TEST BANK For American Government and Politics Today Essentials 2015-2016 Edition, 18e Barbara Barde

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic 1. The Bill of Rights includes the following rights for criminal defendants a. the right to speedy and public trial b. the right to silence c. the right to due process d. the right to a lawyer e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 2. If the U.S. Constitution had no Bill of Rights a. rights would be dependent on the political process. b. unpopular rights would be in danger. c. popular rights would be safe. d. some rights would be protected by state constitutions. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 3. According to the Sixth Amendment, the accused a. have a right to a speedy trial. b. can be compelled to be a witness against himself. c. have a right to a private trial. d. have no right to due process. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 4. Politics is a. a process that resolves conflict within a society. b. a struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups. c. a type of anti-social behavior by individuals. d. fundamentally irrelevant. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual




CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic 5. Harold Lasswell defined politics as a. the allocation of benefits in society. b. the way conflict in society is solved. c. who gets what, when, and how. d. promoting equality among citizens. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 6. As an institution, a government is unique in that a. it has a life separate from the lives of the individuals who are part of it at any given moment in time. b. it has the ultimate authority for making decisions and establishing political values. c. it performs certain functions for society. d. it is an ongoing organization, rather than an intermittent organization. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. Politics is a. the process of resolving conflicts. b. the struggle for power in organizations. c. the process of deciding who gets what, when, and how. d. involved in all levels of government. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 8. Politics exists a. only in government institutions. b. in every community that makes decisions. c. in schools, social groups, and organized groups of individuals. d. only in formal settings. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic NOTES:


9. Government is necessary because a. groups compete for power in society. b. there needs to be a means to maintain order in society. c. a central authority is necessary to provide for the common defense. d. a central authority is necessary to promote economic development. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 10. Government strives to protect members of society from a. violence. b. criminal activity. c. instability. d. insecurity. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. The total collapse of government a. is a common event. b. is a cyclical event. c. is an uncommon event. d. accompanies every revolution. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. Liberty is a. freedom to do whatever you want. b. available only in the United States. c. the greatest freedom of the individual consistent with the freedom of other individuals. d. incompatible with government authority. e. a uniquely American value. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 6 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. Governments have authority because a. of special norms. b. people always obey the law. c. they control the media. d. people accept the government’s right to establish rules and laws. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 14. Legitimacy is a. the condition of having too much government. b. a popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise liberty. c. a popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority. d. only needed in times of emergency. e. possible with a narrow base of support. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 15. A government that has the power to make and enforce law but which lacks the acceptance of the people is said to have a. authority but not legitimacy. b. legitimacy but not authority. c. both authority and legitimacy. d. a democratic form of government. e. an authoritarian form of government. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 16. To say that authority has legitimacy is to a. say that authority is recognized by a few. b. say that authority is broadly accepted. c. imply that the ruler has not always been perceived as the legal power. d. suggest that decisions are of little practical value. e. imply that those in power do not have the good of the public in mind when making important decisions. ANSWER: b Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic REFERENCES: 6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 17. A government in which the ruler fully controls government itself but largely stays out of religious and business institutions is a. a democratic republic. b. a direct democracy. c. a representative democracy. d. totalitarian. e. authoritarian. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 18. Aristocracy means rule by a. the majority. b. wealthy families. c. highly qualified people. d. those who can read and write. e. religious leaders. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 19. Consent of the people means a. governments and laws derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed. b. the people must consent to everything the government does. c. the government must get consent of the people before it can go to war. d. pure democracy. e. direct democracy. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 20. A referendum takes place when a. the Congress rejects a law passed by a state legislature. b. the U.S. Supreme Court rejects a law because it violates the U.S. Constitution. c. the president refers his or her budget plan to the Congress before the start of a fiscal year. d. a state legislature refers an act of legislation to the voters for approval or disapproval. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic e. voters choose the candidates who will represent their political party. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 8 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from state office before his or her term has expired is called a. a referendum. b. direct democracy. c. a recall. d. an initiative. e. popular sovereignty. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 8 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. The Founders were wary of direct democracy because the masses a. were considered too uneducated to self-govern. b. were too prone to the influence of demagogues. c. were too likely to subordinate minority rights for majority rights. d. might resort to mob rule. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 8 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. The government of the United States is best described as a. a direct democracy. b. a confederation. c. a constitutional monarchy. d. an anarchy. e. a democratic republic. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 8 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. The concept of universal suffrage refers to a. the right of all adults to vote for a representative in government. b. the right of all citizens to run for office. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic c. the right of universal healthcare for all. d. the belief that all persons deserve a fair trial. e. a system of relationships between the states. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 9 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 25. The right to vote for all citizens has a. always been out of reach. b. expanded over time. c. been championed by the rich. d. always included undocumented immigrants. e. always included women. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 9 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 26. To ensure that majority rule does not become oppressive, modern democracies a. limit political participation to individuals who are properly educated. b. guarantee the rights of minorities. c. embrace the concept of majority rule. d. apply term limits to elected officials. e. require two-thirds support of the legislature before a law can be enacted. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 27. The political theory of majoritarianism states that a. a small group of elites should control government power and act in the interests of the majority. b. government should do what the majority of the people want it to. c. government should do what is best for the majority of people. d. government should be controlled at all levels by an elected majority political party. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 28. Elite theory a. implies that the president must come from the party that holds the majority in Congress. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic b. emphasizes governmental control over economic policy, but not social institutions. c. is viewed by political scientists as a theory that works well as a description of both how democracies should function and how democracies actually do function. d. indicates that a single ruler controls all aspects of the government, but not economic and social institutions. e. is the perspective that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their selfinterests. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 29. Theorists describe pluralism as a. the struggle between the poor and wealthy classes. b. the struggle among groups to gain benefits for their members. c. a theory of how democracy should not function. d. a way to settle disputes by armed conflict. e. a way for one group to dominate the political process. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 30. The practical limitations of pluralism theory include a. the wealthy are overrepresented. b. one group may dominate the political process. c. conflict may divide the United States into hostile camps. d. individuals have more than one self-interest. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 31. A political culture is a a. written set of codes that dictate political action. b. process that transmits value to immigrants and children. c. major problem for rulers of stable forms of government. d. patterned set of ideas, values, and ways of thinking about government and politics. e. manifestation of pluralism. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic 32. The concept of political socialization refers to a. the process by which beliefs and values are transmitted to new immigrants and to our children. b. political movements in support of Socialism. c. the process by which religious values are transmitted only through the media. d. the gradual development of social programs within our national government. e. the government taking over the economic sector of the country. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 33. The dominant culture in U.S. political culture comes from Western European civilization. Which of the following values is not among those of the dominant culture? a. individualism b. private property c. economic equality d. Judeo-Christian ethics e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 34. In the United States, we have religious freedom, both to practice a religion of our choosing and to be free of stateimposed religions. This idea is one of many freedoms known as a. civil liberties. b. civil rights. c. citizenship rights. d. Democratic freedoms. e. Republican liberties. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 12 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 35. In the United States, basic guarantees of liberty are found in a. the Declaration of Independence. b. the annual Congressional budget report. c. the Bill of Rights. d. the statement of Rights and Responsibilities. e. the National Rights Foundation. ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic REFERENCES: 12 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. The periods after the Pearl Harbor attack and the September 11, 2001 terror attacks are similar in that a. calls were made to enhance security at the expense of civil liberties. b. liberties were largely maintained at the expense of national security. c. the United States declared a war on terrorism. d. the U.S. government suffered a loss of legitimacy. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 13 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 37. The concept that all people are of equal worth a. was fixed at the time of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. b. expanded in the nineteenth century but narrowed in the twentieth century. c. was extended and elaborated over time. d. has been limited in recent years. e. was extended only in the last twenty years. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 13 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 38. Capitalism is a. a political theory developed by Karl Marx. b. an economic system marked by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contract. c. incompatible with property rights as a wealth-creating mechanism. d. named for the centralization of economic power in the capitol city. e. unpopular in the United States. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 14 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 39. The right to own property is all of the following except a. a widespread desire in America. b. likely to provide power and liberty to those who own it. c. a source of economic instability. d. fundamental to the capitalist system. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic e. the promotion of economic equality. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 14 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 40. In response to the 2008 recession, conservatives tended to blame a. the lack of government oversight of the banking industry. b. the Tea Party movement. c. congressional gridlock. d. big government. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 41. The Tea Party movement began as a. a grassroots conservative movement. b. a re-branding of national conservative politics. c. a grassroots liberal movement. d. a PAC dedicated to the election of Barack Obama. e. a group dedicated to celebrating the history of the American Revolution. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 42. The recent period of divided government, in which Republicans control the House while Democrats control the Senate and presidency, has been characterized as a. a period of moderation, with the two parties working to find compromise solutions to major national problems. b. a period of Congressional superiority, during which the power of government has transitioned toward the Congress. c. a period of political deadlock, during which less legislation has been passed than at any time in recent history. d. a period of crisis, during which government has failed to fund government programs and to raise the debt ceiling. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 43. Opposition to big government is in conflict with citizens’ desire for Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic a. quality schools. b. safety and security. c. programs for the elderly. d. lower taxes. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 44. Tension over the size of government dates back to a. before the American Revolution. b. the Civil War. c. the Reagan administration. d. the Bush administration. e. the Great Depression. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 45. A comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people and the role of government is called a. a political culture. b. a dogma. c. an ideology. d. the political spectrum. e. political science. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 16 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. Conservatives endorse all of the following except a. a limited role for the national government in helping individuals. b. government action to support traditional values. c. patriotism. d. redistribution of income. e. the belief that the individual is responsible for his or her own well-being. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 16 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic 47. The following statement would be compatible with __________ ideology: “The government should have no role in providing health care for the country. People should provide their own health care.” a. liberal b. conservative c. communist d. socialist e. extreme liberal ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 16-18 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. Liberals endorse all of the following except a. civil rights. b. improving the welfare of individuals. c. a limited role for the government in helping individuals. d. government regulation of the economy. e. tolerance for political and social change. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 18 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. The following statement would be compatible with __________ ideology: “The government should act to create jobs during an economic crisis.” a. liberal b. conservative c. anarchist d. libertarian e. extreme conservative ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 18 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 50. Unlike liberals or conservatives, socialists advocate a. personal liberties. b. private property rights. c. market capitalism. d. private investment in governmental systems. e. replacing investor ownership of businesses by government ownership. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 18-19 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 51. The following statement would be compatible with __________ ideology: “The government should only provide security and an environment conducive to capitalism.” a. liberal b. conservative c. communist d. socialist e. libertarian ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 19 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 52. All of the following are true of libertarians except that they a. support personal civil liberties. b. advocate redistribution of income. c. support laissez-faire capitalism. d. oppose most government activities. e. more strongly support property rights. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 19 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 53. By 2008, the major political parties no longer exhibited any significant ideological overlap, as conservatives came to dominate the Republican Party and liberals/progressives the Democratic Party. This move in the parties toward ideological purity has resulted in all of the following except a. the dismantling of parties as insignificant. b. political polarization. c. an increased discipline in the two parties. d. an increase in political rhetoric in media outlets. e. a decline in trust between ideologies. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 21 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 54. The populations of many economically advanced nations are expected to a. be smaller in 2050 than they are today. b. remain the same size in 2050 as they are today. c. be slightly larger in 2050 than they are today. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic d. be many times larger in 2050 than they are today. e. be more ethnically homogenous in 2050 than they are today. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 22 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. The fertility rate of 2.1, with which populations are expected to eventually stabilize, is known as a. the plateau rate. b. the reproductive stabilization rate. c. the short-term replacement rate. d. the long-term replacement rate. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 22 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 56. The population of the United States is expected to a. shrink as immigration slows. b. shrink due to a low fertility rate. c. continue to grow due to immigration. d. continue to grow due to a high fertility rate. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 22 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 57. After the Civil War, most African Americans a. stayed in the South. b. moved to the North. c. moved to the West. d. emigrated out of the United States. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 22 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 58. The term Hispanic is used by the U.S. federal government to describe anyone a. who can claim heritage from a Spanish-speaking country. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic b. from a country in Central or South America. c. from parts of the United States that used to belong to Mexico. d. from the American Southwest. e. from Puerto Rico. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 23 NOTES: Applied 59. While the United States is ___________ today than in the past, it is estimated that the top 1 percent of earners _________________. a. poorer; have maintained steady incomes b. poorer; have seen a significant growth in income c. richer; captured 95 percent of all income growth in recent years d. richer; have seen their earnings grow at a slower rate than the public at large e. about as rich; have seen a decline in income ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 23 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. While economic indicators such as employment struggle to recover from the Great Recession, ____________________ have shown significant movement in a positive direction. a. other economic indicators such as the gap between rich and poor b. political indicators such as Congressional efficiency c. religious indicators such as church attendance d. social indicators such as sexual crimes and teen pregnancies e. Both B and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 24 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 61. Describe the consequence to the daily life of an average citizen in a country without the Bill of Rights. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 62. Draw a diagram depicting the political spectrum in the United States incorporating information from the four major ideologies. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 63. Do you believe that pluralism or elite theory is the more accurate description of American politics? Why? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 1 - The Democratic Republic 64. Why does the mandate of equal treatment for all groups of Americans sometimes come into conflict with the concept of liberty? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 65. Though democratic republic is the term most commonly applied to the United States' form of government, apply what you know of one non-democratic form of government (totalitarianism, authoritarianism, oligarchy, or aristocracy) and describe politics in the United States under that form of government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.3 - LO3 66. Why do you think that socialism has made little headway in America, despite its popularity in other parts of the world? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 67. Describe the different viewpoints on the role of government in society as promoted by liberals and conservatives. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 68. Compare and contrast direct democracy to representative democracy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? In what situations might a direct democracy work? When is a representative democracy more feasible? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.2 - LO2 69. What do the government responses to the 2007 recession and the elections of 2008, 2010, and 2012 tell us about the public's ideological makeup and attitudes toward government size and policies? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4 70. Compare and contrast the conservative and liberal positions on entitlement spending and discuss how these positions reflect their values with regard to liberty and equality. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.1.4 - LO4

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution 1. The president of the United States is chosen by a. a popular vote of the people. b. the U.S. Senate. c. the House and Senate combined. d. the electoral college. e. the governors of the states. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 2. The plan to keep the public from choosing U.S. presidents failed because a. the Constitution was amended to implement popular elections of presidents. b. most would-be electors were publicly pledged to a candidate. c. Congress has refused to certify the elections of candidates who do not get a majority of the popular vote. d. foreign powers forced U.S. elections to be more democratic. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 3. While the implementation of an electoral college has failed to keep presidential elections out of the hands of _____________, it has largely succeeded in keeping the election of presidents out of the hands of _____________. a. the people; Congress b. Congress; the people c. the people; the Supreme Court d. the Supreme Court; Congress e. Congress; the Supreme Court ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 4. In a parliamentary system a. the chief executive has little real power. b. the chief executive rotates between the heads of the major parties. c. a monarch chooses the chief executive. d. chief executives are chosen through a popular vote of the people. e. the legislature chooses the chief executive. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution NOTES:


5. An executive elected by Congress, as proposed in the Virginia Plan, would have likely led to more periods of a. unified and effective government. b. divided government. c. limited government. d. gridlock. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 6. The American system, with multiple points at which various powers can block action, often leads to a. effective government. b. caretaker government. c. limited government. d. impeachments of government officials. e. a call for new elections. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 29 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 7. The Jamestown colonists set a political precedent by a. allowing the governor to use a line-item veto. b. instituting a direct democracy. c. instituting a representative assembly. d. creating a judicial system. e. writing a constitutional document. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 30 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 8. The creative thinkers who designed the Constitution were most influenced by a. the historical and political context of the civil war. b. the political philosophy of the time about how people should be governed. c. the historical experiences gained through trial of several forms of government during New World settlement. d. the historical experiences gained through trail of several forms of government during Old World settlement. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 30 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 9. The Jamestown colony was established as a. a trading post. b. a military fort. c. a settlement in Maryland. d. the first French settlement in the New World. e. a settlement for religious Separatists. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 30 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 10. The colonies in the New World provided for opportunities to a. promote trade. b. explore religious freedom. c. practice limited self-government. d. implement the social contract. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 30-31 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. The Mayflower Compact a. reaffirmed the pilgrims connection to the Church of England. b. affirmed that women should have equal rights with men. c. was necessary to preserve civil obedience and public authority. d. provided the basis for the first communist community in the United States. e. became the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 30-31 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 12. The major historical and political significance of the Mayflower Compact was that it a. served as a prototype for many similar compacts. b. was the start of the first settlement in America. c. depended on the consent of the individuals involved. d. established the colony of Massachusetts. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution REFERENCES: 30-31 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 13. While nine of the British colonies had ____________, by 1790 only two remained and our presidential elections during this decade featured major candidates who were not, by modern definitions, _____________. a. churches established by law; Christian b. free market economies; capitalists c. organized militias; veterans d. major political parties; party members e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 32 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 14. Regarding the notion of the United States as a "Christian nation," the founders believed that a. the official religion of the United States should be that of the majority of the people. b. the United States serves a divine mission and biblical purpose. c. all religion should be prohibited. d. mixing religion and government is a recipe for disaster. e. Both C and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 32 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 15. Taxes were imposed on the colonists to a. pay for the coronation of King George III. b. pay for the establishment of more colonies. c. pay for the costs of Britain’s defense of the colonies during the French and Indian War. d. enrich wealthy British landowners. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 33 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 16. Taxes that the British attempted to impose on the American colonies in the years leading up to the Revolutionary War included all of the following except a. the Sugar Act, which imposed a tax on sugar. b. the Stamp Act, which taxed legal documents and newspapers. c. duties on glass, lead, and paint. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution d. a tax on tea. e. an income tax. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 33 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 17. The colonists’ fury over taxation led to a. a boycott of British goods. b. the formation of the Stamp Act Congress. c. the closure of Boston Harbor. d. the Boston Tea Party. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 33 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 18. The First Continental Congress a. declared independence from Britain. b. was held in Boston, Massachusetts. c. urged colonists to purchase British goods to win favor with the king. d. encouraged the colonists to petition King George III to express their grievances. e. produced a document that the colonists found to be coercive. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 33 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 19. One of the main actions of the Second Continental Congress was to a. establish an army and appoint a commander in chief. b. sign a treaty with Britain prohibiting trade with France. c. sign a treaty with France to declare war on Britain. d. create a unitary government in America. e. establish a document with ambitious designs to separate from Britain. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 33 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 20. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense advocated a. the formation of a new government that would still be loyal to the king. b. the establishment of a government that would limit further immigration. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution c. an end of hostilities toward Britain. d. the idea that the formation of the country’s own government was a “natural right.” e. the repeal of all taxes, including those the colonists had imposed on themselves. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 34 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 21. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by a. John Locke. b. John Adams. c. Thomas Jefferson. d. George Washington. e. Benjamin Franklin. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 34 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal” are the first words of a. the Constitution of the United States of America. b. the Declaration of Independence. c. the Magna Carta. d. the United Nations Charter. e. the Bill of Rights. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 34 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. Which of the following is not true of the Declaration of Independence? a. It listed the colonists’ grievances against England. b. It established the legitimacy of the United States as a new nation. c. It listed reasons for dissolving the tie with Great Britain. d. It established a constitutional government. e. It gave the people the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and to alter the government if it became destructive of the people’s rights. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 34-36 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution its rules is called a. a confederation. b. a social contract. c. a syndicate. d. a constitution. e. a natural law. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 35 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. English philosopher John Locke believed that the main purpose of government was to a. defend against foreign enemies. b. protect man’s natural rights of life, liberty, and property. c. raise taxes to build an army. d. promote equality under the law. e. promote religious separatism. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 35 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 26. A unicameral legislature is one with a. only one body or house. b. only one major political party. c. the power to choose the chief executive. d. no limits on its powers. e. Both B and D are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 37 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 27. The term confederation or confederal refers to a. a system in which most power is with the central government. b. a voluntary association in which states have most of the power. c. a system in which state and local governments have equal power with the central government. d. a national legislature. e. the southern states where slavery was legal. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 37 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution 28. The Articles of Confederation a. provided for a bicameral legislature. b. established a strong executive branch. c. allowed the states to retain most of the power. d. created a way to raise taxes to fund an army. e. ended slavery. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 37 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 29. Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? a. Congress lacked the power to collect taxes directly from the people. b. Any amendments to the Articles required unanimous consent of the Congress and confirmation by every state legislature. c. Congress lacked the power to demand funds for the militia. d. Each state had one vote regardless of size. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 38 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 30. The Constitutional Convention in 1787 was brought on by the a. publication of the Treaty of Paris. b. request of President Washington. c. failure of the Articles of Confederation. d. publication of the Declaration of Independence. e. end of the Revolutionary War. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 39 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 31. Of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention a. most were members of the upper class. b. a majority came from professional backgrounds. c. most represented a cross-section of American society. d. most were senior statesmen with governmental experience. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 39-40 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 32. The factions among delegates at the Constitutional Convention a. wanted a strong central government. b. were concerned about claims to western lands. c. had republican leanings. d. had nationalist leanings. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 40 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 33. The Virginia Plan a. called for a bicameral legislature. b. worked to the advantage of small states. c. provided for the direct election of a president by the people. d. settled all controversy. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 41 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. The New Jersey Plan called for all of the following except a. Congress would elect several people to form an executive office. b. the elimination of a Supreme Court. c. the ability of Congress to regulate trade and impose taxes. d. acts of Congress would be the supreme law of the land. e. the principle of one state, one vote. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 41 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. The supremacy doctrine asserts the superiority of a. large states over small states. b. non-slave states over slave states. c. national law over state law. d. natural law over man-made law. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution REFERENCES: 41 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 36. The Great Compromise a. was advanced by the delegates from Georgia. b. proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate. c. was presented too late to be considered. d. was proposed by Texas. e. proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 42 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. The Three-Fifths Compromise did all of the following except a. illustrate the power of the southern states at the convention. b. partially apportion the House of Representatives and the electoral college on the basis of property. c. give African Americans representation that was equal to what free whites received. d. give more voting power to southern slave owners. e. fail to address the slave trade directly. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 42 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 38. The southern states at the Constitutional Convention were concerned with a. a northern majority in Congress. b. taxes that might be imposed on exports. c. the possibility of the Constitution abolishing slavery. d. the possibility of a ban on the slave trade. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 42-43 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 39. With regard to the system of courts, delegates to the Constitutional Convention decided to do all of the following except a. allow presidents to nominate Supreme Court justices. b. create both a Supreme Court and a system of lower courts. c. allow the Senate to confirm justices to the Supreme Court. d. allow Congress to establish lower courts. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution e. create a Supreme Court. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 43 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 40. The concept of separation of powers was included in the Constitution to prevent a. disputes between the federal and state governments. b. the imposition of export taxes. c. a major dispute over power between the House and the Senate. d. disputes over power between Congress and the president. e. tyranny by either the majority or the minority. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 43 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 41. The Federalists a. supported the new Constitution. b. were mostly rural people from the lower classes. c. did not attend the Constitutional Convention. d. supported the status quo. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 46 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 42. Ratification of the Constitution required the approval a. of the thirteen state legislatures. b. by nine out of thirteen state conventions. c. of the thirteen state legislatures and two-thirds of Congress. d. by popular vote in nine states. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 46 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. The Anti-Federalists a. lived in urban areas. b. attended the Constitutional Convention. c. supported a strong central government. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution d. opposed the new Constitution. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 46 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 44. The Federalist Papers, which offered arguments in favor of ratifying the Constitution, was authored by a. Thomas Jefferson and Charles Pinckney. b. John Adams and George Washington. c. Benjamin Franklin and William Paterson. d. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 47 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 45. The central government setup by the Constitution was seen to be likely ______________ by an Anti-Federalist but as ______________ by a Federalist. a. necessary; dictatorial b. overbearing and burdensome; necessary c. corrupt; benevolent d. authoritarian; libertarian e. Both C and D. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 47 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 46. Prior to ratification, support for the Constitution was probably a. widespread across both rich and poor classes. b. widespread among the rich, but unpopular among the poor. c. widespread among the poor, but unpopular among the rich. d. unpopular across both rich and poor classes. e. something only considered by a very small group of politically elite. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 48 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 47. The Bill of Rights provided for a. the protection of individual liberties from state governments. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution b. the protection of individual liberties from the national government. c. equal protection under the law. d. protection against state infringements on the freedoms of conscience, the press, and jury trial. e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 49 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 48. The Bill of Rights a. is sometimes called the Bill of Limits. b. is sometimes called the Bill of Attainder. c. is the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution. d. limited state power. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 49 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 49. All of the following rights and liberties were guaranteed by the Constitution prior to the enactment of the Bill of Rights except a. the prohibition of ex post facto laws. b. the prohibition of bills of attainder. c. the right to freely exercise one's religion. d. the writ of habeas corpus. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 50 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 50. While there are multiple possibilities to formally amend the Constitution, the most common method has been for __________ to propose new amendments and for _________ to ratify them. a. the people; Congress b. a national convention; state legislatures c. Congress; state legislatures d. a national convention; special state conventions e. Congress; special state conventions ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 51 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution 51. A constitutional amendment can be proposed by a. a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. b. a two-thirds vote in each chamber of Congress. c. the legislatures in two-thirds of the states. d. a majority vote in both chambers of Congress, provided the amendment is not vetoed by the president. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 51 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 52. A constitutional amendment can be ratified by a. a positive vote in conventions in three-fourths of the states. b. a positive vote in the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. c. a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. d. the legislatures in two-thirds of the states. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 51 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 53. The only formal method used so far to propose an amendment to the Constitution is a. the popular vote of the people. b. a two-thirds vote in favor of it by both houses of Congress. c. state legislatures or conventions in three-fourths of the states. d. a national convention. e. a proposal by the president. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 51 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 54. The constitutional amendment process was designed to be __________ in order to ________________. a. easy; let the majority direct the country b. easy; allow the document to change with the times c. difficult; promote a competition of ideas d. difficult; preserve the original vision of the founders e. difficult; prevent tyranny of the majority ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 52 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution NOTES:


55. The framers of the Constitution set a. no time limit for the ratification process. b. a limit of twelve months for the ratification of an amendment. c. a limit of twenty-four months for the ratification of an amendment. d. a seven-year limit for the ratification of an amendment. e. a provision for extensions for ratification. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 53 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 56. The voting age of eighteen was set by a. Congress. b. the Twenty-Sixth Amendment. c. the Nineteenth Amendment. d. the Supreme Court. e. the states. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 52 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. Informal methods of constitutional change include a. Congress proposing an amendment with a three-fourths majority of both houses. b. state governments changing their constitutions to give them supremacy. c. the use of judicial review by the courts. d. state governments agreeing to hold conventions to amend the Constitution. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 53-54 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 58. The power of the Supreme Court to declare actions of the other branches of government to be unconstitutional is known as a. judicial review. b. judicial activism. c. legislative ratification. d. the supremacy doctrine. e. the Madisonian model. ANSWER: a Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution REFERENCES: 54 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. Judicial review is a. a method by which the president can check the judiciary. b. the process of confirmation of federal judges by Congress. c. the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislative and executive branches of government unconstitutional. d. not applicable to actions by state governments. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 54 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 60. International agreements between the president and a foreign head of state that do not require legislative approval are known as a. treaties. b. executive agreements. c. contracts. d. memoranda of understanding. e. executive orders. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 54 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 61. Describe the purpose of the various colonial settlements and the motivations for emigration to the New World. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 62. Consider the actions of the British government toward its colonies and the "unalienable rights" listed in the Declaration of Independence and discuss the ways in which British actions prior to the Revolutionary War did or did not violate these rights. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.1 - LO1 63. Compare and contrast the structures of government formed under the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution. How are the colonists’ historical experiences reflected in each document? How did the weaknesses of the Articles lead to a different structure in the Constitution? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.2 - LO2 64. Describe the competing interests of the small states and the large states. How were these conflicting interests resolved Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 2 - The Constitution in the final version of the Constitution in 1787? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 65. Describe the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances and give examples of these checks in each branch of government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 66. Consider the role of demography in the constitutional process, by discussing the demographic makeup of Convention delegates, Federalists and Anti-Federalists, and supporters of ratification in the public at large. Weighing this information, discuss whether the constitutional process did or did not favor certain groups over others. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.3 - LO3 67. The Constitution’s ratification process included arguments for and against ratification by Federalists and AntiFederalists, respectively. Describe and evaluate the arguments expressed by both of these groups. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 68. Discuss the importance of the Bill of Rights in terms of its role in the constitutional ratification process. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.4 - LO4 69. Describe the methods of proposing and ratifying a constitutional amendment. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5 70. The process of amending the U.S. Constitution is an intentionally difficult one. Yet those in each branch of government have found ways in which the Constitution can be changed informally. Describe the methods, both formal and informal, of constitutional change. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.2.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism 1. Over the last two decades, support for same-sex marriage among the public has a. increased only a small amount and is still a minority opinion. b. increased to where same-sex marriage is now supported by a majority of Americans. c. stayed roughly the same. d. declined a small amount. e. declined a large amount. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 76 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 2. Since 2003, federal court rulings, including those by the Supreme Court, have _______________ but have not __________________. a. generally loosened same-sex marriage restrictions; overruled same-sex marriage bans nationwide b. banned same-sex marriages; banned same-sex civil unions c. taken marriage powers away from the states; taken away powers over civil unions d. given the power over marriage to the federal government; overturned same-sex marriage bans e. Both B and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 76 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 3. Which government system is used most in the world today? a. unitary system b. confederate system c. federal system d. bicameral system e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 77 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 4. In a unitary system of government, ultimate government authority is located at a. the state or provincial level. b. the local or municipal level. c. the regional level. d. the national or central level. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 77 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism NOTES:


