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MANKIND We believe in the universal sinfulness

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It was an evening filled with such joy and expectation, as family and friends came to watch their loved ones getting baptised in water. The supporters included unchurched family and friends, and what a great opportunity it was to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who has the power to love, forgive and transform lives. The message was on the Parable of the Lost Sheep, and showed us the worth and value God places upon each individual life. He reaches out to the one lost individual who is of great value to Him. In the sight of God, there are no worthless people; Jesus died to draw every person to Himself.

Great testimonies were shared, and each candidate was baptised in water. This is a symbolic, outward demonstration of what has already happened inside a person’s heart. When someone is baptised, they are ‘buried’ in the water, which symbolises how Christ was buried for our sins in the grave. When someone comes up out of the water, this symbolises they are raised to a new resurrection life, even as Jesus rose from the dead on the third day to save us from our sins.


If you would like to be baptised in water, please collect the information form from the Information desk; fill in the registration form, place it in my pigeonhole, and we will contact you.

Pastor Rajinder Buxton

Nirmita AMIN My life was so empty, and I searched for something to fill my life. Jesus saved me from my sins, freeing me from anxiety and loneliness, fear and everything that once held me down. He now lives in me, and guides my life.

Somaye KABIRI Jesus showed me His power by healing my foot that was in real pain. After receiving my healing, I decided to give my life to Jesus, as He is alive and real. Tia BAIDEN My mum told me that my life was a real miracle, as I was only a month old when I nearly lost my life. I got to know Jesus when I was still young. He died for all my sins, and I have received eternal life. Angela BURINI Jesus Christ has given me purpose and peace. I thank Him for my salvation. Gladys BURINI I thank God for eternal life and for saving me. Kiara HAJEZY I have found purpose in life. Jesus Christ forgave me, so I can have a relationship with Him - not just for now, but for eternity.

Nia KASSARA I searched for something that was missing from my life, and found out it was Jesus. A friend took me to church, and I gave my life to Jesus who is now my comfort and a friend to me. He has brought me hope.

Loic NGABO I have been given a fresh start by Jesus Christ. Jesse OGUNFUYE I want to get baptised, because I have given my life Jesus, and I want to identify with Him in accordance with His commandment. Sharon OKORONKWO I was unhappy with myself until Jesus found me. He healed my body of cancer, and taught me patience and wisdom. I worship Jesus every day, as He died for me, and took away my sins. He loves and guides my life.

Ramona QUINONEZ (pictured left) Jesus Christ has given me unconditional love, and I feel worthy and secure in Him. He died for me, and His blood has cleansed me from sin. He paid the ultimate price so I can be freed. Daniel STANLEY I am a born-again believer now, once having been into drugs and crime. Jesus saved me from death on numerous occasions. He has restored my life and filled my emptiness with His love. He died for me to save me from my sins. Victoria VINET For many years I tried to figure out my identity. God showed me my true identity in Him and He cleared my debts of sin. Jesus has transformed my life. He defeated death on the Cross for me, so that I can live eternally with Him.

“One family of many nations, proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples”

The statement above are the words which we use to describe our church. We believe that God has called us to be a church of prayer. A church where the Word of God is preached with boldness and is missionally relevant. A church where true worship is central to all we do. A church that is relational with God and with one another. A church where every member is spirit-filled, and lives a supernaturally Christlike life. Here at ECC, we believe that we are one unique family. Our family is diverse in age, culture and backgrounds.

As a church, we believe God has brought together people from all over the world to come and worship together here at ECC. We also believe that everyone has a part to play in this. 1 Corinthians 12 tells us ‘Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.’ Each part of the body is extremely important, and as a church we cannot function properly without all of these different parts.

We believe everyone should be rooted and planted in a local church. This is why we champion church membership at ECC. We believe that, as people make this commitment to become a member here at ECC, they will also continue to grow in their faith and love for God. It also formally brings them under the covering of ECC.

