converted by Nicole Nickel and Lydia Busch
Finding Berlin
Herstellung: AZ Druck und Datentechnik GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland
hope to portray an image of Berlin that will freshen up
the perspective of visitors and residents alike.
it with us.
time. About their reflections, thoughts and life sharing
This book is a summary and an overview at the same
cultural richness of urban spaces.
they try to inspire people to find their way through the
With this unconventional and very personal coverage
Erstauflage, Juli 2013
anecdotes will find a one of a kind plattform. They
hedonism, authentic places and some intimate Berlin
and the unique features of Berlin: urban art, techno Alle Rechte am Werk liegen bei den Autoren.
converted by Nicole Nickel and Lydia Busch
cultural diversity. By photography the authors of the
site try to capture all parts of the cities development
Finding Berlin
is a visual magazine dedicated to Berlin and its
10 We Are Neukölln Schillerkiez Körnerpark Neukölln Neukölln‘s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens Kreuzberg 61 Sundowners Wochenmarkt Maybachufer „BiOriental“ Markthalle 9 Berlin Kreuzberg Recently in Görlitzer Park Der Kiez Eats Berlin Burger International Restaurant Feliu Eastside Gallery demolition delayed
A$AP Rocky at Festsaal Kreuzberg Creative match Kreuzberg x The Wye: Fashion Monster Tank Rave in Kreuzberg Karl Marx Straße: Neon Light by Night
Rock the Block Kreuzberg The People of Mayday Fête De La Musique 2012 Carnival of Cultures Bibliography
96 100 106 114
Event Life
76 80 84 90
Night Life
12 18 24 28 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70
Kiez Life
Kiez Life.
an exciting story.
little Metropolis to find fresh places with
picknick, we love strolling around our
rant or a secret hideout for a romantic
places in Berlin. Whether it’s a restau-
and overwhelmingly creative spaces and
There are some fantastic, wildly unusual
We Are Neukölln by Nico · 15.04.2013 |
duced to a superficial discussion about “the hipster”.
because of the complex process which mostly gets re-
have to take the consequences; whose lives change
most of the time the debates exclude those who really
media, in politics, in rap-songs and on house-walls but
eventually start to ignore it. Gentrification is in the
leads to people getting annoyed by the topic, so they
talks about it all the time but nothing happens. That
is like climate change. Its so obvious that everybody
We Are Neuk枚lln by Nico 路 15.04.2013 |
| We Are Neuk枚lln by Nico 路 15.04.2013
We Are Neuk枚lln by Nico 路 15.04.2013 |
three years, rents are on the rise like they’ve never been before. People have started to move to the next cheap Kiez available — Neukölln. I’ve noticed that most of my friends have moved from either Friedrichshain or Kreuzberg to the north of Neukölln, most still staying within the inner circle of the S-Bahn Ring. But even more surprising is that even I have been hanging out there a fair lot lately. And I do honestly believe: if
for myself. I hadn’t lived long enough in Berlin (or long
enough in general) to relate to my older and wiser
friends about all the things that have been better or
worse in the past. People do like to tell their anec-
dotes, so you hear about the fantastic club scene that
used to exist in Berlin and about the great spirit that
has been worn down by tourists and whatnot. To me, it
all sounds a bit foreign.
have the changes been visible. New bars and burger shops and Spätis are now where used to be nothing. I can remember the nothing, because it’s not that long ago. Other people remember too: apparently some of these new “cool” spots have been welcomed with
lin. It’s been about four years now and sometimes I try
to remember how everything was back then, but hon-
estly, I used to live in Wedding and nothing changed
there. Moving to Kreuzberg put me right into the spot
of fluctuating restaurants and people. I moved from
where one of the NK entrances to the Tempelhof is,
have changed in comparison to when I moved to Ber-
Schillerkiez by Sara · 27.06.2012 |
Especially in the Schillerkiez around Boddinstraße,
But recently even I have started noticing how things
it weren’t for the Tempelhofer Park, it would not be so.
place to place within Kreuzberg three times in the past
about the development of a city is to see the changes
What I find especially interesting
pletely different but not yet radically transformed. Let’s return to where we are next year and see if we can spot the differences.
ism). Of course, gentrification is always an issue in
Berlin, especially now that new people — students
and artists — have to chose the more affordable areas
| Schillerkiez by Sara · 27.06.2012
are some shots of the status quo, this is what it looks
of how a neighborhood can change gradually. These
I find that the Schillerkiez could make a great example
a corner.
power to influence the general aesthetics of a street or
there, but we rarely take into account how that has the
point out this or that thing that used to be here or
When walking around our neighborhoods we often
in many perspectives: from a visual one, for starters.
