Heartbeat Magazine June 2015 Edition

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Be at Peace


Today we can thank God for His loving kindness and tender mercies. It's so wonderful to know that by keeping our minds on today not on yesterday His word reassures us that right through to the end of life here on earth focusing on Him each day will bring us the new Grace and support we need. He will bring us gladness each day and watch each day for new, happy things; disregarding the things we would not have chosen, like the negatives of gossip of people of the world, so we have a choice to chose to rejoice in the sunshine of His love. - Suzanne Ervin We are to let the fruit of His spirit take over our lives by seeking to be like His love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance (self-control) Galatians 5: 22-23


Book a Session A Portrait A Scene & Flowers An Animal



Artist Suzanne Ervin www.semyart.com





Mission: Sharing About Living with Heart. Create * Conceive * Connect

Letter from the Editor


News, Celebrations, and Giveaways

Heart of Fashion


Every wonder how to describe a neckline? & Fiammisday.com

Recipe Corner

13 4

Berry-Lemon Cheesecake Squares

You Asked? We Answered.


Journal Giveaway!

How can I get my power back?

Back to School Bash


Project Outreach Naples Kids Backpack Fundraiser Event

Heart of Home & Family


WIN it!

Make Your Day Count

Book Review


Miracle At The Higher Grounds Cafe

Austin Goes to Summer School


Heart of Travel


online at heartbeatmag.com 6Enter under the Giveaway section

Hiking the Historic Chilkoot Trail

Tech Tips & Apps


Weather via tech... & June Apps

Featured Foundation


American Cancer Society

4 Berry-Lemon Cheesecake Squares Photo: Pillsbury.com


Are some companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answer. Online, we share exclusive company reviews. Be sure to visit us at www.heartbeatmag.com.

Letter from the Editor

Are you going on any family trips this summer? We have a trip planned to go to Washington, D.C. and see the Smithsonian, the White House, and all the historical buildings! Every summer we try and do a trip with our kids and make it memorable. I remember many road trips with my parents heading to Montreal for the summer. I'd spend a few weeks with my cousins and grandparents and it was so special. I will be planning a road trip for my kids in the future to Canada, but we have to get their passports renewed! For now we will just enjoy the open roads and the summertime we have together. A great journal is being offered as this month's giveaway! Enter on our giveaway page for your chance to win. Be a contributor or advertise with us, visit our website or send us an email at info@heartbeatmag.com!

With love, Nicole Flothe Managing Editor


Send us an email at info@heartbeatmag.com

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Managing Editor NICOLE FLOTHE Photographer MELINDA NAGY OTERO Photographer JENNY PLOCINSKI Art Director SUZANNE ERVIN Editor CHERYL FLOTHE Cover - Gilmanshin photography CONNECT www.TWITTER.com/Heartbeat_mag FACEBOOK HEARTBEAT CONNECTION facebook.com/heartbeatconnection

Blessed is she who believes. Luke 1:45

This month's cover features a child model with a sweet summer dress ready to play all day. Photographed by Robyn Jones Photography.


Lee Heyward - Style with Lee Shelly Aristizabal - You Asked & We Answered Beth Gatrell - Tech Tip of the Week Cheryl Flothe - Heart of Travel, Recipe Corner Heart of Home & Family

by Lee Heyward StylewithLee.com

"Now you know!” says Charleston, SC–based style expert and author, Lee Heyward.

On June 21st, Lee Heyward participated in the Walk for Peace Unity Chain in Charleston, SC at Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. The event was posted ,on Facebook and almost 10,000 people went to show their support for the families that were lost in a mass shooting that took place at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nine people were shot and killed by a 21 year old. We continue to pray for the families and those effected by this tragedy.


The Children's Fashion Blog Outfit and Kids' Style Happy Birthday FIAMMETTA. Today you turn five!

Fiammisday.com Blogger Simona from Florence, Italy

Every mother knows it. The love for children is total, is infinite, is pure madness. It is what fills you, that defines you, that makes you feel alive, despite the difficulties, the sacrifices, life that changes. And I feel completely this LOVE for you, Fiammetta. I love you with all my strength and with all that I can show you and I put aside the guilt and the fear of not having all the

time for you, because I know that when I look at you, when we hug each other, you feel this love from me. I adore you Fiammetta, but I also love your father, my job, my being a woman, as well as mother. You’re a special child, full of life and infinitely sensitive. You’re always on the move, but when you stop, you reflect more then many people do. You’re always cheerful and you smile with your heart. You are my pride, my joy, my battery. And today I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you with all my heart full of you. Play, have fun, live as you do every day. Your dad and I will be here, watching you grow, learn, become what you are. We are here, at all times and forever. With love, Your mom


Recipe Corner

by Cheryl Flothe

With 4th of July coming up I wanted to find a creative and fun recipe to reflect this special holiday. I think you’ll love these delicious and showy Berry-Lemon Cheesecake Squares I found at Pillsbury.com. They are so festive with the pastry stars, but you could vary the berries and pastry shapes to fit any occasion. I think kids would enjoy helping put these desserts together, as well. Have a safe and memorable 4th of July! Ingredients Pastry Squares: 1 box Pillsbury™ refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box 1 teaspoon milk Filling: 2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 cup whipping cream 1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup sugar 1 to 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel Berries: 1 cup fresh blackberries 1/2 cup fresh raspberries 1/2 cup fresh blueberries

Instructions: 1. Heat oven to 450°F. Unroll crusts on lightly floured work surface. With rolling pin, roll each crust to 11 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut 1 (8 1/2-inch) square out of center of each round. Cut 4 squares from each large square, making 8 (4 1/4-inch) squares. Fold up all sides of each square 1/2 inch and roll inward to form thick crust edge. Brush edges with milk; sprinkle with 2 teaspoons sugar. Place on ungreased large cookie sheet. Bake 6 to 8 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool completely, about 10 minutes. 2. Using small cookie cutters, cut shapes out of crust scraps. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 2 to 3 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely, about 5 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, in small bowl, beat whipping cream with electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form. In another small bowl, beat cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar and the lemon peel on medium speed until fluffy. Fold in whipped cream. Spoon rounded 3 tablespoons mixture into each pastry square. Arrange berries and crust cutouts over filling. Cover and refrigerate any remaining squares. 4. Heat oven to 450°F. Unroll crusts on lightly floured work surface. With rolling pin, roll each crust to 11 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut 1 (8 1/2-inch) square out of center of each round. Cut 4 squares from each large square, making 8 (4 1/4-inch) squares. Fold up all sides of each square 1/2 inch and roll inward to form thick crust edge. Brush edges with milk; sprinkle with 2 teaspoons sugar. Place on ungreased large cookie sheet. Bake 6 to 8 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool completely, about 10 minutes. 5. Using small cookie cutters, cut shapes out of crust scraps. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 2 to 3 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely, about 5 minutes. 6. Meanwhile, in small bowl, beat whipping cream with electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form. In another small bowl, beat cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar and the lemon peel on medium speed until fluffy. Fold in whipped cream. Spoon rounded 3 tablespoons mixture into each pastry square. Arrange berries and crust cutouts over filling. Cover and refrigerate any remaining squares. Makes 8 servings.


by Nicole Flothe

by Shelly Aristizabal of Business Women Connect

Q: How can I get my power back? Are you haunted by something that happened in your past? Whether someone wronged you or you made a decision you regret, maybe you have anger or resentment. What you may not realize is that powerful, self-destructive emotions like anger, hate and resentment can cause you to pay an incredibly high price. A: Forgiveness is the way to get your power back. There is power in forgiveness. Forgiving the people who hurt you, even if they don't ask for it, is what you do for yourself, not for other people. When you forgive, it doesn't mean that you approve of what's happened. Rather, it means that you're giving yourself permission to move on with your life.

Please help support our friends' Project Outreach Naples Back to School Bash! You can Sponsor a Child in Need for $20! They will receive a FREE Haircut, Backpack and School Supplies!.........OR Donate School Supplies and bring them to The Floor Meisters next to Costco's!! We want to Help 300 Children! 1 Box of 24 Pencils 1 Pack of 24 Crayons 1 Pack of Colored Pencils 1 Large Eraser 2 Marble Composition Notebooks 3 Packs Wide Ruled Notebook Paper 1 Box of Quart Zip Lock Bags 5 Different Colored Folders 1 Box of Gallon Zip Lock Bags 6 Elmer's Glue Sticks 1 Pair of Scissors 1 Package of Expo Dry Erase Markers 1 Yellow Highlighter www.ProjectOutreachNaples.com

Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you may always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life. To learn more visit... www.businesswomenconnect.com or www.shellyaristizabal.com


HEART OF HOME AND FAMILY MAKE YOUR DAY COUNT! by Cheryl Flothe “Where did the day go?” we ask. Total up time spent sleeping, doing errands and chores, eating, working, and commuting; and we find our 24-hour day’s almost used up. To get more time out of your day, it’s good to be organized. Here are a few ideas: Make a to-do-list: Starting your day with a list of things you need to accomplish helps you stay focused, rather than absent-mindedly jumping from task to task.

Finish at least 3 important tasks from your list: Knowing you’ve achieved your major goals for the day leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment. Watch your internal clock: We all have times during the day we are most productive---use them to your advantage. Reserve your most productive times for important or technical tasks; spend the time you’re less energetic on creative, non-crucial activities. Prepare for your day: A little advance planning goes a long way. Morning disorganization can be averted by getting things done the night before so you’re ready for the next day. Get your rest: It’s hard to focus when you’re tired; so try to get a good night’s sleep. Eat healthy: Our bodies function best when fueled with the proper nutrition. Don’t go without healthy meals--doughnuts and coffee are not enough to keep you going and focused. And remember to stay hydrated! You’d be surprised how lack of fluids can tire you out. Get moving: Walking or exercising only 10 minutes a day can make a difference in your energy level, health, and attitude. Limit checking emails & social media: Cutting back on time spent online can free up a lot of time for other activities. Delegate: Often we try to do everything ourselves when we could accomplish more by delegating. Make time for yourself and loved ones: Our biggest regret during the day is not having quality time for ourselves or families. Carving out time spent on other activities can free up valuable personal time. And finally, “Don’t sweat the small stuff!”


by Nicole Flothe

Miracle At The Higher Grounds Cafe I love having the opportunity to read inspirational books from BookLookBloggers.com. This last month I choose a book called Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe, by Max Lucado with Candace Lee & Eric Newman. What I loved about the book was the mystery and possibilities of the main character. The story focuses around a woman that has left her football star husband as he cheated on her. Her mother passed away and left her coffee shop to her daughter. She loves to bake and has moved with her two kids into her mother's home with the coffee shop. The older son is frustrated as he wants his parents to work things out. She finds out she has a large tax debt that her mother never paid and her troubles begin. Her estranged spouse still wants to be with her and work things out, but she can’t see this ever happening. Throughout the book there is a man that helps in different ways. She had a hired helper that quit and he just happened to show up and be able to work for her. The book shared how this special person was her guardian angel. He was to protect her and keep her safe. As the cafe struggled to survive with the tax debt and the few patrons, she didn’t know how she was going to stay open. The competition offered free wifi and she didn’t have this capability until one night a vendor came in and said she could use their global wifi for a few months. She accepted and the cafe began to prosper, but the funny thing was that the internet only offered one website. It was a blog written by God and you were able to ask one question. Each person that came in had the opportunity to ask any question they wanted on the blog and they would get a response. People started coming from all around to see the answers that were offered and try and figure out who was behind this blog site. What I liked about the story was how the family situations were shared and they were so realistic. I could really feel the frustration and anxieties when she was dealing with her business and her personal life. Another thing I thought was interesting was how the book explained the guardian angel's role and that he didn’t always have all the answers, but was there

when she needed him. All she had to do was ask or pray. Trust was a big issue throughout the book and I would say made the most impact in the novel. I would recommend reading this book when you have some free time this summer! To learn more about the author visit maxlucado.com


by Nicole Flothe Here are some pics of Austin in the first week of summer school. He's making a lot of friends. Austin and his friend, Eric, have been racing each other in their chairs. Before we start our day at school we go for a 30 minute walk around the school on all the paved trails. Austin loves gym class; he gets a lot of PT/OT and loves the swing.

To learn more about Austin and his journey to recovery visit Facebook.com/austinervinhealing. He continues to progress with his nursing care, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and schooling. We all thank you for your prayers, support, and belief in his recovery.


by Cheryl Flothe Growing up in Alaska we heard stories of the historic Chilkoot Trail and learned the history of the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush in school. More than 30,000 adventurous gold stampeders travelled north to Dawson City, Yukon Territory over the 3,000 foot high trail in hopes of striking it rich. Hiking the trail and following in the footsteps of those brave (sometimes foolhardy) souls was something for the outdoor magazines to report. Even when my father-in-law, a gold miner himself, hiked the trail in 1975, I never dreamed of taking on that trail! Then, the year before we turned 50, an old friend called and asked my husband and I to hike the Chilkoot with his group of six. I’d never undertaken such a long hike and wondered if it would be too hard. But, my husband (who’d crosscountry skied in the mountains and hiked miles into the back country) thought I could do it, so we agreed to go. The adventure was on----it was time to plan and get in shape!

Our friend hiked the trail before, so he had a list of supplies and equipment and knew all the necessary procedures. First, we had to call Parks Canada to obtain the required back country hiking permits, then we called the White Pass-Yukon Railroad to reserve tickets for our return trip off the trail from Lake Bennett, British Columbia to Skagway, Alaska. The train tickets arrived in the mail within a week, and we picked up the hiking permits at the National Park Trail Center at 2nd and Broadway in Skagway. You also need to check in to let the Park Service know you‘ll be hiking the trail, give them a projected schedule of where you’ll be camping each night, and tell them how many days you plan to be on the trail. Only 50 hikers per day are allowed to hike through to Lake Bennett, but there are also day hikers who hike part of the trail. Today you need to present your passport at the Trail Center in Skagway and at the Canadian Ranger Station at the top of the Chilkoot Pass as you travel into Canada.


In gathering our supplies and equipment, one indispensible purchase we made was lightweight pants with zip-off legs. They doubled as shorts and could be worn over long underwear or tights for added warmth. We also had light-weight rain pants and jackets for rainy and cooler days. Worn over our fleece jackets and pants, we stayed warm, even when there was snow on the ground at the top of the Pass. I suggest you also bring a knit hat, gloves, and several pairs of boot liner socks and hiking socks. Our hiking boots were waterproof for walking through snow and streams, and we wore them on some advance hikes to break them in. Don’t forget to bring a water filter, as you will be drinking stream water. And a large compactor bag to cover your pack in case of rain is a good idea. There are warm-up cabins at all campgrounds used for cooking or gathering. The cabins on the U.S. side have wood stoves, but there are none on the Canadian side. As you’ll be sleeping in tents, make sure your tent has a rainfly and enough room for your gear. And also make sure you pack a sleep pad (inflatables are the best). The 33 mile long trail begins at Dyea near Skagway, Alaska and ends at Lake Bennett, British Columbia. We stayed at Dyea Campground, then parked our vehicles in town where we picked them up after the hike. Some people take a shuttle from Skagway to the trailhead. The Dyea Campground, near the site of an old town, costs $10.00 per night and is first-come-first-served. There are picnic tables, fire pits, and outhouses; but no water, firewood, or food services at Dyea. Be prepared to bring everything you need for the hike and the night before.


Hiking gear we took with us over the trail including our assortment of non-perishable, lightweight food.

The Chilkoot Trail rises from sea level in Dyea to 3,739 feet at the top of Chilkoot Pass. You will cover many types of terrain including wooded areas, steep rocky paths, and snow covered trails; so be prepared in advance by training on other trails. You will see relics left by the Stampeders, but make sure to leave them undisturbed.

Hiking the Chilkoot Trail is a memorable, often once-in-a-lifetime trip. You’ll experience awe inspiring vistas, steep rocky trails, and magical forests. Keep in mind you will be living off what you have in your packs for the three to five days on the trail, so plan carefully and be prepared athletically. And don’t forget your camera--you’ll be re-living the trip for years to come. For information on hiking the Chilkoot Trail go to http://www.nps.gov/klgo/planyourvisit/chilkoottrail.htm. And for booking reservations on the White Pass Yukon Railroad, see http://wpyr.com/ or call 1-800-3437343.


June Apps by Nicole Flothe

Weather via tech... by Beth Gatrell Whether you’re traveling or just want to be aware of severe weather in your area, head online for everything you need to know. We are lucky to have so many sources for weather warnings like The Weather Channel and Accuweather, which give you current weather conditions, forecasts, travel weather, radar, alerts, and more for

June Apps: To make summer more enjoyable I decided to check out a few radio apps. Simple Radio is one that offers trending searches for pop music, sports, country, and more. Plenti is popping up everywhere, I see the ads for it at the gas station, at Macy's, and now on tv. I'm trying to save with my new Plenti app! Dot Muncher, Drive Ahead!, DudePerfect2, Bus Derby, and FourinARow are all great summer games for my kids. They're great to keep them entertained! Lastly, I downloaded PHHHOTO. It's a fun app that takes a few photos in a row and then saves them as a quick moving video. I created my first trial photos and want to figure out more details before I share some fun videos on Facebook and Vine. What apps are you using this summer? Share with us online!

whatever area you enter. You can sign up for special weather alerts delivered to your mobile device, as well. Other great sites to check out include Weather underground and The National Weather Service. Many sites have free Apps available that will help you on the go as well. When facing severe weather it’s always a good idea to have a kit or area made up with all the emergency supplies you would need for disasters prone to your neighborhood. Checking online with places like the National Hurricane Center and you own local emergency responders can provide you with checklists to make sure you get everything you need. To make things even more convenient, you can order a readymade emergency kit from Lifesecure. And while you’re making up your emergency supply kit don’t forget your pets. Wishing good weather to all of our friends and hoping you all stay safe today and "Into Tomorrow".

To view more information about iPhone apps visit


www.heartbeatmag.com, What's on my iPhone.

Featured Foundation

by Nicole Flothe

Do you know all the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY does? My friend, Julie Thomas, from Project Outreach Naples, recently had lunch with Olyvia Eldridge and was amazed! Check it out! Here are the bullet-points for what American Cancer Society does, locally and abroad: · Look Good…Feel Better: Teaches beauty techniques to women in active treatment to help them combat appearancerelated side effects of cancer. They provide wigs, turbans, scarves, cosmetics · Reach to Recovery: One-on-one support and education for breast cancer patients facing diagnosis, in-treatment, and after surgery dealing with emotional and physical effects of hair loss and skin changes · Road to Recovery: Volunteer drivers transport patients to/from treatment and provides alternative transportation resources (cabs, etc.) if needed · HOPE Lodges: Living accommodations for patient and caregiver while undergoing treatment away from home. It's in areas other than Tampa and Gainesville (in Florida), highly

discounted hotel rates provided by hotel partners nationwide. · Research: Funds scientist work in labs to cancer study groups with the general population. · 1-800-227-2345: 24/7 call center for patients and families, oncology nurses guide patients on understanding various treatment options, suggests questions to ask doctors, compassionate individuals available to help patients and families during emotional times when they just need someone to talk to who understands what they’re going through, etc. · www.cancer.org: Website filled with resources for preventive health and nutrition, info for newly diagnosed, treatment explanations, etc. · Advocacy: Volunteers and staff provide “voice” to state and national legislators to keep funding in budgets for research, grass-roots efforts to change laws that relate to cancer health, such as gaining smoke-free workplaces, adding $1.00 tax to a pack of cigarettes, etc.




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