Snapple campaigns book

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Table of Contents ABOUT 1. Executive Summary

RESEARCH 3. Industry Analysis, Target Analysis, Primary Research, Key Insights

CREATIVE 6. Big Idea, Tone/Manner

TACTICS 9. Internet, Online, Social, TV, OOH, Print,







Sponsorships, Events, Celebrity Endorsement

Rational, Schedule, Target DMAs, Budget

Recommendations, Evaluations









Executive Summary Millennials need adventure, adrenaline and excitement. They want to create their own experiences, rather than be told what their experiences should look like. Through our research we found that millennials would much rather spend money on an experience rather than a product. According to General Public Relations, a study done on the millennial audience, 60% of millennials believe that experiences are better and more exciting when shared on social media. We are taking this information and applying it to the Snapple brand. Through a holistic media approach, we have created an interactive campaign rebranding Snapple from being a product to more of an experience. There are more than five widely popular tea brands to choose from in any grocery store around the United States. Why would you choose Snapple? Because Snapple is fresh. Snapple is the hipster’s choice. Snapple is the brand that will cause your friends to stop and pause. You’re young, free and capable of making your own decisions. Take a step of faith and experience Snapple!

Elizabeth Burris, Nicole Mark, Rachel McIntyre Paul Whitacre & Ross Williams

Industry Analysis From 1972 to now, Snapple has been in the hearts of all consumers in their respective categories. Since then those categories have grown and gained new competitors. With tea being the fifth most consumed beverage and the tea category growing Snapple and its competitors are pressured to continue being at the forefront of consumer’s minds. The juice drink category is nonetheless similar in the respect of growth attraction with health conscious consumers and juice lovers in general. Having said that Snapple has a few main companies they are competing for to keep up in this race for the Liquid Refreshment Beverage industry.








Arizona Tea Arizona is number one in the tea category, with the highest sales volume at about 122MM. They offer their signature tall cans at ninety-nine cents with colorful graphics wrapped around the packaging. In recent news they have gone toe to toe with the FDA for accusations of bad product


Lipton Tea is a longtime favorite for consumers in the United States. This company comes in second in the tea category and has their product scattered across the board with ready to drink beverages, tea bags and much more. With their well known brand and iconic aroma of signature teas they hold a strong spot in the top of the tea category.


Coming in third in the tea category and second in the juice category is Brisk. With a strong global presence well marketed brand Brisk has been at the top of this category for some time. Brisk has a current campaign that resembles Snapple’s marketing as well as similar flavors. Brisk doesn’t have as many flavors and recently their stock has dropped by a couple percent. Nonetheless they are a strong competitor for Snapple in the Liquid Refreshment Drink industry.

Pure Leaf

Lastly is Pure Leaf. This brand falls behind Snapple, but has also been a main brand in the consumers minds. Pure Leaf has shown to be the perfect blend of sugar in their sweet teas and focuses a lot of their attention on health and holistic products. This just goes to show that even though Pure Leaf is behind Snapple they are a large threat and can easily compete in this category.


Research A primary research survey we conducted showed that our audience relates to Snapple and considers them a 90’s throwback. Our survey was sent to people within our primary and secondary target audiences. Our main respondents were men and women 18-24 with women being the dominant people to answer our survey questions. According to our research, our audience prefers Snapple and their glass bottle. For example, Renay Pokora, a survey participant said: “I kinda like the glass bottle, and love the sound the cap makes when I take it off. I used to drink this everyday at 3pm for years. Nostalgia!”









86% were 18-24 years old

Of people were students.

32% le app

Sn efer s. r p they g brand d i a n S peti m o c



95% said they have tried Snapple before

A significant key insight we found in our survey was that 42% said they thought of the words nostalgic and retro when they thought of Snapple.

86% said they prefer Snapple’s glass bottle


44% said that Snapple reminds them of the words Nostagic or Retro

Target Analysis








This campaign will focus on a target of Millennials with a secondary target of ages 25-34 and a tertiary target, 35-49. Each target includes both males and females of all ethnicities. The campaign will be targeted toward technology- focused consumers who exhibit fast-paced and busy lifestyles. Our target segment constitutes roughly 130 million people in the U.S. The target’s active and busy lifestyles require them to stay constantly connected, thus 77 percent of our target own a smartphone. Millennials crave personalization of the products they consume and also define what is trendy in all different aspects of life.