If you haven’t done so already, we would love for you to begin the journey to become a member here at ECC. It is always exciting to welcome new people into membership, and to help you decide, we asked our newest members why they chose to join ECC.

Welcoming New Members

Nirmita AMIN I am the only Christian in my family. I want to be part of a community and family where we can pray together and share our testimonies. I want to grow in the Lord with other people, and in turn help my family as well. Janine CUMMINGS I have been attending ECC for almost 10 years. I left twice, and each time I left, I felt as if something was missing. I missed my spiritual home. ECC is an important part of my life, and I want to grow further here as a woman in Christ. I want to contribute.

Nchimunya NG’ANDU I have been attending ECC for about 10 years, and have grown so much in my spiritual life thanks to the church. After joining a few ministries, it began to feel more like a home than just a place of worship. It has become a place I look forward to coming to serve the Lord, a place I look forward to coming to see friendly and familiar faces, a place that imparts ways in which I am trying to live my life. Therefore, I felt it was only right to become a member and join the ECC family. Oluwatope JAGUN I want to become a member because ECC loves God and His people. Missionaries are trained, the leadership are for Christ and for the Kingdom. The traditions are passed on from generation to generation. Sheila GILCHRIST After a lot of searching, the Lord has eventually led me to ECC, where I feel welcomed, loved and accepted in Christ Jesus. The worship is awesome, and able to break through into the presence of God. The word is true and abiding in the truth of the Bible. It is good to see obedience to the word and go forth making disciples of all nations. And a great emphasis on prayer. I acknowledge the leaders as part of God’s government authority and I acknowledge the leaders and would like to come under their authority in these troubling times.

Mickey WHITAKER I want to become a member because I want to have a good foundation to build upon, which being a member of ECC will do. Leonardo QUINONEZ To become a member and have a deeper relationship with God. To serve, to integrate with other sisters and brothers, and to fulfil God’s commission.

Klaudia ZABLZYNSKA I can see and feel God every time I come to ECC. ECC is alive to evangelism, the people are full of prayer. I am far away from Poland, but I feel at home here. I think ECC is very well organised, and is following God with all its heart. The leaders are always open to speak about any issue in my life, and always ready to pray. Ramona QUINONEZ To become part of a family who carry forward God’s message. To have relationship with others and spread God’s Word.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matthew 25:35 NIV) T he aim of the Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) is to provide a safe and warm environment for those who are sleeping on the streets, potential rough sleepers and the hidden homeless in our borough.

Ealing Christian Centre (ECC) first opened its doors three years ago to become one of a group of churches who have welcomed guests into our spiritual home, one day a week for six weeks. The recent winter session for ECWNS ran from 25th November to 31st March in churches around Ealing. In January 2020 ECC was privileged to invite 27 guests, who were looked after by over 40 volunteers from ECC, whose ages ranged from 11 to over 70 years old.

The set-up team practically arranged and made around 14 beds in the foyer area, which accommodate 11 men and 3 women. We also made up two additional beds for the overnight team.

The evening team welcomed our guests with a drink, a delicious hot meal with pudding, conversation and companionship. The foyer was transformed into a warm, comfortable, safe place, where guests could have fun, play board and cards or just relax for the evening.

The overnight team watched over guests for 8 hours between 10pm and 6am as our guests slept. Some took the opportunity to have a short nap in one of the additional beds set up for team members as others kept watch.

The morning shift – from 6am to 9am - was responsible for waking guests, providing a full English breakfast with porridge, and a small packed lunch if requested. After breakfast, the refreshment area and foyer area were cleared of camp beds, bedlinen and dividers.

After our morning guests leave ECC, we arrange for towels and bedlinen to be laundered ready for our next session. Beds and other bedding are then transferred to the next venue by one of our team, ready for the guests’ next night in another shelter. Our volunteers have been greatly impacted by serving on team. Here are some of their comments:

“Volunteering for the night shelter was a humbling experience for me.”

