TEST BANK FOR Administrative Management Setting People Up for Success, 1st Edition. Carlene Cassidy,

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Administrative Management Setting People Up for Success, 1e Carlene Cassidy, Robert Kreitner, Susie VanHuss (Test Bank All Chapters, 100% Original Verified, A+ Grade) Chapter 01 - Management Career Paths 1. Which of these is not mentioned in the text as a reason to study management? a. It will help you to be more effective when working with managers and meeting their expectations. b. It will prepare you for a management career. c. It will help you to package your strengths and demonstrate that you can meet job expectations. d. It will lead to higher-paying jobs and a successful career. ANSWER: d 2. Which of these refers to the ability to view isolated or abstract ideas as they relate to the whole organization? a. conceptual skill b. soft skill c. technical skill d. workplace skill ANSWER: a 3. Which of these typically is not a way to develop technical skills? a. classroom setting at a community college b. internship or apprenticeship at a local company c. on-the-job training d. executive mentoring program ANSWER: d 4. According to the American Management Association (AMA) Critical Skills Survey, which of these best describes the employees who require the four Cs? a. employees who want to be promoted to management positions b. employees at every level in the organization c. employees who are middle managers and executives d. employees at the executive level only ANSWER: b 5. In the general organizational structure, this level is "flattened," meaning it has fewer people than the two levels below it. a. executive level b. middle management level c. first-line management level d. nonmanagerial level ANSWER: b 6. Which of the following can provide an alternative to an employer-sponsored management-development program? a. an executive mentoring program b. management training in various departments on a rotating basis c. participation in a cross-functional team d. membership in a professional organization ANSWER: d Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 01 - Management Career Paths 7. Most people who aspire to careers in management start working in nonmanagerial positions. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. The larger the organization, the more likely it is to hire employees who have general knowledge and skills for a particular department or area. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills identified five workplace competencies, including productive use of resources, interpersonal skills, information, systems, and technology. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 10. Findings of the three significant reports identifying skills needed for success in the workplace—SCANS, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the AMA Critical Skills Survey—were very consistent. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. The conceptual knowledge and skills executive and administrative assistants gain are rarely transferable to other departments and organizations. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Membership in a professional organization may be a resource for management development or leadership programs, best practices and other industry information, and networking opportunities. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. Three significant reports identifying skills needed for success in the workplace—SCANS, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the AMA Critical Skills Survey—provided instructive insights about the importance of ________ skills. ANSWER: soft 14. The U.S. Department of Labor's SCANS report places workplace skills in two categories: competencies and the ________ skills that underlie them. ANSWER: foundation 15. The SCANS competency skills that relate to working on teams, teaching others, serving customers, leading, negotiating, and working well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds are called ________ skills. ANSWER: interpersonal Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 01 - Management Career Paths 16. The AMA Critical Skills Survey identified "four Cs" that employees at every level of an organization should have. These skills include critical thinking and problem solving, communication, ________, and creativity/innovation. ANSWER: collaboration 17. In ________ businesses, executive and administrative assistants frequently assume responsibilities often considered senior management responsibilities. ANSWER: small 18. Think of professional development as an investment in ________. ANSWER: yourself 19. What are the two groups into which employees who want to become managers fit? ANSWER: Those who aspire to managerial careers directly from an educational institution and those who are employed in nonmanagerial positions and seek to move into management. 20. At which level or levels in an organization are employees required to have soft skills? ANSWER: every level of an organization every level all levels 21. What are the three broad categories of skills that represent the common core of knowledge and skills that managers should have? ANSWER: technical skills, soft skills, and conceptual skills 22. Which type of employee has a unique opportunity to develop excellent conceptual skills by observing how executives handle a variety of situations in many areas of the organization? ANSWER: executive and administrative assistants executive assistants and administrative assistants 23. If a company does not offer formal professional development opportunities, what are three alternatives employees can use? ANSWER: external professional development programs (such as through business schools or commercial groups), professional organizations, and professional literature 24. Which group—consisting of members from education groups, professional organizations, publishers, Fortune 500 corporations, and other public and private organizations—published in 2009 a framework defining skills needed for success in the workforce? ANSWER: Partnership for 21st Century Skills Match each term with its definition. a. executives b. management c. organization d. soft skills e. technical skills f. work ethic 25. Any type of business (small, large, entrepreneurial, or professional), nonprofit entity, or governmental office ANSWER: c

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Chapter 01 - Management Career Paths 26. Skills that relate to how you interact and work with others ANSWER: d 27. Knowledge, expertise, and ability required to do the job ANSWER: e 28. Senior leadership team that takes the lead in casting the organization’s vision and strategic mission ANSWER: a 29. Willingness and ability to get things done effectively and efficiently ANSWER: f 30. Process of leading and working with people to accomplish organizational goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively ANSWER: b

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Chapter 02 - Basic Management: Functions, Theories, and Best Practices 1. Which of these is not one of the four management functions discussed in the text? a. participating b. organizing c. leading d. controlling ANSWER: a 2. What is the term for the visual tool that describes hierarchy and specialization within an organization? a. planning chart b. control chart c. organization chart d. leadership chart ANSWER: c 3. Which of these was not a focus of the motion studies performed by industrial engineers Frank and Lillian Gilbreth? a. simplify work b. improve productivity c. encourage job safety d. divide and define job tasks ANSWER: d 4. Which of these focuses on managers having the ability to lead and using effective management practices in accomplishing the goals of the organization? a. administrative management b. behavioral management c. bureaucratic management d. scientific management ANSWER: a 5. Which of these systems involves feedback? a. closed systems b. performance systems c. open systems d. output systems ANSWER: c 6. Which of these theories assumes leaders can change and adapt their leadership style? a. behavioral theory b. historical theories c. path-goal theory d. systems theory ANSWER: c 7. Horizontal specialization establishes the chain of command, or who reports to whom, in an organization. Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 02 - Basic Management: Functions, Theories, and Best Practices a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Because entrepreneurial ventures typically are less complex than larger corporations, they do not require a formal organizational structure. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. Large organizations strive to benefit from economies of scale, but if they also try to maintain a small company style and corporate culture, they may also benefit from creativity and flexibility. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. Leading is ensuring that performance meets the goals of the organization and involves setting standards to achieve goals. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. Bureaucratic elements of organizations always lead to inefficiency, waste, and red tape. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. A company can achieve continuous improvement by focusing on industry best practices. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. ________ is the process of creating the structure of an organization. ANSWER: Organizing 14. Scientific management theories focus on performing work efficiently, whereas ________ theory establishes a hierarchy to ensure employees have the skills and knowledge to do the job. ANSWER: bureaucratic management 15. In his Hawthorne Studies, Elton Mayo found that workers became more ________ when they received more attention, worked as a group, and were made to feel their contributions were important. ANSWER: productive 16. ________ is the increased effectiveness that results from combined action or cooperation. ANSWER: Synergy Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 02 - Basic Management: Functions, Theories, and Best Practices 17. The ________ suggests leaders can improve employee satisfaction and performance by clarifying how workers can achieve organizational goals, clearing the path to the goals, and adding rewards to motivate workers. ANSWER: path-goal theory 18. The key to ________ is to stay well informed about the policies, practices, and standards of successful companies in your field. ANSWER: continuous improvement 19. Name the four management functions. ANSWER: planning, organizing, leading, controlling 20. Some people question the usefulness of Frederick Taylor's principles of scientific management in today's servicedominated economy. For which economic settings were Taylor's principles originally intended? ANSWER: industrial and factory settings industrial settings and factory settings industrial settings factory settings 21. Which contemporary management theory focuses on managing all parts of a system to ensure that they are working together and that synergies occur? ANSWER: systems management theory 22. What is the term for systems that are self-sufficient and do not rely on feedback? ANSWER: closed systems 23. Name the four elements in an open system. ANSWER: input, feedback, process, output 24. What is the term for broad standards, policies, procedures, and guides used by the most successful organizations that focus on role model behavior for specific areas or industries? ANSWER: best practices Match the management theorist with his/her discipline. a. Frederick Taylor b. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth c. Max Weber d. Henri Fayol e. Elton Mayo f. Fred Fiedler 25. bureaucratic management ANSWER: c 26. administrative management ANSWER: d 27. behavioral management ANSWER: e 28. scientific management ANSWER: a Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 02 - Basic Management: Functions, Theories, and Best Practices 29. contingency theory ANSWER: f 30. motion study ANSWER: b

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Chapter 03 - Effective Supervision: Path to Success for New Managers 1. In which role do supervisors inspire their employees to perform at their best and achieve a common goal? a. trainer b. planner c. scheduler d. motivator ANSWER: d 2. In which role do supervisors measure quality and performance? a. coach b. controller c. leader d. recruiter ANSWER: b 3. Which of these is not something supervisors need to do in order to be an effective communicator? a. understand their audience b. be clear about the message they wish to convey c. have a pleasant speaking voice d. seek feedback ANSWER: c 4. The supervisor who never loses his or her cool and is known for the ability to calm a heated exchange or achieve a consensus among sharply divided parties is using this skill. a. emotional intelligence b. entrepreneurial thinking c. decision making d. team building ANSWER: a 5. Which of these does John Kotter not cite as an obstacle that typically keeps change from succeeding? a. structures b. skills c. self-awareness d. systems ANSWER: c 6. Which of these is not related to the trend toward globalization of business? a. diverse workforce b. staff reductions c. outsourcing d. off-shoring ANSWER: a 7. As a planner, a supervisor prepares the schedule to ensure proper staffing and resources are available to meet Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 03 - Effective Supervision: Path to Success for New Managers production or customer needs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Nearly every position in an organization, including supervisory positions, requires an understanding of technology and information systems. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. Supervisors who have good political skills know how to get things done through support, cooperation, and effort from others. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. It is always more efficient to read email as soon as it arrives rather than at set internals. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. Supervisors generally are not involved in implementing major changes within an organization, such as implementing a new company vision. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Only large corporations are affected by the trend towards globalization. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. In the workplace, the words ________ and supervisor are commonly used interchangeably. ANSWER: manager 14. As a ________, a supervisor evaluates goals, objectives, and future needs to prepare plans that provide the necessary resources and action items to achieve success. ANSWER: planner 15. Supervisors need others to get things done, which requires ________, the process of sharing authority and responsibility with others. ANSWER: delegation 16. Change that affects an entire organization is often called ________ change. ANSWER: transformational Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 03 - Effective Supervision: Path to Success for New Managers 17. According to Kurt Lewin, ________ is the change process in which employees learn new, desirable behaviors, values, and attitudes. ANSWER: moving 18. According to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report, "Compared with the labor force of the past decades, today's labor force is older, more racially and ethnically diverse, and composed of more ________." ANSWER: women 19. Office manager, administrative manager, branch manager, and department supervisor are typical job titles for this position. ANSWER: first-line manager supervisor 20. What type of skills lead to supervisors having the ability to say no and manage an ever-changing schedule? ANSWER: time management time management skills 21. What are the three elements of Kurt Lewin's system for changing people’s behavior, skills, and attitudes? ANSWER: unfreezing, moving, refreezing 22. What do you need to increase in order to develop emotional intelligence? ANSWER: self-awareness 23. What are the terms given to the three generations now working side-by-side in the workforce? ANSWER: baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y 24. Name two outcomes of globalization that changed how and where work gets done. ANSWER: outsourcing, off-shoring Match the supervisory role with its description. a. trainer b. planner c. scheduler d. motivator e. coach f. controller g. leader h. recruiter 25. Evaluates goals, objectives, and future needs to prepare plans that provide the necessary resources and action items to achieve success ANSWER: b 26. Sets the tone for the organization, creates vision, and inspires others to achieve ANSWER: g 27. Guides employees with instruction, feedback, and encouragement. ANSWER: e 28. Teaches employees and coworkers new information and skills Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 03 - Effective Supervision: Path to Success for New Managers ANSWER: a 29. Assists in identifying potential job candidates, screening applications, interviewing, and hiring new employees ANSWER: h 30. Prepares the schedule to ensure proper staffing and resources are available to meet production or customer needs ANSWER: c

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Chapter 04 - Leadership Essentials 1. Which leadership theory contends that effective leaders have similar personality or behavioral characteristics that ineffective leaders lack? a. trait theory b. behavioral styles theory c. contingency theory d. path-goal theory ANSWER: a 2. Which classic style of leadership behavior permits self-starters to do what they think is appropriate without interference or direction from their leader? a. authoritarian b. democratic c. laissez-faire d. charismatic ANSWER: c 3. In which management style on the Blake/Mouton leadership grid is work accomplished from committed people, and interdependence through a common stake in organizational purpose that leads to relationships of trust and respect? a. Country Club Management (1,9) b. Team Management (9,9) c. Impoverished Management (1,1) d. Middle-of-the-Road Management (5,5) ANSWER: b 4. Which of these situational leadership theories is based on directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating? a. Blanchard & Hersey's situational leadership model b. Fiedler's Contingency Theory c. path-goal theory d. Blake/Mouton Leadership Model ANSWER: a 5. According to path-goal leadership theory, with which leadership style do managers treat employees as equals in a friendly manner while striving to improve their well-being? a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. achievement-oriented ANSWER: b 6. Which of these is not a characteristic of transformational leaders, according to the research of Bass and Burns? a. Provides a positive influence that elicits employee trust b. Motivates and inspires employees to understand the importance of their jobs and to work together to achieve the organization's vision and goals c. Discourages employees from using their own intellectual abilities to solve problems d. Coaches and develops individual employees to help them reach their potential for personal growth as well as Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 04 - Leadership Essentials for the benefit of the organization ANSWER: c 7. In order to be a great leader, you must possess all the leadership qualities mentioned in the text. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Developing people involves learning about your employees and their skills, knowledge, education, goals, and dreams and meeting with them individually to create a development plan consistent with their personal goals. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. According to Fiedler's contingency theory, a leader’s performance depends on his or her basic motivation as well as on the likelihood that he or she can successfully accomplish the job. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. Servant leadership differs from transformational leadership in that servant leadership focuses on leaders who inspire employees to achieve a shared vision. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. According to researchers, transformational leadership is better suited to a competitive organization, whereas servant leadership is better suited to a public, religious, educational, or nonprofit organization. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. There is no such thing as the ideal leadership style. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. ________ is the process of inspiring, influencing, directing, and guiding others to participate in a common effort. ANSWER: Leadership 14. Leaders who value effective communication try to minimize their use of________, which is informal terminology unique to a business or industry that is often not understood by people outside the organization. ANSWER: jargon 15. Authoritarian leaders assign people to clearly defined tasks, and there is primarily a ________ flow of communication. ANSWER: downward Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 04 - Leadership Essentials 16. Fiedler’s ________ theory is based on the notion that a leader’s performance depends on the likelihood that he or she can successfully accomplish the job and the leader’s basic motivation. ANSWER: contingency 17. According to researcher James MacGregor Burns, leadership is either transactional (based on transactions between managers and employees) or________ (based on relationships between managers and employees). ANSWER: transformational 18. A strong commitment to honesty, integrity, ethics, and building trust is important to ________ leadership. ANSWER: servant 19. What are the three classic styles of leadership behavior? ANSWER: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire 20. What is one of the most popular and best-known schemes for developing behavioral styles in the workplace? ANSWER: Blake/Mouton Managerial Grid Blake/Mouton Leadership Grid 21. Among the leadership theories discussed in the book, which was the most thoroughly tested? ANSWER: Fiedler’s contingency theory 22. According to Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership, what type of leaders perform better when the situation is highly unfavorable or highly favorable? ANSWER: task-motivated leaders 23. According to path-goal theory, what do leaders need to do to motivate their employees? ANSWER: provide clear goals and meaningful incentives for reaching them 24. Which path-goal leadership style are supervisors who have talented and goal-oriented people likely to use? ANSWER: achievement-oriented leadership style achievement-oriented style achievement-oriented Match the leadership trait with its description. a. drive b. leadership motivation c. honesty and integrity d. self-confidence e. cognitive ability f. knowledge of the business 25. Essential qualities for building credibility and trust ANSWER: c 26. Believing in yourself and controlling your emotions ANSWER: d 27. A broad term that includes achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative ANSWER: a Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 04 - Leadership Essentials 28. Good judgment and strong analytical abilities ANSWER: e 29. A high level of knowledge that also encompasses the industry and technical matters ANSWER: f 30. The desire to lead but not to seek power for its own sake ANSWER: b

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Chapter 05 - High-Performance Teams: Key to Productivity 1. Which of these is not one of the eight approaches that Katzenbach and Smith propose for building team performance? a. Establish the urgency of the team’s purposes and clear direction. b. Choose members for skills and the ability to develop them, not personalities. c. Set clear rules of behavior. d. Set and focus on long-term performance-oriented tasks and goals only. ANSWER: d 2. In which stage of team development does the team work together effectively to accomplish the task? a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing ANSWER: d 3. Which type of team is typically used in conjunction with web conferencing, email, text messages, and conference calls? a. cross-functional team b. virtual team c. high-performance team d. project team ANSWER: b 4. Which of these is not a requirement of credibility? a. expertise b. trust c. consistency d. communication ANSWER: d 5. Which of these is not characteristic of an empowered corporate culture? a. managers have more responsibilities b. managers have fewer responsibilities c. employees are given autonomy d. employees understand the organization's values, policies, and procedures ANSWER: a 6. Which of these will not lead to motivating team members? a. Post a scoreboard to mark team progress toward goals. b. Celebrate team accomplishments. c. Begin each meeting by critiquing everything team members have done incorrectly since the last meeting. d. Keep team members’ line managers informed of their accomplishments and progress. ANSWER: c 7. Organizations use teamwork extensively because they believe employees are happier with their jobs when working in teams. Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 05 - High-Performance Teams: Key to Productivity a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Evaluation and rewards in a high-performance team are based on individual performance of team members. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. The storming stage of team development occurs as individuals begin work and start to question and argue about their roles and any unclear issues or assignments. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. The success of a team depends on its leader. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. Many people use the terms empowerment and delegation interchangeably, but empowerment is more broadly focused on a philosophy whereas delegation involves sharing direct authority and responsibility for specific work with an employee. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. A lack of delegation can stifle initiative among employees and can also negatively affect managers, as they may become overwhelmed with details. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. The idea that the whole exceeds the sum of the parts is called ________. ANSWER: synergy 14. ________—a belief in the integrity, character, or ability of others—is essential for the long-term success of a team. ANSWER: Trust 15. Team leaders can enhance their relationships with team members by building and demonstrating ________, which means they are believable and worthy of trust. ANSWER: credibility 16. A difficult task for team leaders is to get all team members to value ________ rather than create biases, stereotypes, or negative energy. ANSWER: diversity Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 05 - High-Performance Teams: Key to Productivity 17. When employees are adequately trained, provided with all relevant information and the best possible tools, fully involved in key decisions, and fairly rewarded for results, they are ________. ANSWER: empowered 18. ________ is the process of assigning duties and responsibilities to another individual and giving that person the necessary decision-making authority to be successful in the completion of assigned tasks. ANSWER: Delegation 19. According to Tuckman and Jensen, what are the five stages of team development? ANSWER: forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning 20. Name the four areas leaders must consider when developing their team. ANSWER: set up the team properly, build trust and credibility, value diversity, and leverage individual strengths 21. What is the initial step in setting up a team? ANSWER: selection of team members selecting team members 22. What are team leaders doing when they assign tasks to team members based on skills and abilities? ANSWER: leveraging individual strengths 23. One major benefit of delegation is that it increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. What is the other major benefit? ANSWER: allows supervisors to train and develop employees 24. Managers may not delegate as much as they should. What two things do they believe they may lose if they delegate? ANSWER: power and authority Match the term with its definition. a. high-performance team b. cross-functional team c. virtual team d. project team e. team f. work groups 25. Consists of employees who use electronic technology for their primary interactions ANSWER: c 26. Two or more employees who work together to complete a task or achieve a common goal ANSWER: f 27. Works on a specific project until it is completed ANSWER: d 28. Consists of employees from different functional areas of the organization who are focused on a specific objective ANSWER: b 29. A team that consistently outperforms competent individuals in the organization ANSWER: a Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 05 - High-Performance Teams: Key to Productivity 30. Small group of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose and specific performance goals ANSWER: e

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Chapter 06 - Planning, Goal Setting, and Achieving Results 1. Which of these states the core purpose of an organization that defines its objectives and focus? a. goals b. mission c. values d. vision ANSWER: b 2. Which type of plan prepares for things that are likely to happen and is designed to take care of problems that may occur but are not likely to be a disaster to the organization? a. contingency plan b. crisis management plan c. operational plan d. strategic plan ANSWER: a 3. Which type of plan is created and implemented by middle managers and specifies how the company will use resources, budgets, and people over the next six months to two years to accomplish specific goals within its mission. a. contingency plan b. operational plan c. strategic plan d. tactical plan ANSWER: d 4. Which of these would not be considered a stakeholder in a company? a. owners and employees b. clients, customers, and investors c. vendors, suppliers, and the communities in which the organization does business d. all of these could be considered stakeholders in a company ANSWER: d 5. Which of these would be handled by a contingency plan? a. employee actions such as fraud, bribery, or assault b. a situation that does not turn out as expected c. a serious situation that could impact the entire organization d. a product or service defect that harms customers or clients and disrupts production and sales ANSWER: b 6. Which of these is not a benefit of employee participation in goal setting? a. a more thorough understanding among employees of how their tasks support the execution of the strategic plan b. a stronger plan because employees are usually closest to customers and/or product

c. the planning process becomes part of the company culture d. managers and executives do not have to spend as much time on goal setting ANSWER: d Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 06 - Planning, Goal Setting, and Achieving Results 7. Organizations usually publish their values on their website to emphasize to current and potential stakeholders that they plan to meet and exceed their expectations for ethical conduct. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. Written goals command more attention, but they are also more subject to different interpretations and are not as readily accepted as goals presented orally. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. Successful organizations view planning as a one-time event rather than an ongoing process. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 10. The terms goals and objectives are interchangeable. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. Goals function as targets, focusing the activities of managers across the organization. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. The planning function gets everyone headed in the right direction, and controlling keeps things on track. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. What do organizations provide to ensure that plans and strategies at all levels are clear, consistent, and focused on the overall corporate direction? ANSWER: written statements of the organization's vision, mission, and values 14. What does a plan consist of? ANSWER: a goal and one or more action statements 15. What does the acronym SMART stand for with respect to goal-setting? ANSWER: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound 16. What are the four steps in the ongoing planning and control cycle? ANSWER: plan, execute, assess, correct 17. With which type of plan does the planning and control cycle begin? Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 06 - Planning, Goal Setting, and Achieving Results ANSWER: strategic plan 18. A clear, formally written, and well-publicized statement of an organization’s ________ is the cornerstone of any planning system that will effectively guide the organization through uncertain times. ANSWER: mission 19. Properly developed plans tell what, when, and ________ something is to be done. ANSWER: how 20. Employees need ________ on their progress toward their goals. ANSWER: feedback 21. ________ must be monitored carefully to ensure spending is on target with the revenues available. ANSWER: Budgets 22. To foster a culture of ________ for results, there should be a high level of trust and mutual respect with open and honest communication. ANSWER: accountability 23. ________ plans are often referred to as Plan B. ANSWER: Contingency 24. At which planning level are most supervisors, first-line managers, and team leaders most heavily involved? ANSWER: operational planning Match each term with its definition. a. budget b. goal c. planning d. values e. vision f. stakeholder 25. Process of determining the mission and goals of an organization and specifying what it will take to achieve the goals ANSWER: c 26. Future direction of the organization; what it wants to become ANSWER: e 27. Systematic method of allocating financial, physical, and human resources to achieve strategic goals ANSWER: a 28. Anyone who has a vested interest in the success of an organization ANSWER: f 29. Core beliefs of the organization and the principles that guide behavior ANSWER: d 30. Specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a given time frame ANSWER: b Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 06 - Planning, Goal Setting, and Achieving Results

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Chapter 07 - Staffing Essentials 1. Which of these is not a reason a company normally recruits employees? a. to replace an employee who has left the company b. to add staff to existing job categories c. to fill new jobs as a result of organizational growth and expansion d. to lessen the country's unemployment rate ANSWER: d 2. Which of these involves the following activities in its preparation: defining job duties; identifying skills, knowledge, personal attributes, education, and experience; deciding on the compensation level; and determining the work schedule? a. job analysis b. job description c. job specification d. job recruitment ANSWER: b 3. Which of these is an example of technical skills to be considered in preparing the job analysis and specification? a. demonstrating professionalism b. learning quickly and having the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills c. knowing how to use computer software applications such as word processing and spreadsheets d. being friendly and helpful ANSWER: c 4. Which of these is not a component that should be included in every job description? a. job title b. position description c. salary information d. desired qualifications ANSWER: c 5. Which of these is a source for internal recruiting? a. company intranet b. employment agency c. placement service of an educational institution d. print advertisement in the local newspaper ANSWER: a 6. Which job-recruitment strategy gives applicants information or experience regarding what a job really involves on a day-to-day basis? a. internal recruiting b. external recruiting c. realistic job preview d. recruiting for diversity ANSWER: c Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 07 - Staffing Essentials 7. Hidden costs of an employee's leaving include the time of everybody involved in recruiting, selecting, hiring, orienting, and training the new employee. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Job analyses should be reviewed periodically to be sure they remain current. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. A well-written job description gives a prospective employee clear expectations for a job which, ultimately, may lead to retention of that employee. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. An ideal candidate for a job must possess all of the desired qualifications for the position. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. In a recent survey, CEOs viewed the lack of diversity in the workforce as the biggest threat to business expansion. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Preventing job discrimination is solely the responsibility of the human resources department. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. The term ________ refers to having no more or no fewer than the number of employees needed to get the job done effectively. ANSWER: right-sizing 14. ________ recruiting builds employee commitment and loyalty. ANSWER: Internal 15. The high cost of employee ________ is a key reason why recruitment and retention are so important. ANSWER: turnover 16. A job ________ is a written summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform a particular job. ANSWER: specification 17. ________ media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter play an important role in networking and influencing job Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 07 - Staffing Essentials candidates. ANSWER: Social 18. A________ interview typically involves providing scenarios and asking the individual how he or she handled such situations in the past or would handle them in the future. ANSWER: behavioral 19. What are the three core abilities to be considered when preparing a job analysis and specification? ANSWER: technical skills, behavioral skills, personal attributes 20. What is the term for efforts by an organization to find and hire qualified employees? ANSWER: recruitment recruiting 21. What three factors do realistic job previews impact? ANSWER: job acceptance, turnover rate, job satisfaction 22. What type of software are small- and medium-size businesses likely to use during the hiring process? ANSWER: applicant tracking systems 23. Name the two selection strategies companies use in making the hiring decision. ANSWER: multiple-hurdle and compensatory 24. Name the four sources of data that can be used in analyzing a candidate's qualifications for a job. ANSWER: resume and/or application, preemployment testing, work samples or portfolios, interview Match the job description element with its example(s). a. job title b. position description c. reporting and organizational structure d. organizational values and culture e. desired qualifications f. job requirements 25. Honesty, integrity, respect, creativity, and diversity; quality, customer loyalty, and safety ANSWER: d 26. Place in the company hierarchy, such as entry-level or supervisory position ANSWER: c 27. Number of years of experience, education, specialized skills, certifications, licenses, and knowledge ANSWER: e 28. Narrative description of the position, employee’s goals and responsibilities, and major job functions ANSWER: b 29. Ability to lift a certain amount and ability to work in a high-stress environment ANSWER: f 30. Salesperson, customer associate, fashion consultant Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 07 - Staffing Essentials ANSWER: a

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Chapter 08 - Setting Up Employees for Success 1. Which of these refers to the opportunity to introduce and welcome a new hire and begin the transition from new employee to contributing team member? a. coaching b. onboarding c. orientation d. training ANSWER: c 2. Which of these is not covered in the company portion of an orientation program? a. company background and overview b. job functions c. employee benefits d. emergency preparedness and safety ANSWER: b 3. Which of these items covered in a job-specific orientation offers clarification of rules and expectations regarding company vehicles, dress codes, work schedules, overtime, breaks, vacation and personal day requests, attendance, and punctuality? a. department mission and goals b. job functions c. policies and procedures d. alternative work schedules ANSWER: c 4. Which of these alternative work schedules allows two professionals to form a partnership to do one job? a. teleworking b. job sharing c. flextime d. compressed workweek ANSWER: b 5. In the buddy system of orientation training, which of these is not a function of a buddy? a. to be shadowed by the new hire b. to teach the new hire unwritten rules of the department and organization c. to be the new hire's "go to" person when the supervisor is not available d. to manage all aspects of the orientation process for the new hire ANSWER: d 6. Involving current employees in a new hire's orientation is never a good idea because it takes their focus off work tasks and results in a decrease in productivity. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 7. When asked about the cost of training, executives often respond that it is expensive but not nearly as expensive as the Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 08 - Setting Up Employees for Success cost of not training. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. According to former football coach Lou Holtz, which of these is not a factor in cultivating a successful coaching relationship? a. winning attitude b. learning through repetition c. positive self-image d. high standards ANSWER: b 9. College tuition reimbursement is an example of an employee development program that is not linked to specific job performance. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. When conducting a training session, it is important to not be repetitive with the content because doing so will bore the trainees and cause their minds to wander. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. If a supervisor gives a new employee an adequate amount of coaching , it is not necessary for the supervisor to give the employee formally documented appraisals. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. In communicating effective feedback, it is important to balance constructive criticism with positive feedback and to focus criticism on the person, not the behavior. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. ________, the proper handling of a new employee’s first 90 days, is essential for long-term success. ANSWER: Onboarding 14. A document is designed to prevent a situation in which an employee or immediate family member takes advantage of the employee’s position or exploits the company for personal gain is a ________ statement. ANSWER: conflict of interest 15. According to a recent study, most teleworkers are college graduates and ________, professionals in various fields who work with information. Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 08 - Setting Up Employees for Success ANSWER: knowledge workers 16. The ________ system is the pairing of new hires with a mentor to help set them up for success. ANSWER: buddy 17. An ongoing evaluation of performance that allows employees to make improvements promptly refers to a ________ performance appraisal. ANSWER: formal 18. Employee ________ include non-salary compensation such as health, life, and disability insurance; vacation and personal leave; and employee stock option and retirement plans. ANSWER: benefits 19. What are the two segments into which orientation generally is divided? ANSWER: company orientation and department orientation company orientation and unit orientation company orientation and job-specific orientation 20. One reason organizations train is to provide opportunities for employees to grow and also to avoid workflow interruptions if someone is absent. What is the term for the process of learning a new skill or task that is typically the responsibility of a coworker? ANSWER: cross-training 21. What type of training focuses on the individual’s specific needs (as opposed to a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach) and measurable knowledge and skill development? ANSWER: learning-centered training 22. What is the term for the continuous process designed to improve an employee’s skills, ability, and knowledge? ANSWER: employee development 23. Name the the four essential ingredients for skill-based learning. ANSWER: goal setting, modeling, practice, feedback 24. What are three characteristics of spontaneous, unplanned coaching opportunities (also known as teachable moments)? ANSWER: conflict, resonance, surprise Match the training method with its description or example. a. lecture b. simulation c. case study d. decision games e. job rotation f. role-playing/behavior modeling g. tutorial training h. coaching 25. Helps trainees put newly acquired factual knowledge to work in realistic work situations ANSWER: c 26. Trainees act out how they would handle situations that might occur on the job ANSWER: f Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 08 - Setting Up Employees for Success 27. Involves illustrated, step-by-step procedures and is usually conducted online ANSWER: g 28. Instructor-led training presented in a face-to-face setting, by video, or by webinar ANSWER: a 29. Provides an opportunity to learn the task in a safe environment where mistakes will not affect the trainee, customers, or clients ANSWER: b 30. Employees spend a few days or weeks on a job and then move to another job ANSWER: e

