Rotaract Newsletter District 4250 II quarter 2018-2019

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District Statistic

Find out about the work that the district clubs have done

Rotary Citation

Do you know how to earn the Rotary Citation for Rotaract Clubs?

Belize Conference

Discover what awaits us in our Bi-District Conference!

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Economic and Community Development Month

November 2018

Rotary Foundation Month

1-7 October: Alumni Reconnect Week

2 al 4 de November: Honduras National reunion

24 October: World Polio Day

5-11 November: World Interact Week

October 31: Deadline for competitive district grant

10 November: Rotary Day at the United Nations

December 2018

Disease Prevention and Treatment Month 15 December: Early registration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention

23-24 November: Rotary Integral Seminar District 4250

January 2019

Vocational Service Month 13-19 January: International Assembly, San Diego, California, USA 31 January: Deadline for submitting projects to the Rotary Public Image Coordination campaign, Zone 25A

February 2019

Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

March 2019

Water and Sanitation Month 7-9 Conferencia Rotaria Distrito 4250

February 1: Deadline to nominate Rotaract outstanding project concludes February 1-2: Belize National Reunion

11-17 March: World Rotaract Week 31 March: Preregistration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention

23 February: Rotary’s anniversary 23 - 24 February: Guatemala’s National reunion

April 2019

Maternal and Child Health Month 30 April: Rotary International Convention registrations and ticket cancellations are due

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May 2019

Youth Service Month

June de 2019

Rotary Fellowships Month

2-5 May: Bidistrict Conference 42404250; Belize

1-5 June: Rotary International Convention, Hamburg, Germany

30 may - 1 June: Rotaract Preconvention, Hamburg, Germany

30 June: Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs Award nominations are due

CONTENT Find out about the latest news from Rotaract and the District and do not miss the content we have for you!







Bi-District Conference · 32 ·




Presidential theme 2019-2020










Rotary’s Areas of Focus · 12 ·

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MENSAJE DEL PRESIDENTE DE RI my partners in Doctors Hospital and with all the PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE J A N U A R Y dedicated staff members who worked in the hospital over the years, we could change every2019

thing. My goal became a shared goal — and Vocational ser- then it became reality. vice can be hard to define, but it is Rotary emphasizes the dignity of every vocation easy to describe: and the worth of every calling. Remember that It is simply the the four founding members included no docpoint where our tors or peacemakers — just an attorney, a minRotary lives and ing engineer, a coal dealer, and a printer. From our professional the beginning, the diversity of those vocations lives intersect. gave Rotary a special strength. And that diversiWhen we put ty is reflected in our classification system, which our Rotary ideals aims to ensure that each club represents the full to work through range of businesses and professions that serve our work, that is each community.

vocational service. When I returned to the Bahamas after many years working in health care administration abroad, I realized that my country badly needed a modern health care facility. The resources we had at the time were out of date and inadequate, and people who were unable to travel abroad for care often did not receive the care they needed. Without the experience I had gained in the United States, I could have done nothing to change the status quo. But since I did have that experience, I was in a unique position to have an impact. I knew I could turn my professional path to good and make a career out of improving Bahamian health care.

Paul Harris put it this way: “Each Rotarian is the connecting link between the idealism of Rotary and his trade or profession.” It was true when he said it and should be equally true now. We only spend an hour or two a week at our Rotary meetings, but most of us spend most of our waking time at work. Through Rotary, those hours are also an opportunity for service: a chance to Be the Inspiration to those we work with, those who work for us, and the communities we serve. Barry Rassin Rotary International President

As Rotary became part of my journey, I discovered that the words of Paul Harris that became the basis of Rotary — that shared effort knows no limitations — were also true for my vocation. I could not bring modern health care to the Bahamas alone. But through partnership, both with the doctors who eventually became Página 3

DISTRICT GOVERNOR MESSAGE PILOTING THE PLANE On our last trip of the official visits to the Rotary Clubs of our district 4250, in Belize, as a farewell, we made a different trip plan where we mix driving in our car to Puerto Barrios, in that port we took a boat to Punta Gorda in Belize, and then we would be mobilizing between the cities of that country by air. I must say that it was a success to have done it, I think we closed our visits with a flourish since the experience of this adventure was sensational, in a few words, we had a lot of fun.

co-pilot and little by little he is giving up responsibilities.

It is difficult in a few lines to write all the ideas that we can comment on this meditation, I will stay with those that I consider very important. Rotary training is a process that we must learn ourselves and at the same time we are obliged to transmit to our new generations. Piloting this ship is complex, and if we want to reach our goals it is necessary to maintain good communication and know how to delegate The most memorable part of the trip was the last and share responsibilities, while maintaining a certain flight from Placencia to Punta Gorda. On this flight verticality in the chain of command. at Cesan Caravan there were two pilots, one was the captain and one co-pilot, who was a young pilot who Always when starting an activity, in any occupation is in the process of training. After takeoff, the captain or profession, if we seek excellence it is necessary to left the control of the aircraft to the co-pilot and went learn to work with experienced colleagues that help to the landing where he again took control. This is us to be better, since there are many things that are part of the process in which young pilots are trained not in the books or skills we have not yet developed and polished to reach captains in the future. The fun to fullness. Next to that truth that says that nobody for me was to see how my wife Ena did not like much is perfect, this one that says nobody is born knowing to see the captain relaxed while the young man was everything. Therefore, the combination of the piloting the plane, I think her face clearly showed his impetus in the spirit of the young person and his inexhaustible energy added to the experience and concern and disapproval. tranquility of “less youngâ€? people (like me and many Apart from the grace that this caused me, the jokes Rotarians), can be a factor of important changes and fun with which we have remembered and that take us to levels of friendship and service never commented with friends, this episode inspired me a dreamed. brief reflection that I wish to share: I hope that the joint school of Rotary and Rotaract To become a commercial pilot, it is necessary a whole clubs in our district will be an inspiration to everyone process of learning and knowledge to be followed, in the Rotary world; and that we continue the road to courses and flight hours that eventually lead to the be better friends without borders every day, because co-pilot seat, where little by little work is achieving in the end, we are all Rotary! for trust to be deposited and granted, and that fourth distinctive bar of the captain of the aircraft finally A hug and the love of always, is granted. Accompany different captains and learn Be the inspiration, from their experience. Think of our organization made up of Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs, all forming an organization that we piloted to grow in friendship and service. If we take advantage of the analogy that we have embarked on a journey towards our life purpose in Rotary, we must know that the captain must be considered responsible for taking off and maintaining the safety of the trip, while, in turn, transmitting his experience to his PĂĄgina 4

