Heartbeat Magazine January 2015

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The Road Not Taken BY Robert Frost 1920


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.


Book a Session A Portrait A Scene & Flowers An Animal



Artist Suzanne Ervin www.semyart.com





Mission: Sharing About Living with Heart. Create * Conceive * Connect

Letter from the Editor


News, Celebrations, and Giveaways

Heart of Fashion


Don't Wear What You Think You Should & Fiammisday.com

Recipe Corner

13 4

WIN it!

Frig Food Tips & Recipes for Leftovers

You Asked? We Answered.


How Do I Live My Dream?

Poland Girls


Cover Girls - Emerald & Anni Poland

Players & Pawns


FREE Social Media Online Class (Retail Value of $100) Enter online at heartbeatmag.com under the Giveaway section.

In A Lover's Game of Catch & Release

Heart of Home & Family


Gratitude is Good For The Soul


Austin Loves Cooking


Heart of Travel


Blast Off to Kennedy Space Center!

The Wishing Season



Book Review

Tech Tips & Apps


Tech Out Your Winter Weather & January Apps

Featured Foundation WeDay.com

Photo: Food.com




Are some companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answer. Online, we share exclusive company reviews. Be sure to visit us at www.heartbeatmag.com.

Letter from the Editor

Recently my husband went on a business trip to New York and my daughter and I joined him. He went to his conference while we enjoyed sightseeing in downtown Manhattan. When we left our hotel and walked right to Time Square, it was like walking to an outdoor mall. We toured many of the local shops and window browsed as we went down the road. We ended up walking to Radio City Music Hall and Rockefeller Center, so many memorable moments that I'll always cherish. This month I've been working on helping Cancer Alliance of Naples with their upcoming Wine, Women & Shoes event scheduled for Feb. 5th & 6th. I have the task of collecting all the treasures and gift certificates for the Dream closet from California Closets. One lucky lady will win the entire closet! I'm happy to help this great charity and see the excited expressions on all the ladies! This month our giveaway is one Free online Social Media Class valued at $100 by JENSTARMEDIA! Enter on our giveaway page for your chance to win.


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Managing Editor NICOLE FLOTHE Photographer MELINDA NAGY OTERO Photographer JENNY PLOCINSKI Art Director SUZANNE ERVIN Editor CHERYL FLOTHE Cover - Emerald Poland & Anni Poland CONNECT www.TWITTER.com/Heartbeat_mag FACEBOOK HEARTBEAT CONNECTION facebook.com/heartbeatconnection

If you'd like to be a contributor or are interested in advertising, visit our website or send us an email at info@heartbeatmag.com!

With love, Nicole Flothe Managing Editor

This month's cover features my high school friend Molly Blakeley-Poland's beautiful daughters, Emerald and Anni. Photographed by Jon of Artistic Puppy Creative, www.artisticpuppy.com


Follow Your Heart!

Lee Heyward - Style with Lee Shelly Aristizabal - You Asked & We Answered Beth Gatrell - Tech Tip of the Week Cheryl Flothe - Heart of Travel, Recipe Corner Heart of Home & Family


by Lee Heyward

Wearing what you SHOULD has become an epidemic that kills your success every time. You score an awesome speaking gig and immediately think, “I should wear a suit. That will be professional.” In some instances a suit may be perfect, but before you put on what you think you should wear, ask yourself these questions: 1. What do I feel most confident in? When you’re on stage you need to be bigger than life so confidence is key. Wear what makes you feel as if you can conquer the world. 2. What will help my audience remember my message? Time is precious. People want the time spent listening to you to be worthwhile - so they need to remember what you say. Your clothing can be a powerful tool to help you connect with an audience. I have a friend who wore a bathrobe for an entire presentation just to get a

point across. I have worn a ridiculous looking muumuu at the beginning of a presentation to reveal how your clothing effects what people think about you. The more strategy you put behind this, the more successful your talk. 3. How can I stand out? People only remember 7% of what you say, so it’s important to present yourself to stand out. This feels scary to those who prefer to just do a good job and blend in. When you stand out you imprint yourself as an expert in a person’s mind. If everyone typically dresses in black, wear color. If blazers are the norm, wear yours on stage and then take it off. You add value to your audience by being different and providing them with something they don’t already know how to do. If you're ready to step on stage with confidence and want a wardrobe strategy, let's talk! Send an email to me at info@stylewithlee.com.

The Children's Fashion Blog Outfit and Kid's Style

Fiammisday.com Blogger Simona from Florence, Italy

Recently, Fiametta and I went to the Polo Ralph Lauren children’s event at the Barberino Designer Outlet. This outlet is the most popular in the area and one of many of the McArthurGlen chains, full of shops and fantastic bargains! It was a jaw-dropping event showing Polo Ralph Lauren’s new Children’s store inside the outlet. The Barberino Designer Outlet became a magical place: balloons transformed into colorful horses everywhere, checkered blankets so soft you wanted to take home all of them, pastries and freshly squeezed orange juice, fabulous makeup for children, horse racing with its trophy, every kind of photographers, and lots of children to enjoy it all. Fiametta really loved our afternoon together with colors everywhere, her super fashion shoes, smiles, and happiness.


Recipe Corner by Cheryl Flothe Do you throw all your leftovers away? I try to use mine or freeze what I can for later, but I’m sometimes guilty of letting produce or leftovers sit too long. I just looked up food waste in the U.S. and the National Resource Development Council gave some frightening statistics. About 40% of food in the U.S. is wasted, totaling $165 billion! Consumers and households contribute a high percentage of that amount. According to their online article, Smarter Living: Living Well---Saving Leftovers Saves Money and Resources: The average American throws away between $28 and $43 in the form of about 20 pounds of food each month. If we wasted just 15 percent less food, it would be enough to feed 25 million Americans. Some of the reasons for wasting so much food include over-buying, letting foods spoil before being used, and cooking and serving too much food. What can you do to reduce household food waste and save money on your food budget? 1. Make a weekly or monthly meal plan so you won’t over-buy perishable ingredients that will go bad. 2. Put the oldest items in front of the frig to be used first. 3. Know how long food can be kept. Often the “use by” or “sell by” dates are for maximum quality rather than food safety. Here’s the link to the Foodsafety.gov website for a guide to print out and keep it on hand for reference: http://www.foodsafety.gov/keep/charts/storagetimes.html 4. Another good site for storing foods and using leftovers is: http://thinkeatsave.org/index.php/be-informed/tips-consumer 5. Keep an eye on what’s in your frig so it won’t go bad before it can be used. How often have you seen a food item, intending to take it out and cook it, only to put it off until it’s too late? 6. Freeze produce, fruits, vegetables, meats, and leftovers before they go to waste. 7. Incorporate leftovers into your next meal. Below are two easy recipes I’ve made often using leftovers. Enjoy and start saving on your food budget!

Barbeque Meat Sandwiches


Ingredients: 1. 2-3 pounds leftover meat (roast beef, chicken, pork, or ground) 2. 12 ounces of barbeque sauce 3. 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 4. 2 pickles, sliced 5. 4-6 buns or 8-12 slices of bread Directions: 1. Shred or cut meat into thin slices. 2. Mix enough barbeque sauce to moisten per taste. I like mine a little sloppy. 3. Put into bowl with a lid. 4. Refrigerate overnight or freeze. 5. When ready to use, thaw, if frozen; and microwave until hot, usually 2 minutes at a time. 6. Serve on buns with sliced onion and pickles. Note: If you want to use right away, just heat through and serve. Serves 4-6


Mashed Potato Pancakes

PHOTO FROM Food.com Ingredients: 1. 2 cups mashed potatoes (approximately) 2. 1 - 2 eggs 3. 1/4 cup flour 4. Salt 5. Pepper 6. Garlic 7. Diced onion and chives (optional) 8. Shredded cheese (optional 9. Oil or shortening, for frying 10. Sour cream or applesauce for garnish (optional) Directions: 1. Mix mashed potatoes, egg, flour, salt, pepper, garlic, and any optional ingredients, into mashed potatoes. 2. Preheat skillet & add a couple of tablespoons of shortening or oil. 3. Make sure the mixture is not too thin. 4. Pour 1/4 cup batter into hot pan; brown on both sides. 5. Enjoy with sour cream or applesauce. Note: I use these as sides to a meal. Serves 2.

by Shelly Aristizabal of Business Women Connect

Q: Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams If you are not currently living your dream life, you may have a little nagging feeling that something is missing from your life or perhaps you have the desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Have you ever thought about how wonderful it would be to do what you love instead of just dreaming about it?

by Nicole Flothe I truly am so happy Facebook was created! It's provided me with the opportunity to see and connect with so many friends and family that I would never have a chance to otherwise. I have a high school friend, Molly Blakeley-Poland that I've been friends with on Facebook for a while and recently she shared some stunning photos of her daughters. My heart was captured, so I asked if she would be interested in letting me use her daughters, Emerald and Anni Poland, for my cover girls. The photograph was taken by Artistic Puppy, a Soldotna Alaska photography company. They specialize in Couples Portraits, websites, and marketing for small businesses. The above photo is of Emerald and Anni standing on vintage cars, their magnificient dresses flying in the air, and a beautiful Alaska sunset. Emerald and Anni Poland are musicians, among many other talents, and recently they auditioned for America's Got Talent. So exciting! They also have a band named 5 Sided Di. You can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/5-Sided-Di/ 1453772291569841 Their latest post said that they are booked this summer every Sunday at Anchorage Hard Rock Cafe! Congrats to them!

What do you love to do most? You need to believe that you were created to achieve something remarkable with your life. Following your dreams will draw you toward the kind of life you were born to love. Everybody has a dream and it is never too late to pursue it. Your dream is somewhere, waiting for you... and if you don’t go for it, something important won’t happen. And when we do pursue our dreams, we may create an opportunity to inspire others to fulfill their dreams, as well. Take a look at the happiest, most successful people on the planet. They are all doing something they love, creating something they believe in, and living a life of purpose and passion. Do that, and it doesn’t matter how much money you make. They are using their dreams to make contributions to the world. What special talents, skills, and gifts do you have to share with the world? If you spend time thinking about your dreams and passions in life, you are taking the first step toward making them a reality. Reality is for those who lack imagination! Fortunately, we don’t have to buy into that reality. We have access to books, teachers, friends, and mentors who can inspire us to be avid dreamers! Please be encouraged to relax and have fun -literally start dreaming! Anything is possible in your dreams! If you become what you think about, then thinking is creating. Imagine!


Throughout the book Raquel and her boyfriend, Russ, converse in text messages. Russ shares with Raquel that this has never happened; in the past he couldn't wait to get a woman out of his bed and out of the door. Once I read this, it was like a red flag that something just wasn't right with Russ.

Russ: "I love your kiss." Raquel: "Ah, my heart just melted." Their relationship progressed and they introduced their kids, Russ has a son and daughter and Raquel has identical twin daughters. During introductions Raquel wondered if there was any room in his heart for her, or if fear already filled the empty spaces.

Book Review by Nicole Flothe: I really enjoyed reading the memoir of Raquel Russell Landry and the relationship journey she shared. PLAYERS & PAWNS is a contemporary journey of lovers along the waterways and pristine beaches of one of the nation's most wealthy towns, Naples, Florida. After more than twenty years, Raquel is reunited with Russ Dawson, a successful businessman who has everything and everyone he could possibly want. With a detailed accounting of intimate moments and raw emotion shared between lovers, the author creates a compelling platform of falling in love through a whirlwind of beautifully dynamic texts, emails and passionate encounters. The author conveys emotions that very few writers have the courage to express as her journey takes an unexpected turn down a heart-wrenching path of realization. Childhood memories provide strength and wisdom when Raquel needs them most as she learns what it means to love a man like Russ Dawson. Quote: I never knew holding someone's hand could feel so inviting so familiar and so new at the same time. Holding your hand, I celebrate it. I mark it on calendars. -Anita Krizzan


Raquel shared that she was raised middle class, but her paternal grandmother was quite a socialite. She recalled her greatest memory was spending time in her grandmother's closet. To this day she still remembers all the tips on fashion her grandmother gave her at age 6. While I was reading this it brought back my own memories of having fun in my Grandma's closet. Raquel and Russ went to many social events together and enjoyed strolling 5th Avenue with its beautiful shops and food. The relationship turns rocky as Russ has always had problems with commitment. The last part of their possiblities for a relationship ended in an email conversation. I love this quote from the book, it sums up exactly why Raquel wrote the memoir. In the past, I've often been compelled to write, but have fallen to the crowd opinion that every tale deserves to reward a happy heart. However, reality claims that the absurdities of life need to be rewarded as well. It was then that I decided to write our love story. Raquel Russel Landry To learn more about Players & Pawns: http://www.raquelrusselllandry.com/ Facebook: Players Pawns In A Lovers Game of Catch and Release A Memoir ------------------------------------------

When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew. - William Shakespeare

HEART OF HOME AND FAMILY Gratitude Is Good For The Soul by Cheryl Flothe

"Thank You!"

January is National Thank You Month. Remember when your parents told you to say please and thank you? Well now there’s a month for that. There’s no pressure this month---stores aren’t stocking up with National Thank You Month cards and gifts. National Thank You Month is just a reminder to thank others and to give us the chance to reflect on what we’re grateful for.

William Arthur Ward, a much quoted inspirational writer, once said, "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." This puts saying thank you into perspective. If we don’t express it right away, we often have this nagging feeling we should have. Usually, we give a verbal thank you, but in some instances a written note is even better. Thank you letters for job interviews and cards with a personal message for gifts given or when someone does something special for you are a great way to let people know their actions were appreciated. Here are a few tips for writing a good thank you note:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Try to respond soon after the action was taken, especially if it’s after a job interview. Keep your message brief. Several lines should be sufficient. Write by hand---people really appreciate your taking the extra time. Use the person’s name at the top rather than just writing a message. For example: “Dear John:” or “John” personalizes your message. Thank them for the specific gift or action. For example: “Thanks so much for the wonderful tickets to The Phantom of the Opera,” or “Thank you so much for taking care of me when I was sick.” Let the person know how the action affected you or what you’ll be doing with the gift. Something like: “I’ve always wanted to see that musical, the songs were beautiful,” or “I couldn’t have managed without your help.” For more emphasis, you can reiterate your thanks: “Thanks again for taking the time to pick out a meaningful gift for me. It meant a lot.” Better late than never---if you don’t give your thanks right away, put it on your list to do as soon as possible. Finally, by sending written thank you notes, you set an example for your children and friends that not only shows the value of written communication in a techno world, but it encourages others to reflect on kind deeds and gratitude.

Thanking others for giving us a complement or going out of their way to do something for us is reciprocal: both parties feel good and valued. Gratitude is good for the soul!


by Nicole Flothe

Machia stopped by to try the chicken salad. We know healthy food is good for Austin, so after making his deserts he only has a few bites.

I asked my brother, Hunter, what Austin loves to do and he said one of his favorite things is cooking in the kitchen. Austin loves to be in the kitchen and help with the ingredients of all foods put on our table. He likes to make fresh pizza with his favorite pepperoni all over the crust. He makes things like chicken salad and special deserts.

We help him cook and in this photo Austin is telling us what ingredients to put in the food. He really likes the sweets, making cookies, brownies, and cinnamon rolls. Someday he'd like to be on a cooking show.


To learn more about Austin and his journey to recovery visit Facebook.com/austinervinhealing. He continues to progress with his nursing care, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and schooling. We all thank you for your prayers, support, and belief in his recovery.

by Cheryl Flothe

We saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour launch in 2009.

Have you visited the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida? We’ve been there several times to watch the Space Shuttle take off, once by ourselves, and once with family. It’s an experience we’ll never forget. My husband and I have been interested in space travel since we sat in our living room, like millions of others, and saw Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon saying, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!”

The grandkids hammed it up in the Space Garden.

The John F. Kennedy Space Center, on Merritt Island near Cape Canaveral Naval Station, is an hour’s drive from Orlando and the closest town is Titusville. The facility has supported all manned launch operations for NASA since the lunar landing program began in the 60’s, including the Space Shuttles. The Center has support facilities, launch sites, the Apollo and Saturn V Rocket Visitor Center, a facility that houses the retired Atlantis Space Shuttle, the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, a children’s play dome, launch viewing areas, and more. Almost two million people visit the Kennedy Space Center each year.

Rockets and modules in the Visitor Center.

Lizzie and Nathan learn how to drive a lunar vehicle.

Nicole, Jake, and Nathan enjoyed the bus tour.


There’s a lot to do and see---meet an astronaut; sign up for the ½ day Astronaut Training Experience; watch an I-Max movie; or have fun and learn through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and displays about the history and future of robotic and human space flights. You can also try out the shuttle launch simulator, visit the Rocket Garden where NASA’s first rockets are on display, tour the facility, and you may even see a rocket launch. Although the Space Shuttles have been mothballed, other rockets are being launched for scientific studies, satellites, and other purposes. SpaceX, the first commercial company to launch a rocket to the Space Station, is contracting with NASA and launching from Kennedy. They plan to transport astronauts to space someday in their Dragon spacecraft. While you’re in the area, there are a number of wildlife sanctuaries on Merritt Island, including Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. You can see birds in their habitats, take a wildlife drive, and see manatees from an observation deck. When we visited we saw wild boar, pelicans, turtles, alligators, nesting eagles and ospreys, great blue herons, great egrets, dolphins, and manatees. Another plus is you’re on the Atlantic sea coast, so you can visit a number of beaches, including Cocoa Beach.

The Vehicle Assembly Building and facility complex.

For more information about the Kennedy Space Center and launch schedules go to: https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/

We watched the Shuttle takeoff above the buildings.

It’s an awesome sight when it’s up and away! Photo of STS-60, 2/3/94 from Wikipedia.


While PJ is giving her presentation, in walks Cole and reality sets in that he is her competition. When they both share their reasons for the house the women is moved by each possibility and can't decide so she gives them a year challenge to see who can prove success and win the house. They each had one floor to use and remodel as they saw fit and were told they must share the home. After much consideration they both agreed and began the renovations. Throughout the book PJ was always wondering if Cole had ulterior motives and would want to sabatoge her business. She didn't trust him, but something about him intrigued her and increased her heart rate every time she saw him. Her floor transformed into a beautiful culinary kitchen and restaurant. She was able to hire workers and hosted cooking classes for increased business exposure. During the season the restaurant was packed, but she struggled with the winter months. Cole renovated his upstairs and made individual rooms for his teenagers that he picked out of a large stack of possibilites. He was a foster child and when his parents and sister died in an accident he always blamed himself for the loss. He wanted to give back and so this foster home for teenagers was his way of doing that. In foster care there is a time when kids turn 18 before they graduate from high school and have to leave the foster system and live on their own. His home was for these type of kids.

by Nicole Flothe I picked this book from BookLookBloggers.com to review because I loved the cover and the way the photo predicts a winter romance. Perfect for this time of year! While I was reading the book, several characters began to seem familiar and then I realized that I had read another book from Denise Hunter and this one was about PJ from the same family. I love when that happens in books. It gives me an opportunity to see how these fictional people are progressing in their lives. One of my favorite things is when my wish for a story to continue comes true. PJ is the youngest of her siblings and she is looking to become successful in the restaurant business and Bed & Breakfast. Her opportunity comes when a local wealthy home owner wants to retire and donate the "Wishing House" to a business with a great cause. PJ and others are presenting for a chance to win the house. The book starts out with a possible break-in at PJ's house that she is renting. She clobbers the guy over the head with a vase and he's knocked out. It turns out there was a mix-up with the rental, and Cole wakes up being cared for by PJ. The interesting part is that Cole has to get better fast because he also is presenting to be able to start a teen group home for foster children at the Wishing House.

During their year together, they got to know and appreciate each other. PJ had a bad relationship from the past and the ex-boyfriend was causing a problem. Cole rescued her in many situations. Another challenge that PJ had was anxiety and she began to have panic attacks. Cole's mother used to have them and so he was able to be of support to her. One of my friends shared with me that she believes we are all put here to find our perfect match, and when we do, we have certain things in us that will help benefit the other. This was true in their relationship. In the final months they began to fall in love, but still were unsure of the possibilities of the Wishing House. PJ's mom didn't like that Cole was interested in her daughter and told him. So the relationship went bad as Cole pulled away and PJ didn't know why. He gave up and told the owner that PJ could have the house. She was miserable and couldn't reach Cole to figure out what happened as he left town. The mother finally came to her senses and found Cole and told him she was sorry. Cole came back to PJ and they talked about what life would be like together. PJ said that she was going to give the house to him. They decided to keep the house as dual owners and he would own the foster home for teens on the top and she would run her restaurant on the bottom floor. It was another one of those books that I was looking for the future story. So good!

To learn more about the author, Denise Hunter: www.denisehunterbooks.com


January Apps by Nicole Flothe

Tech out your winter weather... by Beth Gatrell Sometimes you need to know if it’s a jacket or sweater day or what the weather will be like when you are taking a trip. By using your favorite tech, all those questions can be answered. Weather.com has you covered with forecasts for any area, as well as other great information including snow reports, severe weather alerts, travel forecasts, news, photos, and lots more. You can customize your experience by setting favorite cities along with your home area and include detailed alerts via email or text message on severe weather warnings, as well as downloading their app to check on the go. Weather Underground and Intellicast are some good sites to visit that also include information on global travel, seasonal allergies, and many other important details about your weather outlook. And both have a free app available. The National Weather Service lists active alerts across the nation in addition to past weather, safety tips, and everything else from fire to tsunami conditions. You can follow the same information that many media outlets count on by visiting Accuweather. Some favorite mobile apps include CNN which boasts nice pictures from the area you are looking into along with Yahoo! And if you're wanting to hit the slopes check out the REI Snow Report App for the latest conditions on resorts across the US. We hope all of our friends are staying warm and cozy during these winter months and while you’re stuck inside, be sure to visit us and download our FREE "Into Tomorrow" App.


Kicking off the new year I've found some great apps the help track exercising, Human works in the background as I go about my day, then gives me a report after I've reached 30 minutes of walking. RockMyRun makes getting in the mood to workout easy with the shuffle of dance music that it offers. As a Christmas gift, the kids got gift cards from Greendot and so that app has been useful. Several other useful apps this month are Yelp and BuzzFeed, getting the latest news is always something I'm interested in. A few game apps are Animation, great for the creative type, Perfect Block, fun for the random building block game, and NBA Game Time, perfect for the sports season. One photo app this month that I've fallen in love with is Steller. They are like minnie books of photos and videos that people put together to share stories of travel, DIY, and so much more. Enjoy!

To view more information about iPhone apps visit

www.heartbeatmag.com, What's on my iPhone.

Featured Foundation

by Nicole Flothe


We Day launched on October 19, 2007. Youth leading global change is the movement of our time. www.WeDay.com is where the movement lives.

Think “we” and act “we.” Alone we may feel powerless, but together we can create a more peaceful, compassionate, and interconnected world.

We Day is more than a stadium-sized event, more than the spectacular performers, local heroes and worldrenowned humanitarians on stage who inspire a generation to globalize compassion. It is a celebration of young people and their power to change the world.

The above photo is this year’s ticket to change the world, the brand new We Day bracelet!

Stand with millions of change-makers around the world, including past We Day speakers and performers like Demi Lovato, Kofi Annan, Jennifer Hudson, Nobel Laureate, Al Gore, Joe Jonas, Nelly Furtado, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. We Day is an initiative of international charity and education partner Free The Children. It is an online community and an annual series of stadium-sized events that have brought together hundreds of thousands of youth to be inspired by the greatest leaders and entertainers of our time. Because youth can’t buy a ticket to We Day. They earn by committing to take action on one local and one global issue through a comprehensive service learning program called We Act. Through We Act, young people turn inspiration into tangible results by learning about social issues and making a difference.

As per We Day, the bracelet is your ticket to We Day, your unique empowerment tool to change the world and a memory-maker! When you wear your bracelet, you’re able to enter the We Day venue with thousands of other youth and educators. You’re also able to access various kiosks throughout the venue that you can interact with. Once you find a kiosk that you’re interested in, you simply scan your bracelet, and away you go! Some kiosks will allow you to connect with educational resources that will help you become a global citizen, while at others you can take photos of your We Day experience and directly share them through your social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and of course, We365. By using your bracelet throughout the venue you can also win exciting Me to We and Free The Children prizes, such as a school visit from a celebrity. Your bracelet also kicks off your year of action. For every download of We365, TELUS will donate $5 to We Day and other educational programs. For more information visit www.weday.com or facebook.com/WeDay Phone 1-416-925-5894




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