5. A _____________ system of government is one in which the central government has ______________. a. federal; almost all the power b. unitary; equal power with the states/provinces c. unitary; almost all the power d. federal; almost no real power e. confederal; almost all the power ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 77 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. All of the following are true of a confederation or confederate political system except a. a confederation is a league of independent states. b. in a confederation, a central government handles only matters delegated to it by the member states. c. the United States was a confederation. d. a confederation gives most of the power to the member states. e. a confederate system is the same thing as a federal system. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 77-78 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. A _____________ system of government is one in which the central government has ______________. a. federal; almost all the power b. confederal; equal power with the states/provinces c. unitary; equal power with the states/provinces d. federal; almost no real power e. confederal; almost no real power ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 77-78 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. All of the following are true except a. in unitary systems, the power is held by the central government. b. in confederal systems, the power is held by the subdivisional units or states. c. in federal systems, the power is held jointly by the national government and the subdivisional units or states. d. in federal systems, the power is held by the national government. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 78 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 9. In a federal political system, authority is a. always vested in a bicameral legislature. b. divided between the central government and regional or subdivisional governments. c. bestowed upon the central government, with no power being granted to the regional governments. d. concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government. e. exercised by the national government only insofar as these powers are granted by the states. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 78 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. Which of the following is not a defense of federalism? a. Political experimentation at the state level can be used to see if policies are workable. b. The government is in closer contact with the people because of the role given to state governments. c. It allows for differences among the regions of the country. d. The national government has all the power so states play a small role. e. It is a better system for the United States than a unitary system because of the size of the country. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 79-81 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. Which of the following is not true about the European Union (EU)? a. The EU is a confederation of twenty-seven countries. b. The EU is a federation of twenty-seven countries. c. Seventeen of the EU countries have adopted a common currency—the euro. d. EU countries such as Greece, Portugal, and Ireland have had financial difficulties of late. e. The European Central Bank is prohibited from bailing out member countries in difficulty. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 79 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. The Greek financial crisis has its roots in a. overspending by previous Greek government officials. b. excessive borrowing by previous Greek government officials. c. the inability of Greece to devalue its currency. d. the inability of Greece to be able to borrow from the European Central Bank. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism REFERENCES: 79 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. State laws that have legalized the medical or recreational uses of marijuana conflict with federal law and may be invalidated because of a. the necessary and proper clause. b. the supremacy clause. c. the commerce clause. d. reserved powers. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 80-81 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 14. The expressed or enumerated powers include the ability of the federal government to a. coin money, set standards for weights and measures, and determine rules for citizenship. b. declare war and establish post offices. c. increase the number of federal courts. d. set up the national central banking system. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 82 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 15. The clause in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its enumerated or expressed powers is called a. the elastic or necessary and proper clause. b. the supremacy clause. c. the concurrent clause. d. the reserved powers clause. e. the due process clause. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 82-83 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 16. Inherent powers derive from the fact that the United States is a. a democratic republic. b. a confederation formed by state governments. c. a sovereign power among nations. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism d. a federal system. e. explicitly entitled by the Constitution to annex new territory. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 83 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 17. The police power is a. the authority to legislate for the health, welfare, safety, and morals of the people. b. reserved for the federal government to fight terrorism. c. delegated to the states to make laws not prohibited by the national or state constitutions. d. the power of local police to stop drivers suspected of being illegal immigrants. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 83 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 18. All of the following would be included in the inherent powers of the national government except a. making treaties. b. waging war. c. providing for the general welfare. d. engaging in trade. e. acquiring territory. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 83 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. State governments have the ________________ but lack the ___________________. a. enumerated powers; reserved powers b. reserved powers; concurrent powers c. concurrent powers; reserved powers d. reserved and concurrent powers; enumerated and inherent powers e. reserved and enumerated powers; inherent powers ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 83-84 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called a. cooperative powers. b. statutory powers. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism c. reserved powers. d. concurrent powers. e. inherent powers. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 84 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. All are true of concurrent powers except that they a. are generally not listed specifically in the Constitution. b. are expressly written in the Constitution. c. include the power to borrow funds, pass laws, and levy taxes. d. are generally limited to state borders. e. include the power to establish courts and charter banks. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 84 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 22. States have the power to ________________ but cannot _________________. a. impose taxes on income and license marriages; make treaties or wage war with foreign nations b. enter into treaties with foreign nations; wage war c. regulate marriage and divorce; impose taxes on income d. impose taxes on income; license marriages e. Both B and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 84 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 23. The national government cannot create a national divorce law system because a. certain powers are reserved for the states. b. the Constitution prohibits a number of powers to the national government. c. the regulation of marriage is explicitly reserved for state governments in the Constitution. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 84 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 24. "Full faith and credit" means that states must a. prosecute individuals who have broken other states' laws. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism b. return persons fleeing justice back to their home state. c. honor the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states. d. extend to citizens of other states the privileges and immunities of its own citizens. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 85 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. An agreement between two or more states is a. shared governance. b. an interstate compact. c. an intrastate treaty. d. a cooperative agreement. e. unconstitutional. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 85 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. States may enter into agreements called interstate compacts a. with congressional approval on major matters. b. without congressional approval on minor matters. c. to settle matters in chronic dispute between two or more states. d. to manage water resources that cross state lines. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 85 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 27. All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland except that a. the case dealt with the issue of implied powers of the federal government. b. one issue was whether the federal government could create a national bank. c. the decision allowed the federal government to grow and expand. d. the decision upheld the right of the federal government to use the necessary and proper clause. e. the Supreme Court ruled that the national government could only use its express powers. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 86 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 28. The expansion of national governments power and regulations can be found rooted in Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism a. the implementation of the Bill of Rights. b. Chief Justice John Marshall's interpretation of the commerce clause. c. the necessary and proper clause. d. the states' inability to exercise their police powers. e. All of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 86 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 29. In the case of Gibbons v. Ogden a. the national government lost the power to regulate intrastate commerce. b. state governments won the right to control navigation in interstate waters. c. the power to regulate interstate commerce was determined to be an exclusive national power of the federal government. d. the ruling provided the national government with decreasing power over economic affairs throughout the land. e. the Supreme Court found that commerce was defined as the exchange of goods and not navigation or transport of people. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 87 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 30. When Congress passed a tariff in 1828, South Carolina tried to nullify it to a. assert the power of the state governments over the national government. b. indicate that a state should have the ultimate authority over its citizens. c. protect slavery. d. increase the price of exported and imported goods. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 87 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 31. After early rulings by the Supreme Court increased the power of the national government, states sought a shift back to states’ rights due to a. increasing divisions between the North and the South over the slavery issue. b. conflict over congressional passage of a tariff on trade in 1828. c. concern over expanding power by the federal government in the regulation of commerce. d. conflict over the role of the national government and that of the states. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 87 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 32. The controversy that led to the Civil War was a. the dispute over states’ rights and national supremacy. b. interstate commerce. c. the application of the Bill of Rights to the states. d. taxation. e. the admission of Texas into the union. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 87-88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 33. Despite the South's desire for ______________, the Civil War actually brought about ______________. a. increased states' rights; a stronger national government b. the expansion of slavery; a competitive, free labor force c. a strong national government; regionalism in politics d. free trade; significant export taxes e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 87-88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. Outcomes of the Civil War included a. a dramatic increase in the federal budget. b. the implementation of the first income tax on citizens. c. the end of slavery. d. new amendments to the Constitution that allowed African American males the right to vote. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. The Civil War amendments a. abolished slavery. b. sought to guarantee equal rights under state laws. c. gave the right to vote to African Americans. d. defined who was a citizen of the United States. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism REFERENCES: 88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. As a result of the Civil War crisis, the Supreme Court a. was drastically reduced in influence. b. voted exclusively against the Civil War. c. gained additional power, along with the state governments. d. ruled that the initial plan of Congress to reconstruct the South was unconstitutional. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 37. After the Civil War, the Supreme Court a. limited the police power to the national government. b. declared a ban on child labor as unconstitutional. c. allowed Congress great latitude in regulating commerce. d. supported a strong central government and reduced state power. e. tended to oppose dual federalism and supported single federalism. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 38. A style of federalism in which the states and national government act as equals with independent spheres of authority is a. fiscal federalism. b. mandate federalism. c. New Deal federalism. d. cooperative federalism e. dual federalism. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 88 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 39. A government program that is funded by the national government but run and managed by state governments is emblematic of a. dual federalism. b. cooperative federalism. c. enumerated powers. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism d. reserved powers. e. the supremacy clause. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 89-90 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 40. All are true of federal grants except that they a. increased significantly during the twentieth century. b. have been used for education, pollution, and highway construction. c. have quadrupled in the amount of dollars given by the national government. d. are given by the states for national projects. e. have given the national government a much greater role in state governments. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 90-92 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 41. The federal government supplies a. an increasing share of state and local government revenues. b. a decreasing share of the state and local government revenue. c. revenue to state governments in the form of block and categorical grants. d. revenue to state governments in the form of federal mandates. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 90-92 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 42. Categorical grants are a. federal grants to state or local governments for specific programs. b. emergency grants to states for unforeseen circumstances. c. a very recent form of national government support to school districts. d. unconstitutional because of separation of powers. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 90-91 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. Since the Great Depression a. local government spending is greater than central government spending in total dollars. b. central government spending is greater than local government spending in total dollars. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism c. government spending has decreased in both the local and central government sectors. d. spending has increased faster as a percentage of all government spending at the local level than at the national level. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 91 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 44. Some federal grants, such as categorical grants, ____________, while others, such as block grants, ____________. a. are for social welfare projects; are for maintenance of infrastructure b. fund only individual citizens; fund only projects for states and localities c. permit only government officials to spend funds; allow the public at large to guide funding d. fund projects in broad categories; impede states' abilities to spend as they wish e. fund specific programs or projects; give states greater flexibility in spending ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 90-92 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 45. A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a a. matching grant. b. program grant. c. federal mandate. d. block grant. e. waiver. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 92 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. In response to the Great Recession of 2000s, we initially saw _________________, followed by _________________. a. a boost in federal funding to the states; states cutting spending and government employment b. a boost in federal funding to the states; job growth in states' governments c. major cuts to federal spending; increased taxes to reduce the deficit d. major cuts to federal spending; growth in private business employment e. significant job losses; major cuts in federal spending ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 92-93 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 47. Strings attached to federal grants are Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism a. called federal mandates. b. designed to force states to comply with federal policies. c. designed to force states to save money. d. called federal rules. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 93 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. Federal mandates are a. rules for operation in the Supreme Court. b. requirements attached to state laws to dispense state grants. c. requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with federal rules. d. always accompanied by ample federal funding to cover costs of the mandate. e. unconstitutional. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 93 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. Competitive federalism can cause a. states to compete for business investment. b. financial pressures as states try to respond to demands for services. c. state revenue shortfalls for essential programs like pension funds. d. states to cooperate for business investment. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 94 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 50. National authority has traditionally been preferred by a. liberals. b. conservatives. c. libertarians. d. those who are culturally conservative but economically liberal. e. the southern states. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 94 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism 51. __________ have traditionally favored state government over federal government. a. Liberals b. Conservatives c. Socialists d. Southern states e. Individuals who are culturally conservative but economically liberal ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 94 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 52. In regard to federalism a. conflicts between states and the federal government have largely subsided. b. expansion of national authority has typically been an engine of social change. c. often states’ rights are not used to support the status quo. d. All of the above are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 94-97 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 53. Devolution is defined as a. the transfer of government power from the national government to state governments. b. the transfer of power from state governments to local governments. c. the transfer of government from federalism to confederalism. d. the process of moving from dual federalism to cooperative federalism. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 94 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 54. In the years after 1968, there was a transfer of power from the national government to the state governments. This transfer of power is called a. cooperative federalism. b. revolution. c. regression. d. devolution. e. dual federalism. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 94 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism NOTES:


55. The U.S. Supreme Court a. has the final say on constitutional issues. b. plays a significant role in determining the line between federal and state powers. c. has given increased emphasis to state powers under the Tenth Amendment. d. All of the above are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 95-96 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 56. In United States v. Lopez (1995), the Supreme Court a. held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority. b. said that Congress, in passing the Gun-Free School Zones Act, attempted to regulate an area that had nothing to do with commerce. c. placed a limit on national government authority under the commerce clause. d. All of the above are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 96 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. Since the mid-1990s, the Supreme Court’s decisions on federalism have a. continued the precedents established by John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden. b. provided a broad interpretation of the commerce clause that justifies extensive national involvement in many areas. c. allowed the federal government to involve itself in areas that are primarily local in character. d. shown a willingness to allow the federal government to extend its power when it deals with sensitive areas such as gun control and violence against women. e. been establishing limits on the powers of the national government under the commerce clause. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 96 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 58. While most __________ would be pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the individual insurance mandate of the Affordable Care Act, most __________ would be encouraged that the Court made Medicaid expansion optional for the states. a. conservatives; libertarians b. conservatives; liberals c. socialists; liberals Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism d. libertarians; states' rights advocates e. liberals; conservatives ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 96-97 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 59. Through recent decisions on immigration and voting rights, the Supreme Court has a. sent a consistently pro-states' rights message. b. sent a consistently anti-states' rights message. c. avoided addressing states' rights and powers altogether. d. sent a mixed message on states' rights. e. encouraged the nullification of national laws. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 96-97 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 60. The Supreme Court's recent ruling on the Voting Rights Act a. overturned parts of the act, taking power away from the states. b. overturned parts of the act, making for a major states' rights victory. c. upheld the act, taking power away from the states. d. upheld the act, making for a major states' rights victory. e. opened the way for voting by non-citizens. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 97 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 61. Compare the features of federalism with one other form of government (unitary or confederal) and craft an argument in which you demonstrate why one of these styles of government is superior. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.1 - LO1 62. Explain the concept of concurrent powers and provide examples. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 63. Give examples of powers reserved for state governments and provide the constitutional source of that power. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.2 - LO2 64. From 1801 to 1835, the Supreme Court was headed by Chief Justice John Marshall, a Federalist, who advocated a strong central government. Using cases heard by the Supreme Court during that period, show how John Marshall’s Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 3 - Federalism political belief affected the relationship between states and the federal government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.3 - LO3 65. There are three different models for organizing relations between a central government and local or subdivisional governments. Define all three models and list advantages of each model. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 66. Explain why liberals have traditionally endorsed national authority. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 67. Explain how the federal government has gained power at the expense of state governments at different points in American history. Describe the essential elements in some court cases where the states have regained power from the federal government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 68. Compare and contrast categorical and block grants. How do federal mandates have an impact on the states when getting grant money and different types of federal grants? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.4 - LO4 69. Discuss the conflict between states' rights and powers to control the institution of marriage with their constitutional obligations toward the citizens and legal acts of other states. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5 70. In light of recent Supreme Court decisions on issues as diverse as voting rights, same-sex marriage, immigration, and healthcare, craft an argument in which you discuss whether power is shifting toward or away from the states and assess this move as good or bad for politics. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.3.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties 1. If the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade a. abortions would be illegal in the United States. b. health insurance companies would determine eligibility for abortions. c. the authority to regulate abortion would fall to the states. d. abortions would only be legal in the first trimester of the pregnancy. e. abortions would be deemed “an invasion of privacy.” ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 103 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 2. Restraints on the actions of government against individuals are known as a. civil rights. b. civil liberties. c. civil freedoms. d. the libertarian contract. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 104 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 3. As originally presented in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights a. limited only the power of the national government, not that of the states. b. protected citizens from all forms of government. c. protected citizens from the national and state governments, but not from local governments. d. limited only the power of state governments. e. contained no language on religion. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 104 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 4. The Bill of Rights a. protects individual religious freedom. b. allows state government to regulate religion. c. allows the national government to regulate religion. d. provides for an official state religion. e. provides protection for street drug use in religious ceremonies. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 104-110 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties 5. Prior to the __________ and the process of incorporation, ______________. a. Fourteenth Amendment; citizens of different states had different sets of civil liberties b. First Amendment; most states were officially Roman Catholic c. Second Amendment; all firearms were owned by the state governments d. Third Amendment; most American households quartered one or more soldiers e. Sixth Amendment; most criminal convictions were done without a trial ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 105 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 6. The Supreme Court began incorporating the Bill of Rights to the states in 1925, with a case involving ___________, and has done so as recently as 2010, with a case involving ____________. a. cruel and unusual punishments; due process b. the right to bear arms; freedom of religion c. freedom of the press; due process d. freedom of speech; the right to bear arms e. freedom of speech; freedom of assembly ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 105 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 7. The incorporation theory a. provides for congressional oversight into multi-national corporations. b. allows companies to incorporate through government application. c. provides for government oversight to corporations doing business with the government. d. is the view that the provisions of the Bill of Rights are extended to individuals for protection against state actions. e. holds the view that most of the protections of the Bill of Rights apply to foreign government activities through the Fourteenth Amendment. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 105 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 8. The fact that the Supreme Court denied the national government the power to fully ban handguns in 2008, yet a later 2010 decision was needed to apply this same rule to the states is emblematic of a. the power of the states. b. the weakness of the federal government. c. the slowness with which federal rules apply to the states. d. the doctrine of incorporation. e. Both A and B. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 105-106 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 9. The basis of freedom of religion is found in which two principles in the Bill of Rights? a. the establishment clause and the general welfare clause b. the general welfare clause and the supremacy clause c. the supremacy clause and the free exercise clause d. the establishment clause and the free exercise clause e. the free exercise clause and the general welfare clause ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 107 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 10. The concept of the separation of church and state a. was referred to by Thomas Jefferson as “the wall of separation.” b. covers conflicts about the legality of giving state and local government aid to religious organizations and schools. c. refers to the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution. d. forbids the government from establishing an official religion. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 107 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 11. In Lemon v. Kurtzman, the Supreme Court found that a. government assistance to religious institutions must advance religious activities. b. government programs may advance one particular religion over another. c. the government must avoid excessive entanglement with religion. d. government aid may be used to purchase prayer books and religious music. e. government funding may support religious (non-secular) activities. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 107-108 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 12. The establishment clause in the First Amendment a. has been applied to questions of the legality of state and local government aid to religious organizations and schools. b. means that neither the federal government nor state governments can set up a church. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties c. is different than the free exercise clause. d. has been used to decide the actions of government allowing or prohibiting school prayer. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 107-110 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 13. A concern with school vouchers is that they may be used at religious schools and, therefore, violate the a. establishment clause. b. supremacy clause. c. free exercise clause. d. Fifth Amendment. e. exclusionary rule. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 108 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 14. Court decisions about prayer in public schools have struck down ___________ but permitted ____________. a. official prayers composed by school officials; moments of silence with a secular purpose b. moments of silence with a secular purpose; official prayers composed by school officials c. any and all efforts by school officials to pray; any and all efforts by students to pray d. any and all efforts by students to pray; moments of silence with a secular purpose e. any and all efforts by students to pray; religiously based student organizations ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 108-109 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 15. Advocates of the teaching of intelligent design alongside or in place of evolution have had some success in ____________ but have had very little success in ____________. a. persuading teachers; persuading school administrators b. convincing the scientific community; convincing the public c. winning court cases; getting laws passed by state legislatures d. getting laws passed by state legislatures; winning court cases e. Both A and B. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 109 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 16. All of the following are true about religious displays on public property except Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties a. court cases over these issues have been ruled upon under the establishment clause. b. religious displays have been allowed in certain situations. c. displays of a crèche at Christmastime may be allowed if non-secular displays are also being shown. d. nativity scenes have been allowed to be displayed by themselves. e. displays such as lights, Santa Claus, and reindeer have been allowed. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 110 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 17. The free exercise clause, protecting freedom of religious practice, is found in the a. Fifth Amendment. b. First Amendment. c. establishment clause. d. Second Amendment. e. religious amendment. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 110 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. The free exercise clause a. limits the national government from prohibiting people from practicing their religions. b. is part of the First Amendment. c. allows the national government to exercise control over free speech. d. helps state governments to provide charter schools. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 110 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 19. Prior restraint is a. used by Congress to hold secret committee meetings. b. a method used by the government to get terrorists to talk. c. another term for censorship, when expression is involved. d. restraining an activity, such as expression, before that activity has actually occurred. e. Options C and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 111 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties 20. New York Times v. United States a. affirmed the no-prior-restraint doctrine in the Pentagon Papers case. b. upheld the government’s right to let the public have information about Vietnam. c. punished the New York Times for publishing secret documents. d. affirmed the free speech of students in public schools. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 111 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 21. Our clothing, gestures, and movements fall into the category of ________________, which is generally ________________. a. expressive speech; protected by the courts b. expressive speech; not protected by the courts c. symbolic speech; protected by the courts d. symbolic speech; not protected by the courts e. symbolic speech; seen as a misapplication of the principles of free speech ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 111 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 22. All of the following are true of flag burning except a. it was outlawed in Texas and other states in the 1980s. b. it is protected by the First Amendment’s freedom of expression (speech). c. Congress passed legislation against flag burning that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. d. it is considered symbolic speech. e. a constitutional amendment has been passed outlawing flag burning. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 111 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 23. The Supreme Court will consider restrictions on commercial speech valid as long as a. the restrictions seek to implement a substantial government interest. b. the restrictions directly advance government interests. c. the restrictions go no further than necessary to advance governmental interests. d. companies continue to try to publish factual inaccuracies. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 112 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties NOTES:


24. Commercial speech is usually defined as a. any speech conducted via films, radio, or television. b. advertising statements. c. speech made by public corporations as opposed to private organizations. d. business-related speech. e. speech made by organizations as opposed to private citizens. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 112 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 25. The principle that speech may be restricted if such expression might lead to some "evil" is a. no prior restraint. b. the clear and present danger test. c. the imminent lawless action test. d. the bad tendency rule. e. the Lemon test. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 113 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 26. Chief Justice Burger's test of obscenity, as articulated in Miller v. California, included that a. the average person finds that it violates contemporary community standards. b. the work as a whole appeals to a prurient, excessive interest in sex. c. the work shows patently offensive sexual conduct. d. the work lacks serious redeeming merit. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 113 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 27. In 1969, the Supreme Court in Brandenburg v. Ohio a. overturned a statute that prohibited anyone from advocating violence as a means to political reform. b. upheld the conviction of a member of the Ku Klux Klan. c. banned free speech protections for organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. d. required the government to prove lawless activities followed free speech activities. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 113 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 28. Slander is a. an attempt to do bodily harm. b. the public uttering of a false statement that harms the good reputation of another. c. printed material that cannot be proven true. d. a law that prohibits the public from making negative statements about elected officials. e. making false statements about another person in writing. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 115 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 29. Regarding freedom of speech on state college and university campuses, federal courts have found a. behavioral codes forbidding hate speech to be unconstitutional. b. behavioral codes forbidding on-campus political speech to be constitutional. c. activity fees that go to support a variety of on-campus political groups to be constitutional. d. that state colleges and universities are free to act as non-state entities in regulating speech. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 115 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 30. Public uttering of a _______ statement that harms someone's reputation is _______. a. false; constitutionally protected speech b. false; libel c. true; neither slander nor libel d. true; slander e. true; libel ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 115-117 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 31. The First Amendment prevents Congress from making any law that a. abridges “the right of the people to peaceably assemble.” b. abridges the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” c. regulates the right to bear arms. d. regulates criminal rights. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties REFERENCES: 116 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 32. For a public figure to obtain a damage award under libel laws, he or she must a. show that he or she has access to the public medium to disprove the charge. b. show that the statement in question contained a reckless disregard for the truth. c. prove that he or she suffered from the falsehood just as much as a private person. d. prove the case beyond a shadow of a doubt. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 117 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 33. Gag orders have been used to a. prohibit one criminal from testifying against another. b. restrict the publication of news about a trial in progress or a pre-trial hearing. c. restrict what a juror may say to the press after the trial. d. restrict what evidence must be shown to defense lawyers. e. Options C and D are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 118 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. In 1965, in Griswold v. Connecticut, a case involving the legality of contraceptives, the Supreme Court a. held that the law violated the right to privacy. b. found that laws against contraceptives were legal. c. guaranteed all women access to abortion. d. ruled that the Court cannot establish a right unless it is specifically mentioned in the Constitution. e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 118 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 35. The Court has based the right to privacy on a. the First Amendment. b. the Third and Fourth Amendments. c. the Fifth Amendment. d. the Ninth Amendment. e. All of the above are true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 118-119 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 36. Which of the following are true of the decision in Roe v. Wade? a. It extended the right to privacy to cover a woman’s personal decision on abortion. b. The decision has not been challenged or redefined by subsequent cases. c. It limited abortions to the first trimester of pregnancy. d. State legislatures have the right to decide if abortions will be performed. e. It allows for abortions to be performed by licensed nurse practitioners. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 119 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 37. According to the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade, which of the following restrictions may the state place on abortions? a. During the first trimester, the state can prevent some abortions for reasons relating to the mother’s health. b. During the second trimester, the state can prevent all abortions. c. During the third trimester, the state cannot regulate abortion except to require that it be performed by a doctor. d. During the third trimester, the state may regulate or outlaw abortions except when necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother. e. The states may place no restrictions on abortions. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 119 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 38. In Webster v. Reproductive Health Services and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court ruled that states may a. ban the use of public hospitals for abortions and require a twenty-four-hour waiting period. b. require public employees to assist in abortions and require taxpayer money to provide abortions. c. ban second trimester abortions even if the woman’s life is at risk and require spousal consent. d. not prevent abortions that use tax-funded facilities and allow all abortions. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 119 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 39. The 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act a. was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties b. prohibits protestors from blocking entrances to abortion clinics. c. prohibits protestors from speaking to patients entering abortion clinics. d. cannot be used to establish “buffer zones” around clinics. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 119-120 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 40. Right-to-life advocates a. continue to push for laws restricting abortion. b. endorse candidates who support their views. c. organize protests. d. argue that bans on specific procedures are not effective. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 119-120 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 41. Following Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health a. living wills became common. b. it was established that life-sustaining treatment can be withdrawn from comatose patients at the simple request of the closest relatives. c. living wills became unconstitutional. d. it was established that patients cannot refuse treatment that might save their lives. e. parents, rather than spouses, were given responsibility for medical decisions regarding comatose persons. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 120 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 42. With regard to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court has said that a. the liberty interest protected by the Constitution does not include a right to commit suicide. b. states must prosecute those who assist in suicides. c. states must provide counseling to those who wish to commit suicide. d. if an individual wishes to commit suicide, a physician must be present with family members. e. the federal government is the final authority regarding laws on physician-assisted suicide. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 121 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties 43. Some criticism of the Patriot Act’s strengthening of governmental investigatory powers reflects a. the framers’ desire to encourage general searches. b. the fear that the increased powers may be used to silence government critics. c. concern about the right to bear arms as provided in the Second Amendment. d. strong public support of warrantless surveillance. e. defendant rights stemming from Miranda v. Arizona. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 121-122 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 44. The Patriot Act, which strengthened the government’s investigatory powers, a. is the most significant anti-terrorism legislation in the United States. b. bans the government from opening a suspect’s mail. c. includes warrantless surveillance, which has strong public support. d. was designed to fight organized crime. e. was designed to create territorial barriers between government agencies to protect secrecy. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 121-122 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 45. Allowing government to have roving wiretaps a. has led to the widespread monitoring of speech. b. appears to be inconsistent with the Fourth Amendment. c. has led to the political parties using the power of government to spy on one another. d. allows government to monitor a person's communications as he or she moves from one communication device to another. e. Both B and D. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 122 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 46. In 2013, it was revealed that the NSA was collecting a. information on every call made in the United States. b. metadata, which included the number of the caller, time of call, and number called. c. recordings of the content of all domestic phone conversations. d. Both A and B. e. A, B, and C above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 122-123 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties NOTES:


47. The Obama administration defended the NSA's surveillance programs as a. having been authorized by secret courts. b. having been authorized by Congress. c. only targeting suspected terrorists. d. only targeting foreign nationals. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 123 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 48. Language in the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment apply a. civil liberties to all persons in the United States. b. civil liberties to only citizens. c. all civil liberties to citizens, but only First Amendment liberties to non-citizens. d. all civil liberties to citizens, but only Fourth Amendment liberties to non-citizens. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 123-124 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 49. While non-citizens generally have all civil liberties that citizens have, exceptions in deportation cases have arisen in the area of a. freedom of speech. b. ex post facto laws. c. due process. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 124 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 50. A defendant’s pre-trial rights include all of the following except a. to be informed of the charges. b. the right to legal counsel. c. the right to remain silent. d. the right to an impartial jury. e. prompt arraignment. ANSWER: d Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties REFERENCES: 125 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 51. The writ of habeas corpus is a. the right to be brought before a court and have the reasons for detention explained. b. the right to legal counsel. c. the right to remain silent. d. the requirement that for a murder conviction, the police must find the dead body. e. the right to reasonable bail. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 125 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 52. In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court ruled that a. a lawyer does not have to be supplied in a state case. b. search warrants are always needed to gather evidence. c. lawyers only need to be appointed in death penalty cases. d. there can be no cruel and unusual punishment. e. if one cannot afford an attorney, the government must provide one. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 125 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 53. The Miranda rule a. was overturned by a Supreme Court decision. b. forbids the admission of illegally seized material evidence at trial. c. cannot be used to prevent confessions from being introduced as evidence. d. requires that suspects be read their rights before questioning. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 125-126 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 54. The exclusionary rule is a policy that a. forbids the admission of illegally seized evidence at trial. b. prohibits the arresting officer from serving as a character witness at a hearing or trial. c. prohibits the detention of a suspect for more than forty-eight hours without the suspect being charged. d. is limited to the federal courts. e. None of the above is true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 126 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 55. If the police search a suspect’s home a. the police must first have obtained a warrant. b. the police may submit illegally obtained evidence at trial if they can prove they would have obtained the evidence legally anyway. c. the police must have demonstrated probable cause to a judge. d. Options A and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 126 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 56. Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited by a. the separation of powers. b. judicial review. c. the Fifth Amendment. d. the Eighth Amendment. e. the Tenth Amendment. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 127 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 57. All of the following are true of the death penalty except a. the Supreme Court struck down all existing death penalties in 1972 but invited the states to pass new legislation that would apply the penalty more consistently. b. the death penalty is supported by a majority of Americans, though support has recently fallen. c. thirty-four states permit the punishment. d. in 2002, the Court ruled that only juries, not judges, could impose the penalty. e. in 2002, the Court ruled that persons under the age of nineteen cannot be put to death. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 127-128 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 58. If you are a guest in a place being legally searched, you a. have the right to refuse to being searched. b. may be legally searched. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties c. may be compelled to come to the police station. d. Both A and C. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 130 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 59. If the police appear at your door and ask to enter a. ask to see a warrant before the police enter. b. read the warrant for the details of the search and observe the police activities, once inside without hindering the search. c. ask the police to wait until your lawyer arrives. d. suggest that the police search your roommate’s room. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 130 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 60. The police may enter your home without a warrant a. if pursuing a suspected felon into your house. b. if your landlord lets them in. c. if you refuse to show identification. d. if they have a general suspicion of illegal activity. e. only if you are home. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 130 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 61. Explain how the Fourteenth Amendment and incorporation theory affected the Bill of Rights. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 62. Discuss the recent Supreme Court rulings that are based on the Second Amendment and describe the positions of the pro-gun lobby to further expand gun rights. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.1 - LO1 63. Describe the religious freedom protections afforded in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 4 - Civil Liberties 64. Consider the issue of prayer in public schools and craft an essay in which you detail the circumstances under which it would or would not be deemed unconstitutional. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.2 - LO2 65. Under which circumstances is the government able to interfere with freedom of speech? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 66. Explain what symbolic speech is and give examples of Supreme Court decisions on this type of speech. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.3 - LO3 67. Explain the constitutional basis for a right to privacy and detail how this right has developed and evolved. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.4 - LO4 68. Explain the positions of those for and those against the Patriot Act. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.5 - LO5 69. What are the Miranda rights? What exceptions have been allowed to these rights? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6 70. Discuss the death penalty, the problems it has faced, and the conditions under which it may or may not be unconstitutional. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.4.6 - LO6

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights 1. Today, there are approximately __________ unauthorized immigrants living in the United States. a. 11 million b. 111 million c. 200 million d. 1 million e. 35 million ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 135 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 2. If the United States deported most of the unauthorized immigrants a. the government would need to hire hundreds of thousands of additional immigration officers. b. new prisons would need to be built. c. expenditures would increase by billions of dollars per year. d. other government programs would need to be cut to fund the initiative. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 135 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 3. The impact of illegal immigrant labor on the economy is a. positive because the number of the jobs in the economy are not fixed. b. positive because immigrants spend money on goods and services. c. negative because immigrants require services paid for by taxpayers. d. positive because immigrants pay state taxes. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 135 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 4. Which of the following regarding immigration is true? a. Today, most immigrants to the United States come from Europe. b. Major issues include debate about whether illegal immigrants should be given amnesty and be allowed to become U.S. citizens. c. The number of multi-racial persons has been declining in recent years. d. All Hispanics are from Mexico. e. Options C and D are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 135 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights NOTES:


5. The term civil rights refers to a. the rights of all Americans provided for in the Fourteenth Amendment. b. civil liberties such as freedom of religion, speech, or assembly. c. what the government must do to ensure freedom from discrimination. d. limitations on what the government may not do to interfere with individual liberties. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 136 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 6. The Thirteenth Amendment a. ended slavery, but not involuntary servitude. b. provides that all persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States. c. does not apply to illegal immigrants. d. provides that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the United States. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 136 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. The Civil Rights Acts passed by Congress between 1865 and1875 a. were designed to enforce the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. b. implemented the extension of citizenship to anyone born in the United States. c. made it illegal to use law or custom to deprive anyone of rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution. d. declared that everyone is entitled to full and equal enjoyment of public accommodations. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 137 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. The Fifteenth Amendment a. outlawed slavery. b. provided equal protection under the law. c. gave eighteen-year-olds the right to vote. d. stated that the right to vote shall not be abridged on account of race. e. gave women the right to vote. ANSWER: d Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights REFERENCES: 137 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 9. After the Civil War, civil rights legislation was passed by Congress a. but much of it was very ineffective and parts were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. b. and it played a major role in creating equality for African Americans. c. and was accepted by the American public. d. that prevented African Americans from being extended equal public accommodations. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 137 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the U.S. Supreme Court a. ruled that African Americans are not persons for the purposes of the Constitution. b. tried to stop the development of legal racial segregation known as Jim Crow laws. c. stated that schools may not practice any type of racial segregation. d. agreed that separation of races is not a violation of the Constitution. e. ruled that the practice of slavery must cease before the end of the century. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 138 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. The white primary in southern states allowed a. all races to participate in elections on an equal basis. b. whites to exclude African Americans from voting in Democratic primaries. c. voters to select ballots for each party based on different skin colors. d. African Americans the opportunity to vote for the first time. e. whites to exclude African Americans from voting in the general elections. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 138 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. The tests commonly administered as a precondition for voting were called a. poll tests. b. constitutional exams. c. literacy tests. d. primary tests. e. registration tests. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 138 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. A poll tax was used to a. prevent northern immigrants from moving to the South and voting in local elections. b. determine who was intelligent enough to vote. c. dissuade African Americans and poor whites from voting. d. force individuals to buy property in order to be eligible to vote. e. raise funds for voter registration among the minority community. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 138 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 14. In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the U.S. Supreme Court held that a. ethnic minorities have no rights to equal treatment by the government. b. public school segregation of races violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. c. the national government does not have the power to force any type of action on local school boards. d. separation of races for a reason such as education is not a violation of the Constitution. e. African Americans could not be denied the right to a college education. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 139 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 15. De facto segregation means a. segregation because of residential racial patterns and concentration of populations, not because of laws. b. segregation based on different native languages. c. racial segregation based on law. d. segregation of southern European immigrants. e. segregation to a minor degree. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 140 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 16. In an attempt to achieve integration a. students were sent to the school that was near to where they lived. b. busing students across neighborhoods was ordered by the courts. c. methods were determined by local committees of parents. d. busing was peacefully accomplished in many big cities. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 140 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 17. The civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was based on the philosophy of a. non-violent civil disobedience. b. divide and conquer. c. “equality for all, through strong force when necessary.” d. equality of practice that did not have to exclude racial segregation. e. equality “by any means necessary.” ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 140 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 18. The use of __________ was instrumental in bringing about the integration of lunch counters, buses, and trains. a. sit-ins b. roadblocks at night in rural areas c. court injunctions that prohibited interstate travel in areas threatened by violence d. the threat of armed force e. public demonstrations featuring violence against whites ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 140 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 19. African American leader Malcolm X a. supported the group known as the Underground Railroad. b. agreed with King’s philosophy of non-violence. c. believed in “black power” and racial separation. d. believed in the philosophy of “turn the other cheek.” e. was one of King’s closest colleagues. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 141 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 20. All of the following are true of the 1964 and 1968 Civil Rights Acts except a. the right to equality of opportunity in employment was included. b. discrimination in public accommodations was banned. c. state governments to control school integration were allowed. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights d. discrimination in housing was banned. e. penalties for those attempting to interfere with civil rights workers were provided. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 141-142 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 21. A major consequence of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a. the elimination of discriminatory voter registration tests. b. the establishment of federal voter registrars. c. the establishment of federally administered voter registration procedures. d. limitations on the abilities of counties in the South to change voter registration procedures without federal approval. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 142 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 22. Laws that potentially interfere with fundamental rights or classify people based on race have to pass which test employed by the courts? a. strict scrutiny b. intermediate or exacting scrutiny c. rational basis review d. the Korematsu test e. the de jure discrimination test ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 144 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 23. In order to pass strict scrutiny, a law must do all of the following except a. be justified by a compelling government interest. b. be narrowly tailored to meet a government interest. c. be rationally related to a government interest. d. be the least restrictive means to accomplish the goal. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 145 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. The policy in admissions or hiring that gives special consideration to traditionally disadvantaged groups to overcome Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights the present effects of past discrimination is known as a. affirmative action. b. legislative mandate. c. civil liberties. d. civil rights. e. the Lincoln dilemma. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 146-147 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 25. The charge that some affirmative action programs discriminate against non-minorities is called a. racial profiling. b. reverse discrimination. c. quota-busting. d. anti-bias civil rights. e. adverse minority preference. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 147 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. Which of the following are among the limitations imposed by the Supreme Court on affirmative action? a. Race cannot be used as the sole criterion. b. Race cannot be used as a tie-breaker. c. A prohibition against the use of preferences or quotas for unqualified persons. d. The awarding by universities of points for racial minority status. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 147 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 27. In the Bakke case, the Supreme Court ruled that a. affirmative action programs were allowable in law schools, but not to be utilized in medical schools. b. race cannot be the sole factor in admissions decisions. c. all affirmative action programs were ruled unconstitutional. d. race cannot be considered as a factor at all in making admissions decisions. e. quota systems are constitutional. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 147 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights 28. In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court considered two different admissions policies adopted at the University of Michigan Law School and a. for the first time, ruled that an affirmative action was unconstitutional. b. ruled that “diversity” could not be a compelling government interest. c. approved affirmative action plans that took race into consideration as part of a complete examination of the applicant’s background. d. approved a plan that automatically awarded points toward admission to minority applicants. e. ruled that the time had come for all affirmative action programs to end, since government could do nothing more to alleviate the effects of past discrimination. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 148 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 29. A century ago, most immigrants came to the United States from __________, while today most come from ___________. a. China; Mexico and Central America b. Western Europe; former Soviet states c. Asia; Latin America d. Europe; Latin American and Asia e. Latin America; Eastern Europe ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 149 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 30. Though the civil rights movement focused primarily on the rights of ___________, it had the effect of ____________. a. African Americans; benefiting nearly all minority groups b. women; benefiting gay Americans as well c. Latinos; benefiting African Americans d. African Americans; strengthening the disenfranchisement of other racial minorities e. women; strengthening the disenfranchisement of gay Americans ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 149 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 31. One thing holding back political participation by Latinos is that a. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only applied to African Americans. b. many are immigrants and not yet citizens. c. ballots are only available in English. d. political parties refuse to address issues important to them. e. All of the above. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 149 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 32. The population of unauthorized immigrants in the United States is a. about 500,000 and increasing. b. about 1 million and stable. c. about 7 million and declining. d. about 11 million and stable. e. about 32 million and increasing. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 149 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 33. The American Indian population experienced a _________, largely due to __________. a. twentieth-century boom; a sudden decline in group poverty b. twentieth-century boom; government programs designed to restore it to prominence c. catastrophic collapse; diseases brought over from Europe d. catastrophic collapse; war between the various Indian nations e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 150-151 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 34. Today, there are __________ Native Americans living in the United States. a. 30 million b. 13 million c. 800,000 d. 3.2 million e. 300 million ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 151 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. Compared to other racial minorities, Asian Americans are a. better integrated into American society, with higher incomes. b. better integrated into American society, but still largely impoverished. c. poorly integrated into American society, but economically prosperous. d. poorly integrated into American society, and largely impoverished. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 151 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 36. All of the following are true of the history of Asian Americans except a. they are currently among the poorest racial minority groups. b. Chinese Americans were denied citizenship until the late nineteenth century. c. Chinese were banned from immigrating to the United States for a sixty-year period. d. Japanese were at one time banned from immigrating to the United States. e. many Japanese Americans were confined to internment camps during World War II. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 151-152 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 37. With regard to disparities between racial groups, which of the following is/are true? a. White households have a higher average income than both Hispanic and black households. b. White adults are more likely to earn a college degree than black or Hispanic adults. c. The recent economic crisis had a larger negative effect on black and Hispanic households than on white households. d. Black and Hispanic adults are less likely to own a home than white adults. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 152-153 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. Which of the following is true about women’s rights? a. The struggle for women’s rights first began in earnest at a convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. b. Women’s voting rights are found in the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution. c. Women’s suffrage is the right to equal pay for equal work. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 154 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 39. Feminism is a. a movement supported by women but not men in the United States. b. the movement that supports political, economic, and social equality for women. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights c. supported by all women in the United States. d. a movement that began with the founding of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966. e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 154 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 40. The amending of the Constitution to include an Equal Rights Amendment for women a. has never made it through the congressional amendment proposal process. b. has passed through Congress, but failed ratification in the states. c. was proposed as a part of the Bill of Rights, but failed to be ratified. d. was ratified by the states in 1972, after passing through Congress. e. is largely seen as unnecessary, now that women's incomes are equal to those of men. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 155 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 41. In the 1960s and 1970s, women’s groups became divided over issues including a. the Equal Rights Amendment. b. pornography. c. abortion rights. d. Options A and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 155 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 42. Any practice, policy, or procedure that denies equality of treatment to an individual or to a group because of gender a. is sexual harassment. b. is gender discrimination. c. violates Title IV. d. violates the Civil Rights Act of 1968. e. is considered illegal if engaged in by a private corporation but acceptable if engaged in by the government. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 155-156 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. Which of the following statements about women’s rights is true? a. The Supreme Court has ruled that certain jobs cannot establish arbitrary rules on weight and height Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights requirements that would keep women out of the professions. b. Title IX guaranteed women’s participation in high schools and collegiate athletics. c. Women have been allowed to serve as combat pilots. d. State-financed military academies cannot exclude women students. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 156 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 44. On the issue of sexual harassment, the Supreme Court has ruled that a. employers are not responsible for harassment undertaken by their employees. b. individuals cannot be sexually harassed by members of their own gender. c. it is considered sexual harassment when words or actions of a sexual nature interfere with the employee’s work or create a “hostile environment.” d. it is not illegal to condition promotions on sexual favors. e. laws against sexual harassment violate the First Amendment’s protection of free speech. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 157 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 45. All of the following are true of women in the workplace today except a. the glass ceiling refers to the fact that only a small percentage of the top corporate officer positions are held by women. b. for every dollar earned by men, women earn about 59 cents. c. jobs that are traditionally held by women pay more than those traditionally held by men. d. pay discrimination is still an issue in the workplace for women. e. the Equal Pay Act states that there should be equal pay for equal work. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 157 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 a. requires employers to provide equal pay for substantially equal work. b. requires employers to re-grade the pay scales for the comparable but different jobs held by women and men to make them more equitable. c. requires that employers promote more women into managerial positions. d. allows for men to be paid more than women with the same job responsibilities if they have families. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 157 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 47. The riot at Stonewall Inn that began the modern movement for equality for gay males and lesbians was sparked by a. a raid by police on a bar popular with gay men and lesbians. b. a feeling in the gay and lesbian community that the police were targeting them for harassment. c. anti-gay protestors who showed up at the bar. d. an attempt by a gay couple to hold a marriage ceremony at the bar. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 158 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 48. The Supreme Court's decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, which _______________, was later overturned in ____________. a. upheld a Georgia law against homosexual conduct; Lawrence v. Texas b. upheld a Georgia law against homosexual conduct; Griswold v. Connecticut c. upheld Georgia's same-sex marriage ban; Lawrence v. Texas d. overturned Georgia's same-sex marriage ban; United States v. Windsor e. upheld Georgia's application of a poll tax; action by the Georgia state legislature ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 159 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 49. In the 2003 decision of Lawrence v. Texas, the U.S. Supreme Court a. upheld a Texas law that made homosexual conduct a crime. b. overturned laws against sodomy between consenting adults in private to be unconstitutional. c. invalidated anti-discrimination laws that protect homosexuals. d. upheld the Court’s previous decision in Bowers v. Hardwick. e. indicated that states could declare homosexuality a crime. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 159 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 50. “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” the policy of requiring gay men and lesbians in the U.S. military to hide their sexual orientation a. is still the policy of the U.S. Department of Defense. b. was first implemented during the Clinton administration. c. required that enlistees be questioned about their sexual orientation. d. did not end expulsion of gay and lesbian military personnel. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 160 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 51. The repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" came a. into full enforcement in 2011. b. as a result of a U.S. District Court ruling. c. due to quick action by Congress after the 2008 election. d. because of a change in public opinion on the issue. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 160 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 52. The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 was passed in response to a. a ruling by the Hawaii Supreme Court that might have allowed same-sex couples to marry. b. the passage of Vermont’s civil union law. c. the legalization of same-sex marriages in Massachusetts. d. the Supreme Court’s striking down of anti-sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas. e. the establishment of civil unions in Minnesota. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 160 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 53. Since 1999, the number of states allowing same-sex marriages has _________, through actions by _________. a. increased; a combination of state and federal courts, state legislatures, and citizen votes b. increased; state legislatures alone c. increased; federal courts alone d. decreased; a combination of state and federal courts e. decreased; a combination of state legislatures and federal courts ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 161 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 54. The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned as unconstitutional __________, but has not overturned ___________. a. California's ban on same-sex marriages; a federal ban on same-sex marriages b. all state bans on same-sex marriages; a federal ban on same-sex marriages c. state bans on same-sex civil unions; state bans on same-sex marriages Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights d. a federal ban on the recognition of same-sex marriages; state bans on same-sex marriages e. Both A and B. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 161-162 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 55. The Supreme Court case, In re Gault, provided that a. eighteen-year-olds can be given the right to vote. b. children have a constitutional right to counsel. c. children have a right to divorce their parents. d. children have a right to marry at age seventeen. e. children are the property of their parents. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 163 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Conceptual 56. The Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the Constitution a. effectively established the national voting age at eighteen years. b. allowed states to set a voting age between eighteen and twenty-one years. c. expanded due process protections to the states. d. abolished slavery. e. Both C and D. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 163-164 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 57. Since the Twenty-Sixth Amendment expanded the right to vote to all citizens over eighteen years, turnout rates among young voters have a. been about the same as older voters. b. been much lower than older voters. c. been much higher than older voters. d. slowly risen from very low to very high. e. slowly declined from very high to very low. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 164 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Conceptual 58. In cases involving juveniles, courts have a. declared minors to have all the same rights as adults. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights b. declared minors to have only the rights that their parents allow them to have. c. maintained the right to act in the best interests of minors. d. bemoaned their inability to protect the best interests of minors. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 164 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 59. When reaching the age of majority a. a person is entitled to handle one’s own affairs without parental interference. b. an individual is not legally liable for contracts signed. c. a person may be subject to more serious penalties for crimes committed. d. an immigrant is eligible to become an American citizen. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 164 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 60. The law has given children certain defenses against criminal prosecution because a. parents punish children more effectively than the criminal justice system. b. of their presumed inability to have criminal intent. c. the Constitution does not provide for criminal prosecution of juveniles. d. juveniles are too costly to incarcerate. e. constitutional protections regarding education shield a number of juvenile behaviors. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 164-165 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6 NOTES: Conceptual 61. Describe the significance of the Dred Scott Case and the legal status of slaves in the United States prior to the Civil War. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 62. Explain the significance of the constitutional amendments enacted in the five years following the end of the Civil War. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 63. Describe the barriers to voting faced by African Americans after the Civil War. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 5 - Civil Rights 64. Explain the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and the impact it had on education and the new problems it created. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.1 - LO1 65. Explain the arguments both for and against affirmative action. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 66. Define the concept of strict scrutiny and discuss how and why it is used, making sure to note cases where it has been used to both help and harm racial minorities. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.2 - LO2 67. Using the concepts of de jure and de facto discrimination, compare the experiences of two of the following racial minority groups: African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and American Indians. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 68. Explain the consequences of a policy that required the deportation of all unauthorized immigrants. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.3 - LO3 69. How have courts and legislative bodies at both the federal and the state level attempted to address issues concerning the rights and status of homosexuals? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.5 - LO5 70. Discuss the ways in which juvenile interaction with the justice system is different than that of adults, being sure to note the ways that these differences may at times be a help and also a hindrance to the rights of minors. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.5.6 - LO6

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization 1. Public opinion in the United States tends to be more _____________ than political elites in areas such as religion in public schools, but more ______________ in areas such as Social Security spending. a. conservative; liberal b. liberal; conservative c. secular; liberal d. conservative; libertarian e. libertarian; centrist ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 171 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 2. All of the following are true of public opinion except that it a. plays a small role in U.S. political system. b. can be expressed by letters written to newspapers. c. is shared in online forums. d. can be powerful. e. can be shaped by political leaders. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 172 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. The distribution of public opinion on an issue can tell us how a. divided the public is on that issue. b. possible compromise is on that issue. c. to fashion a consensus opinion on that issue. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 172 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 4. General agreement among the citizenry on an issue is a. a consensus. b. a divisive opinion. c. a reconciliation. d. a poll agreement. e. no longer a public opinion. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 172 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 5. Here are the results of a 2012 opinion poll that measured public support for gay marriage: Favor: 48 percent; Oppose: 44 percent; Don’t know/No answer: 8 percent. The results show an example of a __________ opinion. a. consensus b. divided c. dubious d. favorable e. unified ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 173 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 6. Private opinion becomes public opinion when a. it, regardless of its subject matter, is publicly expressed. b. it concerns public issues and is publicly expressed. c. an individual is polled by a major polling organization. d. it is not divided. e. it is articulated to at least ten other people. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 173 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes is called a. opinion leadership. b. political socialization. c. agenda setting. d. peer grouping. e. consensus building. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 173 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. The process of political socialization often includes all of the following except a. acquiring political values. b. acquiring political beliefs. c. identifying with a political party. d. officially joining a political party. e. All of the above are true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 173 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 9. The transfer of political values a. is more likely to occur from children to parents. b. is more likely to occur from parents to children. c. is just as likely to occur from children to parents as it is to occur from parents to children. d. is exceptionally rare in families. e. never occurs from children to parents. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 174 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 10. Studies suggest that parents’ political influence over their children is due to a. the strong need of children for parental approval. b. the ability of parents to communicate frequently with their children. c. the ability of parents to communicate their feelings and preferences to their children. d. family links to other factors that affect opinion, such as race, social class, education, and religious beliefs. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 174 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. Peer groups are most likely to influence political attitudes when a. people are over the age of fifty. b. it is not an election year. c. people within peer groups do not have strong party identification. d. they are actively involved in political activities. e. their members are all of the same gender. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 175 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. An opinion leader is a. one who is able to influence the opinions of others because of position, expertise, or personality. b. a pollster. c. always someone whose job is to sway public opinion, such as a member of Congress. d. a public relations expert. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization e. someone who relies on position or expertise, rather than something like personality. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 175 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. In a recent study, high school students most often said they base their views on information they obtained from a. mass media. b. family. c. peers. d. school. e. church. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 175-176 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 14. The principle that media should present controversial issues in an honest, equitable, and balanced way was known as a. the Ideological Balance. b. the Fairness Doctrine. c. the Duality Doctrine. d. the Fair Balance Doctrine. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 176 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 15. The new forms of media a. have brought Americans closer to each other politically. b. such as talk radio have been dominated by liberals. c. like blogs have often changed people from liberals to conservatives. d. like blogs, talk radio, and cable news channels have increased political polarization. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 176 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 16. The impact of new media (cable news, blogs, and talk radio) on political socialization has been a. largely neutral, as the present balanced views in a moderate way. b. to lure liberals to the right and conservatives to the left. c. to further polarize the public by cementing and radicalizing their already conservative or liberal views. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization d. to lure moderates and centrists to the conservative camp. e. to lure moderates and centrists to the liberal camp. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 176 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 17. The generational effect refers to the a. way in which political socialization produces opinions. b. increased tension between the two major political parties. c. tendency for persons to become more conservative as they grow older. d. long-lasting impact of significant events of a particular time on the generation that came of age at that time. e. way in which the family influences opinions. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 176 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 18. During which period is public opinion most likely to shift toward conservatism? a. successful Republican governance b. successful Democratic governance c. poor Republican governance d. poor Democratic governance e. Both B and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 177 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 19. Having a college education a. no longer means that an individual is likely to vote for a particular party. b. is associated with a greater tendency to vote Democratic. c. is associated with a greater tendency to vote Republican. d. is associated with opposition to cultural liberalism. e. is associated with a greater tendency to abstain from voting. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 179 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. In recent years a. businesspersons have moved toward supporting the Democrats. b. professionals with advanced degrees have moved toward supporting the Democrats. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization c. businesspersons have remained largely Democratic. d. professionals with advanced degrees have remained largely Republican. e. it has become clear that there is no relationship between whether a person is a businessperson or a professional and the party he or she will endorse. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 179 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. Those who identify as libertarian tend to be concentrated a. along the West coast. b. along the East coast. c. among the poor. d. among the wealthy. e. in the middle class. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 179-180 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 22. In presidential elections, manual laborers, factory workers, and union members are a. more likely to vote for Republican candidates. b. more likely to vote for Democratic candidates. c. likely to split their vote between the two major parties. d. more likely to vote for socialist candidates. e. more likely to vote for communist libertarian candidates. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 180 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. Jewish voters tend to a. vote for candidates who are politically conservative. b. vote at a lower rate than Protestants. c. focus almost totally on domestic issues. d. be more liberal than average on economic and cultural issues. e. be similar to the overall population in political preferences. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 180 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. Those who __________ tend to be more conservative than those who do not, while ____________ tend to be still Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization more conservative. a. attend church weekly; Jewish voters b. consider themselves fundamentalists; evangelicals c. attend church weekly; fundamentalists d. consider themselves Protestants; Catholics e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 180 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 25. African Americans today tend to be a. more conservative than whites on all issues. b. less liberal than whites on all issues. c. supportive of the Republican Party. d. somewhat conservative on certain cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion. e. independents and not supportive of either Republicans or Democrats. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 181 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? a. Overall, Hispanics have favored the Democrats. b. Cuban Americans are more likely to support Republicans than Democrats. c. Asian American groups have usually leaned to the Democrats. d. Muslim Americans today represent one of the nation’s most Democratic blocs. e. Most African Americans have supported the Republican Party since the 1930s. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 181 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 27. A major problem for Republicans coming out of the 2012 election was that a. Barack Obama secured 75 percent of the Hispanic vote. b. Hispanic voters sided with the Democratic Party for the first time ever. c. they lacked a comprehensive immigration reform plan that would appeal to Hispanic voters. d. Both A and C. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 181-182 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization 28. In the 2012 elections, the group of voters most strongly opposed to President Barack Obama was a. those who identify as culturally southern. b. the white working class. c. the wealthy. d. those who identify as socially liberal. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 182 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 29. The idea of a gender gap is a. the difference in voter turnout among men and women. b. the long-standing history of women favoring Democrats over Republicans. c. the long-standing history of women favoring Republicans over Democrats. d. the tendency of women to be more libertarian than men. e. the difference in the percentage of women voting for a certain candidate and the percentage of men doing the same. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 182 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 30. From earning the right to vote in 1920 up through 1960, female voters a. were almost universally opposed to social welfare programs. b. were instrumental in supporting third-party presidential candidates. c. tended to be more supportive of Democratic candidates than men were. d. tended to be more supportive of Republican candidates than men were. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 182 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 31. American women are more likely to support a. capital punishment. b. restrictions on access to abortions. c. social welfare programs. d. military interventions abroad. e. legislation restricting the rights of homosexuals. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 182 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 32. People’s attitudes toward a candidate a. are affected by emotions such as trust toward a candidate. b. can be influenced by a recent political scandal. c. can be affected by the candidate’s personality or image. d. can be influenced by the candidate’s stance on economic issues. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 182-183 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 33. When Literary Digest incorrectly predicted the results of the 1936 election after polling only its own readers, its failure was because a. its readers were asked to guess as to the outcome, rather than offering up their own opinions. b. it had not obtained a random sample of the population. c. its readers were generally wealthy, and not reflective of the population at large. d. Both A and B. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 183 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 34. A random sample means that a. every person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected. b. there is no pre-planning in the selection process. c. every person in the target population who is encountered is selected. d. researchers decide how many persons of certain types they need in the survey. e. the poll is unscientific. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 183-184 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 35. Usually, the Gallup or Roper polls interview a. people three to four times to ensure accuracy. b. about 1,500 people in a nationwide sample. c. over 100,000 people in each random sample for presidential elections. d. people who have been selected based on their intelligence. e. using quota samples. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 183 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. The results of an opinion poll a. are usually reported in terms of a specific number. b. should be reported as a range of numbers to be more accurate. c. are usually accompanied by a specific margin of error. d. may be reported daily as a tracking poll. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 183-184 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 37. To accurately represent the target population, a small sample should be a. randomly selected. b. representative of the whole group. c. representative in terms of demographic traits (age, region, religion, race, and the like). d. representative in terms of opinions. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 183-184 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 38. Polls may be more accurate if the sample is a. truly random. b. weighted to correct missing data from underrepresented groups. c. weighted to make up for day-to-day swings in public sentiment. d. corrected for pollster bias. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 184 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 39. In polling, the difference between the sample's results and those that would have been obtained had the entire population been interviewed is a. a failure of randomness. b. a sampling error. c. unlikely to happen at all. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization d. likely to be very large. e. a statistical miscalculation. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 184 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 40. If two polling firms asked identical questions of the same group of 1,000 people, yet reported different results, this difference would likely be caused by a. failure to achieve a random sample. b. sampling error. c. the house effect. d. push polling. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 185 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 41. All of the following are true of public opinion polls except a. poll results are not equally good or equally believable. b. knowing what makes a poll accurate is not as important as the results of the poll. c. polls based on scientific or random samples are the most valid. d. polls that consist of shopping mall interviews may produce inaccurate results. e. well-designed polls based on probability samples may result in 95 percent accuracy. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 184-187 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 42. One of the problems with polls is a. they may fail to measure the impact of undecided voters. b. because they are a snapshot in time, polls may fail to detect last-minute shifts in the electorate. c. they are based on a random sample. d. the results are affected by the news media. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 186 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 43. The answers given by respondents to poll questions are influenced by all of the following except a. the order in which questions are asked. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization b. poorly designed questions that tip respondents in a particular direction. c. a yes/no format that restricts the respondents’ choices. d. compensation offered to the respondents. e. the possible range of answers to the questions presented. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 186-187 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 44. Recent allegations of polling fraud have included a. concerns about secret in-house weights being added to results. b. concerns that results were fabricated. c. concerns that reader surveys are being published as scientific polls. d. Skype users flooding poll results with duplicate entries. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 187 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 45. Respondents are given misleading information in the questions they are asked in order to persuade them to vote against a candidate in a. convention polls. b. publicity polls. c. push polls. d. scientific polls. e. pundit polls. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 188 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 46. Push polls a. have been determined to be illegal in twenty-three states. b. are always conducted face to face rather than by telephone. c. are so controversial that very few candidates have chosen to use them. d. were used widely in the 1960s and 1970s, but when they became associated with the dirty politics of those eras, they were disregarded by most candidates. e. are now used throughout all levels of U.S. politics—local, state, and federal. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 188 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization 47. Which of the following presents major problems for polling? a. the very high non-response rate to telephone polls b. the pervasive use of cell phones, which are more difficult to include in polling c. surveys with self-selecting respondents, which are reported as scientific polls d. the use of the Internet to conduct polls e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 188-190 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 48. The values that shape American political culture include all of the following except a. freedom. b. liberty. c. equality. d. property. e. government control of the economy. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 190 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. American political culture a. can be described as a set of attitudes and ideas about the nation and government. b. consists of symbols such as the American flag, the Liberty Bell, and the Statue of Liberty. c. provides support for the political system. d. All of the above are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 190 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 50. Public opinion affects the political process a. because it is a source of power for elected officials who take positions supported by the people. b. despite the fact that most candidates dismiss public opinion as an effective means of identifying issues of concern. c. because it allows the media to control the government. d. because it is more important than elections in bringing about change in the government. e. despite the fact that public opinion polls hardly ever reflect public opinion accurately. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 191 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 51. The degree to which individuals express trust in the government is called a. partisan identification. b. political trust. c. universal suffrage. d. public opinion. e. political culture. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 191 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 52. Since the early 1990s, the American people have consistently shown more confidence in _________ than any other institution. a. public schools b. organized labor c. big business d. the military e. television news ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 191 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 53. Public confidence in a. the military has increased likely due to the military’s role in the war on terrorism. b. religion has decreased due to sex scandals. c. Congress has increased due to the passage of healthcare reform. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 191 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 54. All of the following are true of public opinion and polls except a. polls show that people give Congress a high rating. b. in 2009 and 2010, polls showed that “most important problems” in the United States were the economy and unemployment. c. public opinion can have an impact on government policies. d. public opinion can put limits on what government does. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization e. polls indicate that a majority of the public believe that public opinion should influence public policy. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 191 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 55. Public opinion polls a. give exact guidance on how policymakers should act. b. provide information that sets a limit on government actions. c. over time, push policymakers to change their position on most issues. d. are helpful to policymakers because they transmit the public’s clear opinion on every issue. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 193 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 56. A favorable opinion of the United States among citizens of foreign countries has been hurt during the Obama administration by a. the NSA hacking of world leaders' phones. b. a belief that the United States orchestrated the Great Recession. c. the use of drone strikes to target extremists. d. Both A and C. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 194 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 57. The 2012 contraception insurance policy controversy can be described as a debate over whether a. employers should cover contraception in insurance plans for employees. b. religious organizations such as churches that oppose birth control should pay for such coverage. c. institutions such as schools and hospitals must offer coverage for contraception. d. Options A and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 195 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 58. The case Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. raises the question of whether a. religiously affiliated businesses can be both for-profit and tax exempt. b. religiously affiliated businesses can endorse political candidates for office. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization c. non-religiously affiliated businesses can refuse to hire individuals with certain religious beliefs. d. non-religiously affiliated businesses can be exempted from a law on religious grounds. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 195 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 59. Spending on public schools a. has risen several times to an average of $12,500 per students. b. is favored by a majority of those surveyed. c. has been a point of contention between Republicans and Democrats. d. has dipped recently due to budget issues. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 196 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 60. Public opinion supports a. the general idea of paying more for education. b. increasing the spending per student to more than the current $12,922 per year. c. spending more on education across political parties. d. the idea that U.S. public schools are doing a good job in educating our children. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 196 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 61. Describe the concept of a generational effect and provide examples of its impact on public opinion. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 62. Discuss the process of political socialization in children, being sure to highlight the sources of socialization and the ways in which children might be a source of socialization for others. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 63. Explore the means by which political socialization occurs in the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 64. Discuss the ways in which public opinion shifts toward left/liberal or right/conservative positions, as a reaction to Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 6 - Public Opinion and Political Socialization government itself. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.1 - LO1 65. Explain how demographic influences shape voting behavior. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 66. Describe the significance and possible origins of the gender gap. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.2 - LO2 67. Describe the ways in which social media on the Internet can be employed by candidates and political groups. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 68. When conducting a public opinion poll, what things must be taken into consideration and what potential problems could affect its accuracy? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.3 - LO3 69. Which institutions in the United States hold American’s trust and which do not? Explain the reasons why some institutions are held in high esteem and others are not. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4 70. Discuss the ways in which public opinion influences policymakers and the limits to this means of the public controlling government actions. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.6.4 - LO4

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups 1. Regarding modest increases in the minimum wage a. they have a major negative effect on employment. b. they have no effect on employment. c. it is unclear whether they have a measurable effect on employment. d. they boost employment significantly, by motivating the unemployed to seek work. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 202 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 2. An interest group is a. any association of individuals. b. a group of people who want to gain control of the government. c. an organization that actively attempts to influence government policy. d. any organization that requires members to pay dues. e. an organization setup to support a specific candidate for public office. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 203 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. The Constitution protects interest groups through the a. First Amendment’s right to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” b. First Amendment’s right to “peaceably assemble.” c. Fourth Amendment’s protection against illegal search and seizure. d. Fifth Amendment’s right against self-incrimination. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 203 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 4. All of the following are true of interest groups except a. the structure of American government gives interest groups a number of areas in which to attempt to influence government policies. b. interest groups attempt to influence government at all levels—local, state, and national. c. interest groups only seek to influence government through campaign contributions. d. the First Amendment encourages Americans to form and participate in interest groups. e. membership in an interest group makes individual opinion appear more powerful. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 203 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups NOTES:


5. A lobbyist is a. any association of individuals. b. inevitably affiliated with one of the two major political parties. c. an individual or organization that attempts to influence legislation and the administrative decisions of government. d. a member of Congress who challenges the majority position. e. a member of the congressional leadership who is in a position to shape the legislative agenda in a way that benefits powerful interest groups. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 203 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. Social movements a. are spawned most often by political parties or those in society with formal representation. b. may be the authentic voice of the weak or oppressed in society. c. are generally organized by a single powerful interest group. d. generally last for five to ten years. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 204 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. A public-policy interest that is not recognized or represented by a group is a a. free rider. b. common interest. c. public benefit. d. rational incentive. e. latent interest. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 204 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. A free rider is a. an interest group member. b. a participant in a social movement. c. someone granted free passage to Washington, DC, to lobby or demonstrate. d. someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it. e. a civil rights activist. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 205 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 9. The argument that it is rational to not join interest groups and then share in the benefits procured by others is the basis of a. latent interests. b. the free rider problem. c. rational incentives. d. solidary incentives. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 205 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. People who become members of interest groups for solidary incentives are joining a. for a sense of belonging to the group. b. to improve their economic opportunities. c. for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons. d. to obtain political, economic, or social change. e. as free riders. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 205 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 11. People who become members of interest groups for material incentives are joining a. for a sense of belonging to the group. b. to improve their economic opportunities or gain economic benefits. c. for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons. d. to institute change for political, economic, or social impact on the whole society. e. because they have been pressured to do so. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 205 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 12. People who become members of interest groups for purposive incentives are joining a. for a sense of belonging to the group. b. as free riders. c. for ethical beliefs or ideological reasons. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups d. to improve their economic opportunities. e. because they have been pressured to do so. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 206 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 13. Someone who joins an interest group because he or she believes in the ideals of the group and wants a sense of belonging and community with others who share their beliefs is acting for a. solidary incentives, but not purposive incentives. b. material incentives, but not solidary incentives. c. both material and solidary incentives, but not purposive incentives. d. both purposive and material incentives, but not solidary incentives. e. both purposive and solidary incentives, but not material incentives. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 219-220 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 14. The most numerous types of interest groups in the United States are a. economic interest groups. b. social interest groups. c. liberal interest groups. d. environmental interest groups. e. public interest groups. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 206 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 15. Which types of interest groups are defined as economic interest groups? a. business, labor, and public interest groups b. labor, agriculture, and environmental groups c. business, labor, and foreign governments d. business, labor, and professionals e. professionals, agriculture, and foreign governments ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 206-208 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 16. American farmers and their workers represent less than 1 percent of the U.S. population. This fact supports the proposition that Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups a. because of their size, farmers have been unsuccessful as interest groups. b. there are more farmers today than there were forty years ago. c. most farmers are too busy to be politically active. d. even a small percentage of the populace can be effective if they organize. e. geographical dispersion works against the formation of effective interest groups. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 207 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 17. U.S. agricultural subsidies are a. the highest in the world. b. greater as a percentage of production value than those provided by the European Union. c. about 30 percent of production values. d. smaller than those provided by South Korea and the European Union. e. Option C and D are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 208 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 18. All of the following are true about labor unions except a. the number of members in labor unions has been declining. b. American labor unions continue to support candidates for Congress. c. labor unions provide volunteers for campaigns and campaign contributions. d. a large turnout of union members will increase the final vote totals for Republicans. e. there has been a growth in the unionization of public employees. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 208-209 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. The age of automation and the rise of the service sector have a. led to increased power for labor unions. b. eliminated the need for interest groups for workers. c. led to an increase in the percentage of blue-collar workers in the total working population. d. led to attempts to unionize migrant farm workers, service workers, and public employees. e. caused the collapse of all labor interest groups. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 209-210 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups 20. Public sector employees often have _____________, whereas private employees' ________________. a. very few opportunities for promotion; promotions are very predictable b. little job security; contracts often give them job security for three to five years c. guaranteed pension income; pensions fluctuate with the stock market d. low incomes; incomes fluctuate a great deal e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 209-210 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 21. Since 1960, the greatest growth in unionization has occurred among a. military personnel. b. professional athletes. c. public employees. d. private sector employees. e. information technology employees. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 209 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. Labor unions are a. embraced by business-oriented conservatives. b. not popular in southern states such as Georgia and North Carolina. c. popular in states such as New York and California. d. Options B and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 209-210 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. Environmental groups have found themselves in conflict with other interests over the issue of a. protecting the snowy egret. b. wildlife education. c. global warming. d. purchasing threatened lands. e. protecting whales and dolphins from hunting. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 212 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups 24. The issue of global warming a. creates conflict between environmentalists and industrial interest groups. b. creates conflict between wildlife conservation groups and hunters. c. has transformed electoral politics in states like California. d. Options A and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 212 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. Unsafe and unsanitary work conditions in the early 1900s were a problem leading to the development of a. the feminist movement. b. the consumer movement. c. the civil rights movement. d. the anti-lobbying movement. e. mostly conservative, pro-business special interest groups. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 212 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) are examples of a. economic interest groups. b. single-interest groups. c. public interest groups. d. foreign interest groups. e. fringe interest groups. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 213 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 27. Single-issue interest groups a. include the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). b. include the Common Cause, which lobbies for government reform. c. are narrowly focused, usually on just one issue. d. have members who tend to care intensely about their issues. e. Options C and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 213 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups NOTES:


28. Foreign governments a. often contribute large sums of money to key members of Congress. b. sometimes hire former members of Congress as lobbyists. c. provide expensive gifts to members of Congress who travel to a country on official government business. d. are rarely interested in the policy debates concerning trade issues. e. are prohibited by law from attempting to influence U.S. policy. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 214 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 29. Which of the following is true of interest groups? a. Only a few interest groups attempt to influence public officials in the government at the same time. b. Interest groups only lobby the national government because at that level issues are more important than at other levels of government. c. Having a large number of members helps an interest group to influence government officials. d. All interest groups need members to pay high dues so they can have a strong financial base. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 214 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 30. Interest groups attain a reputation for being powerful through all of the following except a. their membership size. b. their financial resources. c. cohesiveness. d. charismatic leadership. e. their willingness to formally link themselves to a specific party. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 214-217 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 31. Regardless of an interest group's size or resources, it can be considered powerful if a. it has strong and effective leadership. b. it successfully turns itself into a political party. c. its members are motivated, engaged, and politically active. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: a Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups REFERENCES: 215 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 32. All of the following are true of interest groups except that they a. use a wide range of techniques and strategies to promote their policy goals. b. are extremely successful in persuading the president to endorse their programs completely. c. may try to block or weaken legislation. d. provide officials with information and assistance when needed. e. may lobby officials personally or use the general public to influence government on their behalf. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 216 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 33. Successful interest groups and their representatives try to cultivate long-term relationships with a. foreign ambassadors. b. legislators and government officials. c. federal judges. d. business leaders. e. police commissioners and chiefs of police. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 216-217 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 34. The existence of interest groups a. shows that public interest groups and civil rights make up a large percentage of interest groups lobbying Congress. b. shows that leaders are from the lower social-economic groups. c. demonstrates the validity of the elite theory model of U.S. political system. d. can be problematic for democracy because members of the middle or upper classes often dominate interest groups. e. is required by the Constitution. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 216 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 35. Most interest groups have a bias toward a. the middle and upper classes. b. the middle and lower classes. c. the common good. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups d. the political right. e. the political left. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 216 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. Interest groups a. have equal resources to influence legislation. b. possess different combinations of resources to use in the policymaking process. c. always begin as social movements. d. are always comprised of members who have high social status. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 216 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 37. The makeup of dominant voices of interest groups toward Congress tends to support a. an elite theory of politics. b. a pluralist theory of politics. c. a direct democracy. d. Both A and B. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 216 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 38. In cases where the goal of an interest group can be described as having concentrated benefits and dispersed costs, there tends to be a(n) ___________ between supporters and opponents. a. long, drawn-out political battle b. period of political gridlock c. enthusiasm gap d. willingness to compromise e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 217 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 39. The primary distinction between an interest group and a political party is that only a. interest groups seek to affect policy. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups b. parties have unaffiliated supporters. c. parties run candidates for office. d. parties try to influence elections. e. Both C and D. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 217 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 40. Republicans tend to get support from interest groups like _________, while ___________ tend(s) to support Democrats. a. the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Americans for Tax Reform b. environmental groups; Americans for Tax Reform c. Americans for Tax Reform; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce d. labor unions; environmental groups e. the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; labor unions ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 217-218 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 41. To influence government and policy, lobbyists commonly engage in all of the following except a. meeting privately with public officials. b. testifying before congressional committees. c. assisting in the drafting of legislation. d. running for Congress. e. suggesting nominations for federal courts. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 219 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 42. All of the following are true of lobbyists except that they a. may help draft legislation for public officials. b. may be members of some of Washington, DC’s law firms that specialize in providing services to government officials. c. fabricate the truth when providing information to public officials. d. meet with public officials to inform them of the interests of their clients. e. may testify before congressional committees. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 219 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups 43. One of the ways in which lobbyists make themselves valuable to decision makers is by a. threatening to campaign against them in upcoming elections. b. providing bribes. c. threatening to withhold campaign contributions. d. providing information and expertise whenever asked. e. inviting them to parties. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 219 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 44. Lobbyists provide advisory assistance to legislators by a. testifying before legislative committees. b. assisting legislators with the drafting of bills. c. providing technical expertise to legislators. d. providing exotic vacations for legislators. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 219 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 45. Interest groups often hire former government employees or former members of Congress as lobbyists for all of the following reasons except that these a. lobbyists “know their way around Washington.” b. individuals often retain friendships with former colleagues. c. groups cannot possibly be effective if they do not hire these people. d. lobbyists often have expert knowledge. e. lobbyists often understand the regulatory process. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 219 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. Groups recognize that the greatest concern of legislators is to a. support the principles of their political party. b. be reelected. c. vote for the ideas of the constituents. d. be totally informed on issues they will have to vote on. e. please the congressional leadership. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 220 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 47. Political endorsements by interest groups are a. important because the group can publicize its choices in its membership publication. b. not very important because while candidates can publicize the fact that their campaign is endorsed by groups, they cannot identify the specific source of the endorsement. c. relatively ineffective today. d. a violation of campaign finance reform laws. e. allowed only in local elections, but forbidden in races for federal office. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 220 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. Indirect techniques used by interest groups include a. approaching officials personally to press a case. b. strategies that use the general public or individuals to influence the government for the interest group. c. illegal tactics such as bribes and payoffs. d. paying members of Congress as consultants in return for favorable votes on issues important to the interest group. e. testifying before congressional committees. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 221 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. Generating public pressure and awareness may a. convince policymakers that public opinion overwhelmingly supports the interest group’s position. b. mislead the public on environmental issues. c. bypass the legislative process. d. force bureaucrats to answer to congressional committees. e. lobby lawmakers directly. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 221 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 50. Legislators and government officials are often more impressed by contacts from a. constituents than interest groups. b. aides to the Supreme Court than the bar association in their district. c. lobbyists who threaten to take their case to the public than their constituents. d. reporters who leak classified information to the press than the media in general. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups e. representatives from foreign governments than lobbyists from American interests. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 221 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 51. To generate public pressure, interest groups may a. use advertisements in national magazines and newspapers. b. generate mail to elected officials. c. organize rallies. d. work with like-minded organizations. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 221-222 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 52. All of the following are techniques used by interest groups to involve the general public except a. attempting to mobilize large numbers of constituents to write, phone, or send e-mails and tweets to their legislators. b. using demonstrations, rallies, and marches. c. violently protesting so officials will know the unhappiness of the public. d. getting people to boycott a business. e. commissioning polls and publicizing the results for the public to see. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 221-222 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 53. All of the following statements about demonstrations are true except a. if peaceable, they are protected by the First Amendment. b. they were used to great effect by the civil rights movement. c. they were used by the movement against the Vietnam War. d. they are organized refusals to buy the products of a particular company. e. if violent, they can backfire and alienate the public. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 222 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 54. The primary purpose of 1946 legislation that targeted lobbying was to a. prohibit all lobbying activities. b. restrict lobbying to the legislative branch. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups c. heavily regulate lobbying. d. improve public disclosure of lobbying. e. create an agency that would oversee lobbying. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 222-223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. Legislation to regulate lobbying in 1946 resulted in a. a minimal number of individuals registered as lobbyists. b. a large number of lobbyists decided to reveal their tactics. c. a significant decrease in the influence of special interests. d. an increase in reporting requirements for lobbyists at federal agencies and the courts. e. a public record of all lobbyists active that year. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 222-223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 56. As a result of 1946 lobbying legislation and Supreme Court's United States v. Harriss decision, you have to register as a lobbyist if you work a. for any group trying to influence government. b. directly to influence the bureaucracy. c. directly to influence Congress. d. directly to influence the executive. e. All of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 222 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. Lobbying reforms made in 1995 and 1996, both through legislation and congressional rules, included a. defining a lobbyist as anyone who spends 20 percent of his or her time lobbying Congress or the executive branch. b. requiring lobbyists to register with congressional officials. c. reporting on the nature of lobbying efforts. d. rules meant to restrict the value of gifts given to members of Congress. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups 58. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 a. requires lobbyists to report their activities annually. b. requires Congress to post lobbying information on the Internet. c. significantly changed the culture in Washington, DC. d. requires that all pork spending proposals be reported to the president. e. limits spending by lobbyists to $100,000 per quarter. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 59. Identifying and making legislative earmarks public was a key feature of a. the 1946 lobbying reforms. b. the 1995 lobbying reforms. c. the 1995–96 rules of the House and Senate. d. the 2007 lobbying reforms. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. In an effort to reduce the power of special interests, the Obama administration a. tried to prevent former lobbyists from holding positions in the administration. b. introduced legislation to ban all lobbying. c. refused to meet with any lobbyists on any issue. d. created the Bureau of Lobbying Interests to oversee lobbying and recommend reforms. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 223 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 61. Explain the free rider problem faced by interest groups and how they combat this problem. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 62. What are the differences between a social movement and an interest group? How are they related? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.1 - LO1 63. Describe the categories of economic interest groups and provide examples of each. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 7 - Interest Groups LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 64. Discuss two different categories of economic interest groups and contrast these groups with public interest groups. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.2 - LO2 65. Explain the factors that make an interest group powerful. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 66. Evaluate the roles of size, leadership, and cohesiveness in interest group power and argue which of these you believe to be the most important and why. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.3 - LO3 67. Explain the direct techniques used by interest groups. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 68. Explain the indirect techniques used by interest groups. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.4 - LO4 69. Describe legislative efforts to regulate the activities of lobbyists. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5 70. What would be the unintended consequences if lobbying was abolished? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.7.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties 1. If we chose candidates through a “top two” bipartisan primary election a. candidates would have to appeal to a wider range of public opinion. b. it would increase voter participation. c. the major political parties might lose some of their influence. d. it would be the end of the open primary system. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 228 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 2. In primary elections a. candidates appeal to a wide range of opinion to get votes. b. candidates tend to make moderate stands on issues. c. partisan campaigning leads to less overall spending on campaigns. d. candidates try to appeal to the more extreme members of their party. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 228 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. It is estimated that about ____________ of voters who identify as "independent" still lean toward either the Republican or the Democratic Party. a. 10 percent b. 25 percent c. 50 percent d. 75 percent e. 90 percent ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 229 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 4. A voter or a candidate who does not identify with a political party is called a. a naysayer. b. an independent. c. a liberal. d. a conservative. e. a libertarian. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 229 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties NOTES:


5. A political party is a group of individuals who a. agree on all policy issues. b. organize to win elections and operate the government. c. pay monthly dues to an ideological organization. d. have been elected to office and have obtained positions of power. e. accept the decisions of the party’s leaders. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 229 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. A political party differs from an interest group in that a. political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not. b. political parties do not want to operate the government and interest groups do. c. individuals must pay dues to a political party but not to an interest group. d. individuals in a political party agree on all major policy issues. e. interest groups select candidates to run for office and political parties do not. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 229 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. Individuals or interest group members who participate in parties with the goal of seeing certain policies or groups favored is a. a party official. b. a party supporter. c. a policy demander. d. a legislation coordinator. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 229 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. The primary goal of an American political party is a. peaceably influencing the American public. b. signing up large numbers of deeply committed members. c. getting the party’s candidates elected to office by winning elections. d. collecting member dues. e. trying to find the other party doing “bad” things. ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties REFERENCES: 229-230 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 9. Functions of political parties in the United States include all of the following except a. operating the government. b. acting as an organized opposition to the party in power. c. signing up large numbers of dues-paying committed members. d. recruiting candidates for public office. e. presenting alternative policies to the electorate. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 230 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. All of the following are a part of parties' role in organizing and running elections except a. organizing voter registration drives. b. recruiting volunteers to work at the polls on election day. c. providing much of the campaign activity to stimulate election interest. d. working to increase voter participation. e. articulating policies and opposing the majority party. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 230 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 11. The party-in-the-electorate is made up of a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the members of the electoral college. e. the individuals who choose the members of the electoral college. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 230 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 12. The party organization is a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the urban machines that distribute social benefits. e. responsible only for mundane matters such as printing signs and scheduling events. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 230-231 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. The party-in-government a. is made up of the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. is made up of the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. is made up of all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a political party. d. has pledged to support all of the party’s political positions. e. is no longer significant due to candidate-centered elections. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 231 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 14. The lowest layer of official party machinery is a. the local organization supported by district leaders, precinct or ward captains, and party workers. b. the state party chairperson and committees. c. the national campaign chairperson’s volunteers. d. the White House interns. e. the national convention delegates. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 232-233 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 15. Divided government a. reflects a situation when a person votes for candidates of two parties for different offices. b. exists when the presidency and Congress are controlled by different parties. c. is another name for federalism. d. increases the control of the winning party in an election. e. is a strong indication of the emergence of a new third party. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 234 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 16. Most candidates for public office in the United States are chosen a. by party “bosses.” b. by dues-paid party members. c. as a result of the candidate’s hard work and personal organization. d. at party conventions. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties e. in such a way that the party leadership can be sure that the candidates will support the party’s platform. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 234 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 17. Examples of party polarization include all of the following except a. party-line voting. b. the end of overlapping party ideologies. c. the rise of extreme ideology in the Republican Party. d. the rise of liberal Republicans. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 235 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 18. The two-party system a. emerged as a consequence of the form of government created by the Constitution. b. is a requirement in the Constitution. c. emerged in the twentieth century. d. was favored by George Washington. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 235 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. A two-party system a. is one in which there are only two legal parties. b. is one in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning. c. is one in which control of government is divided between two political parties. d. tends to exist mostly in European democracies. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 235 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. The first partisan political division in the United States was between a. the Democrats and the Republicans. b. the Whigs and the Democrats. c. the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties d. the Whigs and the Tories. e. the Whigs and the Republicans. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 236 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. George Washington viewed political parties as a a. necessity for the functioning of democracy. b. tradition from colonial times that would always exist. c. threat to national unity and popular government. d. legitimate means for interest groups to attempt to gain control of the government. e. vestige of politics under Great Britain and thus a thing of the past. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 236 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 22. All of the following statements about the early Republican Party are true except a. it was initially led by Thomas Jefferson. b. it supported a strong, more active central government. c. it was supported by artisans and farmers. d. it supported states’ rights. e. in office, its members acquired Louisiana and established a national bank. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 236 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 23. All of the following statements about the early Democratic Party are true except that it a. was an anti-slavery party. b. favored federal spending on internal improvements. c. was the party of the wealthy elites. d. was a branch of the Anti-Federalist Party e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 236-237 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 24. In the period leading up to the Civil War a. the Whig Party split over the issue of slavery. b. anti-slavery factions of many parties coalesced to form the Republican Party. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties c. the Federalist Party experienced a resurgence of support. d. Both A and B. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 237 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. All of the following are true except a. the Republican Party was founded by uniting northern Whigs, anti-slavery Democrats, and members of the Free Soil Party. b. southerners resented Republicans’ role in defeating the South in the Civil War. c. the Republicans after the Civil War supported business interests and evangelical Protestant cultural values. d. the Republicans turned to supporting states’ rights after the Civil War. e. the Republicans opposed the prohibition of alcoholic beverages after the Civil War. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 237 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 26. After the Civil War, a candidate for office who supported currency inflation as a way to bring down the value of people's debts was likely a a. Republican. b. Federalist. c. populist. d. progressive. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 237 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 27. Under Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic Party a. rejected the policies of progressivism. b. continued to adhere to the same basic policies that it did in the nineteenth century. c. began a radical change by endorsing the idea that government should become involved in the economy. d. shattered into three very distinct parties that were extraordinarily antagonistic toward each other. e. adopted a policy of isolating the United States from the affairs of the rest of the world. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 238 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties 28. Progressivism was a. a response to the growing power of corporations. b. embraced by Teddy Roosevelt. c. a belief that honest, impartial government could regulate the economy. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 238 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 29. Which of the following is true? a. The Great Depression shattered the working-class belief in Democratic economic competence. b. The Great Depression solidified the Republican Party as the dominant and most trusted party in American government and politics. c. Roosevelt’s relief programs were generally not available to African Americans, resulting in African Americans’ antagonism toward the Democratic Party that lasted for decades. d. The Great Depression shattered the working-class belief in Republican economic competence. e. Republicans held the presidency from the early 1930s until the late 1960s. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 238-239 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 30. Which is (are) true of the New Deal period? a. President Roosevelt’s programs were open to whites and African Americans. b. The Great Depression shattered working-class voters’ confidence in the Republican Party. c. Roosevelt’s coalition of whites and blacks was large enough to establish the Democrats as the majority party. d. Democrats made major interventions in the economy to combat the Great Depression. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 238-239 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 31. From the late 1960s onward, many southern Democrats in Congress a. were conservatives who commonly voted with Republicans. b. managed to keep the South balanced between liberal and conservative ideologies. c. were replaced by Republicans as the retired. d. led the modern period of progressivism. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 239 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 32. The election of 2000 demonstrated a. the effectiveness of the electoral college in mirroring the popular vote. b. that Democratic blue states and Republican red states were largely the same as a century earlier. c. the close political divisions of the nation. d. how far the country had swung toward a period of Republican dominance. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 239 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 33. In “wave elections” a. dissatisfaction with the performance of one part or another can produce a wave of support for the other party. b. the effects of the election results are temporary. c. support for the major parties realign. d. the results are landslide victories for Republicans or Democrats. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 240 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 34. In the election of 2010 a. some voters likely blamed Democrats for the continued poor state of the economy. b. independents turned away from Democrats due to the expanding size of government. c. Republicans took back the House of Representatives. d. Democrats held their majority in the U.S. Senate. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 240 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. All of the following are true of the election of 2012 except a. Hispanic voters reached a new high as a percentage of the electorate at 10 percent. b. President Obama was reelected by a very narrow margin of 1 percent. c. Republicans lost seats in Congress. d. Republicans retained control of the U.S. House. e. President Obama won over 70 percent of Hispanic voters. ANSWER: b Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties REFERENCES: 240 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 36. In general, the Democrats have been known as the party of a. well-educated, professional individuals. b. economic depression. c. the economic elite. d. conservative political ideas. e. states’ rights. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 241-245 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. In general, the Republicans have been known as the party of a. liberal political ideas. b. social welfare programs. c. business. d. the working class. e. racial and ethnic minorities. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 241-245 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. Someone who emphasizes the importance of a free market with fewer government-run social programs is likely to be a a. Democrat. b. Republican. c. progressive. d. Jeffersonian Republican. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 241-245 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 39. Someone who emphasizes the need for social welfare and protection of senior citizens is most likely to be a a. Democrat. b. Republican. c. part of the Religious right. d. social conservative. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties e. libertarian. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 241-245 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 40. Which of the following is false? a. The Jewish electorate tends to be heavily Democratic. b. Hispanics are strongly Republican. c. Urban people tend to vote Democratic. d. Rural voters support Republicans. e. Union members tend to vote Democratic. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 241 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 41. Which is true in regard to cultural politics? a. Economic conservatism is associated with higher incomes. b. Social conservatism is more common among lower income groups. c. Cultural conservatives view themselves as embattled “ordinary Americans” under threat from liberal, cosmopolitan elites. d. The election of President Obama and a Democratic Congress magnified conservatives fear, resulting in the Tea Party movement. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 242-243 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 42. Which of the following is true about the 2012 elections? a. Fourteen out of the fifteen wealthiest states tended to vote Republican. b. Southern states voted for Democratic candidates more than for Republicans. c. Thirteen out of the fifteen poorest states voted Republican. d. The reverse-income effect proved that those with lower incomes usually vote for independent candidates. e. In the Democratic presidential primaries, working-class voters voted for Obama rather than for Hillary Clinton. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 243 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 43. Among the different kinds of Republicans, the group that has the least influence on the party is Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties a. the Religious right. b. libertarian Republicans. c. pro-business Republicans. d. Both A and B. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 244 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 44. The two-party system has dominated the American political landscape for all of the following reasons except a. political socialization and practical considerations. b. the winner-take-all electoral system. c. state and federal laws favor the two major parties. d. historical foundations of the system. e. third parties are illegal in many jurisdictions. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 245 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 45. A major reason for the two-party system is the electoral system, which is based on a. the winner-take-all, or plurality, system. b. proportional representation. c. one-party dominance of elections. d. majoritarianism. e. multi-member constituencies. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 246-247 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 46. In the winner-take-all system a. the candidate who gets the most votes wins. b. one must get a majority of votes cast to win. c. votes are allocated on a proportional basis. d. only parties receiving more than 5 percent of the vote are allocated seats. e. a party must have competed in a previous election to be placed on the ballot. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 246-247 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties 47. In many European parliamentary systems, prime ministers are elected by __________, whereas in the United States, presidents are elected ___________. a. the legislature; through the electoral college b. a popular vote of the people; through the electoral college c. the legislature; by a popular vote of the people d. the aristocracy; by a popular vote of the people e. the aristocracy; through the electoral college ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 247 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. In a proportional representation electoral system a. candidates for office run in single-seat, winner-take-all districts. b. political parties win seats in a legislature based on the proportion of the vote they receive. c. election results are roughly proportional to the amount of money raised by each party. d. parties win a proportion of seats in a legislature, weighted to give small parties a larger share. e. the top three parties in an election divide the government proportionally between them. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 247 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. Which is true of federal and state laws? a. They have encouraged third parties to get candidates on the ballot. b. They let third parties get fewer signatures to place their candidates on the ballot than major parties. c. The two major parties have a clear advantage because the laws have fewer obstacles for them. d. The federal laws have made it easy for third- or minor-party candidates to get federal matching funds. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 248 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 50. Many political scientists contend that third parties a. have consistently failed because they never reflect the political mood of the nation. b. serve as a safety valve for dissident political groups, preventing major confrontations and political unrest. c. can only come into existence if they are organized around a single charismatic leader. d. can only come into existence if they split off from one of the major political parties. e. are incapable of being formed from scratch by individuals who are committed to a particular issue or ideology. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 248 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties NOTES:


51. Third parties a. are minor parties. b. can act as critics of the major parties. c. can be spoilers in an election. d. often start because of an idea or person. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 248 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 52. Third parties have influenced American politics by a. refusing to allow their policies to be adopted by a major party. b. sometimes determining whether the Republicans or Democrats win an election. c. focusing their efforts on getting judges appointed to the bench rather than winning elections for the executive or legislative branches. d. winning elections to state legislative bodies. e. gaining control of several municipal governments. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 249-251 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 53. Which of the following is true about third parties? a. The Green Party favors globalization. b. The Libertarian Party favors governmental intervention into overseas conflicts. c. The Progressive Party was an advocate of federal regulation to protect consumers. d. The Socialist Party favors small business interests and is growing in size. e. The Populist Party was initiated by businessman Ross Perot in an effort to combat federal budget deficits. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 249-251 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 54. Some of the most successful minor parties have been __________, which have split off from a major party. a. ideological parties b. environmentalist parties c. splinter parties d. religious parties e. anti-war parties ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties REFERENCES: 251 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 55. Realignment a. is of necessity tied to specific elections. b. takes place when a substantial group of voters switches party allegiance. c. takes place when one dominant party replaces another one. d. took place on schedule in 2004. e. has been predicted as inevitable in the foreseeable future. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 252 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 56. One example of realignment was when a. anti-slavery Republicans left to join the Democratic Party before the Civil War. b. working-class voters abandoned the Republican Party in 1896 due to the Republicans’ populist politics. c. the New Deal Democratic Coalition brought African Americans and ardent segregationists into the same party in 1932. d. cultural conservatives abandoned the Republicans in 1968, especially in the South. e. evangelical Christians abandoned the Republican Party and voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 252 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 57. The theory that large-scale realignments in political party support are no longer likely is known as a. dealignment theory. b. electoral stability theory. c. voter stability theory. d. rigidity theory. e. volatility theory. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 252-253 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 58. Which is true? a. Straight-ticket voting is now nearly universal. b. The number of people identifying as independents has grown in recent years. c. Party identification has been increasing. d. The rise in Democratic identification may be because of the southern voters. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties e. Split-ticket voting is declining. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 253 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. Tipping takes place a. when a substantial group of voters switches party allegiance. b. when increasing numbers of voters call themselves “independents.” c. when a group that is becoming more numerous over time grows large enough to change the political balance in a state. d. as a result of immigration or differential birth rates. e. only in countries that employ a multi-party system. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 254 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 60. Voters who frequently move their support from one party to the other are known as a. split-ticket voters. b. swing voters. c. unattached independents. d. wedge voters. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 254 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 61. Describe the different functions of political parties in our system. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 62. Explain the differences between the party-in-the-electorate, the party organization, and the party-in-government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.1 - LO1 63. Describe the history of political parties in the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 64. George Washington argued that parties were harmful to the United States. Assess his argument, taking a stance either with or against his point of view and providing evidence for your position. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 8 - Political Parties LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.2 - LO2 65. Explain the phenomenon of "wave elections" and provide examples. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.3 - LO3 66. Discuss the obstacles faced by third-party and independent candidates in the American two-party system as well as their successes in impacting American elections. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 67. Why do we only have two major parties? Explain the circumstances that have perpetuated the two-party system. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 68. Explore the role played by third parties in the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.4 - LO4 69. Discuss the growth of the Hispanic voting bloc and its effect in recent elections and discuss what effects this trend may have on future elections. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5 70. Describe the importance of independent voters and provide examples of their impact in recent elections. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.8.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections 1. Making political campaign lies illegal could have the effect of a. more honest campaigning. b. curtailing free speech and political satire. c. a flurry of lawsuits every election year. d. Both B and C. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 259 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 2. The Stolen Valor Act, which criminalized false claims of having received military honors, a. was ruled a violation of free speech by the Supreme Court. b. was upheld as a reasonable restriction of speech by the Supreme Court. c. was recently repealed by Congress. d. only affects elections in Ohio. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 259 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 3. A ________________ is a statewide election of delegates to a party's national convention, where the delegates will choose the party's presidential nominee. a. primary election b. party primary c. presidential primary d. delegate election e. general election ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 260 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 4. Political parties have a. difficulty finding candidates for some local offices. b. difficulty finding candidates to run for office in some regions of the country. c. difficulty finding candidates when winning that office is unlikely. d. an easier time finding candidates when the office has prestige. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 260 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections NOTES:


5. Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of a. U.S. senator. b. U.S. representative. c. U.S. president. d. governor. e. chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 260 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 6. Candidates for president face obstacles to winning for all of the following reasons except that they must a. have great personal wealth in order to win. b. be able to garner enough support to win the early primaries. c. be able to organize, staff, and fund a campaign organization. d. be able to find local volunteers in each state to win primary votes. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 260-264 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. Holders of political office in the United States today are usually a. representative of the general public. b. evenly divided between men and women. c. white and male. d. younger than the candidates elected in the 1800s. e. Roman Catholics. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 261 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. The qualifications required to be a state governor are a. to be a natural-born citizen within state residency. b. to be a citizen aged 30 years or older. c. to be a citizen, aged 30 years or older, within state residency. d. to be a natural-born citizen, aged 30 years or older, within state residency. e. varied because they are set by the separate state constitutions. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 261 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 9. All of the following are reasons why many candidates for office are lawyers except a. they have a more flexible work schedule. b. holding office is good publicity for their law practice. c. political connections can help them later in their career. d. they have trouble finding work in most states. e. they may have long-term career aspirations for positions that require political appointment such as judgeships or jobs in federal agencies. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 261 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 10. A striking feature of today’s political campaigns is the a. large number of people who are willing to volunteer their time. b. positive theme that most candidates use exclusively through the election. c. lack of money contributed to candidates for major political office. d. importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers. e. refusal of so many candidates to take advantage of the media. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 262 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. Campaigns for high offices today tend to a. focus on winning independents, rather than turning out the party base. b. focus on party base turnout, rather than independents. c. be party centered. d. be candidate centered. e. be policy centered. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 262-263 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 12. If a candidate is a highly visible incumbent seeking reelection a. the strategy will be to get the incumbent’s name before the voters as much as possible. b. a front porch campaign has been proven most effective. c. there may be little need for campaigning except to remind the voters of the officeholder’s good deeds. d. the strategy will be to keep as low a profile as possible. e. the incumbent must devote almost every moment to campaigning to avoid seeming overly confident and Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections arrogant. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 263 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 13. Tracking polls are used a. on a daily basis to determine last-minute changes in the mood of the electorate. b. by the government to determine if a candidate is receiving illegal campaign contributions. c. to encourage voter turnout. d. primarily in countries that have a multi-party political structure. e. by the media throughout the election year. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 264 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 14. Which campaign financing reform was best known for restricting the political activities of civil servants? a. Corrupt Practices Act b. Federal Election Campaign Act c. Supreme Court decision in Buckley v. Valeo d. Hatch Act e. McCain-Feingold Act ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 264 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 15. The widespread belief behind criticisms of money in the electoral system is that a. large campaign contributions by special interests corrupt the political system. b. when one party comes to power, it limits the flow of money to the other party. c. the two parties restrict the flow of money to third parties. d. it forces citizens to spend money to be actively engaged in politics. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 264 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 16. Political Action Committees a. are not covered by federal election laws. b. are committees created under federal or state law for the purpose of collecting political donations. c. coordinate all expenditures directly with the candidate. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections d. collect funds from the candidate and transfer them to the political party. e. are limited in how much they spend. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 264 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 17. The 1974 Federal Election Campaign Act a. created the Federal Election Commission. b. placed limits on the sums that individuals and committees can contribute to candidates. c. created an effective way to enforce campaign rules. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 265 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. Independent expenditures are a. funds spent by the party independent without permission of the candidate. b. personal funds spent by the candidate on campaign activities. c. funds spent by political action committees that are not coordinated directly with a candidate’s campaign. d. funds spent by the Federal Election Commission. e. funds spent by groups of independent voters. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 265 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. Advertising paid for by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate (or a candidate’s position on an issue) without mentioning voting or elections is called a. a PAC advertisement. b. a soft money contribution. c. issue advocacy advertising. d. a hard money expenditure. e. payola profiteering and pilfering. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 265 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. The 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizen’s United v. FEC a. increased the political power of corporations. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections b. was supported by Republicans on the basis of free speech. c. was opposed by Democrats because it gave corporations some political rights given to individual citizens. d. ruled that corporations, unions, and non-profit organizations may spend freely to support or oppose candidates as long as those expenditures are not coordinated with the candidate campaigns. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 266 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 21. Independent expenditures a. must be made from the candidate’s personal funds. b. are unregulated funds spent by interest groups on advertising or other campaign activities. c. were banned by the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC. d. were less important in the 2012 presidential election than in previous years. e. were widely supported by the McCain-Feingold Act. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 266 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 a. banned soft money contributions to national parties. b. banned campaign ads by special interest groups. c. banned independent expenditures. d. banned the practice of lobbying. e. eliminated the Federal Election Commission. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 266 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. The 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC allows a. corporations, unions, and individuals to donate unlimited funds to presidential campaigns. b. corporations, unions, and individuals to donate unlimited funds to entities that are “independent” of the candidates. c. corporations, unions, and individuals to donate unlimited funds to political parties. d. political parties to create special funds to donate to candidates from federal monies. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 266 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections 24. Super PACs a. allow America’s millionaires and billionaires to donate unlimited funds to influence elections. b. are political advertising councils that design political campaigns. c. are limited to raising no more than $10 million per campaign cycle. d. raise money to run both positive and negative campaign ads. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 267 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 25. The organizations that came to be known as “527s” a. have become eclipsed in importance since the rise of super PACs. b. were set up by political parties for anonymous donors’ contributions. c. run ads that are coordinated with the candidate’s campaign ads. d. are more powerful than super PACs. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 267 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 26. Which statement about primaries is true? a. Candidates for the presidency go through two elections—the primaries and the general election. b. Most delegates to the national party conventions are chosen in primary elections. c. Most primaries are winner-take-all. d. In recent years, the Democrats have used a proportional system in the presidential primaries. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 270-272 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 27. Which of the following are true of superdelegates? a. A superdelegate is a party leader or elected official who is given the right to vote at the national convention. b. Their votes are ceremonial and do not count in the delegate total. c. They are members of the media who cover the national convention. d. They are elected at the state level. e. They participate as delegates to the state convention. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 272 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections NOTES:


28. The pre-primary election effort to win support from elected officials, fund raisers, interest groups, and opinion leaders is called the a. funding primary. b. party primary. c. closed primary. d. invisible primary. e. hidden primary. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 272 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 29. When only declared party members can vote in a primary election, it is called a. a closed primary. b. an open primary. c. a run-off primary. d. a blanket primary. e. a caucus. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 273 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 30. When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called a. a closed primary. b. an open primary. c. a run-off primary. d. a blanket primary. e. a caucus. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 274 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 31. When the top two candidates in a primary compete in a second primary for the majority of votes, it is called a. a closed primary. b. an open primary. c. a run-off primary. d. a blanket primary. e. a caucus. ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections REFERENCES: 274 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 32. With regard to presidential candidates a. Iowa and New Hampshire have the first caucus and primary, respectively, in voting for presidential candidates. b. many states are moving their primaries to earlier dates in order to have more input into the selection of presidential candidates. c. moving state primaries into the first months of the year is known as front-loading. d. in 2008, twenty-four states had primaries on the same day. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 275 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 33. At the national convention a. upon arrival most delegates are undecided as to whom they would like to see as the party’s candidate. b. the delegates from those states that had early primaries and caucuses are seated closest to the front of the convention center. c. the presidential candidate is chosen by the party delegates. d. elites within the political parties are entrusted with making the determination of an appropriate candidate based upon electability. e. it usually take three ballots for the party to choose the presidential candidate. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 276 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. In presidential elections a. voters elect the president directly. b. the number of electors equals each state’s number of senators (two) plus its number of representatives. c. electors have always voted for the candidate who won their state’s vote. d. Options A, B, and C are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 276 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 35. The number of members each state will have in the electoral college a. cannot exceed fifty members. b. cannot be changed without a constitutional amendment. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections c. changes every four years. d. is determined by adding the number of representatives and the number of senators a state has in Congress. e. is the same so as to ensure that each state plays an equal role in selecting the president of the United States. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 276 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. The manner in which members of the electoral college are selected within each state is currently governed by a. state laws. b. the Federal Electoral Selection Act. c. Article II of the U.S. Constitution. d. congressional oversight. e. federal district court judges. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 276 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. In the presidential elections a. electors meet in the state’s capital in December to cast their votes for the president. b. a joint session of Congress meets in early January (after the presidential election) and the electoral votes are counted. c. one can win the majority of the popular vote and not become president. d. one can win the electoral college vote without winning the majority of the popular vote. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 276-277 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. Which of the following statements about the electoral college is true? a. Although it is theoretically possible for a candidate to win the electoral vote while losing the popular vote, this has never happened in U.S. history. b. The framers ensured that it would be impossible for a candidate to win the electoral vote without also winning the popular vote. c. The Constitution requires that the members of the electoral college vote in a manner consistent with their states’ popular vote. d. The only way that the United States could cease to use the electoral college is through the process of constitutional amendment. e. The members of the electoral college are required by the Constitution to be at least thirty-five years old and of good moral character. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 277 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 39. A ballot in which all candidates for a particular elected post are grouped together is a. an Indiana ballot. b. an office-block ballot. c. a party column ballot. d. an absentee ballot. e. an Australian ballot. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 277 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 40. A party-column ballot is a form of general election ballot a. that is used by only a few states today. b. that focuses attention on the office instead of the party. c. in which the candidates are arranged in one column under their respective party. d. that was held to be unconstitutional in 1948. e. in which all candidates for each elective office are grouped under the title of the office. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 278 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 41. The use of the party-column ballot has been shown to ________________________. a. increase the coattail effect. b. decrease the coattail effect. c. decrease straight-ticket voting. d. increase voter turnout. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 278 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 42. Voter fraud a. is regularly suspected but seldom proved. b. was more common in the 1800s when votes were openly purchased than today. c. is the argument frequently cited by supporters of voter ID laws. d. may be overstated by some. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections REFERENCES: 278 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. Voter ID laws are often enacted with the stated goal of _______________, but actually have the effect of _______________. a. increasing turnout; suppressing turnout among minorities and the poor b. increasing turnout; suppressing turnout among members of the armed forces serving abroad c. preventing vote fraud; suppressing turnout among minorities and the poor d. preventing vote fraud; making ID fraud more common e. preventing vote fraud; suppressing turnout among members of the armed forces serving abroad ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 278 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 44. Almost all of the support for creating voter ID laws has come from a. Republicans. b. Democrats. c. libertarians. d. socialists. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 278 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 45. All of the following statements are true except a. voter ID laws are likely to suppress the vote of low-income voters. b. the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Indiana voter ID law. c. voter ID laws are favored by Republicans. d. voter ID laws are favored by Democrats. e. voter ID laws are likely to suppress the vote of minority voters. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 278-279 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 46. The real world effect of voter ID laws in the 2012 election was that a. voter turnout was down across the board. b. they did not work and vote fraud was rampant. c. they had no measurable effect. d. turnout was down primarily among minorities, who were adversely affected by the laws. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections e. minorities felt their voting rights were under attack and turned out in higher than usual numbers. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 279 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 47. In midterm elections a. voters choose all members of the U.S. House of Representatives. b. national elections are held in which candidates for president are not on the ballot. c. voters choose one-third of the members of the U.S. Senate. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 280 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 48. All of the following statements about low voter turnout are true except a. people do not vote because they feel the media is too focused on who is winning, rather than on policy. b. it is much more common in most other countries to have low voter turnout than in the United States. c. people feel their vote will not impact the election. d. it results in the election of candidates who have received the votes of a small part of the voting-age population. e. negative advertising turns people off to voting. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 280 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 49. Some observers believe the following about low voter turnout: a. Too few individuals are wielding too much political power. b. Low turnout is a sign of satisfaction with the status quo. c. Low turnout is a sign of political apathy in the voting public. d. Potential voters do not want to take the time to learn about the issues. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 280-281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 50. Political scientists used to calculate voter turnout as a percentage of the ______________, but usually no longer do so. a. voting-age population b. vote-eligible population c. registered voter population Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections d. party member population e. expected voter population ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 280-281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 51. Using the voting-age population to measure voter turnout is flawed because it a. contains felons who have lost the right to vote. b. contains non-citizen immigrants, who cannot vote. c. does not contain potential voting citizens living abroad. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 280-281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 52. A non-citizen immigrant might be counted as part of the ______________, but not as part of the ______________. a. vote-eligible population; voting-age population b. voting-age population; vote-eligible population c. registered voter population; voting-age population d. registered voter population; vote-eligible population e. registered voter population; likely voter population ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 280-281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 53. Which of the following groups tends to be overrepresented in the electorate? a. wealthier people b. people under the age of sixty-five c. very young voters aged eighteen to twenty-four d. the poor and homeless e. Hispanics ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 54. Reported voter turnout _________ as education __________. a. increases; decreases b. randomly swings; increases Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections c. stabilizes; increases d. decreases; decreases e. stabilizes; decreases ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 55. Reported voter turnout _________ as age __________. a. increases; increases b. increases; decreases c. stabilizes; increases d. stabilizes; decreases e. decreases; increases ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 281 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 56. The right to vote a. has been expanded since the writing of the Constitution. b. has not been extended to those without property. c. has been given to aliens as long as they are registered to vote. d. can never be taken away. e. is taken away if one doesn’t vote in five elections. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 281-282 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. That women could vote in Wyoming in 1870, but not nationwide until 1920, is reflective of a. the national government imposing conflicting election laws on the states. b. states admitted later to the union having more power over elections. c. the willingness of states to violate national laws. d. the writers of the Constitution allowing states to decide who can vote. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 282 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 58. The requirements to register to vote include all of the following except a. choosing a political party. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections b. being age eighteen or older. c. being a citizen. d. having residency where you register. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 282-283 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. Voter registration drives a. are a non-controversial political activity. b. became political issue when Acorn, a community organizing group, was accused of violating election laws. c. operate under very loose laws in Republican-controlled states. d. are organized by public interest and political organizations in the week before an election. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 283 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 60. In 2013, the Voting Rights Act requirement for pre-clearance of voting changes in areas with a history of discrimination was a. done away with by the Congress. b. effectively invalidated by the Supreme Court. c. overturned by a presidential executive order. d. narrowly reaffirmed by Congress. e. strengthened and reaffirmed by the Supreme Court. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 283 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 61. Detail the qualifications for someone to become president of the United States and discuss the implications these qualifications have on the candidates we choose. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.1 - LO1 62. Describe the evolution of campaign regulation in the United States. Include details about efforts by Congress to reform the ways in which campaigns are financed. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 63. Explore the strategies devised by interest groups and parties to get around campaign finance reform legislation. ANSWER: Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 9 - Campaigns and Elections Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 64. How has the advent of online fundraising changed the process of raising campaign funds? Which candidates have used the technique with great success? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.2 - LO2 65. Compare the features of two different types of primary elections and craft an argument in support of one of these. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 66. Explain how the electoral college works, the situations in which it has produced controversial results, and the criticisms leveled against it. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.3 - LO3 67. What should be the qualifications for voting in the United States? How tight should election rules be to prevent voter fraud? What would you do to prevent voter fraud? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 68. Discuss the effects of voter identification laws and argue whether these laws are a benefit or a harm to U.S. elections. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.4 - LO4 69. Which people are least likely to vote? How does this affect government policies? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5 70. How has the right to vote been expanded since the Constitution was written? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.9.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media 1. All of the following are true except a. since 1994 the number of people who read a daily newspaper has dropped. b. more people now obtain their national and international news from the Internet. c. what you see online is very different from what you see in print. d. some major newspapers have gone bankrupt in recent years. e. if newspapers disappear, people will get their news from cable stations and the Internet. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 289 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 2. Today, most Americans obtain their national and international news from a. television news. b. newspapers. c. news radio. d. the Internet. e. news magazines. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 290 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 3. The mass media perform all of the following functions except a. funding media watchdog groups. b. entertainment. c. making profits. d. socializing new generations. e. reporting the news. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 290-293 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 4. The role of the media in determining what government ought to do is known as a. setting the public agenda. b. the media constituency. c. priming. d. framing. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 291 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media 5. Portraying historical information, presenting American culture, and showing different regions and groups in the United States are all a part of a. the media's role in developing patriotism. b. the media's role in discussing major political problems. c. the media's role in reporting the news. d. the media's role in political socialization. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 291-292 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. Priming can be defined as a way in which the media a. limits access to opinionated information. b. sets the public agenda of what government ought to do. c. alters public perceptions of an issue by embedding that issue in particular stories. d. seeks to make a profit. e. socializes new generations about major political issues. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 291 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 7. The use of media by candidates for public office is part of the media's role in a. entertainment. b. providing a political forum. c. earning profits. d. reporting the news. e. political socialization. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 292 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. Most news media in the United States are a. private, for-profit corporations. b. dependent on their newspaper sales to make a profit. c. public and government subsidized. d. small and independently owned. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 292 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 9. Advertisers are important in media because a. media depend on them for revenue, to make a profit. b. they can pressure media outlets in which they advertise. c. they allow media more flexibility and freedom to report how they choose. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 292 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. Newspapers online a. sell enough advertising to cover their costs. b. cover all of their costs by requiring all viewers to buy a subscription. c. lose advertising revenue to services such as Google and Yahoo. d. provide content for free to services such as Google and Yahoo. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 293-294 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. The crisis faced by the newspaper industry has been caused a. when newspaper websites cannot sell enough advertising to cover their costs. b. by difficulty in making a profit with traditional print newspapers. c. by a decline in revenue as classified advertising moves online. d. when the recent economic crisis depressed advertising spending. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 292-293 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. The act of retreating behind a paywall describes a. newspapers charging for online access. b. the news industry's efforts to increase advertising revenues. c. the news industry's efforts to decrease reporters' salaries. d. newspapers seeking unpaid contributions from non-staff reporters. e. Both C and D. ANSWER: a Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media REFERENCES: 293 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. An individual or organization on the Internet that generates original articles is a. a revenue producer. b. a content aggregator. c. a content provider. d. collecting the bulk of advertising revenue. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 293 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 14. A service like that provided by Google, which searches the Internet but provides little original content, a. is considered an aggregator. b. is a not-for-profit service that others use to provide their content. c. pulls in the bulk of advertising revenue. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 293-294 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 15. In the last few years, threats to a free press around the world have included a. the kidnapping of journalists. b. the killing of journalists who report on the military or terrorism in Pakistan. c. the incarceration or murder of journalists covering the Syrian civil war. d. the murder of journalists who were critical of the Russian regime. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 293 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 16. A brief, memorable comment that can easily fit into news broadcasts is known as a. a media bite. b. a sound bite. c. a quick quote. d. a sound frame. e. a media frame. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 295 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 17. While younger voters get _______________ of their news from television, it is _____________ for older voters. a. a relatively small share; a primary source of news b. a relatively small share; completely irrelevant c. about half; a primary source of news d. about half; completely irrelevant e. most; less important as a source of news ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 295 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 18. During the 2012 elections, spending on political advertising a. was lower than usual. b. was more highly regulated than usual, due to Supreme Court decisions. c. was eclipsed by the costs of campaigns' online efforts. d. exceeded $7 billion. e. exceeded $10 billion. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 295 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. Since the "daisy girl" political advertisement in 1964, we have seen _________________ because _________________. a. a decline in negative advertising; it is perceived as having little or no effect b. a decline in negative advertising; it only harms the campaign that "goes negative" c. an increase in negative advertising; it is perceived as effective d. a decline in both positive and negative political advertising; they are perceived as ineffective e. a decline in both positive and negative political advertising; they are too costly ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 296 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 20. Negative advertising can backfire because a. it may boost the chances of a third candidate. b. the public may think poorly of a candidate who engages in negative advertising. c. the public do not pay attention to negative ads. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media d. Both A and B. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 296 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 21. A campaign might prefer coverage by the news media to political advertising because news coverage is a. free. b. seen as neutral. c. more effective in persuading voters. d. easier to control. e. None of the above ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 296 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 22. Management of news coverage by campaigns includes all of the following except a. understanding the technical aspects of media coverage. b. planning events to accommodate the press. c. granting favors to reporters and news organizations. d. hiring reporters to report the campaigns perspective through the news media. e. planning events that will be interesting as part of the news. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 296-297 NOTES: Factual 23. An interpretation of campaign events or election results that is favorable to a candidate's campaign strategy is called a. partisan framing. b. selective interpretation. c. campaign framing. d. the political twist. e. spin. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 297 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. A campaign advisor who tries to convince journalists of the truth of a particular interpretation of events is called a a. news consultant. b. flip-flopper. c. spin doctor. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media d. fact checker. e. win engineer. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 297 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 25. In an effort to spin the Affordable Care Act in a way that would benefit their side a. Republicans highlighted the initial failures of the website. b. Democrats highlighted the number of individuals who eventually signed up. c. Congress highlighted the Supreme Court upholding the law. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 297 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. The first televised presidential debate was between a. Eisenhower and Stevenson in 1956. b. Kennedy and Nixon in 1960. c. Johnson and Goldwater in 1964. d. Nixon and Humphrey in 1968. e. Nixon and McGovern in 1972. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 297 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 27. Debates during presidential primary elections a. seem to have a major effect on election outcomes. b. saw much higher than normal interest during the 2011–2012 campaign. c. have traditionally attracted little interest. d. Both A and B. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 297 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 28. Online fundraising a. saw pioneering efforts in the Ron Paul campaign. b. lead to very high fundraising totals for the Obama campaign. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media c. allows thousands of activists to act as fundraisers. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 298 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 29. Campaign blogs and podcasts a. have improved candidates’ ability to deliver their message to voters without media filter. b. have made it more difficult for candidates to control their campaigns. c. are not followed by mainstream news media. d. are sometimes created for the candidate by professional strategists. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 298-300 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 30. News blogs a. are a dangerous new invention. b. are only produced by paid journalists. c. can be produced inexpensively. d. provide the same high-quality information as traditional newspapers. e. are the main source of news to a majority of Americans. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 299 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 31. Most popular political blogs today a. are the work of single individuals. b. are the work of a team of many individuals. c. employ thousands of paid writers. d. only aggregate content from other sources. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 299-300 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 32. Online fundraising, political blogs, and podcasts all represent a. a threat to traditional media sources. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media b. a brand of politics that will likely fade quickly. c. minimally effective changes to politics. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 299-300 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 33. The United States has one of the a. freest presses in the world. b. most restricted presses in the world. c. most traditional media-based presses in the world. d. most socialistic presses in the world. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 300 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 34. The 1996 Telecommunications Act a. ended a rule prohibiting the merging of media from two different domestic markets. b. ended a rule prohibiting foreign ownership of any media in the United States. c. ended a rule prohibiting telephone companies from entering the cable business. d. created a rule prohibiting foreign ownership of any media in the United States. e. created a rule to create a publicly owned cable television provider. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 301 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. A single corporation can offer television, phone, and Internet services due to a. a key merger between a phone and cable company in the early 2000s. b. the Supreme Court supporting companies' right to make a profit by offering multiple products. c. the Telecommunications Act of 2001. d. the Telecommunications Act of 1996. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 301 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. Today, all of the major prime-time television networks are Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media a. owned by media conglomerates. b. owned by the government. c. operating independently of other forms of media. d. going bankrupt due to the Internet. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 301 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. The concerns about concentrated media ownership include a. concentration could lead to a decline in the democratic debate. b. media owners might steer the debate. c. cable news viewers will be lost to newspapers owned by the parent company. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 301 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 38. Fox News is an example of a a. successful news organization. b. news organization with a clear liberal bias. c. news organization with a clear conservative bias. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 301 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 39. The Supreme Court has been slow in extending free speech to __________, but very quick in applying such protections to ____________. a. the Internet; television b. motion pictures; the Internet c. newspapers; television d. the Internet; newspapers e. television; motion pictures ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media 40. Radio, television, wire, and cable are regulated by a. the Department of Communications. b. the states. c. the Federal Communications Commission. d. the Constitution. e. themselves, with no government oversight. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 41. Government control of media content a. has evolved over time. b. is limited by the First Amendment. c. includes a limited ability to control indecent programming. d. includes greater control over electronic media than print media. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 301-302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 42. The principle that an internet service provider (ISP) should treat all Internet traffic equally is a. network neutrality. b. web neutrality. c. network equality. d. not-for-profit networking. e. web equality. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 43. The Internet a. was developed entirely within the private market. b. began as a commercial enterprise, but was later controlled by government. c. was stolen from the Soviet Union during the Cold War. d. descended directly from U.S. Defense Department programs. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media NOTES:


44. Websites and communications services are a. liable for the actions of their users. b. largely exempt from responsibility for the actions of their users. c. rigidly controlled by the federal government. d. mostly government owned. e. controlled mostly by state governments. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 45. The principle of net neutrality is a. a proposed Constitution amendment awaiting states ratification. b. codified in a 2008 federal law. c. the result of many separate laws in the states. d. not actually written into law. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 302 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 46. The advent of broadband Internet access has led to the rise of a. a single ISP with a national monopoly. b. a great deal of competition in the broadband market. c. ISPs with local monopolies. d. a single ISP with a national monopoly. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 303 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 47. Most __________ have tried carefully to separate opinion pieces from straight news. a. political blogs b. cable news stations c. new media d. traditional media like newspapers e. Both C and D. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 303 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 48. Talk radio is almost completely dominated by a. liberals. b. conservatives. c. moderates. d. libertarians. e. socialists. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 303 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. The fairness doctrine a. was a rule about presenting controversial issues in a balanced and honest way. b. was an FCC regulation of broadcasting that was repealed in the 1980s. c. mostly prevented the kinds of talk radio programs that we see today. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 303 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 50. Television and cable networks have begun to a. self-regulate by reimplementing the principles of the fairness doctrine. b. lose viewers back to traditional media like newspapers. c. allow opinion-based programs like those found in talk radio. d. eliminate opinion journalism from their programming. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 304-305 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 51. The question of whether the fairness doctrine ought to be reestablished has been a. raised by liberals after the Democratic sweep of 2008. b. raised by conservatives as a way to make the media more balanced. c. pushed by the Democratic leaders in Congress. d. pushed by Republican leaders in Congress. e. popular among both liberals and conservatives. ANSWER: a Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media REFERENCES: 305 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 52. The U.S. government has managed to maintain some control over the Internet because a. the Supreme Court hasn't ruled on cases regarding the Internet. b. it was the Internet's original sponsor. c. it has tended to side with authoritarian countries about the need for net control. d. the Internet is not seen as part of the free market. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 304 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 53. Fears about the control of the Internet include the fear that a. the United States will give up the control that it has. b. authoritarian countries will be able to undermine Internet access in other countries. c. the United Nations will take control, giving authoritarian states more power. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 304 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 54. Studies of bias in the media have reached a. different conclusions: some found a liberal bias, while others found a conservative bias. b. a clear conclusion: there is a liberal bias in the media. c. a clear conclusion: there is a conservative bias in the media. d. a clear conclusion: there is no bias in the media. e. different conclusions: there is an ideological bias but there is no racial bias. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 305-306 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 55. Journalists are more likely to identify as a. Democrats than as Republicans. b. Republicans than as Democrats. c. Republicans than as independents. d. libertarians than as Democrats. e. libertarians than as Republicans. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 305 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 56. Public opinion polling shows that more of the public believe the media to be _________ than ___________. a. reporting too much serious news; too entertainment driven b. too entertainment driven; reporting too much serious news c. too liberal; too conservative d. too conservative; too liberal e. independent and neutral; ideologically biased ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 305 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 57. One thing that helps to diminish ideological bias in journalism is a. that the owners of media have their own biases, often in a different direction than their reporters. b. a professional code that dictates objectivity and truth. c. hiring journalists from both the right and the left, to balance reporting. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 306 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 58. The issue of media bias may be declining importance due to all of the following except a. the rise of the Internet. b. the ability of consumers to find both mainstream and alternative sources. c. a decline in consumer trust in sources that are clearly conservative or liberal. d. the ability of consumers to find both conservative and liberal sources. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 306 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 59. To become a critical news viewer, you must a. develop a critical eye for stories given prominence at the top of newspaper websites. b. visit the sites of publications with specific contrasting points of view. c. investigate the source of information in blogs. d. analyze news programs for time spent on news versus happy talk. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 307 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 60. Becoming a critical news viewer requires that you a. compare and contrast news from one source. b. compare and contrast news from many different sources. c. analyze the news from your ideological vantage point. d. analyze the news for foreign influences. e. compare and contrast the news only from American outlets. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 307 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 61. Discuss the media's role in political socialization, with a focus on how and why different generations might have been socialized differently. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 62. Evaluate the role of the media in setting the public agenda and argue whether you think it is good or bad for them to have this power. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 63. Evaluate the transition from traditional to new forms of media and discuss what effects this will have on American politics. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 64. Evaluate the role of profit in the news industry. What effects might it have on the reporting of news for these organizations to be for-profit? Assess whether this is positive or negative. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.1 - LO1 65. Contrast political advertisements with the efforts of campaigns to manage news coverage. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both of these campaign tactics? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 66. Explain the ways in which new media (Internet, blogs, podcasts) are used in campaigns. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.2 - LO2 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 10 - The Media 67. Assess the effects of media ownership being heavily concentrated in the hands of very few. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 68. Discuss the principle of net neutrality and argue whether such a principle should or should not be enforced by law. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.3 - LO3 69. What are the theories of media bias? Is there evidence to support the claims of media bias? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4 70. Describe the steps you can take to become a critical news consumer. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.10.4 - LO4

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress 1. A person who is represented by an elected representative or other political appointee is called a(n) a. registered voter. b. eligible voter. c. constituent. d. apportioned citizen. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 312 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 2. The people whom a legislator represents and spends considerable time and effort serving are called a. delegates. b. trustees. c. constituents. d. representatives. e. members. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 312 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 3. The founders of the American republic believed that most of the power that would be exercised by a national government should be in the hands of a. the chief executive. b. the legislature. c. the electoral college. d. the bureaucracy. e. the judiciary. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 312 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 4. The major function of Congress is a. enforcing laws. b. lawmaking. c. using the impeachment power. d. investigating other branches of government through oversight. e. judging whether laws are constitutional. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 313 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress NOTES:


5. The process of compromise by offering to trade support for a legislator’s bill if they support yours is called a. logrolling. b. earmarking. c. lawmaking. d. horse trading. e. pork trading. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 313 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. A representative who is performing the role of a trustee votes a. in the interest of his or her home constituents. b. in support of his or her political party agenda. c. on the basis of his or her own conscience in the broad interests of society. d. in accordance with opinion polls. e. based on vote trades. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 314 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. A representative who is performing the role of an instructed delegate is a. primarily representing the wishes of his or her constituents. b. supporting the president on all of his legislative programs. c. representing the broad interests of the entire society. d. supporting his or her political party. e. representing other members of Congress. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 314 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. A representative who votes in accordance with the wishes of his or her constituency is acting as a(n) __________, while one who pursues the best national interest, regardless of public opinion in his or her constituency, is acting as a(n) __________. a. trustee; delegate b. delegate; trustee c. trustee; ombudsperson d. delegate; ombudsperson e. ombudsperson; trustee Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 314 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 9. Oversight is the process by which Congress a. follows up on the laws it has enacted. b. reviews the actions of subcommittees. c. chooses its leadership. d. supervises the activity of the judicial branch. e. passes legislation. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 314 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. Which of the following is not a function of Congress? a. spending time serving constituents b. educating the public through hearings and debates c. carrying out and executing the laws it has passed d. representing constituents e. resolving conflicts between different groups ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 313-315 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. All of the following are enumerated or expressed powers except the power to a. impose a variety of taxes. b. coin money. c. declare war. d. create a national bank. e. establish post offices. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 315 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 12. The necessary and proper clause a. has expanded the role of the national government relative to the states. b. has increased the powers of the state governments at the expense of Congress’s powers. c. was in the original Constitution, but was eliminated as a consequence of the Twenty-Seventh Amendment. d. has served to limit the expansion of national authority. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress e. is located in the Constitution in the text of the Tenth Amendment. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 317 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 13. One major difference between the House and Senate is the total number of members. As a result a. the House will spend much more time on a bill on the floor as opposed to the Senate. b. the Senate is able to decide on the proper action on a bill quicker than the House. c. a greater number of formal rules are needed to govern activity in the House. d. House members must sit on more committees than Senators. e. a constitutional amendment has been proposed to increase the size of the House and to reduce the numbers in the Senate. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 317 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 14. The committee in the House that proposes time limitations on debate for bills is called the a. Debate Committee. b. Rules Committee. c. House Ways and Means Committee. d. Debate and Censure Committee. e. Issues Committee. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 318 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 15. The Hastert Rule in the House is a rule under which _________ will not bring a bill to the floor unless __________. a. a Republican Speaker; it has bipartisan support b. a Republican Speaker; it has the support of a majority of Republican House members c. a Democratic Speaker; it has bipartisan support d. a Democratic Speaker; it has the support of a majority of Democratic House members e. Both A and C. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 318 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 16. A filibuster is a. an attempt to prevent the passage of a bill through the use of unlimited debate. b. an attempt to persuade others to vote for a particular bill in return for a favor at a later date. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress c. used in the House to force a standing committee to release a bill. d. a method used by the Speaker of the House to promote the majority party’s legislation. e. a technique that is unique to the House. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 318 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 17. All of the following are true of the filibuster except a. it may be ended by invoking cloture. b. it can sometimes be bypassed by the reconciliation process. c. the House can overrule a filibuster by a two-thirds supermajority vote. d. traditionally, filibusters were rare. e. we have seen a rise in twenty-first-century filibustering. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 318-319 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. All of the following are true of reconciliation except a. traditionally, the use of reconciliation is rare. b. budget bills can be handled under special rules that prevent filibusters. c. reconciliation can be used to circumvent the Constitution. d. reconciliation is sometimes used when the majority party in the U.S. Senate does not have sixty votes on a measure. e. under the rules, reconciliation is only to be used on budget matters. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 318-319 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 19. The concept of cloture refers to a. a method used to defeat legislation in Congress. b. a process that attempts to limit debate on a bill in the Senate. c. closed meetings held by both parties to elect their leadership or resolve other important issues. d. action taken by the House Rules Committee that must be approved by the Speaker. e. the resolution that adjourns Congress. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 318 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 20. The process of suspending the rules of the Senate, thus ending the threat of a filibuster Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress a. has always been favored by Democrats. b. has always been favored by Republicans. c. is known as the nuclear option. d. is very popular with the public at large. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 319-320 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. In 2013, ____________ exercised the "nuclear option" to ____________. a. Senate Republicans; allow passage of the House Republican budget b. House Republicans; override President Obama's veto of the Republican budget c. Senate Democrats; allow passage of all legislation d. Senate Democrats; allow confirmation of judicial nominees e. House Democrats; allow passage of all legislation ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 319-320 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 22. The members of Congress are a. representative of the voting public in terms of income. b. representative of the voting population in terms of race. c. not representative of the voting population in terms of gender. d. not representative of the voting population in terms of political viewpoint. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 320 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 23. All of the following are true of the people who work for Congress except a. they include office clerks and assistants as well as professionals who deal with the media, draft legislation, and work with constituency requests. b. they are larger in number for House members than for Senators. c. the number has increased dramatically since 1960. d. the professional staffs provide information for members of the House and Senate. e. some of these people maintain local offices in the member’s home state or district. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 321 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress 24. Congressional caucuses are formed around a. ideological points of view such as the Tea Party and the Progressive Caucus. b. special agricultural interest such as potatoes and corn growers. c. racial or ethnic interests. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 322 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. Which of the following are represented in Congress by non-voting delegates? a. the District of Columbia b. Puerto Rico c. Guam d. Both B and C. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 322 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 26. When a popular presidential candidate leads to gains for his party in House and Senate elections, this is called a. an electoral sweep. b. the coattail effect. c. the dominant executive. d. the executive effect. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 323 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 27. In midterm congressional elections a. voter turnout increases sharply. b. the president’s political party will usually gain seats in Congress. c. voter turnout falls sharply. d. the president’s political party will be unaffected unless the president campaigns for congressional candidates. e. incumbents are more likely to lose. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 323 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress NOTES:


28. A sizable majority of ____________ who run for reelection are ____________. a. House members; defeated in party primaries b. Senators; defeated in general elections c. incumbents; defeated in party primaries d. incumbents; successful e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 323-324 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 29. Reapportionment is a. the allocation of seats in the House to each state after each census. b. the redrawing of district boundaries within each state to ensure equal district populations. c. a court order to hold new elections because of voting irregularities. d. altering a legislative formula that apportions spending among the states. e. normally a bipartisan exercise. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 324 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 30. Redistricting is a. the allocation of seats in the House to each state after each census. b. the redrawing of district boundaries within each state to ensure equal district populations. c. a court order to hold new elections because of voting irregularities. d. altering a legislative formula that apportions spending among the states. e. normally a bipartisan exercise. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 324 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 31. U.S. House districts have to be as close as possible to equal in population a. in order to make it easier to determine the winners of the several district. b. under the principle of one person, one vote. c. in order for each representative to have equal legislative power. d. in order for each representative to have an equal chance of serving on House committees. e. Both C and D. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 324 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 32. All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering except a. the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved. b. the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. c. the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. d. the tactic of gerrymandering has been used for racial discrimination. e. the practice can cause excessive manipulation of the shape of a district. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 325 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 33. Gerrymandering a. is typically used by congressional and state political party leaders to shape voting districts in such a way as to increase the chances of winning more seats. b. employs two main techniques: packing and cracking. c. is even more accurate due to the advances of computer technology. d. helps protect the seats of incumbents. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 325-327 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 34. In most states, congressional district lines are drawn a. by a small group of party leaders in the state legislature. b. by a non-partisan state panel of commissioners. c. by a non-partisan panel elected in special elections. d. by a group of retired judges elected by political party leaders. e. at a forum chaired by the state’s U.S. Senators. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 326 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. If a congressional district is challenged based on evidence that the lines were drawn as a racial gerrymander a. the U.S. Supreme Court will determine whether the evidence is sufficient to order the district lines to be redrawn. b. the U.S. House of Representatives will determine whether the evidence is sufficient to order the district lines to be redrawn. c. the U.S. Senate will determine whether the evidence is sufficient to order the district lines to be redrawn. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress d. a review committee created every two years by the president will determine whether the evidence is sufficient to order the district lines to be redrawn. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 327 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 36. Minority-majority districts a. are unconstitutional. b. were allowed after the Voting Rights Act of 1965. c. are districts in which a racial minority is the majority of the voting population. d. decrease the voting power of minority groups. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 327 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. The two houses of Congress are a. able to assume executive authority in the absence of a president. b. perfectly equal in their powers. c. organized by political party. d. organized by seniority. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 327 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 38. The most important committees in Congress are _________ committees, permanent bodies that possess an expertise resulting from their jurisdiction over certain policy areas. a. standing b. select c. joint d. conference e. legislative ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 328 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 39. A temporary legislative committee established for a limited time period and for a special purpose is a Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress a. joint committee. b. conference committee. c. standing committee. d. select committee. e. rules committee. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 329 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 40. The seniority system provides that a. members are awarded additional committee assignments in line with their seniority. b. the committee member of the majority party with the longest continuous service normally becomes the committee chairperson. c. members become party whips in order of seniority. d. members of the House can be appointed to the Senate to fill vacancies. e. the Speaker of the House is the member of the majority party with the longest continuous service. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 330 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 41. A ______________ is a permanent body established by a house of Congress, while a ______________ is appointed to reconcile difference between two different versions of the same basic bill. a. standing committee; select committee b. joint committee; conference committee c. select committee; standing committee d. standing committee; conference committee e. conference committee; joint committee ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 328-330 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 42. All of the following statements regarding the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives are true except that the Speaker a. is elected by a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives every two years. b. must be an elected member of the House. c. presides over House meetings. d. is the most influential member of the U.S. House of Representatives. e. schedules legislation for vote. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 330-333 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. The powers of the Speaker of the House include all of the following except a. presiding over meetings of the House. b. appointing members of conference committees. c. scheduling legislation for floor action. d. presiding over the conference of the majority party. e. sending legislation to the appropriate standing committee. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 331 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 44. The House majority leader is a. elected by the caucus of the majority party. b. selected by the president. c. chosen by seniority. d. chosen by the national party chairperson. e. chosen soon after their first election to Congress. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 331 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 45. The whips assist the party leaders by a. voting to support the party platform at the national convention. b. attempting to convince the general public that congresspersons should vote the party line. c. passing information to and from members of Congress in accordance with the desires of the leadership of the party. d. gathering research information. e. pressuring them to take positions popular among the party rank-and-file. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 332 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. The Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader a. influence committee assignments and schedule legislation for debate. b. are elected to these constitutional jobs by the entire House and Senate. c. are the longest-serving members of the Senate and House. d. are symbolic positions. e. All of the above are true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 330-332 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 47. The U.S. vice president also a. serves as president of the Senate. b. makes committee assignments in the Senate. c. casts tiebreaking votes in the Senate. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 332 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 48. The real leadership power in the Senate rests in the hands of the a. president of the Senate. b. president pro tempore of the Senate. c. senator designate selected by the president. d. Senate majority leader. e. speaker of the Senate. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 332 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 49. After a bill has been introduced and referred to a committee, the committee a. to which it has been referred is required to pass the bill on to the entire house. b. is not allowed to make changes in the wording of the bill. c. may hold hearings and discussions to explore the merits of the bill. d. may give some bills to a subcommittee, although the Constitution requires that subcommittee involvement in legislation not exceed 25 percent of the total congressional workload. e. is required by the Constitution to consult with the president of the United States or the president’s officially designated legislative liaison. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 50. After being reported by a committee but before being sent to the House floor, bills are given to the _________, which defines the conditions under which the bills are to be considered by the House. a. select committee Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress b. joint committee c. rules committee d. determination committee e. definitional committee ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 51. The job of a conference committee is to a. originate appropriations bills. b. reconcile House and Senate versions of a bill. c. set the rules of debate for a bill. d. determine the committee path of a bill. e. override a presidential veto. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 52. A budget prepared by the president and submitted to Congress is called the a. executive budget. b. presidential budget. c. administrative budget. d. presidential expenditures report. e. executive expenditures report. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 53. The Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 requires a. each member of Congress to inform constituents of their votes on appropriations measures. b. the president to spend the funds that Congress has appropriated. c. a balanced budget by the 2030 fiscal year. d. the president to present an executive budget. e. budgets to receive the approval of the American people before they go into effect. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 54. The federal government operates on a fiscal year that runs from Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress a. January to December. b. April to March. c. October to September. d. July to June. e. September to August. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. The annual process in which all federal programs are required to review their programs and submit requests for funding is a. the executive budgetary process. b. the fiscal year. c. the spring review. d. the fall review. e. earmarking. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 56. One of the most powerful agencies in Washington, DC, the __________ assists in the preparation of the federal budget and monitors federal agencies throughout the year. a. Council of Economic Advisers b. Office of Management and Budget c. Department of Budget and Commerce d. House Ways and Means Committee e. Senate Budget Committee ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 334 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. The formal declaration by the appropriate congressional committee that a certain amount of funding may be made available to an agency is called a. authorization. b. appropriation. c. allocation. d. reconciliation. e. consolidation. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 336 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 58. A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a(n) a. emergency resolution. b. budget extension. c. continuing resolution. d. preview budget. e. temporary budget. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 337 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. The _____________ is the legally permissible amount of debt that the federal government can take on. a. national debt b. debt ceiling c. budget deficit d. debt limit e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 338 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. In 2011, ________________ threatened to refuse to raise the debt ceiling in order to __________________. a. Senate Republicans; win significant spending cuts b. Senate Republicans; win the privatization of Social Security c. House Republicans; increase the portion of the budget dedicated to military spending d. House Republicans; win the privatization of Social Security e. House Republicans; win significant spending cuts ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 338 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 61. Compare and contrast the trustee and instructed-delegate theories of representation. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 62. Describe the enumerated or expressed power of Congress. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 11 - The Congress LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.1 - LO1 63. Compare the Hastert Rule in the House with the nuclear option in the Senate and discuss the implications of these for Congress as a democratic body. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 64. Explain the functions and rules regarding filibuster, cloture, and reconciliation. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.2 - LO2 65. Explain the idea of a minority-majority district and discuss the effects of this practice and why it may or may not be constitutional. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 66. Describe the history of the term gerrymandering and how it has been used in practice. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.3 - LO3 67. Explain the different types of committees and their functions. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 68. Explain the roles played by the members of the House and Senate leadership. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.4 - LO4 69. Explain how a bill becomes a law. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5 70. Explain the debt ceiling and discuss the ways in which it has become a political tool. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.11.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 12 - The President 1. A key difference between the Cold War and current animosity between the United States and Russia is a. the lack of a major ideological divide. b. that Russia's actions seem to be nationalist in nature. c. that Russia is more economically entangled with the West than during the Cold War. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 344 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 2. The principle concern about a new cold war is that a. Europe might abandon its alliance with the United States. b. Russia might ally itself with China. c. Russian aggression might lead to a third world war. d. communism could reassert itself as a major ideology. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 344 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 3. Which of the following is true? a. A person born in another country but becomes a U.S. citizen may run for president. b. A person born in U.S. territories is not considered a natural-born citizen. c. A person born in the United States but has lived abroad for fourteen years may not become president. d. A person born in U.S. soil or is born to American parents may become president. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 345 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 4. The Constitution states that the required minimum age for the presidency is a. twenty-five years. b. thirty years. c. thirty-five years. d. forty years. e. forty-five years. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 346 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President 5. Which of the following best describes the people who have been elected president? a. older and from western states b. primarily Catholics and Jews c. military commanders from the South d. white, male Protestants e. California natives ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 346 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 6. Which of the following is true? a. The religious faith of most all presidents have been of the Protestant tradition. b. Five presidents have been Roman Catholics. c. No presidents have been Roman Catholics. d. One president has been an avowed atheist. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 346 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 7. When no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the a. current president serves two more years and another general election is held. b. candidate who receives a plurality of the popular vote is elected. c. electors cast a second ballot to determine who will be elected. d. election is decided in the House of Representatives. e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 347 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 8. A constitutional amendment to clarify the way votes are cast in the electoral college was necessary because a. there was no way to tell which votes were for president and which were for vice president. b. there was a tie in the electoral votes in the election of 1800. c. large states did not have fair representation in the electoral college. d. in three elections no candidate received a majority of votes for the president. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 347 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President NOTES:


9. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the electoral college because a. the Constitution failed to specify that some electoral votes were for the presidency and others for the vice presidency. b. the country was very evenly split between the two. c. the electors had contrived to create a unity government. d. the electors were uncertain about whom to choose as president. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 347 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 10. The ____________ Amendment to the Constitution requires the president and vice president to be chosen separately by the electoral college. a. Ninth b. Tenth c. Twelfth d. Twenty-Fourth e. Twenty-Fifth ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 347 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. Which of the following statements about presidential elections is true? a. One can become president without winning the popular vote. b. The Twelfth Amendment requires that the president and the vice president be chosen separately. c. Twenty-one presidents have served only one term in office. d. The electoral college has twice failed to give any candidate a majority and the election was decided in the House of Representatives. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 346-347 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. The president, in the capacity as head of state, is responsible for a. determining the countries for which the United States will have diplomatic relations. b. engaging in activities that are largely symbolic or ceremonial in nature. c. conducting the foreign policy of the country. d. leading the legislative process by submitting legislation. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President e. administering the laws. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 348 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 13. In most democratic governments, the head of state is a. the chief executive officer of the nation. b. an office without any significant duties. c. the prime minister. d. someone other than the chief executive. e. the chief justice or other top judicial official. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 348 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 14. As chief executive, the president is constitutionally bound to a. enforce laws, treaties, and court orders. b. submit a balanced budget to Congress. c. inform Congress prior to any military action. d. oversee actions of state governments. e. honor pronouncements of previous presidents. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 348 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 15. The number of political appointments available to the president a. is constrained by the civil service system. b. puts the president in charge of deciding which individuals will occupy more than 50,000 jobs in government. c. allows the president to appoint a majority of the civilian appointments in the bureaucracy. d. is confined mainly to the military. e. has been dramatically limited by the use of the constitutional amendment process. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 348-349 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 16. The granting of release from punishment for a crime is called a(n) a. reprieve. b. congressional sanction. c. pardon. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President d. executive privilege. e. impeachment. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 350 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 17. With regard to presidential pardons, all of the following statements are true except a. the Supreme Court has ruled that presidents can grant pardons or reprieves for all offenses. b. presidents may grant a pardon only if the person to be pardoned has been convicted of a crime. c. President Ford pardoned President Richard Nixon for his role in the Watergate affair. d. President Carter issued a blanket pardon for Vietnam War-era military draft resisters. e. the Constitution gives the president the power to grant reprieves and pardons. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 350 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. As commander in chief, the president is a. only a symbolic leader of the military. b. the ultimate decision maker in military matters. c. allowed to make military decisions, but only with the approval of the joint chiefs of staff. d. not responsible for military decisions. e. obligated to sit on the Board of Regents for the military, naval, and air force academies. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 351 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 19. As chief diplomat, the president a. is responsible for selecting judges to federal courts. b. is responsible for all actions within the executive branch. c. selects leaders of his or her party in Congress. d. negotiates treaties, recognizes foreign governments, and makes executive agreements. e. ratifies treaties. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 352-353 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 20. Treaties are subject to _________ before becoming legally binding. a. judicial review in the Supreme Court b. ratification by a majority of the states Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President c. ratification by a majority of both houses of Congress d. ratification by a two-thirds majority of the Senate e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 352 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. Executive agreements are a. not valid in foreign policy matters unless approved by the Senate. b. agreements between the president and a head of foreign government that do not have to be approved by the Senate. c. an unconstitutional expansion of the power of the president. d. binding upon future presidents. e. used to achieve trivial matters, since the most significant issues must be addressed by the Senate. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 353 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 22. Which of the following statements about the president’s veto power is most accurate? a. The president’s veto is final and gives him or her complete control over legislation. b. Because vetoes are usually overridden, the power has become unimportant. c. The threat of a veto gives the president significant influence over Congress and legislation. d. The veto has been used by Congress to stop the president from signing legislation. e. Because vetoes are rarely overridden, the power has become unimportant. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 354 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. When the president receives a bill a. he or she can do nothing and in ten days the bill becomes a law without his or her signature. b. it automatically becomes a law. c. the bill goes back to Congress to make sure it is good enough to become a law. d. he or she can sign it and it will become law. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 354 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. A pocket veto Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President a. can be used by a president only once during a term in office, although the veto can be used twice if the president serves two terms. b. can only be used when Congress adjourns for the session within ten days of the bill being submitted to the president. c. means that the legislation cannot be reintroduced in the next Congress. d. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1936. e. is a veto in which the president does not send a veto message back to Congress. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 354 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. The line-item veto a. allows the veto of specific spending provisions in legislation. b. was found to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative powers to the executive branch by the U.S. Supreme Court. c. was used by President Bill Clinton from 1996 to 1998. d. Options A and B are true. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 356 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. Rewarding faithful party workers with government employment is called a. nepotism. b. pork barrel employment. c. executive perks. d. patronage. e. civil service. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 356-357 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 27. Presidential popularity a. is irrelevant to bureaucrats. b. has stayed within a small range since Gallup began measuring it. c. is of little concern to second-term presidents. d. is required before a president may claim executive privilege. e. is an important resource for presidents to use to persuade Congress to pass legislation. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 357 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 28. “Going public” a. means that presidents take their case to the public to persuade members of Congress to support their agenda. b. was rarely used by presidents in the 1800s. c. allows a president to explain complicated or controversial topics to voters directly. d. forces Congress to support presidential priorities. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 358 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 29. Inherent presidential powers a. depend on the statement in the Constitution that “the executive Power shall be vested in a President” and that the president should “take care that laws be faithfully executed.” b. are sometimes called expressed powers. c. are powers that come from statues or laws passed by Congress. d. include the power to veto legislation. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 360 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 30. All of the following are true of emergency powers except a. they have allowed presidents to exercise their powers during times of crisis, particularly in foreign affairs. b. they were used by President Truman when he authorized the seizure of steel plants during the Korean War. c. the Supreme Court ruled against President Truman’s use of the emergency powers when he seized the steel plants during the Korean War. d. the Supreme Court upheld Truman’s seizing of the steel plants in the Korean War. e. emergency powers were used by Lincoln during the Civil War. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 360 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 31. Executive orders a. issued by the president have the force of law. b. are used to enforce legislative statutes. c. represent the president's legislative power. d. have been used to establish rules for the executive administrative agencies. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 360 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 32. Executive orders have been used to a. implement affirmative action regulations. b. restructure the White House bureaucracy. c. fight the war on terrorism. d. raise fuel efficiency standards of cars and trucks. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 361 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 33. Executive privilege a. involves the ability of the president and executive branch officials to withhold certain information from Congress and the courts. b. means that members of the executive branch cannot be prosecuted for official acts. c. is the concept that has been applied to the president’s use of the pocket veto. d. allows the president discretion in making political appointments. e. was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1974. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 361 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 34. Presidents have frequently invoked _____________ to avoid disclosing to Congress about the activities of the executive branch. a. executive secrecy b. the Nixon rule c. executive privilege d. strict scrutiny e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 361 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 35. The impeachment process begins with charges in ________ and concludes with a trial in ________. a. the House of Representatives; the Senate Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President b. the Senate; the House of Representatives c. both houses of Congress; the Supreme Court d. the Supreme Court; the Senate e. the Supreme Court; the House of Representatives ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 362 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. In the history of the United States, no president has ever a. been impeached and acquitted. b. died while in office. c. been impeached and convicted. d. resigned. e. been impeached. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 362-363 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 37. A signing statement a. is a written declaration that a president may make when signing a bill into law. b. usually points to sections of a law that the president thinks may be unconstitutional. c. must accompany treaties submitted to the Senate by the president when seeking advice and consent. d. Options A and B are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 362 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. The following two presidents are the only ones in American history to have actually been impeached: a. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton b. Richard Nixon and Franklin Roosevelt c. Andrew Johnson and William McKinley d. Thomas Jefferson and Martin Van Buren e. Andrew Johnson and Jimmy Carter ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 362 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 39. The advisory group selected by a president to give counsel and aid in decision making is Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President a. the locker. b. the executive advisory board. c. the executive council. d. the cabinet. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 363 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 40. Informal advisors to the president are called a. FOP, or Friends of the President. b. the kitchen cabinet. c. the Executive Counsel. d. the cabinet. e. the brain trust. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 363 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 41. All of the following are true of the president’s cabinet except a. they are usually members of the president’s political party. b. they usually have some experience in the area of the cabinet position. c. they are heads of executive departments. d. it is thoroughly detailed in the Constitution as to what the cabinet should do. e. the cabinet is an advisory group selected by the president to aid in making decisions. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 363-364 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 42. The members of the cabinet a. are friends of the president that he or she invites to conferences on specific issues. b. are expressly identified in the Constitution. c. are all department secretaries who oversee administrative functions for the president. d. may include the vice president and other advisors if the president chooses to include them. e. are limited to one presidential term and then leave government service. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 363 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President 43. A president's consultations with the cabinet are a. required by federal law. b. required by the Constitution. c. funneled through the vice president, as demanded by the Constitution. d. entirely at the discretion of the president. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 363 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 44. In general, ______________ have relied heavily on the advice of the cabinet. a. both the House and Senate b. few presidents c. many presidents d. nearly all presidents e. Both A and D. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 364 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 45. The organization created by President Franklin Roosevelt to assist in carrying out major presidential duties is a. the Executive Office of the President. b. the Presidential Bureaucratic Office. c. the Administrative Office of the Executive. d. the Office of Executive Action. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 364 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. The White House Office, the National Security Council, and the Office of Management and Budget are all part of a. the kitchen cabinet. b. the cabinet. c. the Executive Office of the President. d. the Council of Presidential Advisors. e. the system of checks on executive power. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 364-366 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President 47. Staff members in the Executive Office of the President who oversee a particular policy area are commonly referred to as a. emperors. b. czars. c. dictators. d. autocrats. e. aristocrats. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 364 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 48. The office that includes most of the key personal and political advisers to the president is the a. Council of Economic Advisers. b. cabinet. c. Executive Presidential Office. d. White House Office. e. Domestic Policy Council. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 365 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 49. The person who directs the White House Office and advises the president is a. the vice president. b. the head of office. c. the chief of staff. d. the senior member of Congress form the president's party. e. the Secretary of the Interior. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 365 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 50. The Office of Management and Budget a. is a non-partisan department. b. clearly affects the greater scope of the federal budget. c. publishes the budgets prepared by Congress. d. helps the president prepare the annual budget. e. is currently in the Department of the Treasury. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 365 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 51. The National Security Council is a link between a. Congress and the president. b. leaders of foreign governments and the president. c. the Security and Exchange Commission and the president. d. key foreign and military advisors and the president. e. state governments and the president. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 366 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 52. Presidential candidates have asked individuals to join the ticket as vice presidential candidates for all of the following reasons except a. to balance the ticket by region or political philosophy. b. to attract groups of voters or appease party factions. c. to reinforce one of the presidential candidate’s strong points. d. to shore up the presidential candidate’s perceived weaknesses. e. to serve as a co-president. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 366 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 53. The Constitution gives the vice president a. the job of presiding over the Senate and voting in case of a tie. b. many responsibilities independent of presidential authority. c. the job of chief of staff to the president. d. the right to use the veto if he or she has the approval of the president. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 366 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 54. When a vice president exercises a large degree of power, it is because a. he or she is taking advantage of the power given to him or her by the Constitution. b. he or she has been temporarily granted additional powers by the Congress. c. the Supreme Court has expanded vice presidential power in recent decades. d. he or she has the support of the president in doing so. e. None of the above. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 366 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. A vice president may become president a. when a president resigns. b. when a president is impeached and convicted. c. when a president dies. d. after winning a presidential election. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 367-368 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 56. According to the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, if a president’s ability to discharge his or her normal functions is in question and he or she is unable to communicate a. the Supreme Court is empowered to select a physician to certify whether or not the president is able to perform the functions of his or her office. b. the Speaker of the House becomes acting president until the matter is resolved. c. a majority of the cabinet, including the vice president, can declare the president incapable. d. the president must be permanently removed from office. e. the vice president has the exclusive power to determine the president’s capability. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 367 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. If the office of vice president becomes vacant a. it remains unfilled until the next election, and the Speaker of the House becomes president if the president dies. b. the president nominates a replacement who must be approved by both chambers of Congress. c. the president names a replacement that is not subject to congressional approval. d. the president nominates a replacement who must be approved by the Senate. e. the secretary of state becomes vice president. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 368 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 58. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment a. was first used when President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President b. has never been used. c. was a result of the long illness of President Carter. d. is only used when the Constitution explicitly says that it is applicable. e. was used by President Nixon when he appointed Ford as vice president. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 368 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. After the vice president, next in the line of succession is _____________, followed by _____________. a. the Speaker of the House; the secretary of state b. the secretary of state; the Speaker of the House c. the Speaker of the House; the president pro tempore of the Senate d. the president pro tempore of the Senate; the Speaker of the House e. the secretary of state; the president pro tempore of the Senate ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 368 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. According to the ___________, the Speaker of the House of Representatives assumes the presidency when both the presidency and vice presidency are vacant. a. Second Article of the Constitution b. Presidential Succession Act of 1947 c. Congressional Joint Resolution on Presidential Succession d. Twelfth Amendment e. Twenty-Fifth Amendment ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 368 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 61. Describe the requirements and the process for becoming president. Include an explanation of the changes to that process after the passage of the Twelfth Amendment in 1824. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 62. Discuss the issue of what it means to be a "natural-born citizen" and how this affects the politics of the presidency. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.1 - LO1 63. Describe the difference between the president’s role as chief diplomat and head of state. Provide examples to support your argument. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 12 - The President LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 64. Describe the evolution of the president’s wartime powers, providing examples from various military activities through American history. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 65. Compare the president's veto power to the pocket veto and line-item veto. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 66. Analyze the president’s functions as party chief and superpolitician. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.2 - LO2 67. Explain the concept of executive privilege and how it has been used by the presidents. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 68. Analyze the circumstances in which impeachment has been used throughout U.S. history. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.3 - LO3 69. Contrast the importance of the cabinet and the Executive Office of the President. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.4 - LO4 70. Detail the reasons and ways in which a vice president may assume the presidency, without actually winning election to that office. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.12.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy 1. Congress's power to levy an income tax a. only came about in 1913. b. was built into the Constitution in 1787. c. was granted by the Sixteenth Amendment. d. was granted by the Twentieth Amendment. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 372 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 2. The concept of a bureaucracy a. isn’t unique to government. b. applies to large corporations and universities. c. applies to the U.S. military d. applies to any large organization that requires a division of labor. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 374 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. The Endangered Species Act is a. supported by citizens who believe in wildlife preservation. b. cited by some as an example of infringement on the rights of landowners. c. an example of the tension between the desire for small government and the desire for benefits large government can provide. d. an example of a law with bureaucratic implications. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 374 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 4. Bureaucracy is the name given to a. a large organization, structured hierarchically, that carries out specific functions. b. any organization that has major problems when attempting to accomplish its goals. c. a group of people who work to enforce policies in a way that prevents quick results. d. any large branch of a government that has power to interpret laws. e. government organizations, but not to corporate or university organizations. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 374 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy NOTES:


5. One of the important differences between public bureaucracies and private corporations is that government bureaucracies a. are not organized to make a profit, whereas private corporations are. b. have a single set of leaders, whereas private corporations do not. c. are much larger than private corporations. d. are not intended to serve the citizenry as private corporations are. e. present an opportunity for career advancement, whereas private corporations do not. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 374 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 6. According to Max Weber, a bureaucracy should be all of the following except a. an apolitical organization. b. an organization made up of unspecialized staff to avoid delays in policy implementation. c. an organization where decisions are based on logic and analysis. d. an organization that makes promotions on the basis of merit, not politics. e. an organization that applies similar decisions to similar situations. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 375 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. According to the Weberian model of bureaucracy, bureaucrats a. are specialists who resolve problems. b. are lured by the need to gain power. c. are inefficient because of a lack of competition. d. try to maximize the size of their budgets. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 375 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. The acquisitive model of bureaucracy holds that a. decision making should be a rational process. b. advancement should be based on merit. c. leaders of bureaucracies seek expanded budgets and larger staffs. d. bureaucracies should apply similar decisions to similar situations. e. bureaucracies should hold hearings before taking action. ANSWER: c Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy REFERENCES: 375 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 9. The monopolistic model of bureaucracy states that a. bureaucracies have no competitors and are therefore inefficient. b. decision making should be a rational process. c. advancement should be based on merit. d. bureaucracies seek expanded budgets and increased size. e. bureaucracies should apply similar decisions to similar situations. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 375 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. The idea that bureaucracies will try to increase their budgets and expand their power is common in a. the Weberian view of bureaucracy. b. the acquisitive view of bureaucracy. c. the monopolistic view of bureaucracy. d. the New Deal view of bureaucracy. e. All of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 375 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 11. The number of federal government employees has a. increased significantly in the last several decades. b. remained relatively stable for the last several decades. c. decreased substantially in the last ten years. d. grown to exceed the number of local government employees. e. grown to exceed the number of state government employees. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 376 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 12. The percentage of the total U.S. workforce that is employed by local, state, and federal governments is a. 10 percent. b. 25 percent. c. 16 percent. d. 50 percent. e. 6 percent. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 377 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 13. Government employment grew rapidly until a. the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. b. the Great Depression. c. the 2000 election of George W. Bush. d. World War I. e. the Civil War. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 377 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 14. The two bodies that employ by far the largest number of federal civilian employees are a. the Executive Office of the President and the judiciary. b. the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. c. the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Food and Drug Administration. d. the Department of Energy and the Federal Reserve System. e. the U.S. Postal Service and the Department of Defense. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 377 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 15. Which of the following statements are true about federal spending? a. The Social Security Administration administers Social Security and Medicare benefits. b. The U.S. Postal Service employees comprise 50 percent of the federal workforce. c. The U.S. Postal Service has been self-supporting for decades. d. About 50 percent of all government spending goes to the elderly each year. e. Veteran’s services make up about 5 percent of annual federal spending. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 377 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 16. Which part of the federal government employs most of the government’s staff? a. judiciary b. legislative branch c. federal courts d. executive branch Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy e. Internal Revenue Service ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 376 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 17. Any one of the fifteen major parts of the executive branch would be a(n) a. independent regulatory agency. b. independent executive agency. c. cabinet department. d. government corporation. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. All of the following statement are true about cabinet departments except a. there are fifteen cabinet departments. b. new cabinet departments are created by the president. c. cabinet departments perform government functions such as printing money and training troops. d. the most recent department to be created was the Department of Homeland Security. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 19. Parts of government that are directly accountable to the president are called a. line organizations. b. independent regulatory agencies. c. Weberian bureaucratic units. d. monopolistic bureaucratic units. e. government corporations. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 20. The major cabinet departments of government were created a. through congressional legislation. b. when the Constitution was initially ratified. c. by constitutional amendments. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy d. by executive order. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. Which of the following is not one of the four major types of structures within the executive branch? a. independent regulatory agencies b. cabinet departments c. privatized bureaucracies d. government corporations e. independent executive agencies ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 380-386 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 22. Independent executive agencies are a. the most recent cabinet departments. b. responsible for regulating major aspects of the economy. c. federal agencies that are not part of cabinet departments, but report directly to the president. d. responsible directly to Congress. e. staffed entirely by political appointees. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 23. An independent regulatory agency exists ____________ and is responsible for creating rules and regulations _______________. a. within a major cabinet department; within a specific policy area b. within a major cabinet department; across a variety of policy areas c. outside of a major cabinet department; within a specific policy area d. outside of a major cabinet department; across a variety of policy areas e. Both B and D. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 380 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 24. The Social Security Administration, Small Business Administration, and the Smithsonian Institution are examples of a. cabinet departments. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy b. independent executive agencies. c. independent regulatory agencies. d. government corporations. e. corporations subject to regulation. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 382 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 25. Independent regulatory agencies a. are administered independently of all three branches. b. make rules that have the force of law. c. provide enforcement of the rules they have passed. d. decide disputes over the rules they have made. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 380-384 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 26. When the industry that is being regulated gains control over the agency that is supposed to regulate it, the process is called a. cooption. b. capture. c. complacency. d. collusion. e. pork. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 383 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 27. The Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are all examples of a. cabinet departments. b. independent regulatory agencies. c. government corporations d. independent executive agencies. e. corporations subject to regulation. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 383 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy 28. Amtrak, the U.S. Postal Service, and the FDIC are examples of a. cabinet departments. b. independent executive agencies. c. independent regulatory agencies. d. government corporations e. private corporations. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 385 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 29. Which of the following statements is true about government corporations? a. Profits from government corporations are distributed as dividends. b. Government corporations must pay taxes on profits. c. Government corporations do not employee many people. d. You can invest in both a private corporation and a government corporation. e. Government corporations do not usually have any stockholders. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 384 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 30. The FDIC can take over a private bank by a. purchasing the bank directly from its owner. b. purchasing preferred stock in the bank to keep the bank afloat while a new owner is found. c. stacking government employees on the bank’s board of directors. d. taking the bank’s profits and giving them to depositors. e. closing the bank and opening a shopping mall in that location. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 385 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 31. In 2008, the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP) a. was used to create the government-sponsored enterprises, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. b. provided bailouts to homeowners who were upside down in their home loans. c. was the first time the government intervened in a business failure in American history. d. provided a bailout to banks, automobile companies, and the AIG insurance company. e. helped small businesses expand during the economic downturn. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 385 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy NOTES:


32. Which of the following is true of political appointees? a. The president makes political appointments to most of the top jobs in the federal bureaucracy. b. Ambassadors to foreign countries are political appointees. c. Their powers are often exaggerated. d. Most have little background for their positions and may be mere figureheads e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 387 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 33. All of the following statements about political appointees are true except a. they have been called the “aristocracy” of the federal government. b. they are sometimes appointed as a reward for campaign contributions or other political favors. c. they will probably occupy their position for a brief time compared to career civil servants. d. career civil servants sometimes ignore their wishes. e. their major source of authority is the ease with which they can fire civil servants. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 387 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 34. The spoils system is sometimes called a. nepotism. b. political capital. c. patronage. d. the civil service. e. the Pendleton system. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 387-388 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. The spoils system of bureaucratic appointments was first implemented by a. President John Adams. b. President Franklin Roosevelt. c. President Bill Clinton. d. President Richard Nixon. e. President Andrew Jackson. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 387-388 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. The merit system refers to a. the selection, retention, and promotion of government employees on the basis of examinations. b. a system of checks on Congress intended to prevent discrimination. c. a process of selecting policies based on their value. d. a system that was used for hiring bureaucrats under Andrew Jackson. e. using work experience in lieu of educational qualifications when applying for federal positions. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 388 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 37. The Pendleton Act a. extended federal civil service protections to the states. b. reorganized the federal government and exempted a substantial number of government employees from civil service protections. c. increased the number of government employees selected by the spoils system. d. established the principle of employment on the basis of open competitive examinations. e. established a merit system during the Civil War. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 388 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. All of the following statements about the civil service are true except a. civil service positions are filled based on networking and political connections. b. civil service jobs are filled based on political party affiliation. c. reform of the civil service first began under President Jimmy Carter in 1978. d. since 1993, civil service employees are allowed to participate in voter registration drives. e. today, civil service employees may make donations to political campaigns. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 387-388 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 39. The Hatch Act, adopted by Congress in 1939, was created to a. encourage federal employees to run for state but not federal government. b. prohibit federal employees from switching political parties. c. prohibit federal employees from active involvement in political campaigns. d. increase federal employee participation in running voter registration drives. e. establish a patronage system during the Great Depression. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 389 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 40. The Federal Employees Political Activities Act of 1993 allows federal employees to a. run in non-partisan elections. b. participate in voter registration drives. c. make campaign contributions. d. campaign for candidates in partisan elections. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 389 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 41. The Government in the Sunshine Act required that a. all federal agencies run by committees conduct their business regularly in public session. b. all federal agencies terminate after five years unless Congress grants the agency an extension. c. all federal agencies hold at least half of their public meeting outside of Washington, DC. d. at least 40 percent of upper-level positions within an agency be filled by females or ethnic minorities. e. all federal agency meetings on personnel problems or court proceedings be held in public session. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 389 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 42. The Freedom of Information Act a. requires government agencies to notify the media if they are exceeding their budget for the fiscal year. b. requires federal agencies to disclose information on file about an individual to that individual upon his or her request. c. provides for a statute of limitations on the Government in the Sunshine Act. d. requires executive agencies to release information to congressional oversight committees. e. was repealed after 9/11. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 389-390 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 43. All of the following are true of the Freedom of Information Act except a. requests for information can come from news organizations as well as from individuals. b. reporters have gotten information that has uncovered waste, scandals, and incompetence. c. since the 9/11 terrorists attacks the government has been even more open about giving out information so that Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy people will know of terrorist threats. d. information on Internet sites, in public libraries, and from the reading rooms in various federal government departments have been removed since the 9/11 terrorists acts. e. the removal of information by state and local governments may be challenged in court once the threat of terrorism has decreased. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 389-390 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 44. All of the following statements are true about Sunset legislation except a. all federal legislation must incorporate Sunset provisions of ten years. b. legislation with Sunset provisions must be reauthorized at the end of the designated period or the program created by the legislation will end. c. Sunset provisions were first recommended during the creation of President Roosevelt’s New Deal agencies. d. many state governments have adopted Sunset provisions in legislation. e. Sunset provisions allow Congress and state legislatures to revisit legislation at a later date to determine if the legislation needs revision or should be abandoned. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 390 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 45. The concept of privatization refers to a. the replacement of government services with services provided by private firms. b. federal loan guarantees for small businesses. c. the hiring practices of the civil service. d. the replacement of federal government services with state or local government services. e. reducing the number of levels in the federal hierarchy. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 390 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 46. Privatization of government services has been most successful a. when the economy is strong. b. when the economy is weak. c. at the local level. d. at the federal level. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 391 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy NOTES:


47. Many contend that the Internet has a. improved the efficiency of government agencies. b. reduced the cost of government. c. scattered government information in too many places. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 391 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. All of the following are true of national ID cards except a. the American public has never accepted the concept of a national ID card. b. many other countries in the world require citizens to obtain a national ID card. c. the lack of ID is a burden on the world’s poorest people. d. national ID cards are not privacy concerns because they cannot collect data. e. a national ID card might be a convenient way to avoid having to carry different types of identification such as a driver’s license and a Social Security card. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 391 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 49. The Whistleblower Protection Act a. allows whistleblowers to take time off from their jobs if they are concerned with actions of their supervisors. b. allows the government to prosecute whistleblowers whose accusations have been unfounded. c. penalizes federal bureaucrats who participate in political activities. d. prohibits reprisals against whistleblowers by their superiors. e. for the first time established a relatively swift method for firing civil servants. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 391 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 50. Which of the following is true? a. A release of classified information that may endanger American soldiers is called whistleblowing. b. A release of classified information that may endanger American soldiers is called a leak. c. A release of information that calls attention to inefficiency or illegal action is called whistleblowing. d. The Obama administration has charged fewer people with leaking government secrets than most previous presidencies. e. Options B and C are true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 391-393 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 51. Enabling legislation a. provides appropriations to federal agencies. b. is proposed by departments wishing to increase their budgets. c. is enacted by the president. d. provides authorization for new federal agencies. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 393 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 52. Bureaucratic agencies often decide for themselves how to carry out the wishes of Congress because a. legislation is often too vague to effectively guide the bureaucracy. b. presidents want to use the bureaucracy to circumvent Congress. c. they are enabled to do so by the legislation itself. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 393-395 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 53. After a bureaucratic regulation is proposed a. it is published in the Federal Register. b. a sixty-day waiting period occurs to allow Congress to overturn the regulation. c. the regulation can be challenged in court by directly interested parties. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 395 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 54. Controversy arose during the Bush administration when _____________ refused to issue regulations to implement _____________. a. the Department of Education; No Child Left Behind b. the Environmental Protection Agency; the Clean Air Act c. the Department of Labor; card check legislation Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy d. the U.S. Postal Service; fiscal sustainability e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 395 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. Through negotiated rulemaking, federal agencies have begun encouraging businesses and public interest groups to become directly involved in a. taking responsibility for their own self-regulation. b. drafting the regulations that affect them. c. lobbying Congress to relax regulations. d. lobbying the president concerning bureaucratic reorganization. e. administering regulations. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 395-396 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 56. An iron triangle includes all of the following except a. public opinion. b. bureaucratic agencies. c. interest groups. d. congressional legislators. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 396 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. Iron triangles are made up of a. economic interests, citizen activists, and government interest groups. b. lobbyists, interest groups, and court cases used to promote government action to help the interest of these groups. c. interest groups, legislators, and members of the bureaucracy working to promote and protect their mutual interests. d. political parties, interest groups, and voters who want their candidates to win. e. citizens who have contacted members of Congress, presidential advisors, and members of the federal bureaucracy. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 396 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy 58. A group of individuals including legislators and their staffs, bureaucrats, interest group leaders, and experts, all advocating for a policy position, is a. a bureaucratic council. b. an iron triangle. c. an issue network. d. a policy network. e. an issue pole. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 397 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 59. Congressional control over the bureaucracy a. can result in congressional hearings. b. includes the ability to force bureaucrats to testify before Congress. c. includes its power to refuse funding to administrative agencies. d. is met with skepticism by many pundits. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 397 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. The federal government must release at your request any information it has about you or other subjects due to a. the Freedom of Information Act. b. the Bureaucratic Transparency Act. c. the Bureaucratic Freedom Act. d. the Informational Transparency Act. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 398 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 61. Discuss the ways in which the bureaucracy has grown and shrunk over the history of the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 62. Describe the different models of bureaucracy. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.1 - LO1 63. Describe three of the four following organizations of the executive branch: cabinet departments, independent executive agencies, independent regulatory agencies, or government corporations. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 13 - The Bureaucracy ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 64. Define the idea of an independent regulatory agency and discuss what these agencies do and why. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.2 - LO2 65. Discuss the ways in which the political participation and affiliation of federal employees has changed under the spoils system, the Hatch Act, and the 1993 Federal Employees Political Activities Act. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 66. Describe the evolution of the civil service with particular emphasis on legislation that implemented reforms in government employment policies. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.3 - LO3 67. Describe the difference between Sunshine laws and Sunset provisions. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 68. Explain both sides of the issue of the privatization of government. Provide examples of ways privatization might make government more efficient and some of the unintended consequences of privatization. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.4 - LO4 69. Explain the concepts of iron triangles and issue networks. What could be done to change the iron triangles? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5 70. Describe the manner(s) in which Congress attempts to control the bureaucracy. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.13.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts 1. Alexis de Tocqueville, an observer of nineteenth-century American society, indicated that Americans rely on courts a. to resolve political questions. b. very rarely when compared to Europe. c. only if there is no other alternative. d. to resolve economic questions, but not political ones. e. to provide a form of entertainment. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 403 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 2. In the United States a. the judiciary is not part of the political arena. b. judges interpret the law becoming actors in the political arena. c. judges work outside of the political system to resolve disputes. d. judges are not policymakers when they interpret the law. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 403 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. Most American law is based on a. French philosophy regarding the rights of man. b. the Bible. c. the English common law tradition. d. Roman law. e. the writings of Thomas Jefferson. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 403 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 4. A previous court decision that influences and is the basis for deciding later, similar cases is called a. a precedent. b. criminal law. c. a judicial maxim. d. common law. e. statutory law. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 403 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts 5. The doctrine of stare decisis a. means to reverse the decision of a lower court. b. says that the court does not have jurisdiction in a case. c. allows the court to refer a case to the next highest court. d. is the policy of following precedent established by past decisions to decide cases. e. means strict interpretation. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 403 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. Most court cases are decided on precedent because a. it is important to set a uniform common set of rules for the country. b. judges would rather play it safe and reuse old decisions. c. it is easier for recording-keeping purposes. d. the established body of judge-made law covers all cases that might come up. e. Options B and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 403-404 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 7. Sources of American law include all of the following except a. the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions. b. case law. c. statutes passed by legislatures. d. administrative regulations. e. the charter of the United Nations. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 403-404 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. The U.S. Constitution a. is the supreme law of the land. b. is subordinate to state constitutions in many matters. c. does not specify the details of state and federal powers, instead leaving that up to Congress. d. outlines the details of various state criminal codes. e. outlines the details of court case law. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 404 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts NOTES:


9. With regard to constitutions a. the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. b. state constitutions are supreme within state borders, unless they conflict with the U.S. Constitution. c. the state constitution of one state may affect law in another state. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 404 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. Judicial interpretations of common law principles and doctrines, constitutional law, statutory law, and administrative law is a. called case law. b. called judicial review. c. a power of federal but not state courts. d. a power of state but not federal courts. e. not permitted of any court in the United States. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 404 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. The United States has a dual court system, meaning there are a. civil and criminal courts. b. misdemeanor and felony courts. c. state and federal courts. d. state and local courts. e. district and territorial courts. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 405 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 12. Which of the following are important requirements that must be met before a case can be brought to court? a. issues must be political questions b. jurisdiction and standing to sue c. precedents and stare decisis d. judicial maxims e. requirements for legislation ANSWER: b Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts REFERENCES: 405 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 13. Jurisdiction refers to a. rules and principles announced in court decisions. b. the authority of a court to hear and decide a particular class of cases. c. the constitutionality of a law. d. statutory law. e. common law. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 14. A question that has to do with the U.S. Constitution, acts of Congress, or treaties is known as a __________ question. a. justiciable b. political c. federal d. national e. legal ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 15. Standing to sue is a. determined by whether or not a court has jurisdiction over the matter. b. determined by whether or not the Supreme Court will hear a case. c. determined by whether or not a person or group has suffered harm as a result of the action that led to the dispute in question. d. the decorum that is expected in dealing with the Supreme Court during trial. e. also known as stare decisis. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 16. A class-action suit is one in which a. every person with standing to sue does so simultaneously. b. a suit is brought by one or more people which seeks damages for all who are similarly affected. c. standing to sue is based on socio-economic class. d. Both A and C. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 17. Almost all cases involving civil liberties or racial or gender discrimination are brought to trial by a. a single individual plaintiff. b. interest groups. c. the federal government. d. state governments. e. None of the above. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. The term amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief refers to a. arguments by those interested in the outcome of a case but who are not parties to the case. b. a request that the Supreme Court order a lower court to send up the records of a case. c. a Supreme Court order barring further testimony during oral arguments. d. the belief that the Supreme Court should actively practice judicial review. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 406 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 19. U.S. district courts a. are courts of intermediate appellate courts. b. have final appellate jurisdiction to review cases. c. are the state courts. d. are the trial courts of the federal system. e. are courts of limited jurisdiction. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 407 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. In the appeals court a. witnesses and testimony are presented to the jury. b. grand juries decide if there is enough evidence to have a trial. c. attorneys from both sides try to work out an agreement. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts d. judges review lower court case records to determine if there is evidence of an error. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 408 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 21. The U.S. Supreme Court can review a state supreme court decision a. if there are damages in excess of $50,000. b. only if a federal question is involved. c. if the solicitor general asks them to do so. d. in all cases. e. in cases in which the state is a party. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 409 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. The Supreme Court can serve as a trial court of original jurisdiction in cases a. in which a state is a party. b. affecting foreign diplomats. c. involving a civil liberties complaint. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 409 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 23. The number of justices on the Supreme Court a. is set by the Constitution. b. is set by the president. c. used to be six, but is currently nine. d. used to be fifteen, but is currently nine. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 409 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 24. The FISA court can a. issue warrants without revealing the information used to justify the warrant. b. deprive American citizens of their citizenship. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts c. rule laws enacted by Congress to be unconstitutional. d. strike certain provisions from the Constitution. e. direct the president to take certain actions in order to protect national security. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 409 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act that created an alien removal court was passed a. in 1996 as a response to the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City. b. in 2001 as a response to the 911 attacks in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania. c. in 2010 as a solution to dealing with prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. d. in 2000 as a response to the attack of the naval ship, the USS Cole. e. in 1993 as a response to the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 410 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 26. The right to appeal one's case to the U.S. Supreme Court a. only exists to criminal cases. b. only exists in federal cases. c. only exists in cases where someone has been sentenced to death. d. exists in all cases. e. is almost entirely at the court's discretion. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 412 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 27. The Supreme Court’s decision to take a case is based on the following factor: a. if there is disagreement between how different lower courts decided the legal question b. if a lower court’s ruling conflicts with a previous ruling by the Supreme Court c. if the Court determines the issue has significance beyond the parties in the dispute d. if the solicitor general, representing the president, requests that the Court hear the case e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 412 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 28. The most common way for the Supreme Court to take care of cases appealed to it is to a. decide on the case but not give an opinion. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts b. refuse to hear a case. c. grant a mistrial. d. hear the case. e. return it to the state court. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 412 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 29. A procedure used by the Supreme Court in determining which cases it will hear is a. the rule of four. b. the gang of four. c. the sign of four. d. the rule of six. e. the sign of five. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 412 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 30. A writ of certiorari by the Supreme Court orders a. both parties in a case to reach agreement without further litigation. b. state courts to abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court. c. a lower court to send up the record of a case for review. d. Congress to rewrite unconstitutional legislation. e. a prisoner to be brought before the court and the reasons for the detention to be provided. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 412 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 31. If a case is remanded, it a. is sent to the supreme court of the state in question. b. is sent back to the court that originally heard the case. c. can only be of a civil nature—criminal cases cannot be remanded. d. must be decided within the calendar year. e. is not subject to any further action by the courts. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 32. If a case is affirmed, it Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts a. means all justices unanimously agree on an opinion. b. is sent back to the court that heard the case. c. means the decision is valid and must stand. d. will result in a new trial for the defendant. e. is accepted as a case that the Supreme Court will hear. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 33. The last step in the decision-making process of the Supreme Court is a. announcing its decision to the public and the reasons for it. b. assigning a justice to write an opinion. c. deciding if the Court will hear the case. d. hearing oral arguments in the case. e. asking the lower court to send the records of the case for review. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. An opinion prepared by a judge who supports the court's decision but wishes to in some way clarify, emphasize, or offer different reasons is a. a majority opinion. b. a dissenting opinion. c. a concurring opinion. d. a plurality opinion. e. a unanimous opinion. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. A plurality opinion is one in which a. all of the justices agree with the decision and reasoning behind it. b. a justice agrees with the majority but wants to highlight or emphasize particular principles. c. the court reaches a decision with a combination of minority decisions. d. a justice writes an opinion disagreeing with the decision of the court. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts 36. A dissenting opinion can be important because it a. represents the position of the chief justice of the Supreme Court. b. is the statement of the defendant’s attorney to the Court. c. must be carried out by local police in criminal law. d. often forms the basis of the arguments used later to reverse the previous decision and establish a new precedent. e. means that the case cannot be used as a precedent. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 37. The number of cases that the Supreme Court reviews each term has a. increased dramatically since the early 1950s. b. hovered around 150 cases since the mid-1980s. c. remained constant since the Civil War. d. dropped significantly since the 1980s. e. increased 50 percent after George W. Bush became president. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 413 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 38. Judges and justices in the federal court system are a. appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. b. appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives. c. appointed by the president with the advice and consent of both houses of Congress. d. part of a seniority system that gradually moves them toward the Supreme Court. e. elected by the people every ten years. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 414 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 39. Federal judges a. serve lifetime terms. b. are appointed by the president. c. may be impeached and removed from office. d. are approved by the Senate. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 414 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 40. In order to insulate the courts from ____________, the founders ensured that federal judges are _____________. a. popular passions; chosen in a secret process b. popular passions; appointed for life c. Congress; elected by the people d. the President; chosen by Congress e. corruption; accountable for their decisions through re-appointment ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 415 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 41. The concept of senatorial courtesy refers to the a. Senate approving judges only if they belong to the same party that is in control of the Senate. b. practice of allowing senators to have the exclusive right to nominate candidates for the federal district courts in their state. c. practice of allowing members of the House to participate in the nomination process. d. practice of allowing senators to veto candidates for federal district courts in their state. e. Senate’s deferring to the president and routinely approving his or her nominees. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 414 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 42. Appointments to the federal courts of appeal are a. far less numerous than federal district court appointments. b. usually selected because of their important position in state government. c. less important than federal district court appointments. d. often “stepping-stones” to the Supreme Court. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 415 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 43. The chief justice of the Supreme Court has all of the following powers/responsibilities except a. chairing the Judicial Conference of the United States. b. serving as the executive of the judiciary bureaucracy. c. appointing the head of the Administrative Office of U.S. courts. d. enforcing the Court's decisions through the Federal Judiciary Enforcement Bureau. e. All of the above are true. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 416-417 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 44. All of the following are true about presidential appointments to the Supreme Court except a. presidents usually appoint people who belong to the president’s political party. b. presidents see their appointments as a way to institutionalize their political views long after they have left office. c. Republican presidents have usually appointed liberal justices. d. President Bush appointed two justices to the Court. e. President Clinton appointed many judges to the district and appeals courts. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 417 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 45. President Obama appointed a. Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, to replace Justices Souter and Stevens. b. the first Hispanic member of the Supreme Court. c. the first African American member of the Supreme Court. d. Both A and B. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 417 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 46. President Obama has had a. ease in getting his judicial candidates approved by the Senate. b. difficulty in getting his judicial candidates approved by the Senate. c. ease in getting his judicial candidates approved by the House of Representatives. d. difficulty in getting his judicial candidates approved by the House of Representatives. e. difficulty finding qualified candidates for judicial appointments. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 418 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 47. The power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of a law or action is called a. judicial review. b. appellate review of fact. c. precedent. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts d. the writ of judicial appeal. e. habeas corpus. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 418-419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 48. The power of judicial review a. is not specifically listed in the Constitution. b. is the judicial power to review the constitutionality of laws or actions by other branches of government. c. was claimed by the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 49. If a Federal Circuit Court declares a law unconstitutional, the ruling applies a. only to that specific case. b. only within that court's jurisdiction. c. only at the federal level. d. only at the state level. e. to all applications of the law in the entire country. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 50. A doctrine holding that the courts defer to the decisions of elected officials is called a. judicial activism. b. judicial restraint. c. strict construction. d. broad construction. e. conservative activism. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 51. Judicial activism means a. the Supreme Court should accept as many cases for decision as it can. b. the Supreme Court should actively check the other branches of government when they exceed their authority. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts c. the Supreme Court should have the power of judicial review. d. the courts should defer to decisions made by the elected representatives of the people whenever possible. e. the members of the Supreme Court should deliver as many public speeches as possible, in an effort to engage and inform the American people. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 52. A court that overturns as unconstitutional a law that is clearly in violation of the Constitution a. may still be exercising judicial restraint. b. is exercising judicial activism. c. is exercising stare decisis. d. may have its decision overturned by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 419 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 53. The notion of a "living Constitution" is often associated with a. judicial restraint. b. judicial activism. c. broad construction. d. strict construction. e. Both A and D. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 420 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 54. When William Rehnquist was appointed chief justice in 1986 a. Supreme Court decisions had always been in line with conservative ideology. b. justices became even more fixed in their ideological orientations. c. the commerce clause was struck down by liberal justices. d. the Supreme Court began a shift toward greater conservatism. e. the Supreme Court lost its swing votes. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 420-421 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 55. Indications are that the Roberts Court will Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts a. continue the Burger Court’s shift to the left. b. moderate conservative ideology on the environment and capital punishment. c. sustain the Reagan Court’s moderation on defendants’ rights. d. flip-flop ideologically. e. continue the Rehnquist Court’s shift to the right. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 421-422 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 56. The Supreme Court cases, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and McDonald v. Chicago, were victories for the a. political left. b. political right. c. gun control advocates. d. government reform advocates. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 421 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 57. The implementation of judicial decisions is dependent upon ___________ because ___________. a. the other branches of government; the courts have no enforcement powers b. the police; they are the enforcement arm of the judiciary c. Congress; presidents often resist court decisions d. presidents; all decisions affect the executive branch, via the bureaucracy e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 423 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 58. If Congress disagrees with a decision of the Supreme Court concerning the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, it can do all of the following except a. not fund the decision. b. require that the president veto the decision. c. pass a new law that negates the Court’s ruling. d. propose an amendment to the Constitution that would negate the Court’s ruling. e. amend an existing law that negates the Court’s ruling. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 423-424 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts NOTES:


59. Public opinion can serve as a check on the judiciary because a. people have the ability to vote federal judges out of office if they do not approve of the rulings of the courts. b. the public may pressure elected officials not to enforce an unpopular ruling. c. the Supreme Court typically polls the public as a basis for their decisions. d. the president will veto a Supreme Court decision if it is politically unpopular. e. Congress will override a decision of the Supreme Court with a majority vote in both houses. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 424 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 60. The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 a. specifies penalties to employers for discrimination based on gender. b. resets the statute of limitations for filing an equal-pay lawsuit each time an employer issues a discriminatory paycheck. c. reaffirms the decision in the Supreme Court case, Ledbetter v. Goodyear. d. defines fair pay standards for different job classifications. e. was passed in response to employers dismissing female employees when becoming pregnant. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 424 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 61. Describe the sources of American law. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 62. Explain the principle of stare decisis and discuss how it relates to the wide variety of courts in the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.1 - LO1 63. Discuss the role of interest groups in the U.S. court system and describe how they can affect politics through the courts. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 64. Detail the levels of the federal court system, being sure to note the types of cases they hear and the forms of jurisdiction they possess. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.2 - LO2 65. Explain the process by which the U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear cases. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 14 - The Courts LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 66. Explain how the U.S. Supreme Court decides cases and explains its decisions. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.3 - LO3 67. Should federal judges serve for lifetime or be term-limited? Thoroughly explain your answer. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 68. Describe the process of appointing judges to the federal courts. Explain how the process is fraught with partisan bickering. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.4 - LO4 69. Is it legitimate that the U.S. Supreme Court possesses the power of judicial review? Why, or why not? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5 70. Compare and contrast the theories of judicial activism and judicial restraint and theories of strict construction and broad construction. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.14.5 - LO5

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy 1. The Gold Standard a. was a law that set the value of a currency in terms of a specified quantity of gold. b. was used by much of the world until the 1930s. c. was finally eliminated in the United States by Richard Nixon in 1971. d. is popular with some conservatives today. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 431 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 2. All of the following are true of domestic policy except a. domestic policy ranges from speed limits on interstate highways, to how best to protect our environment, to what should be done about unemployment. b. domestic policy is formulated and implemented only by the federal government. c. regulatory policy is a type of domestic policy that seeks to define what is and is not legal. d. redistributive policy is a type of domestic policy that transfers income from certain individuals or groups to others. e. Social Security is an example of domestic policy. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 432 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 3. Ways in which issues come to be identified as problems include a. a crisis occurring. b. letters from the constituents to members of Congress. c. information provided by interest groups. d. reading the local newspaper. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 432 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 4. Agenda building a. is making Congress aware that a problem requires congressional action. b. may occur as a result of a crisis. c. may occur as a result of a technological change. d. may occur through a mass media campaign. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 432-433 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 5. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act a. requires services to be paid for by reducing the services to the rich to benefit the poor. b. allows for health coverage for unauthorized immigrants. c. is a massive overhaul of the nation’s healthcare funding system. d. was passed after two months of debate in Congress. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 432 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 6. Which of the following is a step in the policymaking process? a. policy implementation b. policy adoption c. policy formation d. agenda building e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 432-438 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. Healthcare spending a. by the government in 2010 constituted about 50 percent of healthcare spending in the United States. b. by private insurers in 2010 made up about 30 percent of healthcare spending in the United States. c. through Medicare and Medicaid cover about one-third of all Americans. d. is higher in the United States as a percentage of the gross domestic product than many European countries. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 433-434 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. All of the following statements about the Medicare system are true except a. it pays for hospital and physician bills for almost all U.S. residents over sixty-five years of age. b. it helps pay for prescription drugs for those over sixty-five years of age. c. because of caps on reimbursements, some seniors refuse to participate in the program. d. it is funded out of general government revenues. e. it is funded by a special tax on wages and salaries. ANSWER: d Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy REFERENCES: 433 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 9. Policy formulation is a. the process of making the government aware that an issue requires action. b. the discussion of proposals between governmental officials and the public. c. the process of deciding on a specific proposal. d. concerned with the implementation of policy by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens. e. the process of examining how a policy has worked in practice. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 434 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. All of the following are concerns about healthcare in the United States except a. in 2010, more than 49 million Americans did not have health insurance. b. in 2011, employer-provided health insurance cost $5,429 for single coverage and $15,073 for family coverage. c. younger workers find it harder to get coverage because they are employed in entry-level jobs without benefits. d. the cost of healthcare has been growing at a rapid pace, especially for those over age sixty-five. e. new medical technology and services have made healthcare less expensive. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 433-434 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 11. The part of the policymaking process that involves choosing a specific policy from among the proposals that have been discussed is known as a. policy formulation. b. policy implementation. c. policy adoption. d. policy choices. e. policy determination. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 435 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 12. Policy implementation is a. concerned with how policies are carried out by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens. b. the process of making the media aware of the issue. c. the discussion of proposals between governmental officials and the public. d. concerned with a specific strategy for the proposal. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy e. when studies are conducted to see what happens after a policy is implemented. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 436 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 13. Which is true of policy evaluation? a. If the policy is not working at the time of evaluation, then the policy is always repealed. b. It is the fourth step in policymaking and comes directly after policy adoption. c. When a policy has been in place for a while, evaluations are made inside and outside the government to determine if the program is working. d. ObamaCare has had extensive policy evaluation to date. e. There is a time limit to the period of policy evaluation. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 437-438 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 14. Regarding immigration, which of the following is true? a. Most immigrants come from Latin America or Asia. b. Hispanics have overtaken African Americans as the largest minority group in the United States. c. By 2050, collectively, minority groups will become the majority in the United States. d. If minority groups grow and form coalitions, their political power will also grow. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 438 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 15. Immigration a. at current rates will create a United States where the “white majority” no longer dominates American politics. b. is regarded by some as a plus for the United States because it offsets the low birthrate and aging population. c. helps expand the workforce and the taxes paid help to support government programs that benefit older Americans. d. will result in jobs that pay lower wages for Americans with few skills, some argue. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 438 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 16. The hiring of illegal immigrants a. was made legal in 2010. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy b. is very uncommon due to a very small illegal population. c. is very uncommon, despite a large illegal population. d. has been against the law since shortly after the Great Depression. e. has only been against the law since 1986. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 438-439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 17. Regarding immigration reform a. most Republicans are opposed to immigration reform. b. some pro-business conservatives do favor reform. c. most Democrats oppose reform. d. Options A and B are true. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 18. Americans' attitudes toward illegal immigrants and immigration, as reflected in opinion polling a. are overwhelmingly favorable toward illegal immigrants. b. are overwhelmingly unfavorable toward illegal immigrants. c. are mixed and sometimes contradictory. d. oppose states setting their own immigration policies. e. oppose police being able to question anyone about their immigration status. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 19. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that Arizona could not a. make it a felony for illegal immigrants to work. b. arrest people without warrants just because they might be deportable under federal law. c. investigate the immigration status of people they stop for routine traffic violations. d. Options A and B are true. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 20. During his first campaign for president, Barack Obama proposed Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy a. English as the national language, to discourage illegal immigration. b. ending birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants. c. a new minimum wage that would apply only to illegal immigrants. d. giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. During President Obama's first term, _______________ were deported. a. almost no illegal immigrants b. only illegal immigrants from Latin America c. only adult illegal immigrants d. a number of illegal immigrants roughly consistent with prior administrations e. a record high number of illegal immigrants ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 439 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. In the 2012 elections, Latinos a. largely supported Democratic candidates, due to President Obama's plan to grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants. b. largely supported Republican candidates, due to President Obama's record number of deportations. c. largely supported Democratic candidates, due to Republicans taking a hard line against immigration. d. turned out in record low numbers, due to disappointment with the Democratic administration's immigration policies. e. Both A and C. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 440 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 23. Explanations for the decline in crime rates since 1995 include all of the following except a. a booming economy. b. increased federal expenditures to combat crime. c. an increase in the prison population. d. the legalization of abortion. e. a lack of concern about crime among American citizens. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 440-441 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy NOTES:


24. Which of the following is true? a. The United States experienced a great crime wave during the 1920s and early 1930s due to prohibition. b. Crime rates grew steadily in the twentieth century. c. According to historians, industrialization and urbanization contributed to the rise of crime. d. The Western part of the United States had less crime in the nineteenth century due to the fact that all citizens carried guns. e. During the Civil War, there was little crime as everyone focused on the war effort. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 441 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 25. Theft rates in the United States a. have declined substantially during the last two decades. b. are at their highest levels ever. c. have declined moderately since 1995 after rising rapidly for two decades. d. have remained constant for thirty years. e. have risen moderately since 1995 after declining rapidly for two decades. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 441 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 26. Which of the following statements regarding incarceration in the United States is true? a. Many Americans believe that the best solution to the nation’s crime problem is to impose stiff prison sentences on offenders. b. The number of incarcerated persons has grown rapidly in recent years. c. By 2013, U.S. prisons and jails held 2.4 million people. d. Males are ten times more likely to be incarcerated than women. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 442 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 27. The number of incarcerated persons in the United States a. includes an equal number of African American males and females. b. has increased requiring more prisons to be built. c. has declined in recent years. d. is greater in federal prisons than state prisons. e. is growing mostly due to arrests to prevent terrorism. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 442 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 28. The population group with the highest incarceration rate is a. non-Hispanic white men, ages 30–34. b. non-Hispanic African American men, ages 30–34. c. non-Hispanic Asian American men, ages 30–34. d. Hispanic men, ages 25–29. e. non-Hispanic African American women, ages 30–35. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 442 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 29. The number of persons held in jail or prison for every 100,000 persons in a particular population group is known as the a. prison rate. b. imprisonment numbers. c. capacity figures. d. incarceration rate. e. recidivism rate. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 442 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Conceptual 30. Which of the following statements regarding incarceration is true? a. Incarceration does not prevent average predatory street criminals from committing additional crimes once they are out of prison. b. The majority of prisoners are incarcerated for their full sentence. c. Incarceration rates for African Americans are much lower than for any other ethnic group. d. The majority of people arrested and sent to jail have committed the crime of theft. e. Overcrowding is not an issue in prisons. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 442 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 31. High prices of commodities like oil provide an incentive a. to produce more of it. b. for producers to slow production to boost prices higher. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy c. to protect the environment. d. to develop new technology to extract the oil. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 444 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 32. With regard to the issue of oil and energy a. the United States’ dependence on foreign oil is down sharply from just a few years ago. b. a new technology called fracking is allowing more oil to be extracted from domestic and Canadian sources. c. fracking can only extract oil, not natural gas. d. the United States gets nearly 80 percent of its oil and gas from foreign sources. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 443-444 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 33. The process of injecting water, sand, and chemicals under high pressure into rocks to release oil and natural gas is known as a. hydraulic fracturing. b. fracking. c. pressurized energy release. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 444 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 34. With regard to sources of energy in the United States a. wind and solar power make up about half of the country's energy. b. nuclear power plants are becoming more popular due to their low costs. c. coal is on the decline due to low natural gas prices. d. the country is becoming more dependent on foreign sources of oil. e. All of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 444 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 35. Ethanol is a fuel that is Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy a. made from corn. b. subsidized by the government. c. criticized as inefficient to produce. d. related to rising food costs. e. All of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 445 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 36. Opening new areas for oil and gas drilling has in recent years a. been strongly supported by the Republican Party. b. been strongly supported by the Democratic Party. c. faced controversy due to major oil spills. d. Both A and C. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 445 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 37. All of the following are true of global warming except a. in the 1990s, scientists working on climate change began to conclude that the average world temperatures would rise significantly in the twenty-first century. b. in an effort to stop global warming, the government allowed filling or dredging of wetlands without a permit. c. global warming has become a major political issue between conservatives and liberals. d. former Vice President Al Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on environmental issues. e. a major share of the American electorate does not believe that global warming is happening, or if it is happening, that it is caused by human activities. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 445-446 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 38. On the issue of global warning, many Americans a. do not believe it is occurring. b. do not believe that it is caused by human actions. c. believe that it is caused by the government. d. Both A and B. e. Both B and C. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 445 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy NOTES:


39. Despite the lack of federal government action, in 2011 a. CO2 emissions in the United States were down due to newer fuel-efficient cars. b. CO2 emissions in the United States were down due to newer power plants coming on line that used natural gas instead of coal. c. CO2 emissions in the United States were down due to tougher emissions laws passed by states. d. CO2 emissions in the United States were down due to a colder winter. e. Options A and B are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 446 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 40. As a result of the Supreme Court's ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA, all of the following are true except a. the EPA has lost some authority to regulate the emission of greenhouse gases. b. President Obama proposed EPA rules to cut emissions from existing plants by 30 percent. c. the EPA ruled that greenhouse gases threaten public health. d. the construction of coal-based powerplants became nearly impossible. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 446 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 41. Which of the following statements regarding unemployment is true? a. When unemployment is increasing, it is a sign of a recession. b. Unemployment figures that estimate the number of unemployed are prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor. c. The published unemployment numbers fail to reflect the number of discouraged workers and “hidden unemployed.” d. Unemployment is defined as the inability of those in the workforce to find a job. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 446 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 42. Which of the following is true? a. A recession is defined as two or more successive quarters in which the economy shrinks instead of grows. b. A recession is defined as two or more quarters in which unemployment rates are above 7 percent. c. Unemployment is defined as the total number of workers who are not in the workforce in any given quarter. d. Inflation is defined as a sudden rise in prices for hot commodities such as gasoline and electronics. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 446 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 43. Keynesian economics advocates a. government control of markets. b. manipulation of monetary policy. c. the use of government spending and taxing to help stabilize the economy. d. acceptance of the theories of Adam Smith. e. laissez-faire economics. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 448 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 44. Fiscal policy a. is popular with conservatives. b. is an approach to stabilize the economy through control of the money supply. c. is controlled by the Federal Reserve Bank. d. is an approach to stabilizing the economy through government spending and taxing. e. requires that, during economic slowdowns, the government tighten its belt on spending. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 448 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 45. All of the following might be expected fiscal policies under a Keynesian approach except a. running a budget deficit. b. lowering taxes to increase public spending. c. expanding government spending through new projects. d. government borrowing to fund programs. e. cutting both taxes and spending. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 448 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 46. The net public debt is defined as a. the total amount owed by all individuals, corporations, and governments in the United States. b. the total amount owed by the federal government to individuals, businesses, and foreigners. c. a percentage of the gross national product not to exceed 10 percent of all gross sales. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy d. money not available for use. e. the total amount owed by the federal government to individuals, businesses, and foreigners, as well as interagency borrowings within the government. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 449 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 47. The Federal Reserve System was created by Congress to a. designate certain governmental powers as reserved for the federal government. b. provide a secondary military force in times of war. c. pay off the national debt. d. serve as the nation's central banking organization. e. None of the above. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 451 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 48. Monetary policy includes a. using changes in the rate at which new money is put into circulation to alter national economic variables. b. using changes in the size of the federal budget deficit to alter national economic variables. c. regulating tax rates to ensure controlled growth and low inflation. d. the economic policies of the president and Congress. e. linkage of the consumer price index and the gross national product. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 451 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 49. Tight monetary policy theory dictates that when the economy is faced with inflation, the government should a. increase the supply of credit. b. increase taxes. c. decrease the supply of credit. d. decrease taxes. e. take complete control of the economy. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 452 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 50. A loose monetary policy is often enacted in order to a. fight inflation. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy b. encourage economic growth c. reduce the supply of credit. d. raise the costs of credit. e. Both A and B. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 452 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 51. Taxes are collected by a. the federal government. b. the state governments. c. the local governments. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 453 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 52. The highest rate of taxation that one pays on the last dollar he or she makes is called the a. progressive tax rate. b. regressive tax rate. c. marginal tax rate. d. tax liability rate. e. temporary tax rate. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 453 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Conceptual 53. In comparing the total amount of taxes collected as a percentage of gross domestic product a. Sweden’s rate is the lowest in the world. b. one of the countries with the highest rate is the United States. c. most countries in Europe have lower rates than the United States. d. the rate of the United States is around 25 percent. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 453 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 54. Legal methods by which individuals and businesses reduce their tax liabilities are called Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy a. regressive taxes. b. black holes. c. loopholes. d. tax credits. e. None of the above. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 454 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Factual 55. Tax loopholes allow individuals and corporations to a. reduce their taxable income legally. b. choose the state to which they will pay taxes. c. register formal complaints to the Internal Revenue Service. d. pay taxes only on investment income. e. commit crimes without fear of incarceration. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 454 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Conceptual 56. With a progressive tax a. all taxpayers pay taxes at the same percentage rate. b. people with higher incomes pay taxes at a higher percentage rate. c. people with higher incomes pay taxes at a lower percentage rate. d. the tax burden consists mostly of property and sales taxes. e. tax rates increase by a set percentage every year. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 454 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 57. _____________ is an example of a progressive tax, while ____________ is an example of a regressive tax. a. The Medicare tax; the state sales tax b. The Social Security tax; the state sales tax c. The state sales tax; the Social Security tax d. The Federal income tax; the Medicare tax e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 455 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy 58. The federal income tax is an example of ____________, while the Social Security tax is an example of ______________. a. a progressive tax; a regressive tax b. a regressive tax; a progressive tax c. a sales tax; a regressive tax d. a progressive tax; a sales tax e. a progressive tax; a capital gains tax ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 455 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 59. Which of the following is not a regressive tax? a. Social Security tax b. Medicare tax c. state sales tax d. federal income tax e. local real estate tax ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 455 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 60. Because of the __________, the United States does indeed have a __________. a. income tax; progressive tax system b. income tax; regressive tax system c. property tax; progressive tax system d. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); regressive tax system e. sales tax; progressive tax system ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 454-455 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6 NOTES: Applied 61. Describe the measures in recent healthcare reform legislation that was passed by Congress, which takes effect in 2014. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 62. Explain the stages of the policymaking process. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.1 - LO1 63. Discuss the Arizona immigration legislation. Why was it passed? What measures were struck down by the Supreme Court and why? Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 15 - Domestic and Economic Policy ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 64. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of a nation having a substantial immigrant population. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.2 - LO2 65. Discuss the issue of incarceration rates in the United States and how they relate to the rates of crime in American society. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.3 - LO3 66. Discuss the idea of energy independence and how or why the United States has moved in that direction in recent years. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 67. Detail the efforts made during the Obama administration to address environmental problems and the controversy surrounding such efforts. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.4 - LO4 68. Examine the federal budget deficit, why it occurred, and what measures should be taken to bring it down. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 69. Explain the impact of Keynesian economics on fiscal policy in the United States. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.5 - LO5 70. Explain the difference between progressive and regressive taxes. Would we be better served by simply employing a flat tax across the board? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.15.6 - LO6

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy 1. Which of the following statements is true of the terror attacks of 9/11? a. Americans were forced to change their views of national security. b. One of the major challenges for U.S. foreign and national security policy became how best to respond to an attack on the United States by China. c. Americans found that the attacks on the World Trade Center had been planned and carried out by a terrorist network called al Qaeda. d. Americans still knew that regional conflicts in other parts of the world had no direct impact on the United States. e. Options A and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 2. A nation's external goals and the techniques and strategies to achieve them are through a. foreign policy. b. diplomacy. c. aid. d. technical assistance. e. None of the above. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 3. U.S. foreign policy may be carried out through a. diplomacy. b. economic aid. c. technical assistance. d. military intervention. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 4. Assistance to other nations in the form of grants, loans, or credits to buy the assisting nation’s products is called a. an in-kind subsidy. b. a tariff. c. exports. d. economic aid. e. military aid. ANSWER: d Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 5. Foreign and domestic policies designed to protect the independence and political integrity of a country is a. a military alliance. b. collective defense. c. statesmanship. d. foreign policy. e. national security policy. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 6. Diplomacy refers to a. a title given to senior members of the State Department. b. a philosophy that sees nations as normally willing to cooperate. c. formal public meetings held by heads of government. d. the settling of disputes and conflicts among nations by peaceful methods. e. the manner in which the armed forces are deployed. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 7. National Security Policy is often made based on determinations and recommendations from a. the Defense Department. b. the National Security Council. c. the State Department. d. Both A and B. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 8. The set of policies having to do with the U.S. armed forces is called a. the foreign policy process. b. defense policy. c. military-industrial policy. d. foreign assistance policy. e. diplomacy. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 463 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Factual 9. Moral idealism is a philosophy that a. sees nations as normally willing to cooperate and agree on moral standards for conduct. b. mandates non-interference with the internal policies of sovereign nations. c. supports steps to establish a single world government. d. sees each nation as acting in its own interest regardless of moral considerations. e. contends that spreading Christianity ought to be a major goal of U.S. foreign policy. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 464 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 10. Political realism is a philosophy that a. sees nations as normally willing to cooperate and agree on moral standards for conduct. b. mandates non-interference with the internal policies of sovereign nations. c. supports steps to establish a single world government. d. sees each nation as acting in its own interest regardless of moral considerations. e. contends that spreading Christianity ought to be a major goal of U.S. foreign policy. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 464 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Conceptual 11. If a U.S. president supports an allied foreign regime, even when that regime is non-democratic or oppressive of its people, that president is acting in line with a. humanitarian assistance. b. collective security. c. political realism. d. moral idealism. e. Both B and D. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 464 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 12. President Woodrow Wilson's proposal for _______________ was in line with _______________. a. the League of Nations; moral idealism b. the League of Nations; political realism c. the NATO alliance; moral idealism Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy d. the NATO alliance; political realism e. Both A and D. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 464 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 NOTES: Applied 13. Terrorism a. is a systematic attempt to inspire fear to gain political ends. b. typically includes indiscriminate use of violence against non-combatants. c. is a term that was coined to refer to radicals who were in control of the government at the height of the French Revolution (1789–1799). d. Options A and B are true. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 466 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 14. Which of the following statements is true regarding terrorism? a. The 9/11 attacks were the only attacks on civilians by Islamic extremists. b. The Basque terrorists in Spain have no clear objectives. c. Al Qaeda affiliates have not been active in Islamic nations, preferring to focus on western targets. d. Al Qaeda’s ultimate goals are limited to forcing the United States to withdraw from the Middle East. e. None of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 466 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 15. Goals of the al Qaeda terrorist network have apparently included a. getting U.S. forces out of countries in the Middle East. b. ending U.S. support for Egypt. c. independence for the Basque region of Spain. d. getting Turkish forces out of Cyprus. e. forcing the United States to withdraw troops from South Korea. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 466 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 16. In 2002, President George W. Bush enunciated a new foreign policy doctrine, the “Bush Doctrine,” which held, in part, that Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy a. the United States was prepared to wage preemptive war against perceived threats, with or without allies. b. the United States would go to war with any country that attacked it. c. Islamists would not be allowed to take power in any additional nations. d. America would leave the United Nations if that body did not support its military initiatives. e. the United States would no longer participate in the World Trade Organization or in the World Bank. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 467 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 17. Critics of the Bush Doctrine a. believed that a pre-emptive attack was better than what President Bush had proposed as part of his new doctrine. b. cited the damage it would do to the domestic economy. c. pointed out that pre-emptive wars against other nations have traditionally been waged by dictator and rogue states, not democratic nations. d. claimed that launching pre-emptive war would allow the United States to pursue world peace by eliminating terrorism. e. believed that by endorsing such a policy, the United States could argue against decisions of other nations to do the same when they felt threatened. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 467 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Conceptual 18. The 1990 Persian Gulf War began as a result of the invasion of ____________ by ______________. a. Saudi Arabia; Iraq b. Kuwait; Iran c. Iran; Iraq d. Kuwait; Iraq e. Israel; Iran ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 467 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 19. The U.S. led invasion of Iraq in 2003 a. was a consequence of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. b. was an attempt to capture Osama bin Laden. c. was done with the full backing of the NATO alliance. d. included Great Britain, Germany, and France as coalition partners. e. was done after failing to get UN Security Council approval for the military action. ANSWER: e Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy REFERENCES: 468 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 20. The three principle ethnic groups in Iraq are a. Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs, and Christian Arabs. b. Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs, and Kurds. c. Sunni Arabs, Shiite Persians, and Kurds. d. Sunni Arabs, Christian Arabs, and Kurds. e. Shiite Arabs, Shiite Persians, and Kurds. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 468 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 21. Which of the following is true of the Iraq War? a. The U.S.-led invasion was largely supported by the Kurdish population b. By 2006, two-thirds of Americans wanted to end the war. c. The 2007 troop surge helped the Iraqi government gain control over its territory. d. An insurgency was led by Sunni Iraqis. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 468 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 22. The U.S. war in _____________ was fought against _______________. a. Afghanistan; al Qaeda and the Taliban regime b. Iraq; al Qaeda and the Taliban regime c. Syria; the Hussein regime d. Iraq; the Assad regime e. Afghanistan; the Hussein regime ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 469 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 23. President Obama initially _________________, but has since ________________. a. doubled the number of troops in Iraq; brought most of them home b. pulled many troops out of Iraq; increased the troop presence to its highest level c. doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan; brought most of them home d. pulled many troops out of Afghanistan; increased the troop presence to its highest level e. None of the above. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 469 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Applied 24. In 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed in his hiding place in a. Afghanistan. b. Iraq. c. Iran. d. Pakistan. e. Saudi Arabia. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 469-470 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 NOTES: Factual 25. To which international issues has the United States applied diplomacy instead of military force? a. the proliferation of nuclear weapons b. the growing power of China. c. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict d. the global economic crisis e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 470-474 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 26. Countries known to have nuclear weapons include a. the United States, France, and Iran. b. Russia, the United States, China, and Syria. c. France, Egypt, Pakistan, and China. d. China, Pakistan, India, and Great Britain. e. China, India, Iran, and Iraq. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 470 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 27. Since the end of the Cold War a. nearly all of the world's nuclear weapons have been dismantled. b. terrorists have successfully detonated a nuclear device. c. the number of countries with nuclear weapons has declined. d. the United States and Russia have maintained Cold War level nuclear stockpiles. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy e. the United States and Russia have reduced their nuclear stockpiles. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 470 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 28. Most of the meaningful resistance to sanctioning Iran for its nuclear program comes from a. Israel. b. Saudi Arabia. c. Iraq. d. Great Britain. e. China. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 470 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 29. Efforts to combat Iran's development of nuclear weapons include all of the following except a. direct negotiations with Iran. b. economic sanctions against Iran. c. persuading countries to refuse importation of Iranian oil. d. the 2010 assassination of the pro-nuclear weapons Iranian president. e. using a computer worm to target and destroy Iran's enrichment centrifuges. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 470-471 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 30. North Korea a. has been of little concern for the United States since the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. b. has dismantled all of its nuclear weapons in exchange for food. c. pulled back on its treaty obligations and in 2009 tested a long-range missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. d. ordered UN inspectors to come back to the country to verify that all nuclear missiles had been destroyed and that it was only using nuclear devices for creating electricity. e. had its navy attacked by South Korean and a North Korean ship was sunk. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 471 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 31. The country that can exercise the economic leverage that might bring North Korea back to the negotiating table is a. the United States. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy b. South Korea. c. Japan. d. Russia. e. China. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 471 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 32. All of the following are true of China and the United Sates except a. since 1972, American policy has hoped to gradually engage the Chinese in diplomatic and economic relationships to move China in a pro-western direction. b. there are large and growing trade ties between the United States and China. c. instead of goods and services, China has imported U.S. securities. d. China exports substantially more goods and services to the United States than it imports. e. in 1980, China was not given most-favored-nation status by the United States and this has hurt their relationship. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 472 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 33. Which of the following statements regarding China’s economy is true? a. China’s economy has grown at a rate of about 10 percent annually for the past several decades. b. In 2007, China manufactured more passenger automobiles than did the United States. c. The growth of the Chinese economy during the last thirty-five years is one of the most important developments in world history. d. Options B and C are true. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 471-472 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 34. The internationally recognized solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is that a. the Palestinians resettle in Jordan with full compensation. b. Israel yields the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in return for security guarantees and Palestinian abandonment of any right of return to Israel proper. c. both Israelis and Palestinians should be part of a single state in which all citizens have equal rights. d. Israel yields the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinians; both Israelis and Palestinians may settle in either country. e. Israel should yield up all territory not granted to it by the UN in 1948, including all of Jerusalem. ANSWER: b Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy REFERENCES: 474 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 35. In January 2006, __________ won a majority of the seats in the Palestinian legislature, an alarming development since it has called for the destruction of Israel. a. the militant group Hamas b. the Kurdish People’s Liberation Front c. the militant group Hezbollah d. the Palestine Liberation Organization e. the extremist group Free Jerusalem Now ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 474 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Factual 36. The economic crisis in Europe is complicated by the fact that a. seventeen nations share a common currency. b. Greece and Portugal had borrowed excessively. c. in Ireland and Spain, many real estate loans went sour, threatening the banks that made them. d. the Euro-periphery countries could not borrow from the European central bank to shore up money supplies. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 475-477 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 NOTES: Applied 37. The use of military force without a Congressional Declaration of War has been exercised by a. President Harry Truman. b. President Bill Clinton. c. President George W. Bush. d. President Barack Obama. e. All of the above. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 477-478 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 38. Presidents have been largely successful in getting treaties a. approved by the World Court. b. through both the House and the Senate. c. approved by the Supreme Court. d. through the Senate. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy e. approved by the State Department. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 478 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 39. The State Department is a. directly responsible to Congress. b. not involved in short-term foreign policy. c. the executive agency that is most directly concerned with foreign affairs. d. responsible for making foreign policy, not the president. e. one of the largest cabinet departments. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 478 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 40. One of the problems for the State Department domestically is that a. it has “negative constituents”—citizens who oppose the government’s policies. b. it is responsible for the CIA. c. it answers to Congress first and only then to the president. d. no new president will retain senior-level diplomats who are not of his or her political party. e. it is criticized for not spending enough on foreign aid. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 479 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 41. The influence of the secretary of state on the president of the United States has a. frequently been weakly exercised. b. been greater than normal for Secretary Hillary Clinton in the Obama administration. c. generally been greater than the National Security Council. d. Options A and B are true. e. Options A, B, and C are true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 478-479 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 42. The government agencies that are involved in gathering information about the capabilities and intentions of foreign governments are collectively known as a. the Washington community. b. the armed services consortium. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy c. the intelligence community. d. the National Security Council. e. regulatory agencies. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 479 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 43. The key official member of the intelligence community is the a. Central Intelligence Agency. b. Department of Defense. c. Federal Bureau of Investigation. d. Drug Enforcement Administration. e. National Security Agency. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 479 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Factual 44. Intelligence activities a. consist mostly of overt information gathering. b. are administered by the Department of Education since the main focus is intelligence gathering. c. play a rather small role in foreign policy formation. d. include covert actions carried out in secret that most Americans rarely find out about. e. Options A and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 479-480 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 45. The Department of Defense a. is smaller than the State Department. b. was created in 1947, to gather all military activities under one department secretary. c. is headed by the military joint chiefs of staff. d. has consistently grown in size under every president. e. is staffed entirely by uniformed personnel. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 480 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 46. In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution, which a. required congressional approval before the president could dismiss the secretary of defense. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy b. limited the president’s use of troops in military action without congressional approval. c. extended the president’s power over the military. d. was necessary because of the increased threat of nuclear war. e. allowed the president to declare an unlimited national emergency. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 481 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 47. The power of the purse means that a. the president controls the budget appropriations process. b. the Congress retains the constitutional power on spending authority. c. the military branch heads determine the budget allocations for defense spending depending on the cost of weapons systems. d. the president has the power to raise taxes in time of war. e. All of the above are true. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 481 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Applied 48. One potential congressional tool for ending a war is a. cutting funding for the war. b. negotiating peace treaties. c. replacing the secretary of defense. d. canceling weapons system orders. e. sending an ultimatum with unanimous signatures to the president. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 481 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 NOTES: Conceptual 49. A major determinant of U.S. foreign policy in the formative years was a. that this country was destined to become a very powerful nation. b. that the United States has been very weak militarily. c. the influence of religion. d. the strength of the new navy. e. its interest in the Pacific. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 481-482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy 50. During the 1800s, the United States generally a. stayed out of European conflicts and politics but pursued an expansionist policy in the western hemisphere. b. pursued an expansionist and activist policy in both European conflicts and matters in this hemisphere. c. pursued an expansionist policy in European conflicts but stayed out of matters in this hemisphere. d. stayed out of both European conflicts and matters in this hemisphere. e. has been characterized as Pax Americana. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 51. The Monroe Doctrine stated that a. the United States would not accept any new European intervention in the western hemisphere and the United States would not meddle in European affairs. b. the United States had the authority to intervene in the affairs of European nations if American interests were at stake. c. the United States would take action against the Barbary pirates in order to protect American lives and commerce. d. the United States would not wait to be attacked, but rather would take pre-emptive action against clear and present dangers. e. the United States would only conduct business with other nations by employing treaties. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 52. U.S. foreign policy toward Europe during most of 1800s was a. isolationism. b. interventionist. c. internationalist. d. one of détente. e. multilateral. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 53. After World War I, the United States returned to a state of “normalcy” in foreign policy, which meant a. a continued commitment to international peacekeeping. b. reassuring the public that the United States would act in the role of world policeman. c. a sharp increase in military spending in order to honor commitments made to the allied powers. d. a reduction in military forces and defense spending and a return to isolationism. e. the annexation of additional territory in the western hemisphere. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 54. American isolationism permanently ended a. with the onset of the Great Depression. b. with the bombing of the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor. c. when the United States entered the United Nations. d. when France and the United States signed a mutual alliance pact. e. with the Korean War. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 55. The United States was the only major country to emerge from World War II with a. an addition to its territory. b. operational nuclear weapons. c. the same leader of government that it had when it started World War II. d. a weakened economy. e. an intention to expand its role in the world. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 56. Which of the following is true of the Soviet bloc? a. Its formation was the turning point in World War II. b. It helped to improve relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. c. It consisted of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries with Communist regimes. d. It was designed to prevent supplies from entering West Berlin in 1948. e. It was the alliance setup by the United States and Western Europe to counter the Soviet Union. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 482 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Factual 57. The doctrine of containment set forth by George F. Kennan a. proposed that the United States should seek to “roll back” Communism in Eastern Europe. b. was expressed in the Truman Doctrine enunciated by President Harry Truman in 1947. c. called for the United States to initiate arms reduction talks. d. said that the United States should seek to block the spread of Communism to additional countries. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy e. Options B and D are true. ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 483 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 58. During the Cold War, there was (were) a. continuous conversation between U.S. and Soviet military advisors. b. no direct military conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. c. an occasional exchange of artillery fire across the East German/West German border. d. direct fighting between U.S. and Soviet ground troops during the Korean War. e. occasional dogfights between U.S. and Soviet fighter planes over Europe. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 483 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 59. All of the following statements about the war in Vietnam are true except a. the war was an effort to exercise containment policy. b. the war was between the pro-west North and the pro-Communist South Vietnam. c. more than 58,000 American forces were killed. d. the U.S. involvement in the war caused contention at home and led to congressional efforts to limit the war powers of the presidency. e. the war greatly expanded during the Johnson administration. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 484 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Applied 60. The concept of détente a. comes from a Spanish word meaning peace. b. comes from a French word meaning a relaxation of tensions. c. came to symbolize the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s. d. Options B and C are true. e. None of the above is true. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 485 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 NOTES: Conceptual 61. Describe the difference between moral idealism and political realism and provide examples of each from the history of American foreign policy. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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CHAPTER 16 - Foreign Policy LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 62. Describe the various uprisings in the Arab Spring countries and the outcomes of each revolt to date. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.1 - LO1 63. Describe the Bush Doctrine and criticisms of it, and craft an argument for or against this piece of U.S. foreign policy. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.2 - LO2 64. Explain the role that China has come to play in the world. How should the United States interact with China? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 65. Describe the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and the efforts to bring peace to this troubled part of the world. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 66. Describe U.S. efforts to handle international issues with diplomacy rather than armed force. In your examples, were these efforts largely successful or failures? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.3 - LO3 67. Explain the constitutional clash of powers between the president and Congress in the area of foreign policymaking. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 68. Evaluate the foreign policy powers of the president and Congress, and craft an argument about which you believe to be the true holder of foreign policy power in the U.S. government. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.4 - LO4 69. Will the relationship between the United States and Russia be substantially different from the relationship that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War? Why or why not? ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5 70. Describe the details of isolationist and internationalist foreign policies and argue which general policy is in the best interests of the United States today. ANSWER: Students' answers may vary. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: AGPT.BARD.16.16.5 - LO5

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