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List of Content LIFESTYLE 6-11 ‘Local Skateboarder’, Chris Mann 12-13 ‘Costa Rica, Biggest ‘Waves’, Surf Spots 14-19 ‘Graphic Designer’, Jono Wood 20 “ON A BLUEBIRD DAY” 30-35 ‘Pro Snowboarder’, Tini Gruber FASHION 38 ‘On Trend’, report 39-48 Spring/Summer trends 2013 50 “REMEBER THOSE CHILDHOOD GAMES” 54-57 ‘Life of successful model, Chris Kightley’ 58 “BOHO GOTH” 64-67 ‘Make Up Artist’, Jeannine Lecher 68 “JAPONISME MEETS SURF” 74-75 ‘Raptor Jewelry’, feature. 76 “TROPICAL SCIFARI” ART & MUSIC 84 ‘Story Teller’ Exhibition by Tim Walker 86 “TAPE-FICTION” 92-93 ‘Tips for Exhibitions London May-June‘ 94 ‘Artist on Trend’ Niky Roehreke 96-99 ‘Snowbombing Festival’, feature. 100-103 ‘Upcoming Events London’


Editor’s Letter Welcome readers! I’m proud to announce the first ever issue of Bluebird magazine. As a devoted person in the extreme sports scene, especially freestyle skiing, there is never a better way to enjoy a day as on a ‘Bluebird’. For many of you this expression might be new. The word epitomises perfect weather; blue sky with sun shining upon us! It makes you happy and positive through out a day. Bluebird magazine is exactly all about that! This first issue concentrates on people within the world of extreme sports, particularly their successes and the certain lifestyle it encompasses. By interviewing these people, it is inspiring to see that dreams can come true if you work hard enough and believe in yourself. This might be something you always hear people say but it’s more realistic and relatable when you read someone’s personal story. Local skateboarder Chris Mann will reveal the truths about the London skateboard scene. Jono Wood, a successful graphic designer, will lead you through his journey and unravel how he ended up landing his dream job within the realm of extreme sports. Chris Kightley, fills us in on his transition from a Pro Snowboarder to a Supermodel. And professional make-up artist Jeannine Lehner will describe how the Austrian fashion world works as she lives amongst the alpine mountains! A key element of this magazine is to deliver the latest fashion. By featuring articles such as ‘Best Surf Spots’ and ‘Spring/Summer Trends 2013’, Bluebird combines a youthful lifestyle with a unique influence from the world of extreme sports. The latest Art & Music news is delivered to you within the last part of the magazine. Having difficult planning some fun for the weekend? Then look no further…upcoming and trendy events are scouted out and brought to you first, including a special review on the biggest music festival in the mountains ‘Snowbombing’, local art exhibitions and many more! I would like to wish a massive thanks to everyone who contributed to this magazine and hopefully it will be a nice Bluebird today! Warm wishes, Nicole Helm



Chris Mann The Local Skateboarder What is your full name? Christopher Steven Mann When and Where were you born? Barnsley, northern England, 19. How many years has it been since you first started skating? I started skating in 2004 about 8 years. What inspired you to start? I was playing football a lot and then it was this book in school, about skateboarding and that was when i started i guess, bought my first skateboard. 6

What was the name of the book? I don’t know, a pretty shitty book just about skateboarding really. Which famous skater do you reckon is your idol? I don’t really idolize people but I could say just a couple of my friends. It’s nice to be inspired by people but I don’t really idolize. I got a lot of influences but not idolizing you know what I mean. Now, what do you think about Sean White skating skills? The snowboarder? yeah I haven’t really paid attention to him, but he is a bit gnarly isn’t he?

You reckon he’s better off focusing on hitting the slopes or the streets? I say the skatepark , ill go in between! As a local skateboarder in London, where would you consider the best spot to skate? at the moment Mile End skate park. Compared to other places around London, why is it the best? It’s not like a best spot, it’s just a good place to meet people, warm up and just really to relax and chill out. They’re is always a good crowd of people as well. Would you consider the city popular for skateboarding? Yeah definitely. why? Because it’s not like anywhere else in the country or anywhere else in the world, it’s unique. The ground is really bad everywhere, very different, more harder and rugged. That’s why you have to try harder to land all your tricks. definitely.

Have you accomplished anything through skateboarding, if so, what has that been? Traveling and meeting new people. There are a few competitions I came first in just local ones in Sheffield and Cornwall, run by skate shops. But the main thing is really the people you meet. In the snow-skate and snow world, there is always the subject of sponsorship, have you ever been sponsored by any skateboard brands or currently are? I was riding for a company in Nottingham called Nise, but I’m not riding for them anymore. I still got my skate shop sponsoring me from home though, Avit skateboard shop. There is this german company that might be interesting in sponsoring me, called Ten, so we’ll se how that goes... Is there a particular brand you wished to be sponsored by? No I’m not really bother by it, I mean if someone asked me than I would be keen. Some people are desperate for it though but I’m not that bothered about it.


With skating, shoes easily get torn up and don’t last long, if you were to choose your ultimate skate shoe - which one would it be and from what brand? I got some really nice DC shoes from a guy called Ed who works at the DC office... it really was the best shoes I’ve ever had but I can’t find them anywhere now. They were like suede ones called Studio. You can find them now in crazy colors but not classic ones like black and white. Are you aware of the fashion within the skateboarding culture? Yeah, I get a lot of criticism for my clothes though haha! Oh really, why? Just because I don’t like a lot of the skateboarding brands, I just wear clothes from normal high street shops when I skate. There are a few brands that i like and rep. I’m not really into logos and prints. Sometimes I wear it when I rarely like something but i think ’less is more’. Do you think it is important how you look while skating - perhaps more at skate competitions? I don’t think it matters if it’s on the street or in a competition. Yeah, surely it’s important how you look but it’s not just about the clothes. For example, someone comes out skating in a big camouflage hoodie and a big hat, I’d be like wow as in the person really stands out! I’m not saying it’s important but if everyone would wear the same it would be boring. There are so many different styles which keeps it interesting. How would you describe your own style then? As I mentioned earlier, I’m not a big fan of logos more towards the simple way. Usually black trousers and white t-shirts, could even say a little bit dark but in the end very simple.



