Apttek - Buy Skin Treatments And Hair Removal Device

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Devices Are Great For Skin Treatments And Hair Removal Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) came into existence during the late 1990’s with a potential of applications in various skin treatment options such as sun damage, skin pigmentation, hair removal, thread veins etc. It is also useful in treating dermatologic diseases such as acne. IPL technology is available for use in the form IPL devices, commonly referred as IPL handle. These devices come in the form of a hand-held a gun that can produce an intense and broad spectrum of visible light. The light radiated from an IPL gun is limited to the radiations in the frequency range of 400–1200 nm. Special filters are used in the device to ensure that all the harmful rays are rejected and thus cannot cause any damage to the skin. IPL Technology The frequency range of the visible light that is emitted by an IPL device has the ability to affect only the specific spots in the skin rich in chromophores. The melanin found in the skin is also a type of chromophore. When skin is exposed to these radiations, the radiations are absorbed in those specific locations of the skin where the concentration of chromophores is high. These spots in the skin absorb most of the exposed energy and start to get heated up. The intense heat destroys spots and they are reabsorbed into the body. The radiations obtained from the IPL device consists of broad-spectrum of visible light but it is filtered out to cut down the radiations of a certain frequency that are not required. IPL Handle works similar to LASER but the two technologies are different. IPL and LASER are two very successful technologies that are used for skin hair removal. LASER is built upon a completely different technology which uses intense but coherent light beam. In the case of IPL Technology, the radiations carry multiple frequencies in the range of to 500 to 1200 nm rays. IPL power supply also differs significantly from that of LASER which runs on a simple button battery. IPL requires a completely different power supply which can run Xenon flash lamp. IPL power supply is much higher that of LASER. The only similarity we can draw between two is that both of them produce high intense radiations. Limitations and Performance in Hair Removal IPL devices were released for common usage in 1995 after an intense research to ensure that it does not have any side-effects. IPL cannot remove all the hairs in a single treatment session. Usually, 8–10 treatment

Website: http://apt-tek.com

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Devices Are Great For Skin Treatments And Hair Removal sessions are required to completely remove the hairs. A gap of 3–4 weeks is maintained between the treatment sessions.

Source URL: http://bit.ly/2mvT9Ba

Website: http://apt-tek.com

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