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WOMEN’S PRAYER DAY by Pastor Rajinder

As around 140 women gathered together for the ECC Women’s Prayer and Praise Day, there was an air of expectancy that God was going to do something awesome amongst us. The foyer area and upper foyer area were packed. Women praised and worshipped God with their hearts and minds, and ascended to another level of praise and worship, as the Holy Spirit moved amongst us powerfully. The theme was ‘Going Deeper into God’s Presence’… and deeper we went. In between the worship sets, we prayed for various prayer points led by different sisters. Prayer declarations were made, as we believed that God answers prayers. One sister said she was visibly shaking, as the presence of the Holy Spirit moved powerfully from the inside out. She felt revival had come! Awesome and powerful testimonies were shared that moved every heart. Rosemary shared of drawing near to God through the trials she faces with her children still residing in Cameroon. She told how they had a shock when one of her grandson’s schools was broken into by terrorists, and they all feared he had been one of the victims of kidnap, as he didn’t return home that day. Through much prayer and intercession, and speaking in tongues for four days, her daughter miraculously saw her son come home. He hadn’t been kidnapped, but managed to escape, and had hidden himself somewhere safe. He came home after four days, not having had anything to eat or drink. What joy filled their hearts, even though he was greatly malnourished. Rosemary shared how sge doesn’t leave home without first praying and reading her favourite Scriptures: Psalms 23, 91 and 121. Eleni shared part two of her testimony of how God changed her lifestyle completely after she gave her life to Jesus. She did a lot of soul searching, asking God to draw her deeper towards Him. He started doing Going Deeper Into God’s Presence just that, and she received revelation upon revelation on how to lead a holy life for Jesus, forsaking her past way of life and being renewed in mind and spirit. God not only looks at our outward appearance, but is deeply interested in how we think, so that we can be transformed in our minds to live right with Him. Reading God’s Word has been important to her, and prayer is at the forefront of her life. Knowing that her identity is now in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour of her life, has given her the assurance she needs. Sade testified what a blessing it was to be part of the Day and to be able to contribute and allow the Holy Spirit room to work, so we could receive from God. She had spoken to the Lord before the event started, seeking Him for a move, because she needed a shift in her place of work. She has been going through a very difficult time, and the pressure was becoming unbearable. She said the praise and worship sessions blessed her immensely, and felt she’d had a release. She decided to stay in the place of praise and worship and not get distracted. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and on that day, as she stayed in that place of praise and worship, God came through for her, and answered her prayers. We shared communion together at the end, as it was the last Women’s Prayer and Praise Day for the year. As the meeting ended, many felt they wouldn’t be the same again, and were looking forward to seeing their prayers answered. We ended with fellowship and a buffet lunch, with many saying they were looking forward to next year’s events. What a great time of unity and love shown between one sister and the next. It was truly a blessed day, getting deeper into God’s presence.

Pastor Rajinder BUXTON


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