DG Jose Antonio Interiano Torre Gobernador D 4250 2018-19

DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE MESSAGE I want to take advantage of this space to tell you This trip that I started a few months ago has led me about my experience I had by being so close to to be closer to you and to see the passion of many several Rotaract clubs. of you wanting to serve, sitting at each table to talk with the boards made me realize the goodwill you I was very anxious and very nervous to undertake have to help . For all I know, we all have the same that trip but what I was most afraid of was knowing goal of wanting to help. All the clubs have strengths if I was going to be able to transmit my message to and shortcomings, if we only turn to see another them, which is asking us the question why are we club and be asked how are they? I think they and why we continue in Rotaract. Sometimes could get support and teach how to improve their we find ourselves in situations that we ask ourselves shortcomings each other would definitely make if we should continue with Rotaract because we them strong clubs that could reach more people. have so many work commitments, studies, family, This was one of the thoughts I had when thinking etc; because the truth being in this takes a lot, I also about how we can continue to improve in the found myself in that situation sometime. One day I district. started to think because I am still in Rotaract after almost 5 years with the same will and enthusiasm To finish with these words I want to tell you that that I started in this adventure in life. This phrase is the kilometers traveled with the team (Erik and what sums up everything: Ariel) were definitely of many lessons apart from “If we were to realize the great power of giving we that we also take new friends, dreams, unforgettable smiles, adventures without equals, the coex would not stop doing it” -Buda. istence, we enjoyed each dish and drink we tried. When you find the passion to serve in everything Thank you for the time you spent sharing with us to you do everything begins to make more sense in life open the doors of their homes, the words fall short and you enjoy every moment of what you do. to express this. Guatemala, there we go! Rotaract changed the way I see life. The first thing I hope to see you all soon at CONFERENCE XXIV that impressed me was finding people with different where the host will be a member of our BELIZE thoughts, professions, ages and different dreams but district !!! with the same goal that is to serve those who need it the most and find them an unbreakable friendship Moka for several years.

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ABOUT MARK MALONEY According to Maloney, a lawyer by profession, “Rotary works are born in clubs.” Its goal is to support and strengthen clubs at the grassroots level, preserve the culture that distinguishes Rotary as a service-oriented organization and implement new regional approaches that contribute to the growth of the organization. “Once the eradication of polio has been achieved, Rotary will not only receive the deserved recognition, but many more doors will be opened to us,” he said. “We have the potential to become the engine that drives the works of good in the world.” A Rotarian since 1980, Maloney has held various positions in Rotary, among others: RI director, trustee and vice president of The Rotary Foundation, aide to RI president 2003-2004 Johathan Majiyagbe. He has also participated in the Council of Legislation as president, vice president, legislative advisor and instructor. He served as a consultant to the Osaka Convention Committee in 2004 and chaired the Convention Committee of Sydney. Prior to holding the position of district governor, Maloney led a Study Group Exchange in Nigeria. Maloney also served as vice president of the Future Vision Committee, moderator of the Foundation Training Institute, national adviser to the Foundation’s Permanent Fund, member of the Rotary Peace Centers Committee and advisor to the Water Supply Committee and Sanitation in Schools. Página 6

PRESIDENTIAL THEME 2019-2020 ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD Rotary is built on connection. When Paul Harris came to Chicago as a young lawyer, he formed Rotary for one compelling reason: to help him connect to others in a new city. More than a century later, we have at our disposal countless ways to form friendships and networks, most of which Paul Harris never dreamed. Yet Rotary’s ability to connect us remains unique — and unrivaled.

in deciding what a club can be, how it can meet, and even what can be considered a Rotary meeting. We need to be organized, strategic, and innovative in how we approach membership, forging wider and deeper connections to our communities and forming new club models to attract and engage more — and more diverse — members.

