SOLUTIONS MANUAL AND TEST BANK FOR Supervision of Police Personnel 10th Edition. Nathan F. Iannone

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Suggestions for Use of Instructor’s Manual This Instructor‘s Manual is designed to be used for a typical three-credit college course. It can also be used very easily for courses of greater or lesser length, at the instructor‘s discretion. In fact, the entire Manual has been designed to give maximum discretion to you, the instructor. Use it to guide your course as much as you need; let it support your own expertise, teaching techniques, and the unique needs of your class. There are detailed lesson plans for every chapter. These are intended to help you tailor your lesson plans to the needs of each class. Each chapter also has a number of Assignments offered. This puts more tools in your tool kit to help you get the best fit between the material and the student. There should be more here than you will need. There is an extensive bank of test questions. They will tell you how well your students are learning the material, and how well you are teaching them. Use them as starting points for your own test questions or use them as they are. In all cases, we have tried to help you get your students fully engaged as active learners. This book is very practice oriented. The lesson plans and test questions have likewise been developed to help students get their hands on the subject. With your skill as a teacher and as a leader, they will not only learn about Police Supervision; they will learn how to become Police Supervisors.

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Course Introduction: Orientation to Supervision Activities Activity 1: Course Procedural Requirements Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Why understanding the rules of the school helps the student 2. How the class will be conducted 3. Discuss readings 4. Overview of course


1. What students can expect from the instructor 2. What is expected of students a. Assignments b. Classroom participation c. Exams/makeup policies


Grading policies

3. Discuss features of the syllabus, text book, bibliography 4. Method of presentation 5. Instructor, students, introduce themselves, any information about themselves they want to share, briefly describe the motivation for taking the class 6. Motivation: Discuss why it is essential for supervisors to master the principles and techniques of supervising people a. Improve personal effectiveness b. Improve organizational effectiveness c. Maintain high morale and reduce grievances d. Make the job easier e. Increase capacity for promotion 7. Make the transition into a new position more comfortable


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions

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at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Have students discuss strictly supervisory tasks required of a police supervisor. Identify supervisory problems and successes they have seen or heard about.

Chapter 1 The Supervisor’s Role CHAPTER OVERVIEW Line supervisors have the most important supervisory role in the police department. They are the greatest influence on organizational productivity, as well as worker performance and morale. The position requires human relations skills, technical and organizational knowledge, and managerial expertise. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role 2. To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor 3. To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives LECTURE OUTLINE Supervisory Position Technical and Supervisory Competence Organizational Knowledge Basic Supervisory Responsibilities Transition from Officer to Supervisor Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: The pivotal organizational role of the Sergeant Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

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1. Read the next chapter 2. Be prepared to discuss Exercises and Questions at the end of the chapter 3. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Point out how supervisors exercise such strong influence over their subordinates. 2. Have students give examples of how poor supervisory practices affect productivity, performance, and morale.


1. Distinguish supervision from management. 2. List supervisory skill areas on a visual aid. Discuss how each is used. 3. Discuss the supervisor‘s need for technical knowledge, and how much of that knowledge the supervisor needs in order to be effective. 4. Discuss the importance of communication. 5. Discuss Basic Supervisory Responsibilities.


Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Some Organizational Basics 1. Prepare a Table of Organization of your Department or simulate one. 2. Show the various levels of hierarchy. 3. Identify lines of authority. 4. Identify staff positions. 5. Show the span of control of: a. The Chief Executive b. A Division Commander c. A typical Lieutenant

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d. A Patrol Sergeant Assignment #2: Some Basic Supervisory Responsibilities Research three different police agencies: a municipal Police Department, a County Sheriff‘s Department, and any third, different type of agency you choose. For each agency, list examples of each basic supervisory responsibility:        

Planner Personnel Officer Trainer Coach Counselor Controller Decision-maker and Communicator Leader

Write a report in which you compare and contrast how the basic supervisory responsibilities are similar, and in what ways they are different. Analyze why this is so. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Management denotes the process of directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished. 2. While management is the process of directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished; supervision, as part of the management process, refers to the act of overseeing people. 3. Supervisors should prepare themselves for the position by gaining knowledge and understanding of the policies, rules, procedures, practices, functions, and objectives of the organization. Successful supervisors will understand the legal ramifications of their office; obligations, liabilities, and responsibilities for the acts of their subordinates under the law; and the restrictions under which they operate. 4. The basic supervisory responsibilities are: 

Planner Supervisors should familiarize themselves with work simplification practices to bring about greater efficiency in their organization through the streamlining of procedures, reduction of paperwork, and effective use of personnel resources. Personnel Officer Supervisors should strive to assign their subordinates as scientifically as possible to the positions for which they are best suited and to the places and at the times where they are most needed. Trainer The best supervisors develop their abilities to train their employees to be efficient, effective producers who gain satisfaction from their work. Coach Supervisors share their knowledge and expertise, and let employees know how they can improve performance. It can be an excellent motivational tool that stimulates employees to achieve peak job performance.

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 

Counselor Counseling relates to the supervisory practice of actively listening and responding to employees‘ complaints, grievances, and problems. The counseling goal here is to improve performance. Controller The supervisor must make proper follow-ups to determine that rules and regulations have been followed and orders properly executed. Decision Maker and Communicator When supervisors make decisions, they often help shape policy for the organization. Leader Every supervisor has an inherent responsibility to motivate their subordinates by giving them positive incentives that will encourage them to achieve and maintain a high level of efficiency.

Chapter 2 The Supervisor’s Function in Organization, Administration, and Management CHAPTER OVERVIEW An organization is a structure through which people coordinate their efforts to accomplish common goals. The supervisor is responsible for leading their efforts to keep the work focused on the organization‘s objectives. The supervisor accomplishes this through several administrative functions, including planning, directing, and controlling. Delegation is one of the supervisor‘s most important tasks, which allows them more time to supervise while also increasing the workers‘ capabilities. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process 2. To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions 3. To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management 4. To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor LECTURE OUTLINE Accreditation Administrative Functions Basic Organizational Structures Division of Work Unity of Command

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Span of Control Delegation The Exception Principle Delegation of Staff Projects Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Updated Accreditation section

ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Supervisor’s Administrative Functions Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as needed


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Explain how the supervisor can do their job better with an understanding of the principles of organization, administration, and management 2. Discuss why planning is the first administrative function


1. How can we define an organization 2. What are the administrative functions of management a. Review POSDCORB b. Have students give examples of each function c. Discuss the planning function at each level of authority d. Discuss the features of each type of plan, examples of each, 7 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

and the level at which they are typically made: (1) Policies (2) Fiscal plans (3) Procedural plans (4) Tactical plans (5) Operational plans (6) Auxiliary services plans Activity 2: Organizational Structure Introduction:

1. Explain why a good organizational structure will perform poorly without good administration a. Give examples of what happens when direction and control are absent b. Explain why leading, directing, and controlling people are most important at the line supervisor‘s level


1. Types of organizations (Visual aid) Lines of authority and responsibility a. Have students distinguish various types of visual aids b. Have students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each 2. Give the four bases of dividing work a. Have students give examples of each b. Describe how the principles of Specialization and Productivity are applied to the division of work 3. Discuss the application and purpose of Unity of Command 4. Span of Control a. Have students describe the different limiting factors

Activity 3: Delegation Introduction:

1. Criticality of Delegation a. Have students give examples of reasons for Delegation (1) How is Delegation a form of training b. Have students give examples of Failures of Delegation c. Discuss the correct process


1. Display organizational charts from the early part of the lesson. Have students discuss correct spans at each level and reasons for 8 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

the span they selected. Have students give examples of the tasks that may be delegated at each level and assignment 2. Discuss Applied Knowledge Questions as time permits Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Organization Structure and Administrative Functions 1. Prepare an organizational chart for any one of the following: a. A professional football team b. An auto manufacturing plant c. A donut franchise d. A company Christmas party committee e. Any other organization assigned by the instructor 2. Display the following: a. The level of execution b. Lines of authority c. Staff functions 3. Answer the following: a. Justify the spans of control you assigned b. Justify the number of levels of authority you assigned c. How did you determine your division of labor and specialization 4. Identify where each element of POSDCORB is performed Assignment #2: Delegation 1. Assume you are the Sergeant in charge of a patrol sector. Which of these tasks would you delegate, and why? a. A traffic post b. A neighborhood watch meeting c. A bias crime investigation d. A training session on a new sick time policy 2. Assume you are the Lieutenant in charge of the Auto Theft Squad. Which of these tasks would you delegate, and why? 9 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

a. The interrogation of a suspect b. Investigation of a citizen complaint against the Squad Sergeant c. Coordination of a surveillance operation d. Preparation of a statistical report on auto thefts for the past year 3. Assume you are the Captain in charge of the Communications Division. Which of these tasks would you delegate, and why? a. Preparation of the biennial budget request b. Research into a new radio system c. Supervision of the Dispatch Center d. Re-writing the Procedures for Equipment Requisition

Assignment #3: Plans 1. Write a plan for a Patrol Squad to manage the St. Patrick‘s Day Parade. Be prepared to answer: What kind of plan is this? Who typically writes it? 2. ―We believe that the reason this agency exists is to serve the people of the Township, to uphold the Constitution, and to prevent and investigate crime.‖ What kind of plan is this? Who typically creates it? Write a plan stating the Police Department‘s position on investigating citizen complaints against its personnel. 3. Locate a Police Department‘s plan on the correct way to investigate incidents of Domestic Violence. Be prepared to answer: What kind of plan is it? Who wrote it? Why is it not more specific than it is? Why is it not less specific than it is?

SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Planning: working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise. Organizing: establishing the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the defined objective. Staffing: the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work. Directing: the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise. Coordinating: the all-important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work. Reporting: keeping those who the executive is responsible for informed as to what is going on, which includes keeping themselves and their subordinates informed through records, research, and inspection. Budgeting: all that goes with budgeting in the form of fiscal planning, accounting, and control. 2. An organization is a structure through which people work as a group. 3. The formally structured and recognized relationships within the organization will have superimposed on them the informal groups, with their own leader or leaders, unrecognized on the organizational charts. Through these natural leaders, often without bars or stripes, the wise supervisor will accomplish many of their objectives. These natural leaders are called 10 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

informal leaders. 4. Regardless of what basis is used for, this division—whether work is apportioned according to function performed, as in the laboratory; by area, as in a system of precincts, geographic divisions, or beats; by clientele handled, as in youth activities or juvenile offenses; or by purpose, as in public relations activities, traffic control, etc.—the division must be logical and practicable. 5. Assigning to each worker the fewest possible kinds of tasks or operations in order to improve the quality. 6. Increasing the quantity of work, thereby giving the highest class of work to suit the worker‘s natural abilities. 7. The unity of command principle requires that every employee be under the direct command of but one superior. It is recognized that the principle occasionally is violated in organizations that function exceptionally well despite what is classically considered almost a fatal breach of an inviolate principle. Close analysis will probably reveal, however, that such organizations operate effectively because of exceptional leadership. 8. The span of control relates to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one supervisor. This limit is small, from three to five at the top level of the organization, and broadens at the lower levels. It is dependent on such factors as the capacities of the supervisor and those supervised, the types of work being performed, and the complexity of the work. Other determining factors include the area covered by it, the distances between elements, the time needed to perform the tasks, the homogeneity of operations, the types of persons served, and the effectiveness of managers. 9. Those supervisors who refuse to allow anything to be done except under their direct control are the primary causes of the crippling bottlenecks that slow or stop effective operations. Delegation is done poorly when supervisors allow their subordinates to delegate upward more quickly than they learn to delegate downward. There could be many reasons why supervisors do not delegate: they have not learned how they have never really appreciated the training value of delegating or the need for avoiding routine tasks that others can do better (and sometimes more economically), they have an overabundance of confidence in their own capacity for detail, or they do not have confidence in the subordinates. 10. Ultimate responsibility rests with the supervisor, not the delegates. Although many activities can be passed down to others through the process of delegation, the supervisor cannot avoid the responsibility for such activities. Many supervisors have suffered dire consequences by assuming that a job entrusted to a subordinate relieved them of their responsibility for completing the job. They should be encouraged to delegate all possible tasks to the lowest possible level in the organization where the necessary ability to perform them exists, but in so doing, they do not shed their responsibility for the completion of the task and their accountability for the results. 11. Proper delegation frees supervisors from many routine tasks and enables them to devote more of their time to broader planning activities. In addition, it provides other worthwhile benefits to employees to whom jobs are delegated. It allows them to increase their job knowledge by performing new tasks that are not ordinarily their responsibility. It is an excellent tool for developing personnel for positions of greater responsibility and for increasing their initiative in accomplishing new tasks. 12. The exception principle specifies that the head of an organization or unit within it should not find it necessary to act personally on each matter coming under their general jurisdiction. Rather, they should have to act only on those exceptional matters that require their personal 11 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

attention. 13. The principle of completed staff work requires that the person to whom work has been assigned through the delegation process complete it so that the only thing left to be done by the person who delegated it is to approve it. 14. The ability of supervisors to perform complex duties efficiently and well will depend to a large degree on how skillfully they can delegate routine tasks to others and to retain for their personal attention only those exceptional matters they should handle themselves. The more effective this delegation process is the fewer bottlenecks that will be created in the operations of the unit. In addition, supervisors will be freed to engage in the broader context of planning, creative thinking, and essential external relationships. The effectiveness of this process of delegation is largely dependent on how well subordinates have been trained both to assume responsibility for routine acts and decisions for which they are equipped and to engage in completed staff work.

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Chapter 3 Leadership, Supervision, and Command Presence CHAPTER OVERVIEW Leadership gains willing obedience in working toward organizational goals. It can be learned by understanding and developing its characteristics: psychology, integrity, personality, and others. Human relations skill ranks highly among these characteristics because it supports critical leadership tasks such as praising and disciplining employees. Each style of leadership has strengths and weaknesses. Proven techniques can help to avoid common stumbling blocks. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development 2. To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each 3. To gain an understanding of the techniques of supervising marginal employees 4. To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees 5. To become acquainted with the basic criteria for decision-making LECTURE OUTLINE Development of Leadership Ability Types of Leaders Situational Leadership Transformational Leadership and Empowerment Selection of a Leadership Style Command Presence and Leadership Elements of Leadership Motivation of Employees Situational Analysis and Self-Appraisal Leadership Characteristics Personality of a Leader Human Relations and Leadership Knowledge of Subordinates Supervision of the Marginal Employee Order Giving Decision-Making Drawing of Conclusions Moderation in Supervision Fraternization Example Setting 13 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Female Supervisors Supervising a Diverse Workforce Supervising the Multigenerational Workforce Avoidance of Gender Bias and Harassment Symptoms of Leadership Failure Leadership Issues in Community Policing Magnifying Community Policing through Social Media Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Updated Supervising a Diverse Workforce Updated Supervising the Multigenerational Workforce Updated Avoidance of Gender Bias and Harassment ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Studying Leadership Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter a. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Explain the meaning of leadership a. Leadership has been extensively studied so it may be replicated


1. Discuss former Navy Seal Jocko Willink‘s view of leadership 2. Basic factors in leadership development 3. Have the students describe each of the three types of leaders and the strengths and weaknesses of each style: 14 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

a. Autocratic, Democratic, Free-rein 4. Discuss Situational Leadership a. Distinguish Task Behavior from Relationship Behavior b. Distinguish Ability from Willingness 5. Have students give examples of each of the four readiness levels, and the correct leadership style for each 6. Discuss the elements of leadership: a. Command Presence b. Ethics c. Common Sense d. Psychology of motivation 7. Have students give examples of positive and negative incentives and the effect of intangible incentives 8. Have students list characteristics of good leaders, and name persons exhibiting those characteristics. Activity 2: Practicing Leadership Introduction:

1. Describe how a supervisor can increase their capacity for leadership 2. Point out how the supervisor‘s job will become easier and more effective if they become adept in applying the tenets of leadership


1. Discuss the human relations skills reflected in commending workers and in criticizing workers. 2. Have students describe ways of giving orders that demonstrate appropriate human relation skills. Have students describe the marginal employee a. Have students name problems associated with the marginal employee b. Have students discuss some methods for handling the marginal employee 3. Discuss the six steps of decision-making 4. Why is over-supervision a common problem? 5. What are the effects of fraternization? 6. Have students list good and bad examples set by supervisors 7. Why are women and people of color often not accepted by coworkers? 8. Discuss common actions that may constitute gender harassment 9. What are some symptoms of leadership failure? 10. What is the most common cause?

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Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Leadership Styles. Individual Assignment For each of the following people, choose the term you think best describes their leadership style: Autocratic, Democratic, Free-Rein. Justify your choice. 1. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell 2. William Bratton 3. George Steinbrenner 4. Bill Gates 5. The Director of the Theoretical Physics Lab at UC Berkley Assignment #2: Situational Leadership. Group Assignment Make a video or other visual presentation (recording from TV, downloaded from a file-sharing website, PowerPoint or any other resource,) three different video clips: 1. A situation in which a police officer uses force 2. A vehicle pursuit 3. A situation involving a police officer interacting with a supervisor 4. A non-arrest situation involving a police officer interacting with a citizen 5. Any other situation involving police Show them to the class and discuss the following: 1. What Readiness level do the officers appear to have? What is there Ability, and what is their Willingness? 2. What Leadership behavior should their supervisor use? How much Task Behavior? How much Relationship behavior? Assignment #3: Leadership Characteristics. Group Assignment Present four different current news items involving police: two involving successful, positive situations, and two involving actual, or potential, problems. (For group assignment) Discuss these questions with the class. (For individual assignment) Answer these questions. 1. What actions did supervisors take in each of these situations? If that is not clear, speculate as to what actions you think the supervisors took. What leadership characteristics do those actions display?

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2. List some common mistakes supervisors might make in those situations. What leadership characteristics would be lacking with those actions? 3. Have the class give examples of positive actions the supervisors might take. What leadership characteristics are needed to support those actions? SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Autocratic leader: highly authoritative, makes decisions alone with no input and subordinates often do not feel part of the team, never lets anyone forget who is the boss, rules through fear, intimidation, and threat. This style works best in emergencies. Democratic or participatory leader: seeks ideas and suggestions from subordinates, works with employees not over employees, keenly aware of the human factor and as a result, gets better performance from subordinates. Free-rein or laissez-faire leader: exercises a minimum of control, seldom gives subordinates the attention or help they need, usually doesn‘t work well and is usually concerned about being liked by employees. 2. Command presence is the natural manner of an individual indicating a complete command of their mental and physical faculties and emotions. It encompasses the qualities of dignity, selfassurance, and poise. It is that outward appearance that denotes that the person has the ability and qualifications to take command of any situation. When leaders have command presence, they remain cool, calm, and collected in the face of conflict and exert confidence and selfcontrol while handling a crisis. It is often said that command presence is best reflected by leaders who look calmer and calmer as things get worse and worse. The leader‘s attitude quickly permeates a group. If they display anxiety, the group members will develop it and will not perform well in this atmosphere of anxiety and tension. 3. Ideally, every leader should possess the following traits: Friendliness, sincerity, affection for others, and personal warmth. A long face should be seldom (if ever) the face of the leader; neither should a pessimistic or negative attitude. A sincere expression of pleasure when a greeting is indicated, especially to a subordinate, has inestimable value. A person‘s birthday, a promotion, a wedding, or the birth of a child are some of the big events in life. A warm, sincere handclasp or a word of congratulation takes little time and is worth every moment it takes in these and similar cases. Enthusiasm for the job and all it entails. Sincerity and the ability to display it are vital traits of the leader. Zeal to do the right thing and to get the job done is extremely contagious and is quickly felt by others. Ambition. Within reason, ambition is desirable; however, it must be controlled, or it can become a millstone around the supervisor‘s neck. It should never result in the taking of credit belonging to another. Neither should selfishness and vanity be allowed to corrode the supervisor‘s career. Energy and vitality. Being a leader requires much physical stamina and a high frustration tolerance. Good leadership and hard work seem to go hand in hand. Diligence and industry are essential to effective leadership. Moral and physical integrity. Real leaders have moral as well as physical courage. They have a sense of direction and purpose, with clear goals in mind. They take personal responsibility. They know where they want to go and what they want to do. They do not make promises; they do not intend to keep because their word is their bond. It is more important that they are trusted and respected than liked. Subordinates expect their leaders to be honorable, to know right from wrong and justice from injustice, and to be fair to all 17 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

without prejudice. A leader is expected to pursue the truth at all times. They are expected to keep their personal and professional life above reproach and, by their conduct, to be a credit to those in the organization and profession. ―Our values—the core beliefs that drive our behavior—determine our character, our ethics, and our potential as a leader.‖ Intelligence. It has been shown that successful leaders almost invariably have more intelligence than those they lead. They have a sense of imagination and humor. They are capable of making objective observations. They have a questioning attitude that helps them in their search for the truth in all matters. They have vision and insight, for without them, they will fail as a leader. They have a highly developed ability to see all sides of a question and draw commonsense conclusions from the evidence at hand. Technical skill. Most successful leaders have a technical mastery of the job, including the teaching skill, which often takes the place of order giving, but leadership proficiency is not dependent on technical ability to do the job itself. Supervisors can be highly successful if they have a reasonable understanding of what the job requires and have a mastery of the leadership abilities necessary for getting it done. Faith. Leaders have faith and confidence in themselves and their subordinates. Employees will seldom have confidence in an individual who has no confidence in themselves. Verbal Aptitude. A large amount of experimental work supports the conclusion that the most successful leaders are verbally capable. They are persuasive and tactful. Few attributes are more important in dealing with others without generating friction. Courtesy. Common courtesy demands that politeness is an activity that must be practiced at all times. Modesty. Real leaders can afford to be modest and practice humility. Their accomplishments will attest to their value without them constantly reminding others of their greatness. 4. The objective of good human relations should be the greatest production in the shortest possible time with the minimum energy and the maximum satisfaction for the producers. 5. The supervisor should follow the adage, ―Commend in public but criticize in private.‖ Criticism, like commendation, should not be neglected when it is indicated. It can be constructive or destructive, depending on the manner employed in dispensing it. One of the most frequent complaints of workers is that criticism comes readily but praise seldom. Complimenting or giving praise when it is not merited, however, soon dilutes its value and is seldom effective. Likewise, insincere commendation soon loses its motivating effect. 6. Using indistinct speech or poor word selection, giving orders in a disordered or haphazard manner, giving too many orders at one time or too much detail in one order (assuming that the receivers understand clearly what is expected of them), and neglecting to follow up are some of the most prevalent reasons for failures in order giving. 7. Direct commands: Orders may best be given by command when emergent conditions require direct, prompt action. Requests: Most orders should be framed as requests. Employees will often resent an authoritarian, dictatorial method. The capable, conscientious, responsible subordinate usually requires nothing more than a request. Implied or suggested orders: Implied or suggested directives can be employed to good effect with the reliable employee who readily assumes responsibility for a task Requests for volunteers: The call for volunteers should be used with care so that it will not become a simple expedient for escaping the responsibility of making assignments or issuing orders that are in the best interests of the organization.

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8. The decision-making process involves several steps. First, there must be an awareness that a real problem exists. An appreciation of its ramifications and recognition of a need for a decision must be present. The proper answer to the wrong question is no solution to the real problem. To deal with an apparent problem without knowing that it is merely a symptom of the real one may result in an incorrect solution to the right problem or an inappropriate solution to the wrong one. Second, facts must be obtained. Opinions of others may be needed as supportive data when subjective decisions are involved. Third, when sufficient data have been collected, they must be evaluated and analyzed. Reliability of the source of the data must be tested, just as the facts themselves are. Once the real problem has been identified, concentration can be focused on the solution. Personal bias should be eliminated in the analysis. Fourth, alternative approaches leading to a logical conclusion should be decided on, and probable consequences of each should be weighed. Possible conflicts among those who are to implement the decision must be considered. This involves insight. The effect of each alternative on the objective should be considered in determining the best course of action indicated by the facts at hand. Fifth, a decision must be selected from alternative solutions. This involves value judgments in selecting the solution that allows action to follow in carrying out the decision. Consideration should be given to the time and the setting in which the action is to be carried out and to the long-term results from choosing one alternative over another. The pros and cons should be carefully considered and weighed. Sometimes, a secondary option for carrying out the mission might be necessary as a contingency measure in the event the primary decision is found to be unworkable or cannot be followed because of unforeseen circumstances. Sixth, the decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out. 9. Over-supervision is perhaps the most common failing of inexperienced supervisors. It arises from the failure to delegate tasks, because of either a lack of confidence in the subordinates or a disinclination to relinquish what they think are their supervisory prerogatives. When supervisors take it upon themselves to do their subordinates‘ work, the employee‘s initiative is corroded, and the morale invariably suffers. Subordinates do not expect superiors to do their work and do not respect them for it when they do. 10. There are many symptoms of leadership failure. The appearance of selfishness, suspicion, envy, failure to give credit, hypercriticism, and arbitrariness will usually denote weaknesses, if not downright failure, of an individual as a leader. When supervisors exhibit these characteristics to a marked degree, they are not fit to direct and control others. If the level of discipline in an organization is low, if its standards of conduct and performance leave much to be desired, or if the organization is riddled with disloyalty, mistrust, and self-interest, its leaders have failed; failure will inevitably result in reduced productivity, low morale, and poor organizational spirit. 11. Most officers have grown up in a culture of masculine dominance, and sometimes supervisors who are women are subjected to unfair criticism while performing similar duties as compared to their counterparts who are men. A supervisor who is a woman is often required to prove herself over and over. She may find that she is expected to be more cautious in her personal conduct and performance than the supervisor who is a man because an inordinate amount of attention is focused on her. This sexist attitude is totally unjustified but does exist, and since it does, she must dispel it as soon as possible to reduce resistance to her supervisory efforts. The solution seems to be for her to develop leadership abilities, prepare herself technically for her position, and scrupulously avoid the commonly recognized leadership weaknesses that often lead to supervisory failure. Some of these include indulgence in wrongdoing or misconduct, vacillation in the decision-making process, and unfairness. If any of these characteristics are observed in a woman, they may only serve to fortify the stereotyped opinions of those who contend that women are not good leaders. 19 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

12. Incentives such as recognition by supervisors and peers, praise, the opportunity for development, an interesting and challenging job, increased responsibility, advancement, and fair treatment by supervisors are strong forces in motivating people and can usually be directly controlled by supervisors. When incentives are properly applied, they result in satisfaction and pleasure. People tend to repeat behavior that produces these sensations and discontinue behavior that does not. Recognition is a strong motivating force in people. The supervisor can make good use of this force by giving employees credit for their accomplishments as a means of satisfying their drive for recognition.

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Chapter 4 The Training Function CHAPTER OVERVIEW One of the principle duties of supervisors and perhaps one of the most important responsibilities is the training of subordinates. It has been stated that the incidence of personal misconduct and performance failures are related to the quality and extent of the employee‘s training. Training failures are usually the result of administrative failure to give supervisors an understanding of their responsibilities for this function and some instruction on how to proceed. Supervisors will perform their training mission with greater effectiveness if they are armed with an understanding of the several principles of learning and teaching, which have emerged from studies by psychologists and educators. Training must be focused on general objectives, which are the work behaviors to be changed. The instructor must conduct a proper job analysis to identify the key parts of the targeted task. This provides the basis of the five-step lesson plan. The lesson plan is the single most important tool in the instructional process; all the teaching methods and techniques that follow in this chapter will not work without following the lesson plan. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training 2. To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training 3. To gain an understanding of the learning process 4. To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan 5. To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished LECTURE OUTLINE Importance of Training Instruction as a Supervisory Responsibility Need for Training Principles of Learning Learning Process Variables Andragogy Learning Patterns Instructional Goals and Specific Objectives Analysis of Job Tasks and Material Selection Lesson Plan Learning by Association Five Steps of Teaching General Problems Affecting Teaching Method Common Causes of Teacher Ineffectiveness Teaching Methods 21 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Staff Meetings Use of Questions Use of Teaching Aids Types of Teaching Aids Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Criticality of Training Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. The constant need for training a. New laws, procedures, to correct errors or highlight good work, refresh skills/knowledge b. Includes formal training, roll call training, field training c. Responsibility to train even if no formal program exists 2. Supervisor must understand principles of training and be adept at conducting training. Two questions that you will pose to the class: a. What is your goal in taking this course? b. What are the specific objectives needed to reach that goal? 3. Explain that a detailed Job Analysis helps an instructor to identify the steps that are presented to help students learn 4. The Lesson Plan flows from that Analysis 5. Hands-on teaching techniques have been found and developed by researchers, psychologists, and experience of teachers.

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1. Discuss the causes of training failures 2. Discuss the effects of training failures: a. Low morale, waste, frustration b. Preventable errors c. Monetary costs to the agency 3. Have students give real-life examples of actions that produce each of these effects 4. List principles of learning as they are discussed 5. Have the students discuss how these principles apply in formal training, roll-call training, and field training 6. List the factors and processes that affect learning 7. Discuss how each affects training 8. Define and give examples of general and specific objectives 9. Discuss Job Analysis a. Review Sample Job Analysis b. Describe the index card method of gathering material for job analysis i.

Use of index cards

ii. 1 key point per card iii. Logical order not yet needed iv. When enough key points are gathered to complete the operation that will be taught, arrange the cards in logical sequence v. Fill in supporting data as needed vi. This now becomes the Presentation step of the lesson plan 10. Discuss Lesson Plan Activity 2: Teaching Process Presentation:

1. Five steps of teaching a. Discuss the content and purpose of each step b. Describe how each step can be accomplished 2. Discuss some common failures of teachers a. Oversimplification b. Aimlessness c. Unnecessary material d. Lack of teacher‘s competence in the topic 3. Have students give the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of teaching a. Lectures 23 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

b. Demonstrations c. Group discussions d. Special uses of role-playing in improving performance in stressful situations 4. Discuss how staff meetings can be used as a training medium 5. Types of questions and their uses 6. Preparation and use of teaching aids a. Importance b. Types (Projected aids, charts, handouts, etc.) c. Preparation d. Uses Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Misconduct as a Training Failure

Find three different examples, real or fictional, on police misconduct. Sources can include news items, police books (fiction or non-fiction,) or any other source. Identify how these incidents can be understood as training failures. Explain what kind of academy or in-service training could have prevented the misconduct from occurring. Explain what kind of on-the-job training a supervisor could do to prevent such misconduct. Assignment #2: Preparation for Teacher-Training Exercise Class presentations of this exercise will require 3-8 class hours depending on total course duration. The Teacher-Training Exercise will follow Chapter 5, scheduled at the Instructor‘s discretion. Do the following steps to start preparing your Teacher-Training Exercise. Get the Instructor‘s approval for your training topic, and its general and specific objectives. Use your Instructor as a resource to help you develop your lesson plan more fully. You will train your classmates in a later class, using the lesson plan you develop. 1. Select 2-3 topics you would like to teach. Review them with your instructor to select the best one. Alternative: The instructor assigns topics. Plan for the presentation to go 5-10 minutes. 2. Do a Job Analysis for the job that your topic addresses. Relate the training topic to that analysis. 3. Determine your general and your specific objectives to be accomplished by the lesson.

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4. Start a list of the points you need to cover in order to effectively teach your topic. 5. Keeping the principles of learning in mind, start arranging your points in a logical way. 6. Make a list of statistics, quotes, pictures, items, or any other teaching aids that can help you teach the topic. 7. Select the method of teaching best suited to your topic. 8. Start writing your 5-step lesson plan. 9.

Starting with your list of points already developed, use the Index Card Method to write the Presentation step.

10. Complete your lesson plan. 11. Review your lesson plan with the instructor. 12. Practice presenting your lesson.

13. Review your preparation with the instructor to make sure you are on the right track. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. When the training function is performed poorly or not at all, low morale, waste, frustration, and preventable errors inevitably follow. 2. When new policy and procedures are implemented, trainers may encounter some resistance. Customs, practices, or traditions might affect the form the supervisor‘s instruction will take. If, for example, the techniques of teaching personnel how to shoot have traditionally been adapted for single-action target shooting, considerable resistance might be encountered if they attempt to shift emphasis to combat shooting. They will often be forced to improvise so that their methods will meet the needs of the moment. The basic techniques of teaching apply to all forms of training, whether it is the teaching of an officer to photograph a crime scene, investigate a traffic accident, or prepare a crime report. If a police stakeout is involved, the instructor may be required to demonstrate how a shotgun may best be carried to the scene. They may be concerned with such simple procedures as loading or unloading the gun, engaging or disengaging the safety, or checking ammunition. They can never be certain that their subordinates are familiar with these critical procedures, and they can ill afford to assume that they will all remember such routine procedures or even that they have been exposed to them. At the scene of a crime, the supervisor may be called on to refresh the new officer in the basic techniques of dusting a surface for latent fingerprints as well as photographing, lifting, and preserving them. They may be required to impart detailed tactical, technical, or procedural information in a more formal classroom setting relative to the control of public disorder or to instruct their subordinates in field deployment plans to be used in their response to robbery or burglary calls. They may be assigned the task of passing on specific information regarding a new procedure and its background, or they may be called on to discuss the specific elements of crimes or selective enforcement procedures. 3. The benefits to be derived from an effective training program are not immediate, nor are they easily measured; long-term results do occur, but these are usually subtle. A reasonably accurate assessment of the benefits of training can be made from the observations of those who are in a position to compare pre-training and post-training performance. Precise measurements of results in activities such as law enforcement are difficult because of the many abstract reactions brought about by training. Results may be reflected in a multitude of factors such as higher morale, less job stress with its high economic cost, greater esprit de corps, a lessened need for punitive discipline, greater effectiveness in crime suppression, increased public support and confidence, fewer errors, better decisions by the police, and a feeling of security by members of the community. 25 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Principle of Readiness is when conditions in the learner‘s environment are such that they establish in students an attitude favorable to learning. The teacher‘s efforts in establishing such favorable conditions are of vital importance to the learning process. Principle of Effect is when learners are in a state of mental readiness in a favorable environment, efficient learning is possible. The effect of their success in learning is a pleasurable sense of satisfaction. Students strive to continue that which provides a pleasant effect, so they continue to learn. Principle of Repetition is when experiences are pleasing or satisfying, there is usually an accompanying desire to repeat the experience. Repetition builds habits that, if correct, lead to success, satisfaction, and a desire to repeat what produces pleasure. 5. All supervisors should have a basic understanding of the principles of learning. Psychologists and educators have conducted extensive research in this area. Their findings have indicated that people learn according to some simple, well-established basic rules having special significance to police trainers. 6. The students‘ past training and experiences, known as the apperceptive base, and their ability to integrate these with their new learning and experiences will materially affect their learning rate. Factors such as home conditions, past experiences, economic insecurity, lack of friends or acquaintances, poor grades, and frustrations, either alone or in combination, may affect learning capabilities. Personal characteristics such as inability to concentrate, lack of interest because of preoccupation, poor general health, faulty vision, or inferior hearing likewise might drastically affect their learning rate. 7. The degree of motivation given by teachers has a direct bearing on students‘ learning rate and performance. The special effort by the instructors to individualize their teaching and encourage students with special abilities will contribute to accelerated learning and improved performance. One of the greatest spurs to motivation is the recognition by students that their personal or professional growth will be directly dependent on the efforts they expend to improve themselves, to gain greater insight into the problems affecting their position, and to increase their proficiency. The recognition of these factors, combined with a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of satisfaction gained from their learning efforts, will contribute greatly to their motivation. Here, the teacher can play a prime part. 8. Goals that are to be accomplished by a single presentation or a series of lessons that are carefully developed. 9. It is recommended that learning objectives be expressed as outcomes for participants. 10. In preparing to teach a subject about a particular job, the instructors must evaluate the task involved and the operations necessary to complete it. These should then be listed in some logical sequence. Key points to be emphasized should be noted so that the training needs of the students can best be met. This job analysis is the basis for the presentation step of the lesson plan. 11. The lesson plan is a written teaching plan. A lesson plan involves a simple listing in proper sequence of the several steps to be followed in completing a particular job, or it may involve a logical arrangement of material if the lesson is to consist of a discussion of a procedure, law, technique, or philosophical concept. 12. The first consideration is that the points to be covered should be arranged in a logical teaching sequence. The instructor should add the knacks, techniques, tricks of the trade, and basic facts that go with each point. These are the ―interest-getters‖ that give meaning to the various points covered. A liberal scattering of pertinent, practical examples that have been well thought out in advance will do much to clarify abstract principles and assist students in applying them to their work. Illustrations, questions, and special procedures should be 26 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

carefully prepared and included in the teaching plan if the instructor plans to use them during the presentation. 13. It should be geared to the five-step plan of teaching and should follow a definite format to meet particular needs. 14. It‘s easier for students to remember the lesson, by relating it to their own background and experiences. The process of remembering by association is described by William James in his classic statement, ―In mental terms, the more other facts a fact is associated with in the mind, the better possession of it our memory retains.‖ This process of learning by association is of special importance when the material deals with jobs, operations, techniques, or principles foreign to the learner. 15. Introduction: should focus the attention of the students on the subject, gain their interest, and place them in a state of readiness to learn. Presentation: impart new knowledge or skills to students or to refresh their memory about what they have once learned but might have forgotten. Review: help fix the material in the learner‘s mind; the review or summary step should be added after the total presentation. Application: learners are provided an opportunity to try out or use the information they have learned under the teacher‘s supervision and disclose how much of the new material they have grasped and how ready they are to progress to a new area of learning. Test: an evaluation of the learner‘s progress and enables the instructor to determine the present ability of the learners and their readiness to proceed to a new phase of instruction 16. There is a multitude of ways of securing the attention of learners, stimulating their interest, and creating in them a desire to learn:        

Asking leading questions Directing rhetorical questions to students Making use of suggestions, illustrations, or demonstrations Relating personal or other practical examples Placing emphasis on present or future needs that learners may satisfy by the information Citing group or individual experiences Discussing why it is imperative to learn how to perform the job correctly Indicating how increased proficiency may benefit learners personally or economically

17. Introduction: In the introductory step of the instruction, the instructor often finds the individual approach has several advantages over the group approach. It is a more personal and informal approach to training and can be given at any time or place. No special physical facilities are required, since contacts are usually short and impromptu and occur on the job. Psychologically, learners are receptive to training, since they can apply it immediately to the task and ordinarily needs no other motivation. Instructors can alter their approach to allow for individual differences among trainees. Presentation: The advantage to be gained by the teachers in presenting information on an individual basis is that they can make allowances for individual differences by speeding up or slowing down their presentation. Review: The instructor can tailor the review to the individuals‘ needs and comprehension. Application: Instructors can more closely supervise the individual in this step than they can a group. They can also answer questions more readily as the need arises and can detect and correct errors more quickly.

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Test: The instructor may better test the learner based on known or perceived strengths and weakness. Test may be non-standardized and include oral written or manipulative to gauge the learner‘s progression or lack of it and tailor as necessary. 18. Introduction: When training is given in a group setting, considerable planning is needed for the introduction, since the entire group must be motivated to learn. The introductory remarks must be adequate for this purpose; however, the introduction seldom achieves this objective if it is devised primarily to appeal to the average learner in this group. The result is that it often fails to motivate learners outside the middle group. Difficulty is sometimes encountered in altering the teaching approach to compensate for individual differences unless the group is quite small. Presentation: When it is given in a group setting, they must gauge their speed to meet the needs of the average learner and sometimes loses the interest of the speedier or the slower ones. The amount of emphasis on key points and the pace of instruction must be continuously adjusted to accommodate varying group abilities; however, the information can be presented to more persons in groups than individually. Review: Instructor can include more general major points in the presentation and should be reviewed. Application: In the group setting, equipment needed by students to apply what they have learned is often unavailable and participation thereby suffers. In addition, errors may occur without prompt detection, bad habits can develop more readily, and retraining is needed more frequently. Test: Administrating a test for a group is less time intensive than testing individually. 19. A review is always a valuable aid to learning and should follow, in summary form, the presentation. 20. Perhaps one of the most common faults in presenting instructional material arises from oversimplification, leaving to the student the task of drawing a conclusion without adequate facts. Make sure not to ―overload‖ your students by giving them too much at one time at the cost of lack of retention. Another common weakness contributing to teaching ineffectiveness is aimlessness. Plan and organize teaching material properly to avoid this issue. Assuming that the learners know more about the job than they actually do is another common cause of teaching ineffectiveness. Make sure to include all the necessary facts and ensure no misunderstand or failure to understand by the learners occur. 21. Lectures: The pure lecture method of instruction is greatly overworked because many instructors find it the easiest way to present instructional material. Good demonstrations, use of teaching aids, questions and discussions, and development of the more sophisticated supplements to teaching require time and energy that many instructors do not feel are worth the results. The contribution of these various approaches to learning will, however, more than offset the time required to prepare them. The lecture method of teaching is quite often the least effective method since it assumes that all members of the class progress at the same rate; it can be used advantageously if the lesson is presented in extremely short sessions, however. Role-playing: Role-playing in a wide variety of field problems developed to simulate (as nearly as possible) common incidents likely to be faced frequently by officers in the field is an extremely useful training device. This gives trainees experience in a practical setting by dealing with typical situations they are likely to face on the job. Such problems must be carefully developed and orchestrated, however, so that the maximum practical, real-life effects can be realized.

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Group discussions: A change of pace may be of great value in reviving lagging interest, fostering participation, and refocusing attention on the subject. The instructor may often accomplish this by stimulating discussion among the students. Problem-solving by students with the accompanying benefits derived from their participation provides them with an opportunity to contribute pertinent information, evaluate it, and draw conclusions. This procedure is extremely useful for synthesizing a vast amount of information from a variety of sources. It is also a useful device for determining the extent of learning that has taken place since it involves the application of stated principles to practical problems. In fact, the use of several techniques in some sessions is often desirable to spice up the training, provide balance to the presentation, give it vitality, and add color and interest. 22. The questions used may be of several types. Overhead questions are those directed to the entire group, with the instructor then choosing one student to answer. This type of question is the one most commonly used. Sufficient time should be allowed for the named student to formulate an answer, and every effort should be made by the instructor to aid them, without actually answering the question, to give the learner a feeling of success and achievement. Relay questions, those asked by one student and relayed by the instructor to another member of the group for an answer, can also be a useful tool of instruction. Instructors should avoid using the relay question as a means of evading a response to a question that they are unable to answer. The reverse question is one that the instructor ―throws back‖ to the person who asked it. It can be used to advantage to help students solve their own problem, perhaps with some prompting by the teacher or others if necessary. 23. Display aids: The simple chalkboard, whiteboard, or specially prepared chart can be effectively used for display purposes to supplement oral instruction. Such aids are especially useful when the material is being taught in a small area where the entire class can see them. Pictures, diagrams, charts, or other matters depicted must be large enough to show details clearly if the teacher expects them to be effective. Color adds variety and value to posters and should be used whenever possible to stimulate student interest. Discretion and good taste are always in order. If charts, tables, or diagrams are prepared beforehand and are complex, parts should be used separately to focus the span of the student‘s attention. When the chalkboard is employed, the material placed on it should be well arranged, simple, and clear. If teachers desire to draw diagrams while lecturing, they should plan carefully what they wish to depict so that the drawing will not detract from their presentation; a series of tiny dots previously arranged on the board will guide their drawing if it is other than a simple one. In all cases, display aids should follow the maxim, ―White space and bold face, because nobody reads the fine print.‖ Visual aids should be clear and easy to read from the back row of the classroom. Duplicated aids: Duplicated aids can be prepared by a multitude of mechanical processes now available to the teacher. These aids may consist of instruction sheets, information sheets, diagrams, charts, illustrations, PowerPoint outlines of the fill-in type, conventional outlines, or other types of data useful to the student. The material should be punched so that it may be included in the student‘s notebook. These handout materials should not be made available to the student as substitutes for study. The information should represent matter that is difficult to obtain, but valuable to the student‘s progress. Projected aids: The teaching aids available for projection on a screen are almost unlimited. Some are easily and cheaply prepared and make a splendid contribution to teaching. The equipment necessary to project these materials, however, is often expensive and not easily available. PowerPoint, DVDs, webcasts, overhead projection equipment, and a multitude of other devices will add greatly to the teacher‘s instructional efforts if they are properly used. The instructor, however, must not rely on them as a crutch; they should be only a

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complement to their own efforts. Neither should this type of aid be looked on as a form of recreation for the student. Three-dimensional aids: Equipment parts, cutaways, mock-ups, simulated scenes common to police work, table models, and other such devices overcome the difficulty of depicting items on a flat surface. Flannel and magnetic boards are very useful in giving the student an overall perspective of a problem, although these ordinarily have flat surfaces. They do, however, have the advantage of the simplicity of preparation, economy, and portability. Mock-ups do not have these advantages. In addition, flannel or magnetic boards give the student the opportunity to deal with movable objects. This type of aid is unmatchable in some presentations having to do with police tactics and field operations since it places the learner in a position that simulates those encountered in practice. They are also afforded an opportunity to exercise judgment or apply principles in a hypothetical setting. Problems involving such police incidents as civil disorder, major disasters, barricaded subjects, fires, demonstrations, or other unusual occurrences can be simulated to give the student experience in the classroom. Any number of smart devices may be used to enhance the learning process as well. Electronic media devices: Although expensive and sometimes not available for training on a daily basis, all sorts of electronic media devices can be used as training aids to liven up training sessions. Video presentations offer a vast variety of training opportunities. They often encourage audience participation and add alternatives to ordinary training. Many police academies are now using sophisticated devices, such as driving simulators and FATS (firearms training systems), to give trainees a ―virtual-reality situation.‖ This training allows officers to learn from their mistakes and improve their professional judgment, without injuries or lawsuits. Field trips: Trips carefully planned to accomplish a specific objective are a useful type of teaching aid that allows students to learn firsthand through observation about an actual operation. They should be oriented in advance to the objectives of the trip and pertinent points to look for so that the trip might be most meaningful. Trips should be carefully controlled to prevent them from becoming purely recreational.

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Chapter 5 Interpersonal Communications CHAPTER OVERVIEW The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is the most important single skill of a supervisor. Communication is a very delicate and complex process involving many factorscultural, environmental, and psychological. Understanding the barriers to effective communication will sharpen this skill by making it easier to overcome barriers. Written communication is critical; supervisors can enhance their effectiveness and their career by using well-proven guidelines. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities 2. To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers 3. To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication LECTURE OUTLINE Cultural, Environmental, and Psychological Factors Processes of Communications Barriers to Effective Communications Overcoming Communication Barriers Characteristics of Communications Types of Communicators Written Communications Email Effectively Managing Your Email Manuals-Orders Briefing Proofreading and Editing Typical Deficiencies in Writing Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Added Microaggressions Added Procedural Justice

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Updated Practice Empathy Updated Manuals-Orders ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Barriers to effective communication and overcoming them Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired 4. 4 or 5 Cardboard geometric shapes, large enough to be seen by students in the back of the classroom


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is perhaps the most important single skill of those who have to deal with others. 2. The number one problem of management, and the number one complaint of workers is communication difficulties. 3. Barriers to effective communication can be identified and overcome.


1. Ask the students to interpret the following statements: a. A latte with a shot (coffee drink) b. Use the 3/8‖ router bit to make a dovetail joint (carpenter‘s tool, cut notch to join 2 pieces of wood) c. Ich habe dein buch nicht (German-I don‘t have your book) d. These make sense to some people but mean little to most people. Poor communication leads to poor work 2. Turn a flipchart toward the front of the room so that only a person facing the class can see it. a. Draw geometric shapes in a random pattern. b. Have one student describe the diagram to the class, without naming the shapes, using any gestures, or any other aids.

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c. Have the class draw the shapes according to their understanding of the instructions, then display the diagram and compare. 3. Have a student explain, by words alone, how to knot a necktie. 4. Prepare a routine Standard Operating Procedure (e.g., how to search a suspect, how to complete a report,) of 8-10 steps. a. Have 4 students leave the room. Read the SOP to a student in the class. b. Have that student repeat the SOP to one student coming back into the room. c. Have the second student repeat it to the next, etc. d. Have the last student recite the SOP and compare their version to the original. 5. Discuss cultural, environmental, and psychological barriers to communication. Have students name examples of each. 6. Have students name barriers to communication. List them on the board. a. Analyze each barrier b. Have students explain how barriers can be overcome. List them on the board. Emphasize empathetic listening and feedback. 7. Categorize the different types of communicators. a. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. b. Have students give examples of different communicator types they know (no names unless necessary). 8. Have students give examples of grapevines they know: school, work, any organizations of which they are members (union, sports league, civic group). a. Discuss problems b. Discuss why supervisors should pay attention to the grapevine. Application:

1. Have students give examples of general and specific objectives for specified lessons. 2. Have students discuss the requirements of Job Analysis and Lesson Plan they will make. 3. Have students give examples of teaching methods.

Activity 2: Written Communication Introduction:

1. Supervisors are judged to a great extent throughout their career by how well they express themselves not only orally but also in writing. 33 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.


1. Discuss the essence of good writing. a. ABC (Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity) b. Need for simplicity c. Arrangement, style, format d. Importance of proofreading and editing e. Factual basis for all statements 2. Briefings a. Balance level of detail with time allotted b. Accurate enough for superiors to rely upon it for press conferences c. Accurate enough for roll call briefing d. Disseminate report and/or brief beforehand 3. Typical deficiencies in writing a. Misinterpreting data b. Failure to use the most specific words c. Failure to support conclusions with facts


Key points


1. Pass out Sample Report from Assignment #1. Have students identify examples that show adherence to these rules or failures to follow these rules


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Report Review

Using the guidelines for good writing and the list of typical deficiencies in writing, identify examples of each in the following report. Students with access to Police Reports (appropriately redacted) may use those instead. Sample Report Case # 2198-20. Det. Gregory. Supplementary Investigation Report 17 MAR 20 1. On this date the undersigned was assigned to follow up on a report of a Robbery occurring on Oak Tree Rd., near the intersection of Correja Ave., in the Iselin section of the Twp. 2. Vic.: PATEL, Raj, 142880 Minebrook Rd., Edison NJ, 08821 DOB 12 DEC 2000, (732) 555-1212, no SSN (Student visa A-9005343)

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3. At 1930 hrs. this officer did interview Victim. Vic. Reports that on this date at approximately 1830 hrs. he was shopping for a wristwatch at Nina Jewelers, 1437 Oak Tree Rd. He states he exited the store and turned left, going westbound on Oak Tree Rd. He says he was approaching the intersection at Correja Ave. when a man appraoched him and asked for directions. He says then he punched him in the head and ripped his coat open. He says he took his wallet from his inside left pocket. He says he then turned left down Correja Ave. and disappeared. He says his wristwatch came loose and fell on the ground and the man grabbed it. He says his keys to his Lexxus also fell to the ground but the man didn‘t take them. The suspect must have fled in a waiting vehicle. 4. Suspect described as a w/m, app. 21-23 years old, average height and weight, bn/bn, wearing dark clothes and a baseball cap. NFD. 5. Victim reports he found his wallet right around the corner in front of 25 Correja Ave. He reports $4,000.00 cash missing. He reports his Player‘s Card from the Trump Plaza was also taken. 6. Victim complained of pain on the left side of his head but declined first aid transport. 7. Canvass of area NR. 8. Check of security camera at Nina Jewelers shows victim looking around store for 5 minutes without handling any watches. Owner, Praful Vaid, states he does not sell Rolex watches. 9. Investigation indicates Vic. Likely falsified robbery report to cover up large loss in Atlantic City. Case closed NFA

Instructor’s Key to Chapter 5 Assignment #1, Report Review

Discuss the essence of good writing. 1. ABC (Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity) Report is accurate and brief. Clarity suffers due to shorthand terms: Vic (Victim,) NFD (No Further Description,) NR (No Results,) suspect description ―Bn/bn‖ (brown hair, brown eyes,) NFA (No Further Action.) Clumsy passive voice: The undersigned officer, (I,) this officer did then interview (I interviewed.) 2. Need for simplicity Overall language is simple and direct. 3. Arrangement, style, format Arrangement is chronological which makes the report understandable. Style is simple. Format is simple, therefore simple to follow. 4. Importance of proofreading and editing 1. Misspelled words: appraoched, Lexxus, (Paragraph 3.) 2. All stolen property should be listed together in one paragraph, not in two separate paragraphs. (Paragraphs 3 and 5.) Stolen property described in paragraph 3 is not listed in consecutive sentences, and does not follow chronologically (the man took the wallet, the man ran away, the man took the watch.) 5. Factual basis for all statements Paragraph 3, ―The suspect must have fled in a waiting vehicle‖ is not based on any known facts. Typical deficiencies in writing

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6. Misinterpreting data Does not apply in this example 7. Failure to use the most specific words Pronouns ―he,‖ ―his,‖ and ―him‖ do not distinguish who ―he‖ is: victim or suspect? Paragraph 3: He punched him, he took his wallet, he turned left. Needs to be more specific. 8. Failure to support conclusions with facts Paragraph 9: Victim falsified robbery report is a conclusion not supported by facts. Facts may indicate that is a possibility, but do not clearly demonstrate it without further investigation. Assignment #2: Barriers to effective communication Divide the class into a manageable number of small workgroups. Assign each a different barrier to effective communications. Each group is responsible to bring a visual aid showing a barrier to effective communication. It could be a video clip, a picture, a skit, or any other clear example of the assigned barrier. Each group presents the visual aid and leads the class discussion on diagnosing which barrier it is, and the methods of overcoming that barrier. As an alternative, each student could be assigned to respond to the situations by playing the role of the supervisor, time permitting. Assignment #3: Effective Writing Short definitions: A policy statement provides broad guidelines for employees, indicating the department‘s general intent and objectives in the matter involved. A procedure provides clear guidelines on what steps to take when handling a situation. 1. Write a police department policy statement on the subject of pursuit driving. As a basis for this policy statement, assume that there have been an inordinate number of accidents resulting from pursuits, and your superior wants to reduce them by establishing guidelines. Do not write the guidelines; your task is to write the police department‘s policy regarding pursuits, criminal enforcement, and the associated risks. 2. Write a policy statement on the police department‘s perspective on Domestic Violence incidents. Since many public policies are not developed until after highly publicized incidents occur, assume the following: your department has been under severe criticism following a reported domestic violence incident. Officers responded to the home of an off-duty police officer. They should have arrested him but took him to a family member‘s house. The offduty officer returned to his own house and assaulted his wife, at which time she was hospitalized and he was ultimately arrested. 3. Write a procedural order to guide officers in Domestic Violence investigations involving offduty police officers. Assume that the standard investigative procedure has been written; develop the additional procedures for when an officer is involved. 36 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Provide your assignment in a format (as required by the instructor) for classroom display. Be prepared to present your assignment, and to critique the policies and procedures of your classmates, focusing on clarity and form. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Communications between persons and groups are very delicate, complex processes involving many factors—cultural, environmental, and psychological. The connotations of certain words can be highly offensive and provocative. The environment in which communication takes place will often determine its effect. Even seemingly harmless and common words can be considered insulting, depending on the time, place, and circumstances in which they are used. Accordingly, supervisors should refrain from criticizing subordinates in the presence of others, whether outsiders or peers. Likewise, a patrol officer should address their superior by title in public, regardless of the closeness of their acquaintance. Psychologically, perhaps the reserved or shy individual could be dealt with more effectively with a tactful ―soft‖ approach rather than the direct ―hard‖ approach that is sometimes necessary in dealing with the aggressive extrovert. 2. Active listening requires that the listener be actively attentive to what is said. It requires effort to listen actively and involves much more than hearing only that which one wants to hear. Listening must be a positive function so that the person speaking will be encouraged to reveal their real rather than their superficial feelings. So that listening may be truly rewarding to the interviewer, it must be accompanied by an effort to understand what the speaker is really saying, to understand what they really mean. This involves sensitivity on the part of the interviewer not only to the interviewee‘s words but also to their underlying feelings, attitudes, and motives. 3. The greater the difference in status or rank is, the greater the difficulty in achieving effective communications. Communications are easier if they travel downward from the superior than if they go upward from the subordinate. Likewise, the greater the prestige of the communicator, the greater is the likelihood that their communications will be effective. Some researchers have found that ―speakers having prestige significantly influence listeners more than those who do not. 4. Naming all appearances of superiority, inferiority, or personal inadequacy as complexes has become a common practice, yet such psychological conditions exist and set up obstacles to interpersonal relations. Sometimes referred to as psychological size, these feelings often cause a bad ―climate‖ between supervisor and subordinate and adversely affect their capacity to communicate effectively. Especially damaging to these relationships are those manifestations of superiority or impatience exhibited by supervisors in dealing with their subordinates. Often subordinates will resent having the boss talk down to them and will resent even more a paternalistic attitude. Should the subordinate tend toward feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, they may become especially sensitive to a ―hard‖ approach and are likely to resent it. As a result, they will tend to withdraw even further, making two-way communications more difficult. 5. Noise in communications is referred to by theorists as the static that interferes with the transmission of messages.

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6. Many individuals avoid making positive declarations because they fear being criticized for what they say or think. They often feel so insecure that they dislike giving others occasion to attack their observations. As a result, they too often couch their expressions in vagueness and abstraction, always leaving ―an open back door‖ through which they can retreat if their statements are challenged. Communicating in such cases becomes difficult, if not impossible. 7. As information is passed from individual to individual, usually a distortion or dilution of content occurs, which is called filtering. The process of filtering also affects the supervisor in their downward communications. Giving employees filtered information is sometimes worse than giving them none. Besides the adverse effects filtering eventually will have on the confidence of personnel in their leader, such distorted information will often cause rumors that are harmful to morale. 8. Attitudes, moods, and emotions likewise have a direct bearing on the type of interaction between individuals. These interactions will vary from time to time depending on the intensity of emotions, the receptive mood of either of the two persons attempting to communicate or the attitude of one toward the other. These factors should be considered by supervisors in selecting the time and place for communicating with their subordinates. 9. A supervisor can overcome most of the barriers to effective communication most of the time by preparing to communicate before doing so and by employing the basic techniques of expression that have been proven successful. If supervisors are to achieve a better understanding between themselves and their subordinates, they will be well advised to concentrate on removing the impediments to effective communications wherever possible. They will be materially aided in accomplishing this by adhering to the following admonishments: determine objectives, practice empathy, obtain feedback, keep subordinates informed, be consistent in communicating, make actions speak louder than words, and finally listen, understand, and be understood. 10. Autocratic communications: Autocratic communications can be issued with relative ease since concurrence by those affected is not sought. They have the advantage of speed and are well adapted to emergency conditions. They have the characteristic disadvantage of arbitrariness. Difficulty is often encountered in achieving general acceptance by workers because they are not afforded an opportunity to participate in decisions affecting them. Democratic communications: The two-way passing of information makes democratic communications easy to understand. It permits the development of ideas and enables those affected by decisions to participate in making them. Information readily passes in both directions, making it simple for supervisors to keep informed of activities below them. Democratic communications lack the speed and directness of those that are autocratic, and while they hold the greatest promise for success in most normal operations, supervisors will find that they must forgo consultation with their subordinates when speed of operations is essential. Free rein communications: Free rein communications provide for a minimum of contacts, thereby leaving subordinates to operate in isolation. Leadership and guidance are often absent, and subordinates do not realize the benefits of two-way communications. As a consequence, misunderstandings, misapprehensions, and mistakes flourish. 11. A supervisor should consider what type of communicator they are. A noncommunicator: says no more than they think the situation requires; May fail to say something that should be said. A logical speaker: troubled by anxieties or compulsiveness; May be unconcerned with the impact their statements have on others. An undertalker: fails to communicate when communicating is indicated. 38 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

A tiresome overtalker: often communicates well but does not know when to stop. A tangential speaker: fails to give direct response as expected, responding instead to irrelevant side issues. A helpless speaker: full of self-pity and self-apology and apologizes for asking a subordinate to do something they are expected to do. 12. The so-called newspaper style of writing ordinarily simplifies the expression and facilitates understanding. The first paragraph expresses the essential elements of the paper and is called the topic paragraph. The first, or topic, sentence should likewise express the essence of the paragraph it introduces. Succeeding paragraphs explain and amplify the opening paragraph in such a way that each is almost self-sustaining. Thus, the report proceeds from the most important ideas to the least important details, which make the main ideas more meaningful. 13. The heading of the report should obviously indicate the title or subject, the body presents the main ideas or findings, and the closing incorporates the conclusions, recommendations, and plan of action. 14. An employee will sometimes be asked to reduce a lengthy report or dissertation to give their superior a concise account of the contents. The total report should be carefully analyzed to select the important ideas or points to be covered in brief, and these should be listed. Sufficient collateral detail should then be selected from the report to provide a basis for understanding. Care must be exercised in this process to preserve the meaning of the base report and to prevent any distortion or garbling of the author‘s meaning; likewise, the person preparing the brief must avoid taking the excerpts out of context. Their superiors should be able to use the brief with confidence that it faithfully and accurately represents the whole writing.

15. Written communications fail to achieve what is intended for three main reasons. First, the writer, because of a lack of care or an inability to discriminate between fact and nonfact, confuses their communications by misinterpreting the data on which they are based. Second, the writer fails to use the most specific and concrete words to make their meaning clear. Third, the writer fails to support their conclusions with factual data.

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Chapter 6 Principles of Employee Interviewing CHAPTER OVERVIEW Supervisors conduct employee interviews for many reasons: to obtain or to give information, to solve problems, and to motivate employees, among others. Active listening is a key skill. Understanding the different kinds of employee interviews, and how to prepare for and conduct them, helps supervisors to be effective in this important role. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices 2. To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing 3. To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing LECTURE OUTLINE Interrogation versus Interview Major Functions of the Interview Preparation for an Employee Interview Conducting an Interview Elimination of Bias Confidential Agreements Advice Giving Psychological Reactions in the Interview Types of Personnel Interviews Recording of Results Evaluation of Results Causes of Unsuccessful Interviews Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Purposes and procedures for employee interviews Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

40 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Discuss the reasons a supervisor must be a good interviewer. 2. Distinguish between interview and interrogation 3. The functions of an interview


1. Steps in preparing for an interview 2. Steps in conducting interviews 3. Active listening 4. Interviewer attitude 5. Agreements, advice 6. Types of personnel interviews a. Informal b. Employment c. Progress d. Grievance e. Problem-solving f.

Disciplinary action

g. Separation 7. Documentation 8. Evaluation and causes of failure Review:

Key points


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting


1. Exercises at the end of the chapter: 2. Have students conduct interviews based on assumptions specified in cases 1 and 2. Instruct students to make other assumptions they may require. Instruct person playing the role of the employee to

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respond to the interviewer honesty and forthrightly as they would in real life. Have class critique the techniques used. 3. Give the same instructions to the student playing the role of the employee in case 3, with this exception: out of the presence of the interviewer, reveal to the employee, and the other students, that Officer Peters was in a serious fistfight with the woman‘s husband a few nights earlier, but the matter has not yet become known to the police department. Instruct the employee to respond forthrightly but not to reveal this incident unless the appropriate interview techniques are used to obtain the information. Have the class critique the interview techniques. ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Watch a Professional

Watch or listen to television, radio, or otherwise broadcast interview, e.g., a TV host interviewing a person involved in some unusual incident, a radio interview of some famous person, or an interview of a politician on an internet news outlet. Write a report in which you evaluate: 

What planning did the interviewer do in advance?

     

Did the interviewer use planned questions? What were they? How did the interviewer open the interview? How did the interviewer use questions to draw out information? What did the interviewer do that showed active listening? Was the interviewer effective in obtaining or imparting information? Did the interviewer influence the subject‘s attitude or behavior?

Assignment #2: Preparing Questions Create a list of questions you would have prepared for an Employment Interview Consider the kind of questions necessary to address:          

Job preparation Job motivation Personal history Job history Integrity Team orientation Initiative Assertiveness Stress tolerance Interpersonal ability

Prepare follow-up questions for the following specific issues: 

The candidate never completed their coursework for the Criminal Justice degree they began working on several years ago. 42 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

      

The candidate is next on the hiring list for the paid Fire Department. The candidate has changed residence four times in the last five years. The candidate has worked as a store clerk for the past three years since graduating from High School. The candidate has received numerous traffic tickets over the years. The candidate was fired from a job for leaving work early. The candidate did not play any team sports in High School or College. The candidate seems reserved and somewhat shy.

SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. An interview is an interchange of views and ideas between two or more persons. Its primary purpose is to obtain or impart information or influence attitudes or behavior. Interrogation, unlike interviewing, involves a process of questioning with the investigator usually assuming a dominant role in the relationship. 2. The major functions of the interview are to obtain information (about work or another situation, about the employee, or about a grievance); to communicate or give information (about policies or practices, or about services, behaviors, or employee relationships); to motivate employees for the purpose of improving cooperation, production, or performance; to help solve personal and group problems through the consultation process; and to appraise the past, present, or future situation of the employee (with respect to their career, transfers, education, extra-departmental activities such as secondary employment, or personal problems). 3. Informal Interview: Perhaps one of the most productive sources of information that might be used by the police supervisor is the day-to-day informal contact with subordinates in office visits, during inspections, at briefing sessions, in the locker room, or in the field. Employment Interview: The employment interview has as its prime objective the appraisal of an applicant‘s qualifications for employment. Progress Interview: The progress interview can be used effectively to inform employees of their progress, to review their past performance, and to give constructive guidance concerning improvement required. Grievance Interview: Conditions causing grievances that are not easily correctable should be analyzed carefully. Wherever possible, an opportunity should be provided for the employee to participate actively in the solution of the problem. Problem-Solving Interview: Often called a consultation or chaplain interview, its function might be likened to that performed by a military chaplain or a police counselor. Disciplinary Action Interview: Employees against whom a disciplinary matter is pending should ordinarily be interviewed in two settings. They should be interviewed during the investigation. Then they must be informed of the conclusion. Separation Interview: This interview should be conducted regardless of the cause for separation, whether it is from voluntary or forced resignation, termination for cause, or retirement. Such an interview is especially helpful in determining useful or harmful hiring procedures. 4. In each interview, the person being interviewed should be the central figure at all times. This employee-centered characteristic requires that supervisors suppress any tendency to be dictators and that they actively engage in the ―understanding listener‖ role. 5. Active listening requires that the listener be actively attentive to what is said. It requires effort to listen actively and involves much more than hearing only that which one wants to hear. 43 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Listening must be a positive function so that the persons speaking will be encouraged to reveal their real rather than their superficial feelings. In order that listening may be truly rewarding to the interviewers, it must be accompanied by an effort to understand what the speakers are really saying, to understand what they really mean. This involves sensitivity on the part of the interviewer not only to the interviewee‘s words but also to the underlying feelings, attitudes, and motives. 6. In using questions, an interviewer must recognize that they may guide the interview away from its true purpose. They may, however, be used to good advantage in starting the conversation or delving deeper into a specific area. Since utmost accuracy in response to the interview question is desirable, such a question should be framed in positive terms. 7. On occasion, information will be offered to the interviewers only under a ―confidential agreement‖ arrangement. Should the interviewees provide information under such conditions, supervisors must carefully weigh the circumstances surrounding the offer before committing themselves to accept it as a confidential communication. Once they have committed themselves, they must not breach the confidence, for to do so would grossly reflect on their moral integrity. If such information turns out to be vital to the organization, they should endeavor to induce the employee to reveal it voluntarily. Keeping all information given to them under such conditions in strictest confidence is a basic requirement. If this cannot be done, the interviewer should avoid such agreements. 8. Often interviewers will allow an unconscious imitation to influence their judgment. This condition might result from the subtle moods that often permeate the interview and are transferred from it to the interviewers. 9. Some interviews are unsuccessful because of the failure of the parties to communicate what is meant or to understand what is said. Others fail because of ignorance, faulty recollection, tendency to say what one thinks they are expected to say, or distortions that creep into the reporting of results when the facts are interpreted on the basis of subjective impressions rather than objective facts. 10. Care should be exercised in this type of consultation to avoid providing a crutch to employees who make feeble attempts (or even none) to solve what to them seem a dilemma that they are not sure how to handle. In this situation, the interviewer should avoid solving the employee‘s problem but should assist in considering its ramifications and possible solutions by focusing the person‘s attention on things that might have been overlooked. Supervisors cannot afford to deprive subordinates of the opportunity to engage in self-analysis and direction, nor can they afford to assume the responsibility for decision-making, which should rightly rest on the shoulders of the employees. 11. Written outlines are often useful as guides to assist interviewers in covering salient points that they may wish to develop. This preliminary planning will be most useful if the facts available about the person to be interviewed are studied beforehand. The interviewing supervisor should also make every effort to conduct it in privacy to help avoid possible inhibitions, which often limit frankness when persons other than those concerned are present. Finally, questions should be prepared that may be used at first to establish the habit of answering if the question-and-answer technique is adopted.

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Chapter 7 Some Psychological Aspects of Supervision CHAPTER OVERVIEW Too often, people in management rise to high positions with little knowledge of the psychological factors that interfere with the productivity of their personnel. Psychological principles can bring excellent results when applied sincerely, with common sense, and with good intentions. Evidence is clear that output is affected to a greater degree by workers‘ feelings about their jobs, their colleagues, supervisors, and the happenings about them than by their attitudes about the physical working conditions. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others 2. To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior 3. To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates LECTURE OUTLINE Drives, Satisfactions, and Needs Inferiority Complex Catharsis Fixation and Regressive Behavior Supervisory Problem: The Frustrated Employee Nature of Frustration Barriers Causing Frustration Frustration and Performance Some Common Reactions to Frustration Frustration Prevention Relief for Frustration: Some Commonsense Approaches Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Theoretical Basis Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

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1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Discuss how the human relations movement of management grew from traditional management in factories, steel mills, and pressure from labor unions 2. Discuss how psychological and sociological effects on work environment were discovered in the Hawthorne experiments 3. Have students give examples of how understanding psychology can help supervisors


1. Describe the basic drives, satisfactions, and needs that motivate behavior 2. Have students give examples of each, write them on board 3. Discuss satisfaction vs. inferiority complex 4. Discuss catharsis 5. Discuss regression 6. Discuss the nature of frustration and the four reactions 7. Write the two types of barriers causing frustration-internal and external. Have students provide examples of each 8. Have students describe the effects of frustration on work performance

Activity 2: Handling a Frustrated Worker Presentation:

1. List the 6 reactions to frustration on the board. Have students describe how each may be displayed at work, and write the descriptions on the board 2. Have students describe some practical ways that workplace frustration may be prevented or relieved.


Key points

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Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: You are a squad Sergeant. One of your Officers has been doing poor work lately. Officer O‘Rourke has been turning in reports late, coming to work with a sloppy uniform, and calling you for guidance on situations he has previously handled very well by himself. When you call him in to talk about it, he cannot accept any of your observations as valid. He says his reports are late because the Department requires too much unnecessary information on routine matters. He says that you have been falling short in training him how to handle calls. He also says that the Department‘s uniform allowance is inadequate to cover the costs of maintaining his uniforms. 1. What behavior is this officer displaying? Explain your answer. 2. What can you do to help him with this situation? Be specific. O‘Rourke begins to improve in the areas you discussed with him. But within a month, he has been the subject of several complaints, in which citizens allege he has been verbally abusive on traffic stops and other calls. He has had a noticeable increase in the number of Resisting Arrest charges he is signing against defendants, and the Police in Galloway Twp. Have been to his house twice on calls they describe as ‗disturbances.‘ 1. What behavior is this officer displaying? Explain your answer. 2. What actions could you have taken to prevent this from happening? Be specific. Assignment #2: You are a Sergeant assigned to the 9-1-1 Communications Center. Last month, there was a call in which a panicked woman reported her husband having a heart attack. Following procedure, Dispatcher McClain gave the woman CPR instructions over the phone. Though the EMT crew arrived quickly, the man died. Since that incident, McClain has begun to lose weight. She is jumpy whenever a call comes in on the 9-1-1 line. She drinks more coffee and smokes more cigarettes than ever before, and gets into arguments with coworkers over trivial matters. She sometimes screams or bursts into tears, then leaves work early complaining of non-specific illness. You have asked her to meet with you to talk about what is troubling her. 1. What kind of psychological behavior is she exhibiting? Explain your answer. 2. What psychological principle may be effective in helping Dispatcher McClain? Explain your answer. 3. Describe the actions you would take to help McClain become a sound, productive worker again. Be specific. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. The commonly recognized basic human drives are the wish for security, based on fear, apprehensiveness, and avoidance; the drive for response, derived from love, friendship, and affection; the wish for recognition, gained from status, prestige, and social approval; and the 47 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

drive for new experiences, including curiosity, adventure, and the craving for excitement. The fundamental satisfactions that the individual strives to fulfill will be found in the lists prepared by most authorities. These are (1) affection, acceptance, and security; (2) a sense of personal adequacy; (3) recognition as a personality; (4) an opportunity for accomplishment; (5) an opportunity for independence; (6) an opportunity to obtain new experiences; and (7) an opportunity to possess something or someone. The basic psychological needs of an individual include a feeling of security, a sense of adequacy, a sense of self-esteem, and a sense of social approval. 2. Catharsis is the process of ―talking or acting things out‖ in a permissive atmosphere. Roger states that ―We have learned that catharsis not only frees the individual from those conscious fears and guilt feelings of which he is aware, but that, continued, it can bring to light more deeply buried attitudes which also exert their influence on behavior.‖ Lack of knowledge or understanding is often the direct cause of debilitating anxieties, fears, and feelings of insecurity among employees. These can often be materially reduced by supervisors if they provide those affected individuals an opportunity to talk about their feelings in an informal environment, where they provide the necessary information that usually reduces or eliminates such apprehensions. 3. Since human beings cannot remain static for long, they tend to meet frustration with aggression. When emotional conflicts with their resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous, and attack reactions are not available to individuals, they may give up all attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt an attitude of resignation. Individuals who find that the efforts needed to fulfill an objective are greater than they desire to make, who face what appears to them to be an insoluble problem, or who lack self-confidence in the ability to perform often attempt to escape from the dilemma by physically or mentally withdrawing. Sometimes individuals will develop certain defenses in the form of excuses to help save face or preserve their pride and to justify failure to achieve their goals or fulfill their responsibilities. Rationalization is a common reaction to failure. At times, frustrated individuals will abandon problem-solving for an immature or even infantile type of regressive action. Finally, another common reaction is when people experience fixation, they keep repeating a response even if it is not effective. 4. Some overt manifestations of frustration are aggression, regression, fixation and psychosomatic illnesses such as headaches, stomach upsets, or nervous disorders caused by frustration. Some covertly expressed reactions are escape and resignation. 5. The most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is the discovery and removal of underlying causes. 6. Supervisors can relieve the condition by helping troubled individuals overcome their frustrations or see them in a different light. Studies have indicated that persons are more likely to follow the suggestions of supervisors if they have demonstrated an ability to help others solve their problems. Individuals may be directed toward constructive activity by means of a challenge to show others what they can really do, assignment of added responsibilities, or placement in a position that absorbs more of their energy. Patient nondirective counseling wherein the individual is given the opportunity to engage in catharsis by talking out the situation will provide an outlet for reducing anger, developing some objectivity, and gaining insight into the problems. Supervisors should help relieve the troubled subordinates of frustration by providing an opportunity for the achievement of a feeling of success.

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Chapter 8 Special Problems in Counseling and Remediation CHAPTER OVERVIEW Alcohol is the most abused substance in America. Policing has many factors conducive to problem drinking. There are clear signs a supervisor should identify that indicate problem drinking by workers. There are also effective actions a supervisor can take to help a worker with problem drinking. Emotional and personal problems of workers may also be identified and helped by an astute supervisor. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling 2. To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems 3. To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy the psychological problems of subordinates LECTURE OUTLINE Nature of Problem Drinking Development and Symptoms of Problem Drinking Some Options in Treating the Problem Drinker Counseling for the Problem Drinker Emotional and Personal Problems Counseling for the Emotionally Troubled Subordinate Management and Remediation of Emotional Distress Fitness for Duty Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Added Fitness for Duty Evaluations ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Alcohol Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

49 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask the class if they know anyone who is a problem drinker (no names) 2. Have the class name the types of personal and work problems related to problem drinking. List them on board. 3. Discuss common management failures (e.g., avoidance of issue) and the negative results


1. Describe the nature of problem drinking 2. Have class give examples of job-related factors in policing that are conducive to problem drinking 3. Have the class discuss performance problems and management responsibilities 4. List indicators of problem drinking a. Ask the class what actions a supervisor can take b. Discuss the ‗ADIME‘ method of problem-solving

5. List emotional and personal problems that can affect performance. Write on board. a. Anxiety b. Stress c. Depression d. Family issues e. Critical incident stress, e.g., post-shooting trauma 6. Have students discuss options for supervisor to help worker manage problems and improve performance Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting 50 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: You are a Sergeant recently assigned to a Detective squad. You review the personnel records of the squad members, and you see that one of them, Det. Donovan, has had a steady decline in performance over the past year. When he worked with you on the Traffic squad two years ago, he was a very dependable worker. Some of the problems you see are:    

A pattern of sick time use on weekends and immediately following paydays; Two counseling slips on unexcused lateness; Chronically low case clearance rates; A gradual decrease in closing cases with an arrest.

You are aware that Det. Donovan has a reputation as a ―heavy hitter‖ who never misses an opportunity to drink beer at squad parties. 1. Use the ‗ADIME‘ problem-solving method to address these performance issues and to help Donovan with any underlying problems. At your counseling session with him, Donovan denies any problems. After two weeks of reporting to work on time, using no sick time, and closing out several cases that had been delinquent, Det. Donovan fails to report for duty at the 7:00 a.m. start of his shift. He calls out sick at 10:00 a.m. When you go to his house for a supervisory sick time check, he answers the door with bloodshot eyes and smells of liquor. From inside the house you can hear his wife berating him for staying out so late that he is in trouble at work. 2. What are some options you have for addressing this situation? Assignment #2: Divide the class into work groups of 2-3 students each. Workgroups are each to bring visual aids for presentation to the class, as selected by the instructor, depicting a person engaged in behavior that is: 1. Attributable to substance use, psychological problems, or personal problems 2. Inappropriate for work Depictions should include video presentations or news reports of actual incidents, print news accounts, or TV or movie clips of police officers engaged in such conduct. (As always, visual aids must be large enough that the whole class can see them well.) Each group must be prepared to discuss: 1. How is this behavior inappropriate for work 2. What are the symptoms of substance use, psychological, or personal problems 3. What the appropriate supervisory actions could include The rest of the class should contribute to the discussion (rather than critique the presentation.)

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SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. It can adversely affect an officer‘s performance, which may negatively impact the community, the police department and the officer. The problem has become one of considerable significance to law enforcement agencies in light of the fact that one in four officers may have a problem with alcohol. By its very nature, police work is conducive to problem drinking. It attracts and tends to hold young men and women in the age bracket in which alcoholism is most frequent. According to Swanson, Territo, and Taylor, the stresses inherent in police work, and the commonplace social drinking found in the police culture create an environment especially conducive to alcoholism. The occupation is very stressful and competitive, with pressures seldom duplicated in other endeavors. If selection procedures are defective or if supervisory controls break down, the characteristics of the job sometimes contribute to the development of excessive drinking. 2. Stresses associated with a person‘s job, family, relationships with people, or economic responsibilities may cause confusion, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, unhappiness, or loneliness and often lead the individual to drink to relieve them. 3. Early, middle, and late (or acute) stages, each with its characteristic symptoms. 4. Denial, wherein people with alcohol use disorder deny using alcohol or claim that they can take it or leave it alone; Rationalization, wherein they deny the existence of any problem; and Projection, wherein they project the blame for their problem (if they admit they have one) onto other people or things, such as work pressures, a nagging spouse, or financial difficulties. 5. Competent supervisors with little patience and empathy can give help to employees who have a concern that has caused some emotional stress and anxiety. By simply making themselves available and actively listening to their employee, the employees, and the agency both benefit. This type of case involves the simple matter of encouraging employees to examine the facts so that they can recognize they are not necessarily what they have interpreted them to be. 6. The technique of nondirective or employee-centered counseling is one in which the supervisor stimulates individuals to discover their own problem and decide on a course of action to correct it. 7. When the symptoms indicate a deep-seated psychosis or other serious emotional problem, professional help would be indicated. Additionally, if the supervisor believes the employee may be a danger to themselves or others, a psychological fitness for duty evaluation would be appropriate. 8. The supervisor should avoid giving advice or opinions, diagnosing the problem, and directing subordinates in solving it; rather, interest can be focused on how to help them gain insight into their problem. The supervisor should listen and ask the right questions without talking about the alcohol problem until after the subordinates ―discover‖ it I. 9. Properly phrased questions are useful for encouraging the employee to talk. They should also be used to obtain information or to lead the conversation toward matters that are more pertinent. 10. It is important that the employees‘ ego is preserved because they cannot be helped until they want to be. They must be allowed to make their own evaluation of themselves and gain insight into their problem through the process of gentle prompting.

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11. The taking of notes during the counseling sessions should be avoided as this procedure will only contribute to the subject‘s apprehensions and may aggravate their suspicions and increase their defensiveness. 12. When employees begin to realize that they have a drinking problem and make a purposeful effort to help themselves find the scientific reasons for it, supervisors might suggest some appropriate literature or websites on the subject. Then, when the employee begins to understand that they need to find some way of facing their problems other than with alcohol, it might be suggested to them that they learn about available treatment options. 13. The important objective of professional counseling is not only to get problem drinkers to give up drinking but also to lead them to the realization that they can never be a moderate drinker and that they can never again use alcohol. 14. Occupational stress, too much criticism and too little praise may contribute to feelings of stress and depression in some. Depression may result from even a short exposure to stress and may cause reactions that seriously impair performance. Grief and loneliness brought about by the normal experiences of life may result in depression or the employee mourning over the loss of a loved one may also lead to depression. 15. Some of the suicide warning signs of which all supervisors should be aware of include:         

Depression Previous suicide attempt Increase in the use of alcoholic beverages Overly aggressive or violent behavior Any changes in mood or behavior that are out of the ordinary Changes in work habits Behavioral clues of suicidal thoughts Anger or irritability Concern expressed by family/friends/colleagues

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Chapter 9 Employee Dissatisfaction and Grievances CHAPTER OVERVIEW Every supervisor should be sensitive to the needs of employees who have real or imagined grievances or dissatisfactions arising from their relationships within the organization. These often result from supervisory or management practices the workers perceive as unfair. Supervisors must be attentive to grievances whether they are real or imagined because they can affect morale and performance.

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction 2. To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances 3. To be able to recognize several symptoms of employee dissatisfaction LECTURE OUTLINE Dissatisfaction with Work Environment Inept Supervisory Practices Misunderstandings of Policies, Rules, and Procedures Management Failures Supervisory Influence on Non-Job-Related Employee Behavior Recognition of Employee Dissatisfaction Supervisory Approaches to Employee Dissatisfaction Employee Grievances Working with Unions Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Employee dissatisfaction: causes and supervisory approaches Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter

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3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate Review:

1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask students to name work conditions they have experienced which caused them to become dissatisfied 2. Ask students how dissatisfaction affected work performance


1. Supervisors must be aware that there are many common causes of employee dissatisfaction a. Have students name work environment problems that can lead to employee dissatisfaction. b. List inept supervisory practices and have students discuss examples of each. c. Refer back to the practice exercises the class did in writing rules and policies. Discuss how easily rules can be misunderstood d. Discuss organizational practices as the #1 source of stress for police employees. Review management failures in light of complex and changing labor law developments 2. Supervisors may influence employees‘ behavior and resolve some complaints a. Discuss symptoms of worker dissatisfaction b. Ask students how supervisors can influence workers when dissatisfaction affects performance, but the workers are not violating rules 3. Discuss the levels of grievance resolution. Ask which level is best, and discuss the important influence of resolving grievances at the lowest possible level.


Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

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ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Current Labor Dispute Find a news report about a labor dispute. Write a brief review of the incident and then answer the following questions: 1. What sources of employee dissatisfaction contributed, or may have contributed to the situation? 2. What symptoms of employee dissatisfaction were present, or may have been present, before the incident rose to this level? 3. Were there any actions a supervisor could have taken to influence work behavior in this situation before it rose to this level? What could they have included? 4. What labor laws or grievance resolution procedures might be involved? 5. Were there any actions a supervisor could have taken to influence work behavior in this situation before it rose to this level? What could they have included? Assignment #2: Interview Interview a leader of a Police Union. If you are in an area where the police have no such organizations, interview a senior Officer. Note: Asking the same questions of a larger group will produce more reliable results (number of required interviews at Instructor‘s discretion.) Ask the persons you interview to list the most common causes of worker dissatisfaction. Next, ask them to rate the following common causes by significance: 1. Working environment 2. Inept supervisory practices 3. Misunderstandings of policies, rules, and procedures 4. Management failures 5. Content of rules of conduct 6. How rules of conduct are enforced 7. Due process violations in disciplinary actions Next, ask for examples of each. Finally, ask relevant follow-up questions to get a good overall understanding of the issue. Write a report in which you compare and contrast what you learned to what the chapter says. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Physical factors; inept supervisory practices; misunderstanding of policies, rules, and procedures; and management failures. 2. Toleration by supervisors of wasted time, effort, and physical resources; unjustified abuses of equipment; supervisory negligence in protecting the interests of the organization; violations of employee due process rights; infringement on what workers believe are their rights to privacy; and arbitrary enforcement of rules and regulations are quickly recognized by employees and tend to erode organizational pride, morale, and efficiency.

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3. Employees often oppose the manner in which organizational rules are enforced more than the rules themselves. The most frequently cited reason for opposition is the inconsistency of supervisors in enforcing the organization‘s rules. 4. Failure to give notice to an employee of pending disciplinary charges. In Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, the U.S. Supreme Court held that tenured public employees are entitled, under due process, to oral or written notice of the charges against them and an opportunity to tell their side of the story before they are terminated. 5. A formal grievance is when some factor in an employee‘s work environment causes them to complain formally in writing.

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Chapter 10 Discipline: Principles, Policies, and Practices CHAPTER OVERVIEW The best definition of discipline is training. Its purpose is to promote coordination of effort, selfcontrol and character, and foster orderliness and efficiency. Supervisors must be familiar with the requisites and gradations of discipline, and of the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps. Supervisors also need to be familiar with proper complaint investigation policies. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline 2. To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline 3. To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps LECTURE OUTLINE Forms of Discipline Adverse Effects of Punishment Detection of Problem Employee Behavior Requisites of Punishment Discipline by Example Upward Discipline Interdependency of Discipline, Morale, and Esprit de Corps Reversals of Administrative Actions Results of Unsustained Disciplinary Actions Complaint Investigation Policy Vicarious Liability Coroner‘s Transcripts Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Why and How of Effective Discipline Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

58 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Distinguish between meanings of discipline-training vs. punishment 2. Ask the class who is the most critical person in the organization when it comes to maintaining discipline, and why 3. Ask the class what happens when discipline is not maintained in an organization


1. Ask the class for examples of organizations that demonstrate high levels of positive discipline

2. Ask the class for examples of negative discipline they have seen or experienced. Discuss some adverse effects of negative discipline 3. Provide well-known examples of police misconduct. Have the students discuss different appropriate disciplinary actions. Have the class discuss how each option measures up against the requisites of punishment: a. Certainty b. Swiftness c. Fairness and impartiality d. Consistency 4. Discuss how discipline may be used to train others. Have students discuss how this could be done effectively and what adverse effects might arise. 5. Morale and esprit de corps a. Discuss morale. Have students give symptoms of low morale, and high morale. List these on the board. b. Discuss esprit de corps. Discuss how this is created 6. Complaint dispositions a. Have the class name elements of an effective complaint investigation policy. List on board b. Discuss the principle of vicarious liability

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c. Discuss the effects of unresolved and improperly resolved disciplinary actions, on the organization, the individual officer, and the community Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Disciplinary Policy Assign students to groups of 2-4 members. Each group is assigned to address one of the following topics. Students will present their situations and their ideas, and the class will critique them for their adherence to the requisites of punishment. The policies must also consider the possible adverse effects of discipline, the potential to train others by example, and due process. 1. As Christmas season approaches, there has been a great increase in extra-duty assignments. Officers work at stores to enhance security, as well as working routine extra-duty assignments such as directing traffic around construction sites. The extra-duty employers pay the City, which pays the Officers. This is permitted by regulations and by the labor agreement. The regulations and labor agreement also state that the Officers are considered on duty during these assignments, and are subject to all the rules just as when they are on duty during their regular shifts. Some Officers have been taking a lot of extra-duty assignments, and are coming to work tiredly for their regular shifts. There is a concern for Officer safety, efficiency, and public safety. 1. What disciplinary action should be taken if an officer repeatedly comes to work tired? 2. What if it is after working too many hours too close to the start of their shift? 3. What if they work many hours as a contractor while off-duty? 4. What if the investigation finds the officer doesn‘t work any other jobs before their shift? 5. The City has had a hiring freeze for the past year and a half. Even though there have been quite a few retirements from the Police Department, no replacements have been hired. The workload has become heavier for the Officers still working. Officers have been complaining that too much is being expected of them. Many supervisors report that Officers are taking too much time to complete assignments. Critical incident calls often receive a delayed response, and routine calls often go unanswered for an hour or more. 1. What disciplinary action should be taken if an Officer completes an assignment, but fails to notify the Dispatch Center, so the Officer can give themselves a break? 2. What disciplinary action should be taken with a new Officer who frequently takes too long to complete a traffic accident investigation? 3. What if it is an experienced Officer?

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4. What about an Officer who is found calling in a fake traffic stop when assigned a call, so he can get out of the assignment?

5. A recent audit found numerous problems with the Sign-In Book. 6. What disciplinary action should be taken if an Officer signed out from their regular shift at 8:00 pm, but signed in at their extra-duty assignment across town at 8:00 pm? 7. What disciplinary action should be taken if a Dispatcher failed to sign out when going home early due to illness? 8. The Lt. in charge of the midnight shift says he doesn‘t have many ways to reward good workers, so he occasionally lets them leave early but by no more than an hour. 9. What if the Lt. is allowed the discretion to let staff leave an hour early, at 5:00 am, but the staff members sign out for 6:00 am, the end time of their shift? Assignment #2: The relationship between Morale, Esprit De Corps, and Discipline Have students take the following examples as starting points for a written report on the relationship between Morale, Esprit De Corps, and Discipline. Length of report at the instructor‘s discretion. 1. Some military veterans will describe their experience by saying, ―I was in the military.‖ Those veterans who served in the Marine Corps will usually say, ―I am a Marine.‖ They specify their service branch, and use the present tense, ―I am,‖ rather than the past tense, ―I was.‖ 2. Little League baseball coaches sometimes insist their players come to games with their uniforms clean and worn properly. They tell their teams, ―If you look sharp, you‘ll play sharp.‖ 3. Some Police Departments have an organizational culture that encourages Officers to wear their uniforms sloppily. They bend their uniform hats out of regulation appearance, don‘t shine their leather gear, and scratch up their unpolished shields in order to look ―salty.‖ On the other hand, is this well-known saying about State Police: ―You never see a fat Trooper.‖ 4. Many Japanese businesses have company cheers as a college football team might have. The workers begin each workday all together doing calisthenics. Lifetime employment with the company is the well-founded expectation of every worker. Workers at every level have a great deal of input to management decisions regarding the work process, and they exert themselves to deliver the highest possible performance for the company. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Positive discipline and negative discipline. That form of training and attitudinal conditioning used to correct deficiencies without invoking punishment is known as positive discipline. Discipline that takes the form of punishment or chastisement is known as negative discipline. 2. The requisites of punishment are certainty, swiftness, fairness and impartiality, consistency, and deterrence for others. Certainty is perhaps the greatest deterrent to further misbehavior. The fear that misconduct will certainly be discovered and inevitably punished in one way or another is a powerful deterrent force for individuals. 3. A mistake of the head may be an inadvertent deviation from standards or an act of carelessness, while a mistake of the heart is usually an intentional misconduct. The supervisor should differentiate between the two and take action accordingly, keeping in mind that the training value gained from an error may far exceed the harm done by it. 61 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Subordinates can exercise a form of discipline against their supervisors just as the supervisor can against them. They can do so by thwarting the supervisors‘ attempts to exercise leadership, by forcing the supervisors to maintain constant pressure on them to gain compliance with directions, by withholding information from the supervisors, and by doing a myriad of other things calculated to indicate their displeasure. 5. Telling employees what is expected of them is a primary requisite in the establishment of an effective disciplinary program. To accomplish this training, some organizations publish in their house organ or by special notices the disciplinary actions taken against personnel. Some contend that this publication places the chastised employee in double jeopardy, while others believe the benefits to the total organization more than offset the hazards of such procedures. If the results of disciplinary actions are published within the organization for training purposes, the organizational policy will dictate whether the names of those disciplined are omitted and only the penalties and the derelictions on which they were based are briefly reported. 6. Morale is a state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual has confidence in the members of the group and in the organization, believes in its objectives, and desires to accomplish them. 7. Esprit de corps, like morale, involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the group 8. Discipline, morale, and esprit de corps are of equal importance since they are interdependent. Each may flow from the others, or each may adversely affect the others. High morale is usually accompanied by a high level of discipline and esprit de corps. Neither a high level of morale nor esprit de corps commonly accompanies a poorly administered disciplinary program. When these three occur together at a favorable level, however, efficiency will be in direct proportion. Thus, supervisors must constantly appraise the methods they employ in carrying out the disciplinary function so that they can avoid those pitfalls that lower the levels of morale and esprit de corps of their group. 9. The quality or quantity of work, the rate of turnover, the number of disciplinary cases, the number of grievances (imagined or real), the amount of absenteeism, acts of disloyalty to the organization, a sharp increase in bickering and arguments among its members, incidents involving the careless use of equipment, and the misuse of sick time, but the most obvious indicator that morale is slumping, a general deterioration in the appearance of personnel, which is usually a gauge of organizational pride. 10. More often than not, from that day forward, the employee becomes an embittered marginal performer, producing just enough to avoid further punishment and contaminating others at every opportunity. Not only does this person‘s morale suffer greatly, but the morale of all who must work with the employee is affected as well. All too often, fellow employees who have heard only one version of the story will commiserate with their colleague. It should be clear that a poorly done investigation and the failure to prepare adequately have long-term consequences. 11. Progressive organizations will adhere to a firm policy of inquiring into each and every complaint made concerning the misconduct of personnel, with perhaps only two exceptions. Complaints against official procedures followed by the organization are not usually handled as personnel complaints, nor are those allegations too trivial to dignify as true complaints of misconduct that justify a full investigation (such as the complaint of a citizen that he saw an officer wearing their uniform hat at an improper angle). The allegation should be treated as a complaint; however, if the supervisor receiving it is in doubt as to its classification. Ordinarily, such incidents will cause a little problem, but the organization should protect itself by a policy that requires that doubtful cases be treated as complaints. Thus, the 62 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

supervisor is held responsible for judgment errors so that the likelihood of being overly lax in their application of the policy will be lessened. Furthermore, the public confidence in the organization will be enhanced by a forthright policy of accepting and determining the merits of all personnel complaints through the process of investigation. This way supervisors within the organization will not be unnecessarily exposed to the inherent danger attending a loose rule permitting acceptance of those complaints appearing valid and rejecting (sometimes purely on an emotional basis) those that do not appear to be bona fide. Application of such a policy would be contrary to all the precepts of investigation, which hold that a conclusion should not be drawn before the facts are known. Experience has proved that some of the complaints that at first seem to be the least plausible are found to be most authentic; the reverse is also often true. 12. The primary objectives in the administration of an effective personnel complaint investigation policy are to protect the integrity and reputation of the force, to protect the public interest, and to protect the accused employee from unjust accusation. 13. In many jurisdictions, public entities (agencies of state, county, and local government) have been traditionally immune from civil liability resulting from wrongful acts by their employees. This immunity was based on the ancient philosophy of sovereign immunity, commonly known as the divine right of kings. 14. The ―empty pockets‖ doctrine is the idea that it is useless to sue a person with empty pockets. 15. The treasury of a public agency may be exposed to a civil suit for the wrongful deeds of its employees. If employees abuse the position given to them by the state and deprive another of a constitutional right, the conduct may be actionable in state courts, as well as under the Civil Rights Act in federal courts. 16. The supervisor should be mindful that a criminal act depriving a person of a constitutional right or a death proximately resulting from police action ultimately might involve action under Section 1983 of the federal Civil Rights Act. Allegations are being raised with increasing frequency that the improper use of force by the officer was a proximate result of lack of training and/or supervision to the degree that constitutes ―gross neglect‖ or ―deliberate indifference‖ of the supervisor and/or the employing agency to the plaintiff‘s rights. Indeed, liability might be imposed on supervisors in their individual capacity for their own culpable action or inaction in the training, supervision, or control of subordinates.

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Chapter 11 Personnel Complaint Investigation Procedures and Techniques CHAPTER OVERVIEW The ability and willingness of a Police Department to investigate its own personnel is essential for effective functioning and for maintaining public trust. Because so much depends on personnel complaint investigation, there is a great deal of labor law on the subject. As a result, the procedures are very detailed. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems 2. To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy 3. To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements LECTURE OUTLINE Case Preparation Sources of Complaints Non-Job-Related Misconduct Observed Infractions Complaint Types Recording of Complaints Complaint Investigation Procedural Due Process Requirements Reporting Procedures Classification of Complaint Investigations Discipline and the News Media Disposition of Complaints Disciplinary Failures Summary Review Questions Exercises ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Overview and Investigative Procedures Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired

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1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask the class reasons why there must be Complaint Investigation Procedures. What is the benefit to the public, the agency, the complainant, and the individual officer? a. Public: Accountability and proper civilian control of govt. b. Agency: Public faith and discipline, effectiveness, orderliness c. Complainant: Redress for abuses d. Officer: Opportunity to clear their reputation, or correction of the violation


1. Overview and Sources a. Discuss four basic steps in any observed infraction: discussion, warning, record, follow-up, and the reasons each step is important for good supervision. Have class give examples of infractions that could be handled on the spot.

b. Ask, what is an example of an infraction that should NOT be handled in private? Text mentions an ongoing violation, e.g., and Officer directing traffic in a disorderly way, or arguing with a person c. Discuss primary and secondary sources of complaints. Have class give examples of secondary sources, and reasons complaints could be brought by each. d. Ask the class if complaints should be taken from intoxicated persons, incarcerated people, or witnesses when there is no primary complainant or anonymous sources. Have them explain their answers. 2. Investigative Procedures a. Ask the class if they have ever been accused of any wrongdoing. How important was it that the person looking into the matter did or did not draw any premature conclusions? b. Discuss situations that would require removing an employee from the immediate location or even summary suspension of the employee. 65 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

c. Discuss recent events involving officers who were arrested. Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Interview Interview a Supervisor at a law enforcement agency. Ask what are the most frequent complaints they investigate. Have the Investigator explain the steps for that type of investigation. Ask how personnel complaint investigations differ from the criminal investigations done by most Police Officers. Ask follow-up questions based on the material in the chapter. Write a report on the interview in which you compare and contrast the chapter to the information provided by the supervisor. Is the book impractical? Is the procedure practiced by that agency too informal? How would you resolve the differences to make the process and the chapter better? Assignment #2: Research Get a copy of the personnel complaint investigations policy from the place where you work, or the institution where you are taking this course. Write a report in which you compare and contrast the chapter to the policy. Is the book impractical? Is the procedure you researched too informal? How would you resolve the differences to make the process and the chapter better? SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Internal complaints are those emanating from within the organization. They include those made by report auditors who find deficiencies or irregularities in reports; jailors, who report on improper conduct of employees in the treatment of arrestees or incarcerated people; and supervisors, who observe misconduct and initiate disciplinary action. 2. External complaints are those that come from persons outside the organization. These may be classified as primary complaints—those received directly from alleged victims of police action or debtors—and secondary complaints or second-party complaints—those from persons who are not themselves victims but who complain on behalf of others. Such complaints may be made by attorneys, elected officials, representatives of organized groups, parents, or others whose attention has been directed to possible deviant behavior through observation or who act as the spokesman for others in complaining of such behavior. 3. The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals recommends all complaints be permanently recorded. From this standard flows another type of complaint that comes from an unidentified source: the anonymous complaint. A police agency serious about professionalism and the public trust must take anonymous complaints as seriously as those brought forward by a known complainant. In fact, anonymous complaints have the potential to be even more serious when you consider that complainants probably have serious fears about identifying themselves. 66 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

4. The supervisor must exercise the greatest caution and discretion in treating complaints made from an intoxicated person. When a complaint involves the loss of personal property and is made under conditions giving the supervisor reasonable cause to believe that it has some merit, immediate steps must be taken to determine whether such loss occurred. If so, make sure how to protect not only the interests of the complainant but also the integrity of the police agency and, above all, that of the accused officer should the investigation reveal that they have been subjected to an unjust accusation or a hint of wrongdoing. Under such circumstances, the supervisor should promptly examine the police premises in which the arrestee was detained and the police vehicle in which they were transported. Persons making complaints while intoxicated should always be re-interviewed when they are sober. It has been found that, at this time, they will often temper their original complaint, change it, or withdraw it completely when sober reflection indicates to them its injustice. For example, sobriety often enables them to recollect what happened to property they thought was taken by arresting officers. 5. Personnel records of accused employees should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that they have previously been the subject of similar complaints. The existence of similar accusations may point to the need for a closer examination of the officer‘s conduct. Valuable clues to the employee‘s pattern of behavior may be revealed by a series of similar complaints. 6. It will usually only make a bad situation worse. Despite the dramatic success of fictional investigators in face-to-face confrontations, experienced supervisors have found that only on the rarest of occasions would a situation arise in which it would be advisable to bring the complainant and the accused employee together in a face-to-face encounter. 7. The general procedures for handling minor infractions observed by supervisors in the course of their activities will involve a discussion of the incident with the concerned employee, an on-the-spot warning or admonishment given when appropriate, and a record made of the incident for future reference. Then a follow-up should be made to determine the effect of the warning. The procedure that will be followed by the supervisor in initiating appropriate action in response to a more serious complaint from within or from outside the department will follow a general pattern. First, the exact nature of the alleged misconduct must be ascertained from the complainant. Broad generalizations, such as ―I am being harassed by the police,‖ do not state a cause for investigation unless the complainant can specify the exact nature of the harassment. Second, an inquiry must be initiated for the purpose of determining the merit of the complaint (and the degree of culpability of the accused officer if investigation supports the allegation). Third, conclusions must be drawn from the facts collected and recommendations made concerning the disposition of the case. Corrective action may be indicated, or the case may be closed if the evidence does not reasonably support the allegation. Fourth, if corrective action is decided upon, it must be administered. Fifth, the supervisor should follow up to ascertain the effect of any disciplinary action, especially if it is negative. 8. Pictures of employees might suffice for the purpose of identification if such is necessary. The guidelines set forth by the courts should be followed in this process to ensure fairness and impartiality to all parties involved. Several photographs should be selected, showing individuals with dress, features, pose, and complexion similar to those of the accused. Persons making the identification should not be influenced or open to suggestion in their attempt to select the right photograph, nor would they be given reason to conclude or guess that the photographs shown to them include the picture of the person to be identified. The ultimate purpose of this procedure must be kept in mind—to arrive at the truth. If the incident

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involved a criminal offense, the department‘s legal advisors and or prosecutor would be notified. 9. The supervisor should proceed with the search with the utmost tact and discretion; whenever possible, it should be made with the employee‘s consent. Searches of the employee‘s personal property without consent are limited by the many rules of law that have evolved under the Fourth Amendment. These rules are applicable to administrative disciplinary proceedings, as well as criminal trials, and should be adhered to meticulously by the supervisor. If it is the employer‘s intent not to grant an employee a reasonable expectation of privacy in such assigned property, that intent should be clearly indicated by practice or in a policy statement. Therefore, supervisors should be fully aware of the search-and-seizure rules in their particular jurisdiction so that they may avoid the exclusion of evidence that has been seized in violation of the employee‘s reasonable expectation of privacy or other Fourth Amendment rights. The department‘s legal advisor or representative of the prosecutor‘s office may always be contacted for guidance and direction. Whenever practicable, searches should be made in private and a search of the vehicle or effects of accused persons should be made in their presence. 10. The report of the investigation should ideally contain a heading, a statement of the complaint, a summary of the investigation, details of the investigation, conclusions and recommendations (when requested by higher authority or required by rules and regulations), and addenda. The heading of the report should follow the established format. It should ordinarily contain the details that identify the reporting supervisor, the person to whom the report is directed, the date and time of the report, and other details that may be required. The complaint (sometimes referred to as the subject) should contain a brief statement of the accusation and the names of the accuser and the accused. The summary of the investigation section should contain a concise account of the material findings of the inquiry and give the reviewer a complete but brief résumé of all the evidence obtained that is germane to the complaint. The investigation section of the report should contain a detailed account of the inquiry to which the reviewer might refer for particulars beyond those contained in the summary of investigation section. This section should report the substance of verbatim transcripts of witnesses‘ statements, those of the accused, and those of the complainant. These substantive statements must be carefully prepared to preserve the integrity of the total report. In the conclusions section of the report, investigators should report the conclusions they have drawn from the inquiry—but only after they have been requested to do so by a superior or if they are required to do so by departmental rules. Recommendations, when required by departmental procedures or requested by superiors, should be placed in a section similarly titled. The addenda section of the report should include such supporting data as verbatim transcripts of statements, arrest reports, crimes, evidence or property reports, booking information, exemplars, and descriptions of physical evidence. 11. Common failures of supervisors include: not knowing how to make personnel investigations, insufficiency of the evidence, failing to maintain departmental disciplinary standards, fear of disapproval from those with whom they work, failing to investigate complaints completely (if at all) and delays in making a prompt inquiry into personnel breaches often result in the destruction or disappearance of evidence that might otherwise have been collected, the cooling of witnesses, or the downright concoction of stories that will prevent any possible resolution of the matter. 68 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 12 Personnel Evaluation Systems and Performance Rating Standards CHAPTER OVERVIEW Studies have revealed that the evaluation and appraisal of employees is one of the highest development needs at the supervisor‘s level of management. Every supervisor rate subordinate, formally or informally. A valid system, capturing relevant facts and administered impartially, is critical for informing important management decisions. Rating standards are inherently subjective. By formalizing the procedure and standardizing the ratings, the reliability of the ratings will be much better. The chapter assesses several standards and methods, as well as common errors. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system 2. To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail 3. To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based 4. To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses 5. To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them LECTURE OUTLINE Objectives of Evaluation Systems A Case for Evaluation Systems Causes of Evaluation System Failures Gathering and Recording of Performance Data Rating Traits Performance Standards Rating Criteria Rating Standards Rater Characteristics Common Rating Errors Validity and Reliability of Ratings Evaluation Period Rating Methods Discussion of Rating with Employee Summary Review Questions Exercises

69 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Measuring Right, Measuring the Right Things Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask students why rating employees is so important for organizations, e.g., the NY Yankees, Arturo Fuente Cigars, a Medical Center, or a Police Department. 2. Discuss how a properly made and executed rating system recognizes the effort and provides a basis for improving deficiencies of the person rated


1. Have students name the reasons why rating systems fail. List on board. Discuss the sources of the failures, and how they degrade efforts to make good ratings. 2. Discuss the Critical Incident Method of rating employees, both its strengths and its weaknesses. 3. Compare CIM to standardized rating forms, and their strengths and weaknesses. 4. List on board 4 headings: Personal Characteristics, Ability, Performance, and Suitability for Promotion. Ask the students for things that ought to be included on each list for evaluating Police Officers. List them. 5. Discuss how a supervisor could measure some of the listed traits. 6. Ask the students how they would set standards for some of the listed traits. a. Importance of training raters b. Reliability of supervising raters 7. Discuss the important rating criteria for different assignments a Police Officer could have: Patrol, Supervisor, Detective, Evidence Custodian, Budget Manager. 70 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.


Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

Activity 2: Formats and Benchmarks for Measuring Performance Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask the class to use the ideal standard to evaluate auto mechanics working at the same shop. 2. Ask the class how they would use the ranking method to rate jet airplane fighter pilots. 3. Ask the class which method would be best for comparing mechanics to pilots. 4. Discuss the difficulties in comparing performance among different assignments in a Police Department.


1. Discuss each rating method. List on the board: a. Ranking b. Selected Employee c. Ideal Employee d. Numerical Standards e. Forced Choice

71 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

2. Have students provide examples of jobs that would be best suited for each rating method. Write these on the board next to the corresponding methods. 3. Discuss the characteristics that distinguish good raters from the bad. 4. Ask the class if they have ever experienced ratings – at work, school, or any other venue – which were affected by any of the common rating errors. Write the replies on the board. a. Leniency b. Personal Bias c. Central Tendency d. Halo and Horns Effect e. Related Traits f.

Overweighting or Recency

g. Subjectivity 5. Ask the class what they would measure to determine if an item was good or bad. E.g., computer, car, wood for a construction project, etc. 6. Discuss validity as a component of effective rating standards. 7. Ask the class how they would make sure their evaluation of the selected item produced the same rating scores consistently. 8. Discuss reliability as a component of effective rating standards. 9. Explain each of the rating (score calculation) methods. 10. Have students critique each for strengths and weaknesses. 11. Ask the class how discussing the rating with the employee promotes improved performance. 12. Ask the class why ratings are committed to writing, and why the employee signs a receipt of the rating. Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: How Do You Rate? 1. How do you evaluate your favorite places to eat? Make a list of criteria that are relevant. Using those criteria, write a review of one of your selected dining spots.

72 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

2. Compare your review to a restaurant review in Zagat‘s, a newspaper, or any other resource. How are they alike/different? With that in mind, re-write your own restaurant reviews using the evaluation system from your published resource. 3. With 2 or 3 of your classmates, compare one of your exams (from any common course) or one of your papers (from any common course.) Do your instructors use a standard rating system? If so, identify its criteria and basis for ratings (what determines an A, a B, etc.) If not, create a system listing criteria and the basis for ratings. Assignment #2: The Right Stuff Develop a list for each of these categories: 1. Personal Characteristics 2. Ability 3. Performance 4. Suitability for Promotion Create a thorough list of traits for each category, for the following jobs (number of jobs at Instructor‘s discretion): 1. Police Officer 2. Police Detective 3. Prep chef in a big restaurant 4. Bookkeeper in the Comptroller‘s Office of a city Board of Education 5. Car Salesman 6. Second-chair violinist in an orchestra 7. Junior assistant grant writer for a university 8. Assistant Dean of Admissions 9. Plumber‘s helper in a large (non-union) contracting company 10. Data analyst in a corporate marketing division For each item on the list, explain how that trait could be demonstrated. Assignment #3: Excellent, Standard, and Poor Select one of the following performance assessments, or assigned at Instructor‘s discretion: 1. A professional sports team of your choice 2. Wedding planners 3. Police Officers assigned to Traffic Enforcement and Investigations 4. Police Detectives assigned to Insurance Fraud Investigations 5. A computer support staff 6. All the workers at your Dentist‘s office 7. Your college professors 8. The different people who cut your hair 9. Other jobs approved by Instructor 73 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

List the criteria for evaluation, the way each criteria will be scored, and the method of evaluation. Create an evaluation form using the method you chose. Keep the following questions in mind when developing your form: 1. What are the essential components of the job? 2. Is any training or leadership of others involved? 3. What responsibilities are there to the organization, other than the specific job functions? 4. How do you measure success for the job? SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Service ratings, personnel evaluations, employee appraisals, merit ratings, or whatever the method is called will provide one tool for measuring employee capabilities and giving management an inventory of them. Such evaluation systems also provide a means for supervisors to record systematically at specified intervals their opinions regarding the performance of subordinates. They establish a basis for rewarding or penalizing personnel and for explaining to them why they are or are not progressing satisfactorily. Evaluations based on sound, objective data are unparalleled as a foundation on which the supervisor can help a substandard employee develop a program to improve performance. Properly executed, such a system will also be a valuable tool in the placement and promotion of personnel, the administration of merit pay or salary increases, disciplinary proceedings, and similar matters. In addition, these evaluation systems provide supervisors with a means for measuring those abstract traits of their subordinates that cannot be easily measured otherwise. Absences, tardiness, production, and accomplishments can be easily measured directly, but this is not so with such traits as loyalty, ability to get along with others, and temperamental stability. 2. Indifference: Indifference of supervisors to the need for accuracy in rating can damage the effectiveness of the system, as can the failure of the administrators of the organization to support the program actively since their passivity will discourage the raters below and cause them to lose interest in the program. Employee pressures: Employee groups sometimes are solicited to bring formal organized pressure to bear on management when merit pay is withdrawn—unjustifiably, in the eyes of the employee affected—on the basis of performance rating reports. If it appears that the employee‘s welfare must be protected, often the employee group will vigorously press management to justify its action. Failure to train raters: Raters must be given an understanding of the objectives a properly administered evaluation program should meet and be made aware of the means of avoiding the common errors that cause inaccuracies in ratings and reduce their value. Rating abuses: A rating system is bound to fall into disrepute if personnel rated come to lose confidence in it because it has been abused by management. Slipshod procedures: Rating reports often affect a person‘s entire career; therefore, those made carelessly may have serious consequences. Slipshod, inaccurate methods affect every person in the organization because each one rates or is rated. Rating shortcuts: Abridged versions of rating scales devised to economize on time at the expense of accuracy have been responsible for a high percentage of failures. 3. The methods used by supervisors may vary according to their individual needs. Some agencies have adopted an incident report form to be used to record commendable or censurable performance of a minor or routine nature. These reports should be retained during the rating period, as they form a substantial basis for performance evaluations. They should then be placed in the employee‘s personnel folder or destroyed. Some supervisors prefer to 74 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

record observations in a separate file for future reference; others record incidents in the supervisor‘s log and later transfer these notations to a file or a control card kept for each officer. 4. Rating traits and abilities can be grouped into broad categories such as personal characteristics, ability, performance and suitability for promotion. 5. Personal characteristics: honesty, character, attitude, appearance, persistence, imagination, and loyalty. Performance: quality of work, quantity of work, accuracy, attention to duty, perseverance, efficiency, supervision required, ability to resolve complaints from public, handling of specific job duties (patrol, traffic, investigations, reports), performance under stress, and effectiveness. Ability: stability, initiative, job knowledge, judgment, and common sense. Suitability for promotion: leadership ability, administrative ability, job knowledge, communication skills, interpersonal skills, ability to plan, acceptance of responsibility, ability to organize, decision-making ability, command presence, and disciplinary function. 6. The following criteria are useful for evaluating officers assigned to patrol or traffic     

 

       


Are officers keeping themselves informed of what is happening on their beat or in their area? Are they making use of crime and traffic data or police incident summaries to gain an awareness of crime, developing traffic accident patterns, and/or exposed hazard areas? Are officers familiar with crime, delinquency, and traffic trends in their area of responsibility? Are officers familiar with patrol techniques, and are they performing their patrol functions effectively? Are reports complete and accurate? How many errors are observed in their reports? What is the quality of traffic enforcement citations issued? Are traffic citations reasonably related to accident-producing violations on a selective basis? Do citation books, turned in for inspection and filing when completed, reveal quality enforcement effort? Do errors or erasures appear on file copies? Are preliminary investigations made carefully? How do officers preserve evidence? Do activity logs reflect a high proportion of quality arrests based on observation? Do the officers‘ repressive patrol activities appear to be adequate? Do these activities involve adequate random inspections of business and residential premises and places exposed to criminal attacks, vehicle checks, and so forth? What is the quality of field interviews with pedestrians and motorists, juveniles and adults, as reflected by field contact reports? What type of image do the police officers project in their personal and public lives? How do the officers handle assigned calls? Do the follow-up inquiries and observations by the supervisor reveal that they lack enthusiasm, self-assurance, confidence, ability, or interest in handling called-for services? Does their court performance reflect poise, fairness, and preparation? How do the subordinates care for their personal equipment and that of the organization? Do the employees‘ medical records reflect a favorable attitude toward the job, or does their medical history reveal an inordinate use of sick time? Do sick patterns reflect evidence of malingering? How do the employees relate to other members of the organization (fellow workers and superiors) and the public? Do the employees observe the usual safety precautions in their work?

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        

Does the organization receive an unusual number of complaints about the officers‘ performance or conduct? Do officers strongly support their superiors and the organization, or are they passive, antagonistic, or hostile? What is the growth potential or promotability of officers? Is the overall quantity of their work acceptable? How do they react under stress? How do they carry out directives? What is their overall worth to the organization in comparison with others doing similar work? Does the officer learn neighborhood problems, solve problems, and use community resources effectively? Does the officer attend and participate in community meetings and identify and formulate plans of action to solve problems?

In addition to those listed above here are some criteria for investigative personnel:   

  

    

Are follow-up calls made promptly in the interests of good investigative procedures and public relations? Are the officers thorough and systematic in their investigative activities? What percentage of their assigned cases is cleared by investigations? What percent is cleared by arrest resulting from investigations? Are clearance rates bona fide, that is, are they cleared by arrest or by investigative activity, or are there an excessive number cleared improperly by weak and inadequate modus operandi factors? Do they have an unusual backlog of cases that have not had preliminary follow-up calls made? Do progress reports reflect satisfactory progress on their assigned cases, or does it appear that investigators are directing their efforts primarily toward the investigation of those cases that are newsworthy or that may earn them some special recognition? Do the officers enjoy a high conviction rate on cases they have investigated? Do records reveal that an unusual number of their cases that have been submitted to the prosecutor for complaint are rejected because of improper or inadequate case investigation or preparation? How effectively do they deal with juveniles who have been involved in police incidents? Do they keep complete and accurate records of their investigative activities? Do the investigators work well with a minimum of supervision? Do the investigators‘ court performances indicate thorough investigation and case preparation? Do they work well with colleagues? Are they good team workers?

In additions to those listed above here are some criteria that apply to staff and auxiliary personnel:    

Do the employees complete their assigned projects promptly, thoroughly, and objectively? Do they practice the principles of delegated staff work, or do they require an inordinate amount of direction? Do their reports meet accepted standards for staff writings? Do their relations with operating personnel reflect a clear understanding of their organizational function as advisor rather than director? 76 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

7. Employee ranking: This is a technique of ranking all employees in a particular group according to their relative overall value to the organization. This method of ―ranking‖ or ―scaling‖ ratings is still widely used and ranks employees from highest to lowest in the unit or on the basis of most valuable to least valuable. For example, if a unit contains twenty persons performing similar functions, each would be rated on their relative position within the group. The most valuable employee would be ranked number 1 of 20, and the least valuable would be ranked number 20 of 20 in terms of overall value to the organization. Representative employee standard: Accuracy may be improved when the rater compares each employee with others who have been selected as having the greatest value to the organization, those who are in the middle group having average value, and with those who are considered as having the least value. Raters are thus able to rank employees by comparing them with other representative employees whom they have selected through personal knowledge as having the greatest, average, or least value to the organization. Standards are thus established that can be used effectively as criteria for ratings in smaller organizations where the varying capabilities of employees are generally known and usually agreed on by raters. In large organizations, raters are limited by their own past experiences in the selection of representative employees, so a larger number of selected employees will be used as the standard of comparison, with the consequent lessening of the uniformity initially intended. Ideal employee standard: Instead of using selected employees who are representative of certain groups of personnel with varying values to the organization, ideal employee descriptions may be developed to avoid the necessity for changing criteria when the selected employees leave the unit or the organization or their performance becomes such that they can no longer be used as a pattern for ratings. Raters are instructed to decide in their own mind the attributes, professional qualities, and performance of the ideal employee performing a similar function to that of the employee to be rated and make the rating in comparison with this standard. Numerical standard: When the quantity of production is most important to an organization, descriptive standards may be used to advantage in measuring accomplishments. These are often expressed numerically; however, such measurements are difficult to apply to the many abstract traits that are important in police work. In a purely arithmetic method, the rater gives a numerical grade to each trait on the rating form according to the degree to which the employee possesses it. Predetermined weights are established by the organization for various traits. The numerical grade given to each trait by the rater multiplied by the weight assigned that trait equals its value points; by totaling value points, the organization is able to rank each employee arithmetically according to their overall value. This weighting adds the element of subjectivity to the rating since weights assigned to traits are estimates of the value of each in comparison with others. Force-choice standard: Once traits are selected that are considered to be the most important indicators of quality of performance, several options can be provided from which the rater must select the one that most closely describes the performance of the person being rated. The options can be given a numerical value to indicate the subject‘s overall rating, or the options may be classified in broad terms such as poor, fair, good, very good, excellent, or other descriptors indicative of the rater‘s assessment of each trait. 8. Certain broad characteristics are usually found in supervisors who excel in rating their subordinates. These supervisors:  

Can distinguish facts from feelings or impressions. Are able to weigh the performance of their subordinates against a consistent standard, which they accomplish by establishing norms of conduct and performance as a point of departure for rating personnel. 77 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

  

Base their ratings on objective data whenever possible, without allowing subjective emotions, individual likes and dislikes, or biases to influence them. Are careful to avoid committing the error of rating on the basis of vague general impressions and, instead, make every effort to rate on the basis of individual personal traits. Are systematic and thorough in recording accurate data relating to their observations of employees throughout the rating period.

9. Leniency: Occurs when the rater marks an inordinately large number of the rating reports in the highest one or two categories, such as very good and excellent, or excellent and outstanding, depending on the particular terminology used in the report form. Personal bias: Raters often tend to rate higher than is justified those persons they know well and like as well as those who subscribe to the same opinions as the supervisor. Those who are not liked or who are not compatible with the supervisor‘s own particular philosophies are likely to be rated lower than is justified. Central tendency: Raters will group their ratings near the center of the rating scale, with few ratings at the bottom or top. Halo or Horns effect: Tendency of raters to rate in terms of a very general impression rather than on the basis of specific traits. It occurs when the rater thinks in terms of the ―good‖ (Halo) or the ―poor‖ (Horns) officer and groups all the ratings for an individual at the high or low end of the scale. Related traits: Committed when the rater gives similar ratings to traits that seem to be similar. Overweight or recency: Tendency of raters to be unduly influenced by an occurrence, either good or bad, involving the person rated near the end of the rating period. Subjectivity: occurs when raters are unduly influenced by one or two characteristics that have special appeal to them. 10. Validity: A valid report is one that is an accurate measurement of the ability it purports to measure. Valid reports actually reflect the officer‘s value to the organization in terms of specific traits that are related to work, such as amiability, industry, attention to duty, and cooperativeness. If the report is truly valid, it will not measure something it is not supposed to measure. Reliability: A rating report is said to be reliable if it measures consistently and reasonably accurately (even if not perfectly) each time it is used. If several persons using the same information rate an individual substantially the same, their ratings would be a reliable measure of the employee‘s abilities; however, raters rarely have the same abilities to observe, collect, and report evidence regarding the performance of subordinates with the same degree of accuracy and objectivity. 11. Composite rating: Some supervisors prefer to rate their subordinates individually, with the superior officer of the unit making a composite rating from the several individual appraisals, usually by process of averaging the ratings. Occasionally, the ratings of the various supervisors will be identified on one composite report by use of numbers or symbols keyed to the names of the raters, which are listed on the form. The shortcomings of this method are readily apparent. Extreme ratings will tend to be in agreement, while midrange ratings will often be in conflict. In addition, all individual raters often do not have access to the same evidence; some who have had limited opportunity to make observations of a particular subordinate will, of necessity, base their ratings on general impressions rather than on

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specific, factual, observed evidence. Before the more abstract personal traits of individuals can be accurately measured, many observations must be made. Group rating: In the police service, a common practice followed is to make group ratings of individual employees in a conference of supervisory officers. Some research has shown that the use of multiple raters is a safeguard that prevents rater bias. By pooling observations, discussing factual evidence, and preparing a group rating with which the raters agree, the tendency to overweight the evaluation is reduced, individual biases are tempered, and a rating norm can be established by the group for more accurate results. The disadvantage of this method is that a biased (but articulate) supervisor may unduly prejudice the other raters in favor of or against the person being rated. Individual trait ratings: It is recommended by many who are experienced in the merit rating process that raters be encouraged to rate each employee on one characteristic at a time rather than to rate each employee completely before rating another. It is argued that the halo effect is increased when only one employee is considered at a time until their rating is completed because of the good or bad influence one trait has on another, whereas if only one trait is considered at a time for all employees being rated, a more desirable norm can be achieved. The supervisor may, however, find it difficult at times to rate separate items separately, and some may have to be considered together because of the effect each has on the other.

79 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 13 Tactical Deployment of Field Forces CHAPTER OVERVIEW Field forces must be deployed logically in the places where they are needed, at the times they are needed, and in proportion to the relative need for their services. Making those decisions relies on statistical reviews of information including proportionate share of workload by an hour of day and day of the week, the relative criticality of those calls, and geographic considerations such as the total size of the areas and natural or human-made boundaries. Unusual occurrences demand that normal deployment criteria be abandoned to meet the tactical needs of the immediate situation. Patrol units are almost invariably the first to respond to the scene of an unusual occurrence. The supervisor‘s actions in deploying and directing the efforts of control personnel in the first few critical minutes will largely determine the success of the police mission. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents 2. To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents 3. To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents LECTURE OUTLINE Supervisory Responsibilities in Unusual Occurrences Basic Procedures for Unusual Occurrences Operational Guidelines for Unusual Occurrences Barricaded Persons Operating Procedures in Hostage and Barricaded Suspect Cases Civil Disorder: Minor Unlawful Assemblies Civil Disorder: Major Disturbances Labor Disputes Disaster Control Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks Bomb Threats Major Fires Area Searches Missing Children Wanted Persons Department of Homeland Security Initiatives Summary Review Questions Exercises 80 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Updated Response to the Active Shooter Updated Use of Force Revised and Updated Duties of Officers at the Scene of a Major Fire ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Principles and Guidelines for Unusual Incidents Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Large-scale flip charts or magnetic boards for illustrating placement and movement of control personnel for several different emergency types, or projected format of same 4. Other visual aids as desired


1. Collect any Activities from the preceding chapter 2. Read the next chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss Applied Knowledge Questions and Questions at the end of the chapter 4. Assign selected Activity(s) for this chapter or for the next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Ask the class what kind of Officers typically respond first to emergency incidents of all types 2. Discuss the importance of supervisory control in the first few critical minutes of an unusual incident 3. Have class give examples of situations that were aggravated because of supervisory failures to take prompt, effective actions in the earliest stages of the incidents


1. Explain the Now, Scene, Future model for handling major incidents. 2. Name different types of major or unusual incidents, and have the class name some control actions a supervisor might take using the NSF model 3. Discuss why communications are so important in the Now phase of NSF 4. Have the class describe considerations in establishing a Command Post 81 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

5. Give an example of a major incident that could quickly expand into an incident involving several agencies and jurisdictions, e.g., a forest fire, a Haz-Mat incident, a search for a dangerous suspect. Discuss how ICS is an effective approach for coordinating such incidents. 6. Use a visual presentation to illustrate the geographic aspects that can make an incident multi-jurisdictional (e.g., fatal accident investigation on a major highway, or search for a missing child,) and how the nature of a complicated problem can make it a multiagency incident (e.g., Haz-Mat.) 7. Guidelines for Specific Incident Types a. Ask what the preliminary considerations are in handling a barricaded suspect. List on board. Discuss how this illustrates the need for a Command Post b. Discuss operational aspects of barricaded suspect incidents c. Discuss how standard barricaded suspect procedures must be changed for a response to an active shooter d. Using the magnet board or other visual presentation, illustrate riot control actions provided by the class e. Using the magnet board or other visual presentation, discuss how ICS applies to airplane crashes, major disasters such as large-scale fires, and CBRN attacks. f. Discuss indicators of CBRN attacks g. Have class give procedures for responding to bomb threats. List on board or other visual presentation. h. Using a magnet board or other visual presentation, discuss procedures for area searches. Discuss similarities and differences between suspect searches and searches for missing persons (children, lost people with Alzheimer‘s) Review:

Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer questions at the end of the chapter, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Student Presentations of Tactical Deployment Assign students to small work groups. Each group develops and presents procedures the Patrol Sergeant initiates for each different incident type (1 incident/group.) Response begins at point of dispatch, and continues to point that specialized units arrive, until relieved by higher command, until completely done including debriefing, or any other point at Instructor‘s discretion. Each group will present their Incident Response to the class, which will critique the actions. Each

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group will reply to the constructive criticisms, defending their actions or learning from the suggested ideas. Note: Each presenting group must remember what the authors state in Chapter 3, section ‗Decision Making:‘ ―Even if he (the supervisor) occasionally makes the wrong decision, the fact that he has taken positive action when action is indicated is usually better than if he had taken none at all.‖ Incident #1: Active Shooter Get a map of the Virginia Tech‘s main campus. For the purposes of this exercise, get or create a floor plan for a building where classes are held. Show where a murder has been discovered in a dormitory. Since the murder investigation started several hours earlier, assume a large number of Police Officers are on campus conducting a search. (Number at Instructor‘s discretion.) 1. While Officers are at the scene of the murder, a suspect begins shooting people in the class building. Select any point where this begins. 2. List the concerns you must address as the field supervisor on the scene. 3. Using the response to an active shooter procedures, present the actions you would direct as the supervisor on the scene. Use a magnet board, large flip chart, or any other suitable visual aid. 4. Have the class critique your actions, and defend the decisions you made. Incident #2: Haz-Mat Accident Get a map of a major highway interchange in the area. Draw a line near the interchange that represents a border with another jurisdiction. Use the following assumptions: 1. A tank truck has crashed with a bus at the entrance ramp from a major highway joining your town with the neighboring tow. The highway he was entering is under the patrol jurisdiction of the State Police. 2. The truck has spilled a large volume of an unknown substance. The truck is now on fire. 3. It is 5:30 p.m. on Friday of a holiday weekend and highway traffic is very heavy. 4. Your town‘s Emergency Management Office has just held a planning session with the neighboring jurisdiction, State Police, and County Emergency Management. Every emergency management resource you can think of is at your disposal (limits at Instructor‘s discretion.) 5. Since it is Friday evening of a holiday weekend, all superior Officers have gone home early and you are the only supervisor available for at least 2 hours. 6. Using your visual aid, illustrate the following: a. What are the Now actions you would initiate as the Patrol Sergeant. b. What are the Scene actions you would initiate c. Discuss how you would use ICS to coordinate all the agencies involved and all the jurisdictions affected d. What are the future actions you would initiate 7. Have the class critique your actions, and defend the decisions you made. 83 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Incident #3: Missing Person Search Get or create a map and a floor plan of a large indoor shopping mall that is near a residential area. Use the following assumptions: 1. You are the patrol sergeant. The Lieutenant is out sick and all other superior officers are off due to the holiday weekend. The number of available officers and other resources are at the Instructor‘s discretion. 2. One of your officers confirms a report that within the past hour, an off-duty officer from another town, who was shopping in the mall with his family, saw a man who is wanted for a series of bank robberies. Using a visual aid, use the maps to illustrate the following: 1. What NOW actions would you initiate on your way to the mall? 2. What Scene actions would you take? 3. If the suspect was seen fleeing into a 3-story office building nearby, what actions would you take? 4. Have the class critique your actions, and defend the decisions you made. Incident #4: Basketball Riot Get a map of your campus and the immediately surrounding community. Use the following assumptions: 1. The college basketball team has made the Final Four and is hosting the next game to determine if they go forward to the Championship. The recent games in the run-up to the Final Four have been very hard-fought, and after several of them, drunken college students, as well as suspected ―Black Bandana Anarchist‖ hooligans have rioted, causing extensive damage and financial losses to the downtown bar districts nearby the college campuses. 2. You are the Sergeant in the Planning Division. You have been assigned to develop a plan to prevent this from happening in your jurisdiction. 3. Because this is a well-planned event with a large budget and several weeks‘ lead time, you have full resources at your disposal. This includes Officers from neighboring jurisdictions, who are being paid overtime by the University‘s Athletic Department. 4. The Athletic Department gives game tickets to the Police Department‘s Command Staff. You will be the only Field Sergeant on duty except for the Communications Sergeant who will be the acting Station Commander. He is junior to you and has no field experience. Using visual aids to display your map and your plans, answer the following: 1. What are the factors to consider in selecting a command post? Show where you would put it and explain why. 2. What logistical support will you request? In the last hour before the game, at least a thousand people who did not get game tickets arrive. They join in on the tailgate parties in the parking lot and at the Student Center where the game is being projected onto huge screens. The home team wins the game. Crowds surge out of the Athletic Center and head downtown, celebrating. How will you manage the traffic? 84 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

3. The bars are packed beyond capacity, and people are drinking openly in the streets. The crowd is rowdy, but there have been no serious violations. What actions will you take? After the bars close, more drunken people come out to the streets. The crowd is very disorderly now. People start throwing beer bottles at the police. Several store windows get smashed, and a car gets turned over. Sporadic fights break out in the area. What actions will you take? 4. Have the class critique your actions, and defend the decisions you made. Incident #5: Bomb Threat You are the Patrol Sergeant on duty when there is a bomb threat at the train station. A caller identifying herself as a member of Earth Liberation Front states that a bomb will detonate at 7:30 a.m. It is a major commuter station where two train lines converge on the way into a large city just a half hour away. 1. It is 6:30 a.m. The Shift Commander is out sick and you are the only supervisor on duty. The Command Staff will not be on duty until 8:00 a.m. The number of Officers on duty is limited (Instructor‘s discretion.) What Now actions will you take? 2. The first Officers arrive at the scene at 6:33 a.m. and start ordering people out of the train station. At 6:35 a.m., an Officer reports hearing a small ―pop‖ up on the train platform. The Communications Center reports they just received another call from the person who made the first threat. The person says they just exploded a ―dirty bomb.‖ What indicators will you instruct your Officers to be alert for? 3. What Scene actions will you initiate? 4. At 11:30 p.m. you are relieved of command of the incident by the Deputy Inspector. He wants you to prepare a report on the incident to be submitted in a week, in which you will make recommendations for Future actions. What recommendations will you include? Have the class critique your actions, and defend the decisions you made. Incident #5: Major Fire Research a detailed fire occurrence in your area. Place yourself as the supervisor in that occurrence. List out your plan or action steps. Have the class critique the steps you made. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. The principal objective should be to deploy available personnel and equipment rapidly in the initial stages to prevent escalation of the incident or aggravation of the circumstances. 2. The accuracy of evaluations of the field intelligence conveyed to supervisors by field units, the correctness of the appraisal of the occurrence, and the effectiveness of the initial actions in deploying and directing the efforts of control personnel will largely determine the success of the police mission in containing the effects of the incident. 3. When a command post is needed, the supervisor should carefully select a suitable site. It should be easily identifiable on maps available to operating personnel and should permit radio communications without dead spots. It should be near the affected area but not exposed

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to attack or gunfire, fire, floodwaters, noxious gases, or other hazards. It should be located upwind from the affected area, if practicable, in those situations in which the use of tear gas might be necessary or if smoke or harmful gases may disrupt command post operations. If possible, it should be positioned near a power supply where electricity is available (if needed) to operate floodlights and mobile command post equipment. To prevent clogging of radio frequencies with the long messages often required and to provide continuous communications with headquarters, telephones should be used and kept available; portable equipment works well under these conditions. The command post‘s should provide a staging area for personnel and their equipment as they arrive. The supervisor should also consider the accessibility of routes to and from the scene for emergency equipment such as fire trucks and ambulances. Routes should be selected that are not unnecessarily exposed to human-made or natural dangers, and that can be protected from persons who might attempt to ambush control or support personnel as they approach or leave the scene. 4. If evidence indicates the suspect is rational, an attempt should be made to point out the futility of their actions. A logical appeal in which the suspect is informed that they are surrounded and cannot escape and that they will not be hurt if they give themselves up might be effective in inducing the suspect to surrender. If the reason for the suspect‘s resistance is not obviously to escape arrest for a crime but appears to be based on a real or imagined grievance of an emotionally distressed person, an attempt should be made to determine the cause of the grievance. It may be trivial, but it may be sufficient to cause the person to destroy themselves and their hostages. They should be given assurance that everything possible will be done to help them. 5. When subjects are actively killing people, new tactics call for an immediate response that calls for the first responding officers to enter the structure and attempt to neutralize or contain, the active shooter. Since patrol officers are the first to arrive, supervisors must be trained in this technique and be prepared to lead an assault team to minimize casualties. 6. The gas should ordinarily be fired or thrown directly into the room where suspects are believed to be. This will force them to take action to protect themselves from it and will tend to divert their attention from the hostage. Such a technique will also prevent them from shutting a door and sealing off the room they occupy. 7. The supervisor should admonish the officers not to leave their cover positions to approach the suspect but to require the suspect to approach them. From their positions, they can cover the suspect while they are being secured and searched. 8. Follow-up action ordinarily will be necessary to prevent reformation of small groups that break off from the main body of the mob. When dispersal has been accomplished, sufficient control personnel should be directed to remain in the affected area to prevent new outbreaks and looting, which often accompany rioting. Such control should be maintained long enough to allow a general cooling of the situation. Mobile follow-up units can be used as an effective deterrent for this purpose. Units of four officers can usually disperse small, isolated groups that reform to harass the police, to loot, or to damage property, and teams of officers on foot may perform the same task in highly urbanized areas. Specially trained tactical teams can render valuable assistance if they are available. 9. Field tactics and standard operating procedures that have been adopted or are normally utilized in civil disorder control may have to be modified to some extent to meet the needs of a particular situation. Supervisory personnel should be thoroughly indoctrinated in these practices and should, as an integral part of their training function, acquaint their subordinates 86 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

with the techniques and procedures that have been found to be most effective in such incidents. If supervisors decide that their forces are not sufficient to commit immediately, they should wait until they have adequate personnel to overwhelm the riotous elements. This strategy of responding swiftly with adequate force to ensure success should be the basic concept of civil disorder control. 10. Law enforcement forces must assume a major role in controlling and reducing the aftereffects of the disaster. Sometimes, these aftereffects are as destructive as the initial occurrence. Field intelligence must be collected and transmitted to headquarters. A command post must be established, perimeter control must be initiated, reconnaissance units should be deployed, available support personnel should be assigned, and a disaster control plan should be put into operation. Other basic control procedures should be implemented as quickly as possible. Routine notifications and logistical matters should be assigned to an aide so that supervisors may be relieved from the responsibility of handling details, which will enable them to concentrate on establishing control plans, making decisions, and directing the activities of control personnel. 11. The following lists some possible signs of a radiological attack: 

      

Unusual numbers of sick or dying people or animals (As a first responder, strong consideration should be given to calling local hospitals to see if additional casualties with similar symptoms have been observed. Casualties may occur hours to days or weeks after an incident has occurred; the time required before symptoms are observed is dependent on the radioactive material used and the dose received. Additional symptoms include skin reddening and, in severe cases, vomiting.) Unusual metal debris (such as an unexplained bomb- or munitions-like material) Radiation symbols (containers may display a radiation symbol.) Heat-emitting material (that is, material that seems to emit heat without any sign of an external heating source) Glowing material or particles (if the material is strongly radioactive, then it may emit a radio-luminescence) Placards associated with radiological incidents Radiation detected on the scene by Geiger counters or other equipment Written, verbal, and/or social media threats

12. The following steps should be considered by the supervisor upon receiving notice of a chemical, biological, or radiological incident. Now Actions         

Ensure first responding officers assess situation and threat level from a safe distance upwind and uphill of incident area. Assume command. Direct, guide, and control responding subordinates. Detail subordinates to the scene during initial response to assist in removing people from harm‘s way. Advise units to be aware of secondary devices. Ensure following responders are given updated information. Direct personnel entering hot zone to use full personal protection equipment. Establish initial perimeters (starting big). Ensure information regarding suspects is transmitted. Ensure notification of emergency response agencies (fire, EMS, bomb squad, Haz-Mat, med evac, public health, FEMA).

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  

Ensure that area hospitals are alerted. Notify next in command. Request updates on survivors, injuries, and fatalities and status of situation.

13. Supervisors should post personnel in strategic positions where they can safely keep unauthorized persons from approaching military aircraft. Most of these are equipped with explosive charges that eject canopies and seats. Serious injuries may result if mechanical firing pins or gas charges are touched or improperly operated. 14. The radio should not be used, as radio waves might detonate the bomb. 15. Mirrors and screwdriver sets should be obtained if possible and distributed to those making the search to aid them in looking on the undersides of furniture and equipment and behind wall plates and receptacle covers. K-9 units might be of value if dogs trained to sniff explosives are available because their use for this purpose will speed up the search substantially. 16. All persons engaged in the search should be cautioned against touching or moving anything that might trigger an explosion and should be instructed to look in every conceivable place that might conceal a bomb. They should be especially alert for foreign packages or objects or those items that appear to have been left behind by someone; objects that are out of their usual places should also be suspect. Any of these may conceal an explosive device. 17. If no bomb or explosive is found, supervisors should inform the person in charge of the building, but they should avoid suggesting that the building is safe for occupancy. To do so might unnecessarily involve considerable liability for their department in the event persons reoccupy the building in reliance on their statement and are injured or killed from the explosion of a bomb that was not found. 18. One of the supervisor‘s first acts upon arrival should be to ensure that appropriate notifications have been made to the fire department. Information transmitted should include the type and size of the fire, type of property and area involved (or soon to be involved), wind direction, endangered structures and facilities, public utilities exposed to the blaze, and emergency routes to the scene. Available personnel should be assigned to the immediate vicinity and to perimeter posts to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic that might interfere with firefighting efforts. 19. In multistory structures, the search should begin at the top of the building whenever practicable and proceed downward systematically, if search personnel can start the search there without unnecessary risk. The suspects will either remain hidden, where they can be located and arrested, or be forced downward, where they may be apprehended by the cover team. If a suspect is forced upward by a search that starts in the basement of a structure, the individual may become more dangerous when cornered at the top of the building with no place to go, or they may escape over the roofs of other adjoining buildings.

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Chapter 14 Legal Knowledge Every Supervisor and Manager Should Have CHAPTER OVERVIEW Today‘s police leader is tasked with maintaining order through the proper enforcement of the law, giving lawful orders to subordinates, building public trust through transparency, and ensuring the constitutional rights of everyone they serve. To accomplish this, an effective leader must stay current in areas of criminal law and constitutional procedure, that apply to the operations of the personnel they supervise. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know 2. To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices 3. To become aware of recent changes in the law 4. To make better decisions in accordance with the law LECTURE OUTLINE Police-Citizen Contacts Investigative Detentions Terry Stop and Frisk Motor Vehicle Stops Totality of the Circumstances Vehicular Pursuits Identification of Suspects Canine Sniffs Search Incident to Arrest Automobile Searches Interrogation of Suspects or Arrestees Juvenile Issues Hot Pursuit Consent Law Enforcement Agencies‘ Obligations to Persons with Disabilities DNA School Search Policy Searches of Parolees Liability The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) 89 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Family and Medical Leave Act Police Activity and the First Amendment Conclusion Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Added First Amendment Auditors ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Making constitutional decisions when dealing with the public. Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip Charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Read next chapter 2. Be prepared to discuss Chapter 14 exercises and questions 3. Assign selected Activity for this chapter or next chapter as appropriate


1. Key points of preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from preceding chapter


1. Point out the enormous responsibility twenty-first-century police leader has to enforce the law, to give lawful orders, to maintain order, to build public trust through transparency, and to ensure the constitutional rights of everyone they serve. 2. Have students give five examples of important areas that every police leader should know.


1. Discuss conditions that will convert a consensual and voluntary field encounter with a person into police detention or worse, a constructive or de facto arrest. 2. Compare and contrast reasonable suspicion and probable cause. 3. Distinguish between a frisk or pat down and a search. 4. Discuss scenarios that would require Miranda warnings.


Key points

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Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer the end of chapter questions, time permitting

ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment # 1: Oral Presentations 1. Break up students into three groups. 2. Allow each of the groups time to read their assigned section and prepare a 5 to 10-minute oral presentation regarding their assigned topic. 3. Group # 1 will present on the topic of Miranda Warnings and Exceptions to Miranda 4. Group # 2 will present on the topic of Hot Pursuit 5. Group # 3 will be present on the topic of Consent Searches Assignment # 2: First Amendment 1. Assume you are the Supervisor in charge of patrol officers assigned to a public protest. Have the students write a paragraph regarding how they would handle police-citizen contacts relating to issues concerning: a. Distribution of literature supporting a stance by a labor union b. Distribution of political campaign literature c. Distribution of religious (biblical) literature. 2. Discuss the notion of recording police officers while performing their jobs. Have students make a list of pros and cons on the blackboard or smartboard regarding the notion of recording police officers. Upon completion, as a group, compare and contrast the pros and cons of each side of the argument. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Potential areas include any five of the below responses:

a) Police-Citizen Contacts b) Investigative Detentions c) Terry Stop and Frisk d) Motor Vehicle Stops e) Totality of the Circumstances f) Vehicular Pursuits g) Identification of Suspects h) Canine Sniffs i) Search Incident to Arrest j) Automobile Searches k) Interrogation of Suspects or Arrestees l) Juvenile Issues

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m) Hot Pursuit n) Consent o) Law Enforcement Agencies‘ Obligations to Persons with Disabilities p) DNA q) School Search Policy r) Searches of People on Parole s) Liability t) Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act u) Family Medical Leave Act v) Police Activity and the First Amendment w) First Amendment Auditors 2. A twenty-first-century police leader has an enormous responsibility to enforce the law, to give their subordinates lawful orders, to maintain order, to build public trust through transparency, and to ensure the constitutional rights of everyone they serve. To accomplish this, an effective leader must continue to train in the areas they supervise. In addition to taking leadership courses that focus on personnel and management issues, today‘s police leaders must also get regular updates on developments in criminal law and constitutional procedure that apply to the operations of personnel they supervise. Just as a patrol officer or detective cannot afford to be several years out of date on basic policing procedures, the police supervisor and manager must keep their knowledge of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices current. To be able to correct and guide subordinates when they make mistakes, and to ensure that investigations are handled lawfully, the supervisor needs to know at least as much as, if not more than, their subordinate officers. Supervisors must be proactive in reading case law, and keep up to date with the changes that occur. At a minimum, every supervisor and manager should have a core understanding of the legal matters that influence their work. Some of these are areas supervisors and managers deal with frequently. Others are of critical importance for them to know. 3. In 1984, the United States Supreme Court established the public safety exception to Miranda in the landmark case New York v. Quarles. The Court considered the situation of a rape suspect (Quarles) who was hiding in a grocery store while the police were pursuing him. Before the officers followed him into the store, Quarles discarded his gun. The police apprehended and handcuffed him. Without reading Quarles his Miranda rights, one of police officer‘s asked Quarles where was the location of the gun. He answered, and the gun was recovered. The gun itself was used as evidence against him at trial which resulted in his conviction. Though the police did not claim that ―public safety‖ was a concern when they failed to read Quarles his rights, Justice Rehnquist opined the Court‘s decision on that factor. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the danger to the public of having someone other than the police find Quarles‘ gun was the dominant concern in this matter and that danger to the public outweighed Quarles‘ constitutional rights under Miranda. Today, we have seen the public safety exception embraced by law enforcement officials and expanded into terrorism investigations. The Boston Marathon bombing is one of the latest high profile uses of the public safety exception to Miranda. Its use strikes an appropriate balance between the needs of law enforcement and the individual rights of terror suspects, especially when the threat is fluid and immediate.

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4. The U.S. Supreme Court has taken up the concept of consent a multitude of times. The Court has concluded that a search conducted pursuant to a valid consent is constitutionally permissible. One of the specifically established exceptions to the requirements of both a warrant and probable cause is a search that is conducted pursuant to consent. In situations where the police lack probable cause to arrest or search, a search authorized by valid consent may be the only means of obtaining important and reliable evidence. Even if a police officer believes they have a bona fide exception to the warrant requirement and may legally search without a warrant, there is no harm in the officer asking for consent. If the officer‘s search is found to lack justification, the consent may be an excellent independent source to rule the search legal and justified. For a consent search to be considered legally valid it must be voluntary. To give consent to a search, an individual should have authority over the item or location. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that during a lawful tenancy, a landlord cannot give valid consent to enter or search the tenant‘s residence. During a paid occupancy, a hotel manager cannot give valid consent to enter or search the guest‘s rooms; however, a person with joint authority and control over an item such as a duffel bag can consent to its search. Police may even rely on consent given by someone who reasonably appears to have authority over the place to be searched, even if the person does not have actual authority to authorize the consent. Valid consent can be obtained from a person who is in lawful police custody. The prosecution has the burden of proving valid consent by a preponderance of the evidence; however, consent obtained during an unlawful detention will not be deemed valid. In the context of a motor vehicle setting, a consent to search a motor vehicle has been deemed to be valid if the consent is given voluntarily. Some state courts have said a stop may not be prolonged any longer than to complete the reason for the initial stop. Other courts may require that drivers be made aware of their right to withdraw consent; however, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that when looking at the totality of the circumstances, it may be reasonably concluded that if a defendant consents to be searched, even if not first advised that they are ―free to go,‖ the ensuing search will be recognized as voluntary. 5. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that provides protections to individuals with disabilities. The ADA has an effect on virtually every aspect of law enforcement work. The ADA must be considered a critical topic to understand for supervisors and their subordinate personnel. Sometimes, unexpected actions taken by some individuals may be misidentified by officers as suspicious or illegal activity, or even uncooperative behavior. Without the proper training on dealing with individuals with disabilities, it seems predictable that an officer may make poor decisions in the field. A simple solution to ensuring that law enforcement officers comply with the requirements of the ADA includes a training program that emphasizes sensitivity and awareness. It is essential that officers receive proper training to distinguish between behaviors that pose a genuine risk to their safety from those that do not, and to recognize when an individual, such as someone who is need of medical attention. The ADA requires law enforcement agencies to make reasonable accommodations to their policies, practices, and procedures that will ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Twenty-first-century police supervisors and managers should ensure their personnel receive the very best training available in this area of critical importance. 6. The U.S. Supreme Court held that while the Fourth Amendment‘s prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures applies to public school officials, they may conduct reasonable warrantless searches of students under their authority of reasonable suspicion, notwithstanding the probable cause standard that would normally apply to searches under the Fourth Amendment (NJ v. T.L.O, 469 U.S. 325, 1985). The Court found that school officials have an overwhelming responsibility to keep the school campus and its population safe, in an effort to minimize an interruption of the educational environment. The Court found that 93 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

searches carried out by school officials had to be justified at their inception. A specific student or group of students would have to be suspected of breaking a school rule or committing a criminal offense. The search would be such that evidence of a rule infraction or violation of law would be found, the search would be carried out in private, or in the presence of the suspect student(s) (NJ v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325, 1985). School officials cannot carry out these searches at the behest of police officers, as the request by a police officer, or the officer being present during the search would qualify school officials as an ―agent of the police,‖ and thereby require probable cause and/or a warrant (NJ v. T.L.O, 469 U.S. 325, 1985). Some states have even extended a school official‘s ability to search a student‘s car that is parked on school property based on reasonable suspicion. 7. Policing has seen great advances in a powerful criminal justice tool: deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. DNA can be used to identify criminals with an incredible degree of accuracy. By the same regard, DNA has been and continues to be used to exonerate people mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. It has become commonplace that DNA technology is taking a vital role in ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Maryland v. King that states may collect and analyze DNA from people after an arrest. DNA swabs have been considered reasonable because a suspect‘s criminal history is a crucial part of their identity, and the collection of DNA could help unveil that history. DNA is fundamentally used to solve crimes in one of two ways. In the first scenario, a suspect of a crime is identified, and a sample of that person‘s DNA is compared to evidence from the crime scene. The results of this comparison may help establish whether the suspect committed the crime. In the second scenario, there may be cases where a suspect has not yet been identified, and biological evidence from the crime scene can be collected and analyzed to compare it to offender profiles stored in DNA databases to help identify the perpetrator. Crime scene evidence can also be linked to other crime scenes through the use of DNA databases such as CODIS. 8. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris held that municipalities may be liable for a deliberate indifference regarding their choice to inadequately train its employees. The SCOTUS recognized the legislative history of the Civil Rights Act, and specifically that municipalities could be liable for the infringement of constitutional rights. The Court held that Monell Liability existed when the constitutional infringement was the direct result of an official policy. The U.S. Supreme Court has demonstrated a remarkable understanding of the very difficult and dangerous challenges that confront law enforcement officers on the streets of America today. The Court‘s interest in protecting our nation‘s law enforcement officers is displayed in decisions that recognize and support a qualified immunity for officers who must defend themselves in lawsuits arising out of life-or-death situations. In Harlow v. Fitzgerald, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the need for an objectively qualified immunity defense to protect public officials, including law enforcement officers, from frivolous lawsuits that flow from their necessary official actions. The Court eliminated entirely any consideration of the subjective intent of the public official at the time of an alleged constitutional transgression and focused exclusively on the actual objective facts related to the official‘s conduct. The Court ruled that government officials are generally shielded from liability, insofar as their (objective) conduct does not violate clearly established constitutional rights, of which a reasonable person would have known to assert. The value of the qualified immunity defense to law enforcement officers in use of deadly force cases cannot be overstated. The Supreme Court has demonstrated the Court‘s continued determination to give police officers the benefit of the doubt when reviewing their splitsecond life-changing decisions from the entirely safe confines of their judicial chambers.

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9. The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) is a U.S. Federal Law allowing qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from local and state agencies to carry concealed firearms. This law creates two basic classes of qualifiers, (1) qualified law enforcement officer, and (2) qualified retired law enforcement officer. A qualified law enforcement officer means an officer who is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for any violation of the law, and has statutory powers of arrest or apprehension. This includes state and public college/university police officers. A qualified law enforcement officer is authorized by the agency to carry a firearm; is not the subject of any disciplinary action by the agency which could result in suspension or loss of police powers; meets standards, if any, established by the agency which require the employee to regularly qualify in the use of a firearm; is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance; and is not prohibited by federal law from receiving a firearm. A qualified retired law enforcement officer is separated from service in good standing from a public agency as a law enforcement officer. Before such separation was authorized served as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more. During the most recent 12-month period has met, at the expense of the individual, the standards for qualification in firearms training for active law enforcement officers. The retired officer has not been officially found by a qualified medical professional employed by the agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance, and is not prohibited by federal law from receiving a firearm. Although LEOSA is considered federal law, there are several noteworthy exceptions to be aware of. First, state law allows private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property (bars, private clubs, amusement parks). Also, there are prohibitions from carrying a firearm on certain local, state, and federal properties. 10. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal labor law requiring covered employers to provide eligible employees with unpaid (job-protected) leave for qualified medical and family reasons. Police supervisors regularly receive requests for time off from their employees. Therefore, it is valuable for supervisors to understand the rights that employees and the employer have under federal law. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, under the FMLA, eligible employees are entitled to 12 workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for (1) the birth of a child, and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth; (2) the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care, and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement; (3) to care for the employee‘s spouse, child, or parent (but not a parent ―in-law‖), who has a serious health condition; (4) a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of their job; or (4) any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee‘s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered military member on ―covered active duty.‖ The FMLA also allows for twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness, if the eligible employee is the service member‘s spouse, child, parent, or next of kin (military caregiver leave).

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Chapter 15 Other Important Supervisory and Management Topics CHAPTER OVERVIEW In this final chapter, we review topics that we felt required more elaboration. Some of these are contemporary law enforcement issues, such as the Ferguson Effect, culture change, and the use of de-escalation techniques, when dealing with those who have behavioral health issues. It‘s interesting to note that the term ―Ferguson Effect‖ did not even exist in the prior edition of this textbook. In addition to these contemporary issues, there are other supervisorial and managerial duties that every supervisor and manager should be good at. These include keeping their officers safe, effectively resolving conflict, managing their time, dealing with the media, and conducting effective meetings. In addition to reviewing these topics, we have added tips which we believe will help all supervisors and managers do their jobs better. CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 1. To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement 2. To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution 3. To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety 4. To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems 5. To develop a better understanding of the Ferguson Effect, and what can be done to address it LECTURE OUTLINE Ensuring Officer Safety Coaching Officers on Street Survival Responding to Individuals with Behavioral Health Issues Officer-Involved Domestic Violence The Ferguson Effect Conflict Resolution and Management Dealing with the Media Making Meetings More Productive Effective Time Management Managing Change Summary Review Questions Exercises LIST OF CHANGES/TRANSITION GUIDE Added Duty to Intervene Added The Guardian Mindset 96 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Added Technology in Policing Today ADDITIONAL CLASS ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Gaining an understanding of best practices regarding conflict resolution Materials Needed:

1. Chalkboard/Whiteboard/Flip Charts as desired 2. Chalk or erasable markers 3. Other visual aids as desired


1. Read next chapter 2. Be prepared to discuss Chapter 15 exercises and questions 3. Assign selected Activity for this chapter


1. Key points of the preceding chapter 2. Discuss any Assignments from the preceding chapter


1. Help students become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement. 2. Assist students in gaining an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution. 3. Point out ways for students to develop a greater awareness of how police supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety


1. Discuss reasons why supervisors and police leaders are in a unique position to help ensure officer safety. 2. Examine Officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) as a national problem, with police officer families having higher rates of domestic violence than non–police officer families 3. Distinguish between conflict, which is healthy and beneficial to police organizations and conflict that is unhealthy and unproductive. 4. Discuss the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems


Key points


Discuss Exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits


Have students answer the end of chapter questions, time permitting

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ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Assignment # 1: Conflict Resolution 1. Give students two examples of conflict in a police organization. 2. Allow students to determine which example is healthy conflict which could help the organization grow and which is unhealthy and needs supervisory intervention. 3. Have students write two paragraphs regarding the unhealthy source of conflict, and how they would respond to it using the following five-step process: a. Step 1: Identify the source of the conflict. b. Step 2: Look beyond the incident. c. Step 3: Request solutions. d. Step 4: Identify solutions both disputants can support. e. Step 5: Agreement. Assignment # 2: 1. Have students prepare a mock press release regarding a critical incident (such as an officerinvolved shooting). The press release should include the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the incident. Assignment # 3: 1. Assign students to develop a mock meeting agenda for a community policing meeting to discuss the quality of life complaints in a residential neighborhood. The complaints received are speed, excessive noise (loud car stereos) and residents failing to clean up after their dogs. Assignment # 4: 1. Have students research new technologies available in law enforcement. List the pros and cons of each. Cite actual scenarios were each were used. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. When responding to these types of calls for service, collecting information, and conducting an initial assessment is critical. Questions that can be asked include: What is the threat level? Is the person armed? Are they a danger to themselves, the officer, or to members of the community? Is immediate action necessary? The initial on-site assessment will help determine the most appropriate course of action or actions for the responding officer(s) to take. 2. A critical first step in responding to these situations is to assess the situation. That initial onsite assessment will help determine the most appropriate course of action or actions for the responding officer(s) to take. A frequent and crucial concern on these calls, ―Is the person a danger to themselves or others?‖ If the person is a danger to themselves or others, a supervisor and necessary backup officers should respond to the scene. The supervisor should direct and guide the officers on scene.

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3. Change is often one of the most challenging and difficult events for human beings to manage. We tend to be satisfied with the status quo. There is a tendency in law enforcement to resist change. For many officers, change is uncomfortable. It often requires them to learn new ways of thinking and doing 4. Creating opportunities for personnel to vent, discuss, or speak openly about the change will be a key component in reducing the fear of change. Most progressive leaders realize that change is rarely if ever an easy process, especially for the personnel who are most impacted by it. However, forward-thinking leaders are prepared to accept the fact that resistance will be faced along the path. They realize that by developing an effective plan early on, they will be much more effective in successfully implementing the organizational change. 5. A supervisor must be proactive in identifying, managing, and resolving unhealthy conflict. Conflict resolution and management can be among one of the most difficult and uncomfortable responsibilities of any supervisor, especially amongst newly promoted officers. Identifying, acknowledging, and acting upon instances of unhealthy conflict are the essential steps needed to confront and resolve the conflict by the supervisor. 6. When a supervisor notices an unexpected sudden and pronounced drop in agency traffic stops, car searches, arrests, etc., the term is called the ―Ferguson Effect.‖ The overall consequence is a reduced willingness to engage in community partnerships. 7. Supervisors shall be cognizant of and document any pattern of abusive behavior potentially indicative of domestic violence. A supervisor of higher rank shall always report to the scene of all domestic violence incidents involving a police officer, regardless of the involved officer‘s jurisdiction. When a supervisor responds to the scene of a domestic violence incident, they shall: (1) Assume command and ensure that the crime scene is secured and that all evidence is collected; (2) Accept, document, and preserve all calls or reports, including those made anonymously regarding domestic violence as on-the-record information; (3) Inquire as to the safety of all children present at the time of the incident; (4) Forward a copy of the report alleging domestic violence by the officer to the chief through the chain of command; and (5) Ensure the responding officers perform a complete and thorough investigation. 8. How a law enforcement agency responds and deals with the media is very important, especially within the first 24 hours of a critical incident. It will set the tone for the public‘s perception going forward. Progressive police departments will try to provide accurate information as soon as possible. This practice gives the community a feeling that the law enforcement agency is open and transparent. 9. It is important at the beginning of this process to get all of the correct information. The facts that you gather need to be accurate and confirmed to the best of your ability. After gathering up the information, organize it in a logical way that you expect to present it. Most police officers learn the five Ws and H in the police academy for report writing. The five Ws and H is a proven technique that supervisors have used when dealing with the media: (1) Who; (2) What; (3) When; (4) Where; (5) Why; and How. The astute supervisor and manager are aware that state law and department policy will dictate what information can be released. When in doubt if information can be released, a supervisor can check with a superior, public information expert, or legal advisor. This includes the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) model policy on police–media relations. The release of information is subject to restrictions placed by applicable local, state, and federal laws. 10. The key to having a successful meeting is to have a specific and defined purpose. This is due in part to the fact that it is generally accepted that time spent in a meeting, (50 percent) is often wasted. So, it is up to the person who called the meeting to lead it properly.

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11. The optimal time of day to hold a meeting is in the morning. Most people prefer to meet earlier in the day. You should strive to hold your meeting in a comfortable, quiet setting and provide coffee for participants. You should also request all attendees place their cell phones on silent. These things will contribute to the success of any meeting. 12. Supervisory spot checks of GPS data when available is recommended to help evaluate an officer‘s operational behaviors. The results of this data should be discussed with the officer in counseling sessions, should there be noticeable violations. In some instances, the initiation of discipline may be a necessary avenue for the supervisor to ensure compliance with all safety standards. 13. All supervisors and police leaders are in a unique position to help ensure officer safety. Supervisors are in a great position to help prevent these tragedies and must be proactive. It‘s up to the supervisor to promote a culture of officer safety and wellness. The best leaders will make sure that officers are wearing body armor, carry tactical first aid kits, and are driving the speed limit. They will make sure to periodically audit body camera and in-car camera footage for safe practices. They will ensure that their officers wear personal protective equipment as needed and take precautions to protect themselves from exposure to harmful substances. They will stop by calls for service from time to time and give feedback on the safe and unsafe practices they observe. Doing all these things communicates a clear message to their subordinates: they care about them, and they take safety very seriously. 14. Monitoring officers in high-risk situations is an essential part of all first-line supervisors‘ duties. When supervisors observe their officers performing in these high-risk situations, it presents an excellent opportunity for coaching. Coaching helps officers to perform more efficiently and more effectively. When a high-risk situation is occurring, and the supervisor believes the officer can handle the situation better, on-the-spot coaching is appropriate. After the incident has been resolved, feedback on the spot to the officer on how they handled the situation can also be invaluable. Officers should be told directly if they handled the situation effectively, or if their performance needs to be improved. If they handled the situation effectively, they should be commended. If performance needs to be improved, they should be coached directly on how to improve their performance. 15. Time management is an important function for all supervisors and managers. It is paramount that supervisors and managers control their time, so that they may perform their duties and responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner. After detecting time-wasters, supervisors and managers must take the necessary steps to avoid or eliminate them. One way to better manage your time is to have a log or a schedule and keep as close to it as possible. This will help you analyze your day, so that you may adjust your scheduling and planning if needed. Using a ―to-do‖ list also helps in getting more issues addressed in the shortest period of time. Scheduling or blocking out time for tasks is another useful method of staying on track. Setting limits or boundaries can be helpful in effectively managing your time too. Simply letting people know you‘re not available at times is a good example. As a supervisor or manager, you will find task delegation to be beneficial. It will not only save you time but also lessen your workload. In using this method, it becomes imperative that you select the right person for the job or task delegated. Time is one of the greatest management resources we have available to us. By managing your time better, you are able to focus on things that are more important. You will get more accomplished, and become a more efficient and effective supervisor or manager.

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Test Bank Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 1 The Supervisor’s Role 1.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) In modern administrative terminology, management denotes the process of directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished. Which of the following is part of the management process that best describes the act of overseeing people? A) Leadership B) Situational management C) Decision-making D) Supervision Answer: D Page Ref: 1 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic 2) Which of the following is most correct? A) Workers‘ performance and morale are more strongly influenced by their immediate superior than by any other factor in their environment. B) Workers‘ performance and morale are more strongly influenced by the Chief of Police than by any other factor in their environment. C) Workers‘ performance and morale are more strongly influenced by the Mayor than by any other factor in their environment. D) Workers‘ performance and morale are more strongly influenced by the employment contract than by any other factor in their environment. Answer: A Page Ref: 1 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Intermediate 3) Supervisors must be able to help subordinates establish and achieve reasonable goals. They must be able to provide solutions to many job-related problems of their subordinates and provide them wise counsel and assurance in their personal and professional lives when the need arises, recognizing that they will not all react the same when help is given. At times, subordinates will misinterpret supervisors‘ motives and accuse them of meddling in their affairs, yet their affairs are the concern of supervisors when which of the following is affected? A) Personal beliefs B) An officer‘s performance

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C) Educational goals D) All public posts on websites Answer: B Page Ref: 2 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 4) The interests of the management and the worker are identical in the long run. If there are small differences between the two: A) Effective supervisors should just ignore them. B) It‘s important to note that most small differences end up as grievances. C) These small differences are usually hard to resolve. D) They can easily be resolved by effective supervisors. Answer: D Page Ref: 3 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives Level: Intermediate 5) Supervisors often find it difficult to reconcile the goals of management with the goals of the employees and the sentiments of their social group. They are often torn between the loyalties owed to both employees and management, but it is necessary to realize that the best interests of which of the following must prevail? A) The employee B) The union C) The organization D) The squad Answer: C Page Ref: 3 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 6) Supervisors should know how to make assignments, through the process of delegation. In delegating routine tasks to subordinates, expert supervisors will give subordinates sufficient ________ to match the responsibility they have imposed on them. A) Personal power B) Authority C) Direction D) Responsibility Answer: B Page Ref: 4 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic

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7) Supervisors should prepare for leadership positions by gaining knowledge and understanding of the policies, rules, procedures, and ________ of the organization. A) Practices B) Functions C) Objectives D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 4 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 8) A successful supervisor is able to deal effectively with both the formal and the ________ organization. A) Informal B) Strategic C) Scientific D) None of the above Answer: A Page Ref: 4 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives Level: Basic 9) The best supervisors develop their abilities to train their employees to be efficient, effective producers who gain satisfaction from their work. If the capacity for the role of a teacher is not developed, supervisors deprive themselves of a means of upgrading the service and ensuring that the standards of performance in the organization are maintained through the training process. Supervisors must carry out the training function in all types of settings. If supervisors are to be an effective teacher, they must gain knowledge and understanding of which of the following? A) The learning process B) The effects of individual differences on learning C) The neurotic factors involved in teaching D) Both A and B Answer: D Page Ref: 5 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 10) The skills of which of the below refers to the practice of confronting an employee with their job performance record with the objective of finding ways to overcome deficiencies and improve job performance? A) Delegating B) Disciplining C) Coaching 101 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

D) Approach/Avoidance Answer: C Page Ref: 5–6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 11) When properly used, which of the following can be an excellent motivational tool that stimulates employees to achieve peak job performance? A) Coordination B) Coaching C) Controlling D) Planning Answer: B Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 12) While in the field, supervisors are in great position to observe skill deficiencies in their employees and to coach them on ―street ________ tactics.‖ A) Assistance B) Adjustment C) Survival D) Vision Answer: C Page Ref: 6 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic 13) Which of the following relates to the supervisory practice of actively listening and responding to employees‘ complaints, grievances and problems; all of which represent a way for employees to express matters of concern to their superiors? A) Coaching B) Counseling C) Training D) Planning Answer: B Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 14) Which of the following statements is most correct regarding counseling? A) For counseling to be effective, supervisors must have a long-term good personal relationship with their subordinates and their families. B) Supervisors are not required to address work-related performance deficiencies. 102 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Counseling sessions should only take place out in the field. D) If the supervisor gets to know employees as individuals and demonstrates concern for their welfare, the counseling process will be enhanced. Answer: D Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 15) What is one of the primary functions of the supervisor that often helps shape policy for the organization? A) Counselling B) Controlling C) Decision-making D) Mentoring Answer: C Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 16) Supervisors must expect some mistakes from even the most able of their subordinates. Errors are bound to occur, especially with inexperienced employees. When they do, they should be treated as constructively as possible. When mistakes ―of the head‖ are made, often the training value exceeds the harm done; if the mistake is ―of the heart,‖ which of the following may be indicated to prevent recurrence? A) Negative corrective action B) Positive corrective action C) Restricted corrective action D) Excessive corrective action Answer: A Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 17) When change results from decisions, those affected will often resist because the change is interpreted as a threat to their security and they are forced to make adjustments. The resistance will usually be reduced if the need for the change is: A) Forced. B) Implemented. C) Enhanced. D) Explained. Answer: D Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 103 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

18) Timing of a communication that affects employees and selection of the location where it takes place are important if the change is to have the greatest acceptance. Sometimes the sowing of a seed that a change is about to take place will allow the idea to take root in the minds of employees, with a resultant lessening of their resistance to the change. The ________ in which superior officers communicate with subordinates has a vital bearing on their interpersonal relations. A) Superiority B) Autocratic nature C) Manner D) Rationale Answer: C Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 19) A major responsibility of every supervisor is to provide leadership for their subordinates. According to the text, to become good leaders, supervisors must possess which of the following traits? A) Honorableness, courageousness, and vitality B) Honorableness, courageousness, and education C) Seriousness, courageousness, and vitality D) Honorableness, prestige, and vitality Answer: A Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 20) Employees need to feel that they are progressing toward achievable goals. Supervisors can help them by providing: A) Punitive discipline. B) Leadership. C) Frequent transfers. D) Oversupervision. Answer: B Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 21) Making the transition from line officer to a supervisor is a challenging time. As a supervisor, you are now part of the management team. Instead of going from call to call or conducting investigations, you are now which of the following? A) The overseer B) The doer

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C) The game changer D) The line worker Answer: A Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 22) The most effective supervisors show concern for the public, their employees, and their organizations. Supervisors should be available to assist when employees ask for help and when performance is substandard. They should try to balance both employee and organizational needs. However, when these needs conflict, which of the following must come first? A) Employee B) Organization C) Co-workers D) Upper management Answer: B Page Ref: 8–9 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 23) Which of the following is true regarding the transition from officer to supervisor? A) Lead by example B) Support management‘s policies and decisions C) Ask for guidance and direction when you need it D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 9 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 1.2 True/False Questions 1) Morale can be achieved through incentive or policy. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 2 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic 2) Supervisors are responsible for keeping their superiors informed through both oral and written reports, and to this end must keep themselves informed through records, research, and inspection. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 3 105 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic 3) Supervisors are often torn between the loyalties owed to both management and the employees. However, it is necessary to realize that the best interests of the employee must prevail. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 3 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives Level: Basic 4) Supervisors should prepare for their position by gaining a good working knowledge of the principles of organization, administration, and management. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 3 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 5) Production-centered supervisors obtain better results than employee-centered ones. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 5 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 6) Coaching relates to the supervisory practice of actively listening and responding to employees‘ complaints, grievances and problems; all of which represent a way for employees to express matters of concern to their superiors. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 7) The supervisor can help their subordinates by listening and providing some assistance when they experience a personal problem, and controlling them is always the best way to help them. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 8) Perfection should be expected of workers to demand a high degree of excellence in performance. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic

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9) Leadership ability can be developed by adopting the desirable traits observed in good leaders or, at least, by trying to adapt those traits to the supervisor‘s own style. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 10) Supervisors have an inherent responsibility to motivate their subordinates by giving them positive incentives that will encourage them to achieve and maintain a high level of efficiency. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 11) Supervisors are considered key players in ensuring that the goals of the agency are accomplished; therefore they are expected to counsel, train, and discipline subordinates. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 12) Blaming higher management for new or unpopular policies is appropriate. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 9 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 13) You may abuse your authority and use it as necessary. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 9 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 14) First-line supervisors occupy a key position in any organization because of their direct influence on the conduct and performance of those who do the work. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 15) Coordination of people and units within the organization is a vital function of the supervisor. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 107 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

16) Advancement to a position of authority requires a considerable change in philosophy and lifestyle of the supervisor because it involves following rather than leading others. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 17) Although the long-term interests of the organization are identical to those of the workers, the position of supervisor places on them the obligation of resolving the minor differences that sometimes arise. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 18) Although supervisors need not be highly skilled in all the technical aspects of the jobs they supervise, they should have a good working knowledge of the principal aspects of their jobs. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 19) The difficulty of making the transition from officer to supervisor is reduced when you fully understand your new role. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 20) If you make the commitment to be an effective supervisor and you work hard to be the best you can be, you will be successful. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 10 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives Level: Basic 1.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) ________ denotes the process of directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished. Answer: Management Page Ref: 1 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic

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2) Supervisory officers must be adept at applying the principles of wholesome human relations with common sense so that they can best integrate the needs of employees with the goals of ________. Answer: Management Page Ref: 2 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Intermediate 3) Supervisors can influence ________ if they understand that people are interested in themselves and in the things that affect them. Answer: Morale Page Ref: 2 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 4) Supervisors are selected by management and derive official authority from that source, but real authority stems from the spirit of cooperation, _________, and confidence that they are able to gain from subordinates. Answer: Respect Page Ref: 3 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 5) Supervisors often find it difficult to reconcile the goals of management with the goals of the ________ and the sentiments of their social group. Answer: Employees Page Ref: 3 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 6) Supervisors should prepare for their position by gaining a good working knowledge of the principles of organization, ________, and management. Answer: Administration Page Ref: 4 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 7) Supervisors should know how to make assignments through the process of ________. Answer: Delegation Page Ref: 4 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 8) Supervisors must be experts in ________ operational activities and using different methods to best perform their duties. Answer: Planning Page Ref: 5 109 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 9) Studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the productivity of an individual, job satisfaction, and the type of _________ received. Answer: Supervision Page Ref: 5 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 10) The best supervisors develop their abilities to ________ their employees to be efficient, effective producers who gain satisfaction from their work. Answer: Train Page Ref: 5 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 11) According to the textbook, ―Supervisors who work with employees as ________ create a working environment that increases employee competence, provides for greater fulfillment, allows for a greater contribution to the organization, and exposes officers to what can really be meaningful work.‖ Answer: Coaches Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 12) A good _________ will take advantage of street situations to help develop the skill of the employees. Answer: Coach Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 13) Supervisorial ________ typically involves a meeting between the supervisor and the employee. Answer: Counseling Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 14) One of the primary functions of the supervisor is _________, which often helps shape policy for the organization. Answer: Decision-making Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic

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15) Every supervisor worthy of the name must learn how to _________ subordinates properly. Answer: Control Page Ref: 7 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 1.4 Matching Questions Match the basic supervisory roles listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2. A) The supervisor must possess the traits of honorableness, courageousness, and vitality. The supervisor must be reasonably intelligent, have good sense, and must be persuasive and flexible. B) The supervisor must provide guidance and direction to the officers in a way that allows learning and development to happen. C) The supervisor must gain knowledge and understanding of the learning process, the effects of individual differences on learning, and the psychological factors involved in teaching. D) The supervisor must help shape policy for the organization by making decisions. Any changes or decisions must be clearly informed to prevent miscommunication. E) The supervisor must make a proper follow-up to determine that rules and regulations have been followed and orders are properly executed. F) The supervisor must actively listen and respond to employee complaints, grievances, and problems. G) The supervisor should strive to assign subordinates as scientifically as possible to the positions for which they are best suited and to the places and at the times where they are most needed. H) The supervisor must be capable of inspecting work systems, conducting studies, analyzing data, and developing mature recommendations for constructive changes in organization and operation when necessary. The supervisor must be able to forecast future organization needs. 1) Planner Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 2) Personnel Officer Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 3) Trainer Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 111 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

4) Coach Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 5) Counselor Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 6) Controller Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 7) Decision Maker and Communicator Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 8) Leader Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic Answers: 1) H 2) G 3) C 4) B 5) F 6) E 7) D 8) A 1.5 Essay Questions 1) Briefly define the term management. Answer: Management denotes the process of directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished. Page Ref: 1 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic 2) Compare the terms management and supervision as they pertain to supervising people. Answer: Management involves directing and controlling people and things so that organizational objectives can be accomplished. Supervision, on the other hand, refers to the act of overseeing people. It is an activity that takes place at all levels in the organization except at the work level, although many of the tenets of good supervision apply to the nonsupervisory officer in their daily dealings with the public. Page Ref: 1 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Basic

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3) Summarize various supervisory roles/responsibilities including being a planner, personnel officer, trainer, coach, counselor, controller, decision-maker and communicator, and leader. Answer: The basic supervisory responsibilities are: 

Planner The supervisor should be familiar with work simplification practices to bring about greater efficiency in the organization through the streamlining of procedures, reduction of paperwork, and effective use of personnel resources.

Personnel Officer Supervisory officers should strive to assign subordinates as scientifically as possible to the positions for which they are best suited and to the places and at the times where they are most needed.

Trainer The best supervisors develop their abilities to train their employees to be efficient, effective producers who gain satisfaction from their work.

Coach Supervisors share their knowledge and expertise, and let employees know how they can improve performance. It can be an excellent motivational tool that stimulates employees to achieve peak job performance.

Counselor Counseling relates to the supervisory practice of actively listening and responding to employees‘ complaints, grievances, and problems. The counseling goal here is to improve performance.

Controller Supervisors must make proper follow-ups to determine that rules and regulations have been followed and orders properly executed.

Decision Maker and Communicator When supervisors make decisions, they often help shape policy for the organization. Supervisors should clearly communicate with their subordinates to prevent misunderstandings and resistance.

Leader Supervisors have an inherent responsibility to motivate their subordinates by giving them positive incentives that will encourage them to achieve and maintain a high level of efficiency. Page Ref: 5–8 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Difficult

4) List the guidelines presented in the textbook on how to successfully make the transition from an officer to a supervisor. Answer: Educate yourself for your new position; look, listen, and learn about your new work environment; show a genuine interest in and concern for your employees; communicate regularly with your employees; lead by example; support management‘s policies and decisions; ask for guidance and direction when you need it; treat people fairly and with 113 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

respect; do the right thing; and enjoy the benefits the position brings. Page Ref: 9 Objective: To become acquainted with the supervisor‘s role Level: Intermediate 1.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What is a supervisor‘s first step in gaining confidence and respect from subordinates? Answer: To exemplify by their personal conduct that which they demand from their subordinates. If the supervisor provides subordinates proper leadership, they will respond with the highest performance, with a minimum of conflict and a maximum of satisfaction. Page Ref: 2 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Difficult 2) What should a supervisor do when faced with rumors in the organization? Answer: The very best supervisors will actively work to replace rumors with factual information, to avoid disrupting efficient and effective operations and the overall professional delivery of police services to the public. Page Ref: 3 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Intermediate 3) What are the issues supervisors must face in their role as a counselor? Answer: The issues supervisors must face in their role as counselors are employee complaints, grievances, and problems. Page Ref: 6 Objective: To gain an understanding of the basic responsibilities of the supervisor Level: Basic 4) What are the guidelines for successfully making the transition from officer to supervisor? Answer: The guidelines for successfully making the transition from officer to supervisor includes: educating yourself for your new position; looking, listening, and learning about your new work environment; showing a genuine interest in and concern for your employees; communicating regularly with your employees; leading by example; supporting management‘s policies and decisions; asking for guidance and direction when you need it; treating people fairly and with respect; doing the right thing; and enjoying the benefits the position brings. Page Ref: 9 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s objectives Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 2 The Supervisor’s Function in Organization, Administration, and Management 2.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) What term refers to working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise? A) Organizing B) Planning C) Staffing D) Directing Answer: B Page Ref: 12 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 2) Which administrative function brings in and trains personnel, and maintains favorable conditions for work? A) Organizing B) Planning C) Staffing D) Directing Answer: C Page Ref: 12 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 3) Which of the following statements is true with regards to plans? A) Procedural plans relating to standard operating procedures (SOPs) are useful as guides to personnel in such activities as serving and processing arrest warrants, recording and processing crime or incident reports, and processing traffic citations. B) Tactical plans are those that are prepared to meet exigencies encountered by police, such as widespread civil disorders, unusual crime problems, civil defense needs, or major disasters. C) Operational plans are those designed to give guidance and direction to personnel in the performance of normal police activities. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 14

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 4) Which of the following plans relate to matters such as budget preparation and the use and control of funds allotted for personnel, equipment, and supplies? A) Fiscal B) Operational C) Tactical D) Procedural Answer: A Page Ref: 13 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 5) ________ are plans consisting of a set of broad principles that guide personnel in the accomplishment of general organizational objectives. A) Procedures B) Goals C) Objectives D) Policies Answer: D Page Ref: 14 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 6) Which of the following are plans providing specific guides to conduct and performance? A) Policies B) Direct order C) Generic procedures D) Rules and regulations Answer: D Page Ref: 14 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 7) Which supervisory function provides instruction and is most closely allied to the responsibility for proper placement of subordinates? A) Coordinating B) Planning

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C) Organizing D) Training Answer: D Page Ref: 15 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 8) Which function involves not only putting a prepared plan into operation but also following through with observation and inspection to determine that the work ordered was actually and properly done? A) Directing B) Organizing C) Staffing D) Coordinating Answer: A Page Ref: 15 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 9) Perhaps no function of management is more important than that of ________ of human effort to ensure unity of action not only between individuals but also between organizational units. This activity must occur at all levels to prevent disharmony. A) Consolidation B) Coordination C) Cancellation D) Control Answer: B Page Ref: 15 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 10) If the organizational structure clearly provides for a system of authority so that those in charge can interrelate the various elements of the establishment and create a unity of purpose in the minds of the employees, _________ will follow. A) Coordination B) Accountability C) Direction D) Inclusion Answer: A Page Ref: 16

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 11) Which of the following is true in regard to the line organization? A) The straight-line organization often called the individual, military, or departmental type, is the simplest and perhaps the oldest form and is seldom encountered in any but the smallest of organizations. B) Quick decisions can be made in the line organization because of the direct lines of authority, and members in the chain of command know to whom they are accountable and who is accountable to them. C) One disadvantage inherent in the line-type organization is that supervisory personnel are too often required to perform the duties of specialists because little use is made of the latter for giving advice and counsel to line units. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 17 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 12) According to the text, in regard to line and staff functions, which of the following is the greatest and most frequent cause of friction in an organization, and one of the most prominent barriers to effective coordination? A) Failure to recognize the limitations, that in normal operations, staff supervisors have line command only of those subordinates in their particular unit. B) Changes in structure should never be made for the sake of change. C) Difficulty in administering discipline because of functional leadership. D) Division of responsibility and authority among several specialists within the organization. Answer: A Page Ref: 19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Difficult 13) Organizational structures are established to designate how work is to be divided among the various components of the establishment. Regardless of what basis is used for this division–whether work is apportioned according to function performed, as in the laboratory; by area, as in a system of precincts, geographic divisions, or beats; by clientele handled, as in youth activities or juvenile offenses; or by purpose, as in public relations activities, traffic control, etc.–the division must be: A) Logical and practicable. B) Logical and personal. C) Lackluster and practicable. D) Legal and practicable. 118 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: A Page Ref: 19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 14) For best results, the principle of ________ and the law of productivity, require assigning to each worker the fewest possible kinds of tasks or operations in order to improve the quality and increase the quantity of work, thereby giving the highest class of work to suit the worker‘s natural abilities. A) Stagnation B) Spatiality C) Specialization D) Speediness Answer: C Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 15) Which principle has been applied to the police, military and administrative organizations, and relates to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one supervisor? A) Span of command presence B) Span of authority C) Confederation D) Span of control Answer: D Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 16) Which of the following is true regarding delegation? A) The principle of delegation relates to the process of committing an activity to another‘s care. B) It is closely related to the principle of span of control in that even though the span is excessive, the harm from it can be reduced by the delegation of much detail to subordinates. C) Those supervisors who refuse to allow anything to be done except under their direct control are the primary causes of the crippling bottlenecks that slow or stop effective operations. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 21

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Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 17) Although many activities can be passed down to others through the process of delegation, the supervisor cannot avoid the responsibility for such activities. Many supervisors have suffered dire consequences by assuming that a job entrusted to a subordinate relieved them of their responsibility for completing the job. They should be encouraged to delegate all possible tasks to the lowest level in the organization where the necessary ability to perform them exists, but in doing so, they do not shed their responsibility for the completion of the task and their: A) Personal involvement in doing the task. B) Accountability for the results. C) Superiority. D) None of the above. Answer: B Page Ref: 21 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Intermediate 18) Delegation may be accomplished by a specific or general directive either in writing or orally. A simple task may be delegated in a simple manner. A complex delegation should be supported by a comprehensive ________ directive clearly identifying the problem and the procedures to be followed if necessary. A) Oral B) Legalistic C) Written D) Collaborative Answer: C Page Ref: 22 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 19) Once a job has been delegated, its importance has been explained, and necessary instructions have been clearly given for its accomplishment, the supervisor should discreetly ________ as needed to ensure that employees are progressing satisfactorily. A) Follow-up B) Manage C) Do work D) Take over Answer: A Page Ref: 22

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Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 20) Which principle specifies that the head of an organization or unit within it should not find it necessary to act personally on each matter coming under their general jurisdiction? A) The Supervision Principle B) The Leadership Principle C) The Exception Principle D) The Management Principle Answer: C Page Ref: 23 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 21) Which of the following is the key to the successful application of the Exception Principle? A) Staffing B) Multi-tasking C) Directing D) Training Answer: D Page Ref: 23 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 2.2 True/False Questions 1) The focus of an organization‘s administrative subsystem is on authority, structure, and responsibility within the organization. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 11 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 2) The major portion of the supervisor‘s job may be categorized into three broad areas: leading, directing, and controlling individuals and groups that are formally or informally arranged. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 11 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic

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3) While a supervisor‘s job deals primarily with the directing of subordinates, they need not concern themselves with the internal conditions of the organization involving both concrete matters, such as environmental working conditions and the provision of equipment, and more abstract factors, such as morale and esprit de corps. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 11 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 4) Accreditation acknowledges the implementation of a written directive system that reflects professional best practices. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 5) Good planning is at the heart of efficiency, since it provides the framework for organization by specifying what should be done to meet objectives, who should do the work, and how their efforts can be coordinated. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 13 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 6) Policies, orders, and plans should be concise and clear while being inflexible enough to not allow adjustment as conditions dictate. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 13 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 7) Tactical plans relating to standard operating procedures (SOPs) are useful as guides to personnel in such activities as serving and processing arrest warrants, recording and processing crime or incident reports, and processing traffic citations. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 13 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 8) A policy manual is worthwhile as a guide for personnel to apply to all facets of police operations. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 14

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Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 9) Supervisors must continuously analyze the organizational structure within their sphere of operations to facilitate communication between the elements of the hierarchy and provide clear-cut downward lines of authority and responsibility and upward lines of accountability. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 14 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 10) Recruitment, training, and placement are not proper and necessary staffing functions of each supervisor. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 15 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 11) The function of providing direction to subordinates and control of their activities is one that consumes much of the supervisor‘s time. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 15 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 12) The essential activity of coordination cannot be accomplished through direct communication. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 16 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 13) Quick decisions can be made in the line organization because of the direct lines of authority, and members in the chain of command know to whom they are accountable and who is accountable to them. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 17 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 14) The functional responsibility of each ―functional manager‖ is limited to the particular activity over which they have control, regardless of who performs the function. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 18 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 123 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

15) A function of prime importance for supervisors is constant analysis of the nature of the work performed in the unit for the purpose of determining if it is effectively divided between the various units and individuals of the organization. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 19 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 16) The principle of unity of command should not be practiced in every organization. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 17) The principle of unity of command applies to those who command and not to those who are commanded. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Intermediate 18) The principle of delegation relates to the process of committing an activity to another‘s care. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 21 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 19) Delegation may be accomplished by a specific or general directive given either in writing or orally. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 22 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 20) Training is the key to the successful application of the exception principle. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 23 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic

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2.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) The major portion of the supervisor‘s job may be categorized into three broad areas: leading, ________, and controlling individuals and groups that are formally or informally arranged. Answer: Directing Page Ref: 11 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 2) The foundation of ________ lies in the adoption of standards containing a clear statement of professional objectives. Answer: Accreditation Page Ref: 12 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 3) ________ is the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the defined objective. Answer: Organizing Page Ref: 12 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 4) ________ plans are those designed to give guidance and direction to personnel in the performance of normal police activities. Answer: Operational Page Ref: 13 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 5) ________ are plans consisting of a set of broad principles that guide personnel in the accomplishment of general organizational objectives. Answer: Policies Page Ref: 14 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 6) Recruitment, ________, and placement are proper and necessary staffing functions of each supervisor. Answer: Training Page Ref: 15 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 125 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

7) An ________ structure is a mechanical means of depicting, by an arrangement of symbols, the relationships that exist among individuals, groups, and functions within an organization. Answer: Organizational Page Ref: 16 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 8) The straight ________ organization, often called the individual, military, or departmental type, is the simplest and perhaps oldest form and is seldom encountered in any but the smallest of organizations. Answer: Line Page Ref: 17 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 9) The ________ of work involves not only the breaking down of a particular job into its component parts but also the recombining of these parts into a completed unit of work. Answer: Division Page Ref: 19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 10) The principle of unity of ________ should be practiced in every organization. This principle requires that every employee be under the direct command of one superior. Answer: Command Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 11) The Span of ________ relates to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one supervisor. Answer: Control Page Ref: 20 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 12) When a task is delegated to an employee who is competent to perform it, enough _________ to complete it must also be delegated. Answer: Authority Page Ref: 22

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 13) The process of ________ loses its value as a supervisory tool, if follow-up inspections are not made to ensure that objectives are accomplished and deadlines are met. Answer: Delegation Page Ref: 23 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 14) The ________ principle prevails at all levels of the organizational hierarchy and is dependent on the effective application of the delegation function, which will free the superior from a mass of routine detail that might be better handled by subordinates. Answer: Exception Page Ref: 23 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 15) The principle of __________ staff projects requires that the person to whom work has been assigned through the delegation process can complete it so that the only thing left to be done by the person who delegated it is to approve it. Answer: Completed Page Ref: 24 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 2.4 Matching Questions Match the POSDCORB acronym listed in Column 1 to its activities in Column 2. A) The all-important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work B) The whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work C) A form of fiscal planning, accounting, and control D) The continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise E) Keeping those who the executive is responsible for informed through records, research, and inspection F) Working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise G) The establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the defined objective

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1) Planning Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 2) Organizing Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 3) Staffing Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 4) Directing Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 5) Coordinating Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 6) Reporting Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic 7) Budgeting Page Ref: 12 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Basic Answers: 1) F 2) G 3) B 4) D 5) A 6) E 7) C Match the organizational structures listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) This type of structure is found in almost all but the very smallest police agencies. Channels of responsibility and authority are thus left intact, since the specialist‘s responsibility is to ―think and provide expertise‖ for the line units, which are then responsible for ―doing.‖ B) This type of structure is rarely found in present-day organizations except near the top level. It divides the responsibility and authority among specialists. The manager‘s responsibility in this type of organization is limited to the particular activity over which they have control regardless of who performs the function. 128 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) This is often called individual, military, or departmental type. It is the simplest and perhaps the oldest form and is seldom encountered in its true form, except in the smallest of organizations. It involves a division of the work into units with a person in charge who has complete control and who can be held directly accountable for results, or lack of them. 8) Line Organization Page Ref: 17–19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 9) Functional Organization Page Ref: 17–19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic 10) Line and Staff Organization Page Ref: 17–19 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Basic Answers: 8) C 9) B 10) A 2.5 Essay Questions 1) What is CALEA? What is its purpose? Answer: The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) was created as a credentialing authority through the joint efforts of many of the nation‘s law enforcement executive associations. CALEA strives to deliver public safety services by maintaining a body of professional standards that support the administration of accreditation programs. Page Ref: 12 Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Intermediate 2) What determines the need for coordination? Answer: The degree of specialization, the area covered, the distance between elements that must work together, the skill of persons doing the work, and the dissimilarity of functions involved in the enterprise. Page Ref: 16

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Difficult 3) What is meant by ―span of control‖? How is it affected by organizational structure? What other factors affect span of control? Answer: The span of control relates to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one supervisor. This limit is small, from three to five at the top level of the organization, and broadens at the lower levels. It is dependent on such factors as the capacities of the supervisor and those supervised, the types of work being performed, and the complexity of the work. Other determining factors include the area covered by it, the distances between elements, the time needed to perform the tasks, the homogeneity of operations, the types of persons served, and the effectiveness of managers. Page Ref: 20–21 Objective: To become acquainted with the fundamental principles of organization, administration, and management Level: Basic 4) List the reasons presented in the textbook as to why supervisors do not delegate. Answer: They have not learned how; they have never really appreciated the training value of delegating or the need for avoiding routine tasks that others can do better; they have an overabundance of confidence in their own capacity for detail; or they do not have confidence in the subordinates. Page Ref: 22 Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Intermediate 5) How do delegation, the exception principle, and the principle of completed staff work interrelate? Answer: The exception principle is inseparable from the principle of delegation. It prevails at all levels of the organizational hierarchy and is dependent on the effective application of the delegation function, which will free the superior from a mass of routine detail that might be better handled by subordinates. Training is the key to the successful application of the principle. Superior officers should pass on all possible work to subordinates except that which is appropriate to the particular level that the superiors occupy. Supervisors should reserve for themselves only those decisions their subordinates are not equipped to make. They should avoid becoming bogged down with detail so that they can be free to integrate the work being performed within their sphere of operation into that of the entire organization. Page Ref: 23–24 Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Intermediate 6) Define the essential nature of completed staff projects. Answer: The principle of completed staff projects requires that the person to whom work has been assigned through the delegation process can complete it so that the only thing left to be done by the person who delegated it is to approve it. Page Ref: 24 130 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Intermediate 2.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) How may a supervisor best utilize the talents of the natural leaders in the organization even though they are not officially designated as such? What are these natural leaders called? Answer: The formally structured and recognized relationships within the organization will have superimposed on them the informal groups, with their own leader or leaders, unrecognized on the organizational charts. Through these natural leaders, often without bars or stripes, the wise supervisor will accomplish many of their objectives. These natural leaders are called informal leaders. Page Ref: 11 Objective: To gain an understanding of the types of organizational structures and how they can be used to aid in the management process Level: Intermediate 2) How can proper delegation benefit employees? Answer: It gives employees an opportunity to increase their job knowledge by performing new tasks that are not ordinarily their responsibility. It is an excellent tool for developing personnel for positions of greater responsibility, and for increasing their initiative in accomplishing new tasks. Page Ref: 21 Objective: To gain an appreciation of how the tenets of administration and management affect the supervisor Level: Intermediate 3) Why can ultimate responsibility not be delegated? Answer: Ultimate responsibility rests with the supervisor, not the delegates. Although many activities can be passed down to others through the process of delegation, the supervisor cannot avoid the responsibility for such activities. Many supervisors have suffered dire consequences by assuming that a job entrusted to a subordinate relieved them of their responsibility for completing the job. They should be encouraged to delegate all possible tasks to the lowest possible level in the organization where the necessary ability to perform them exists, but in so doing, they do not shed their responsibility for the completion of the task and their accountability for the results. Page Ref: 21 Objective: To become familiar with the supervisor‘s administrative functions Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 3 Leadership, Supervision, and Command Presence 3.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) ________ may be defined as the art of influencing, directing, guiding, and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation in the accomplishment of an objective. A) Leadership B) Supervision C) Management D) Delegation Answer: A Page Ref: 27 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 2) Many years ago leadership experts determined that when conditions are unstable during periods of stress or emergency, when initiative and decisiveness are needed, when there is usually no time for permissive leadership and no time for discussion with subordinates before each decision is made, and when bold, rapid action is indicated, ________ leaders are most likely to succeed, provided they have the capacity to make sound, workable decisions. A) Democratic B) Free rein C) Laissez-faire D) Autocratic Answer: D Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 3) Which type of leader is keenly aware of the human factor in managing others because they are employee-oriented leaders, they secure better performance from subordinates, motivate better, and enable subordinates to derive greater satisfaction from their efforts? A) Free rein B) Democratic C) Situational D) Autocratic Answer: B Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic

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4) Which type of leader plays down their role as such, exercises minimum control, and seldom give their subordinates the attention or help they need? A) Free rein B) Autocratic C) Situational D) Democratic Answer: A Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 5) The responsibility of supervising and managing others is not simple. Situations can be complex, and people are much more so. No one management style can work in every situation: A crisis, such as hazardous materials spill, may require a very direct management approach; supervising highly trained crime scene investigators can be much more hands-off; developing a strategy for a patrol unit to address a neighborhood disorder problem could require a more collaborative management style. Supervisors can be highly effective in each situation as long as they can adjust their leadership style to fit the needs of that situation. This is the essence of which of the following? A) Free rein leadership B) Laissez-faire leadership C) Democratic leadership D) Situational leadership Answer: D Page Ref: 30 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 6) Which type of leader sets high standards of conduct and become role models, gaining trust, respect and confidence from others; articulate the future desired state and a plan to achieve it; question the status quo and are continuously innovative, even at the peak of success; and energize people to achieve their full potential and performance? A) Autocratic B) Free rein C) Diagnostic D) Transformational Answer: D Page Ref: 31 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 7) When leaders have ________, they remain cool, calm and collected in the face of conflict and exert confidence and self-control while handling a crisis. A) Command presence B) Inertia 133 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Dynamic presence D) Command introspection Answer: A Page Ref: 32 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 8) Which of the following statements is true in regard to common sense? A) Common sense is one of the most valued characteristics of a leader and is the hallmark of true leadership. B) Excellent leaders are guided by proper regulations and procedures, but they use good judgment when applying them. C) Common sense always represents the action that gets the best results, with the least cost or side effects. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 33 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 9) Which of the following involves the application of incentives, which encourages a certain positive pattern of behavior and attitude and contributes to the accomplishment of organizational objectives? A) Delegation B) Direction C) Command presence D) Motivation Answer: D Page Ref: 34 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 10) Which of the following can keep the productivity of subordinates at a high level? A) Supervisors should provide negative incentives for excellence of performance. B) Supervisors should let their subordinates know what is expected of them. C) Negative motivators such as fear, coercion, intimidation, and punishment should be used frequently. D) By avoiding inconsistent and arbitrary supervisory practices, supervisors can lose confidence and respect, which are vital in the process of motivation. Answer: B Page Ref: 34

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 11) Ideally, every leader should possess which of the following traits? A) Friendliness, sincerity, affection for others, and personal warmth B) Energy and vitality C) Moral and physical integrity D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 36 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 12) According to the textbook, evidence suggests that which of the following is true? A) Productive workers are more likely to be happy workers rather than the reverse. B) Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers than the reverse. C) Happy workers are more motivated. D) Productivity is reduced when workers are too happy. Answer: A Page Ref: 37 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 13) In regards to commendation and praise by the leader, which of the following is true? A) Criticize in public, commend in private. B) Criticize and commend in public. C) Criticize and commend in private. D) Commend in public but criticize in private. Answer: D Page Ref: 39 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 14) _________employees who do just that amount and quality of work that will not give the organization a cause of action against them are often the cause of considerable concern to the supervisor. A) Fair B) Objective C) Marginal D) Developmental

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Answer: C Page Ref: 40 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 15) For which type of employee should an implied or suggested order not be used? A) Self-reliant employee B) Inexperienced employee C) Experienced employee D) Independent employee Answer: B Page Ref: 42 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 16) Which method of communication should be used in situations where complex operations or numerous persons are affected to ensure that all receive the same message? A) Verbal orders B) Written orders C) A and B D) None of the above Answer: B Page Ref: 43 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 17) One of the most frequent functions supervisors are called on to perform is that of decision making. It is imperative that they develop their ability to draw conclusions from facts at hand and stick to a decision unless, of course, it is manifestly improper. Even if they occasionally make the wrong decision, the fact that they have taken positive action when action is indicated is usually better than if they had taken none at all. Decisiveness has a stabilizing influence on subordinates. Indecisiveness is easily perceived and tends to destroy confidence and lower respect. Ultimately, performance is adversely affected. The decision-making process involves several steps. First, there must be which of the following? A) Data must be evaluated and analyzed. B) The decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out. C) An awareness that a real problem exists D) Alternative approaches leading to a logical conclusion should be decided on. Answer: C Page Ref: 43 Objective: To become acquainted with the basic criteria for decision making Level: Intermediate

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18) Which of the following is perhaps the most common failing of an inexperienced supervisor? A) Oversupervision B) Overdiscipline C) Overseeing D) Oversaturation Answer: A Page Ref: 44 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 19) Today‘s best leaders place a high focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. They utilize procedural _________ as a guiding principle in all their interactions, both internally in the department and externally in the community. A) Workforce B) Values C) Justice D) Challenges Answer: C Page Ref: 47 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 20) Good leaders are not only creative change agents but also practical futurists, exercising foresight and the capacity to see the ―big picture‖ and the ―long view.‖ Today, we live in the digital age and work in a multicultural environment. Leaders need to be both transformational and culturally sensitive. Which of the following is an example of how effective leaders innovate? A) Transforming workplaces from the status quo to appropriate environments. B) Renewing organizations and becoming role models by transmitting intellectual excitement and vision about their work. C) Helping personnel to manage change by restructuring their mindsets and values. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 47 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Intermediate 21) Which generation has been most closely associated with wanting a more balanced work-life schedule, including family time, and appreciate mutual respect and open communication? A) Baby Boomers B) Generation X C) Generation Z D) Generation Y

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Answer: B Page Ref: 49 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 22) Which of the following can community policing offer in terms of ―community security‖? A) Community policing officers are often more trusted by citizens and are more likely to be given information about suspicious activities or unusual events in the community. B) Use of flexible geographic beats is the only way that allows officers to identify security risks and investigate threats. C) Use of decentralized organization can produce a delayed response to incidents because officers are more dispersed across the community. D) Community policing officers are separated from the incessant demands of responding to calls, and can pursue leads or investigate suspicious activity. Answer: A Page Ref: 53 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Difficult 23) Creating police-community partnerships by magnifying community policing programs through social media may help create conversations and engagement in these spaces. This two-way nature of social media allows for conversations that can improve transparency, accountability, and also increase: A) Intimidation. B) Coordination. C) Police legitimacy. D) Leader effectiveness. Answer: C Page Ref: 54 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 3.2 True/False Questions 1) Leadership ability is not inherited. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 28 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 2) Any reasonably intelligent person with enough forcefulness to develop the ability to inspire others can earn leadership status. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 28

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 3) Supervisors who lead democratically, seek ideas and suggestions from their subordinates, and allow them to participate in decision making that affects them, by and large secure the best results as leaders. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 4) The leader‘s style in autocratic leadership is a combination of task behavior (giving specific instructions) and relationship behavior (convincing workers to exert effort). Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 30 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 5) The transformational leader empowers their employees to make decisions and handle situations. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 31 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 6) All types of leadership will work with varying degrees of success if the conditions are favorable and the situation permits a particular approach. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 32 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 7) A high level of discipline in its broadest sense in an organization is perhaps the best mark of good leadership. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 33 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 8) Employees are stimulated to produce best when they are provided with negative incentives that satisfy individual needs. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 34 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic

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9) Supervisors should utilize every positive motivator at their disposal to stimulate subordinates toward the highest productivity their capabilities will permit. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 34 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 10) Fear, as a negative motivator, involves threat, direct or implied, and a degree of intimidation. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 35 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 11) The personality of an individual is a composite of their personal characteristics. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 37 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 12) Success in supervision can be achieved solely by copying the style of other successful supervisors. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 37 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 13) An objective of human relations should be the greatest production in the shortest possible time with the minimum expenditure of energy and the maximum satisfaction for the producers. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 38 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 14) One of the most frequent complaints of workers is that criticism comes readily but praise seldom. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 39 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic

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15) Direct commands can be employed to good effect with the reliable employee who readily assumes responsibility for a task. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 42 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 16) The making of decisions and the drawing of conclusions should not be based on snap judgments. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 44 Objective: To become acquainted with the basic criteria for decision making Level: Basic 17) Gender stereotyping is one of the primary sources of stress for officers who are women. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 46 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 18) The more diverse the working population becomes, the less leadership is needed. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 47 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 19) Law enforcement should strive to build a culture of transparency that strengthens community trust and promotes legitimacy. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 53 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 20) Social media should be used to address matters of neighborhood concern and focus on building better and stronger community relations. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 54 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic

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3.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) Supervisors who lead ________, seek ideas and suggestions from their subordinates, and allow them to participate in decision making that affects them, by and large secure the best results as a leader. Answer: Democratically Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 2) James McGregor characterized leaders as transactional (when one person takes the initiative, making contact with others for the purpose of the exchange of valued things) or ________ (when one or more persons engage with others in a way in which the leader and non-leader raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality). Answer: Transformational Page Ref: 31 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 3) ________ involves the application of incentives, which encourages a certain positive pattern of behavior and attitude and contributes to the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Answer: Motivation Page Ref: 34 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 4) Supervisors should be constantly aware that what motivates one person may fail entirely to motivate another because of individual ________. Answer: Differences Page Ref: 34 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Intermediate 5) Honest self-________ is difficult because people often interpret what they do in accord with their own motives and not in accord with others‘ interpretations of what was done. Answer: Appraisal Page Ref: 35 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 6) ________is the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another. Answer: Empathy Page Ref: 37

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 7) The desire of individuals for ________ is a force that the supervisors should utilize to substantially increase their effectiveness. A few words of commendation and praise, sincerely given when merited, will do much to induce good performance. Answer: Recognition Page Ref: 39 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 8) Supervisors should ________ as much as they can about their subordinates, individually and collectively. Answer: Learn Page Ref: 40 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 9) ________-giving involves the complex process of communicating ideas in such a manner that the recipients interpret what they hear in the way the communicator intends. Answer: Order Page Ref: 41 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 10) _________ orders are usually satisfactory for simple tasks and in emergency situations. Answer: Verbal Page Ref: 43 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 11) The need for diversity, equity, and _________ in the workplace is widely recognized in organizations throughout the nation. Answer: Inclusion Page Ref: 47 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic

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12) All supervisors must exercise exceptional common sense and introspection in their relationships with subordinates, especially with those of the opposite sex. ________ can take many forms and must be meticulously avoided since it is destructive of morale and causes embarrassment to the organization. Answer: Harassment Page Ref: 50 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 13) There are many symptoms of leadership failure. The appearance of selfishness, suspicion, envy, failure to give ________, hypercriticism, and arbitrariness will usually denote weakness, if not downright failure, of an individual as a leader. Answer: Credit Page Ref: 50 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 14) ________ policing calls for a partnership between the police and the local community to solve problems on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis. Answer: Community Page Ref: 51 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Intermediate 15) Social media can be an incredibly valuable tool in enhancing community __________. Answer: Engagement Page Ref: 53 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 3.4 Matching Questions Match the types of leaders listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) These leaders play down their role, exercise minimum control, and seldom give their subordinates the attention or help they need. B) These leaders seek ideas and suggestions from their subordinates and allow them to participate in decision making that affects them. C) These leaders are highly authoritative. They make decisions without allowing subordinates to participate. 1) Autocratic Leader Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 144 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

2) Democratic or Participatory Leader Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic 3) Free-Rein or Laissez-Faire Leader Page Ref: 29 Objective: To become familiar with the types of leaders and the characteristics of each Level: Basic Answers: 1) C 2) B 3) A Match the elements of leadership listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) It is the most valued characteristic of a leader and is the hallmark of true leadership. It represents the action that gets the best results, with the least cost or side effects. B) A moral obligation to adhere strictly to the high standards of honor and integrity. C) This is the best mark of good leadership. If this is present, a high level of esprit de corps and morale will result together with increased efficiency. D) An element that affects human behavior which is required of every supervisor to have knowledge of to maintain a high level of discipline and morale in the organization. 4) Discipline Page Ref: 33 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 5) Ethics Page Ref: 33 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 6) Common Sense Page Ref: 33 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 7) Psychology Page Ref: 33 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic Answers: 4) C 5) B 6) A 7) D

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Match the methods of giving orders listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) This method may be indicated in dealing with an employee who is lazy, careless, indifferent, or irresponsible or the one who refuses or neglects to obey standard rules. B) The call for this type of method should be used with care so that it will not become a simple expedient for escaping the responsibility of making assignments or issuing orders that are in the best interests of the organization. C) Orders should be framed as this type, since employees will often resent an authoritarian, dictatorial method. And cooperation is readily obtained through this method. D) This method is useful in developing the initiative of subordinates, since they allow considerable latitude in the method of accomplishing an assignment when immediate action is not essential. 8) Direct commands Page Ref: 41–42 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 9) Requests Page Ref: 41–42 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 10) Implied or suggested orders Page Ref: 41–42 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 11) Request for volunteers Page Ref: 41–42 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic Answers: 8) A 9) C 10) D 11) B Match the multigenerational workforce characterizations listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Born before 1946, this generation is characterized by the hard time in which they lived, many during World War II and some growing up during the Great Depression. B) Born between 1965 and 1980, this generation has been characterized as wanting a more balanced work-life schedule, including family time.

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C) Born between 1981 and 1996, this generation is extremely technologically savvy, have a casual attitude toward employers, and seek a fun and flexible working style. D) Born between 1946 and 1964, this generation is defined by a strong work ethic, being loyal employees, and climbing their way up the corporate ladder. E) Born between 1995 and 2010, this generation was born within the technological age, war on terror, and in the age of multiculturalism. 12) Generation Z Page Ref: 48–49 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 13) Generation Y Page Ref: 48–49 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 14) Generation X Page Ref: 48–49 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 15) Baby Boomers Page Ref: 48–49 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 16) Traditionalists Page Ref: 48–49 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate Answers: 12) E 13) C 14) B 15) D 16) A 3.5 Essay Questions 1) Describe the differences between transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Answer: Transactional leadership is when one person takes the initiative, making contact with others for the purpose of the exchange of valued things, transformational, on the other hand, is when one or more persons engage with others in a way in which the leader and nonleader raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. Transformational leadership 147 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

motivates followers to produce more than expected by raising follower consciousness about the importance and value of certain goals. Page Ref: 31 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Basic 2) Define command presence and describe how it affects leadership. Answer: Command presence is the natural manner of an individual indicating a complete command of their mental and physical faculties and emotions. It encompasses the qualities of dignity, self-assurance, and poise. It is that outward appearance that denotes that the person has the ability and qualifications to take command of any situation. When leaders have command presence, they remain cool, calm, and collected in the face of conflict and exert confidence and self-control while handling a crisis. It is often said that command presence is best reflected by the leader who looks calmer and calmer as things get worse and worse. The leader‘s attitude quickly permeates a group. If they display anxiety, the group members will develop it and will not perform well in this atmosphere of anxiety and tension. Page Ref: 32 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of leadership development Level: Intermediate 3) List the steps in decision-making. Answer: (1) There must be an awareness that a real problem exists. (2) Facts must be obtained. (3) When sufficient data have been collected, it must be evaluated and analyzed. (4) Alternative approaches leading to a logical solution should be decided on, and probable consequences of each should be weighed. (5) A decision must be selected from the alternative solutions. (6) The decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out. Page Ref: 43–44 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 4) Describe how oversupervision occurs and the hazards that result from it. Answer: Oversupervision is perhaps the most common failing of an inexperienced supervisor. It arises from the failure to delegate tasks, either because of a lack of confidence in subordinates or a disinclination to relinquish what they think are their supervisory prerogatives. When supervisors take it upon themselves to do their subordinates‘ work, the employee‘s initiative is corroded, and morale invariably suffers. Subordinates do not expect superiors to do their work and do not respect them for it when they do. Page Ref: 44 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Basic 5) List the elements to successfully manage a multigenerational workforce. Answer: (a) Nurture mentoring relationships. (b) Create a productive environment. (c) Communicate with a range of tools. (d) Foster a respectful environment. (e) Reward good behavior. Page Ref: 49 148 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 6) What is the first challenge for the supervisor of a Community Policing (CP) program, and how can one overcome it? Answer: The first challenge for the supervisor of a CP program is to adapt to the high level of necessary commitment and community involvement. The neighborhood residents, business owners, community groups, and local workforce all become equal partners with the police department. Most police officers and supervisors will find this a new and very different experience. Leadership, program management, and negotiation skills are critical. Supervisors must be prepared to train and coach their officers in these skill areas. They must also learn to evaluate officers based on these skills, rather than on more traditional measures such as summonses issued, report quality, and arrest statistics. This requires policy guidance and training for CP supervisors. Page Ref: 51 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 3.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) List and describe the steps involved in decision making. Answer: The decision-making process involves several steps. First, there must be an awareness that a real problem exists. An appreciation of its ramifications and recognition of a need for a decision must be present. The proper answer to the wrong question is no solution to the real problem. To deal with an apparent problem without knowing that it is merely a symptom of the real one may result in an incorrect solution to the right problem or an inappropriate solution to the wrong one. Second, facts must be obtained. Opinions of others may be needed as supportive data when subjective decisions are involved. Third, when sufficient data have been collected, they must be evaluated and analyzed. Reliability of the source of the data must be tested, just as the facts themselves are. Once the real problem has been identified, concentration can be focused on the solution. Personal bias should be eliminated in the analysis. Fourth, alternative approaches leading to a logical conclusion should be decided on, and probable consequences of each should be weighed. Possible conflicts among those who are to implement the decision must be considered. This involves insight. The effect of each alternative on the objective should be considered in determining the best course of action indicated by the facts at hand. Fifth, a decision must be selected from the alternative solutions. This involves value judgments in selecting the solution that allows action to follow in carrying out the decision. Consideration should be given to the time and the setting in which the action is to be carried out and to the long-term results from choosing one alternative over another. The pros and cons should be carefully considered and weighed. Sometimes, a secondary option for carrying out the mission might be necessary as a contingency measure in the event the primary decision is found to be unworkable or cannot be followed because of unforeseen circumstances. Sixth, the decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out.

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Page Ref: 43–44 Objective: To become acquainted with the basic criteria for decision making Level: Intermediate 2) What is expected of a supervisor when faced with an issue of sexual harassment in the workplace? Answer: A responsible supervisor must promote a professional work environment at all times, must act immediately to stop any sexual harassment, and must document and investigate (or forward for investigation) all such complaints. Supervisors must take prompt and professional action. Page Ref: 54 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate 3) How does social media work in community policing? Answer: Creating police-community partnerships by magnifying community policing programs through social media may help create conversations and engagement. This may serve as a springboard for future in-person police-citizen engagements. In addition, the twoway nature of social media allows for conversations that can improve transparency, accountability, and increase police legitimacy in communities across the nation. Page Ref: 54 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for applying good human relations in supervising employees Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 4 The Training Function: Problems and Approaches to the Instructional Process 4.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) One of the principal (and perhaps the most important) responsibilities of a supervisor is: A) Budget preparation. B) Directing subordinates. C) Training subordinates. D) Staffing. Answer: C Page Ref: 59 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 2) In the landmark case of City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris, the city was found liable for failure to do which of the following? A) Supervise its officers B) Critique its officers C) Terminate its officers D) Train it‘s officers Answer: D Page Ref: 60 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 3) When conditions in the learners‘ environment are such that they establish an attitude favorable to learning, they are said to be in a: A) State of learning. B) State of readiness. C) State of interest. D) State of mind. Answer: B Page Ref: 63 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 4) When learners are in a state of mental readiness in a favorable environment, efficient learning is possible. The effect of their success in learning is a pleasurable sense of satisfaction, which is called the: A) Principle of readiness. B) Principle of primacy.

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C) Principle of effect. D) Principle of repetition. Answer: C Page Ref: 63 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 5) The notion that things learned first create a strong impression in the mind that is difficult to erase is known as the: A) Principle of primacy. B) First impressions. C) Principle of recency. D) Principle of intensity. Answer: A Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 6) While at the police station you overhear two of your officers in a heated debate. Both believe they are right. They see you and decide to ask you to settle the debate. They ask you about the concept that states information acquired last is generally remembered best. You tell them it is the: A) Principle of forcefulness. B) Principle of primacy. C) Principle of recency. D) Principle of effect. Answer: C Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 7) The more intensely the matter is taught, the greater the likelihood it will be retained. This concept is referred to as the: A) Principle of retention. B) Principle of readiness. C) Principle of effect. D) Principle of intensity. Answer: D Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 8) In training adults, consideration should be given to which of the following? A) More attention should be given to the quality of the learning environment. 152 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

B) Adults can be helped to diagnose their own needs for learning. C) Adults can be involved in planning and conducting their own learning. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 66 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate 9) According to the text, which of the following is a false statement? A) The degree of motivation by the teacher has a direct bearing on the student‘s learning rate and performance. B) Learning proceeds best when students are motivated to learn – when they want to learn and when they put forth efforts to learn. C) One of the greatest spurs to motivation is the recognition by students that their personal or professional growth will be directly dependent on the efforts they expend to improve themselves. D) The positive use of stimulation is always inferior to the use of fear of dismissal because of unacceptable scores would be a powerful influence on performance. Answer: D Page Ref: 67 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate 10) Broad general statements about what is to be learned are defined as: A) Learning objectives. B) Instructional goals. C) Performance objectives. D) Competencies. Answer: B Page Ref: 68 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 11) When instructors have completed the preliminary procedures of developing instructional goals and specific objectives, obtaining lesson materials, and analyzing them, they are ready to prepare their: A) Written teaching plans. B) Informal notes. C) Verbal teaching plan. D) None of the above. Answer: A Page Ref: 69

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Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Intermediate 12) When William James stated ―In mental terms, the more other facts a fact is associated with in the mind, the better possession of it our memory retains,‖ he was referring to learning by: A) Doing. B) Feel. C) Lecture. D) Association. Answer: D Page Ref: 71 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 13) According to the text, the introductory step in the instructional process will perhaps tax the imagination of the teacher more than the other four steps of instruction. This is the step in which the ACID test must be applied. The D in the acronym ACID stands for which of the following? A) Direction B) Desire C) Diligence D) Disequilibrium Answer: B Page Ref: 72 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 14) Which step in teaching is an excellent means of tying together the material that was given in the presentation step? A) Test B) Presentation C) Review D) Application Answer: C Page Ref: 73 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 15) Which step in teaching best describes when learners are provided an opportunity to try out or use the information that they have learned under the teacher‘s supervision? A) Presentation B) Application C) Review D) Test

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Answer: B Page Ref: 73 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 16) The real problems encountered by instructors in applying the five-step method of teaching are not failures of the method but: A) Failure of the instructor to make proper use of the steps. B) Failure of the instructor to orient their students. C) Failure of the instructor to confront teaching problems. D) Failure of the instructor to make judgments on the learning ability of each student. Answer: A Page Ref: 74 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 17) Which method of teaching is quite often the least effective method, since it assumes that all members of the class progress at the same rate? A) Guest speakers B) Lecture C) Role playing D) Field problems Answer: B Page Ref: 76 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 18) Which teaching method is usually held during the line-up portion of a squad‘s day, before assuming duties in the field, and is commonly ten to fifteen minutes in duration? A) Roll call training B) Online training C) Role playing D) Stress management simulators Answer: A Page Ref: 76 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 19) Which online training allows learners to log in and choose from a variety of course topics, and learn the topics on their own time by following the related online material? A) Web development B) Simulators

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C) Synchronous D) Asynchronous Answer: D Page Ref: 77 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 20) Which method of learning provides the trainee with the unique ability to practice and hone a variety of crucial job-related skills, while in a safe and controlled setting? A) Only role playing B) Workshops C) Virtual training simulators D) Demonstrations Answer: C Page Ref: 79 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 21) In group discussions, an instructional technique involving a presentation by specialists with audience participation is called: A) Presentation. B) Forum. C) Conference. D) Field demonstration. Answer: B Page Ref: 80 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 22) As discussed in the textbook, supervisors at staff meetings are least likely to become which of the following? A) Disruptive leaders B) Absolute dictators C) Benevolent dictators D) Responsibility dodgers Answer: A Page Ref: 82 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 23) Which of the following is most correct in regard to the use of teaching aids? A) Instructional aids help the teachers to avoid too much telling and too much reliance on words to carry ideas. B) They supplant good verbal instruction. 156 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Avenues of learning are reduced when senses other than hearing are brought into play and combined with it. D) Teachers who perform their instructional function most effectively are the ones who utilize limited means to assist themselves in carrying their message to the students in a manner calculated to enhance learning efficiency. Answer: A Page Ref: 83 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Intermediate 4.2 True/False Questions 1) Training failures are usually the result of administrators failing to give supervisors an understanding of their training responsibilities and some instruction on how to proceed. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 60 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 2) The effectiveness of supervisors as instructors will be directly related to the degree to which they have acquired knowledge of the subject, gained an understanding of the learning process, and displayed a willingness to work at the job of instructing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 61 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 3) Effective teaching should be defined in terms of student learning. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 62 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 4) The better people learn by using a procedure, the longer they retain what they learn. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 5) Things learned first create a strong impression in the mind that is difficult to erase, which is the premise of Principle of Recency. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 64

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Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 6) Some of the factors that psychologists, trainers, and educators have found to vitally affect the learning process are of concern to the supervisors in their training function. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 7) The personality of the instructors, and not their teaching abilities, may vitally affect the rate at which learning takes place. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 65 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 8) There seems to be a definite pattern in the learning process. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 67 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 9) It is recommended that learning objectives be expressed as outcomes for participants. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 68 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 10) Instructors should consider the point of view of the learner when analyzing the lesson material and preparing the teaching plan so that the presentation will be arranged in the most logical order and will best meet current needs. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 70 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Intermediate 11) In the most casual, informal contacts where instruction is involved, there need not be an orderly procedure for imparting information to the learner. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 71 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Intermediate 12) The last step in the instructional process is application. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 73 158 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 13) One of the most common faults in presenting instructional material arises from unders implification. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 75 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Intermediate 14) Aimlessness is a common weakness contributing to teaching ineffectiveness. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 75 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 15) A lack of competency or a failure on the part of supervisors to prepare for their training role is often the cause of teaching ineffectiveness. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 75 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 16) The lecture method of teaching is often the best effective method, since it assumes that all members of the class progress at the same rate. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 75 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 17) Asynchronous online training is more closely related to a classroom setting, where the students are remotely located and use computers or smart devices to log in. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 77 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 18) Well-conducted meetings with subordinate personnel provide the supervisor an excellent opportunity for training. These meetings are usually called staff meetings. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 81 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic

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19) Teaching is concerned with the art of stimulating a desire to learn and developing the ability to perceive symbols accurately and clearly. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 83 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 20) The simple chalkboard, whiteboard, or specially prepared chart cannot be effectively used for display purposes to supplement oral instruction. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 83 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 4.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) When conditions in the learner‘s environment are such that they establish in students an attitude favorable to learning, they are said to be in a state of ________ to learn. Answer: Readiness Page Ref: 63 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 2) Principle of ________ builds habits that, if correct, lead to success, satisfaction, and a desire to repeat what produces pleasure. Answer: Repetition Page Ref: 64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 3) ________ refers to methods and techniques utilized in adult education. Answer: Andragogy Page Ref: 65 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 4) One of the greatest spurs to ________ is the recognition by students that their personal or professional growth will be directly dependent on the efforts they expend to improve themselves, to gain greater insight into the problems affecting their position, and increase their proficiency. Answer: Motivation Page Ref: 67 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate

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5) The ________ that instructors generate in their students plays an essential role in the rate at which they learn. Answer: Interest Page Ref: 67 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 6) Instructional ________ are defined as broad, general statements about what is to be learned. Answer: Goals Page Ref: 68 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 7) When the instructors have completed the preliminary procedures of developing instructional goals and specific ________, obtaining lesson materials, and analyzing them, they are ready to prepare their written teaching plans. Answer: Objectives Page Ref: 69 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 8) The ________ plan involves a simple listing in proper sequence of the several steps to be followed in completing a particular job, or it may involve a logical arrangement of material if the lesson is to consist of a discussion of a procedure, law, technique, or philosophical concept. Answer: Instructional Page Ref: 69 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 9) Instructors who have planned well will have constructed their lesson material so that learners can relate it to their own background and experiences. This process of learning by ________ is of special importance when the material deals with jobs, operations, techniques, or principles foreign to the learner. Answer: Association Page Ref: 71 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate 10) The ________ step in the instructional process will perhaps tax the imagination of the teachers more than the other four steps of instruction. This is the step in which the ACID test must be applied. Answer: Introductory Page Ref: 72 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 161 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

11) The objective of the ________ step is either to impart new knowledge or skills to students or to refresh their memory about what they have once learned but might have forgotten. Answer: Presentation Page Ref: 73 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 12) The fifth step, ________, is the last step in the instructional process and consists of an evaluation of the learner‘s progress. Answer: Follow-up Page Ref: 74 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Basic 13) Perhaps one of the most common faults in presenting instructional material arises from ________, leaving to the students the task of drawing a conclusion without adequate facts. Answer: Oversimplification Page Ref: 75 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 14) One of the primary benefits of an ________ program is that learners can proceed at their own pace, and often on their own time. Answer: Online Page Ref: 77 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Basic 15) _________ stress has been recognized by progressive administrators in recent times as a costly concomitant to most occupations, especially police work. Answer: Job-related Page Ref: 78 Objective: To become acquainted with the need for and the importance of training Level: Intermediate 4.4 Matching Questions Match the principles of learning listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Things learned first create a strong impression in the mind that is difficult to erase. B) Information acquired last is generally remembered best; therefore, frequent reviews and summarization coupled with repetition tend to fix in the mind the matters taught. C) The more intensive the matter taught, the greater is the likelihood that it will be retained. This principle is of value in teaching subjects involving basic principles and their association to real events. 162 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

D) When experiences are pleasing or satisfying, there is usually an accompanying desire to repeat the experience. This principle builds habits, that if correct, lead to success, satisfaction, and a desire to do over again what produces pleasure. E) The effect of success in learning is a pleasurable sense of satisfaction. The student continues to strive for this pleasant effect, and continues to learn. F) When conditions in the learner‘s environment are such that they establish in students an attitude favorable to learning, they are said to be in a state of readiness to learn. 1) Principle of Readiness Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 2) Principle of Effect Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 3) Principle of Repetition Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 4) Principle of Primacy Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 5) Principle of Recency Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic 6) Principle of Intensity Page Ref: 63–64 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic Answers: 1) F 2) E 3) D 4) A 5) B 6) C

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Match the types of teaching methods listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Simulation of common incidents likely to be faced frequently by officers in the field is an extremely useful training device. B) One of the fastest growing learning systems available that involves more interactive learning, as opposed to simply reading. C) They are splendid training mediums that have been utilized frequently and have produced notable results in many cases, especially at the operational level in police work. These meetings need not follow formal procedures and can be easily adapted to current needs. D) Although this method is a useful device, they are of particular value when manipulative skills are the subject of instruction. E) A change of pace may be of great value in reviving lagging interest, fostering participation, and refocusing attention on the subject. The instructor may often accomplish this by stimulating discussion among the students. F) This method is comprised of a small discussion group in which trainees can talk, listen, and compare experiences with others under the guidance of experienced personnel can give participants added insight into the perspective and experiences of others. G) This is usually held during the line-up portion of a squad‘s day, before assuming duties in the field, and it commonly lasts 10–15 minutes. H) Experienced detectives, vice officers, investigators of juvenile crime, and the like can be utilized to give training sessions relating to their areas of expertise, especially when matters arise that should be brought to the attention of patrol officers. I) Role-playing can also be easily adapted to this method, although they are not foolproof in training personnel perfectly in every stressful situation. J) It provides the trainee with a unique ability to practice and hone a variety of crucial jobrelated skills, while in a safe and controlled setting. K) This method can be used productively, especially at or near the end of training sessions for experienced officers. Members chosen for their expertise can clarify issues involving the application of policies and procedures to the regular operational duties of the trainees. L) It is quite often the least effective method, since it assumes that all members of the class progress at the same rate; it can be used advantageously if it is presented in extremely short sessions. 7) Lectures Page Ref: 75–77 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 8) Roll Call Training Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 9) Guest Speakers Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 164 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

10) Online Training Page Ref: 75–26 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 11) Role Playing and Field Problems Page Ref: 75–26 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 12) Stress Management Simulations Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 13) Virtual Training Simulators Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 14) Workshops Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 15) Demonstrations Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 16) Group Discussions Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 17) Panel Discussions Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic 18) Conferences Page Ref: 75–76 Objective: To display an understanding of how to prepare a lesson plan Level: Basic Answers: 7) L 8) G 9) H 10) B 11) A 12) I 13) J 14) F 15) D 16) E 17) K 18) C

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4.5 Essay Questions 1) Summarize the factors that affect the learning rate of students. Answer: The types of students, their past experiences, their previous exposure to learning in subjects similar to those being presented, class size, time available for training, and physical facilities can affect their learning rate. Factors such as home conditions, past experiences, economic insecurity, lack of friends or acquaintances, poor grades, and frustrations, either alone or in combination, may affect their learning capabilities. Personal characteristics such as the inability to concentrate, lack of interest because of preoccupation, poor general health, faulty vision, or inferior hearing likewise might drastically affect their learning rate. Page Ref: 65 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 2) Discuss how a teacher can bring about motivation in the learning process. Answer: The degree of motivation by the teacher has a direct bearing on the student‘s learning rate and performance. A special effort by the instructors to individualize their teaching and encourage students with special abilities will contribute to accelerated learning and improved performance. One of the greatest spurs to motivation is the recognition by students that their personal or professional growth will be directly dependent on the effort they expend to improve themselves, to gain greater insight into the problems affecting their position, and to increase their proficiency. The recognition of these factors, combined with a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of satisfaction gained from their learning efforts, will contribute greatly to their motivation. Here, the teacher can play a prime part. Page Ref: 67 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 3) Differentiate instructional goals from specific objectives. Answer: The instructional goals and specific objectives that are to be accomplished by a single presentation or a series of lessons must be carefully developed. Instructional goals are defined as broad, general statements about what is to be learned. Learning objectives (often called performance objectives or competencies) are brief, clear, specific statements of what students should know or be able to do at the end of the course that they couldn‘t do before. It is recommended that learning objectives be expressed as outcomes for participants. Page Ref: 68 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 4) How should the lesson plan align with the five-step plan of teaching? Answer: The plan should cover all stages of the instructional process from the beginning to the accomplishment of the objectives. The plan serves mainly as a guide to systematic teaching. It should consist of a series of notes that will enable instructors to recall in an organized manner the information they plan to use, and to use the teaching aids they have developed to their best advantage at the most appropriate time. The plan also should be used to review the main points of the lesson, and to test the students to determine the extent of them learning. It may follow a topic outline form, a detailed sentence outline, a narrative with appropriate markings of key teaching points and subordinate items, or marginal references

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keyed to the main teaching points. Some teachers make effective use of a single word (or phrase) outline to refresh their memories and help them organize their presentations. Page Ref: 69 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate 5) Discuss the importance of the introduction step in the instructional process. Answer: The introductory step in the instructional process will perhaps tax the imagination of teachers more than the other four steps of instruction. Introductory remarks should focus the attention of the students on the subject, gain their interest, and place them in a state of readiness to learn. If these conditions are not present, the value of the remaining steps of the process will largely be lost. The introduction should result in an arrangement of ideas and experiences already present in the learners‘ minds in such an order that they will be receptive to the new ideas and experiences to be taught. This step does not involve the imparting of new knowledge, but it provides the instructor an opportunity to develop a basis on which instruction can rest. When properly used, this step gives the learners motivation and enthusiasm for learning, and establishes a relationship between the subject and their past experience. Page Ref: 72 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Intermediate 6) List the most common causes of teaching ineffectiveness. Discuss briefly what can be done to avoid them. Answer: Oversimplification - Make sure not to ―overload‖ your students by giving them too much at one time at the cost of lack of retention. Aimlessness - Plan and organize teaching material properly to avoid this issue. Lack of competency or a failure on the part of supervisors to prepare for their training role Supervisors must be occupationally competent to perform the task they expect their subordinates to learn about. Page Ref: 75 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 4.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) How should an objective be written? Answer: It is recommended that objectives be expressed as outcomes for participants. Objectives require care in developing. They must be related to the specific desired changes in behaviors, attitudes, or performance that instructors intend to bring about through their teaching. Page Ref: 68 Objective: To become familiar with the principles of learning and their application to training Level: Basic

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2) Why is learning by association important to the student? Answer: The process of remembering by association is described by William James in his classic statement, ―In mental terms, the more other facts a fact is associated with in the mind, the better possession of it our memory retains.‖ This process of learning by association is of special importance when the material deals with jobs, operations, techniques, or principles foreign to the learner. Page Ref: 71 Objective: To gain an understanding of the learning process Level: Basic 3) List the five steps of teaching discussed in this chapter, and explain what each step should accomplish. Answer: (1) Introduction: should focus the attention of the students on the subject, gain their interest, and place them in a state of readiness to learn. (2) Presentation: impart new knowledge or skills to the students or to refresh their memory about what they have once learned but might have forgotten. (3) Review: help fix the material in the learner‘s mind, the review or summary step should be added after the total presentation. (4) Application: provided an opportunity to try out or use the information they have learned under the teacher‘s supervision and disclose how much of the new material they have grasped and how ready they are to progress to a new area of learning. (5) Test: an evaluation of the learner‘s progress which enables the instructor to determine the present ability of the learners and their readiness to proceed to a new phase of instruction. Page Ref: 73 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Intermediate 4) How are role playing and problem solving considered excellent teaching devices? Answer: Problem solving and role playing are excellent teaching devices to determine if the students are able to solve practical problems by applying the principles given to them in the presentation. Realistic, simulated field problems are very useful in giving students experience in handling incidents frequently encountered in their work. This form of training is merely an extension of the application step, since students are required to apply what they have previously learned, unless, of course, role playing is intended only to test judgment or common sense. Page Ref: 73 Objective: To become acquainted with the five steps of teaching and how each can be accomplished Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 5 Interpersonal Communications 5.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which statement is most correct? A) The ability to negotiate clearly and concisely is the most important single skill of the supervisor. B) The ability to coordinate clearly and concisely is the most important single skill of the supervisor. C) The ability to plan clearly and concisely is the most important single skill of the supervisor. D) The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is the most important single skill of the supervisor. Answer: D Page Ref: 89 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 2) Which of the following terms relate to the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages? A) Microaggressions B) Macroaggressions C) Overasgressions D) Superaggressions Answer: A Page Ref: 90 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 3) Which of the following is the principal obstacle to good communications? A) Being consistent B) Failure to listen to what others are saying C) Being overly criticized D) All of the above Answer: B Page Ref: 91 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate

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4) Which of the following is considered noise that hinders communication? A) Psychological stress from the outside or inside B) Failure to listen actively C) Environmental distractions D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 92 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 5) In the interest of effective communication, which of the following must be put together so that they mean the same to the listener as they do to the speaker? A) Filters B) Words C) Sentiments D) Attitudes Answer: B Page Ref: 92 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 6) Which of the following are barriers to effective communications? A) Failure to listen B) Status differences C) Noise D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 91–95 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 7) As information is passed from individual to individual, usually a distortion or dilution of content occurs, which is called: A) Fear of criticism. B) Filtering. C) Jumping to conclusions. D) Siphoning. Answer: B Page Ref: 93

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Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 8) If supervisors are to achieve better understanding between themselves and their subordinates, they should do which of the following? A) Use one-way communication for accuracy and speed. B) Concentrate on removing the impediments to effective communications wherever possible. C) Have spontaneous and random meetings with subordinates throughout the day. D) All of the above. Answer: B Page Ref: 96 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 9) Before communicating, supervisors should do which of the following? A) Be sure their ideas are clear in their own mind. B) Disregard the views and attitudes of those to whom the communication will be directed and those of other affected persons. C) Realize that there is no correlation between the effectiveness of communications and the total setting in which they occur. D) Know that for communications to be effective, they must always be quick. Answer: A Page Ref: 96 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 10) The purpose of communications is achieved if they are: A) Clear and simple. B) Made to appeal to those affected. C) Made at a time when the recipient is prepared to receive them. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 96 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 11) Which of the below is perhaps the most important of the supervisor‘s tools in learning if they are communicating well? A) Direct orders B) Indirect orders 171 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Empathy D) Feedback Answer: D Page Ref: 97 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 12) According to the text, it would be eminently ________ for supervisors to postpone communicating with their subordinates merely because both might find the interchange disagreeable. A) Fair B) Unfair C) Agreeable D) Unpleasant Answer: B Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 13) Supervisors must develop which ability if they are to achieve success in their communications consistently? A) Rapid communications B) Tactical C) Planning D) Listening Answer: D Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 14) In an emergency situation, which of the following communications can be issued with relative ease, since concurrence by those affected is not sought? A) Free rein B) Autocratic C) Democratic D) Dual Track Answer: B Page Ref: 99

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 15) Which of the following communications provide for a minimum of contacts, thereby leaving subordinates to operate in isolation? A) Democratic B) Autocratic C) Participatory D) Free rein Answer: D Page Ref: 100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 16) You are meeting with your squad in regards to a crime problem. You request input from your subordinates. This is what type of communication? A) Democratic B) Free rein C) Autocratic D) Staffing Answer: A Page Ref: 100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 17) When preparing a report, which of the following is most accurate? A) Short sentences composed of simple words and careful punctuation to make the meanings clear are preferred to complex sentences and difficult words. B) Writers should always consider the intended reader and tailor the document accordingly. C) Ideas should be arranged logically so that they may be easily followed and understood by the reader. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 101 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Intermediate 18) The use of email is a critical form of communication in policing. The primary advantage of this form of communication is: A) Clarity. B) Speed. 173 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) One-way communication. D) Security. Answer: B Page Ref: 102 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Intermediate 19) In regards to effectively managing your email, what is the first step toward an organized inbox? A) Process one item at a time, starting at the top. B) Schedule uninterrupted time to process and organize email. C) Understanding the difference between reference information and action information. D) Establish a regular time each day to process your email so that you can empty your inbox. Answer: C Page Ref: 103 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Intermediate 20) There is no point in filing an email or closing an email if you can complete the associated task in less than ________ minutes. A) Two B) Five C) Ten D) Fifteen Answer: A Page Ref: 104 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 21) You are instructing a class on report writing at the police academy. One of the recruits asks ―How many times should I proofread my report?‖ You advise them: A) Read your writing twice: once for content and once for spelling and punctuation errors. B) Check once for content. C) Check once for spelling and punctuation. D) Read your writing twice: once for content, once for facts. Answer: A Page Ref: 106 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Intermediate

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5.2 True/False Questions 1) The number one problem of management, and the number one complaint of workers is communication difficulties. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 89 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 2) The failure of the supervisor to recognize the importance of the psychological aspects of the communication process creates barriers that will be difficult to overcome. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 92 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 3) Perhaps the most common form of everyday misunderstanding results from the assumption that what is perfectly obvious to the sender is clear to the receiver. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 92 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 4) Jumping to a conclusion on incomplete information before hearing a subordinate out is a tendency supervisory personnel must accept. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 93 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 5) The acceptance of a communication depends a good deal on the sender‘s needs and experiences, as well as the environment in which the message was sent. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 94 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 6) Intentional suppression of information that should pass from the superior to subordinates will eventually cause acceptance in upward channels. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 94

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Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 7) With respect to informal channels, the grapevine typically operates with great strength in most organizations. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 96 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 8) Communications should take place in the proper physical setting at the most propitious time in order for it to be effective. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 96 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 9) Seek first to understand, then to be understood–this is the key to effective interpersonal communications. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 97 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 10) The considerable effort that goes into the development of good communications may be wasted if the supervisor fails to follow up to determine how effective they have been. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 98 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 11) The skilled supervisor should not use the grapevine. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 98 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 12) The most persuasive communications involve what is said, not what is done. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 99

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 13) The ability or the willingness to listen to what is being said, to understand the expressed and the true meaning of interpersonal communications, and to convey clear and understandable messages to others is not really dependent on the background, experience, and motivation of the communicants. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 14) The most effective communicator will listen not only to what the speaker says but also to what they mean. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 15) When a supervisor employs only a free-rein communication style during normal operations, employees get the benefit of two-way communication. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 16) Democratic communications provide for a minimum of contacts, thereby leaving subordinates to operate in isolation. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 17) Supervisors are judged to a great extent throughout their career by how well they express themselves not only orally but also in writing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 101 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic

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18) When a written communication is in the form of a report concerning a research project, it should be based on the most reliable and authoritative data available. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 101 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 19) Ideas should be arranged logically so that they may be easily followed and understood by the reader. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 102 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 20) ―Delete it‖ is one of the four Ds of the decision-making model in the processing of email. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 104 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 5.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) According to the text, the number one problem of management, and the number one complaint of workers, is ________ difficulties. Answer: Communication Page Ref: 89 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 2) The effectiveness of organizations is highly dependent of necessity on good upward, downward, and ________ communications. Answer: Lateral Page Ref: 90 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 3) A principal obstacle to good communications is the _________ to listen to what others are saying. Answer: Failure Page Ref: 91

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 4) ________ in communications is referred to by theorists as the static that interferes with the transmission of messages. Answer: Noise Page Ref: 92 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 5) Failure to use language that has a precise meaning to others may be overcome by projecting oneself into another‘s viewpoint, which is called ________. Answer: Empathy Page Ref: 92 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 6) As information is passed from individual to individual, the distortion or dilution of content that occurs is called ________. Answer: Filtering Page Ref: 93 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 7) The ________ of communications has been found to play an important part in their effectiveness. Answer: Direction Page Ref: 96 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Basic 8) Police supervisors are routinely confronted with a variety of _________ situations during their tour of duty, and must do their best to make informed decisions. Answer: Emotional Page Ref: 97 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 9) ________ is perhaps the most important of the supervisor‘s tools in learning if the supervisor is communicating well. Answer: Feedback

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Page Ref: 97 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 10) Employees react best to changes in plans, operations, or working conditions, when they have been given some background to aid them in understanding the need for _________. Answer: Change Page Ref: 98 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 11) ________ is an excellent secondary means of learning, but only as a supplement to listening. Answer: Talking Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 12) Communications may be categorized into three broad groups: autocratic, ________, and free rein. Answer: Democratic Page Ref: 99 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 13) Any effective writing involves an ________ of thoughts and ideas in a manner that will enable the reader to know exactly what the writer wants them to know. Answer: Organization Page Ref: 101 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 14) Ideas should be arranged ________ so that they may be easily followed and understood by the reader. Answer: Logically Page Ref: 102 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 15) If you cannot delete an email, do it in less than two minutes, or delegate it, you need to ________ it and deal with it after you are done processing your email. Answer: Defer

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Page Ref: 105 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Basic 5.4 Matching Questions Match the communication terminologies listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) When students suffer by having been exposed to too much and having learned little. B) The distortion or dilution of content when information is passed from individual to individual. C) The two-way passing of information that makes it easy to understand. It permits the development of ideas and enables those affected by decisions to participate in making them. D) Can be issued with relative ease, since concurrence by those affected is not sought. They have the advantage of speed and are well adapted to emergency conditions. E) According to theorists, the static that interferes with the transmission of messages. F) Provides for a minimum of contacts, thereby leaving subordinates to operate in isolation. 1) Noise Page Ref: 92–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 2) Filtering Page Ref: 92–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 3) Overloading Page Ref: 92–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 4) Autocratic Communication Page Ref: 92–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 5) Democratic Communication Page Ref: 92–100

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 6) Free-Rein Communication Page Ref: 92–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) E 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) C 6) F 5.5 Essay Questions 1) Explain how psychological size can affect communications. Answer: Denominating all appearances of superiority, inferiority, or personal inadequacy as complexes has become a hackneyed practice, yet such psychological conditions exist and set up obstacles to interpersonal relations. Psychological size is these feelings that often cause a bad ―climate‖ between supervisor and subordinate and adversely affect their capacity to communicate effectively. Especially damaging to these relationships are those manifestations of superiority or impatience exhibited by supervisors in dealing with their subordinates. Often subordinates will resent having the boss talk down to them and will resent even more a paternalistic attitude. Should subordinates tend toward feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, they may become especially sensitive to a ―hard‖ approach and they are likely to resent it. As a result, they will tend to withdraw even further, making two-way communications more difficult. Page Ref: 92 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 2) Explain how the barriers to effective communications can be largely overcome. Answer: A supervisor can overcome the barriers to effective communication by preparing to communicate before doing so and by employing the basic techniques of expression that have been proven successful. If supervisors are to achieve a better understanding between themselves and their subordinates, they will be well advised to concentrate on removing the impediments to effective communications wherever possible. Supervisors will be materially aided in accomplishing this by adhering to the following admonishments: determining objectives, practicing empathy, obtaining feedback, keeping subordinates informed, being consistent in communicating, making actions speak louder than words, and finally by listening, understanding and being understood. Page Ref: 96 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 3) Explain how empathy works as a critical component of the 21st-century policing mindset. Answer: The increased demand for empathic policing is not surprising: officers can 182 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

adequately address the needs of a community only when they can identify and understand what those needs are. When community members believe that the police are addressing such issues, their confidence, trust, and general attitude toward the police improve. Page Ref: 97 Objective: To become acquainted with the barriers to effective communication and the techniques of overcoming such barriers Level: Intermediate 4) Evaluate each of the characteristics of communications. Answer: (1) Autocratic Communications - it can be issued with relative ease, since concurrence by those affected is not sought. They have the advantage of speed and are well adapted to emergency conditions. They have the disadvantage of arbitrariness. (2) Democratic Communications - it is easy to understand. It permits the development of ideas and enables those affected by decisions to participate in making them. Information readily passes in both directions, making it simple for supervisors to keep informed of activities under them. This type lacks the speed and directness of those that are autocratic, and while they hold the greatest promise for success in most normal operations, supervisors will find that they must forgo consultation with their subordinates when speed of operations is essential. (3) Free Rein Communications - it provides for a minimum of contacts, thereby leaving subordinates without a realization of the benefits of two-way communications. As a consequence, misunderstandings, misapprehensions, and mistakes flourish. Supervisors are well advised to adjust their communications to the setting in which they occur. Each type has its place and none should be employed to the exclusion of others. The type most appropriate for one set of circumstances might be totally inappropriate under other conditions. Page Ref: 99–100 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 5) List and briefly discuss the elements of written communications. Answer: (1) Clarity of expression. In written communications as in oral communications, words and ideas must be clearly expressed. In fact, clarity is more essential in writing, since the readers are not permitted the opportunity to clarify misunderstandings, as is the case in face-to-face, two-way oral communications. (2) Simplicity. Short sentences composed of simple words and careful punctuation to make the meanings clear are preferred to complex sentences and difficult words; the former are much easier to read and comprehend. (3) Accuracy. When a written communication is in the form of a report concerning a research project, it should be based on the most reliable and authoritative data available. (4) Arrangement. Ideas should be arranged logically so that they may be easily followed and understood by the reader. (5) Style. The newspaper style of writing ordinarily simplifies expression and facilitates understanding. (6) Summary, conclusions, recommendations, and plan of action. Final paragraphs should present conclusions, recommendations, solutions, or a plan of action. Summary statements are often placed at the beginning to enable the reader to capture the important aspects of the report without reading the details. Indexing these summary statements to pages in lengthy reports helps the reader to easily find those details they might wish to refer to in the body. (7) Format. The heading of the report should obviously indicate the title or subject, the body presents the main ideas or findings, and the

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closing incorporates the conclusions, recommendations, and plan of action. The name of the writer should be included for purposes of accountability. Page Ref: 101–102 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 6) Discuss the email guidelines that Microsoft recommends. Answer:       

Use clear, brief subject lines. They help your reader get straight to the point. This is especially important when sending a message to handheld devices, which have small display screens. Keep it short and businesslike. Proofread your message. Check the ―TO‖ and ―CC‖ lines to make sure the message goes only to the intended readers. Don‘t use email when face-to-face conversation is feasible. Use security features for confidential matters. Consider your emails as departmental records.

Page Ref: 103 Objective: To become familiar with some techniques of preparing effective written communication Level: Intermediate 5.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) How do status differences affect communications? Answer: The greater the difference in status or rank is, the greater the difficulty in achieving effective communications. Communications are easier if they travel downward from the superior than if they go upward from the subordinate. Likewise, the greater the prestige of the communicator, the greater is the likelihood that their communications will be effective. Some researchers have found that speakers having prestige significantly influence listeners more than those who do not. Status difference can be helpful, or can be a hindrance. It will be helpful if the supervisor has earned the respect of their subordinates through the proper use of authority. It can be a hindrance if the supervisor has grown apart from subordinates to the extent that they have become unapproachable. Page Ref: 91 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Basic 2) Why does the fear of criticism often have a harmful effect on communications? Answer: Many individuals avoid making positive declarations because they fear being criticized for what they say or think. They often feel so insecure that they dislike giving others occasion to attack their observations. As a result, they too often couch their expressions in vagueness and abstraction, always leaving ―an open back door‖ through which they can retreat if their statements are challenged. Communicating in such cases becomes 184 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

difficult, if not impossible. The supervisor will contribute to this condition if they editorialize on each bit of information they receive, embellishes it, or over-evaluate its importance. The tendency to make merit evaluations on each opinion or each comment made will have a deadening effect on communications, and soon those who must communicate with them will avoid doing so. Page Ref: 93 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 3) What is the direct correlation between the effectiveness of communications and the total setting in which they occur? Answer: Communications will accomplish most of what is intended if they are timely. They must take into consideration the customs and practices and the human element, including the moods, attitudes, and emotions of the recipients. Communications should take place in the proper physical setting at the most propitious time in order to be effective. The purpose of communications is also achieved if they are clear and simple, if they are made to appeal to those affected, and if the recipient is prepared to receive them. If they do not meet these requirements, they are likely to fail, and usually do. Page Ref: 106 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate 4) What are the main deficiencies in most written communications? Answer: Communications will accomplish most of what is intended if they are timely. They must take into consideration the customs and practices and the human element, including the moods, attitudes, and emotions of the recipients. Communications should take place in the proper physical setting at the most propitious time in order to be effective. The purpose of communications is also achieved if they are clear and simple, if they are made to appeal to those affected, and if the recipient is prepared to receive them. If they do not meet these requirements, they are likely to fail, and usually do. Page Ref: 96 Objective: To gain an understanding of the need for clear, concise communication in management activities Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 6 Principles of Employee Interviewing 6.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is the primary purpose of an interview? A) Obtain information B) Impart information C) Influence behavior D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 110 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 2) Prior to meeting with an employee to discuss a transfer request to a detective assignment, the supervisor should do which of the following? A) Contact their union representative B) Contact the employee‘s representative C) Plan for the interview D) Prepare for the interrogation Answer: C Page Ref: 112 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 3) A supervisor conducting an interview with an employee in regard to an employee‘s concern should display what type of attitude? A) Friendly B) Direct C) Condescending D) Firm Answer: A Page Ref: 113 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 4) Ideally, mutual trust and __________ should be fostered between interviewer and interviewee. A) Avoidance B) Confidence C) Justice D) Consistency 186 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: B Page Ref: 113 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 5) In those interviews where supervisors have been approached by their subordinate for advice or ―just talk,‖ when should supervisors get to the problem at hand? A) Right away B) As soon as rapport is established C) At the end of the interview D) When the employee brings it up Answer: B Page Ref: 114 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 6) To be a successful interviewer, one of the most important things is the interviewer‘s: A) Speaking ability. B) Listening ability. C) Feelings. D) Motives. Answer: B Page Ref: 115 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 7) In order to gain real understanding in an employee interview, two things must exist: a sincere desire on the part of the interviewer to gain a better understanding of others–their problem situation and the degree of their involvement in that situation–and: A) A forthright approach to the interview designed to make such understanding possible. B) An approach that actually solves the employee‘s problem permanently. C) A very conservative approach to the interview, so as not to upset the person interviewed. D) To facilitate the discussion in a limited way. Answer: A Page Ref: 115 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 8) When supervisor-interviewers are confronted with unusual disclosures on occasion, which of the following is an appropriate action to take? A) They should display surprise or shock. B) They should avoid making any commitment or giving the impression that the information will be suppressed or withheld in confidence, if misconduct is involved.

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C) They should attempt to support the employee‘s rationalization. D) They should give the impression of implied approval. Answer: B Page Ref: 117 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Difficult 9) Ordinarily, by encouraging employees to air their personal problems, by giving them the reassurance they may be seeking, by suggesting alternative points for them to consider, and by enlisting their active participation in the matter at hand, the supervisor can then do which of the following? A) Guide the employee to their own solution by a process of reflection. B) Give the exact advice to the employee. C) Refer the employee right away for help. D) Transfer the employee. Answer: A Page Ref: 117 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Difficult 10) Interviewers should recognize the basic psychological aspects involved in the communication process and should avoid conditions that produce barriers or lead to faulty conclusions. They should be aware that their judgments cannot be sound if they are based on: A) Facts alone. B) Validated information. C) Appearances alone. D) Intuition. Answer: C Page Ref: 118 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 11) Which of the following would be considered the most common type of employment-related interview? A) Those of an informal nature involving day-to-day personal contacts between supervisors and their subordinates. B) Those conducted for the purpose of evaluating a candidate‘s fitness for employment or job placement. C) Those utilized to inform the employee of their progress on the job. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 118 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 188 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

12) Perhaps one of the most productive sources of information that might be used by the police supervisor is the day-to-day ________ contact with subordinates in office visits, during inspections, at briefing sessions, in the locker room, or in the field. A) Formal B) Informal C) Business D) Disciplinary Answer: B Page Ref: 118 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 13) MBWA stands for which of the following? A) Managing by working around B) Moping by walking around C) Managing by working assets D) Managing by walking around Answer: D Page Ref: 119 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 14) Which of the following is correct in regard to the employment interview? A) The employment interview‘s prime objective is the appraisal of an applicant‘s qualifications for employment. B) The employment interview is a useful device for obtaining clues to other sources of information about the prospective employee, such as former employment success or failure and other personal information. C) The keynote of an employment interview is of patient listening coupled with the skillful use of suggestive questions to encourage the applicant to talk so that maximum perception can be gained into the person‘s inner nature, mental processes, real character, and ability to express oneself. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 119 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 15) Ordinarily, employment interviews are too short, so additional time should be made available whenever possible. It is suggested that a 15-minute interview be at least: A) Tripled. B) Quadrupled. C) Postponed. D) Doubled. 189 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: D Page Ref: 120 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 16) The objective of which of the following interviews is said to aid the employee in engaging in self-appraisal? A) Employment B) Separation C) Progress D) Grievance Answer: C Page Ref: 120 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 17) Which of the following is always necessary after a progress interview? A) Follow-up B) Discipline C) Training D) Organizing Answer: A Page Ref: 122 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 18) Which is a necessary part of the grievance interview? A) Employee should be allowed to voice concerns. B) Should be held in private. C) Ample time should be allowed. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 123 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 19) When conducting a disciplinary action interview, which of the below is the wrong action for the supervisor to take? A) Inform the employee of the action to be taken. B) Notify the employee of the disposition. C) Let the employee know that a superior was responsible for the harsh discipline. D) Be truthful and direct with the employee. Answer: C

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Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 20) One of the frequent failures of supervisors‘ human resource management functions that has a long-term adverse effect on the organization‘s image results from the neglect of someone in authority in the employing agency to discuss circumstances surrounding an employee‘s: A) Promotion. B) Separation from service. C) Demotion. D) Commendation. Answer: B Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 21) It is especially important that separation interviews be conducted by which of the following? A) Chief of Police B) Legal department C) Personnel officers D) Supervisor Answer: C Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 22) Which of the below can be considered a cause of an unsuccessful interview? A) Active listening B) Interviewing in private C) Failure to prepare D) Note-taking Answer: C Page Ref: 125 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 23) An interview differs from an interrogation in that the latter is primarily: A) Interviewer-centered. B) Interviewee-centered. C) Departmentally centered. D) None of the above. Answer: A Page Ref: 126

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 24) In a grievance interview, the supervisor should focus on: A) Speaking. B) Listening. C) Deciding. D) Judging. Answer: B Page Ref: 126 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 6.2 True/False Questions 1) Consulting with people is one of the prime activities of every supervisory officer at all levels and requires a great portion of time. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 110 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 2) It is not really necessary to plan for an interview. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 112 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 3) The interview should start on a note of obvious sincerity and reasonableness, with the interviewer stating the reason and objective simply and clearly. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 113 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 4) In each interview, the interviewer should be the central figure at all times. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 114 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 5) The wise interviewer will adopt a ―big mouth, little ears‖ approach to the interview. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 115

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Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 6) The greatest learning occurs not through speaking but through listening, an art difficult for some supervisors. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 115 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 7) The process of active listening gives the persons being interviewed an opportunity to understand themselves better and, in so doing, gain a different interpretation of the problem at hand. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 116 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 8) When supervisors say to an employee they will keep information presented in confidence, they should honor that confidentiality. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 117 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 9) Supervisors should generally not make themselves available to employees. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 119 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 10) The interview should be conducted in a cordial, informal atmosphere and in an honest, straightforward manner, with the interviewer(s) attempting to place the applicant at ease. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 120 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 11) The employment interviewer should not be concerned with casual remarks made by applicants when they leave after the formality of the interview situation has ended. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 120 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic

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12) The interviewer should bear in mind that as representatives of management, they do not have an obligation to establish a favorable impression in the applicant‘s mind concerning the organization. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 120 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 13) The objective of the employee meeting should be constantly kept in mind so that collateral issues not relevant to the discussion can be avoided. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 121 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 14) Excessive leniency by the supervisor seldom provides good results, nor does it often produce desired reactions of changing attitudes because level of performance is largely dependent on attitudinal factors. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 122 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 15) Employees should be encouraged to express how they feel about their performance, and disapproval should not be shown when they do so. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 122 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Basic 16) The supervisor frequently finds it necessary to help subordinates find solutions to their personal problems, or otherwise adjust to a particular situation. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 123 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 17) It is most important to learn the true reason for a resignation rather than the expressed reason. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 18) The skill of interviewing cannot be developed, unlike the skill of interrogation, which can. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 125

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 19) An interviewer‘s skill can be improved by analyzing what was said to determine the motives, feelings, views, and attitudes expressed and comparing these conclusions with those made during the interview. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 125 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 20) Some interviews are unsuccessful because of a failure of the parties to communicate what is meant or to understand what is said. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 125 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 6.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) A(n) ________ is an interchange of views and ideas between two or more persons. Its primary purpose is to obtain or impart information. Answer: Interview Page Ref: 110 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 2) ________ involves a process of questioning, with the investigator usually assuming a dominant role in the relationship. Answer: Interrogation Page Ref: 111 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 3) Written ________ are often useful as guides to assist interviewers in covering salient points that they may wish to develop. Answer: Outlines Page Ref: 111 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 4) The interview should start on a note of obvious ________ and reasonableness, with the interviewer stating the reason and objective simply and clearly. Answer: Sincerity Page Ref: 113

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 5) By displaying sincere interest in and consideration for employees, the supervisor will start the process of building their ________. Answer: Confidence Page Ref: 114 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 6) ________ is a by-product of listening, through which one gains some insight into the speaker‘s desires, ideas, concepts, and attitudes. Answer: Understanding Page Ref: 115 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 7) Employment of the active listening technique is often difficult for supervisors, simply because they are not aware that the final objective of interviewing cannot be accomplished, until the first objective of listening and _________ has taken place. Answer: Understanding Page Ref: 115 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 8) Interviewers should recognize the basic psychological aspects involved in the communication process and should avoid conditions that produce barriers or lead to faulty ________. Answer: Conclusions Page Ref: 118 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 9) The ________ interview is a useful device for obtaining clues to other sources of information about a prospective employee, such as previous work experiences and other personal information. Answer: Employment Page Ref: 119 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 10) The ________ interview can be used effectively to review the employee‘s past performance and give constructive guidance concerning improvement required. Answer: Progress Page Ref: 120 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic

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11) The employee performance evaluation meeting provides an opportunity for the employee to receive ________, and learn from their supervisor how their past and present performance are rated. Answer: Feedback Page Ref: 121 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 12) Supervisors should be ________ to the needs of employees who have a real or imagined grievance. Answer: Sensitive Page Ref: 122 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 13) The informative interview with subordinates to notify them of the ________ of the investigation should be conducted promptly upon conclusion of the inquiry. Answer: Disposition Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 14) The techniques of using a(n) ________ interview should be included in supervisory training to acquaint those in supervisory positions with the need for improvement in questionable practices that might cause unnecessary and costly employment turnover. Answer: Separation Page Ref: 124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Basic 15) Success of the ________ is dependent on factors such as the ability of the interviewer in eliciting accurate responses and the personalities of both parties–their idiosyncrasies, attitudes, and biases. Answer: Interview Page Ref: 125 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 6.4 Matching Questions Match the types of personnel interviews listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) This interview should be conducted regardless of the cause for separation, whether it is from voluntary or forced resignation, termination for cause, or retirement. The techniques of using this interview should be included in supervisory training to acquaint those in supervisory positions with the need for improvement in questionable practices that might cause unnecessary and costly employment turnover. 197 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

B) The primary objective of this interview is the appraisal of an applicant‘s qualifications, and the fitness or unfitness for the position. It provides an excellent opportunity for observing personal characteristics, behavior and judgment under varying contrived situations and may be used as a tool for obtaining subjective information such as beliefs, opinions, and attitudes. C) This interview can be used effectively to inform employees of their progress, to review their past performance, and to give constructive guidance concerning improvement. D) This interview should be conducted privately, with ample time, and in one or more separate interviews to allow for complete ventilation by the employee. Unless they are held in an objective, constructive atmosphere, the employee may forever be lost to the agency as a productive, happy officer. Instead, the officer may become a disgruntled, marginal producer and may try to contaminate others who listen. E) It is one of the most productive sources of information that can be done during office visits, inspections, briefing sessions, in the locker room, or even the field. The supervisor mostly listens to what is meant rather than what is said because people often convey messages by subtle implication. F) This is often called a counseling session interview. Its function might be likened to that performed by a police chaplain or a police counselor. The supervisor must approach such a meeting with a decision to allow the troubled subordinate to air their problems. G) This type of interview is often done in two settings. First, during the investigation. And then after the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and penalty (if any) stemming from the investigation when the matter has been finally resolved. 1) Informal Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 2) Employment Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 3) Progress Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 4) Grievance Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 5) Problem-Solving Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 198 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

6) Disciplinary Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate 7) Separation Interview Page Ref: 118–124 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of interviewing Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) E 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) F 6) G 7) A 6.5 Essay Questions 1) Differentiate the terms interview and interrogation. Answer: Interview is an exchange of views and ideas between two or more persons. Its primary purpose is to obtain or impart information or influence attitudes or behavior. Interrogation, on the other hand, involves a process of questioning with the investigator usually assuming a dominant role in the relationship. It is an art whereby, through the use of questioning and observation, the truth is elicited from a suspect by sound reasoning and understanding without the use of threats or promises. Page Ref: 110–111 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Basic 2) What are the major functions of the interview? Answer: The major functions of the interview are to obtain information (about work or another situation, about the employee, or about a grievance); to communicate or give information (about policies or practices, or about services, behaviors, or employee relationships); to motivate employees for the purpose of improving cooperation, production, or performance; to help solve personal and group problems through the consultation process; and to appraise the past, present, or future situation of the employee (with respect to their career, transfers, education, extra-departmental activities such as secondary employment, or personal problems). The significant characteristic about these functions is that they are involved (at least in part) in almost every interview. The differences in objectives to be accomplished will determine the amount of emphasis to be placed on one or more of these functions. For example, the consultative approach is involved in differing degrees in many employee interviews, such as those relating to personal problems, discipline, and work progress as reflected by service ratings or job performance. Page Ref: 111 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 3) Discuss how to effectively use questions in an interview. Answer: Questions should be prepared that may be used at first to establish the habit of answering if the question-and-answer technique is adopted. These should be framed so that they can be easily and willingly answered. Obviously, ambiguous, dual, or multiple-meaning 199 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

questions should be avoided to prevent misunderstanding and confusion. Unnecessary use of such questions might hamper free communication. Furthermore, questions should be prepared with the objective of obtaining a true, unequivocal response. If the reply requires the interviewer to draw an inference from what is said, often such responses will be misinterpreted and further questioning will be required to obtain accurate information needed to qualify or explain the initial response. Well-planned questions are sometimes necessary. They can be used to obtain maximum accuracy and completeness from responses about certain facets of the interview that are necessary but sometimes overlooked or forgotten. Inaccurate responses resulting from ill-prepared questions can be minimized if the interviewer has in mind the general and specific information required when preparing certain alternative questions. These should be calculated to guide the interview into channels from which such information may be derived. Page Ref: 112 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 4) Describe how questions might be best used in the interview process. Answer: Using questions may be used to good advantage in starting the conversation or delving deeper into a specific area. Since utmost accuracy in response to the interview question is desirable, such a question should be framed in positive terms. Early studies found that questions framed in negative terms had a tendency to elicit inaccurate responses more frequently than did positive questions because negatives are somewhat more suggestive and cause a lessening of caution in response and decreased reliability. Open-ended questions should be framed so that the trend of thought cannot be stopped by a ―yes‖ or ―no‖ answer. Likewise, questions should not lead interviewees into a directed answer because they may try to please and, in doing so, avoid giving a true response. Although it is true that the questionand-answer technique often plays an important part in police work, especially in the interrogation of suspects, using this procedure in the interview is not entirely successful, since questions seldom elicit the whole story. Page Ref: 113 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 5) Describe what takes place in the process of active listening. Answer: In the interview, the successful interviewer will utilize the technique of listening, and when true communication takes place, the interviewer should adopt an attitude of active listening, which will encourage interviewees to express themselves freely and stimulate continuing responses. Skill in listening is a primary qualification for the position of first-line supervisors. There is ample evidence that the best listeners are the best interviewers. The greatest learning occurs not through speaking but through listening, an art difficult for some supervisors. Understanding is a by-product of listening, through which one gains some insight into the speaker‘s desires, ideas, concepts, and attitudes. It is not a passive but an active function, which requires that the listener be actively attentive to what is said. It requires effort to listen actively and involves much more than hearing only that which one wants to hear. Listening must be a positive function so that the persons speaking will be encouraged to reveal their real rather than their superficial feelings. Employment of the active listening technique is often difficult for supervisors simply because they are not aware that the final objective of interviewing cannot be accomplished until the first objective of listening and understanding has taken place. This process involves considerable skill. All too often, supervisors are not good listeners because, as managers of people, they become habituated to 200 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

speaking rather than listening, giving orders and directions more frequently than receiving them, and making decisions that affect others. In order to gain real understanding, two things must exist: a sincere desire on the part of the interviewer to gain a better understanding of others–their problem situation and the degree of their involvement in such a situation–and a forthright approach to the interview designed to make such understanding possible. Basically, this involves sensitivity on the part of the interviewer not only to the interviewee‘s words but also to their underlying feelings, attitudes, and motives. Therefore, the interview should not be so closely structured as to discourage the person interviewed from airing their problem; rather, they should be encouraged to engage in the process of mental catharsis so that their repressed feelings at the very base of the problem may be brought out. The interviewer should respond in a limited way to encourage such reactions. The interviewee should be helped to talk, not be subjected to it. The process of active listening gives the persons being interviewed an opportunity to understand themselves better and, in so doing, gain a different interpretation of the problem at hand. The interviewer also gains the opportunity to better understand the situation and the degree of the employee‘s personal involvement. In addition, the process provides a good opportunity for the interviewer to broaden the base on which they must make judgments and take action. It is not suggested that the supervisor-interviewers merely listen during the interview. This would rarely enable them to achieve their true objectives. Each situation will involve some giving and receiving of information. The procedure does suggest, however, that the process of listening be emphasized, at least until the point is reached where an understanding of the employees, their attitudes, and their views have developed sufficiently to enable the supervisor to make sound judgments and to take action as indicated. Having taken the action, they must listen to evaluate its effectiveness. Page Ref: 115–116 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 6) Why should sufficient time be allotted for progress discussion? Answer: Sufficient time should be allotted for discussion. If it is a hurried affair, employees are likely to gain the impression that the interview is merely a formality and that the supervisors would like to get it over with as soon as possible because they are busy with more important things. Yet few of the supervisor‘s duties, in reality, are more important than this training function. Page Ref: 121 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate

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6.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) How should the interviewer generally handle an offer to give information under a confidential agreement? Answer: On occasion, information will be offered to the interviewers only under a ―confidential agreement‖ arrangement. Should the interviewees provide information under such conditions, supervisors must carefully weigh the circumstances surrounding the offer before committing themselves to accept it as a confidential communication. Once they have committed themselves, they must not breach the confidence, for to do so would grossly reflect on their moral integrity. If such information turns out to be vital to the organization, they should endeavor to induce the employee to reveal it voluntarily. Keeping all information given to them under such conditions in strictest confidence is a basic requirement. If this cannot be done, interviewers should avoid such agreements. Page Ref: 117 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 2) Why should an interviewer ordinarily refrain from giving advice to the interviewee? Answer: Care should be exercised in this type of consultation to avoid providing a crutch to employees who make a feeble attempt (or even none) to solve what to them seem a dilemma that they are not sure how to handle. In this situation, the interviewer should avoid solving the employee‘s problem but should assist in considering its ramifications and possible solutions by focusing the employee‘s attention on things that might have been overlooked. No supervisor can afford to deprive subordinates of the opportunity to engage in self-analysis and reflection, nor can they afford to assume the responsibility for decision making, which should rightly rest on the shoulders of the employee. Page Ref: 117 Objective: To be able to demonstrate ability in applying the principles of interviewing Level: Intermediate 3) What is meant by the term unconscious imitation, and how might it affect an interview? Answer: Often interviewers will allow an unconscious imitation to influence their judgment. This condition might result from the subtle moods that often permeate the interview and are transferred from it to the interviewer. Anger and hostility are emotions that are most often transferred from one person to another. Such a transfer may cause an overly stern or overly cordial mood not in keeping with the situation. Page Ref: 118 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate 4) How should employees with whom disciplinary matters are pending should be interviewed? Answer: Employees against whom disciplinary matters are pending should ordinarily be interviewed in two settings. They should be interviewed during the investigation. Then they must be informed of the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and penalty (if any) stemming from the investigation when the matter has been finally resolved. It is the obligation of the supervisor, unless it is assumed by a higher authority, to notify the subordinate of the findings in a disciplinary investigation and the conclusions drawn from them as promptly as possible after conclusion of the inquiry. There are few situations that affect an officer‘s performance more adversely than an investigation into their conduct. While 202 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

a prompt interview and notification are usually indicated, the supervisor should make certain that this task is performed objectively. Page Ref: 123 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles of good interviewing practices Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 7 Some Psychological Aspects of Supervision 7.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Lack of knowledge or understanding is often the direct cause of debilitating anxieties, fears, and feelings of insecurity among employees. These can often be materially reduced by supervisors if they provide those affected individuals an opportunity to do which of the following? A) Resign B) Talk about their feelings in an informal environment C) Talk about their feelings in a formal environment D) Transfer to a new position Answer: B Page Ref: 131–132 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 2) The supervisor is constantly dealing with people who, in one respect or another, have regressions, fixations, or overdrives caused by frustrations. When individuals are prevented from fulfilling certain conscious desires or impulses, when their basic drives or needs or satisfactions are blocked, these are called goal frustrations. They may manifest themselves in which of the following? A) Aggression B) Regression C) Fixation D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 132 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 3) To deal most effectively with the lack of emotional adjustments in others, supervisors must be: A) Psychoanalyzed. B) Personal friends with their employees. C) Able to act out with their employees. D) Well adjusted. Answer: D Page Ref: 133

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 4) With regard to the nature of frustration, the course followed in meeting obstruction involves problem-solving behavior. Since it requires some adjustment to circumstances, it is most closely associated with which of the following? A) Degree of personality B) Personal development C) Fixation D) Philosophical attitude Answer: B Page Ref: 133 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 5) Which of the following is an example of an internal barrier causing frustration? A) Conflicts in motives existing within the individual B) A nagging spouse C) An incompatible partner or supervisor D) Unpopular rules or policies Answer: A Page Ref: 134 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 6) Many organizations have found that family problems are materially reduced by a program in which spouses of new employees are encouraged to meet with representatives of the organization to discuss the social, economic, and psychological restraints that the job often places on the workers and their families. However, supervisors must recognize their limitations. If they are not qualified to give the necessary assistance, they should recommend that the employee: A) Seek the help of skilled professional counselors. B) Admit that their problem is beyond help. C) Consider resigning from the department. D) All of the above. Answer: A Page Ref: 135 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 7) If two partners are unable to get along, obviously the simple solution might first involve: A) Transferring one. B) Determining the nature of the conflict. 205 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Transferring both. D) Dissolving the partnership. Answer: B Page Ref: 136 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 8) If anger or hostility is smoldering inside, it may result in sudden or unexpected reactions of a physical, mental, or verbal nature directed at which of the following? A) Co-workers B) The public C) Department property D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 136 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 9) ________ involves the extraction of satisfaction from the outside world in the drive toward a goal that is blocked and a desire to hurt or destroy the source of the pain, those things or persons who are symbols of the barrier. A) Aggression B) Personality C) Escapism D) Withdrawal Answer: A Page Ref: 137 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 10) Which principle will apply to the amount of control individuals exercise over their behavior? A) Pleasure-pain principle B) Frustration-resignation principle C) Conflict-pain principle D) Criticism-separation principle Answer: A Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic

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11) When emotional conflicts with their resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous and attack reactions are not available to individuals, they may give up all attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt an attitude of resignation. What is generally the last step that the department can take with this employee? A) Transfer B) Counseling C) Separation from service D) Training Answer: C Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 12) Individuals who find that the efforts needed to fulfill an objective are greater than they desire to make, who face what appears to them to be an insoluble problem, or who lack selfconfidence in their ability to perform, often attempt to do which of the following? A) Blame others B) Work harder C) Escape D) Work smarter Answer: C Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 13) Sometimes individuals will develop certain defenses in the form of excuses to help save face or preserve their pride and to justify their failure to achieve their goals or fulfill their responsibilities. They will attempt to justify some action taken or one they failed to take. They may attempt to save face by blaming poor tools, improper or no training, deficient education, or some physical factor. They will do almost anything but accept the blame themselves. When they assign such blame to some external object rather than to themselves, they are said to have engaged in: A) Depression. B) Projection. C) Regression. D) Catharsis. Answer: B Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic

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14) Which of the following is one of the most common and one of the most insidious defense mechanisms because it usually cannot be dealt with subtly? A) Rationalization B) Regression C) Fixation D) Aggression Answer: A Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 15) An employee who says ―You don‘t get into trouble for what you don‘t do, but for what you do,‖ is said to be: A) Projecting. B) Fixated. C) Regressing. D) Rationalizing. Answer: D Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 16) When a frustrated individual abandons problem solving for an immature or even infantile type of action. This type of behavior is considered: A) Regression. B) Fixation. C) Rationalization. D) Projection. Answer: A Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 17) When people experience a ________, they keep repeating a response even if it is not effective. A) Fixation B) Rationalization C) Projection D) Catharsis Answer: A Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 208 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

18) The most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is the: A) Transfer of the employee. B) Separation of the employee. C) Ignoring the situation. D) Discovery and removal of underlying causes. Answer: D Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 19) Stress and tensions arising from the work environment can be reduced significantly by improving which of the following? A) Supervisory practices B) Personal hygiene C) Laws and ordinances D) Policy and procedures Answer: A Page Ref: 141 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 20) As a supervisor, if you have employees who appear to lack confidence in their ability, you should consider which of the following? A) Isolation B) Transfer C) Training D) Fitness for duty evaluation Answer: C Page Ref: 141 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 21) Supervisors are bound to be confronted with many emotional conflicts in their subordinates. They will reduce subordinates‘ effects whenever possible, even if they cannot eliminate the conflicts themselves. They will make every effort to provide a work environment in which employees can satisfy their basic drives in a manner that best fits with which of the following? A) The employee‘s wants and desires B) Organizational objectives

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C) The bureaucratic setting of the department D) Community engagement Answer: B Page Ref: 141 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 22) Some common-sense approaches for supervisors in helping to relieve employee frustration include which of the following? A) Supervisorial counseling B) Professional attention C) Stress reduction programs D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 142 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 7.2 True/False Questions 1) The process of catharsis is particularly helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety, guilt, fear, hostility, and failure. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 131 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 2) Fixation is described as a step taken by the individual in order to avoid meeting and solving some difficulty or present problem. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 132 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 3) When psychological problems interfere with performance, the supervisor must do something to resolve them because if not, they will invariably become more pronounced and troublesome to the supervisor, the organization, and the individual involved. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 132

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 4) When the route to an important goal is obstructed, the usual reaction is to forget it, ignore it, or deny that it ever existed. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 133 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 5) Individuals experiencing frustrations to which they are unable to adapt will usually become emotional, irritable, and inflexible, which will affect their performance. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 134 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 6) Unsatisfactory home conditions or social experiences, ill health, unpleasant job conditions, or the inability to maintain a satisfactory standard of living rarely have a vital bearing on the way the employee responds to the job. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 135 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 7) The emotionally mature, stable person has fewer frustrations and is more capable of finding a solution to potentially frustrating conditions than is the unstable person with infantile emotional development. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 135 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 8) Intense frustration might be the result of the blocking of a great desire to attain a goal or the inability of the individual to accept a substitute goal. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 136 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 9) Since human beings cannot remain static for long, they tend to meet frustration with aggression. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 136

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Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 10) Direct verbal attacks may take place in the form of rumor-spreading activities, uncomplimentary stories and jokes, and disparaging remarks about the object of the attack. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 137 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 11) Escapism should not be confused with laziness or lack of motivation, wherein employees will avoid doing what they are supposed to do because they are not inclined to put forth the necessary effort. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 12) Psychosomatic illnesses such as headaches, stomach upsets, or nervous disorders are often caused by anxieties or frustrations. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 13) Rationalization is not a common reaction to failure. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 14) Giving a good reason for something instead of the real reason is a rationalization. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 15) Rationalization practiced by supervisors is not damaging to the organization when they use it to relieve themselves of the necessity of seriously tackling problems that are likely to be frustrating. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic

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16) An immature reaction resulting from regression will sometimes substitute for growth and problem-solving ability in some people. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 17) The most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is the discovery and removal of underlying causes. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 18) If the frustration reaction involves aggression that individuals are unable to suppress because of their deficient control mechanisms, it would seem that relief is most adequately achieved by directing the aggression into harmless channels. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 142 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 19) Supervisors should help relieve their troubled subordinates of frustration by providing an opportunity for the achievement of a feeling of success. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 142 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 7.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) The approach of the ________ relations school toward supervision is an important science, a science of managing human beings, which grew out of other sciences. Answer: Human Page Ref: 129

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 2) ________ complex is described as the psychological feeling of inadequacy and a partial explanation of some of the problems of the emotional human animal. Answer: Inferiority Page Ref: 131 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 3) ________ is a process which is particularly helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety, guilt, fear, hostility, and failure. Answer: Catharsis Page Ref: 131 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 4) A drive toward achievement of a goal may be blocked by external or internal barriers, which may be human-made or ________. Answer: Environmental Page Ref: 134 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 5) Failure to give workers a sense of ________ participation in the total organizational objectives, a lack of encouragement for them to develop new skills and take on added responsibility, the exercise of excessive dominance over them by the superiors, or supervisors‘ failure to help workers gain insight into their shortcomings may contribute to the development of frustration. Answer: Active Page Ref: 135 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 6) Susceptibility to frustration varies with individuals. The threshold level at which frustrations have different effects on behavior is called the frustration ________. Answer: Tolerance Page Ref: 135 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic

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7) Since human beings cannot remain static for long, they need to meet frustrations with ________. Answer: Aggression Page Ref: 136 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 8) When emotional conflicts with their resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous and attack reactions are not available to individuals, they may give up all attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt an attitude of ________. Answer: Resignation Page Ref: 138 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 9) When people assign such blame to some external object rather than to themselves, they are said to have engaged in _________. Answer: Projection Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 10) Individuals lacking ________ in themselves and not expecting to achieve a goal they have set for themselves will manufacture excuses in advance by magnifying all possible difficulties and then really not trying to achieve the goal. Answer: Confidence Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 11) When people experience a ________, they keep repeating a response even if it is not effective. Answer: Fixation Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 12) Management personnel must recognize that many problems result from the ________ and physical factors related to the job. Answer: Human Page Ref: 140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 13) The work situation is a fertile source of ________ because it restricts the worker‘s freedom of action and imposes on them positive demands. Answer: Frustration 215 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page Ref: 141 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 14) Supervisors should make every effort to satisfy the ________ of their subordinates, by helping them develop feelings of security through the process of informing them about matters affecting them, and by providing them with means of self-expression. Answer: Motives Page Ref: 141 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 15) Patient nondirective counseling wherein individuals are given the opportunity to engage in ________ by talking out the situation will provide an outlet for reducing anger, developing some objectivity, and gaining insight into problems. Answer: Catharsis Page Ref: 142 Objective: To become familiar with the techniques of dealing effectively with some of the psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 7.4 Matching Questions Match the psychological terms listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Allowing persons to talk about their psychological ailments by bringing them to consciousness and giving them expression. Their fears, problems, and complexes are often alleviated. B) A defense against anxiety by stopping the process of development. It involves a concentration on some particular infantile situation that tends to block maturation. C) A psychological feeling of inadequacy and insecurity. D) A step taken by the individual in order to avoid meeting and solving some difficulty or present problem. It is an escape from reality. 1) Inferiority Complex Page Ref: 131–132 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 2) Catharsis Page Ref: 131–132 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 3) Regressive behavior Page Ref: 131–132

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Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 4) Fixation Page Ref: 131–132 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B Match the common reactions to frustration listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) A mental diversion from the reality of day-to-day living, to the safety and comfort of fantasy or entertainment, which helps people to forget about their personal lives. B) Sometimes individuals will develop certain defenses in the form of this reaction to help save face or preserve their pride and to justify failure to achieve their goals or fulfill their responsibilities. It involves blaming others or things, and not taking personal responsibility. C) When individuals experience this reaction, they keep repeating a response even if it is not effective. Their development is arrested and alternative approaches are not tried. D) When this behavior conflicts with social standards, suppression takes place, but with suppression comes more frustration, and what has been suppressed will seek expression in some manner. E) When emotional conflicts with their resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous and attack reactions are not available to individuals, they may give up all attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt this reaction. F) Frustrated individuals will abandon problem solving for an immature or even infantile type of reaction. They may go back to a stage where their problems began or they may revert to earlier, less mature methods of performing their work. 5) Aggression Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 6) Attitude of resignation Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 7) Escapism Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate

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8) Excuses and rationalization Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 9) Regression Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 10) Fixations Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate Answers: 5) D 6) E 7) A 8) B 9) F 10) C 7.5 Essay Questions 1) Distinguish drives, satisfactions, and needs. Answer: Drives - The commonly recognized basic human drives are the wish for security, based on fear, apprehensiveness, and avoidance; the drive for response, derived from love, friendship, and affection; the wish for recognition, gained from status, prestige, and social approval; and the drive for new experiences, including curiosity, adventure, and the craving for excitement. Satisfactions - The fundamental satisfactions that the individual strives to fulfill will be found in the lists prepared by most authorities. These are (1) affection, acceptance, and security; (2) a sense of personal adequacy; (3) recognition as a personality; (4) an opportunity for accomplishment; (5) an opportunity for independence; (6) an opportunity to obtain new experiences; and (7) an opportunity to possess something or someone. Needs - The basic psychological needs of an individual as a feeling of security, a sense of adequacy, a sense of self-esteem, and a sense of social approval. Page Ref: 130 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 2) Discuss inferiority complex and how a supervisor can effectively deal with this behavior. Answer: Inferiority complex is a psychological feeling of inadequacy. Adler applied this concept as a partial explanation of some of the problems of the emotional human animal. He believed that persons have a drive for superiority and that the frustration coming from a feeling of inferiority thwarts this basic drive. Some accept it, retain their feelings of inferiority, and engage in daydreaming or fantasy to compensate. Others compensate for their inadequacies by increased effort and make themselves productive members of society. Normal individuals always think of themselves in the best possible light, and it is difficult for them to recognize their weaknesses, accept defeat, or admit failure. They will often resort to all kinds of subterfuges–even self-deception–to escape any ill thought of themselves. In 218 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

attempting to avoid the feelings of inferiority, the individual may set unrealistic goals for themselves; in their efforts to achieve these goals, they often develop a desire to gain dominance at all costs, and this desire often leads them to all sorts of antisocial behaviors, from bullying and boasting to acting in a tyrannical manner. The types of overcompensations developed by such overdriven individuals in the form of intensified and exaggerated strivings to compensate for their strong feelings of inferiority become an imposing challenge to the supervisor because to bring about the emotional balance of such individuals, it is crucial that their self-confidence be restored. Training might help to improve the individual‘s proficiency and confidence. An assignment to a position where they can achieve added success and the satisfaction that results from it often increases their self-esteem; the sincere and judicious use of praise when it is deserved often brings about similar results. Page Ref: 131 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 3) Briefly differentiate fixation and regressive behavior. Answer: Regressive behavior is described as a ―step taken by the individual in order to avoid meeting and solving some difficulty or present problem. It is an escape from reality,‖ and fixation is a ―defense against anxiety by stopping the process of development.‖ It involves a concentration on some particular infantile situation that tends to block maturation. Childlike or immature reasoning, in connection with some problem situation, usually will not solve the dilemma, but will likely lead instead to increased anxiety. Page Ref: 132 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 4) Discuss how a supervisor can effectively deal with the lack of emotional adjustment in others. Answer: To deal most effectively with the lack of emotional adjustment in others, supervisors must be well adjusted. They must exhibit complete control of themselves before they can supervise others. They should display a mature philosophical attitude in their dealings with subordinates, realizing that each has a unique personality that can best be developed along certain lines. Supervisors should govern their relationships with them accordingly. Page Ref: 133 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 5) Describe the two barriers causing frustration. Answer: External barriers are physical things in the environment of the individual, such as a malfunctioning flashlight, a sticking door, or bad brakes on an automobile, that constitutes as a barrier to which the individual must adjust. Human barriers might be a nagging spouse or an incompatible partner or supervisor. Situational barriers may consist of unpopular rules or policies, inadequate salaries, or onerous situations that which affect the individual. The supervisor should set about to correct those things that can be removed as barriers. Some of them cannot be removed, but the supervisor can make an effort to lessen their impact by giving the employee a better understanding of why such barriers exist. Conflicts in motives existing within the individual may constitute internal barriers to personality adjustment. Often 219 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

these obstacles are brought about by failure of the persons to make adjustments to the environment in which they find themselves. Individuals desiring a new and better assignment are often torn by internal conflicts that arise because they fear the added responsibility of the new position. Page Ref: 134 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 6) How is a work situation considered a fertile source of frustration? Answer: The work situation is a fertile source of frustration because it restricts the workers‘ freedom of action and, at the same time, imposes on them positive demands. They are responsible for meeting performance standards and are also expected to conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the needs of the organization, and these dual responsibilities are sometimes incompatible. Page Ref: 141 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Intermediate 7.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What are some of the overt manifestations of frustration? How may frustration reactions be covertly expressed? Answer: Some overt manifestations of frustration are aggression, regression, fixation and psychosomatic illnesses such as headaches, stomach upsets or nervous disorders caused by frustration. Some covertly expressed reactions are escape and resignation. Page Ref: 136–140 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic 2) What are the two main functions of aggression? Answer: The first function involves the extraction of satisfaction from the outside world in the drive toward a goal that is blocked. The second function involves a desire to hurt or destroy the source of the pain, those things or persons who are symbols of the barrier. Page Ref: 137 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Basic 3) How is rationalization particularly damaging to the organization? Answer: Rationalization practiced by supervisors is particularly damaging to the organization when they use it to relieve themselves of the necessity of seriously tackling problems that are likely to be frustrating. The harm can be incalculable if they blame subordinates for their failures, or if they blame the boss for an unpopular order instead of selling such an order to the workers, and telling them that they expect it to be carried out. It‘s also inappropriate if they refuse to confront an employee causing problems because ―there‘s nothing you can do

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with a person like that.‖ All they feel they can do is hide their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away. Other employees will soon begin to suspect their fortitude. By such failures, supervisors will place a premium on nonconformance. Page Ref: 139 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the psychological factors that affect behavior Level: Intermediate 4) What is the most obvious means of preventing frustration? Answer: The most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is the discovery and removal of underlying causes. This is often an extremely difficult task, since the causes may not be readily apparent. Management personnel must recognize that many problems result from the human and physical factors related to the job. Page Ref: 140 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the need for a reasonable application of the principles of human relations in dealing with others Level: Basic

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 8 Special Problems in Counseling and Remediation 8.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) When information comes to the supervisor‘s attention that a subordinate needs help, or when the employee seeks it either directly or indirectly, the supervisor may take on which of the following roles? A) Role player B) Leader C) Counselor D) Educator Answer: C Page Ref: 145 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 2) According to the American Council for Drug Education, ________ dependence is without question the most serious drug problem in the country. A) Marijuana B) Amphetamine C) Barbiturate D) Alcohol Answer: D Page Ref: 145 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 3) Which of the following might answer the question as to why remedial action was not taken before a drinking problem became aggravated? A) The supervisors may not recognize the symptoms of deviant drinking in the early stages because they have not been trained to do so. B) They may not care to make an issue of the problem, and thereby tacitly allow it to develop into a major one. C) Supervisors may often resist the idea of being forced to take disciplinary action, because of fear of repercussions from the social group. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 146

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Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 4) Which of the below is a true statement in regards to problem drinking? A) In a broad sense, when someone is repeatedly affected adversely by alcohol, the person is a problem drinker, regardless how slight or grave the effects are. B) Growing domestic and financial troubles may also signal a drinking problem. C) When the drinker‘s tolerance for alcohol increases or when they need several drinks to obtain the effect that one drink gave them before, they are developing the pattern of a drinking problem. D) All of the above are true. Answer: D Page Ref: 147–148 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 5) According to the text, which of the following manifests in the intermediate stage of problem drinking? A) Physical deterioration. B) Employee‘s work habits start to deteriorate and absenteeism increases. C) The entire spectrum of the employees‘ drinking behavior becomes increasingly more aggravated, until they are physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol. D) The employee becomes totally unsuited for the demands of police service. Answer: B Page Ref: 148 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 6) When dealing with employees whom you suspect of having possible drug or alcohol problems, it‘s a good idea to consult with whom? A) City clerk‘s office B) Vice squad commander C) Human resources department D) Planning and research Answer: C Page Ref: 149 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic

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7) When drinking adversely affects the employee‘s performance on the job or when their resultant misconduct off the job cannot be tolerated, which of the following may be indicated? A) Punitive action B) Transfer to the midnight shift C) A reassignment to an administrative position D) Retraining Answer: A Page Ref: 150 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 8) When problem drinking causes the employee‘s job performance to deteriorate or results in misconduct that justifies negative disciplinary action, supervisors are obligated to take action. Sometimes, several other drinking-connected incidents have occurred, although a written record may or may not have been made of what specific action was taken. Supervisors must recognize that the longer they wait: A) The situation will stay the same. B) The less likely will be the chance of constructive behavior changes. C) The more likely there will be a chance of constructive behavior change. D) The employee will have to be fired. Answer: B Page Ref: 151 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Intermediate 9) Economic loss through increased absenteeism, interpersonal problems, errors of judgment and safety, increased discrimination, and harassment complaints, and a reduction in employment morale are potential indicators of which of the following? A) Over-aggressive policing B) Marijuana use C) Drinking and deteriorating job performance D) Rationalization Answer: C Page Ref: 151 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 10) The A-DIME problem-solving method, appropriate for a wide range of performance problems, may be used when counseling the problem drinker. The letter D stands for which of the following? A) Develop a plan B) Decide on what to do

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C) Dismiss the employee D) Delegate to another Answer: A Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 11) What is the supervisor‘s main objective when counseling an employee with an alcohol problem whose performance has deteriorated? A) Termination B) Suspension C) Documenting the meeting D) Helping the employee improve Answer: D Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 12) When employees‘ performance drops to an unacceptable level, they may be referred to which of the following for alcohol issues? A) Peer counselor B) Employee assistance program C) Alcoholics anonymous D) Any of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 155 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 13) There are two occasions when the supervisor is obligated to become involved in a subordinate‘s personal affairs: when the employee asks for help, and when the problem has affected the subordinate‘s: A) Health. B) Performance. C) Interests. D) Home life. Answer: B Page Ref: 156 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 225 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

14) Excessive job stress, or that resulting from personal frustration and inadequate coping skills, is referred to as: A) Burnout. B) Brownout. C) Blue flu. D) Psychosis. Answer: A Page Ref: 158 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 15) Which of the following is least likely to contribute to frustration and job stress? A) Lack of administrative support B) Unjust disciplinary system C) Adequate supervisory practices D) Inadequate equipment Answer: C Page Ref: 158 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 16) The National Institute on Mental Health reports that which of the following is often masked in men by alcohol, drugs, or the socially acceptable habit of working excessively long hours? A) Psychosis B) Psychosomatic illness C) Serious depression D) Eustress Answer: C Page Ref: 160 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 17) Supervisors should be aware of direct and indirect verbal clues for suicide prevention. These include indirect comments such as: A) I‘m going to kill myself. B) I wish I were dead. C) I‘m going to die by suicide. D) We all have to say goodbye sometime. Answer: D Page Ref: 161 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems 226 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Level: Basic A) Most suicidal officers communicate their intent sometime during the week preceding their attempt. B) No one can stop a suicide; it is inevitable. C) If a law enforcement officer in crisis gets the help needed, that officer may never be suicidal again. D) Suicide prevention is everyone‘s business, and anyone can help prevent the tragedy of suicide. Answer: B Page Ref: 161 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Intermediate 18) Supervisors need to intervene if they believe an officer is at risk for suicide. If the warning signs are there, supervisors should not be afraid to ask which of the following questions? A) Are you thinking of killing yourself? B) What the hell are you thinking? C) Why are you telling me? D) Would you like to get a drink? Answer: A Page Ref: 161 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 19) When a marital conflict involving a subordinate has become critical and the supervisor‘s help is sought, they should confine their participation to: A) Notifying the chief. B) Listening to enough details to indicate whether outside professional help is needed. C) Referring the officer to the union representative. D) Scheduling the officer for a day off. Answer: B Page Ref: 162 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 20) Officers involved in traumatic incidents, such as shootings, severe car accidents, death or injury to a fellow officer, or catastrophic events, sometimes develop rather severe psychological reactions shortly after such occurrences. These reactions can acutely affect their performance and job relationships and usually require some attention so that further aggravation can be minimized. Which of the following is often reflected by feelings of isolation, flashbacks, sleeplessness, anxiety, and a loss of work interest, causing a deterioration in performance? A) Neurosis 227 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

B) Psychosis C) Critical incident injury D) Post-traumatic stress disorder Answer: D Page Ref: 163 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 21) After an officer is included in a traumatic incident such as a shooting, which of the following should occur? A) Mandatory critical incident stress debriefing B) Voluntary only, critical incident stress debriefing C) Suspension without pay D) Automatic reassignment to another division Answer: A Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 22) Which of the following is the primary goal of the Fitness for Duty Evaluation? A) To end the careers of those officers being evaluated B) To reduce departmental liability C) To ensure that officers are fit to safely and effectively perform their duties D) To reduce the number of problems supervisors have to deal with Answer: C Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 8.2 True/False Questions 1) The problem of alcohol dependence in society has become one of considerable significance to law enforcement agencies in light of the fact that one in four officers may have a problem with alcohol. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 145 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic

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2) Deviant drinkers often manage to drink more than others by sneaking drinks now and then, by drinking faster than others, or by supplying others with drinks so that they can conceal the quantity of their own drinking. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 148 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 3) Recurrent inadequately explained absences following paydays or a series of days off when other officers usually return to duty may reveal to the supervisors that they should be alert for other symptoms that might suggest a developing drinking problem. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 148 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 4) People with drinking problems will usually not deny to others and to themselves that they have a problem, especially during the early stages of the disease. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 150 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 5) Sometimes, a seemingly unrelated question or problem will be used by employees as an excuse for seeking help when they have deep-seated anxiety brought about by excessive use of alcohol. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 150 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 6) Disciplining subordinates for performance deficits resulting from a drinking problem is almost always incompatible with efforts to treat the condition. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 151 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 7) Supervisors can gain an adequate working knowledge of problem drinking and how they can best handle them by studying the literature and by becoming familiar with departmental resources and referral agencies in the community. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 152

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 8) The existence of symptoms of excessive drinking concurrent with worsening performance may suggest the approach to be taken. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 153 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 9) The technique of nondirective or employee-centered counseling, in which the supervisor stimulates individuals to discover their own problem and decide on a course of action to correct it, has been found to be not particularly helpful. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 153 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 10) A good deal of patience and common sense are needed if the matter is to be handled constructively–patience to weigh the issue objectively and enough common sense to recognize when immediate resources have been exhausted. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 154 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 11) The important objective of professional counseling is not only to get problem drinkers to give up drinking but also to lead them to the realization that they can never be a moderate drinker and that they can never again use alcohol. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 155 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 12) When a subordinate with an emotional problem approaches the supervisor for help, the supervisor‘s first objective should be to examine the basic difficulties to determine if the employee has come to the right person. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 157 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic

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13) At the close of the session, subordinates should be given an opportunity to summarize the conclusions they have reached about the problem, and the course of action they have decided to take. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 157 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 14) Burnout stress syndrome (BOSS) has been found to be involved in the whole gamut of physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and interpersonal exhaustion; it is commonly associated with alcoholism and all sorts of mental illnesses. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 158 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 15) The fact is, confronting an officer about suicide will only make the officer angry, and increase the risk of suicide. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 161 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 16) If a supervisor believes that an employee is at significant risk of suicide, immediate professional assessment and treatment are necessary. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 161 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 17) When burnout occurs and employees cannot resolve stress on the job, they often transfer it to their home, where it plagues their marital relationship. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 162 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 18) The phenomenon of high job satisfaction is common in police work because of its nature. It is therefore reasonable to expect that marital disharmony might result from this fact on occasion. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 163 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic

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19) Patient listening is the key to catharsis, and several sessions may be necessary to accomplish positive results. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 20) Every instance of a troubled employee is automatically a disciplinary issue. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 8.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) ________ dependence has increased in severity and extent substantially in the last fifty years, with the largest percentage concentrated among men in their most productive years, between thirty-one and thirty-four. Answer: Alcohol Page Ref: 145 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 2) By its very nature, police work is ________ to problem drinking. Answer: Conducive Page Ref: 146 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 3) Many of the individual‘s early symptoms of problem drinking go unnoticed by even their closest associates. It is believed by some that the best clue to what is developing is the recurring ________ blackout. Answer: Memory Page Ref: 147 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 4) People with alcohol use disorder will usually ________ to others and to themselves that they have a problem, especially during the early stages of the disease. Answer: Deny Page Ref: 150 232 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 5) The ________ problem-solving method, appropriate for a wide range of performance issues, may be used when counseling the problem drinker. Answer: A-DIME Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 6) Prior to discussing performance concerns, the supervisor should develop a ________ with the counseled employee. Answer: Rapport Page Ref: 153 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 7) The technique of ________ or employee-centered counseling, in which supervisors stimulate individuals to discover their own problem and decide on a course of action to correct it, has been found to be extremely productive. Answer: Nondirective Page Ref: 153 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 8) The important objective of professional ________ is not only to get problem drinkers to give up drinking but also to lead them to the realization that they can never be a moderate drinker and that they can never again use alcohol. Answer: Counseling Page Ref: 155 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 9) _________ stressors top the list of sources of stress, regardless of an officer‘s rank, assignment, or area of service. Answer: Organizational Page Ref: 158 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic

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10) The symptoms of ________ may develop from a sense of loss or a threatening situation commonly associated with job pressures, a fear of failure, or an overmagnification of the importance of a goal. Answer: Depression Page Ref: 159 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 11) All supervisors should be able to recognize risk factors and ________ signs and be able to identify the myths and facts about suicide. Answer: Warning Page Ref: 160 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 12) When ________ occurs and the employee cannot resolve stress on the job, they often transfer it to their home, where it plagues their marital relationship. Answer: Burnout Page Ref: 162 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 13) Officers involved in traumatic incidents, such as shootings, severe car accidents, death or injury to a fellow officer, or catastrophic events, sometimes develop rather severe ________ reactions shortly after such occurrences. Answer: Psychological Page Ref: 163 Objective: To become familiar with the behavioral effects brought about by these problems Level: Basic 14) In the phase of the ________ procedure, it is essential that supervisors convey to the troubled subordinates a feeling that they can discuss the matter freely. Answer: Remediation Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 15) The primary goal of the Fitness for Duty Evaluation should be to ensure that officers are _________ to safely and effectively perform their duties; if they are, then they are returned to duty. Answer: Fit Page Ref: 164 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate

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8.4 Matching Questions Match the A-DIME problem-solving method for an employee performance problem listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Initiate action plan, remind employee of your availability B) Assess performance improvement, document progress, commend and praise improvement, institute positive progressive discipline for failure as agreed C) Meet with employee, gain input, generate strategies, discuss consequences, set goals and timelines, end on positive note D) Review all relevant information and documentation, verify problem areas, review options E) Hold follow-up meetings with employee, compare progress to goals, make course corrections as needed, document 1) Analysis Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 2) Develop a plan Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 3) Implement Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 4) Monitor Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 5) Evaluate Page Ref: 152 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) E 5) B

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8.5 Essay Questions 1) Describe the prevalence of problem drinking in law enforcement, and list reasons that may account for it. Answer: The problem has become one of considerable significance to law enforcement agencies in light of the fact that one in four officers may have a problem with alcohol. By its very nature, police work is conducive to problem drinking. It attracts and tends to hold young men and women in the age bracket in which alcoholism is most frequent. The stresses inherent in police work, and the commonplace social drinking found in the police culture, create an environment especially conducive to alcoholism. The occupation is very stressful and competitive, with pressures seldom duplicated in other endeavors. If selection procedures are defective or if supervisory controls break down, the characteristics of the job sometimes contribute to the development of excessive drinking. Page Ref: 145–146 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Intermediate 2) List and briefly describe the stages of problem drinking. Answer: As social drinking develops into problem drinking and then into an actual physiological and psychological dependence on alcohol, the individual progresses through several distinct phases. The three stages are: an early stage, a middle or intermediate stage, and a late or acute stage. Each has its characteristic symptoms. These stages may consume many months or years, with no abrupt transition from one stage to another. Many of the individual‘s early-stage symptoms of problem drinking go unnoticed by even closest associates. It is believed by some that the best clue to what is developing is the recurring memory blackout. With the approach of the intermediate stage of the disease, employees‘ work habits start to deteriorate and absenteeism increases. The intermediate or middle stage of a developing drinking problem is a critical period. Deceiving others, especially supervisors and associates, about drinking becomes common. Physical deterioration often sets in during the third or late stage. The entire spectrum of the employees‘ drinking behavior becomes increasingly more aggravated until they are physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol and becomes totally unsuited for the demands of police service. Page Ref: 147–149 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Intermediate 3) Describe what happens during the third stage in the development of alcoholism. Answer: Physical deterioration often sets in during the third stage. The entire spectrum of the employees‘ drinking behavior becomes increasingly more aggravated until they are physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol and become totally unsuited for the demands of police service. It is at this time that severe negative corrective action is first deemed necessary, then the employee invariably becomes a total loss to the organization, through either a long-term suspension or a permanent separation from the service. When positive corrective action has been delayed until this stage, even if it is desirable to treat the person rather than punish them, the probabilities of restoring them to full productive capacity are greatly limited. Page Ref: 149

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Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Intermediate 4) What is the objective of professional counseling as it pertains to alcoholism? Answer: The important objective of professional counseling is not only to get problem drinkers to give up drinking but also to lead them to the realization that they can never be a moderate drinker and that they can never again use alcohol. Once they have come to this realization and make a positive effort to do something about it, to find ways of meeting their problems other than with alcohol, the counseling mission has been successfully accomplished. Page Ref: 155 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 5) What are the warning signs of suicide? Answer: The suicide warning signs of which a supervisor should be aware of include: depression, previous suicide attempt, increase in use of alcoholic beverages, overly aggressive or violent behavior, any changes in mood or behavior that are out of the ordinary, changes in work habits, behavioral clues of suicidal thoughts, anger or irritability, concern expressed by family/friends/colleagues. Page Ref: 160–161 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Basic 6) Define Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluation (FFDE). Answer: The Psychological Services Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police defines a Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluation (FFDE) as a formal, specialized examination of an employee by a qualified medical professional that results from: ―(1) objective evidence that the employee may be unable to safely or effectively perform a defined job and (2) a reasonable basis for believing that the cause may be attributable to a psychological condition or impairment.‖ Page Ref: 164 Objective: To become acquainted with the characteristics of common problems that require counseling Level: Intermediate 8.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) Why is police work considered to be conducive to problem drinking? Answer: By its very nature, police work is conducive to problem drinking. It attracts and tends to hold young people in the age bracket in which alcohol use disorder is most frequent. The stresses inherent in police work, and the commonplace social drinking found in the police culture, create an environment especially conducive to alcohol use disorder. The occupation is very stressful and competitive, with pressures seldom duplicated in other

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endeavors. If selection procedures are defective or if supervisory controls break down, the characteristics of the job sometimes contribute to the development of excessive drinking. Page Ref: 146 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Intermediate 2) Why is it important that the problem drinker‘s ego be preserved as a technique of counseling? Answer: It is important that the employees‘ ego be preserved because they cannot be helped until they want to be. They must be allowed to make their own evaluation of themselves and gain insight into their problem through the process of gentle prompting. Page Ref: 154 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 3) Why should note-taking not be practiced during a counseling session? Answer: The taking of notes during the counseling sessions should be avoided, as this procedure will only contribute to the subject‘s apprehensions and may aggravate their suspicions and increase their defensiveness. Note-taking will also tend to divert the attention of the supervisor and the employee from the real issues. Page Ref: 154 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic 4) Why is time considered to be a great healer in some cases of depression? Answer: Grief and loneliness brought about by the normal experiences of life may result in depression that may drastically affect performance, but the depression can be lessened if the supervisor reacts with compassion and patience. The mere passage of time usually will bring about a cure. Each day that the person copes with their problems helps them to face the next day with more composure and greater equilibrium. Page Ref: 160 Objective: To gain an understanding of the techniques that can be used to prevent or remedy psychological problems of subordinates Level: Basic

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 9 Employee Dissatisfaction and Grievances 9.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Studies have revealed that worker reactions to management controls and the work environment in many occupations have changed little in the last half century. Such studies have consistently shown that employee dissatisfaction and grievances arise from factors that can be broadly categorized into four areas. Which of the following is not one of those areas? A) Failure to mentor properly B) The work environment C) Misunderstandings about policies and procedures of the organization D) Management failures of various types Answer: A Page Ref: 168 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 2) When an employee complains about a workplace deficiency that usually requires capital outlay to correct (bad lighting, inadequate restroom facilities), the supervisor should: A) Inform the employee nothing can be done. B) Inform the employee to notify building maintenance. C) Ignore the complaint. D) Report the deficiency to higher management. Answer: D Page Ref: 169 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 3) Failure to give recognition to employees when they believe they have earned it, use of inappropriate language by the supervisor, harsh arbitrary methods in dealing with subordinates, display of favoritism, and existence of dual standards of conduct are indicative of: A) Misunderstanding of policies. B) Dissatisfaction with work environment. C) Inept supervisory practices. D) Misunderstanding of rules. Answer: C Page Ref: 169 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate

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4) Which of the following is most correct? A) Employees generally oppose organizational rules. B) Rules are meant to be broken. C) Overly severe punishments for violations of rules are likely to be accepted by employees. D) Employees often oppose the manner in which organizational rules are enforced more than the rules themselves. Answer: D Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 5) The U.S. Supreme Court held in Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill that tenured public employees are entitled to which of the following, under due process? A) Oral notice of the charges against them B) Written notice of the charges against them C) An opportunity to tell their side of the story before they are terminated D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 6) The supervisory influence on non-job-related employee behavior is generally: A) Controlled by conscience. B) Limited in the eyes of the law. C) Accepted as usually necessary. D) Not acceptable at any time. Answer: B Page Ref: 172 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 7) What treatment involves frequent transfer from one place, one shift, or one assignment to another, and is sometimes used to remove an employee from an unwholesome environment to one of lesser exposure? A) Freeway therapy B) Transfer treatment C) Wheel D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 172 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 240 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

8) When employee discontent is not verbalized, it may become ________ grievous to the supervisor and the organization than expressed grievances, and its effects may be just as devastating. A) Less B) More C) More or less D) None of the above Answer: B Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 9) Once supervisors recognize the symptoms that strong feelings of discontent are growing among their subordinates, they should try to: A) Discipline the employee. B) Punish the employee. C) Explain to the employee. D) Determine what the cause might be. Answer: D Page Ref: 173 Objective: To be able to recognize several symptoms of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 10) When conditions in the work environment cause discontent that cannot be or were not prevented, the supervisor should do whatever is: A) Possible to remove the causes of dissatisfaction. B) Reasonable to remove the causes of dissatisfaction. C) Just to remove the causes of dissatisfaction. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 11) When some factor in an employee‘s work environment causes that person to complain orally or more formally, in writing, it is usually referred to as a(n): A) Grievance. B) Informal concern. C) Formal inquiry. D) Generic complaint.

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Answer: A Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 12) Where possible, grievances should be handled at what level in the organization? A) Highest B) Middle C) Lowest D) All of the above Answer: C Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 13) Which of the following is not true in regards to grievances? A) It is critical that supervisors be attuned only to verbalized grievances. B) Grievances provide a measure of contentment among officers. C) Grievances serve as an indicator for the need for a greater action on the part of the administration. D) Grievances provide critical feedback to the astute supervisor. Answer: A Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Intermediate 14) Most grievances that do not involve a contractual matter can be resolved by whom? A) Chief of police B) City attorney C) Police captain D) First line supervisor Answer: D Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Intermediate 15) When employees complain because they believe the management in an organization has breached an agreement of their contract, a more formalized procedure is usually required. Typically, how many steps are involved when dissatisfaction degenerates into formal grievances? A) 6 B) 4 C) 2 D) 8 242 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: B Page Ref: 174 Objective: To be able to recognize several symptoms of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 16) What is the last step in the formal grievance procedure? A) The grievance is transmitted to the top level of management within the organization. B) The complaint is referred to an intermediate level of management for resolution. C) Voluntary arbitration. D) The supervisor or the employee representative receives the complaint; often the issue can be resolved at this level. Answer: C Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 17) What percent of grievances brought to an arbitration hearing involve discipline brought against an officer? A) 100% B) 90% C) 80% D) 70% Answer: B Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 18) Which step in the grievance process is most important? A) Step 1 B) Step 2 C) Step 3 D) Step 4 Answer: A Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 19) Which of the following is not an important guideline for the supervisor in dealing with unions? A) Always handle issues informally. B) Follow the grievance procedure. C) Have a good working knowledge of the contract, rules, regulations, and policy. D) Know the union representative.

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Answer: A Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 20) Much of employee discontent can be associated with their opposition to rules and regulations they construe as being an infringement of their: A) Personal beliefs. B) Personal friendships. C) Personal rights. D) Personal sacrifices. Answer: C Page Ref: 175 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 9.2 True/False Questions 1) Grievances should be recognized by the supervisor as being real in the minds of employees who feel they have been wronged. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 168 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 2) Organizational practices are not generally the primary source of stress for police officers. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 168 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 3) Observations indicate that managers in law enforcement agencies tend to communicate organizational policies and procedures rather well. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 169 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 4) Indifference of supervisors to the squandering of organizational resources and other wasteful practices contributes to efficient operations. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic

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5) Studies among peace officers have revealed some distinct dissatisfaction about organizational rules and regulations and how they are applied by supervisors. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 6) Employees react strongly and often challenge management in court when they feel they have been arbitrarily deprived of due process right. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 7) A tactical interest in the position is present when tenured employees have a legitimate claim to their job as conferred by statute, contract, or existing rules or understanding. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 8) Employee‘s liberty interests are involved if the employer‘s action in dismissing them significantly damages their reputation or standing in the community or stigmatizes them to such a degree that they are unable to take advantage of future employment opportunities. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 9) It is imperative that supervisors become thoroughly familiar with statutes, contract provisions, and existing rules or understandings between employer and employee so that procedural due process requirements can be meticulously adhered to in disciplinary cases that might affect the employee‘s property or liberty interest in their position. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 10) Supervisors should exercise considerable care in attempting to punish subordinates for conduct of a purely personal nature not involving their job performance or the public image of the organization and its real interests. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 172 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic

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11) Generally, courts have ruled that employees can be penalized for off-duty acts that do not affect their job performance. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 172 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 12) Supervisors must consider the legal justification for their actions as well as the morality of what they do, if they are to set a professional tone within their sphere of influence. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 172 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 13) Since people generally need a model to follow, supervisors should find occasion to communicate their convictions to their subordinates without sermonizing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 172 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 14) When employee discontent is not verbalized, it may become more grievous to the supervisor and the organization than expressed grievances, and its effect may be just as devastating. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 15) Once supervisors recognize the symptoms that strong feelings of discontent are growing among their subordinates, they should try to determine what the cause might be. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 16) Many of the causes of employee complaints can be prevented by supervisors if they consistently adhere to the basic tenets of leadership. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 17) Where possible, grievances should be handled at the highest possible level. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 173

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Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 18) When a grievance is denied by upper management, supervisors should blame management. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 19) Most grievances that involve a contractual matter can be resolved by the first-line supervisor without referral to a higher authority. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 174 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 20) The first step in the grievance procedure is the most critical to the employee, the supervisor, and the organization. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 174 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 9.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) Every supervisor should be sensitive to the needs of employees who feel a real or ________ dissatisfaction or grievance arising from their relationships within the organization. Answer: Imagined Page Ref: 168 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 2) Dissatisfaction may not be expressed, but the mere fact that it is present may have the same effect in eroding ambition and initiative and causing a deterioration in ________ and performance as if it were verbalized. Answer: Morale Page Ref: 168 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 3) By developing ________ to the feelings of others and being alert to their reactions, supervisors can gain many clues concerning how police officers and other employees frequently perceive organizational controls and supervisory practices that affect their personal and professional lives. Answer: Sensitivity Page Ref: 168

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Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 4) Supervisors must recognize that adequate physical facilities and equipment contribute to the maintenance of a high level of production and vitally affect employee _________. Answer: Morale Page Ref: 169 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 5) Since effective communications are essential to effective leadership, supervisors must constantly work at improving their skills as ________ so that they can minimize all problems resulting from poor communications. Answer: Communicators Page Ref: 169–170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 6) Employees often oppose the manner in which organizational rules are enforced more than the ________ themselves. Answer: Rules Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 7) ________ interests are involved only when employees are able to show that they suffered a damaged reputation as a result of public disclosure of the reasons for the discharge and that they were stigmatized to such a degree by the disclosure that they were unable to obtain employment. Answer: Liberty Page Ref: 171 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 8) ________ treatment may correct a non-job-related employee problem behavior but more often does not. But it should not be done without consideration of other useful alternatives, such as additional training, counseling, or change of assignment or partner. Answer: Transfer Page Ref: 172 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 9) Many of the causes of employee complaints can be prevented by supervisors if they consistently adhere to the basic tenets of ________. Answer: Leadership Page Ref: 173

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Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 10) Grievances involving some factor not related to a ________ agreement are resolved primarily by first-line supervisors unless they are the subject of the grievance; then the matter is usually resolved by their superiors. Answer: Contractual Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 11) When supervisors are unable to resolve the differences in employee complaints, they should fully document the _________ and submit it to higher authority. Answer: Problems Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 12) When employees complain because they believe the management in an organization has breached an agreement of their contract, a more ________ procedure is usually required. Answer: Formalized Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 13) In regards to employee grievances, reasonableness and fairness on the part of the supervisor, the employee, and the employee representative are essential to prompt __________. Answer: Resolution Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 14) Because of the economic cost associated with the processing of grievances through the various stages and their adverse effects on employee morale, the supervisor must make every effort to resolve such matters at the ________ stage. Answer: Earliest Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 15) An ________ approach, coupled with sound supervisory practices, fair play, and common sense, will provide the answers to grievances. Answer: Objective Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic

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9.4 Matching Questions Match the terminologies listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Involves frequent transfer from one place, one shift, or one assignment to another B) This is present when tenured employees have a legitimate claim to their job as conferred by statute, contract, or existing rules or understandings C) It is involved if the employer‘s action in dismissing them significantly damages their reputation or standing in the community or stigmatizes them to such a degree that they are unable to take advantage of future employment opportunities D) An oral complaint or a formally written complaint when some factor in an employee‘s work environment causes them to complain as such 1) Grievance Page Ref: 171–173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 2) Freeway therapy Page Ref: 171–173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 3) Property interest Page Ref: 171–173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic 4) Liberty interest Page Ref: 171–173 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic Answers: 1) D 2) A 3) B 4) C 9.5 Essay Questions 1) What are the four categories into which employee dissatisfaction can be grouped? Answer: (1) The work environment; (2) harsh, abusive, tyrannical, or inept supervision; (3) misunderstandings about policies and procedures of the organization; and (4) management failures of various types. Page Ref: 168 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic

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2) Define freeway therapy and describe its advantages or disadvantages in correcting a problem. Answer: Freeway therapy, transfer treatment, or the wheel, which may involve frequent transfer from one place, one shift, or one assignment to another, is sometimes used to remove an employee from an unwholesome environment to one of lesser exposure. Often such treatment is more injurious (if not immoral) than the conduct it is designed to cure. Transfer may correct a problem but more often does not. All it usually does is shift it from one place or from one supervisor to another. It may well be that transfer from one environment to another is the only solution to a problem, but it should not be done without consideration of other alternatives, such as additional training, counseling, or change of assignment or partner within the unit. Page Ref: 172 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Basic 3) Describe some of the typical symptoms of employee discontent when dissatisfaction has not been expressed. Answer: When employee discontent is not verbalized, it may become more grievous to the supervisor and the organization than expressed grievances, and its effects may be just as devastating. The typical symptoms that should alert supervisors to the existence of dissatisfaction among subordinates are similar to those symptoms of frustration. Other manifestations of dissatisfaction might be increased ―blue Monday‖ absenteeism, growing inattention to duty, excessive tardiness, indifference to job requirements, hostility and irritability of employees, general deterioration in performance and morale, and similar reactions. Once supervisors recognize the symptoms that strong feelings of discontent are growing among their subordinates, they should try to determine what the cause might be. In doing so, they will look to a cross-section of their subordinates for clues. Interviews with affected personnel may provide additional evidence. Page Ref: 173 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Intermediate 9.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What are some of the most prominent failures of management personnel that contribute to adverse employee reactions? Answer: Toleration by supervisors of wasted time, effort, and physical resources; unjustified abuses of equipment; supervisory negligence in protecting the interests of the organization; violations of employee due process rights; infringement on what workers believe are their rights to privacy; and arbitrary enforcement of rules and regulations are quickly recognized by employees and tend to erode organizational pride, morale, and efficiency. Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Basic

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2) What supervisory practices do employees oppose most in the enforcement of rules and regulations? Answer: Employees often oppose the manner in which organizational rules are enforced more than the rules themselves. The most frequently cited reason for opposition is the inconsistency of supervisors in enforcing the organization‘s rules. Page Ref: 170 Objective: To become acquainted with the most common causes of employee dissatisfaction Level: Intermediate 3) What guidelines should be used when dealing with unions? Answer: First, know the union representative. This is an important relationship that should be developed. Many issues can be resolved informally. Let the representative know you are available to resolve disputes. Second, have a good working knowledge of the contract, rules, regulations, and policy. Ensure that you have an updated copy of everything so that when issues arise, you will know what is and is not appropriate. The provisions of the contract should be followed. Third, follow the grievance procedure. If you tried but could not resolve a grievance at your level, it must proceed to the next step. You should document your actions and pass it to the next level. Make sure you adhere to the contractual time limits. Page Ref: 174 Objective: To gain an understanding of options in dealing with employee grievances Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 10 Discipline: Principles, Policies, and Practices 10.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which term best describes instructing, teaching, and training? A) Morale B) Discipline C) Esprit de corps D) Punishment Answer: B Page Ref: 177 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 2) The principal responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level of discipline in their unit should rest on the: A) First line supervisor. B) Middle manager. C) Chief of police. D) City manager. Answer: A Page Ref: 177 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 3) That form of training and attitudinal conditioning used to correct deficiencies without invoking punishment is known as: A) Negative discipline. B) Punishment. C) Positive discipline. D) None of the above. Answer: C Page Ref: 178 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 4) The discipline that takes the form of punishment or chastisement is known as: A) Negative discipline. B) Negative reinforcement. C) Positive discipline. D) Positive reinforcement. 253 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: A Page Ref: 178 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 5) Which term describes discipline as a system of escalated penalties made known to employees in advance and imposed with increasing severity for repeated infractions? A) Direct B) Dismissive C) Punitive D) Progressive Answer: D Page Ref: 178 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 6) What is the goal of the early warning and intervention system? A) To detect problem behavior before it becomes more serious, and then quickly terminate the employee B) To detect problem behavior before it becomes more serious, and then to transfer the employee C) To detect problem behavior before it becomes more serious, and then to intervene with appropriate remedies D) To detect problem behavior before it becomes more serious, and then to isolate the employee Answer: C Page Ref: 180 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 7) To be most effective, punishment for even the mildest of infractions must be: A) Certain. B) Painful. C) Powerful. D) Done publicly. Answer: A Page Ref: 180 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 8) To be truly effective, punishment should be which of the following? A) Certain B) Swift

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C) Fair D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 180–181 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 9) Which of the following concepts states ―The sooner the disciplinary action is taken, the more automatic it will be and the more closely it will be associated with the errant, disruptive, or deviant behavior‖? A) William‘s rule of law B) Bartuccio‘s punishment C) McGregor‘s hot stove concept D) Wenger‘ shock discipline Answer: C Page Ref: 181 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 10) Which of the below is incorrect with regards to punishment? A) The punishment that is intemperately or unfairly applied will be resented by employees more than when it is overly severe. B) Wise supervisors know that they themselves may bear some responsibility for many of the derelictions of their subordinates because of their failure to communicate clearly with them or to train them properly. C) The wise supervisor will recognize that reprimanding or punishing a subordinate for a minor deviation often will serve a useful purpose. D) Supervisors who find it necessary to take corrective action against a subordinate should do so only after they have made every effort to determine if the dereliction was a ―mistake of the head‖ or ―mistake of the heart.‖ Answer: C Page Ref: 182 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 11) If employees see that supervisors are not afraid to properly discipline their subordinates, it may result in: A) Contempt of all supervised. B) Lower morale and esprit de corps. C) An increase in neglect of duty cases. D) Deterrence for others. Answer: D Page Ref: 182

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Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 12) Which of the below is a state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual has confidence in the members of the group and in the organization, believes in its objectives, and desires to accomplish them? A) Discipline B) Esprit de corps C) Morale D) Goal orientation Answer: C Page Ref: 184 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 13) Which of the following involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the group and embodies devotion to the group enterprise, cooperation among its members, and pride in its accomplishments? A) Esprit de corps B) Upward discipline C) Delegation D) Liberty interest Answer: A Page Ref: 185 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 14) Discipline, morale, and esprit de corps are of equal importance, since they are: A) Independent of each other. B) Counter-dependent on each other. C) Interdependent of each other. D) All of the above. Answer: C Page Ref: 185 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 15) In looking at the results of unsustained disciplinary actions, which of the below is not true? A) The poorly prepared case, carelessly investigated and lacking in documentation, reflects adversely not only on the supervisor who investigated it but also on the organization if it based punitive action on it.

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B) More often than not, the employee on which the discipline was not sustained becomes highly productive. C) A poorly done investigation and the failure to prepare adequately have long-term consequences. D) The supervisor whose case has not been sustained frequently becomes reluctant to take further action against the same or another delinquent employee because of the failure. Answer: B Page Ref: 185 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 16) The primary objective in the administration of an effective personnel complaint investigation policy is: A) To protect the integrity and reputation of the force. B) To protect the public interest. C) To protect the accused employee from unjust accusation. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 17) Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, a public entity is liable for the wrongful acts or omissions of its employees who are acting within the scope of their employment. This is the essence of: A) Superior liability. B) Voracious liability. C) Special liability. D) Vicarious liability. Answer: D Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Intermediate 18) The supervisor should be mindful that a criminal act depriving a person of a constitutional right or a death proximately resulting from police action ultimately might involve action under Section 1983 of the: A) Federal Civil Rights Act. B) States Rights Act. C) Federal Victim/Witness Act. D) Supreme Court. Answer: A Page Ref: 187

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Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 19) Employers and supervisors may incur liability if they deprive an employee of some federally guaranteed: A) Transfer right. B) Due process right. C) Management right. D) City or county right. Answer: B Page Ref: 188 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 20) Supervisors can best carry out their disciplinary function if they engage in: A) Self-discipline. B) Negative discipline. C) Positive discipline. D) Punitive discipline. Answer: A Page Ref: 188 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 10.2 True/False Questions 1) One of the primary measures of the level of discipline within the police force is the orderliness with which it operates. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 177 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 2) The ability to maintain a high level of discipline is probably the single most important characteristic of a strong leader. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 177 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 3) A well-disciplined organization is one that is highly trained. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 178

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 4) Punishment for well-intentioned mistakes will quickly remove officers‘ enthusiasm to employ creativity and extra effort; police departments must have a reasonable tolerance for ―mistakes of the heart,‖ though not for ―mistakes of the head.‖ Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 178 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 5) Use of punitive forms of discipline should be reserved for the unadjusted, discontented, nonconformist who has not been amenable to other, more positive methods. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 179 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 6) Actual punishment (or the prospect of it) may cause a hostile, negative attitude toward the job, and marginal performance is the likely result. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 179 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 7) The threat of punishment and the fear it creates may be more effective in changing behavior than are the more positive methods of motivating people. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 179 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 8) The goal of the early warning and intervention system is to detect problem officers early. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 180 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 9) The fear that misconduct will certainly be discovered and inevitably punished in one way or another is a powerful deterrent force for individuals. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 181 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 10) When punitive action is taken against a derelict employee, it will always have a bad effect. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 181 259 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 11) Punitive action for similar breaches of conduct should never be uniform. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 182 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 12) Overly severe or excessively lenient penalties may cause a reaction from employees that is opposite to that intended by the supervisor. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 182 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 13) Telling employees what is expected of them is a primary requisite in the establishment of an effective disciplinary program. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 183 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 14) Publishing the names of derelict employees and concise information on which charges against them were based can be considered one aspect of the penalty that obviously enhances its deterrent value. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 183 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 15) The most meaningful act of responsibility that leaders can do is to control their own state of mind. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 184 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 16) The most obvious indicator that morale is slumping is a general deterioration in the appearance of personnel which is usually a gauge of organizational pride. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 184–185 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 17) High morale is not usually accompanied by a high level of discipline and esprit de corps. Answer: FALSE

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Page Ref: 185 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 18) A civil service employee cannot be fired. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 185 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Basic 19) It is of great importance that the personnel complaint investigation policy acts as an effective protection for the employee against unjust accusations of misconduct. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 20) Civil liability immunity was based on the ancient philosophy of sovereign immunity, commonly known as the divine right of kings. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 10.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) The word discipline comes from the root word ―________,‖ which denotes one who receives instructions from another or who follows devotedly the expressions and actions of a respected leader. Answer: Disciple Page Ref: 177 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 2) Although ________ may produce some undesirable effects, it must be administered at times because no alternative method of coping with a problem of misbehavior is appropriate. Answer: Punishment Page Ref: 179 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 3) Some police agencies have adopted programs such as the early warning and _________ system. Answer: Intervention

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Page Ref: 179 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 4) While punishing an employee does not guarantee that future conduct or performance will improve, it will not demoralize others in the organization if it is sensibly applied in a fair and _________ manner. Answer: Consistent Page Ref: 180 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 5) The purpose of ________ is to bring about improved conduct in the future. Answer: Discipline Page Ref: 181 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 6) Often the supervisor can more easily _________ a person for doing a poor job than demonstrate how to do it properly. Answer: Punish Page Ref: 181 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 7) ________ action should not only serve as a deterrent to the employee against whom it is applied but also be a form of training for other employees to orient them to the types of acts the organization cannot and will not tolerate. Answer: Punitive Page Ref: 182 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 8) Experience indicates that _________ is generally upheld by reviewing tribunals upon appeal by employees who have been punished for breaches of discipline in the public service. Answer: Management Page Ref: 185 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 9) It is true that many supervisors who initiate ________ action against subordinates often feel that they, not the derelict employee, are on trial when they are called on to testify in administrative proceedings and are required to support the action taken against the defending employee. Answer: Disciplinary Page Ref: 185

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Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 10) Organizational ________ will dictate the procedure to be followed in receiving and disposing of complaints against personnel. Answer: Policy Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 11) Protection of the ________ interest is an equally important objective of a progressive complaint investigation policy. Answer: Public Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 12) The personnel complaint investigation policy acts as an effective protection for the employee against unjust accusations of ________. Answer: Misconduct Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become familiar with the effects of positive and negative discipline Level: Basic 13) Under the doctrine of ________ superior, a public entity is liable for the wrongful acts or omissions of its employees who are acting within the scope of their employment. Answer: Respondeat Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 14) Under the theory of ________ retention, a supervisor and/or agency might be liable for indifference to the retention of an employee who is known to be or should have been known to be unfit for the job. Answer: Negligent Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 15) Should a death result from police action and a coroner‘s inquest is to be held to determine the cause of death, the investigating supervisor should make a formal request for a ________ of the proceedings. Answer: Transcript Page Ref: 188 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic

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10.4 Matching Questions Match the discipline terminologies listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Takes the form of punishment or chastisement. B) A systematic approach designed to instruct or guide employees in such a way that they become loyal, dedicated, responsible, and productive members of the organization. C) A public entity is liable for the wrongful acts or omissions of its employees who are acting within the scope of their employment. D) A state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual has confidence in the members of the group and in the organization, believes in its objectives, and desires to accomplish them. E) Means instructing, teaching, and training. F) A liability that a supervisory party bears for the actionable conduct of a subordinate or associate because of the relationship between the two parties. G) A form of discipline against supervisors just as they can against the subordinates. This can be done by thwarting their attempts to exercise leadership, by forcing them to maintain constant pressure to gain compliance with their directions, by withholding information from them, and by doing a myriad other things calculated to indicate their displeasure. H) Involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the group. It embodies devotion to the group enterprise, cooperation among its members, and pride in its accomplishments. 1) Discipline Page Ref: 177–178 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 2) Positive discipline Page Ref: 177–178 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 3) Negative discipline Page Ref: 177–178 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 4) Morale Page Ref: 184–185 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 5) Esprit de Corps Page Ref: 184–185

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Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 6) Upward discipline Page Ref: 184–185 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 7) Doctrine of respondeat superior Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 8) Vicarious liability Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) E 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) H 6) G 7) C 8) F 10.5 Essay Questions 1) Distinguish between a ―mistake of the head‖ and a ―mistake of the heart.‖ How should these mistakes affect corrective action? Answer: Supervisors who find it necessary to take corrective action against a subordinate should do so only after they have made every effort to determine if the dereliction was a ―mistake of the head‖ or ―mistake of the heart.‖ An inadvertent deviation from standards or an act of carelessness is one thing; intentional misconduct is quite another. The supervisor should differentiate between the two and take action accordingly, keeping in mind that the training value gained from an error may far exceed the harm done by it. Page Ref: 178 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 2) Discuss how discipline, morale, and esprit de corps are interrelated. Answer: Discipline, morale, and esprit de corps are of equal importance, since they are interdependent. Each may flow from the others, or each may adversely affect the others. High morale is usually accompanied by a high level of discipline and esprit de corps; neither a high level of morale nor esprit de corps commonly accompanies a poorly administered disciplinary program. When these three occur together at a favorable level, however, efficiency will be in direct proportion. Thus, supervisors must constantly appraise the methods they employ in carrying out the disciplinary function, so that they can avoid those pitfalls that lower the levels of morale and esprit de corps of their group. Page Ref: 184 Objective: To be able to recognize the relationship between discipline, morale, and esprit de corps Level: Intermediate 265 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) Describe some of the adverse effects that often result when an employee is reinstated after they appeal their dismissal. Answer: More often than not, from that day of reinstatement forward, the employee becomes an embittered marginal performer, producing just enough to avoid further punishment and contaminating others at every opportunity. Not only does this person‘s morale suffer greatly, but the morale of all who must work with the employee is affected as well. All too often, fellow employees who have heard only one version of the story will commiserate with their colleague. It should be clear that a poorly done investigation and the failure to prepare adequately have long-term consequences. Page Ref: 185 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate 10.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What should supervisors do when confronted with a need for disciplinary action? Answer: When supervisors are confronted with a need for disciplinary action against a subordinate, they should not hesitate to administer it. An unnecessary delay might be interpreted as weakness because both the person who committed the offense and other members of the group expect some action to be taken. Failure to act when action is indicated may result in supervisors abdicating their position of leadership. In cases where criminal charges are to be made against an employee, ordinarily disciplinary action contemplated should be held in abeyance pending resolution of those charges to avoid prejudicing that person unduly in court. Too long a delay, however, may prove to be more harmful to the interests of the organization than proceeding with the administrative action. Page Ref: 181 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 2) How can subordinates exert upward discipline against a superior? Answer: Subordinates can exercise a form of discipline against their supervisor just as the supervisor can against them. They can do so by thwarting the supervisors‘ attempts to exercise leadership, by forcing supervisors to maintain constant pressure on them to gain compliance with directions, by withholding information from the supervisors, and by doing a myriad of other things calculated to indicate their displeasure. Page Ref: 184 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic 3) What are the three major objectives that a personnel investigation policy should cover? Answer: The primary objectives in the administration of an effective personnel complaint investigation policy are to protect the integrity and reputation of the force, to protect the public interest, and to protect the accused employee from unjust accusation. Page Ref: 186 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Basic

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4) What personal liability might a supervisor have for criminal misdeeds by a subordinate on duty? Answer: The supervisor should also be mindful that a criminal act depriving a person of a constitutional right or a death proximately resulting from police action ultimately might involve action under Section 1983 of the federal Civil Rights Act. Allegations are being raised with increasing frequency that the improper use of force by the officer was a proximate result of lack of training and/or supervision to a degree that constitutes ―gross neglect‖ or ―deliberate indifference‖ of the supervisor and/or the employing agency to the plaintiff‘s rights. Indeed, liability might be imposed on supervisors in their individual capacity for their own culpable action or inaction in the training, supervision, or control of their subordinates. Page Ref: 187 Objective: To become acquainted with the principles and requisites of discipline Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 11 Personnel Complaint Investigation Procedures and Techniques 11.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) External complaints are those that come from persons outside the organization. Primary complaints are those received directly from: A) Parents. B) Alleged victims. C) Attorneys. D) Elected officials. Answer: B Page Ref: 192 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 2) In every such instance of an observed breach of discipline, the supervisor should call the matter to the attention of the employee promptly and in: A) Public, always. B) The chief‘s office. C) The field usually. D) Private. Answer: D Page Ref: 193 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 3) In regards to personnel complaint investigation procedures and techniques, which of the following is most correct? A) Except in very minor cases, a record of the circumstances of every incident and the action taken should be made where a breach of discipline requires punitive action by the supervisor. B) The recording of the incident may be done without calling the act to the offending employees‘ attention or otherwise confronting them. C) Supervisors should avoid making a negative incident report for an otherwise good employee who commits a rule violation. D) All of the above. Answer: A Page Ref: 193–194

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 4) You investigate and sustain a verbal discourtesy complaint against an officer. The complainant is now in your office. Which of the following is most appropriate? A) You should advise the complainant to contact internal affairs. B) Inform the complainant that the officer will be severely disciplined. C) A simple apology by you and an acknowledgment that the officer will be counseled. D) Refer the complainant to the city attorney. Answer: C Page Ref: 195 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 5) What is the best way to handle anonymous complaints? A) Ignore them B) Document but don‘t investigate C) Refer to the city manager D) Consider each complaint on its own merit Answer: D Page Ref: 195 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 6) When accusations have been brought to the attention of the department by second parties such as ministers, attorneys, or parents, the investigator should: A) Insist on video recording. B) Insist on interviewing the complainant personally. C) Insist that they leave and return with the complainant. D) Demand a written statement from the complainant as a requirement to investigate. Answer: B Page Ref: 196 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 7) An officer who works for you shows up at work under the influence of alcohol. As a supervisor, it would be most appropriate for you to: A) Drive the officer home. B) Have someone drive the officer home.

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C) Let the officer sleep it off in the vehicle. D) Allow the officer to go to work. Answer: A Page Ref: 198 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 8) If a complaint was made against one of your employees, why should their personnel record be checked as part of the investigation? A) Personnel records of accused employees should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that they have previously been the subject of similar complaints. B) The existence of similar accusations may point to the need for a closer examination of the officer‘s conduct. C) Valuable clues to the employee‘s pattern of behavior may be revealed by a series of similar complaints. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 199 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 9) Investigating supervisors must proceed cautiously in cases in which there is potential for criminal charges against an officer. Officers may be ordered to give statements and/or write reports under threat of dismissal for refusing to follow such orders. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in ________ that under such orders, the statements may not be used against the officer in a criminal trial due to the Miranda rights against self-incrimination. A) Stovall v. Demo B) Griggs v. Duke C) Garrity v. New Jersey D) Canton v. Harris Answer: C Page Ref: 200 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Intermediate 10) Why should face-to-face encounters be prevented between the accused employee and their accuser? A) In truth, they should not be prevented. B) Seldom will anything beneficial to the investigation be accomplished by this procedure, but it could well make a bad situation worse. C) It is a violation of federal law for them to contact each other. D) None of the above. 270 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: B Page Ref: 202 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Intermediate 11) One of the most distasteful of the supervisor‘s investigative responsibilities, but on occasion a most necessary one, is the making of a search that might involve an officer‘s person, private vehicle, locker and effects, or home. The need for a search might be indicated in conjunction with an investigation of a complaint such as one alleging that an employee misappropriated property. Which of the following is not correct? A) Some courts have held that searches of departmental property, such as lockers, police vehicles, and desks, generally may be conducted without a warrant. B) Whenever practicable, searches should be made in public. C) Whenever practicable, a search of the vehicle or effects of the accused should be made in their presence. D) Should a search of their residence become necessary because of the nature of the complaint and evidence, steps should be taken to make it in the absence of other members of the employee‘s family. Answer: B Page Ref: 202 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 12) In regards to drug and alcohol testing of police officers, all of the following are correct except: A) Constitutional law is very supportive of drug and alcohol testing for public employees. B) In Connor v. Ortega, the U.S. Supreme Court held that government‘s compelling need for supervision, control, and the efficient operation of the workplace was sufficient to justify testing workers for drug or alcohol use based on reasonable suspicion. C) As public employees, police officers are held to a lower standard due to their sensitive positions and may be ordered to submit to tests. D) When an accused employee is requested to submit to such test or tests, they should be administered in private. Answer: C Page Ref: 205 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Intermediate 13) Basic to all police reports but of special importance to complaint investigation reports are the requisites of accuracy and completeness. All allegations of misconduct made by the complainant must be answered. Each report should contain which of the following? A) A brief account of the complaint B) The details of the investigation of each and every accusation 271 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) The findings D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 206 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 14) You have been assigned to a personnel complaint investigation. After investigating, you sustain the complaint. In recommending the punishment, you must consider which of the following? A) Whether you personally like the employee B) The employees‘ standing in the community C) The totality of circumstances surrounding the commission of the act D) All of the above Answer: C Page Ref: 208 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 15) Deliberate violations of established standards of conduct or offenses involving which of the following will usually require a far more severe punishment than offenses resulting from ignorance or carelessness? A) Moral turpitude B) Tardiness C) Absenteeism D) Uniform equipment violations Answer: A Page Ref: 208 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 16) When evidence indicates that the alleged act did in fact occur but was legal, proper, and necessary, the complaint investigation would be classified as: A) Sustained. B) Unfounded. C) Exonerated. D) Policy failure. Answer: C Page Ref: 208

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Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 17) After a complaint investigation is concluded, it usually receives a classification. Which of the below best describes unfounded? A) When the evidence indicates that the alleged act did in fact occur but was legal, proper, and necessary. B) The alleged act did not in fact occur and that the complaint was false. C) Cannot be resolved by investigation because sufficient evidence is not available. D) The allegation is true but the employee‘s actions were consistent with departmental policy. Answer: B Page Ref: 209 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 18) Upon conclusion of a personnel complaint investigation, which of the following would be appropriate? A) Notification to the complainant B) Notification to the accused employee C) Imposition of a penalty if sustained D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 209–210 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 19) A certain portion of all disciplinary actions fails because supervisors do not know how to conduct personnel investigations. The answer to this problem is: A) Punishment. B) Shift change. C) Better scheduling. D) Training. Answer: D Page Ref: 210 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 20) Once the exact nature of a personnel complaint is ascertained, the supervisor should first: A) Initiate discipline. B) Initiate an inquiry to determine the facts surrounding the case. 273 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

C) Draw conclusions from all the evidence. D) Photograph the complainant‘s injuries. Answer: B Page Ref: 211 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 11.2 True/False Questions 1) The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals recommends all complaints be permanently recorded. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 192 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 2) If a supervisor observes an infraction by an employee, the extent of the action taken in a given case will be determined by the nature of the infraction. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 193 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 3) A supervisor may overlook conduct that requires corrective action to foster their own popularity when necessary. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 194 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 4) Experienced supervisors will recall that some of the most serious and bizarre police personnel incidents have been brought to light by anonymous information. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 195 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 5) Persons making complaints while intoxicated should always be re-interviewed when they are sober. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 196 274 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 6) Complaints received from second parties on behalf of an alleged victim of police action should be rejected because they are not made directly by the person claiming they have been aggrieved. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 196 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 7) Investigating supervisors should draw a conclusion regarding the merits of a personnel complaint based on first impressions prior to all evidence being collected. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 197 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 8) Although supervisors may tend to be influenced in the investigation by their personal feelings, they should approach the inquiry as subjectively as possible. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 198 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 9) Investigating supervisors involved in personnel complaint investigations should follow meticulously the statutory and case law in their jurisdiction and past practices in their organization as to whether to grant an accused employee‘s request for legal counsel before or during the fact-finding interview. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 201 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 10) Supervisors can accomplish the most by directly asking the questions they expect answered. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 201 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic

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11) An employee may be ordered to participate in a lineup to be identified by a complainant and may be disciplined for refusing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 203 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 12) A tool of great value in some investigations is the in-car camera systems. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 203 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 13) When the employees‘ statements are to be used against them in a criminal prosecution, they should not be given their Miranda rights. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 204 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 14) The report of the personnel complaint investigation should ideally contain a heading, a statement of the complaint, a summary of the investigation, and details of the investigation. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 206 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 15) The conclusion section of the report should contain a concise account of the material findings of the inquiry and give the reviewer a complete but brief résumé of all the evidence obtained that is germane to the complaint. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 207 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 16) Terms such as suspect used in referring to the accused employee or the complainant who happens to be the subject of a criminal matter should be avoided in personnel investigation reports. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 208

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 17) When the complaint investigation is classified as sustained, it means that the allegation is true but that the employee‘s actions were consistent with departmental policy. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 208 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 18) A premature release of details of the investigation to the media before it has been completed would be proper. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 209 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 19) In the interests of good public relations, the complainant should be notified of the disposition made in the matter when the investigation has been completed and the case resolved. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 209 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 20) When disciplinary actions fail to accomplish objectives, it‘s not because of the insufficiency of the evidence, but is often a direct result of the failure of investigators to fulfill their responsibilities. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 210 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 11.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) The procedures and techniques involved in conducting a personnel complaint investigation and preparing disciplinary action will vary somewhat depending on the origin and ________ of the complaint. Answer: Nature Page Ref: 191 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 277 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

2) In order to determine if the initial discussion was successful, the supervisor should discreetly make a ________ inquiry, which may consist of a casual conversation with the offending subordinate, observations to determine if improvement has taken place, or whatever additional action may be necessary. Answer: Follow-up Page Ref: 194 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 3) Supervisors taking complaints against police personnel should listen courteously and attentively and should avoid any body language, facial expressions, or statements indicating ________. Answer: Disbelief Page Ref: 195 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 4) If ________ exists on the part of a subordinate, appropriate corrective action should be initiated as indicated. Answer: Misconduct Page Ref: 195 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 5) Persons making complaints while intoxicated should always be ________ when they are sober. Answer: Re-interviewed Page Ref: 196 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 6) Oral complaints should be translated into writing as soon as practicable after they are received, when the facts are usually most readily ________. Answer: Available Page Ref: 197 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 7) In recording complaints against police personnel, supervisors should avoid including as part of the report their ________ observations. Answer: Subjective Page Ref: 197 278 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 8) One study found that serious misconduct comprised a very small portion of complaints and that most complaints against officers were about attitude, ________ abuse, discourtesy, ethnic slurs, etc. Answer: Verbal Page Ref: 197 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 9) Physical arrest and formal ________ of accused officers should be made only after the chief officer of the organization has been apprised fully of the circumstances in the matter. Answer: Booking Page Ref: 198 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 10) Personnel records of accused employees should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that they have previously been the subject of similar ________. Answer: Complaints Page Ref: 199 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 11) Some courts have held that searches of departmental property, such as lockers, police vehicles, and desks, generally may be conducted ________ a warrant. Answer: Without Page Ref: 203 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Intermediate 12) In some instances, an employees‘ refusal to submit to a scientific test that would aid the organization in the investigation of a criminal offense could make them subject to ________. Answer: Discharge Page Ref: 204 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Intermediate

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13) The ―________‖ classification is used to indicate that the alleged act did not in fact occur and that the complaint was false. Answer: Unfounded Page Ref: 209 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 14) In the interests of good public relations, the complainant should be notified of the ________ made in the matter when the investigation has been completed and the case resolved. Answer: Disposition Page Ref: 209 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 15) When a ________ is to be imposed, it should be administered promptly to have the greatest effect and should not be used as a threatening device but as a constructive tool of supervision. Answer: Penalty Page Ref: 210 Objective: To be able to develop a better understanding of procedural due process requirements Level: Basic 11.4 Matching Questions Match the techniques of complaint investigation listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) This is one of the most distasteful of the supervisor‘s investigative responsibilities, but on occasion a most necessary one. The need for this method might be indicated in conjunction with an investigation of a complaint such as one alleging that an employee misappropriated property. B) In some instances involving allegations of serious misconduct supported by evidence that points to the incontrovertible conclusion of guilt of the accused employee, the supervisor must take steps to prevent the matter from becoming worse. Protective custody of employees involved or their actual confinement may be indicated in instances of felonious conduct. C) Investigating supervisors should follow meticulously the statutory and case law in their jurisdiction and past practices in their organization as to whether to grant an accused employee‘s request for counsel before or during the fact-finding interview. D) Despite the dramatic success of fictional investigators in confrontations, experienced supervisors have found that only on the rarest of occasions would a situation arise in which it would be advisable to bring the complainant and the accused employee together in an encounter. E) Investigating supervisors sometimes fail to record information from persons who were in a position to observe what happened in the incident under investigation but who say that 280 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

they saw nothing or heard nothing. Such negative evidence has little probative value but may be exceedingly important in refuting the testimony of such persons who may appear several years later as witnesses in a civil trial and testify that they witnessed the entire occurrence. F) Investigators should not overlook the many aids at their disposal in making a complete inquiry into the circumstances of a personnel complaint. A tool of great value in some investigations is the in-car camera system. G) This action should only be taken after the chief officer of the organization has been apprised fully of the circumstances in the matter. It is them who must answer inquiries of other city officials or press, so they must be kept informed of such important happenings in their department. H) Blood, urine, and breath tests are often helpful to prove or disprove intoxication when this condition is an issue. Objective symptoms of intoxication are not always sufficient to provide conclusive proof of this physical state. I) Records of accused employees should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that they have previously been the subject of similar complaints. J) After receiving the basic complaint intake information, a preliminary review should be made of all available evidence, including documents, statements, photographs, and any departmental records that could confirm or refuse the allegations at hand. Delays in beginning a complaint investigation and failures to pursue it diligently to a conclusion can only hamper an inquiry. K) Investigating supervisors should avoid drawing final inferences regarding the merits of the complaint until all evidence has been collected. They should exercise the greatest of care to avoid unnecessary discussion of the merits of the accusation with subordinates before the case is concluded, since their statements are apt to be misconstrued. L) The nature of the investigation will dictate whether formal verbatim statements should be taken from those accused concerning their version of the incident, whether a memorandum report from them will suffice, or whether a summary report by the interviewer is all that is indicated. M) The investigating supervisor must decide when the accused employee is to be spoken to. There are no hard-and-fast rules governing this decision, and each case must be decided on its own merits. N) An employee may be ordered to participate in this procedure to be identified by a complainant and may be disciplined for refusing. The order to submit to this investigative procedure should be made in writing if the employee refuses. 1) Avoidance of premature conclusions Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 2) Prevention of additional harm Page Ref: 197–205

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 3) Arrest and booking of an employee Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 4) Promptness of investigation Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 5) Collection of negative information Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 6) Personnel record check Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 7) Interview of the accused employee Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 8) Legal counsel Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 9) Written statements Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 10) Avoidance of face-to-face encounters Page Ref: 197–205

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 11) Searches Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 12) Lineups Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 13) Investigative Aids Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 14) Physical Tests Page Ref: 197–205 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) K 2) B 3) G 4) J 5) E 6) I 7) M 8) C 9) L 10) D 11) A 12) N 13) F 14) H 11.5 Essay Questions 1) What are the general procedures supervisors should follow when they discover a minor infraction on the part of a subordinate? Answer: The general procedures for handling minor infractions observed by supervisors in the course of their activities will involve a discussion of the incident with the concerned employee, an on-the-spot warning or admonishment given when appropriate, and a record made of the incident for future reference. Then a follow-up should be made to determine the effect of the warning. The procedure that will be followed by supervisors in initiating appropriate action in response to a more serious complaint from within or from outside the department will follow a general pattern. First, the exact nature of the alleged misconduct must be ascertained from the complainant. Broad generalizations, such as ―I am being harassed by the police,‖ do not state a cause for investigation unless the complainant can specify the exact nature of the harassment. Second, an inquiry must be initiated for the purpose of determining the merit of the complaint (and the degree of culpability of the accused officer if investigation supports the allegation). Third, conclusions must be drawn from the facts collected and recommendations made concerning the disposition of the case. Corrective action may be indicated, or the case may be closed if 283 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

the evidence does not reasonably support the allegation. Fourth, if corrective action is decided upon, it must be administered. Fifth, the supervisor should follow up to ascertain the effect of any disciplinary action, especially if it is negative. Page Ref: 191–192 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 2) Discuss anonymous complaints and how you would handle them as a supervisor. Answer: The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals recommends all complaints be permanently recorded. From this standard flows another type of complaint that comes from an unidentified source: the anonymous complaint. In regards to handling them, a police agency serious about professionalism and the public trust must take anonymous complaints as seriously as those brought forward by a known complainant; in fact, anonymous complaints have the potential to be even more serious when you consider that complainants probably have serious fears about identifying themselves. Page Ref: 192 Objective: To become acquainted with some of the policies and practices of discipline systems Level: Basic 3) If complaints were made against your employees, why should their personnel record be checked as part of the investigation? Answer: Personnel records of accused employees should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that they have previously been the subject of similar complaints. The existence of similar accusations may point to the need for a closer examination of the officer‘s conduct. Valuable clues to the employee‘s pattern of behavior may be revealed by a series of similar complaints. Page Ref: 199 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 11.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) In regard to complaint investigations, how important is follow-up in the discussion? Answer: In order to determine if the initial discussion was successful, the supervisor should discreetly make a follow-up inquiry, which may consist of a casual conversation with the offending subordinate, observations to determine if improvement has taken place, or whatever additional action may be necessary. A follow-up discussion with the subordinate may be necessary if no improvement has occurred. Such an interview should involve discussion, clarification of the misunderstandings that may have contributed to the incident, understanding of what is expected, suggestions for improvement, playback, warning when indicated, recording of results, and perhaps referral to higher authority with a recommendation for punitive action when circumstances dictate. Page Ref: 194

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Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate Answer: The supervisor must exercise the greatest caution and discretion in treating complaints made from an intoxicated person. When a complaint involves the loss of personal property and is made under conditions giving the supervisor reasonable cause to believe that it has some merit, immediate steps must be taken to determine whether such loss occurred. If so, make sure how to protect not only the interests of the complainant but also the integrity of the police agency and, above all, that of the accused officer should the investigation reveal that they have been subjected to an unjust accusation or a hint of wrongdoing. Under such circumstances, the supervisor should promptly examine the police premises in which the arrestee was detained and the police vehicle in which they were transported. Persons making complaints while intoxicated should always be re-interviewed when they are sober. It has been found that, at this time, they will often temper their original complaint, change it, or withdraw it completely when sober reflection indicates to them its injustice. For example, sobriety often enables them to recollect what happened to property they thought was taken by arresting officers. Page Ref: 195–196 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Basic 2) If a search of a subordinate‘s person, locker, private vehicle, or residence is indicated, how would you accomplish each search? Discuss the general procedures you would follow as a supervisor. Answer: The supervisor should proceed with the search with the utmost tact and discretion; whenever possible, it should be made with the employee‘s consent. Searches of employee‘s personal property without consent are limited by the many rules of law that have evolved under the Fourth Amendment. These rules are applicable to administrative disciplinary proceedings, as well as criminal trials, and should be adhered to meticulously by the supervisor. If it is the employer‘s intent not to grant an employee a reasonable expectation of privacy in such assigned property, that intent should be clearly indicated by practice or in a policy statement. Therefore, supervisors should be fully aware of the search-and-seizure rules in their particular jurisdiction so that they may avoid the exclusion of evidence that has been seized in violation of the employee‘s reasonable expectation of privacy or other Fourth Amendment rights. The department‘s legal advisor or representative of the prosecutor‘s office may always be contacted for guidance and direction. Whenever practicable, searches should be made in private and a search of the vehicle or effects of accused persons should be made in their presence. Page Ref: 202–203 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of an adequate complaint investigation policy Level: Intermediate 3) What are some of the common failures of supervisors in making personnel complaint investigations? Answer: A certain portion of all disciplinary actions fail because supervisors do not know how to make personnel investigations, and the answer to this problem is training. Other disciplinary actions fail to accomplish their objectives not because of the insufficiency of the 285 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

evidence but as a direct result of the failures of investigators to fulfill their responsibilities. They avoid doing what has to be done in fulfilling their obligation to maintain departmental disciplinary standards, either because of their overprotectiveness or defensive attitude toward their subordinates or because of their disinclination to do anything that might hurt one of them, even one whose actions have brought discredit to other members of the profession. Their failures are often the result of their fear of disapproval from those with whom they work. On occasion, they will fail to investigate complaints completely. Their delays in making prompt inquiry into personnel breaches often result in the destruction or disappearance of evidence that might otherwise have been collected, the cooling of witnesses, or the downright concoction of stories that will prevent any possible resolution of the matter. Page Ref: 210 Objective: To become acquainted with the policy and practices of discipline systems Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 12 Personnel Evaluation Systems and Performance Rating Standards 12.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which statement is most consistent with the objectives of evaluation systems? A) They establish a basis for only penalizing personnel. B) In small agencies, a formal rating system may serve management the best. C) A system of measuring the qualities of a human being can be perfect, because personal bias and subjectivity can be entirely eliminated from appraisal. D) The process should always have the purpose of seeing how actual employee performance compares to the ideal or standard it is intended to measure. Answer: D Page Ref: 215–216 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Intermediate 2) Evaluation systems fail for many reasons. Some of the most prominent causes include all of the following except: A) Employee pressures. B) Indifference. C) Diligence. D) Failure to train raters. Answer: C Page Ref: 217–218 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Basic 3) The key to the successful administration of a rating system is: A) Training raters. B) Interest. C) Fulfillment. D) Inconsistent standards. Answer: A Page Ref: 218 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Basic 4) The competence of the raters, the effort they expend in observing and recording evidence of the behavior of their subordinates, their judgment in weighing and evaluating this evidence, and their fairness in applying it to the service rating procedure directly reflect which of the following? A) The type of training they have received 287 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

B) The degree of their attitudinal conditioning C) The climate established for the system by management D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 219 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Basic 5) Which evaluation technique involves the collection of objective data about an employee‘s performance (which can be used as a basis for more effective performance ratings), and indicates superior or unsatisfactory performance which is reported as they are observed? A) Personal bias B) Major incident C) Critical incident D) On-scene evaluation Answer: C Page Ref: 220 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 6) In order to give employees a basis for understanding what standards will be used to measure and evaluate their effectiveness, which of the following should supervisors do? A) Tell subordinates what not to do. B) Inform subordinates they will be evaluated subjectively. C) Scare subordinates into performing. D) Let subordinates know what is expected of them. Answer: D Page Ref: 228 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Intermediate 7) Effective supervisors often gain much valuable information about their subordinates by: A) Occasionally riding with them on patrol. B) Initiating discipline. C) Stressing them. D) Questioning their character. Answer: A Page Ref: 228 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic

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8) Which evaluation method is simple and easy to administer but has the disadvantage of lacking common standards of measurement, especially when employees from widely different assignments must be compared? A) Representative employee standard B) Employee ranking C) Ideal employee standard D) Numerical standard Answer: B Page Ref: 231 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 9) When quantity of production is most important to an organization, which of the following may be used to advantage in measuring accomplishments? A) Employee ranking B) Representative employee standard C) Ideal employee standard D) Numerical standard Answer: D Page Ref: 232 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 10) Lenient supervisors who rate all their subordinates alike are covertly: A) Disrespected. B) Respected. C) Liked. D) Avoided. Answer: A Page Ref: 233 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 11) Which competency definition best defines community-oriented policing and problem solving? A) Ability to develop and sustain effective working relationships; tailors their approach and behavioral style when communicating; establishes rapport and has the ability to relate well to all levels in the organization; approachable; treats others with sensitivity, respect, fairness, and consistency. B) Understands and masters the skills, requirements, concepts, principles and technologies of a discipline; well versed in the most current information, theories, techniques, practices, and procedures of the field; has a solid developmental record and on the job acquisition of knowledge and skills of the occupation; uses knowledge, judgment, tools, equipment, information and other resources relevant to job.

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C) Delivers on objectives; meets deadlines; produces high volume and quality outcomes; ensures that techniques optimize speed, quality and consistency in work products; knows what needs to be done and does it without being told; does not confuse effort with accomplishment; work attire meets departmental dress code standards; uses equipment as intended and in accordance with City procedures and policies. D) Recognizes the community is our customer; understand/addresses needs; identifies leaders/partners; builds strong relationships; flexible/responds to situations/people; provides meaningful suggestions/collaborates to resolve problems. Answer: D Page Ref: 235 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Intermediate 12) Supervisors who excel in rating their subordinates typically have all of the following characteristics except: A) Can distinguish facts from feelings or impressions. B) Are able to weigh the performance of their subordinates against inconsistent standards. C) Base their ratings on objective data whenever possible, without allowing subjective emotions, individual likes and dislikes, or biases to influence them. D) Are careful to avoid committing the error of rating on the basis of vague general impressions, and instead make every effort to rate on the basis of personal individual traits. Answer: B Page Ref: 239 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 13) Which rating error is by far the most common of all errors in the rating of personnel? A) Leniency B) Central tendency C) Personal bias D) Halo Answer: A Page Ref: 240 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 14) The following statement, ―Raters often tend to rate higher than is justified those persons they know well and like as well as those who subscribe to the same opinions as the supervisor,‖ best describes the error of: A) Leniency. B) Central tendency. C) Personal bias. D) Halo. 290 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: C Page Ref: 241 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 15) All of the following describe the rating error of central tendency except: A) All too often, raters will group their ratings near the center of the rating scale, with few ratings at the bottom or top. B) This tendency to avoid the extremes on the rating scale usually results from a policy requiring justification for extreme ratings. C) Outstanding employees are rated higher than they should be. D) Some raters consciously or unconsciously make this error to escape the responsibility for the unpleasant task of confronting the deficient employee about their poor performance. Answer: C Page Ref: 241 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 16) The tendency of raters to rate in terms of a very general impression rather than on the basis of specific traits is commonly referred to as the: A) Midas effect. B) Angel effect. C) Related traits. D) Halo effect. Answer: D Page Ref: 242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 17) The tendency of raters to be unduly influenced by an occurrence, either good or bad, involving the person rated near the end of the rating period is known as: A) Halo effect. B) Overweighting or recency. C) Related traits. D) Subjectivity. Answer: B Page Ref: 242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic

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18) The error of ________ occurs when raters are unduly influenced by one or two characteristics that have special appeal to them. A) Subjectivity B) Personal bias C) Related traits D) Leniency Answer: A Page Ref: 242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 19) A rating report is said to be ________ if it measures consistently and reasonably accurately each time it is used. A) Valid B) Credible C) Proactive D) Reliable Answer: D Page Ref: 244 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 20) Perhaps one of the greatest uses to which personnel evaluations can be put is their discussion with the person rated. Supervisors are provided an opportunity to commend or thank their subordinates formally for their high level of performance during the rating period, or in the case of marginal or substandard employees, they can help them when improvement is indicated. Which of the following should be included in the discussion of the rating with the employee? A) Follow-up B) Acknowledgment of rating C) Interview D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 245–246 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic

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12.2 True/False Questions 1) Studies have revealed that the evaluation or appraisal of employees is one of the most important parts of the management process. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 215 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 2) Personnel rating systems are inherently unstable because the instruments are subjective. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 216 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 3) When rating reports are utilized as one basis for promotion, ratings over a period of years by many supervisors will tend to be a less accurate appraisal of the employee‘s worth–far less accurate generally than an appraisal by an oral examining board. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 217 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Intermediate 4) When standards of measurement of employees are not consistently applied from unit to unit or when difficulties are encountered in attempting to compare ratings from several divisions of the organization, the deficiencies can usually be traced to the lack of training or a failure on the part of management to clearly define rating traits. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 218 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Basic 5) Peer rating is often practiced in training situations, and these ratings are usually given great credibility because they are apt to reveal traits not often observed by supervisors. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 219 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 6) Experience has shown that abridged versions of rating scales devised to economize on time have been responsible for a high percentage of success. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 219 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic

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7) The larger the span of control of the supervisor and the more frequent the changes in the supervisory staff, the lesser is the need for written documentation of a subordinate‘ s performance. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 220 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 8) Evaluation reports for probationary officers of all ranks should be made at least once per month during the probationary period to give the broadest picture of the employee. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 220 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 9) First-line supervisors play a generally minor part in setting standards of performance for their subordinates. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 227 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 10) By watching in-car videos, capabilities can be measured through first hand observation. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 228 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 11) Rating systems are inherently subjective, since they involve a personal audit by one person of another‘s conduct or performance. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 230 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Basic 12) In the ideal employee standard, the rater gives a numerical grade to each trait on the rating form according to the degree to which the employee possesses it. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 232 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 13) Highest or lowest ratings for the various traits should not be based on only one favorable or unfavorable talent or event. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 233 294 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 14) The best supervisors are usually not the best raters. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 233 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 15) Supervisors should realize that they are evaluated informally by their subordinates on the basis of how their personnel evaluation duties and responsibilities are performed. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 237 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 16) The most effective raters are those whose temperament and personality are well balanced. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 240 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 17) When ratings fail to accomplish their true purpose, it is found that the fault lies not in the form used but in the rater. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 240 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 18) The error of personal bias is by far the most common of all errors in the rating of personnel. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 240 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 19) Appraising personnel obviously involves not only a measuring device but also the judgment of the person making the rating. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 243 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic

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20) It is recommended by many who are experienced in the merit rating process that raters be encouraged to rate each employee on one characteristic at a time rather than to rate each employee completely before rating another. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 245 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 12.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) ________ reports are useful in assessing with some accuracy the effectiveness of a training program at the operating level. Answer: Evaluation Page Ref: 217 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 2) The ________ incident technique involves the collection of objective data about an employee‘s performance, which can be used as a basis for more effective performance ratings. Answer: Critical Page Ref: 220 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 3) The most important criteria for job success should be selected and evaluated carefully to ________ granting tenure to unsuitable personnel. Answer: Prevent Page Ref: 227 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 4) One of the inherently difficult problems in the police service is that of ________ comparing persons assigned to widely different tasks. Answer: Fairly Page Ref: 230 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 5) Most supervisors recognize that many of the observations they make of their subordinates cannot be completely _________. Answer: Objective Page Ref: 231 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic

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6) In the ________ employee standard, accuracy may be improved when the rater compares each employee with others who have been selected as having the greatest value to the organization, those who are in the middle group having average value, and with those who are considered as having the least value. Answer: Representative Page Ref: 231 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 7) Once _________are selected that are considered to be the most important indicators of quality of performance, several options can be provided from which the rater must select the one that most closely describes the performance of the person being rated. Answer: Traits Page Ref: 233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 8) ________ ratings are the easiest course for weaker supervisors, who are prone to overrate subordinates because this permits them to evade their responsibility of correcting deficient employees. Answer: Liberal Page Ref: 233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 9) The more confidence subordinates have in the objectivity of the ________ system, the less likely they will be to complain, to offset poor ratings by playing politics, or to develop a defensive attitude. Answer: Rating Page Ref: 240 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Basic 10) The error of ________ is contagious and has a tendency to spread rapidly from one supervisor to another who feels compelled to overrate subordinates so that they may compete favorably with others who have been rated too high by an overly lenient supervisor. Answer: Leniency Page Ref: 240 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 11) This error of ________ tendency is especially common when no system has been devised by the individual rater or the organization to gather adequate, specific, and objective information that could be used to defend or justify a high or low rating. Answer: Central Page Ref: 241–242 297 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Basic 12) It logically follows that a _________ system is only as valid as the measuring instrument used and the judgment, ability, and integrity of the rater in applying the information available to it. Answer: Rating Page Ref: 243 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 13) A ________ report is one that is an accurate measurement of the ability it purports to measure. Answer: Valid Page Ref: 243 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 14) The rater must exercise care to avoid weighting all traits and abilities ________, since the job being performed by the person rated may not require the same abilities that another job may require. Answer: Equally Page Ref: 243 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Intermediate 15) At the conclusion of the ________, a substandard employee should be asked to recap their understanding of what was agreed on and what is expected of them in the future. Answer: Interview Page Ref: 246 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 12.4 Matching Questions Match the causes of evaluation system failures listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Experience has shown that abridged versions of rating scales devised to economize on time at the expense of accuracy have been responsible for a high percentage of failure. B) Regardless of the sophistication of the rating procedures or the importance of the program, an evaluation system will be successful only if the raters or those rated really want it to succeed. Apathy or disinterest of supervisors to the need for accuracy in rating can damage the effectiveness of the system, as can the failure of the administrators of the organization to support the program. C) A rating system is bound to fall into disrepute if personnel rated come to lose confidence in it because it has been misused by management. Ratings should be utilized only as they 298 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

were intended; once the purposes for which they were adopted have been announced, their use should be confined to those purposes. D) Even the persons rated may thwart an evaluation system by sheer pressure, especially when the level of their performance as reflected by ratings forms a basis for their pay. Employee groups sometimes are solicited to bring formal organized pressure to bear on management when merit pay is withdrawn unjustifiably in the eyes of the employee affected on the basis of performance rating reports. E) Rating reports often affect a person‘s entire career; therefore, those made carelessly may have serious consequences. Inaccurate methods affect every person in the organization because each one rates or is rated. F) Systems devised to provide a means of assessing employees will ordinarily not survive unless this is provided for those who are to do the rating. Raters must be given an understanding of the objectives a properly administered evaluation program should meet and be made aware of the means of avoiding the common errors that cause inaccuracies in ratings and reduce their value. 1) Indifference Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate 2) Employee pressures Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate 3) Failure to train raters Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate 4) Rating abuses Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate 5) Slipshod procedures Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate 6) Rating shortcuts Page Ref: 217–219 Objective: To become familiar with some of the reasons why evaluation systems fail Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) B 2) D 3) F 4) C 5) E 6) A 299 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Match the rating standards listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) Instead of using selected employees who are representative of certain groups of personnel with varying values to the organization, highly desirable employee descriptions may be developed to avoid the necessity for changing criteria when the selected employees leave the unit or the organization or their performance becomes such that they can no longer be used as a pattern for ratings. B) This technique lists employees in a particular group according to their relative overall value to the organization. This is still widely used and lists employees from highest to lowest in the unit or on the basis of most valuable to least valuable. C) Accuracy may be improved when the rater compares each employee with others who have been selected as having the greatest value to the organization, those who are in the middle group having average value, and with those who are considered as having the least value. D) When quantity of production is most important to an organization, descriptive standards may be used to advantage in measuring accomplishments. Such measurements are difficult to apply to the many abstract traits that are important in police work. E) Once traits are selected that are considered to be the most important indicators of quality of performance, several options can be provided from which the rater must select the one that most closely describes the performance of the person being rated. 7) Employee ranking Page Ref: 231–233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 8) Representative employee standard Page Ref: 231–233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 9) Ideal employee standard Page Ref: 231–233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 10) Numerical standard Page Ref: 231–233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 11) Forced-choice standard Page Ref: 231–233 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate Answers: 7) B 8) C 9) A 10) D 11) E 300 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Match the common rating errors listed in Column 1 to their descriptions in Column 2. A) The tendency of raters to rate in terms of a very general impression rather than on the basis of specific traits. It occurs when the rater thinks in terms of the ―good‖ or the ―poor‖ officer and groups all the ratings for an individual at the high or low end of the scale. B) All too often, raters will group their ratings near the center of the rating scale, with few ratings at the bottom or top. This tendency to avoid the extremes on the rating scales usually results from a policy requiring justification for extreme ratings. C) The tendency of raters to be unduly influenced by an occurrence, either good or bad, involving the person rated near the end of the rating period. This error often occurs when one or more outstanding occurrences near the end of the rating period are out of proportion to the average performance during the entire period. D) This is sometimes referred to as logical error or association error. This error is made in reports when the rater assumes that if a person has good judgment, they must also have good presence of mind. E) Raters often tend to rate higher than is justified those persons they know well and like as well as those who subscribe to the same opinions as the supervisor. Those who are not liked or who are not compatible with the supervisor‘s own particular philosophies are likely to be rated lower than is justified. F) The error of personal bias is often confused with this, but close examination of the two will reveal subtle differences. This error occurs when raters are unduly influenced by one or two characteristics that have special appeal to them. G) This error is by far the most common of all errors in the rating of personnel. It occurs when the rater marks an inordinately large number of the rating reports in the highest one or two categories, such as very good and excellent, or excellent and outstanding, depending on the particular terminology used in the report form. 12) Leniency Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 13) Personal bias Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 14) Central tendency Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate

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15) Halo effect Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 16) Related traits Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 17) Overweighting or Recency Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate 18) Subjectivity Page Ref: 240–242 Objective: To gain an understanding of the common rating errors and some methods of avoiding them Level: Intermediate Answers: 12) C 13) E 14) B 15) A 16) D 17) C 18) F 12.5 Essay Questions 1) Describe the uses that can be made of the data obtainable from an effective personnel evaluation system. Answer: Service ratings, personnel evaluations, employee appraisals, merit ratings, or whatever the method is called will provide one tool for measuring employee capabilities and giving management an inventory of them. Such evaluation systems also provide a means for supervisors to record systematically at specified intervals their opinions regarding the performance of subordinates. They establish a basis for rewarding or penalizing personnel and for explaining to them why they are or are not progressing satisfactorily. Evaluations based on sound, objective data are unparalleled as a foundation on which the supervisor can help a substandard employee develop a program to improve their performance. Properly executed, such a system will also be a valuable tool in the placement and promotion of personnel, the administration of merit pay or salary increases, disciplinary proceedings, and similar matters. In addition, these evaluation systems provide supervisors with a means for measuring those abstract traits of their subordinates that cannot be easily measured otherwise. Absences, tardiness, production, and accomplishments can be easily measured directly, but this is not so with such traits as loyalty, ability to get along with others, and temperamental stability.

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Page Ref: 215–216 Objective: To gain an appreciation of the objectives of a personnel evaluation system Level: Basic 2) Describe some of the methods for gathering and recording employee performance data that can be used as a basis for personnel evaluations. Answer: The methods used by supervisors may vary according to their individual needs. Some agencies have adopted an incident report form to be used to record commendable or censurable performance of a minor or routine nature. These reports should be retained during the rating period, as they form a substantial basis for performance evaluations. They should then be placed in the employee‘s personnel folder or destroyed. Some supervisors prefer to record observations in a separate file for future reference; others record incidents in the supervisor‘s log and later transfer these notations to a file or a control card kept for each officer. Page Ref: 220 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Intermediate 3) Distinguish between validity and reliability in rating reports. Answer: Validity: A valid report is one that is an accurate measurement of the ability it purports to measure. Valid reports actually reflect the officer‘s value to the organization in terms of specific traits that are related to work, such as amiability, industry, attention to duty, and cooperativeness. If the report is truly valid, it will not measure something it is not supposed to measure. Reliability: A rating report is said to be reliable if it measures consistently and reasonably accurately (even if not perfectly) each time it is used. If several persons using the same information rate an individual substantially the same, their ratings would be a reliable measure of the employee‘s abilities; however, raters rarely have the same abilities to observe, collect, and report evidence regarding the performance of subordinates with the same degree of accuracy and objectivity. Page Ref: 243–244 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate 12.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What are the main categories into which traits and abilities of employees should be grouped for rating purposes? Answer: Rating traits and abilities can be grouped into broad categories such as personal characteristics (traits needed for the job), ability (adequate performance of the duties of the position), performance (quality and quantity of work) and suitability for promotion (acceptable to superior work). Page Ref: 220 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Basic 303 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

2) Discuss the rating criteria that the supervisor may utilize in appraising patrol and traffic personnel, investigative personnel, and staff and auxiliary personnel. Answer: The following criteria are useful for evaluating officers assigned to patrol or traffic control:     

 

                

Are officers keeping themselves informed of what is happening on their beat or in their area? Are they making use of crime and traffic data or police incident summaries to gain an awareness of crime, developing traffic accident patterns, and/or exposed hazard areas? Are officers familiar with crime, delinquency, and traffic trends in their area of responsibility? Are officers familiar with patrol techniques, and are they performing their patrol functions effectively? Are reports complete and accurate? How many errors are observed in their reports? What is the quality of traffic enforcement citations issued? Are traffic citations reasonably related to accident-producing violations on a selective basis? Do citation books, turned in for inspection and filing when completed, reveal quality enforcement effort? Do errors or erasures appear on file copies? Are preliminary investigations made carefully? How do officers preserve evidence? Do activity logs reflect a high proportion of quality arrests based on observation? Do the officers‘ repressive patrol activities appear to be adequate? Do these activities involve adequate random inspections of business and residential premises and places exposed to criminal attacks, vehicle checks, and so forth? What is the quality of field interviews with pedestrians and motorists, juveniles and adults, as reflected by field contact reports? What type of image do the police officers project in their personal and public lives? How do the officers handle assigned calls? Do the follow-up inquiries and observations by the supervisor reveal that they lack enthusiasm, self-assurance, confidence, ability, or interest in handling called-for services? Does their court performance reflect poise, fairness, and preparation? How do the subordinates care for their personal equipment and that of the organization? Do the employees‘ medical records reflect a favorable attitude toward the job, or does their medical history reveal an inordinate use of sick time? Do sick patterns reflect evidence of malingering? How do the employees relate to other members of the organization (fellow workers and superiors) and the public? Do the employees observe the usual safety precautions in their work? Does the organization receive an unusual number of complaints about the officers‘ performance or conduct? Do officers strongly support their superiors and the organization, or are they passive, antagonistic, or hostile? What is the growth potential or promotability of officers? Is the overall quantity of their work acceptable? How do they react under stress? How do they carry out directives? What is their overall worth to the organization in comparison with others doing similar work? Does the officer learn neighborhood problems, solve problems, and use community resources effectively? Does the officer attend and participate in community meetings and identify and formulate plans of action to solve problems? 304 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

In addition to those listed above, here are some criteria for investigative personnel:   

  

    

Are follow-up calls made promptly in the interests of good investigative procedures and public relations? Are the officers thorough and systematic in their investigative activities? What percentage of their assigned cases is cleared by investigations? What percent is cleared by arrest resulting from investigations? Are clearance rates bona fide, that is, are they cleared by arrest or by investigative activity, or are there an excessive number cleared improperly by weak and inadequate modus operandi factors? Do they have an unusual backlog of cases that have not had preliminary follow-up calls made? Do progress reports reflect satisfactory progress on their assigned cases, or does it appear that investigators are directing their efforts primarily toward the investigation of those cases that are newsworthy or that may earn them some special recognition? Do the officers enjoy a high conviction rate on cases they have investigated? Do records reveal that an unusual number of their cases that have been submitted to the prosecutor for complaint are rejected because of improper or inadequate case investigation or preparation? How effectively do they deal with juveniles who have been involved in police incidents? Do they keep complete and accurate records of their investigative activities? Do the investigators work well with a minimum of supervision? Do the investigators‘ court performances indicate thorough investigation and case preparation? Do they work well with colleagues? Are they good team workers?

In addition to those listed above, here are some criteria that apply to staff and auxiliary personnel:    

Do the employees complete their assigned projects promptly, thoroughly, and objectively? Do they practice the principles of delegated staff work, or do they require an inordinate amount of direction? Do their reports meet accepted standards for staff writings? Do their relations with operating personnel reflect a clear understanding of their organizational function as advisor rather than director?

Page Ref: 229–230 Objective: To become acquainted with the methods of gathering rating data and the criteria on which such data should be based Level: Intermediate 3) What broad characteristics are usually found in supervisors who excel in rating subordinates? Answer: Certain broad characteristics are usually found in supervisors who excel in rating their subordinates. These supervisors:    

Can distinguish facts from feelings or impressions. Are able to weigh the performance of their subordinates against a consistent standard, which they accomplish by establishing norms of conduct and performance as a point of departure for rating personnel. Base their ratings on objective data whenever possible, without allowing subjective emotions, individual likes and dislikes, or biases to influence them. Are careful to avoid committing the error of rating on the basis of vague general

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impressions and, instead, make every effort to rate on the basis of personal individual traits. Are systematic and thorough in recording accurate data relating to their observations of employees throughout the rating period.

Page Ref: 239 Objective: To become acquainted with personnel rating standards and uses Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 13 Tactical Deployment of Field Forces 13.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) What is normally the principal objective in deploying personnel during the initial stages of an unusual occurrence? A) Arrest all known offenders. B) Deploy available personnel and equipment rapidly to prevent escalation of the incident or aggravation of the circumstances. C) Contact the media to help. D) Return to service personnel and equipment not needed on the scene as rapidly as possible. Answer: B Page Ref: 251 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 2) What factor(s) will affect the supervisor‘s ability to perform or cause to be performed the many tasks needed during the initial stages of an unusual occurrence? A) Unusual circumstances present B) Personnel needs C) Type and size of the incident D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 251–252 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 3) A suspect has captured a hostage and is now barricaded. The suspect is using the hostage as a shield, to increase his bargaining power with the police. Which of the following is most correct? A) Refusal to allow the suspect to take the hostage from the scene probably will greatly increase the danger to the hostage. B) Time operates to the advantage of the police in such cases. C) If the suspect is permitted to remove the hostage because of unusual circumstances, the route of escape should not be kept under surveillance. D) The period when the initial seizure occurs is the least critical. Answer: B Page Ref: 256

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Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 4) With respect to operating procedures in hostage and barricaded suspect cases, the preferred procedure is: A) Direct assault. B) Trick the subject. C) Stall for time so snipers can take positions. D) Negotiation. Answer: D Page Ref: 259 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 5) When dealing with emotionally distressed suspects, proper actions would include: A) More talking, less listening. B) Giving assurances that everything possible will be done to help them. C) Less talking, more tactical action. D) An autocratic attitude should be reflected in all conversations with them. Answer: B Page Ref: 260 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 6) Which of the following was named the National Standard in Active Shooter Response Training by the FBI? A) Advanced Legal Intervention Verification Entry (ALIVE) B) Affective Legal and Response Mechanism (ALARM) C) Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) D) Affective Law Enforcement Attack (ALEA) Answer: C Page Ref: 262 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 7) According to the priority of life scale in an active shooter situation, which of the following is most correct? A) The second priority is the safety of suspects. B) The last priority is the safety of officers.

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C) The first priority is the safety of officers. D) The first priority is to preserve the lives of victims/potential victims. Answer: D Page Ref: 262 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 8) When officers respond to an active shooter situation, why should immediate command of the situation be necessary? A) To protect property B) To protect life C) To protect the command post D) To protect the police department‘s reputation Answer: B Page Ref: 262 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 9) Which of the following best describes a basic tactical offensive formation where a team moves in a triangular shape to contact an active assailant? A) Bounding technique B) Team entry C) Wedge formation D) Neutralization Answer: C Page Ref: 263 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 10) LCAN is an easy-to-remember acronym that covers the basic information required in a situation report transmitted to the incident commander during a critical incident. The letters C and A in LCAN stands for which of the following? A) Control, Actions B) Conditions, Assault C) Contact, Allow D) Conditions, Actions Answer: D Page Ref: 264 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 309 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

11) When supervisors respond to a disturbance where a small group of persons has spontaneously assembled for an apparently unlawful purpose, they should do which of the following first? A) Send in necessary personnel B) Evaluate the occurrence from a strategic location C) Require all officers on scene to complete reports D) Update their superior officer Answer: B Page Ref: 266 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 12) Analysis of many civil disorders has shown that certain actions can determine whether a civil disorder incident remains a minor one or escalates into one of major proportions. Which of the following is related to this statement? A) The availability of good field intelligence B) The accuracy of the evaluation of the initial incident C) The effectiveness of the operational plan selected to deal with it D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 268 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 13) What are the primary police responsibilities in a major disaster? A) Preventing the disaster from happening B) The police have no major responsibilities; it‘s the fire department C) The primary responsibility is to protect property only D) Controlling and reducing the after effects of the disaster Answer: D Page Ref: 274 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 14) Which of the following is an indicator of a chemical attack? A) Reports of an unusual odor (such as mowed grass, garlic, bitter almonds) B) Presence of unusual swarms of biting insects C) Glowing material or particles D) Placards associated with radiological incidents Answer: A Page Ref: 275

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Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 15) What are some of the indicators of a radiological attack? A) Reports of an explosion that causes little damage or of devices that disperse a mist or powder, with no immediate effects B) Reports or observations of unscheduled spraying (time or location inconsistent with normal pesticide spraying) C) Heat-emitting material D) Unexplained outbreak of respiratory or flu-like illness Answer: C Page Ref: 276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 16) A key element to successful response to a chemical, biological, or radiological incident is the rapid identification of the hazard and immediate: A) Entry into the scene. B) Notification to the FBI. C) Searching for pools of liquids. D) Control over all responding units. Answer: D Page Ref: 277 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 17) Which of the following is the now action that a supervisor should take when responding to a terrorist attack involving chemical or biological weapons? A) Review and approve all reports B) Direct, guide, and control responding subordinates C) Commend and/or reprimand personnel, as necessary D) Debrief all personnel, and review and critique incident Answer: B Page Ref: 277 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 18) Which of the following would be the most important responsibility of a supervisor at the scene of an aircraft crash? A) Protecting property against looting B) Establishing traffic control at the immediate scene C) Directing efforts in rendering aid to seriously injured persons D) Providing assistance to rescue or fire control units Answer: C

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Page Ref: 279 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 19) When a bomb threat is called into a local business, who should make the decision of whether or not to evacuate? A) First responding officer B) Fire department C) The person in charge of the premises D) Police supervisor Answer: C Page Ref: 280 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 20) When a bomb is located, the supervisor should do which of the following? A) Attempt to move the device B) Summon experienced bomb disposal personnel C) Evacuate everyone at least 50 feet from the device D) All of the above Answer: B Page Ref: 281 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 21) In many law enforcement agencies, situations involving lost children are considered so important that supervisors are specifically made responsible for directing searches for them. The extent of the effort devoted to such incidents ordinarily is dependent on the age of the child and the circumstances. The younger the children are, the greater the need for locating them promptly. If the child was last seen inside the house and the parents tell the first responding officers that they have already searched the house, where should the officers‘ search begin? A) Neighbors‘ yards B) Neighbors‘ homes C) Neighborhood school yards D) Parents‘ home(s) Answer: D Page Ref: 284–285 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 22) Why should a multistory building search be conducted from the top down? A) For tactical reasons, the search should begin at the top of the building whenever practicable and proceed downward systematically, if search personnel can start the search there without unnecessary risk. 312 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

B) The suspects will either remain hidden, where they can be located and arrested, or be forced downward, where they may be apprehended by the cover team. C) If the suspect is forced upward by a search that starts in the basement of a structure, the individual may become more dangerous when cornered at the top of the building with no place to go, or they may escape over the roofs of other adjoining buildings. D) All of the above Answer: D Page Ref: 289 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 13.2 True/False Questions 1) One of the supervisor‘s first tasks at the scene of an unusual incident should be to quickly evaluate the occurrence and then communicate to headquarters the field intelligence available so that plans can be started for the dissemination of necessary control material and equipment and the deployment of required personnel. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 251 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 2) The command post might be the supervisor‘s vehicle, a van driven by the supervisor, another mobile radio unit, an office or building, the police station, or any place that provides an immediate base of operations with communications equipment, water, restrooms, and other facilities. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 253 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 3) The incident command system (ICS) is the command and control system for unusual occurrences that require coordinated multiagency or multijurisdictional responses, a modular system capable of expanding or contracting to the appropriate size for any crisis. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 253 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 4) A direct assault on a barricaded person is generally considered the best approach. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 255

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Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 5) Any attempt to rush a suspect who holds a hostage without careful planning and preparation might result in at least two deaths–an officer‘s and the hostage‘s. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 257 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 6) In some hostage situations, cases have been reported where the hostages have sympathized and empathized with their hostage-takers. This positive feeling of the hostage toward the hostage taker is sometimes called the Stockholm syndrome. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 259 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 7) If evidence indicates suspects in a barricaded incident are rational, an attempt should be made to point out the futility of their actions. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 260 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 8) Gas should not ordinarily be fired or thrown directly into the room where a barricaded suspect is believed to be. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 261 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 9) ALERRT teaches that the main priority of first responders in an active shooter situation is to stop the killing, then stop the dying. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 262 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 10) Due to the sudden nature of an active shooter event, officers may not have time to wait for a SWAT team. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 263 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic

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11) If officers are fired upon while making their way through a large open area, it would be beneficial for the officers to spread out in a wedge formation. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 263 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 12) When the laws of the jurisdiction require the police to give a dispersal order to the persons unlawfully assembled, the supervisor should give that order from a position far away from the group. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 267 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 13) If supervisors decide that their forces are not sufficient to commit immediately to a riot situation, they should not wait until they have adequate personnel to overwhelm the riotous elements. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 269 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 14) One of the first supervisory acts at the scene of a labor dispute should be to arrange a meeting with the picket captain and a representative of management to discuss ground rules that both parties should be expected to follow if this has not been done previously. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 272 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 15) Ordinarily, the decision to evacuate an area threatened by fire, flood, poisonous gas, or some other major occurrence should be the responsibility of the first responding officer because of the liability that might result from an ill-conceived act. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 274 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 16) Report of an explosion with little or no structural damage may be a possible indication of a radiological attack. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 275 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic

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17) Multiple unusual or unexplained disease entities coexisting in the same patient without other explanation may be an indicator of a biological attack. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 18) In missing children cases, even though parents insist that they have already made a search, a careful inspection of the inside and outside of the premises should still be made. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 285 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 19) In a residential search procedure, teams should be instructed to start their search of a residential area from the end of the block farthest from the scene and work inward. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 286 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 20) Should reasonable cause exist to believe that a felony suspect or one considered a high risk is in the building, the supervisor should select two teams of officers, a search team and a cover team. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 288 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 13.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) The ________ command system is the command and control system for unusual occurrences that require coordinated multiagency or multijurisdictional responses, a modular system capable of expanding or contracting to the appropriate size for any crisis. Answer: Incident Page Ref: 253 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 2) One characteristic of ________ syndrome is that the captors may develop positive feelings toward the hostages. Answer: Stockholm Page Ref: 259

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Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 3) When dealing with a barricaded subject who is emotionally distressed, an attempt should be made to determine the cause of their ________. Answer: Grievance Page Ref: 260 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 4) Whether the barricaded person is a rational suspect wanted for a crime or an emotionally distressed, irrational individual with a grievance sufficient to cause them to kill, every effort should be made to persuade them to surrender _________. Answer: Voluntarily Page Ref: 260 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 5) When ________ deployment is necessitated, supervisors need to ensure that proper procedures and protocols are followed. Answer: Rapid Page Ref: 262 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 6) The _________ technique (also known as overwatch or leapfrogging) is a military tactic of alternating movement of coordinated units to allow, if necessary, suppressive fire in support of offensive forward movement. Answer: Bounding Page Ref: 263 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 7) ________ disorder may take the form of small assemblages bent on disrupting the public peace by demonstrating or by committing acts of vandalism, looting, or violence against persons or property. Answer: Civil Page Ref: 266 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 8) The highest priority of any police agency should be the sanctity of human life. Officers must only use force that is objectively reasonable, necessary, and _________ to the force encountered. Answer: Proportional Page Ref: 270

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Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 9) When arrests become necessary in a civil disorder, they should be made ________ with the minimal amount of force that is reasonably necessary to overcome the resistance and affect the arrest. Answer: Quickly Page Ref: 270 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 10) In major civil disturbances, the strategy of establishing a control around the perimeter of the affected area and withdrawing police from the interior has been tested and generally has ________. Answer: Failed Page Ref: 271 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 11) One of the first supervisory acts at the scene of a ________ dispute should be to arrange a meeting with the picket captain and a representative of management to discuss ground rules that both parties should be expected to follow if this has not been done previously. Answer: Labor Page Ref: 272 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Basic 12) An unusual, atypical, genetically engineered, or antiquated strain of agent may be indicators of a(n) ________ attack. Answer: Biological Page Ref: 276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 13) First responding units are considered critical because the _________ proper identification and/or assessment of the incident will determine the prescribed response inherent in the respective policy and procedure manual in place by the law enforcement agency involved in the incident. Answer: Initial Page Ref: 276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 14) Whenever there exists a reasonable likelihood that a bomb or other device will be detonated in a structure, the ________ should direct that a search be made. Answer: Supervisor Page Ref: 281 318 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 15) In many law enforcement agencies, situations involving lost children are considered so ________ that supervisors are specifically made responsible for directing searches for them. Answer: Important Page Ref: 284 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Basic 13.4 Matching Questions Match the types of attacks listed in Column 1 to its possible indications in Column 2. A) Unusual metal debris; radiation symbols; heat-emitting material; glowing material or particles; placards associated with radiological incidents; radiation detected on the scene by Geiger counters or other equipment; written or verbal, and/or social media threats B) Large volume of calls reporting sick people; report of a release of a spray; numerous persons reporting similar illness; reports of unexplained liquids; discarded masks, gloves, gowns; report of an explosion with little or no structural damage C) Large number of ill persons with similar disease or syndrome; large numbers of unexplained diseases; failure of a common disease to respond to usual therapy; unusual, atypical, genetically engineered, or antiquated strain of agent; endemic disease with an unexplained increase in incidence 1) Chemical attack Page Ref: 275–276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 2) Biological attack Page Ref: 275–276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 3) Radiological attack Page Ref: 275–276 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) B 2) C 3) A

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13.5 Essay Questions 1) Explain how the passage of time usually operates to the advantage of the police when a barricaded suspect is holding a hostage. Answer: Buying time gives the police an opportunity to develop alternative plans of action should negotiations fail, it permits greater opportunity for the suspect to make a mistake that can be exploited, and it often increases the suspect‘s affinity for the hostage. In some longterm hostage situations, cases have been reported where the hostages have sympathized and empathized with their hostage takers. When it occurs, the likelihood that the suspect will take the hostage‘s life is reduced. Time may also give the hostage an opportunity to escape. Page Ref: 259 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 2) In an active shooter incident, responding officers must prioritize actions to stop the killing by using strategies to neutralize, isolate, and distract the shooter. Briefly describe each of the strategies. Answer: Neutralize. Once officers have made entry onto the scene, whether it is one officer or a dozen, the primary goal is to stop the killing of innocent civilians. If there are signs of active killing (driving force) going on, officers should move in a swift and tactical manner towards that location to neutralize the threat. If there are no signs of active killing and there is no driving force leading a solo officer to believe life is in danger, entry is not recommended. If there is more than one officer and there is no driving force, a tactical and deliberate search should be conducted for the suspect. In either case if contact is made with the suspect, the officer‘s primary goal is to neutralize the attacker and stop the killing as soon as possible. Isolate. Situations may arrive where the shooter has not been neutralized, and officers could possibly stop the killing by isolating the attacker. In some situations, attackers will isolate themselves from victims in a small area with limited access to the rest of the building, creating a barricaded situation. Once the shooter is isolated and not actively killing, other resources such as SWAT and hostage negotiators if available should be at the scene or en route. In this situation officers should stay alert and not become complacent. These are volatile situations and can rapidly change from a barricaded situation to an active shooter situation. Officers need to understand the difference between the two. If there are signs of active killing, officers should actively try to neutralize the threat. Distract. An officer‘s initial arrival to the scene may distract the suspect. The sound of sirens approaching the scene may prompt the suspect to either flee the scene or focus their attack on responding officers. Whatever decision the suspect makes, the number one priority of responding officers is to stop the killing. This remains a constant until the suspect is neutralized and the scene is safe and secure. Page Ref: 265 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 3) Describe the factors a supervisor should consider in deciding whether gas should be used against a riotous mob. Answer: In making a decision about whether chemical agents should be used, the supervisor should evaluate what the wind conditions are; the direction in which the crowd is to be

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moved; the type of area the members of the group might disperse into; how the dispersal will expose innocent residents and businesses to vandalism, destruction, and danger; and what effects the chemicals might have on merchandise, supplies, materials, and property of innocent persons in the affected area. Page Ref: 270 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 4) Enumerate the primary police duties at the scene of a major fire. Answer: One of the first acts of the supervisor when they arrive should be to ensure that appropriate notifications have been made to the fire department. Available personnel should be assigned to the immediate vicinity and to perimeter posts to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic that might interfere with firefighting efforts. This is the primary responsibility of the police, with other police units being assigned as needed when they arrive. Page Ref: 283 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 13.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) What are considered the three dangerous periods during a hostage crisis? Answer: The first is the initial 15–45 minutes when confusion and panic are likely to be greatest. The second is during the surrender of hostage takers, when hair-trigger emotions, ambivalence, and lack of coordination among hostage takers and crisis team members can cause an otherwise successful resolution to go bad. Finally, tactical assault (―going in‖) to rescue the hostages carries the highest casualty rate. Page Ref: 255 Objective: To become familiar with the logistical requirements in the control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 2) If chemical agents are to be used against a high-risk barricaded suspect in a business establishment, how should the gas be introduced into the building? Answer: The gas should ordinarily be fired or thrown directly into the room where the suspect is believed to be. This will force them to take action to protect themselves from it and will tend to divert their attention from the hostage. Such a technique will also prevent the suspect from shutting a door and sealing off the room they occupy. Page Ref: 261 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 3) If a bomb is not found in a building after a careful search, what should the supervisor tell the person in charge? Answer: If no bomb or explosive is found, supervisors should inform the person in charge of

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the building, but they should avoid suggesting that the building is safe for occupancy. To do so might unnecessarily involve considerable liability for the department in the event persons reoccupy the building in reliance on their statement and are injured or killed from the explosion of a bomb that was not found. Page Ref: 281 Objective: To gain an understanding of the procedures and techniques of supervising personnel in the tactical control of unusual incidents Level: Intermediate 4) After the initial search is conducted, how should a search for a missing child be conducted in a residential area? Answer: Teams should be instructed to start their search of a residential area from the end of the block nearest the scene and work outward. Two persons should search the area on one side of the street while the other two should check the opposite side. They should inspect side and back yards, vacant lots, alleys, sheds and outbuildings, containers, garages, abandoned refrigerators and freezers and those in use outdoors, large boxes, chests, and every other conceivable place of concealment or hazard. The more attractive hazards, such as swimming pools, excavations, ditches, wells, cisterns, creeks, storm drains, lumber piles, and unsealed boxcars, should receive first attention. Children have been found in these places after they have fallen in or entered and been unable to get out. Residents of houses in the search area, especially children, should be questioned for information when they are first contacted regarding the search. When the assigned area has been carefully checked, members of the team should meet at the end of the block to compare notes on their findings. Additionally, they should transmit their findings to the command post. They should then move on and search the next block assigned. Page Ref: 286 Objective: To become aware of basic tactics of controlling unusual incidents Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 14 Legal Knowledge Every Supervisor and Manager Should Have 14.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following standards suggests that there is no single deciding factor that the courts will rule on, and that the courts must consider all the facts, the context of those facts, and conclude from the whole picture whether an officer has developed probable cause? A) Subpoena Duces Tecum B) Clear and Convincing Evidence C) The Monell Standard D) A Totality of the Circumstances Answer: D Page Ref: 299 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 2) Lawsuits typically claim negligence on the part of the police officers, their supervisors, as well as the agencies they work for. The United States Supreme Court held that the appropriate standard in assessing a Section 1983 claim in the context of a police pursuit is the: A) Similarly Situated Officer Standard. B) Shocks the Conscience Standard. C) Malice Standard. D) Vicarious Liability Standard. Answer: B Page Ref: 300 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 3) In the photographic identification procedure known as a photo lineup, it is a best practice that ________ shows the photographic lineup to a victim or a witness. A) The primary investigator handling the case B) Someone other than the primary investigator handling the case C) The Prosecutor D) The Chief of Police Answer: B Page Ref: 301 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Basic

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4) In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court considered a case where the FBI identified the cell phone numbers during a robbery investigation and obtained court orders under reasonable grounds to obtain the suspect‘s cell phone cell tower location history. However, the Court held that obtaining cell-site location information constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment requiring: A) Reasonable Suspicion. B) A Warrant supported by Probable Cause. C) A Warrant Supported by Reasonable Suspicion. D) A Written Order from the Chief of Police. Answer: B Page Ref: 304 Objective: To become aware of recent changes in the law Level: Intermediate 5) Which of the following equation explains the requirement of Miranda Warnings? A) Crimes + Interrogation = Miranda B) Suspicion + Interrogation = Miranda C) Probable Cause + Interrogation + Miranda D) Custody + Interrogation = Miranda Answer: D Page Ref: 305 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 6) Police officers are only required to Mirandize a suspect if they intend to interrogate that person while in custody. However, several exceptions to the Miranda rule exist. Which of the following is not one of them? A) Routine Booking Exception B) Automobile Exception C) Unsolicited Statements (Excited Utterance) D) Public Safety Exception Answer: B Page Ref: 306 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 7) Routine on-scene questions such as ________ do not require the administration of Miranda Warnings. A) ―What happened here?‖ OR ―What is going on here?‖ B) ―Give me the name and address of who you sold the stolen goods to.‖ C) ―Why did you kill your wife?‖ D) ―How did you embezzle money from your company?‖ 324 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: A Page Ref: 306 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Basic 8) If a suspect commits a ________ in a public place, they cannot frustrate an arrest by retreating inside a private residence. The police have the right to pursue the suspect on foot into and inside a private dwelling and effect the arrest that they had the right to make in a public place. A) Misdemeanor B) Violation C) Felony D) Serious Criminal Offense Answer: C Page Ref: 307 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Intermediate 9) In situations where police lack probable cause to search, a search may be requested through consent. A consent search must be: A) Based on probable cause. B) Based on reasonable suspicion. C) Voluntary. D) Brief. Answer: C Page Ref: 308 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Basic 10) Which of the following is not true regarding consent? A) Consent obtained during an unlawful detention may still be deemed valid if the prosecution can prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the police were unaware of the fact that the detention was unlawful. B) During a paid occupancy, a hotel manager cannot give valid consent to enter or search the guest‘s room. C) In situations where police lack probable cause to arrest or search, valid consent may be the only means of conducting a search to obtain evidence. D) Consent obtained by someone who reasonably appears to have authority over the place to be searched may be deemed valid even if that person had no actual authority to authorize that consent Answer: A Page Ref: 308

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Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 11) Valid consent to search can be obtained from a person who is in lawful police custody. The prosecutor has the burden of proving valid consent by: A) Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. B) Clear and Convincing Evidence. C) A Mere Inquiry. D) A Preponderance of Evidence. Answer: D Page Ref: 308 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 12) Justice Anthony Kennedy agreed DNA swabs constituted a search under the Fourth Amendment, however, he argued it was not unreasonable because of which of the following? A) Case Law Established in Maryland v. Miranda B) Suspect‘s criminal history being a crucial part of their identity C) Prior acceptance in 29 other states D) Exclusionary Rule Answer: B Page Ref: 311 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 13) The U.S. Supreme Court found that school officials have an overwhelming responsibility to keep the school campus and its population safe, in an effort to minimize an interruption of the educational environment. The Court found that searches carried out by school officials had to be: A) Approved by the Chief School Administrator. B) Approved by the Chief of Police in the municipality where the search will happen. C) Justified at their inception. D) Justified though the issuance of a Search Warrant. Answer: C Page Ref: 311 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate

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14) The United States Supreme Court held in the City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris that municipalities may be liable for inadequate training of employees, when the failure to train: A) Results in Serious Bodily Harm and/or Death. B) Amounts to Deliberate Indifference. C) Amounts to Conscious Avoidance. D) Results in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. Answer: B Page Ref: 312 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Difficult 15) The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that government officials are generally shielded from liability as long as their conduct does not violate clearly established constitutional rights. The Court‘s interest in protecting law enforcement officers is apparent in their decision and support of: A) Monell Liability. B) Qualified immunity. C) The Exclusionary rule. D) Summary judgment. Answer: B Page Ref: 312 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Difficult 16) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government officials are generally shielded from liability insofar as their ________ does not violate clearly established constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known to assert. A) Subjective Conduct B) Objective Conduct C) Frivolous Conduct D) Impermissible Conduct Answer: B Page Ref: 312 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 17) According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 requires that eligible employees are entitled to ________ workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for qualified medical and family reasons. A) 6 B) 8

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C) 12 D) 24 Answer: C Page Ref: 314 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 18) Citizens generally have a First Amendment Right to record things in plain sight or hearing, including police activity. Supervisors should remind officers that citizens have the legal right to record their activities and they cannot detain or arrest a person based solely on the fact that they are recording them. However, a citizen who is recording the police may: A) Interfere with an investigation. B) Physically obstruct police actions. C) Engage in name calling or insults. D) Impede the movement of pedestrian traffic. Answer: C Page Ref: 316 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Intermediate 19) Members of the public, including media representatives, generally have a clear-cut constitutionally protected First Amendment right to record officers in public places. However, there may be times where there is probable cause to believe that evidence of a serious crime has also been recorded. In exigent circumstances in which it is believed that the recording will be destroyed, lost, tampered with, or rendered useless as evidence, the recording may be seized under a temporary restraint. However, a ________ is usually required in order to examine and copy the recording. A) Subpoena Duces Tecum B) Subpoena ad Testificandum C) Warrant D) Discovery Request Answer: C Page Ref: 316 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 20) Which of the following is most accurate in regards to First Amendment auditors? A) Many audits often turn violent. B) Auditors have no right to record police investigations of any kind.

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C) Even with exigent circumstances, police can never search an auditor‘s phone without a search warrant. D) It is clearly established that as long as a person does not obstruct a police investigation or violate the law, video recording of police encounters is a form of speech protected by the First Amendment. Answer: D Page Ref: 317 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 14.2 True/False Questions 1) An investigative detention is based on probable cause and not reasonable suspicion; therefore, the encounter should be brief and only take the time absolutely necessary to determine whether the person was or was not engaged in criminal activity. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 297 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 2) When a police officer has a reasonable suspicion that an individual is armed and dangerous, has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime, the officer may stop and temporarily detain an individual for a pat-down frisk of the suspect‘s outer clothing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 297 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 3) Once an officer has made a legal stop of a motor vehicle for a traffic offense, the officer has the authority to order the driver to step out of the vehicle or remain inside. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 299 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 4) If an officer reasonably suspects that an occupant of a vehicle may be able to gain control of a weapon in the vehicle, the officer may conduct a brief search of the vehicle, limited to the areas where a weapon may be found. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 299

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Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 5) In the context of a motor vehicle setting, a consent to search a motor vehicle has been deemed to be valid if the consent is given voluntarily. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 299 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 6) After a suspect has been formally charged, the suspect has a legal right to refuse to participate in an identification procedure. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 300 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 7) During the showing of a photographic lineup, the suspect has a right to have legal counsel present. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 301 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 8) The Supreme Court of the United States has determined that an alert from a properly trained canine constitutes sufficient grounds to determine probable cause to search. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 301 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 9) The U.S. Supreme Court held the use of a canine unit after the completion of a lawful traffic stop that exceeded the time reasonably required to handle the matter violated the Fourth Amendment‘s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 302 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult

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10) The U.S. Supreme Court has found it impermissible for a police officer to conduct routine inventory searches of a lawfully impounded motor vehicle and therefore, officers may not legally search the vehicle under the automobile exception when doing an inventory. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 303 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 11) A police officer is only required to Mirandize a suspect if they intend to interrogate that person while they are in custody. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 305 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 12) According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a qualified employee or applicant with a disability is an individual who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the job in question. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 310 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 13) In Maryland v King, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may not collect and analyze DNA from people subsequent to arrest. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 311 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Intermediate 14) Public School officials may conduct reasonable warrantless searches of students only if they have probable cause. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 311 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 15) School officials cannot carry out searches at the behest of police officers, as the request by a police officer would qualify school officials as an ―agent of the police,‖ and thereby require probable cause and/or a warrant. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 311

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Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 16) Samson v. California establishes that the Fourth Amendment does not prohibit police who are working with parole officers from conducting a warrantless search of a parolee, even when there is no suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 311 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 17) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government officials are generally shielded from liability insofar as their objective conduct does not violate clearly established constitutional rights, of which a reasonable person would have known to assert. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 312 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 18) The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) is a U.S. federal law allowing qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from local and state agencies to carry concealed firearms. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 313 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 19) Officers may investigate any person engaged in First Amendment conduct for the purpose of preventing the person from exercising their First Amendment rights. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 315 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 20) It is clearly established that as long as a person does not obstruct a police investigation or violate the law, video recording of police encounters is a form of speech protected by the First Amendment. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 317 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate

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14.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) Supervisors need to know that the standard for making an investigative detention is ________. Answer: Reasonable Suspicion Page Ref: 296 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 2) A Terry Stop is another name for stop and frisk. A frisk is not a full-blown search, and is limited to a ________ of the suspect‘s outer clothing for the purpose of discovering a weapon, or dispelling the officers fear that the suspect is armed. Answer: Pat Down Page Ref: 297 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 3) The ________ standard suggests there is no single deciding factor, that the courts must consider all the facts, the context of those facts as they were known at the time of an incident, and conclude from the whole picture whether there is probable cause. Answer: Totality of the Circumstances Page Ref: 299 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 4) The Supreme Court of the United States has determined that an alert from a properly trained canine constitutes ________ to search. Answer: Probable Cause Page Ref: 301 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 5) _______ force is prohibited to prevent escape, unless the person arrested poses a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to an officer or a third party, and the use of this force is necessary to prevent the escape and effect the arrest. Answer: Deadly Page Ref: 303 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate

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6) The ________ prohibits evidence obtained in an illegal search and seizure from being used in a court of law. Answer: Exclusionary Rule Page Ref: 304 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Difficult 7) The goal of a suspect interview or interrogation is to gain the ________, not just to get a confession. Answer: Truth Page Ref: 305 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 8) Police Officers are only required to Mirandize a suspect they intend to interrogate. The equation for Miranda is simple: ________ + Interrogation = Miranda. Answer: Custody Page Ref: 305 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 9) Police _________ is generally accepted as anytime the police deprive a person of their freedom of movement in a significant way. Answer: Custody Page Ref: 305 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Basic 10) If a suspect makes an unsolicited statement sometimes called an excited utterance to a police officer, that statement will most likely be ________ in court. Answer: Admissible Page Ref: 306 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 11) ________, also sometimes called ―fresh pursuit‖ is the chase by police personnel of a person whom the police have reason to believe has just committed a crime. Answer: Hot Pursuit Page Ref: 307 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 334 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

12) Valid consent can be obtained from a person who is in lawful police custody. The burden of proving valid consent is by a ________. Answer: Preponderance of the Evidence Page Ref: 308 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 13) The ADA requires law enforcement agencies to make __________ accommodations to their policies, practices, and procedures that will ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities, unless making such accommodations would fundamentally alter the program or service involved. Answer: Reasonable Page Ref: 309 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 14) The U.S. Supreme Court held in the City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris that municipalities may be liable for inadequate training of employees, but only when ―the failure to train amounts to ________.‖ Answer: Deliberate Indifference Page Ref: 312 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 15) Video recordings of interactions with police or other public employees are becoming commonplace on _________ media and sometimes make for sensational media headlines. Answer: Social Page Ref: 316 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Basic 14.4 Matching Questions Match the legal terms listed in Column 1 to their definitions in Column 2. A) The standard for making an investigative detention B) The chase by police personnel of a person whom the police have reason to believe has just committed a crime C) The limited frisk of a suspect‘s outer clothing to discover a weapon D) The ultimate touchstone of the Fourth Amendment E) A federal civil rights law that provides protections to individuals with disabilities

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F) The standard that suggests there is no single deciding factor in determining probable cause and that the courts must consider all the facts, the context of those facts as they were known at the time of an incident, and conclude from the whole picture 1) Reasonableness Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 2) Reasonable Suspicion Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 3) Pat Down Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 4) Fresh Pursuit Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 5) ADA Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 6) Totality of the Circumstances Page Ref: 296–309 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) D 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) E 6) F

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14.5 Essay Questions 1) The Fourth Amendment protects an individual against unreasonable search and seizure. Explain how the notion of a ―reasonable expectation of privacy‖ is included in this concept. Answer: The Fourth Amendment, introduced to the Bill of Rights by James Madison, protects individuals against unreasonable search and seizure. These rights seek to balance the privacy interests of an individual against the law enforcement interests of the government. Lawful search and seizure therefore requires a warrant in most cases, with exceptions made for probable cause or emergency situations. Subsequent rulings by the SCOTUS have defined the amendment‘s protection to include a ―reasonable expectation of privacy‖ and the exclusionary rule, which prohibits evidence obtained in an illegal search and seizure from being used in a court of law. Citizens of the United States are guaranteed a right to privacy. Page Ref: 303–304 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Intermediate 2) If there is a threat to public safety, questions may be asked of a suspect without the administration of Miranda Warnings. Explain how the public safety exception may be applied in an active shooter situation or a threat of terrorism. Answer: If there is a threat to public safety, questions may be asked without the administration of Miranda warnings (NY v. Quarles, 4677 U.S. 649). The threat may be immediate, such as an active shooter or a threat of terrorism. Although the public safety exception was born out of the decision in NY v. Quarles, we saw it used in a high-profile case during the questioning of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect. Page Ref: 306 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Difficult 3) According to the U.S. Supreme Court, the proceedings of a juvenile court must comply with the Constitution. Explain specifically how juveniles are guaranteed many of the rights of the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments. Answer: As a result of the landmark case In Re Gault, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the proceedings for juveniles have to comply with the requirements of the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments. These requirements included adequate notice of charges, notification of both the child and the parents as to the juvenile‘s right to counsel, opportunity for confrontation of witnesses and their cross-examination at the hearings, and adequate safeguards against self-incrimination. Page Ref: 307 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult

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14.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) Discuss the enormous responsibilities of a twenty-first-century police leader. Answer: A twenty-first-century police leader has an enormous responsibility to enforce the law, to give their subordinates lawful orders, to maintain order, to build public trust through transparency, and to ensure the constitutional rights of everyone they serve. A key component to being an effective leader is to continuously train in the areas they supervise. In essence, to be a life-long learner. In addition to taking leadership courses that focus on personnel and management issues, today‘s police leaders must also get regular updates on developments in criminal law and constitutional procedure that apply to the operations of personnel they supervise. Just as a patrol officer or detective cannot afford to be several years out of date on basic policing procedures, the police supervisor must stay current regarding their knowledge of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices. To be able to correct and guide subordinates when they make mistakes, and to ensure that investigations are handled lawfully, the supervisor needs to know at least as much as, if not more than, their subordinate officers. Supervisors must be proactive in reading case law, and keep up to date with the changes that occur. At a minimum, every supervisor and manager should have a core understanding of the legal matters that impact their work. Page Ref: 295 Objective: To become familiar with important legal knowledge that every supervisor and manager should know Level: Intermediate 2) Explain the conditions that supervisors must be carefully aware of that will convert a consensual and voluntary field encounter with a person into a police detention or worse, a constructive or de facto arrest. Answer: Supervisors must be carefully aware of conditions that will convert a consensual and voluntary field encounter with a person into a police detention or worse, a constructive or de facto arrest. An officer can approach a person, and attempt to speak with them at any time, as long as this approach is not fueled by race, ethnicity, or country of origin. The reason may even be based on a hunch or a gut feeling; however, the officer must know they have no authority to stop the person, and the person has no obligation to answer any questions put to them. A police officer need not have any suspicion that the person is engaged in criminal activity in order to approach and speak to the person, as long as the officer is careful not to exert physical control or official authority over the person. The person approached or a similarly situated person should feel they would have been free to leave at any time during the police–citizen encounter. Officers may ask a person non-accusatory questions such as a person‘s name, address, and destination–that is, as long as those questions are related to the objective, credible reason for the approach, and if the questions are asked in a non-accusatory manner. The courts have generally ruled that when a police–citizen contact is consensual, it does not constitute a seizure, as long as a reasonable person would believe they are free to leave at any time. Page Ref: 296 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Difficult

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3) Explain why ―Hot Pursuit‖ is sometimes called ―fresh pursuit‖ and how an officer‘s ability to enter a private dwelling may vary regarding a hot-pursuit entry for a felony in comparison to a relatively minor offense. Answer: Hot pursuit, also sometimes called ―Fresh Pursuit,‖ is the chase by police personnel of a person whom the police have reason to believe has just committed a crime. As established in U.S. v. Santana, a police officer may arrest a suspect in a hot pursuit scenario without a warrant for the commission of a felony offense. The bottom line is if a suspect commits a crime (a felony offense) in a public place, they cannot frustrate an arrest by retreating inside a private residence. The police officers have the right to pursue the suspect on foot into and inside a private dwelling and effect the arrest that they had the right to make in a public place (U.S. v. Santana 427 U.S. 39, 1976). Welsh v. Wisconsin, however, has added a layer of uncertainty to the hot-pursuit doctrine espoused in Santana. In Welsh, officers had reason to believe that the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident was intoxicated and left the scene prior to the arrival of the police. The officers determined that the driver lived nearby and proceeded to his residence where they made a nonconsensual, warrantless entry to arrest Welsh for driving under the influence of alcohol, a first-offense punishable in that state at the time as a traffic offense with no possibility of jail time. The Supreme Court held that the warrantless entry into the residence was unlawful, because the need to arrest for a non-jailable traffic offense did not amount to an exigent circumstance. Although Welsh did not involve an entry pursuant to a hot pursuit, there is language in the opinion that suggests that the Court would be reluctant to uphold a hot-pursuit entry to arrest someone for a relatively minor offense. In particular, the majority opinion says that it is difficult to conceive a minor non-dangerous offense ever giving rise to exigent circumstances the way a felony in progress did in U.S. v. Santana. The nature of the involved offense is going to be a major factor, if not completely determinative in future hot-pursuit situations. Page Ref: 307 Objective: To develop a better understanding of the law, constitutional criminal procedure, and best practices Level: Difficult 4) How can a supervisor guide their personnel in the use of constitutional strategies and procedural justice techniques when they encounter First Amendment auditors? Answer:       

Do not become personally offended. Remain calm and professional when responding to a situation where someone is recording police officers. Pay attention to behavior and conduct–not necessarily the recording itself. Officers should politely provide their name and badge number upon request. Always attempt to defuse the situation. If the auditor‘s conduct is not illegal, do not detain the person and do not request identification. Absent exigent circumstances, police cannot search the digital evidence contained in a cell phone incident to arrest. If it is determined the auditor is present to conduct legal business, officers should respectfully disengage with the auditor.

Page Ref: 317 Objective: To make better decisions in accordance with the law Level: Intermediate

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Supervision of Police Personnel, 10e (Iannone) Chapter 15 Other Important Supervisory and Management Topics 15.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) ________ related incidents are a leading cause of line of duty deaths for law enforcement officers in the United States. A) Domestic Violence B) Motor Vehicle C) Firearms D) Terrorism Answer: B Page Ref: 321 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Basic 2) To help prevent motor vehicle-related deaths and injuries, all supervisors should ensure that officers: A) Wear their seat belts. B) Obey the speed limit and traffic laws. C) Are aware of the dangers of distracted driving. D) All of the above. Answer: D Page Ref: 321–322 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Basic 3) No matter what type of call for service officers are responding to, the most important thing is that they arrive: A) In a reasonable amount of time. B) Fast. C) Alive. D) With emergency lights and sirens activated. Answer: C Page Ref: 322 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Basic

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4) According to a survey done by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), which of the following was identified as the most prominent safety risk for officers? A) Shift work leading to poor eating habits B) Emotional trauma C) Poor fitness and cardiovascular health D) Unsafe driving practices Answer: D Page Ref: 322 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Intermediate 5) Which of the following helps officers to perform more efficiently and more effectively? A) Autocratic Leadership B) Increase in Pay C) Coaching D) Micromanagement Answer: C Page Ref: 324 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 6) Which of the following is in the best position to ensure that their officers stay safe in the line of duty? A) First-line supervisors B) Chief of Police C) Mayor D) Captains Answer: A Page Ref: 324 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Basic 7) A law enforcement officer‘s response to situations involving individuals with mental health concerns may vary slightly and require more understanding and time to resolve. However, the ultimate goal is: A) Effecting an immediate arrest of the individual. B) De-escalating the incident as safely as possible. C) Placing the individual in a mental health institution. D) To take control by using a loud commanding voice when dealing with the individual. Answer: B Page Ref: 324

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Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Intermediate 8) Officers responding to a call of an individual with behavioral health issues should maintain an appropriate distance between the subject and the responding member(s). This is called a(n): A) Buffer Zone. B) Zone of Safety. C) Mentality Zone. D) Awareness Zone. Answer: B Page Ref: 325 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Intermediate 9) To help properly train officers responding to calls with individuals with mental health issues, many progressive departments such as Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas, Camden, and New York train ________ teams. A) Suicide Prevention B) Crisis Intervention C) Community Policing D) Proactive Street Cop Answer: B Page Ref: 326 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Basic 10) Which of the following is most correct in regard to ABLE (Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement)? A) The ABLE Project is a national hub dedicated to research and training with the aim of creating a police culture in which officers routinely stop other officers from doing police work. B) The ABLE Project prepares officers to successfully intervene to prevent harm and to create a law enforcement culture that supports peer intervention. C) Many progressive police departments, in light of high-profile critical incidents and allegations of excessive use of force, have established a hands-off approach now when dealing with criminal offenders. D) If medical assistance is needed for an injured subject, it may only be provided by fire department paramedics. Answer: B Page Ref: 326

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Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic 11) Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) is about which of the following? A) Discipline, as needed B) Reporting, as needed and when required by policy C) Empowering officers to intervene in each other‘s actions, as needed D) Enhancing internal affairs investigations Answer: C Page Ref: 327 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 12) The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Officer-Involved Domestic Violence policy makes it clear that the department will adhere to a(n) ________ policy toward police officer domestic violence. A) Ambiguous B) Subjective C) Zero-tolerance D) Seriously restricted tolerance Answer: C Page Ref: 328 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 13) Which mindset emphasizes communication over commands, recognizes legitimacy in addition to legal authority, and fosters cooperation over the need for compliance? A) Warrior B) Protector C) Guardian D) Authoritarian Answer: C Page Ref: 333 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 14) Which of the following is the most appropriate response regarding conflict in the workplace? A) Ignoring conflict or tensions and hoping that they will work themselves out in time is ignoring your responsibility as a supervisor. B) Conflict is always a positive force and will always enable an organization to grow. C) Supervisors only get involved in resolving conflict as a last resort when officers cannot work things out themselves. D) Conflict is always a negative force and must be rooted out of every organization. Answer: A

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Page Ref: 333 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Difficult 15) The American Management Association has identified five steps to better handle conflict. The first step is: A) Look beyond the incident. B) Agreement. C) Identify the source of conflict. D) Request solutions. Answer: C Page Ref: 334 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 16) Regarding the American Management Association‘s five-step process to better handling conflict, the last step is: A) Look beyond the incident. B) Agreement. C) Identify the source of conflict. D) Request solutions. Answer: B Page Ref: 334 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 17) How a law enforcement agency responds and deals with the media after a critical incident is very important, especially within the first ________ hours of an incident. A) 24 B) 48 C) 72 D) 120 Answer: A Page Ref: 334 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 18) Which of the following is the police supervisor‘s most effective method of reaching and communicating with the public? A) Using the grapevine and rumors to spread information B) By holding community policing meetings C) Requesting officers on the beat meet and greet as many people as they can daily D) Traditional news media and social media platforms Answer: D 344 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 19) Which of the following is the key to having a successful meeting? A) Including the police agency‘s chief executive officer B) Using a meeting space that has ample parking C) To have a specific and defined purpose D) Emailing the meeting agenda to all attendees 48 hours in advance Answer: C Page Ref: 337 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 20) Supervisors would be wise to hold their meetings: A) In the mornings. B) In the late afternoon. C) Right after lunch. D) Anytime they want, as they are the supervisor. Answer: A Page Ref: 338 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 21) Which of the following is a goal-oriented police management process that relies on computer technology, statistics, and accountability to offer a dynamic approach to crime reduction, quality of life improvement, and personnel and resource management, whereby ranking police department executives identify spikes in crimes using comparative statistics and address those spikes through the use of targeted enforcement? A) Real Time Crime Center B) Procedural Justice C) Guardian Mindset D) CompStat Answer: D Page Ref: 341 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 15.2 True/False Questions 1) Motor vehicle-related incidents are a leading cause of line of duty deaths for law enforcement officers in the United States. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 321 345 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Intermediate 2) The objective of discipline is to change the officer‘s behavior. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 322 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic 3) According to the textbook, coaching helps officers to perform more efficiently, but not more effectively. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 324 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 4) The chief of police is in the best position of any superior officer to ensure that their officers stay safe in the line of duty. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 324 Objective: To develop a greater awareness of how supervisors and managers can enhance officer safety Level: Basic 5) Research tells us that 1 in every 5 adults lives with a mental illness. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 324 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Basic 6) Although officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) is a national problem, police officer families have lower rates of domestic violence than non-police officer families. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 327 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 7) Pre-hire screening and investigation are critical to a proper officer involved domestic violence (OIDV) policy. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 328 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate

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8) The IACP model policy on officer involved domestic violence states that a police officer with more seniority than the offender shall always report to the scene of all police officer involved domestic violence incidents, regardless of the involved officer‘s jurisdiction. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 329 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 9) The IACP model policy on officer involved domestic violence states that the police department Internal Affairs Units shall conduct separate parallel administrative investigations of alleged incidents of police officer domestic violence in a manner that maintains the integrity of both investigations and promotes zero tolerance. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 330 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 10) Changes in the police culture begin at the police academy level where the core curriculum includes the infusion of the guardian mindset into each of its components and performance objectives. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 332 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 11) How a law enforcement agency responds and deals with the media in a critical incident is very important, especially within the first 24 hours of an incident. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 334 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic 12) Social media can oftentimes be buzzing with activity within seconds after a breaking news story. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic 13) The Double Nickel technique involves writing down ten questions you hope the reporter will ask, and then ten questions you hope will not be asked. Then write short and direct answers to all twenty. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 336–337 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic

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14) Supervisors should prepare a detailed meeting agenda within the first 15-20 minutes of the start of the meeting. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 337 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 15) Some of the more common time-wasters involve constant complaining or gossiping and excessive emailing and texting. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 338 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Basic 16) Change is often one of the most challenging and difficult events for human beings to manage, and there is a tendency in law enforcement to resist change. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 17) Proper planning, timing, and implementation of change are of paramount importance at the higher levels of the organization, but not at the lower level. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 343 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 18) Creating opportunities for personnel to vent, discuss, or speak openly about change will be a key component in reducing the fear of change. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 344 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 19) An effective leader must be able to effectively communicate the need for change and the process of change to the persons impacted. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 345 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 20) Time management involves a planned conscious effort to increase daily effectiveness and productivity. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 339

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Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 15.3 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1) ________ related incidents are a leading cause of line of duty deaths for law enforcement officers in the United States Answer: Motor Vehicle Page Ref: 321 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 2) The ________ is in the best position to ensure that their officers stay safe in the line of duty. Answer: First-line Supervisor Page Ref: 324 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 3) Research tells us that 1 in every 5 adults lives with a ________ illness. Answer: Mental Page Ref: 324 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Basic 4) There is a growing realization among police leadership that when police use ________, there is the potential to damage the relationship between the community and the police. Answer: Force Page Ref: 326 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Basic 5) ABLE training is provided at no cost to law enforcement agencies; however, participating agencies must commit to creating a culture of active ________ and peer intervention through policy, training, support, and accountability. Answer: Bystandership Page Ref: 327 Objective: To be able to recognize the benefits of using de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with behavioral health problems Level: Basic 6) Officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) is a national problem, with police officer families having ________ rates of domestic violence than non-police officer families. Answer: Higher Page Ref: 327

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Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 7) The IACP policy makes it clear that the department will adhere to a ________ policy toward police officer domestic violence. Answer: Zero-tolerance Page Ref: 328 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 8) The _________ mindset emphasizes communication over commands, recognizes legitimacy in addition to legal authority, and fosters cooperation over the need for compliance. Answer: Guardian Page Ref: 333 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 9) Being a _________ supervisor means having a keen sense and ability to identify when any aspect of workplace conflict is affecting your subordinates. Answer: Proactive Page Ref: 333 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Basic 10) If conflict is unhealthy and unproductive, a supervisor‘s ________ will be necessary. Answer: Intervention Page Ref: 333 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Intermediate 11) Regarding the American Management Association‘s five step process to better handling conflict, the last step is ________. Answer: Agreement Page Ref: 334 Objective: To gain an understanding of best practices that relate to conflict resolution Level: Difficult 12) How a law enforcement agency responds and deals with the media in a critical incident is very important, especially within the first ________ hours of an incident Answer: 24 Page Ref: 334 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 13) Prior to a meeting, a detailed meeting ________ should be developed. Answer: Agenda Page Ref: 337 350 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 14) It is paramount that supervisors and managers control their ________, so that they may perform their duties and responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner. Answer: Time Page Ref: 338 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 15) ________ by definition is described in simple terms as, to alter, to make different, to transform, to replace with another, to switch. Answer: Change Page Ref: 342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 15.4 Matching Questions Match the report writing media preparation techniques listed in Column 1 to its examples in Column 2. A) Circumstances of the incident B) Persons involved in the incident C) Detailed process of the incident D) Motive or cause of the incident E) Place/location of the incident F) Specific timeline of the incident 1) Who Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 2) What Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 3) When Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate

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4) Where Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 5) Why Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 6) How Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate Answers: 1) B 2) A 3) F 4) E 5) D 6) C Match the technology listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2. A) It is a handheld device designed to restrain noncompliant subjects by launching a Kevlar cord that wraps around a person‘s arms or legs. B) It serves as primary focal points to receive, analyze, gather, and share information among federal, state, and local law enforcement partners. C) It is commonly known as ShotSpotter. It is a system that alerts police officers to where a gunshot has just been fired. D) Also referred to as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), could be used to search for suspects, obtain information and survey disaster areas without using a piloted helicopter or airplane. E) It uses an algorithm that identifies locations in major cities that are predicted to have a high likelihood of crimes, such as homicides and burglaries, occurring in the next week. F) An integrated camera-database technology, meaning the system takes a photograph of a vehicle‘s license plate and processes the numbers and letters against a known database, alerting the officer if a vehicle is unregistered, stolen, or entered as suspicious. G) Created on a municipal or local level, and focuses on a wide-ranging variety of public safety concerns, including but not limited to gun crime, carjackings, automobile thefts, and general situational awareness. H) It is a structured approach to managing and evaluating law enforcement operations that involves collecting and analyzing crime and disorder data, formulating response strategies, deploying personnel, and assessing the effectiveness of a response and the performance of the participants. I) A technology capable of matching human faces from a digital image or video frame against a database of faces. It is slowly becoming a commonplace tool for law enforcement officers at the federal, state, and municipal levels. J) Tools that display, store, manage, and analyze geospatial data and related information.

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K) Worn principally by officers in the performance of duties that require open and direct contact with the public. 7) Gunshot detection system Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 8) Artificial Intelligence Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 9) Body cameras Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 10) Fusion centers Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 11) Drones Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 12) Facial recognition software Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 13) BolaWrap Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 14) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate

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15) Real-Time Crime Centers (RTCCs) Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 16) CompStat Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 17) Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) Page Ref: 339–342 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate Answers: 7) C 8) E 9) K 10) B 11) D 12) I 13) A 14) J 15) G 16) H 17) F 15.5 Essay Questions 1) What is recommended by the IACP for the pre-screening of law enforcement candidates in order to prevent officer involved domestic violence (OIDV) incidents? Answer: Pre-hire screening and investigation are critical to a proper OIDV policy. The IACP recommends that departments conduct thorough background investigations of all potential new employees using address history, driver‘s record, and a domestic violence protection order database. All candidates for police employment shall be asked if they have engaged in or been investigated for domestic violence offenses. Candidates for employment shall also be asked about any past arrests, suspended sentences, diversion programs, convictions, and protection orders related to elder abuse, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence-related offenses. Those candidates with a history of perpetrating violence should be screened out at this point in the hiring process. Candidates shall be clearly informed of the department‘s position of zero tolerance concerning domestic violence by its officers. The psychological screening of all viable candidates will focus on indicators of abusive tendencies in the candidate‘s background. Page Ref: 328 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 2) List the elements of having an effective and productive meeting. Answer:      

Start and end the meeting on time, and designate a timekeeper. Welcome the attendees, and open the meeting by reviewing the ground rules and agenda items. Discuss the most important issues first. Stay focused on the meeting agenda topics. Be flexible, but keep the small talk to a minimum, so you don‘t get sidetracked. Make detailed notes as information is exchanged, regarding follow-up actions to be taken outside of the meeting. 354 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Review the issues discussed, identify the action steps, and confirm an action plan. Schedule the next meeting if necessary. Try to end on a positive note, and thank all attendees. Follow up on the meeting.

Page Ref: 337 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 3) What is ―change‖ and why can it be difficult to manage in a police organization? Answer: Change by definition is to alter, to make different, to transform, to replace with another, to switch. Change is often one of the most challenging and difficult events for human beings to manage. We tend to be satisfied with the status quo. There is a tendency in law enforcement to resist change. For many officers, change is uncomfortable. It often requires them to learn new ways of thinking and doing. If we‘re happy with the status quo, it‘s hard to visualize and accept what the change might bring. So, it‘s often easier for officers to hang onto what they know and are comfortable with, rather than welcome the unknown. When we are suddenly and unexpectedly removed from the contentment of our comfort zone, resistance, resentment, and struggle often ensue. The law enforcement profession is certainly no different. If not for progressive openminded leadership in today‘s agencies, officers probably would continue to perform their duties and responsibilities in the very same manner they were trained decades ago. It is imperative that today‘s law enforcement leadership constantly monitor, analyze, and adapt to the continuous changes in their work environments. Page Ref: 343 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 15.6 Critical Thinking/Discussion Questions 1) Discuss the components of the International Association of Chiefs of Police model policy regarding officer involved domestic violence (OIDV). Answer: Officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) is a national problem, with police officer families having higher rates of domestic violence than non-police officer families. The purpose of a uniform policy is to establish procedures that delineate responsibility for implementing domestic violence prevention strategies in the law enforcement community, and for handling matters of domestic violence and abuse involving law enforcement officers. A proper policy stresses the importance of addressing the safety needs of the victim, while holding the perpetrator accountable for their actions. It also addresses the importance of training. The IACP policy makes it clear that the department will adhere to a zero-tolerance policy toward police officer domestic violence. Pre-hire screening and investigation are also critical. Supervisors should use an early warning and intervention system to document any pattern of abusive behavior potentially indicative of domestic violence. Incident response protocol dictates that a supervisor of higher rank shall always report to the scene of all domestic violence incidents involving a police officer, regardless of the involved officer‘s jurisdiction. Lastly, the department‘s Internal Affairs Unit shall conduct separate parallel administrative investigations of alleged incidents of police officer domestic violence in a manner that maintains the integrity of both investigations and promotes zero tolerance. Regardless of the outcome of the criminal case, the department shall uphold all administrative decisions. 355 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page Ref: 327–330 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult 2) How a law enforcement agency responds and deals with the media after a critical incident is very important. Please discuss the five Ws and H technique that supervisors have used when dealing with the media. Answer: It is important at the beginning of this process to get all of the correct information. The facts that you gather need to be accurate and confirmed to the best of your ability. After gathering up the information, organize it in a logical way that you expect to present it. Most police officers learn the five Ws and H in the police academy for report writing. The five Ws and H is a proven technique that supervisors have used when dealing with the media. The following information must first be gathered: WHO–was involved or affected by the incident? For example, perpetrators, victims, witnesses, officers, individuals arrested, and people evacuated. WHAT–were the circumstances of the incident? What actions are being taken by law enforcement? What if any potential dangers should the public be made aware of? WHEN–did the incident occur? What was the specific timeline of the incident, and any other actions related to the incident? WHERE–did the incident take place? Where did any other relevant actions related to the incident take place? WHY–did the incident occur? Is there a known motive or cause? Releasing of the ―why‖ may or may not be necessary based on the circumstances. Detectives may not want information about the motive given out at this time. HOW–did the incident happen? How was law enforcement notified of the incident? How is your agency handling the incident? How did law enforcement handle the incident or solve the crime? How did law enforcement make the arrest? Once this information is obtained, an astute supervisor and manager will be aware that state law and department policy will dictate what information can be released. When in doubt if information can be released, check with a superior, public information expert, or legal advisor. Page Ref: 335 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Intermediate 3) How important is technology in policing today? Answer: Technology is transforming police work in the twenty-first century, introducing new tools to fight crime and disorder. These emerging technologies include, but are not limited to, using drones, automated license plate readers, body cameras, facial recognition software, artificial intelligence to predict crime, gunshot detection systems, and less-lethal weapons in an effort to reduce injury and bodily harm. As police departments determine which technologies to adopt, they are also grappling with growing concerns about privacy that these technologies bring, and potential complications they could create for officers doing their job. The best police leaders are fully transparent regarding the type of technology used by their department. Members of the public may be curious, but beyond that expect to be fully informed regarding what technologies their police department employs in an effort to keep their community safe. And in some cases, technology that police adopt has the ability to 356 Copyright © 2024 Pearson Education, Inc.

integrate with personal technology that residents own. Page Ref: 339 Objective: To become acquainted with important contemporary issues in law enforcement Level: Difficult

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