Heartbeat Connection Magazine July 2012 Edition

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My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfullness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3

Through the feel of war they brave this day How proud they stand, their unselfish way Our soldiers bear what we cannot see They assure our right to live life free Each trained will face an unknown fate Our support they need, don始t hesitate Just imagine how this land would be Without their courage - catastrophe All the liberties we have grown to know Would not exist, this life would go Find a thankfulness within your mind Speak gratitude for our bravest kind Have the willingness to show you care For fallen heroes, hold back no tear Reach out to God with his guiding light For our troops do pray, both day and night America raise your flags to wave For we truly are 'home of the brave.' 漏2003 Roger J. Robicheau

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Mission: Sharing the Art of Living with Heart. Create * Conceive * Connect

2 Editor's Letter News and Celebrations


3 Heart of Fashion Jen's Fabulous Finds

4 Out and About Seattle, Washington

5 In the Dark

Reel Spirit Movie Reviews


Featured Foundations


Mom Blogs with Heart

6 Ask a Question

Ask the Nurse, You Asked & We Answered

7 Cover Girl Photo Story Sweet Smiles

8 Mom Blogs with Heart Our Ordinary Life, MamaDWeeb

9 Recipe Corner Classic Macaroni Salad, Grilling and Picnic Food Safety Tips

10 Amazing Animals Florida to Alaska: The Adaptable Black Bear

11 Why Dance? What are Some Benefits of Dancing

12 Tech Tips

Apps to Beat the Heat

13 Featured Foundations

The Children's Charity: USVariety.org NBA Cares: www.nba.com/nba_cares/ FriendsofFosterChildren.net


7 MissyK Photography: Sweet Smiles 1

Are some companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answer. Online, we share exclusive company reviews. Be sure to visit us at www.heartbeatmag.com.

letter from the editor

Is it already the middle of summer? I've started to see the back to school checklists at Walgreens and Walmart is stocked with uniform clothes for kids. I know it would be a good idea to shop early but I just can't get excited about purchasing school supplies yet. Next month will be here soon enough. This July has been filled with family birthdays and fun National Days to celebrate. We ate french fries on National Fries Day and Mint Chip Ice Cream on National Ice Cream Day. I recently found an organization online called My Social Cloud and have been enjoying the ability to save my online research in one location and view my social updates too, they have many more features but those are the ones I most enjoy. We have a few new Giveaways for this month, one is from Skeetrdone.com offering a great Mosquito repellant. Check the blog for the latest Giveaways.

With love, Nicole Flothe

Managing Editor

I received an email a few months ago inquiring if I would be interested in collaborating with a local photographer and some boutiques for our July cover. MissyK Photography was someone I had been following on Facebook and I was pleased that I would have the opportunity to use one of her photos for this month's edition. Read the cover story on page seven for further details.


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Managing Editor NICOLE FLOTHE Photographer MELINDA NAGY OTERO Photographer JENNY PLOCINSKI Art Director SUZANNE ERVIN Editor CHERYL FLOTHE Cover Photo - Ella Cover Photo by MissyK Photography CONNECT www.TWITTER.com/Heartbeat_mag FACEBOOK HEARTBEAT CONNECTION facebook.com/heartbeatconnection

Ruby Stone Water Lily Canada Day

Dog Day Fourth of July

Jennifer Tutino - Jen's Fabulous Finds e Shelly Aristizabal - You Asked & We Answered Beth Gatrell - Tech Tip of the Week Gloria Jean - In The Dark Movie Review Cheryl Flothe - Out & About, Recipe Corner, Amazing Animals

Moon Day Macaroni Day Ice Cream Day source - www.punchbowl.com


Jen's Fabulous Finds

by Jennifer Tutino

The color is so soft, and so is the linen fabric that it's made from. I paired it with an adorable white sleeveless top I found at Ann Taylor Loft. It was on sale for $14.50, marked down from $29.50. They have great staple pieces that are so on trend and their signature AnnTaylor look. I also saw these beautiful bangles at The Loft for $14.50. The colors remind me of our beautiful beaches! These sunglasses are by Michael Kors for $99. Anyone can Rock a pair of aviator sunglasses. There are many varieties, so try which style works best for your face and your pocketbook.