the long run. But the whole subject stays interesting
it, not many people will profit from the changes in
to live their life in the city. However you twist an turn
like right now, on the edge of being something com-
warm greetings (read: graffiti-bombings and vandal-
Schillerkiez by Sara 路 27.06.2012 |
| Schillerkiez by Sara 路 27.06.2012
Schillerkiez by Sara 路 27.06.2012 |
Körnerpark Neukölln by Stefan · 14.06.2012 |
prettier greens in town.
imity to where we live, but truth be told: there are
places such as Görlitzer Park for it’s immediate prox-
peaceful and quiet. We tend to spend our time in
the Café and the water fountains render the space
and hides many interesting details. The Orangerie,
out in the summer, it’s also a gardening project
The Körnerpark is not just a beautiful place to hang
still dubious district.
fectly laid in an up and coming scene quarter of the
But the Körnerpark is something special indeed, per-
new. Tempelhof is big enough for everyone after all.
always seems like such an effort to discover something
dominating the “park scene” in terms of reputation it
for its broad choices in nice parks. With Tempelhof
Neukölln is not exactly famous
| Körnerpark Neukölln by Stefan · 14.06.2012
Körnerpark Neukölln by Stefan · 14.06.2012 |
that grew over decades, were smashed in a minute. Though they received a compensation, I am sure every allotment gardener shed bitter tears that their beautiful gardens should make place for a highway.
the Baltic sea, the cottage in Brandenburg, or, as in
my family, the summer house somewhere in the city’s
calmer areas, sometimes as small as an allotment
garden: The love for one’s own small retreat from the
idents collected newts and frogs, thus rescuing them from the excavators. But the diggers came anyway. In one part of the allotment gardens areas, of which
mitment and joy shape the lovely gardens and many a
Laubenpieper, as we call ourselves, make their dreams
a reality there.
2012. As of now, the demolishing is stopped for an uncertain time. While one part of the allotment garden area is rid of any green, thus resembling a moonscape with abandoned, even burnt down cottages scattered
ment gardens, covering an area of 125.000 square
meters. The ground was subject to make place for one
of the last sections of the city highway A100. In order
to conduct the planning approval, the properties were
but had to stop due to an court order in February
denounced demise charters for 314 Neukölln allot-
Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012 |
“Stadtbär” (67 properties), tree felling commenced
However, back in November 2010, the city of Berlin
the biggest were “Treue Seele” (68 properties) and
Protest arose and ruled the headlines for weeks. Res-
city slicker) is born with. Sometimes decades of com-
frantic city is what every Berliner (and perhaps every
cleared soon. The residents had to move out. Dreams,
about his retreat in the countryside. Be it the house at
A Berliner’s soul is crazy
| Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012
explored the gardens and the cottages one at a time.
more, leaving everything where it was, we carefully
sprawling hedges. Avoiding to break anything even
turn left or right to see what would lie beyond the
lead through the estate. Every once in a while, we’d
We followed the old, overgrown trails that still visibly
would it bear?
place? Which stories would it tell, which memories
Stefan and I were curious: What happened to the
left just a few weeks ago.
around, most of the properties still look like they were
walls were torn down. Debris lay around. Demolished furniture, splintered lavatories, soggy carpets, single shoes, sometimes even neatly put pairs of shoes, clothes, long overdue food, newspapers, books and once in a while a framed picture. Scattered around and smothered beneath a thick layer of dust lay the resident’s torn memories. A handwritten sign read: “Grandpa Egon’s ragfair – everything from A to Z”. More like a workshop, it was tucked away behind one of the cottages in the fashion of how those DIYers tend to add a little addition a time. The strangely and contortedly designed room was vacant. Sunbeams lit the narrow space and its dusty air. Shelves and nails on the wall, where once
walls were torn down. Debris lay around. Demolished
furniture, splintered lavatories, soggy carpets, single
shoes, sometimes even neatly put pairs of shoes,
clothes, long overdue food, newspapers, books and
once in a while a framed picture. Scattered around
and smothered beneath a thick layer of dust lay the
resident’s torn memories.
A handwritten sign read: “Grandpa Egon’s rag-
fair – everything from A to Z”. More like a workshop,
it was tucked away behind one of the cottages in the
fashion of how those DIYers tend to add a little addi-
tion a time. The strangely and contortedly designed
room was vacant. Sunbeams lit the narrow space and
its dusty air. Shelves and nails on the wall, where once
| Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012
ken, the doors smashed. Sometimes even the wooden
ken, the doors smashed. Sometimes even the wooden
The cottages were devastated. The windows were bro-
The cottages were devastated. The windows were bro-
our way through the hedges and shrubs, we were astonished how nature has reclaimed the abandoned allotment gardens. All sorts of colourful flowers
purpose. If there was one emotion if any, sadness
would best describe the mood that emanated from
Grandpa Egon’s rag-fair.
tages, filling the floor with a big basket worth of fruits. Butterflies: Red Admirals, Adonis Blues, Brimstones and, of course, Peacocks. We saw Pale Tussocks and Eurasian Jays – not to mention the many singing birds we heard only chirping. We ate apples and pears from the trees. We found strawberries, blackberries, grapes, plums – but either they were simply not ripe yet or we were just stuffed from the fruits we already had.
red beer and liquor bottles, emptied bags of crisps,
tealights and all sorts of colourful party equipment
bore witness to subsequent visitors. We even found
condoms (don’t even try to picture the scene). In fact,
the area is quite popular today: We met curious visit-
ors, looters, rioting teenagers and people who came
to harvest flowers and fruits. Even the rave community
discovered the place and made itself at home in one
of the gardens.
trees lowering their branches through unroofed cot-
were present here, too. The inivetable graffiti, shatte-
Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012 |
through the shattered windows. There were apple
As in most of the cottages, signs of subsequent guest
grew among the heavily sprawling grass, ivy invaded
But as we passed through the properties, making
the tools waited to be used, reminded of its long gone
Nico and other friends. In the end, as most remarked, we’re beneficiaries of this irrevocable situation. We can respect and empathise with the residents and – excuse these last solemn words – tell their stories with our pictures.
though we didn’t take anything with us, taking photos
seemed just as wrong. We entered people’s houses,
curious about what we’d find or whom we’d meet.
Apparently, homeless people slept on some of the
beds that were still intact. By the end of the day, I felt
Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012 |
home to some of my best memories? Growing senti-
garden filled with cheerful, dancing people, which is
Yet I thought to myself: How would I react, if I saw my
of discovery, even not the looters and the party crowd.
I wouldn’t judge anyone who went there for the sake
right, though.
wrong when they’re long gone? It doesn’t quite feel
with it. Is trespassing other’s private spaces just as
found myself in discussion with Stefan, Sara, Marcus,
Though we didn’t demolish anything even further,
like an intruder who came too late to make his fortune
mental the more I thought about this peculiar notion, I
The mood was both strangely beautiful and sad.
| Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012
Neukölln’s cleared and abandoned allotment gardens by Matthias · 18.07.2012 |
removed from the walls, and where once you had the sound of sirens and the gunshot pops you’re now bathing in the noise of children’s play and crying babies. Not that gunshots are a better alternative. I’m just saying.
ond the Kottbusser-Tor-Kreuzberg that I love. That is,
Kreuzberg 36, rough, dirty, charmingly different, never
welcoming. Well, and here I am in Kreuzberg 61: it’s
clean and tidy. Good looking people in expensive
clothes dominate the sidewalks on sunny afternoons.
the scenery.
Everyone is grown up here, the graffitis are being
years of living in Berlin, I’d never once made it bey-
Kreuzberg 61 by Sara · 13.04.2011 |
of stepping into dog shit. But it’s pretty boring too.
quick check. “This is Kreuzberg? Really?” In my three
Cafés, restaurants and tall, beautiful Altbauten make
I like it to an extent. It’s peaceful and I’m never scared
but I was quite surprised when I first visited it for a
So I found a WG in Kreuzberg,
| Kreuzberg 61 by Sara · 13.04.2011
in my opinion, is the problem we should tackle.
come the same small-minded town people. And that,
stay in Berlin), we’ll just add to the fact. We will be-
people from all over the world who come to live and
actively doing something/by discriminating against
start complaining about what is happening (without
heads and explodes into a catastrophe. But: if we
costs low and not create a bubble that rises over our
development. Yes, of course we should try to keep the
two parts of a district only prove that it’s natural
book, all of this and especially the contrasts between
for the last 20 years or something, will say. But in my
“UrBerliners”, that is, people who’ve been living here
of gentrification. “You destroyed our Kiez” is what the
the 1920s again. I can already hear the killer phrases
part of Prenzlauer Berg, where people dandy like it’s
In any case, Kreuzberg 61 seems to be a misplaced
Kreuzberg 61 by Sara 路 13.04.2011 |
atives all around the city.
every eight years or so, we might as well appreciate it.
where you prefer to be, we’ll probably be around, too.
kanal, the wasteland on Cuvrystraße — no matter
Görlitzer Park, Tempelhof, Admiralsbrücke, Landwehr-
around the city: Oberbaumbrücke, Modersohnbrücke,
in your hand. Now just choose any of the given spots
the sun being visible on the horizon and a cold drink
for a little bit of mediterranean flair is warm weather,
skyline, Berlin can be very appealing. All you need
once the sky is cloudless. When it reveals it’s meager
from here. But I’m sure there must be plenty of altern-
Besides, we only get to have summer for two weeks
Sundowners by Sara · 25.05.2012 |
Kreuzberg, so usually we only see the sun go down
to swim in. We beat the sticky heat by devouring it.