Rotary is indeed a family. Yet too often, the structure of membership or the demands of leadership seem to place Rotary out of reach for today’s younger professionals. Rotary can and should be an experience that complements our families instead of competing with them. When our Rotary clubs are warm, welcoming places where service and family go hand in hand, we give family-oriented young professionals the opportunity to embrace Rotary service and model positive civic engagement. And when we make the expectations of Rotary offices realistic and manageable for busy professionals, we develop the skills and networks of a new generation of Rotarians — Through its distinct mission and structure, Rotary In- who will become Rotary leaders. ternational provides a way to connect to our communities, to network professionally, and to build In 2019-2020, it will be our challenge to strengthen strong and lasting relationships. Our membership the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, buildconnects us to a global community through our ing the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, countless projects and programs, our leadership in and generous people to unite and take meaningful polio eradication, and our work with and through action through Rotary service. the United Nations. Our service connects us to people who share our values, who want to take action for a better world; it connects us to people we would never otherwise meet, who are more like us than we Mark Daniel Maloney could have imagined; and it connects us to people who need our help, allowing us to change lives in President Rotary International 2019-2020 communities around the world. As a new decade begins, we are shaping Rotary’s future. In 2019-2020, Rotary will implement its new strategic plan, respond to the innovation of the Council on Legislation, and serve in our revitalized areas of focus. But the real work of shaping Rotary’s future lies in our clubs, where our organization must do the most to adapt to today’s changing realities. While the club remains the core of the Rotary experience, we are now far more creative and flexible Página 7








1951 hours

$ 80,702.32 USD


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34 / 50 Reports received



Community Service


International Service

Professional Development









Rotaract Verde


Servicio a la Juventud


Fundación Rotaria


Aumento de los Clubes Rotaract en el Distrito desde 1974 Cantidad de clubes abiertos por periodos a la actualidad Cantidad de clubes vigentes por años

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Throughout the year our Rotaract clubs work hard to make a difference and be the inspiration, and our great reward is the thousands of smiles we give through our activities and projects. And although recognitions are not the engine of our work, it never hurts to receive a small recognition. That is why, annually, Rotary International makes available to us the Rotary Mention for Rotaract clubs. The Rotary Mention is a distinguished award given to Rotaract clubs that met the challenges that Rotary International has placed. These are based on specific goals that are linked to Rotary’s strategic priorities. The objective of the mention is not to give more jobs to the members of the club, but quite the opposite. Although to win it we have to meet several of these challenges, the reality is that including these points in our work plan will help us to organize and strengthen our club even more. Every year the requirements change, the objective is always centered on the strategic plan of Rotary International: Support and strengthen clubs, Focus and increase humanitarian service, and enhance public image and awareness.

HOW CAN I WIN IT? In order to win it you must meet at least 6 goals from the 9 listed. The mention is divided into 3 parts with their respective objectives: • Support and strengthen clubs • Focus and increase humanitarian service • Enhance public image and awareness.

ROTARY CITATION WITH PRESIDENTIAL DISTINCTION 2018-2019 This year, Rotaract clubs can receive the Rotary Citation with Presidential Distinction if. Achieve these goals in addition to earning the Rotary Citation to receive SILVER (1 goal), GOLD (2 goals), or PLATINUM (3 goals). • Achieve a net gain of 5 or more members • Show how your club’s members are People of Action by promoting your club and its service activities on social media at least 4 times per month • Initiate or continue a leadership or professional development program to enhance members’ skills and the value of their membership

In recent years the requirements have mainly focused on the use of My Rotary to encourage the use of such a great tool by the partners, mainly the President.

My Rotary is an almost endless source of information where we can find manuals, resources, forums, project ideas, we can share our ideas, other Rotary clubs or Rotaract, courses, webinars etc. But the percentage of people who take advantage of it is really low. It is for this reason that the Rotary Mention encourages us to use it and that it is within our work plan.

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For more than 100 years, Rotarians have joined forces from all continents, cultures and industries to act in communities and the world. With the commitment to achieve lasting changes, we work to empower young people, guarantee the health and well-being of more people, promote peace, and, most importantly, achieve an integral development of the community. While the work of Rotarians serve in countless ways, we’ve focused our efforts in six key areas to maximize our impact. These areas encompass some of the world’s most critical and widespread humanitarian needs, and we have a proven record of success in addressing them: • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development Rotary members planning new service projects are encouraged to consider these areas and the many opportunities for innovative projects within them. This publication introduces each area and suggests how Rotary clubs and districts and their service partners can address these needs both locally and internationally. Página 12


Rotary supports the training, education, and practice of peace and conflict prevention and resolution.


Rotary supports training activities and the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing the causes and effects of diseases.


Rotary supports training activities and the implementation of initiatives aimed at improving access to drinking water and basic sanitation systems.


Rotary supports training and education activities to improve maternal and child health and reduce the mortality rate of children under five years of age.


Rotary supports training and education activities to improve children’s education and literacy for children and adults.



Rotary supports investment in human potential to drive measurable and sustainable economic development in their lives and communities. Página 13

PEACE AND CONFLICT PREVENTION/RESOLUTION Rotary undertakes projects to promote understanding and strengthen the capacity of communities to resolve conflicts. Rotary partners use our service projects, pro-peace program and educational scholarships to take action and address the underlying causes of the conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tensions, lack of access to education and inequity in education. the distribution of resources. The Rotary Foundation makes available to Rotarians the means to promote peace and conflict resolution, through: • The training of leaders, including youth leaders in perspective, in order to prevent and mediate in cases of conflicts. • Support for efforts to strengthen peace in communities and regions in conflict. • The granting of scholarships for professionals in the field of peace and the prevention and resolution of conflicts. Example of eligible projects within this area: • Community activities targeting non-Rotarian participants, including conferences, trainings, and camps, in support of nonviolence, peace-building, and human rights; • Facilitated conflict resolution workshops related to topics addressing community needs such as policy development, business activities across conflict lines, educational reform, and peace journalism; • Supporting initiatives addressing psychological effects of conflict; • Educating youth on preventive measures to avoid conflict; • Training programs or campaigns to address negative social dynamics in a community, including but not limited to anti-gang efforts and those to overcome radical differences; • Communication and arbitration among parties previously engaged in direct conflict; • Vocational training teams supporting the above activities; • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to peace and conflict prevention/resolution.

Inadmissible activities within this area for obtaining Global Grants: • Peace conferences targeting Rotarian participants; • Enrollment at a Rotary Peace Center partner university in the same, or similar, academic program as those pursued by Rotary Peace Fellows.


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Provide training to local leaders to prevent and mediate conflicts. Support the restoration of long-term peace in conflict-affected areas. Support studies on peace and conflict resolution.

DISEASE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT Diseases cause misery, pain and poverty to millions of people around the world. Reason why we attach great importance to the treatment and prevention of diseases. Rotary supports training activities and the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing the causes and effects of diseases. The Rotary Foundation makes available to Rotarians the means to prevent diseases and promote health, through: • • • • • • •

Training programs to improve the skills of local medical professionals. Promotion of prevention programs, with the objective of containing the spread of communicable diseases and reduce the incidence of noncommunicable diseases. Initiatives to improve the infrastructure of the communities at the local level. Awareness campaigns and social mobilization to prevent the spread of major diseases. Efforts to prevent cases of physical disability resulting from illness or injury. Scholarships for professionals who work in the field of prevention and treatment of diseases.

Example of eligible projects within this area: • Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases • • • • •

Screening campaigns, with the subsequent counseling and referral to treatment. Campaigns to prevent diseases and material that support such efforts. Implementation of preventive programs, such as vaccination. Supply of platforms that facilitate the mapping and monitoring of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Treatment of communicable diseases with prevention components

• Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes or other vectors of pathogens • • • •

Distribution of mosquito nets and preventive medicines. Supply of materials for the safe storage of stagnant water and training to interrupt the life cycle of the mosquito. Installation of drainage systems for the prevention and control of diseases. Elimination of other vectors besides the mosquito.

• Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases • • • •

Provision of materials and training to prevent physical disabilities caused by illness or injury. Sensitization campaigns, intervention and early screening to reduce incidence of diseases. Financing of mobile technology equipment and vehicles to monitor and treat patients. Treatment of non-communicable diseases with prevention components, training of health sector professionals or public health education that contribute to the long-term improvement of sanitary conditions in the community. • Projects to prevent traffic accidents.


Improve the knowledge of local health professionals. Improve the health infrastructure of local communities. Prevent disabilities caused by illness or injury Fight against the transmission of contagious diseases and reduce complications in non-contagious diseases. Educate and mobilize communities to prevent the transmission of diseases. Support studies on the prevention and treatment of diseases

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WATER AND SANITATION Water supply, sanitation and hygiene education are basic needs to enjoy a healthy environment and a productive life. When people have access to a source of clean water and sanitation facilities, waterborne diseases diminish and children stay healthy so they attend classes more regularly, and mothers spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. Rotary supports training activities and the implementation of initiatives to improve access to drinking water and basic sanitation systems through: • Providing equitable community access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene; • Strengthening the ability of communities to develop, fund and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems; • Supporting programs that enhance communities’ awareness of the benefits of safe water, sanitation and hygiene; • Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to water and sanitation. Example of eligible projects within this area: • • • • • • • • •

Access to safe drinking water (i.e. supply and quality); Access to improved sanitation; Improved hygiene; Community development and management of systems for sustainability; Watershed management and food security plans that depend on adequate water supply; Water for production (i.e. crops, livestock, etc.); Vocational training teams supporting the above activities; Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to water and sanitation.

Educate communities about drinking water, sanitation and hygiene measures. Support studies on water supply and sanitation. Increase equitable access by the community to potable water and basic sanitation facilities. SET ONE OF THESE GOALS FOR YOUR PROJECT Strengthen the capacity of communities to develop and maintain water supply and sanitation systems.


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MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Rotary supports training and education activities to improve maternal and child health and reduce the mortality rate of children under five years of age through: • Reducing the mortality and morbidity rate for children under the age of five; • Reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity rate; • Improving access to essential medical services, trained community health leaders and health care providers for mothers and their children; • Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to maternal and child health Example of eligible projects within this area: • Prenatal care for pregnant women; • Labor and delivery services for pregnant women; • Providing medical equipment to underserved clinics and hospital maternity wards, when provided in conjunction with prenatal care educational activities; • Training and/or “train the trainer” initiatives for maternal and child health professionals and leaders (i.e. doctors, nurses, community health workers, and midwives); • Training and/or “train the trainer” initiatives for skilled birth attendants; • Prenatal and child care educational activities for parents and families; • Initiatives that build upon and/or improve capacity of existing community initiatives and/or local women’s groups pertaining to maternal and child health; • Education about and access to birth control, family planning and/or disease prevention and reduction initiatives, inclusive of HIV/AIDS and human papillomavirus (HPV); • Education and training on sexual health, particularly for adolescent girls; • Vocational training teams that focus on educational components related to activities outlined above, whether intended for the public, traditional health leaders or health professionals in the recipient community; • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to maternal and child health; • Relevant immunization for children under five; • Relevant immunizations for women and adolescent girls; • Interventions to combat pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and/or measles for mothers and children under five; • Interventions to reduce the impact of sexually transmitted disease in women, e.g., HIV/AIDS,


Support studies on maternal and child health. Reduce the maternal mortality and morbidity rate. Reduce the mortality and morbidity rate of children under five years of age. Improve the access of mothers and children to basic medical services and qualified health professionals.