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Chapter 09 - Appraising and Rewarding Performance 1. Which of these does not typically apply to performance appraisals? a. common part of organizational life b. evokes positive emotions from participants c. process of evaluating an individual's job performance d. exchange of feedback and instructions between supervisors and employees ANSWER: b 2. In which performance appraisal technique do supervisors describe the performance of employees in narrative form, sometimes in response to predetermined questions? a. management by objectives b. critical incident method c. essay method d. forced ranking system ANSWER: c 3. Which of these will not help make performance appraisals relevant to employees? a. tell employees what to expect b. emphasize performance goals c. encourage a productive discussion d. have a coworker conduct the appraisal ANSWER: d 4. Which of these is not an internal factor influencing compensation? a. the economy b. corporate culture c. employee's performance d. employee's potential ANSWER: a 5. Which of these refers to comparing salary structure to that of similar companies, often competitors or companies with a similar business model? a. pay variability b. pay flexibility c. benchmarking peers d. salary structure ANSWER: c 6. Which type of rewards are given to individuals to recognize goal attainment unique to the employee? a. intrinsic rewards b. extrinsic rewards c. team rewards d. individualized rewards ANSWER: d Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 09 - Appraising and Rewarding Performance 7. The question of whether the organization’s performance appraisal system will stand up in court should be asked just after a formal appraisal system has been implemented. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Benefits generally represent almost one-third of an employees' total compensation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. Giving more responsibility to an employee could be a form of reward because many employees want to be challenged and the opportunity to advance in the organization. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. Supervisors should be judicious in giving rewards, because if they give out too many for minimal effort, they could create an environment in which employees always expect something extra. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. It is always better to withhold from the employee the factors that will be considered in a performance review until the actual review meeting. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Merit raises generally are based on the cost of living in a geographic area. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. ________, the practice of keeping private documents and conversations secret, is essential to maintaining trust in a performance appraisal situation. ANSWER: Confidentiality 14. The ________ review is a multirater appraisal technique in which a supervisor is evaluated by his or her boss, peers, and subordinates. ANSWER: 360-degree 15. The salary or ________ structure consists of all jobs at the various levels within an organization and the total pay, including salaries, bonuses, equity, and all benefits provided. ANSWER: pay Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 09 - Appraising and Rewarding Performance 16. Payoffs granted to an employee by other people are considered ________ rewards. Examples are direct compensation and employee benefits. ANSWER: extrinsic 17. With flexible or ________ benefits, employees can select benefits (up to a specific amount) from a range that are available. ANSWER: cafeteria-style 18. The development of ________ involves defining exactly how employees’ performance will be evaluated, including progress toward achieving their goals. ANSWER: performance measures 19. Name the four external factors influencing compensation. ANSWER: employment laws, labor market, geographic area, economy 20. Name the three basic types of decisions involved in designing a compensation system. ANSWER: salary structure, variability of pay, level of pay 21. What is the term for variable compensation in the form of a bonus paid in company stock, restricted stock, or options? ANSWER: equity 22. What are the two categories of performance measures? ANSWER: quantitative and qualitative 23. What is the term for the process used to determine the worth of a job? ANSWER: job evaluation 24. Pleasure in being recognized for one’s work and the feeling of satisfaction gained from a job well done are examples of this type of reward. ANSWER: intrinsic reward Match the performance appraisal technique with its description. a. management by objectives (MBO) b. essays c. critical incidents d. behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) e. weighted checklists f. forced ranking system g. multirater appraisal h. continuous improvement review 25. Specific instances of inferior and superior performance are documented when they occur ANSWER: c 26. Uses performance rating scales divided into increments of observable and measurable job behavior ANSWER: d 27. Evaluators check appropriate adjectives or behavioral descriptions that have predetermined values ANSWER: e 28. Focuses the review process on customers, the team, and the employee’s contribution to system improvements ANSWER: h Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 09 - Appraising and Rewarding Performance 29. Compares or ranks coworkers in a work group in head-to-head fashion according to specified accomplishments or job behavior ANSWER: f 30. Evaluates performance in terms of formal goals or objectives set at an earlier date ANSWER: a

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Chapter 10 - Legal and Ethical Challenges 1. Which of these is not true of carpal tunnel syndrome? a. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. b. It causes pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm.

c. Men are three times more likely than women to develop carpal tunnel syndrome, perhaps because the carpal tunnel itself may be smaller in men than in women. d. It is more common among assemblers than among data entry personnel. ANSWER: c 2. According to the textbook, which of these was cited most frequently as a complaint against employers for discrimination? a. disability b. race c. retaliation d. sex ANSWER: c 3. Which of these is not an effective way to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace? a. to offer raises or promotions to people who report instances of sexual harassment b. to establish a legitimate sexual harassment policy that encourages complaints c. to investigate all sexual harassment complaints d. to prevent it from happening ANSWER: a 4. Legal protection against employment discrimination extends to job applicants as well as current employees. Which of these topics would be appropriate to ask about during a job interview? a. age b. marital or parenting status c. job-related skills and experience d. religion ANSWER: c 5. Which of these refers to rules of behavior imposed on people by governments? a. standard of ethics b. standard of law c. business ethics d. ethical principles ANSWER: b 6. Which of these was not cited in the textbook as a reason for employer monitoring of employee computer use? a. Concern about liability with inappropriate websites and emails b. Concern about loss of time and impact on productivity c. Concern about security of company data d. Concern about employees' developing carpal tunnel syndrome due to overuse of the computer Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 10 - Legal and Ethical Challenges ANSWER: d 7. Some states have set a minimum wage, which may be higher than the federal standard. In those states, employers may pay whichever is lower. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Generally, if an employee develops intellectual property on company time, using company facilities and resources, the company owns the rights to it. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. It is illegal for employers to use information gleaned from social networking sites in deciding whether or not to hire someone. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 10. One way in which a supervisor can encourage appropriate behavior is to lead by example in behaving ethically and with integrity. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. When issues involving discrimination arise, a supervisor should refer them to the human resources department, and never try to deal with them alone. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Many states require employee notification of monitoring. However, most employers do not inform their employees of it. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. The ________ is a federal law passed by Congress in 1970 and amended in 2004 that requires employers to provide a working environment that is safe and free from known hazards that could lead to serious physical harm or death. ANSWER: Occupational Safety and Health Act OSHA OSH Act 14. Some employers use an Internet-based system called ________ to confirm employment eligibility. ANSWER: E-Verify Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 10 - Legal and Ethical Challenges 15. ________ consists of original or unique items that people create using their imagination and brain power. ANSWER: Intellectual property IP 16. The corporate ________, or logo, establishes the image and identity of a company; it usually consists of the company name, set in a particular type style, color, and size, along with a symbol or other graphic element. ANSWER: brand 17. ________ ethics involve identifying and enforcing socially acceptable standards of conduct in commercial and administrative settings. ANSWER: Business 18. In most situations, employers have the legal right to ________ employee telephone calls, emails, voice mail, and computer use and to do video and audio surveillance. ANSWER: monitor 19. What is the title of the legislation that established minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards? ANSWER: Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA 20. Which type of employee is typically paid on an hourly basis? ANSWER: nonexempt nonexempt employee 21. What is the name of the report the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families requires employers to file to assist in enforcing child support obligations? ANSWER: new hire report 22. Which two forms do new hires need to complete in order for the employer to comply with federal income tax withholding and employee eligibility verification? ANSWER: Form W-4 and Form I-9 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate and Employment Eligibility Verification Form W-4 (Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate) and Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) 23. Which type of sexual harassment occurs when supervisors or coworkers use embarrassment, humiliation, or fear to create a negative climate that interferes with the ability of others to perform their jobs? ANSWER: hostile work environment 24. Name the five types of actions and behaviors that are almost universally considered unethical in the United States and in most developed countries around the world. ANSWER: sexism, racism, fraud, deceit, intimidation Match the anti-discrimination law to its description. a. Equal Pay Act of 1963 c. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) Powered by Cognero

b. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1963

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Chapter 10 - Legal and Ethical Challenges e. Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) g. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)

f. Civil Rights Act of 1991 h. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)

25. Allows monetary damages in cases of intentional discrimination ANSWER: f 26. Prohibits discrimination based on information about genetic tests, genetic services, or family history ANSWER: h 27. Requires employers to grant employees up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for the purpose of caring for a family member ANSWER: g 28. Requires employers to pay male and female employees equal pay for comparable work ANSWER: a 29. Prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, or national origin ANSWER: b 30. Prohibits discrimination against individuals with mental or physical disabilities who can perform the essential functions of a job ANSWER: e

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Chapter 11 - Building a Positive, Creative, and Productive Work Environment 1. Which of these does not represent practical advice gleaned from management research about motivating employees? a. stop trying to motivate employees b. promote model employees c. provide growth opportunities d. provide support that enhances progress ANSWER: a 2. Employees who exhibit this attitude characteristic communicate openly and honestly and respect themselves and other people. a. friendliness b. positivism c. enthusiasm d. professionalism ANSWER: d 3. Which of the following does not represent a freedom employees need in order to be creative? a. freedom to think b. freedom to make suggestions c. freedom to set one's own work schedule d. freedom to make mistakes ANSWER: c 4. Which mental lock can paralyze you into not acting on a good idea? a. looking for the right answer b. fearing and avoiding failure c. avoiding ambiguity d. becoming too specialized ANSWER: b 5. Which of these usually leads to efficiency and quality but can also turn talented employees into bored, unengaged workers? a. creative projects b. frequent feedback c. work specialization d. repetitive training ANSWER: c 6. In which phase of meeting management are the specific objectives or outcomes determined and the agenda set to accomplish them? a. logistical planning phase b. strategic planning phase c. conducting the meeting d. following up on action items ANSWER: b Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 11 - Building a Positive, Creative, and Productive Work Environment 7. When the environment in which a successful company operates changes over time, the company's values change as well. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. According to management researchers Sirota and Mischkind, in most companies motivation tends to be low as employees begin a job, begins to increase in about six months, and continues to increase thereafter. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. Motivation involves an employee’s desire or drive to achieve; some believe that supervisors can motivate employees, but others think that motivation can come only from within the individual employee. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. Research supports the belief that creative people are eccentric nonconformists. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. In planning an event to celebrate team success, it is important to first determine what motivates each individual on the team. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. Effectiveness refers to doing a task the most productive way. Many people think of it in terms of speed and time. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. Satisfied employees achieve organizational goals with less turnover and absenteeism in a ________ work environment. ANSWER: positive 14. A first-line manager's specific responsibilities with regard to facilities management typically depend on the ________ of the company. ANSWER: size 15. According to Andy Goldstein of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, “Corporate ________ programs are part of a growing trend to fight not only obesity in the U.S., but the skyrocketing cost of medical care and insurance premiums.” ANSWER: wellness Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 11 - Building a Positive, Creative, and Productive Work Environment 16. A ________ is an attitude that gets you through your daily activities, but tends to stifle creativity. ANSWER: mental lock 17. Researchers concluded there is a correlation between employees’ satisfaction and their perception of the company’s ________ responsibility. ANSWER: social 18. When you allow your employees to have a voice, you ________ to them. ANSWER: listen 19. According to management researchers Sirota and Mischkind, what are the three sets of goals that the great majority of workers seek from their work? ANSWER: equity, achievement, camaraderie 20. According to creativity expert Judith Estrin, what are the five core values of people and organizations that must work in balance to support innovation? ANSWER: questioning, risk, openness, patience, trust 21. What is the term for the guides that specify the way an organization wants its employees to do their jobs? ANSWER: standard operating procedures 22. What is the term for a set of expected employee behaviors for fostering a positive, friendly, creative, and professional corporate culture where employees are civil and pleasant to everyone, including customers, vendors, and each other? ANSWER: attitude standard 23. What is the process of identifying what needs to be done and having a plan to accomplish it within a specified period? ANSWER: time management 24. What is the term for the meeting document that includes an outline of the topics to be discussed, the person presenting each topic, and the time allocated for each topic? ANSWER: agenda Match the employee attitude characteristic with its description. a. friendliness b. positivism c. teamwork d. enthusiasm e. responsibility f. professionalism 25. Exhibited through enjoyment of work, self-motivation and eagerness for learning, and viewing problems as challenges and opportunities ANSWER: d 26. High standards of performance and quality along with integrity and pride in the work ANSWER: f 27. Commitment to work and accountability for one's actions ANSWER: e 28. Demonstrated with a “can do” attitude and getting things accomplished Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 11 - Building a Positive, Creative, and Productive Work Environment ANSWER: b 29. Leveraging individual strengths and talents and embracing individual differences to work together to achieve organizational goals ANSWER: c 30. Exhibited with a simple smile, an act of kindness, good-natured humor, and social pleasantries ANSWER: a

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Chapter 12 - Project Management 1. Which of these does not represent an industry in which workers spend most of their time working on projects? a. architecture b. construction c. engineering d. retail ANSWER: d 2. What is the project scope sometimes called? a. deliverables b. project specifications c. contingency plan d. critical path ANSWER: b 3. Which of the following is not a project resource? a. budget or financial resources b. location for meetings c. people d. technology or equipment ANSWER: b 4. Which of these is not true of the project monitoring phase? a. Only the team leader is involved in project monitoring. b. Careful monitoring gives the team an opportunity to detect needed changes and make those changes in a timely manner. c. The entire team can brainstorm and try to develop ways to work around obstacles that arise.

d. When changes are necessary, written change agreements are used to ensure that both parties agree to the changes, and then they are added to the original agreement. ANSWER: a 5. Which of these is not true of the final report for a project? a. Input is required from all team members. b. All project members should read and approve the final document. c. It documents that all aspects of the project were completed and met all quality and quantity specifications. d. If results are presented orally, the team leader will choose one person to prepare and deliver the presentation.. ANSWER: d 6. At the conclusion of an external project, these are presented to the client for final approval. a. action minutes b. deliverables c. oral presentation d. written report ANSWER: b

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Chapter 12 - Project Management 7. A general rule of thumb is that a large team working on a collaborative project is more challenging to manage than a small team working on the same project. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. A project designed to improve work processes within a department would be appropriate for a cross-functional team. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. The initial plan for the project can be thought of as its strategic plan. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. Regularly scheduled team meetings (face-to-face or virtual, if necessary) are the best way to involve team members in a project. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. For internal projects, normally a formal or written document defining the scope of the project and the deliverables is prepared, agreed upon, and signed by top management. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Meeting and exceeding expectations is important for both internal and external projects. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. To assess the ________ of a project, the best question to ask is what can go wrong with each aspect of it. ANSWER: risk 14. Microsoft OneNote software is an example of a ________ that may be used to manage small projects. ANSWER: digital notebook 15. In preparing a project ________ plan, team members break down the key components to include all the tasks that have to be performed, the timing and sequence of the tasks, and a confirmation that resources are available to complete the project. ANSWER: operational 16. After assessing the risks of a project, the second step is to ________ each risk, or to think about whether the adverse impact will be major or minor. Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 12 - Project Management ANSWER: prioritize 17. The team ________ is generally appointed and must possess strong leadership and communication skills as well as the technical expertise required for the project. ANSWER: leader 18. For some projects, technical expertise and cognitive ability may be critical ________ factors that are required. ANSWER: diversity 19. Name the two ways in which authority for a project typically comes about. ANSWER: proposed or assigned proposed and assigned proposed, assigned 20. What is the popular concept of unknown origin that assumes that if anything can go wrong, it will, and at the most inopportune time? ANSWER: Murphy’s Law 21. What is the tool frequently used to show graphically the order in which tasks need to be scheduled and the progress made toward completing a task? ANSWER: Gantt chart 22. For an external project, what does meet and or exceeding expectations frequently generate? ANSWER: additional business 23. What document is typically prepared at the end of a project? ANSWER: final report report written report 24. Whose performance are evaluation and rewards at the conclusion of either an internal or external project based on? ANSWER: the team team's team team performance Match each term with its definition a. project scope b. deliverables c. risk d. project e. cross-functional team f. critical path 25. A defined set of tasks with specific outcomes that form a unit of work to be completed in a specified timeframe with specified resources ANSWER: d 26. Mapping the tasks that impact the completion date of a project ANSWER: f Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 12 - Project Management 27. The objectives, everything that is included, everything that is specifically excluded, and the outcomes that must be produced ANSWER: a 28. A team that represents different departments of the organization ANSWER: e 29. Defined, measurable results or tangible things that the customer, client, or your company expects to have at the completion of the project ANSWER: b 30. The possibility of loss, damage, or adverse results ANSWER: c

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Chapter 13 - Effective Workplace Communication 1. Which of the following would be an example of external communication? a. the president of the organization speaking before the company’s employees b. a department head speaking before his department’s staff c. a sales representative presenting to a customer or client d. a one-on-one conversation between you and your boss ANSWER: c 2. Which of these would be an example of internal communication? a. an announcement to the public about a new CEO in your organization b. a service technician talking with a customer about his service needs c. a meeting between you and an outside advertising agency d. a sales manager having a monthly meeting with sales representatives ANSWER: d 3. Which of these types of communication occurs least often in an organization? a. one-on-one communication b. communication before the entire organization c. communication with a team d. communication within a department or division ANSWER: b 4. Which of these statements about divisions and departments within a company is true? a. Small and mid-size organizations may only have divisions. b. Divisions generally are smaller than departments. c. Divisions are typically used in large organizations and are usually subdivided into departments. d. Communication occurs more frequently in divisions than departments. ANSWER: c 5. Which type of communication is a radio commercial about a new product your organization is marketing? a. mass communication b. internal communication c. informal communication d. downward communication ANSWER: a 6. Emails, text messages, memos, and telephone calls to fellow employees or clients are generally what type of communication? a. downward communication b. upward communication c. informal communication d. mass communication ANSWER: c 7. An information exchange between a manager and a subordinate is an example of horizontal communication. Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 13 - Effective Workplace Communication a. True b. False ANSWER: False 8. Upward communication would be gossip, rumors, and unverified or unannounced information about the organization or various employees. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. A proposal used to obtain business from a customer would probably be designed and presented as a formal communication. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. A conversation between a sales manager and a service manager is an example of horizontal communication. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. Written communication refers both to reading and writing paper-based documents and documents transmitted electronically including email and text messages. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. An example of upward communication would be a worker telling a manager about a problem she is encountering. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. ________ communication in the workplace generally refers to conversations, discussions, or presentations. ANSWER: Oral 14. ________ communication is communication through electronic options such as media sites, telepresence, webinars, websites, blogs, and webcasts. ANSWER: Technology-enhanced 15. ________ refers to making people in remote environments feel as though they are all present in the same location. ANSWER: Telepresence 16. People in a number of cultures, including Arab and Asian cultures, prefer to stand ________ to others when conversing compared to northern Europeans or Americans. ANSWER: close Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 13 - Effective Workplace Communication 17. People in ________ cultures focus primarily on individual rights, roles, and achievements. ANSWER: individualistic 18. Awareness of a business colleague’s ________ traditions is essential for building a lasting relationship. Those traditions may dictate dietary restrictions, special observance holidays, and worship schedules. ANSWER: religious 19. What kind of time does a person perceive as a one-dimensional straight line divided into standard units such as seconds, minutes, hours, and days? ANSWER: monochronic time 20. Which dimension of culture refers to treating people in a kind, generous, fair, and helpful manner at the high end of the scale and letting people take care of themselves and rewarding self-enhancement over enhancement of others at the low end? ANSWER: humane orientation humane 21. Facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture, proximity or closeness to others, and tone or quality of voice are examples of this. ANSWER: nonverbal communication 22. This type of speech or language tends to be negative and transfers responsibility from the individual to someone else. An example is, "I can’t do anything about that." ANSWER: reactive language 23. Project teams generally are required to prepare a report at the end of a project. Writing as a team, who is responsible for editing the report carefully? ANSWER: the entire team entire team the team team 24. What type of time is perceived as flexible, elastic, and multidimensional? ANSWER: polychronic time Match each term with its definition. a. communication media b. media richness c. culture d. self-fulfilling prophecy e. proactive language f. grapevine 25. Accepts responsibility and focuses on what the individual can do rather than cannot do ANSWER: e 26. The form of transmission used such as text messaging, face-to face, email, or telephone calls ANSWER: a 27. Gossip, rumors, and unverified or unannounced information about the organization or employees Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 13 - Effective Workplace Communication ANSWER: f 28. Enforces the belief that if you think you can do something, you are very likely to do it. If you do not think you can do it, you are not likely to do it. ANSWER: d 29. The effectiveness of a given medium in conveying information and promoting learning ANSWER: b 30. The shared values, beliefs, traditions, philosophy, and character or personality of the country or region ANSWER: c

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Chapter 14 - Managing Workplace Challenges 1. Which of the following involves providing an employee with specific written guidelines on actions needed to improve performance? a. training b. obstacles c. action plan d. expectations ANSWER: c 2. Which of the following do employees need to get their jobs done successfully and involves access to information, people, and technology? a. performance measures b. obstacles c. training d. resources ANSWER: d 3. Which of these are based upon perception and judgment by the supervisor? a. objective performance measures b. qualitative performance measures c. subjective performance measures d. quantitative performance measures ANSWER: c 4. Which of these does a supervisor need to clarify when an employee is not reaching his or her potential? a. expectations b. obstacles c. resources d. training ANSWER: a 5. What is the term for workplace or personal matters that may hinder an employee’s ability to perform his job duties effectively? a. action plan b. expectations c. obstacles d. performance measures ANSWER: c 6. If the manager is not sure of the employees' learned abilities, which of the following may be necessary? a. action plan b. performance measures c. resources d. training ANSWER: d Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 14 - Managing Workplace Challenges 7. A progressive discipline plan is sometimes called a performance improvement plan. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. In a progressive discipline plan, the first step is to issue a written warning which may include suspension to give the employee time to reflect on their actions. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. There are occasions when an employee may be terminated with no advance notice whatsoever. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. The principle of whistle blowing, as recognized by most states, means an employer can terminate an employee at any time without explanation or cause as long as discrimination is not involved. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. When the manager terminates an employee, a second person from the organization should be present to take notes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. It is not a good idea to allow the employee to respond and ask questions during a termination meeting as it could lead to debate or arguments. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. ________ is the involuntary release of an employee. ANSWER: Termination 14. The principle of ________ allows an employee to terminate an employee at any time without explanation of cause. ANSWER: employment at will 15. ________ performance measures are based on quantifiable data. ANSWER: Objective 16. When terminating an employee, an employer may offer severance pay and benefits in consideration for the employee giving up certain rights such as legal action against the employer. Such an offer would be part of a ________ agreement. ANSWER: separation Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 14 - Managing Workplace Challenges 17. When an employee is terminated because of poor job performance this is known as termination for ________. ANSWER: cause 18. ________ is an employee’s reporting of corporate fraud or other illegal and unethical behavior. ANSWER: Whistle blowing 19. In which progressive discipline step does the manager meet with the employee in a private, formal setting and explain the purpose of the meeting, review former conversations including descriptions of specific problems, and ask the employee about the problems. ANSWER: counseling 20. What type of theft is most common in retail establishments? ANSWER: inventory theft inventory 21. Which program offered by employers consists of company-paid services to assist employees with personal problems including substance abuse? ANSWER: employee assistance programs EAPs 22. What can managers create to establish a baseline of expectations for employee conduct? ANSWER: attitude standard 23. Which company policy could address body art in the workplace? ANSWER: professional dress policy 24. What do threats, verbal abuse, and physical abuse in the workplace constitute? ANSWER: workplace violence Match the conflict resolution term with its description. a. competing b. collaborating c. compromising d. avoiding e. accommodating f. win/win 25. Not putting forth strong ideas and fighting for them and not trying to block others' ideas ANSWER: d 26. Both sides giving up something in order to gain something ANSWER: c 27. Sacrificing one's own ideas to support the more competitive member ANSWER: e 28. Wanting to win and being assertive with ideas; not likely to cooperate or give in easily ANSWER: a 29. The ideal resolution ANSWER: f Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 14 - Managing Workplace Challenges 30. Being assertive with ideas, but also respecting the ideas of others ANSWER: b

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Chapter 15 - Enhancing Your Management Career Potential 1. Which of these is often overlooked when a person takes a personal self-assessment? a. skills and values b. cognitive ability c. physical fitness/health d. learning style ANSWER: c 2. Managers doing strategic planning often use a tool or process called a SWOT analysis. Of the following, which is not represented by the letters in SWOT? a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Talents ANSWER: d 3. What specific technical skills and expertise do I have that are required for the job? This would be a question you might ask yourself when determining what aspect of a SWOT analysis? a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Threats ANSWER: a 4. Do I have difficulty packaging my skills and marketing myself to a company? This would be a question you might ask yourself when determining what aspect of a SWOT analysis? a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Talents ANSWER: b 5. Can I network and find a mentor who will coach me and open doors that might enhance my career opportunities? This would be a question you might ask yourself when determining what aspect of a SWOT analysis? a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Talents ANSWER: c 6. Is there limited opportunity for advancement in this field? This would be a question you might ask yourself when determining what aspect of a SWOT analysis? a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Threats Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 15 - Enhancing Your Management Career Potential ANSWER: d 7. Ensuring that you have a positive self concept is a key value of self-assessment. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. People generally are far more critical of others than they are of themselves. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 9. SWOT analysis is a managerial planning tool that can be adapted easily to a personal career assessment tool. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 10. When you analyze your weaknesses, you must accept that they cannot be changed into strengths. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. In performing a strengths assessment, it is important that you never compare yourself to others. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. Opportunities and threats are different from strengths and weaknesses in that you cannot control them. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. The ________ department in an organization generally provides a number of assessment tools for employees. ANSWER: human resources 14. Self-assessment tools are tests, questionnaires, inventories, surveys, or other instruments designed primarily to ________ various aspects of personality, motivation, or competence. ANSWER: measure 15. Assessment tools need to be viewed as just one step in the journey to becoming more ________. No assessment tool, even a professionally administered one, is 100 percent accurate. ANSWER: self-aware 16. The reason for participating in a ________ process is to identify strengths and styles that will benefit both the individual and the organization in a positive fashion. ANSWER: self-assessment Powered by Cognero

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Chapter 15 - Enhancing Your Management Career Potential 17. The first part of a skills inventory assessment is to measure technical skills needed for a specific position, sometimes called ________ skills. ANSWER: tangible 18. As an employee becomes more effective with a soft skill, his or her consistency level with that skill ________. ANSWER: increases 19. It is important that you approach limitations or weaknesses you may have from the perspective of turning them into what type of trait? ANSWER: strengths 20. Skills inventories can be viewed from your perspective and another perspective. What is the other perspective? ANSWER: organization's organization's perspective organization 21. An in-depth knowledge of Excel and Word and the ability and to create worksheets for various business documents are abilities that would be related to what type of skill? ANSWER: technical skill technical tangible skill tangible 22. The second part of a skills inventory assessment for a position is to measure soft skills. What is another term for soft skills? ANSWER: intangible skills 23. A job description that has requirements including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, team building, and creativity and innovation would be related to what type of skill? ANSWER: soft skill intangible skill 24. A key value of self-assessment is to ensure that you have what type of view of yourself as a person? ANSWER: positive self-concept Match each term with its definition or description. a. strengths b. weaknesses c. opportunities d. threats e. self-assessment tools f. self-awareness 25. Things to take advantage of in order to build strengths ANSWER: c 26. Tests, questionnaires, inventories, surveys, or other instruments designed to measure various aspects of personality, motivation, or competence ANSWER: e

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Chapter 15 - Enhancing Your Management Career Potential 27. Areas in which you are superior to others ANSWER: a 28. A measure of how well you know yourself and your impact on others ANSWER: f 29. Things to identify and then overcome or minimize ANSWER: d 30. Areas in which you could improve ANSWER: b

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