What we especially like are the beautiful sundowners
Of course we are absolutely devoted to our Kiez in
does not require a lush ocean or even a clean river
A lovely summer evening
| Sundowners by Sara 路 25.05.2012
Sundowners by Sara 路 25.05.2012 |
Fr 11:00 — 18:30 Uhr
is somewhat of an institution around the Kiez. Every
for a better price!
you might get away cheaper, and never stop dealing
for a walk, even when it’s cold. A pro-tip: go late and
Landwehrkanal, the market is a good excuse to go out
of the many Turkish specialities. Located right at the
It’s the “turkish market” or “Türkenmarkt” because
Nobody calls the market by its official name though.
stuff cheaper if you buy by the kilo, promise!
prices of tomatoes or apples in your ear. You get your
packed, and the Turkish vendors are always shouting
Wochenmarkt Maybachufer „BiOriental“ by Sara · 17.11.2011 |
12047 Berlin Neukölln
ment of textile and some other stuff. It’s perfect for
buying your weekly vegetables! The market is always
bring the visitors a variety of fresh produce, an assort-
Tuesday and Friday, the little stands come to life to
Tu 11:00 — 18:30 Uhr
on Maybachufer in Kreuzberg (Neukölln? Whatever)
The little street market
Wochenmarkt Maybachufer „BiOriental“ by Sara · 17.11.2011 |
went to check out how far they’ve come last weekend and I can only recommend everyone snack around the
building. Last year, Marcus even shot a video of the
almost empty space.
project website.
of the market. Check out more details on the official
projects and events is to be build from the foundation
months, and a new location for community issues,
from the discount supermarkets in the upcoming
ond that, the market hall is to be completely freed
market space and create a new weekly market. Bey-
they would buy back the building, restore the former
Markthalle 9 Berlin Kreuzberg by Sara · 12.10.2011 |
city council has allowed this creative development. I
in it; nothing of the market spirit was left to find in the
But in 2009 a few people got together and decided
overwhelmingly inspiring and I am very happy that the
now. You could find a supermarket and a drug store
beautiful stands and arrangements– you’ll love it.
This movement, the idea and the whole project is
in Kreuzberg has been empty for a couple of years
The Markthalle 9
| Markthalle 9 Berlin Kreuzberg by Sara 路 12.10.2011
Markthalle 9 Berlin Kreuzberg by Sara 路 12.10.2011 |
wildly camping on mattresses.
BBQs and oh, over there? That’s just gypsy family
punks have gathered next to Italians playing football,
make shift flea market and people are buying. Some
couple of girls have spread out their inventory on a
their children opposite of a massive techno rave. A
Shakespeare in one corner. In the other, families with
Then there’s an improvised, free theatre acting out
(though a new thing and probably an art installation).
a park, right. With designated bottle deposit racks
I’ve ever encountered in the park.
less to Kreuzberg. Wouldn’t they think this world has
Recently in Görlitzer Park by Sara · 06.09.2011 |
now, but that must have been the most bizarre thing
who’s from abroad, never been to Berlin before, much
come to an end with all its bizarre craziness? There’s
I don’t want to strike up a controversy right here and
Görlitzer Park for the first time? Say, for someone
What is it like to step inside
| Recently in G枚rlitzer Park by Sara 路 06.09.2011
Recently in G枚rlitzer Park by Sara 路 06.09.2011 |
the great culinary cultures, the chefs favorite recipes and the exchange with the other guests. Beyond the evening dinners and workshops, there’ll also be a weekly Street Food Thursday with the Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg. Berlins best chefs will present their favorite recipes and tips, so don’t miss out!
The Kiez Eats is a weekly program hosted by diferent
cooks that invites interested people into a night of
superb food. With a bit of a workshop-feeling going
on and a good vibe to connect with other passionate
eaters, we were invited to spend an evening creating
(and certainly devouring) dumplings with diferent
feel like the whole world is in one room, what with all
how to connect foodies with their local creative chefs.