Photo credits: Joel Peck & Reece Leung 10

Which skate-wear brands would you consider your favorite? I like the stuff Analog were doing before the went on recession. A lot of the Altomont stuff is good as well, it’s a quite new company just a couple of years old. What is it you like about Altomont then? They make simple thin t-shirts and hoodies which for me is good as I can wear it normally as well. Many skaters use shoelaces tied around their waist, do you think it has become more of a trend rather then comfortless? Yeah, definitely. I always used to have a shoelace around my waist but after turning 18 I swopped to belts. I still wear shoelaces sometimes. I just put them under my belt. Incase your shoe laces rips on your shoes you’ll have a spare one! I do think it is more of a younger generation phase. Would you think about what shoelace to use? Nah...but I always have black shoelaces on my shoes as they are black too. Why not other colors? I don’t know really, I guess I’m weird in that way! There is this new brand made by the Helgasson snowboard brothers 7/9/13 who makes rad shoelaces, have you ever heard of it? No...but there is this brand called Kr3w which make jeans with shoelaces already inside them. What is your favorite piece of clothing going for a everyday skatesesh? Black jeans and a white t-shirt. it’s normally just that! What do you bring on a day of skate, name your 5 most important things?

Phone, wallet, keys, skateboard, a lighter. A lighter is handy, you never know when you need it. For example if your shoelaces fray you can just burn them back together and maybe if I’m up for a cigarette as well, haha. Cap or Beanie? neither! I don’t wear hats. Strictly hair haha! To go back a little bit more about life experience in skateboarding, What is the best thing about the scene? You can meet people from anywhere, any background, rich people and poor people but you’ll all share the same interest - skateboarding. It’s definitely a good thing . At the end of the day everyone is there to skate. It just makes you more social, there are always events going on, good opportunities to meet new people and travel of course. Considering the bad news about South Bank skate park, how do you think we can try and save it? if there still is a chance? I think what they are doing at the moment is the right thing to go around it. Making events there, petitions, making people recognize how iconic the spot is and how much it means to some people especially in London. That is probably it. Finishing off with the last question, from going locally to world wide, where would you say the radest place would be for skateboarding? Best place for doesn’t really matter to be honest. As long as you are with your friends you can skate anywhere you want, have a couple of beers, relax and still have fun. So I would say anywhere is good for skating. There is nothing good or bad, every country is different. It can be perfect for different things. 11

Costa Rica The Biggest Waves Costa Rica is a legendary surfing location and is seen as more of a ‘hardcore’ destination. The recent rise in surf camps, guiding and surfer friendly accommodation has seen things become a lot more comfortable for traveling surfers in recent years. Its geography makes it a classic trip choice, having two coastlines — the Caribbean and the Pacific — which both produce great waves and have quality surf spots. The Caribbean side has a short surfing season and produces large swells from tropical storms off Mexico. The Pacific coast has smaller but more consistent surf generated by low pressure systems located off New Zealand. The major swell season is April to October, but the clean surf season is December to April when swell from deep antic lows reach the Pacific coastline with offshore winds a common occurrence. Typically morning surfs are offshore and afternoon are light onshore, make sure you are up early to get those classic glassy sessions.


Costa Rica is a country that is blessed not only with consistent waves year round but also many great surf spots. If you are a fan of pointbreaks (lets face it - we all are!) then Costa Rica is your ideal destination. Costa Rica waves of note are Playa Naranjo (featured in the Endless Summer II video) and the quality right rivermouth pointbreak at Potrero Grande (Ollies Point). There are also tons of spots just waiting to be discovered. Costa Rica surfing is definitely recommended, and for the adventurous it could be the trip of a lifetime.


Full name? JONATHAN WOOD When/where are you originally born/from? I was born here in the UK in Kingston-Upon-Thames, just outside of London in 1979. What sort of graphic designer are you? That’s a tough one. I’d like to think I do a bit of everything but right now I am very much focused more in graphic design or illustration, I think that is how most people may have seen my work. Although I didn’t start out with that in mind. I was very much based in painting and drawing studying traditional techniques throughout my school years and from there I moved into animation at university continually evolving my work and skills as I progressed. When did you feel you wanted to be creative for a living? I guess I have always known I wanted to go down that path in terms of pursuing my art but it was more a dream that I could turn it into something I could call a career rather than always having that in mind. When I was just a small kid I didn’t have a dream of becoming a fireman or an astronaut I just wanted to draw. So I guessed it all stemmed from there and my parents have always been very supportive of any decisions I made. 14

How long have you been working in the industry? As a designer? A fair few years now, but I came through a very different path to get where I am today. During my degree in animation I was given the opportunity to continue another passion of mine as a professional snowboarder. You’ll have to understand that this was a number of years ago and was a very rare and abnormal offer. I spoke to my family and my tutors and decided to defer a year and spend it in the mountains whilst I was still young and my body was in one piece. It proved to be the best decision of my life. I continued on drawing and snowboarding and The many years away I spent trying to get my foot in the door and meeting the people who would in fact help me pursue both career paths. Was it tough to get where you are today? Yes, I’m not going to lie. it takes a long time to climb each rung of the ladder. Hoping that people will take you seriously and indeed like your work. In the beginning there was a lot of working for free or mates rates just to try and get your work out there. From there you can build on that and approach the next client always looking to aim a little higher every time. My advise would be if you are in design to make money then it isn’t for you, It takes a lot of passion, sleepless nights up working, and self promotion but it is certainly worth it in my opinion. Being able to hold your work at the end of the month is a rewarding experience. What is your story behind why and how you started with graphic design? I first started moving my work to the more digital side of graphic design almost by accident. I was working with Gravis Footwear on a number of projects until they needed a photoshop layered image for a screen print. I’ll be honest to that point I had no idea how on earth to work photoshop so I had to set about learning it from scratch by myself. This was before youtube tutorials haha. Who have you worked with, which brands would you consider your biggest accomplishments? I have worked with a whole bunch of people in all aspects of design. Gravis Footwear, Analog clothing, Burton Snowboards, Capita Snowboards, Habitat skateboards, NIKE, Redbull, Monster energy, I even designed a restaurant logo for Jenson Button. It’s all very varied and that is one reason I love my work and I’m proud to be working with such amazing brands. 15

Why do you reckon they want your designs in front of others? to be honest I don’t know, perhaps its the bold style or brands can associate with my work, but there are so many amazing people out there, I do feel very humbled and lucky to be doing this. Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from every thing from every day life. Travel, friends, family, relationships, news, environment etc so like my work it changes from day to day. Do you have a website where we can easily find your work? It’s usually on but right now it’s under construction as it’s in the process of being updated. but you can find a bunch of my skateboarding art at and my snowboards at Is there any interesting stories behind your designs? I like to keep my designs personal to me, Including a lot of things i’d like to say for example, or convey a message. Also where I can I tend to use friends within my work as despite it sometimes being seen by thousands it still keeps it very much something that means something to me.

