Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Chapter 01: Introduction to Medical Language and Evolve Student Resources LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Medical language includes terms built from which of the following languages? a. German and Russian b. Italian and French c. Greek and Latin d. Chinese and Japanese ANS: C REF: 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language
OBJ: 2
2. A medical term formed from the first letters of the words in a phrase, which can be spoken as
a whole word and usually contains a vowel, such as laser, is a. an eponym. b. modern language. c. built from the English language. d. an acronym. ANS: D REF: 4 TOP: Origins of Medical Language
OBJ: 2
3. A term named for a person or a place, such as Alzheimer disease named for the physician who
first described the symptoms as seen in a patient, is a. an acronym. b. built from the English language. c. an eponym. d. modern language. ANS: C REF: 4 TOP: Origins of Medical Language
OBJ: 2
4. The word part that contains the fundamental meaning of the word is the a. prefix. b. word root. c. suffix. d. combining vowel. ANS: B
REF: 6
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
5. The word part that is attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning is the a. word root. b. suffix. c. prefix. d. combining vowel. ANS: C
REF: 7
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
6. The word part that is attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning is the
a. b. c. d.
combining vowel. suffix. word root. prefix.
REF: 7
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
7. All medical terms have at least one a. prefix. b. combining vowel. c. suffix. d. word root. ANS: D
REF: 6
8. A combining form is made up of a a. word root and a combining vowel. b. prefix and a combining vowel. c. combining vowel and a suffix. d. prefix and a word root. ANS: A 9.
REF: 9
A combining vowel is used to a. ease word pronunciation. b. modify the meaning of a word. c. make analyzing a word easier. d. make defining a word easN ier.R ANS: A
REF: 8
10. The most common combining vowel is a. a. b. i. c. e. d. o. ANS: D
REF: 8
11. In the term arthr/itis, itis is the a. word root. b. prefix. c. combining vowel. d. suffix. ANS: D
REF: 7
12. In the term sub/hepat/ic, which part is the prefix? a. ic b. sub c. hepat d. hepat/o
REF: 7
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
13. In the term oste/o/arthr/o/pathy, which part is the suffix? a. the second o b. oste c. arthr d. pathy ANS: D
REF: 8
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 4
TOP: Word Parts
14. The o in arthr/o/pathy is the a. combining vowel. b. prefix. c. word root. d. suffix. ANS: A
REF: 8
15. When defining a medical term, one usually begins the definition with the a. word root. b. prefix. c. suffix. d. combining vowel. ANS: C REF: 11 OBJ: 5 TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms MATCHING
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Terms built from word parts b. Terms not built from word parts c. Acronym d. Modern language e. Eponym f. Greek and Latin 1. Languages used in medical terms 2. Name of a place or a person, often a physician or scientist, used to name a condition or
technique 3. Use of English language to form a term 4. Can be translated literally to find their meaning 5. The first letters of the words in a phrase that can be spoken as a whole word and usually
contains a vowel, are used to form a medical term 6. Cannot be easily translated literally to find their meaning 1. ANS: F REF: 3 OBJ: 2 | 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms 2. ANS: E REF: 4 OBJ: 2 | 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms 3. ANS: D REF: 4 OBJ: 2 | 3
TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms 4. ANS: A REF: 5 OBJ: 2 | 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms 5. ANS: C REF: 4 OBJ: 2 | 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms 6. ANS: B REF: 5 OBJ: 2 | 3 TOP: Origins of Medical Language and Categories of Medical Terms
WORD ROOTS SUFFIXES PREFIXES arth joint -itis inflammation intra- within hepat liver-ic pertaining to sub- under, below ven ven -ous pertaining to oste bone -pathy disease -megaly enlargement COMBINING VOWEL o Using the word parts in the above box, select the correct definition of the following medical terms. a. arthr/itis b. arthr/o/pathy c. hepat/o/megaly d. intra/ven/ous e. hepat/itis f. hepat/ic g. oste/o/pathy h. sub/hepat/ic 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Pertaining to the liver Disease of the bone Pertaining to within the vein Pertaining to below the liver Disease of a joint Inflammation of a joint Enlargement of the liver Inflammation of the liver
7. ANS: F REF: 12 TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms 8. ANS: G REF: 12 TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms 9. ANS: D REF: 12 TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms 10. ANS: H REF: 12 TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms
OBJ: 5 OBJ: 5 OBJ: 5 OBJ: 5
11. ANS: B REF: 12 OBJ: TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms 12. ANS: A REF: 12 OBJ: TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms REF: 12 13. ANS: C OBJ: TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms REF: 12 14. ANS: E OBJ: TOP: Analyze and Define Medical Terms
5 5 5 5
WORD ROOTS SUFFIXES PREFIXES arth joint -itis inflammation intra- within hepat liver -ic pertaining to sub- under, below ven vein -ous pertaining to oste bone -pathy disease -megaly enlargement COMBINING VOWEL o Using the word parts in the above box, select the correct medical terms for the definition. a. Inflammation of a joint b. Disease of the bone c. Inflammation of the liver d. Pertaining to below the liver e. Enlargement of the liver f. Pertaining to the liver g. Disease of a joint h. Pertaining to within the vein 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Hepat/o/megaly Intra/ven/ous Sub/hepat/ic Arthr/itis Arthr/o/pathy Oste/o/pathy Hepat/ic Hepat/itis
15. ANS: E REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 16. ANS: H REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 17. ANS: D REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 18. ANS: A REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions
19. ANS: G REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 20. ANS: B REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 21. ANS: F REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions 22. ANS: C REF: 12 OBJ: 6 TOP: Build Medical Terms for Given Definitions
Chapter 02: Body Structure, Color, and Oncology LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the organization of the body term referring to the major covering of the
external surface of the body is a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 19 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the body structure term referring to groups of similar cells that perform
specific functions is a. (SIS-tem). b. (OR-gen). c. d. ANS: D REF: 18 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form referring to the basic unit of all living things is a. organ/o. b. system/o. c. viscer/o. d. cyt/o. ANS: D
REF: 22
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form referring two or more types of tissues that together perform special body
functions is a. organ/o. b. system/o. c. neur/o. d. cyt/o. ANS: A
REF: 22
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The combining form hist/o is defined as a. fat. b. nucleus. c. organ. d. tissue. ANS: D
REF: 22
6. The combining form my/o is defined as
a. b. c. d.
flesh. nerve. muscle. cell.
REF: 22
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form that means internal organs is a. viscer/o. b. sarc/o. c. epitheli/o. d. system/o. ANS: A
REF: 22
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. A combining form that means flesh is a. epitheli/o. b. viscer/o. c. my/o. d. sarc/o. ANS: D
REF: 22
9. The combining form onc/o is defined as a. cancer. b. disease. c. tumor. d. organ. ANS: C
REF: 24
10. The combining form that means cause (of disease) is a. melan/o. b. path/o. c. carcin/o. d. eti/o. ANS: D
REF: 24
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
11. The combining form carcin/o means a. disease. b. mass. c. tumor. d. cancer. ANS: D
REF: 24
12. The combining form chrom/o is defined as a. color. b. green. c. cause. d. nucleus.
REF: 25
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. The combining form that means red is a. xanth/o. b. leuk/o. c. erythr/o. d. melan/o. ANS: C
REF: 25
14. The combining form lei/o is defined as a. white. b. muscle. c. smooth. d. striated. ANS: C
REF: 24
15. The prefix that means after, beyond, change, is a. hyper-. b. neo-. c. hypo-. d. meta-. ANS: D
REF: 25
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
16. The suffix that means control, stop, and standing is a. -osis. b. -megaly. c. -oid. d. -stasis. ANS: D
REF: 26
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
17. The suffix -plasia is defined as a. a condition of formation, development, growth. b. pertaining to producing, originating, causing. c. a substance or agent that produces or causes. d. enlargement. ANS: A
REF: 26
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
18. The suffix that means a substance or agent that produces or causes is a. -gen. b. -ous. c. -sis. d. -oid. ANS: A
REF: 26
OBJ: 2
19. The prefix that means through, complete is a. dia-. b. hyper-.
TOP: Word Parts
c. dys-. d. pro-. ANS: A
REF: 25
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
20. The suffix -genic is defined as a. producing, originating, causing. b. pertaining to. c. tumor, swelling. d. development, growth. ANS: A
REF: 26
21. The suffix -sarcoma is defined as a a. tumor, swelling. b. condition of growth, substance, formation. c. malignant tumor. d. disease. ANS: C
REF: 26
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
22. The term that means new growth (of abnormal tissue, benign or malignant) is a. sarcoma. b. oncology. c. neoplasm. d. melanoma. ANS: C
REF: 29
OBJ: 3
GsTBBui.ltCfrO MWord Parts TOP: Disease and Disorder OnNcU oloRgS yI TeN rm om 23. A tumor composed of muscle tissue is a. lipoma. b. melanoma. c. sarcoma. d. myoma. ANS: D REF: 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 24. The term rhabdomyosarcoma is defined as a a. malignant tumor of striated b. tumor composed of striated c. tumor composed of smooth d. malignant tumor of smooth ANS: A REF: 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term carcinoma is defined as a a. black tumor. b. cancerous tumor (malignant). c. tumor containing fat. d. tumor of green color.
ANS: B REF: 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 26. The correct way to analyze the term melanocarcinoma is a. melan/o/carcin/oma. b. mel/ano/car/cino/ma. c. melano/carcin/o/ma. d. melan/o/car/cin/oma. ANS: A REF: 24-26 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 27. A tumor composed of fat (benign tumor) is a a. myoma. b. sarcoma. c. neuroma. d. lipoma. ANS: D REF: 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 28. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. epithelioma b. carcinoma c. neuroma d. lipoma ANS: B REF: 29N R I GOBB J:.C 3 M U STerms N T O Word Parts TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Built from 29. The term neuroma is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. Word root and suffix b. Word root, combining vowel, and suffix c. Prefix and word root d. Prefix and word root embedded in suffix ANS: A REF: 22 | 26 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 30. The term that means cancerous tumor of glandular tissue is a. adenocarcinoma. b. chloroma. c. lipoma. d. adenoma. ANS: A REF: 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Oncology Terms Built from Word Parts 31. The term that means disease of the body is a. somatic. b. somatoplasm. c. somatogenic.
d. somatopathy. ANS: D REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 32. The study of tissue is called a. histology. b. cytology. c. pathology. d. oncology. ANS: A REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 33. Hyperplasia is defined as cell development that is a. excessive. b. incomplete. c. abnormal. d. late. ANS: A REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 34. Incomplete development of an organ or tissues is called a. dysplasia. b. hypoplasia. c. hyperplasia. d. metastasis. ANS: B REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 35. The study of cells is a. cytology. b. etiology. c. histology. d. pathology. ANS: A REF: 33 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term karyocyte is defined as a. the study of cells. b. resembling a cell. c. an increase in the number of cells. d. a cell with a nucleus. ANS: D REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term that means pertaining to the internal organs of the body is a. systemic. b. visceral.
c. organomegaly. d. somatic. ANS: B REF: 34 OBJ: 4 TOP: Body Structure Terms Built from Word Parts 38. If a tumor is becoming progressively worse and is likely to cause death, it is a. oncogenic. b. benign. c. malignant. d. encapsulated. ANS: C REF: 44 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. The term idiopathic is defined as a. the absence of signs of disease. b. becoming progressively worse. c. pertaining to a disease of unknown origin. d. a response to injury. ANS: C REF: 44 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 40. If a tumor is found to be benign, it is a. painful. b. cancerous. c. nonrecurrent. d. palliative. ANS: C REF: 43 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 41. The term that means cancer in the early stage, before invading the surrounding tissue is a. carcinoma in situ. b. in vivo. c. benign. d. encapsulated. ANS: A REF: 43 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 42. The term that means enclosed within a capsule, as with benign or malignant tumors that have
not spread beyond the capsule of the organ in which it originated is a. morbidity. b. exacerbation. c. remission. d. encapsulated. ANS: D REF: 43 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 43. A substance that produces cancer is said to be a(n)
a. b. c. d.
cancerogen. oncogen. carcinogen. pathogen.
ANS: C REF: 38 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 44. The term that means state of complete knowledge and refers to the art of identifying a disease
based on the patient's signs, symptoms and test results is a. prognosis. b. diagnosis. c. etiology. d. iatrology. ANS: B REF: 38 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 45. A term that means abnormal condition of bluish discoloration is a. cyanosis. b. xanthosis. c. erythrocytosis. d. leukocytosis. ANS: A REF: 38 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 46. The study of disease is called N a. visceral. b. etiology. c. somatogenic. d. pathology. ANS: D REF: 39 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 47. The term that means a physician who studies and treats malignant tumors is a. pathologist. b. etiologist. c. oncology. d. oncologist. ANS: D REF: 38 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 48. The term that means study of causes (of diseases) is a. iatrogenic. b. iatrology. c. etiology. d. oncology. ANS: C REF: 38 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts
49. Xanthochromic means a. an abnormal condition of yellow. b. colors not normal to the body. c. pertaining to yellow color. d. an abnormal condition of green. ANS: C REF: 39 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 50. The term that means state of being mortal (death) is a. hospice. b. mortality. c. morbidity. d. apoptosis. ANS: B REF: 44 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 51. The term that means without fever is a. idiopathic. b. iatrogenic. c. apoptosis. d. afebrile. ANS: D REF: 42 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts
evReS r iI s 52. The term that means having aNfU a. febrile. b. pathogenic. c. xanthochromic. d. afebrile. ANS: A REF: 44 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 53. The plural form for carcinoma is a. carcinomae. b. carcinomata. c. carcinomy. d. carcinomies. ANS: B
REF: 48
OBJ: 6
TOP: Plural Endings
OBJ: 6
TOP: Plural Endings
54. The plural ending for “-ix” is a. -aces. b. -e. c. -ices. d. -nges. ANS: C
REF: 48
55. Which of the following is the plural form of the term that indicates the spread of cancer to
more than one organ? a. melanoma b. melanomata c. metastasis d. metastases ANS: D
REF: 38
OBJ: 6
TOP: Plural Endings
56. The abbreviation RBC means red blood cell, also known as a. leukocyte. b. erythrocyte. c. erythrocytosis. d. radiation therapy. ANS: B
REF: 50
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
57. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning state of complete knowledge is a. Dx. b. Px. c. METS. d. XRT. ANS: A
REF: 50
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
58. A tumor of connective tissue usually develops rapidly and metastasizes through the lymph
channels. This type of tumor is called a. melanoma. b. lipoma. c. carcinoma. d. sarcoma. ANS: D
REF: 29
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
59. The presence of uterine fibroids is a common diagnosis in fertile women over 40 years of age.
Because they are derived from the smooth muscle of the uterus, they are called a. chloromas. b. leiomyomas. c. rhabdomyomas. d. sarcomas. ANS: B
REF: 29
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
60. A patient with multiple sclerosis may experience an increase in the severity of symptoms or
a(n) a. exacerbation. b. encapsulation. c. malignancy. d. remission. ANS: A
REF: 43
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
61. The patient may be diagnosed with polycythemia vera, a disease of unknown origin involving
an increase in the total red cell mass of the blood. The patient originally presented with an increase in the number of red (blood) cells or a. leukocytosis. b. leukocyte. c. erythrocytosis. d. erythrocyte. ANS: C
REF: 33
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
62. A disease or disorder originating in the body, as opposed to psychogenic origins, would be
referred to as a. somatoplasm. b. somatogenic. c. iatrogenic. d. systemic. ANS: B
REF: 34
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
63. The oncology patient’s pathology report stated that there is metastasis present, which would
mean that a. no cancer is present. b. there is improvement. c. cancer is temporarily stopped. d. the cancer has spread (literally, beyond control). ANS: D
REF: 38
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
64. The physician wrote in her proU gresS s noNte tT hat the O patient is in remission, meaning a. improvement or absence of signs and symptoms of the disease. b. providing relief but not cure of the disease. c. signs and symptoms of the disease have returned. d. the disease is enclosed within a capsule. ANS: A
REF: 44
OBJ: 8
Match each item with the correct description below. a. -oid b. somat/o c. hyperd. melan/o e. dysf. -plasm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
black resembling above, excessive growth, substance, formation body
TOP: Practical Application
6. painful, abnormal, difficult, labored 1. ANS: 2. ANS: 3. ANS: 4. ANS: 5. ANS: 6. ANS:
25 26 25 26 24 25
2 2 2 2 2 2
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. aden/o b. cyan/o c. lip/o d. iatr/o e. kary/o f. path/o 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
blue gland physician, medicine (also means treatment) nucleus fat disease
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
25 22 24NU 22 22 24
OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 J:.C 2 GOTBB OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. lipoid b. somatic c. carcinogenic d. leukocytosis e. cancerous f. hospice 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
producing cancer pertaining to the body pertaining to cancer increase in white blood cells provides palliative care for terminally ill patients and their families resembling fat
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS:
38 34 38 34
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
17. ANS: F 18. ANS: A
REF: 44 REF: 34
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. erythrocyte b. biological therapy c. systemic d. pathogenic e. rhabdomyoma f. in vivo 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
pertaining to a (body) system (or the body as a whole) tumor composed of striated muscle within the living body producing disease treatment of cancers with biological response modifiers red (blood) cell
19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS:
34 29 44 39 43 33
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. melanoma b. karyoplasm c. morbidity d. leukocyte e. liposarcoma f. xanthosis 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
substance of a nucleus malignant tumor of fat state of being diseased or unwell white (blood) cell abnormal condition of yellow (discoloration) black tumor
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
34 29 44 34 39 29
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
Match each item with the correct description below. a. palliative b. apoptosis
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
c. d. e. f.
fibrosarcoma remission prognosis leiomyosarcoma
programmed cell death malignant tumor composed of fiber (fibrous tissue) improvement or absence of signs of disease malignant tumor of smooth muscle state of before knowledge (prediction of the outcome of disease based on the patient’s signs, symptoms and test results) 36. providing relief but not cure 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
42 29 44 29 39 44
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
Match each item with the correct description below. a. WBC b. Dx c. chemo d. RBC e. XRT f. CA NURSINGTB.COM g. Px h. METS 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
chemotherapy leukocyte prognosis radiation therapy metastases carcinoma red blood cell diagnosis
37. ANS: C REF: 50 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology REF: 50 OBJ: 7 38. ANS: A TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology 39. ANS: G REF: 50 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology REF: 50 OBJ: 7 40. ANS: E Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology TOP: REF: 50 OBJ: 7 41. ANS: H TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology 42. ANS: F REF: 50 OBJ: 7
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology REF: 50 OBJ: 7 43. ANS: D TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology REF: 50 OBJ: 7 44. ANS: B TOP: Abbreviations Related to Body Structure and Oncology
Chapter 03: Directional Terms, Planes, Positions, Regions, and Quadrants LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The combining form meaning middle is a. anter/o. b. later/o. c. poster/o. d. medi/o. ANS: D
REF: 59
OBJ: 1
TOP: Word Parts
2. The combining form meaning tail (downward) is a. caud/o. b. cephal/o. c. super/o. d. medi/o. ANS: A
REF: 59
OBJ: 1
TOP: Word Parts
3. The combining form meaning belly (front) is a. anter/o. b. ventr/o. c. proxim/o. d. dors/o. ANS: B
REF: 59
OBJ: 1
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 1
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 1
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form dist/o means a. near. b. below. c. away. d. back. ANS: C
REF: 59
5. The combining form dors/o means a. front. b. above. c. back. d. below. ANS: C
REF: 59
6. The term lateral describes movement toward the a. front. b. side. c. top. d. back. ANS: B
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
7. The correct spelling for the term that means pertaining to the tail is a. cadal. b. cadaul. c. caudle. d. caudal. ANS: D
REF: 62
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
8. The term that refers to the direction closest to the point of attachment is a. superior. b. medial. c. proximal. d. inferior. ANS: C
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
9. The term that means toward the head is a. ventral. b. cephalad. c. caudal. d. caudad. ANS: B
REF: 61
10. The term that means pertaining to the middle and side is a. anteroposterior. b. bilateral. NURSINGTB.COM c. mediolateral. d. posteroanterior. ANS: C
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
11. The term that means pertaining to the middle is a. lateral. b. unilateral. c. medial. d. midsagittal. ANS: C
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
12. The term dorsal means pertaining to the a. back. b. midline of the body. c. front of the body. d. side. ANS: A
REF: 62
13. The term distal means a. away from the point of attachment. b. toward the back of the body. c. toward the lower end of the body.
d. away from the midline. ANS: A
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
14. The term unilateral means pertaining to a. the foot. b. one side. c. underneath. d. both sides. ANS: B
REF: 61
15. The term that means pertaining to below is a. posterior. b. dorsal. c. inferior. d. distal. ANS: C
REF: 61
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
16. The term that means pertaining to the back and to the front is a. mediolateral. b. anteroposterior. c. anterolateral. d. posteroanterior. ANS: D
REF: 62
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
17. The term ventral has a meaniN ngUsRim r tG oTB.COM SiIlaN a. lateral. b. distal. c. dorsal. d. anterior. ANS: D
REF: 62
OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms
18. A vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing the body into right and
left sides (any plane parallel to the midsagittal plane) is called a. frontal. b. ventral. c. transverse. d. sagittal. ANS: D
REF: 66
OBJ: 3
TOP: Anatomic Planes
19. The frontal or coronal plane is a vertical plane passing from side to side that divides the body
into portions. a. right and left b. anterior and posterior c. superior and inferior d. top and bottom ANS: B
REF: 66
OBJ: 3
TOP: Anatomic Planes
20. A horizontal plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions is called a. sagittal. b. frontal. c. transverse. d. coronal. ANS: C
REF: 66
OBJ: 3
TOP: Anatomic Planes
21. A vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing the body into unequal
left and right sides is called the a. transverse b. midsagittal c. sagittal d. parasagittal ANS: D
REF: 66
OBJ: 3
TOP: Anatomic Planes
22. A vertical plane passing through the body from front to back at the midline dividing the body
into right and left halves is the a. transverse b. parasagittal c. midsagittal d. coronal ANS: C 23. a. b. c. d.
REF: 66
OBJ: 3
TOP: Anatomic Planes
The definition of the Fowler position is B.C M N R I NG T lying on one’s back with heUad S lower than the O feet. lying on one’s left side with right knee drawn up and left arm drawn behind. semi-sitting position with slight elevation of the knees. lying on abdomen, facing downward.
REF: 68
OBJ: 4
TOP: Body Positions
24. A patient lying on their back facing upward would be in what position? a. prone b. Trendelenburg c. Sims d. supine ANS: D
REF: 69
OBJ: 4
25. A patient lying down in any position would be in the a. recumbent b. Sims c. orthopnea d. lithotomy ANS: A
REF: 69
OBJ: 4
TOP: Body Positions
TOP: Body Positions
26. A patient sitting upright in a chair or in bed supported by pills behind the back would be in
which position?
a. b. c. d.
orthopnea Fowler lithotomy Sims
REF: 69
OBJ: 4
TOP: Body Positions
27. A patient lying on his side is said to be in this position a. Fowler. b. lithotomy. c. lateral recumbent. d. orthopnea. ANS: C
REF: 68
OBJ: 4
TOP: Body Positions
OBJ: 4
TOP: Body Positions
28. The prone position is also called a. ventral recumbent position. b. dorsal recumbent position. c. decubitus position. d. supine position. ANS: A
REF: 69
29. The regions to the right and left of the hypogastric region are the a. iliac. b. hypochondriac. c. lumbar. d. umbilical.
REF: 72
OBJ: 5
TOP: Abdominopelvic Regions
30. The umbilical region is the area located a. superior to the navel region. b. to the right and left of the epigastric region. c. around the navel. d. to the right and left of the hypogastric region. ANS: C
REF: 71
OBJ: 5
TOP: Abdominopelvic Regions
31. The epigastric region is the area located a. between the right and left lumbar regions. b. superior to the umbilical region. c. to the right and left of the umbilical region. d. inferior to the umbilical region. ANS: B
REF: 71
OBJ: 5
TOP: Abdominopelvic Regions
32. The regions to the right and left of the umbilical region are called a. hypogastric. b. iliac. c. lumbar. d. epigastric.
REF: 71
OBJ: 5
TOP: Abdominopelvic Regions
33. The region inferior to the umbilical region is called a. iliac. b. epigastric. c. hypogastric. d. hypochondriac. ANS: C
REF: 72
OBJ: 5
TOP: Abdominopelvic Regions
34. The four abdominopelvic quadrants are named a. upper right quadrant, upper left quadrant, lower left quadrant, lower right quadrant. b. frontal quadrant, coronal quadrant, sagittal quadrant, transverse quadrant. c. umbilical quadrant, epigastric quadrant, lumbar quadrant, iliac quadrant. d. right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant, right lower quadrant. ANS: D
REF: 74
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abdominopelvic Quadrants
35. In the physician’s order for a “PA and lat chest radiograph,” the image will be taken from a. back to front and side. b. front to back. c. front to back and middle. d. top to bottom and side. ANS: A
REF: 76
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
36. RUQ means a. right under quadrant. b. right upper quotient. c. right upper quadrant. d. rite upper quadrant. ANS: C
REF: 76
37. The abbreviation for the directional term meaning pertaining to above is a. RLQ. b. sup. c. med. d. ant. ANS: B
REF: 76
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
38. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning pertaining to a side is a. LUQ. b. ant. c. med. d. lat. ANS: D
REF: 76
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
39. A patient having both ovaries removed would be scheduled for a
oophorectomy. a. unilateral
b. bilateral c. medial d. mediolateral ANS: B
REF: 61
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
40. The incision was made at the (pertaining to above) pole of the lesion or the a. superior b. inferior c. ventral d. caudal ANS: A
REF: 62
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
41. The patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position, meaning he was lying a. on his abdomen, facing downward. b. sitting erect in a chair or sitting upright in bed supported by pillows. c. on his back with his head higher than his feet. d. on his back with his head lower than his feet. ANS: D
REF: 69
OBJ: 8
TOP: Body Positions
42. The patient complained of pain inferior to the umbilical region or in the a. lumbar b. iliac c. epigastric d. hypogastric ANS: D
TOP: Practical Application
43. The pelvic examination required the patient to be lying on her back with her legs raised and
feet in stirrups, hips and knees flexed, thighs abducted, and externally rotated, or in the position. a. orthopnea b. lithotomy c. Trendelenburg d. Sims ANS: B
REF: 68
OBJ: 8
Match each item with the correct description below. a. poster/o b. proxim/o c. -ad d. cephal/o e. anter/o f. later/o 1. toward 2. front
TOP: Practical Application
3. 4. 5. 6.
side back, behind head (upward) near (the point of attachment of a body part)
1. ANS: 2. ANS: 3. ANS: 4. ANS: 5. ANS: 6. ANS:
60 59 59 59 59 59
1 1 1 1 1 1
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. caud/o b. bic. infer/o d. -ior e. unif. super/o 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
pertaining to tail (downward) two above below one
12. 7. ANS: D 8. ANS: A 9. ANS: B 10. ANS: F 11. ANS: C 12. ANS: E
60 59 60 59 59 60
1 1 1 1 1 1
Match each item with the correct description below. a. cephalic b. inferior c. cephalad d. medial e. posteroanterior f. distal 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
pertaining to the middle pertaining to below pertaining to the head toward the head pertaining to away pertaining to the back and to the front
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS: 17. ANS: 18. ANS:
61 61 62 61 61 62
2 2 2 2 2 2
TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. posterior b. lateral c. unilateral d. ventral e. proximal f. anteroposterior 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
pertaining to the back pertaining to the belly pertaining to one side pertaining to the front and to the back pertaining to near pertaining to a side
19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS:
62 OBJ: 2 62 OBJ: 2 61 OBJ: 2 62 OBJ: 2 61NURSINGOT BB J:.C 2 OM 61 OBJ: 2
TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms TOP: Directional Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. frontal or coronal plane b. left upper quadrant c. lithotomy position d. sims position e. hypogastric region f. recumbent position 25. lying on side in a semi-prone position with the knee drawn up toward chest with the arm 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
drawn behind, parallel to the back vertical plane passing through the body from side to side, dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions lying down in any position inferior to the umbilical region lying on back with legs raised and feet in stirrups, hips and knees flexed, thighs abducted (away from body), and externally rotated encompasses the left lobe of the liver, the stomach, the spleen, lateral portion of the pancreas, and portions of the small and large intestines
25. ANS: D REF: 69 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions
26. ANS: A REF: 66 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions 27. ANS: F REF: 69 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions REF: 72 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 28. ANS: E TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions 29. ANS: C REF: 68 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions REF: 74 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 30. ANS: B TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions
Match each item with the correct description below. a. sagittal plane b. transverse plane c. hypochondriac regions d. Trendelenburg position e. Fowler position f. supine position 31. lying on back with head lower than the feet 32. horizontal plane dividing the body into superior and inferior portions 33. vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing the body into right and
left sides (any plane parallel to the midsagittal plane) 34. to the right and left of the epigastric region 35. lying on back, facing upward 36. semi-sitting position with slight elevation of the knees
U S N OBJ: T 3 | 4O| 5 | 6 31. ANS: D REF: 69 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions 32. ANS: B REF: 66 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions REF: 66 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 33. ANS: A TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions 34. ANS: C REF: 72 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions REF: 69 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 35. ANS: F TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions REF: 68 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 36. ANS: E TOP: Anatomic Planes | Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants and Body Positions Match each item with the correct description below. a. RUQ b. AP c. sup d. LLQ e. PA f. inf g. lat h. ant i. med
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
inferior lateral right upper quadrant medial anteroposterior anterior posteroanterior left lower quadrant superior
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations
Chapter 04: Integumentary System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure referring to the outer layer of the skin is a. (DUR-mis). b. (MEL-a-nin). c. (ep-i-DER-mis). d. (KAR-a-tin). ANS: C REF: 86 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure referring to the scleroprotein component of the
horny, or cornified, layer of the epidermis is a. (KAR-a-tin). b. (MEL-a-nin). c. d. (soo-da-RIF-er-as) (glandz). ANS: A REF: 86 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form for the horny plates made from flattened epithelial cells is a. hidr/o. b. onych/o. NURSINGTB.COM c. derm/o. d. kerat/o. ANS: B
REF: 87
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form cutane/o names which of the following anatomic structures? a. Organ covering the body; made up of layers. b. Compressed, keratinized cells that arise from hair follicles, the sacs that enclose
the hair fibers. c. Horny plates made from flattened epithelial cells; found on the dorsal surface of the ends of the fingers and toes. d. Dark pigment produced by melanocytes; amount present determines skin color. ANS: A
REF: 87
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The combining form that means self is a. bi/o. b. myc/o. c. aut/o. d. heter/o. ANS: C
REF: 88
6. The combining form that means hidden is
a. b. c. d.
coni/o. rhytid/o. xer/o. crypt/o.
