Cum realizam un chestionar microsoft?

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Cum realizam un chestionar microsoft? How we do a microsoft survey? Teacher Nicoletta Hustiuc, eTwinning project, Little prince, 2021/2022

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Add question, adaugati intrebare

Choose the tipe of questions /Alegeti tipul de intrebare

Intrati sus in dreapta la setari Up on sus the iright side, setings Intrati

Choose the begining and end date of completion/Alegeti data de incepere si sfarsit al completarii

Sens, short url, copy, pasteSend, shorten url, copy paste

Continuati asa pana la final, apoi alegeti trimitere, Nu uitati sa selectati data inceperii si data finalizarii, trimiteti fie link, fie prin mail. Succes!

Continue like this until the end, then choose sending, don't forget to select the start date and the end date, send either a link or by email. Success!

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