I adora my fedora! It's this summer's must have. I scored this one in a great organic clothing store called Thoughtful Threads. It was $35. They carry clothing for the entire family. They also carry beautiful pillows, bedding & blankets. Everything is beautifully displayed and easy to navigate. The staff is super friendly and readily available should you need help with anything.

I also purchased this beautiful skirt there by Horny Toad as well. It was $69.


I have been shopping for my upcoming trip to Lake George and knew I would find something fabulous in Francesca's Collections. They are a boutique based chain that carries a huge selection of women's clothing & accessories. They also sell unique picture frames & home decor items. But I digress! The clothing is California trendy and the prices are wallet friendly. This dress was only $44!! I paired it with a wide cream belt for $18 to give a more polished look. The clothes are well made and the store itself is so much fun to explore. I was stuck at the accessory tables for 15 minutes before I even began to look at everything else. The gold earrings were $12 and the multi medallion earrings were $16. This store is definitely worth a visit if you've never been there.

You'll soon be a Francesca's fan like me!



The Space Needle and cool architecture. Pick up some fresh fish! Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market by Cheryl Flothe Seattle, Washington has something for everyone: magnificent water views, ferries, the Space Needle, shopping opportunities, Starbuck’s Coffee, and Pike Place Market--a Seattle landmark. This market is older and has been operating longer than any other market in the U.S. Pick up some vegetables and fruit from one of the stands; bread and pastries for dessert; and flowers for that special someone--there’s a huge selection! Quirky and interesting shops sell craft items, herbs, health food, and cooking ingredients. And Pike Place Fish Company is a “must see!” This is one of those places you’ve seen in the movies where they throw fish to each other! People watch, have a meal and a coffee--spend an hour or a day!


Don't leave without a bouquet of fresh flowers!

A REEL Spirit look into Movies by Gloria Jean TED - Take one lonely 8 year old boy, add a teddy, a wish for a friend, life, and you have trouble! This Bro Mo (the male answer to a chic flick) is funny and could have been great, minus the language. Definitely not for children and appropriately rated R. As John's life falls apart, he blames his relationship with Ted. With all the wisdom only a magical teddy bear can have, he sets John straight. For me, this was the redeeming quality of the movie. PEOPLE LIKE US - One man appears to have created a long line of dysfunctional people. His death brings each of them face-to-face with secrets that would test their beliefs and values, then brings them together to heal and find out the truth and power of his existence. Based on true events, this movie can inspire us to rethink those issues we may not yet understand if only because the whole story hasn't been revealed. THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN - Even though it's been seen before and we know the story; this movie is exciting, funny, romantic, sad, warming, and entertaining all at once. Who doesn't like a story about a nerdy weakling who finds out he can make a difference and then becomes a hero. Real or imaginary, it makes us believe we can also be heroes.

SAVAGES - In any business, if you have the "best" product, others seek you out to either purchase it or learn how to duplicate it. The same is true in the illegal world of drugs. The difference, of course, is dealing with it in a legal way, with contracts. That is not possible. When you don't trust those you're dealing with, which seems natural, things can go totally wrong. As the violence in this action packed movie shows, there are many consequences. At Home - (If you missed it in the theaters) IN TIME - You would look at time in a very different way if it was the currency of the world. When you literally work day-to-day, or are among the privileged, who have all the time in the world. but are afraid to truly live. Imagine a cup of "regular" coffee costing 6 minutes of your life. You may change, saying I don't have the time after seeing this, and truly value this precious commodity.

Jesus is My Solution, How about You? by Suzanne Ervin

A story taken from John 9:1-7. Like Jesus, when there's a problem, he goes to the solution. Before he stepped in to heal the man born blind, his disciples were caught up in uncovering whose sin had made the man blind. Jesus, on the other hand, was interested in using his power to give the man sight. In the same way, Jesus does not want us to look at our problems. We don't need to ask who or what caused our problems. Forget about what you should have or shouldn't have done or why it happened. Be preoccupied with the solution. Jesus is my solution, and he works miracles in a my life. Artist: Suzanne Ervin www.semyart.com




ou Asked & We Answered. by Shelly Aristizabal of Healthy Living Concierge

Q: How to Exercise Smarter not Harder?

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn


sk the Nurse! by Nicole Flothe RN

At what age should I get my kids an opthomologist (eye) exam? As a Nurse and a mother of three children, I wondered when I should take my kids to get an eye exam. The kids would get their routine check ups at Dr. Valcourt's office and did the usual reading the chart to check their vision, but one year my oldest son Nathan, had trouble reading the chart. The Doctor gave us a script to visit the opthomologist and we went to get the official eye exam. Unfortunately, my son had to get glasses. It was quite the adjustment for us, although I have to say they made him look very regal. During our visit, I asked the Doctor when I should have my other kids tested for their vision and he said that once they begin reading and looking at the chalkboard at school is when children begin showing signs of vision problems. Around the age of 5 is what he recommended, unless you notice your child bumping and falling down more often than normal at a young age. This month my son got contacts, as he is playing more sports as a pre-teen. He gets eye exams every year and is learning how to care for his new contacts. Taking them in and out of his eyes has been the biggest challenge, but eventually he will be a pro. The other kids have 20/20 vision.



A: Stretching!! Stretching keeps the circulatory system active and helps remove toxins and fat from the body.

The Four Main Types of Stretching Are: 1. Static (no motion, passive) Stretching Hold a position and stretch to the farthest point, then continue holding the position. EXAMPLE: Bending over and touching your toes and holding the position for a period of time. 2. Isometric Stretching A type of static stretching (meaning it does not use motion) which involves the resistance of muscle groups through isometric contractions (tensing) of the stretched muscles. EXAMPLE: Holding onto the ball of your foot to keep it from flexing while you are using the muscles of your calf to try and straighten your instep so that the toes are pointed. 3. Dynamic (movement, active) Stretching Involves moving parts of your body and gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both. EXAMPLE: A gymnast performing splits in the air. 4. PNF Stretching Currently the fastest and most effective way known to increase static-passive flexibility. PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. PNF is a technique of combining passive stretching and isometric stretching in order to achieve maximum static flexibility. EXAMPLE: The Hold/Relax/Contract Method. This is an example of how to stretch your hamstring: Start by lying on your back with leg pointed to the ceiling. Hold a rolled up towel in both hands. The middle part of the towel will be on the arch of your foot. Hold a static stretch for 10 seconds, then relax for 2-3 seconds, then contract your hamstring for 10 seconds and then repeat 5-6 times. Each stretch should go deeper then the previous stretch. Make sure breathing is consistent through each movement. www.VeniceNutrition.com


weet Smiles

by Nicole Flothe

I was honored to be contacted by MissyK Photography to see if we would like to work together on the July cover. There were so many pictures to choose from that were adorable, but it was the bright colors and sweet smile that won the cover photo. Here are a few questions I asked Missy regarding the cover and photography in general. 1. How did you meet your model? I met Ella and her big sis Hailey, last year and they quickly became one of my favorite families to work with. Their mom gives me some freedom in planning shoots and allows me to dream up an idea and helps me to make it happen! 2. What are they wearing? – In the “white shoot” with her big sister, dress from Old Navy.

In the tea party shoot, Ella is wearing the mini top hat & bow shoes by Bow Posh (Etsy), tutu & petti tank from Sweet Lollipop Kisses (Etsy as well), tights & shoes from Target. For the tee pee shoot, dress from Old Navy. 3. Do they do other modeling or was it for a family shoot? Both: this was a specific family shoot. However, Ella has done other modeling. The Melissa Jane shoot with you & the May 2012 cover of Family News Magazine. 4. What kind of props did you use? For the "bright tea party," we used an old children's table, and collected various $1.00 items from Target and Walmart to add splashes of color. We stacked cake stands from Homegoods to make the tiered cupcake holder (cupcakes from Publix) and the finishing touch was Ella's grandmother's antique tea sets. The tee pee was made from bamboo poles (Hobby Lobby) and a light quilt. We decorated the set with various quilts and stuffed animals and an antique children's settee. 5. What is the perfect time to take a photo and how do you get images that you love? I work with natural light, and my ideal time is in the evening. For summer that would be between 6 and 7. Light, in my opinion, is the ultimate photographer's tool, or worst enemy. We have to learn to shoot in any lighting situation, but this "golden hour" is my favorite. Knowing a location inside out is a great advantage because you learn where light peeks through and your field of depth. It works for me at least:) To view more photos from MissyK Photography visit... www.missykphotography.com



e t i r o v *Fa

Mom Blogs x with Heart

by Nicole Flothe

Our Ordinary Life Kristin is a happy wife, and a mother of three beautiful girls. She started her blog as a way to share and experience parenting; it's also a lifecast of her children, something she is very passionate about. Running and maintaning her site has been a wonderful way for her to pursue her interests in blogging, which comes from her lifelong love for writing. She looks at the internet as a way to create a digital notebook.

MamaDWeeb Annie is a stay at home mom to her adorable children, Lizzie, David, and Lucy! She is a lifelong Kansan, living on 20 acres with a dog and a cat. She's a Christian radio DJ, avid reader (when she has time,) and is madly in love with words. The two words that sum her up are: writer and friend. If a day goes by that she doesn't write, she feels empty.


The other side to her blog is her love and passion for business and the aspect of social and new media. She works with brands on her blog and has helped other bloggers over the years. I first met Kristin on Twitter. We began a conversation about sweet potatoe fries and I could sense the fun and friendship in her tweets. I soon followed her on Facebook and have been enjoying her family updates. Congrats to the family on their newest baby girl! Find her on Twitter: @OurOrdinaryLife Daydreamer, foodie, organic eater. Nielsen Power Mom, brand partner. #BlogHer12 like, the valley 路 http://www.ourordinarylife.com/about/

Connecting online about topics such as parenting, food, fashion and entertainment is one of the most fun parts of her job as a blogger. I met Annie via social media and have enjoyed her twitter posts for years. I also found that since I started Instagram this last year I've been fortunate enough to connect with her there and enjoy the family photos that she shares. Find her on Twitter: @MamaDweeb I blog about blogging, parenting, and Kansas news! Mama of 3 very young kids, I'm always up for a laugh. http://www.mamadweeb.com

Recipe Corner by Cheryl Flothe

Here’s an easy recipe that can be made ahead for a potluck, barbeque, picnic, or camping trip. It’s the old standby your mom might have made, but still a hit today. Two great things about this recipe: You can substitute types of vinegar, mayonnaise, seasonings, and vegetables to add; according to your family’s taste; and it travels well. CLASSIC MACARONI SALAD Recipe from: Kelsey Nixon, Cooking Channel Makes 6 servings INGREDIENTS: Dressing 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sour cream 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper Pasta 1/2-pound macaroni pasta, cooked and rinsed (about 4 cups cooked) 1 tablespoon roughly chopped fresh dill 2 large stalks celery, diced 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and diced 1/2 small red onion, diced and rinsed in cold water Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper DIRECTIONS For dressing: Whisk mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, vinegar, and sugar together in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper.

 For pasta: In a large mixing bowl, combine macaroni, dill, celery, bell pepper, and red onion. Drizzle the dressing over the salad then toss to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately or keep up to 2 days in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Photo from Cooking Channel, Rated 5 Stars out of 5

Grilling & Food Safety Tips

For quite a while now, we’ve been hearing about carcinogenic effects of grilling meats. The primary causes: how long a food is cooked on the grill and if the flames actually touch the food. To lessen the risk: 1. Marinate meats prior to cooking. 2. Microwave meat for two minutes before grilling. 3. Keep skin on while grilling. 4. Don’t allow flames to touch the meat. Keep foods high enough to be away from flames, spray to prevent grease splatters, or place aluminum foil over coals as a barrier. Source: Betty Crocker, Picnics, 1999 & John Hopkins InteliHealth, Hints on Safer Barbequing, 3/29/1998. We’ve heard about food poisoning from nonrefrigerated foods all our lives. Here are some tips to prevent such a disaster: 1. Prepare and refrigerate foods before serving or packing. 2. Blocks of ice stay cold longer than cubes. Drain the cooler when water builds up; and replace ice, as needed, for longer or hotter trips. 3. Coolers that are full stay cold longer. Use freezer packs or frozen non-carbonated drinks to fill in the space and keep foods cool. 4. Because of cross-contamination danger, raw meats should not be in the same cooler as other foods. Put them in their own cooler surrounded by ice packs until ready to cook. If you MUST use the same cooler, put meats in a sealed container in the bottom of the cooler. 5. For short picnics, don’t pack more foods than will be eaten so there are no leftovers. 6. Foods left out longer than two hours should be thrown away if temps outside are cooler than 90 degrees. If over 90 degrees, throw away after one hour. 7. Avoid placing cooler in trunk---that’s the hottest place in the car. Note: If you must put cooler in trunk, insulate it with blankets to keep it as cool as possible. Source: Betty Crocker, Picnics, 1999 & USDA


ng i z a m *A Animals

Florida Black Bear in Ocala Kenai National Forest, FL

Florida to x Alaska: The Adaptable Black Bear

by Cheryl Flothe

Kermode or Spirit Bear Central & North Coast, BC Canada

Kenai Alaska Black Bear in Wildlife Refuge, AK

The North American Black Bear is the most common bear on the continent and globally. Its ability to adapt to changing climatic and food source conditions has allowed it to thrive in wooded areas from Alaska and Canada to Florida and Mexico for more than 10,000 years. 70% of all black bears are black; the other 30% range in color from white, blond, cinnamon, or light brown to dark chocolate brown. The black bear species in coastal areas are mostly black, as those we’ve seen in Alaska, Canada, and Florida. In the north, we’ve seen them on rivers eating salmon or on roadsides eating dandelions. Sadly, in Florida we’ve mainly found them invading peoples’ trash cans! Black bears are omnivores, meaning they will eat anything from plants and insects to animals, fish and even human food! The male usually weighs less than 300 pounds, but record weight is 1,100 pounds. They can run up to 30 mph and are amazingly dexterous and strong. They’ve been known to be able to unscrew the top of a jar and open a door latch. And a black bear cub can turn over a flat 325 pound rock with one paw! Also, black bears are highly intelligent: they can identify colors faster than chimps and dogs; and, when trained, can recognize shapes such as triangles, squares, and circles. On a recent hike in Alaska, I took this photo of a tree that was probably marked by a black bear with its claws!


You should be wary of all bears---although blacks are not as territorial as brown bears, they could attack or charge if food is involved and they are hungry. Most confrontations between humans and black bears involve bears who are habituated to human food, such as in national parks and neighborhoods. Give them wide berth and fight back if you are attacked. Usually, black bears will avoid humans. Let’s admire these beautiful animals from afar and not attract them to our property or campsites by leaving out tempting human food. Keep bears wild!

by Nicole Flothe I recently read an article online by Richard Powers, Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter. Here is a bit of the article that helps us answer the question, Why Dance?

For centuries, dance manuals and other writings have lauded the health benefits of dancing, usually as physical exercise. More recently we've seen research on further health benefits of dancing, such as stress reduction and increased serotonin level, with its sense of well-being. Then most recently we've heard of another benefit: Frequent dancing apparently makes us smarter. A major study added to the growing evidence that stimulating one's mind can ward off Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, much as physical exercise can keep the body fit. Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages. You may have heard about the New England Journal of Medicine report on the effects of recreational activities on mental acuity in aging. Here it is in a nutshell. The 21-year study of senior citizens, 75 and older, was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Their method for objectively measuring mental acuity in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. The study wanted to see if any physical or cognitive recreational activities influenced mental acuity. They discovered that some activities had a significant beneficial effect. Other activities had none. They studied cognitive activities such as reading books, writing for pleasure, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards and playing musical instruments. And they studied physical activities like playing tennis or golf, swimming, bicycling, dancing, walking for exercise and doing housework.