Lets talk about your newest Capita Snowboard Designs, they are really cool and funky with lots of color. Perhaps you can tell us what inspired you particularly for that design? With my work for Capita, the guys are very good at giving me free rein over what to do. They provide me with a title or some initial ideas and leave me to work on them. So for my first year with Capita I based my idea around sirens. They were zombified women who’s reflections in the water made them still look beautiful. The idea lent itself perfectly to the shape of the board. For my work for the new upcoming seasons work we wanted to keep a similar look and feel but draw in aspects of traditional horoscope imagery and make a sort of psychedelic collage of bits and pieces to build up a complete piece, and hopefully we managed to pull it off. With art designed to be seen by a mass market and a huge demographic it is sometimes tough to create something for everyone, but then again no one s going to like everything that is just how art is.

Where are you based? Right now i’m based just outside of London but that is the beauty of my work and the internet. I can literally work from anywhere and I love that as I love to travel. 16

London is very Artsy. Do you consider it a good place to be for a Graphic Designer of your sort? That’s true it is very Arty, and I love the diversity of it so yeah its a good place to be a designer but there is a lot of competition, which is healthy. What would be the worst that could happen while working on a project? I would say, touch wood, that it would be a hard drive crashing during a large project and losing everything. the thought of that make my toes curl. What would you say to others who has the same dream as you within the Extreme Sports World? If it;s truly what you want, you can make it work, but it takes a lot of patience and passion. My biggest pointer would be presentation. A good portfolio opens many doors. Outside Graphic Design, what else do you enjoy? My main thing would be keeping active. I like snowboarding, skating, surfing, climbing, running etc it helps keep me in the right frame of mind. Sometimes it’s hard to wake up and be creative every day if you are just not feeling it. Leading question” where would that be? Do you like fashion? Yeah, I try and keep myself looking respectable but I am no means a follower of fashion. How would you describe your style? I guess right now I’m kind of running a biker/fisherman/street urchin kind of vibe. Slight beard, longish hair, Brixton fiddler black hat, black double breasted pea coat, black skinny jeans and black vans. 17


Which would be your 3 best styling tips for a guy? -Where what you feel best suits you don’t do what everyone else is doing, be the leader not the follower. -you can never have too many coats, hats or shoes - never ever where joggers outside unless you are doing sport. its not a good look haha If you have to choose beanie - cap or hat? today…. Hat Would you consider working with famous fashion designers if you would get the opportunity? I’m not sure it would be my thing, but I’m looking forward to hopefully working together with other brands and pushing the opportunities I where my work can go. If yes, which one would you pick? ( if you can name one) okay, to the last question, were do you see yourself in 10 years? That’s certainly the toughest question of all of them. I don’t really know what i’m doing from week to week or month to month, but most importantly I hope that I am happy and doing what I love. 19

Photographer: Anthony Harle Stylist: Nicole Helm Make-Up: Jeannine Lecher Hair: Nicole Helm Assistant: Bri Nelson






Tini Gruber Pro Snowboarder

Full Name? Christina Gruber Where are you originally from? Autria, Zell am Ziller, born. when? 25th August 1990. What is the best with being a pro snowboarder? Get to travel around the world for sure, meeting new people, 30

getting to ride the coolest parks in the world. Do you reckon benefits would be different in the extreme sports world if you would live in a different country, lets say ... America? Probably yea, in Austria its all about ski racing. They don’t really know what freestyle is within snowboarding and skiing. Thats why it’s so important to start having it in the olympics. I’m very excited about that. It’s good to bring this type of sport out there.


Which country has the best park / mountain conditions in your opinion? America for sure, then it depends what time of year it is. I would say the summer in NZ, Hintertux Glacier in Austria in autumn, then the winter I would say Breckenridge and Keystone america. It’s good for training early before competitions and then just stay there till spring. After winter in Spring, Mammoth, North star, all the resorts around lake tahoe really...and the best thing is, everywhere you go you meet the same people riding park. So you always ride with your friends where ever you travel. It’s kind of a small world.

Name your 5 current favorite riding tracks on your iPod? I like to mix up all lot of different music, hiphop, rock... but personally I don’t really like to ride with music.I like the idea of it but it’s quite antisocial when someone comes up and wants to talk to you in the park you know. Mostly there are big speakers on the mountain already so there is always some sort of music.

Besides snowboarding, do you have any other hobbies? climbing in the summer, hiking, swimming... but it’s more like chilling in the sun than swimming haha.

Let’s talk about fashion, is the outwear fashion important for you among the sport for girls? Yes it is. It describes what sort of rider you are. Some people like to be more like a rocker - super tight pants and others goes for a more baggy look. It describes a little bit of your own style but I wouldn’t say it describes someones personality.

Best place to do these things? At home in the Valley. Achsau is very good for swimming, it’s village near where I live. They have a nice little bridge you can jump of into the fresh mountain water. 32

Do you know what the future is going to be like for you? I don’t really think about it too much, just wanna enjoy every second of life and go with it.

Which are you current outwear sponsors? Billabong, Salomon, Smith optics and Hotzone snowboard shop What is the best with them fashion wise? Billabong is amazing with the fact that they also make street wear as well as summer collections and bikinis. That’s of no surprise as they originally are a surfer brand. I like the fact that a lot of products are organic, which I think is cool. The clothes in general i would say are very stylish. I am very stoked to be riding for them....then Salomon, make the best boots I ever had in all my years of riding. They are sneakers a like and so comfy I can wear them all day long on the mountain without my feet aching. Can you tell me about the new winter 13/14 season billabong outwear? It’s nice, I like it. They got three different lines. A fashion fit, a rider fit and a Parker fit. Personally, I always choose the rider and parker fit as they are taller in their designs and more comfortable to ride in. I think the concept is really cool and the fact that there is a whole range of colors to choose from. Another good thing I like about is the good quality in the outwear.

Do you follow the current fashion trends on the side ? oh yeah you know, I’m a girl so I like watching Germany’s next top model haha. I’m not really following it though and I do like to read fashion magazines, especially when I travel a lot its nice to have one with you on the plane. That is about it how much I follow it!

Which is your ultimate favorite piece of clothing ? In winter definitely beanies and in summer I love wearing shorts and flip-flops.

Would you consider yourself a fashionista among your friends, if not than how would you describe your own style? I think they are all very stylish, I would describe my own as a relaxed style. What would your ideal outfit be on a night out? It really depends on what sort of night out it is... tonight it’s Gauder and I’m wearing a ”dindle” a traditional austrian dress!



Haha okay, that sounds like a fun party. Let’s say on a normal night out? Again it depends what you are planning to do....but I would say a pair of jeans, a nice top... something I feel comfortable in. Kind of everyday wear but a bit nicer. High heels on top of that? Yeah I would. If I was to go out in Zillertal where I live, probably not... but other places, here and there, big events I enjoy to wear them. Most of the time I shock my friends by wearing them as they don’t see me that often wearing such type of shoe! Ah nice! I think that’s a good thing, gives you more of a wow effect! Or maybe they think I just can’t walk in them, maybe thats why, haha! How would you describe women’s fashion in the extreme sports world down the mountain that is? Really good yeah. They are all dresses like my kind of style. It all make sense, I mean, all of them got their own sponsors

to represent, everyone is looking good! So you don’t think it needs a boost? Not necessarily, I think it’s really good actually! The things you see on the catwalk is not really wearable... If you were to end up on the cover of a fashion magazine, which one would you pick? Probably Rolling Stones, hell yeah! Last question, the hype on nikes has been around for quite a time now, would you still rock them old vans or try the trendy nikes if you have to choose? Vans, just like it better. I’ve never bought a pair of fancy nikes honestly. I do like the brand for running shoes. Good on your feet and all but I do love my old vans. Some people wear their vans as they are a part of their life, how long have you had your longest for? Almost a year, so not that long! I do wear them a lot so...




ON TREND Spring and Summer is upon us. Taking us back to the 60’s where we can see an emergence of mini skirts, flower power and Mods. Marc Jacobs came out strong with Louis Vuitton’s collection paring up the models two by two. Big checked prints in black and white contrasted with neon’s in yellow and green, not to mention the little oriental twist with Japanese blossoms. Other designers such as Missoni and Moschino focused on the more colorful palette by use of flower power and space age. Mustard yellow blended with grasping pinks are huge this season and add colour to the flowery spring/summer catwalks. Maybe it’s going be a grand flourish season? The roaring 20’s is another era taken on for inspiration this season, combining a focus on the architectural Bauhaus movement, Art Deco and Gatsby Glamour. The latter trend is based upon Baz Luhrmann’s recent movie adaption of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic ‘The Great Gatsby’. The flapper dress and the flare skirt are key elements seen across a plethora of runways including that of Nina Ricci, Marchesa, Versace and Vanessa Bruno. These pieces create a swaying motion which encapsulates a glamorous confidence. Fashion houses such as Martin Margiela, Matthew Wiliamsson, Hervé Léger and a number of other designers embraced the structuralism of Art Deco; embodied with sequins and beads. This encourages females to show their sexy side and not to be afraid of showing of those legs on a warm summer’s evening. During daytime Miss Wang, Michael Kors, Bluemarine and others have all shown an interest in flared skirts. This trend has been adapted in various colors and can be seen across a number of runways. Its effortlessness ensures it to be a key contender for the upcoming season. A few more experimental designers took a trip to the japanese folklore; boosting the traditional cuts with fresh Asian motifs and blossoms. Etro, Pucci, Miu Miu to name a few, displayed a fantastic variation of innovative dresses inspired by kimonos, adding an essence of sexy and edginess through volume and cut outs. This oriental inspiration is sure to be glowing this season. Nature is another key trend that is flourishing this season. Big names such as Hermés, Matthew Williamson, Gucci and Jeremy Scott embraced this style in a variety of different ways. It is a grand mix of various designs featuring Romanticism, Tropical, Flourish, Under the Sea and Wildlife Safari to name a few. Oversized garments and big prints epitomize this movement. Kenzo’s collection represented a strong significance of the tropical wildlife safari by pairing khaki, bright orange and turquoise patched up with a twist of leather and big tropical prints. Humberto Leon and Carol Lim made it easy to attract 38

their audience for a holiday takeout to the Japanese Jungle. Designers stretched their inspiration to island life such as Isabel Marant swaying us into Hawaiian beach theme. Other islands such as Fiji, Tahiti and Bali have had an impact this season as we find exotic bird prints appearing in shows such as Just Cavalli. Let’s not forget that the 80’s are making a huge come back with fresh twists as icons of the decade such as Madonna, Grace Jones, Annie Lennox and Michael Jackson are being used for inspiration. Dsquared2 and Galliano’s shows have even gone to the extent of using models that reflect these icons. Sexy cut outs with S&M bondage designs using black and white leather are also a prominent trend this season as it takes us back to Helmut Newton’s spectacular yet controversially erotic photography. The popular sports trend, which was most likely inspired by the London 2012 Olympics, continues to have a presence on the runway. David Koma’s whole collection was inspired by female tennis players. It introduced us to diamond cuts and asymmetrical bandages wrap dresses with a low waist and flare skirt designs. Using the court as his inspiration, Koma uses net fabrics combined with bright oranges and greens. Recurrent trends of the 90’s are also hitting the stands, with minimalism, grunge and androgyny. Balmain, Balenciaga, Chalayan, Haider Ackerman and a few others mix up 90’s androgyny with 80’s power woman suits. Clean and sharp cuts combined with backcombed hair and monochromatic colors are key. More so, it looks like grunge is also going to be a big hit this season. Using a mixture of different prints and elements, teen spirit is about to take over the high street. Betsy Johnson presented a crazy show as usual with lots of color blocks and clashing prints compared to Philip Lim who focused on the t-shirt slogans with denim and flannel shirts. Grunge is a wide collection of mismatch pieces that work perfectly together. This time represented in a modern way that is healthier and more natural. Minimalism seems to be very popular this spring and summer. Jil Sander, Armani, Céline and Topshop Unique showed us effortless designs of how you can take minimalism to the next level. Many designers took on minimalism using clean shapes, representing purity and simplicity. Jil Sander womenswear collection can be described as understated elegance full of freedom, making summer 2013 seem so breezy. Giorgio Armani took his collection with control over sharp geometrical shapes embracing the flamboyant silks and organzas of a blue and gray color palette. Very elegant and neat bringing us up to the blue night skies, he also tried stepping outside of his zone. Adding to his minimalistic style he combined shimmer and stars in a blurry futuristic way.























REMEMBER THOSE CHILDHOOD GAMES Photographer: Andrea Optional Assistant photographer: Slone Mesly Dayce Stylist: Nicole Helm Styling assistance: Elie Esteve & Jane Marle


Life of Successful Model Chris Kightley Name? Chris Andrew Kightley Where are you from? I am for Tamworth, How old are you? 23. What made you consider modeling? To be honest, nothing really consider me choosing modeling. I got scouted while I was working in Costa coffee...I didn’t think of it really. When was this? This was four years ago over the summer in Essex. How old were you when you did your first shoot? 16 actually when I think about it. I wasn’t a real model then though. I did a shoot for Bliss, it’s like a 16-year-old teenage magazine in England, it’s quite embarrassing but they paid me 50 pounds haha! 54

I bet you were stoked by that? oh yeah! I was well stoked, I kept on calling the editor every week about when it was coming out, I bet she was well sick of me haha. Now I don’t care if I’m in Italian vogue or GQ magazine honestly. What is the scariest thing of being a model? Waking up one day and realizing you are getting old.. probably...or your first wrinkle haha. I don’t really know...that’s the best I can come up with. Seeing you on big billboards for example River Island, When did you realize you are becoming to have a more successful career as a model? I didn’t realize really just until a couple of years ago before I did River Island and as well as Burton. I wasn’t serious at all about it before.. but since I was booking big jobs and editorials all around the world, I realized it is a career and there is a lot more jobs to come and campaigns. So now I’ve taken it very seriously.

Which is the craziest job you ever done? The craziest job I’ve ever done must have been for Calvin Klein fashion week in Berlin. I had to be a living center piece for the main show which consisted me a long with a few other models laying down naked on the podium. It was just at the main entrance of the show and of course you had all the celebrities on the front row watching you. I remember that Sylvester Stallone was there and the cast from Twilight and many more. So it was very wired and very uncomfortable laying there naked in front of all those people. It’s not a thing you do everyday haha! So you were totally but naked?? yeah that was the most odd thing about it, I wasn’t allowed to move a muscle, I just had to lay there. So yeah it was a pretty crazy experience. How did you end up with England’s most leading model agencies, Models 1? I’ve been with them now for the past year. To be honest, it was quite difficult to get with the Agency as such a prestigious agency that they only take the best models, with the quite resent editorial I’ve done with BMW Germany, big editorials with GQ and Vogue magazine and fashion shows such as Alexander Mcqueen and Calvin Klein, they saw potential in me.


You’ve done a lot of catwalks, which one would you consider your most famous walk? Certainly Alexander Mcqueen which also was my first ever runway show I did in Milan. As a model, you must travel a lot, which is the best place you’ve ever been sent off to for a job? That’s a tricky one perhaps which are the one(s). There are so many I can’t really decide... But if you have to name one? Okay, then I would have to go with my first shoot I’ve ever done on a tropical island. I went to Mauritius. It probably was one of the best first trips on my list. Which job has been the most successful you have accomplished? They are all successful but I would have to say the one with the most wow factor was a very recent one i did with BMW in LA. It was a private shoot, top secret! So we had top security trough the airport and jet flights flying in the sky keeping out the paparazzi’s. We even had three police patrol vans cutting off all roads around us. It was pretty crazy, American style. All this because of a new car never promoted before. Let’s talk about fashion, which 3 brand would you say are your favorites? My fav brands I like to wear is Scotch&Soda, a brand from Amsterdam, I love them Calvin Klein boxer shorts and Jean Paul which is a norwegian brand. Why exactly them? Scotch&Soda really suits my build compared to other brands. CK, I just love the comfiness and JP because of their good quality and stylish looks. 56

Do you have to be aware of fashion trends as a model? Yes, a lot but it’s always hard and difficult. As a model you create new looks and styles but it can either look cool or stupid. So you have to be really confident with what you wear. To be honest, I know a lot of models who doesn’t really care about their style or what they wear in anyway... What do you think about the spring/summer 13 trends then, tropical prints, cool huh? I think their crazy. Personally, it’s not my taste. I prefer more plain, stylish and simple than outrages and colorful fashion. But you know, this is what people design. I prefered the spring/ summer 11 collections. They were nice and simple, Black and white with lazy cuts. Nowadays they try to work with crazy school boy looks instead. If you go shopping, which 3 stores are you a regular shopper at? I’m not a regular shopper at all haha. If I’m in London and I see a nice shop and clothes in the window, ill probably go in and try them maybe even buy them! But I don’t tend to go to certain shops I go to them all really... Do you ever get to keep anything, clothes, accessories after shoots or catwalks as a model? Sometimes you do, if your lucky and if you’re a cheeky one, you can ask. Mostly it depends what job you are doing and what’s it for. Working with big campaigns, they will always let you keep the suits as well as getting paid. With fashion shows they will give you something like a rolex watch or an Armani suit rather than pay you.

That’s sounds good! Yeah it’s really nice! Some of my friends got loads of free stuff from an Armani show worth thousands of pounds! Living the model life seems pretty sweet, has it been easy for you to get where you are today in the industry? No, it hasn’t been easy at all. At first it was a struggle because I was a snowboarder with no money and it’s very difficult if you don’t have a foot on the ladder or lacking connections with people in the industry. Thankfully a couple of years after just doing casting in London, I met my manager who still is managing me today. His name is Paul. Since that day I met him, he gave me more confidence to become a model and spoke to me about what to do and how I can make it happen. Of course he made all of that come true. With lots of hard work and stressful times, working two jobs as well as modeling part time, eventually he put me with the right agencies around the world. Today I’m signed with 8 agencies and thanks to him I now have constant work with the biggest names in the industry.

What is the worst thing that can happen on a shoot? haha that the clothes wont fit, it’s so embarrassing! It happened to me one time. They brought the wrong size and they had to cancel the whole shoot. I was angry because at the end of the day, I don’t get paid on behalf of other peoples mistakes. Name the 5 most important things you always need to have on you as a Model? Shaver, Iphone, Ipad, money and hair-wax. Who is the most famous person you ever come across in the industry? Well, there are two actually. I’ve met David Coulthard, formula

1 driver at a Hugo Boss party once in London. Then I shared a lift with David Gandy, the super model from Dolce & Gabbana. Although I didn’t realize it was him until he walked out haha. Would you consider yourself with a fashionable personality, if not which one would you describe yourself being? I don’t know what to say to that. In private I don’t really care that much about it. I’m very relaxed. I wont talk about it unless someone asks me. As a former sponsored snowboard rider for Burton, the guys must be pretty jealous of you making it in both worlds, huh? Very true, haha. No, but all of my old friends from snowboarding who I grew up with and was riding with since I was 11, they were very surprised I started a life as a model after snowboarding. Is snowboarding one of your biggest hobbies aside modeling? Yes, of course! You can’t snowboard for 12 years professionally and just stop... snowboarding is most certainly my main hobby. Okay, down to the two last questions, If you had to choose, Snowboard shoes or fancy designer shoes? I find them both comfortable and I lived with both of them all my life. So I’ve heard you are having a baby boy soon with your lovely girlfriend Jeannine, Congratulations, do you think you’ll be aware of baby fashion and dress him fashionably to be the coolest kid in the playground? Yeah of course. He’s going to be dressed in Ralph Lauren and have a match suit, haha! Jokes aside, he will definitely stand out and be noticeable from a distance!


Boho Goth Photographer: Daria Belikova Stylist: Nicole Helm Make-Up: Alina Milos







Jeannine Lehner Make up Artist

Where are you from? I live in Austria, but I’m half dutch and austrian. As an employee at MAC cosmetics in Innsbruck, how did you end up in the beauty industry? Well I think every make up artist would love to work for MAC cosmetics, it’s not that easy to get to work for them you have to stand out of course and put a lot of effort into it. Getting into the make up industry is very hard, you have to be very good and know everything about your work. As well, even times today I have to do some work for free to get in contact with important people. Do you have any advice for people wanting to become a make up artist? 64

Be different and outstanding, do your own thing. Can you tell me a little bit about MAC cosmetics, why are they so popular around the world? Everyone who knows something about make up knows MAC. They work with the biggest events and fashion shows around the world. MAC always put their heart and soul into their company especially for the MAC AIDS foundation, Viva Glam. It connects all of us within the brand, MUA’s to the Founders and creators of the MAC Viva Glam campaigns. They have a grand passion for helping people of all ages, races and sexes affected by HIV and AIDS. Personally, it’s an honor to be work for them.

Did you find it competitive to find job as a MUA in Austria? No because with my history and my experience it’s not that hard in Austria. Believe it or not, fashion is upcoming nowadays here in Austria. We’ll see how the competition will be then! How long has it been since you started your career? I went to Amsterdam as soon as I finished high school to become a Make up artist. I was 19 at the time so it’s been 8 years already! Do you work freelance on the side as well? yes and I do have quite a bit of work at the moment. As a freelance, do you have your own website? Yes, you should check it out; 65

Which is the most fun job you’ve done? I can’t really tell you that because I love most of the jobs I do, they are very different from each other which make it a bit of a challenge and fun! Have you done anything commercially? A few things I have done has been published in small magazines...but I’m still waiting for the big Vogue job :-) Where do you find your inspiration from? That’s a hard one... I get inspired by a lot of things I see. Sometimes I can be very creative and sometimes I just can’t come up with anything. Mostly I get inspired by people on the streets I would have to say. Do you consider yourself working in the high fashion industry in the near future? I hope I will, that would be my dream.


If you could extend your experience in fashion which of he Fashion Capitals would you pick to live/work in ;, London, Milan, Paris or New York? New York, definitely. What is the best about being a Make up artist? That you can be as creative as you want and have your own style and ideas. Do you have any other hobbies outside your job? Well here in Austria, I love the nature and all the activites you can do around here. For example snowboarding, climbing or swimming. They got really beautiful lakes around here.. Do you follow fashion daily? Well, yes of course.

Which are you favorite magazines and good inspiration for make up? I love Italian Vogue and ID magazine. I also read a lot of blogs of other MUAs. What sort of Make Up defines your particular style? I like it very natural with something outstanding, like a very bright lipstick for example. Going more into fashion, where would you go shopping on a normal day of shopping spree? I love second hand shops but I will always find something in ZARA, River Island or Topshop. If you could choose any designer in the world, who would design your wedding dress? Definitely John Galliano! I would love to get married in a dress

like Kate Moss was wearing on her big day. Make up is an everyday routine for most of women around the world, you have probably seen the best and the worst walking down the street, what is your best make up tip for women? Really take your time to choose your foundation, this is so important. There is nothing worse then not having the right tone. Sometimes a make up emergency is needed on a night out, which are your 3 ’must haves’ in the purse? Concealer, tinted lip balm and powder. Okay, last question. There is always a lot of talk about the fashion and beauty industry being questioned as art. Do you consider Make-up is a form of art? A most definite YES.


J a p o n i s m e meets Surf Photographer: Giovanni Martins Stylist: Nicole Helm Stylist-assistants: Elie Esteve & Jane Marle Make-Up: Louise Hall Hair: Jonathan Hughes







Raptor Jewelry

Raptor Jewelry is a custom jewelry line that embraces eccentricity. Each pair has a personality and a name to match! In addition to charisma, each pair carries a bit of Native American culture by means of precious stones, feathers, or leather. They’re all hand made rendering no two pair alike, so revel in the beauty and individuality of Raptor. The designer behind the brand is 25-year-old Ashlee Hatcher. Her passion for creating jewelry is grand and with hard work the brand has grown tremendously. She has reached success in a very short time and actresses such as Felicity Huffman, Eva Longoria and Steven Tyler are clients on her list to name a few. Ashlee’s name for her Jewelry-line Raptor mainly comes from her fascination of Jurassic Park. More specifically the scene when the kids are running around in the big metal kitchen trying to get away from the Raptors. But on a more professional note, Raptor’s are also birds of prey. Seeing as all Ashlee’s earrings have both feathers and ferocity, she thought it was a fitting name. The inspiration for her lines comes from everything and everybody she encounters. She takes full advantage of all her senses. The world can be as ugly as it is beautiful but Ashlee tries to focus on the latter. She makes it a point to soak up all the positive and use that to make something beautiful. To describe her brand in styles and looks she has several categories she puts them into. ’Simply feathers’, ’hand made wire hoops’, ‘dream catchers’, ‘chain danglers’ and ‘big gold hoops’. In an interview with Ark Collective she mentions ”I’ll honestly make anything that dares to cross my mind but as a group, I’d say they all carry a touch of class and a bump of funk!”. Here are some of her latest designs. 74



Tropical Sci fari

Photographer: Giovanni Martins Stylist: Nicole Helm Make-Up: Polly Mann Hair:Stephen Tschaepe








” I don’t want to sound mystical but sometimes when you take a picture something takes over and leads you” - Tim Walker Mystical images, indeed what can you say about Tim Walker’s exhibition ’Story teller’ at the Somerset House, London. Leaving an incredible eye-opener for the fairytale wonderland. Walker, the story teller, these exact words. One of fashion’s most leading photographer, started off his career only at the age of 25 in Vogue fashion. He has worked with the most renowned people in the fashion industry as well as major fashion labels. Tim Walker is probably the most unfashionable fashion-photographer of them all, yet inspires with fantasy, magic, emotion and art. His photography is one of a kind, original, highly creative and imaginative. It’s recognizable instantly and that is something that today is rare to find. The exhibition consists of many narratives and props used from the editorials that are put on display. Placing these in different rooms creates a cohesive story. Leading us through these spaces, quotes by Walker himself are placed dancing around the walls explaining his romantic notions of imagination and photography: “Sometimes when you’re taking a picture an extraordinary sense of luck and chance takes over and propels you to make pictures that you couldn’t in your wildest dreams have imagined. This is the magic of photography.” Entering the unexpected door leading to the first room, the resemblance of Willy Wonka was brought to the attention. Inside, a life-sized Spitfire painted in baby blue color - a prop from a 2009 British Vogue shoot starring Lily Donaldson - has artfully ‘crashed’ through the fireplace. In addition of mixing the surreal tapestry of a blue sky falling apart contrasting with the walls of the setting - this was a divine tone for the rest that is yet to come. The beautiful romantic white swan, the giant bumblebee playing the cello, the huge skeleton and the 15ft tall child’s doll that once chased Lindsey Wixson through the woods for Vogue Italia. But despite these extravagant center pieces in every room which create their own stories of this theatrical staged exhibit; all eyes are primarily focused on the photographs that in fact brought them to life. A decoration on white walls blended by fashion editorials mainly from Vogue magazines, portraits of; Vivianne Westwood, Helena Bonham Carter and Alexander Mcqueen and additional personal work.


In one scene, Kirsten Mcmenamy is up against a giant spider, while in another room, Malgosia Bela is posing nude in a bed with a jumbo snail facing down. Stella Tennant is in a pink cloud among the rhododendrons of an English country garden, Agyness Deyn stands in the sand dunes of Namibia amplified with real sand on the bottom of the room. Perhaps brought from Namibia? It can be argued that we are used to value the beauty of the photographic works. By looking into the wellcreated framework which have been granted for the making of it; the experience of being confronted by these constructions is something we are not commonly used to. The notorious installation props stationed around the different areas of the exhibition looses that bit of magic. An instant reaction from imagination to reality; the works of beauty from being in existence becomes drift apart; a disappointing and unexpected repercussion. For all one knows, it can be discussed as a matter of the presentation. The sculptured props appears equally with the photographic works. Moreover, the photographic pieces can be argued to work alternatively independently without loosing its magical flair that comes within Walker’s images. Subsequently, ending the show with the sculptural props in an exciting composition with splendor in amazement individually. However, the magic of fantasy in fairytale of the unreal is beyond an astonishment and by no means does it make up for an interesting exhibition as it stands. Far from it, his fairytale photography empowers the audience, the people - to be swooped into endless imagination. It is grand, it is fantasy and it is beautiful. Tim Walker is one unbeatable man when it come to true originality and genius feat of excellence in photography. He is the Willy Wonka of the fashion photography. It is unquestionable that it is a must see exhibit as additionally the admission is free. written by: Nicole Helm, Tim Walker Story Teller, supported by Mulberry, runs from October 18 - January 27, 2013 at Somerset House, London.


TAPE FICtION Photographer: Giovanni Martins Stylist: Nicole Helm Stylist-assistants: Elie Esteve & Jane Marle Make-Up: Marie Bruce Hair: Jonathan Hughes & Stephen Tschaepe







Roy Lichtenstein at Tate Modern is a momentous show, bringing together 125 of his most definitive paintings and sculptures and reassessing his enduring legacy. The first full-scale retrospective of this important artist in over twenty years, it showcases such key paintings as Look Mickey 1961 lent from the National Gallery Art, Washington and his monumental Artist’s Studio series of 1973–4. Other noteworthy highlights include Whaam! 1963 – a signature work in Tate’s collection – and Drowning Girl 1963 on loan from the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Here, curator Iria Candela presents some of the highlights.

The Dairy Art Centre, a new not-for-profit art center in London’s Bloomsbury district, opened to the pubic on April 25. Collectors Frank Cohen and Nicolai Frahm have taken over a 150 sq m former milk depot into a showcase for art, music and dance. Starting with the biggest UK show by the multi-faceted Swiss veteran John Armleder. Armleder has filled the Dairy’s irregular, casual gallery spaces and outdoor sculpture yard with works from the founders’ collections as well as new paintings and installations designed for the art centre. Armleder curated the exhibition. The result is an engaging mixture of wall paintings, mixed media pieces, “Furniture Sculpture,” “Pour” and “Puddle” paintings, neon combines, sculptures and canvas paintings.


Ellen Gallagher is not a particularly well-known figure in London, UK and it is bold of the Tate to devote a large exhibition to the American artist, born in 1965. The Tate’s decision to stage her first British show pays dividends: Gallagher’s work is not entirely free of the curse of portentousness, but she has a redeeming feature – much of her art is simply gorgeous to look at, with a sumptuous, complex surface, absorbing in detail and vividly impressive. This summer she is displaying two exhibition on each side of the world. A substantial survey at Tate Modern in London will be followed by a 20-year retrospective at the New Museum in New York.

Zombie Surf Party Zine are throwing an art exhibition this May with various illustrations and skateboard photography from Guy Jarrett, Michael Biddulph, Matt Musk, Helena Long, Liam Clark and Becci Atkinson. These 5 met through skateboarding in the Norwich area and have various goodness to share. This will be set up for you to pop into from 2nd-12th May at the Basement Gallery, (under Lomography) at 117 Commercial Street, East London, E1 6BG.


Artist on Trend Niky Roehreke

Niky Roehreke is a german/japanese illustrator currently living in New York, Brooklyn to be more exact. She graduated from the Central Saint Martins Graphic Design course in London in 2008. Since then she’s been drawing, doodling, painting and making collages (almost) every single day. Today there are many ways to communicate but Niky strongly believes that the hands remain the most powerful and honest, sometimes magical way to communicate.


All her work is handmade and she likes to emphasizes that by creating ‘hand’ motifs in to it. From watercolor to hand drawing and collage, Niky plays with colors and shapes nicely. This makes her work standout in fashion magazine such as Jalouse, Tokion, Nylon or Flare. With her unique style and obsession with hands, the fashionable illustrator is one of a kind. Niky Roehreke is definitely an interesting artist to watch out for. Here are some of her latest work.


Snowbombing, one of England’s most popular city festivals. Situated in the beautiful mountains of Austria, it brings the slopes and fresh air into the music festival. It is an exciting and one of a kind festival in Europe.

Starting off as an aprés-ski promotional nightclub scene to increase sales of ski holidays in France 13 years ago, it moved on in 2005 into the cosy austrian alpine village of the Zillertal Valley, Mayrhofen (aka M-town). This has been a successful place for the festival and has been growing ever since. Primarily the focus is on snowboard contests during the days at the lPenken Park which also features DJs such as Skream and Mistajam. These DJ’s are situated in the restaurant right next to it, Grillhof alm. The Snowbombers can enjoy a nice lunch on big beanbags on the snowy mountains and a cold beer in their hands. During the afternoon, this year Snowbombing offered one street party early in the week and as many as two forest parties for the final two days. The street party which normally is half way trough the festival is free for the non snowbombers as well to have a little fun. With The Cuban Brothers on stage and many more, this is the best day for fancy dress. The theme for this year was Mardi Grass Carnival. Browsing around, not everyone follows the exact theme. Many outfits are eye catching, some provoca96

tive in a comic way. Everything from a walking penis and vagina, to Teletubbies, Shrek and Elmo from Sesame street. The costumes are to be amazed by! People put great deal of thought and a lot of effort into the fancy dress annually to maintain good spirits. After the Street Party the night continues in the Racket Club.This club is a focal point through out the week where all the nights activities commence . It is the biggest venue out of the 9 used during the week. DJs and bands both play live sets to their audiences. On the live line-up the most anticipated acts were, Kasabian, Katy B, Rudimental, Disclosure and Above & Beyond along with famous Example with his no.1 hits in on the UK charts. Example who’s now performed for his 3rd time at Snowbombing is a great proof of how Artists and DJs themselves love to come back and play at this peerless festival. Other venues Mayrhofen proudly presents; their own igloo which featured Kasabian with a private set on Wednesday afternoon.

With limited tickets, not everyone gets the pleasure of enjoying this intimate venue. A surprise for all Snowbombers was the announcement of two forest parties. Standing on the second last day in the forest party, the sun is just about to go down, Disclosure goes up live on stage. Playing their electro beats straight up on made everyone jump up and down. Highlighting their performance with their latest top UK hits ’White Noise’ and ‘Latch’ it was without doubt one of the best live acts on the line up. Looking back at previous years, due to limited capacity at the forest parties, there has been disappointments for some festival goers. Due to this reason organizers listened to the customer feedback and as a result the additional forest party was included . The unique alpine party atmosphere accompanied by the multiple big name mainstream artists have been key in making snowbombing become the most successful festival in the European Alps.

Presenting Rekordelig as this years main sponsor, this Swedish cider was on the menu for all to enjoy. Snowbombing began gathering momentum in 2009 and 2010 when big names in the electronic music scene such as; 2manyDjs, Fat Boy Slim, Example, Pendulum, The Prodigy, Chase & Status, Benga and Skream, Madness, Magnetic Man, Tinie Tempah, Mark Ronson and many more were announced. Having Volvo as their main sponsor and Eristoff Vodka made their reputation grow highly. Sadly Volvo withdrew sponsorship in 2011 and Eristoff since last year. Due to this a few changes have been made but nevertheless the spirit of Snowbombing is still there and it continues to grow.

The Festival is a happy time in Mayrhofen. ”Hansi the Butcher” at Gasser keeps all the snowbombers from being hungry, all the local bars serve the highest quality beer, Zillertaler from its own austrian valley brewery. The spirit is on top and the weather forecast in general is promising hot spring weather. The fancy dress themes every day engage people to put an effort in and actively go all out for the week of holiday they’ve booked. The fashion is most definitely interesting on the streets and the mountains. It is impressive to see heavy costumes rocked all day and all night.



The concept of Snowbombing gives you a full package holiday including the festival wristband and accommodation. It was the 9th edition in the little alpine village this year. However Gareth Cooper, (founder of the festival) never thought it would become this big. He assumed it was just a clever marketing ploy to sell more holidays. Nevertheless, the road has not been straight all the way to the top of success as it has become today. Mr Cooper, finally accomplished his goal after 7 years of trying. He never stopped believing in his idea nor gave up and thanks to him 8,000 people can come and enjoy a full week of madness in the Austrian mountains!

As a dedicated Snowbomber, you’ll know everyone else are missing out. If it is your first time, it is promising you will end up coming back next year. Nothing beats fresh air, skiing or snowboarding combined with the best Dubstep, drum n bass, deep house and live DJs and artist in the world on top of a mountain, in an igloo, forest and on the streets of the alpine village, Mayrhofen. Snowbombing never fails and delivered this year again as usual. So join next year if you’re not busy the week after easter!


Something about a Secret Cinema sounds like an exciting and a fantastic night out. The release of the film, theme and location is kept secret until the day has come. It has been announced as ”the biggest cultural event of the year” but there is more to it than just a secret cinema. By recreating an after movie set with the film’s theme and actors setting the mood, the night is about to start. DJs are hitting the decks and live music rocking the stage. Not to forget , there are more hidden surprises inside. You just have to be curious and look what’s behind those unmarked doors, props from the actual film and loads more. Have a look around, socialise with actors you just saw in the movie and enjoy the excitement of a secret night full of surprises! It is most definitely an event to book into your calendar. The price is not cheap but affordable, perhaps a once in a life time experience to add to your bucket list. For £43.50 you will have a night full of unexpected events to remember! If you wish to additionally splash the cash and eat, exquisite chefs from Copenhagen and San Francisco are there to impress in the Secret Restaurant called ”The Future Paradise Dinner”. So book it now, tickets available at


Lovebox is a one of a kind, weekend festival located in the heart of Hackney in Victoria Park. Compared to other big name Summer festivals, this mini city festival has many big names which will not disappoint. The festival covers a wide variety of genres to suit everyeone, including pop, hiphop, drum n bass, electro, rock to name a few. It simply is a must to get a ticket. The glue that binds Lovebox together across all three days is the care and attention with which the acts and artists lovingly present on dramatic stages against the beautiful backdrop of London’s oldest public park on a site whose facilities we endeavour to improve upon year on year. Come and taste the best culture London has to offer. Amazing food, a colourful, flamboyant atmosphere, impeccable style, impressive art installations, and of course, a line-up that is too good to miss.


The Queen of Hoxton has one of the best rooftops in Shoreditch, east London. Who would’t want to pay this palce a visit, relax on the terrace and sip a chilled beverage under the sunshine either after work or on a hot spring or summer day. With two bars and a barbecue, this venue caters for all. As Summer embarks upon us, the Queen of Hoxton organises a yearly open air cinema on its rooftop. With up to five screenings a week, the chance of catching a movie is easy! As it is outdoors, you may be worried about the surrounding noise...but don’t panic, the crew have thought about that! A pair of wireless headphones are given to each viewer. So come up, have a drink, sit back and enjoy a movie. To book tickets and find out more about the Rooftop film club screenings, go on their website:


Field Day is a one day music festival based in the heart of East London with an eclectic choice of acts. Focusing the music scene on its renowned underground electro artists, this day will provide you with an endless party until dawn. Nevertheless, the beats of top UK listed talents such as Animal Collective and Bats for Lashes play live into your ears. Field day started off as a small event seven years ago, however has since grown exponentially. Other big names hitting the stage include Disclosure, Julio Bashmore and many more! Book your ticket now, for a feisty price of £49.50, it’s worth every penny for witnessing 80 different artist playing in one day!





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