How we post a video on youtube/Cum postam un video pe youtube

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Cum postam un video pe youtube? How we post a video on youtube?

Profesor/Teacher Nicoletta Hustiuc, proiect eTwinning Micul Print/Little prince, 2021/2022

Intram pe youtube, ne conectam cu contul realizat, username si parola. In cazul in care avem contul nostru de youtube, ne deconectam si ne conectam la acest cont realizat pentru proiect. Adresa este de gmail, iar odata conectati ne uitam sus in dreapta, langa bara de cautare, unde este un plus, apasam si incarcam videoclipul. Acesta se proceseaza, apoi completam cateva campuri, daca dorim sa fie public sau nelistat ( in acest caz trebuie sa dam noi adresa din bara celor care dorim sa vizioneze videoclipul, fiindca nu va fi public pentru toti ce acceseaza youtube. In bara din stanga jos gasim biblioteca, unde este deja videoclipul incarcat, pe care il putem partaja prin link. Succes! We enter youtube, we connect with the realized account, username and password. If we have our youtube account, we disconnect and connect to this account made for the project. The address is gmail, and once connected we look up to the right, near the search bar, where there is a plus, we click and upload the video. It is processed, then we fill in some fields, if we want it to be public or unlisted (in this case we have to give the address from the bar to those who want to watch the video, because it will not be public for everyone who accesses youtube. In the lower left bar we find the library, where the video is already uploaded, which we can share via the link. Success!

Multumesc pentru vizionare! Thank s for waching!

Profesor/Teacher Nicoletta Hustiuc, proiect eTwinning Micul Print/Little prince, 2021/2022

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