REF: 88
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form that means dust is a. coni/o. b. necr/o. c. myc/o. d. crypt/o. ANS: A
REF: 88
8. The combining form myc/o is defined as a. fungus. b. muscle. c. oil. d. dust. ANS: A
REF: 88
9. The combining form that means death is a. necr/o. b. pachy/o. c. coni/o. d. aut/o. ANS: A
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
10. The combining form xer/o means a. wrinkles. b. life. c. dry, dryness. d. nail. ANS: C
REF: 88
11. The combining form that means grapelike clusters is a. staphyl/o. b. strept/o. c. xer/o. d. pachy/o. ANS: A
REF: 88
OBJ: 2
12. The prefix that means on, upon, or over is a. intra-. b. pro-. c. epi-. d. trans-.
TOP: Word Parts
REF: 89
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. The prefix that means beside, beyond, around, or abnormal is a. trans-. b. para-. c. per-. d. sub-. ANS: B
REF: 89
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The suffix -rrhea is defined as a. discharge. b. surgical removal. c. abnormal condition. d. softening. ANS: A
REF: 89
15. The suffix that means viewing is a. -ia. b. -opsy. c. -plasty. d. -phagia. ANS: B
REF: 89
16. The suffix -ectomy is defined as a. surgical repair. b. an instrument used to cut. c. excision. d. inflammation. ANS: C
REF: 89
17. The suffix -phagia is defined as a. surgical repair. b. softening. c. diseased or abnormal state. d. eating or swallowing. ANS: D
REF: 89
18. The suffix that means berry-shaped is a. -ia. b. -phagia. c. -coccus. d. -malacia. ANS: C
REF: 89
19. The combining form hidr/o is defined as a. oil. b. sweat.
c. horny tissue (keratin), hard. d. thick. ANS: B
REF: 87
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
20. The combining form rhytid/o means a. dry. b. wrinkles. c. fungus. d. dust. ANS: B
REF: 88
21. The suffix -malacia is defined as a. viewing. b. softening. c. eating. d. swallowing. ANS: B
REF: 89
22. The word part that means within is a. epi-. b. per-. c. -ia. d. intra-. ANS: D
REF: 89
23. In the medical term ungu/al, the word root means a. skin. b. nail. c. sweat. d. horny tissue. ANS: B
REF: 87
OBJ: 2
24. An abnormal condition of a fungus in the nails is called a. onychomalacia. b. onychocryptosis. c. onychophagia. d. onychomycosis. ANS: D REF: 92 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means fibrous tumor of the skin is a. pachyderma. b. dermatofibroma. c. dermatoconiosis. d. xeroderma. ANS: B
REF: 91
OBJ: 3
TOP: Word Parts
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 26.
The term hidradenitis is defined as inflammation of a sweat gland. an abnormal condition of a hidden nail. inflammation of the skin. a diseased state of a gland.
a. b. c. d.
ANS: A REF: 91 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 27. The term seborrhea is defined as a. dry skin. b. thickening of the skin. c. inflammation. d. discharge of sebum (excessive). ANS: D REF: 92 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 28.
The term paronychia is defined as a. inflammation of a sweat gland. b. an ingrown nail. c. diseased state around the nail. d. inflammation of a hair follicle. ANS: C REF: 92 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
29. The term xeroderma means a. inflammation of the skin. b. thickening of the skin. c. dry skin. d. an abnormal skin condition caused by dust. ANS: C REF: 92 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 30. The medical term meaning abnormal condition (growth) of horny tissue (keratin) is a. leiodermia. b. keratosis. c. seborrhea. d. onychocryptosis. ANS: B REF: 91 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 31. The term leiodermia is defined as a. basal cell carcinoma. b. condition of smooth skin. c. white skin. d. fungus of the hair.
ANS: B REF: 92 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 32. The invasion of pathogens in body tissue is referred to as a. infection. b. psoriasis. c. scabies. d. impetigo. ANS: A REF: 97 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. The term that means localized collection of pus is a. lesion. b. psoriasis. c. abscess. d. carbuncle. ANS: C REF: 95 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. The term that means scraping away of the skin by mechanical process or injury is a. laceration. b. abrasion. c. contusion. d. lesion. ANS: B
REF: 95
OBJ: 3
.C TOP: Disease and Disorder TeN rm iltT frB om WO orM d Parts UsRNSotIBNuG 35. The term that means bruise is a. contusion. b. laceration. c. erythema. d. ecchymosis. ANS: A REF: 96 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 36. The term that means invasion into the skin and hair by lice is a. scabies. b. cellulitis. c. impetigo. d. pediculosis. ANS: D REF: 97 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. A precancerous condition of horny tissue that results from excessive exposure to sunlight is a. Kaposi sarcoma. b. squamous cell carcinoma. c. actinic keratosis. d. cellulitis.
ANS: C REF: 95 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 38. Death of tissue caused by loss of blood supply is called a. gangrene. b. scleroderma. c. pallor. d. furuncle. ANS: A REF: 97 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. A fissure is defined as a a. painful skin node caused by bacteria. b. slit or crack-like sore in the skin. c. torn, ragged-edged wound. d. fungal infection of the skin of the feet. ANS: B REF: 97 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 40. A chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered with silvery scales is a. psoriasis. b. scabies. c. impetigo. d. cellulitis. ANS: A REF: 97N R I GOBB 3 M UNot S Built N from TJ:.C O Parts TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Word 41. A cancerous condition that spreads through the skin to the lymph nodes and is commonly
associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a. squamous cell carcinoma. b. basal cell carcinoma. c. Kaposi sarcoma. d. actinic keratosis. ANS: C REF: 97 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 42. The medical term for hives is a. urticaria. b. verruca. c. tinea. d. impetigo. ANS: A REF: 98 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 43. The medical term cellulitis means a. painful skin node caused by staphylococcal bacteria. b. inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by infection.
c. inflammatory disease of the skin involving the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. d. torn, ragged-edged wound. ANS: B REF: 96 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 44. A condition characterized by white patches on the skin caused by the destruction of
melanocytes is called a. vitiligo. b. cellulitis. c. scabies. d. rosacea. ANS: A REF: 98 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 45. The term dermatoplasty is defined as a. the surgical repair of wrinkles. b. the excision of a nail. c. the surgical repair of the skin. d. a skin biopsy. ANS: C REF: 105 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 46. The term referring to a procedure using an instrument that emits a high-powered beam of light
used to cut, burn, vaporize, or destroy tissue is a. laser surgery. NURSINGTB.COM b. Mohs surgery. c. cryosurgery. d. incision and drainage. ANS: A REF: 107 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. The term rhytidoplasty means the a. surgical repair of wrinkles. b. excision of a nail. c. surgical repair of the skin. d. excision of wrinkles. ANS: A REF: 105 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 48. The term rhytidectomy is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. A word root and a suffix b. A word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix c. A prefix, a word root, and a suffix d. Two word roots and a suffix ANS: A REF: 88 | 89 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
49. Local anesthesia is seldom employed for a procedure using extreme cold to remove small skin
lesions. This procedure is called a. cryosurgery. b. laser surgery. c. Mohs surgery. d. cauterization. ANS: A REF: 106 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 50. A small child with a laceration to the head would require surgical stitching at the edges of the
wound or a. incision and drainage. b. excision. c. suturing. d. incision. ANS: C REF: 107 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 51. Removal of skin scars with an abrasive material such as sandpaper is called a. cauterization. b. excision. c. debridement. d. dermabrasion. ANS: D REF: 106 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts
52. A definition of leukoderma is a. dry b. thickening of c. red d. white
ANS: D REF: 108 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 53. The meaning of the medical term subungual is a. surgical repair of a nail. b. pertaining to under the nail. c. view of life. d. surgical repair using one’s own skin. ANS: B REF: 109 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 54. The term epidermal is defined as pertaining to a. the b. an instrument used to cut the c. within the d. upon the
ANS: D REF: 108 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 55. The term that means pertaining to under the skin is a. ungual. b. percutaneous. c. intradermal. d. hypodermic. ANS: D REF: 108 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 56. The term that means berry-shaped bacterium in twisted chains is a. streptococcus. b. cytomegalovirus. c. staphylococci. d. erythroderma. ANS: A REF: 109 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 57. The term percutaneous is defined as pertaining to a. under b. within c. on d. through ANS: D
REF: 109
OBJ: 5
NuUiltRfrSoI TOP: Complementary Terms B mN WG oT rdB P. artC s OM 58. The term that means pertaining to within the skin is a. intradermal. b. subcutaneous. c. hypodermic. d. percutaneous. ANS: A REF: 108 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 59. The term for yellow skin (jaundice) is a. xanthoderma. b. erythroderma. c. xanthoma. d. xeroderma. ANS: A REF: 109 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 60. Subcutaneous has the same translation as a. epidermal. b. percutaneous. c. intradermal. d. hypodermic.
the skin.
ANS: D REF: 108 | 109 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 61. The term cicatrix is defined as a. baldness. b. blueness. c. scar. d. mole. ANS: C REF: 113 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 62. The term that means profuse sweating is a. edema. b. diaphoresis. c. alopecia. d. cicatrix. ANS: B REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 63. A patient with swelling of tissue from accumulation of fluid would be diagnosed as having a. a nevus. b. a cyst. c. edema. d. alopecia. ANS: C REF: 11N 4 R I GOBB J:.C 5 M UBuilt S from N TWord O TOP: Complementary Terms Not Parts 64. The term that means paleness is a. pruritus. b. keloid. c. pallor. d. papule. ANS: C REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 65. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. nevus b. cicatrix c. diaphoresis d. echymosis ANS: D REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 66. Pinpoint hemorrhages are called a. purpura. b. leukoplakia. c. an urticaria.
d. petechiae. ANS: D REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 67. The term that means wart is a. verruca. b. macule. c. wheal. d. keloid. ANS: A REF: 116 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 68. Pruritus is defined as a. circumscribed malformation of the skin. b. itching. c. escape of blood into the skin. d. redness. ANS: B REF: 116 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 69. The term that means a small, solid skin elevation is a a. papule. b. vesicle. c. pustule. d. macule. ANS: A REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 70. The term induration means abnormal spots on the skin that are a. scattered. b. hard. c. soft. d. colored. ANS: B REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 71. The term meaning flat, colored spot on the skin is a. nevus. b. keloid. c. macule. d. cicatrix. ANS: C REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 72. An overgrowth of scar tissue is called a a. keloid. b. papule.
c. nevus. d. vesicle. ANS: A REF: 114 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 73. The term that means erosion of the skin or mucous membrane is a. papule. b. purpura. c. macule. d. ulcer. ANS: D REF: 116 OBJ: 5 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 74. Which of the following is the abbreviation for chronic inflammatory disease involving the
skin, joint, kidneys, and nervous system? a. CMV b. SLE c. SCC d. MRSA ANS: B
REF: 119
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
75. The abbreviation BCC indicates a. view of life. b. herpes type virus that causes disease when immunity is low. c. malignant growth that develops from scalelike epithelial tissue. NU RSth IN GTidermis B.CO. d. an epithelial tumor arising from e ep ANS: D
REF: 119
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
76. Which of the following is the abbreviation for berry-shaped (bacterium) in twisted chains? a. Strep b. SLE c. Subcut d. Staph ANS: A
REF: 119
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
77. The abbreviation SCC indicates a. chronic inflammatory disease involving the skin, joint, kidneys, and nervous
system. b. berry-shaped (bacteria) in grapelike clusters. c. malignant growth that develops from scalelike epithelial tissue. d. an epithelial tumor arising from the epidermis. ANS: C
REF: 119
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
78. The abbreviation for the term that means pertaining to through the skin is a. TD. b. ID. c. I&D.
d. derm. ANS: A
REF: 119
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
79. The patient was to receive a skin graft from her mother; the operation was listed as a. dermatoplasty. b. dermatoautoplasty. c. dermatoheteroplasty. d. dermatoconiosis. ANS: C
REF: 104
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
80. According to the case history, Mrs. Wharton is a 59-year-old woman who presented in the
dermatologist’s office with a complaint of changes in a mole or a a. cyst. b. papule. c. pustule. d. nevus. ANS: D
REF: 114
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
81. The physician observed that the patient’s injury site had tissue death or a. xeroderma. b. necrosis. c. cicatrix. d. induration. ANS: B
REF: 109
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
82. The patient diagnosed with an infection of his mouth caused by a yeast type of fungus, or a. candidiasis. b. gangrene. c. herpes. d. impetigo. ANS: A
REF: 96
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
83. The physician ordered that the medication be administered by subcut injection, or a. percutaneous. b. scleroderma. c. epidermal. d. subcutaneous. ANS: D
REF: 109
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
84. An elevated androgen level may cause hair loss or a. alopecia. b. keratosis. c. hidradenitis. d. diaphoresis. ANS: A
REF: 113
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
85. The hospital closed a surgery suite because of an outbreak of what strain of bacteria that is
resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics? a. SLE b. MRSA c. BCC d. SCC ANS: B
REF: 119
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
86. When on a cruise ship, many people wear a skin patch for the prevention or treatment of sea
sickness; the term that indicates how the medication is administered (through the skin) is a. intradermal. b. transdermal. c. subdermal. d. subcutaneous. ANS: B
REF: 109
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
Match each item with the correct description below. a. xer/o b. bi/o c. strept/o d. -a e. -itis f. aut/o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
twisted chains noun suffix, no meaning dry, dryness inflammation life self
1. ANS: 2. ANS: 3. ANS: 4. ANS: 5. ANS: 6. ANS:
88 89 88 89 88 88
2 2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. -plasty b. derm/o c. heter/o d. transe. subf. pachy/o
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
under, below skin other thick surgical repair through, across, beyond
7. ANS: E 8. ANS: B 9. ANS: C 10. ANS: F 11. ANS: A 12. ANS: D
89 87 88 88 89 89
2 2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. onychomalacia b. pachyderma c. rosacea d. dermatologist e. scleroderma f. xerosis 13. disease characterized by chronic hardening (induration) of the connective tissue of the skin 14.
15. 16. 17. 18.
and other body organs chronic disorder of the skin that produces erythema, papules, pustules, and abnormal dilation of tiny blood vessels, usually occurring on the central area of the face in people older than 30 years thickening of the skin physician who studies and treats skin (diseases) abnormal condition of dryness (of skin, eye, or mouth) softening of the nails
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS: 17. ANS: 18. ANS:
98 98 92 108 109 92
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. debridement b. onychocryptosis c. eczema d. dermatoautoplasty e. furuncle f. carbuncle 19. removal of contaminated or dead tissue and foreign matter from an open wound 20. noninfectious—characterized by redness, blisters, scabs, and itching
21. surgical repair using one’s own skin 22. painful skin nodule caused by staphylococcal bacteria in a hair follicle 23. infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue composed of a cluster of boils caused by
staphylococcal bacteria 24. abnormal condition of a hidden nail (also called ingrown nail) 19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS:
106 96 104 97 96 92
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. xanthoma b. excision c. ungual d. incision and drainage e. cytomegalovirus f. vesicle small elevation of the epidermis containing liquid herpes-type virus that usually causes disease when the immune system is compromised removal by cutting surgical cut made to allow the free flow or withdrawal of fluids from a lesion, wound, or cavity 29. pertaining to the nail 30. yellow tumor 25. 26. 27. 28.
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
116 114 106 106 109 92
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. impetigo b. incision c. dermatome d. jaundice e. erythema f. leukoplakia 31. surgical cut 32. superficial skin infection characterized by pustules and caused by either staphylococci or
streptococci 33. redness 34. instrument used to cut skin
35. condition characterized by white spots or patches on mucous membrane, which may be
precancerous 36. condition characterized by a yellow coloring of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera (whites of the eyes) caused by the presence of bile 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
106 97 114 104 114 114
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. strep b. TD c. CMV d. derm e. ID f. CA-MRSA 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
community-associated MRSA infection transdermal dermatology cytomegalovirus Streptococcus intradermal
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
119 119 119 119 119 119
6 6 6 6 6 6
TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. bx b. subcut c. I&D d. HA-MRSA e. SLE f. staph 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
subcutaneous biopsy healthcare-associated MRSA infection systemic lupus erythematosus staphylococcus incision and drainage
43. ANS: B
REF: 119
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5
TOP: Medical Terms
44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
119 119 119 119 119
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Chapter 05: Respiratory System and Introduction to Diagnostic Procedures and Tests LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. What is the pronunciation for the anatomic structure that conducts air from the trachea to the
lung, where it divides and subdivides? a. b. (LAR-inks) c. (BRONG-kus) d. (PLOOR-a) ANS: C REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. What is the pronunciation for the anatomic structure defined as a flap of cartilage that keeps
food out of the trachea and larynx? a. (TON-sils) b. c. (FAR-inks) d. (ep-i-GLOT-is) ANS: D REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form rhin/o refers to the anatomic structure defined as NUnes RSand INfin GT a. lined with mucous membra e B.C hairs;O acts as a filter to moisten and warm
the entering air. b. air cavities within the cranial bones that open into the nasal cavities. c. portion separating the right and left nasal cavities. d. lymphoid tissue located on the lateral wall at the junction of the oral cavity and
oropharynx. ANS: A
REF: 132
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form that means thorax, chest, chest cavity is a. pleur/o. b. tom/o. c. diaphragmat/o. d. thorac/o. ANS: D
REF: 132
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The combining form that refers to the anatomic structure defined as spongelike organ
consisting of lobes and located in the thoracic cavity is a. trache/o. b. laryng/o. c. bronch/o. d. pulmon/o. ANS: D
REF: 132
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
6. The combining form orth/o is defined as a. straight. b. oxygen. c. incomplete. d. breathe. ANS: A
REF: 134
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form that means breathe, breathing is a. son/o. b. ox/i. c. spir/o. d. pneum/o. ANS: C
REF: 135
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form that means x-rays, ionizing radiation is a. tom/o. b. phon/o. c. radi/o. d. capn/o. ANS: C
REF: 135
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
9. The prefix that means absence of, without is a. an-. b. endo-. NURSINGTB.COM c. intra-. d. eu-. ANS: A
REF: 135
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
10. The suffix that means pain is a. -cele. b. -pexy. c. -spasm. d. -algia. ANS: D
REF: 136
11. The suffix -ary is defined as a. breathing. b. in the blood. c. constriction. d. pertaining to. ANS: D
REF: 136
12. The suffix that means an instrument used for visual examination is a. -gram. b. -scopy. c. -graph.
d. -scope. ANS: D
REF: 136
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. The suffix -stomy is defined as a. creation of an artificial opening. b. to cut into, incision. c. sound or voice. d. stretching out, dilation, expansion. ANS: A
REF: 136
14. The suffix that means a surgical puncture to aspirate fluid is a. -algia. b. -centesis. c. -tomy. d. -thorax. ANS: B
REF: 136
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
15. The suffix -rrhagia is defined as a a. rapid flow of blood, excessive bleeding. b. constriction, narrowing. c. spasmodic contraction. d. process of recording. ANS: A
REF: 136
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
16. The suffix that means pertainN inUgR toSiI s a. -graph. b. -pexy. c. -gram. d. -ar. ANS: D
REF: 136
17. The suffix that means stretching out, dilation, or expansion is a. -ectasis. b. -centesis. c. -stenosis. d. -cele. ANS: A
REF: 136
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
18. A patient admitted with an inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi also could be said
to have a. nasopharyngitis. b. laryngotracheobronchitis. c. sinusitis. d. laryngitis. ANS: B REF: 140 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
19. Pus in the chest cavity (pleural space) is known as a. pneumoconiosis. b. pleuritis. c. pyothorax. d. pneumothorax. ANS: C REF: 142 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the anatomic structure described as a. passageway for air to the bronchi from the larynx. b. double-folded serous membrane covering each lung and lining the thoracic cavity. c. lymphoid tissue located on the lateral wall at the junction of the oral cavity and
oropharynx. d. flap of cartilage that automatically covers the opening of the larynx and keeps food
from entering. ANS: C REF: 142 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term that means incomplete expansion in reference to the lung or portion of the lung is a. bronchitis. b. bronchiectasis. c. bronchopneumonia. d. atelectasis. J: 3 ANS: D REF: 139 R I GOBB .C
Us BSuilt NfromTWord POarts TOP: Disease and Disorder Term 22. A cancerous tumor originating in a bronchus could be a. bronchiectasis. b. lobar pneumonia. c. tuberculosis. d. bronchogenic carcinoma. ANS: D REF: 139 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The term that means inflammation of the throat is a. laryngitis. b. pleuritis. c. pharyngitis. d. tracheitis. ANS: C REF: 141 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 24. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. Rhinomycosis b. Tracheitis c. Pneumoconiosis
d. Diaphramatocele ANS: D REF: 140 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means narrowing of the trachea is a. tracheitis. b. atelectasis. c. tracheostenosis. d. bronchopneumonia. ANS: C REF: 142 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 26. Air in the chest cavity (pleural space) causing collapse of the lung is called a. pneumothorax. b. pneumoconiosis. c. pyothorax. d. pneumonia. ANS: A REF: 141 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 27. Inflammation of the nose (mucous membranes) is called a. rhinomycosis. b. rhinitis. c. rhinorrhagia. d. rhinorrhea. ANS: B REF: 142 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 28. The term bronchopneumonia is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. Two word roots and a suffix b. A prefix, a word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix c. Two word roots, a combining vowel, and a suffix d. A prefix and a word root embedded in a suffix ANS: C REF: 132 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 29. Another term for rhinorrhagia is a. rhinomycosis. b. rhinitis. c. epistaxis. d. hemothorax. ANS: C REF: 142 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 30. Diaphragmatocele is a hernia of the a. muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. b. food and air passageway.
c. flap of cartilage covering the larynx. d. organ with three lobes. ANS: A REF: 140 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 31. Bronchiectasis relates to dilation of the a. lymphoid tissue on the posterior wall of nasal cavity. b. double-folded serous membrane. c. space between the lungs. d. branches from the trachea that conduct air into the lungs. ANS: D REF: 139 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 32. A respiratory disease which is characterized by coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath,
caused by constriction and inflammation of airways that is reversible between attacks is called a. croup. b. asthma. c. pertussis. d. influenza. ANS: B REF: 147 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. Loss of elasticity of the alveoli results in distension causing stretching of lung tissue. The
body does not receive enough oxygen resulting in a. pneumatocele. b. pulmonary emphysema. c. asthma. d. pulmonitis. ANS: B REF: 148 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. An upper respiratory infection (commonly called a cold) affects the a. nose, larynx, and trachea. b. trachea, lungs, and pleura. c. trachea, larynx, and lung. d. nasal cavity, pharynx or larynx. ANS: D REF: 149 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. Whooping cough is also called a. cystic fibrosis. b. tracheitis. c. influenza. d. pertussis. ANS: D REF: 148 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
36. Another term for nosebleed is a. deviated septum. b. epistaxis. c. rhinomycosis. d. pertussis. ANS: B REF: 147 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. Accumulation of fluid in the alveoli and bronchioles is called a. pulmonary edema. b. pulmonary embolism. c. croup. d. pleural effusion. ANS: A REF: 148 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 38. Repetitive pharyngeal collapse leading to transient periods of apnea is called a. idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. b. deviated septum. c. obstructive sleep apnea. d. pertussis. ANS: C REF: 148 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. Valley fever, a fungal disease affecting the lungs, also is called N R I G B.C M a. coccidioidomycosis. b. pulmonary emphysema. c. asthma. d. tuberculosis. ANS: A REF: 147 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 40. An excision of a lobe (of the lung) is called a. pneumonectomy. b. pleuropexy. c. thoracotomy. d. lobectomy. ANS: D REF: 152 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 41. A term that means the surgical repair of the larynx is a. laryngoplasty. b. laryngostomy. c. laryngectomy. d. laryngotracheotomy. ANS: A REF: 152 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
42. The term thoracotomy is defined as a. incision into the trachea. b. incision into the chest cavity. c. surgical repair of the chest cavity. d. creation of an artificial opening in the chest cavity. ANS: B REF: 153 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 43. The term that means a surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the chest cavity is a. thoracotomy. b. pneumonectomy. c. thoracocentesis. d. pleuropexy. ANS: C REF: 153 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 44. An incision of the larynx and trachea is called a. laryngostomy. b. tracheostenosis. c. laryngotracheotomy. d. tracheoplasty. ANS: C REF: 152 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
reUcR arS boInNdG ioT xiB de.(C leO vM els in expired gas) is called 45. An instrument used to measuN a. spirometer. b. oximeter. c. capnometer. d. spirometry. ANS: C REF: 164 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 46. A visual examination of the larynx is performed with a(n) a. laryngoscope. b. laryngoscopy. c. oximeter. d. spirometer. ANS: A REF: 163 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 47. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. spirometry b. laryngoscopy c. capnometer d. oxometer ANS: D
REF: 164
OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 48. Levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood are tested by a. pulmonary function test. b. arterial blood gases. c. lung ventilation/perfusion scan. d. spirometry. ANS: B REF: 168 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 49. With which disease is an acid-fast bacilli smear used for diagnosis? a. tuberculosis b. upper respiratory infection c. pulmonary embolism d. pleural effusion ANS: A REF: 167 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 50. A peak flow meter is a portable instrument used to measure a. blood pressure. b. how long one can hold his or her breath. c. air flow early in forced exhalation. d. breathing capacity and external respiratory function. ANS: C REF: 168 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 51. The act of listening through a stethoscope for sounds within the body is called a. pulse oximetry. b. auscultation. c. percussion. d. pulmonary function tests. ANS: B REF: 168 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 52. The term hypoxia is defined as a deficiency in a. oxygen to the tissues. b. carbon dioxide in the lungs. c. oxygen in the blood. d. carbon dioxide in the blood. ANS: A REF: 172 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 53. The term that means able to breathe easier in a straight (upright) position is a. hypercapnia. b. acapnia. c. orthopnea. d. hypoxemia.
ANS: C REF: 172 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 54. The term that means nasal discharge is a. rhinorrhea. b. sinusitis. c. mucus. d. rhinorrhagia. ANS: A REF: 173 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 55. The term that means condition of absence of voice is a. dysphagia. b. hypopnea. c. hypocapnia. d. aphonia. ANS: D REF: 171 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 56. The term that means normal breathing is a. hyperpnea. b. eupnea. c. apnea. d. dyspnea. ANS: B
REF: 172
OBJ: 6
NuUiltRfrSoI TOP: Complementary Terms B mN WG oT rdB P. arC ts O 57. The term hypoxemia is defined as a. excessive oxygen b. deficient oxygen c. excessive carbon dioxide d. deficient carbon dioxide
in the blood.
ANS: B REF: 172 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 58. The term laryngospasm is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. A prefix and word root b. A word root and suffix c. A prefix, a word root and a suffix d. A word root, combining vowel, and a suffix ANS: D REF: 132 | 136 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 59. The term pulmonology is defined as a. physician who studies and treats diseases of the lung. b. pain in the diaphragm. c. spasm of the diaphragm. d. study of the lung.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: D REF: 173 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 60. A mucopurulent discharge contains a. mucus and pus. b. sputum and pus. c. pus and blood. d. blood and sputum. ANS: A REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 61. A device that creates a mist is called a(n) a. nebulizer. b. ventilator. c. spirometer. d. airway. ANS: A REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 62. A term that means a periodic or sudden attack is a. stridor. b. aspiration. c. paroxysm. d. asphyxia. ANS: C REF: 17N 8 R I GOBB J:.C 6 S from N T O TOP: Complementary Terms NotUBuilt Word Parts 63. A bronchodilator is an agent that causes a. the bronchi to widen. b. hyperventilation. c. the bronchioles to narrow. d. hypoventilation. ANS: A REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 64. Another term that means suffocation is a. asphyxia. b. aspiration. c. rhonchi. d. exacerbation. ANS: A REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 65. A term that means the ventilation of the lungs does not fulfill the body’s gas exchange needs
is a. bronchoconstrictor. b. hypoventilation.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. patency. d. hypocapnia. ANS: B REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 66. Stridor is defined as a. harsh, high pitched breath sound heard on inspiration. b. a sudden catching of breath with a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm. c. low pitched, with a snoring quality, breath sounds heard with a stethoscope. d. mucous secretion from the lungs expelled through the mouth. ANS: A REF: 179 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 67. A patent airway is a. narrow. b. obstructed. c. absent. d. open. ANS: D REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 68. The term that means to withdraw fluid or suction fluid; also to draw foreign material into the
respiratory tract is a. rhonchi. b. crackles. c. asphyxiate. d. aspirate. ANS: D REF: 178 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 69. Which of the following is the abbreviation for the procedure used or imaging scan performed
to evaluate the heart and lungs? a. AFB b. CPAP c. CXR d. ABG ANS: C
REF: 181
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
70. Which of the following is the abbreviation for an acute respiratory failure as a result of disease
or injury? a. COPD b. OSA c. ARDS d. IPF ANS: C
REF: 181
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 71. Which of the following is the abbreviation for an infectious disease caused by an acid-fast
bacillus that usually affects the lungs? a. TB b. CF c. COPD d. OSA ANS: A
REF: 182
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
72. Pneumonia as a nosocomial infection would be abbreviated as a. CAP. b. HAP. c. CPAP. d. COPD. ANS: B
REF: 181
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
73. A patient, never hospitalized who developed pneumonia, would be given this abbreviated
diagnosis a. CAP b. HAP c. PSG d. PE ANS: A
REF: 181
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
74. An abbreviation for the diagnostic imaging test which incorporates two nuclear scan tests to
measure air flow and circulatN ionR andIwhG ich B is. uC sed M most often to help diagnose or rule out a PE is U S N T O a. PFM. b. PSG. c. VQ scan. d. RML. ANS: C
REF: 182
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
75. The accident victim received a blunt trauma to the chest, which caused blood in the chest
cavity or a a. thoracotomy. b. hemothorax. c. hypercapnia. d. tracheostenosis. ANS: B
REF: 140
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
76. Because of the near drowning, the young man experienced a temporary absence of oxygen, or a. anoxia. b. acapnia. c. apnea. d. eupnea. ANS: A
REF: 171
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 77. The factory worker was diagnosed with an abnormal condition of dust in the lungs or a. pneumatocele. b. coccidioidomycosis. c. mesothelioma. d. pneumoconiosis. ANS: D
REF: 141
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
78. The patient with lung cancer developed a pleural effusion. A thoracocentesis was performed
by the radiologist using the process of recording sound or a. radiography. b. tomography. c. sonography. d. sonogram. ANS: C
REF: 163
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
79. Following surgery, a blood clot dislodged from a deep vein in the lower extremity was carried
to the pulmonary artery, causing a blockage of circulation to the patient’s lung, or a. pleural effusion. b. pulmonary edema. c. acute respiratory distress syndrome. d. pulmonary embolism. ANS: D
REF: 148
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
80. To establish an airway for a patient choking on a piece of meat, the emergency department
physician performed an incisN ion R intoItheGtracBh. eaCcalM led a a. tachypnea. U S N T O b. thoracotomy. c. tracheoplasty. d. tracheotomy. ANS: D
REF: 153
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
81. The patient was experiencing apnea during sleep caused by repetitive pharyngeal collapse.
The physician, in order to diagnose her condition as OSA, ordered a(n) a. CPAP. b. ABGs. c. PFTs. d. PSG. ANS: D
REF: 182
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
82. The patient’s physician listed her diagnosis as COPD due to chronic a. bronchitis. b. pneumonia. c. sinusitis. d. pharyngitis. ANS: A
REF: 139
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 83. A patient admitted to the emergency department suddenly turned cyanotic and was having
difficulty breathing or a. apnea. b. dyspnea. c. eupnea. d. hyperpnea. ANS: B
REF: 172
OBJ: 8
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. (FAR-inks) c. d. (lungs) e. f. g. (PLOOR-a) h. i. j. (LAR-inks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Filters, moistens, warms entering air Double-folded membrane covering lungs Passageway for air to the broN nchR i SINGTB.COM U Air cavities within the cranial bones Space between the lungs Serves as a food and air passageway Separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity Location of the vocal cords Air sacs at the end of bronchioles Spongelike organs in the thoracic cavity
1. ANS: C REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: G REF: 131 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: A REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: I REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: H REF: 131 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: B REF: 129 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 131 OBJ: 1 7. ANS: F TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: J REF: 129 OBJ: 1
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: E REF: 131 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: D REF: 131 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. sept/o b. trache/o c. endod. phren/o e. -pnea f. atel/o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
imperfect, incomplete septum (wall off, fence) within diaphragm breathing trachea
11. ANS: F 12. ANS: A 13. ANS: C 14. ANS: D 15. ANS: E 16. ANS: B
134 OBJ: 2 132 OBJ: 2 135 OBJ: 2 132 OBJ: 2 136 OBJ: 2 13N 2URSINGOT BB J:.C 2 OM
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. -thorax b. py/o c. -scopy d. -stenosis e. alveol/o f. poly17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
alveolus chest, chest cavity visual examination many, much constriction or narrowing pus
17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS:
132 136 136 135 136 135
2 2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. epiglottitis b. pleuropexy c. pneumatocele d. acute respiratory distress syndrome e. pulmonary neoplasm f. sinusitis 23. inflammation of the epiglottis 24. respiratory failure, a result of disease or injury with symptoms of dyspnea, tachypnea, and 25. 26. 27. 28.
cyanosis hernia of the lung (lung tissue protrudes through an opening in the chest) inflammation of the sinuses pertaining to (in) the lung, new growth (tumor) surgical fixation of the pleura
23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS: 27. ANS: 28. ANS:
140 147 141 142 142 152
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. rhinoplasty b. tracheostomy c. cystic fibrosis NURSINGTB.COM d. percussion e. deviated septum f. influenza surgical repair of the nose creation of an artificial opening into the trachea highly contagious and often severe viral infection of the respiratory tract hereditary disorder of the exocrine glands characterized by excess mucus production in the respiratory tract, pancreatic deficiency, and other symptoms 33. tapping of a body surface to determine density of part beneath by sound obtained 34. one part of the nasal cavity is smaller because of malformation or injury of the nasal septum 29. 30. 31. 32.
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
152 153 148 147 147 147
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Pulse oximetry b. Hypoxia c. Endoscopy
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. Alveolitis e. Sputum culture and sensitivity f. Pulmonary function tests 35. Condition of deficient oxygen (to the tissues) 36. Noninvasive method of measuring oxygen in the blood by using a device that attaches to the
fingertip Visual examination within (hollow organ) Test performed on sputum to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria Group of tests performed to measure breathing capacity and used to determine external respiratory function Inflammation of the alveoli
35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
37. 38. 39.
172 168 162 168 168 139
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. tonsillectomy b. thoracoscopy c. acapnia d. asphyxia e. thoracotomy f. hypopnea 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
incision into the chest cavity deficient breathing excision of the tonsils condition of absence (less than normal level) of carbon dioxide (in the blood) visual examination of the chest cavity suffocation
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
153 172 153 171 162 178
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. C&S b. URI c. O2 d. CXR e. AFB f. PFM
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
oxygen acid-fast bacilli culture and sensitivity peak flow meter upper respiratory infection chest radiograph
47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
181 181 181 182 182 181
7 7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. OSA b. CT c. CF d. CPAP e. IPF f. SOB 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
cystic fibrosis computed tomography continuous positive airway pressure shortness of breath NURSINGTB.COM idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis obstructive sleep apnea
53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
181 181 181 182 181 181
7 7 7 7 7 7
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 06: Urinary System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation of the anatomic structures that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder
is the a. b. c. d.
ANS: D REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the anatomic structure that names the reservoir in the kidney that
collects the urine is the a. (NEF-ron). b. c. d.
ANS: B REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
tomR tureBfo.rC 3. The pronunciation of the anaN U icSstIruc NG T theMopening through which urine passes to the outside of the body is the a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The combining forms referring to the two bean-shaped organs located on each side of the
vertebral column on the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity are a. nephr/o and ren/o. b. vesic/o and cyst/o. c. ren/o and cyst/o. d. nephr/o and vesic/o. ANS: A
REF: 196
5. The combining form pyel/o is defined as a. bladder. b. renal pelvis. c. urethral meatus. d. ureter.
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B
REF: 196
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
6. The combining form blast/o is defined as a. developing cell, germ cell. b. albumin. c. scanty. d. night. ANS: A
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form vesic/o is defined as a. glomerulus. b. meatus. c. bladder, sac. d. kidney. ANS: C
REF: 196
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form that means night is a. noct/i. b. lith/o. c. olig/o. d. cyst/o. ANS: A
REF: 198
9. The combining form that means sugar is a. glycos/o. b. hydr/o. c. azot/o. d. albumin/o. ANS: A
REF: 198
10. The combining form that means urea, nitrogen is a. olig/o. b. urin/o. c. glyc/o. d. azot/o. ANS: D
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
11. The combining form that means stone or calculus is a. blast/o. b. lith/o. c. noct/i. d. azot/o. ANS: B
REF: 198
12. The combining form that means water is a. glyc/o. b. urin/o.
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. hydr/o. d. hem/o. ANS: C
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. The suffix -iasis is defined as a. development. b. loosening. c. condition. d. measurement. ANS: C
REF: 198
14. The word part for drooping, sagging, prolapse is a. -ptosis. b. -tripsy. c. -lysis. d. -uria. ANS: A
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
15. The suffix that means suturing, repairing is a. -uria. b. -tripsy. c. -rrhaphy. d. -esis. ANS: C
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
16. The suffix that means loosening, dissolution, separating is a. -esis. b. -lysis. c. -ptosis. d. -tripsy. ANS: B
REF: 198
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
17. The suffix that means urine, urination is a. -ptosis. b. -esis. c. -uria. d. -iasis. ANS: C
REF: 198
18. The term cystocele is defined as a(n) _ a. stone in b. drooping of c. protrusion of d. inflammation of
_ the bladder.
ANS: C REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
19. The term that means abnormal condition of water in the kidney is a. hydronephrosis. b. nephroptosis. c. polycystic kidney. d. nephromegaly. ANS: A REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. The term ureterostenosis is defined as a(n) a. condition of stone(s) in b. protrusion of c. inflammation of d. narrowing of
the ureter.
ANS: D REF: 201 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term nephroptosis is defined as a(n) a. drooping kidney. b. narrowing of the ureter. c. tumor of the kidney. d. protrusion of the ureter. ANS: A REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
mU mRatS ioInNoG f tT heB.COM 22. The term pyelitis means inflaN a. renal pelvis. b. bladder. c. ureter. d. kidney. ANS: A REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The term that means inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney is a. pyelitis. b. pyelonephritis. c. glomerulonephritis. d. nephrolithiasis. ANS: C REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 24. The term that means inflammation of a kidney is the a. pyelonephritis. b. nephrolithiasis. c. nephritis. d. nephromegaly. ANS: C
REF: 200
OBJ: 3
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means stone(s) in the bladder is a. nephroma. b. cystocele. c. cystitis. d. cystolith. ANS: D REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 26. A congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is
known as a(n) a. hydrocele. b. epispadias. c. varicocele. d. hypospadias. ANS: B REF: 204 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 27. The sudden stoppage of urine formation is called a. renal hypertension. b. urinary retention. c. urinary suppression. d. urinary tract infection. OBJ: 3 ANS: C REF: 205 R I G B.C M NUs NSot BNuiltTfrom WO TOP: Disease and Disorder Term ord Parts 28. Another term for renal calculus is a. cystolith. b. ureterolithiasis. c. nephrolithiasis. d. hydronephrosis. ANS: C REF: 200 | 205 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 29. The abnormal accumulation of urine in the bladder because of an inability to urinate is called a. renal hypertension. b. polycystic kidney disease. c. urinary suppression. d. urinary retention. ANS: D REF: 205 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 30. A condition in which the kidney is enlarged and contains many cysts is a. renal calculi. b. renal hypertension. c. polycystic kidney disease. d. septicemia.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: C REF: 205 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. The term that means condition of urea in the blood is a. dysuria. b. azotemia. c. anuria. d. polyuria. ANS: B REF: 200 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 32. When a cystorrhaphy is performed, the bladder is a. excised. b. sutured. c. fixated. d. incised. ANS: B REF: 207 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 33. The term nephrolysis is defined as the a. excision of a kidney. b. separation of the kidney from other structures. c. surgical crushing of a stone in the kidney. d. surgical fixation of the kidney. ANS: B REF: 20N 7 R I GOBB 4 M U S N TJ:.C O TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 34. The term that means incision into the bladder is a. cystotomy. b. cystolithotomy. c. cystostomy. d. cystorrhaphy. ANS: A REF: 207 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 35. The creation of an artificial opening into the kidney is a a. renal transplant. b. nephrostomy. c. vesicotomy. d. nephrolysis. ANS: B REF: 208 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term lithotripsy is defined as a. an incision of the meatus. b. surgical repair of the urethra. c. surgical crushing of stone(s).
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. an excision of a ureter. ANS: C REF: 207 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 37. A noninvasive surgical procedure to crush stone(s) in the kidney or ureter by administration of
repeated shock waves is called a. ureterotomy. b. fulguration. c. vesicourethral suspension. d. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. ANS: D REF: 212 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 38. The term pyelolithotomy is defined as the a. incision into the renal pelvis to remove stone(s). b. separation of the kidney from other body structures. c. surgical fixation of the kidney. d. creation of an artificial opening into the renal pelvis. ANS: A REF: 208 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term cystolithotomy is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. a prefix, a word root, and a suffix b. a word root and a suffix c. two word roots, two combining vowels, and a suffix NUbin RSing INvow GTel,B.C d. a prefix, a word root, a com andOa M suffix ANS: C REF: 207 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 40. An instrument used for visual examination of the bladder is called a a. urethroscope. b. cystoscope. c. cystoscopy. d. urethroscopy. ANS: B REF: 214 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 41. A voiding cystourethrography is a radiographic imaging of the a. bladder and the urethra. b. kidney and ureters. c. bladder and the ureters. d. bladder and the kidney. ANS: A REF: 214 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 42.
The term nephrography is defined as the a. radiographic imaging of the kidney.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. radiographic image of the nephron. c. sectional radiographic image of the kidney. d. process of recording the kidney with sound. ANS: A REF: 213 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 43. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. ureterostenosis b. urrogram c. pyelogram d. nephrography ANS: B REF: 214 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 44. A radiographic image of the urinary tract with contrast media instilled into the bladder, ureter,
or renal pelvis through a catheter is called a(n) a. renogram. b. retrograde urogram. c. ureterostenosis. d. intravenous urogram. ANS: B REF: 214 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 45. The radiographic image of the bladder is called a a. renogram. b. cystogram. c. nephrography. d. cystography. ANS: B REF: 213 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 46. Multiple routine tests performed on a urine specimen are called a. KUB. b. blood urea nitrogen. c. creatinine. d. urinalysis. ANS: D REF: 218 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. Which of the following laboratory procedures is performed on a urine specimen to measure
the concentrating or diluting ability of the kidneys? a. KUB b. blood urea nitrogen c. specific gravity d. urinalysis ANS: C REF: 217 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
48. The term that means scanty urine is a. dysuria. b. pyuria. c. polyuria. d. oliguria. ANS: D REF: 220 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 49. The study of the urinary tract is called a. urologist. b. urology. c. nephrology. d. nephrologist. ANS: B REF: 220 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 50. The term hematuria is defined as a. pus in the urine. b. blood in the urine. c. absence of urine. d. night urination. ANS: B REF: 219 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts
f uRrS inI eN is GTB.COM 51. The term that means absenceNoU a. dysuria. b. pyuria. c. anuria. d. polyuria. ANS: C REF: 219 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 52. The term diuresis is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. word root and suffix b. prefix, word root, and suffix c. word root, combining vowel, and suffix d. prefix, word root, combining vowel, and suffix ANS: B REF: 198 | 219 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 53. Glycosuria indicates that the urine contains a. blood. b. pus. c. sugar. d. nitrogen. ANS: C
REF: 219
OBJ: 6
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 54. The branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the kidney is a. urology. b. nephrologist. c. urologist. d. nephrology. ANS: D REF: 219 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 55. The term incontinence means a. to empty or evacuate waste material. b. the ability to void. c. the inability to control the bladder and/or bowels. d. stretched out. ANS: C REF: 223 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 56. A flexible, tubelike device for withdrawing or instilling fluids is a(n) a. catheter. b. electrolytes. c. urinal. d. stricture. ANS: A REF: 222 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts
57. The term stricture is defined as a. flexible, tubelike device. b. micturition. c. abnormal narrowing. d. difficult or painful urination. ANS: C REF: 223 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 58. A synonym for micturate is a. urinate. b. diuresis. c. enuresis. d. incontinence. ANS: A REF: 223 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 59. The term that means pertaining to the force and flow of urine within the urinary tract is a. urology. b. hemodialysis. c. urinalysis. d. urodynamics.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: D REF: 223 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 60. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. catheter b. distended c. urinary catheterization d. incontenence ANS: D REF: 223 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 61. A mineral in the body, such as sodium and potassium, that carries an electrical charge is a(n) a. stricture. b. electrolytes. c. micturate. d. enuresis. ANS: B REF: 222 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 62. Which of the following is the abbreviation for the blood test that measures the amount of urea
in the blood? a. UTI b. ESWL c. BUN d. cath ANS: C
TOP: Abbreviations
63. The abbreviation for multiple routine tests done on a urine specimen is a. VCUG b. UA c. BUN d. SG ANS: B
REF: 225
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
64. OAB is the abbreviation for overacative a. bladder. b. urinary tract. c. urethra. d. ureter. ANS: B
REF: 225
65. The patient’s UA showed a presence of pus, which is called a. hematuria. b. pyuria. c. oliguria. d. dysuria. ANS: B
REF: 220
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
66. The patient, who had recently been treated for a UTI, presented with fever, chills, nausea,
vomiting, and lumbar pain. She was diagnosed with an inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidneys or a. pyelonephritis. b. polycystic kidney disease. c. hydronephrosis. d. ureteritis. ANS: A
REF: 201
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
67. To evaluate the lower urinary tract, a diagnostic visual examination of the bladder was
performed or a a. UA. b. cystourethrogram. c. nephroscopy. d. cystoscopy. ANS: D
REF: 214
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
68. The physician first suspected diabetes when the patient complained of an excessive amount of
urine, or a. polyuria. b. anuria. c. dysuria. d. oliguria. ANS: A
REF: 22N 0
TOP: Practical Application
69. The surgeon told the patient who had a drooping kidney that it was necessary to attach the
kidney back in place by performing a a. nephrolysis. b. renal transplant. c. nephrolithotomy. d. nephropexy. ANS: D
REF: 207
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
70. The patient complained of involuntary urination or a. voiding. b. enuresis. c. micturition. d. urinary suppression. ANS: B
REF: 205
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
71. The patient recovered well after a procedure to surgically remove stones from his kidney or a a. nephrolithotomy. b. pyelolithotomy. c. cystolithotomy. d. lithotripsy. ANS: A
REF: 207
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. (NEF-ron) h. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
funnel-shaped reservoir that collects urine and passes it to the ureters two tubes that receive urine from kidney and carry to bladder urine-producing microscopic structure tube approximately 1.5 in female, 8 in male opening through which urine passes to outside filtering blood, forming urine, begins here organ that temporarily holds the urine, increasing in size as it fills remove(s) waste products from blood and aid(s) in maintaining water and electrolyte balances
1. ANS: C REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic StructuresOBJ: 1 REF: 193 R I G B.C 2. ANS: F
N TOP: Pronunciation of AnatomiU c StrS uctuN res T
3. ANS: G REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: A REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 193 OBJ: 1 5. ANS: B TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: H REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: E REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: D REF: 193 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. urethr/o b. meat/o c. olig/o d. -esis e. glycos/o f. azot/o 9. condition 10. opening (through which urine passes to the outside)
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 11. 12. 13. 14.
scanty, few urethra sugar urea, nitrogen
9. ANS: D 10. ANS: B 11. ANS: C 12. ANS: A 13. ANS: E 14. ANS: F
198 196 198 196 198 198
2 2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. ureter/o b. cyst/o c. ur/o d. albumin/o e. glomerul/o f. -tripsy 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
urine, urinary tract ureter bladder, sac albumin surgical crushing glomerulus
15. ANS: C 16. ANS: A 17. ANS: B 18. ANS: D 19. ANS: F 20. ANS: E
REF: 198 REF: 196 REF: 196 REF: 198 REF: 198 REF: 196
OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2 OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. nephroblastoma b. ureterocele c. hypospadias d. cystostomy e. ureterectomy f. renal transplant 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
excision of the ureter kidney tumor containing developing (germ) cells protrusion of a ureter surgical implantation of a donor kidney into a patient with inadequate renal function congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the underside of the penis creation of an artificial opening into the bladder
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS:
208 200 201 212 204 207
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. cystography b. nephroscopy c. creatinine d. albuminuria e. nocturia f. peritoneal dialysis 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
radiographic imaging of the bladder a blood test to evaluate kidney function albumin in the urine night urination procedure for removing toxic wastes when the kidney is unable to do so visual examination of the kidney
27. ANS: A 28. ANS: C 29. ANS: D 30. ANS: E 31. ANS: F 32. ANS: B
REF: 213 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 217 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 219 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 219 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 22N 3URSINGOT BB J:.C 3 |O4M |5 |6 REF: 214 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. distended b. urinary catheterization c. nephromegaly d. ureteritis e. renal calculus f. urethroplasty 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
enlargement of a kidney surgical repair of the urethra method of withdrawing urine from the bladder using a tubelike device stretched out (as in the bladder when filled with urine) inflammation of a ureter stone in the kidney
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
200 208 223 222 201 205
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Match each item with the correct description below. a. vesicourethral suspension b. renal hypertension c. fulguration d. dysuria e. nephrologist f. nephrectomy 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
excision of a kidney destruction of living tissue with an electric spark physician who studies and treats diseases of the kidney difficult or painful urination suspension of the bladder and urethra elevated blood pressure resulting from kidney disease
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
207 212 219 219 208 205
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
7 7 7 7 7 7
Match each abbreviation with its term. a. CKD b. UA c. BUN d. OAB e. ARF f. SG 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
urinalysis specific gravity chronic kidney disease overactive bladder blood urea nitrogen acute renal failure
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
225 225 225 225 225 225
Match each abbreviation with its term. a. cath b. HD c. ESRD d. UTI
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank e. VCUG f. ESWL 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
voiding cystourethrogram hemodialysis catheterization, catheter end-stage renal disease extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy urinary tract infection
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
225 225 225 225 225 225
7 7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 07: Male Reproductive System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the primary male sex organ is the a. (TES-tis). b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 234 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the a. b. c. d. ANS: B REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation of the structure that encircles a proximal section of the urethra is a. b. NURSINGTB.COM c. (ep-i-DID-a-mis). d. ANS: B REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The combining form that means glans penis is a. vesicul/o. b. prostat/o. c. balan/o. d. vas/o. ANS: C
REF: 236
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The combining form that means male is a. sperm/o. b. balan/o. c. vas/o. d. andr/o. ANS: D
REF: 236
6. The combining form that means testis, testicle is a. balan/o.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. vesicul/o. c. prostat/o. d. orchi/o. ANS: D
REF: 236
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form for vessel, duct is a. vas/o. b. orchid/o. c. balan/o. d. vesicul/o. ANS: A
REF: 236
8. The combining form that means testicle is a. balan/o. b. vas/o. c. orchid/o. d. vesicul/o. ANS: C
REF: 236
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
9. The suffix -ism is defined as a. pertaining to. b. state of. c. resembling. d. without. ANS: B 10.
TOP: Word Parts
The term balanorrhea is defined as a protrusion of the glans penis. discharge from the prostate gland. a stone in the prostate. discharge from the glans penis.
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D REF: 238 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 11. The term that means undescended testes is a. cryptorchidism. b. prostatovesiculitis. c. anorchism. d. orchiepididymitis. ANS: A REF: 238 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 12. The term that means inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles is a. prostatocystitis. b. prostatolith. c. prostatovesiculitis. d. benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: C REF: 239 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 13. The term anorchism is defined as a. inflammation of the prostate gland. b. excessive discharge from the glans penis. c. excessive development of the prostate gland. d. state of absence of testis. ANS: D REF: 238 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 14. The term orchiepididymitis means inflammation of the a. testes. b. epididymis. c. testes and epididymis. d. penis and epididymis. ANS: C REF: 239 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 15. The term that means inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder is a. prostatitis. b. prostatocystitis. c. prostatolith. d. prostatovesiculitis. ANS: B REF: 23N 9 R I GOBB J:.C 3 M U Built S N O TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms fromTWord Parts 16. The term that means a nonmalignant excessive development of the prostate gland is a. cryptorchidism. b. prostatovesiculitis. c. benign prostatic hyperplasia. d. prostate cancer. ANS: C REF: 238 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. In balanitis, the inflamed structure is the a. b. c. (ep-i-DID-a-mis). d. (TES-tis). ANS: A REF: 236 | 238 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. Fluid-filled sac around the testicle that causes scrotal swelling is called a. phimosis. b. prostatitis. c. varicocele.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. hydrocele. ANS: D REF: 242 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 19. The inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse
is called a. varicocele. b. testicular cancer. c. erectile dysfunction. d. phimosis. ANS: C REF: 242 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 20. The term that means tightness of the prepuce is a. phimosis. b. priapism. c. testicular torsion. d. erectile dysfunction. ANS: A REF: 242 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 21. The term that means enlarged veins of the spermatic cord is a. hydrocele. b. balanocele. c. priapism. NURS INGT B.COM d. varicocele. ANS: D REF: 242 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 22. Testicular torsion is the medical term that means a. persistent abnormal erection. b. cancer of the testicle. c. twisting of the spermatic cord. d. tightness of the prepuce. ANS: C REF: 242 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 23. The term that means excision of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles is a. prostatocystotomy. b. prostatolithotomy. c. prostatovesiculectomy. d. prostatectomy. ANS: C REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 24. The term balanoplasty is defined as a. the surgical fixation of a testicle.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. the surgical repair of the glans penis. c. an excision of the prostate gland. d. an incision into a testicle. ANS: B REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means incision into the prostate gland and the (urinary) bladder is a. prostatectomy. b. prostatolithotomy. c. orchiectomy. d. prostatocystotomy. ANS: D REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 26. The term orchiopexy is defined as a. surgical fixation of a testicle. b. excision of the seminal vesicles. c. incision into the testes. d. surgical repair of the glans penis. ANS: A REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 27. Excision of a whole organ or mass without cutting into it as seen in the HoLEP procedure to
treat BPH, is called a. ablation. b. enucleation. c. morcellation. d. hydrocelectomy. ANS: B REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 28. Male sterilization is performed by a. vasectomy. b. vasovasostomy. c. orchiectomy. d. orchiotomy. ANS: A REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 29. The term vesiculectomy is defined as a. male sterilization. b. excision of the seminal vesicle. c. incision into the testes. d. excision of the prostate gland. ANS: B REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 30. The term that means excision of the prostate gland is a. prostatocystotomy. b. prostatectomy. c. vesiculectomy. d. prostatolithotomy. ANS: B REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 31. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly? a. Orchiopexy b. Epididymectomy c. Orchioplasty d. Prostratectomy ANS: D REF: 245 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 32. The surgical removal of pieces of the prostate gland tissue by using an instrument inserted
through the urethra is called a. perineal prostatectomy. b. transurethral resection of the prostate gland. c. MRI ultrasound fusion biopsy. d. hydrocelectomy. ANS: B REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. The term circumcision is defN inU edRaS s INGTB.COM a. surgical removal of the prepuce. b. male sterilization. c. fixation of the testis. d. penile implant. ANS: A REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. A treatment that eliminates excess tissue present in benign prostatic hyperplasia using heat is
called a. transurethral resection of the prostate gland. b. transurethral microwave thermotherapy. c. transurethral incision of the prostate. d. transrectal ultrasound. ANS: B REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. Cutting or grinding solid tissue into smaller pieces for removal is a. ablation. b. enucleation. c. phimosis. d. morcellation.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: D REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 36. To obtain tissue from a prostate lesion, this combination of magnetic resonance imaging with
TRUS may be used a. laser surgery. b. enucleation. c. prostatocystotomy. d. MRI ultrasound fusion biopsy. ANS: D REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. The surgeon may remove the prostate by using small surgical instruments attached to a
computer several feet from the operating table in this procedure a. laser surgery. b. multiparametric MRI. c. robotic surgery. d. MRI ultrasound fusion biopsy. ANS: C REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 38. Destruction of abnormal or excessive tissue by melting, vaporizing, or eroding is a(n) a. ablation. b. circumcision. c. enucleation. d. morcellation. ANS: A REF: 249 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. A physical examination in which the health care provider palpates the prostate gland to screen
for BPH and prostate cancer is called a. transurethral resection of the prostate gland. b. transrectal ultrasound. c. transurethral incision of the prostate. d. digital rectal examination. ANS: D REF: 253 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 40. The dissolution of sperm is called a. priapism. b. oligospermia. c. spermatolysis. d. andropathy. ANS: C REF: 254 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 41. The medical term that means disease specific to the male is a. priapism.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. oligospermia. c. spermatolysis. d. andropathy. ANS: D REF: 254 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 42. The term spermatolysis is built from which of the following combinations of word parts? a. A prefix, a word root, and a suffix b. Two word roots, a combining vowel, and a suffix c. A word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix d. A prefix, a word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix ANS: C REF: 236 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 43. Pain in the testis is a. orchialgia. b. orchitis. c. orchiotomy. d. orchiopexy. ANS: A REF: 254 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 44. Procedural terms will begin with this word to denote pertaining to through the urethra a. vasectomy. b. andropathy. c. transurethral. d. aspermia. ANS: C REF: 254 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 45. Human papillomavirus is also called a. chlamydia. b. genital warts. c. human immunodeficiency virus. d. trichomoniasis. ANS: B REF: 257 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 46. The term that means lack of live sperm in the semen is a. artificial insemination. b. azoospermia. c. genitalia. d. ejaculation. ANS: B REF: 256 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. The period when secondary sex characteristics develop is called
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
coitus. orgasm. condom. puberty.
