Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination 9th Edition Ball Test Bank
Chapter 04: Clinical Reasoning Ball: Seidel G ide Ph ical E a i a i
, 9 h Edi i
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. After the subjective and objective data have been prioritized, the next step is to: a. order laboratory tests. b. formulate a problem list. c. establish the diagnosis. d. initiate therapy. e. initiate appropriate consultations. ANS: B
Formulate a problem list problems as specifically as possible. Identify and list the signs and m m a cia ed i h each f a ie c ce a ell a ab mali ie di c e ed during the physical examination. TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science
MSC: Organ System: General
2. New symptoms or findings of unknown etiology are: a. problems to be noted on the problem list. b. deferred for subsequent visits. c. diagnosed before physical examination. d. reserved for specialists. e. all ed he i g . ANS: A
New findings of unknown causes are added to the problem list, but do not let them become a ed he i g ha di ac a e i f m he ce al i e . TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science
MSC: Organ System: General
3. Which of the following is an accepted method of making a diagnosis? a. Always unifying your findings into one diagnosis b. Making maximal use of laboratory tests c. Using first assumptions d. Using algorithms e. Relying on intuition ANS: D
Methods to make a diagnosis include recognizing patterns, sampling the universe, and using algorithms. Unifying all of your findings into one diagnosis is not always possible. More than one disease process can exist at one time in the same patient. Do not rely on intuition, extensive use of laboratory findings, or always going with your first assumptions. TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science
MSC: Organ System: General
4. Medical decision making requires a balance between: a. speculation and feelings. b. opinions and beliefs.