Der Kiez Eats by Sara · 08.04.2013 |
to meet new people and experience new tastes. It can
networking website have thought about a new idea on
In a cozy but excited atmosphere we had the chance
wasn’t exciting enough, the makers of the culinary
As if the Kitchensurfing concept
| Der Kiez Eats by Sara 路 08.04.2013
Der Kiez Eats by Sara 路 08.04.2013 |
I’ve eaten at, BBI almost touches the throne with their exclusively super-tasty fresh and delicious ham-, cheese– and hallumiburgers.
child. My parents would never let us eat fast food ex-
cept for on special occasions. So while everyone had
a delish Christmas dinner, we ended up stuck with all
thank them from the bottom of my heart — for creat-
eight years old then.
gies out there, but it also had PERFECT beef patties and, oh, my heart aches for it’s almost the end of June and I’ll probably never taste anything like that, ever again.
it comes to culinary experiences, I can’t get around
trying any burger place that I find. My latest little
treasure (although not quite a secret — it’s just me
being late to the party as always) is the Berlin Burger
and Basil, and Mozarella, and, sorry for all the veg-
course, Berlin being the most generous of cities when
Berlin Burger International by Sara · 29.06.2012 |
your taste buds. It had STRAWBERRIES, and Pesto,
only those that were produced in half a minute. Of
International on Pannierstraße in Neukölln. While
June. And it was perfect. An orgasmic explosion for
But ever since I became addicted to burgers, and not
ing the Numburger. It was the burger of the month in
I feel especially obligated to thank them — I mean,
food like it was a five star meal. Don’t judge, I was
the other non-Christians at McD’s devouring plastic
I still hold Burgermeister up above any other place
was seeded deep inside of me back when I was a
An inner craving for burger
| Berlin Burger International by Sara · 29.06.2012
initely try ALL the burgers on the menu at ONCE.
maybe that’s just me. Anyway, go check it out and def-
enough for a hungry person to go on a rampage. Or
does so the wait is not nearly as long, but still long
They don’t attract as many passersby as Burgermeister
street-shop. Perfect for good weather and take out.
In typical Berlin style, the BBI is hardly more than a
different taste mixtures. The staff is friendly and welcome and the concept of the store is one that makes you feel right at home.
or a Mediterranean gourmet experience for a low-
budget, everything is available around Kreuzberg
and Neukölln. Feliu, a Catalonian restaurant that has
corner of Weichselstraße and Weserstraße in Neukölln, Gaston, another very affordable and comfortable
la carte that should convince everyone, from the pas-
sionate aficionado to the lazy traveler.
to see what’s on for the summer. Needless to say, this may just be my new favorite place for a delicious meal.
Pflügerstraße, have caught my attention before. Fi-
nally I’ve made it to Feliu and it was better than good.
The Mediterranean “Fusion” kitchen is quite simple,
The menu changes seasonally, and I’m very excited
with candles, located in a very quiet and dark part of
Restaurant Feliu by Sara · 29.05.2013 |
Berlin, something I’ve never heard of or tasted before.
very warm and inviting: big glass windows decorated
but very convincing. From Ceviche to a very special
tapas. It brings a fresh twist on Catalonian cuisine to
By night, the front of the restaurant looks already
place to be at night. But the Feliu is more than just
The owners of Feliu had their first Tapas bar at the
but affordable type of cozy restaurants with a menu á
been open for a while now, belongs to the mid-range
kind of traditional Paela, a guest can only dive into the
Whether it’s an exotic Arabic breakfast I’m craving
I love my hood for its abundance of delicacies.
| Restaurant Feliu by Sara 路 29.05.2013
for safety reasons at 11:30 after one piece of the Berlin Wall was removed and displaced. Most construction vehicles were withdrawn.
Berlin Wall, the building contractor and police deci-
ded to delay further construction. One piece of wall
was removed, protestors are afraid that demolition will
shot or otherwise found death during the city’s separation, caused a chorus of outrage. The protest is led by the local activist group “Mediaspree versenken”, a number of local clubs, representatives of all political parties and more than 30.000 signees of a petition addressed to mayor Klaus Wowereit, the building contractor and high-ranking politicians, including chan-
rebuilding of pre-war Brommy bridge endangered pre-
servation of the protected historical monument, pro-
test formed quickly over the internet and culminated in
several hundred activists gathering at the construction
site. Police formed a cordon to ensure safety of activ-
ists, construction and traffic. When activists crowded
the street, police blocked the road from both ends.
stretch of the death strip, where several fugitives were
tion project including luxury estates, a hotel and the
Eastside Gallery demolition delayed by Matthias · 01.03.2013 |
most frequented tourist spot and longest remaining
When news spread this week, that a local construc-
The demolition of Eastside Gallery, Berlin’s second
the building contractor agreed to delay construction
tion of parts of the longest remaining stretch of the
be continued later today or at night.
