Chapter 9 – Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Test Items: 1. The DSM-V does not use the term, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Instead, the same types of behaviors are called: a. Making My Child Ill Mania b. Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another c. Post-Partum Psychosis d. Differential Identity Disorder by Proxy Answer: B 2. Who coined the term Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? a. Sir Thomas Stevens b. Sir William Gates c. Sir Roy Meadow d. Sigmund Freud Answer: C 3. A mother who says her child had ten seizures, when only one seizure occurred, is guilty of: a. exaggerating b. fabricating c. inducing d. all of the above Answer: A 4. A caregiver who injects a non-diabetic child with insulin is guilty of: a. exaggerating b. fabricating c. inducing d. all of the above Answer: C 5. If a mother says that her infant stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated when this never happened, she is guilty of: a. exaggerating b. fabricating c. inducing d. all of the above