Millenial Mangos This target contains the movers and shakers of society. These millenials are experiencers focusing on what the emotional benefits of a product are. They also crave constant connectivity to record these experiences and view others. Rarely ever does a millenial mango not have a screen in hand. While this segment consists of bargain shoppers, they are willing to spend money on a product if they are satisfieed with the experience. Many of these 1824 year olds are college students and jump at the chance to sample something for free.

Peachy Parents This value conscious, quality focused target is made up of adults with young families. Many are college educated with full-time jobs and middle to high incomes. Peachy Parents are on the go as they balance their career with their busy personal and family life. Because of their on-the-go lifestyle, they are heavy mobile users and rely on their technology to keep their lives organized. This segment enjoys products with a sense of nostalgia that reminds them of their younger years. They also enjoy products that give them a sense of relief and treat in their daily life.

Lemonade Leftovers Our tertiary target concentrated on those dedicated Snapple drinkers. They were the primary target for Snapple back in the prime of the 90s. This target consists of working adults who have older families. They love nostolgia as it takes them back to a time when they’re kids were younger.


Key Insights It’s About Nostalgia

Buying a nostalgia product to a consumer is purchasing a familiar memory. Taking it back to the 1990s, Snapple was a huge success among the consumers. Their 90’s campaign was successful and still resonates among consumers today. In our primary research, we found that 42% of people surveyed believes Snapple is retro and nostalgic. The nostalgic concept to consumers brings back memories and makes products relatable.

It’s About Engagement

Millennials strive to be engaged within their community. Feeling connected is everything to consumers, and by making Snapple the conversation, engagement will follow. A lot of engagement today happens through social media. Not only are Millennials on social media but they control it. Good engagement may allow campaigns to go viral for brands. By tapping into the already existing conversation, brands may be perceived as personal and dedicated to their consumers.

It’s About Uniqueness Hipsters are a prominent component in the conversation of what’s in style, or as they would say, out-of-style. Being unique is an important aspect in today’s Millennials. A poll that was done by The Wire found that in the age range of 18-29, 50% of them proudly claim they are hipsters. To them, a unique product is more accepted than a basic product. Products need to speak to people as individuals rather than a whole, as if the product is meant for one person.








It’s About Experience


Today’s purchases among the Millennial are centered around the experience of a product. Millennials view purchases as a way to enhance the lifestyle rather than buying to fulfill need. The Snapple experience is the glass bottle, the sound of the cap pop and the unique flavors. Consumers want to buy Snapple because of the unique features it delivers to their day. According to Mintel’s 2015 American Lifestyles report, over the next five years, non-essential spending will increase by 22% because of the want of experience. With the spending increasing, focusing on the experience of Snapple is key to the campaign to increase usage.

Big Idea








Still the Best Stuff on Earth Rather than trying to create something completely new, we are taking the brand back in time. We found that one of the most prominent emotions attached to the Snapple brand is nostalgia. Because of this, we are bringing Snapple back to it’s prime in the 90’s. Our advertisements for online, TV, magazine and billboards were all created with the nostalgic 90’s theme in mind.

Consumer Promise Snapple is more than just a product- it is an experience. One to fit the busy on-the-go lifestyles of our consumers. Snapple will serve as the treat in your day that transports you back in time to the everyone’s favorite decade- the 90s. It gives you the warm and fuzzies whilst reminising on favored memories as well as the satisfying flavor STILL made from the best stuff on earth.


Convince the target that drinking Snapple is more than just quenching a thirst, it’s about having the nostalgic, bubbly experience of being transported in time.

Cognitive Communicate that Snapple is for everyone, especailly consumers in the NonHeartland and remind the target that Snapple is Still the Best Stuff on Earth


Use personalization, special events, and capitalize on nostalgia in order to get consumers in the Heartland to try the product and increase purchases.









Claim Support

Business Objectives Within Heartland 1. Grow brand relevance through engagement tactics with Heavy Snapple users 2. Grow purchase frequency: heavy users from 9x to 10x per year Non-Heartland 1. Drive trial by converting awareness to top of mind brand awareness 2. Grow purchase frequencey from 1x to 3x per year

The concept of “Still the Best Stuff of Earth” is to remind people that Snapple was amazing in its prime in the 90s and it still is. This works with our target audiences because Millennial Mangos claim to be ‘90s Kids’ and already implement 90’s trends into their lives. From grunge fashion of high wasted pants, overalls, flannels and crop tops, playing throwback 90’s boy band music at parties, and loving hit 90’s shows like Friends, Fresh Prince of Bellaire, and Full House, the Millennial Mango’s proudly hold tight to their identity of 90’s kids; even if they were only five or six when the 90s ended. Peachy Parents were one of the generations that actually can remember the 90s and what it was like, thus “Still the Best Stuff on Earth” will really be able to capture the feeling of nostalgia for them. And our tertiary target, our loyal Snapple customers, will receive our messages and fondly remember Snapple and the journey of life they’ve undergone together. “In 1991, Unadulterated moved its headquarters from Brooklyn to Long Island, where its three founders had long lived. With strong returns from flavors such as mint, cranberry, and decaffeinated iced teas, Snapple’s revenues more than doubled to $95 million, with 55 percent of its sales in iced teas as the market for this product grew to $400 million. The company had attained a solid second place in this field with 19.3 percent of sales, behind long-time market leader Lipton, with 37.2 percent of the market, as it expanded its market beyond the East Coast, introducing Snapple products in California”


Snapple is still as relevant, cool, and tasty as it was in the 90s during its prime. Snapple is for everyone across the country.









The “Still the Best Stuff On Earth” campaign will connect the product’s best moments with the trend of the 90s era. It will bring forward the emotional ties of the brand and each person’s experience with the drink. The individual cities will bring an exclusive element to the campaign drawing people to make the purchase and drive trial while these designs are available. The executions will be true to the time era and show the strengths of the brand in a unique way.



Execution Tone/ Manner


Visual Engagement


Each ad uses visual elements of color, shape and font style to represent the 90s. This will hit home with the different targets in different ways but will overall give off the retro feel and transport the consumer back in time.

The headlines will reinforce to consumers that Snapple was the best stuff on earth and it STILL is. This coupled with the visuals representing the 90s will play on the nostalgia factor of the campaign.




San Francisco, join the Snapple experience.

Copy The copy for the executions will promote the idea that Snapple is for everyone across the country and that Snapple is more than just a drink. It’s an experience.






In today’s digital society reaching people online is extremely important. We will be placing banner ads, pop ups, and skyscrapers on multiple websites including Amazon, Yahoo!, EA Sports, Etsy, Weather. com, MSN, and others to effectively reach our target. In addition we will have pre-roll video on sites like Amazon Prime Movies, Hulu, and Youtue. Yahoo! reaches over 38 million homepage viewers within a month, 68 percent of which are between 18 years old to 44 years old. These different ads as well as social media will direct consumers to the new Snapple landing page that has been redisgned to match the 90s theme as well as promoting the Snapple City events. With search engine optimization (SEO), the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign extension will mesh the words best, stuff, earth, tea, juice, retro, and 90s with Snapple. To account for errors the campaign extension will purchase similar misspelled words.







Online Mobile

More than 85% of the target uses smartphones and 34% use smartphones as their primary access point to the Internet. Mobile tactics will include a combination of mobile banners, video and rich media units on apps and mobile web. Nearly 80% of those using mobile apps are within our target.






Sponsored Apps In order to more effectively reach our target the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will sponsor several weather apps including the Apple weather app and the Weather Channel app. Still the Best Stuff on Earth will introduce the concept of a “Snapple Day�. What counts as a Snapple Day? Any day that reaches more than 50 degrees with sunny skies will count. The partnership with the weather app will last from the beginning of April to the end of September to try and guarantee the sunniest days. On these days, the sun on the application will be switched to the iconic Snapple sun. This will greatly increase frequency and top of mind awareness.



Geo-fencing is a smartphone feature that uses GPS to assign geographical borders and send push notifications to the device when the user enters or leaves the fence. Nearly 40 percent of the target likes to receive coupons on their mobile device based on their location. Consumers who have opted in to recieve notifications from ad messages sent out over mobile and social will recieve notifications of nearby snapple products and coupons when entering the fence.

We will also implement geo-fencing in hopes of catching the consumer in their Zero Moment of Truth, which occurs after the consumer sees an ad for a product, but before a purchase is made in store. Consumers that have opted in for notifications via our social channels will receive a notification to their phone or wearable such as Apple Watch when they are nearing a sport where Snapple is available for purchase.










Because of the creativity and interactivity on social media vehicles like Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, we tailored many of our advertisements to excel in these vehicles. We are confident that a $5 million budget will be enough to make an impact through the vehicles we see fit for our target audience. Online radio has consistently increased in popularity over the last 5 years and there have been no signs of it slowing down. Spotify and Pandora are a few of the top contenders, but with Apple Radio making a break-through, we want Snapple to be a part of this medium’s success as well. We will run both banner ads and 15 to 30 second voiceover ads on Spotify and Pandora. We found that a majority of our 18 to 24 primary audience spends between 2 to 3 hours per day listening to online radio, which makes it a crucial part of our media plan.

Twitter Nearly a billion people are users of Twitter and more than 60% are in our target. The Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will have tweets that are eye catching and colorful that will pop against the white background of Twitter.


Instagram Instagram has 75 million daily users and more than 75% of them are within our target. People between 18 to 34 yearsold, 37% use Instagram. In the past year, Instagram gained more than 10 million visitors. Our campaign posts will work well with Instagram due to their organic nature of the posts. We will post vibrant 90s themed images, as well as interactive GIFs to catch the eyes of visitors.









Because Snapple’s awareness is predominantly in New York and the North Eastern part of the country, we are proposing a large portion of the budget be focused on TV. Rather than only running TV spots in the Western part of the United States, we are equally running them over the country to achieve the largest reach and frequency possible. Using a popular media tool, Scarborough, we found the highest indexing networks for our primary audience of 18 to 24 year-old college students. This allowed us to make sure we are making the most of Snapple’s ad dollars and not spending their money on networks that their audience is not watching. One channel we plan on heavying up is the new channel by Nickelodeon, Splat. Splat is solely dedicated to playing classic 90’s cartoons such as Rugrats, Hey Arnold and other Nickelodeon classics. When news of this was released, the Millennial Mango audience went wild over social media making this a perfect vehicle for the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign. Along with our normal cable advertising, we plan on doing product placement with the new show Fuller House because the 90’s theme is consistent with our campaign. The show attracts our primary and secondary targets that grew up loving that show, while capitalizing on the nostalgia factor of the campaign.

We’ve always been there for you. From then to now. Music cuts in with scene, Clip from 90’s show. Snapple is clearly present.

Cuts to green. Music continues. Top line fades in. Bottom fades in. Establishes a reasurance.

Cuts to another 90’s show. Music continues. Elaine tries to open snapple bottle.

Still the Best Stuff On Earth

Cuts to most recognized 90’s show. Music continues. Chandler and Joey are lounging. Snapple is clearly presnt on table.

Cut to Lisa Kudrow singing..“Snapple cap, Snapple cap” “Oh hey guys!”

Cuts to green. Music grows louder. Song can now be recognized as Friends theme song. Big Idea Fades in. Snapple logo fades in. End.



Out of Home






Bus Stops


The Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will place advertisements at bus stops in the top 23 DMAs that place a focus on public transportation. These advertisements will target consumers during moments when they are on the go, which is the perfect time for Snapple to add that treat to the day. Of those who are interested in seeing advertisements at bus stops, 68% are within the 18-year-old to 49-year-old target range, and this target is 23% more interested than the average consumer in seeing advertisements at bus stops.

The Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will place video ads on Taxi TVs within the target’s top five DMAs. The campaign will also place rotating GIF images on the tops of taxis in the target’s top five DMAs. The target is 37% more interested in taxi ads than the general population. Taxi TV is an interactive experience of video advertisements playing on the rear of the taxi seats facing the passengers. Nearly 90% of passengers watch the Taxi TV program and 86% are likely to seek information about the ads.

Digital Billboards The Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will purchase digital billboards in the top 23 DMAs. These digital billboards will be designed to catch the eye of consumers passing by with a rotating GIF image. The images of the GIF have the same design elements but the colors will change. The items that will stay stationary is the picture of a Snapple bottle and the campaign tagline.



Gas Stations

During the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign, Snapple will reach the target audience with 15 and 30 second ad placements at gas stations in the top 30 DMAs. About 78% of the viewers are between the ages of 18 to 49. The target is 28% more receptive to ads at the gas station than the general population. Because Snapple has such a high distribution in gas stations, this is the perfect place to reach the target.









While magazine does not hold a huge portion of our budget, the opportunity to target such niche markets still made it an important medium for us to focus on. Because beverage companies typically advertise in magazines, like Sports Illustrated and Game Informer, we wanted to follow suit with Snapple. We will also be implementing the custom city labels and reformatting them to work as magazine ads as well. For example, we will take the Chicago-specific label and work it into The Chicago Magazine. This will help us reach our goal of showing everyone across the nation that Snapple is for them. We are confident that magazines, like Game Informer, offer a specific-enough target audience that would be very hard to reach on other mediums. These targets fit very well with our primary target audience. While the reach and frequency won’t be as high as other mediums, like online and TV, the lasting impression and brand recognition will be worth the money.


Snapple’s Back

with a whole new experience. Log on to to see when Snapple’s coming to your city with the citywide Snapple Event.










Our Campaign will have sponsorships with two popular music festivals in the United States. In our secondary research, we found that the majority of our target attend festivals like the ones mentioned below. Within these festivals we will have a branded stage for bands to play on as well as promotions throughout the festivals. This will allow for a great marriage of a wonderful experience and the Snapple brand, thus making the brand stand out and stick in the minds of our consumers. The first festival we will be starting with is Warped Tour. This is a tour that encomasses the entire United States with the exclusion of Hawaii and Alaska. this will allow for us to get get exposure outside of the heartland as well as inside, when the tour reaches New York. Another reason for choosing this is because of the affiliation that Warped Tour has with the 90’s. This tour was started in that decade so this is yet another connection with “Still The Best Stuff On Earth” that will reinforce our creative strategy. The other festival we will be sponsoring is Lallapalooza. The reason we chose this festival is because of the sheere crowd size it draws. This festival's attendance from last year was roughly 300,000 people. The festival is also in Chicago, so that puts us right in the middle of the non-heartland. This festival will reach a large amount of people to touch our target with our creative strategy and communicate the Snapple brand and product to the consumer. Another reason we picked this festival is because of Lollapalooza adding on another date to the performances. So with an extended date and the already large attendance there is no better place to be than right in the heart of it.










Snapple will host a series of citywide events across the country for the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign. These events will feature local bands, restaurants and art vendors, and will take place in local parks. The Snapple events will show that Snapple supports each city’s individual attributes and will drive trial outside Heartland, as there will be a giant Snapple tent where patrons can receive free samples of different Snapple products. In addition, Snapple will release new campaign labels that feature the different cities where these events will take place. They will only be available for a limited time, which will increase purchase urgency and in-turn trial, and will be available at the city events. Additionally, photo booth will be available where consumers can take silly photos and have the photos printed onto a label, then wrapped around a bottle for them to take home. Millennials love personalization and between the specialization of the labels and the retro 90s look, the campaign labels will make a big splash.


IBP Tournament of Roses What better way to start the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign than the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena California. With the campaign beginning on January 1, 2017, the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign will have a float in the annual New Year’s Day parade. The float will feature giant fruits and a large Snapple sun all made from flowers. The colors will be bright and relate back to the campaign’s 90s feel. To really hit home with the new campaign, NSYNC, the popular 90s band, will be performing their top songs from back in the day.

Graffiti Another integrated brand promotion tactic is some guerrilla marketing. One 90s trend that rang true throughout the decade was graffiti. Snapple will have the different city label designs graffiti-ed throughout the city. This will take consumers by surprise and the vibrant colors will catch their attention. It will keep in theme with 90s and help promote the idea that Snapple is for everyone all across the country.









Celebrity Endorsement








Lisa Kudrow Lisa Kudrow will serve as the Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign celebrity endorsement. Kudrow played the role of Phoebe Buffay on the popular television show, “Friends”, through most of the 90’s. The show was one of the top rated shows of the decade and it’s legacy has still continued into today. We chose Kudrow becuase Phoebe’s character is the most light hearted of the group. She is quirky, happy, unique, and has a whitty sense of humor which alligns perfectly with our brand. On top of Lisa Kudrow being representative of the 90’s, she has also kept a clean track record since the conclusion of the show. While some characters have struggled with drug use in the past, Kudrow has stayed clean which fits with our brand image as well.


Media Rational








Objective: Our main objective of the 2017 Snapple advertising campaign is to increase brand relevance and increase purchse frequncy from 9x-10x per year in the Heartland. In the Non-Heartland our objectives are to drive trial by converting awarenss to top of mind brand awareness and grow purchase frequency from 1x-3x per year. in both heartland and non-heartland states. We expect to reach at least 80% of our target (based off of STRATA View schedules) with a frequency of 15.

Strategies: The Best Stuff On Earth campaign will target a primary audience (Millennial Mangos), a secondary audience (Peachy Parents) and a tertiary audience (Lemonade Leftovers). We will be using both traditional and non-traditional media to reach our audience. We are entering into multiple sponsorships and are sponsoring events to increase awareness.

Scheduling: To achieve our advertising goals and objectives we are running heavy TV, online and IBP efforts during the summer months. We think it’s important to continuously advertise throughout the year, so we are keeping social media posts fresh all year long. Because people are inside during the winter months and prefer reading rather than going to an outdoor event, we are heavying up our magazine and print efforts from the beginning of November to the end of March.

Share: Our primary target audience has the highest involvement with social media content. We are focusing heavily on Instagram and Pinterest because of the creativity potential. 18-24 year old college students that are heavy social media users share posts heavily from 8:00-9:30 am, 3pm and 7pm. We will be posting content on different social media vehicles around these times between 3 and 5 times per week.



Millennial Mangos

TV Online Print

Millennial Mangos

TV Online Print







Peachy Parents

January Febuary March April May June July August September October November


TV Online OOH Social IBP Print Mobile

Peachy Parents TV Online OOH Social IBP Print Mobile




Target DMAs 1. New York City - NY 44.84 2. Los Angeles - CA 47.58 3. Chicago - IL 50.52 4. Philadelphia - PA 47.62 5. San Francisco - CA 53.82 6. Washington DC - 53.94 7. Boston - MA 56.64


8. Atlanta - GA 54.18 9. Houston - TX 49.02 10. Seattle - WA 54.90 11. Minneapolis - MN 55.14 12. Miami - FL 48.28 13. Cleveland - OH 44.28 14. St. Louis - MO 49.24








15. Charlotte - NC 50.48 22. Omaha -NE 42.69 16. Portland - OR 47.24 23. Anarbor- MI 45.36 17. Indianapolis - IN 46.96 18. Nashville - TN 50.38 19. Salt Lake City - UT 51.42 Percent of target 20. Las Vegas - NV 53.75 composition 21. Louisville - KY 44.34

The Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign extension will focus on 23 of the top DMAs nationwide, selected by cross- referencing cities with the highest population and target composition against areas with large universities.









$5MM Contingency $15MM Cable TV

$2.5MM Print

$6.5MM IBP

$7MM Online

$5MM Mobile



$5MM Social




Recomendations Evaluations

Get rid of flavors not being bought

Social tracking will be used to measure buzz on earned and owned media. Attitudes will be gauged toward Still the Best Stuff on Earth by tracking the increase in account followers and number of shares and likes, leading to the identification of successful events and promotions.

Invest into aluminum bottles

Google Analytics and CTR will measure the daily success online and digital media has on the awareness of Still the Best Stuff on Earth. Online portals will be monitored throughout the campaign extension to track each conversion to the landing pages. This will show the effectiveness of the online executions and stats on click-through rates. This specifically offers measurement for providing the best digital ordering experience in the category, as well as reaching 75 percent of the target in digital orders. A third-party company called ForeSee will be used to measure the effectiveness of Snapple’s new positioning. This will be done by ForeSee’s multichannel customer experience analytics. After consumers visit the new site a post survey will popup asking customers about how they feel about Snapple’s Still the Best Stuff on Earth campaign.







According to our secondary research, we found that the amount of flavors available to our audience makes the purchase decision too complicated. Snapple currently has more than 30 flavors available, and having fewer flavors will allow a consumer to make a quicker decision. We suggest slimming down the flavor selection to create higher purchases among the most popular flavors. Although our primary research shows our target audience prefers the glass bottles, other research also shows complications with the glass bottle and plastic bottles. We suggest trialing aluminum bottles because of the success with Arizona. Even though Snapple provides the plastic bottle, consumers consider the flavor to be gross in the plastic. Using the aluminum bottles may contain the original flavor.

College events

A large amount of our primary target audience are college students. We suggest doing college-specific events to create trial and engagement among this target audience. This would include creating the labels and fun facts specific to the college towns. For example, bringing a Snapple event to Indiana University with their label featuring iconic buildings on campus and a cap fact about the college and allowing students to sample the drink.

Text Tone- Snapple cap sound

A fun, quick way to create engagement is by creating a Text Tone from Snapple. The Text Tone would be the sound of the satisfying bottle pop from a glass

Appendix Secondary research for this campaign was gathered from consumer databases and sources including:








Mintel Forbs Adage Arizona Lipton Brisk Pure Leaf Snapple Thrillist Adweek Carbona Scarborouh Strata View Research Questions: Source: BSU Qualtrics Statista Nielson What gender are you? Billboard How old are you? What is your title? Which beverage do you prefer? Have you ever tried Snapple? Which tea brand do you prefer? Do you like Snapple’s glass bottle? Which words best describe Snapple? 24.

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