care for us. 5.When everything is going well in our lives, O Lord, let not our blessings cause us to become complacent and so take our eyes off You, but rather keep us fully focused.
6th - Ezekiel 33:14-16 True repentance 1.O Lord, forgive us this day our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. 2.Lord, since You know the secrets of everyone’s heart, forgive us today for all our secret sins, and cause us to turn away from them. 3.If we are not fully on fire for You, forgive us, O God, and breathe afresh upon us as we seek to fan into flames the spiritual fire within us. 4.Lord, if we are taking the wrong direction in any area of our lives, reveal it to us so that we may repent and turn our lives around. 5.Lord, if as a church we are taking the wrong direction in any area, reveal it to us so that we may repent and change to the direction You would have us go.
7th - Ezekiel 33:17-20 The righteous judgment of God 1.Lord, as You are righteous and true, teach us Your ways of justice in every area of life, we pray. 2.Lord, Your Word tells us to examine ourselves in order to bring selfdiscipline, so that You do not need to discipline us, so teach us to do so effectively, we pray. 3.Speak to us each day, Holy Spirit, by putting Your finger on any area of our lives that is unpleasing to You, and cause us to change. 4.Knowing that the perfect justice of God requires the eternal punishment of sinners, may such knowledge motivate us to serve You tirelessly, O Lord. 5.Realising that Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not ours, but higher, O Lord, may we never question Your will but simply be obedient.
8th - Ezekiel 33:21-22 No longer silent 1.Like Ezekiel, O God, may we experience Your hand upon us, so that we may speak Your words. 2.Keep us from being silent when we should be speaking up for the truth, we pray. 3.We pray for Your Church in this nation that it may no longer be silent in the face of wickedness, but speak up for the ways of God. 4.We pray for our own church, O Lord, that we may never fail to preach the uncompromising truth of Your Word. 5.Raise up prophetic voices in our nation, O Lord, with individuals in places of significance, who will have the attention of leaders, institutions and society.
9th - Ezekiel 33:23-26 The all-seeing God 1.Lord, cause us to remember that You are a God who sees all things - good and bad, so that we may be careful to live according to Your values. 2.Lord, help us to remember that You are a God who knows all things; search our hearts today, rooting out all that is unpleasing to You. 3.Lord, help us to remember that You are an all-powerful God, and enable us to believe that all things are possible for You. 4.Lord, keep us from relying on our own strength, but rather teach us the anointing that comes when we rely wholeheartedly on You. 5.Lord, since You are a God of justice, in our dealings with others, help us to act justly.
10th - Ezekiel 33:27-29 A wasted land 1.Lord, have mercy on our land which is being wasted by unbelief and cynicism, and turn our nation around, we pray. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019 16
2.Lord, our young people are being led to ruin by being taught godless evolution, so rescue this generation, we pray. 3.Our young people are being led to ruin by encouragement to be promiscuous, so rescue them from such destructive forces, we pray. 4.Lord, we pray that our nation would once again refocus its eyes away from the material here-and-now, to spiritual matters that are of eternal importance. 5.Rescue our land from the wicked powers in the spiritual realms that seek its destruction, we pray.
11th - Ezekiel 33:30-32 Doers not hearers only of God’s Word 1.Lord, may we be doers of Your Word and not hearers only. 2.Cause us to be like the people the apostle Paul spoke to at Berea, who ‘examined the Scriptures every day’. 3.Deepen our understanding of Your Word, O Lord, so that we may always be able to explain Your Word to others. 4.We pray that as we listen to Godinspired sermons, and put their principles into practice, they may help us to grow more like Christ. 5.Holy Spirit, continually bring to our remembrance all the things we have read in Your Word when we need to act on them.
12th - Ezekiel 33:33 Being the mouthpiece of God in our generation 1.Lord, cause us to be Your mouthpieces to the generation in which we live. 2.Lord, help us in our schools, colleges, places of work and neighbourhoods to be witnesses for Christ. 3.We pray that You would give us divine appointments each day, and also to all those who go out on the streets witnessing, helping us to lead many to Christ. 4.We pray for all our Discipleship Cells, that You would help them to be places where we can motivate one another to be witnesses for Jesus. 5.Give us Your courage, O Lord, to be a people who are wise in our words and ways, and yet bold in our service for Christ.