According to a police spokesperson, both police and
at Eastside Gallery earlier today to disturb the demoli-
After 300 demonstrators gathered
demolition of parts of Eastside Gallery to make room
relevance of the memorial and a further approach by the city’s senate and the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg’s district administration to outsell the riverside.
that it will continue unnoticed. Police cleared the road
block and left the scene at 12:15, few officers and
most of the activists remained on the site. A fence
uncertain why a building license was issued. The 300 activists who gathered at the site voiced their indig-
barbed wire like they used to do it formerly”, an elderly
lady lamented.
| Eastside Gallery demolition delayed by Matthias · 01.03.2013
spot, where artists painted the remnants of the Berlin
tense. Eastside Gallery is an internationally famous
preservation of the river Spree’s banks was still
The incident happened as the situation about the
each other over responsibility in this case, it remains
there’s a gap in the Wall, they’d better fill it with some
Wowereit to resignate from mayor’s office.
nation about all of these participants and demanded
While both the city and district cast the blame on
activists from trespassing the construction site. “Now
was placed where the piece was removed to prevent
a violation of the outstanding historical and cultural
After demolition stopped for now, activists are afraid
for luxury building projects is widely recognized as
Wall on a distance of more than one kilometer. The
cellor Angela Merkel and Federal President Joachim
Eastside Gallery demolition delayed by Matthias 路 01.03.2013 |
Night Life.
authentic picture of the city.
we hope to get closer to portraying an
With every little piece of the puzzle
make up most of our lives here in Berlin.
neighborhood. These little randoms
meet: it usually happens right in our
What we see, what we do and who we
of the line to the venue (Festsaal Kreuzberg) I tried to capture some of these looks.
the broad subjects that Berlin has to offer. In this
case, I’d like to make an exception. We’ve all been
we get the chance to experience a banger concert in
rap fan in Berlin likes to dress in a likewise fancy, yet
the audience. In contrast to the “vintage hipster”, the
would rather point out the interesting street styles of
But before boring you with shaky concert pictures I
experience to the usual raves.
make the room bounce! After all, it IS quite a different
hype wave for another couple of years on that level of
from FindingBerlin are true Hip Hop fans, so whenever
A$AP Rocky at Festsaal Kreuzberg by Marcus · 15.06.2012 |
Here’s to hoping that the A$AP Mob can ride the
Wassup. Along with all the techno in Berlin most of us
our hood we grab the motherfucker by the neck and
By the way, the concert was — albeit short — a blast.
he blew up last year with his monster tracks Pe$o and
waiting impatiently for the A$AP Rocky gig ever since
definitely different manner. While hanging out in front
might not be the most exciting thing to share across
Going to a concert
| A$AP Rocky at Festsaal Kreuzberg by Marcus 路 15.06.2012
A$AP Rocky at Festsaal Kreuzberg by Marcus 路 15.06.2012 |
spirit. Whether it’s fashion, art or a statement to a certain “to cool to have fun” Zeitgeist: this party was, in essence, everything you’d expect of the creepy, horrormovie kind Halloween. Freddie Krüger galore.
don’t have fun on Halloween are probably the same
ones who shrug and light up a cigarette when seeing
a pug puppy. If you’re THAT kind of person, I hate you
by principle. I just can’t believe there are people who
creative match kreuzberg x The Wye: Fashion Monster by Sara · 02.11.2012 |
installations consisting of wedding dresse s, a somber
floor, shrouded by weird symbols and decorations, art
Halloween if you know what I mean. Sitting on the
and dark version of Halloween, the Donnie Darko type
party last Wednesday. They reverted to the gloomy
who collaborated to throw an extraordinary Halloween
thought the creative heads of The Wye and The Offer,
Having fun on Halloween is kind of clichée, must have
neo-goth electronic non-dance music to undermine the
overdosing on a) sweets and b) booze, people who
can react cold to a pug puppy.
mist hanging about the loft — all backdropped by
at a Halloween party. What with all the costumes and
It’s really hard not to have fun
| creative match kreuzberg x The Wye: Fashion Monster by Sara 路 02.11.2012
creative match kreuzberg x The Wye: Fashion Monster by Sara 路 02.11.2012 |
Tank Rave in Kreuzberg by Sara · 01.06.2012 |
can’t get more friendly than that.
to “take over Kreuzberg in a friendly way”. I guess it
definitely standing out of the usual events, aiming
even more of these spontaneous raves. This one was
especially during the summer. I would say we need
Kreuzberg? Eclectic and eccentric music is our thing,
when a bass blasting tank was rolling down through
Remember that time
| Tank Rave in Kreuzberg by Sara 路 01.06.2012
Tank Rave in Kreuzberg by Sara 路 01.06.2012 |
| Tank Rave in Kreuzberg by Sara 路 01.06.2012
Tank Rave in Kreuzberg by Sara 路 01.06.2012 |
can just go out on the street, with no plans or intentions, and suddenly you’ll be caught up for hours in excitement and happiness. No clubs, no restaurants,
ics by daylight, this street knows how to be flashy as
soon as the sun goes down and the neon shop– and
headlights go on.
about discovering the street in its “natural” state.
ings that were enlightened, but were more passionate
“Late Light Shopping”. We found three or four build-
to be a Festival of Lights type of happening called the
going down to Karl-Marx-Straße: there was supposed
Fun times were had. We had an initial reason for
are on their cheap & trashy A-Game.
Karl Marx Straße: Neon Light by Night by Sara · 19.11.2012 |
Also: neon lights are awesome.
good portion of entertainment.
Str. U-Bahn station seems especially magnetic to
peculiar situations. The shops, flanking each footpath,
open mind are sometimes all that’s necessary for a
The patch between Rathaus Neukölln and Karl-Marx-
no cafés: basic interactions with other people and an
One of the greater things about Berlin is how you
Where Karl Marx Straße lacks in charm and aesthet-
Neon lights shine brine by night.
| Karl Marx Straße: Neon Light by Night by Sara · 19.11.2012
Karl Marx Straße: Neon Light by Night by Sara · 19.11.2012 |
Event Life.
things that happen here once more.
aspects we try to share the unique
tradition. Considering the many cultural
special events with a (more or less)
and sports: Every year Berlin is full of
Concerts, clubs, exhibitions, festivals
regular known names in the graffiti world, we all had our share of fun these two days. One should wish for more of these opportunities — Kreuzberg taking the chance and proving that it’s more than just another to-be-commercialized part of Berlin. Adrian Nabi, cooperator of Backjumps and “curator” of the Rock The Block festival, says that the Block is supposed to be open for all and everyone, no matter if they’re usually interested in art and galleries or not. It’s a Kiezfest for everyone in full Kreuzberg spirit. We’re looking forward to the next edition. Some of the outstanding works we tried to capture on photographs.
streets within their proximity. The Rock the Block exhibi-
tion/kiezfestival was brought to life by Backjumps, a
Kreuzberg located urban arts initiative and magazine,
in cooperation with the Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Betha-
nien. Backjumps, if you remember, have been hosting
a couple of exhibitions so far that we’ve visited and
have now transferred their gallery space into “reality”,
if you will. Instead of using proper artsy canvas they’ve
decided to go with the urban art spirit and display
their artists works on walls, buildings, on the streets
and among the passersby. Dozens of artists were part
of the block-rocking, providing art and venues for
From various exhibitions to crazy performances and
Adalbert-, Oranien– and Skalitzerstraße and the
Rock the Block Kreuzberg by Stefan · 04.10.2012 |
what was going on. Indeed, good times were had.
of Berlin: the BLOCK in Kreuzberg, comprising of
exhibitions and workshops and parties in and outside.
Our whole crew headed down to the block to see
were all in the name of one very remarkable part
The last two days
| Rock the Block Kreuzberg by Stefan 路 04.10.2012
Rock the Block Kreuzberg by Stefan 路 04.10.2012 |
a pretty awesome time. We’re already looking forward to the next Mayday which is kinda like a Summer version of New Year’s Eve: finally, people are out on the streets again. This is the Berlin we love.
responsible for the good time everybody has dan-
cing, eating and simply enjoying the kick off for a new
summer season. This year though, we didn’t spend a
lot of time at the MyFest. Instead, our flat on Skalitzer
Open Air rave to the next.
who were strolling around the Kreuzberg Kiez from one
Straße. From here we had the best view on the people
on our makeshift summer balcony right on Skalitzer
always, people were drunk by 2 PM and everyone had
make the MyFest happen every year. They’re mostly
The People Of Mayday by Marcus · 02.05.2012 |
riots or disturbances. The music was top notch as
had already covered the extraordinary people who
Straße invited all of our friends over to hang around
Needless to say, we had an amazing time far off from
Kreuzberg unites for one big party. Last year we
Every 1st May
| The People Of Mayday by Marcus 路 02.05.2012
The People Of Mayday by Marcus 路 02.05.2012 |
| The People Of Mayday by Marcus 路 02.05.2012
The People Of Mayday by Marcus 路 02.05.2012 |
also not stop complaining about it in every post until it happens. I’m a grumpy person and I need sunlight for my pale skin).
even know what that word means. They will think:
“Summer, oh, that’s just another word for autumn,
right?”, because that’s damn straight what it feels like.
the Fête de La Musique festivities are free and for everyone to enjoy, but they are naturally of a different
melting off my bones. I would worship every second of
it if it happened again.
made it a ritual not to be too stressed out or eager to find the perfect place to rave. Sometimes it just happens, that’s cool. Yesterday was more like an interesting stroll through Kreuzberg, a major excuse to listen to some great music by Robot Koch and Jahcoozie at our favorite spot on Cuvry Straße by the Spree and to
time, Fête de La Musique, the annual midsummer fest-
ival that is celebrated all across the world, was taken
here with a little ironic twist. Rain and windy weather
made it quite difficult to enjoy the Open Airs, but then
again: we’re born to party. We’ve had worse than
this. Let’s not dwell on it (but yes, let’s dwell on it, I
ties can range from two hours to two days. So we’ve
October. I don’t mind as long as it does. In the mean-
Fête De La Musique 2012 by Sara · 22.06.2012 |
experience usually work days — the extend of the par-
Of course, summer will return — someday. Probably in
quality. Since it’s always on the 21st of June — in my
Like the Carnival of Cultures or the First of May,
waves. Even I have spent days in the city with my skin
But once upon a time, even Berlin encountered heat
will not stop until summer returns with full force. I will
Most children growing up in Berlin will probably never
| Fête De La Musique 2012 by Sara · 22.06.2012
the Schillerkiez available. Right? Right.
from here, not even if there’s a cute little apartment in
neighborhood and we will definitely not move away
It always comes down to the same thing: we love our
go down on Kreuzbergs best chicken at Hühnerhaus.
F锚te De La Musique 2012 by Sara 路 22.06.2012 |
| F锚te De La Musique 2012 by Sara 路 22.06.2012
F锚te De La Musique 2012 by Sara 路 22.06.2012 |
techno. But even more colorful, displaying all those wonderful nationalities and cultural heritages Berlin has to offer. From huge Brazilian communities to little Palestinian dance performances, the floats and wagons on the parade are an incredible sight. Peace, tolerance and loads of diversity are the key mottos of
better known as Karneval der Kulturen in German, so
far on FindingBerlin? One of the greatest and most
visited events in our city, a massive spectacle for famil-
ies and hedonists alike, the Carnival of Cultures offers
everything for everyone and is the second kick-off into
the summer after the First of May in Kreuzberg.
even more. They teach the good life.
a multicultural celebration taking place in Neukölln
Kreuzberg 61 with plenty of awesome food from all over the world (of course we ended up eating the habitual Köfte. I mean you can’t go wrong with Köfte.)
religiously as the First of May — seriously, has anyone
ever had a bad weather First of May?). Anyway, back
to KdK: think of it as an explosive Love Parade minus
Carnival of Cultures by Sara · 29.05.2012 |
time. It has been extended to a four day event around
usually blessed by good weather (although not as
and an additional parade for the children.
The Carnival has become more than a parade over-
well, established in 1996, every year at whitsun and
and Kreuzberg. And it’s a pretty old celebration as
happen in Berlin, I tend to appreciate these festivities
The “Karneval der Kulturen” is, as the name promises,
the festival — realizing how rare violent encounters
the excessive drugs plus more families and lesser
could we NOT have covered the Carnival of Cultures,
How in Gods name
were simply lazy and didn’t want to carry our cameras around. This year our crew, although often separated within the masses and literally drowning in drama,
and our taste in music still a bit vestigial. Nevermind
though, I love both options. Are we going back to Lon-
don this year?)
| Carnival of Cultures by Sara · 29.05.2012
the festivities too much to actually take pictures or we
Notting Hill Carnival, even though it’s not as large
Sunday Carnival parade, but we were either enjoying
val der Kulturen is somewhat more impressive than the
people are the summary of what you can find in Berlin.
and performances as well as the raves full of young
blue sky and the bright sun, the mind blasting music
beautiful people, cheering and laughing faces, the
to share our impressions with you. Colorful costumes,
was attached to their lenses and we are very proud
In the last years we’ve been avid visitors of the
(By the way, I changed my opinion again: our Karne-
Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012 |
| Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012
Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012 |
| Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012
Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012 |
| Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012
Carnival of Cultures by Sara 路 29.05.2012 |
| Bibliography
„Fête De La Musique 2012“ and „Carnival of Cultures“ - Photos by Nicole Nickel, private archive.
Primary sources
Bibliography |
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