Heartbeat Connection Magazine October 2011

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Hurtfoot the Alaskan Stellar's Jay

ART Apps Express your creativity. HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Help us wish our Family and Friends a Happy Day!

There is nothing fairer than a Disney memory. So what ar you waiting for? Let the memories begin at the place where dreams come true, visit Disney Trips online.



In Loving Remebrance of Steve Jobs!

Shopping for One of a Kind Creations is easier than you think!

Mission: To connect the hearts of People & Businesses. Create * Conceive * Connect Special News - Post your favorite apps to our Facebook Fan Page and be entered for a special prize:)



Entertaining ways to express your creativity.

An awesome Friends & Family Restaurant to visit.

2 7 Melinda Nagy Photography Jenny Plocinski Photography Cheryl Flothe & Suzanne Ervin Cover girl- Mackenzie Plocinski


A Special Bird lovers story.

5 examples of heartfelt companies that offer easy ways to connect.

by Authors Jim Stovall and Tim Maurer

Jim Rice Naples Clay Place

8 9 Cheryl Flothe's Corner.




9 methods to increase your joy and peace.


Contribute to Heartbeat Connection Magazine contact: Nicole Flothe Managing Editor email - info@heartbeatmag.com www.heartbeatconnection.com

Breast Cancer Awareness Month National Dessert Month

Adopt a dog Month Marigold Flower

National Pasta Month

Opal Stone


Lee National Denim Day

National Chili Month

National Teen Safety Drivers Week Resource - www.punchbowl.com

How are Companies touching the hearts of the world? At Heartbeat Connection we are discovering these answers. Online we offer companies the opportunity to complete our questionnaire at www.Heartbeatconnection.com and provide their explanation. Several new exclusive company reviews have been posted to our Blog.

letter from the editor

The pumpkins are out and people are beginning to countdown until Christmas. The weather is changing and first frost and snow have been seen around the country. It's cooler now in Florida with the highs of 80s and lows of 70s. Some people don't think it ever snows in Florida, but we have had a few years where there has been ice on the windows, and a small amount of snow. Are you getting out your winter clothing? My friend from Australia had to laugh as they are going into summer now and putting away theirs. To take the time to enjoy each moment is an important part of life. This month it's pumpkin pie and trick or treats. It's also a month to focus our efforts on Breast Cancer Awareness. Our local Project Outreach is a great resource to help you find support. "When we take our focus off ourselves and focus on what our dream can do for e others, it will energize us to achieve our purpose." - Melissa Haupt Enjoy heartfelt stories on birds, restaurants, artists, increasing your connections, and more.

With love, Nicole Flothe

Managing Editor


Online Always adding.


MOST WANTED: Websites, Online Magazines, Love Quotes, Events, and Books with a Heartbeat. Heartbeatconnection.com Managing Editor NICOLE FLOTHE Photographer MELINDA NAGY OTERO Photographer JENNY PLOCINSKI Art Director SUZANNE ERVIN Editor CHERYL FLOTHE Cover Girl - MacKenzie Plocinski CONNECT WWW.TWITTER.COM/TRACKTHETIME FACEBOOK HEARTBEAT CONNECTION facebook.com/heartbeatconnection

Bird lovers

My husband and I live in a cabin on the turquoise waters of Kenai Lake in Cooper Landing, Alaska. We started attracting birds to our property in 2008 by placing a bird feeder outside our kitchen window. Within a day a parade of nuthatches, chickadees, juncos and magpies appeared at the feeder and surrounding area where the seeds spilled on the ground. Other critters who loved the seeds were squirrels, rabbits and little red mice. Due to the overwhelming response to the bird feeder, we placed an additional plate of seeds on the grey block retaining wall outside the kitchen window. This, too, was an immediate success with our woodland friends. Anytime we were in the kitchen, we looked forward to what bird or animal we might see next.

Hurtfoot 2008

Cooper landing Cabin

In 2009, Hurtfoot returned in May with a mate. We saw them a few times in June, then they disappeared for a month. In late July, the pair returned with a fuzzy little chick we named “Junior.”

One day, we noticed a brilliant blue Stellar’s Jay and rushed to get our camera in case we never saw one again. The Jay had a deformed foot, limped a little, and squatted to eat. She was off-balance, but was feeding well. We endearingly named the Stellar’s Jay, Hurtfoot, and looked forward to her regular visits that summer and fall.

Hurtfoot and Mate May 2009 My husband began whistling to her each time he went outside to refill the feeder. She would patiently wait nearby, cocking her head and keeping an eye on him until she could return to the feeder. She became used to our presence and never flew away, knowing she would get fed. One day she arrived in the company of a mean bird who tried to chase her off when she got near the feeder. It was late in the fall, and we wondered if she would return before the snow fell. She did, to our delight, but we didn’t see her again after October.

Junior, Hurtfoot's Chick July 2009


The whole family became used to us, and they returned off and on through October. We were excited to see how Junior grew during that time. He would often sit on the window ledge and peck on the window as he looked inside. My husband would usually go out then and give him some more seed. I kept a calendar of their comings and goings and made note of October 31st as the last time we saw Hurtfoot and Junior together that year. In 2011, we waited expectedly to see if Hurtfoot or Junior would return. Each year, we felt, could be her last, as her foot seemed to curl in more and more. We knew she would have a harder time foraging than other birds. Finally, the third week of July, a family of Stellar’s Jays visited.

Junior October 2010

One day, a Stellar’s Jay appeared on the kitchen windowsill and looked in. My husband went out to add seeds to the filter, whistling as he went. The jay remained close, watching him. He was not in the least afraid, waited until the seeds were replaced, then flew right in to get them. We were sure this was Junior! Junior continues to visit us, but it’s September 1st now, and Hurtfoot has not appeared. We have resigned ourselves to the fact she won’t be coming back. At least we have her offspring, Junior, to keep us company. Who knows? Maybe Junior will return next year with her own chick! Stellar’s Jay Family July 2011 Three young Stellar’s and several pairs visited over the next few weeks. We were getting anxious, though, as there was still no sign of Hurtfoot.

Some fun apps on Birds: 1. Angry Birds 2. iBird Explorer Plus 3. Bird Caller


Download a complimentary copy of Chapter 1 as a PDF file now! - www.UltimateFinancialPlan.com.

Excerpt from Chapter 2 : If you try to make Ben Franklin’s virtues and goals your own, you’re likely to fall short of your unique potential and purpose, but the study of the principles that marked the life of this great man are sure to inspire as well as entertain: Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues 1. Temperance: Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation. 2. Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation. 3. Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time. 4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve. 5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e., waste nothing.

The Ultimate Financial Plan : Balancing Your Money and Life by Jim Stoval & Tim Maurer "Jim Stovall is one of the greatest and most inspiring authors of all time. I love reading and rereading his brilliance. If you are ready to make your life work magnificently and have money flow into your experience—read this masterpiece and share it with those you love and care about." —Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul® "Money is not the root of all evil nor the answer to all your problems. But it is a crucial tool to making your life what you want it to be. This is the message of The Ultimate Financial Plan, but it's not just a book about the 'philosophy of money.' It's full of practical, powerful advice for using money to its best advantage without letting it take over your life." —Robert Brokamp, CFP®, Senior Advisor, The Motley Fool


6. Industry: Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions. 7. Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly. 8. Justice: Wrong none, by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty. 9. Moderation: Avoid extremes. Forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanness in body, clothes, or habitation. 11. Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring; never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation. 12. Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. 13. Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

Have you ever wanted a good old fashioned home cooked meal while on vacation or to know that your restaurant of choice is going to have delicious food? Here is a Heartfelt Restaurant for you. The Country Bounty has your answer! Ryan and Rebecca Stowell & the entire Country Bounty Staff welcome you! "When our family opened this restaurant in 1981, we wanted to provide our guests with the best in country fare, hospitality and great service. Being the second generation of Stowells, as proprietors we strive to provide the same great values and to convey our constantly growing vision of great tasting foods." Rebecca Stowell www.thecountrybounty.com


Their gift shop features a wide array of unique gifts for all ages and tastes: Jewelry Colorado Souvenirs Home Decor Tea Sets Frames Burt's Bees Christian Books and CDs Children's Toys And Much More!

Increase Your Connections While surfing on the web I have been able to connect with some amazing businesses and people. Some websites even offer the opportunity to share links. By doing this you can have your website logo posted on their site, creating more free word of mouth for both companies and people. A Win Win! Here are a few examples of some of these companies:


Unique Artistic Usable Pottery

www.naplesclayplace.com On www.heartbeatmag.com you can send us your logo and we put it on our site.

At www.tallyconnection.com you can send them your logo and put their logo on your website.

5 Minutes for Mom has had a cool feature called silent tagging Wednesdays. This is where you can upload an image to their site and tag your website.

The Clay Place has a resource page where you can send them an email with your logo and they will add it to their site.

It takes a village to raise a child. We are your village. Toddlers To Teens TV Offers a Free Business Directory- If you'd like a FREE listing all you have to do is go to http://www.toddlerstoteens.tv/ and review one of their videos then share it on your Facebook business page, then come back and let them know. Then email your logo and details to melissa@toddlerstoteens.tv




ctober Birthdays Happy Birthday to all that are celebrating this month!

Celebrate your night in style! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


Mackenzie Plocinski Caitlyn Gatrell Tara Doherty Gary Ervin Joseph Ervin Eric Weatherby Erin Ervin Ashley Rogero Lisa Darden Harold Kerr Karen Ledesma Erica Ledesma Valerie Valcourt Karen Sizelove Dominic Laflamme Jay Wolfson Jonathan N Kalis Nathan Moore Gilbert Jones

Cheryl Flothe's

Jack-o-lantern Pizza Pot Pie

Recipe Corner Halloween's almost here---time for dressing up, harvest themed parties, & trick-or-treating. Here's the scoop on how this holiday started: First, the Celts in Great Britain celebrated an end of harvest festival around November 
1st. Bonfires were built by Druids who believed fires would ward off evil spirits. Under Roman rule, the harvest festival was held to honor their goddess of fruit and trees, thus the tradition of bobbing for apples. Over time, Catholics observed All Saints Day, or All Hallows Eve, to honor saints with no dedicated days. This day was later called Halloween. On the English All Souls Day, parades were held and "soul cakes" were distributed to the poor. This tradition later turned into U.S.children wearing costumes and trick-or-treating. Halloween started as a religious holiday and has become a day of fall fun! Here's a Halloween recipe the whole family will love. Finding Inspirational Heartfelt companies to connect with others. Have you made a QR code yet for your business? They are so much fun to scan and visit websites quickly. Ask us how!


Recipes from www.BettyCrocker.com

1 pound lean ground beef or Italian sausage 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper 1 can (8 ounces) pizza sauce 1 can (4 ounces) sliced fresh mushrooms 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (4 ounces) 1 cup Original Bisquick® mix 1/4 cup very hot water Heat oven to 375ºF. Grease four 10- to 12-ounce casseroles. Cook ground beef, onion and bell pepper in 10inch skillet over medium heat, stirring frequently, until beef is brown; drain. Stir in pizza sauce and mushrooms. Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally; reduce heat. Simmer uncovered 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Spoon beef mixture into casseroles. Sprinkle 1/4 cup cheese on each. Mix Bisquick mix and very hot water; beat vigorously 20 seconds. Turn dough onto surface dusted with Bisquick mix; gently roll in Bisquick mix to coat. Shape into ball; knead about 10 times or until smooth. Divide dough into 4 balls. Pat each ball into circle the size of diameter of casserole. Cut steam vent in each circle with knife or cookie cutter. Place each circle on beef mixture in casserole. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until very light brown.

Quiet Time 9 methods to increase your joy and peace. 1. Go for a walk When you go for a walk you're able to have some quiet time. Your body gets some needed exercise and your mind gets time to think about your day. Where you are walking will determine the quality of enjoyment you have. You could choose the Sanctuary, your road where you live, or find a nice park with a great path. 2. Prayer and Meditation I believe prayer is something that provides clarity and purpose to what you want to accomplish that day. Taking some quiet time to do this allows you to have a closer connection to God. Another way to relax is to meditate. Meditation can sometimes be thought of as weird. I think taking time for meditation means that you are allowing your brain to quiet down and stop thinking so fast. Brianne Toole, LCSW Psychotherapist says, "Jon Kabat - Zinn is the founder and director of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and a pioneer in researching mind/body interactions for healing chronic pain, stress related disorders, anxiety, panic, and depression through the practice of Mindfulness Meditation. Due to his extensive research he became highly recognized in North America for bringing meditation out of the counter-culture into the medical field." Prayer and meditation can bring more joy and peace to your life.

3. Read a book Reading a book takes your mind to a different world. If it's a good plot sometimes you can get so involved with the book you forget what time it is and you enjoy the adventure. Some books inspire you to get off the couch and make a difference in the world. Whichever book you choose think about how it will effect you and go with your heart.


"Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow." Benjamin Franklin

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. ~Edward P. Morgan

4. Volunteer When volunteering, pick something that you have always wanted to do. I once volunteered at a pregnancy outreach center. I had always wanted to perform baby ultrasounds and with my nursing background was able to learn how to be a tech. It was a joy to see the pleasure these women had on their faces when they saw the precious baby inside. My friend, Lisa Stutz, said, "Once I was able to volunteer at the MTV music awards. It was amazing to see all the different celebrities and how each person was so unique. Some would have an entrouage and others would be with a friend. I helped with the behind the scenes support. It was awesome meeting Gwyneth Paltrow, her skin is so flawless." 5. Clear your schedule for a day While we all have busy schedules sometimes its important to make one day free with nothing to do --- no commitments or appointments. You can choose to go for a walk on the beach or sit and enjoy the waves crashing in. 6. Join a gym Find a gym that can meet your needs. Figure out if it's dance that you love or lifting weights. When you find a gym that works for you, taking time to connect with the people there will help to increase your success of exercising with a friend. Happy endorphins will be created by exercise. I recently joined Crunch gym, www.crunch.com.

7. Make your bed It's funny, I was reading the other day that the simplest things in life like making our beds can actually send good feelings to our brain and provide us with joy and peace. Who knew our mothers were right when they told us to make our beds? 8. Call a friend By talking and chatting with our friends we can share about our life. When we share about our lives it gives us meaning and purpose. I was listening to a marriage speaker the other day and they said that finding your purpose is one of the top priorities in our lives. 9. Change your diet Getting back to simple foods like carrots, apples, homemade bread, and milk can do wonders to our health. When our health improves so does our peace and joy.


tech tips & quotes


Art apps You see so many people lately with their phones texting or laughing at a post they read. It's amazing how connected phones have allowed us to be but also disconnected with each other at times. With my kids we have a few art apps that we enjoy using together. I'll share some of my favorites, then you can make the decision if you'll like them too.

Photo Editing Apps: DoodleBuddy SpinArt Neon Motion

Apps for Art!

Beth Gatrell, provides some tips for, "Into Tomorrow" on the new technology that is available.

Into Tomorrow's Tech Tip of the Week Make your technology work for you! Breast Cancer Tech … October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and you can use your tech to help. Beyond the Shock provides information on most everything you need to know about Breast Cancer as well as gathering resources and sharing information between those diagnosed, their family, friends and doctors. Other great sites to visit include National Breast Cancer Organization, Breast Cancer.org and Susan G. Komen Just by clicking, you can donate a free mammogram from either The Breast Cancer Site or Care2. And there are some great Facebook pages for Breast Cancer Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness Month and The Breast Cancer Site. You can even download apps with hot guys that will help remind you to check your breasts. Help Save the Ta-Tas … "Into Tomorrow" Beth Gatrell www.intotomorrow.com

I believe art is a way to express yourself. When we are young, art is fun and funky and as we get older we begin to critique it. These fun iPhone apps bring you back to being a kid again. I found "DoodleBuddy," has so many fun features. You can scribble, sticker, work on adding objects to an image. Your creativity has endless possibilities This is a FREE app. I also use "SpinArt," it's a unique app that actually looks like it's spinning the paper and your paint is randomly splattered onto the art. The kids really enjoy this one . .99 cents "Neon Motion" is a funny app because you can add bright lights to your dog's face or a crown of neon to your head. We enjoy making funny looking pictures with this art app. FREE. To view some information about iPhone Fun apps visit


He ar tfe lt Ar t

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” - Steve Jobs October Quotes -



October is the fallen leaf, but it is also a wider horizon more clearly seen. It is the distant hills once more in sight, and the enduring constellations above them once again.- Hal Borland

Artist Jim Rice

Featured Artist

'Pottery, Sculpture, & Tile'

Mr. Rice has created environmental ceramic pieces, including fireplaces, wall murals, pool tiles, fountains, animals and planters. His repertoire of functional works includes place settings of dishes, serving bowls, and decorative pieces highlighted by his lively fish platters which are oven, dishwasher and microwave safe. His custom work and commissions are installed in private homes and public buildings throughout the country. View full art photos online www.facebook.com/naplesclayplace

James Rice has converted his craft into a fine art and his works reflect confidence, vigor and the joy of living. "All Fired Up Over Pottery" "Plattery will get you everywhere" "Feats of Clay" "Potter finds something fishy in his job" "Passionate About Pottery" "Art lovers call Naples Paradise" "Rice and Fish -- Not a Japanese Dish"

This is my own unique way of seeing the beautiful



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