2016 Wedding Welcome Packet

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p h oto g r a p h y w w w. n i co l e v i n c e p h oto g r a p h y. co m / / w e d d i n g m ag a z i n e 2 0 15

H i r i n g a p h oto g r a p h e r fo r yo u r w e d d i n g day i s o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o rta n t d e c i s i o n s yo u ’ l l m a k e . I t n ot o n ly a f f e c t s t h e day i t s e l f by t h e way yo u r p h oto g r a p h e r i n t e r ac t s w i t h yo u a n d yo u r g u e s t s , but it also is the p r i m a ry m e t h o d o f r e m e m b e r i n g a l l o f t h e lov e s h a r e d a n d e x p r e s s e d. A s yo u lo o k t h ro u g h t h i s bo o k l e t yo u w i l l s e e a n a rt i s t w h o i s d e d i c at e d to s t y l i n g p h oto g r a p h s w i t h joy, l au g h t e r , a n d ( o f co u r s e ) e n r a p t u r e d lov e . Yo u r day i s s p e c i a l ; yo u d e s e rv e a p h oto g r a p h e r w h o i s a b l e to c a p t u r e t h e i n t r i c at e a n d i n t i m at e d e ta i l s a n d e m ot i o n s o f e ac h m o m e n t. W e wo u l d lov e fo r yo u to co n s i d e r g i v i n g u s t h e h o n o r o f d o c u m e n t i n g yo u r b e au t i f u l a n d t i m e l e s s w e d d i n g day.


Hiring Nicole to be my wedding

photogr apher was the best decision I could have made. We had so much fun doing both our engagement and wedding pictures with Nicole. She was professional , creative, and demonstr ates extr aordinary demonst attention to detail . Each picture captured us and our day perfectly. My pictures turned out better than I could have ever hoped! I would reccommend Nicole to anyone!


W hy s h o u l d I h i r e y o u ? Because we care about you. We care about your wedding. We care to make art that represents who you are as a couple and as individuals. and we want the world to see the love, passion, spark , joy, and intimacy that you find in each other .

H ow w o u ld y o u c la s s if y y o u r s t y l e? We believe that wedding photogr aphy should be focused on you as a uniquely awesome couple first and foremost, and only then do we focus on the business side of things. Photogr aphy is an art that needs t o show off your individual style and personality! We put you first in everything, because our ultimate goal is not only to make ridiculously amazing images, but to tell your story! We shoot in a Photojournalistic, editorial , true-to-who-you-are, romantic, laugh-out-loud, beautiful , and honest style.

D o y o u h av e b a c ku p eq u ip m e nt ? Yes, yes, always yes. We have multiple camer as and lenses and we know how to use all sorts of things in multiple ways to get the right effects every time. It ’s always important to be prepared. Life is unexpected and it ’s our job to be ready for absolutely anything!

How d o I g et my p i c t u r es w h en t h ey ’r e r ea d y ? We believe that hiring an artist means that the first view of your set of images should be finely polished. All of those final images will be available to view online to share with friends and family around the globe! Additionally, each of our wedding packages c ome with fine art albums that tell a story on every page. We think you’ll enjoy each unique page so much that you’ll want to keep those albums on your coffee table for the next fifty years!

D o y o u c h a r g e h o u r l y o r fu ll d a y ? Full day only. We believe that by focusing wholly on you throughout your wedding day, we are more at liberty to take better photogr aphs. Furthermore, the last thing you want to be thinking about at your wedding is when the photogr apher is leaving. We stay until your story is told regardless of the hours, and that is different for every wedding.

Ca n I g et p r int i n g r i ght s t o t h e im a g es ? Absolutely! When you add the USB with printing rights, you get the full freedom to make as many prints as you want! Use them for gifts for family and friends, post them on facebook , instagr am..whatever makes you happy! The only thing we ask is that you mention Nicole Vince Photogr aphy in any social media posts about pictures and that th you do not alter any of the images as they are a representation of our work and are necessary for other clients to see true examples! And, of course, we ’ll always be here to help you if you need any printing advice along the way.

H ow s o o n a fte r a r e t h e p r o o f s r ea d y ? Our typical turnaround is 4-6 weeks. During the thick of wedding season, due to my personal involvement in the entire process, things can get a little backed up. We are working everyday on our efficiencies, because it is our most sincere desire to get your treasured images to you as soon as possible without sacrificing on quality in any w ay.

I w a nt t o h i r e y o u ! N ow w h a t ? Well , that ’s awesome! Let us know as soon as possible and we ’ll get a contr act in your hands. Wedding days are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Where money is concerned, we split your total into two payments, and c ollect the first with your signed contr act. The second is due a month before your wedding,

the EN GAGEMENT pictures are worth so much more than an announcement for your local paper or save the dates. They are a story of your love and complete devotion to each other . Your pictures proclaim p your love to the world.

at Nicole Vince Photogr aphy we believe two really important things about “packages. ” :

t he


1. You should choose what you want and shouldn’ t have to buy anything you don’ t. 2. You should enjoy your wedding day knowing that your photogr apher will have y our day completely covered!

We want you to enjoy your wedding, the process of committing your lives to each other , and yes (hard to believe) we think you should even enjoy the planning of your wedding! So, here are some simple packages designed to get you on the right tr ack . They are open-ended enough so that you can get what wh you really want and not anything you don’ t care about. re -print pricing ///////////////////////////////////////// (p er image)

twenty by thirty canvas


sixteen by twenty


eleven by fourteen


eight by ten


$3100.00 the lace p ackage unlimited digital shooting day of wedding basic touch-ups & color correction blog post at www.nicolevincephotogr aphy.com upgr aded 12x12 fine art album Glass print box with 100 image prints 11x14 canvas 16x20 canvas 20x30 canvas USB of final images (with printing royalties) $ 2 300.00 the silk p ackage unlimited digital shooting day of wedding basic touch-ups & color correction blog post at www.nicolevincephotogr aphy.com 8x8 fine art album Glass print box with 100 image prints 11x14 canvas 16x20 canvas

fabulous e x tras ///////////////////////////////////////// USB of final images (with printing royalties)


engagement session with 8x8 fine art album


engagement USB (with printing royalties)


$1800.00 the b asic p ackage unlimited digital shooting day of wedding basic touch-ups & color correction blog post at www.nicolevincephotogr aphy.com 8x8 fine art album

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