ANS: D REF: 257 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 48. An infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which is usually transmitted by
sexual contact, is called a. syphilis. b. genital herpes. c. gonorrhea. d. chlamydia. ANS: A REF: 257 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 49. The silent STD caused by C. trachomatis is called a. trichomoniasis. b. chlamydia. c. gonorrhea. d. syphilis. ANS: B REF: 256 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 50. The term that means climax of sexual stimulation is N R I G B.C M a. ejaculation. b. coitus. c. genitalia. d. orgasm. ANS: D REF: 257 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 51. The surgical procedure that prevents pregnancy, either the ability of the female to conceive or
the male to induce conception is a. coitus. b. sterilization. c. circumcision. d. vasovasostomy. ANS: B REF: 257 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 52. Which of the following is the abbreviation for a blood test in which an elevated result may
indicate prostate cancer? a. STD b. PSA c. BPH d. HPV
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B
REF: 259
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
53. Which of the following is a surgical procedure in which pieces of the prostate gland tissue are
surgically removed? a. TUIP b. TUMP c. TURP d. PSA ANS: C
REF: 260
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
54. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate
gland is a. DRE. b. HPV. c. TURP. d. BPH. ANS: D
REF: 259
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
55. The surgeon, who incised the prostate gland to remove a stone, performed a(n) a. hydrocelectomy. b. enucleation. c. vesiculectomy. d. prostatolithotomy. ANS: D
REF: 245
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
56. After marrying a second time, U the S patiN ent T wanted O to reverse the vasectomy he had several
years before. The physician suggested the creation of artificial openings between ducts, or a a. balanoplasty. b. vasovasostomy. c. prostatocystotomy. d. vesiculectomy. ANS: B
REF: 245
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
57. The couple’s probable cause of infertility was a condition of scanty sperm or a. priapism. b. oligospermia. c. spermatolysis. d. aspermia. ANS: B
REF: 254
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
58. Males may be asymptomatic or develop urethritis, an enlarged prostate gland, or epididymitis
when diagnosed with an STD caused by a one-cell organism called a. chlamydia. b. gonorrhea. c. genital herpes. d. trichomoniasis. ANS: D
REF: 257
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
59. The couple’s physician suggested artificial insemination due to a reduced or absent ability to
achieve pregnancy or a. puberty. b. infertility. c. coitus. d. phimosis. ANS: B
REF: 257
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
60. The doctor discharged the patient with instructions that the Foley catheter was to stay in place
until his follow-up office visit. The patient was recovering from a TURP or a a. transurethral incision of the prostate gland. b. transrectal ultrasound. c. transurethral resection of the prostate gland. d. transurethral microwave thermotherapy. ANS: C
REF: 249
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Match the pronunciation with the anatomic description below. a. b. (ep-i-DID-a-mis) c. (vas) (DEF-ar-enz) d. e. (SEM-e-nel) (VES-i-kelz) N f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Two main glands that secrete a thick fluid, which forms part of the semen Primary male sex organs Secretes a fluid that aids in movement of sperm and ejaculation Principal male sex hormone Coiled tube atop each of the testes Duct carrying the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
1. ANS: E REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: F REF: 234 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: A REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 234 OBJ: 1 4. ANS: D TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: B REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: C REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match the pronunciation with the anatomic description below.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d. e. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
composed of sperm, seminal fluids, and other secretions fold of skin covering the glans penis enlarged tip on the end of the penis sac containing the testes and epididymis reproductive organs (male or female)
7. ANS: A REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: D REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: E REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: B REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 11. ANS: C REF: 235 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. orch/o b. vas/o c. andr/o d. -ism e. spermat/o 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
state of testis, testicle vessel, duct sperm, spermatozoon male
12. ANS: 13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS:
238 236 236 236 236
2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. balan/o b. vesicul/o c. epididym/o d. prostat/o 17. glans penis 18. prostate gland
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 19. epididymis 20. seminal vesicle(s) 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
236 236 236 236
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. prostatolith b. prostate cancer c. orchidopexy d. epididymectomy e. laser surgery f. chlamydia 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
surgical fixation of a testicle use of a focused beam of light to excise or vaporize abnormal tissue and to control bleeding stone(s) in the prostate gland excision of the epididymis cancer of the prostate gland, usually occurring in men middle-aged and older sometimes referred to as a silent std
21. ANS: C 22. ANS: E 23. ANS: A 24. ANS: D 25. ANS: B 26. ANS: F
REF: 245 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 249 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 239 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 N R I G REF: 245U S N OT BB J:.C 3 |O4M |5 |6 REF: 242 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 REF: 256 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. spermatocele b. balanitis c. prostatorrhea d. testicular cancer e. orchiotomy f. robotic surgery scrotal swelling caused by distention of the epididymis cancer of the testicle, usually occurring in men 15 to 35 years of age incision into a testis use of small surgical instruments attached to a computer and operated by the surgeon from a console several feet from the operating table 31. discharge from the prostate gland 32. inflammation of the glans penis 27. 28. 29. 30.
27. 28. 29. 30.
242 242 245 249
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 31. ANS: C 32. ANS: B
REF: 239 REF: 238
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. gonorrhea b. orchitis c. priapism d. orchioplasty e. vesiculectomy f. aspermia 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
condition of without sperm excision of the seminal vesicle(s) inflammation of the testis or testicle persistent abnormal erection of the penis surgical repair of a testis sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial organism that inflames the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
254 245 239 242 245 257
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the corN rectRdesIcripGtioB beC lowM . U S N Tn . a. epididymitis b. ablation c. semen analysis d. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome e. artificial insemination f. multiparametric MRI 39. inflammation of the epididymis 40. destruction of abnormal or excessive tissue by melting, vaporizing, or eroding 41. magnetic resonance imaging procedure providing information of anatomic structure and
physiology for the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer 42. introduction of washed and concentrated sperm into the female reproductive tract 43. microscopic observation of ejaculated semen 44. advanced, chronic immune system suppression caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
238 249 253 256 253 256
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. AIDS b. TUIP c. STD d. PVP e. DRE f. HoLEP 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
sexually transmitted disease digital rectal examination transurethral surgical resection of the prostate acquired immunodeficiency syndrome holmium laser enucleation of the prostate photoselective vaporization of the prostate
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
259 259 260 259 259 259
7 7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. HIV b. TRUS c. HPV d. ED NURSINGTB.COM e. BOO f. RP 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
human papillomavirus bladder outlet obstruction human immunodeficiency virus transrectal ultrasound erectile dysfunction radical prostatectomy
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
259 259 259 260 259 259
7 7 7 7 7 7
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 08: Female Reproductive System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure that stores egg cells is a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. Pronunciation for the anatomic structures which provide passageways for ova from the ovary
to the uterus is a. b. c. (FUN-dus). d. ANS: A REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form that means woman is a. episi/o. b. uter/o. c. gynec/o. d. arche/o. ANS: C
REF: 272
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form that means uterus is a. arche/o. b. mast/o. c. metr/o. d. men/o. ANS: C
REF: 272
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The ovaries are indicated by the combining form a. oophor/o. b. episi/o. c. colp/o. d. trachel/o. ANS: A
REF: 272
6. The combining form salping/o means a. cervix.
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. vagina. c. breast. d. uterine tube. ANS: D
REF: 272
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form men/o is defined as a. last, ending. b. menstruation. c. first, beginning. d. regular. ANS: B
REF: 272
8. The combining form colp/o is defined as a. vagina. b. uterus. c. ovary. d. cul-de-sac. ANS: A 9.
REF: 272
The prefix peri- means a. surrounding (outer). b. half. c. behind. d. inside. ANS: A
TOP: Word Parts
10. The suffix -salpinx is defined as a. absence of a normal body opening. b. uterus. c. ovaries. d. uterine tube. ANS: D
REF: 275
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
11. A word part that means surgical closure is a. trachel/o. b. -salpinx. c. -cleisis. d. endometri/o. ANS: C
REF: 275
OBJ: 2
12. The term that means painful menstrual flow is a. menorrhagia. b. amenorrhea. c. dysmenorrhea. d. metrorrhagia. ANS: C
REF: 275
OBJ: 3
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 13. The term that means blood in the uterine tubes is a. hydrosalpinx. b. salpingocele. c. pyosalpinx. d. hematosalpinx. ANS: D REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 14. The term mastitis means inflammation of the a. breast. b. uterine tube. c. uterine muscle. d. myometrium. ANS: A REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 15. The term that means inflammation of the vagina is a. vaginitis. b. cervicitis. c. perimetritis. d. salpingitis. ANS: A REF: 277 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. The term for inflammation of endometrium is a. endometritis. b. myometritis. c. vaginitis. d. perimetritis. ANS: A REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. The term salpingocele is defined as a. pus in the tube(s) attached to the uterus. b. scanty menstrual flow. c. hernia of the uterine tube. d. painful menstrual flow. ANS: C REF: 277 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. The term that means inflammation of the uterine muscle is a. endometriosis. b. myometritis. c. perimetritis. d. adenitis.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. The term menometrorrhagia refers to a. excessive bleeding from the uterus (irregular, out-of-cycle bleeding ranging from
heavy to light, including spotting). b. excessive bleeding at menstruation (heavy bleeding in regular, cyclical pattern). c. excessive bleeding from the uterus at menstruation (and between menstrual cycles;
heavy and irregular bleeding). d. scanty menstrual flow. ANS: C REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. Pus in the tube(s) attached to the uterus that provides a passageway for the ovum to move
from the ovary to the uterus is a. salpingocele. b. hydrosalpinx. c. salpingitis. d. pyosalpinx. ANS: D REF: 277 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term that means abnormal condition of the endometrium where endometrial tissue grows
outside of the uterus in various areas in the pelvic cavity is a. adenomyosis. b. endometritis. c. myoma. d. endometriosis. ANS: D REF: 276 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. An abnormal opening between the vagina and another organ is called a. prolapsed uterus. b. pelvic inflammatory disease. c. vaginal fistula. d. adenomyosis. ANS: C REF: 281 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 23. Myoma of the uterus is also called a. endometriosis. b. uterine fibroid. c. uterine prolapse. d. adenomyosis. ANS: B REF: 281 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 24. Colpoplasty is a surgical
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
repair of the uterus. repair of the vagina. repair of the breast. fixation of the uterus.
ANS: B REF: 285 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means an excision of the uterus is a. hysterectomy. b. laparoscopy. c. hysterotomy. d. hysteropexy. ANS: A REF: 285 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 26. Suturing of the (wall of the) vagina is called a. colporrhaphy. b. episiorrhaphy. c. colpoplasty. d. episioperineorrhaphy. ANS: A REF: 285 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 27. The term that means excision of the uterine tube and the ovary is a. hystero-oophorectomy. R I G B.C M N b. salpingo-oophorectomy. U S N T O c. hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy. d. episioperineorrhaphy. ANS: B REF: 286 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 28. The term perineorrhaphy is defined as a(n) a. suturing of (a tear in) the vulva. b. excision of the vulva. c. suturing of (a tear in) the perineum. d. suturing of the vagina. ANS: C REF: 286 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 29. The term for the creation of an artificial opening in the uterine tube is a. salpingectomy. b. salpingostomy. c. salpingocele. d. hematosalpinx. ANS: B REF: 286 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 30. A surgical repair of a weakened vaginal wall performed to correct a cystocele and a rectocele
is called a. dilation and curettage. b. anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. c. myomectomy. d. episioperineoplasty. ANS: B REF: 291 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. Sterilization is accomplished by a procedure called a. dilation and curettage. b. cervicectomy. c. tubal ligation. d. uterine artery embolization. ANS: C REF: 293 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. Stereotactic breast biopsy is a technique that combines computer-assisted biopsy and a. lumpectomy. b. radical mastectomy. c. mammography. d. simple mastectomy. ANS: C REF: 293 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. Uterine artery embolization iN sU usR edStI oN treGaT t B.COM a. vaginal fistula. b. uterine fibroids. c. cancer of the uterus. d. abnormal uterine bleeding. ANS: B REF: 293 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. Surgical removal of the cone-shaped area of the cervix is called a. endometrial ablation. b. dilation and curettage. c. conization. d. myomectomy. ANS: C REF: 291 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. Visual examination of the pelvic cavity is called a. hysteroscopy. b. pelviscope. c. pelviscopy. d. hysteroscope. ANS: C
REF: 296
OBJ: 5
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term that means a visual examination of the uterus (uterine cavity) is a. hysteroscopy. b. Pap test. c. sonohysterography. d. pelviscopy. ANS: A REF: 296 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term that means a visual examination of the vagina (and cervix) is a. pelviscopic. b. colposcopy. c. pelviscopy. d. hysteroscopy. ANS: B REF: 296 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 38. An instrument used for visual examination of uterus is a. colposcope. b. colposcopy. c. hysteroscope. d. hysteroscopy. ANS: C REF: 296 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 39. Which of the following is a blood test primarily used in the detection of ovarian cancer? a. CA-125 b. Pap test c. Transvaginal sonography d. HPV test ANS: A REF: 299 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 40. The term that means white discharge (from the vagina) is a. oligomenorrhea. b. menorrhagia. c. leukorrhea. d. dysmenorrhea. ANS: C REF: 301 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 41. The beginning of menstruation is called a. menopause. b. oligomenorrhea. c. menarche. d. premenstrual syndrome.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: C REF: 301 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 42. Gynecologist is defined as a. pertaining to (reproductive system) diseases of women. b. physician who studies and treats diseases of women (female reproductive system). c. study of the female reproductive system. d. pain in the breast. ANS: B REF: 301 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 43. The branch of medicine dealing with health and diseases of the female reproductive system is a. urology. b. obstetrics. c. gynecology. d. gynecologist. ANS: C REF: 301 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 44. The term that means pertaining to the (urinary) bladder and the vagina is a. endocervical. b. vulvovaginal. c. gynopathic. d. vesicovaginal. ANS: D
REF: 301
OBJ: 6
NuUiltRfrSoI TOP: Complementary Terms B mN WG oT rdB P. artC s OM 45. Which of the following means abnormal passageway between two organs? a. Menopause b. Fistula c. Speculum d. Dyspareunia ANS: B REF: 304 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 46. The term dyspareunia means difficult or painful a. intercourse. b. menstruation. c. contraception. d. menopause. ANS: A REF: 304 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. The abbreviation for the term that means severe illness that might affect menstruating women
using tampons is a. PID. b. TSS. c. HRT.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. IUD. ANS: B
REF: 306
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
48. TVS is the abbreviation for a. total vaginal hysterectomy. b. transvaginal hysterectomy. c. total vaginal hymenectomy. d. transvaginal sonography. ANS: D
REF: 306
49. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning inflammation of the female pelvic organs is a. PID. b. LAVH. c. GYN. d. SHG. ANS: A
REF: 306
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
50. The physician requested an instrument to open the vagina for visual examination called a a. hysteroscope. b. speculum. c. colposcope. d. fistula. ANS: B
REF: 304
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
51. The patient is scheduled in suNrg orNaG nT exBci. siC onOoMf the uterine tube or a(n) UeRrySfI a. hysterectomy. b. cervicectomy. c. oophorectomy. d. salpingectomy. ANS: D
REF: 286
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
52. Because a cancerous lesion was revealed in a biopsy, the physician scheduled the surgical
removal of the breast or a(n) a. mammoplasty. b. mastectomy. c. oophorectomy. d. colporrhaphy. ANS: B
REF: 285
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
53. The patient experiencing pain and tenderness of both breasts accompanied by palpable lumps
caused by benign cysts was diagnosed with a. fibrocystic breast changes. b. hydrosalpinx. c. mastitis. d. breast cancer. ANS: A
REF: 280
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
54. To correct the patient’s prolonged bleeding, the physician scheduled a surgery that involves
widening of the cervix and removing of contents of the uterus or a(n) a. A&P repair. b. conization. c. dilation and curettage. d. cervicectomy. ANS: C
REF: 291
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
55. The patient had all of the symptoms of being pregnant including absence of menstrual flow or a. dysmenorrhea. b. amenorrhea. c. menorrhagia. d. oligomenorrhea. ANS: B
REF: 275
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
56. After a difficult delivery, the woman had a surgical repair of the vulva or a(n) a. colporrhaphy. b. episiorrhaphy. c. perineorrhaphy. d. vulvectomy. ANS: B MATCHING
REF: 285
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Match the phonetic spelling with the correct anatomic structure described below. a. b. c. d. (FUN-dus) e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
rounded upper portion of the uterus passageways for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus outer layer of uterus pigmented area around the breast nipple fold of membrane found near the opening of the vagina
1. ANS: D REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: B REF: 70 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: E REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: C REF: 271 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: A REF: 270 OBJ: 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match the phonetic spelling with the correct anatomic structure described below. a. b. c. d. (SER-vicks) e. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
inner layer of the uterus connects the uterus to the outside of the body egg cells are formed and stored here narrow lower portion of the uterus fingerlike projection at the free end of the uterine tube
6. ANS: E REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: C REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: A REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 270 OBJ: 1 9. ANS: D TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: B REF: 270 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the corN rec n. beC lowM . UtRdes SIcrip NGtioTB a. gyn/o b. mast/o c. arche/o d. -cleisis e. vagin/o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
breast first, beginning surgical closure woman vagina
11. ANS: 12. ANS: 13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS:
272 272 275 272 272
2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. hyster/o b. cervic/o c. pelv/i d. mamm/o
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank e. episi/o 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
cervix pelvis, pelvic bone, pelvic cavity vulva breast uterus
16. ANS: 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
272 272 272 272 272
2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. mastopexy b. hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy c. mastalgia d. anovulation e. menopause 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
excision of the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries cessation of menstruation absence of ovulation performed to lift sagging breast tissue pain in the breast
21. ANS: B 22. ANS: E 23. ANS: D 24. ANS: A 25. ANS: C
REF: 285 REF: 304 REF: 303 REF: 285 REF: 301
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. menorrhagia b. endometriosis c. mammoplasty d. trachelectomy e. colposcope 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
excessive bleeding at menstruation (heavy bleeding in regular, cyclical pattern) excision of the cervix (also called cervicectomy) surgical repair of the breast instrument used for visual examination of the vagina (and cervix) abnormal condition of tissue growing outside of the uterus
26. ANS: 27. ANS: 28. ANS: 29. ANS:
276 286 285 296
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 30. ANS: B
REF: 276
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. dyspareunia b. colpocleisis c. colpoperineorrhaphy d. trachelorrhaphy e. pap test 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
suturing of the cervix suturing of the vagina and the perineum surgical closure of the vagina difficult or painful intercourse cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
286 285 285 304 299
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. hymenectomy b. endocervical c. adenomyosis d. endometrial ablation e. gynopathic N R I G B.C M
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
growth of endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus excision of the hymen procedure to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser, electrical, or thermal energy pertaining to (reproductive system) diseases of women pertaining to within the cervix
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
280 285 291 301 301
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. TAH/BSO b. UAE c. FCC d. SHG e. Cx f. HRT g. BC 41. hormone replacement therapy
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.
cervix fibrocystic breast changes sonohysterography total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy birth control uterine artery embolization
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.
306 306 306 306 306 306 306
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. IUS b. GYN c. TLH d. HSG e. PCOS f. D&C g. TVH 48. dilation and curettage 49. gynecology 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
total vaginal hysterectomy NURSINGTB.COM hysterosalpingogram intrauterine system polycystic ovary syndrome total laparoscopic hysterectomy
48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
306 306 306 306 306 306 306
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 09: Obstetrics and Neonatology LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation of the outermost layer of the fetal membrane is a. (um-BIL-i-cus). b. c. (pla-SEN-ta). d. ANS: D REF: 317 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the anatomic term for belly button is a. (um-BIL-i-cus). b. c. (pla-SEN-ta). d. ANS: A REF: 317 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form gravid/o is defined as a. childbirth. b. labor. c. unborn offspring. d. pregnancy. ANS: D
REF: 318
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form meaning umbilicus, navel is a. cephal/o. b. omphal/o. c. nat/o. d. embry/o. ANS: B
REF: 318
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The word part that means bear, give birth to, labor, childbirth is a. par/o. b. nat/o. c. puerper/o. d. gravid/o. ANS: A
REF: 318
6. The combining form that means milk is a. par/o. b. chori/o. c. amni/o.
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. lact/o. ANS: D
REF: 318
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form fet/o means fetus and a. to be full. b. pregnancy. c. unborn offspring. d. childbirth. ANS: C
REF: 318
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form puerper/o is defined as a. fetus. b. embryo. c. childbirth. d. pregnancy. ANS: C
REF: 318
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
9. The combining form nat/o is defined as a. navel. b. pregnancy. c. embryo. d. birth. ANS: D
REF: 318
10. The combining form that meN anU sR heSadIiN s a. prim/i. b. omphal/o. c. cephal/o. d. fet/o. ANS: C
REF: 319
11. The combining form pseud/o is defined as a. first. b. pelvis. c. bear. d. false. ANS: D
REF: 319
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
12. The combining form that means the tube that leads from the pharynx to the stomach is a. pylor/o. b. lact/o. c. bronch/o. d. esophag/o. ANS: D
REF: 319
13. The prefix ante- means
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
against. after. before. without.
REF: 320
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The prefix that means small is a. nulli-. b. post-. c. multi-. d. micro-. ANS: D
REF: 320
15. The prefix nulli- is defined as a. none. b. many. c. small. d. after. ANS: A
REF: 320
16. The suffix that means rupture is a. -rrhexis. b. -rrhea. c. -rrhagia. d. -rrhaphy.
REF: 320
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
17. The suffix -tocia is defined as a. birth, labor. b. before. c. rupture. d. false. ANS: A
REF: 320
18. The term that means more than the normal amount of amniotic fluid is called a. polyhydramnios. b. oligohydramnios. c. choriocarcinoma. d. chorioamnionitis. ANS: A REF: 322 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. The term that means inflammation of the amnion is a. amniorrhea. b. choriocarcinoma. c. chorioamnionitis. d. amnionitis.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: D REF: 322 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. Eclampsia means a. labor. b. pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, commonly in the uterine tubes. c. severe complication and progression of preeclampsia characterized by convulsion. d. abnormally low implantation of the placenta on the uterine wall completely or
partially covering the cervix. ANS: C REF: 324 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 21. The term that means (fetus with a very) small head is a. omphalitis. b. omphalocele. c. neonate. d. microcephalus. ANS: D REF: 326 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. The term that means congenital herniation at the umbilicus is called a. hydrocele. b. omphalocele. c. varicocele. d. salpingocele. N R I G B.C M
ANS: B REF: 326 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is called a. placenta previa. b. preeclampsia. c. stillborn. d. abruptio placentae. ANS: D REF: 324 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 24. A pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, commonly in the uterine tube, is called a. ectopic pregnancy. b. abruptio placentae. c. placenta previa. d. preeclampsia. ANS: A REF: 324 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 25. An abnormal condition encountered during pregnancy or shortly after delivery that is
characterized by high blood pressure and proteinuria, but with no convulsions, is called a. ectopic pregnancy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. eclampsia. c. placenta previa. d. preeclampsia. ANS: D REF: 324 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 26. The term omphalitis is defined as inflammation of the a. umbilicus. b. amnion. c. chorion and amnion. d. pyloric stenosis. ANS: A REF: 326 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 27. The term hysterorrhexis is defined as a. rapid flow of blood from the uterus. b. rupture of the amnion. c. rupture of the uterus. d. suture of the ovary. ANS: C REF: 322 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 28. Scanty amount of amnion water (less than normal amount of amniotic fluid) is called a. hydrocele. b. hydramnios. NURS INGT B.COM c. polyhydramnios. d. oligohydramnios. ANS: D REF: 322 OBJ: 3 TOP: Obstetric Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 29. A congenital defect in the vertebral column caused by the failure of the vertebral arch to close
is called a. cleft lip or palate. b. pyloric stenosis. c. hydrocephalus. d. spina bifida. ANS: D REF: 327 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 30. Respiratory complication in the newborn, especially in premature infants is called a. tracheoesophageal fistula. b. fetal alcohol syndrome. c. respiratory distress syndrome. d. erythroblastosis fetalis. ANS: C REF: 327 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 31. In a case of esophageal atresia, a part of the esophagus is a. distended. b. absent. c. obstructed. d. narrowed. ANS: B REF: 328 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A genetic condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality characterized by varying degrees
of intelligence, developmental, and physical disorders is called a. Down syndrome. b. erythroblastosis fetalis. c. respiratory distress syndrome. d. spina bifida. ANS: A REF: 327 OBJ: 3 TOP: Neonatology Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. The term episiotomy is defined as a. an incision into the vulva. b. a surgical puncture to remove amniotic fluid. c. an incision of the fetal membrane. d. surgical repair of the perineum. ANS: A REF: 330 OBJ: 4 TOP: Obstetric Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 34. The term pelvic sonography N is U deRfiS nI edNaG s TB.COM a. surgical puncture to aspirate amniotic fluid. b. pertaining to the pelvis, process of recording sound. c. an instrument for visual examination of the mother’s pelvis. d. the visual examination of amniotic fluid. ANS: B REF: 330 OBJ: 4 TOP: Obstetric Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 35. The term that means discharge (escape) of amniotic fluid a. amniography. b. amniorrhexis. c. lactorrhea. d. amniorrhea. ANS: D REF: 332 OBJ: 4 TOP: Obstetric Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term intrapartum is defined as occurring a. immediately after giving birth. b. before giving birth. c. after giving birth. d. within (during) labor and childbirth. ANS: D
REF: 332
OBJ: 5
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term that means first birth (a woman who has given birth to an offspring after the point of
viability—20 weeks) is a. primipara. b. puerperal. c. nullipara. d. primigravida. ANS: A REF: 333 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 38. Lactorrhea is defined as a. stimulating the production of b. pertaining to c. (spontaneous) discharge of d. pain with the production of
ANS: C REF: 332 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term nulligravida refers to a woman who a. is in her first pregnancy. b. is about to give birth. c. has not given birth to a viable offspring. d. has never been pregnant. OBJ: 5 ANS: D REF: 333 R I G B.C M NmplS TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal CoU emeN ntarT y TermsO Built from Word Parts 40. The term that means pertaining to immediately after childbirth is a. gravidopuerperal. b. antepartum. c. puerperal. d. puerpera. ANS: C REF: 333 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 41. A woman who has been pregnant two or more times is described as a. multiparous. b. multigravida. c. gravidopuerperal. d. primipara. ANS: B REF: 332 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 42. The term amniorrhexis is defined as a. resembling an embryo. b. false pregnancy. c. discharge of amniotic fluid. d. rupture of the amnion.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: D REF: 332 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 43. The term that means the study of the newborn is a. obstetrics. b. neonatology. c. gynecology. d. midwifery. ANS: B REF: 333 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 44. The term that means pertaining to after birth (reference to the newborn) is a. prenatal. b. postnatal. c. postpartum. d. antepartum. ANS: B REF: 333 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 45. Which of the following means study of malformations? a. Neonatology b. Teratology c. Gynecology d. Obstetrics ANS: B REF: 33N 3 R I GOBB 5 M U S N TJ:.C O TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 46. The medical specialty dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium is a. gynecology. b. midwifery. c. neonatology. d. obstetrics. ANS: D REF: 340 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. The term that means vaginal discharge following childbirth is a. meconium. b. lochia. c. menses. d. amniotic fluid. ANS: B REF: 339 OBJ: 5 TOP: Obstetric and Neonatal Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 48. Which of the following is a respiratory complication in the newborn, especially in premature
infants? a. EED b. NB
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. RDS d. LMP ANS: C
REF: 342
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
49. The predicted date of the child’s birth is abbreviated a. DOB. b. EDD. c. LMP. d. RDS. ANS: B
REF: 342
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
OBJ: 6
TOP: Abbreviations
50. The abbreviation CS refers to a. multipara. b. confinement. c. congenital deformities. d. cesarean section. ANS: D
REF: 342
51. The prenatal test performed on a sample of chorionic villa removed from the placenta is
abbreviated as a. C-section. b. FAS. c. CVS. d. CS. ANS: C
TOP: Abbreviations
52. Down syndrome was diagnosed prenatally by laboratory analysis of the amniotic fluid
obtained by aspiration of fluid by surgical puncture or an a. amniotomy. b. episiotomy. c. amniocentesis. d. amnionitis. ANS: C
REF: 344
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
53. Because of inadequate uterine contractions, the patient was experiencing difficult labor or a. dystocia. b. oligohydramnios. c. dysuria. d. salpingocyesis. ANS: A
REF: 322
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
54. The newborn, who had an abnormal passageway between her trachea and esophagus, was
diagnosed as having a(n) a. polyhydramnios. b. tracheoesophageal fistula. c. gastroschisis. d. esophageal atresia.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
REF: 326
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
55. The doctor recommended complete bed rest during the remainder of the woman’s pregnancy
because of the abnormally low implantation of the placenta on the uterine wall or a. eclampsia. b. placenta previa. c. preeclampsia. d. abruptio placentae. ANS: B
REF: 324
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
56. During pregnancy the woman had high blood pressure and proteinuria. The obstetrician
diagnosed her condition as a. eclampsia. b. ectopic pregnancy. c. preeclampsia. d. abruptio placentae. ANS: C
REF: 324
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
57. It was an exciting time for the expecting parents when the mother said she “felt the baby move
inside her uterus.” She was referring to a. colostrum. b. lactation. c. quickening. d. stillborn. ANS: C
TOP: Practical Application
58. A woman choosing a home delivery would probably be assisted by a(n) a. obstetrician. b. midwife. c. neonatologist. d. gynecologist. ANS: B
REF: 340
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
59. A congenital defect in the vertebral column caused by the failure of the vertebral arch to close
is called a. pyloric stenosis. b. esophageal atresia. c. erythroblastosis fetalis. d. spina bifida. ANS: D
REF: 328
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
60. The term used to describe the condition of a woman who is convinced that she is pregnant,
and even has signs of being pregnant, but in effect is not is a. primigravida. b. puerperal. c. pseudocyesis. d. nulligravida.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
REF: 333
OBJ: 7
TOP: Practical Application
Match each item with the correct description below. a. (pla-SEN-ta) b. (kon-SEP-shun) c. d. e. (FĒ-tus) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
mature germ cell, either sperm or ovum unborn offspring from the beginning of the ninth week until birth when the sperm enters the ovum outermost layer of the fetal membrane allows for nourishment of the unborn child
1. ANS: C REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: E REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: B REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: D REF: 317 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 31N 7 R I GOBB 1 M 5. ANS: A U S N TJ:.C O TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. (im-plan-TĀ-shun) d. e. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
embedding of the zygote in the uterine lining innermost layer of the fetal membrane duration of pregnancy cell formed by the union of the sperm and ovum unborn offspring in the stage of development from implantation of the zygote to the end of the eighth week
6. ANS: C REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: E REF: 317 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: A REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: B REF: 316 OBJ: 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: D REF: 316 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. prim/i b. multic. pred. part/o e. terat/o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
malformations before many first bear, give birth to
11. ANS: 12. ANS: 13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS:
319 320 320 319 318
2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. postb. embry/o c. -cyesis NURSINGTB.COM d. -amnios e. pylor/o 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
after pylorus, pyloric sphincter pregnancy embryo (to be full) amnion, amniotic fluid
16. ANS: 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
320 319 320 318 320
2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. choriocarcinoma b. amniochorial c. neonate d. gravida e. lactation 21. pertaining to the amnion and chorion
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 22. 23. 24. 25.
a woman who is or has been pregnant cancerous tumor of the chorion the secretion of milk new birth or newborn
21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS:
332 332 322 339 332
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. abortion b. clostrum c. gastroschisis d. teratogen e. meconium 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
first stool of the newborn thin, milky fluid secreted by the breast during pregnancy congenital fissure of the abdominal wall, not at the umbilicus (any agent) producing malformations (in the developing embryo) termination of pregnancy
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
339 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 339 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 N R I G 328U S N OT BB J:.C 3 |O4M |5 333 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 324 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. pyloric stenosis b. fetal alcohol syndrome (fas) c. antepartum d. embryogenic e. breech presentation condition caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy birth position in which the buttocks, feet, or knees emerge first producing an embryo abnormal passageway pertaining to the trachea and esophagus (between the trachea and esophagus) 35. before childbirth (reference to the mother) 31. 32. 33. 34.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
328 339 332 326 332
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. chorioamnionitis b. nullipara c. apgar score d. prenatal e. cephalic presentation 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
inflammation of the chorion and amnion pertaining to before birth (reference to the newborn) birth position that is the most common presentation no births (a woman who has not given birth to a viable offspring) system for rapid neonatal assessment
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
322 333 339 333 339
3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5 3|4 |5
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. NB b. LMP c. C-section d. FAS e. VBAC ectioRn I G B.C M 41. vaginal birth after cesarean sN 42. 43. 44. 45.
fetal alcohol syndrome cesarean section newborn last menstrual period
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
342 342 342 342 342
6 6 6 6 6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. AB b. OB c. multip d. IVF e. DOB 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
date of birth obstetrics in vitro fertilization abortion multipara
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
342 342 342 342 342
6 6 6 6 6
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 10: Cardiovascular, Immune, Lymphatic Systems and Blood LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation of the anatomic term for blood vessels that carry oxygen and
nutrient-containing blood away from the heart is a(n) a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 352 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the anatomic term for transparent, colorless, tissue fluid that contains
lymphocytes and monocytes is called a. (PLAZ-ma). b. (limf). c. d. (blud). ANS: B REF: 356 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form angi/o is defined as a. vessel. b. duct. c. vein. d. artery. ANS: A
REF: 358
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form that means heart is a. atri/o. b. phleb/o. c. ventricul/o. d. cardi/o. ANS: D
REF: 358
5. The combining form that means vein is a. valv/o. b. valvul/o. c. phleb/o. d. angi/o. ANS: C
REF: 358
6. The combining form atri/o is defined as a. vessel.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. heat. c. atrium. d. artery. ANS: C
REF: 358
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form thromb/o is defined as a. sound. b. heat. c. electricity. d. clot. ANS: D
REF: 360
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form isch/o is defined as a. yellowish, fatty plaque. b. sound. c. deficiency, blockage. d. clot. ANS: C
REF: 360
9. The prefix that means slow is a. tachy-. b. brady-. c. hyper-. d. meta-. REF: 36N 1URSINGOT BB J:.C 2
TOP: Word Parts
10. The suffix -poiesis is defined as a. removal. b. pain. c. hardening. d. formation. ANS: D
REF: 361
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
11. The prefix pan- means a. pertaining to. b. all, total. c. removal. d. heat. ANS: B
REF: 361
12. The suffix that means abnormal reduction in number is a. -algia. b. -penia. c. -sclerosis. d. -apharesis. ANS: B
REF: 361
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
13. The suffix that means formation is a. -poiesis. b. -penia. c. -apheresis. d. -sclerosis. ANS: A
REF: 361
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The suffix that means hardening is a. -malacia. b. -sclerosis. c. -penia. d. -poiesis. ANS: B
REF: 361
15. The term that means enlargement of the heart is a. cardiomegaly. b. hypertension. c. atrioventricular defect. d. cardiomyopathy. ANS: A REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. The term valvulitis is defined as inflammation of the a. blood vessels of the heart. b. pulmonary veins. c. valves of the heart. d. inner layer of the heart. ANS: C REF: 363 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. The term that means inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart is a. endocarditis. b. pericarditis. c. myocarditis. d. angiocarditis. ANS: B REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. Hardening of the arteries is called a. angiostenosis. b. aortic stenosis. c. arteriorrhexis. d. arteriosclerosis. ANS: D REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 19. The term that means abnormal reduction of all blood cells is a. leukocytopenia. b. thrombocytopenia. c. pancytopenia. d. erythrocytopenia. ANS: C REF: 363 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. A tumor composed of blood vessels is called a. angioma. b. thymoma. c. lymphoma. d. hematoma. ANS: A REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term cardiomyopathy is defined as a. disease of the heart muscle. b. enlargement of the heart. c. inflammation of the heart muscle. d. acute compression of the heart. ANS: A REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. The term lymphadenitis is defined as inflammation of N R I G B.C M a. lymphatic vessels. b. lymph glands. c. lymph nodes. d. lymph tissue. ANS: C REF: 363 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The term ischemia is defined as a. deficiency in blood (flow). b. disease of the heart muscle. c. narrowing of mitral valve from scarring. d. distended or tortuous veins. ANS: A REF: 362 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 24. Chest pain that occurs when there is an insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle is
called a. cardiac tamponade. b. heart failure. c. coarctation of the aorta. d. angina pectoris. ANS: D
REF: 367
OBJ: 3
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 25. The term arrhythmia means a. abnormal variation in the heart rhythm. b. heart abnormality present at birth. c. vascular inflammatory disorder. d. obstruction of an artery of the heart. ANS: A REF: 367 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 26. The ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall is called a. aneurysm. b. thromboangiitis obliterans. c. varicosities. d. emboli. ANS: A REF: 367 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 27. A sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation is called a. angina pectoris. b. myocardial infarction. c. heart failure. d. cardiac arrest. ANS: D REF: 369 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 28. The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and
organs is called a. coronary artery disease. b. heart failure. c. atrial fibrillation. d. hypertensive heart disease. ANS: B REF: 369 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 29. The condition that reduces the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the myocardium
and is a common cause of heart failure and myocardial infarction is called a. arrhythmia. b. acute coronary syndrome. c. heart failure. d. coronary artery disease. ANS: D REF: 369 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 30. A malignant disease characterized by an excessive increase in abnormal leukocytes formed in
the bone marrow is a. Hodgkin disease. b. anemia.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. hemophilia. d. leukemia. ANS: D REF: 370 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. An acute infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus characterized by swollen lymph nodes,
sore throat, fatigue, and fever is a. rheumatic heart disease. b. mitral valve stenosis. c. infectious mononucleosis. d. deep vein thrombosis. ANS: C REF: 371 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A disease of the arteries in the arms and legs resulting in narrowing or complete obstruction of
the artery is called a. coronary artery disease. b. hypertensive heart disease. c. acute coronary syndrome. d. peripheral arterial disease. ANS: D REF: 370 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. Which of the following is also called a heart attack? a. Angina pectoris b. Arrhythmia c. Hypertensive heart disease d. Myocardial infarction ANS: D REF: 369 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. An inherited bleeding disorder most commonly caused by a deficiency of the coagulation
factor VIII is a. Hodgkin disease. b. leukemia. c. anemia. d. hemophilia. ANS: D REF: 370 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. The term anemia is defined as a. an excessive increase in abnormal leukocytes. b. the dissolution of erythrocytes. c. condition in which there is a reduction in the number of erythrocytes. d. condition in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream. ANS: C REF: 370 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
36. A condition in which pathogenic microorganisms, usually bacteria, enter the bloodstream,
causing a systemic inflammatory response to the infection is called a. phagocytosis. b. sepsis. c. vaccine. d. immunodeficiency. ANS: B REF: 370 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. Excision within the artery (of plaque from the arterial wall) is called a. pericardiostomy. b. phlebectomy. c. atherectomy. d. endarterectomy. ANS: D REF: 375 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 38. The term that means incision into a vein is a. splenectomy. b. phlebotomy. c. splenorrhaphy. d. valvuloplasty. ANS: B REF: 375 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts .
39. The term angioplasty is defined as the surgical a. repair of a blood vessel. b. repair of a valve. c. excision of a vein. d. repair of an artery. ANS: A REF: 374 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 40. The term that means surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the sac surrounding the heart is a. phlebectomy. b. pericardiocentesis. c. angioplasty. d. endarterectomy. ANS: B REF: 375 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 41. The term thymectomy is defined as a(n) a. surgical fixation of b. incision into c. excision of d. tumor of
the thymus gland.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: C REF: 375 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 42. A surgical technique to bring a new blood supply to heart muscles by detouring around
blocked arteries is a. embolectomy. b. percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. c. coronary stent. d. coronary artery bypass graft. ANS: D REF: 377 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 43. An injection of a medication either intravenously or intraarterially to dissolve blood clots is
called a. thrombolytic therapy. b. catheter ablation. c. aneurysmectomy. d. coronary stent. ANS: A REF: 378 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 44. The term femoropopliteal bypass is defined as a. surgical excision of an aneurysm. b. surgery to establish an alternate route of blood flow past a blocked femoral artery. c. surgical removal of an embolus or clot. d. supportive scaffold devicN e plR acedIin G a feB m. orCal aM rtery.
ANS: B REF: 378 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 45. The procedure to aspirate a sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow, usually from the
ilium (upper hip bone), is called a. bone marrow aspiration. b. bone marrow transplant. c. bone marrow biopsy. d. catheter ablation. ANS: A REF: 378 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 46. The procedure in which a balloon is advanced into a blood vessel to the area in which the
plaque has formed is called a. percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. b. embolectomy. c. coronary artery bypass graft. d. coronary stent. ANS: A REF: 378 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. An angioscope is a(n)
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
radiographic imaging of a blood vessel. visual examination of a blood vessel. instrument used for visual examination (of the inside) of a blood vessel. radiographic image of an artery.
ANS: C REF: 381 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 48. A record of the electrical activity of the heart is called a(n) a. echocardiogram. b. sonogram. c. electrocardiogram. d. aortogram. ANS: C REF: 382 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 49. The radiographic image of a vein is called a(n) a. angioscopy. b. venogram. c. arteriogram. d. angiography. ANS: B REF: 382 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 50. The term echocardiogram is defined as the a. instrument used to measure pulse waves and heartbeat. NUeRanSdImNotio G TB.C b. record of the heart (structur n) usinO g sound waves. c. process of recording the electrical activity of the heart. d. instrument used to examine chest sounds. ANS: B REF: 382 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 51. A study that uses high-frequency sound waves for detection of blood flow within the vessels
is called a. single-photon emission computed tomography. b. impedance plethysmography. c. Doppler ultrasound. d. electrocardiogram. ANS: C REF: 385 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 52. A blood test to monitor anticoagulation therapy for patients taking heparin is a. C-reactive protein. b. activated partial thromboplastin time. c. lipid profile. d. creatine phosphokinase. ANS: B REF: 386 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
53. The blood test used to measure the volume of erythrocytes is a. hemoglobin. b. hematocrit. c. platelet count. d. homocysteine. ANS: B REF: 387 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 54. The device used for measuring blood pressure is a a. Doppler ultrasound. b. sphygmocardiograph. c. cardiac catheterization. d. sphygmomanometer. ANS: D REF: 386 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 55. A test that evaluates cardiac function during physical stress is a(n) a. sestamibi test. b. exercise stress test. c. Doppler ultrasound. d. impedance plethysmography. ANS: B REF: 385 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts
tim s fToB r a.bCloOoM d clot to form is called 56. A test done to determine the N UeRiSt tIakNeG a. a complete blood count. b. prothrombin time. c. coagulation time. d. sestamibi stress testing. ANS: C REF: 386 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 57. A blood test used to determine the amount of protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen is a. hemoglobin. b. prothrombin time. c. hematocrit. d. coagulation time. ANS: A REF: 386 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 58. The blood test for determining coagulation activity defects is called a. platelet count. b. prothrombin time. c. complete blood count. d. hemoglobin. ANS: B
REF: 387
OBJ: 5
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 59. The term cardiology means a. pertaining to the heart and the blood. b. study of the heart. c. study of the blood. d. study of the heart and the blood. ANS: B REF: 391 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 60. The term hemostasis is defined as the a. equilibrium of the body as a whole. b. formation of erythrocytes. c. stoppage of bleeding. d. destruction of erythrocytes. ANS: C REF: 391 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 61. The term that means a condition of (body) temperature that is below (normal) is a. hematopoiesis. b. hemolysis. c. hypothermia. d. thrombolysis. ANS: C REF: 391 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts
62. The term that means removal of the liquid portion of the blood (from withdrawn blood) is a. hematopoiesis. b. hemolysis. c. hemostasis. d. plasmapheresis. ANS: D REF: 391 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 63. A physician who studies and treats diseases of the blood is called a a. hematologist. b. hematology. c. phlebology. d. phlebologist. ANS: A REF: 391 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 64. An anticoagulant agent is one that a. narrows the lumen of blood vessels. b. magnifies clotting defects. c. causes hemorrhage. d. slows the blood clotting process.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: D REF: 396 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 65. The procedure used to puncture a vein with a needle to remove blood, instill a medication, or
start an intravenous infusion is a. venipuncture. b. vasoconstriction. c. extravasation. d. venogram. ANS: A REF: 396 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 66. An excessive amount of any type of fat in the blood is called a. hyperlipidemia. b. hypercholesterolemia. c. hypertriglyceridemia. d. lipids. ANS: A REF: 395 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 67. The term blood dyscrasia is defined as a. pathological condition of the blood. b. the rapid flow of blood. c. blood pressure below normal. d. agent or nerve that narrows the blood vessels.
ANS: A REF: 39N 6URSINGOT BB J:.C 6 OM TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts
68. The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax between contractions is called a. systole. b. diastole. c. fibrillation. d. vasodilator. ANS: B REF: 395 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 69. A lumen is a(n) a. opening of a duct. b. cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ. c. tight closure. d. constricted vessel. ANS: B REF: 396 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 70. The term systole is defined as a. pressure exerted by the blood against the blood vessel wall. b. a phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles contract and eject blood. c. blood pressure that is below normal.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. a phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax between contractions. ANS: B REF: 396 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 71. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the term which means rapid loss of blood? a. Hemorrage b. Hemorhage c. Hemmorhage d. Hemorrhage ANS: D REF: 396 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 72. An exaggerated life-threatening reaction to a previously encountered antigen is called a. antibodies. b. allergen. c. anaphylaxis. d. autoimmune disease. ANS: C REF: 398 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 73. The abbreviation for disorder of the heart brought about by persistent high blood pressure is a. MI. b. AFib. c. HHD.
d. ANS: C
REF: 400
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
74. The abbreviation for record of the electrical activity of the heart is a. CABG. b. DVT. c. ECG. d. HHD. ANS: C
REF: 400
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
75. A test to monitor anticoagulation therapy is a. CBC. b. Hct. c. Hgb. d. PT. ANS: D
REF: 400
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
76. The abbreviation for a nuclear medicine scan that visualizes the heart from several different
angles is a. SPECT. b. PTCA. c. TEE. d. DSA.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
REF: 400
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
77. The abbreviation for sudden symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the heart is a. RBC. b. ACS. c. HF. d. CCU. ANS: B
REF: 399
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
78. Blood pressure may be reduced with the use of an agent that expands the diameter of blood
vessels, or a a. venipuncture. b. vaccine. c. vasoconstrictor. d. vasodilator. ANS: D
REF: 396
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
79. Because the collapse of a vein following coronary artery bypass surgery may occur, a
significant concern in the care of these patients postoperatively is a blood pressure reading below normal or a. hypertriglyceridemia. b. hypertension. c. hypothermia. d. hypotension. ANS: D
TOP: Practical Application
80. Following illness with rheumatic fever, the child began showing signs of narrowing of the
mitral valve from scarring or a. mitral valve stenosis. b. tachycardia. c. pericarditis. d. aortic stenosis. ANS: A
REF: 369
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
81. To evaluate the patient’s anemia, the hematologist recommended a procedure to obtain a
sample of the solid portion of bone marrow for study or a a. bone marrow transplant. b. cardiac catheterization. c. complete blood count. d. bone marrow biopsy. ANS: D
REF: 378
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
82. The patient had shortness of breath and pain radiating down his left arm. An EKG showed
abnormalities. To further define the etiology of the patient’s symptoms, the cardiologist passed a catheter into his heart from a vessel in the groin to examine the condition of the heart, or a. transesophageal echocardiogram.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. exercise stress test. c. cardiac catheterization. d. sestamibi test. ANS: C
REF: 385
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
83. Because of one completely and two partially obstructed arteries, the patient was scheduled for
surgery to bring a new blood supply to the heart muscle by detouring around the obstructed arteries called a. CABG. b. PTCA. c. HTN d. SPEC. ANS: A
REF: 377
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Match each item with the correct description below. a. pericardium b. atria c. semilunar valves d. atrioventricular valves e. myocardium f. capillaries 1. pulmonary and aortic valves 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
middle, thick, muscular layerNoU fR thS eI heN arG t TB.COM microscopic blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules consists of the tricuspid and mitral valves two-layer sac surrounding the heart upper chambers of the heart
1. ANS: 2. ANS: 3. ANS: 4. ANS: 5. ANS: 6. ANS:
352 352 356 352 352 352
1 1 1 1 1 1
Match each item with the correct description below. a. arteries b. epicardium c. ventricles d. veins e. aorta f. venae cavae 7. covers the heart 8. largest veins in the body
TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 9. largest artery in the body 10. lower chambers of the heart 11. carries blood containing oxygen and other nutrients away from the heart (except for
pulmonary) 12. carries blood containing carbon dioxide and other waste products back to the heart (except for pulmonary) 7. ANS: B 8. ANS: F 9. ANS: E 10. ANS: C 11. ANS: A 12. ANS: D
352 353 353 352 352 353
1 1 1 1 1 1
TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. d. 13. 14. 15. 16.
develop in bone marrow and carries oxygen responsible for aiding in the clotting process fluid portion of the blood that remains after a clot has formed combats infection and responds to inflammation
13. 14. 15. 16.
REF: 354 OBJ: 1 N R I G REF: 354U S N OT BB J:.C 1 OM REF: 354 OBJ: 1 REF: 354 OBJ: 1
TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure
Match each item with the correct description below. a. (PLAZ-ma) b. c. d. 17. where blood is cleansed of microorganisms 18. filters lymph to keep substances such as bacteria and other foreign agents from entering the
blood 19. 90% water and comprises approximately 55% of the total blood volume 20. plays an important role in the development of the body’s immune system 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
356 356 354 356
1 1 1 1
Match each item with the correct description below. a. thym/o b. lymph/o
TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure TOP: Anatomic Structure
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. d. e. f. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
-apheresis lymphaden/o ather/o arteri/o
thymus gland yellowish, fatty plaque lymph node lymph, lymph tissue removal artery
21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS:
358 360 358 358 361 358
2 2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. aort/o b. myel/o c. splen/o d. -ac e. ventricul/o f. ech/o 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
aorta sound bone marrow spleen ventricle pertaining to
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
358 360 358 358 358 361
2 2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. ischemia b. atrial fibrillation c. atherectomy d. bruit e. vaccine f. hypercholesterolemia 33. excision of fatty plaque from a blocked artery
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
cardiac arrhythmia characterized by chaotic, rapid electrical impulses in the atria deficiency of blood flow caused by turbulent blood flow through arteries or veins induces immunity to prevent an infectious disease excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
374 368 362 394 398 395
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. angiography b. myocarditis c. electrocardiograph d. murmur e. thrombophlebitis f. cardiogenic 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
inflammation of a vein associated with a clot radiographic imaging of blood vessels caused by turbulent blood flow through the heart instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart originating in the heart NU SI inflammation of the muscle of theRheart
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
362 381 396 382 391 362
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. occlude b. phlebitis c. myelopoiesis d. hematocrit e. antigen f. valvuloplasty 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
substance that triggers an immune response when introduced into the body surgical repair of a valve (cardiac or venous) inflammation of a vein used in the diagnosis and evaluation of an anemic patient formation of bone marrow to close tightly, to block
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
398 375 362 387 391 396
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. myocardial infarction b. embolus c. angiostenosis d. phlebectomy e. coronary stent f. aortogram 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
blood clot or foreign material that enters the bloodstream narrowing of a blood vessel radiographic image of the aorta supportive scaffold device used to prevent closure of an artery also called a heart attack excision of a vein
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
370 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 362 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 382 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 37N 8URSINGOT BB J:.C 3 |O4M |5|6 369 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 375 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. ECHO b. Hct c. BP d. CRP e. CAD f. Hgb 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.
blood pressure hematocrit c-reactive protein hemoglobin echocardiogram coronary artery disease
57. 58. 59. 60. 61.
399 400 400 400 400
7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 62. ANS: E
REF: 399
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. DSA b. EKG c. DVT d. AV e. HTN f. AICD 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
electrocardiogram atrioventricular digital subtraction angiography deep vein thrombosis hypertension automated implantable cardiac defibrillator
63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
400 399 400 400 400 399
7 7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 11: Digestive System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure that is the second portion of the small intestine is
the a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure(s) joining the pharynx to the stomach is(are) the a. b. c. d. ANS: C REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The combining form that means mouth is a. stomat/o. NURSINGTB.COM b. ile/o. c. esophag/o. d. lingu/o. ANS: A
REF: 415
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
4. The combining form celi/o is defined as a. abdomen, abdominal cavity. b. stomach. c. gall, bile. d. mouth. ANS: A
REF: 418
5. A combining form for tongue is a. sial/o. b. lapar/o. c. gloss/o. d. cheil/o. ANS: C
REF: 418
6. The combining form for intestine is a. col/o. b. or/o.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. ile/o. d. enter/o. ANS: D
REF: 415
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form for rectum is a. proct/o. b. an/o. c. col/o. d. sigmoid/o. ANS: A
REF: 415
8. The combining form cec/o is defined as the a. colon. b. appendix. c. ileum. d. cecum. ANS: D
REF: 415
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
9. The combining form for gall, bile is a. cheil/o. b. choledoch/o. c. chol/e. d. cholangi/o. ANS: C
REF: 418
10. The combining form for liver is a. hepat/o. b. lingu/o. c. palat/o. d. uvul/o. ANS: A
REF: 418
11. The combining form sial/o means a. saliva, salivary gland. b. tongue. c. lip. d. gum. ANS: A
REF: 418
12. The suffix -pepsia means a. opening. b. small growth. c. tumor. d. digestion. ANS: D
REF: 420
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 13. The combining form cheil/o is defined as a. gall, bile. b. lip. c. tongue. d. saliva. ANS: B
REF: 418
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The combining form for small growth is a. palat/o. b. pylor/o. c. polyp/o. d. sial/o. ANS: C
REF: 418
15. The term proctitis means inflammation of the a. rectum. b. colon. c. gallbladder. d. liver. ANS: A REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. Inflammation of the intestines is called a. enteritis. b. diverticulosis. NURSINGTB.COM c. polyposis. d. gastritis. ANS: A REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. A condition of stones in the common bile duct is called a. cholelithiasis. b. cholecystitis. c. cholangioma. d. choledocholithiasis. ANS: D REF: 421 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. A tumor of the liver is called a. hematoma. b. hepatoma. c. cirrhosis. d. hepatomegaly. ANS: B REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. Inflammation of the tongue is called
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
uvulitis. palatitis. gingivitis. glossitis.
ANS: D REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. The term that means salivary stone is a. sialolith. b. cholangioma. c. adhesion. d. polyp. ANS: A REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term rectocele is defined as a. inflammation of the uvula. b. prolapse of the rectum. c. protrusion of the rectum. d. disturbance of bowel function. ANS: C REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. The term that means inflammation of the gallbladder is a. cholelithiasis. b. diverticulitis. c. cholecystitis. d. esophagitis. ANS: C REF: 421 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. Which of the following is a condition associated with excessive fat? a. Pancreatitis b. Cholangioma c. Polyposis d. Steatohepatitis ANS: D REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 24. The term uvulitis means a. inflammation of the uvula. b. excision of the uvula. c. stone in the salivary gland. d. inflammation of the stomach. ANS: A REF: 422 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 25. Telescoping of a segment of the intestine is called a. ulcerative colitis. b. intussusception. c. Crohn disease. d. polyp. ANS: B REF: 427 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 26. A malabsorption syndrome caused by an immune reaction to gluten is called a. Crohn disease. b. volvulus. c. celiac disease. d. cirrhosis. ANS: C REF: 427 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 27. A tumorlike growth extending outward from a mucous membrane; usually benign; common
sites are in the nose, throat, and intestines a. peptic ulcer. b. polyp. c. celiac disease. d. volvulus. ANS: B REF: 428 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 28. Non-mechanical obstruction N ofUtR heSinItN esG tinTeB , c. auCsO edMby lack of effective peristalsis, is a. ileus. b. colitis. c. volvulus. d. adhesion. ANS: A REF: 427 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 29. Inflammation of the colon with the formation of ulcers, which can cause bloody diarrhea is a
disease called a. intussusception. b. appendicitis. c. ulcerative colitis. d. irritable bowel syndrome. ANS: C REF: 428 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 30. The term for the twisting or kinking of the intestine that causes intestinal obstruction is a. intussusception. b. volvulus. c. ulcerative colitis. d. gastroesophageal reflux.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B REF: 428 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. The abnormal growing together of two peritoneal surfaces that normally are separate is called
a(n) a. fistula. b. ulcer. c. adhesion. d. polyp. ANS: C REF: 426 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A chronic disease of the liver that is accompanied by the gradual destruction of cells is called a. cirrhosis. b. hepatoma. c. hepatitis. d. dysentery. ANS: A REF: 427 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. The abnormal backward flow of GI contents into the esophagus is called a. Crohn disease. b. bulimia nervosa. c. intussusception. d. gastroesophageal reflux disease. ANS: D REF: 42N 7URSINGOT BB J:.C 3 OM TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
34. A condition that results when too much iron is absorbed from food is a. hemochromatosis. b. hemorrhoids. c. obesity. d. Crohn disease. ANS: A REF: 427 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. A term that means incision into the abdominal cavity is a. vagotomy. b. laparotomy. c. pyloromyotomy. d. gastrectomy. ANS: B REF: 434 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 36. An artificial opening into the colon (through the abdominal wall) is called a. cheiloplasty. b. gastrostomy. c. colostomy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. ileostomy. ANS: C REF: 432 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 37. Excision of half of the colon is called a. cholecystectomy. b. enterorrhaphy. c. hemicolectomy. d. laparotomy. ANS: C REF: 433 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 38. The surgical repair of the stomach is called a. anoplasty. b. gastroplasty. c. pyloroplasty. d. herniorrhaphy. ANS: B REF: 432 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term esophagogastroplasty is defined as the a. creation of an artificial opening between b. excision of c. surgical repair of d. incision of
the esophagus and the stomach.
ANS: C REF: 432 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 40. Suturing of the tongue is called a. gingivectomy. b. cheiloplasty. c. palatoplasty. d. glossorrhaphy. ANS: D REF: 433 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
41. The creation of an artificial opening between the stomach and the jejunum is called a. enterorrhaphy. b. gastrojejunostomy. c. anastomosis. d. jejunostomy. ANS: B REF: 432 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 42. The suturing of a hernia (for repair) is called a(n) a. gastrostomy. b. gastrojejunostomy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. colostomy. d. herniorrhaphy. ANS: D REF: 433 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 43. In a uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, the surgical repair involves the uvula and the a. tongue and throat. b. palate and throat. c. throat, palate, and gums. d. tongue and gums. ANS: B REF: 434 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 44. The term that means surgical removal of gum tissue is a. cheiloplasty. b. palatoplasty. c. gingivectomy. d. glossorrhaphy. ANS: C REF: 433 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 45. The term that means excision of the stomach is a. gastrectomy. b. laparotomy. c. gastrostomy. NUR SINGTB.COM d. diverticulectomy. ANS: A REF: 432 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 46. A connection created by surgically joining two structures is called a. anastomosis. b. vagotomy. c. abdominoperineal resection. d. uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. ANS: A REF: 439 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. The surgery performed to treat morbid obesity, which can cause serious illness is a. abdominoperineal resection. b. hemorrhoidectomy. c. vagotomy. d. bariatric surgery. ANS: D REF: 439 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 48. The surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the abdominal cavity is called a. abdominoplasty.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. abdominal resection. c. abdominal sonography. d. abdominocentesis. ANS: D REF: 431 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 49. A cholangiogram is a radiographic image of the a. colon. b. bile ducts. c. duodenum. d. stomach. ANS: B REF: 441 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 50. A visual examination of the rectum is called a. sigmoidoscopy. b. colonoscopy. c. proctoscopy. d. gastroscopy. ANS: C REF: 443 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 51. An instrument used for visual examination of the stomach is a a. bronchoscope. b. gastroscope. c. colonoscope. d. laparoscope. ANS: B REF: 442 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 52. The term that means radiographic imaging of the colon is a. cholangiogram. b. colonoscopy. c. CT colonography. d. capsule endoscopy. ANS: C REF: 441 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 53. The term that means visual examination of the abdominal cavity is a. laparoscopy. b. gastroscopy. c. colonoscopy. d. sigmoidoscopy. ANS: A REF: 443 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 54. A radiographic image of the esophagus is called
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
cholangiogram. esophagogram. esophagoscopy. esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
ANS: B REF: 441 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 55. A series of radiographic images taken of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
after the contrast agent barium has been administered orally is a(n) a. barium enema. b. endoscopic ultrasound. c. upper GI series. d. Helicobacter pylori antibodies test. ANS: C REF: 447 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 56. A test to find blood that is present in the stool but can only be detected by chemical testing or
by microscope is a. Helicobacter pylori antibodies. b. fecal occult blood test. c. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. d. endoscopic ultrasound. ANS: B REF: 449 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 57. A procedure in which contrasNt U mR edSiaIiN sG inT troBd. ucCeO dM into the biliary and pancreatic ducts
through an endoscope in the duodenum; used to evaluate obstructions, strictures, stone diseases, and pancreatic cancer is a. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. b. endoscopic ultrasound. c. abdominal sonography. d. esophagogastroduodenoscopy. ANS: A REF: 447 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 58. Difficulty in swallowing is called a. dysphasia. b. dyspepsia. c. dysphagia. d. aphasia. ANS: C REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 59. The term that means softening of the stomach is a. gastromalacia. b. dyspepsia. c. gastritis.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. steatosis. ANS: A REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 60. Proctology is the study of the a. rectum. b. stomach. c. sigmoid colon. d. ileum. ANS: A REF: 451 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 61. The term that means pertaining to the mouth is a. nasogastric. b. anal. c. peritoneal. d. oral. ANS: D REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 62. The term that means pertaining to the ileum and the cecum is a. oral. b. ileostomy. c. orogastric. d. ileocecal.
ANS: D REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 63. The term hepatomegaly is defined as a. pertaining to the liver. b. enlargement of the liver. c. pertaining to the abdomen. d. inflammation of the liver. ANS: B REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts
64. The term orogastric is defined as pertaining to the a. nose and stomach. b. mouth and stomach. c. abdomen. d. stomach and intestines. ANS: B REF: 450 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 65. Expelling matter from the stomach through the mouth is called a. flatus. b. emesis.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. nausea. d. reflux. ANS: B REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 66. The urge to vomit is called a. ascites. b. flatus. c. nausea. d. gavage. ANS: C REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 67. The term that means waste from the digestive tract expelled through the rectum is a. feces. b. dysentery. c. flatus. d. hematemesis. ANS: A REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 68. The term that means frequent discharge of liquid stool is a. ascites. b. diarrhea. c. dysentery. d. melena. ANS: B REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 69. The abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is called a. ascites. b. hematemesis. c. feces. d. gastric lavage. ANS: A REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 70. Feeding a person through a tube is called a. hematemesis. b. reflux. c. lavage. d. gavage. ANS: D REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 71. The term for gas in the digestive tract or expelled through the anus is a. feces.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. flatus. c. gavage. d. emesis. ANS: B REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 72. The term for washing out the stomach is a. gastric lavage. b. gavage. c. reflux. d. stoma. ANS: A REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 73. The term for passage of visibly bloody feces is a. stoma. b. hematochezia. c. hematemesis. d. dysentery. ANS: B REF: 455 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 74. The surgical repair of the uvula, palate, and pharynx is abbreviated as a. GERD. b. PEG. NURS INGT B.COM c. UPPP. d. APR. ANS: C
REF: 458
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
75. The condition characterized by periodic disturbances of bowel function such as diarrhea or
constipation usually associated with abdominal pain is abbreviated as a. IBS. b. UGI. c. UPPP. d. GI. ANS: A
REF: 457
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
76. To evaluate the patient for colon cancer, the doctor performed a diagnostic procedure to
visually examine the colon called a a. colonoscopy. b. colonoscope. c. colostomy. d. cholangiogram. ANS: A
REF: 442
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
77. The patient with ulcerative colitis was scheduled for surgery that would involve the creation
of an artificial opening into the ileum through the abdominal wall called a(n)
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ileostomy. colostomy. colectomy. antrectomy.
REF: 433
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
78. For visual examination of the abdominal cavity during a surgical procedure, the surgeon uses a. proctoscope. b. laparoscope. c. gastroscope. d. colonoscope. ANS: B
REF: 443
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
79. The patient’s intestinal obstruction was most likely caused by scar tissue from a chronic
inflammation that usually affects the ileum and colon. The condition is characterized by cobblestone ulcerations along the intestine wall and is called a. ileus. b. diverticulosis. c. cholecystitis. d. Crohn disease. ANS: D
REF: 427
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
80. The gastroenterologist recommended the patient have a vertical banded gastroplasty to
surgically treat his morbid obesity. This type of surgery is referred to as surgery. a. bariatric b. ileocecal c. colorectal d. pancreatic ANS: A
REF: 439
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
81. The patient presented with inflamed mucous membrane of his mouth or a. aphagia. b. dysphagia. c. stomatitis. d. steatorrhea. ANS: C
REF: 451
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
82. A patient with impaired digestion or intestinal absorption of nutrients would be said to have a. hematemesis. b. nausea. c. stomatitis. d. malabsorption. ANS: D MATCHING
REF: 455
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. (e-SOF-a-gus) b. c. d. (AN-trem) e. f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
sphincter muscle at end of digestive tract blind u-shaped pouch; first portion of the large intestine portion of the stomach that connects to the small intestine distal portion of the stomach second portion of the small intestine passageway for food extending from the pharynx to the stomach
1. ANS: B REF: 414 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: E REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: F REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: D REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: C REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: A REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatom NicUSRtrSucItuNreGs T
Match each item with the correct description below. a. (hawrd) (PAL-et) b. (sawft) (PAL-et) c. d. (LIV-er) e. (GAWL-blad-er) f. (bîl) (dukts) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
posterior portion of palate not supported by bone passageways that carry bile portion of large intestine divided into four parts anterior portion of palate supported by bone produces bile, performs many metabolic functions sac-like structure that stores bile
7. ANS: B REF: 412 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: F REF: 414 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: C REF: 413 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: A REF: 412 OBJ: 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 11. ANS: D REF: 414 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 12. ANS: E REF: 414 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. hemib. gingiv/o c. ile/o d. lapar/o e. antr/o 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
half abdomen, abdominal cavity ileum gum antrum
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS: 17. ANS:
420 418 415 418 415
2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. enter/o NURSINGTB.COM b. an/o c. append/o d. steat/o e. lingu/o 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
intestine fat anus tongue appendix
18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS:
415 418 415 418 418
2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. gastroenteritis b. hemorrhoids c. hemorrhoidectomy d. laparoscopy e. barium enema
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank f.
23. visual examination of the abdominal cavity 24. series of radiographic images taken of the large intestine after the contrast agent barium has 25. 26. 27. 28.
been administered rectally excision of hemorrhoids, the swollen or distended veins in the lower rectum and anus inflammation of the stomach and intestines inflammation of the intestine associated with abdominal pain and diarrhea that is often bloody swollen or distended veins in the rectum or anus
23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS: 27. ANS: 28. ANS:
443 447 439 422 455 427
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. peritonitis b. cholangioma c. appendectomy d. cheiloplasty e. capsule endoscopy f. celiac 29. use of wireless camera to take pictures of digestive tract 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
inflammation of the peritoneuNm R I G B.C M U S N T O pertaining to the abdomen tumor of the bile duct surgical repair of the lip excision of the appendix
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
442 422 450 421 431 431
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. cholelithiasis b. obesity c. vagotomy d. sigmoidoscopy e. gastroenterology f. nasogastric 35. excess of body fat 36. visual examination of the sigmoid colon 37. study of the stomach and intestines
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 38. pertaining to the nose and stomach 39. cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve 40. condition or gallstones 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
427 443 450 450 439 421
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. polyposis b. uvulitis c. polypectomy d. abdominoperineal resection e. endoscopic ultrasound f. hematemesis 41. use of an ultrasound probe that provides images of the esophageal and stomach linings and 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
walls of small and large intestines vomiting of blood abnormal condition of multiple polyps removal of the distal colon, rectum, and anal sphincter inflammation of the uvula excision of a polyp
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
447 455 422 439 422 434
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. BE b. EUS c. ERCP d. EGD e. UGI f. FOBT 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
upper gastrointestinal endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography fecal occult blood test esophagogastroduodenoscopy barium enema endoscopic ultrasound
47. ANS: E
REF: 458
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
457 457 457 457 457
7 7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. GI b. APR c. GERD d. UC e. PEG f. N&V 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
gastrointestinal gastroesophageal reflux disease percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy nausea and vomiting ulcerative colitis abdominoperineal resection
53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
457 457 458 457 458
OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7 BB 45N 7URSINGOT J:.C 7 OM
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 12: Eye LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that is the outer protective layer of the eye is the a. b. (SKLER-ah). c. d. (kon-JUNK-ti-vah). ANS: B REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that is the transparent anterior part of the sclera,
which allows the light rays to enter the eye, is the a. b. (kon-JUNK-ti-vah). c. d. (lenz). ANS: C REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that is the innermost layer of the eye that contains
vision receptors is the a. b. (RET-i-nah). c. d. (OP-tik) (nurv).
ANS: B REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that is the mucous membrane lining the eyelids is the a. b. c. (kon-JUNK-ti-vah). d. ANS: C REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that is the opening in the center of the iris is the a. (lenz). b. c. (RET-i-nah). d. ANS: B REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
6. The combining form that means eyelid is a. blephar/o. b. kerat/o. c. opt/o. d. cor/o. ANS: A
REF: 470
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form ocul/o is defined as a. tear. b. eye. c. vision. d. iris. ANS: B
REF: 470
8. The combining form ophthalm/o means a. lens. b. vision. c. eyelid. d. eye. ANS: D
REF: 470
9. A combining form for cornea is a. kerat/o. b. cor/o. c. core/o. d. dacry/o. ANS: A
REF: 470
10. A combining form that means lens is a. kerat/o. b. dacry/o. c. phac/o. d. phot/o. ANS: C
REF: 470
11. A combining form meaning equal is a. ton/o. b. dipl/o. c. phak/o. d. is/o. ANS: D
REF: 472
12. The combining form irid/o is defined as a. pupil. b. iris. c. eye.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. retina. ANS: B
REF: 470
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. A combining form that means tear(s) is a. conjunctiv/o. b. retin/o. c. dacry/o. d. kerat/o. ANS: C
REF: 470
14. The combining form cry/o is defined as a. cold. b. light. c. vision. d. cornea. ANS: A
REF: 472
15. A word part that means two, double is a. ton/o. b. dipl/o. c. -opia. d. cry/o. ANS: B
REF: 472
16. The word part that means tenN siU onR, S prI esNsuGrT e iB s .COM a. -plegia. b. -phobia. c. ton/o. d. phot/o. ANS: C
REF: 472
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
17. The suffix -plegia is defined as a. vision. b. paralysis. c. abnormal fear or aversion. d. pressure. ANS: B
REF: 472
18. The term that means drooping of the eyelid is a. retinopathy. b. blepharoptosis. c. ophthalmoplegia. d. iridoplegia. ANS: B REF: 473 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 19. An abnormal condition of the eye caused by a fungus is called a. corneitis. b. oculomycosis. c. dacryocystitis. d. scleritis. ANS: B REF: 473 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. The term that means softening of the lens is a. keratomalacia. b. ophthalmalgia. c. phacomalacia. d. aphakia. ANS: C REF: 474 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term diplopia means a. pertaining to both eyes. b. double vision. c. pain in the eye. d. paralysis of the eyelid. ANS: B REF: 473 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. The term that means inflammation of the tear (lacrimal) sac is N R I G B.C M a. conjunctivitis. U S N T O b. blepharitis. c. dacryocystitis. d. keratitis. ANS: C REF: 473 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The term blepharitis means inflammation a. of the eyelid. b. of the tear duct. c. within the eye. d. of the cornea. ANS: A REF: 473 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 24. The term photophobia is defined as a. inflammation of the retina caused by extreme light. b. hereditary disease marked by night blindness. c. abnormal fear of (sensitivity to) light. d. paralysis of the iris. ANS: C REF: 474 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
25. The term scleromalacia is defined as a. paralysis of the eyelid. b. softening of the cornea. c. pain in the eye. d. softening of the sclera. ANS: D REF: 474 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 26. The term ophthalmalgia is defined as a. pain in the eye. b. paralysis of the eye (muscle). c. abnormal condition of the eye caused by fungus. d. any disease of the eye. ANS: A REF: 474 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 27. The term xerophthalmia means a. condition of the eye caused by dryness. b. condition of dry eye. c. double vision. d. condition of white eye. ANS: B REF: 474 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
IbNeG ioU r cRhS am r oTf B th. eC eyOeMis 28. Hemorrhage within the anterN a. nystagmus. b. myopia. c. hyphema. d. sty. ANS: C REF: 478 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 29. Yellowish deposits located under the retina; commonly associated with aging and macular
degeneration a. glaucoma. b. leukocoria. c. conjunctivitis. d. drusen. ANS: D REF: 477 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 30. Another term for sty is a. chalazion. b. hordeolum. c. pterygium. d. keratitis.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B REF: 479 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. Poor vision at night is called a. nyctalopia. b. nystagmus. c. myopia. d. presbyopia. ANS: A REF: 479 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A progressive degeneration of the portion of the retina called the macula is known as a. retinitis pigmentosa. b. retinoblastoma. c. retinopathy. d. macular degeneration. ANS: D REF: 478 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. The term hyperopia is defined as a. nearsightedness. b. poor vision in faint light. c. farsightedness. d. yellowish mass on the conjunctiva. ANS: C
REF: 478
OBJ: 3
.C TOP: Disease and Disorder TeN rm iltT frB om WO orM d Parts UsRNSotIBNuG 34. The term that means separation of the retina from the choroid in the back of the eye is a. astigmatism. b. glaucoma. c. nystagmus. d. retinal detachment. ANS: D REF: 479 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. Impaired vision as a result of aging is called a. hyperopia. b. myopia. c. astigmatism. d. presbyopia. ANS: D REF: 479 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 36. The term that means reduced vision in one eye (commonly called lazy eye) a. nystagmus. b. amblyopia. c. astigmatism. d. strabismus.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: B REF: 477 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. Thin tissue growing onto the cornea from the conjunctiva is a. hordeolum. b. chalazion. c. pterygium. d. cataract. ANS: C REF: 479 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 38. Glaucoma is an eye disorder characterized by a. obstruction of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. b. increased intraocular pressure. c. clouding of the lens of the eye. d. involuntary, jerking movements of the eye. ANS: B REF: 478 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. A corneal transplant may be called a a. radial keratotomy. b. photorefractive keratectomy. c. keratoplasty. d. trabeculectomy. ANS: C REF: 48N 2 R I GOBB 4 M S Parts N TJ:.C O TOP: Surgical Terms Built from U Word 40. The term that means surgical repair of the eyelid is a. blepharoplasty. b. keratoplasty. c. dacryocystotomy. d. cryoretinopexy. ANS: A REF: 482 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 41. An incision of the tear sac is called a. sclerotomy. b. dacryocystorhinostomy. c. iridosclerotomy. d. dacryocystotomy. ANS: D REF: 482 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 42. Surgical removal of the eyeball is called a. phacoemulsification. b. vitrectomy. c. enucleation.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. iridectomy. ANS: C REF: 484 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 43. Which of the following is a laser procedure that reshapes corneal tissue beneath the surface of
the cornea to correct astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia? a. LASIK b. Vitrectomy c. Retinal photocoagulation d. Keratectomy ANS: A REF: 484 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 44. Retina detachment may be treated by a. trabeculectomy. b. enucleation. c. scleral buckling. d. vitrectomy. ANS: C REF: 484 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 45. Surgical creation of an opening to reduce intraocular pressure is called a. trabeculectomy. b. enucleation. c. scleral buckling. NUR SINGTB.COM d. vitrectomy. ANS: A REF: 485 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 46. A method to remove cataracts in which an ultrasonic needle breaks up the lens is called a. scleral buckling. b. enucleation. c. trabeculectomy. d. phacoemulsification. ANS: D REF: 484 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. A procedure to repair retinal tears by use of an intense beam of light from a laser is a. LASIK. b. enucleation. c. phacoemulsification. d. retinal photocoagulation. ANS: D REF: 484 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts 48. Pressure (within the eye) is measured by a procedure called a. ophthalmoscopy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. optometry. c. tonometry. d. fluorescein angiography. ANS: C REF: 487 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 49. The instrument used to measure (the curvature of) the cornea in order to fit a contact lens is
the a. b. c. d.
optometry. pupillometer. optometer. keratometer.
ANS: D REF: 486 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 50. The instrument used for visual examination of (the interior) the eye is the a. pupilloscope. b. ophthalmoscope. c. metroscope. d. retinoscopy. ANS: B REF: 486 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 51. The radiographic imaging of blood vessels (of the eye with fluorescing dye) is a. fluorescein angiography. N b. optometer. c. keratometer. d. ophthalmoscopy. ANS: A REF: 486 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 52. A term meaning condition of equal pupil (size) is a. anisocoria. b. pupillary. c. pseudophakia. d. isocoria. ANS: D REF: 489 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 53. The term lacrimal is defined as pertaining to a. the cornea. b. tears or the tear ducts. c. the eye. d. the nose and the tear ducts. ANS: B REF: 489 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 54. Which of the following means pertaining to two or both eyes? a. Pupillary b. Binocular c. Nasolacrimal d. Retinal ANS: B REF: 489 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 55. Which of the following means pertaining to within the eye? a. Lacrimal b. Intraocular c. Pupillary d. Binocular ANS: B REF: 489 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 56. The term that means (any) disease of the eye is a. ophthalmalgia. b. ophthalmorrhagia. c. endophthalmitis. d. ophthalmopathy. ANS: D REF: 490 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 57. A specialist who fills prescriptions for lenses, but cannot prescribe lenses, is an N R I G B.C M a. optician. b. optometrist. c. ophthalmologist. d. OD. ANS: A REF: 492 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 58. Administration of a miotic agent causes a. paralysis of the iris. b. pupillary constriction. c. ocular movement. d. pupillary dilation. ANS: B REF: 492 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 59. The medical term visual acuity is defined as a. sharpness of vision. b. a normal condition of the eye. c. double vision. d. reactivity to light. ANS: A REF: 492 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
60. Normal refractive condition of the eye is called a. miotic. b. mydriatic. c. emmetropia. d. pseudophakia. ANS: C REF: 492 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 61. The term mydriatic is defined as a. an agent that constricts the pupil. b. an agent that dilates the pupil. c. nearsightedness. d. progressive deterioration of a portion of the retina. ANS: B REF: 492 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 62. Which of the following is usually increased with glaucoma? a. VA b. EM c. IOP d. Ast ANS: C
REF: 494
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
63. Which is the correct abbreviation for the branch of medicine that treats diseases of the eye? N R I G B.C M a. ARMD U S N T O b. Ast c. Ophth d. VA ANS: C
REF: 494
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
64. An abbreviation for a method of removing cataracts using an ultrasonic needle probe to break
up the lens, which is then aspirated, is a. PHACO. b. ARMD. c. Ast. d. IOL. ANS: A
REF: 494
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
65. An instrument used to measure pressure within the eye and the diagnosis of glaucoma is a a. fluorescein angiography. b. tonometry. c. keratometer. d. tonometer. ANS: D
REF: 487
OBJ: 8
66. A condition in which the eyes look in different directions is
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
strabismus. nystagmus. diplopia. hyphema.
REF: 479
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
67. The instrument that is used to measure the curvature of the patient’s cornea so that he or she
can receive a prescription for contact lenses is a(n) a. keratometer. b. ophthalmoscope. c. pupilloscope. d. optometer. ANS: A
REF: 486
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
68. The ophthalmologist suggested the patient seek LASIK treatment to eliminate eyeglasses and
correct vision caused by irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, or a. amblyopia. b. astigmatism. c. presbyopia. d. nyctalopia. ANS: B
REF: 477
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
69. The physician diagnosed the patient with the clouded lens of the eye as having a(n) a. cataract. b. emmetropia. NURSINGTB.COM c. chalazion. d. pinguecula. ANS: A
REF: 477
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
70. The IOL placed during the patient’s cataract surgery is referred to as a. pinguecula. b. emmetropia. c. pseudophakia. d. isocoria. ANS: C
REF: 490
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
71. The patient’s ophthalmologist noted that the patient’s pupils were of unequal size, a condition
called a. isocoria. b. pseudophakia. c. phacomalacia. d. anisocoria. ANS: D MATCHING
REF: 489
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. (OP-tik) (nurv) c. (RET-i-nah) d. e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
carries visual impulses from the retina to the brain innermost layer of eye that contains the vision receptors watery liquid found in the anterior cavity of the eye allows light rays to enter the eye opening in the center of the iris
1. ANS: B REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: C REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 467 OBJ: 1 3. ANS: E TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: D REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: A REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. (con-JUNK-ti-vah) b. NURSINGTB.COM c. (SKLER-ah) d. e. (LAK-ri-mal) (ap-a-RA-tes) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
interlaced with many blood vessels that supply nutrients to the eye mucous membrane lining the eyelids produce and drain tears referred to as the white of the eye jellylike substance that maintains the shape of the eye
6. ANS: D REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: A REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REF: 467 OBJ: 1 8. ANS: E TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: C REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 10. ANS: B REF: 467 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. conjunctiv/o
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. c. d. e. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
scler/o -opia phot/o phak/o
light sclera conjunctiva vision (condition) lens
11. ANS: 12. ANS: 13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS:
472 470 470 472 470
2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. opt/o b. dacry/o c. bind. corne/o e. -phobia 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
abnormal fear of or aversion to specific things cornea two NURSINGTB.COM vision tear(s)
16. ANS: 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
472 470 472 470 470
2 2 2 2 2
Match each item with the correct description below. a. aphakia b. chalazion c. sclerotomy d. optometry e. optic 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
non-infected obstruction of an oil gland of the eyelid incision of the sclera measurement of vision condition of without a lens pertaining to vision
21. ANS: B
REF: 477
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS:
482 487 473 490
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. endophthalmitis b. myopia c. nystagmus d. blepharoplasty e. vitrectomy 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
involuntary, jerking movements of the eyes surgical removal of all or part of the vitreous humor (used to treat diabetic retinopathy) inflammation within the eye surgical repair of the eyelid nearsightedness
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
479 485 473 482 478
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. anisometropia b. photorefractive keratectoN mU yR (prk SI) NGTB.COM c. corneal d. miotic e. pinguecula 31. significant unequal refractive error between two eyes 32. pertaining to the cornea 33. procedure for the treatment of astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia in which an excimer laser
is used to reshape (flatten) the corneal surface by removing a portion of the cornea 34. yellowish mass on the conjunctiva 35. agent that constricts the pupil 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
477 489 484 479 492
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. retinoblastoma b. conjunctivitis c. cryoretinopexy d. pupillometer e. optometrist
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
36. tumor arising from a developing retinal cell 37. health professional who performs eye exams, administers vision tests, and prescribes
corrective lenses 38. inflammation of the conjunctiva 39. instrument used to measure (the diameter of) the pupil 40. surgical fixation of the retina by using extreme cold 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
474 492 473 487 482
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. IOL b. VA c. PHACO d. PRK 41. 42. 43. 44.
intraocular lens bisual acuity phacoemulsification photorefractive keratectomy
41. 42. 43. 44.
REF: 494
OBJ: 7
REF: 49N 4 R I GOBB J: 7 M T .C REF: 494U S N OBJ: 7 O REF: 494 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. ARMD b. Ophth c. Em d. Ast 45. 46. 47. 48.
age-related macular degeneration astigmatism ophthalmology emmetropia
45. 46. 47. 48.
494 494 494 494
7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
Chapter 13: Ear LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure that is the portion of the temporal bone of the
skull posterior and inferior to each auditory canal is a. b. (AW-ri-kl). c. d. (OS-i-kalz). ANS: C REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure that is the semitransparent membrane that
separates the external auditory canal and the middle ear cavity is a. (LAB-e-rinth). b. c. d. ANS: C REF: 504 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation for the anatomic structure that is the coiled portion of the inner ear
containing the sensory organNfoUrR heSaI rinNgGisTB.COM a. b. c. d.
ANS: B REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The combining form cochle/o refers to the anatomic structure that is the a. one of three bones of the middle ear; shaped like a stirrup and connected to the
oval window. b. sensory organ of balance containing receptors and endolymph. c. coiled portion of the inner ear containing the sensory organ for hearing. d. portion of the ear containing the tympanic membrane and the tympanic cavity
which contains the ossicles. ANS: C
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
5. The combining form that means middle ear is a. audi/o. b. tympan/o. c. ot/o. d. labyrinth/o.
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
6. The combining form staped/o refers to the anatomic structure that is the a. passage between the middle ear and the pharynx. b. semitransparent membrane that separates the external auditory canal and the
middle ear cavity. c. one of three bones of the middle ear; shaped like a stirrup and connected to the
oval window. d. sensory organ of balance containing receptors and endolymph. ANS: C
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form labyrinth/o refers to the anatomic structure that is the a. bony spaces within the temporal bone of the skull made up of three distinct parts,
the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the vestibule. b. short tube that ends at the tympanic membrane. c. sensory organs of balance. d. portion of the temporal bone of the skull posterior and inferior to each auditory
canal; contains mastoid air cells that drain into the middle ear cavity. ANS: A
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form that means tympanic membrane (eardrum) is a. myring/o. b. cochle/o. c. labyrinth/o. d. vestibul/o. ANS: A
REF: 506U
TOP: Word Parts
9. The combining form aur/i is defined as a. ear. b. hearing. c. eardrum. d. ear bone. ANS: A
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
10. The combining form ot/o is defined as a. ear. b. eardrum. c. hearing. d. middle ear bone. ANS: A
REF: 506
11. The combining form that means hearing is a. aur/i. b. ot/o. c. tympan/o. d. audi/o. ANS: D
REF: 506
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
12. A discharge of pus from the ear is called a. otalgia. b. otopyorrhea. c. otorrhea. d. otomycosis. ANS: B REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 13. Abnormal condition of fungus in the ear usually affecting the external auditory canal is called a. otopyorrhea. b. otomycosis. c. otopyosis. d. otosclerosis. ANS: B REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 14. The term otalgia is defined as a. pain in the ear. b. enlarged auricle. c. drainage from the middle ear. d. infection of the eardrum. ANS: A REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
NaUsR toS idIbN onGeTisBc. alC leO dM 15. Inflammation of the ear and m a. mastoiditis. b. otitis externa. c. otomastoiditis. d. otomycosis. ANS: C REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. The term myringitis is defined as a. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. b. pain in the middle ear. c. discharge of pus from the ear. d. inflammation of the middle ear. ANS: A REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. The term that means hardening of the ear (stapes) is a. otopyorrhea. b. otalgia. c. otomycosis. d. otosclerosis. ANS: D
REF: 508
OBJ: 3
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. The term that means inflammation of the mastoid bone is a. otomastoiditis. b. otorrhea. c. mastoiditis. d. otalgia. ANS: C REF: 508 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. A cystlike mass composed of epithelial cells and cholesterol occurring in the middle ear is
called a. presbycusis. b. cholesteatoma. c. acoustic neuroma. d. Ménière disease. ANS: B REF: 510 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 20. Ménière disease is a chronic disease of the a. external ear. b. middle ear. c. inner ear. d. pinna. OBJ: 3 ANS: C REF: 510 R I G B.C M NUs NSot BNuiltTfrom WO TOP: Disease and Disorder Term ord Parts 21. Hearing impairment occurring with age is called a. otosclerosis. b. acoustic neuroma. c. tinnitus. d. presbycusis. ANS: D REF: 511 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 22. The term that means ringing in the ears is a. vertigo. b. otalgia. c. tinnitus. d. otitis media. ANS: C REF: 511 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 23. The term that means benign tumor within the internal auditory canal growing from a cochlear
nerve is a. acoustic neuroma. b. ceruminoma. c. Ménière disease.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. otorrhea. ANS: A REF: 510 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 24. The term that means inflammation of the outer ear is a. mastoiditis. b. otitis media. c. labyrinthitis. d. otitis externa. ANS: D REF: 510 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 25. The term for a sense that one’s body or the environment is revolving is a. tinnitus. b. vertigo. c. presbycusis. d. Ménière disease. ANS: B REF: 511 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 26. Labyrinthectomy is defined as a. surgical repair of the middle ear. b. surgical excision of the labyrinth. c. incision into the mastoid bone. d. surgical opening into the eardrum. G B.C M
ANS: B TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
27. In a mastoidectomy, the surgical procedure is a(n) a. excision. b. repair. c. incision. d. drainage. ANS: A REF: 513 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 28. An incision into the tympanic membrane is called a. myringotomy. b. tympanometry. c. tympanoplasty. d. mastoidotomy. ANS: A REF: 513 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 29. In a myringoplasty, the surgical procedure is a(n) a. excision. b. repair.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. incision. d. loosening. ANS: B REF: 513 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 30. The term that means surgical repair of the middle ear is a. stapedectomy. b. tympanoplasty. c. stapedoplasty. d. tympanectomy. ANS: B REF: 514 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 31. The instrument used to measure middle ear function is a(n) a. tympanometer. b. tympanometry. c. audiometer. d. otoscopy. ANS: A REF: 516 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 32. An instrument used for visual examination of the ear is a. an ophthalmoscope. b. a stethoscope. c. an otoscope. NURS INGT B.COM d. otoscopy. ANS: C REF: 516 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 33.
The term audiogram is defined as a. visual examination of the ear. b. an instrument used to measure hearing. c. measurement of hearing. d. a (graphic) record of hearing. ANS: D REF: 516 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 34. Hearing is measured by the a. audiometer. b. optomyometer. c. tympanometer. d. otoscopy. ANS: A REF: 516 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts
The term audiometry is defined as a. visual examination of the ear.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. measurement of the tympanic membrane. c. the study of hearing. d. measurement of hearing. ANS: D REF: 516 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The process of recording the electrical activity in the cochlea is called a. electrocochleography. b. tympanometry. c. audiometry. d. otoscopy. ANS: A REF: 516 OBJ: 6 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term aural is defined as a. acuteness of hearing. b. pertaining to the ear. c. study of the ear. d. study of audiology. ANS: B REF: 519 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 38. A physician who studies and treats diseases of the ear, (nose), and larynx (throat) is an a. ophthalmologist. b. audiologist. NURS INGT B.COM c. otologist. d. otolaryngologist. ANS: D REF: 519 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term that means study of the ear is a. aural. b. otology. c. audiology. d. otologist. ANS: B REF: 519 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 40.