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BASIC EDUCATION AND LITERACY Illiteracy affects more than 775 million people over 15 years of age, which represents 17% of the world’s population. Our goal is to empower communities to support literacy and basic education programs, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase literacy among adults. Rotary supports education and training activities to improve children’s education and literacy for children and adults through: • Involving the community to support programs that strengthen the capacity of communities to provide basic education and literacy to all; • Increasing adult literacy in communities; • Working to reduce gender disparity in education; • Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to basic education and literacy Example of eligible projects within this area: • Enhancing quality basic primary and secondary education, seeking to involve local school officials when possible; • Educating adults in literacy; • Providing teacher training in curriculum implementation, effective instructional methodologies and/or student assessment; • Strengthening educational experience through improved materials and facilities that complement curriculum and/or teacher training; • School desk purchases, when accompanied by a detailed and verifiable plan to improve basic education and literacy; • Vocational training teams supporting the above activities; • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to basic education and literacy. Inadmissible activities within this area for obtaining Global Grants: • Projects that consist exclusively of equipment purchases • Projects that provide tuition or school supplies without the means for the community to provide these in the future. • Projects that the community is not able to continue after grant funding ends


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Reduce gender inequality in access to education. Increase adult literacy rates. Strengthen the capacity of communities to support literacy and basic education. Support studies related to literacy and basic education.

ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Approximately 800 million people subsist on less than USD 1.90 per day. Faced with this stark reality, Rotary’s partners show their passion to fight poverty with sustainable solutions. Our partners and our foundation undertake projects to empower local entrepreneurs and leaders. We provide training, paid employment opportunities and access to services of institutions financial Rotary supports investment in human potential to drive measurable and sustainable economic development in their lives and communities and their members, through: • Building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, local organizations, and community networks to support economic development in impoverished communities; • Developing opportunities for productive work; • Reducing poverty in underserved communities; • Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to economic and community development. . Example of eligible projects within this area: • Access to financial services for the poor, which may include but are not limited to microcredit, savings, or insurance; • Training related to economic and community development including but not limited to entrepreneurship, community leadership, vocational, and financial literacy; • Small business/cooperative/social enterprise development and income-generating activities for the poor, including but not limited to the organization of village-wide businesses that provide employment; • Agricultural development for subsistence and small farmers, including but not limited to the facilitation of access to markets; • Community-led and coordinated adopt-a-village or comprehensive community development activities; • Vocational training teams supporting the above activities; • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to local, regional or national economic development and programs specifically designated in community development.

Inadmissible activities within this area for obtaining Global Grants: • Community infrastructure projects, unless they result in a significant increase in the ability of community members to produce and distribute goods and services that create personal resources; • Community beautification projects; • Construction or rehabilitation of community centers.


Create honest and productive work opportunities. Reduce poverty in disadvantaged communities. Support studies related to the economic and integral development of the community. Promote the development of business and civic leaders, especially women, in impoverished communities.

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COMMITTEES Committees help your club carry out its activities and projects. The club president, with the approval of the board, appoints standing committees, such as club service, community service, international service, professional development, and finance, and additional committees as necessary. Committees should meet regularly to discuss plans and activities. A committee may divide into subcommittees to accomplish all of its tasks. What is the difference between the Avenues and the committees? The 5 Avenues are part of the guiding principles of Rotary International, therefore they can not be added or removed. The work of the Committees is based on them, however, committees can be added or removed (except the standing committees) according to the needs and priorities of the club. The committees are formed by several people and instead of having an avenue director, there are Committee Chairs. The functions as committee chair are: • • • • •

Set goals for the committee in order to achieve the club’s annual goals Supervise the functions of the committee Convene ordinary meetings and activities Supervise and coordinate the work of the committee Inform club management about committee activities.



Community Service

International Service

Professional Development


CLUB SERVICE COMMITTEE (ALSO CALLED CLUB ADMINISTRATION) The club service is the “machine room” of our club. It includes all the necessary activities that keep our team functioning, productive and satisfied. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Promote camaraderie among club members. • Organize weekly and special programs. • Help the club secretary to follow the club’s assistance. • Carry out any other activity associated with the effective operation of the club.

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COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE Community Service is one of the Four Avenues of Service that encourages Rotaractors to serve their communities. The community service committee is responsible for those activities that are carried out to improve the quality of life in our communities. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • • • • •

Carry out service projects that include needs assessment, planning and evaluation of results Identify flagship projects that can increase your club’s recognition in the community Collaborate with organizations to increase the impact of their projects Understand the legal responsibilities that affect club projects and activities Collaborate with the Public Relations Committee of the club to promote service projects



The richness of Rotary’s service includes our ability to connect with a worldwide network of Rotarians to serve the global community as well as the local community. The committee is responsible for connecting the club with this network of opportunities and cooperating with other clubs anywhere in the world. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following:

• All the actions undertaken to expand Rotary’s reach throughout the world and foster understanding and peace in the International arena. • Communicate with local and international clubs to look for opportunities for association, companionship, service and volunteering. • Cooperate with other clubs with projects and activities that they want to replicate.



Professional development is the origin of Rotary. This Avenue was born with the idea of original service; forming a club with partners of different classifications so as not to create competition among them. Each Rotaractor has a vocation and a special talent that identifies them. The professional development committee is responsible for finding that vocation and applying it for the good of the club and society. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following:

• Organize lectures and activities that serve to improve personal qualities and have a better development in studies, professions or trades. • Organize events and activities of development and creation of professional networks. • Give information about social activities and scholarships for members.



The finance committee is responsible for the strategic direction and management of the Club’s fundraising activities to meet the short and long-term fundraising goals. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Work together with the treasurer to see the club’s funding needs. • Plan and hold fundraising events and special events on behalf of the Club that include evaluation of its viability and effectiveness. • Track fundraising activities and keep track of decisions made and amounts of funds raised.

