Chapter 10: Reproductive System Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The ACR recommends which of the following as the best imaging examination for uterine
fibroids? a. MRI b. Sonography c. CT d. Abdominal radiograph ANS: B
REF: p. 320
2. Carcinoma of the breast has an increased incidence in females between the ages of _____
years. a. 18-25 b. 20-30 c. 30-50 d. None of the above, the incidence remains the same throughout life. ANS: C
REF: p. 309
3. The ACR recommends which of the following as the best imaging examination for staging
men with prostate cancer? a. MRI b. Sonography c. CT d. Abdominal radiograph ANS: A
REF: p. 329
4. Acute scrotal pain that may be caused by a lack of blood flow to the testicle requires an
emergent imaging examination. What is modality most highly recommended? a. CT b. Pelvic radiograph c. MRI d. Sonography ANS: D
REF: p. 331
5. A patient with diagnosed carcinoma of the cervix needs to have a highly reliable diagnostic
workup. Which imaging examinations are highly recommended by the ACR for detecting recurrent disease? 1. Hysterosalpingogram 2. MRI of the pelvis 3. FDG-PET/CT a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only