One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia. There can be cardiovascular benefits of course, but the focus of this study was the mind. There was one important exception: the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing. Reading - 35% reduced risk of dementia Bicycling and swimming - 0% Doing crossword puzzles at least four days a week 47% Playing golf - 0% Dancing frequently - 76%. That was the greatest risk reduction of any activity studied, cognitive or physical. Why Dancing? Dancing integrates several brain functions at once, increasing your connectivity. Dancing simultaneously involves kinesthetic, rational, musical and emotional processes. Read more of the article at http://socialdance.stanford.edu/syllabi/smarter.htm In 2010, Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer and judge for the So You Think You Can Dance television series started National Dance Day, It has been an annual event and "grassroots initiative to encourage the nation, young and old, to get up and move!" This year, National Dance Day is Saturday, July 28, and Ave Maria Dance Academy is celebrating by offering free dance classes all day starting at 9:00am and culminating with an Open Dance Party for dance enthusiasts ages 13+ beginning at 7:00 pm. At 4:30 pm their instructors will teach two official National Dance Day routines; A Hip-Hop Master Class from So You Think You Can Dance and an Everybody Dance Master Class from Zumba Fitness. Visit their website for more details and the full schedule for the day... www.avemariadance.com Spread the word for a FREE ‘DANCETASTIC’ Day!


Summer Apps

Into Tomorrow's Tech Tip of the Week T-App into your tech to beat summer heat... by Beth Gatrell

Sometimes the weather here in Southwest Florida can be in the upper 90s and so warm that trips outside include getting in the air conditioned car and then back into an air conditioned home or store. A few apps we are recommending this month have to do with entertainment. Since this summer is the Olympics in London we thought we'd add a few that have to do with the UK. Enjoy!

Summer Apps! Summer is a great time to be active outdoors, but when you are ready to take a break, look no further than your favorite mobile device. Everyone's taking pictures and editing them with apps like Aviary, PixlrO-Matic and FotoRus that make your pictures even better for sharing on your favorite social sites including Facebook and Instagram. Sit back anywhere you have your mobile tech and enjoy a TV show or movie with Hulu and Crackle along with PBS Kids just for little ones. If reading is more of what you prefer, either grab one of many devices like the Nook or Kindle or download their free apps to your mobile device and enjoy the latest eBooks and magazines. Games are always a fun way to spend a break and you can download favorites like Temple Run, Cut the Rope, Logos Quiz, and more, including interactive social game Quizboard for free. Other fan favorite apps to play with on a break from the summer sun include CSR Racing, Miss Spider's Tea Party, Flow Free, Hidden Objects and lots more. Before heading back out to the summer heat, check out the hottest tech from all of us, "Into Tomorrow," and grab a cool drink like a Coke on your way out! www.intotomorrow.com



3 4




Apps 1. Art 6. Olympics NBC 2. Official London Guide 7. Stickman Summer Games 3. Summer Games 4. color Me Summer 5. Smilebox Captions, Stickers and Frames

To view more information about iPhone apps visit


July Birthstone Poem The Ruby "The gleaming Ruby should adorn, All those who in July are born, For thus they'll be exempt and free, From lover's doubts and anxiety."


Featured Foundations by Nicole Flothe

The U.S. Chapters of Variety - The Children’s Charity is a multi-million dollar philanthropic organization with locations throughout the United States. Starting with a baby left on the doorsteps of a movie theater in 1928, they have continued to be a group of local business men and women, many of whom hail from the theater and movie business, reaching out to children in need. Today, through the efforts of their enthusiastic volunteers and generous corporate contributors, they remain true to their heritage by bringing children real, tangible help. To learn more visit www.usvariety.org


NBA Cares is the league’s global community outreach initiative that addresses important social issues such as education, youth and family development, and health and wellness. The NBA and its teams support a range of programs, partners and initiatives that strive to positively impact children and families worldwide.


The mission of Friends of Foster Children of Southwest Florida (“FFC”) is to provide the abused, neglected and abandoned children in Southwest Florida’s foster care system with the social, educational and financial support the state does not. When children are removed from their homes due to abandonment, serious neglect or abuse, it is often with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing or meager belongings stuffed into garbage bags. Torn from their homes, it is not hard to imagine their confusion and fear as they are placed with strangers. FFC recognizes that these children deserve to have their childhood kept intact and provides them with opportunities to become successful and strong adults. FFC, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, focuses on filling in the gaps in the state system. FFC’s support ranges from tutoring or after-school programs to enrichment activities that nurture the child’s talents and passions. We give these children a chance to become successful and strong adults. For many children the programs provided by FFC will be their first chance to be truly cared for and loved.

Visit : www.friendsoffosterchildren.net


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