13th - Ezekiel 34:1 The Word of the Lord came 1.Speak to us, Lord, and give us ears to hear all You are saying to us. 2.Cause us to be diligent students of Your Word, Holy Spirit, and give us spiritual insight into all we read.
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3.Lord, speak to us and through us, in words of prophecy, words of wisdom and words of knowledge. 4.Speak to us through dreams and visions, O Lord, and give us the spiritual wisdom and insight to interpret them correctly. 5.Speak to us and through us with words of godly counsel, that will bless and uplift, we pray.
14th - Ezekiel 34:2-6 Caring for the sheep 1.Cause Your church, in our dealings with one another, to be those who can build up, encourage and strengthen Your people. 2.We pray for all who are in roles of leadership within the church, to give them the love and wisdom to fulfil their work for You fruitfully. 3.We pray for all those of Your people who are straying from You, O God, and from the safety of fellowship, to help us encourage them back to full commitment. 4.We pray You would strengthen the sick and infirm amongst us, and help us to encourage them in their time of need. 5.Raise up to positions of leadership those who have a love for God and a heart for people, we pray.
15th - Ezekiel 34:7-10 Praying for leaders 1.Lord, speak to those individuals that You have called to serve You in different positions of leadership, and give them the courage and grace to fulfil the role You have called them to do. 2.Encourage all our leaders in their work, and make them fruitful in all they do, O Lord. 3.Give to all our pastors and elders Your vision, guiding their footsteps and helping them fulfil Your will, O Lord. 4.Encourage all our Discipleship Cell leaders in their work and, as they seek to be a blessing to others, bless them in their faithfulness, we pray. 5.Give to all our teachers and leaders of departments and teams in the church the joy of seeing fruitfulness from all their labours, O God.
16th - Ezekiel 34:11-12 A heart like God’s 1.Give us a heart like Yours, O Lord. 2.Give us the same vision for Your church and for the lost that You have, O God. 3.Give us the same motivation for ministry that we see in You, Lord Jesus, when You were on the earth. 4.Give us a faith that can move mountains, O Lord. 5.Anoint us with power to accomplish Your will in us, O God.
17th - Ezekiel 34:13-16 Praying for the Jews (1) 1.Lord, we pray for all the Jews throughout the world to open their hearts to the Gospel, and cause them to come to know their Messiah. 2.We pray that the constant troubles in the land promised to Abraham will be used by You, O Lord, to turn the Jews to Christ. 3.We pray for all the Arabs living in Israel who do not know Christ, that You would save them, O God. 4.From the atheistic Jews on one side to the ultraorthodox Jews on the other, open their eyes to the truth that they are saved through faith in their Messiah, Jesus Christ. 5.As we see prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes in Israel today, and know Your coming is soon, Lord Jesus, may it inspire us to greater service for You.
18th - Ezekiel 34:13-16 Praying for the Jews (2) 1.Lord, as Your Word encourages us to do, we pray now for the peace of Jerusalem. 2.Cause the veil in modern-day Israel to be lifted from their eyes, so that they may see the truth that Jesus is their Messiah, O Lord. 3.We pray for all who are today suffering in the Promised Land - Jew and Arab alike - to bring them to peace by individually knowing Christ as their Saviour. 4.We pray You would help all the messianic Jews in Israel, who have accepted Christ as they witness to others about the truth of Jesus. 5.We pray for all the Christian Arabs in Israel for You to help them as they spread the Gospel, O Lord.
19th - Ezekiel 34:17-19 Preaching the uncompromising truth 1.Lord, as our society seeks to marginalise and restrict the influence of Your Word, keep us unswerving in our determination to never water down the message of the Gospel. 2.Give us both a boldness for Christ in our places of work, and also divine favour upon our lives with those over us, we pray. 3.In all the messages preached on Sundays, in midweek meetings, on the streets and wherever else we are, anoint us in power, O Lord. 4.In all our ways, in our places of work, may we always speak and act according to Your godly standards, we pray. 5.As we share Your Word with others, cause us to be fruitful as we see many saved and discipled for Christ.
20th - Ezekiel 34:20-26 Rain from heaven 1.Send the rain of Your Spirit upon us, O Lord, refreshing and strengthening us for the work of God. 2.For any of us who are feeling spiritually weak at present, refresh us, O Lord. 3.Rain down in all our services, Holy Spirit, bringing a fresh sense of Your presence and power, we pray. 4.Rain down upon our families afresh, Holy Spirit, bringing an ever closer sense of Your presence in our family lives. 5.Rain down afresh on our work and business lives, Holy Spirit, bringing a fresh reality of Your presence in those areas.
21st - Ezekiel 34:27 Breaking bondages 1.For all those we have been praying for, who are not yet saved, save them, O Lord. 2.For those in the church who are in bondage to certain sinful or unhelpful habits, give them the willpower to seek You to break free completely, we pray. 3.For those in the church who have financial burdens, give them the grace and wisdom to break free, O Lord. 4.For those of our families who are in bondage to destructive ways of life, hear our cries, O God, and cause them to repent and come to You. 5.As we pray for all who are under the effects of any form of curse, help them to recognise it, and find the power of Christ to break it, so setting them free. 22nd - Ezekiel 34:28 No more fear 1.May our relationship with You, heavenly Father, be so close that Your perfect love drives out all our fear. 2.Give us a faith that is able to trust You at all times for all things, O Lord. 3.For those in fear of losing their jobs at this time, give them Your peace, O God, which comes from knowing You are in control of every part of our lives. 4.May the only fear we have, heavenly Father, be the reverent fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. 5.Help us to experience Your peace, O Lord, which passes all understanding.

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23rd - Ezekiel 34:29 God’s provision 1.Give us this day our daily bread, heavenly Father, we pray. 2.For all who are looking for godly relationships, guide them by Your Spirit to such blessing, we pray. 3.For those amongst us looking for a job, to change jobs, or promotion, undertake for such provision, O God. 4.For those seeking specific guidance in their lives from You, O God, show them clearly, so that they may walk in Your destiny for their lives. 5.For those struggling with their finances at this time, provide for them, we pray. 24th - Ezekiel 34:30-31 God with us 1.For those among us who, for whatever reason, are feeling distant from You, O Lord, help them sense Your close presence, we pray. 2.Cause us to draw close to You, heavenly Father, so that You may draw close to us. 3.When things seem to be going wrong in our lives, help us remember that You have not left us nor forsaken us, and help us grow spiritually at such times. 4.May the knowledge that You are close to us at all times give us a faith that enables us to do astonishing things. 5.Fill us afresh with Your presence this day, Holy Spirit, we ask.
25th - Ezekiel 35:1-4 Interceding for God’s enemies 1.Lord, have mercy on all the atheists we know who have chosen to reject You, and save them before it is too late for them. 2.We pray for all Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in Muslim lands; cause their enemies to receive a vision of Christ and be saved, O God. 3.We pray for all Christians who are being persecuted in Hindu countries; save their enemies by revealing Christ to them, O Lord. 4.We pray for all Christians who are suffering for Christ in Buddhist lands; save their persecutors, O Lord. 5.We pray for all Christians who are suffering at the hands of military regimes or dictatorships; move in power, Holy Spirit, to save the people of those lands.
26th - Ezekiel 35:5-6 Praying for Israel’s national enemies 1.Lord, we pray for the Palestinians that many would begin to call on the Name of Jesus, and know peace with God and the peace of God in their situation. 2.We pray for the ancient nation of Persia, now called Iran, and as we thank You for the many Iranians now turning to Christ, may this turn into a flood of conversions. 3.As we pray for the nation of Pakistan, which is so opposed to Israel, strengthen Your people in that nation, Lord, and use them to see many Muslims turn to Christ. 4.Lord, break the iron spiritual grip over the Arab nations immediately surrounding Israel: for Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and cause many to turn to Christ. 5.Lord, since You have said You will curse those who curse Israel, have mercy on all the nations of the world that are acting with hostility towards Israel, by saving their people before Your judgment falls.
27th - Ezekiel 35:7-9 Time to fear the Lord 1.Lord, help us to understand the depravity of sin, so that we may fear to walk in unrighteousness. 2.Keep us from becoming so familiar with the ways of the world we live in, that we at times begin to compromise. 3.Keep us from becoming lukewarm, O Lord. 4.May our godly fear of You, O Lord, ensure we never fear the opposition of mere men and women. 5.Teach us Your ways daily, O God, and may we know Your blessings as a consequence, no matter how our temporary circumstances may change.