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Rotaract Green

Youth Service

Más otros que el Club considere importantes* `

Rotary Foundation



The Public Relations Committee is responsible for ensuring that the club is recognized for its good work in the community. It is responsible for developing and implementing a plan to tell Rotary’s story to the public and promote club projects and activities. When a club projects a positive public image, current members feel motivated to actively participate and potential partners show enthusiasm for joining the club. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • • • •

Generate awareness about club activities and projects among partners, the media and the community. Use social networks to raise awareness about Rotary and your club in the community Make sure that the image of the club is consistent with the public image of Rotary Share club Rotary stories with local media



The Membership Development Committee is responsible for attracting and engaging members. Having involved and active members makes it possible for your club to develop service projects for local and regional communities. The partners are those who support the work of Rotary and who can become leaders. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Develop a membership development action plan to increase partner satisfaction • Provide training for members on how to attract new members and keep them involved • Conduct classification surveys • Analyze meetings, projects and other club activities and evaluate what they offer new members • Sponsor newly organized clubs in your district, if applicable



Rotaract Verde is an initiative adopted by clubs that seeks to promote the care and conservation of natural heritage, through awareness-raising habits and pro-environmental activities. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Organize projects and activities for the care and conservation of the environment. • Contribute to the generation of environmentally responsible culture in clubs and in the communities in which it operates. • Create strategic alliances with organizations that promote the same causes.

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The New Generations are the youngest generation of the Rotary Family. (Including Rotaract). Many Clubs have chosen to add it to support Rotary clubs with other programs, mainly Interact. While the Rotaract club is not directly responsible for the other Rotary programs, an easier connection can be created due to the smaller age difference. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Work together with Rotarians and the rest of the Rotary family. • Share details about Interact Club projects and promote support from our club. • Invite Interact partners to club activities and motivate them to join once they leave Interact.



The Club Rotary Foundation Committee encourages the club to make contributions to The Foundation and participate in its activities. The responsibilities of the committee are summarized in the following: • Motivate members to make contributions to The Rotary Foundation. • Ask the sponsoring Rotary club to apply for grants on your behalf. • (If the previous point is approved) Work with the Service Projects Committee in the development and financing of projects.

Suggested Structure for Rotary Clubs by Rotary International Página 23



BELICE Adrianne Young Greetings from Belize, we are proud to share with you all some of the activities our clubs have been executing here in Belize over the last trimester.

and therefore being selected among many as the overall winners. Our Belizean Rotaractors are proud of our achievement and making our mark in our Country. One of the main highlight of last quarter was winning a prestigious award as a movement in the country (Best Youth Club in Belize) I am proud to have been able to prepare and submit our application

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In addition, The club’s in Belize had been busy preparing for the Christmas Holidays by creating projects to spread holiday joy and the Christmas spirit among the less fortunate in addition to some other impactful projects to be better leaders. Tis’ the season of

love, joy and inspiration! The past semester was another exciting journey filled with accomplishments! I am proud of all the work the clubs have been doing and we look forward to an even greater 2019. For the upcoming semester we can look out for projects geared towards economic development, health and hygiene, peace building, literacy and education, recruitment, joint projects and much more! Much love from Belize and AR, Adrienne!

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GUATEMALA Luis Herrera, Pedro Barrillas, Ana Cristina It is now when the second quarter of our year of being the inspiration has concluded, along with this a 2018 that has filled us with great experiences to be part of this district team.

As is well known, the catastrophe of the Volcรกn de Fuego that occurred in the month of June was something that affected the whole country, and months later we continued fighting to support the victims, based on this, it was coordinated with all the Rotaract Clubs of the area and Rotary Clubs were invited to participate to fact that as organize an activity Guatemala we have been for which we sold wristbands with get to know great projects the support of WAKAMI Guatemalan different clubs, even being company and with this Rotaract Gua-

In this second quarter we concluded the first round of visits to the Rotaract Clubs of Guatemala, thus being able to work on the accessibility pillar of our Casa Rotaract plan, we met the members and the aspirations of each club for Being The Inspiration. It is a ARs of able to of the Pรกgina 26

able to support some of them. Among the projects we were able to participate in were the month of October, the Month of the Fight against Polio, as a team we worked on an information campaign in social networks together with all the clubs in Guatemala to report what polio is, historical data of our country and what we can do to collaborate in the cause, generating an important diffusion of one of the largest projects #ENDPOLIO.

temala managed to make a donation of more than 1000 dollars for the victims. In pursuit of our Casa Rotaract plan, we worked on the focus of Culture Rotaract gave the launch of the campaign Rotariazate seeks to disclose relevant data on rotaract, Rotary International, Rotary Foundation and history of the movement to which we belong. To end 2018 and our second trimester we joined as Rotary Family, Rotary Emergency Committee and Guatemalan companies to make the Christmas spirit beat in the collection of more than 3500 toys to celebrate Christmas with children victims of the eruption of the volcano of fire . the union

we had between Rotarians, Rotaracts, Interacts and Futuracts showed us that the work together gives better results, and the impact on the communities is stronger, making our motto “Give of oneself, before thinking of oneself” Being the Inspiration with ours and those around us. Finally, we only have to continue to motivate the rotaract clubs to continue working on the projects they already have in place, but more importantly, that they should not be afraid to dream. It is in those dreams where the best service ideas are dormant.

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HONDURAS Stephanie Chacón In the last three months, the clubs in the area have demonstrated their abilities and desire to “give of themselves before thinking about themselves” in their communities through the hard work done, and I would like to congratulate them for their excellent performance since, with His works, large and interest, given by the representative of the Foundation, CR Julio Villalta.

small, are inspiration in their communities. Thanks to the efforts of the district project committee, in October the Presidents of the Community Service of Tegucigalpa were able to participate in a workshop to develop knowledge on Rotary topics such as the Global and District Grant, the Rotary Foundation, and others. topics of general Página 28

Subsequently, we had the opportunity to receive the RDR team, who were given logistical support to make their official visits to each of the clubs and managed to hold successful meetings with all the boards of directors and thus encouraging them to work to obtain the Presidential Mention with Distinction. It has continued promoting the unity and interclub work of the area with the development of the Medico-Dental Brigades, for which I would like to congratulate the club’s links partners, who

have achieved the sustainability of the project, doing fundraising activities and improving each brigade with feedback from past projects and excellent communication between clubs. The II and III Interclubs of the Zone are being prepared, as well as the national camping organized by Rotaract Unitec Metropolitano, and with the desire to see our Rotaract family, we are working on the opening of a new Rotaract club in the area. I am very happy with the work that is being done at the zone, country and district level and I hope to continue supporting the clubs so that they excel and execute their work plans successfully. Stephanie Chacón AR Honduras

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HONDURAS Sandy Justiniano They say that when a new air arrives at the rotaracts clubs some of the best results are given, it generates a new spirit to the members and a new spirit to the boards of directors. That was what happened this quarter in the northwestern zone of Honduras. The visit of the District Representation of Rotaract (RDR) was that encouragement to continue working on what we do best, to serve the community.

This quarter we have worked with clubs in formation such as the Club Rotaract Choloma who are already in the process and have already generated service activities. On the other hand we have a new Club already certified by the Rotaract Club Santa Cruz de Yojoa who join this great family of service and friendship. This quarter I visited some clubs supporting their growth and strength in Pรกgina 30

Rotary. In Commemoration of the World Day Against Polio, we held a talk with the clubs of the city of San Pedro Sula with the support of Dr. Rosa Maria Melgar, a spectacular talk where we were fed information about polio. In the same way the II interclubs of the area where we obtained the presence of 42 rotaracts where we received a talk by Heeney Aguilar Rotaract and Rotary Club Santa Barbara Rotaract on the areas of interest of Rotary and its application with global grants and a workshop on leadership by Cristhian Castro, member of Club Rotaract El Progreso, a total success and enriching.

This quarter that happened and with which they come is estimated to grow around 242 rotaracts in the northwestern area, with more rotaracts serving the community and inspiring many more to join and be the change, we still have 6 months left where we can continue working.

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The Bi-District Conference is an annual event where all Rotaract members and aspiring Rotaract Clubs of District 4240 & 4250 meet for 3 days. This year, the conference will be hosted by Rotaract Belize where members are preparing to host and entertain over 150 Rotaractors. From May 2 – 5, Rotaractors will be participating in stimulating, exciting and innovative events and activities. Come and be part of this historical Rotaract tradition. TU LISTA DE TAREAS: WHY ATTEND? • Convince yourself • Learn more about Rotaract and how you can serve • Pay and Register • Explore fabulous and spectacular Belizean attrac• Book your travel tions • Take advantage of early • Connect with old friends, and make new ones bird promos • Have FUN • Review the Session Catalog

CONFERENCE LOCATION:: Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza, 3 Miles Northern Highway, Belize City

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Day 1

Go back in history with a visit to the Belize Museum and to the ancient Mayan ruin, Altun Ha

Day 2

Option 1

Day 3 Float into the underworld with a Cave Tubing experience, followed by and adrenaline rush of Zip Lining adventure through the jungles of Belize

Dive in the Great Blue Hole and Relax on the sandy beaches of HalfMoon Caye or

Day 2 Option 2

Swim with the sharks at Shark Ray Alley and sit and relax at The Split, Caye Caulker

Day 4

Take a hike for an amazing view of the Big Rock Falls, and then cool off in the refreshing waters of the Rio On Pools

Day 5 Take a look at how our beloved local beer is brewed with a Belikin Brewery Tour and then visit Old Belize, the cultural and historical center of the country


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INTERCITADINE HONDURAS 2018 A while ago I was talking to a friend and new member of my club about how overwhelming it can be when you start, so to speak your “career” in Rotaract. There are so many terms that make you complicated and strange at the beginning and that everyone seems to know, so much so that sometimes you feel as if the Rotaracts speak another language when they communicate with each other and that you are new, barely able to understand why, or at least from my perspective, you do not have a memory or story to connect to those terms, charges or that activity itself. It is only when you start attending activities such as Rotacamping, Interclubes and Intercitadines that you realize how all the knowledge and the value of Rotary itself is not in any book or regulation, but in its people. Because it is through these partnerships that we know the faces behind the movement and because this is where we give ourselves the opportunity to grow, laugh, talk, play, debate and many more things. It is in these activities that you realize the breadth and size that each member of Rotaract has, and I think that is where you begin to Página 34

feel proud to be part of this movement, because only those who are willing to go beyond what is asked for and that really convert their words into actions are members of Rotaract and Rotary. It was until this year that there was an opportunity to attend an Intercitadine and I think a big factor was the fact that I had no idea what to expect from this activity which made the surprise even better. From the moment we entered with all the members of my club to our room and started to bother about who was responsible for our entry card (which if we lost we had to pay I do not know how many dollars) who was the “responsible” “And who” got lost “, that we started having fun, because nothing else matters at that moment than simply being ourselves and leaving the responsibilities of the outside where they belong: outside. Already bañaditos and cambiaditos, we went to eat, it goes without saying that each one had a mini mountain of food and

that we were more than happy. The activity of Community Service was well organized, fun, but also tired because I think that more than one was missing a neuron or two trying to think of games to entertain our new friends, but in the end it always feels pretty nice to brighten someone else’s day and personally I feel that everything was worth it because I have always thought that if Rotary were a body, the heart would be the activities of this type: this is where we know the skills, talents, kindness, service, etc. ., that our partners have in Rotaract, is where we see them laughing, getting angry, playing and sharing with others, besides that it is also here where each one of us renews his desire to be part of Rotaract itself.

to me, but I think that only with the Rotaracts you will find such a nice opening to talk to them, laugh, joke and just share nonsense just because, yes, which sometimes makes me think that maybe all the Rotaracts simply know, in the end, that we all share the same bond: that of service to others; and what makes it does not matter where you go, you’re always in family. This Intercitadine left me an incredible amount of memories that I will always treasure and would not change the friendships, fun and learning that I had, it definitely left me wanting to continue growing and increasing my knowledge of Rotary International and I advise those who They have not yet had the opportunity, they try as much as they can to be part of one of these experiences, because they are worth it. Nahomy Valeria Alemán Aceituno Club Rotaract San Pedro Sula

Although we must not forget the other important part of our activities: the companionships. I do not know if it only happened

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ROTARY INSTITUTE MONTERREY The comfort zone is a place that should make us uncomfortable. It is the perfect justification for not doing, not growing, not risking and not living. I feel that on many occasions we Rotaracts find it hard to say, I am going to be a Rotarian. The above is given because we assume that the obligations are greater, that the activities are very different, that it is priceless, that the way of working is very different; But what gives us more fear is the difference in age. However, we have to dare, dare to start and see other different realities; which, I believe, applies to all aspects of our life. For this, we have to get involved. But, we think how, gradually, progressively, eventually? Well, everyone will have their own recipe, but in the end it is to get involved, it is simply to dare to go and start.

Rotarians about how to be more flexible in Rotary in order to attract more quality partners with ethics, talent, commitment and passion. Ideas were developed to create mechanisms in terms of flexibility such as adjustments in fees, clothing, and fellowship activities. Regarding the friendship and communication that is created in the club, the importance of having an environment of cordiality and camaraderie was explained, which will generate that future prospects are attracted to be part of this new environment. And the last thing, but no less important is to learn to listen, to give voice to young people, to listen to those who precede us; which will generate an environment of balance and quality.

I would like to extend an invitation to all rotaracts to attend Rotary events. For my part, I decided to go to Monterrey in 2018 simply because I had a nice group of friends who encouraged me; nevertheless, I was encouraged to continue attending because I realized that it is worth going to training events that open our eyes, are spaces for reflection that teach us that all clubs have similar aspirations, similar doubts, similar problems with the same solutions. Likewise, they are learning spheres where we can create bonds of friendship with people with whom Therefore, I invite you to atwe have generational abysses but who share the tend the Rotary event of your choice. In these events you same tastes, ideas, even the same concerns. will be surprised that someone always has another What I liked most about the Rotary Institute were way of doing things differently from yours, somethe open forums where the speakers simply de- times the same or more efficiently. But the nicest tailed points thing is the new friends that you are going to do of view and for the conversations in the corridors, to have synerit was the au- gy with people who never thought you would have dience that, common themes, and simply enjoy an environment through their so far from your comfort zone, that without realizparticipation, ing it returns a new house. generated Shadia Garcia a dynamic Club Rotaract Tegucigalpa Sur event. I was able to exchange insights with Pรกgina 36

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CONVENCIÓN MUNDIAL ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Live Rotary, Travel to the Convention! The sense of internationality of Rotary reaches its maximum expression at the World Convention, which I had the pleasure of attending for the first time last June 2018 in the city of Toronto.

I must admit that although I had a small idea of ​​what I could expect, as well as meeting people from other countries and going to Rotary training, I think what I brought was much more than I imagined. For Rotaracts, the convention is divided into the Rotaract Pre-Convention, which is given two days before the Convention, and the General Convention. After having lived 2, the Rotaract Pre-Convention was what mainly sold me the experience and gave me that push to what it means to have friends all over the world. The great thing about the Pre-Convention, unlike the general one, is that it is

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absolutely only with Rotaract members from all over the world. Together they can join activities from how to get more partners, how to plan successful activities, how they can plan their career Rotaractiana to become an RDR.

We can not stop considering the fact that when traveling to another country we can also enjoy the city we visit and everything it can offer, both on our own account, as well as the events planned by Rotaracts and Rotarians for all nights. Do not stop Part of the experience of the convention comes at participating in these events and outings! It is when the hands of the Casa de la Amistad. If you have more opportunity will have to forge friendships with never heard of the “House of Friendship” the best people who know there. way I have to describe it is a place I can only invite you to Hamburg, where Rotarians, Rotaracts and I am sure that we will live unforcompanies from around the world, gettable experiences, meet people display projects, sell Rotary articles who could become your friends for and can make direct alliances with life and expand your international clubs in other countries. I think I cultural knowledge. spent 30% of my time in Toronto at Casa de la Amistad since there is Lets Capture the moment in so much to see, know about projects, walk around Hamburg! a huge room, talk with Rotarians, Rotaracts, Interacts, exchange cards and more. In the booths they also give you pins from clubs, countries, districts and Jorge Danilo Rodríguez other types of beautiful gifts that you bring back to Club Rotaract San Pedro Sula your country.

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Rotaract - Distrito/district 4250 RotaractDistrito4250 RotaractDistrito4250

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