“The night shift was great for me. I felt led to do this shift by the Lord, as some may say it’s difficult, but what a privilege it was to serve others. God is no respecter of persons - we are all equal to Him - and I will definitely do it again next year.” (Kiren)

“Volunteering to support the Winter Night Shelter was so rewarding in many different ways. As well as giving my time and being there to try and encourage and support the guests ECC were hosting, I got a lot out of it too. The experience was an eye opener in many ways, and it also gave me the chance to meet and work alongside some wonderful people.” (Sharlene)

“It’s been a blessing and a privilege to volunteer for EWNS at ECC. In previous years I had wanted to take part but, due to other commitments, I was unable to. 2020 was the year! I mainly did the set-up shift in the afternoon, and this involved getting the beds and the foyer ready for the guests. It was a great feeling, knowing that men and women would be able to receive a good meal and be in a comfortable environment for the night. Through volunteering, I have met some wonderful people at ECC, and we all worked together to make this a success.” (Rhieme)

We would like to thank everyone who has donated, time, money, gifts and prayer. Many of the guests in the shelter have received help to move forward in their lives. Whether it is assistance with finding accommodation or legal advice. We have seen the difference in our volunteers, as well as the guests, and we were able to a care gift, which included a Bible for each guest that attended our last session. They were really happy to receive it.


Ealing Foodbank started in October 2013, and they work with agencies, such as care professionals, doctors, health visitors, social workers and the police, who are on the frontline in our community. Since then, they have helped many people to obtain food and other essential items during a period of emergency or crisis – sufficient to ‘tide them over’ for a minimum of three days.

As a result, during the period of April 2019 to January 2020, Ealing Foodbank have fed a total of 11,857 people, which is approx a 28% increase over the previous period total of 9199.

Over the last 10 months, our congregation has generously donated 400kg of food, which has fed around 40 people. The Foodbank contacts us at the beginning of each month with a list of items they need. We list those items on the information board outside of the main auditorium, on Church News (Sunday Notices), and people can also contact the church office to find out what donations are needed.

We have a collection point in the church, where people can leave donations after both morning services only the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month. The donations are then picked up by Martin Moran, and taken to the distribution centre at St Mellitus Church in Hanwell. For further information about Ealing Foodbank, please visit ealing. foodbank.org.uk.

SOURCE: Ealing Foodbank

How Foodbank works

Those who require Foodbank services would approach one of these agencies - of which ECC is one - to discuss what assistance they need. The individuals would be referred to one of the client centres (see table above), where they would exchange their referral voucher for a minimum of three days’ emergency food. The Client Centre/Cafés are really welcoming; they often have volunteers who are able to offer a listening ear and a cuppa, as the people wait to receive their food parcels.

ECC’s involvement

As a church, Ealing Christian Centre has played a supportive role in contributing through donations of food, toiletries and essentials over the years. The Foodbank then calculates the weight of food and other items collected. Donations are weighed using scales, and this helps the Foodbank to keep a record of items received.

People are looking to the church to provide help and hope in the days ahead, and we want to able to do more for our community.

PICTURE: Distribution Centre

In the great scheme of things, our donations may seem like a drop in the ocean, but every packet of pasta, tin of beans, canned meat or fish can be used to help feed an individual (pictured below). We would love to see an increase this year in our contribution towards this worthy cause.

PICTURE: Individual food allowance

On behalf of ECC and Ealing Foodbank, we would like to thank you for your generosity over the years. People are looking to the church to provide help and hope in the days ahead, and we want to able to do more for our community. We are also considering how can we help those within our church community in times of need. The challenge is to decide which part you can play to make a difference to see ‘Faith Works with Action’.

If you would like additional information, or you have a heart and passion to get involved with this ministry, please contact me in the church office

Sharon Grant Pastoral Care

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