28th - Ezekiel 35:10-11 The victims of war 1.Lord, have mercy on all the innocent people around the world who are the victims of war, and in their troubles may they turn to Christ and find great help. 2.Cause all the children around the world who are being made orphans by war to find You as their heavenly Father, O God. 3.Even out of the horrors of war, we pray that You may turn situations around for good for those who cry out to You, O Lord. 4.Protect all those who are moved to go out and help the victims of war, through charitable organisations, and may Christ’s love shine through the Christians. 5.Lord, we look forward to the return of the Prince of Peace, and pray that Your Kingdom will come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019 18
29th - Ezekiel 35:12 God hears all things 1.Lord, help us to guard our lips, so that nothing ungodly or unedifying is spoken. 2.Lord, if in times of frustration, anger or pain we have spoken negative words about You, forgive us for our foolishness. 3.When we have spoken words to others that have hurt or demoralised them, forgive us and help us to make amends. 4.Lord, when You see all those unspoken prayers that we carry in our hearts, that are often too painful or personal to speak out, hear and answer from heaven, we pray. 5.Lord, You hear our cry for revival, and we pray that we will see You move in revival power.
30th - Ezekiel 35:13-14 Words spoken against God 1.As we pray for all our schoolchildren, who are taught that God does not exist but rather that all things spontaneously evolved, may their spirits discern the truth. 2.Have mercy on, and reveal Yourself to, all teachers in schools and colleges and universities, who teach our children to ignore God and disparage Christian beliefs. 3.We pray for all parents in our society, who teach their children to ignore God and disparage biblical teaching, and convict them and save them before it is too late. 4.To all the government authorities and agencies that marginalise or dismiss Christians for revealing their faith in Christ, show them their folly in opposing You, O Lord. 5.Lord, as we pray for all Christian judges, teachers, social workers, medical workers and all in similar positions, help them speak for You both through words and actions.
31st - Ezekiel 35:15 The enemies of God 1.On this night of Hallowe’en, frustrate the plans of all in our vicinity who are actively seeking after the power of satan to harm God’s work and people, O Lord. 2.We pray for all children in our neighbourhood who engage in ‘trick or treat’; open their eyes and those of their parents to the realities of the fallen spirit world. 3.We take authority over every wicked word spoken by witches against Christians and the church, and break the power of their curses in Jesus’ Name 4.For everyone in our neighbourhood, who is encouraged today to be involved in any form of the occult, convict their spirits with the reality of its evilness, we pray. 5.We take authority over every wicked spirit that seeks to oppose the work of God in the church, and break its power in Jesus’ Name.
November 2019

5.Fill Your church with those who are not merely converts, but rather disciples, we pray.
13th - Ezekiel 37:1 God’s hand upon us 1.Lord, touch us afresh today, we pray. 2.Lead us by Your Spirit today, O God. 3.Place Your finger on any part of our lives that You want to bring to our attention that needs change, O Lord, and give us the humility to do so. 4.For all among us who need emotional or spiritual strength this day, touch them and strengthen them, we pray. 5.Lord, we need You, so open our minds to receive from You today as we prayerfully read from Your Word. 14th - Ezekiel 37:2-3 A nation spiritually dead 1.Lord, as our nation is dying spiritually, rescue the people of this land, we pray. 2.Lord, many doubt that our nation can be spiritually strong once again, but prove them wrong, we ask. 3.Lord, since many of the churches in our land are dying, do a miracle in our nation, we pray. 4.Break the strong grip that the powers of darkness have over our land, O God. 5.Restore faith and determination in Your Church throughout this land, O Lord, to fight against the wickedness that is seeking to triumph.
15th - Ezekiel 37:4-6 Breathe on our nation 1.Breathe new life into Your Church in this nation, O God. 2.Breathe new life into Your people, O Lord, and give them the motivation to expect great things from their God. 3.Breathe Your breath of life on all the institutions of our national life, O Lord, blowing away the corrupting influence of sin and immorality. 4.Breathe on our Parliament, O God, and let a fresh breath of righteousness sweep through the corridors of power. 5.Breathe on us, O God, so that we may be continually growing to conform more and more to the image of Christ. 16th - Ezekiel 37:7-8 Revival of a nation 1.Give Your Church the vision to see and understand the unlimited power of God to bring a total change of heart and direction to our nation. 2.Cause us to be inspired by Your Spirit to prophesy revival over our nation, O Lord. 3.Help us to see things as You see them, O Lord, not what is but what can be, through Your Spirit. 4.Let every believer in Your church, O Lord, start to experience the fullness of life that Jesus came to bring them. 5.Send every spiritual gift into Your church, Holy Spirit, and give us the faith to use all those gifts powerfully and effectively for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
17th - Ezekiel 37:9-10 A vast army 1.Cause the spiritually dead in our nation to come alive, O God. 2.Turn around the exodus from the churches, O Lord, and make it into a mass return as Your Church forsakes compromise and preaches the fullness of the Word of God. 3.Put the desire for God into the hearts of the children, Holy Spirit, and cause them to seek and find Christ. 4.Cause the hearts of the youth to remember their Creator during the time of their youth, so that they can live lives in effective service for Christ. 5.Turn the hearts of hardened adults, and cause them to melt before the love of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. 18th - Ezekiel 37:11-13 Renewed hope 1.For those in our midst experiencing hopelessness for any reason, renew their experience with the living God. 2.For those amongst us who, because of overwhelming circumstances, are having a crisis of faith, touch them afresh, Holy Spirit, we pray. 3.For those amongst who are feeling mental oppression or depression, renew their hope for the future and their joy of the Lord, we pray. 4.For those amongst us who have allowed circumstances to cause them to backslide, restore them to their closeness to You, O Lord. 5.Keep our eyes fixed on the finishing line, O God, so that we do not let any momentary trouble cause us to stumble or fall.
19th - Ezekiel 37:14 God working through us 1.Holy Spirit, anoint us afresh this day, we pray, and cause us to grow daily spiritually stronger. 2.Holy Spirit, so work within us that day by day our characters become more and more conformed to the image of Christ. 3.Holy Spirit, lead us to those places, including schools, colleges, jobs and accommodation, where You want us to be an influence for Christ. 4.Guide our thoughts, our decisions and our actions, Holy Spirit, in a way that
enables You to fulfil the destiny You have for each of us, we pray. 5.Help us, Holy Spirit, to live in this world, without living as though we were of this world, we pray.
20th - Ezekiel 37:15-17 Unity in God’s house 1.Lord, unite us together by Your Spirit in the genuine love of Christ. 2.For any amongst us who are out of fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ, bring reconciliation, we pray. 3.Teach us to understand the power of forgiveness, that it helps both us and those we forgive. 4.For any who are holding on to unforgiveness and are struggling to let go, help them to do so, Holy Spirit, we pray. 5.As we join in ever closer unity, Holy Spirit, we ask that Your anointing would flow ever stronger through us. 21st - Ezekiel 37:18-19 Praying for Israel 1.We pray for the government of Israel that You would help them to look to You to know what to do, O Lord, and not to their own wisdom. 2.In the midst of dissension in the land of Israel, protect the innocent on both sides of the conflict, we pray. 3.We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, O God, as Your Word encourages us to do. 4.Open the eyes of the orthodox Jews to realise that their Messiah has already come, and His Name is Jesus. 5.We pray for all who live in the land of Israel - Jews and Arabs alike - that You would cause them to come to know Christ as their Saviour.
22nd - Ezekiel 37:20-23 The re-gathering of the Jews 1.Lord Jesus, as You re-gather the Jews from around the world to their ancient homeland in preparation for Your return, open their hearts to the Gospel, we pray. 2.As we pray for all the Arab Christians in the land of Israel, bless them and use them mightily to bring many others living in Israel to know Christ. 3.As we pray for all the Messianic Jews, who have come to know Christ as their Saviour, bless their churches and multiply them, O Lord. 4.Cause the eyes of all the Jews we meet to be opened, and for them to realise that Jesus Christ is their promised Messiah. 5.As the time draws near in these last days for the final conflict in Israel, cause us Your church to be alert,