An audiologist is one who specializes in surgery. treats diseases of the ear. treats diseases of the ear, nose, and larynx. specializes in hearing.
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D REF: 519 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 41. Vestibulocochlear means pertaining to the
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
vestibul and choclea. vestibule and cochlea. vestebule and cochlea. vestibule and chochlae.
ANS: B REF: 519 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 42. To use the abbreviation to record the diagnosis of inflammation of the middle ear, a doctor
would write a. ENT. b. OM. c. AOM. d. HOH. ANS: B
REF: 521
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
43. One complication of the patient’s upper respiratory infection was inflammation of the bony
spaces within the temporal bone of the skull containing the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the vestibular a. mastoiditis. b. myringitis. c. labyrinthitis. d. otitis media. ANS: C
REF: 505 | 508
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
44. The patient’s responses to theNauR diom tinCg wMere plotted on a graphic record of hearing IetrGic teBs.
or a(n) a. audiogram. b. audiometry. c. tympanometer. d. audiometer. ANS: A
REF: 516
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
45. The patient who swam regularly often suffered from inflammation of the outer ear or a. otitis media. b. otitis externa. c. presbycusis. d. vertigo. ANS: B
REF: 510
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
46. A physician may prescribe medication to control nausea and vomiting for acute attacks of a
chronic disease of the inner ear characterized by vertigo, tinnitus, aural fullness, and fluctuating hearing loss called a. acoustic neuroma. b. cholesteatoma. c. Ménière disease. d. presbycusis. ANS: C
REF: 510
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
47. Patient history, otoscopy, audiometry, and other studies are used in the diagnosis of
inflammation of the mastoid bone, or a. otitis externa. b. myringitis. c. labyrinthitis. d. mastoiditis. ANS: D
REF: 508
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
48. The patient complained of a pain in his ear and denied other symptoms; his complaint could
be described as a. stapedectomy. b. tympanoplasty. c. otalgia. d. labyrinthectomy. ANS: C
REF: 508
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
49. During an ear exam, the doctor found a discharge containing cerebrospinal fluid. The proper
medical term is a. otopyorrhea. b. otomycosis. c. otorrhea. d. otosclerosis. ANS: C
REF: 508
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
Tiddle eOar infections or 50. Premature babies are often susU ceptS ibleNto m a. otitis externa. b. otitis media. c. tinnitus. d. mastoiditis. ANS: B
REF: 510
OBJ: 8
TOP: Practical Application
51. The patient complained of loss of equilibrium and of vertigo because of vestibular neuritis
also called a. otosclerosis. b. labyrinthitis. c. cholesteatoma. d. acoustic neuroma. ANS: B
REF: 505
OBJ: 8
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. (OS-i-kalz) c. d. (LAB-e-rinth)
TOP: Practical Application
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
1. 2. 3. 4.
bones of the middle ear that carry sound vibrations snail-shaped and contains the organ of hearing contains the cochlea, semicircular canals, and vestibule equalizes air pressure on both sides of the eardrum
1. ANS: B REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: C REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: D REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: A REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. (AW-ri-kl) d. 5. 6. 7. 8.
contains receptors and endolymph that help the body maintain equilibrium external structure located on both sides of the head located in the skull bone behind each auditory canal separates the external auditory meatus and the middle ear cavity
5. ANS: D REF: 505 J: 1 NU RSuctu INresGOB TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomi c Str T B.C OM 6. ANS: C REF: 504 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: A REF: 505 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: B REF: 504 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
Match each item with the correct description below. a. myring/o b. audi/o c. staped/o d. mastoid/o 9. 10. 11. 12.
hearing stapes mastoid bone tympanic membrane
9. ANS: B 10. ANS: C 11. ANS: D 12. ANS: A
506 506 506 506
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. cochle/o b. vestibul/o c. labyrinth/o d. aur/i 13. 14. 15. 16.
labyrinth ear cochlea vestibule
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS:
506 506 506 506
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. presbycusis b. stapedectomy c. otoscope d. electrocochleography e. otologist 17. process of recording the electrical activity in the cochlea 18. physician who studies and treats diseases of the ear 19. excision of the stapes 20. instrument used for visual exN amiR thB e. eaCr M Unati SIonNoGf T O 21. hearing impairment occurring with age 17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS: 21. ANS:
516 519 514 516 511
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. myringitis b. otopyorrhea c. vertigo d. otomycosis e. audiologist 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
one who studies and specializes in hearing abnormal condition of fungus in the ear inflammation of the tympanic membrane a sense that either one’s own body or the environment is revolving discharge of pus from the ear
22. ANS: E 23. ANS: D
REF: 519 REF: 508
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 24. ANS: A 25. ANS: C 26. ANS: B
REF: 508 REF: 511 REF: 508
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. otomycosis b. otitis media c. mastoidotomy d. tympanometry e. vestibular 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
measurement of middle ear (function) incision into the mastoid bone pertaining to the vestibule inflammation of the middle ear abnormal condition of fungus in the ear
27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
516 513 519 510 508
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. otoscopy b. tympanoplasty c. mastoidectomy NURSINGTB.COM d. aural e. cochlear implant 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
surgically inserted electronic device that converts sound into electrical impulses surgical repair of the middle ear excision of the mastoid bone visual examination of the ear pertaining to the ear
32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
513 514 513 516 519
3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6 3|4 |5 |6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. ENT b. OM c. AOM d. HOH 37. acute otitis media 38. hard of hearing
TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms TOP: Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 39. ears, nose, and throat; otolaryngologist 40. otitis media 37. 38. 39. 40.
521 521 521 521
7 7 7 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Chapter 14: Musculoskeletal System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for the third set of five larger vertebrae that forms the inward curve of the spine is called a. (tha-RAS-ik) (VER-te-bray). b. c. (LUM-bar) (VER-te-bray). d. (SUR-vi-kal) (VER-te-bray). ANS: C REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation for the anatomical term for the collarbone is a. b. (KLAV-i-kul). c. (STUR-num). d. (MAN-di-bul). ANS: B REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that means shoulder blade is a. b. (KLAV-i-kul). c. d. ANS: C REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The upper arm bone is called the a. b. c. d. ANS: D REF: 531 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. The pronunciation for the anatomic term referring to the upper, wing-shaped portion of the pelvic bone is a. b. c. d. ANS: B
REF: 534
OBJ: 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. The pronunciation for the anatomic term that means upper leg bone is a. b. (pa-TEL-a). c. d. ANS: D REF: 534 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. The pronunciation for the anatomic term referring to the small, fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another is called the a. (BUR-sa). b. c. d. (me-NIS-kus). ANS: A REF: 535 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. The pronunciation for the anatomic term referring to the structure that attaches muscle to bone is a. (LIG-a-ment). b. (BUR-sa). c. (TEN-don). d. NURSINGTB.COM ANS: C REF: 535 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. Movement that turns the palms up is called a. supination. b. extension. c. inversion. d. pronation. ANS: A REF: 577 TOP: Types of Body Movement
OBJ: 7
10. Moving away from the midline is a movement called a. abduction. b. eversion. c. adduction. d. flexion. ANS: A REF: 576 TOP: Types of Body Movement 11. Rotation is a movement described as a. turning around its own axis.
OBJ: 7
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. placing into a bent position. c. turning inward. d. placing into an outstretched position. ANS: A REF: 577 TOP: Types of Body Movement
OBJ: 7
12. The movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is a. eversion. b. inversion. c. flexion. d. extension. ANS: D REF: 576 TOP: Types of Body Movement
OBJ: 7
13. The combining form that means rib is a. chondr/o. b. clavic/o. c. clavicul/o. d. cost/o. ANS: D
REF: 539
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The combining form that means kneecap is a. patell/o. b. phalang/o. NURSINGTB.COM c. rachi/o. d. orth/o. ANS: A
REF: 539
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
15. The combining form stern/o is defined as a. collarbone. b. shoulder blade. c. xiphoid process. d. breast bone. ANS: D
REF: 539
16. The combining form spondyl/o is defined as a. scapula. b. vertebra. c. cranium. d. symphysis pubis. ANS: B
REF: 539
17. The combining form that means lower jawbone is a. maxill/o. b. mandibul/o. c. radi/o.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. ischi/o. ANS: B
REF: 539
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
18. The combining form that means cartilage is a. menisc/o. b. chondr/o. c. arthr/o. d. ten/o. ANS: B
REF: 543
19. The combining form that means joint is a. aponeur/o. b. arthr/o. c. burs/o. d. tendin/o. ANS: B
REF: 543
20. In the medical term ankyl/osis, the word root means a. bent forward. b. stiff, bent. c. crooked, curved. d. hump. ANS: B
REF: 544
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
21. The combining form that means bone is a. my/o. b. arthr/o. c. synovi/o. d. oste/o. ANS: D
REF: 544
22. A combining form for tendon is a. aponeur/o. b. disk/o. c. synovi/o. d. tend/o. ANS: D
REF: 543
23. The combining form for bone marrow is a. myel/o. b. myc/o. c. myos/o. d. cost/o. ANS: A
REF: 544
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 24. The combining form that means movement, motion is a. kyph/o. b. kinesi/o. c. ankyl/o. d. lord/o. ANS: B
REF: 544
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
25. Scoli/o is defined as a. (lateral) curved (spine). b. bent forward. c. stiff, bent. d. soft. ANS: A
REF: 544
26. The combining form that means hump (increased convexity) of the spine is a. kyph/o. b. ankyl/o. c. spondyl/o. d. lord/o. ANS: A
REF: 544
27. The prefix inter- means a. holding. b. between. c. within. d. connecting. ANS: B
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
REF: 545
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
28. A prefix for together, joined is a. syn-. b. intra-. c. -physis. d. supra-. ANS: A
REF: 545
29. The combining form sarc/o is defined as a a. flash, connective tissue. b. synovia, synovial membrane. c. stiff, bent. d. sacrum. ANS: A
REF: 544
30. The suffix -asthenia is defined as a a. surgical fixation, fusion. b. split, fissure. c. weakness.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. growth. ANS: C
REF: 545
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
31. The suffix -physis is defined as a a. growth. b. weakness. c. surgical fixation, fusion. d. split, fissure. ANS: A
REF: 545
32. The suffix -trophy is defined as a. growth. b. split, fissure. c. weakness. d. nourishment, development. ANS: D
REF: 545
33. The term rhabdomyolysis is defined as a. weakness b. split c. dissolution d. surgical fixation
of striated muscle.
ANS: C REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and DisordN er TR ermI s BG uilt B fr. om C WMord Parts
34. The term chondromalacia is defined as a. an abnormal condition of stonelike bones. b. muscle weakness. c. softening of cartilage. d. an abnormal condition of a hump. ANS: C REF: 546 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 35. The term that means inflammation of a tendon is a. tenosynovitis. b. polymyositis. c. tendinitis. d. tenorrhaphy. ANS: C REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term that means inflammation of the bone is a. osteitis. b. arthritis. c. osteonecrosis. d. osteopathy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
ANS: A REF: 546 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term myasthenia is defined as a. pain in muscle. b. difficult movement. c. muscle degeneration. d. muscle weakness. ANS: D REF: 546 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 38. The term that means abnormal condition of the vertebrae is a. rachischisis. b. scoliosis. c. spondylosis. d. fibromyalgia. ANS: C REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term that means (congenital) fissure (split) of the cranium is a. rachischisis. b. spondylosis. c. cranioschisis. d. spina bifida.
O 3 ANS: C REF: U546S N T OBJ: TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 40. The term that means abnormal condition of (lateral) curved (spine) a. scoliosis. b. kyphosis. c. ankylosis. d. lordosis. ANS: A REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 41. The term that means inflammation of fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another is a. spondylarthritis. b. tenosynovitis. c. bursitis. d. polymyositis. ANS: C REF: 546 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 42. The term spondylarthritis is defined as inflammation of the a. vertebral joints.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. lumbar vertebrae. c. sacroiliac joints. d. intervertebral disks. ANS: A REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 43. A malignant tumor of the bone is called a. synoviosarcoma. b. osteofibroma. c. osteosarcoma. d. myeloma. ANS: C REF: 548 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 44. An abnormal prominence of the joint at the base of the great toe is called a. bunion. b. exostosis. c. bursolith. d. gout. ANS: A REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 45. A form of arthritis that first affects the spine and adjacent structures and, as it progresses, causes a forward bend of the spine is a. osteoporosis. b. myasthenia gravis. c. ankylosing spondylitis. d. rheumatoid arthritis. ANS: C REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 46. The term that means abnormal loss of bone density, which may lead to fractures from slight trauma, is a. osteopetrosis. b. osteopenia. c. osteoporosis. d. osteoarthritis. ANS: C REF: 554 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. Colles fracture is defined as a. abnormal prominence of the joint at the base of the great toe, the metatarsal-phalangeal joint. b. abnormal loss of bone density that may lead to an increase in fractures of the ribs, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, hips, and wrists after slight trauma. c. forward slipping of one vertebra over another.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. type of wrist fracture at the distal end of the radius, the distal fragment being displaced backward. ANS: D REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 48. The term for a common nerve entrapment disorder of the wrist is a. Colles fracture. b. exostosis. c. carpal tunnel syndrome. d. repetitive motion syndrome. ANS: C REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 49. A disease in which an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood causes sodium urate crystals to be deposited in the joints is a. gout. b. osteogenesis imperfecta. c. exostosis. d. bunion. ANS: A REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 50. The term that means an abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone is a. bunion. b. osteoblast. c. exostosis. d. osteofibroma. ANS: C REF: 553 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 51. A bacterial infection carried by a deer tick is a. myasthenia gravis. b. Lyme disease. c. rheumatoid arthritis. d. spinal stenosis. ANS: B REF: 554 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 52. Forward slipping of one vertebra over another is a. spinal stenosis. b. a herniated disk. c. spondylolisthesis. d. spondylarthritis. ANS: C REF: 554 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 53. The term arthrodesis is defined as a. surgical repair of a joint. b. incision of a bone. c. excision of articular cartilage. d. surgical fixation of a joint. ANS: D REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 54. The surgical repair of cartilage is called a. chondroplasty. b. meniscectomy. c. prosthesis. d. arthroplasty. ANS: A REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 55. The fusing together of the vertebrae or spinal fusion is termed a. laminectomy. b. rachiotomy. c. spondylosyndesis. d. diskectomy. ANS: C REF: 560 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 56. The surgical repair of a tenN doUnRaS ndIaNmGuT scBle.iC s cOaM lled a. myorrhaphy. b. tenotomy. c. tenorrhaphy. d. tenomyoplasty. ANS: D REF: 560 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 57. The anatomic structure excised in a phalangectomy is the a. patella. b. finger or toe bone. c. meniscus. d. calcaneus. ANS: B REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 58.
The term vertebroplasty is defined as a. incision into the vertebral column. b. fusing together of vertebrae. c. excision of an intervertebral disk. d. surgical repair of a vertebra. ANS: D
REF: 560
OBJ: 4
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 59. The term rachiotomy is defined as an incision a. into the vertebral column. b. of a bone. c. of a bursa. d. of a joint. ANS: A REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 60. The term that means suturing of a muscle is a. tenorrhaphy. b. myorrhaphy. c. aponeurorrhaphy. d. myoplasty. ANS: B REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 61. The term osteotomy is defined as the a. incision into the vertebral column. b. surgical repair of a bone. c. incision into a bone. d. fusing together of the vertebrae. ANS: C REF: 558 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms BuiN lt U frR om rdTPB ar. ts SIWNoG 62. The visual examination of a joint is an a. electromyogram. b. arthroscopy. c. arthrography. d. arthrocentesis. ANS: B REF: 564 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 63. The diagnostic term that means the radiographic imaging of a joint is a. arthroplasty. b. arthrography. c. arthrodesis. d. arthrocentesis. ANS: B REF: 564 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 64. The term that means pertaining to below the ribs is a. substernal. b. subcostal. c. subscapular.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. submaxillary. ANS: B REF: 568 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 65. The term that means pertaining to the ribs and cartilage is a. costochondral. b. intervertebral. c. intercostal. d. sternoclavicular. ANS: A REF: 567 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 66. An abnormal condition of bone death (due to lack of blood supply) is a. osteofibroma. b. osteonecrosis. c. atrophy. d. osteocyte. ANS: B REF: 568 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 67. The term dyskinesia is defined as movement that is a. slow. b. excessive. c. normal. d. difficult. ANS: D REF: 567 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 68. The term that means pertaining to the wrist is a. radial. b. carpal. c. ulnar. d. humeral. ANS: B REF: 567 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 69. The term that means a developing bone cell is a. osteocyte. b. osteoblast. c. osteopath. d. osteofibroma. ANS: B REF: 568 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 70. The term symphysis is defined as a. an artificial substitute for a missing body part.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. a cartilaginous joint at which two bones fuse. c. growing together. d. an abnormal development. ANS: C REF: 568 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 71. The meaning of the medical term hyperkinesia is a. slow b. abnormal c. difficult d. excessive
ANS: D REF: 567 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 72. A term that references two lower arm bones is a. ulnoradial. b. suprascapular. c. substernal. d. clavicular. ANS: A REF: 568 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 73. A specialist who treats and diagnoses foot diseases and disorders, such as corns and ingrown toenails, is a(n) a. orthopedics. b. podiatrist. c. orthopedist. d. orthotist. ANS: B REF: 575 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 74. The term that means a system of treatment that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column is a. orthotics. b. orthopedics. c. osteopathy. d. chiropractic. ANS: D REF: 574 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 75. A type of bone cell that works in balance with osteoblasts to maintain healthy bone tissue is a. osteoclast. b. crepitus. c. osteopath. d. exostosis. ANS: A
REF: 574
OBJ: 6
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 76. A physician who specializes in the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system is a(n) a. chiropractor. b. osteopath. c. orthopedist. d. orthotist. ANS: C REF: 574 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 77. A physician who specializes in the study and treatment of rheumatic diseases is a. rheumatology. b. chiropractor. c. rheumatologist. d. podiatrist. ANS: C REF: 575 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 78. A record of the electrical activity in a (skeletal) muscle is abbreviated as a. CTS. b. RA. c. EMG. d. MG. ANS: C
TOP: Abbreviations
79. The abbreviation for the first vertebra in the neck is a. C1. b. T1. c. L1. d. CTS. ANS: A
REF: 578
OBJ: 8
TOP: Abbreviations
80. To assist in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, the doctor may use a procedure involving a surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from a joint called an a. arthroscopy. b. arthrodesis. c. arthroplasty. d. arthrocentesis. ANS: D REF: 558 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
81. A muscle biopsy and electromyography confirmed the patient’s diagnosis as a group of hereditary diseases characterized by degeneration of muscle and weakness or a. ankylosing spondylitis. b. muscular dystrophy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. myasthenia gravis. d. rheumatoid arthritis. ANS: B REF: 554 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
82. Because of the patient’s open fracture, she had contracted inflammation of the bone and bone marrow or a. osteochondritis. b. osteonecrosis. c. osteomyelitis. d. osteomalacia. ANS: C REF: 548 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
83. A vitamin D deficiency in adults may cause the softening of bone or a. osteomalacia. b. osteomyelitis. c. rachischisis. d. scoliosis. ANS: A REF: 546 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
84. An abnormal condition of stiffness, causing the footplate of the stapes to become fixed resulting in conductive hearing loss is called a. lordosis. NURSINGTB.COM b. arthritis. c. ankylosis. d. kyphosis. ANS: C REF: 546 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
85. The physician’s assistant, during a routine physical examination, recorded on the patient’s medical record “crepitus of the right knee.” She observed a. stiffness. b. pain. c. sound. d. weakness. ANS: C REF: 574 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
86. The patient is scheduled in surgery for a THA. She is having surgery on her a. tendon. b. ankle. c. hip. d. humerus. ANS: C
REF: 578
OBJ: 9
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Practical Application 87. The elderly patient was diagnosed as having an abnormal reduction of connective tissue (loss of skeletal muscle mass) or a. rhabdomyolysis. b. sarcopenia. c. osteosarcoma. d. chondromalacia. ANS: B REF: 548 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
88. The physician, after hearing the patient’s complaints of widespread pain and stiffness, fatigue, and inability to get a good night’s sleep, suspected that the pain involved the fibrous tissues and muscles and that the patient had a. fibromyalgia. b. osteomalacia. c. cranioschisis. d. tenosynovitis. ANS: A REF: 546 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
MATCHING Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. (SUR-vi-kal) (VER-te-bray) c. (mak-SIL-a) d. e. f. (UL-na) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
upper jawbone contains little spaces like a sponge a lower arm bone seven bones that form the neck shoulder blade dense, hard layers of bone tissue
1. ANS: C REF: 530 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: D REF: 529 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: F REF: 531 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: B REF: 530 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. ANS: E REF: 530 OBJ:
1 1 1 1 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: A REF: 529 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures Match each item with the correct description below. a. (KOK-siks) b. (STUR-num) c. (KLAV-i-kul) d. e. f. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
upper leg bone forms the inward curve of the spine four vertebrae fused together to form the tailbone breastbone collarbone outermost layer of the bone
7. ANS: F REF: 534 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: E REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 9. ANS: A REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures REFN : 5R 10. ANS: B U 31SINGTB.OCBJ: OM 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 11. ANS: C REF: 530 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 12. ANS: D REF: 529 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures Match each item with the correct description below. a. pronation b. inversion c. adduction d. extension e. rotation 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
turning around its own axis movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position moving toward the midline turning inward movement that turns the palm down
13. ANS: E REF: 577 TOP: Types of Body Movement 14. ANS: D REF: 576
OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: 15. ANS: TOP: 16. ANS: TOP: 17. ANS: TOP:
Types of Body Movement C REF: 576 Types of Body Movement B REF: 576 Types of Body Movement A REF: 577 Types of Body Movement
OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7 OBJ: 7
Match each item with the correct description below. a. flexion b. abduction c. eversion d. supination 18. 19. 20. 21.
movement that turns the palm up moving away from the midline movement in which a limb is bent turning outward
REF: 577 18. ANS: D OBJ: 7 TOP: Types of Body Movement 19. ANS: B REF: 576 OBJ: 7 TOP: Types of Body Movement 20. ANS: A REF: 576 OBJ: 7 TOP: Types of Body Movement 21. ANS: C REFN : 5R 76 OBJ: 7 U SINGTB.COM TOP: Types of Body Movement Match each item with the correct description below. a. kyph/o b. cost/o c. -schisis d. sarc/o e. ischi/o f. arthr/o 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
split, fissure rib flesh, connective tissue hump (increased convexity of the spine) ischium joint
22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS:
545 539 544 544 539
2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 27. ANS: F
REF: 543
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. lumb/o b. uln/o c. suprad. kinesi/o e. interf. -asthenia 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
weakness loin, lumbar region of the spine between ulna movement, motion above
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
545 539 545 539 544 545
2 2 2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. diskitis NURSINGTB.COM b. electromyogram c. arthralgia d. orthopedics e. prosthesis f. herniated disk 34. record of the electrical activity in a muscle 35. pain in the joint 36. branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system 37. artificial substitute for a missing body part 38. rupture of the intervertebral disk cartilage, which allows the contents to protrude through it, putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots 39. inflammation of an intervertebral disk 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
564 567 574 575 554 546
3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Match each item with the correct description below. a. myasthenia gravis b. arthroplasty c. clavicular d. myalgia e. ostectomy f. rachischisis 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
excision of bone surgical repair of a joint fissure (split) of the vertebral column pertaining to the clavicle pain in muscle chronic disease characterized by muscle weakness
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
558 558 548 567 568 554
3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. lordosis b. spinal stenosis c. tenorrhaphy NURSINGTB.COM d. plantar fasciitis e. bradykinesia f. osteocyte 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
narrowing of the spinal canal suturing of a tendon slow movement abnormal condition of bending forward bone cell inflammation of connective tissue of the sole of the foot due to repetitive injury
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
554 560 567 546 568 554
Match each item with the correct description below. a. arthritis b. fracture c. chondrectomy
3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. intercostal e. orthotist f. osteopath 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
person who specializes in orthotics excision of a cartilage physician who specializes in osteopathy inflammation of a joint broken bone pertaining to between the ribs
52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
574 558 574 546 553 567
3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7 3|5 |6|7
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
8 8 8 8 8 8
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. THA b. RA c. Fx d. MD e. T1-T12 f. L1-L5 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
fracture muscular dystrophy thoracic vertebrae total hip arthroplasty lumbar vertebrae rheumatoid arthritis
58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
578 578 578 578 578 578
Match each item with the correct description below. a. C1-C7 b. HNP c. CTS d. Ortho e. TKA 64. orthopedics 65. cervical vertebrae
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 66. carpal tunnel syndrome 67. herniated nucleus pulposus 68. total knee arthroplasty 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
578 578 578 578 578
8 8 8 8 8
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Chapter 15: Nervous System and Behavioral Health LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation for anatomic structure referring to largest portion of the brain, divided into left and right hemispheres is a. b. (ser-a-BEL-um). c. d. (ponz). ANS: A REF: 590 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the anatomic structure that conducts impulses to and from the brain and initiates reflex action to sensory information is a. (GLÇ-a). b. (ponz). c. (NÛR-on). d. (SPÎ-nal) (kord). ANS: D REF: 591 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation of threeN layeRrs oIf mG embBr. anC e thM at cover the brain and spinal cord is a. b. (ponz). c. d. ANS: A REF: 591 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The pronunciation for anatomic structure referring a group of nerve cells located outside the central nervous system is a. b. c. d. (ponz). ANS: A REF: 592 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 5. The combining form myel/o is defined as a. spinal cord. b. gray matter. c. brain. d. nerve root.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: A
REF: 593
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
6. The combining form encephal/o is defined as a. spinal cord. b. brain. c. nerve root. d. cerebellum. ANS: B
REF: 593
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. The combining form that means sensation, sensitivity, feeling is a. poli/o. b. phas/o. c. esthesi/o. d. quadr/i. ANS: C
REF: 596
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
8. The combining form phas/o is defined as a. one. b. mind. c. speech. d. sensation. ANS: C
REF: 596
9. A combining form that means four is a. mon/o. b. rhiz/o. c. gangli/o. d. quadr/i. ANS: D
REF: 596
10. A combining form that means mind is a. cerebr/o. b. esthesi/o. c. phas/o. d. psych/o. ANS: D
REF: 596
11. The combining form gli/o is defined as a. glia. b. nerve root. c. ganglion. d. hard. ANS: A
REF: 593
12. The suffix -iatry is defined as a. seizure, attack.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. specialist, physician. c. slight, paralysis. d. treatment, specialty. ANS: D
REF: 596
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
13. The combining form that means gray matter is a. poli/o. b. myel/o. c. mening/o. d. rhiz/o. ANS: A
REF: 596
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
14. The suffix -paresis is defined as a. slight paralysis. b. sensitivity. c. seizure. d. softening. ANS: A
REF: 596
15. The term encephalomyeloradiculitis means inflammation of the a. brain, spinal cord, and meninges. b. spinal cord, nerve roots, and nerves. c. nerve roots, brain, and meninges. d. brain, spinal cord, and nerve roots.
O 3 ANS: D REF: U597S N T OBJ: TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. Inflammation of the membranous coverings of the brain and spinal cord is called a. duritis. b. poliomyelitis. c. polyneuritis. d. meningitis. ANS: D REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17. The term meningomyelocele means that there is a protrusion through a neural arch defect in the vertebral column of the meninges and the a. spinal cord. b. brainstem. c. cerebrum. d. ganglion. ANS: A REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. The term encephalitis is defined as inflammation of the a. cranial nerves.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. brain. c. spinal nerves. d. spinal cord. ANS: B REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. The term neuroarthropathy means disease of the a. nerves and cartilage. b. joints and cartilage. c. nerve roots and joints. d. nerves and joint. ANS: D REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. The term glioblastoma is defined as a. tumor composed of developing glia. b. inflammation of many nerves. c. disease of the nerve roots. d. tumor of the meninges. ANS: A REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 21. The term meningioma means a. pain in a nerve. b. tumor of the meninges.NURSINGTB.COM c. tumor of the meninges. d. inflammation of many nerves. ANS: C REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 22. The term that means inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is a. polyneuritis. b. neuralgia. c. poliomyelitis. d. meningitis. ANS: C REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 23. The term that means tumor of blood below the dura mater is a. poliomyelitis. b. neuroma. c. cerebral thrombosis. d. subdural hematoma. ANS: D REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 24. The term neuralgia is defined as a. disease of the nerve and the joints. b. pain in the nerve. c. inflammation of many nerves. d. a developing nerve cell. ANS: B REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 25. The term that means softening of the brain is a. encephalomalacia. b. encephalomyeloradiculitis. c. meningomyelocele. d. meningioma. ANS: A REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 26. The term polyneuritis is defined as inflammation of a. gray matter of the spinal cord. b. dura mater. c. many nerves. d. nerve roots. ANS: C REF: 598 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 27. The term cerebral thromboN sisUiR sS deI fiN neG dT asB.COM a. blood clot in the cerebrum. b. blood tumor below the dura. c. inflammation of the gray matter. d. protrusion of the meninges. ANS: A REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 28. A tumor composed of glia is a. gangliitis. b. meningocele. c. radiculopathy. d. glioma. ANS: D REF: 597 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 29. Which of the following means disease affecting a single nerve? a. Neuropathy b. Mononeuropathy c. Radiculopathy d. Polyneuropathy ANS: B
REF: 598
OBJ: 3
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 30. A chronic degenerative disease characterized by sclerotic patches along the brain and spinal cord is a. sciatica. b. herpes zoster. c. multiple sclerosis. d. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ANS: C REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 31. A condition in which there is an interruption of blood supply to the brain is a. cerebral palsy. b. stroke. c. cerebral aneurysm. d. cerebral thrombosis. ANS: B REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A deficient supply of blood to the brain for a short time is called a. cerebral embolism. b. subarachnoid hemorrhage. c. subdural hematoma. d. transient ischemic attack. ANS: D REFN : U6R 04SINGTB.OCBO J:M 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. Which eponym indicates a disease of the CNS with signs and symptoms such as resting tremors, rigidity, expressionless face, shuffling gait, and eventually dementia? a. Alzheimer disease b. Bell palsy c. Lou Gehrig disease d. Parkinson disease ANS: D REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. The term that means a congenital or acquired disorder caused by obstructed circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is a. microcephaly. b. anencephalus. c. macrocephaly. d. hydrocephalus. ANS: D REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 35. A disorder of the nervous system in which the patient experiences recurrent seizures is
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
cerebral palsy. poliomyelitis. epilepsy. multiple sclerosis.
ANS: C REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 36. A slowly progressive type of dementia occurring more frequently after the age of 65 with brain atrophy and inability to recall recent facts is a. Bell palsy. b. Alzheimer disease. c. cerebral palsy. d. Parkinson disease. ANS: B REF: 602 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 37. A viral disease that affects the peripheral nerves and causes blisters on the skin that follow the course of the affected nerves is a. sciatica. b. multiple sclerosis. c. shingles. d. cerebral palsy. ANS: C REF: 603 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
38. A condition characterized by a lack of muscle control and partial paralysis is a. cerebral palsy. b. epilepsy. c. sciatica. d. multiple sclerosis. ANS: A REF: 602 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 39. The surgical repair of a nerve is called a. neurotomy. b. neurolysis. c. neurorrhaphy. d. neuroplasty. ANS: D REF: 608 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 40. An incision into a nerve root is called a a. neurectomy. b. ganglionectomy. c. neurotomy. d. rhizotomy.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: D REF: 608 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 41. The surgical term neurolysis is defined as a. suturing of a nerve. b. surgical repair of a nerve. c. loosening, separating a nerve. d. incision into a nerve root. ANS: C REF: 608 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 42. The term that means excision of a nerve is a. rhizotomy. b. neurotomy. c. neurectomy. d. neurorrhaphy. ANS: C REF: 608 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 43. An instrument used for recording the electrical activity of the brain is a(n) a. electrocardiograph. b. electroencephalogram. c. shunt. d. electroencephalograph. ANS: D REFN : U6R 10SINGTB.OCBO J:M 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 44. The term that means process of recording the (blood) vessels of the cerebrum is a. computed tomography. b. CT myelography. c. electroencephalography. d. cerebral angiography. ANS: D REF: 610 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts 45. Which of the following procedures is performed to remove cerebral spinal fluid for diagnostic purposes? a. Evoked potential studies b. Lumbar puncture c. Computed tomography d. Positron emission tomography scan ANS: B REF: 612 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 46. High-strength computer-controlled magnetic fields produce a series of sectional images (slices) that visualize abnormalities such as swelling, infections, tumors, and herniated disks by a. lumbar puncture. b. positron emission tomography. c. magnetic resonance imaging. d. electroencephalogram. ANS: C REF: 612 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 47. Encephalopathy is defined as a. softening of the spinal cord. b. disease of the brain. c. dementia. d. painful sensation. ANS: B REF: 615 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 48. The term that means without (the loss of) feeling or sensation is a. paresthesia. b. hemiparesis. c. anesthesia. d. hyperesthesia. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary TeN rmUsRBS uiI ltNfrG om TBW.oCrdOPMarts 49. Paralysis of four limbs is a. paresthesia. b. quadriplegia. c. monoplegia. d. hemiplegia. ANS: B REF: 616 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 50. The term dysphasia is defined as a condition marked by a. difficulty in swallowing. b. absence of speech. c. difficulty in speaking. d. slight paralysis of the larynx. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 51. The term intracerebral means pertaining to a. within b. between c. beside
the cerebrum.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. without ANS: A REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 52. A term that means pain in the head is a. anesthesia. b. psychosomatic. c. cerebral. d. cephalgia. ANS: D REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 53. The term that means (occurring) between seizures or attacks is a. preictal. b. postictal. c. interictal. d. hemiparesis. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 54. The term aphasia means loss or impairment of a. speaking. b. eating. c. breathing. NURSINGTB.COM d. swallowing. ANS: A REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 55. The term neuroid is defined as a. condition of excessive sensitivity. b. total paralysis. c. resembling a nerve. d. study of nerves. ANS: C REF: 616 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 56. The term hyperesthesia is defined as a. without (loss of) feeling or sensation. b. pain in the head. c. excessive sensitivity (to stimuli). d. slight paralysis of half of the body. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 57. The term that means pertaining to below the dura mater is a. cerebral.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. neuroid. c. craniocerebral. d. subdural. ANS: D REF: 616 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 58. The term that means paralysis of one (limb) is a. hemiplegia. b. hemiparesis. c. monoplegia. d. quadriplegia. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 59. The term that means softening of the spinal cord is a. encephalomalacia. b. encephalopathy. c. myelomalacia. d. myelomeningocele. ANS: C REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 60. The term that means painful sensation is a. monoparesis. b. paresthesia. c. quadriplegia. d. dysesthesia. ANS: D REF: 615 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 61. A marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable is called a. ataxia. b. syncope. c. convulsion. d. phobia. ANS: D REF: 626 OBJ: 4 TOP: Behavioral Health Terms Not Built from Word Parts 62. The definition of the term concussion is a. injury to the brain caused by minor or major head trauma. b. lack of muscle coordination caused by severe head trauma. c. profound unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. d. stroke caused by head injury. ANS: A REF: 620 OBJ: 4 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 63. A person unable to express thoughts in an orderly manner is said to be a. disoriented. b. incoherent. c. having dementia. d. cognitive. ANS: B REF: 620 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 64. Nerve impulses described as efferent are a. absent. b. conveying toward a center. c. excessive. d. conveying away from the center. ANS: D REF: 620 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 65. A person who is paralyzed from the waist down is called a. paraplegic. b. hemiplegic. c. quadriplegic. d. monoplegic. ANS: A REF: 620 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 66. The term coma is defined aN s URSINGTB.COM a. loss of cognitive abilities. b. inability to express thought or ideas in an orderly, intelligible manner. c. state of mental confusion as to time, place, or identity. d. state of profound unconsciousness. ANS: D REF: 620 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 67. The term shunt is defined as a a. tube implanted in the body to redirect the flow of fluid. b. flexible, tubelike device used for withdrawing or instilling liquids. c. manner or style of walking. d. surgical puncture to aspirate fluid. ANS: A REF: 621 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 68. The term ataxia is defined as a a. violent jarring. b. lack of muscle coordination. c. sudden attack. d. manner or style of walking. ANS: B
REF: 620
OBJ: 6
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 69. The term that means fainting is a. seizure. b. syncope. c. convulsion. d. disorientation. ANS: B REF: 621 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 70. The term dysarthria is related to a. speech. b. walking. c. paralysis. d. fainting. ANS: A REF: 620 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 71. The disease that means (any) disease of the mind is a. psychopathy. b. psychosis. c. psychosomatic. d. psychogenic. ANS: A REF: 623 OBJ: 7 RsSBIuN CoOrdMParts TOP: Behavioral Health TNeU rm iltGfT roB m.W 72. A psychologist is a a. specialist of the mind. b. physician who studies and treats disorders of the mind. c. physician who studies and treats disorders of the nervous system. d. study of the mind. ANS: A REF: 623 OBJ: 7 TOP: Behavioral Health Terms Built from Word Parts 73. Which of the following is a mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement? a. Posttraumatic stress disorder b. Panic attack c. Major depression d. Anxiety disorder ANS: C REF: 626 OBJ: 7 TOP: Behavioral Health Terms Not Built from Word Parts 74. The term that means physical symptoms for which there is no known cause is a. schizophrenia. b. bipolar disorder.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. obsessive-compulsive disorder. d. somatoform disorders. ANS: D REF: 626 OBJ: 7 TOP: Behavioral Health Terms Not Built from Word Parts 75. Which of the following is the abbreviation for a psychiatric disorder characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts that result in the tendency to perform repetitive acts? a. OCD b. PTSD c. ALS d. MS ANS: A
REF: 628
OBJ: 8
TOP: Abbreviations
76. The abbreviation for a sudden deficient supply of blood to the brain lasting a short time is a. CVA. b. CP. c. TIA. d. ALS. ANS: C
REF: 628
77. Cerebrospinal fluid is abbreviated as a. CVA. b. CSF. c. CNS. d. PNS. ANS: B REF: 628
OBJ: 8
TOP: Abbreviations
OBJ: 8
TOP: Abbreviations
78. The progression or treatment of multiple sclerosis may be measured by a group of diagnostic tests that measure changes and responses in brain waves elicited by visual, auditory, or somatosensory stimuli called a. electroencephalography. b. PET scan. c. MRI scan. d. evoked potential studies. ANS: D REF: 612 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
79. The patient, who had sagging of the right side of his mouth and was unable to close his right eye, received a prescription for prednisone to reduce edema of the facial nerve. This paralysis of muscles on one side of the face is called a. Bell palsy. b. monoplegia. c. encephalitis. d. sciatica. ANS: A REF: 602 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
80. To determine the cause of the patient’s severe back pain, the doctor ordered a diagnostic test to record images of the spinal cord after an injection of a contrast agent into the subarachnoid space. This process is called a. positron emission tomography. b. magnetic resonance imaging. c. CT myelography. d. evoked potential studies. ANS: C REF: 610 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
81. The newborn had meninges protruding through a defect in his skull, or a(n) a. myelomeningocele. b. myelomalacia. c. encephalomalacia. d. meningocele. ANS: D REF: 598 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
82. After a head injury due to a fall, the patient was unaware of his surroundings and unable to respond to stimuli. He was in a state of a. unconsciousness. b. consciousness. c. disorientation. d. incoherence. ANS: A REF: 621 OBJ: 9 TOP: Practical Application 83. Which of the following is an eating disorder? a. Anxiety disorder b. Bulimia nervosa c. Phobia d. Autism ANS: B REF: 625 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
84. The emergency department physician diagnosed the patient with ischemic stroke caused by a blood clot lodged in the cerebral artery, or a cerebral a. aneurysm. b. palsy. c. embolism. d. angiography. ANS: C REF: 602 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 85. A young Marine returned home after two tours of combat with symptoms that included mentally reexperiencing combat situations, increased autonomic arousal, social withdrawal, and other related symptoms. The physician diagnosed his condition as a. schizophrenia. b. posttraumatic stress disorder. c. phobia. d. somatoform disorders. ANS: B REF: 626 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
86. The psychiatrist has been asked to see a patient who feels a need to continuously wash her hands, now raw from the continuous scrubbing. After consulting with the patient, the psychiatrist concluded that the patient has a disorder characterized by a tendency to perform repetitive actions or rituals called a. obsessive-compulsive disorder. b. bipolar disorder. c. autism. d. anxiety disorder. ANS: A REF: 626 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 9
MATCHING Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. (ser-a-BEL-um) d. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Cell that conducts nerve impulses to carry out the function of the nervous system Three layers of membrane that cover the brain and spinal cord Called the hindbrain Portion of the brain that connects with the spinal cord
1. ANS: 2. ANS: 3. ANS: 4. ANS:
592 591 590 591
1 1 1 1
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. (nurv) d. 5. Largest portion of the brain 6. Specialized cells that support and nourish nervous tissue
Anatomy Anatomy Anatomy Anatomy
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 7. Contains centers that control respiration, heart rate 8. Cordlike structure made up of fibers 5. ANS: 6. ANS: 7. ANS: 8. ANS:
590 592 591 592
1 1 1 1
Anatomy Anatomy Anatomy Anatomy
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Mening/o b. -ictal c. -iatrist d. Cerebr/o 9. 10. 11. 12.
Seizure, attack Specialist, physician Cerebrum, brain Meninges
9. ANS: 10. ANS: 11. ANS: 12. ANS:
596 596 593 593
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Radic/o b. Dur/o c. Neur/o d. Cerebell/o 13. 14. 15. 16.
Nerve Cerebellum Nerve root Hard, dura mater
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS:
593 593 593 593
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Sciatica b. Neurotomy c. Parkinson disease d. Gait e. Psychologist 17. Chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system 18. Incision into a nerve
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 19. Specialist of the mind 20. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve 21. Manner or style of walking 17. ANS: TOP: 18. ANS: TOP: 19. ANS: TOP: 20. ANS: TOP: 21. ANS: TOP:
C REF: Medical Terms B REF: Medical Terms E REF: Medical Terms A REF: Medical Terms D REF: Medical Terms
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Bipolar disorder b. Radicotomy c. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan of the brain d. Radiculitis e. Panic attack 22. Major psychological disorder manifested by manic and depressive episodes 23. Nuclear medicine procedure combining CT and radioactive chemicals to produce sectional images of the brain or other organs 24. Episode of sudden onset ofNacuR te aI nxieGty 25. Inflammation of the nerve roU ots S 26. Incision into a nerve root 22. ANS: TOP: 23. ANS: TOP: 24. ANS: TOP: 25. ANS: TOP: 26. ANS: TOP:
A REF: Medical Terms C REF: Medical Terms E REF: Medical Terms D REF: Medical Terms B REF: Medical Terms
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Cerebellitis b. Neurorrhaphy c. Craniocerebral d. Paraplegia e. Cognitive 27. Suturing of a nerve 28. Pertaining to the cranium and cerebrum
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 29. Pertaining to the mental processes 30. Inflammation of the cerebellum 31. Paralysis from the waist down caused by damage to the lower level of the spinal cord 27. ANS: TOP: 28. ANS: TOP: 29. ANS: TOP: 30. ANS: TOP: 31. ANS: TOP:
B REF: Medical Terms C REF: Medical Terms E REF: Medical Terms A REF: Medical Terms D REF: Medical Terms
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Match each item with the correct description below. a. Parkinson disease b. Intracerebral hemorrhage c. Computed tomography d. Psychogenic e. Pica 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Originating in the mind Bleeding into the brain as a result of a ruptured blood vessel within the brain Compulsive eating of nonnutritive substances Chronic degenerative diseaN se oR f thI e ceG ntraB l. neC rvoM us system U S N T Computerized radiographic process producing a series of sectional images (slices) of tissue
32. ANS: TOP: 33. ANS: TOP: 34. ANS: TOP: 35. ANS: TOP: 36. ANS: TOP:
D REF: Medical Terms B REF: Medical Terms E REF: Medical Terms A REF: Medical Terms C REF: Medical Terms
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Match each item with the correct description below. a. EEG b. SAH c. ALS d. PNS e. PTSD 37. Subarachnoid hemorrhage 38. Posttraumatic stress disorder 39. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 40. Electroencephalogram 41. Peripheral nervous system 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
628 628 628 628 628
8 8 8 8 8
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
REF: 628 OBJ: 8 REF: 628 OBJ: 8 REF: 628 OBJ: 8 28SINGTB.OCBO J:M 8 REFN : U6R REF: 628 OBJ: 8
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. LP b. PD c. MRI d. CVA e. MS 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
Multiple sclerosis Lumbar puncture Magnetic resonance imaging Cerebrovascular accident Parkinson disease
42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank Chapter 16: Endocrine System LaFleur: Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The pronunciation of the anatomic structure that is approximately the size of a pea and located at the base of the brain is a. b. c. d. ANS: A REF: 639 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. The pronunciation of the largest endocrine gland that secretes triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) is a. b. c. d. ANS: B REF: 640 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. The pronunciation of the foN ur sR s e.mCbedMded in the posterior aspect of the lobes of U mal SIl bo NGdieTB the thyroid gland a. b. c. d. ANS: B REF: 640 OBJ: 1 TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. The combining form cortic/o means a. calcium. b. cortisol. c. cortex. d. endocrine. ANS: C
REF: 642
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
5. The combining form thyr/o is defined as a. parathyroid gland. b. thyroid gland. c. endocrine gland. d. cortex. ANS: B
REF: 642
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
6. The combining form that means potassium is a. natr/o. b. kal/i. c. dips/o. d. calc/i. ANS: B
REF: 643
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
7. Dips/o is a combining form meaning a. double. b. poison. c. thirst. d. height. ANS: C
REF: 643
8. The combining form that means extremities, height is a. thyr/o. b. kal/i. c. natr/o. d. acr/o. ANS: D
REF: 643
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
9. The combining form that means calcium is a. kal/i. b. natr/o. c. dips/o. d. calc/i. ANS: D
REF: 643
10. The combining form that means pituitary gland is a. parathyroid/o. b. adrenal/o. c. endocrin/o. d. pituitar/o. ANS: D
REF: 642
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
OBJ: 2
TOP: Word Parts
11. The suffix -drome means a. run, running. b. softening. c. painful. d. extremities, height. ANS: A
REF: 644
12. The term that means state of total deficient pituitary gland activity is a. hypopituitarism. b. panhypopituitarism.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. hyperpituitarism. d. hyperglycemia. ANS: B REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 13. Enlargement (of one or both) of the adrenal glands is called a. hyperadrenalism. b. acromegaly. c. adrenomegaly. d. adrenalitis. ANS: C REF: 644 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 14. The term hyponatremia means a deficiency of which substance in the blood? a. potassium b. calcium c. sodium d. sugar ANS: C REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 15. The term that means a state of excessive thyroid gland activity is a. parathyroidoma. b. hypothyroidism. NURSINGTB.COM c. hyperkalemia. d. hyperthyroidism. ANS: D REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 16. The term hypoglycemia is defined as a. deficient sugar in the blood. b. enlargement (of one or both) of the adrenal glands. c. excessive sugar in the blood. d. enlargement of the extremities. ANS: A REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 17.
The term acromegaly is defined as a. enlargement of the extremities. b. tumor of the parathyroid gland. c. enlargement (of one or both) of the adrenal glands. d. abnormal condition of poisoning. ANS: A REF: 644 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 18. The term hyperglycemia is defined as
in the blood.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d.
excessive level of potassium deficient level of sugar excessive level of sugar deficient level of sodium
ANS: C REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 19. The term hyperpituitarism means a. state of excessive thyroid activity. b. deficient level of calcium in the blood. c. deficient level of sodium in the blood. d. state of excessive pituitary gland activity. ANS: D REF: 645 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts 20. A chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia that can cause chronic renal failure, retinopathy, and neuropathy is a. diabetes insipidus. b. pheochromocytoma. c. Graves disease. d. diabetes mellitus. ANS: D REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts
GuTscBle.sCpaOsM 21. A condition affecting nerveNs U caRuS si I ngNm ms as a result of low amounts of calcium is a. ketoacidosis. b. myxedema. c. goiter. d. tetany. ANS: D REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 22. A group of signs and symptoms attributed to the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex is a. Cushing syndrome. b. Addison disease. c. congenital hypothyroidism. d. gigantism. ANS: A REF: 648 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 23. A serious condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes in which acid ketones accumulate from fat metabolism is a. ketoacidosis. b. thyrotoxicosis. c. myxedema.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank d. tetany. ANS: A REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 24. A decrease in the activity of the antidiuretic hormone produced by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland results in a. diabetes mellitus. b. Addison disease. c. diabetes insipidus. d. Cushing syndrome. ANS: C REF: 648 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 25. A condition brought about by hypersecretion of the pituitary growth hormone is a. goiter. b. ketoacidosis. c. gigantism. d. tetany. ANS: C REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 26. The term that means the enlargement of the thyroid gland is a. myxedema. b. adrenomegaly. NURSINGTB.COM c. goiter. d. acromegaly. ANS: C REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 27. The term given to the condition that results from an extreme deficiency of thyroid hormone is a. ketoacidosis. b. tetany. c. gigantism. d. myxedema. ANS: D REF: 649 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts 28. The term that means excision of the thyroid gland is a. thyroidectomy. b. adrenalectomy. c. thyroparathyroidectomy. d. parathyroidectomy. ANS: A REF: 653 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 29. The term pancreatectomy is defined as an excision of a. the adrenal gland. b. the pancreas. c. the thyroid gland. d. the parathyroid gland. ANS: B REF: 653 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 30. The term adrenalectomy is defined as a. surgical repair of the adrenal b. excision of a parathyroid c. excision of the adrenal d. surgical repair of the thyroid
ANS: C REF: 653 OBJ: 4 TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts 31. A blood test that gives the direct measurement of the amount of T4 in the blood is a. thyroid-stimulating hormone level. b. thyroxine level. c. radioactive iodine uptake. d. fasting blood sugar. ANS: B REF: 655 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 32. A nuclear medicine test thaN tm eaS suIreNs G thT yB ro. idCfuOnM ction is a UR a. thyroid-stimulating hormone level. b. thyroxine level. c. radioactive iodine uptake. d. thyroid sonography. ANS: C REF: 654 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 33. An ultrasound test of the thyroid gland used to help determine whether a thyroid nodule is likely benign or possibly malignant is a. sestamibi parathyroid scan. b. thyroid sonography. c. radioactive iodine uptake. d. thyroid-stimulating hormone level. ANS: B REF: 655 OBJ: 5 TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts 34. The term euthyroid is defined as resembling a(n) _ a. stressed b. normal c. enlarged d. small
thyroid gland.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank ANS: B REF: 657 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 35. The term corticoid means a. pertaining to the cortex. b. disease of the adrenal gland. c. resembling the cortex. d. excessive development of the adrenal cortex. ANS: C REF: 657 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 36. The term polydipsia is defined as a. set of symptoms that run together. b. excessive development of the adrenal cortex. c. abnormal state of much thirst. d. excessive fluid intake. ANS: C REF: 657 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 37. The term syndrome is defined as a. (any) disease of the endocrine system. b. signs and symptoms occurring together. c. identification of a disease. d. state of before knowledge. ANS: B REFN : U6R 57SINGTB.OCBO J:M 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 38. The term adrenopathy is defined as a. (any) disease of the endocrine system. b. disease of the adrenal gland. c. resembling the cortex. d. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball. ANS: B REF: 656 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 39. The term glycemia is defined as a. sugar in the blood. b. calcium in the blood. c. abnormal state of much thirst. d. normal level of sugar in the blood. ANS: A REF: 657 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts 40. The term that means a narrow strip of tissue connecting two larger parts in the body is a. fistula. b. hormone.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank c. isthmus. d. metabolism. ANS: C REF: 659 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 41. The sum total of the chemical processes that take place in a living organism is called a. calcipenia. b. exophthalmos. c. metabolism. d. endocrinology. ANS: C REF: 659 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 42. The term that means substances secreted by the endocrine glands is a. corticoids. b. hormones. c. isthmus. d. ketones. ANS: B REF: 659 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 43. A group of hormones released by the gastrointestinal system that stimulate the release of insulin is a. isthmus. NURSINGTB.COM b. incretins. c. corticoids. d. glycemia. ANS: B REF: 659 OBJ: 6 TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts 44. The abbreviation for the diagnostic test that determines the amount of glucose in the blood is a. RAIU. b. T4. c. FBS. d. TSH. ANS: C
REF: 660
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
45. The abbreviation for the chronic disease involving a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is a. DM. b. RAIU. c. FBS. d. DI. ANS: A
REF: 660
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
46. The abbreviation representing the hormone that stimulates the kidney to reabsorb water is
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. ACTH. b. GH. c. FSH. d. ADH. ANS: D
REF: 660
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
47. The abbreviation representing the hormone that promotes development of glandular tissue during pregnancy and produces milk after birth of an infant is a. GH. b. PRL. c. ADH. d. FSH. ANS: B
REF: 660
OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
48. Weakness, darkening of skin, and loss of appetite were some of the signs and symptoms experienced by the patient diagnosed with a chronic syndrome resulting from a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex or a. Graves disease. b. diabetes insipidus. c. myxedema. d. Addison disease. ANS: D REF: 648 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
49. The excessive concentratioN nsUoR fS ciI rcN ulG atT inB g. paCraOthMyroid hormone appeared to be caused by a tumor of the parathyroid gland or a. parathyroidoma. b. thyrotoxicosis. c. thyroiditis. d. pheochromocytoma. ANS: A REF: 645 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
50. The patient who was eventually diagnosed with Graves disease first presented with the abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, or a. goiter. b. exophthalmos. c. hyperthyroidism. d. isthmus. ANS: B REF: 649 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
51. A blood test used to diagnose diabetes and monitor its treatment by measuring the amount of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood, providing an indication of blood sugar level over the past 3 months, was ordered by the endocrinologist. The name of the blood test is a. fasting blood sugar.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank b. radioactive uptake test. c. HbA1C. d. thyroxine level. ANS: C REF: 655 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
52. The patient had signs and symptoms that included insulin resistance, obesity characterized by excessive fat around the area of the waist and abdomen, hypertension, hyperglycemia, elevated triglycerides, and low levels of the “good” cholesterol HDL. The patient’s physician concluded that she had a. myxedema. b. Cushing syndrome. c. Graves disease. d. metabolic syndrome. ANS: D REF: 649 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
53. A patient had signs and symptoms that included fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance. The physician prescribed treatment for a. hypothyroidism. b. thyroiditis. c. hypopituitarism. d. hyperglycemia. ANS: A REF: 645 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical ApplicatioN nURSINGTB.COM 54. The biopsy technique that uses a narrow hollow needle to obtain tiny amounts of tissue for pathologic examination is abbreviated as a. FBS. b. DKA. c. FSH. d. FNA. ANS: D REF: 655 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
55. A patient scheduled for routine HbA1C is likely to be monitored for this diagnosis a. FSH. b. T2DM. c. RAIU. d. ACTH. ANS: B REF: 655 | 661 TOP: Practical Application
OBJ: 8
MATCHING Match each item with the correct description below.
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank a. b. c. d. 1. 2. 3. 4.
produces and secretes the growth hormone largest endocrine gland located above each kidney stores and releases antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin
1. ANS: C REF: 639 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 2. ANS: B REF: 640 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 3. ANS: D REF: 641 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 4. ANS: A REF: 640 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures
1 1 1 1
Match each item with the correct description below. a. b. c. d. 5. secretes “releasing” hormoN nes R thatIstim GulaBte.oCr inMhibit the release of pituitary gland U S N T O hormones 6. secretes insulin and glucagon 7. referred to as the master gland 8. hormone produced by this gland helps maintain the level of calcium in blood 5. ANS: A REF: 640 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 6. ANS: D REF: 641 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 7. ANS: B REF: 639 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures 8. ANS: C REF: 640 OBJ: TOP: Pronunciation of Anatomic Structures Match each item with the correct description below. a. endocrin/o b. dips/o c. -drome d. acr/o 9. endocrine 10. run, running 11. extremities, height
1 1 1 1
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 12. thirst 9. 10. 11. 12.
642 644 643 643
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
2 2 2 2
Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts Word Parts
Match each item with the correct description below. a. cortic/o b. calc/i c. natr/o d. kal/i 13. 14. 15. 16.
cortex calcium sodium potassium
13. ANS: 14. ANS: 15. ANS: 16. ANS:
642 643 643 643
Match each item with the correct description below. a. congenital hypothyroidism b. thyroid-stimulating horN monRe leI vel c. thyrotoxicosis d. cortical 17. 18. 19. 20.
pertaining to the cortex used to diagnose hypothyroidism and to monitor patients on thyroid replacement therapy condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones condition caused by congenital absence or atrophy of the thyroid gland
17. ANS: 18. ANS: 19. ANS: 20. ANS:
657 655 649 648
Match each item with the correct description below. a. hyperparathyroidism b. parathyroridectomy c. adrenocorticohyperplasia d. hypocalcemia 21. 22. 23. 24.
deficient calcium in the blood excision of (one or more) parathyroid glands state of excessive parathyroid gland activity excessive development of the adrenal cortex
3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank
21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS:
645 653 645 656
3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms Medical Terms
Match each item with the correct description below. a. hypoglycemia b. hypokalemia c. endocrinopathy d. pheochromocytoma 25. 26. 27. 28.
deficient potassium in the blood endocrinopathy deficient sugar in the blood tumor of the adrenal medulla, which is usually non-malignant
25. ANS: 26. ANS: 27. ANS: 28. ANS:
645 657 645 649
3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. adrenalitis b. thyroiditis c. thyroidectomy d. euglycemia 29. 30. 31. 32.
inflammation of the adrenal glands normal (level of) sugar in the blood (within normal range) inflammation of the thyroid gland excision of the thyroid gland
29. 30. 31. 32.
644 657 645 653
3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6 3|4 |5|6
Match each item with the correct description below. a. TSH b. PRL c. sestamibi parathyroid scan d. hypopituitarism e. GH 33. 34. 35. 36.
state of deficient pituitary gland activity nuclear medicine procedure used to localize hyperactive parathyroid glands prolactin growth hormone
Exploring Medical Language 10th Edition Brooks Test Bank 37. thyroid-stimulating hormone 33. ANS: TOP: 34. ANS: TOP: 35. ANS: 36. ANS: 37. ANS:
D REF: 645 OBJ: 7 Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts C REF: 655 OBJ: 7 Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts B REF: 660 OBJ: 7 E REF: 660 OBJ: 7 A REF: 661 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations TOP: Abbreviations
Match each item with the correct description below. a. DI b. FSH c. DKA d. RAIU e. LH 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
luteinizing hormone follicle-stimulating hormone diabetes insipidus diabetic ketoacidosis radioactive iodine uptake
38. ANS: E 39. ANS: B 40. ANS: A 41. ANS: C 42. ANS: D
REF: 660 OBJ: 7 REF: 660 OBJ: 7 REFN : 6R CBOJ:M 7 U 60SINGTB.OOBJ: REF: 660 7 REF: 660 OBJ: 7
Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviations