9 minute read
Chapter 35: Loss, Death, and Palliative Care
from Test Bank for EBERSOLE AND HESS’ TOWARD HEALTHY AGING Human Needs and Nursing Response. 9th Edition
by StudyGuide
Touhy: Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging, 9th Edition
Multiple Choice
1. Which behavior is characteristic of grief by a disenfranchised adult child in response to a parent’s death following a lengthy, painful illness?
a. Crying out loudly while invoking “God’s help” to go on with life b. Announcing to family members, “I’ve already grieved the loss.” c. Having difficulty even deciding what to wear to the funeral d. Going on a drinking binge instead of attending the funeral
The individual is exhibiting disenfranchised grief since situations have distanced him or her from the family, making grieving openly impossible. Pathological grief begins with a normal grieving process, but obstacles interfere with a normal evolution toward adjustment, causing reactions to be exaggerated. Anticipatory grief is a response to a real or perceived loss before the loss occurs. Acute grief is a crisis; it is a syndrome of physical and psychological symptoms of distress, often accompanied by functional disruption.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: p. 486
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity
2. When working with a bereaved individual, the goal of nursing interventions is to: a. assist the individual to go through the stages of grief work in the optimal order. b. assist the individual to attain a healthy adjustment to the loss experience. c. encourage the individual to talk about his or her feelings about the deceased individual. d. offer support and advice about how to successfully achieve grief work.
The goal of nursing interventions when working with bereaved individuals is to help them adjust in a healthy manner. There is no optimal order in which to experience grief. Not all individuals are able to talk about their feelings, nor is it helpful for everyone. The role of nursing is to offer support, but not advice.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding REF: p. 488
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. Men are less likely to grieve the loss of a spouse. b. Women carry deeper attachments to their spouses than men do. c. Women are generally more likely to outlive their spouses. d. The male response to grief has been thoroughly studied and documented.
3. Which truism will the nurse base spousal grief counseling upon?
Three out of four women will be widowed at some point because women tend to live longer than men and frequently marry older men. There is no evidence that men grieve less than women; men and women grieve in different manners. It has not been found to be true that women carry attachments to their spouses that are less deep than men’s attachments. Male response to grief has not been studied as thoroughly as that of women; the abundance of literature on this topic deals with women.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: pp. 483–486
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. Closed awareness b. Suspected awareness c. Mutual pretense d. Open awareness
4. A woman is terminally ill. Although it has never been discussed in the family or stated outright by her physician, she is growing to believe that she will die because of her illness. Upon which concept will the nurse base therapeutic intervention on?
In suspected awareness, the patient suspects that she is dying; however, it is never openly discussed. With closed awareness, the patient does not know that she is dying; it is kept secret. With mutual pretense, there is a “let’s pretend” atmosphere, where real feelings are kept hidden. Open awareness acknowledges the reality of the approaching death.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: pp. 491–492
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity
5. The nurse suspects that the spouse of a terminally ill client is experiencing anticipatory grief when he : a. dramatically reduces the time he spends attending to the client. b. refuses to leave the client’s bedside regardless of the reason. c. sobs inconsolably whenever he visits. d. spends hours recalling details of their life together.
Anticipatory grief is the response to a real or perceived loss such as in anticipation of the death of a loved one. Behaviors that may signal anticipatory grief include a sudden change in attitude toward the thing or person to be lost. The other options are characteristics of normal grieving.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: p. 484
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. Everyone needs social interaction. b. The nurse needs to “attend to the patient.” c. Hearing is believed to be the last sense to be lost. d. The individual is living until he or she is dead.
6. The nurse sits at the bedside of a comatose, terminally ill older client reading the wishes expressed in the numerous cards the client has received. Which concept of grief work is the nurse addressing with this intervention?
An individual is living until he or she has died; the nurse works with the older adult and significant others to maintain as high a quality of life as possible before, during, and after the loss or death. While the other options are true they are not directly involved in grief work.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: p. 499
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity
7. A 78- year-old patient who is dying of colon cancer with metastases to the liver is refusing to eat or drink. He is alert and oriented, and states that he has no desire to eat, which is causing the family great distress. In order to best address the client and family, the nurse should: a. explain the family’s concern to the client. b. educate the family that this is normal behavior in this situation. c. contact the physician for an order for enteral feeding. d. contact the dietitian for feeding supplements.
The nurse should educate the family that this is a normal part of the dying process and should not pressure the client, contact the physician for enteral feeding, or contact the dietitian for feeding supplements. Because the patient is expressing a desire not to eat, his wishes should be honored. Essential to the facilitation of self-esteem is the premise that the values of the patient must figure significantly in the decisions that will affect the course of dying. Whenever possible, the nurse can have the person decide when to groom, eat, wake, sleep, and so on.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: p. 498, Table 35-1
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. The acute phase is the most intense period of the grieving process. b. The intensity of the grief is in proportion to the expected death trajectory. c. Grief work is most effective when addressed during the acute phase of grief. d. Anticipatory grief is an expected barrier to grief work.
8. Which principle regarding grief crisis intervention is the basis for intervention planning?
The acute phase is usually the peak time of stress and anxiety as the life and future of the individual and the family are thrown into disequilibrium. Crisis intervention is most effective here because the individual, family, and caregivers are struggling to come to terms with the knowledge. While the other options are true, they are not as directly related to intervention planning.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: p. 483
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity
Multiple Response
1. Which intervention is an example of countercoping for a client who has recently received a terminal diagnosis of cancer? (Select all that apply.)
a. Answering the client’s questions regarding the trajectory of his or her illness b. Offering to pray with the client and family c. Scheduling a meeting with the client and family to identify alternative end-of-life plans d. Assessing the client frequently for depression and risk of self-harm e. Being available to just listen to the client talk about dying
ANS: A, C, D, E
One of the strategies of countercoping includes clarification and control. The nurse helps cope with loss and dying by helping individuals confront the loss by getting or receiving information, considering alternatives, and finding a way to make the grief manageable. The nurse helps persons resume control by encouraging them to avoid acting on impulse. It is not an acceptable practice to initiate such an intervention as asking the client to pray.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying REF: pp. 487–488
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. A nurse or physician must be the one to administer the medications. b. The patient must have a prognosis of 6 months or less to live. c. The patient must be informed of all treatments and alternatives. d. The family of the patient must agree in writing to the patient’s decision. e. The patient must have received counseling to ensure that she is fully informed of the risks.
2. A nurse is caring for a patient in Portland, Oregon, who has a terminal illness. The patient tells the nurse that she has made a decision “to end it all,” that she has suffered enough and is considering asking her physician to prescribe medications to help her die. The nurse knows that the regulations for physician-assisted suicide include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
The physician-assisted suicide laws in the states of Oregon and Washington have the following requirements: The individual must be a competent adult who is free of depression and who has a prognosis of less than 6 months to live. The patient must make two requests, both verbal and in writing, repeated in 15 days, and there must be two witnesses to the request; one must not be an heir, related, or employed by the health care facility caring for the patient. The patient must have been informed of alternatives and have received counseling to ensure that the person is fully informed regarding the risks of such actions. Neither physicians nor nurses are permitted to administer the product used.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding REF: pp. 496–497
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. “I know that palliative care is only available to people who have 6 months or less to live. That is really hard to cope with.” b. “My mom still can be actively treated while receiving palliative care.” c. “I understand that the palliative care team is made up of health care professionals of all different disciplines, not just doctors and nurses.” d. “The goal of palliative care is to prevent or to minimize suffering” e. “My mom will have to be transferred to a special unit in the hospital in order to receive palliative care.”
3. The daughter of a patient who has a chronic illness that has reached the terminal phase talks about the palliative care referral that the primary care provider made for her mother. Which of the following statements indicate that the daughter needs additional education about palliative care? (Select all that apply.)
While many individuals are not referred to palliative care until they are at the end of life, ideally, the earlier they are referred, the better. There is no time frame for referral regarding the point that they are in their illness. Palliative care is offered simultaneously with life-prolonging or stabilizing care for those living with chronic conditions. Palliative care uses an interprofessional model of care. Palliative care can be offered in any setting across the continuum of care and on any unit; it is a philosophy of care.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding REF: p. 493
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity a. is an advanced directive that is used in the situation of a person who is unable to speak for herself or himself. b. is a legally binding document in all states and territories of the United States. c. appoints a proxy to uphold the patient’s wishes. d. includes the provision that the patient’s next of kin have more authority than the appointed proxy. e. can be revoked by the patient at any time in either writing or verbally.
4. A patient tells a nurse that she has prepared a living will (LW). The nurse understands that a living will: (Select all that apply.)
ANS: A, C, E
The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) recognized a Living Will (LW) as an advanced directive that is specifically related to a situation in which a person is facing a terminal illness and unable to speak for herself/himself. It is a morally and, in some jurisdictions, legally binding document in which adults could express their wishes regarding end-of-life decisions for some future time when they were unable to do so for themselves. The exact requirements for a living will and the associated laws around it vary from state to state. The patient appoints a proxy to uphold his or her wishes when he or she is no longer able to do so. As the proxy is selected by the individual, the legal assumption is that a designated person has more authority than the next-of-kin. The patient can revoke an LW verbally or in writing at any time for any reason.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding REF: p. 495
TOP: Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity