TEST BANK FOR Test Bank For Sociology 18th Edition. John J. Macionis,

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Test Bank For

Sociology Eighteenth Edition John J. Macionis, Kenyon College

Table of Contents 1

The Sociological Perspective


Sociological Investigation








Social Interaction in Everyday Life


Mass Media and Social Media


Groups and Organizations


Sexuality and Society

10 Deviance 11 Social Stratification 12 Social Class in the United States 13 Global Stratification 14 Gender Stratification 15 Race and Ethnicity 16 Aging and the Elderly 17 The Economy and Work 18 Politics and Government 19 Families 20 Religion 21 Education 22 Health and Medicine 23 Population, Urbanization, and Environment 24 Collective Behavior and Social Movements 25 Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies

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Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. The questions are tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 195 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they require analysis and other higher levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions



Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs

41 (71%)

48 (44%)




Understanding 11 (19%)

21 (21%)

7 (37%)




6 (10%)

16 (14%)

2 (10%)

3 (25%)




21 (21%)

10 (53%)

9 (75%)







Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective


Most people in the United States marry partners whose racial and ethnic identity differs from their own.. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to sociologists, human behavior reflects our personal ―free will.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociology is defined as the systematic study of human society. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociologists focus only on unusual patterns of behavior. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Using the sociological perspective, we would conclude that people‘s lives are mostly a result of what they, as individuals, decide to do. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application On average, college students in the U.S. come from families with above-average incomes. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Emile Durkheim provided evidence that categories of people with weaker social ties have lower suicide rates than people with stronger social ties. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, Black people have a higher suicide rate than White people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, men have a higher suicide rate than women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, White people have a lower suicide rate than Hispanic people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

People with lower social standing are usually more likely to see the world from a sociological perspective than people who are well off. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application U.S. sociologist C. Wright Mills argued that times of social crisis foster widespread sociological thinking. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection U.S. sociologist C. Wright Mills claimed that sociology encourages people to take personal responsibility for solving their own problems. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A global perspective has little in common with a sociological perspective.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Societies around the world are now more interconnected than ever before. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Studying other societies is a good way to increase awareness of not only others‘ social patterns but our own way of life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Based on the research by Barbara Ehrenreich, who spent many months working at lowwage jobs, we would expect most people in such jobs to be able to move ahead to better paying work. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career.

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Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Sociological research may be interesting, but it is of little use in shaping public policy, including legislation. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociological perspective helps us to assess the truth of the ―common sense‖ beliefs most people tend to take for granted. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociological perspective helped us to see how the COVID-19 pandemic changed patterns of social life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Sociology is useful training for any job that involves working with people.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociology developed along with the feudal system in European societies roughly one thousand years ago. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The discipline of sociology first took root in France, Germany, and England. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Among all academic disciplines that are taught at colleges and universities today, sociology is one of the youngest. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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The term sociology was coined by Emile Durkheim in 1898. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Ancient philosophers, including Plato, were primarily interested in imagining the ―ideal‖ society rather than studying society as it really is. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Across the history of human societies, the last of Auguste Comte‘s three stages is the metaphysical stage, in which people know the world in terms of God‘s will. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that society reflected the basic goodness of human nature. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection Auguste Comte is correctly characterized as a positivist because he believed that there were laws of society in the same way that the laws of physics guide the operation of the natural world. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Sociologists gather facts in order to confirm, reject, or modify the theories they develop. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The chapter explains that, in general, areas of the country with high population density have high rates of suicide. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The structural-functional, social-conflict, and symbolic-interaction approaches are three basic theoretical approaches in sociology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to Robert K. Merton, all social patterns exist because they are good and have the same beneficial effect on all members of a society. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Rarely are people aware of all the functions of any social structure. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Delaying the entry of young people into the labor market is one latent function of higher education. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application We would correctly describe tens of thousands of deaths in traffic accidents each year as a manifest function of our society‘s reliance on personal automobiles. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches.

Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application To say that a social pattern is ―dysfunctional‖ simply means that it has more than one function for the operation of society. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The goal of the structural-functional approach is not just to understand how society operates, but to reduce social inequality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In the United States, secondary schools provide students with instruction that reflects, in part, the social standing of their families. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Both feminism and the gender-conflict approach highlight ways in which women and men are socially unequal. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection W. E. B. Du Bois translated the writings of Auguste Comte from French into English. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Harriet Martineau, who wrote about the evils of slavery and worked to improve the lives of factory workers, is widely regarded as the first woman sociologist. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection W. E. B. Du Bois, the first Black person to earn a doctorate from Harvard University, sought not only to understand problems faced by Black communities in the United States but to solve them. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Like the gender-conflict approach, the race-conflict approach has a focus on social inequality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection W. E. B. Du Bois wrote a classic study of the Black community in Philadelphia. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection W. E. B. Du Bois discouraged sociologists from studying controversial topics such as racial inequality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Both Karl Marx and W. E. B. Du Bois carried out their research guided by the structuralfunctional approach. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection Among the various theoretical paradigms in sociology, the symbolic-interaction approach is a micro-level orientation. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The focus of the symbolic-interaction approach is how society is divided by class, race, and gender. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Social-exchange analysis is one micro-level approach to understanding social interaction. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Sociological research shows that all categories of people in the United States have had the same opportunities to participate in sports. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports.

Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding People included in racial and ethnic minority categories of the U.S. population represent a far larger share of team players than CEOs/presidents and team owners. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The meaning people find in competitive sports would be one focus of a symbolicinteraction approach. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A symbolic-interaction analysis focuses on broad patterns of social inequality involving all of society‘s major institutions. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

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Structural-functional theory tends to be politically conservative, just as social-conflict theory tends to be politically progressive. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Historically, the discipline of sociology developed largely as an effort to address social problems. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection On balance, the discipline of sociology directs attention more to choices made by individuals (a conservative perspective) and less to the structures of society (a progressive perspective). Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociological generalizations are the same as simple stereotypes. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis.

Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS What does the sociological perspective reveal about people‘s selection of marriage partners? People marry because they fall in love. When it comes to romance, it is all a matter of personal taste. Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position. When it comes to love, opposites attract. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The statement that the social world guides our actions and life choices just as the seasons influence activities and choice of clothing is best described as which of the following? The basis of what philosophy calls ―free will‖ The essential wisdom of the discipline of sociology Evidence that people everywhere have ―common sense‖ Evidence that people from countries all around the world make mostly the same choices about how to live Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following disciplines defines itself as ―the systematic study of human society‖? Sociology Psychology Economics History Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Peter Berger describes using the sociological perspective as seeing the ______ in the _______. good; worst tragedies new; old specific; general general; particular Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

By stating that the sociological perspective shows us ―the strange in the familiar,‖ the chapter argues that sociologists ________. focus on the bizarre elements of society reject the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives believe that people often behave in strange ways believe that even people who are most familiar to us have some very strange habits Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Three campus roommates are talking about why they have come to college. A sociological view of going to college highlights the effect of ________. only age, because college students tend to be young only class, because college students tend to come from families with above-average incomes only our place in history, because a century ago going to college was not an option for most people age, class, and our place in history, because these are all ways in which society guides college attendance Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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The chapter‘s sociological analysis of childbearing around the world suggests that the number of children born to a woman reflects ________. only her personal preference for family size how many children she can afford whether she lives in a low-income or a high-income society simply the desires of her husband Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

According to Emile Durkheim, categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have ________. more clinical depression less money, power, and other resources lower levels of social integration higher self-esteem Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The pioneering sociologist who studied patterns of suicide in Europe was ________. Robert K. Merton

Auguste Comte Emile Durkheim Karl Marx Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States today, the suicide rate is highest for which of the following categories of people? White men Black men White women Black women Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because there is more social isolation in rural areas of the United States than in urban areas, we would expect suicide rates to be ________. higher in urban areas higher in rural areas high in both urban and rural areas low in both urban and rural areas

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Sociologists use the term ―social marginality‖ to refer to ________. people who have little understanding of sociology people who have unusual social skills people who are defined by others as ―outsiders‖ people who are especially sensitive about their family background Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because social marginality encourages sociological thinking, we might expect people in which category listed below to make the most use of the sociological perspective? Wealthy and powerful people People within a racial minority category Politicians People in the middle class Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Following the thinking of C. Wright Mills, we would expect the sociological imagination to be more widespread ________. during times of peace and prosperity among very rich people among very religious people during times of social crisis Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding C. Wright Mills claimed that the ―sociological imagination‖ transformed ________. common sense into laws of society activists for change into supporters of the status quo personal problems into public issues scientific research into common sense Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The United States falls within which category of the world‘s nations?

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Low-income nations Middle-income nations High-income nations Socially marginalized nations Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Countries in which average people‘s income is typical for the world as a whole and in which people are as likely to live in a rural area as in an urban area are categorized as ________. low-income nations middle-income nations high-income nations socially marginalized nations Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The nations of Western Europe, Israel, Japan, and Australia fall into which category of countries? Low-income nations Middle-income nations

High-income nations Socially marginalized nations Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Almost all of Latin American nations (excluding Mexico) and almost all of Asian nations fall into the category of ________. low-income nations middle-income nations high-income nations socially marginalized nations Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Understanding how social patterns differ from one country to another increases ________. distrust among people living in various nations the rate of global social change our understanding of both ways of life in other nations and our own way of life conflict among global nations Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The steady flow of people and products into the United States each year supports the conclusion that ________. the world‘s nations are increasingly interconnected other nations have little effects on life in high-income countries such as the United States people around the world share little in terms of their ways of life sociologists have little reason to pay attention to nations other than the United States Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Gaining a global understanding is ________. unimportant because the United States is so rich and there is little reason for us to learn about other nations important for college students because most new U.S. jobs involve some element of international trade unimportant because there is no longer very much poverty in the world important because people the world over have ways of life that are very much the same Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world.

Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Social problems that exist in the United States, such as poverty and gender inequality, are ________. less serious in lower-income countries more serious in lower-income countries equally serious in lower-income countries unheard of in lower-income countries Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Sarah is spending a summer living in another country where people have a way of life that differs from her own. A sociologist might expect that this experience would lead her to ________. end up with a greater understanding of both a new way of life and her own way of life accept what people in the United States call ―common sense‖ assume that people‘s lives simply reflect the choices they make gradually understand less and less about her own way of life Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult

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Skill Level: Application Making use of the sociological perspective encourages ________. challenging many commonly held beliefs acceptance of all commonly held wisdom the belief that society is mysterious people to be happy with their lives as they are Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Sociologist Lenore Weitzman carried out research showing that women who divorce ________. typically remarry within one year claim they are happier than before suffer a significant loss of income report advancing in their careers Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Learning more sociology can help you ________. understand that people have little control over their lives

assess the opportunities and constraints in your life understand that people should accept their lives see how individuals guide their own lives through ―free will‖ Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis In the feature about Barbara Ehrenreich working at low-wage jobs, we learned that she ________. was able to make a good living right from the start worked very hard, but never made enough money to pay for her basic needs found most of her coworkers to be dull and lazy was eventually convinced that personal ability is everything Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following statements best illustrates the career advantage a person gains by studying sociology? A researcher discovers a new and effective vaccine. A person in retail sales knows how to exceed the monthly sales target. A police officer understands which categories of people are at high risk of becoming victims of crime.

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A financial services worker devises a new type of hedge fund. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for developing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Sociology provides an advantage to students preparing for later careers by preparing them for work ________. only as teachers of sociology only in criminal justice or social work only as clinical sociologists in teaching, criminal justice, business, and many other careers Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Examples of people applying their knowledge of sociology at work include people in medicine ________. declining to offer treatment to certain categories of people understanding patterns of health in a community working as clinical sociologists understanding that factors like race, class, and gender have no effect on well-being Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Among the historical changes that stimulated the development of sociology as a discipline was ________. the founding of the Roman Catholic church the rise of the industrial economy and growth of cities the power of tradition a belief that our futures are defined by ―fate‖ Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection We would expect that the sociological perspective to be most likely to develop in a society that was ________. very traditional experiencing many social changes very low income small and socially isolated Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Skill Level: Analysis Sociology first appeared as a formal discipline in ________. the United States Japan France China Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The term ―sociology‖ was coined in 1838 by ________. Karl Marx Herbert Spencer Adam Smith Auguste Comte Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociology differs from the older discipline of philosophy by focusing on ________. what the ideal society should be human nature the place of God in shaping human events

how society actually operates Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The major goal of sociology‘s pioneers, including Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim, was ________. to serve the powerful to help build an ―ideal society‖ to discover how society actually operates to prevent disruptive social change Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Auguste Comte described the earliest human societies as being at which stage of historical development? Theological stage Metaphysical stage Scientific stage Postscientific stage Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to Auguste Comte, people living in Europe during the Middle Ages thought of society as ________. a system operating according to its own laws chaotic and having little order or form an expression of God‘s will a system of behavior according to natural laws Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The ancient Romans saw the stars as being gods. Auguste Comte would classify Roman society as being in which of the following stages of history? Scientific stage Metaphysical stage Theological stage Postscientific stage Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis According to Auguste Comte, the development of sociology took place as society entered which stage of development?

Theological stage Metaphysical stage Scientific stage Postscientific stage Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Thomas Hobbes‘s idea that society reflects a selfish human nature illustrates the thinking common at which of Auguste Comte‘s historical stages? Theological stage Metaphysical stage Scientific stage Postscientific stage Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application According to Auguste Comte, the type of thinking favored by people such as Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, becomes common in a society at which stage of societal development? Theological stage Metaphysical stage Scientific stage

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Postscientific stage Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis ________ is a way of understanding the world based on science. Tradition Positivism Metaphysics Free will Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection When did sociology become established as an academic discipline in the United States? During the Middle Ages About 1800 About 1900 About 2000 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection

Most of today‘s sociologists agree with Auguste Comte‘s claim that ________. no society has reached the scientific stage of history human behavior is not patterned and orderly sociology should be based on religion science is an important foundation of sociology Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Sociologists cannot identify ―laws of society‖ that allow us to precisely predict the behavior of an individual because ________. human behavior may be patterned, but it is also spontaneous sociology is still very young no sociologist ever tried to discover such laws no sociologist would wish to predict human behavior Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis A statement that explains how and why specific facts are related is called a(n) ________. approach

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precept concept theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection To evaluate a theory using evidence, sociologists ________. gather data or facts accept the conventional wisdom of their society are guided by their personal feelings about the issue look to the past for guidance Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding If we state that children raised in single-parent families are at high risk of becoming single parents themselves, we have constructed a ________ of family life. paradigm precept concept theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches.

Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application In deciding what kinds of questions to ask in their research, sociologists look to their professional training and are guided by ________. one or more theoretical approaches their own common sense our society's traditional wisdom sheer chance Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Looking at the United States, high suicide rates are typical of areas in which people ________. live densely packed in cities live spread apart in rural areas have higher incomes live in a warmer climate Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The early sociologists Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim used the ________.

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the structural-functional approach the social-conflict approach the symbolic-interaction approach theological approach Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The theoretical approach in sociology that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the ________. structural-functional approach social-conflict approach symbolic-interaction approach tradition-based approach Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following concepts is used to describe relatively stable patterns of social behavior? Social structure Manifest functions Social functions Social dysfunctions

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The structural-functional approach is concerned with ________. the meaning people attach to their behavior patterns of social inequality the consequences of social patterns for the operation of society ways in which each person differs from all others Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Identify the three sociologists who played a part in the development of sociology‘s structural-functional approach. Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, W. E. B. Du Bois Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Auguste Comte Harriet Martineau, Robert K. Merton, W. E. B. Du Bois Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection Herbert Spencer described human society as a complex system having much in common with ________. animal societies planets and stars the human brain the human body Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Who was the U.S. sociologist who explained that social patterns have both manifest functions and latent functions? Robert K. Merton William Graham Sumner Talcott Parsons C. Wright Mills Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as ________. latent functions

manifest functions eufunctions dysfunctions Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern are called ________. latent functions manifest functions operational functions dysfunctions Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection An example of a latent function of college is ________. providing skills needed for later jobs keeping young people out of the labor force, which may not have jobs for them gaining the knowledge required to be an active and thoughtful citizen giving young people experience living on their own Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches.

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Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Social structures sometimes have negative consequences for the operation of society as a whole. Which of the following concepts refers to these negative consequences? Social structure Manifest functions Social functions Social dysfunctions Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Robert K. Merton explained that what is functional for one category of people ________. is always functional for everyone may not be functional for people in another category is unlikely to change over time can never be functional in the future Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Understanding marriage using the structural-functional approach might prompt you to consider ________.

what people think marriage means how marriage benefits women and men unequally the consequences of marriage for the operation of society how can we help people find more pleasure in their marriages Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application The main characteristic of the ________ approach is its view of society as being orderly and stable. structural-functional social-conflict social-interaction tradition-based Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A fair criticism of the structural-functional approach is that it ________. ignores inequality that can generate tension and conflict focuses too much on social dysfunction focuses too much on power divisions in society is a politically liberal view of society Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis A limitation of the structural-functional approach is that it ________. is not concerned with the consequences of patterns of social behavior is not focused on macro-level social structures does not use the sociological perspective focuses on stability at the expense of conflict Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The ―framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change‖ is the ________. structural-functional approach. social-conflict approach symbolic-interaction approach tradition-based approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The social-conflict approach draws attention to ________.

how elements contribute to the overall operation of society how people construct meaning in their interaction patterns of social inequality the stable aspects of society Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Looking at the operation of U.S. schools guided by the social-conflict approach might lead a sociologist to conclude that ________. the function of schools is to teach needed skills the meaning of schooling varies from child to child schools have been a major path to social advancement our society provides some students with far better schooling than others Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

Using the social-conflict approach, a sociologist might highlight ________. income differences among young people in high school. the functions of sports for society as a whole meanings people associate with various family members the functions of a social institution such as the family

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Karl Marx, guided by the social-conflict approach, argued that the point of studying society was ________. to understand how society really operates to compare U.S. society to others to foster support for a nation‘s government to bring about greater social equality Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding _______ had an important influence on the development of the social-conflict approach. Karl Marx Talcott Parsons Emile Durkheim Herbert Spencer Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

The social-conflict approach sometimes receives criticism for ________. focusing on values that everyone shares being openly political promoting the status quo ignoring factors like class Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis A sociologist using the gender-conflict approach might be expected to state that ________. men and women share in the joys of family life in many ways, men are in positions of power over women gender functions in an important way to keep society operating men and women enjoy equal rights and privileges in our society Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Who helped launch the discipline of sociology by studying the evils of slavery and also by translating the writings of Auguste Comte? Harriet Martineau Jane Addams Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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Dorothea Dix Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which pioneering sociologist founded Chicago‘s Hull House to assist immigrants and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Jane Addams Harriet Martineau W. E. B. Du Bois Herbert Spencer Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which early sociologist received the first doctorate ever awarded by Harvard University to a person of color? Jane Addams Harriet Martineau W. E. B. Du Bois Herbert Spencer Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which early U.S. sociologist studied the Black community and served as a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)? Jane Addams Harriet Martineau W. E. B. Du Bois Herbert Spencer Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following theoretical approaches would you expect to highlight the fact that, on average, Black families have less income than White families? The race-conflict approach The gender-conflict approach The structural-functional approach The symbolic-interaction approach Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding W. E. B. Du Bois claimed that ________ was the major problem facing the United States during the twentieth century.

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class race gender ethnicity Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection W. E. B. Du Bois described Black Americans as having a ―double consciousness‖ because ________. most Black Americans felt that, compared to White people, they had to be twice as careful in how they acted there is a double disadvantage for those who are both low income and Black Black people have to work twice as hard as White people to get the same reward Black Americans are not ―just Americans‖; they are American citizens who have a second identity based on skin color Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The ________ approaches are macro-level, describing societies in broad, structural terms. structural-functional and social-conflict structural-functional and symbolic-interaction social-conflict and symbolic-interaction

gender-conflict and symbolic-interaction Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following examples illustrates a micro-level focus? The operation of the U.S. economy Patterns of global terrorism Two people on an airplane getting to know one another in conversation Class inequality in the armed forces Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application The basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is ________. an arena of conflict between categories of people the product of people interacting in countless everyday situations a system that operates to benefit people a system that generates social inequality

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which theoretical approach claims that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as what meaning they attach to their behavior? Structural-functional approach Social-conflict approach Symbolic-interaction approach Social-exchange approach Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding __________, one of the founding sociologists, urged sociologists to understand a social setting from the point of view of the people in it. Karl Marx Emile Durkheim Auguste Comte Max Weber Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Looking at romantic relationships, a social-exchange analysis would point out that ________.

people typically seek mates who offer as much as they do class differences are reflected in favored sports people build reality as they introduce themselves people who do more important work usually earn more pay Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

A common criticism of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it ________. calls attention to major social institutions says little about the influence of structural factors such as culture, class, gender, and race paints a very positive picture of society says little about how individuals actually experience society Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis A limitation of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it ________. is not concerned with the meaning people attach to behavior is focused only on macro-level social structures does not use the sociological perspective does not focus on the widespread influence of culture

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Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The symbolic-interaction approach focuses on how ________. society held together society is divided individuals actually experience social situations some people protect their privileges Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A manifest function of sports is ________. providing a source of recreation and physical conditioning fostering social relationships generating jobs teaching a society‘s way of life Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

Building social relationships and creating tens of thousands of jobs are two of the _________ of sports. manifest functions latent functions dysfunctions nonfunctions Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding A social-conflict approach to sports would be an analysis of ________. the way in which sports help encourage competition the importance of physical ability in success how sports reflect social inequality the different meanings people attach to games Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Racial discrimination in professional baseball is evident today in ________. the fact that just 2.5 percent of team owners are in a racial or ethnic minority category of the population the exclusion of Black and Latino players from professional baseball

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the fact that a majority of players are Black or Latino the fact that today‘s players earn far less than players earned fifty years ago Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis A symbolic-interaction analysis of sports would conclude that ________. winning at sports means different things to different people some categories of people benefit more than others from sports sports help develop important cultural values most team presidents and CEOs are White men Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Using the symbolic-interaction approach, sports becomes ________. a structure that contributes to the functioning of society a matter of social inequality less a system than an ongoing process of interaction that creates meaning just a game without any meaning Answer: c

Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The insight that engaging in sports helps to encourage competition and the pursuit of individual success, both of which are central to our society‘s way of life, reflects which theoretical approach? The race-conflict approach The structural-functional approach The symbolic-interaction approach The gender-conflict approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A major benefit of learning and applying the language of politics is ________. understanding that sociological analysis has no political consequences gaining the ability to make sociological generalizations becoming a more engaged citizen remaining free of any bias Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Which theoretical approach focuses on society as it exists and, therefore, tends to be politically conservative? The structural-functional approach The gender-conflict approach The race-conflict approach The symbolic-interaction approach Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Which theoretical approach is a micro-level approach that is generally viewed as more personal and less political? The structural-functional approach The gender-conflict approach The race-conflict approach The symbolic-interaction approach Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

Which theoretical approach tends to be critical of social inequality and, therefore, is politically progressive? The structural-functional approach The social-conflict approach Any micro-level analysis The symbolic-interaction approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

Sociology developed largely as an effort to address social problems, and the sociological perspective directs our attention not to individual choices as much as to structures of society. Therefore, the chapter concludes, seeing the world sociologically tends to encourage people to be ________. likely to engage in stereotyping conservative nonpolitical progressive Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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A simplified description unfairly applied to every person in the same category is called ________. a sociological insight a sociological generalization a stereotype an act of discrimination Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Unlike simple stereotypes, sociological generalizations ________. apply to all individuals in some category are based on all available facts are motivated by bias ignore facts Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


In several sentences, explain the essential wisdom of sociology. Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What did Peter Berger mean when he said the sociological perspective is ―seeing the general in the particular‖? Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis In the individualistic culture of North America, why can the sociological perspective be described as ―seeing the strange in the familiar‖? Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain why the power of society is evident in the decision to bear a child or even in the very personal decision to die by suicide. Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

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What did C. Wright Mills mean by ―the sociological imagination‖? How does this point of view reveal a limitation of what members of our society call ―common sense‖? How does it change the way we see personal problems? Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Why is a global approach a logical extension of the sociological perspective? Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Explain some of the personal benefits of learning to use the sociological perspective, including career advantages. Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Name the three social changes in European history who were especially important to the development of sociology. Why did change spark the development of sociology? Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What can you say sociologically about when and where the discipline of sociology developed?

Learning Objective: LO 1.4: Link the origins of sociology to historical social changes. Topic: The Origins of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis In several sentences, explain the focus of the structural-functional approach. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Distinguish between the manifest and latent functions of schooling, sports, the COVID19 pandemic, iPhones, or another social pattern of your choosing. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What is social structure? How do the structural-functional and social-conflict approaches understand social structure differently? Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis In several sentences, explain the focus of the social-conflict approach. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Explain the focus of the gender-conflict or feminist approach. Guided by this approach, provide several sentences that offer a critical analysis of our society. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Briefly describe the contributions of W. E. B. Du Bois to sociology. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Briefly explain the difference between a macro-level and a micro-level theoretical orientation. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis In several sentences, explain the focus of the symbolic-interaction approach. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In several sentences, point to benefits derived from incorporating political analysis as well as analysis using sociological theory. Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Describe the political character of each of sociology‘s major theoretical approaches: the structural-functional approach, the social-conflict approach, and the symbolic-interaction approach. Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS The sociological perspective helps us recognize that the lives of individuals are shaped by the forces of society. Explain, in a short essay, how the sociological perspective reveals ―the general in the particular.‖ To illustrate, explain how society plays a part in your own decision to attend college. Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Since beginning this course in sociology, how has your view of the world changed? Provide one specific example of something in your life that you see differently now compared to before you started this course. Is this change a good thing? Explain. Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Applying the sociological perspective to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, identify several ways in which the pandemic changed patterns of social life in the United States. In what ways did the pandemic increase our awareness of social inequality?

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Learning Objective: LO 1.1: Apply the sociological perspective to show how society shapes our individual lives. Topic: The Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Sociologists increasingly focus on not just U.S. society, but the world as a whole. Provide several reasons for this global focus. How is an awareness of global patterns, such as immigration or social inequality, very much a part of the sociological perspective? Learning Objective: LO 1.2: State several reasons why having a global perspective is important in today‘s world. Topic: The Importance of a Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Do you see any dangers in adopting the sociological perspective too intensely? For example, by saying that society is at work in all of our choices about how to live, do we lose any sense of personal responsibility for our actions? Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Imagine that you were asked by another student, ―What would be the benefits of taking a course in sociology?‖ Explain how and why sociology can transform the way someone sees the world. Learning Objective: LO 1.3: Identify the advantages of sociological thinking for assessing public policy, for encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career. Topic: Applying the Sociological Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Explain how the structural-functional approach is more focused on understanding society as it is and how the social-conflict approach (consider the gender-conflict or race-conflict approaches) is more focused on social change. Do you prefer one approach to the other? Explain. Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Point out what the viewpoint of a sociologist who is influenced by the structuralfunctional approach (say, Emile Durkheim) has in common with that of a sociologist influenced by the social-conflict approach (say, Karl Marx). That is, how are they both sociological? At the same time, how does each represent a different assumption about the nature of society? How is the purpose of sociological study different? Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Develop the differences among the three theoretical approaches by applying each to the family. In each case, how do we understand a family and its operation? Learning Objective: LO 1.5: Summarize sociology‘s major theoretical approaches. Topic: Sociological Theory Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Can you identify some social pattern that people in our society tend to see as an expression of personal ability or personal choice? Describe the pattern and then explain how society is also at work in the pattern you have identified. Learning Objective: LO 1.6: Apply sociology‘s major theoretical approaches to the topic of sports. Topic: Applying the Approaches: The Sociology of Sports Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Skill Level: Analysis

The types of questions we ask about society affect the answers we receive; similarly, the theoretical approach we employ shapes the consequences of our research for society going forward. Explain the links between theoretical analysis and political analysis. Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill level: Analysis Explain the difference between sociological generalizations about categories of people and the simple stereotypes we hear in everyday life. Learning Objective: LO 1.7: Understand the links between the sociological perspective, sociological theory, and political analysis. Topic: The Politics of Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Chapter 2: Sociological Investigation

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. The questions are tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 123 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, half of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs

21 (54%)

28 (44%)




Understanding 15 (39%)

10 (16%)

3 (30%)

1 (10%)



3 (8%)

13 (20%)

1 (10%)

1 (10%)




13 (20%)

6 (60%)

8 (80%)








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Chapter 2: Sociological Investigation TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Two simple requirements that underlie the process of sociological investigation are (a) looking at the world using the sociological perspective and (b) becoming curious and asking questions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociologist recognizes various types of ―truth.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Science is a logical system that is based on intuition and insight. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Empirical evidence‖ refers to what people in a society agree is true. Answer: False

Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Empirical evidence‖ refers to information that we can verify with our senses. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A positivist approach assumes that an objective reality exists ―out there.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In every situation, the mean is a better statistical measure than the mode or the median. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Reliability is a concept that refers to the quality of consistency in measurement. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Validity is a concept that refers to actually measuring what you want to measure. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A variable that is changed by another variable is called the ―independent variable.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A variable that causes change in another variable is called the ―dependent variable.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Whenever two variables are statistically related (change together), a cause-and-effect relationship always exists. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations.

Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding A false correlation between two variables caused by some third variable is described as a ―spurious‖ correlation. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Natural scientists often have an easier time than social scientists in identifying causeand-effect relationships. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding In real life, sociologists always achieve complete personal objectivity in their work. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Max Weber urged sociologists to strive toward the goal of being value-free. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations.

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Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Replication is one way to assess the accuracy of existing research. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The logic and methodology of science guarantee that sociological research will result in objective, absolute truth. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Interpretive sociology focuses less on action itself and more on the meaning people attach to their actions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Scientific sociologists focus on what Max Weber called ―verstehen‖ in order to make sense of their surroundings. Answer: False

Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Interpretive sociology defines a person‘s subjective feelings as a source of bias. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Critical sociology studies society and tries to bring about social change. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Karl Marx is a key founder of the critical orientation in sociology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Gender blindness‖ refers to the problem of failing to consider the importance of gender in sociological research. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Sociological research never poses the danger of harm to subjects. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Carrying out research on Hispanic people, Asian people, or people of any distinctive ethnicity requires that researchers be sensitive to how these subjects will interpret a researcher‘s words and actions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application To identify cause-and-effect relationships, it is usually necessary to exercise experimental control of variables. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understanding The very act of observing people may affect their behavior. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

A survey is a research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or questions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A random sample is likely to represent the population from which it is drawn. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Just walking up to people on the street is a convenient and correct way to generate a random sample. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A closed-ended questionnaire format generally makes it easier to analyze research data compared to an open-ended questionnaire format. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In general, conducting interviews with subjects takes no more time than asking the subjects complete a questionnaire. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

Participant observation is a research method by which researchers stand back from a setting, watch from a distance, and then carefully record the behavior of others. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Participant observation research is usually explanatory, which means that it identifies cause-and-effect relationships. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The use of existing data and documents makes most historical research possible. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociologist E. Digby Baltzell found that a surprisingly large number of highachieving people in our country‘s history came from the Boston area. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Inductive logical thought turns theory into testable hypotheses. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

―Statistical evidence‖ may or may not be the same as truth. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Lois Benjamin‘s research on the life experiences of high-achieving Black Americans suggests that ________. race has little to do with the life experiences of successful people racism remains a burden even among privileged Black Americans race is now more of a barrier to Black Americans than ever before in U.S. history racism mainly affects lower-class Black Americans Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Science is correctly defined as a ________.

logical system that bases knowledge on direct, systematic observation belief based on faith in ultimate truth belief based on a society‘s traditions logical system that bases truth on political goals Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociologists use the term empirical evidence to refer to ________. information that is based on a society‘s traditions information that squares with common sense information we can verify with our senses information that most people agree is true Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociological perspective coupled to research reveals that ________. what people call ―common sense‖ is usually pretty close to the truth. much of what passes for ―common sense‖ in the United States turns out to be at least partly wrong most people in the United States readily see how society shapes our lives

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―common sense‖ is not very popular in the United States Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding ―A mental construct that represents some aspect of the world in a somewhat simplified form‖ is the definition of a ________. variable theory measurement concept Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Imagine that you were going to measure the age of a number of respondents taking part in a survey. As you record the data, you are using the concept ―age‖ as ________. a theory a hypothesis a variable an axiom Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations.

Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application If you were trying to measure the ―social class‖ of various people, you would have to keep in mind that ________. it is necessary to operationalize the concept to specify exactly what you are measuring you must measure ―social class‖ in every way possible there is no way to measure ―social class‖ everyone agrees on what ―social class‖ means Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Which of the following concepts refers to deciding exactly what is to be measured when assigning value to a variable? Operationalizing Reliability Conceptualizing Validity Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Which of the following is the term for the value that occurs most often in a series of numbers? Mean Mode Median Standard deviation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to the arithmetic average of a series of numbers? Mean Mode Median Correlation Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to the value that occurs midway in a series of numbers arranged from smallest to largest (that is, the middle case)? Mean Mode Median

Correlation Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Consider the following series of numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10. What is the median value? 1 2 3 4 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application In the process of measurement, reliability refers to ________. whether you are really measuring what you want to measure how dependable the researcher is whether or not everyone agrees with the study‘s results whether repeating the measurement yields consistent results Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection _________ refers to measuring exactly what one intends to measure. Congruence Validity Repeatability Reliability Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection With regard to the process of measurement, ________. for measurement to be reliable, it must be valid for measurement to be valid, it must be reliable all measurement is both reliable and valid measurement cannot be both reliable and valid Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis A theory states that increasing a person‘s formal higher education results in increased earnings over the individual‘s lifetime. In this theory, ―higher education‖ is the ________. independent variable dependent variable correlation

effect Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Two variables are said to display correlation if ________. they are both caused by the same third variable one occurs before the other both measure the same thing they vary together Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding An apparent, although false, association between two variables, which is caused by some third variable, is called ________. a spurious correlation an unproven correlation an unreliable correlation an invalid correlation Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection The ability to neutralize the effect of one variable in order to assess the relationship between two other variables is called ________. making the correlation spurious making the correlation reliable control causing the correlation Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In a cause-and-effect relationship, ________. both variables must be independent of each other the independent variable must come before the dependent variable in time the two variables must not display correlation there must be evidence that the correlation is spurious Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding It is difficult to establish all the cause-and-effect relationships in a social situation because ________. most patterns of behavior have a single cause most patterns of behavior are random and have no cause at all

most patterns of behavior are caused by many factors sociologists are not able to reach conclusions about cause and effect Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher must ________. not personally care about the topic being studied try to adopt a stance of personal neutrality toward the outcome of the research study issues that have no value to society as a whole carry out research that will encourage desirable social change Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The sociologist who called on his colleagues to be ―value-free‖ in the conduct of their research was ________. Karl Marx Emile Durkheim Herbert Spencer Max Weber Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Imagine that you are repeating research done by someone else in order to assess the accuracy of that research. You are doing which of the following? Replication Objectification Reliability Scientific control Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Sociologists cannot precisely predict any specific person‘s behavior because ________. human behavior is highly complex and has many causes the discipline of sociology is too new there are too many competing sociological approaches sociology is not scientific Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Scientific sociology ________. focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior seeks to bring about desirable social change

favors qualitative data favors quantitative data Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Interpretive sociology‖ refers to sociology that ________. focuses on action sees an objective reality ―out there‖ focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior seeks to bring about change Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which German word meaning ―understanding‖ was used by Max Weber to describe his approach to sociological research? Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft Verstehen Verboten Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Critical sociology ________. focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior seeks to bring about desirable social change endorses the principle of being value-free is based on Max Weber‘s principle of verstehen Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Critical sociology can best be described as a(n) ________ approach. activist scientific qualitative value-free Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis In making judgments about how society should be improved, the ________ approach in sociology rejects Max Weber‘s goal that researchers should be value-free. interpretive critical

scientific positivist Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Scientific methodology is most closely linked to ________. structural-functional theory social-conflict theory symbolic-interaction theory gender-conflict theory Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Qualitative research has special appeal to investigators who favor ________. the structural-functional approach the symbolic-interaction approach the social-conflict approach the social-exchange approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis If you have been criticized for ―androcentricity‖ in your research, you are being criticized for ________. overgeneralizing your results ignoring gender entirely doing the research from a male perspective or focusing only on men using double standards in your research Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application If you read a study that draws conclusions about all of humanity based on research using only women as subjects, you would correctly point to the problem called ________. androcentricity overgeneralization gender blindness using double standards Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

You are doing research and you never stop to think about the possible importance of gender. Your work could be criticized for the problem called ________. androcentricity overgeneralization gender blindness employing double standards Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application Regarding ethical research guidelines, the American Sociological Association states that researchers ________. must always perform their research several times in order to ensure its accuracy must never disclose their sources of funding for the research must protect the privacy of subjects taking part in a research project are not responsible for the safety of subjects taking part in a research project Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding If you were to conduct sociological research that closely follows the logic of science, which research method would you most likely use? Interviews

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The experiment Questionnaires Participant observation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application ―A statement of a possible relationship between two or more variables‖ is the definition of which concept? Measurement Correlation Spurious correlation Hypothesis Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Three researchers wish to test the effects of playing soft music during an exam on the test performance of their sociology students. They conduct an experiment in which one test-taking class hears music and another does not. In experimental terms, the class hearing the music is called ________. the placebo the control group the experimental group

the dependent variable Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application What concept refers to any change in a subject‘s behavior that is caused by the awareness of being studied? Invalid response Unreliable response The Stanford effect The Hawthorne effect Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection What research method was used in Philip Zimbardo‘s study, the ―Stanford County Prison‖? An experiment A survey Participant observation Secondary analysis Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview? Secondary research Participant observation An experiment A survey Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A small number of people who are used to represent a much larger population is called a ________. target group sample closed-format group sampling frame Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In a questionnaire, asking respondents to identify their income level from a number of possible categories represents ________. a closed-ended question format. an open-ended question format an interview question format a qualitative question format Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In a questionnaire, the question ―Please state your opinions about the extent of economic inequality‖ is an example of ________. a closed-ended format an open-ended format experimental design a dependent variable Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application One disadvantage of conducting interviews is that this research method ________.

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does not permit follow-up questions does not allow subjects‘ answers to be detailed results in a very low response rate may easily allow the researcher to influence subjects‘ responses Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis From a research point of view, what is the problem with the question, ―Do you think that the government should spend less on defense and spend more on health care?‖ Most people will have no opinion on these issues. The question may spark an emotional response. Two different questions are being asked, so that a simple ―yes‖ or ―no‖ may distort the subject‘s actual opinion. The question asks for a personal opinion, which involves a value judgment. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Lois Benjamin‘s investigation of racism may be criticized because ________. her sample included as many White people as Black people she conducted her interviews over the telephone her sample may not be representative of all Black Americans

people cannot respond to questions they find painful Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Lois Benjamin‘s research shows that interviews ________. take a lot of time to complete must always be conducted in a laboratory do not allow the researcher to ask follow-up questions do not require face-to-face contact with subjects Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Joseph Ewoodzie‘s research to learn about homeless people in Jackson, Mississippi, is an example of ________. an experiment a survey participant observation secondary analysis Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods.

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Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Joseph Ewoodzie discovered that homeless people in Jackson, Mississippi, ________. ate more nutritious food than better-off people could easily find jobs and housing if they just wanted to made use of available social services so that they rarely went for a day without food were unwilling to speak with any researcher about their lives Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding You wish to conduct an exploratory and descriptive study of people in a particular neighborhood. You have plenty of time, but you have little money or other resources. What research method should you use? Experiment Survey Participant observation Secondary analysis Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

A researcher doing participant observation may often ―break in‖ to a setting more easily with the help of a ________. key informant research assistant bigger budget longer questionnaire Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection E. Digby Baltzell‘s historical study, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia, illustrates which research method? The experiment The survey Participant observation The use of existing and available data Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection E. Digby Baltzell‘s study, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia, showed that a very high number of ―top achievers‖ listed in the Dictionary of American Biography came from ________. the South

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Pennsylvania Massachusetts Philadelphia Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which sociological research method is most likely to produce quantitative data that will identify cause-and-effect relationships? The experiment The survey Participant observation Secondary analysis Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Which sociological research method is best used to study what cannot be directly observed, such as attitudes and values, among large numbers of people? The experiment The survey Participant observation The use of existing data

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Which sociological research method provides the best chance to understand social behavior in a natural setting? The experiment The survey Participant observation Secondary analysis Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Which sociological research method is likely to be the most difficult to replicate (repeat)? The experiment The survey Participant observation Secondary analysis Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods.

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Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Which sociological research method saves the time and expense of data gathering, but the researcher has no control over possible data bias? The experiment The survey Participant observation The use of existing sources Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Inductive logical thought involves ________. turning theories into hypotheses suitable for testing selecting a research method based on available resources doing research about the past transforming specific observations into general theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Deductive logical thought involves ________. turning theories into hypotheses suitable for testing selecting a research method based on available resources doing research about the past transforming specific observations into general theory Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection People can mislead others, even when they provide statistics, by _______. using deductive reasoning interpreting the data to lead their readers to a desired conclusion using inductive reasoning identifying a testable hypothesis Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS How does a researcher transform a concept into a variable? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application When measuring a variable, how is reliability different from validity? Which of the two concepts implies the other? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding List the three conditions that are required to establish cause and effect in social scientific research. Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is a spurious correlation? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What did Max Weber mean by ―value-free‖ research? Do you think researchers can be value-free? Should they try? Explain. Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How do positivist sociology, interpretive sociology, and critical sociology deal with the issue of subjectivity in a different way?

Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What are the essential differences between scientific sociology, interpretive sociology, and critical sociology? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Provide one strength and one limitation of each of the major research methods described in this chapter: experiment, survey, participant observation, and secondary analysis or use of existing data. Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis If you were doing a research project for your sociology class in which you were trying to discover how students assess the benefits of taking a sociology class, which research method might you use? Why? Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Define both inductive logical thought and deductive logical thought. How does sociological research make use of both types of thought? Provide an example that illustrates each type of logical thought.

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Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS What makes science a special way of knowing? What are important traits of scientific sociology? How does interpretive sociology differ from scientific sociology? Learning Objective: LO 2.1: Explain how scientific evidence often challenges common sense. Topic: Basics of Sociological Investigation Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Should sociologists try to be objective? Develop a positivist sociological response to this question and also a critical sociological response. Which of the two responses comes closer to your own personal views? Why? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How does interpretive sociology differ from scientific sociology? What are the differences in terms of the basic image of society? How do the two approaches differ in the types of data they generate? Do you favor one approach over the other? If so, why? Learning Objective: LO 2.2: Describe sociology‘s three research orientations. Topic: Three Ways to Do Sociology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How and why can gender be important in conducting research? What are some of the problems in research that involve gender? How about race and ethnicity? Why might a

researcher need to take race and ethnicity into account when planning research with a specific category of people? Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What are some of the dangers of sociological research to subjects? Explain why the discipline has developed ethical guidelines to guide research. What are three specific problems with research that ethical guidelines address? Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Why is it necessary for researchers to understand the social characteristics of the people they are studying? What problems could arise if a researcher started to study the Amish, Korean Americans, or some other distinctive category of people and had no understanding of their way of life? Learning Objective: LO 2.3: Identify the importance of gender and ethics in sociological research. Topic: Issues Affecting Sociological Research Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application None of the major methods of sociological research—experiment, survey, participant observation, and secondary research—is better than any other in an absolute sense, but each is suitable for addressing a certain type of question or situation. Explain why this is true and develop brief illustrations of the type of questions that would lead a researcher to select one method over the others. Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods

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Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How does inductive logical thought differ from deductive logical thought? How can a researcher benefit from using both kinds of thinking? Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Outline the ten steps in the process of carrying out sociological investigation. You may use the format presented in the text; that is, what specific questions must be answered as a researcher moves along? Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding Based on your own interests, identify a research question that you would like to investigate. State the question, identify an appropriate research method, and point to any challenges or issues that you would have to resolve in order to complete such a project. Learning Objective: LO 2.4: Explain why a researcher might choose each of sociology‘s research methods. Topic: Research Methods Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 3: Culture

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 143 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, almost two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiplechoice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


29 (60%)

37 (53%)





17 (35%)

21 (30%)

6 (40%)




2 (4%)

11 (16%)

2 (13%)

1 (10%)





7 (47%)

9 (90%)


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Businesses in this country can profit from recognizing the increasing cultural diversity of the U.S. population. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


People around the world dress, think, and behave in much the same way. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


The concept ‖culture‖ refers to the values, beliefs, behavior, and material things that form a way of life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


One example of nonmaterial culture is the types of vehicles people use to get around in their daily lives. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Experiencing an unfamiliar culture can generate culture shock. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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We in North America live in a single way of life that is biologically ―natural‖ to humans everywhere. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


For at least 12,000 years, humans have used culture as a strategy for survival. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy


Skill Level: Recollection The Census Bureau reports that a total of ten different languages are spoken in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Symbols refer to anything that carries meaning that is recognized by people who share a culture. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

10. The emergence of computer-based texting shows us that new symbols are being created all the time. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 11. The story of Helen Keller, who became blind and deaf, shows how the development of our humanity depends on the ability to understand and use symbols. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 12. Through the use of symbols, people make sense of their surroundings.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 13. The gesture we commonly call ―thumbs up‖ is used in all of the world‘s societies to signify that something is very good. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 14. The process of cultural transmission cannot take place unless people have a written language. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 15. In high-income countries such as the United States, everyone in the population has the ability to read and write. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 16. English is not the most widely spoken first language in the world, but it is the preferred second language throughout most of the world. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture.

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Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 17. The Sapir-Whorf thesis states that the language we use shapes the reality we perceive. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 18. Values are standards that serve as broad guidelines for living. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 19. Most people in the United States share the value that everyone should not only have equality of opportunity, but also equality in all aspects of social standing. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 20. The individualistic cultural narrative, which is one important cultural orientation, holds that pay and other rewards people receive should reflect individual ability and individual effort regardless of a person‘s race or gender. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 21. In recent years, a second orientation—the categorical cultural narrative or the group-identity narrative—has emerged, which calls for ―equity‖ among all categories of people in terms of social standing. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

22. The group-identity narrative holds that each person should be judged on personal accomplishment rather than sex or race or class position. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 23. In general, the cultural value of individualism is stronger among more conservative people who identify with the Republican Party and less stong among more progressive people who identify with the Democratic Party. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 24. Cultural values in high-income nations tend to be secular and rational, with populations giving greater importance to personal self-expression. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 25. In general, low-income nations have cultures that value individualism and personal self-expression. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 26. Mores are norms that have great moral significance. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 27. Across the United States, mores vary more than folkways. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 28. Values and norms help to define a society‘s ―ideal culture.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 29. ―Technology‖ refers to knowledge people use to make a way of life in their surroundings. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 30. People who practice the Amish way of life eagerly make use of our society‘s modern conveniences and technological innovations. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 31. In general, Japan is more multicultural than the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 32. The United States has a popular culture, but not a high culture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 33. Most people participate in numerous subcultures without necessarily becoming very committed to any of them. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 34. The fact that hip-hop music and the DJ scene were invented in the low-income, Black communities of New York shows that not just elites, but people of all social positions help create U.S. cultural patterns. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 35. Multiculturalists claim that, over the course of U.S. history, many non-English immigrants adopted some of the cultural patterns of the English as a means to gain social acceptance. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 36. ―Afrocentrism‖ refers to the dominance of European cultural patterns. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 37. Subculture is more at odds with dominant culture than counterculture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 38. ―Cultural lag‖ refers to the fact that some cultural elements change more quickly than others. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 39. Cultural change results from invention, discovery, and diffusion. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 40. Cultural relativism means using your own cultural standards to evaluate another culture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 41. Rock-and-roll music in the United States is one cultural trait that has nothing in common with the music that was popular a short time before it emerged in the 1950s. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 42. The structural-functional approach sees culture as a relatively stable system of integrated patterns people use to meet their needs. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 43. Cultural universals refer to patterns that are held by everyone in a particular society. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 44. Karl Marx argued that a society‘s economic system was shaped by its value system. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

45. Critical race theory claims that race is part of the foundation of a cultural system that allows White people to dominate Black people and other people of color. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 46. According to critical race theory, people should strive to be ―color-blind‖ as a means to end social inequality based on race. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 47. Sociobiology explores how humanity‘s biological evolution over thousands of generations has shaped today‘s culture. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 48. It is fair to say that humans always remain prisoners of their existing culture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 49. The chapter opening story of the diversity initiative at Charles Schwab & Co. explains that ________. a. people in various racial and ethnic communities respond to the same advertising in exactly the same way b. Asian American immigrants prefer English to their native language when they are doing business c. learning more about cultural diversity can help a company boost sales d. All of these responses are correct. Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 50. The United States is the most _______ of all countries. a. multicultural b. culturally uniform c. slowly changing d. traditional Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 51. What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people? a. Social structure b. Social system c. Culture d. Society Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 52. As a part of human culture, religion is an example of ________. a. material culture b. nonmaterial culture c. culture shock d. human nature Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

53. The intangible world of ideas created by members of a society is referred to as ________. a. high culture b. material culture c. norms d. nonmaterial culture Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 54. Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following? a. High culture b. Material culture c. Norms d. Nonmaterial culture Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 55. Looking all around the world, what we find everywhere is ________. a. the same belief about what is right b. people enjoying the same sports c. people creating diverse cultural systems d. the same standards that define what is beautiful and ugly Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 56. Among all forms of life, humans stand out as the only species that ________. a. relies on culture to ensure survival b. has patterned ways of living c. has biological instincts d. makes use of tools

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 57. The term Homo sapiens, the name of our species, comes from Latin meaning ________. a. ―person of culture‖ b. ―intelligent person‖ c. ―one who walks upright‖ d. ―person who evolves‖ Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 58. According to scientists, Homo sapiens first appeared on Earth about how long ago? a. 2,500 years b. 25,000 years c. 250,000 years d. 250 million years Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 59. The concept ________ refers to a shared way of life, and the term ________ refers to a political entity. a. culture; society b. country; nation c. nation; culture d. culture; nation Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 60. The United States is multicultural because ________. a. everyone holds the same values and beliefs b. each individual holds many different and conflicting values and beliefs

c. there are many widely shared values and beliefs d. in this country of immigrants, we find many different languages and ways of life Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 61. Sociologists define a symbol as ________. a. anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture b. any material cultural trait c. any gesture that conveys insult to others d. social patterns that cause culture shock Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 62. The fact that instant messaging is based on a new set of symbols shows us that ________. a. today‘s young people are smarter than their parents b. symbols are static elements c. culture changes over time d. we are not dependent on our culture‘s symbols Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 63. The language that is widely spoken by people in more nations of the world than any other is ________. a. Spanish b. Chinese c. English d. Hindi Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 64. ―Cultural transmission‖ refers to the process of ________.

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a. cultural patterns moving from one society to another b. using the oral tradition c. passing cultural patterns from one generation to another d. using writing to enshrine cultural patterns Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 65. The Sapir-Whorf thesis states that ________. a. language involves attaching labels to the real world b. people see the world through the cultural lens of their language c. most words have the same meaning if spoken in different languages d. every word exists in all known languages Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 66. Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called ________. a. folkways b. norms c. mores d. values Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 67. The dominant values of U.S. culture have long reflected ________. a. a deep respect for the traditions of the past b. a belief in equality of condition for all c. a belief in individuality d. a belief in personal intuition over science Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection 68. A cultural orientation, which has become more widespread in recent decades, is the group-identity narrative that focuses not on individualism but on ________. a. equal opportunity for all b. ―being‖ rather than ―doing‖ c. equity for various categories of the population d. the importance of tradition Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 69. The current ―culture wars‖ often involve ________. a. coming together in the belief that the U.S. way of life is better than that found in the rest of the world b. agreement our way of life is changing two quickly c. an openness to learning from people who hold different cultural values d. efforts to ―cancel‖ people holding values and beliefs with which one disagrees Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 70. The cultural value of ―individualism‖ is generally supported by the ________ and the cultural value of ―equity‖ is generally supported by the _______. a. younger members of our society; older members of our society b. Democratic Party; Republican Party c. Republican Party; Democratic Party d. women; men Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

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71. Low-income countries have cultures that value ________. a. economic survival b. equal standing for women and men c. self-expression d. individualism Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 72. __________ are rules about everyday, casual living; __________ are rules with great moral significance. a. Mores; folkways b. Folkways; mores c. Proscriptive norms; prescriptive norms d. Prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 73. Wrong-doing, such as an adult forcing a child to engage in sexual activity, is an example of violating cultural ________. a. mores b. symbols c. folkways d. control Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 74. The early U.S. sociologist who described the difference between folkways and mores was ________. a. Emile Durkheim b. William Graham Sumner c. Harriett Martineau d. George Herbert Mead

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 75. ________ distinguish between right and wrong; ________ distinguish between right and rude. a. Mores; folkways b. Taboos; mores c. Folkways; mores d. Prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 76. An act of politeness, such as a younger person opening the door for an older person, illustrates conforming to ________. a. mores b. taboos c. folkways d. proscriptive norms Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 77. Elements of social control in everyday life include shame, guilt, and ________. a. ideal culture b. real culture c. sanctions d. material culture Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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78. The fact that some married men and married women are sexually unfaithful to their spouses is an example of ________ culture, while the fact that most adults say they support the idea of sexual fidelity is an example of ________ culture. a. high; low b. low; high c. ideal; real d. real; ideal Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 79. Sociologists refer to tangible or physical human creations as ________. a. nonmaterial culture b. artifacts c. technology d. values Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 80. What is the term for the application of cultural knowledge to the task of living in an environment? a. Real culture b. Ideal culture c. Cultural transmission d. Technology Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 81. Which of the following statements about technology is true? a. Nations with more advanced technology are in every way superior to nations with less advanced technology. b. Advanced technology improves life in some ways, but it also threatens life in other ways. c. Access to technology is evenly distributed across any society‘s population. d. Access to technology is a threat to all cultures. Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 82. As our society has entered a postindustrial, computer-based phase, gaining ________. a. symbolic skills has become more important b. mechanical skills has become more important c. knowledge about the past has become more important d. a respect for tradition has become more important Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 83. About ________ people immigrated to the U.S. between the years 1820 and 2019. a. 6 million b. 16 million c. 40 million d. 86 million Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 84. The distinction between high culture and popular culture is based mostly on ________. a. how advanced the cultural pattern is b. how long the cultural pattern has existed c. the social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern d. how interesting the cultural pattern is Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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85. Sometimes the distinction between high culture and popular culture is not so clear, as shown by the television show Pawn Stars because ________. a. the family in this show was always very rich b. ―reality shows‖ have made families that were low-income nationally known media stars who are now earning a lot more money c. Rick Harrison‘s mother was once a Miss America pageant winner d. ―reality television‖ never shows ordinary working people Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 86. Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as ________. a. high culture b. popular culture c. elite culture d. established culture Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 87. If you were to attend an opening night performance at the New York Ballet, you would be experiencing ________. a. high culture b. popular culture c. cultural transmission d. virtual culture Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 88. Hip-hop music and the DJ scene first emerged ________. a. on college campuses in the 1980s b. in the South Bronx during the 1970s c. among high-income people in the 1990s as part of elite culture d. in the South as part of that region‘s tradition culture Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 89. ―Subculture‖ refers to ________. a. a part of the population lacking culture b. people who embrace popular culture c. cultural patterns that set off some part of a society‘s population d. people who embrace high culture Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 90. Harley Davidson motorcycle riders, computer programmers, and jazz musicians all display ________ patterns. a. high cultural b. popular cultural c. virtual cultural d. subcultural Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 91. Multiculturalism is defined as ________. a. efforts to encourage immigration to the United States b. efforts to establish English as the official language of the United States c. a perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equal standing for all cultural traditions d. the idea that the United States should have a single, dominant culture Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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92. About how many adults in the United States speak a language other than English at home? a. 8 million b. 18 million c. 28 million d. 68 million Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 93. Other than English, which of the following is the most widely spoken language in the United States? a. French b. Spanish c. German d. Chinese Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 94. The claim that U.S. culture is dominated by a European, and especially English, way of life is a characterization of our culture as ________. a. ethnocentric b. Afrocentric c. Eurocentric d. culturally relative Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 95. ―Counterculture‖ refers to ________. a. people who differ in some small way b. popular culture c. high culture d. cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 96. The region of the United States where the largest percentage of people speak a language other than English at home is the ________. a. Southwest b. South c. Northeast d. Northwest Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 97. ―Cultural integration‖ refers to the fact that ________. a. U.S. society contains many cultural patterns b. European cultural patterns dominate U.S. society c. change in one cultural pattern is linked to changes in others d. everyone in the United States shares most cultural values Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 98. Compared to college students of the late 1960s, more of today‘s college students are concerned with ________. a. developing a philosophy of life b. making money c. seeking justice in the world d. being involved in political affairs Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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99. The concept ―cultural lag‖ refers to the fact that ________. a. the rate of cultural change has been slowing b. some societies advance faster than others do c. some people are more cultured than others d. some cultural elements change more quickly than others Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 100. A good example of cultural lag is ________. a. gaining the ability to modify genetic patterns in humans before understanding the possible social consequences of doing so. b. a slowing in the rate of invention in the computer industry c. older people trying to make younger people respect tradition d. virtual culture replacing traditional culture Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 101. Cultural change is set in motion in three general ways. What are they? a. Invention, discovery, and diffusion b. Invasion, invention, and experiment c. Immigration, imagination, and innovation d. Adaptation, integration, and immigration Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 102. The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called ________. a. immigration b. cultural transmission c. popular culture d. diffusion Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 103. ―Ethnocentrism‖ refers to ________. a. people taking pride in their ethnicity b. claiming that another culture is better than your own c. judging another culture using the standards of your own culture d. understanding another culture using its own standards and values Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 104. A middle-class person from suburban Philadelphia who criticizes Amish farmers as being ―backward‖ for tilling fields with horses and a plow instead of using a tractor is displaying ________. a. ethnocentrism b. cultural relativism c. cultural diffusion d. cultural integration Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 105. The practice of understanding another culture on its own terms and using its own standards is called ________. a. ethnocentrism b. cultural relativism c. cultural diffusion d. cultural integration Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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106. The emergence of rock-and-roll in the United States demonstrates ________. a. the lack of a youth culture b. that musical tastes are not linked to people‘s social standing c. that cultural patterns are subject to change d. that cultural patterns rarely change Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 107. The _______ from country to country adds to the creation of a global culture. a. flow of goods, people, and ideas b. different rate of change c. differences in the power of tradition d. cultural universals Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 108. Which theoretical approach states that the stability of U.S. society rests on core values shared by most people? a. The structural-functional approach b. The social-conflict approach c. The symbolic-interaction approach d. The sociobiology approach Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 109. Cultural universals are elements of culture that ________. a. have always been part of U.S. culture b. have diffused from the United States to other countries c. have come to the United States from elsewhere d. are part of every known culture Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding

of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 110. Telling jokes is an example of ________. a. a cultural universal b. material culture c. cultural relativism. d. cultural lag Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 111. Which theoretical approach is linked to the philosophical doctrine of materialism? a. The structural-functional approach b. The social-conflict approach c. The symbolic-interaction approach d. The sociobiology approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 112. Which theory makes the claim that U.S. culture is based on the domination of Black people by White people? a. structural-functional theory b. feminist theory c. symbolic-interaction theory d. critical race theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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113. A Marxist analysis of U.S. culture suggests that our competitive and individualistic values reflect ________. a. the values of the ―founding fathers‖ b. trends in Western European history c. this nation‘s capitalist economy d. this nation‘s family system Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 114. The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the ________. a. structural-functional approach b. social-conflict approach c. symbolic-interaction approach d. sociobiology approach Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 115. A feminist theoretical analysis of language in the U.S. suggests that cultural patterns support ________. a. gender inequality b. gender equality c. a capitalist economy d. the family system Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 116. Which theoretical approach gives a human evolutionary explanation of why the sexual ―double standard‖ is found around the world? a. The structural-functional approach b. The social-conflict approach

c. The symbolic-interaction approach d. The sociobiology approach Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 117. Culture acts as a constraint, limiting human freedom because ________. a. much culture is habit, which members of a society repeat again and again b. humans cannot create new culture for themselves c. culture always discourages change d. culture forces us to make choices Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 3.5: Critique culture as limiting or expanding human freedom. Topic: Culture and Human Freedom Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 118. Culture is a source of human freedom because ________. a. culture does not guide behavior b. all culture changes very quickly c. as cultural creatures, humans make and remake the world for themselves d. culture is habitual Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 3.5: Critique culture as limiting or expanding human freedom. Topic: Culture and Human Freedom Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 119. What is the difference between material and nonmaterial culture? Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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120. What causes culture shock? Provide an example of culture shock in everyday life. Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 121. Define and explain the importance of each of the five common components of all human culture: symbols, language, values, beliefs, and norms. Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 122. Explain the difference between the traditional individualistic values of U.S. culture and the more recent group-identity values. Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 123. What differences are found in cultural values when comparing low-income nations and high-income nations? Explain this pattern. Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 124. Give an example of each of the following: (a) folkways, (b) mores, (c) a prescriptive norm, and (d) a proscriptive norm. Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 125. What is the difference between ―ideal‖ and ―real‖ culture? Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 126. What is the difference between high culture and popular culture? Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 127. Explain how the development of hip-hop music demonstrates the fact that people of all income

levels in a society‘s population play a part in creating culture. Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 128. What is the difference between subculture and counterculture? Define your terms carefully. Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 129. What is ethnocentrism? What is cultural relativism? Identify a limitation of each. Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 130. What basic view of culture underlies the structural-functional approach? What is one weakness or limitation of this approach? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 131. What basic view of culture underlies the social-conflict approach? What is one weakness or limitation of this approach? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 132. Explain the views of our cultural system from the perspectives of feminist theory and critical race theory. What do they have in common? How do they differ? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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133. What does the sociobiology approach tell us about human culture? What is one weakness or limitation of this approach? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 134. Write a short essay in which you assess the idea that there is no single way of life that is ―natural‖ for humanity. What comes naturally to our species is the creation of diverse patterns of human culture. Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 135. ―Human nature is the development of culture.‖ Explain how human beings came to be the only creatures to make use of culture as a strategy for survival. Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Explain the development of culture as a human strategy for survival. Topic: What Is Culture? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 136. How does ideal culture differ from real culture? Illustrate your essay using three examples of how ideal and real culture differ in U.S. society. Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 137. How do cultural values differ in low-income nations versus high-income nations? What reasons can you provide for this difference? Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Identify common elements of culture. Topic: The Elements of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

138. Use the emergence of rock-and-roll music in the 1950s to illustrate how this musical form was built from music that came before it, but also explain how it was different. How does the story of rockand-roll show the link between culture and social class? What about race? What about age? Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 139. Identify at least one positive and one negative consequence of declaring English as the ―official‖ language of the United States. Why do some people strongly support this goal? Why do others strongly oppose it? Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 140. After carefully examining National Map 3–1 (showing the share of people who speak a language other than English at home), write an essay that explains how and why the experience of cultural diversity is different for people living in different regions of the United States. Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Discuss dimensions of cultural difference and cultural change. Topic: Cultural Diversity: Many Ways of Life in One World Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 141. What claims about U.S. culture are made by critical race theory? What evidence can you provide in support of their theory? Why do you think this theory has been so controversial? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 142. Write an essay that highlights the different insights about culture that come from the structuralfunctional approach, the social-conflict approach, and the sociobiology approach. Is one theoretical approach more appropriate than another? Or does each approach offer insights that are complementary? Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Apply sociology‘s macro-level theories to gain greater understanding of culture. Topic: Theories of Culture Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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143. Write a short essay in which you explain the degree to which humans living within a world of culture are free. Learning Objective: LO 3.5: Critique culture as limiting or expanding human freedom. Topic: Culture and Human Freedom Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 4: Society In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 132 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, three-quarters of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Remembering,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiplechoice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning. Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


37 (76%)

33 (52%)





10 (21%)

17 (26%)

4 (50%)




1 (2%)

13 (18%)

1 (10%)

1 (12%)




3 (4%)

5 (40%)

7 (87%)







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Chapter 4: Society TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 144. Gerhard Lenski claimed that technology has little importance in shaping cultural patterns. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 145. Gerhard Lenski used the concept ―sociocultural evolution‖ to refer to how technological innovation changes the shape of societies. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 146. Hunting and gathering societies are productive enough to generate a material surplus. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 147. Hunting and gathering societies have populations that are nomadic. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 148. The members of hunting and gathering societies elect their leaders. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

149. Forces of nature such as storms and droughts have the greatest effect on societies with the simplest technology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 150. Hunting and gathering societies around the world contain a large and increasing share of the global population. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 151. The subordination of women by men is clearly evident in hunting and gathering societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 152. Pastoral societies have populations that are nomadic. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 153. Populations living in horticultural societies typically form permanent settlements. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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154. Pastoral and horticultural societies are not productive enough to generate a material surplus. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 155. Compared to hunting and gathering societies, horticultural and pastoral societies have more productive specialization and greater social inequality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 156. Gerhard Lenski claims that the invention of horticultural or pastoral technology is a clear case of societal progress toward a better way of life. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 157. Agrarian societies typically have dramatic social inequality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 158. Agriculture differs from horticulture because agriculture makes use of animal-drawn plows that can cultivate much more land. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

159. Huge empires—such as the Roman Empire, which included tens of millions of people and several million square miles of land—were based on agrarian technology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 160. Agrarian societies have more similarities with one another than is the case with hunting and gathering societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 161. Industrial societies use powerful sources of energy to drive large machinery. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 162. The industrial era was underway in parts of Europe by the time the explorer Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 163. The development of industrial technology tends to weaken the family, reducing its importance so that families are less the center of social life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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164. The use of industrial technology typically raises economic living standards for a society‘s population. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 165. In general, industrialization results in people receiving less formal schooling and a sharp increase in the share of the population that is illiterate. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 166. In a postindustrial society, computers and other information technology play a major part in the operation of the economy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 167. The Information Revolution has taken place primarily in the low-income nations of the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 168. Gerhard Lenski argues that, eventually, we can expect technological invention to solve problems of peace and justice around the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

169. Karl Marx claimed that the most significant trait of societies is the absence or presence of patterns of social conflict. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 170. Karl Marx argued that industrial-capitalist societies have two main categories of people: capitalists and proletarians. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 171. According to Karl Marx, the foundation of any society is the family. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 172. Karl Marx argued that society‘s infrastructure and superstructure are always in conflict. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 173. Karl Marx thought the rise of capitalism would bring class conflict more out in the open. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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174. Karl Marx believed that proletarians could never overcome their false consciousness. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 175. Karl Marx claimed that capitalism alienated workers from their work as well as from each other. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 176. Karl Marx looked forward to the transformation of capitalism into a more equal and humane society that he called socialism. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 177. For Max Weber, an ―ideal type‖ meant something that was the very best of its kind, such as a delicious meal. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 178. Max Weber believed that people living in preindustrial societies hold strongly to rationality, while members of industrial societies celebrate tradition. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

179. Max Weber used the concept ―rationalization of society‖ to point to historical change from tradition to rationality as the dominant mode of human thought. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 180. Max Weber argued that the development of industrial capitalism had its roots in a set of religious ideas linked to the religious movement called Calvinism. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 181. In hopes of winning salvation, Calvinists were quick to share their wealth with lower-income people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 182. According to Max Weber, relationships in rational, modern societies were becoming ever more personal. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 183. Karl Marx and Max Weber agreed that modern society generates alienation, although they each pointed to different causes of this alienation. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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184. Max Weber viewed rationality as a liberating force that would free the human spirit. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 185. Emile Durkheim viewed society as an external, objective reality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 186. Emile Durkheim pointed to the functions of social patterns for the operation of society as a whole. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 187. Emile Durkheim claimed that, in a modern society such as the United States, people with the strongest social bonds had the highest rates of suicide. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 188. According to Emile Durkheim, modern societies typically provide individuals with less moral regulation than do traditional societies. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

189. Emile Durkheim intended the concept ―anomie‖ to have the same meaning as Karl Marx‘s concept of ―alienation.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 190. Modern societies differ from traditional societies because they have more productive specialization—that is, a more complex division of labor. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 191. Emile Durkheim claimed that modern societies are mostly held together by shared moral sentiments. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 192. The story of the Tuareg nomads, that begins Chapter 4 in the text, shows us that ________. e. all human societies are mostly the same f. some societies change faster than our own g. some societies don‘t have newspapers, cell phones, or other things that are familiar to us in the United States h. some societies have more advanced and powerful technology than our own Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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193. People who interact in a defined territory and who share a culture are part of what sociologists call a ________. i. socioculture j. society k. nation l. state Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 194. According to Gerhard Lenski, which of the following has the greatest power to shape a society? m. Technology n. Social conflict o. Human ideas p. Human desire for change Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 195. According to Gerhard Lenski, the term ―sociocultural evolution‖ refers to ________. q. changes brought about by new ways of thinking r. changes created by ideas coming from other societies s. change that results from social conflict t. changes that occur as a society acquires new technology Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 196. According to Gerhard Lenski‘s approach, change in society would be brought about by ________. u. the invention of the telephone v. conflict between workers and factory owners w. the founding of new religious movements x. the extent to which people share moral values Answer: a

Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 197. Hunting and gathering societies were the only human species on the Earth from the origins of man some 3 million years ago until about ________. y. 250,000 years ago z. 100,000 years ago aa.

12,000 years ago


2,500 years ago

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 198. Today, hunting and gathering societies ________. cc. are quickly spreading around the world dd.

represent about half the world‘s population


are few in number, but are found on every continent

ff. are close to disappearing from the world Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 199. In hunting and gathering societies the population is ________. gg. small and nomadic hh. large and lives in villages ii. small and they raise crops and animals jj. large and most people are farmers Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 200. In hunting and gathering societies ________.

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kk. men and women do almost entirely the same tasks ll. men hunt animals while women gather vegetation mm. women hunt animals while men gather vegetation nn. men and women work together as hunters Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 201. The social standing of women and men in hunting and gathering societies is ________. oo. unequal, with men controlling farming pp. fairly equal, with men and women each making a vital contribution to survival qq. unequal, with women raising the young while men secure food rr. equal, because both men and women perform the same tasks Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 202. A constant danger to people living in hunting and gathering societies is ________. ss. loss of tradition tt. growing more food than people can carry uu.

the forces of nature, including storms and droughts


the forces of social inequality

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

203. By definition, horticultural societies are those in which people ________. ww. are nomadic xx. hunt animals and gather vegetation yy. have learned to raise animals zz. use simple hand tools to raise crops Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 204. Humans first planted gardens in which region of the world? aaa. North America bbb. Asia ccc. Latin America ddd.

The Middle East

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 205. The first type of society to generate a material surplus was ________. eee. hunting and gathering fff. horticultural and pastoral ggg.


hhh. industrial Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 206. As societies generate a greater material surplus, their people generally ________. iii.become more socially equal jjj.engage in more productive specialization kkk. become less warlike lll.become more nomadic Answer: b

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Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 207. What type of society engages in large-scale farming based on the use of plows drawn by animals or more powerful energy sources? mmm.

Hunting and gathering







Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 208. Where in the world did large-scale cultivation or farming first develop? qqq. Southeast Asia rrr. The Middle East sss. North America ttt.Africa Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 209. Agrarian technology developed based on the use of ________. uuu.

the plow, animal power, and the development of metals


the ability to travel, the rise of industry, and elevated living standards


cultural diffusion, the use of hand tools to grow crops, and social diversity


computers, the Information Revolution, and a global culture

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

210. Around 100 CE, the Roman Empire was an example of which type of society? yyy. Hunting and gathering zzz. Horticultural and pastoral aaaa.




Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 211. Gerhard Lenski claims that the development of more complex technology ________. cccc. dddd.

is entirely positive has both positive and negative effects


is entirely negative


has no effect on the quality of human life

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 212. Assume you are studying a society that has just invented cities, has increasing specialization, and has just started using money to buy and sell goods and services. It is likely that the society is at which stage of sociocultural evolution? gggg.

Hunting and gathering



iiii. Agrarian jjjj. Industrial Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 213. Many people have marveled at the Great Wall in China and the Great Pyramids in Egypt. These monuments stand as evidence of the productive power of which type of society? kkkk. Hunting and gathering llll. Horticultural and pastoral mmmm.


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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 214. In terms of social inequality, agrarian societies generally ________. oooo.

have much more inequality than less-productive societal types


have about the same amount of social inequality as less-productive societal types


have less social inequality than less-productive societal types

rrrr. come very close to being egalitarian societies Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 215. Which of the following types of society has the most productive specialization? ssss. Hunting and gathering tttt. Horticultural and pastoral uuuu.




Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 216. The birth of sociology took place during the early development of which type of society? wwww.




yyyy. zzzz.

Industrial Agrarian

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

217. Which type of human society has existed only since about the year 1775? aaaaa. bbbbb.

Industrial societies Agrarian societies


Horticultural and pastoral societies


Hunting and gathering societies

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 218. Industrialization causes dramatic changes to society because ________. eeeee. fffff.

fewer people live in cities there are fewer types of jobs and fewer people work for income


the rate of social change increases


there are fewer advances in communication and transportation

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 219. Compared to an industrial society, a postindustrial society is based on ________. iiiii.

an information-based economy


a factory-based economy


an immigrant labor force

lllll. a less-productive economy Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 220. The mass media, in films from Frankenstein (1931) to the Netflix drama Outside the Wire, remind us that ________. mmmmm. technology has only positive consequences for human societies nnnnn.

pastoral societies have more advanced technology than industrial societies


advanced technology can not only serve us, but it can also harm us


our society holds little interest in advancing technology

Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 221. Karl Marx believed that the industrial-capitalist system was ________. qqqqq.



spreading wealth into the hands of many


giving rise to two opposing classes: capitalists and proletarians


promoting a classless society

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 222. The driving force of social change, according to Karl Marx, is ________. uuuuu.

advancing technology

vvvvv. social conflict between classes wwwww. dominant ideas xxxxx.

the way in which society is held together

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 223. Karl Marx argued that the dominant social institution is ________. yyyyy. zzzzz.

the family religion




the economy

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

224. Karl Marx described the widespread beliefs that supported the capitalist economic system as ________. cccccc.

false consciousness


class consciousness


cultural awareness


revolutionary politics

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 225. Karl Marx called those who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits ________. gggggg. proletarians hhhhhh.




jjjjjj. burghers Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 226. As the suffering of industrial workers became worse, Karl Marx predicted that they would ________. kkkkkk.

eventually starve to death


rise up against the capitalist system

mmmmmm. nnnnnn.

go into business for themselves

demand that women as well as men join the labor force

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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227. As Karl Marx used this concept, ―alienation‖ meant ________. oooooo. pppppp.

the sense of not knowing right from wrong that most people do not want to work at all


that people object to highly specialized work


the experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 228. Karl Marx described alienation from the act of working, the products of work, and also from ________. ssssss.


tttttt. uuuuuu.

the family other workers


the global community

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 229. In the socialist society Karl Marx hoped to see, which of the following would be true? wwwwww.

Capitalists would pay fair wages to workers.

xxxxxx. yyyyyy.

Class conflict would no longer exist. All people would do the same work.


Factory technology would be abolished.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 230. Karl Marx used a philosophical approach called ________, while Max Weber followed an approach called ________. aaaaaaa. tradition; rationality bbbbbbb. rationality; tradition ccccccc. materialism; idealism ddddddd. idealism; materialism

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 231. To compare societies at different times in history, Max Weber made use of ________. eeeeeee. ideal types fffffff.


ggggggg. statistical rates hhhhhhh. speculation Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 232. What Gerhard Lenski called the industrial society and Karl Marx called the capitalist society, Max Weber considered ________. iiiiiii.

a technological society


an ideal society

kkkkkkk. a traditional society lllllll. a rational society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 233. How did Max Weber describe the world view of the members of traditional societies? mmmmmmm.

People look open-mindedly to the future.

nnnnnnn. People pass the same values and beliefs from generation to generation. ooooooo. People live in the present, paying little attention to the past or the future. ppppppp. People strive to be more and more productive. Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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234. When Max Weber used the concept ―rationality,‖ he had in mind ________. qqqqqqq. a concern with what‘s good for the entire community rrrrrrr. a respect for tradition sssssss.

deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the most efficient way to accomplish any task


limiting the extent of class conflict

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 235. Karl Marx considered capitalism to be ________, but Max Weber argued that capitalism was very ________. uuuuuuu. irrational; rational vvvvvvv. rational; irrational wwwwwww. unproductive; productive xxxxxxx. productive; unproductive Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 236. In describing the rationalization of society, Max Weber claimed that modern society had become ________. yyyyyyy. more religious zzzzzzz.


aaaaaaaa. full of anomie bbbbbbbb. less productive Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 237. Max Weber traced the origins of the capitalist economy in Europe to ________. cccccccc. colonialism dddddddd. feudal monarchy eeeeeeee. the Protestant Reformation ffffffff.

technological innovation

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 238. According to Max Weber, early Calvinists were ________. gggggggg. deeply religious and highly disciplined hhhhhhhh. eager to enjoy whatever money could buy iiiiiiii.

people who respected the past


people who believed that they controlled their own destinies

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 239. Max Weber‘s analysis of the rise of capitalism provides strong evidence of ________. kkkkkkkk. the results of class conflict llllllll. the effects of increasing specialization mmmmmmmm.

the importance of advancing technology

nnnnnnnn. the power of ideas to change society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 240. Comparing and contrasting the ideas of Karl Marx and Max Weber, which of the following statements is TRUE? oooooooo. Marx thought modern society was alienating; Weber did not. pppppppp. Weber thought modern society was alienating; Marx did not. qqqqqqqq. Both Marx and Weber thought modern society was alienating, although for different reasons. rrrrrrrr.

Neither Marx nor Weber thought modern society was alienating.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies.

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Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 241. According to Max Weber, one feature of rational social organization is that ________. ssssssss. formal organizations become smaller tttttttt. self-discipline becomes unimportant uuuuuuuu. formal organizations become larger vvvvvvvv. technical competence becomes unimportant Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 242. Max Weber could see the advantages of industrial capitalism, ________. wwwwwwww.

and he was optimistic about the future

xxxxxxxx. but he thought this type of society would never actually develop yyyyyyyy. but he thought workers would soon overthrow this system zzzzzzzz. but he was pessimistic about the future Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 243. Emile Durkheim saw society as a system ―beyond us‖ with the power to guide our lives. Therefore, he described elements of society, including cultural norms, values, and beliefs as ________. aaaaaaaaa. social facts bbbbbbbbb. ideal types ccccccccc. false consciousness ddddddddd.

forms of rationality

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

244. It would be correct to say that Emile Durkheim thought of society as ________. eeeeeeeee. existing only in the human mind fffffffff. an objective reality ggggggggg.

changing dramatically from moment to moment


having no clear existence at all

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 245. How would Emile Durkheim describe the importance of a social structure such as family? iiiiiiiii.

Family is one important source of inequality.


Family exists only in the meaning it has for a particular person.

kkkkkkkkk. Family plays a part in the operation of society. lllllllll. Family is the result of humanity's biological evolution. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 246. Emile Durkheim claimed that, for each of us as individuals, society ________. mmmmmmmmm. maintains the highest level of personal privacy nnnnnnnnn. helps free people from human culture ooooooooo.

helps people ―be all they can be‖


regulates individuals, reining in their desires and passions

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 247. If he had lived during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, ________ would be most likely to wonder how such an attack would unite people across the United States. qqqqqqqqq. Emile Durkheim rrrrrrrrr.

Karl Marx

sssssssss. Max Weber ttttttttt.

Gerhard Lenski

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function

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Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 248. When considering computer technology and the Information Revolution, ________ would likely wonder if computer technology unites or isolates individuals. uuuuuuuuu.

Gerhard Lenski


Max Weber

wwwwwwwww. Karl Marx xxxxxxxxx.

Emile Durkheim

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 249. Emile Durkheim called the condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals ________. yyyyyyyyy. the division of labor zzzzzzzzz. false consciousness aaaaaaaaaa.


bbbbbbbbbb. Answer: c


Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 250. Looking over the long course of history, Emile Durkheim claimed, societies change as ________ gives way to ________. cccccccccc. Gesellschaft; Gemeinschaft dddddddddd.

individualism; collective conscience

eeeeeeeeee. mechanical solidarity; organic solidarity ffffffffff. organic solidarity; mechanical solidarity Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies.

Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 251. What concept did Emile Durkheim use to refer to social bonds, which are found among members of industrial society and are based on productive specialization and mutual interdependence? gggggggggg.



Mechanical solidarity


Collective conscience


Organic solidarity

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 252. Emile Durkheim explained that organic solidarity is based on ________. kkkkkkkkkk. llllllllll.

specialization and interdependence

collective conscience

mmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnn.

shared moral values

common cultural heritage

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 253. Of the three founding sociologists considered in Chapter 4, who held the most optimistic view of modern society? oooooooooo. pppppppppp.

Karl Marx Max Weber


Emile Durkheim

rrrrrrrrrr. All three were equally optimistic. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

254. Of the following sociologists, which one might you most expect to be having a conversation about the question of what holds society together? ssssssssss. Gerhard Lenski

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Karl Marx

uuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvv.

Max Weber Emile Durkheim

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 255. Of the following sociologists, which one was most interested in how society is divided? wwwwwwwwww. Gerhard Lenski xxxxxxxxxx. Karl Marx yyyyyyyyyy.

Max Weber


Emile Durkheim

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 256. If you were to hear a sociologist speaking of class conflict as the ―engine of change,‖ which of the following people would it most likely be? aaaaaaaaaaa.

Gerhard Lenski


Karl Marx


Max Weber


Emile Durkheim

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 257. Which sociologist demonstrated how a particular worldview set in motion the reshaping of all society? eeeeeeeeeee.

Gerhard Lenski

fffffffffff. Karl Marx ggggggggggg.

Max Weber


Emile Durkheim

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change.

Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 258. What does Gerhard Lenski mean by ―sociocultural evolution‖? Why does he argue that technology shapes every aspect of society? Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 259. Briefly describe societies based on hunting and gathering, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, and industry. Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 260. What importance did Karl Marx attach to social conflict between classes? Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 261. Explain why Karl Marx believed capitalist society was irrational, while Max Weber believed it was very rational. Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 262. Identify the seven traits that define rational social organization, according to Max Weber. What makes these traits ―rational‖? Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 263. Explain how Karl Marx and Max Weber held somewhat different ideas about the cause of alienation in modern society.

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Learning Objective: LO 4.3: Demonstrate the importance of ideas to the development of human societies. Topic: Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 264. Briefly explain Emile Durkheim‘s belief that studying individuals alone can never capture the essence of society. Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 265. What did Emile Durkheim mean by ―anomie‖? How does modern society cause anomie? Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 266. What is mechanical solidarity? How does it differ from organic solidarity? Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 267. How would Emile Durkheim explain the high suicide rate among rock-and-roll performers who achieve stardom? Learning Objective: LO 4.4: Contrast the social bonds typical of traditional and modern societies. Topic: Emile Durkheim: Society and Function Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 268. Describe Gerhard Lenski‘s model of sociocultural evolution, summarizing several key traits of each stage. What major technological revolutions have reshaped human societies in the past? Learning Objective: LO 4.1: Describe how technological development has shaped the history of human societies. Topic: Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 269. According to Karl Marx, what is one good thing about capitalism? At the same time, in his view, why does capitalism fail as an economic system? Learning Objective: LO 4.2: Analyze the importance of class conflict to the historical development of human societies. Topic: Karl Marx: Society and Conflict

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 270. Describe how Karl Marx would likely view today‘s Information Revolution. How would his view likely differ from those of Max Weber and Emile Durkheim? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 271. How does Emile Durkheim‘s concept of anomie differ from (a) Karl Marx‘s concept of alienation and (b) Max Weber‘s concept of alienation? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 272. Drawing on the ideas of Gerhard Lenski, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim, cite ways in which one might claim modern society is better than societies in the past. In what ways might any of these thinkers see modern society as getting worse? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 273. More than a century has passed since Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim wrote about modern society. Provide at least one change in U.S. society over that period of time that confirms the correctness of each theorist‘s analysis. Can you point to a change that seems at odds with his theory in each case? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

274. Drawing on the ideas of Gerhard Lenski, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim, what would you say is the biggest challenge facing us as members of modern societies? That is, in what way does modern society pose a problem for people that did not exist when people were living in traditional societies? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult

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Skill Level: Analysis 275. What would Karl Marx propose as a solution to the problem of alienation? What would Max Weber propose as a solution to the same problem as he understood it? What would Emile Durkheim propose as a solution to the problem of anomie? Which of these three problems do you think is the most serious in today‘s world? Why? How might you address these three issues? Learning Objective: LO 4.5: Summarize the contributions of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to our understanding of social change. Topic: Critical Review: Four Visions of Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 5: Socialization In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 106 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, all of these questions fall within the two lowest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include only the highest level of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


27 (84%)

34 (64%)





5 (16%)

16 (30%)

8 (62%)





2 (4%)

1 (8%)





1 (2%)

4 (30%)

8 (100%)







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Chapter 5: Socialization TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS

276. Psychologist John B. Watson claimed that specific patterns of human behavior are not instinctive but learned. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 277. The Harlow studies found that six months of social isolation was sufficient to permanently damage infant rhesus monkeys. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 278. The tragic case of Anna shows that without healthful nutrition a human being cannot develop a personality or self. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 279. What we know about the later lives of socially isolated children such as Isabell and Genie supports the findings of the Harlow‘s research with rhesus monkeys. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

280. Even years of social isolation during infancy in humans does not cause permanent and irreversible developmental damage. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 281. The ―id‖ in Sigmund Freud‘s work represents the human being‘s basic, unconscious drives, which demand immediate satisfaction. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 282. The ―ego‖ in Sigmund Freud‘s model of personality is the same as ―conscience.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 283. In Sigmund Freud‘s model of personality, the superego manages the opposing forces of the id and the ego. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 284. According to Jean Piaget, language and other symbols were first used in the preoperational stage. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 285. Lawrence Kohlberg claims that individuals develop the capacity for moral reasoning in stages that unfold as they grow older. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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286. According to Carol Gilligan, the self-esteem of girls increases steadily through the teenage years. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 287. While many researchers have studied outward behavior, George Herbert Mead focused on symbolic meaning—specifically the meaning people attach to behavior. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 288. George Herbert Mead used the concept ―the looking-glass self‖ to refer to significant people in our lives. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 289. George Herbert Mead‘s theory of the self is completely social; he did not recognize a role for biology in personality development. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 290. George Herbert Mead‘s concepts of the ―I‖ and the ―me‖ are close parallels of Sigmund Freud‘s concepts of the id and the superego. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

291. Erik H. Erikson emphasized that almost all important socialization takes place during childhood. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 292. Of all social institutions, the family has the greatest impact on socialization. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 293. Melvin Kohn demonstrated that parents of all social classes have the same expectations of their children. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 294. Schools provide children with early experience of bureaucracy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 295. The onset of adolescence brings to an end the family‘s influence on children. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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296. Members of a peer group share common interests, social position, and a similar age. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 297. Anticipatory socialization refers to efforts to avoid unpleasant social experiences. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 298. During the last century, the mass media have had a declining influence on people in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 299. U.S. school children spend about as much time in front of a television as they do at school or interacting with their parents. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 300. Childhood and other stages of the life course are defined in the same way in all known societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

301. In the United States, old age is generally thought to begin at or soon after the age of sixty-five. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 302. Industrialization brings with it an increase in the social standing of older people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 303. Anti-elder bias in the United States will probably decrease as the percentage of older people rises. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 304. As the proportion of women and men in old age increases, we can expect U.S. culture to become more comfortable with the reality of death. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 305. A cohort is a category of people who have something important in common, usually their age and, therefore, much life experience. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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306. A community college is correctly considered to be a good example of a total institution. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 307. Total institutions operate with the goal of resocializing inmates. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 308. The tragic case of Anna, the isolated girl who was studied by Kingsley Davis, shows that ________. iiiiiiiiiii.

humans have most of the same instincts found in other animal species


without social experience, a child is incapable of thought or meaningful action


personality is present in humans at birth

lllllllllll. many human instincts disappear after the first few years of life Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 309. Which of the following concepts refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? mmmmmmmmmmm.




ooooooooooo. ppppppppppp.

Human nature Behaviorism

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

310. What concept refers to a person‘s fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling? qqqqqqqqqqq. Socialization rrrrrrrrrrr. Behavior sssssssssss. ttttttttttt.

Human nature


Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 311. Which theory, developed by the psychologist John B. Watson, claims that human behavior is not instinctive but learned within a social environment? uuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvv.

Behaviorism Biological psychology

wwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxx.

Evolutionary psychology


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 312. In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that ________. yyyyyyyyyyy.

nature is far more important than nurture

zzzzzzzzzzz. aaaaaaaaaaaa.

nurture is far more important than nature nature and nurture have equal importance


neither nature nor nurture creates the essence of our humanity

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 313. The social sciences, including sociology, make the claim that ________. cccccccccccc. humans have instincts that guide our lives dddddddddddd.

biological forces underlie human culture


as humans, to nurture is our nature

ffffffffffff. Darwin‘s model of biological evolution explains the patterns of human culture Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 314. The Harlow experiments to discover the effects of social isolation on rhesus monkeys showed that ________. gggggggggggg. monkeys isolated for six months were highly fearful when they were returned to others of their kind hhhhhhhhhhhh.

isolated monkeys able to cuddle artificial mothers developed normally

iiiiiiiiiiii. even several days of social isolation permanently damaged infant monkeys jjjjjjjjjjjj. prolonged isolation had little effect on infant monkeys Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 315. Based on the Harlows‘ research with rhesus monkeys and the cases of Anna and other isolated children, one might reasonably conclude that ________. kkkkkkkkkkkk.

the two species react differently to social isolation

llllllllllll. both monkeys and humans ―bounce back‖ from long-term isolation mmmmmmmmmmmm. even a few days of social isolation permanently damages both monkeys and humans nnnnnnnnnnnn. long-term social isolation leads to permanent developmental damage in both monkeys and humans Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 316. If you were to put together the lesson learned from the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie, you would correctly conclude that ________. oooooooooooo. social experience plays a crucial part in forming human personality pppppppppppp. both social experience and the presence of the birth mother are crucial to early development qqqqqqqqqqqq.

the effect of long-term social isolation can be overcome in a relatively short time

rrrrrrrrrrrr. the effect of long-term social isolation can never be overcome in any situation Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 317. Our basic drives or needs as humans are reflected in Sigmund Freud‘s concept of the ________.



tttttttttttt. ego uuuuuuuuuuuu.



generalized other

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 318. In Sigmund Freud‘s model of personality, which element of the personality represents a person‘s efforts to balance the demands of society and innate pleasure-seeking drives? wwwwwwwwwwww.


xxxxxxxxxxxx. yyyyyyyyyyyy.

Ego Superego


Generalized other

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 319. In Sigmund Freud‘s model of personality, what represents the presence of culture within the individual? aaaaaaaaaaaaa.


bbbbbbbbbbbbb. Ego ccccccccccccc.


ddddddddddddd. Thanatos Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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320. Applying Sigmund Freud‘s thinking to a sociological analysis of personality development, you would conclude that ________. eeeeeeeeeeeee.

human behavior is basically random

fffffffffffff. humans have basic, self-centered drives that must be controlled by learning the ways of society ggggggggggggg. societies encourage people to become self-centered hhhhhhhhhhhhh. humans can never become cultural creatures Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 321. Jean Piaget‘s focus was on ________. iiiiiiiiiiiii. how children develop their motor skills jjjjjjjjjjjjj. how children are stimulated by their environment kkkkkkkkkkkkk. the role of heredity in shaping human behavior lllllllllllll. cognition, or how people think and understand Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 322. According to Jean Piaget, in which stage of human development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact? mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Sensorimotor stage nnnnnnnnnnnnn. Preoperational stage ooooooooooooo. Concrete operational stage ppppppppppppp. Formal operational stage Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 323. For Jean Piaget, at which stage of development do individuals first use language and other cultural symbols? qqqqqqqqqqqqq. Sensorimotor stage rrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Preoperational stage


Concrete operational stage

ttttttttttttt. Formal operational stage Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 324. The focus of Lawrence Kohlberg‘s research was ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuu. cognition vvvvvvvvvvvvv. the importance of gender in socialization wwwwwwwwwwwww.

moral reasoning

xxxxxxxxxxxxx. psychoanalysis Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 325. Carol Gilligan extended Lawrence Kohlberg‘s research, showing that ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyy. girls and boys typically assess situations as right and wrong using different standards zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

girls are more interested in right and wrong than boys are


boys are more interested in right and wrong than girls are

bbbbbbbbbbbbbb. the ability to assess situations as right and wrong typically develops only as young people enter the teenage years Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 326. Carol Gilligan‘s work on the issue of self-esteem in girls showed that ________. cccccccccccccc. girls begin with low self-esteem, but it gradually increases as they progress through adolescence dddddddddddddd. at all ages, girls have higher self-esteem than boys eeeeeeeeeeeeee.

at all ages, boys have higher self-esteem than girls

ffffffffffffff. girls begin with high levels of self-esteem, which gradually decrease as they go through adolescence Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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327. George Herbert Mead considered the self to be ________. gggggggggggggg. the part of an individual‘s personality that is composed of self-awareness and self-image hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. the presence of culture within the individual iiiiiiiiiiiiii. basic drives that are self-centered jjjjjjjjjjjjjj. present in infants at the time of their birth Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 328. George Herbert Mead claimed that the origin of the self is found in ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. biological drives. llllllllllllll. genetics mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

social experience

nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. the functioning of the brain Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 329. According to George Herbert Mead, social experience involves ________. oooooooooooooo. understanding the world in terms of our senses pppppppppppppp. the exchange of symbols qqqqqqqqqqqqqq. a mix of biological instinct and learning rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

acting but not thinking

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 330. By ―taking the role of the other,‖ George Herbert Mead had in mind ________. ssssssssssssss. imagining a situation in terms of past experience tttttttttttttt. recognizing that people have different views of most situations uuuuuuuuuuuuuu. imagining a situation from another person‘s point of view vvvvvvvvvvvvvv. trading self-centeredness for a focus on helping other people Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 331. When Charles Horton Cooley used the concept the ―looking-glass self,‖ he claimed that ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwww. people are self-centered xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. people see themselves as they think others see them yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. people see things only from their own point of view zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. our actions are a reflection of our values Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 332. According to George Herbert Mead, children learn to take the role of the other as they model themselves on important people in their lives, such as parents. Mead referred to these people as ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. peer models bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

looking-glass models

ccccccccccccccc. significant others ddddddddddddddd. Answer: c

the generalized other

Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 333. In George Herbert Mead‘s model, which sequence correctly orders stages of the developing self? eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Imitation, play, game, generalized other fffffffffffffff. Imitation, generalized other, play, game ggggggggggggggg. Imitation, game, play, generalized other hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Imitation, generalized other, game, play

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

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334. George Herbert Mead used the concept ―generalized other‖ to refer to ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

important individuals in the child‘s life a person who provides complete care for a child

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllll.

any ―significant other‖

widespread cultural norms and values people take as their own

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 335. George Herbert Mead would agree that ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

socialization ends with the development of self in childhood


if you won $100 million in a lottery, your ―self‖ might change

ooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppp.

people are puppets with little control over their lives human behavior reflects both nature and nurture

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 336. Erik H. Erikson‘s view of socialization states that ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. personality develops over the entire life course in patterned stages rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. personality involves tensions between the forces of biology and forces of culture sssssssssssssss.

we come to see ourselves as we think others see us


most of our personality development takes place in childhood.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 337. Critics of Erik H. Erikson‘s theory of personality development point out that ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

not everyone confronts the stages in the exact order given by Erikson

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. his theories are difficult to test scientifically. wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. a large percentage of people never reach the last stage of development xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

his research suffers from a gender bias

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 338. Family is important to the socialization process because ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. ―generalized others‖

family members are often what George Herbert Mead called

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. families begin the process of anticipatory socialization bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

families set the stage for resocialization

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 339. Thinking about how patterns of child-rearing vary by class, lower-class parents generally stress ________, while well-to-do parents typically stress ________. cccccccccccccccc. independence; protecting children dddddddddddddddd. independence; dependence eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. obedience; creativity ffffffffffffffff.

creativity; obedience

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 340. National Map 5–1 shows that counties across the United States differ in terms of the racial composition of the population. In which of the following regions of the United States is there a relatively high number of people who identify as multiracial? gggggggggggggggg. The Southwest, including Arizona and southern California hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The Plains States, including North Dakota and South Dakota


The New England states of Maine and New Hampshire

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Answer: a

The Rocky Mountain states of Montana and Wyoming

Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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341. Osagie Obasogie did research with people who have been blind since birth and discovered that, with regard to race, these people ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllll.

were more racially prejudiced than sighted people

held much the same ideas about race as sighted people

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

could not imagine what ―race‖ meant

strongly believed that race did not matter at all

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 342. A distinctive contribution of schooling to the process of socialization is ________. oooooooooooooooo.

exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting

pppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

exposing the child to people of similar social backgrounds teaching children to be highly flexible and to express their individuality


helping children break free of gender roles

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 343. Today, the factor people most commonly use in considering a young woman or young man to have reached adulthood is whether or not the person ________. ssssssssssssssss.

has completed all schooling


has a full-time job

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

is married is married and has children

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 344. The special importance of the peer group is the fact that it ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

has a greater effect than parents on children‘s long-term goals

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents gives children experience in an impersonal setting

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. halts the socialization process for a brief period

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 345. When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in a process that sociologists call ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

group conformity


future directedness


anticipatory socialization


group rejection

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 346. In the historical perspective, the importance of the mass media and social media to the socialization process has ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. increased over time fffffffffffffffff.

been about the same over the last century


decreased over time

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: a

never been very important

Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 347. On average, an adult in the United States watches television for about how many hours a day? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.




kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllll.



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection 348. Looking at childhood in global perspective, we find that ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. childhood is a time of play and learning everywhere nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. societies

high-income societies extend childhood much longer than do low-income

ooooooooooooooooo. societies

low-income societies extend childhood much longer than do high-income


biological immaturity is the main factor that defines childhood

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 349. Based on what you have read in this chapter, how would sociologists explain the fact that many young people in the United States experience adolescence as a time of confusion? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. There are cultural inconsistencies in the definition of this stage of life as partly childlike and partly adultlike. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hormones greatly affect young people as they mature. sssssssssssssssss. Growth always involves change and change is confusing. ttttttttttttttttt.

Parents are no longer providing proper guidance to young people.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 350. In the period of life called ―middle adulthood,‖ people typically experience ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

life circumstances becoming more or less set a lack of awareness of health issues

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

the birth of their children

juggling conflicting priorities

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

351. Members of industrial societies typically define people in old age as ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

the most wise the most knowledgeable about current fashion and trends


more out of touch and less socially important than younger adults


wealthy and powerful

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 352. Based on the text‘s survey of the life course, you might conclude that ________. cccccccccccccccccc. biology

life-course stages are shaped by society and have nothing to do with

dddddddddddddddddd. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. construction

life-course stages are similar throughout the world while we link life-course stages to biology, they are largely a social

ffffffffffffffffff. Answer: c

life-course stages have changed little over recent centuries

Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 353. In her research, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross found that death ________. gggggggggggggggggg.

is defined similarly in every society


is an orderly transition involving specific stages

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. discussing

is a topic that people in the United States have always been comfortable


is a chaotic transition for most people

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 354. What is the term sociologists give to a category of people who share a common characteristic, usually their age? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllll.

Age subculture


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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Answer: d

Age group


Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 355. A setting where a staff tries to radically change someone‘s personality through carefully controlling the environment is called ________. oooooooooooooooooo.

an anticipatory social center


a cohort community


a total institution


a degradation ceremony

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 356. According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to ________. ssssssssssssssssss. help integrate a troubled patient into the outside world tttttttttttttttttt.

give a person greater choices about how to live


radically alter a person‘s personality or behavior


encourage lifelong learning in a supervised context

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 357. In a total institution, staff members ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. closely supervise all the daily life of inmates xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

encourage the individual growth and creativity of inmates


allow inmates to choose their own food, clothing, and activities


institute informal rules to direct people‘s daily routines

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

358. Erving Goffman‘s idea of the resocialization process includes ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

breaking down an old identity, then building up a new identity rewarding inmates for being creative


helping integrate inmates into the larger society


finding ways to make inmates contribute to the larger society

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 359. An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffff.



ggggggggggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

institutionalized dissociated

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 360. Based on what you have read in this chapter, you would correctly conclude that ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

society shapes how we think, feel, and act human beings lack spontaneity and creativity

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllllll.

human beings are locked in the prison of society

human beings are unwilling to change society

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 361. Why are the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie important to social scientists? Learning Objective: LO 5.1: Describe how social interaction is the foundation of personality. Topic: Social Experience: The Key to Our Humanity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 362. Why did Sigmund Freud see human culture (superego) as a necessary source of repression for individuals?

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Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 363. Summarize Jean Piaget‘s contribution to our understanding of socialization. Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 364. What differences did Carol Gilligan find in how men and women make moral judgments? Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 365. What did George Herbert Mead mean by ―self‖? What are the steps in the development of the self? Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 366. Explain Erik H. Erikson‘s theory of socialization as a lifelong process. Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 367. Explain why George Herbert Mead‘s theory of self can be described as completely social. Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 368. Note one criticism often made of Erik H. Erikson‘s ―Stages of Development‖ theory. Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 369. Cite several ways in which the family is central to the process of socialization. Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understanding 370. Explain how a family‘s social class position shapes the process of socialization. Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 371. Provide evidence in support of the position that stages of the life course are socially constructed. Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 372. Why is defining adulthood difficult for people living in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 373. According to Erving Goffman, what key traits define a total institution? Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 374. Explain the nature–nurture debate. How did Sigmund Freud and George Herbert Mead take different positions in this debate? Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 375. Briefly summarize Sigmund Freud‘s theory of human personality, Jean Piaget‘s approach to human development, and George Herbert Mead‘s view of the development of the self. What do all the theories have in common? What are the main differences among them? Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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376. Based on everything you have read in this chapter, what are some of the ways in which girls and boys differ in their socialization experience? Provide specific examples of the importance of gender to socialization in your response. Learning Objective: LO 5.2: Explain six major theories of socialization. Topic: Understanding Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 377. What specific contributions to human development are made by family, school, peer group, and mass media/social media? Do these agents of socialization always convey the same lessons to people? In your response, provide several specific examples. Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 378. Why is the definition of ―growing up‖ more difficult than it used to be? What are the achievements that lead people to say that someone has become an adult? Why is adolescence longer than it was several generations ago? What difference does social class position make in the time frame for ―growing up‖? Learning Objective: LO 5.3: Analyze how the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and social media guide the socialization process. Topic: Agents of Socialization Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 379. Describe the various stages of the human life course: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. What characteristics do most people in the United States associate with each? How do we know that these stages, although linked to biological changes, are mostly a social construction? Learning Objective: LO 5.4: Discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life. Topic: Socialization and the Life Course Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 380. Based on the material in this chapter of the text, address the issue of human freedom in a socially structured world. That is, to what extent do you think people are free to think and act as they wish? In answering this question, consider the theories presented in the chapter—for example, why does Mead‘s theory point to greater human freedom than Sigmund Freud‘s theory? Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 381. Based on everything you have read in this chapter, write an essay in which you state your own position on the degree to which human beings can claim to have freedom. Provide specific references to chapter material in your essay.

Learning Objective: LO 5.5: Characterize the operation of total institutions. Topic: Resocialization: Total Institutions Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 6: Social Interaction in Everyday Life

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 119 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions

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Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs

31 (69%)

27 (49%)




Understanding 9 (20%)

17 (30%)

2 (18%)




5 (11%)

12 (21%)

4 (36%)

2 (29%)





5 (46%)

5 (71%)








Chapter 6: Social Interaction in Everyday Life TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Through their social interaction, people create the reality they experience. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.1: Explain how social structure helps us to make sense of everyday situations. Topic: Social Structure: A Guide to Everyday Living Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Social structure, including status and role, provides a guide for everyday living. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.1: Explain how social structure helps us to make sense of everyday situations. Topic: Social Structure: A Guide to Everyday Living Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociologists use the concept ―status‖ to refer to someone‘s importance. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Only a few statuses that we hold figure into our social identity. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding A ―status set‖ refers to the roles people perform over the course of their lifetimes. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Being a professional baseball player is mostly an achieved status. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A person‘s racial or ethnic identity is largely an ascribed status. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The term ―master status‖ refers to being the best in one‘s occupational field. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Understanding Having a terminal illness may operate as a master status because people can react to the disease as much as they do to the person. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A ―role set‖ refers to all the roles a person performs. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Typically, each status a person holds is linked to several roles. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Role conflict‖ refers to the conflict or incompatibility among the roles linked to two or more statuses. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Understanding ―Role strain‖ refers to differences between the same roles when performed by two different people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A father who wants to be both a friend and an authority figure to his son might experience role strain. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The process by which people disengage from important social roles is termed ―role exit.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Global Map 6–1 shows that, in general, among nations in which average income level is low, the share of housework performed by women is somewhat higher than is the case in high-income nations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection People usually have more statuses than roles. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The idea that reality is socially constructed means that, to most people, nothing seems real at all. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Having ―street smarts‖ amounts to the ability to make daily events unfold in the way that you want them to. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The Thomas theorem states that situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality.

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Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Ethnomethodology is the study of how people present themselves to others. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection People around the world construct the same realities in their everyday interactions. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The reality people build in their interaction depends only on the actors themselves, not on the larger culture in which they live. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―social media‖ refers to technology that links people so that they engage in social activity. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality.

Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Social media, based on computer technology, easily links large numbers of people who may not be in the same physical space. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Erving Goffman is the sociologist who developed the approach known as dramaturgical analysis. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A person‘s effort to foster certain impressions in the minds of others is called the ―presentation of self.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to dramaturgical analysis, a role operates like a part in a play and a status serves as a script. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In dramaturgical analysis, an examination room in a doctor‘s office is one good example of what Erving Goffman calls a ―back region.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Nonverbal communication is communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions instead of speech. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection There are specific gestures that indicate when a person is lying or otherwise engaging in deception. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection People with less power typically have greater choice and flexibility in how they act in the presence of others.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In general, how much power people possess has nothing to do with how much personal space they allow one another. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because men typically have more power in daily interactions than women, they are more likely to intrude on the personal space of women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In everyday conversation, men tend to maintain more eye contact than women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Dramaturgical analysis treats embarrassment as ―losing face.‖

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Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Tact is common because embarrassment causes discomfort for both the actor and members of the audience. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Emotions have both a biological and cultural foundation. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Employers rarely concern themselves with the emotions of employees as they perform their jobs. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

Emotions are rooted in biology, and culture plays no part in the expression of human emotion. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Ending words with ―ette‖ (―majorette‖) and ―ess‖ (―waitress‖) denotes femininity, which generally reduces the value of something. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The less incongruity or difference that people perceive between conventional and unconventional social definitions of reality, the greater the potential for humor. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Despite the fact that the world‘s people live in different cultures, any familiar joke will be appreciated by people in other societies because humor is a universal element of human culture. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Humor often involves pushing beyond conventional cultural boundaries. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In an age of ―cancel culture,‖ some performers have found that doing comedy is more difficult and sometimes results in strong criticism if humor involves topics that others believe should be taken very seriously. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Harold and Sybil are lost while driving to some friends‘ house. Harold will not stop to ask for directions as Sybil wishes he would. This story illustrates the pattern that ________. social interaction is actually mostly random men and women may have disagreements about who should drive men avoid asking for directions because they want to keep a sense of being in control of a situation

men are more interested in connectedness than women are Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.1: Explain how social structure helps us to make sense of everyday situations. Topic: Social Structure: A Guide to Everyday Living Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called ________. social connectedness social construction social dynamics social interaction Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.1: Explain how social structure helps us to make sense of everyday situations. Topic: Social Structure: A Guide to Everyday Living Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds? Role Status Role set Presentation of self Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding At any given time you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your ________. master status role set achieved statuses status set Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life? Passive role Master status Ascribed status Achieved status Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which concept refers to a social position that is assumed voluntarily and that reflects a significant measure of personal ability and effort?

Active role Master status Ascribed status Achieved status Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person‘s entire life? Social status Master status Ascribed status Achieved status Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Julie is a police officer who finds that wherever she goes in her small town, people seem to think of her as a ―cop.‖ Julie is experiencing the effects of ________. role exit master status ascribed status

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status conflict Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Akbar is an honors student. In sociological terms, being an honors student is an example of ________. role conflict master status ascribed status achieved status Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Which item in the following list is best thought of as an achieved status? Occupation Physical or mental disability Gender Race Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Application Sociologists use which of the following concepts to refer to behavior that people expect from someone who holds a particular status? Role Master status Status set Role set Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A ―role set‖ refers to ________. all the roles found in a society a number of roles attached to a single status all the roles that are similar in function a number of roles within any particular organization Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection What is the concept that refers to the conflict among roles corresponding to two or more statuses? Role conflict Role strain

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Role set Role exit Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Shawna is an excellent artist, but as a mother, she feels that she cannot both work and devote enough time to her family. She is experiencing ________. role conflict role strain role ambiguity role exit Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Which concept refers to the tension among roles connected to a single status? Role conflict Role strain Role ambiguity Role exit Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Which concept is involved when a surgeon chooses not to operate on her own son because the personal involvement of motherhood could impair her professional objectivity as a physician? Role conflict Role strain Role ambiguity Role exit Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Which concept is involved when a plant supervisor wants to be a good friend and confidant to the workers, but must remain distant in order to objectively evaluate the workers‘ performances? Role conflict Role strain Role ambiguity Role exit Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

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What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles? Role rejection Role reversal Role loss Role exit Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Rebuilding relationships with people who knew you in an earlier period of life is a common experience for those who are undergoing ________. role conflict role strain role ambiguity role exit Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.3: State the importance of role to social organization. Topic: Role Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which concept is used to designate the process by which people creatively shape reality as they interact? Status interaction Social construction of reality

Interactive reality Role reality Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Flirting is a playful way of seeing if someone is romantically interested in you without risking outright rejection. Therefore, flirting provides a good illustration of ________. the Thomas theorem the process of role exit the social construction of reality street smarts Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The Thomas theorem states that ________. a role is as a role does people rise to their level of incompetence situations defined as real are real in their consequences people know the world only through their language Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Harold Garfinkel‘s research, an approach called ethnomethodology, involves ________. studying the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings tracking people‘s roles over the life course the study of interaction in terms of theatrical performance studying unfamiliar cultural systems Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The fact that everyday social life varies from one nation to another supports the conclusion that the reality we construct through social interaction is likely influenced by our ________. culture personality gender. social class position Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Twitter and Facebook are examples of ________. social media

dramaturgical analysis the Thomas theorem face-to-face social interaction Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is referred to as ________. ethnomethodology dramaturgical analysis the Thomas theorem the social construction of reality Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which sociologist developed the approach called dramaturgical analysis? George Herbert Mead Harold Garfinkel Erving Goffman W. I. Thomas Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations.

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Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection What does the concept ―presentation of self‖ mean? Efforts to create impressions in the minds of others Being very self-conscious Interaction that is highly formal Trying to take attention away from others Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to Erving Goffman, we engage in a ________ when we use costumes, props, tone of voice, and gestures to convey information to others. role performance status self Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A ________ can be considered a prop in the classroom performance of a professor. backpack

lectern or podium cell phone confident tone of voice Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The power relationship between physicians and patients is immediately evident when the patient enters the doctor‘s office because ________. it is up to patients to decide when they will see the doctor the physician is already there to greet the patient patients must wait until a ―gatekeeper‖ admits them to see the doctor in the office‘s ―back region‖ patients generally address physicians by their first names Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Research on gender and personal performances suggests that ________. men ―read‖ women better than women ―read‖ men women ―read‖ men better than men ―read‖ women no sex is any better at ―reading‖ another individuals can ―read‖ behavior of own sex better than another sex. Answer: b

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Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Nonverbal communication‖ refers to ________. body movements, gestures, and facial expressions instant messaging and other e-communication written language beliefs assumed to be true by everyone Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection An important element of nonverbal communication is ________. tone of voice the back region body language idealization Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The careful observer can notice clues indicating that someone is telling a lie. People give off these clues because ________.

our culture defines specific gestures to convey dishonesty nonverbal communication is hard for most people to control few people ever intend to lie research shows that most criminals really want to be caught Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding ―Personal space‖ is a concept that refers to ________. owned property, such as a house or land unowned space in a public place the surrounding area over which an individual makes some claim to privacy a feeling of needing isolation from others Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, people stand farther away from one another when they are talking than two people would in a Middle Eastern nation. This pattern reveals cultural differences in meaning attached to ________. personal hygiene personal space facial gestures the rights of women compared to men

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application According to Erving Goffman, people usually make efforts to ________ their intentions. idealize reveal hide contradict Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Smiling and making polite remarks to people we do not like is an example of ________. making another feel embarrassment exercising power over another idealizing a personal performance losing face Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

Which phrase was used by Erving Goffman to refer to being embarrassed in a social situation? ―Breaking‖ a role ―Idealizing‖ a performance ―Exiting‖ a role ―Losing face‖ Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Considering the process of dramaturgical analysis, another term for helping a person to ―save face,‖ or avoid embarrassment, is ________. role exit tact idealization creating personal space Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Tact is a common response in potentially embarrassing situations because ________. we like most people with whom we interact our cultural norms demand looking out for others everyone feels discomfort when a constructed reality breaks down

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most people are unsure how to act in most situations Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Based on research around the world, Paul Ekman concludes that people everywhere express how many basic emotions? One Three Six Over twenty-five Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Paul Ekman claims that a major function of emotions is to ________. let us be ―ourselves‖ support group life by forging connections with others limit the power of society over us give people a feeling of independence from others Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor.

Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection When it comes to what triggers emotions in people and how those emotions are displayed, culture ________. plays a minor role plays an important role has no effect only has an effect when individuals are socially marginalized. Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Arlie Hochschild explains that companies typically ________. try to regulate the emotions of workers focus on behavior rather than emotions encourage the free expression of emotions ignore the emotions of workers Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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In her study of women‘s abortion experiences, Jennifer Keys discovered that feelings are guided by ________. biological processes over which people have no control our inner selves ―emotional scripts‖ cultural biases Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Most women take the family name of a man they marry. In sociological terms, this is an example of how language can be used to convey ________. power over others personal knowledge of others the importance of others the importance of the marital bond Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The English language often treats whatever has greater value, power, or importance as ________. gender-free

feminine masculine humorous Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Humor is created when people ________. create and contrast two different realities say things that have no meaning at all speak with great clarity say things that offend others Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding In a well-told joke, ________. the unconventional and conventional definitions of reality are given so quickly that people will not understand the difference there is a very sharp contrast between the conventional and unconventional definitions of reality the conventional and unconventional definitions of reality are virtually the same the conventional and unconventional definitions of reality are confused

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The idea of ―getting‖ a joke, according to the text, depends on ________. knowing the joke teller well having a different social background than the joke teller understanding the two realities involved and appreciating their difference understanding exactly why someone is telling a joke Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding In general, an important foundation of humor is ________. incongruity—differences in meaning differences in social standing gender differences differences in culture Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding When interacting with people of an unfamiliar cultural background, ________. telling jokes is a good way to ―break the ice‖ we find people everywhere enjoy many of the same jokes we find that some cultures do not have humor what is funny to people in one society may not be funny to those from another society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Looking at humor from a structural-functional viewpoint, jokes ________. tend to bring people together can be a way of making one category of people feel good at the expense of another are a good way of reducing conflict in society are often used to relieve tension—―lightening‖ a situation Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection From a social-conflict point of view, jokes ________. tend to bring people together

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can be a way of making one category of people feel good at the expense of another are a good way of reducing conflict in society are often used to relieve tension —―lightening‖ a situation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Describe how status and role operate as two building blocks of daily social interaction. Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Explain the difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status. Give examples of statuses that are mostly ascribed and those that are mostly achieved. Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Explain the concepts of status set and role set. Provide examples of each concept. Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

Explain the idea of socially constructing reality by using examples from everyday life. Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application What is the Thomas theorem? Provide an example of how it works. How is this theorem an example of the process we call the ―social construction of reality‖? Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Why do some comedians claim that the current ―cancel culture‖ makes humor controversial and even dangerous? Learning Objective: LO 6.4: Describe how we socially construct reality. Topic: The Social Construction of Reality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the basic approach called dramaturgical analysis. From this point of view, explain how we engage in the ―presentation of self.‖ Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is nonverbal communication? How do people use it in everyday life? Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Identify several ways gender affects personal performances. Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Stan claims that gender has nothing to do with patterns of social interaction. To him, men and women, in the same setting, behave in the same ways. Use material from this chapter to evaluate this assertion. Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain how emotions are guided by both biology and culture. Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS In a short essay, identify a number of your own statuses. What roles correspond to each? Do any operate as master statuses? How? Identify which statuses are mostly ascribed and which are mostly achieved. Use one or more examples to explain why many statuses are both ascribed and achieved. Learning Objective: LO 6.2: State the importance of status to social organization. Topic: Status Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Application Recall your own experience with a college or job interview. Now imagine that someone new to that situation turns to you asking for advice about how to dress, speak, and act. Write an essay in which you explain how to influence other people in a positive way. Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Language helps create social reality, beginning with the division of people into worlds of ―maleness‖ and ―femaleness.‖ Write an essay in which you explain how language involving gender creates different worlds for women and men. Think of specific ways in which everyday language places the sexes in different and unequal social positions. Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Explain Erving Goffman‘s ideas on the presentation of self. What are the elements of ―presentations?‖ For example, how does a college professor engage in a scripted presentation of self to a class? What about a professor‘s office? What features of the office are used to convey information to an observer? Learning Objective: LO 6.5: Apply Goffman‘s analysis to several familiar situations. Topic: Dramaturgical Analysis: The ―Presentation of Self‖ Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain ways in which human emotions are the same everywhere and ways in which they are different. In your essay, assess the importance of both the biological and the cultural foundations of human emotions. Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Read through the box feature titled ―Managing Feelings: Women‘s Abortion Experiences.‖ In what ways do ―feeling scripts‖ guide women‘s experiences with abortion? Identify some other social situation in which you have been guided by ―feeling scripts.‖ Explain what factors guide the way reality is constructed. Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What makes something funny? Explain the foundation of humor and what is involved in ―getting‖ a joke. Learning Objective: LO 6.6: Construct a sociological analysis of three aspects of everyday life: emotions, language, and humor. Topic: Interaction in Everyday Life: Three Applications Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Chapter 7: Mass Media and Social Media

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 105 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, all of these questions fall within the two lowest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions also fall primarily within the lowest levels of cognitive reasoning, although these questions span a broader range of skills and are somewhat more demanding. Short-answer questions also span a broad range of skills (from ―Recollection‖ to ―Analysis‖). Finally, essay questions are the most demanding, with most of the questions at the two highest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Application‖ and ―Analysis‖).

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs

22 (61%)

16 (39%)

2 (11%)



Understanding 14 (39%)

16 (39%)

8 (44%)

2 (17%)




8 (20%)

7 (39%)

2 (17%)




1 (2%)

1 (6%)

8 (66%)








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Chapter 7: Mass Media and Social Media TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS In the United States, women are somewhat more likely than men to use socialnetworking sites. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―media‖ refers to any type of face-to-face interaction. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Various ―mass media‖ transmit information from a single source to a vast number of people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The first computers, built back in the 1960s, were far smaller than the personal computers we use today. Answer: False

Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Today, about 5 billion of the world‘s people (more than 60 percent) are linked by the internet. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Social media differs from mass media in that it is based on computer technology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Marshall McLuhan claimed that media technology allows us to transmit information without changing it in any way. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Among cable channels, CNN and MSNBC are widely viewed as having a liberal political bias and Fox News is seen as having a conservative political bias. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because there are so many media sources today, most people in the United States make use of many different sources, representing various sides of any political issue. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―media literacy‖ refers to the fact that the media help to educate people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Even ―fake news,‖ once circulating on the internet, becomes the focus of other news reports, making it appear more real. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy.

Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The first of the mass media was radio. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The history of radio shows that AM stations predominantly transmit ―talk‖ and FM stations provide high-quality music. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Television was invented in the 1970s. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection An early example of the power of television to shape the nation‘s political attitudes was that TV coverage of the Vietnam War helped to turn the public against that military campaign.

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Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Research tells us that the average adult in the United States does not watch television at all on most days of the week. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Computer-based media outlets such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus are more popular with older people than younger people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The creation of the internet took place with considerable support from the U.S. military. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection The popularity of social media is relatively greater among younger people than among older people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―digital divide‖ refers to the fact that half of the world‘s people use handheld computer devices and half of the world‘s people prefer larger, personal computers. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Among young people in the United States, individuals in various racial and ethnic categories of the population are about equally likely to have access to the internet. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In 2023, about half of young adults in the United States were making use of the internet. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The typical U.S. adult watches about five hours of television per day. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Inside the world of social media, people tend to present idealized images of themselves. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sherry Turkle claims that young people who use social media gain a greater capacity for empathy. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Social media provides steady feedback about personal qualities measures in the number of ―friends,‖ ―likes,‖ and other measures of approval.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Since 2012, the year in which a majority of U.S. adults owned a smartphone, there has been a striking increase in rates of loneliness, depression, and anxiety, and the increase is greatest among young people—the category of the population making the most use of social media. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The effects caused by heavy use of social media may be greatest among young boys, one-third of whom claim to be unhappy with their physical appearance. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Heavy use of ―screen technology‖ encourages a sense of loneliness caused both by what people are doing and what they are not doing—engaging in face-to-face interaction with other people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Couples who meet online and marry are about five times more likely to divorce within three years of marriage as couple who meet in conventional ways. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Between 5 and 10 percent of social media users show signs of addiction to social media. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection With regard to the effects of social media on culture, evidence suggests that socialmedia technology encourages a deeper and more meaningful way of life. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Structural-functional theory suggests that mass media and social media help generate a more integrated society based on common culture. Answer: True

Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Symbolic-interaction analysis shows us that the media simply pass along information without shaping reality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The fact that ownership of major media outlets is in the hands of a small number of people and organizations is described as ―media consolidation.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The main claim made by feminist theory is that the mass media are now dominated by women rather than men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Understanding MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS The social movement #BlackLivesMatter emerged after the shooting death of ________. Martin Luther King Jr. Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman Stokely Carmichael Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―media‖ refers to ________. computer-based technology the newspaper business channels of communication rules of interaction Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following concepts refers to interactive media that allows people to communicate with one another and to form communities based on interests and goals?

Media Mass media Fake media Social media Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The insight of Marshall McLuhan is summed up by which of the following statements? ―The medium is the message.‖ ―The truth depends on your point of view.‖ ―The truth will set you free.‖ ―What is ‗medium‘ is rarely ‗well done.‘‖ Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding One effective strategy to improve media literacy is to ________. make use of multiple sources of information assume that there is no ―truth‖ at all believe everything you read assume that you know more than others do

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The first medium of mass communication was the ________. radio television internet newspaper Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection About what year in human history did mass communication first exist? 1600 1800 1900 2000 Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection By 1955, half of all U.S. households ________. had access to the internet had satellite radio in at least one car owned at least one television had a cable-television subscription Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Research indicates that the average U.S. adult typically watches ________ hours of television each day. One Three Five Fifteen Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Which advertising strategy is supported by research results included in the chapter?

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Use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell to younger people. Use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to younger people and newer, internet-based media to sell to older people. Sell to both younger and older people in the same way, making equal use of all mass and social media. Sell to both women and men the same way making equal use of all mass and social media. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application The fundamental difference between older mass media and newer social media is that social media ________. involves a vast number of people is interactive involves both words and images can transmit information over many miles Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The U.S. military supported the development of the internet because ________. there was a lot of money to be made from the internet

other countries already had the internet the military feared that war would destroy city-based mass media commanders needed a way to directly contact soldiers under their control Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The first use of the term ―World Wide Web‖ and the creation of the first socialnetworking site both took place during the ________. 1930s 1950s 1970s 1990s Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Worldwide, the share of people who access the internet ________. is the same in every region of the world is higher in regions of the world with lower average incomes is lower in regions of the world with lower average incomes is, on average, larger than the share of people in the United States who use the internet

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application For the world as a whole, about what share of men and women use the internet? 60 percent of men and 53 percent of women 53 percent of men and 60 percent of women 77 percent of men and 47 percent of women 47 percent of men and 77 percent of women Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―digital divide,‖ meaning significantly different levels of access to the internet, would correctly apply to which of the following in the United States? Women versus men Black people versus White people People in cities on the East Coast versus people in cities on the West Coast College graduates versus people without a high-school diploma Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding Among people living in the United States, which of the following is the most popular social networking site? Instagram WeChat TikTok Facebook Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection On average, U.S. adults spend _______ a day online or looking at television. Three hours Six hours Eleven hours Eighteen hours a day Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The recent COVID-19 pandemic had what effect on ―screen time‖ for U.S. adults?

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Decreasing the time by about one hour a day No effect; the time stayed about the same Increasing the time by half an hour a day Increasing the time by about two hours a day Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In general, people using social media present ________ images of themselves. idealized entirely inaccurate entirely truthful highly critical Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Research by Sherry Turkle concluded that the use of social media tends to make young people ________. more sensitive to other people‘s feelings more aggressive toward other people less capable of feeling empathy toward others have deeper emotional feelings Answer: c

Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following situations is consistent with Sherry Turkle‘s research involving college students and the use of social media? People always pay close attention to those sitting with them. Norms have emerged making it okay to use smartphones in class. The highest achieving students are those who spend the most time online. Norms have emerged making it okay to ―tune out‖ of face-to-face conversations every so often to check for online information. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Research at UCLA involving teenagers reached what conclusion regarding the link between social media and conformity? Subjects were more likely to feel positively about online photos when they saw that the photos had lots of ―likes.‖ Subjects were less likely to feel positively about online photos when they saw that the photos had lots of ―likes.‖ Subjects‘ evaluation of online photos was not affected by the presence or absence of ―likes.‖ Most subjects refused to evaluate online photos for fear of being judged by others. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Research at Microsoft Corporation concluded that the use of social media increases people‘s________. intelligence capacity to multitask attention span capacity for empathy Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding About what share of U.S. adults report experiencing online abuse, including threats, name calling, harassment, or intentional embarrassment? 2 percent 21 percent 41 percent 81 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Research shows that about what share of U.S. teens claim that using social media makes them feel better connected to their friends?

20 percent 40 percent 60 percent 80 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, about ________ of U.S. adults reported that they had used an online dating site. 10 percent 30 percent 50 percent 70 percent Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Read the statements below. Three of the statements are correct. Which of these statements is NOT correct? Couples who meet online marry sooner than couples who meet in more conventional ways. Couples who meet online have a higher chance of divorce than couples who meet in more conventional ways.

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Couples who meet online are typically older than couples who meet in more conventional ways. Couples who meet online are less likely to share existing friends than couples who meet in more conventional ways. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Survey research involving romantic partners suggests that couples who make greater use of social media are ________. likely to have higher levels of relational conflict likely to be older typically in minority categories of the population typically people with low levels of education Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Research indicates that material posted on social media ________. encourages people to oppose any form of violence makes people turn away from any type of risk glorifies various types of risk-taking encourages a deeply moral way of life

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Research by Nancy Jo Sales involving more than 200 young women found that the use of social media encouraged these women to place greater value on their ________. intellect physical appearance and sex appeal education family ties Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Researchers conclude that, compared to print and broadcast media, social media contains a greater amount of ________. religious content international news political debate hate speech Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection An increasing share of U.S. employers ________. consider social media to be an employee‘s personal and private concern pay little attention to all social media monitor the social media posted by their employees do not allow employees to apply for a job online Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection President Franklin D. Roosevelt gained public support with his ―fireside chats,‖ which made use of the ________. radio television newspaper internet Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Social media and mass media have a number of functions for society as a whole. Which of the following is NOT included in the chapter as one of these functions? An agent of socialization Advancing a uniform culture

An agent of social control Increasing the degree of political democracy Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Symbolic-interaction theory explains how the mass media and social media ________. serve to help society as a whole to operate shape the reality we experience create and perpetuate social inequality distribute social resources to various categories of people Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The theoretical approach closely linked to the ideas of Karl Marx is ________. the structural-functional approach the symbolic-interaction approach the social-conflict approach the feminist approach Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media.

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Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following statements illustrates the concept ―media consolidation?‖ Social media have become more interactive. More and more people make use of social media. The ―reach‖ of social media is now worldwide. A larger share of media outlets is owned by a small number of people. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Feminist theory makes the claim that ________. an increasing share of media outlets is controlled by a small number of people mass media and social media support the domination of men over women mass media and social media have many important functions for society media are owned and operated mostly by women Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The Bechdel Test asks whether or not a film ________.

presents women and their lives in a significant way deals with race portrays people from various class positions has significant global content Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Perhaps the most important consequence of the development of mass media and social media has been ________. ending inequality based on gender increasing the degree of democracy expanding people‘s access to information helping people to connect with others who are in their physical presence Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Define and distinguish the concepts ―media,‖ ―mass media,‖ and ―social media.‖ Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media?

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is ―media bias‖? Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is the main insight about the media offered by Marshall McLuhan? Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application When and where did newspapers first appear? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection What is the meaning and importance of ―sensationalism‖ in the history of newspapers? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

How did mass media, including radio and television, advance a national culture in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis When was television invented? When did a majority of U.S. households have at least one television set? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection What did research into the 1960 Kennedy–Nixon debate teach us about the power of the mass media to shape public perception of events? How did radio and television audiences differ in their perceptions of that debate? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application What is the meaning of the concept ―digital divide‖? Apply this concept to the United States as well as the entire world. Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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How did the emergence of computer technology and the internet support the development of not just mass media but also social media? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What does research tell us about the link between use of social media and our capacity for empathy? Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What evidence supports the claim that increasing use of social media is linked to increased anxiety and depression? Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What have we learned about addiction to social media? Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How are the relationships of couples who meet online likely to differ from those of couples who meet in more conventional ways? Learning Objective: LO 7.5: Assess how the use of social media may affect social relationships.

Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Relationships Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is the ―shallow culture‖ hypothesis? In your opinion, is this a valid hypothesis? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 7.6: Identify several effects of social media on society. Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application List several functions of mass media and social media for society as a whole. Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is the Bechdel Test? What does applying this test tell us about gender and film? Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application What is ―media consolidation‖? Provide data in support of the assertion that media consolidation has taken place in the United States. Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Skill Level: Application ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS Explain how social media differs from mass media. How have these differences already changed our society? Learning Objective: LO 7.1: Explain the meanings of three key concepts: media, mass media, and social media. Topic: What Is the Media? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What is ―media literacy‖? In what ways can gaining media literacy help people assess media bias? Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Explain the phrase ―the medium is the message.‖ Illustrate this idea using television news or social media. Learning Objective: LO 7.2: Investigate the issue of media bias and the need for media literacy. Topic: Media and the Message: Media Bias and Media Literacy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Trace the historical development of newspapers, radio, television, and the internet. Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understanding Describe the link between age and use of social media. How is race related to the use of social media? What about gender? Learning Objective: LO 7.3: Describe the historical evolution of mass media and social media. Topic: The Historical Evolution of Mass Media and Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain how people use social media in the ―presentation of self.‖ How do people use social media to shape the perceptions of others? Learning Objective: LO 7.4: Explore how the use of social media affects individuals. Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Individuals Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Identify ways in which mass media and social media help stabilize society. In what ways do various types of media encourage social change? Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Analyze the connections between mass media and social media and social inequality. On balance, do you think various types of media are a force to advance or reduce equality? Why? Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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Overall, in what ways do you think the development of social media has improved social life in the United States? In what ways has it made life more challenging? Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Looking ahead twenty-five years, how do you imagine new computer technology will change our everyday lives? Be as specific as you can. Learning Objective: LO 7.7: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gain understanding of social media. Topic: Theories of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Describe the public‘s assessment of social media—what share of people consider social media to be good, bad, or neutral to our society? How do people‘s political attitudes shape this assessment? Learning Objective: LO 5.8: Understand the links between social media and the world of politics. Topic: The Politics of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis In what ways does the increasing use of social media promise to enhance political democracy? In what ways does it threaten political democracy? Which side of this issue do you find more compelling? Why? Learning Objective: LO 5.8: Understand the links between social media and the world of politics. Topic: The Politics of Social Media Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 8: Groups and Organizations In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 120 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, three-quarters of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest three levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection,‖ ―Understanding,‖ and ―Application‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions



Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs

28 (74%)

42 (65%)




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Understanding 8 (21%)

10 (15%)

3 (38%)




2 (5%)

13 (20%)

1 (12%)

1 (11%)





4 (50%)

8 (89%)







Chapter 8: Groups and Organizations TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS People riding together on a subway are correctly called a social group. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application In addition to keeping their individuality, members of a social group also think of themselves as a special ―we.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sociologist who studied the qualities of the primary group was Charles Horton Cooley. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The boundary that distinguishes members from nonmembers is clearer in secondary groups than in primary groups. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Generally, people in secondary relationships think of others as being a means to some end. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In general, people in secondary groups are more likely than people in primary groups to ―keep score‖ in terms of who owes what to whom. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Expressive leaders are more likely than instrumental leaders to enjoy more personal affection from group members. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection Expressive leadership emphasizes the completion of tasks. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The leadership style that allows group members the most autonomy is ―laissez-faire.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Solomon Asch‘s experiment in group conformity showed that most people would not compromise their personal judgment in order to avoid being seen as different. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Stanley Milgram‘s experiment showed that people are easily influenced by ordinary people as well as legitimate authority figures. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Irving Janis demonstrated how discussion always improves decision making in a social group. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Groupthink‖ is a form of social conformity among members of groups. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Reference groups can be primary groups, but they can never be secondary groups. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

In the process of anticipatory socialization, people use social groups they wish to join as reference groups. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection One person‘s in-group can be another person‘s out-group. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding As the number of members in a group goes up, the number of possible relationships that connect these members increases much more quickly. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The number of people in a group has no effect on how the members interact with one another. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life.

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Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Georg Simmel referred to a group of three as a dyad. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection As groups grow larger, they become less stable. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection As groups increase in size, interaction between members becomes more intense and personal. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A social network is really a web of weak social ties. Answer: True

Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Typically, the people with the largest social networks are young, are well educated, and live in big cities. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Using social media, including apps such as Facebook and Instagram, people can create large social networks. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The increasing use of social media in the United States has resulted in social networks becoming smaller. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection Formal organizations have been central to human societies throughout history. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding A psychiatric hospital can be a coercive organization for a patient, a utilitarian organization for a psychiatrist, and a normative organization for a part-time volunteer. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Bureaucracy places more importance on personal ties than on technical competence. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Max Weber believed the spread of bureaucracy would greatly improve the quality of life for modern people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection ―Oligarchy‖ refers to the rule of the many by the few. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Scientific management was an effort to give workers more power over production. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Rosabeth Moss Kanter‘s research shows that making promotion and financial advancement widely available actually discourages people from working harder. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Compared to U.S. organizations, many formal organizations in Japan have more of the qualities that define primary groups. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century.

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Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Today‘s business organizations make greater use of competitive work teams. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In today‘s information age, more and more competitive organizations have a very hierarchical, pyramid shape. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Frederick Taylor, the creator of ―scientific management,‖ argued in favor of a flatter organizational shape with more organizational flexibility. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The ―McDonaldization‖ of society thesis echoes Max Weber‘s belief that rational systems, while efficient, are also dehumanizing.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection As large organizations have expanded in the United States, personal privacy has increased. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS The success story of the McDonald‘s organization explains ________. that ―fast food‖ is not served efficiently that the McDonald‘s idea never caught on abroad why so many small businesses do not succeed that the organizational principles of McDonald‘s have come to dominate our social life Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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What do sociologists call two or more people who identify and interact with one another? A dyad A social group A network A crowd Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Which of the following sociological concepts refers to all people with a common status, such as ―college student‖? A crowd A group A category A network Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A temporary, loosely formed collection of people who may or may not interact is a ________.

crowd group category population Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Imagine you are watching several dozen passengers sitting in an airport gate area waiting to board a plane. These people are an example of a ________. crowd group category network Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Charles Horton Cooley referred to a small social group whose members share personal and enduring relationships as ________. an instrumental group an expressive group a primary group

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a secondary group Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Why did Charles Horton Cooley refer to certain groups as ―primary groups‖? They are among the first groups we experience in life. They include more members than secondary groups. They sometimes only exist for a short period of time. Their members often consider group membership as a means to a goal. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following is every society‘s most important primary group? The peer group The work group The family The play group Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life.

Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Assume you are one of many people assembled at a university graduation ceremony. The concept that best describes this gathering is a ________. peer group category primary group secondary group Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A secondary group is a social group that ________. we experience late in life is impersonal and engages in some specific activity engages in many very important activities is generally much smaller than a primary group Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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One characteristic of secondary groups is ________. their small size weak emotional ties between members strong emotional ties between members their long-term duration Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection An example of a primary group is ________. a family that has gathered to celebrate a religious holiday carpenters gathering at a work site a student government meeting a reunion of the graduating class of 1997 Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application An example of a secondary group is ________. a fraternity chapter meeting on campus a Microsoft Corporation awards banquet parents meeting with their daughter and her coach

Girl Scouts at a cookout Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application In general, we see a(n) ________ as a means to an end; we see a(n) ________ as an end in itself. expressive group; instrumental group crowd; category secondary group; primary group primary group; secondary group Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding What is the term for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks? Democratic leadership Authoritarian leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental leadership Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life.

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Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ________ refers to group leadership that emphasizes collective well-being. Democratic leadership Authoritarian leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental leadership Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding You are part of a task force with a group leader who has a distant relationship with the group members and who is concerned with getting the job done. Which type of leader does your task force have? A laissez-fair group leader A democratic leader An expressive leader An instrumental leader Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

In your group, the leader is skilled at using humor to reduce tension and lighten serious moments. Which type of leader does your group have? A democratic leader A laissez-faire leader An expressive leader An instrumental leader Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Which type of leadership style takes charge of making decisions and makes sure people do what they are told? Authoritarian leadership Democratic leadership Laissez-faire leadership Expressive leadership Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which type of leader encourages everyone in a group to have a say in what happens? Authoritarian leader Democratic leader

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Laissez-faire leader Expressive leader Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which type of leaders downplay their own power, letting group members function more or less on their own? Authoritarian leaders Democratic leaders Laissez-faire leaders Instrumental leaders Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Solomon Asch‘s research, in which subjects were asked to match the length of lines, showed that ________. people seek out friends with whom they tend to agree people defined as ―leaders‖ have great power over their subjects people tend to see most things differently group membership has the power to generate conformity Answer: d

Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to the findings of Solomon Asch, ________. many people are willing to compromise their own judgment to avoid being seen as different by others many people have weak self-images and seek social approval ordinary people are often not truthful to people who are in power many people are unwilling to compromise their own judgment to please authority figures Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Stanley Milgram‘s research, in which subjects used a ―shock generator,‖ showed ________. that people become angry when others disagree with them the ability to withstand pain varies with cultural background that people are surprisingly likely to follow the orders of not only real authority figures but also ordinary individuals that ordinary people are surprisingly independent in their judgments Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The process called ―groupthink‖ refers to ________. a group that shares information widely and makes an effective policy decision a group leader who makes a decision without consulting anyone and the decision turns out to be a bad one group members who seek consensus, discourage people from speaking freely, and end up making a decision based on limited information a group that gets different ideas from everyone and is unable to come up with any decision at all Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

What is the sociological concept coined by Irving Janis for a limited understanding of some issue resulting from group conformity? Reference group consciousness Groupthink In-group Tunnel vision Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection During the process of groupthink ________. group members quickly settle on a position and then they dismiss other possibilities as oppositional group members encourage each other to see the issue from multiple points of view group members treat reaching consensus as less important than encouraging everyone to speak up openly The group seeks diverse members and ends up being unable to reach a consensus Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A social group that people use as a point of reference in making evaluations or decisions is called a ________. peer group reference group out-group dyad Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Samuel Stouffer‘s study of soldier morale during World War II led to what conclusion?

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The greater the chances of getting ahead, the happier people are. Happiness is a matter of personal values and standards. Whatever their situation in absolute terms, people evaluate themselves and make comparisons to others in specific reference groups. The less chance for promotion, the higher soldiers‘ morale. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which type of social group commands a member‘s esteem and loyalty? An in-group An out-group A reference group A social network Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A social group toward which a person feels competition or opposition is ________. an in-group an out-group a reference group

a social network Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A social group with only two members is called a ________. secondary group dyad triad bond Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Georg Simmel described the dyad as ________. less stable than groups with many members involving less intense interaction less meaningful to members than the triad more stable than groups with many members Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life.

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Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A ―triad‖ is ________. any pyramid-shaped organization a trial marriage a social group with three members a temporary social group Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection If you want your social group to be open to any and all people as new members, you would encourage a ________. socially diverse membership large group size group that is physically segregated small group size Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

Which sociological concept refers to a number of weak social ties among people who have little common identity and little interaction? Primary group Triad Network Dyad Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Social networks are typically ________. built on primary relationships ―fuzzy‖ groups made up of people we ―know of‖ rather than those we know well characterized by a strong sense of membership characterized by boundaries defining membership Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The concept ―social media‖ refers to ________. technology based on industrial production any technology that discourages social interaction

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material about social behavior technology that links people in social activity Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The development of social media means that ________. fewer people in the United States participate in social networks it is no longer important for people in our society to be ―well connected‖ in the computer age, typical social networks now link far more people our population is increasingly isolated socially with smaller social networks Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Formal organizations are ________. small groups with elected leaders large secondary groups with a goal orientation networks that have many members only agencies that are part of the government Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations.

Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which type of formal organization is sometimes called a ―voluntary association‖? Normative organizations Coercive organizations Utilitarian organizations Passive organizations Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A prisoner would consider a maximum-security prison ________. a normative organization a coercive organization a utilitarian organization a voluntary organization Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Which type of formal organization do people join in order to obtain money and other material benefits? A normative organization

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A coercive organization A utilitarian organization A voluntary organization Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Assume you are a parent of a child in school. From your point of view, what type of organization is a school‘s parent–teacher association (PTA)? A normative organization A coercive organization A utilitarian organization A traditional organization Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application From the point of view of anyone considered to be an ―inmate,‖ what type of formal organization is the person in? A normative organization A coercive organization A utilitarian organization A voluntary organization Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The concept ―bureaucracy‖ refers to ________. a large, normative organization any source of inefficiency in organizational operation an organizational model that operates informally an organizational model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection One of the traits Max Weber noted about bureaucracy was that it ________. favors family members over strangers arranges all members in a flat, egalitarian manner emphasizes cultural traditions provides workers with highly specialized jobs Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In principle, bureaucratic organizations pay little attention to ________.

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formal policies completing tasks efficiently tradition the technical competence of members Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Which concept refers to all factors outside an organization that affect the organization‘s operation? Oligarchy Organizational environment Secondary environment Competition Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Max Weber argued that formal organizations were efficient, but he cautioned that they can have harmful effects on people. As he saw it, what is the danger? Organizations create social inequality. Organizations create conflict among workers. Organizations create alienation. Organizations create personal independence.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection What is Robert Merton‘s term for a preoccupation with rules and regulations to the point of keeping an organization from accomplishing its goals? Bureaucratic ritualism Bureaucratic alienation Bureaucratic innovation Bureaucratic inertia Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The emergency room clerk who keeps a bleeding patient waiting while filling out lots of paperwork is a classic example of bureaucratic ________. ritualism alienation innovation inertia Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Skill Level: Application The tendency of bureaucratic organizations to perpetuate themselves in order to keep going is called bureaucratic ________. retreatism ritualism innovation inertia Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Robert Michels referred to the rule of the many by the few as ________. bureaucracy formal organization oligarchy authoritarian leadership Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the ―iron law of oligarchy,‖ Robert Michels stated that bureaucracy always means ________. inefficiency the few rule the many

formal rules and regulations alienation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The basic idea behind scientific management is that ________. both science and formal organizations are rational organizations benefit from employees with scientific knowledge applying scientific principles can make a business more efficient formal organizations can benefit from more hierarchy and rigidity Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The scientific management approach was developed by ________. Frederick Taylor Robert Merton Robert Michels Rosabeth Moss Kanter Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century.

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Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In brief, what does Rosabeth Moss Kanter‘s research show? Organizations must ―open up‖ their structure in order to bring out the best in their employees. Employees who hustle are the ones who get ahead. Organizational structure has little to do with employee performance. Formal organizations typically become oligarchies. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to Deborah Tannen, what traits make up a ―female advantage‖? There are more women than men graduating from college. Women place greater emphasis on communication. Women are stricter managers. White women are overrepresented in senior management positions. Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

U.S. auto manufacturers have faced increasing global competition in the last half century as shown by the fact that their share of sales in the U.S. auto market has ________. declined from 50 percent in the 1960s to 40 percent today increased only slightly since 1970 declined from 85 percent in the 1960s to 25 percent today increased but only due to truck sales Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection U.S. business organizations differ from those a century ago because today‘s organizations ________. grant less creative autonomy make more use of competitive work teams have a steeper pyramid shape have less flexibility Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding One of the key traits linked to the process of McDonaldization is ________. efficiency

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creativity cultural awareness privacy Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―McDonaldization‖ of society refers to ________. McDonald‘s organizational principles moving to dominate all of society the spread of McDonald‘s restaurants around the world society becoming more filled with red tape and inefficiency the less and less predictable nature of today‘s society Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Evidence of the process called the ―McDonaldization‖ of society includes ________. bank tellers being replaced with automatic teller machines (ATMs) jobs that provide workers with greater autonomy and independence increased flexibility in the modern workplace an increasing share of new jobs that demand creativity and imagination Answer: a

Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The text speaks of ―opposing trends‖ in today‘s world of formal organizations because ________. some organizations are getting bigger, but most are becoming smaller men dominate formal organizations, but women are gaining quickly some organizations have evolved toward flatter, more flexible forms, but others remain rigid, hierarchical organizations almost all people are better off than ever, but they are sacrificing privacy Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS What are the differences between categories and social groups? Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What are several important differences between primary and secondary groups? Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life.

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Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What does the research by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram show us about the ability of social groups to affect the opinions and behavior of group members? Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What is the meaning of ―in-group‖ and ―out-group‖? How do they both affect the opinions and behavior of individuals? Give an example of each operating as a reference group. Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application List the traits that Max Weber used to describe bureaucratic social organizations. How do these traits promote organizational efficiency? What do these traits have in common? Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is the ―McDonaldization‖ of society? List the four principles that define this organizational pattern. In what ways is this pattern good for society? In what ways does it threaten us? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century.

Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What does it mean to say that rationality may be irrational? How might Max Weber respond to this question? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect some of the largest business organizations, including Amazon? What happened to small businesses? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS Based on your understanding of this chapter, discuss (a) how group size affects the behavior of group members and (b) how diversity in group membership affects the behavior of group members. Illustrate your responses with examples from everyday life. Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the effect of social media such as Facebook on the size and character of social networks. How does social media bring more and more people together? In what ways can social media discourage social interaction?

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Learning Objective: LO 8.1: Explain the importance of various types of groups to social life. Topic: Social Groups Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application In this essay, list the key characteristics of bureaucracy. What was it about bureaucracy that Max Weber saw as being positive? What did he see as being negative? To what extent to you agree with Weber‘s assessment? Learning Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the operation of large, formal organizations. Topic: Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis How have formal organizations changed over the course of the twentieth century? Describe the ideal formal organization in the eyes of scientific management analyst Frederick Taylor, who wrote his business principle a century ago. How and why do today‘s more flexible organizations strive to be different from those described by Taylor? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Discuss the ―McDonaldization‖ of society thesis. What, exactly, does this phrase mean? How might this thesis, assuming it is correct, affect your own life in college and after? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Why do many analysts claim that the spread of formal organizations, including large tech companies, threatens personal privacy? What do you think can be done about the erosion of personal privacy? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the ―opposing trends‖ that are shaping the future of organizations in the United States. Why are some organizational workers rewarded for developing their creativity and imagination, whereas other workers are prevented from doing anything other than what they are told? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What are the dangers that are posed to us by the process called the ―McDonaldization‖ of society? Develop some strategies, policies, or personal choices that might help discourage the spread of this process. Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Identify some of the strengths of Amazon, an organization with more than 1 million employees and subcontractors who deliver more than 1 million packages daily. What are some of the problems of such an organization for those who work there? Learning Objective: LO 8.3: Summarize the changes to formal organizations over the course of the last century. Topic: The Evolution of Formal Organizations

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Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Chapter 9: Sexuality and Society

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 115 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, three-quarters of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided among the three higher levels). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because most involve the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions





Total Qs



34 (79%)

26 (51%)




Understanding 9 (21%)

16 (31%)

4 (36%)





7 (14%)

2 (18%)

2 (20%)




2 (4%)

5 (36%)

8 (80%)








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Chapter 9: Sexuality and Society TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS A 2021 national survey found that the U.S. population is evenly divided between those who claim sexual relations between two adults of the same sex is right and those who claim this is wrong. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Historically, largely because U.S. culture discouraged open discussion of sexuality, researchers did not begin to study sexuality until the middle of the twentieth century. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Standards of human beauty are exactly the same for people everywhere in the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociobiologists point out that, in every society throughout the world, it is generally the case that people are attracted to youthfulness.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociologists point out that attitudes and behavior involving sexuality are very much the same across all cultures. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Primary sex characteristics refer to reproductive organs. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection People in all of the world‘s cultures respond to intersexual people with confusion or even disgust. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection Although a human ―sex drive‖ is virtually universal, our biology does not dictate any specific ways of expressing our sexuality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―transgender‖ refers to having a gender identity that differs from a person‘s biological sex at birth. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding No sexual practice—not even the incest taboo—is found in every society in the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Historically, public attitudes toward sexuality in the United States have been an inconsistent mix of cultural repression and support for individual choice. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States.

Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A period known as the sexual revolution was well under way by the late 1960s. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The publication of Alfred Kinsey‘s books in 1948 and 1953 received considerable attention because scientists were actually studying sex. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The baby boom generation—people born between 1946 and 1964—became the first cohort in U.S. history to grow up with the idea that sex is part of everyone‘s life, whether they are married or not. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection While the sexual revolution increased sexual activity overall, it changed behavior among men more than among women. Answer: False

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Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sexual counterrevolution in the 1980s did little to change the fact that most sexually active people in the United States had a high number of sexual partners. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The region of the world where the smallest share of women make use of birth control is North America. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Survey research shows that, even though the public remains divided on the issue, U.S. society is more accepting of premarital sex today than it was a generation ago. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Despite the stereotype widespread image of ―swinging singles,‖ married people have sex with a partner more often than singles do.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Research shows that a majority of married adults in the United States are sexually unfaithful to their spouses at some point in their marriages. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The existence of bisexuality and pansexuality shows us that that sexual orientation is not defined in rigid, binary terms. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Homosexuality and heterosexuality are mutually exclusive, meaning that all people fall into one category or the other. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Research confirms that a majority of adults in the United States report engaging in homosexual activity at some point in their lives. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The latest genetic research involving DNA found some evidence for a biological basis of sexual orientation involving not a single gene but the combined effect of thousands of genetic factors. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Homosexuality and heterosexuality are naturally occurring patterns that reflect both biological/genetic patterns and cultural factors. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Research shows that the share of men who report any homosexual activity is three time higher than the share of women who do so. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The trend in U.S. society over the past half century has been toward greater acceptance of homosexuality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection As of late 2022, seventeen of the fifty states had passed laws restricting the participation of transgender women in women‘s sports. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Teenage pregnancy raises the risk of girls not finishing school and becoming poor. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The U.S. rate of teenage pregnancy has now increased to the highest level on record Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, young women who live with both biological parents have a lower rate of unplanned pregnancy than those who live with a stepfather or in some other family arrangement. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Pornography is a moral issue for more traditional people and a power issue for more progressive people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Prostitution is most widespread in low-income nations, where women have fewer economic opportunities. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Although some people think rape simply reflects a desire for sex, it is an act of violence and an expression of power. Answer: True

Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection For rape to occur, a man must engage in sexual intercourse with a woman. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The United States is among the world‘s nations that place substantial restrictions on the availability of safe abortions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women‘s Health Organization, overturning the 1973 ruling in the case of Roe v. Wade and transferring the authority to provide—or to restrict—abortion to state legislatures. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The structural-functional approach highlights patterns of inequality that are linked to sexuality.

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Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The symbolic-interaction approach highlights the various meanings people attach to sexuality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The social-conflict approach highlights the ways sexual attitudes and practices are a benefit to some people and a disadvantage to others. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Feminist theory considers sex and sexuality to be an important dimension of social inequality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

―Heterosexism‖ refers to an attitude of acceptance toward people of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A survey in 2022, after the Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson Women‘s Health Organization decision, found that two-thirds of U.S. adults supported that decision. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS A reason to study sexuality using the sociological perspective is ________. sexuality is an important and sometimes controversial element of social life most people understand sexuality very well sexuality plays a minor part in many areas of social life sexuality has yet to be the subject of study Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Which of the following concepts refers to the biological distinction between men and women? Sex Primary sex characteristics Gender Gender roles Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The development of breasts in females and deeper voices in males are examples of ________. gender norms primary sex characteristics secondary sex characteristics cultural variation Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to genitals that distinguish females and males? Gender Primary sex characteristics

Secondary sex characteristics Sexual chromosomes Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which concept refers to humans who have some combination of female and male sexual characteristics? Multi-sexed Bisexual Transsexual Intersexual Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding If you often have the feeling of being ―trapped in the wrong body,‖ you might be ________. a hermaphrodite person a homosexual person a transsexual person a bisexual person Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Comparative research indicates that ________. although sex has a biological foundation, sexual practices vary from place to place as an element of the culture people throughout the world engage in the same sexual practices sex is not permitted in some societies, but it is encouraged in others sexuality is simply an expression of a biological ―sex drive‖ Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding One norm found everywhere is the incest taboo, which refers to norms forbidding ________. young children from engaging in sex sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives women and men from becoming sexually active before marriage sex except for the purpose of having children Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―transgender‖ means ________. that a person‘s gender identity can differ from a person‘s biological sex at birth that identity corresponds to a person‘s biological sex at birth the same as gender orientation that a person‘s gender expression is nonconforming to conventional ideas of femininity and masculinity Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The incest taboo ________. prevents sexual competition within families confuses the rights and obligations family members have toward each other weakens the system of kinship discourages family members from having contact with others in the larger society Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding About what share of the states in this country have laws that ban marriage between first cousins?

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None of the states Five of the states Half of the states All of the states Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection When did the sexual revolution truly come of age? During the colonial era During the Great Depression of the 1930s During the late 1960s About 1980 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The importance of Alfred Kinsey‘s research on sexuality in the United States was ________. making sexuality a focus of scientific study showing that people were more conventional than most of society thought encouraging less openness toward sexuality that it signaled the end of the sexual revolution

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The sexual counterrevolution in the United States was under way by ________. 1920 1960 1980 1995 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The actual effect of the sexual counterrevolution was ________. to limit sex only to marital partners to encourage people to limit their number of sexual partners or, in some cases, to abstain from sex entirely to finally close the historical ―double standard‖ to discourage the use of birth control technology Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Survey research on attitudes toward premarital sex tells us that ________. the public is more accepting of premarital sex than it was several generations ago there has been little or no change in public attitudes toward premarital sex in recent decades the public is less accepting of premarital sex than it was several generations ago almost no one today claims that premarital sex is wrong Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Recent survey research involving U.S. adults found that what share of people reported not having sex with a partner during the past year? 76 percent 56 percent 26 percent 9 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Research on extramarital sex shows that about ________ of married men and about ________ of married women remain faithful to their spouse throughout their married lives. 9 percent; 29 percent 29 percent; 40 percent

50 percent; 50 percent 79 percent; 90 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to a person‘s romantic and emotional attraction to another person? Sex role Sexual orientation Sexual experience Personal transsexuality Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sexual attraction to someone of the same sex is a sexual orientation called ________. heterosexuality bisexuality homosexuality asexuality Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sexual attraction to both women and men is a sexual orientation called ________. heterosexuality bisexuality homosexuality asexuality Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sarah feels little or no sexual attraction to any other people. Her sexual orientation is called ________. heterosexuality bisexuality homosexuality asexuality Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Based on the latest research involving human genetics, it is fair to conclude that sexual orientation results from ________. no factors that can be identified

only from biological factors only from cultural factors from both biological and cultural factors Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In recent surveys of U.S. adults, about ________ percent of men and ________ percent of women reported having a bisexual identity. 2; 8 9; 19 27; 29 17; 2 Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Based on national survey research, about ________ of men and ________ of women in the United States claim to have a homosexual identity. 1.9 percent; 2.7 percent 10.2 percent; 6.3 percent 28.6 percent; 14.5 percent 30.1 percent; 30.8 percent Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―homophobia‖ refers to ________. fear of pregnancy fear of one‘s own sexuality fear of close personal interaction with people thought to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual fear of attracting sexual interest from another person Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection As of late 2022, seventeen states have enacted laws that ban transgender women from participating in women‘s athletics. What do all these states have in common? All these states are in the South. All these states are in the Midwest. All these states were won by the Republican Party candidate in the 2020 presidential election. All these states were won by the Democratic Party candidate in the 2020 presidential election. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Analysis For every racial and ethnic category of the U.S. population, and for all states in the country, the recent trend in teenage pregnancy is ________. a decline in numbers remaining about the same as a generation ago a slight increase from a generation ago a sharp increase from a generation ago Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following categories of teenage women has the highest probability of pregnancy? Teenage women not living with biological parents in a low-income household Teenage women living with biological parents in a high-income household Teenage women who have had little sexual experience Teenage women with high levels of education. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Pornography is ________. condemned by almost all progressives but defended by almost all conservatives condemned by almost all conservatives but defended by almost all liberals

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rarely used by people in the United States criticized by both conservatives and progressives, although for different reasons Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding From a global perspective, prostitution is most common in ________. high-income nations, where women have the most freedom to choose their profession low-income nations, where women have fewest economic opportunities all nations, because prostitution is found in every country to about the same extent Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, where women have fewer choices about their lives Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Elite prostitutes—young, attractive, and well-educated women—are widely referred to as ________. streetwalkers brothel workers call girls or escorts sex criminals Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality.

Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Prostitution is regarded by many people in the United States as a ________. victimless crime corporate crime crime against the person white-collar crime Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Many people call prostitution a victimless crime in the belief that________. prostitution subjects women to outright violence prostitution plays a part in spreading sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS many low-income women become trapped in a life of selling sex adults should be able to do as they please as long as no one is harmed Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding A common myth is that ________. many rapes are not reported to the police

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official rape statistics include only victims who are women in most cases of rape, the victim does not know the attacker men who rape men typically are not homosexual Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding A widespread—but false—idea about rape is that ________. many rapes take place in the home women who are raped must have encouraged their attackers men who rape are interested in power rather than sex ―date rape‖ is a common problem on college campuses Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The campus culture of ―hooking up‖ involves sexual relationships between partners who ________. typically know little about each other are in a long-term dating relationship desire a long-term relationship with each other are both satisfied with these encounters Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality.

Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The idea that society needs to regulate human sexuality is highlighted by ________. the structural-functional approach the symbolic-interaction approach the social-conflict approach queer theory Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Based on what you know about the history of human sexuality, once a society gains birth-control technology ________. social control of sexuality becomes more strict families, rather than individuals, make choices about sexual partners social norms regarding sexuality become more permissive the incest taboo no longer is observed Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Assume that you are investigating the consequences of the incest taboo for kinship organization in a number of societies. You are using ________.

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the structural-functional approach the symbolic-interaction approach the social-conflict approach queer theory Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The more global our view of sexuality ________. the more variety we see in the meanings people attach to sexuality the greater the evidence that biology defines sexuality the clearer we see that sexual practices are mostly the same all around the world the easier it is to understand the latent functions of sexuality Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding If you were to study the changing meaning of virginity over the last century in our society, you would discover that the cultural norm stating that people remain virgins until marriage ________. has changed little has become stronger with regard to women has become stronger with regard to men has become weaker

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding If you were teaching a class about the symbolic-interaction approach to sexuality, you are likely to focus on ________. understanding men‘s power over women raising public concern about sexual harassment how individuals in various settings engage in different sexual behavior and attach different meanings to sexual activity understanding why society must regulate with whom and when people reproduce Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application The many ways in which sexuality is linked to social inequality is highlighted by ________. the structural-functional approach the symbolic-interaction approach the social-conflict approach the social construction of sexuality Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The social-conflict approach emphasizes that ________. the process of reality construction is highly variable, so that one group‘s views of sexuality may well differ from another group‘s views sexuality plays an important role when it comes to the organization of society U.S. culture often depicts sexuality in terms of sport and violence involving male power directed at women, such as when we speak of men ―scoring‖ with women, and men ―hitting on‖ women different societies attach different meanings to sexual behavior Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Queer theory is a growing body of knowledge asserting that ________. sex has always seemed strange to most people no sexual practice should be considered wrong people fear discovering their true sexuality there is a heterosexual bias in U.S. society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ________ refers to stigmatizing anyone who is not heterosexual as ―queer.‖

Homophobia Heterosexism Heterophilia Homophilia Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Criticism of the social-conflict approach‘s view of sexuality would include the fact that ________. not everyone sees sexuality as a power issue U.S. society has failed to take steps to reduce gender inequality this approach pays little attention to discrimination and harassment targeting nonbinary and nonheterosexual people this approach says nothing about reproductive justice, including access to abortion Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Looking at the politics of sexuality, conservatives typically view sexuality in terms of ______, whereas progressives view sexuality in terms of ______. the present; the past oppression; tradition morality; inequality

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a school‘s responsibility; parental responsibility Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What was the immediate effect of the 2022 Supreme Court decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women‘s Health Organization? Little change in the law took place. Twelve states banned most abortions. Prostitution was legalized in five Western states. Rates of teen pregnancy increased dramatically. Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding According to national survey data collected after the Dobbs v. Jackson Women‘s Health Organization decision, about what percentage of adults in the United States said they were in favor of legal access to abortion? 22 percent 42 percent 62 percent 82 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality.

Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Define the concept ―sex.‖ Distinguish between primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics and explain how these are linked to people‘s sex. Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What are several functions of the incest taboo for society as a whole? Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What significant changes took place during the sexual revolution? What about during the sexual counterrevolution? Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Define the concept ―transgender.‖ In what ways is the transgender movement seeking change to U.S. society? Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Define the following terms: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, and pansexuality. Explain why sexual orientation is sometimes not easy to apply to specific individuals. Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Why do some people consider prostitution to be a victimless crime? Can you provide arguments against this position? Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis State two common myths about rape. Explain why these beliefs are wrong. Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What are the traits of the campus culture of ―hooking up‖? Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Why would societies seek to control human sexuality? Why would some societies be more permissive than others?

Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis What is the basic assertion of queer theory? Using this approach, what criticism would you make of our society? Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application Provide a short explanation of how political conservatives and political progressives differ in their view of human sexuality. Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS Many people think of sexuality as a biological matter. However, while sexuality certainly involves biology, it is also largely cultural. Explain the biological foundation of sex—how people become female and male—and then go on to explain why sexuality as a dimension of social life is mostly cultural. Consider the variation in attitudes and behavior toward the cultural character of sexuality over time and from society to society. Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the significance of the sexual revolution and the sexual counterrevolution. What changed in each case? How do these opposing trends show that U.S. society is of two

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minds—permissive and restrictive—regarding sexuality? Do you think that our society is becoming more accepting or less accepting of diversity in sexual behavior? Why? Learning Objective: LO 9.2: Explain changes in sexual attitudes in the United States. Topic: Sexual Attitudes in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Identify five sexual orientations. What do we know about the extent of homosexuality in the United States? What is the current understanding of the causes of sexual orientation? Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the assertion that gender is not a binary concept involving female and male. What cultural changes would be necessary for our society to recognize the full range of sexual diversity that exists? Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Is it possible for a society to exist without clear-cut categories of ―female‖ and ―male‖? If so, describe what such a society would be like. If not, explain why not. Learning Objective: LO 9.3: Analyze factors that shape sexual orientation. Topic: Sexual Orientation Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explaining the significance of the concept ―transgender.‖ How it this concept related to ―cisgender?‖ To what extent is it related to sexual orientation?

Learning Objective: LO 9.1: Describe how sexuality is both a biological and a cultural issue. Topic: Understanding Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Consider the issue of rape, a violent crime. Why have most cases of rape gone unreported? Why is this pattern changing now? What factors make date rape an important issue on college campuses? What strategies for change might reduce this problem? Learning Objective: LO 9.4: Discuss several current controversies involving sexuality. Topic: Sexual Issues and Controversies Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Based on the information found in Global Map 9–2 that shows women‘s access to abortion around the world, how do high-income nations differ from low-income nations? What other patterns do you see? How is the United States different from most other high-income nations? Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Apply the three theoretical approaches to the topic of sexuality. What are important insights provided by the structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, and social-conflict approaches? Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application How does sexuality play a part in social inequality? Consider factors including prostitution and pornography and their effects on women. Also, consider heterosexism

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and its effects on the social standing of people whose lives involve gendernonconforming attitudes and behavior. Learning Objective: LO 9.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of sexuality. Topic: Theories of Sexuality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

Chapter 10: Deviance In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 122 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, almost all of these fall within the two lowest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding and almost all are at the highest level of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


21 (62%)

33 (50%)





12 (35%)

18 (27%)

4 (40%)




1 (3%)

15 (23%)

2 (20%)

1 (8%)





4 (40%)

11 (92%)







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Chapter 10: Deviance TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 382. Crime is only one type of deviance. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 383. Cesare Lombroso, an Italian physician and criminologist, claimed that most criminals were people who had been mistreated by society. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 384. Biological factors, including genetics, explain most criminal behavior. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 385. Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz developed containment theory, which claims that a strong superego or conscience helps boys stay out of trouble. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 386. What is considered deviant is mostly the same behavior all around the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

387. Emile Durkheim‘s analysis suggests it would be impossible for any society to completely eliminate deviance. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 388. Robert Merton claimed that the ―strains of masculinity‖ are an important cause of crime. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 389. A low-income person who has little chance to go to college and who sells illegal drugs to make money is one example of what Robert Merton called a deviant ―innovator.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 390. Albert Cohen suggested that lower-class youths form a delinquent subculture in order to gain the self-respect that society denies them. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 391. Labeling theory stresses that some actions are always wrong just as other actions are always right. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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392. ―Primary deviance‖ refers to the most serious offenses. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 393. The stigma of deviance, once applied, can encourage an individual to engage in further deviance. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 394. Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz states that the label of ―insanity‖ is widely applied to behavior that is actually only ―different‖ and troubling to others. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 395. The ―medicalization of deviance‖ idea points to the fact that most crimes are committed by people who are under the influence of an illegal drug. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 396. Travis Hirschi‘s control theory makes the point that people who commit crimes typically have little concern about the potential consequences of their behavior. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

397. According to the social-conflict approach, deviance has a number of useful functions for the operation of society as a whole. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 398. ―Corporate crime‖ refers to stealing or other crimes that are committed against a corporation or other large business. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 399. ―Organized crime‖ refers to supplying legal goods and services at below market prices. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 400. Feminist theory claims that women, compared to men, are subject to greater social control. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 401. Today in the United States, women are arrested for property crimes at the same rate that men are. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

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402. In general, people of higher social class position are less likely to be arrested for street crimes than people of lower class position. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 403. ―Due process‖ means handling alleged offenders according to the rule of the law. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 404. Every person charged with a crime in the United States can be sentenced only after a conviction resulting from a trial by jury. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 405. The old saying ―An eye for an eye‖ expresses the idea underlying the policy of rehabilitation. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 406. In the United States, even though the crime rate has declined from what it was in 1990, the number of people in prison has increased. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

407. The United States is the only Western, high-income nation that does not routinely imposes the death penalty on convicted offenders. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 408. Probation and parole are two types of community-based corrections. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 409. Official statistics from the FBI show that 70 percent of all arrests for serious (―index‖) crimes in 2020 were of White suspects. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 410. By global standards, the crime rate in the United States involving gun violence is low. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 411. A much higher share of households in rural areas of the United States than in urban areas of the country has at least one firearm. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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412. An important idea in police work that is gaining attention is developing the capacity to deescalate a situation so that violence is avoided. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 413. The concept ―deterrence‖ refers to an act of moral vengeance by which society makes an offender suffer in relation to the suffering caused by the crime. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 414. In general, people who are politically progressive provide more support for ―law and order‖ than people who are politically conservative. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 10.7: Apply political analysis to crime and criminal justice. Topic: The Politics of Crime and Criminal Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 415. In the wake of the killing of George Floyd by police officers in 2020, support arose on the political left for defunding police. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 10.7: Apply political analysis to crime and criminal justice. Topic: The Politics of Crime and Criminal Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 416. ―The recognized violation of cultural norms‖ refers to the concept of ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.





legal infraction


juvenile delinquency

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Recollection 417. ―Crime‖ differs from ―deviance‖ in that crime ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. is always more serious rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

is usually less serious

sssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttt. Answer: c

refers to a violation of norms that have been enacted into law

involves a larger share of the population

Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 418. Every society uses various strategies to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

conscience self-control

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. social control xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

the legal system

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 419. The formal system that responds to alleged violations of the law using police, courts, and prison officials is called ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

the normative system

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

social control civil law

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. the criminal justice system Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 420. Based on your reading, it would be correct to say that biological approaches offer ________. a. a very limited understanding of crime b. a good explanation of most crimes c. a good explanation of violent crime

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d. a good explanation of property crime Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 421. To sum up the correct view of the role of biology in causing people to commit crimes, we would say ________. cccccccccccccccccccc.

young men with certain body types commit the most serious crimes

dddddddddddddddddddd. Cesare Lombroso proved a century ago that biological factors are the major cause of crime eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. biological factors may have a real but small effect in causing some people to commit crimes ffffffffffffffffffff. genetics research has succeeded in explaining most criminality Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 422. Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz concluded from their research that ―good boys‖ have the ability to rein in deviant impulses. They called their analysis ________. gggggggggggggggggggg. differential opportunity theory hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. containment theory iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

libido theory differential association theory

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 423. The value of psychological theories of deviance is limited because ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. very few people experience an ―unsuccessful socialization‖ llllllllllllllllllll.

there has been very little research of this kind

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. there is no way to distinguish ―normal‖ from ―abnormal‖ people nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. most people who commit crimes have clinically normal personalities Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or

psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 424. One of the social foundations of deviance is that ________. oooooooooooooooooooo. deviance exists only in relation to cultural norms pppppppppppppppppppp. there are many acts that are always deviant everywhere qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. some people are born deviant. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. differences in social power have little to do with what norms are created and how people apply them Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 425. Assume you were listening to a lecture on Emile Durkheim‘s approach to deviance. You might expect the focus of the lecture to be that ________. ssssssssssssssssssss. deviance is a normal element of social organization tttttttttttttttttttt.

deviance is a dysfunctional element of social organization

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. deviance is less common in modern societies vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. deviance is defined by the rich and used against low-income people Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 426. According to Emile Durkheim, functions of deviance include ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. creating wealth for the capitalist class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. the process of responding to deviance will promote social unity yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. the process of responding to deviance will erase all moral boundaries zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

the idea that what is deviant varies little across cultures

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 427. In his study of New England‘s Puritans, Kai Erikson concluded that ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

people everywhere define mostly the same things as deviant

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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. very religious people create very little deviance ccccccccccccccccccccc. even this disciplined and highly religious group created deviance to clarify the moral boundaries of their community ddddddddddddddddddddd. the proportion of people in the population that the Puritans defined as deviant kept increasing over time Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 428. In Robert Merton‘s strain theory of deviance, the pattern Merton called ________ refers to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting the conventional means to achieve them. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


fffffffffffffffffffff. ritualism ggggggggggggggggggggg. retreatism hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. rebellion Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 429. According to Robert Merton‘s strain theory, the term ________would correctly describe a gangster like Al Capone, who made a lot of money breaking the law. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

innovator ritualist

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. retreatist lllllllllllllllllllll.


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 430. According to Robert Merton‘s strain theory, the term ________ correctly describes the behavior of a person who drops out of school rejecting both cultural goals and the conventional means to reach them. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. innovator nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. ritualist ooooooooooooooooooooo. retreatist ppppppppppppppppppppp. rebel Answer: c

Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 431. According to Robert Merton‘s strain theory, the term _______ correctly describes the behavior of a politically radical person who rejects just about everything in the existing society in favor of some alternative system. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. innovator rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ritualist sssssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttttt.



Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 432. According to Robert Merton‘s strain theory, how would you classify a low-paid yet compulsively conforming bank teller who never seems to do anything wrong but never seems to want to get ahead? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Innovator vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Ritualist wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Rebel Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 433. Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin extended Robert Merton‘s theory of deviance, stating that crime ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. reflects both limited legitimate opportunity as well as accessible illegitimate opportunity zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. is more common among the rich who have more opportunity aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. is defined in such a way as to overly criminalize low-income people bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. addiction

is typically a result of drug dependence or other substance

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection

434. Both Albert Cohen and Walter Miller argue that delinquency is most likely to arise among ________. cccccccccccccccccccccc. high-income men dddddddddddddddddddddd.

middle-class men and women

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. low-income youths ffffffffffffffffffffff. all class levels Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 435. Participating in the subculture that Elijah Anderson describes as ―the code of the streets‖ raises the risk that young people will end up ________. gggggggggggggggggggggg.

conforming to conventional morality

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. doing better than their parents iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. having a career in law enforcement jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

in jail or worse

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 436. The basic idea behind labeling theory is that ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

deviance is actually useful in a number of ways

llllllllllllllllllllll. deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. power has much to do with how a society defines deviance nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. deviance is actually a myth Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 437. Edwin Lemert described ―primary deviance‖ as ________. oooooooooooooooooooooo.

the most serious episodes of deviance


actions that parents define as deviant

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. person‘s self-concept

a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. the experience of deviance early in life

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 438. His friends begin to criticize Marco as a ―juice-head,‖ pushing him out of their social circle. Feeling rejected, Marco begins to drink even more, becomes bitter, and joins a new group of friends who also are heavy drinkers. According to Edwin Lemert, Marco‘s situation illustrates ________. ssssssssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttttttttt.

the onset of primary deviance

the onset of secondary deviance


the formation of a deviant subculture


the onset of retreatism

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 439. What concept did Erving Goffman use to refer to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a person‘s self-concept and social identity? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

A deviant ritual

A degradation ceremony

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. A secondary identity zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Stigma Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 440. The concept ―retrospective labeling‖ refers to the process of ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. interpreting someone‘s past consistent with present deviance bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

defining someone as deviant for things done long before

ccccccccccccccccccccccc. criminal adults encouraging their children to become deviant ddddddddddddddddddddddd. Answer: a

predicting someone‘s future based on past deviant acts

Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 441. Thomas Szasz made the controversial assertion that ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. deviance is only what people label as deviant fffffffffffffffffffffff. during their lives

most people in the United States will become insane for some period

ggggggggggggggggggggggg. that bother other people

mental illness is a myth so that ―insanity‖ is only ―differences‖


our society does not do nearly enough to treat the mentally ill

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 442. An example of the ―medicalization of deviance‖ is ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. theft being redefined as a ―compulsive stealing‖ jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. drinking too much being redefined as a personal failing kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. promiscuity being redefined as a moral failing lllllllllllllllllllllll. people stealing drugs to self-medicate Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 443. Whether people respond to deviance as a moral issue or a medical matter affects ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. projectively

whether a person is labeled retrospectively or


whether the person is subject to punishment or treatment

ooooooooooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppppppppppp.

whether the person‘s deviance is labeled as primary or secondary whether or not the person is caught at all

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 444. Edwin Sutherland‘s differential association theory links deviance to ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. how labeling someone as deviant can increase the deviant behavior rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage conventional behavior sssssssssssssssssssssss. how well a person can contain deviant impulses ttttttttttttttttttttttt. how others respond to the race, ethnicity, gender, and class of the individual Answer: b

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Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

445. Travis Hirschi‘s control theory suggests that the category of people most likely to engage in deviance is ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

students enrolled in college


teenagers on sports teams with after-school jobs

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. youngsters who ―hang out‖ waiting for something to happen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

young people with respect for their parents

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 446. According to the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based primarily on ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. how often the act occurs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. the moral foundation of the culture aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.how harmful the act is to the public as a whole bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Answer: d

differences in power between various categories of people

Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 447. Alexander Liazos speaks for the social-conflict approach when he states that ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccc.powerless people are at the highest risk of being defined as deviant dddddddddddddddddddddddd. deviance has both functions and dysfunctions eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.deviance exists only in the eye of the beholder ffffffffffffffffffffffff.

society should ignore victimless crime

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 448. Using a Marxist approach, Steven Spitzer claims that prime targets for deviant labeling include ________. gggggggggggggggggggggggg.

people who try to take the property of others


people who work hard but are low-income

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. perpetrators of white-collar crime jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. people who have a great deal of social power Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 449. Crime committed by persons of high social position during the course of carrying out their occupations is called ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

victimless crime

llllllllllllllllllllllll. white-collar crime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

organized crime

street crime

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 450. Edwin Sutherland stated that white-collar crime ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooo.

almost always leads to a criminal conviction


provokes a strong response from the community


is usually resolved in a civil rather than a criminal court

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Answer: c

rarely involves serious harm to the public as a whole

Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 451. _________ refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf. ssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Corporate crime

tttttttttttttttttttttttt. Organized crime uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Victimless crime vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Secondary deviance

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 452. Organized crime refers to ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

illegal actions by people with white-collar jobs


illegal actions on the part of a corporation or large business


crime involving the cooperation of two or more businesses

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.any business that supplies illegal goods or services Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 453. A hate crime is defined as ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. category

any crime against a person who is classified within a minority


any crime involving anger or other powerful emotion


a criminal act motivated by race or other bias


any violation of antidiscrimination laws

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 454. Feminist theory states that gender figures into the study of deviance because ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. United States

women account for most of the arrests for serious crimes in the

fffffffffffffffffffffffff. every society in the world applies stronger normative controls to women than to men ggggggggggggggggggggggggg. most researchers in this area are women hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

women are more likely than men to commit a serious crime

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 455. Women commit ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. a far larger share of crimes than men jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. a far smaller share of crimes than men kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. the same share of crimes as men lllllllllllllllllllllllll. a larger share of property crimes than men, but men commit a larger share of violent crimes than women Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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456. In legal terms, a crime is composed of which two components? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The act and criminal intent nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. A criminal and a victim ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

The act and the social harm


The law and the violation

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 457. ―Crimes against the person‖ includes all of the following except ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


aggravated assault

sssssssssssssssssssssssss. burglary ttttttttttttttttttttttttt. forcible rape Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 458. Mike reports the theft of his dirt bike from the front yard of his house. The police would record this event as which type of crime? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Larceny-theft wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 459. Prostitution is widely regarded as a ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. crime against the person zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

crime against property


victimless crime

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. corporate crime Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 460. Criminal statistics gathered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reflect ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccc.

all crimes that take place

dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. offenses cleared by arrest eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. offenses resulting in a criminal conviction ffffffffffffffffffffffffff. offenses known to the police Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 461. Victimization surveys show that the actual amount of crime in the United States is about ________ what official reports indicate. gggggggggggggggggggggggggg. half as great as hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. the same as iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. twice as high as jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. ten times greater than Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 462. Looking at the relationship between age and crime, the likelihood of arrest for a street crime rises sharply ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. during the late teenage years llllllllllllllllllllllllll. in the late twenties mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. during the middle thirties nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. over age forty Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 463. Men, who represent about half the U.S. population, account for about ________ of all arrests for property crime. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 36 percent pppppppppppppppppppppppppp. 50 percent qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. 66 percent

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98 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 464. In the United States, men account for about ________ of all arrests for violent crime. ssssssssssssssssssssssssss. 20 percent tttttttttttttttttttttttttt. 40 percent uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 60 percent vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. 80 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 465. Of all the property crimes discussed in the chapter, one crime occurs far more than all the others. Which one is it? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Motor-vehicle theft

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Larceny-theft yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Robbery zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Check fraud

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 466. Research suggests that, with regard to social class, arrest for serious crime ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. is about the same for people of all class levels bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. is higher for people at higher class levels ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.

is higher for people at lower class levels

ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. almost always involves middle-class people Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 467. In terms of racial categories, a majority of those in the United States who are arrested for FBI index crimes are ________.


White people

fffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Black people ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. multiracial people hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. people of Hispanic ancestry Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 468. According to Elliot Currie, factors that explain the high crime rate in the United States by world standards include ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

our cultural homogeneity

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. a lack of interest in punishing offenders kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. the high level of immigration lllllllllllllllllllllllllll. fabric

our emphasis on individual economic success, which weakens the social

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 469. The concept ―due process‖ refers to ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. according to the law

the criminal justice system operating

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. the idea that people get what they deserve ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. the process of plea bargaining ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. the obligation of all citizens to report crime Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 470. Because there are several hundred people in the United States for every police officer, police ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. ignore most crimes they learn about rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

work, on average, many more hours than other workers

sssssssssssssssssssssssssss. cannot take time to ensure due process for most suspects ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

use discretion in deciding which situations warrant their attention

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system.

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Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 471. Most criminal cases handled by the criminal justice system in the United States are resolved ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. through plea bargaining vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. with a judge dismissing all charges wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

with convictions after a courtroom trial

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. with a suspect being convicted and sentenced to prison Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 472. In 2021, the city of Chicago experienced how many shootings? yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 77, including 7 homicides zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

797, including 77 homicides


3,561, including 797 homicides


35,610, including 7,970 homicides

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 473. According to the latest available data, at least one gun is found in ________ percent of all U.S. households. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. 4 percent dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. 14 percent eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

44 percent

74 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 474. Looking back in history, the oldest justification for punishing an offender is ________. gggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. retribution iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. social protection



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 475. If a parent threatens a child with punishment in order to discourage wrongdoing, the parent is using punishment to accomplish ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllllllllllllll.



mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

social protection


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 476. A judge sentences a young man who has committed several crimes to counseling and places him in a supportive foster home. These efforts to prevent further wrongdoing are called ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. retribution pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.



social protection



Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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477. The concept ―criminal recidivism‖ refers to ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. young people growing up in a criminal environment tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. efforts by police to enlist help from people in a local community uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes


the idea that crime does ―pay‖

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 478. Reducing prison overcrowding, lowering the costs of dealing with offenders, and helping offenders avoid the stigma of incarceration are all advantages of ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. societal protection xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. criminal recidivism yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

the death penalty

community-based corrections

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 479. A judge orders that an offender be sentenced to prison for a short time, with most of the sentence served on probation. This sentence reflects a policy called ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.

shock probation


ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Answer: b

extended lockup

Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 480. During 2021, how many states in the United States carried out at least one execution? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.







Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system.

Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 481. Which of the following is a politically progressive policy that has been recently adopted by officials in a few U.S. jurisdictions? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Ending cash bail for those arrested for less serious crimes


Disbanding the police department

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Disarming all police

Prosecuting all crimes, however minor

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 482. Why did Emile Durkheim claim that deviance was ―normal‖? List four ways in which deviance is functional for society, according to Durkheim. Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 483. Explain the difference between primary and secondary deviance. Give an example of each type of deviance. Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 484. What is the medicalization of deviance? Give an example of a behavior that people once understood in moral terms and now understand in medical terms. What difference does it make if people use moral or medical terms to define deviant behavior? Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 485. Define each of the following: white-collar crime, corporate crime, organized crime, and hate crime. Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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486. What are several criticisms made by feminism of the way our society understands deviance? Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 487. List the crimes against the person and crimes against property tracked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Which of these two types of crime is more common? Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 488. Explain how age, gender, and social class are correlated with official arrest data. Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 489. Define due process, plea bargaining, and community-based corrections. Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 490. Identify four justifications for punishment. Do you think punishment accomplishes each of these goals? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 491. What is criminal recidivism? Why do you think our society has such a high rate of recidivism? Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 492. Explain the value and the limitations of biological and psychological explanations of crime. Expand the essay by explaining the strengths of a sociological approach to understanding crime. Learning Objective: LO 10.1: Explain how sociology addresses limitations of a biological or psychological approach to deviance. Topic: What Is Deviance? Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 493. Emile Durkheim made the surprising statement that crime is actually useful and perhaps even necessary for all social organization. Write an essay in which you explain Durkheim‘s approach and point to a number of specific ways in which crime (or, more broadly, deviance) is functional for society as a whole. Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 494. Researchers agree that, in the United States, most arrests for street crime involve people of lower class position. According to Robert Merton, Albert Cohen, Walter Miller, and Elijah Anderson, why would this be the case? How would a broader definition of crime (to include more white-collar and corporate offenses) change the profile of the typical criminal? Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 495. Apply each of sociology‘s three theoretical approaches—structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, and social-conflict analysis—to the topic of deviance. What are the basic insights we gain from each theoretical approach? Learning Objective: LO 10.2: Apply structural-functional theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Structural-Functional Theories: The Functions of Deviance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 496. Describe the labeling theory of deviance. What basic insight about deviance is offered by this approach? How does labeling figure into the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance? What is the importance of stigma in labeling analysis? Learning Objective: LO 10.3: Apply symbolic-interaction theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Symbolic-Interaction Theories: Defining Deviance Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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497. What insights does feminist theory provide into our understanding of deviance? How would feminists explain the fact that men have higher rates of arrest for serious crimes than women? Learning Objective: LO 10.4: Apply social-conflict theories to the topic of deviance. Topic: Theories of Class, Race, and Gender: Deviance and Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 498. The U.S. government provides a great deal of data about crime in the United States. Drawing on FBI data, what do we know about the ―typical street criminal‖ in terms of age, gender, social class, race, and ethnicity? In each case, provide some explanation of the pattern. Do these patterns contain bias? Explain several reasons why we must treat criminal statistics with caution. Learning Objective: LO 10.5: Identify patterns of crime in the United States and around the world. Topic: Crime Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 499. Every society punishes offenders. Write an essay in which you explain four justifications for punishment. Point out how each justification has come to the forefront at different times in history and explain this pattern as best you can. What evidence is there that punishment actually accomplishes its stated objective? Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 500. What is meant by ―community-based corrections?‖ What are the advantages of this approach compared to sending convicted offenders to prison? What are some of the limitations of this approach? Do you favor or oppose expanding community-based corrections? Why? Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 501. Can you imagine a society without crime? What changes in our society would you imagine having to make in order to dramatically reduce the crime rate? Explain your position. Learning Objective: LO 10.6: Analyze the operation of the criminal justice system. Topic: The U.S. Criminal Justice System Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

502. The rate of serious crime increased sharply beginning in 2020. From a politically conservative point of view, what factors are responsible for this increase? What about from a politically progressive point of view? Learning Objective: LO 10.7: Apply political analysis to crime and criminal justice. Topic: The Politics of Crime and Criminal Justice Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 503. A survey carried out in November 2020, not long after the murder of George Floyd, indicated that only a small percentage of U.S. adults had a great deal of confidence in police. Just as significant is the fact that the share of Black people who felt this way (10 percent) was well below the share of White people (32 percent). Offer an explanation for the low level of public confidence in police at this time as well as the striking difference in confidence by race. Learning Objective: LO 10.7: Apply political analysis to crime and criminal justice. Topic: The Politics of Crime and Criminal Justice Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 11: Social Stratification In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 112 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, about two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of

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cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are ―Understanding‖ or ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


21 (64%)

30 (49%)





12 (36%)

23 (38%)

5 (50%)





8 (13%)

2 (20%)

2 (25%)





3 (30%)

6 (75%)







Chapter 11: Social Stratification TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 504. The concept ―social mobility‖ refers to changes in people‘s positions in the social hierarchy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 505. For most people in the United States, social standing remains much the same over the course of a lifetime. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 506. In the United States, social stratification is simply a matter of people‘s talents and abilities. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 507. Social stratification is found in most—but not all—societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 508. Social stratification is a matter of not only inequality, but also cultural beliefs about fairness. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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509. In most of the world‘s high-income societies, social stratification takes the form of a caste system. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 510. Caste systems encourage the long-term commitment to labor and the land, which is required in an economy based on agriculture. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 511. Caste systems encourage marriage based on romantic love and personal choice of partners. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 512. In class systems, categories in the social hierarchy are more clearly and rigidly defined than they are in caste systems. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 513. In class systems, social position reflects both birth and individual achievement. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

514. In class systems, the social position of an individual typically exhibits greater status inconsistency than is the case in caste systems. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 515. People living in societies with class systems, compared with those living in societies with caste systems, tend to think of others as defined by their social categories instead of their individual traits and interests. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 516. The more a society is a meritocracy, the greater the society‘s level of social mobility. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 517. Compared with people in United States, people in Great Britain are more likely to experience social mobility. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 518. Great Britain has eliminated all aspects of its historic aristocracy. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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519. Compared to the U.S. society, Japanese society exhibits more caste elements. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 520. The former Soviet Union was a classless society with no social stratification. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 521. ―Structural social mobility‖ refers to an individual‘s upward or downward social movement due to personal effort or, in some cases, good or bad luck. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 522. China stands out as a nation without social stratification or any social classes. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 523. ―Ideology‖ refers to ideas that support social stratification. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.3: Explain how cultural beliefs justify social inequality. Topic: Ideology: Supporting Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

524. The Davis–Moore thesis states that social stratification has consequences that are beneficial to society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 525. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore point out that social stratification does not exist in many societies, and they use this fact to support the claim that stratification is not necessary or inevitable. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 526. The Davis–Moore thesis implies that societies without social inequality would be the most productive. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 527. Karl Marx claimed that social stratification in high-income nations, such as Great Britain and the United States, reflects a capitalist economy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 528. The socialist revolution Karl Marx predicted took place in most industrial-capitalist societies about a century ago. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 529. Today, U.S. workers have far fewer legal protections than U.S. workers had a century ago, when the industrial age was just beginning. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 530. Max Weber described stratification as a multidimensional ranking. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 531. Max Weber said social stratification involved three distinct dimensions: economic resources, social prestige, and political power. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 532. Max Weber agreed with Karl Marx that a socialist revolution would result in complete social equality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 533. Social stratification shapes social patterns in everyday life by encouraging people to interact with others of similar social position. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

534. ―Conspicuous consumption‖ refers to the fact that high-income people and low-income people generally have different tastes and, as a result, shop for different products, such as food and clothing. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 535. The Kuznets curve shows that industrial societies have far greater social inequality than agrarian societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 536. In general, income disparity is greater in lower-income nations than it is in higher-income nations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 537. The point of the story about passenger deaths that accompanied the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic is that ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. advanced technology cannot prevent tragedy nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. all people have the same right to life ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. matter of life and death

social stratification is important and can sometimes be a

ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. life Answer: c

social stratification often has little to do with everyday

Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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538. ―Social stratification‖ is a concept that refers to ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. specialization in productive work rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ranking categories of people in a hierarchy sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

the fact that some people are more talented than others

differences in interests from one person to another

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 539. Using the sociological perspective, we see that social stratification ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. opportunities than others vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

provides some people with more privileges and places everyone on a level playing field

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. people to become wealthy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. what they put into it Answer: a

ensures that hard work will always lead

means that what people get out of life is pretty much

Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 540. Social stratification ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

is a simple reflection of individual differences

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. looks the same in every society aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. typically changes a great deal from generation to generation bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. should be unequal

is a matter of inequality and beliefs about why people

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 541. Comparing societies in history and around the world, we see that ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. many societies lack social stratification dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

all societies are the same in terms of social stratification

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. the ways in which people are unequal and how unequal they are vary from society to society ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. patterns of social inequality do not change over time

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification.

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Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 542. Which concept describes a person who, over time, moves from one occupation to another that provides about the same level of rewards? gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

Upward social mobility


Downward social mobility


Horizontal social mobility


This is not social mobility at all.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 543. In all societies, kinship plays a part in social stratification because ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. their personal talents and efforts llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

children determine their own social position based on

at least initially, parents pass their social position on to their children

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. children usually end up with a social position higher than that of their parents nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. standing

all children begin life with about the same social

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.1: Identify four principles that underlie social stratification. Topic: What Is Social Stratification? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 544. A caste system is defined as ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

social stratification based on ascription, or birth


social stratification based on personal achievement


a pure meritocracy

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. any social system in which categories of people are unequal Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

545. Ravi was born in a small village in Sri Lanka, and lives in a traditional society with a caste system. He can expect to ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

earn his social position through his own efforts

change his social position many times throughout his life


have the same social standing as his parents


choose his life‘s work for himself after finishing college

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 546. If you lived in a society with a traditional caste system, you would expect your marriage to be ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. polygamous xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.



based on romantic love

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. endogamous Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 547. In general, societies that have caste systems have economies that are ________ a. based on hunting and gathering b. industrial c. agrarian d. postindustrial Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 548. A category of people historically defined as ―untouchable,‖ because they perform work that has been viewed as ―unclean,‖ has been part of social stratification in ________. e. India f. Canada g. Sweden

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h. the former Soviet Union Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 549. If you were born into a traditional caste system, you would expect that, based on birth, you would be ________. i. raised to do a certain type of job j. encouraged, but not required, to marry someone of your own social category k. encouraged to socialize with people across other categories of the population l. able to move between social categories depending on your talent and effort Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 550. The ending of apartheid in South Africa has led to ________. m. that society becoming a meritocracy n. little improvement for millions of low-income, Black people o. complete social mixing by people of all races p. the election of the first White president Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 551. The historical replacement of caste systems with class systems ________. q. brings an end to most social inequality r. replaces one kind of inequality with another s. means that individuals experience less social mobility t. means that categories of people become more clearly unequal Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world.

Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 552. The concept ―meritocracy‖ refers to social stratification ________. u. with no social mobility v. in which people ―know their place‖ w. based entirely on personal talent and effort x. as found in the United States Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 553. Why do societies with class systems retain some elements of caste (such as the inheritance of wealth) rather than trying to become complete meritocracies? y. Because too many people would be poor if society were based only on merit z. Because some caste elements increase productivity aa. Because a pure meritocracy would pull apart families and other social loyalties that tie a society together bb.

Because some caste elements increase social mobility

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 554. The degree of status consistency is ________. cc. greater in caste than class systems dd.

the same in all types of social stratification


greater in class than caste systems

ff. greater the more productive a society is Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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555. A college professor with advanced degrees, moderate salary, and little power to shape national events can be described as having ________. gg. high status consistency hh.

horizontal social mobility

ii. downward social mobility jj. low status consistency Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 556. Historically, the aristocracy in England included ________. kk. the hereditary nobility, led by the royal family, and the highest church officials ll. wealthy merchants, the hereditary nobility, and the media elite mm. only the royal family nn.

wealthy merchants, the industrial elite, and the media elite

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 557. England‘s aristocracy contained about what share of the entire country‘s population? oo. About one-tenth of 1 percent pp. qq.

5 percent 25 percent

rr. 50 percent Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

558. The historical practice in England of passing on property to only the first-born male descendant is called ________. ss. the law of the estates tt. the law of meritocracy uu.

the law of status consistency


the law of primogeniture

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 559. About half of all the people in the United Kingdom today consider themselves to be in the ________. ww. upper class xx.

middle class


working class

zz. lower class Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 560. One good indication that caste still operates in the United Kingdom is the importance people attach to ________. aaa. graduating from college bbb.

social mobility




accent in speech

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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561. For more than 1,500 years, Japanese society operated with a ________. eee. class system fff. meritocracy ggg.

caste system


large middle class

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 562. At the lowest level of social stratification in ancient Japan were the ________. iii.shogun jjj.burakumin or ―outcasts‖ kkk.

samurai or ―warriors‖

lll.Shudra Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 563. In Japan today, as in other societies with a long history of caste, people may not always discuss ________ openly, but it is never far from the surface when people size up one another socially. mmm.

family background

nnn. ooo.

personal talent educational degrees


favorite activities

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

564. In 1917, the Russian Revolution transformed the feudal aristocracy and placed productive property under the control of ________. qqq.

the capitalists


a meritocracy


the nobility

ttt.the state Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 565. At the top of the system of inequality in the former Soviet Union were the ________. uuu.

industrial capitalists

vvv. www.

intelligentsia, or educated professionals apparatchiks, or high government officials


hereditary nobility

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 566. The concept ―structural social mobility‖ refers to ________. yyy.

cultural beliefs that justify social stratification

zzz. aaaa.

change in social position due to people‘s own efforts change in the social position of many people due to changes in society itself


change in a family‘s social position from one generation to the next

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 567. In the People‘s Republic of China, ________. cccc.

a new set of social classes is gradually emerging


there is no longer any social inequality


social standing reflects only a person's relationship to the Communist Party


social stratification is identical to that of Japan

Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 568. Compared to other high-income nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, the United States has ________. gggg.

the same level of economic inequality


almost no economic inequality


a classless society


more economic inequality

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 569. Ideology, or beliefs that support social stratification, is found in ________. kkkk. caste systems only llll.

class systems only


both caste and class systems

nnnn. only U.S. society Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.3: Explain how cultural beliefs justify social inequality. Topic: Ideology: Supporting Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 570. The common ideology of a class system states that success and wealth result mainly from ________. oooo. pppp.

sheer luck family background


flaws in society


personal talent and effort

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.3: Explain how cultural beliefs justify social inequality. Topic: Ideology: Supporting Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

571. Who coined the concept ―survival of the fittest‖? ssss. tttt.

Charles Darwin Karl Marx


Herbert Spencer


Max Weber

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.3: Explain how cultural beliefs justify social inequality. Topic: Ideology: Supporting Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Recollection 572. According to the Davis–Moore thesis, ________. wwww.

complete equality is highly functional for every society


the more inequality a society has, the more productive it is

yyyy. more important jobs must provide enough rewards to attract the talent necessary to perform them zzzz.

meritocracy is less productive than a caste system

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 573. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore point out that an egalitarian society ________. aaaaa.

could never exist

bbbbb. ccccc.

could exist, but only if people are willing to allow anyone to perform any job would be more productive than a stratified society


has existed in many societies at various times in history

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 574. According to Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore, a system of unequal rewards increases productivity by ________. eeeee.

provoking revolutionary change


motivating people to work longer, harder, and in more important jobs


encouraging people to work only according to their own perceived abilities


ensuring highly paid individuals contribute substantially to society

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality.

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Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 575. The idea that social inequality benefits society is associated with the ________. iiiii.

structural-functional approach

jjjjj. kkkkk.

social-conflict approach symbolic-interaction approach


social-exchange approach

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 576. In Karl Marx‘s analysis, another name for the capitalist class is the ________. mmmmm. nobility nnnnn.




ppppp. bourgeoisie Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 577. When Karl Marx argued that capitalism ―reproduces the class structure,‖ he meant that ________. qqqqq.

it is really ordinary people who create social inequality

rrrrr. sssss.

society operates in a way that carries class differences from one generation to the next class differences are the same throughout all of human history


society could never abolish class inequality

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

578. According to Karl Marx, social stratification in a capitalist society always involves ________. uuuuu. vvvvv.

class conflict negotiation and compromise leading to stability

wwwww. the abolition of work itself xxxxx.

a working class revolution

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 579. While the Davis–Moore thesis suggests ―to each according to the importance of one‘s work,‖ Karl Marx supported the idea ________. yyyyy. zzzzz.

―to the victor goes the spoils‖ ―to each according to the degree of schooling‖


―from each according to ability, to each according to needs‖


―productivity is more important than equality‖

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 580. If you have a job that involves manual labor, you are performing ________. cccccc.

blue-collar work

dddddd. eeeeee.

white-collar work service work


office work

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 581. Work involving mostly mental activity is called ________. gggggg. blue-collar work hhhhhh.

white-collar work


pink-collar work


agrarian work

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 582. Olga works as a district sales manager for a small corporation. This category of work can be described as ________. kkkkkk.




mmmmmm. nnnnnn.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 583. One reason Karl Marx‘s predicted socialist revolution never took place in industrial-capitalist societies is that ________. oooooo. inequality is more or less a thing of the past pppppp.

living standards for the majority of people have gone up


wealth is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few

rrrrrr. his theory of social-conflict was completely wrong Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 584. Contrasting living standards in the United States during Karl Marx‘s lifetime with living standards in the United States today, we see that U.S. living standards have ________. ssssss. risen for just about everyone tttttt.

fallen for just about everyone

uuuuuu. vvvvvv.

risen for the very rich but fallen for everyone else risen for the very poor but remained the same for the very rich

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality.

Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 585. The idea that social inequality is harmful and divides society is associated with the ________. wwwwww.

structural-functional approach

xxxxxx. yyyyyy.

social-conflict approach symbolic-interaction approach


social-exchange approach

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 586. Max Weber claimed that social position was based on a person‘s ________. aaaaaaa. economic resources, degree of social prestige, and amount of power bbbbbbb. innate abilities alone ccccccc. birth alone ddddddd. innate intelligence, birth, and skin color Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 587. Karl Marx thought of inequality in terms of two main classes. In contrast, Max Weber viewed inequality in terms of ________. eeeeeee. a multi-dimensional socioeconomic ranking or hierarchy fffffff.

three main classes

ggggggg. everyone gradually sinking into poverty hhhhhhh. society as one large middle class Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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588. Max Weber claimed that agrarian societies give special importance to which dimension of social inequality? iiiiiii.

Economic class


Social prestige or honor

kkkkkkk. Power lllllll.

Control of information

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 589. Karl Marx claimed social stratification would end with the creation of a socialist economy. What was Max Weber‘s view? mmmmmmm. Weber thought socialism would reduce economic differences but also create a political elite, increasing differences in power. nnnnnnn. Weber thought capitalism could not be changed. ooooooo. Weber thought socialism would create a new high-prestige nobility. ppppppp. Weber agreed with Marx. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 590. A common micro-level pattern involving social interaction is that ________. qqqqqqq. social stratification is not usually evident in everyday life rrrrrrr. sssssss.

most people live and work in socially diverse settings in terms of social stratification people tend to socialize with others of about the same social position


social position has little to do with the friends people have

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

591. To impress her friends, Laura wears an expensive designer dress to a party. A sociologist might say Laura is engaging in ________. uuuuuuu. structural social mobility vvvvvvv. relative deprivation wwwwwww.

reference group behavior

xxxxxxx. conspicuous consumption Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 592. Which of the following types of societies comes closest to being egalitarian? yyyyyyy. Hunting and gathering zzzzzzz. Horticultural/pastoral aaaaaaaa. Industrial bbbbbbbb. Postindustrial Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 593. According to Simon Kuznets, in which type of society is the extent of social stratification greatest? cccccccc. Hunting and gathering dddddddd. Horticultural/pastoral eeeeeeee. Agrarian ffffffff. Industrial Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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594. Which of the following types of societies comes closest to having no categories of people who are better off than others? gggggggg. Industrial societies hhhhhhhh. Hunting and gathering societies iiiiiiii.

Agrarian societies


Horticultural and pastoral societies

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 595. Looking around the world today, income inequality is greatest in which region? kkkkkkkk. North America llllllll. South America mmmmmmmm. Europe nnnnnnnn. China Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 596. Based on what you have read, as the United States develops a postindustrial economy, economic inequality is ________. oooooooo. likely to disappear pppppppp. decreasing qqqqqqqq. holding at about the same level rrrrrrrr. increasing Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

597. The historical trend that states that advances in technology first increase but then flatten social inequality is ________. ssssssss. conspicuous consumption tttttttt.

the Davis–Moore thesis

uuuuuuuu. the bell curve vvvvvvvv. the Kuznets curve Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 598. Why would agrarian societies have social stratification that emphasizes caste? Why would industrial societies have social stratification that mixes caste with meritocracy? Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 599. State several ways in which caste and class systems differ. Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 600. What is meritocracy? What part does it play in class systems? Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 601. What is status consistency? Provide a description of a person with high status consistency and an example of someone with low status consistency. Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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602. Define structural social mobility. How does it differ from individual social mobility? Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 603. State the Davis–Moore thesis. According to this theory, why is social inequality useful for society? Provide two criticisms of this theory. Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 604. According to Karl Marx, what are the two major classes in industrial-capitalist societies? How did Marx describe the relationship between the two classes? Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 605. What did Max Weber mean by describing inequality in terms of a multidimensional ranking? Provide a description of a person with different standing on Weber‘s three dimensions of social inequality. Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 606. Explain how and why social stratification shapes patterns of social interaction within any large community. Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 607. What is the Kuznets curve? What does it tell us about how social stratification has varied over the course of human history as well as in the world today? Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 608. Briefly describe the main characteristics of caste systems and class systems. How are these types

linked to different types of economic production (agrarian versus industrial technology)? What part does meritocracy play in each type of stratification? How does each type of stratification justify inequality? Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 609. What is meritocracy? Why do caste systems have little of it? Why do class systems have more? Illustrate how class systems combine caste and meritocracy with reference to the United States and also Great Britain or Japan. Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 610. Provide several examples of the operation of caste in U.S. society today. Provide several examples of the operation of meritocracy. Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 611. How has the extent of economic inequality in the United States changed over the last half century? Provide specific data regarding levels of CEO pay to support your argument. Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 612. Could a society exist without social stratification? Try to describe such a society. How would people come to perform certain jobs? How would pay and other rewards be set? What do you imagine the benefits of such a society might be? What about the dangers? Learning Objective: LO 11.2: Apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world. Topic: Caste and Class Systems Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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613. Summarize the Davis–Moore thesis. Specifically, what are the functional consequences of inequality for society as a whole? Illustrate the thesis by pointing out various jobs and the relative rewards each job commands. Conclude by noting several criticisms of the Davis–Moore thesis. Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 614. Explain the differences in the approach to social stratification of Karl Marx and Max Weber. How did each envision stratification? Why is Weber‘s approach more complex? Which approach do you think better represents social inequality in the United States? Why? Learning Objective: LO 11.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of social inequality. Topic: Theories of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 615. What is the premise of the Kuznet curve? What claims about the link between productive technology and social inequality does it make? What are several criticisms of this argument? Learning Objective: LO 11.5: Analyze the link between a society‘s technology and its social stratification. Topic: Social Stratification and Technology: A Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 12: Social Class in the United States

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 116 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, over three-quarters of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (two-thirds are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


29 (81%)

38 (68%)





7 (19%)

13 (23%)

4 (29%)





5 (9%)

2 (14%)

1 (11%)





8 (57%)

9 (89%)







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Chapter 12: Social Class in the United States

TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS U.S. society is an exception to the global pattern in that it is not socially stratified. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, wealth is distributed more unequally than income. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, median family income in the United States was about $84,000. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The richest 20 percent of U.S. families earns about 50 percent of all income, while the bottom 20 percent earns slightly less than 4 percent. Answer: True

Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Wealth‖ refers to what people earn each year from their jobs plus any income from investments or any other source. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection About 40 percent of U.S. families have little or no wealth at all, and the poorest 20 percent actually live in debt. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The wealth of high-income people is not only greater, but more of it is in the form of investments that typically increase in value and generate income. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection Jobs typically performed by women carry more prestige than those typically performed by men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In general, white-collar occupations have more prestige than blue-collar occupations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because education is a right in the United States, there is very little inequality in schooling. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Today, on average, Black families have about the same income and wealth as White families. Answer: False

Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Hispanic families, on average, lag behind non-Hispanic White families in both income and wealth. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, White people are more likely to own their own homes than Black people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, there are more people in the upper class than in the lower class. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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People in the lower-upper class are sometimes said to have ―old money.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection When people talk about realizing the American dream, they generally mean having the same level of prestige as people in the upper-upper class. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The working class is sometimes called the ―lower-middle class.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States in 2020, more than 37 million people were officially counted among the poor. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

As surprising as it may seem, in the United States, low-income people typically have better health than high-income people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection ―Intergenerational mobility‖ refers to changes in social position within an individual‘s lifetime. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Since 1980 in the United States, the most dramatic gains in income have been made by the highest-income families. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Among people in all five economic quintiles (from the rich to the poor) a majority of children born into a particular quintile remain in that same quintile as adults. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding People who marry and stay married accumulate only half as much wealth as people who remain single. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The expansion of the global economy has greatly increased the number of high-paying jobs in manufacturing in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In 2020, one-third of all U.S. families earned more than $100,000 a year, compared to one in eleven back in 1967 (in dollars controlled for inflation). Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The globalization of the economy has increased the earnings of highly educated people who specialize in law, finance, marketing, and computer technology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States.

Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The age category of the U.S. population most likely to be poor is children and young adults under the age of twenty-four. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Two-thirds of all low-income people in the United States are Black people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, about one-fourth of households headed by a single woman were officially counted among the poor, compared to 5 percent of married-couple households. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection A majority of all people over the age of eighteen who are counted among the poor are men.

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Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, the poverty rate for rural areas is twice as high as the poverty rate for central cities. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States in 2020, almost 90 percent of the heads of low-income households did not have a full-time job. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection William Julius Wilson claims that many central cities in the United States no longer have enough jobs to support the families who live there. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Societal factors that contribute to homelessness include low wages, a lack of affordable childcare, and a lack of low-income housing. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Half of all homeless people in the United States live in the state of California. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In the last generation, welfare reform has greatly reduced the poverty rate in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Because the United States lacks a history of nobility, as in Europe, many people in this country think of it as ________.

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highly stratified mostly upper-class mostly working-class mostly middle-class Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, the median income for U.S. families was ________. $16,099 $36,088 $84,008 $99,488 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to earnings from work or any investments? Income Personal property Wealth Power

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Based on income statistics provided in the chapter, it is correct to say that the richest 20 percent of the population earns more than ________ times as much as the poorest 20 percent. two thirteen fifty one hundred Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding The total amount of financial assets, minus any debts, is referred to as ________. income personal property wealth power Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States.

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Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The richest 5 percent of U.S. families own about what percentage of privately owned property? 5 percent 10 percent 30 percent 60 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection If you were looking for data supporting the claim that U.S. society is very stratified, you would make the strongest case by pointing to which of the following factors? Occupational prestige Education Income Wealth Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

The wealthiest 1 percent of U.S. families (the ―super-rich‖) controls about ________ of the nation‘s privately held wealth. 15 percent 35 percent 65 percent 85 percent Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection The most recent data indicate that the wealth of the average U.S. family is about ________. $1,000 $20,000 $120,000 $320,000 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Based on what you have learned in the chapter, about what percentage of all U.S. families has little or no wealth? 10 percent

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40 percent 70 percent 90 percent Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Based on what you know about the distribution of occupational prestige among people performing various jobs around the world, you would assume that ________. most of the highest-ranked occupations are dominated by women occupational rankings are roughly the same in all high-income nations white-collar work and blue-collar work have about the same social prestige occupation has little to do with social class position Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding About what share of U.S. adults over the age of twenty-five are college graduates? 13 percent 33 percent 53 percent 73 percent

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection About ________ of the richest people in the United States gained at least some of their fortune from inheritance. one-tenth one-fourth one-third two-thirds Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Because differences in income build over time into a large wealth gap, the median amount of wealth for Black families is ______ percent of the median amount of wealth for White families. 13 percent 33 percent 53 percent 73 percent Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life.

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Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In the United States, the median income for Black families is about ________ as much as that for a non-Hispanic, White family. 40 percent 60 percent 80 percent 97 percent Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection Recent data from the Federal Reserve show that the median wealth for Hispanic families was about ________ of the median wealth for non-Hispanic White families. 79 percent 59 percent 39 percent 19 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

In the United States, the median income of families within the Latino and Latina population is about ________ of the median income of non-Hispanic White families. 12 percent 22 percent 62 percent 82 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection If you followed the lead of Max Weber, you would think of social stratification in terms of ________. a multidimensional status hierarchy two major social classes a middle-class society six different social classes Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application Being in the upper-upper class is usually the result of ________; being in the lowerupper class is commonly a matter of ________. birth; achievement business success; birth

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gender; birth high-income; low-income Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding The family of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith would best be described as ________. working class middle class ―old money‖ ―new-rich‖ or lower-upper class Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A good example of a person clearly in the upper-upper class is ________. Beyoncé, who grew up in a middle-class family in the United States Charles III, the king of England anyone who is part of the ―working rich‖ Oprah Winfrey, who was born into a poor family in Mississippi Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Roughly 40 to 45 percent of the U.S. population falls within the ________. upper class middle class lower class poor Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, the least amount of racial and ethnic diversity is found in ________. the upper-upper class the middle class the working class the poor Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Working class people might also be described as ________. lower-middle class lower-upper class

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lower-class upper-middle class Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection According to Karl Marx, which class forms the core of the industrial proletariat? The upper-middle class The middle class The upper class The working class Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Geographically speaking, the greatest concentration of high-income people in the United States is found ________. in small towns of the Midwest In large metropolitan areas, especially on the East and West Coasts in the Southwest in the deep South Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In general, people of low social class position ________. live in less safe and more stressful environments are likely to describe their own health as ―excellent‖ live just as long as people of higher class positions live longer than people of higher class positions Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―conspicuous consumption‖ refers to ________. buying things that are popular with the most people buying more than what you need for the moment the practice of buying and using consumer products to make a statement about one‘s social position acting as if one had a lower social position than is really the case Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following statements linking politics to social class position in the United States is correct?

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Very rich people, including Hollywood celebrities and leaders in big tech, are overwhelmingly supporters of the Democratic Party. Suburban women are overwhelmingly supporters of the Republican Party. People in the Forbes listing of the richest Americans are overwhelmingly supporters of the Republican Party. People earning less than $15,000 a year are overwhelmingly supporters of the Republican Party. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In general, people of low social position are more liberal on ________ issues and more conservative on ________ issues. social; economic economic; social very few; almost all almost all; almost no Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding In the United States, people of ________ are most likely to vote. low social position high social position

average social position working-class social position Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―intergenerational social mobility‖ refers to change in social position ________. over a person‘s lifetime when moving from one type of job to another in a downward direction when comparing children to their parents Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Which of the following concepts refers to change in social position during a person‘s lifetime? Intragenerational social mobility Intergenerational social mobility Structural social mobility Horizontal social mobility Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection During the last twenty years, which category of the U.S. population has experienced the largest gains in average income? The lowest-paid 20 percent The middle 20 percent The highest-paid 20 percent All income categories have experienced about the same level of upward social mobility. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In dollars controlled for inflation, how does median annual income for U.S., families in 2020 compare to the figure for 1953? It is about 80 percent as much. It is about half as much. It has remained about the same. It is almost three times higher. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

According to Lisa Keister‘s research, ________. social mobility has never existed in the United States social mobility is the same for people at all levels of the wealth hierarchy social mobility is least likely for people in the middle of the wealth hierarchy social mobility is least likely for people at the top and the bottom of the wealth hierarchy

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following factors tends to raise your social standing? Divorce Dropping out of school to get a job Marrying and staying married Having children Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Relative poverty is ________. found everywhere life threatening not found in the United States

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only experienced by people in some categories of the U.S. population Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding In 2020, about what share of the U.S. population was counted by the government as having income below the official poverty line? 35.4 percent 21.4 percent 11.4 percent 5.4 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

In 2020, the government official poverty line for a family of four was an annual income below ________. $46,695 $26,695 $16,695 $6,695 Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In the United States, which age category has the highest poverty rate? Children under the age of eighteen People in their thirties Middle-aged persons about forty years of age Seniors over sixty-five years of age Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In terms of absolute numbers, most low-income people in the United States are ________. Black people Asian American people Latino/Latina people non-Hispanic White people Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection The concept ―feminization of poverty‖ refers to the fact that, in the United States, ________. an increasing number of women are becoming poor today‘s women have fewer legal rights looking over the last fifty years, women make up an increasing percentage of the poor looking over the last fifty years, fewer women now work for income Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, the percentage of all low-income households in the United States headed by single women was ________. 1 percent 20 percent 50 percent 80 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Contrasting living standards in the United States during Karl Marx‘s lifetime in the nineteenth century with living standards in the United States today, we see that U.S. living standards have ________.

risen fallen risen for the very rich but fallen for everyone else risen for the very poor but remained steady for the very rich. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding The highest rate of poverty in the United States is found in ________. rural areas central cities suburbs coastal cities Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection The anthropologist Oscar Lewis suggested the cause of poverty lies in ________. a lower-class culture of poverty lack of government action too few available jobs poor public schools

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Sociologist William Julius Wilson suggests the cause of poverty lies in ________. a lower-class culture of poverty lack of government action too few available jobs poor public schools Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection In 2020, according to government statistics, what percentage of the heads of lowincome U.S. families did not work at all? 20 percent 40 percent 60 percent 80 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection If you believe that people living in central cities are likely to be poor because there are few jobs available in these areas, you are in agreement with ________. Oscar Lewis William Julius Wilson Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore Karl Marx Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application A federal government study in 2020 found that about how many people in the United States were homeless on a single night in January? 550 5,500 55,000 580,000 Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection One-third of all homeless people are ________.

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suffering from some mental disability or illness employed full-time sixty-five years of age or older entire families Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection For forty years, from 1979 to 2021, the trend in income inequality was ________. downward—toward less income inequality flat—a steady level of income inequality slightly upward, but only until 1985 sharply upward—toward more income inequality Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding People who supported the 1996 welfare reform in the United States claimed that the earlier system ________. encouraged welfare dependency encouraged women to marry discouraged women from having children

did not do enough to help the poor Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection Critics of the 1996 welfare reforms claim the new system ________. has replaced welfare dependency with low-wage work, which has done little to reduce the rate of poverty in the United States has strengthened families in the United States encourages welfare dependency even more than the older system encourages unmarried women to have children Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding Which of the following statements correctly identifies a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic for social stratification in the United States? The health costs of the pandemic have been heaviest for people with higher social standing. The health costs of the pandemic have been heaviest for people with lower social standing. The extent of economic inequality declined during the pandemic. The pandemic paid little attention to people‘s social standing and affected all levels of the class structure to the same extent.

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Using what you know about the distribution of income in the United States, why is it incorrect to say that we live in a ―middle-class society‖? Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding What is the difference between income and wealth? Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding How is the wealth of the rich different from the wealth of ordinary people? Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Give three examples each of blue-collar jobs and white-collar jobs.

Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application How does the upper-upper class differ from the lower-upper class? Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis What traits define the ―working class‖ in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding Define the concepts ―intragenerational mobility‖ and ―intergenerational mobility.‖ Based on research data presented in the chapter, describe patterns of intergenerational mobility for people born to families with various levels of wealth. Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis How has the expansion of the global economy affected class structure in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess the extent of social mobility in the United States. Topic: Social Mobility Difficulty Level: Moderate

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Skill Level: Analysis Applying the sociological perspective to poverty, what can we say about the categories of people at highest risk of being poor? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application Point to evidence that helps you assess the extent to which the responsibility for poverty lies with the poor or with society as a whole. Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Who are the working poor? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding What were some of the consequences of the 1996 welfare reform in the United States? To what extent would you say that this reform was or was not successful? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Provide evidence to assess the claim that economic inequality in the United States is increasing. Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Briefly explain how political conservatives and political progressives differ in the extent to which they accept social inequality and how they explain economic inequality. Learning Objective: LO 12.7: Describe how people‘s understanding of social stratification in the United States is guided by position on the political spectrum. Topic: The Politics of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS Many people consider the United States to be a ―middle-class society.‖ Based on the material in this chapter, explain why people think this way. Also, explain how correct you think this claim is. Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Describe the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Topic: Dimensions of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Based on sociological research presented in this chapter, explain why social standing reflects not simply the traits of individuals but the operation of society. Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Explain how someone‘s position at birth affects social standing later in life. Topic: U.S. Stratification: Merit and Caste Difficulty Level: Difficult

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Skill Level: Application Describe the major social classes in the United States: upper class, middle class, working class, and lower class. Consider the share of the population in each class, as well as the income levels, typical schooling, and type of work that characterize people at each level. Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Describe the various social class positions in U.S. society. Topic: Social Classes in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis Working-class and low-income students face considerable challenges in completing a college education. Based on either your own experiences or those of someone you know, identify some of these challenges and explain how disadvantaged students develop coping strategies to help them succeed. Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Analyze how social class position affects health, values, politics, and family life. Topic: The Difference Class Makes Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Discuss poverty trends in the United States in recent decades with regard to (a) the percentage of the population that is poor, (b) children, (c) the elderly, and (d) women. Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the debate over the causes of poverty in the United States. What evidence suggests that the poor are responsible for poverty? What evidence suggests that society as a whole is responsible for poverty? Which side of the debate do you find more convincing? Why? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States.

Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain the 1996 welfare reform. What were the reasons for the changes? How did assistance programs change? What about limits on eligibility? Is it correct to say that welfare rolls have decreased? What about poverty? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Look at the ―Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life‖ photo essay at the end of this chapter. Notice how the mass media shape our understanding of social stratification. Based on your investigation of other media sources, what else can you discover about how the mass media both reflect and also reinforce patterns of social inequality? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Document the trend toward increasing economic inequality in the United States. Why is this trend controversial? How would you suggest that our society should respond to this trend? Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in the United States. Topic: Poverty and the Trend toward Increasing Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis Explain how political conservatives and political progressives differ in their view of social stratification, including whether economic inequality is a problem or not, the causes of economic inequality, and appropriate responses to economic inequality.

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Learning Objective: LO 12.7: Describe how people‘s understanding of social stratification in the United States is guided by position on the political spectrum. Topic: The Politics of Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 13: Global Stratification In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 108 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding, falling within the two highest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Application‖ and ―Analysis‖).

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


27 (71%)

35 (70%)





11 (29%)

12 (24%)

5 (46%)





3 (6%)

2 (18%)

1 (11%)





4 (36%)

8 (89%)







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Chapter 13: Global Stratification TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 616. In 2022, any one of the world‘s four highest-income individuals had wealth that exceeded the total economic output of about half the world‘s countries. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 617. Global income is divided more equally than income within the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 618. Even people with income at our country‘s poverty line live better than a majority of the world‘s people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 619. The richest 20 percent of the world‘s people receive 40 percent of the entire world‘s income. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

620. The poorest 20 percent of the world‘s people live on just half of 1 percent of the world‘s total income. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 621. Japan and Australia are examples of middle-income nations. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 622. High-income countries are the home of the world‘s largest corporations as well as the world‘s biggest financial markets. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 623. The chapter defines middle-income nations as having per capita income between $2,500 and $12,000 per year. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 624. Russia and the nations of Eastern Europe are low-income countries. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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625. Low-income countries are home to more than half of the world‘s people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 626. In low-income nations, the majority of the people live in villages and small towns where farming is the most common way to make a living. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 627. For every dollar earned by someone in a low-income nation, a person in a high-income nation earns about four dollars. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 628. Compared to poverty in the United States, poverty throughout the world as a whole is more widespread and more severe. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 629. A recent United Nations report shows that, in general, people living in high-income nations have a higher quality of life than people living in low-income nations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

630. Although Africa is a lower-income region of the world, people there live almost as long as people in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 631. Typically, people in low-income countries do more physical labor, and they consume fewer calories than people in high-income nations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 632. The region of the world with the greatest number of low-income ―street children‖ is Latin America. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 633. Although the extent of extreme poverty in the world has been declining since 2000, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a global increase in extreme poverty. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 634. In low-income nations, inequality between men and women is greater than it is in high-income countries. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

635. Although poverty continues to be a global problem, the world has ended the practice of slavery. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 636. Some forms of marriage found in the world today amount to slavery. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 637. In low-income nations, population growth is generally very high. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 638. Colonialism and neocolonialism both refer to a situation where one country politically rules or controls another country. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 639. Huge businesses that operate in many different countries are called multinational corporations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

640. Modernization theory was created as a criticism of U.S. foreign policy. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 641. Modernization theory claims that what we need to explain in human history is not poverty but affluence. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 642. During the twentieth century, the standard of living in high-income countries, where the Industrial Revolution first took place, increased dramatically. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 643. In Walt Rostow‘s model of economic development, the first stage representing societies before the modernization process begins is called ―take-off stage.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 644. Modernization theory claims that high-income nations can and do help solve the world‘s poverty problem. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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645. Dependency theory claims that the economic positions of the high-income and low-income nations of the globe are linked. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 646. Dependency theory claims that the widespread poverty in low-income countries has little to do with great affluence in high-income countries. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 647. Dependency theory states that high-income nations have narrow, export-oriented economies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 648. Because of the amount of raw material that they buy, high-income nations are now in debt to lowincome nations. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 649. Modernization theory focuses on the production of wealth, while dependency theory focuses on the distribution of wealth. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

650. Dependency theory claims that poverty results from natural processes, such as people having too many children. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 651. Critics say that dependency theory incorrectly treats wealth as a zero-sum, ignoring how the world has become much richer over time. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 652. Global inequality is partly a problem of technology, and it is also a political issue. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 653. There is less economic inequality in the world today between high-income and low-income nations than there was a century ago. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 654. The death of more than 1,000 garment workers in a Bangladeshi sweatshop shows that ________. wwwwwwww. States

the lives of the world‘s poor are far worse than the lives of the poor in the United

xxxxxxxx. workers have greater power in low-income countries than they do in the United States yyyyyyyy. workplace regulations are very strict in low-income nations zzzzzzzz. most nations exhibit similar economic productivity Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries.

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Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 655. The wealthiest 20 percent of the global population receives about what percentage of all global income? aaaaaaaaa. 25 percent bbbbbbbbb.

37 percent

ccccccccc. 50 percent ddddddddd.

67 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 656. The poorest 20 percent of the global population receives about what percentage of all global income? eeeeeeeee. half of 1 percent fffffffff. 5 percent ggggggggg.

10 percent


15 percent

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 657. In 2022, how many independent nations were there in the world? iiiiiiiii. 57 jjjjjjjjj.


kkkkkkkkk. lllllllll.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

658. Japan, Canada, and the nations of Western Europe are all classified as ________. mmmmmmmmm. low-income countries nnnnnnnnn. middle-income countries ooooooooo.

high-income countries


These countries do not fall into any one category.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 659. The people of the high-income countries, who represent 46 percent of the world‘s population, enjoy about how much of the world‘s income? qqqqqqqqq.

4 percent

rrrrrrrrr. 14 percent sssssssss. 34 percent ttttttttt.

64 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 660. _________ is not a high-income nation. uuuuuuuuu.


vvvvvvvvv. South Africa wwwwwwwww. Israel xxxxxxxxx.


Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 661. High-income nations ________. yyyyyyyyy.

are more densely populated than middle- and low-income nations

zzzzzzzzz. make use of factories, big machinery, and advanced technology aaaaaaaaaa.

contain half of the world‘s financial markets


are culturally homogenous

Answer: b

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Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 662. In middle-income nations, average personal income is in the range of ________. cccccccccc.

$250 and $1,000


$1,000 and $4,000


$4,000 and $15,000

ffffffffff. $15,000 and $25,000 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 663. If you wanted to visit the world‘s low-income nations, where would you be most likely to travel? gggggggggg.


hhhhhhhhhh. Latin America iiiiiiiiii. Eastern Europe jjjjjjjjjj.

North America

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 664. ―Las Colonias‖ refers to settlements ________. kkkkkkkkkk. in the United States that are often called ―America‘s Third World‖ llllllllll. in low-income areas of Mexico, close to the Texas border mmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnn.

in various Latin American nations containing illegal immigrants

outside of major U.S. cities on the West Coast

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

665. In low-income nations, poverty is________ than in the United States. oooooooooo. pppppppppp.

less widespread more widespread and severe


addressed more effectively

rrrrrrrrrr. a less serious problem Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 666. The smallest share of the planet‘s population lives in ________. ssssssssss. low-income nations tttttttttt. middle-income nations uuuuuuuuuu.

high-income nations


a combination of middle- and high-income nations

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 667. From a global perspective, economic productivity is lowest in precisely the regions where________. wwwwwwwwww. the rate of population increase is highest xxxxxxxxxx.

most people live in cities


technology is most advanced

zzzzzzzzzz. Answer: a

there was once the greatest prosperity

Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 668. In the world‘s lowest-income nations, one in ten children born dies by the age of ________. aaaaaaaaaaa.








Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world.

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Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 669. For the world as a whole, about how many people suffer from chronic hunger that leaves them less able to work and places them at high risk of disease? eeeeeeeeeee.

Less than 1 million

fffffffffff. 8 million ggggggggggg.

80 million


800 million

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 670. Absolute poverty is ________. iiiiiiiiiii.

most common in large nations such as the United States


the same as relative poverty

kkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllll.

life threatening

found only in the lowest-income nations

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 671. About how many people in the world die each year due to hunger? mmmmmmmmmmm.




ooooooooooo. ppppppppppp.

1 million 5 million

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

672. Which world region contains the largest percentage of the world‘s street children? qqqqqqqqqqq. Asia rrrrrrrrrrr. Latin America sssssssssss. ttttttttttt.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 673. In low-income countries, the disadvantages women face relative to men are ________. uuuuuuuuuuu.

about the same as in high-income nations


smaller than in high-income nations

wwwwwwwwwww. greater than in high-income nations xxxxxxxxxxx. nonexistent; in low-income countries, women and men have the same social standing Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 674. In the low-income nations of the world, which of the following categories of people is at highest risk of poverty? yyyyyyyyyyy.

Younger, married women


Single, older men


Married, older men

bbbbbbbbbbbb. Answer: d

Single, older women

Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 675. According to Anti-Slavery International, about how many men, women, and children live today in conditions that amount to slavery? cccccccccccc.




eeeeeeeeeeee. 40 million ffffffffffff. 4 billion Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 676. Which type of slavery refers to one person owning another? gggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhhh.

Chattel slavery Child slavery

iiiiiiiiiiii. Debt bondage jjjjjjjjjjjj. Servile forms of marriage Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 677. Which type of slavery consists of employers holding workers by paying them too little to cover their debts? kkkkkkkkkkkk.

Chattel slavery

llllllllllll. Child slavery mmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnn. Answer: c

Debt bondage

Servile forms of marriage

Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 678. If you were to apply modernization theory to the problem of global poverty, you might point out that low-income nations ________. oooooooooooo. use advanced technology pppppppppppp.

have low levels of population increase


have cultural resistance to innovation

rrrrrrrrrrrr. have high mass consumption Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world.

Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 679. The concept ―colonialism‖ refers to the process by which ________. ssssssssssss.

high-income nations share advanced technology with low-income countries

tttttttttttt. some nations enrich themselves through political and economic control of other nations uuuuuuuuuuuu. low-income nations force an end to control by other nations vvvvvvvvvvvv.

immigration helps to spark economic development in high-income nations

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 680. The concept ―neocolonialism‖ refers to the process by which ________. wwwwwwwwwwww. countries gain new colonies to replace older ones xxxxxxxxxxxx.

countries rid themselves of former colonies


multinational corporations dominate the economy of a low-income country

zzzzzzzzzzzz. Answer: c

companies operate in many countries at one time

Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 681. What concept refers to a global economy in which multinational corporations exploit people in lowincome nations? aaaaaaaaaaaaa.


bbbbbbbbbbbbb. Corporate slavery ccccccccccccc. Neocolonialism ddddddddddddd. International bondage Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 682. Modernization theory claims that ________. eeeeeeeeeeeee.

low-income nations can never become rich in today‘s world


the main causes of poverty involve culture and technology

ggggggggggggg. the main causes of poverty involve multinational corporations hhhhhhhhhhhhh. most low-income nations were richer in the past

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 683. According to modernization theory, the greatest barrier to economic development is ________. iiiiiiiiiiiii. low population increase. jjjjjjjjjjjjj. multinational corporations kkkkkkkkkkkkk. capitalism lllllllllllll. traditional culture Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 684. The social theorist identified with modernization theory is ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Walt Rostow nnnnnnnnnnnnn. Karl Marx ooooooooooooo. George Herbert Mead ppppppppppppp. Immanuel Wallerstein Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 685. According to modernization theory, nations begin at the ________ stage of development and may eventually reach the stage of ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqq. drive to technological maturity; take-off rrrrrrrrrrrrr. traditional; high mass consumption sssssssssssss.

high mass consumption; take-off

ttttttttttttt. take-off; drive to technological maturity Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 686. If you were applying modernization theory to the problem of global poverty, you might expect highincome nations to aid the economic development of low-income nations by ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuu. promoting population growth

vvvvvvvvvvvvv. limiting food production wwwwwwwwwwwww. increasing industrial production xxxxxxxxxxxxx. denying foreign aid Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 687. Some critics claim that modernization theory ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyy. ignores how high-income nations prevent the economic development of lowincome nations zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

amounts to an attack on capitalism

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. treats high-income and low-income societies as linked bbbbbbbbbbbbbb. amounts to an attack on socialism Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 688. Dependency theory differs from modernization theory by ________. cccccccccccccc. making low-income nations responsible for their own fate dddddddddddddd. supporting capitalism as a path to development eeeeeeeeeeeeee. explaining global inequality in terms of the exploitation of low-income countries by high-income countries ffffffffffffff.

claiming that economic development is not a desirable goal

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 689. André Gunder Frank claims that low-income nations ________. gggggggggggggg. are responsible for their own poverty hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. were ―underdeveloped,‖ or made low-income nations, by high-income nations iiiiiiiiiiiiii. suffer from traditional culture jjjjjjjjjjjjjj. need to gain more productive technology Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection 690. In past centuries, European nations colonized countries in ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Africa, Latin America, and Asia llllllllllllll. only Latin America mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

only Asia

nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. only Africa Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 691. A social theorist who contributed to the development of dependency theory by tracing the growth of the capitalist world economy is ________. oooooooooooooo. Max Weber pppppppppppppp. Emile Durkheim qqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Walt Rostow rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Immanuel Wallerstein

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 692. While modernization theory focuses on ________, dependency theory focuses on ________. ssssssssssssss. low-income nations; high-income nations tttttttttttttt. the future; the past uuuuuuuuuuuuuu. production of wealth; distribution of wealth vvvvvvvvvvvvvv. culture; economics Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

693. According to Immanuel Wallerstein‘s theory of global capitalism, which nations are at the ―core‖ of the world economy? wwwwwwwwwwwwww. High-income nations xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Middle-income nations yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Low-income nations zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

All nations form the ―core.‖

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 694. What is Immanuel Wallerstein‘s term for the middle-income countries of the world? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Core bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


ccccccccccccccc. Periphery ddddddddddddddd.

Outsider nations

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 695. Immanuel Wallerstein pointed to several factors that cause dependency among low-income nations. Which of the following is a factor that Wallerstein did NOT claim to be a cause of dependency? eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Narrow, export-oriented economies fffffffffffffff.

Lack of integration into the world economy


Lack of industrial capacity

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: b

Foreign debt

Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 696. According to dependency theory, low-income countries have become dependent on high-income nations because ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

they sell raw materials to high-income nations


high-income countries bring tourism dollars

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. high-income nations buy their manufactured goods lllllllllllllll. high-income nations have brought them economic affluence Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 697. Which theoretical approach claims that high-income nations of the world are ―overdeveloped‖ while low-income nations are ―underdeveloped‖? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Modernization theory


Dependency theory


Both modernization theory and dependency theory


Neither modernization theory nor dependency theory

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 698. With regard to the role of high-income nations, dependency theory ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

agrees with modernization theory


urges high-income nations to invest in low-income countries


claims high-income nations are to blame for global poverty

ttttttttttttttt. export‖

claims high-income nations prevent low-income countries from ―growing for

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 699. One criticism of dependency theory is that it ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. lacks a historical focus vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

has little to say about the role of high-income countries

wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. expense of another

blames low-income countries for their own poverty

treats global wealth as a zero-sum so that one country benefits only at the

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

700. Over the course of the last century, the extent of global economic inequality has ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. decreased sharply zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. stayed about the same aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. increased bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

become smaller, but not by much

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 701. The global region in which the greatest reduction in poverty has taken place is ________. cccccccccccccccc. Asia dddddddddddddddd.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Latin America ffffffffffffffff. Antarctica Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 702. Looking at the world as a whole over the past century, which of the following statements is correct? gggggggggggggggg. others.

Living standards have increased in some global regions and decreased in

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. some than others.

Living standards increased in all global regions, but much more so in


Living standards declined in about half the world.

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. regions.

Living standards declined, but so did economic inequality between world

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 703. In terms of political analysis, modernization theory is linked to ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. level of production llllllllllllllll.

the claim that equal distribution of resources is more important than the

the claim that a free-market system is the cause of global poverty

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. solution to poverty nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

classical liberalism, which views free market economics as the

the importance of preserving tradition in all its forms

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Answer: c Learning Objective LO 13.4: Apply political analysis to the topic of global inequality. Topic: The Politics of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 704. Describe the distribution of income for the world as a whole. How does this distribution compare to income inequality in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 705. What is the difference between relative poverty and absolute poverty? Which is a more dangerous type of poverty? Why? Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 706. How does global poverty differ from poverty in the United States? Which involves more people? Which is more serious? Why? Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 707. Identify and define four types of slavery found in today‘s world. Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 708. How does neocolonialism differ from colonialism? Describe the operation of each system. Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

709. What are the four stages of Walt Rostow‘s modernization theory? What is ―modernization‖? Explain the transitions that bring a society closer to the goal of modernization. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 710. According to modernization theory, what are the four ways in which high-income nations assist lowincome nations in economic development? Provide a specific example of a policy that a highincome nation such as the United States would employ to advance each type of assistance. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 711. With regard to dependency theory, explain exactly how low-income nations are dependent on highincome nations. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 712. State the basic ideas of modernization theory. Provide several criticisms of this approach. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 713. State the basic ideas of dependency theory. Provide several criticisms of this approach. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 714. How would modernization theory explain the increasing standard of living in the world over the last century? What about increasing economic inequality? How would dependency theory explain rising living standards? What about increasing economic inequality? Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

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ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 715. In an essay, analyze the difference economic development makes by describing the differences that distinguish high-income nations, middle-income nations, and low-income nations. Consider population size, land area, typical patterns of work, urban and rural residence, gender equality, and the extent of poverty. Learning Objective: LO 13.1: Describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and lowincome countries. Topic: Global Stratification: An Overview Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 716. What is the extent of the problem of slavery in the world? What different types of slavery are there? What part does poverty play in causing and perpetuating slavery? Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 717. In terms of the global perspective, how does poverty combine with sex to create disadvantages for women? Compared to the United States, is there more or less gender inequality in low-income societies? Why? Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 718. Do you think that it is possible to end absolute poverty in the world? Clearly, it is technologically possible because the world already has more than enough food to supply everyone. However, is it politically or culturally possible? Take a stand and explain your position. Learning Objective: LO 13.2: Discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world. Topic: Global Wealth and Poverty Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 719. Explain the stages of modernization theory. Explain the history of the United States in these terms, being as specific as you can about when this country entered each stage of development. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

720. Write an essay in which you describe an approach to ending world hunger drawing on (a) the modernization approach and (b) the dependency approach. That is, what lessons can we learn from each approach? Be as specific as you can as to what policies low-income countries should enact. Also, consider the role of high-income nations. Is there any common ground shared by the two approaches? Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 721. What do you find to be the strengths of modernization theory? What about dependency theory? Also point to what are, in your opinion, the two biggest weaknesses of each theory. Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 722. Describe the trend in global inequality over the course of the last century, especially since 1970. Based on where we have been and where we are now, predict where the world may be a century from now. What prediction would modernization theory support? What about dependency theory? How accurate do you think each prediction is? Why? Learning Objective: LO 13.3: Apply sociological theories to the topic of global inequality. Topic: Theories of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 723. From a conservative political perspective, how do people explain the existence of economic inequality? Consider both inequality in the United States and also inequality among nations. Answer the same questions using a progressive, left-of-center point of view. Learning Objective: LO 13.4: Apply political analysis to the topic of global inequality. Topic: The Politics of Global Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 14: Gender Stratification In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

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Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 113 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection,‖ some are ―Understanding‖ and a few are ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


27 (69%)

32 (58%)





12 (31%)


5 (45%)





2 (4%)

2 (18%)

1 (13%)





4 (36%)

7 (87%)







Chapter 14: Gender Stratification TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 724. ―Gender‖ refers to whether people are female or male. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 725. As is the case with race and social class, gender is a major dimension of social stratification. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 726. Gender affects the opportunities and constraints each of us encounter throughout our lives. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 727. In the late 1960s, 300 women gathered in Seneca Falls, NY, to challenge their second-class citizenship. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 728. Comparing SAT scores shows that young males have less mathematical ability, but greater verbal and reading skills, than young females. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 729. On average, human men are both taller and heavier than human women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 730. In the United States, on average, men live longer than women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 731. Evidence from the Israeli kibbutzim and societies around the world suggests that cultures have the ability to define what is masculine and feminine in various ways. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 732. Margaret Mead argued that gender was mostly defined by biology rather than culture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 733. In her famous study, Margaret Mead investigated gender in three African societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

734. George Murdock found that, in the case of many tasks, the work that one society considers ―masculine‖ another may consider ―feminine.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 735. Sexism is the assertion that one sex is innately superior to another. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 736. Patriarchy provides advantages, but not disadvantages, to men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 737. In a global perspective, the region where women have the least social power in relation to men is North America. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 738. Since very few societies have existed without patriarchy, we must conclude that patriarchy is inevitable. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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739. Most sociological research suggests that gender is socially constructed and is therefore subject to change. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 740. Traditional conceptions define what is masculine and feminine in opposing terms. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 741. Gender affects the games people play: In peer groups, girls are less likely to play the ―win–lose‖ games favored by boys. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 742. The beauty myth is the idea that, for men, success means being attractive to women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 743. Today in the United States, only about 10 percent of women with young children work for income. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

744. In the United States, administrative support jobs and service jobs are disproportionately performed by women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 745. In the United States in 2020, more than half of all women were working for income. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 746. In the United States today, about 60 percent of all surgeons are women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 747. In the United States, most police officers, architects, engineers , and college presidents are men. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 748. In the teaching profession, the share of classroom teachers who are women increases as the grade level taught increases. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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749. Corporate women still encounter a ―glass ceiling‖ that prevents them from being promoted to high levels in the company. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 750. Among people with children, employed married women do less housework than employed married men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 751. In 2020, among all people working full-time, U.S. women earned 83 cents for every $1.00 earned by men. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 752. In the United States each year, a majority of bachelor‘s degrees are earned by men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 753. In the United States, women gained the right to vote in 1820. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

754. In general, western states and states in the northeast have a higher percentage of legislators who are women than southern states. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 755. In 2022, women were a majority of people serving in Congress. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 756. The first women to serve in the U.S. military did so during World War II. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 757. In 2020, women represented almost 20 percent of all people serving in the U.S. armed forces. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 758. One criticism of pornography is that it portrays women as weak and undeserving of respect, which encourages men to engage in violence directed at women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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759. Talcott Parsons described gender in terms of power relationships. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 760. Friedrich Engels developed a social-conflict account of the history of gender stratification. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 761. Liberal feminism seeks the elimination of the concept of gender. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 762. A majority of people who identify with the Democratic Party and a majority of people who identify with the Republican Party express support for the feminist movement Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Politics and Public Support for Feminism Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 763. The concept ―gender‖ refers to ________. oooooooooooooooo. pppppppppppppppp.

the degree of inequality between men and women in a society the secondary sex characteristics of individuals

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

patterns of sexual orientation

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

764. The chapter argues that gender is not just a matter of difference in behavior, but also of differences in ________. ssssssssssssssss.

power, wealth, and privileges


power only


wealth only


privileges only

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 765. Women and men ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. differ physically in some limited ways xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. are different in that men are physically superior to women yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

are different in that women are physically superior to men

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. are physically the same. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 766. On average, young men show greater ________ ability than young women; young women show greater ________ ability than young men. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

intellectual; sensory


mathematical; reading and writing


reading and writing; mathematical

ddddddddddddddddd. Answer: b

sensory; intellectual

Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 767. On average, do women or men live longer? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffff.

On average, men outlive women by about one year.

On average, women outlive men by about one year.


On average, men outlive women by about five years.


On average, women outlive men by about five years.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification.

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Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 768. Comparing the performances of female and male athletes over time shows ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

little or no change in female–male differences in performance

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. male performances are improving faster than female performances kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic performances lllllllllllllllll.

women now outperform men in most athletic events

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 769. The point of describing gender in the Israeli kibbutzim is to show that ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. gender is rooted in biology nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

women can dominate men


cultures define gender in different ways


boys and girls must be raised by biological parents

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 770. Margaret Mead‘s research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

all societies define masculinity in much the same way

all societies define femininity in much the same way

sssssssssssssssss. patterns involving gender are rooted in biology ttttttttttttttttt. traits that are defined as feminine in one society may be masculine in another Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 771. In his global study of how societies view gender, George Murdock found ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

little agreement as to feminine and masculine tasks


men and not women were likely to be engaged in farming

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

women and not men were likely to be engaged in farming.

many tasks that were considered masculine by some societies were

viewed as feminine by others Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 772. ________ refers to social organization in which men dominate women. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.




aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Monarchy Oligarchy

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 773. What is the form of social organization in which women dominate men? cccccccccccccccccc. dddddddddddddddddd.

Patriarchy Matriarchy





Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 774. Based on Global Map 14–1 and the discussion in the chapter, in which continent do women have the lowest social standing in relation to men? gggggggggggggggggg. Europe hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

North America



jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Answer: c

South America

Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 775. The Type A personality, which has much in common with masculinity, has what qualities? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Indifference, aloofness, and apathy

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Empathy and understanding

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Patience and compassion nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Impatience, ambition, and free-floating hostility Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 776. Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex? oooooooooooooooooo. pppppppppppppppppp.

Primary sex characteristics Sexual orientation


Gender roles


Secondary sex characteristics

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 777. According to Janet Lever‘s observations of children at play, ________. ssssssssssssssssss. gender has little effect on young children tttttttttttttttttt.

girls spend much more time at play than boys do

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

boys favor games with clear winners and losers boys favor games that encourage communication and cooperation

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

778. Today, women represent _________ of all students on college campuses across the United States. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 38 percent xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 58 percent yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

78 percent


98 percent

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 779. The ―beauty myth‖ refers to the idea that ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance that is pleasing to men bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. beautiful women have the ability to dominate men ccccccccccccccccccc.

women prefer men who are physically attractive


women today are as physically attractive as today‘s men are

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.2: Explain the importance of gender to socialization. Topic: Gender and Socialization Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 780. Approximately what percentage of U.S. women are working for income today? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

26 percent

fffffffffffffffffff. 36 percent ggggggggggggggggggg. 46 percent hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

56 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 781. Which factor has helped increase the share of women in the paid labor force over the course of the last century? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

The increase in the number of people working on farms


A rising divorce rate

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllllll.

The increasing size of U.S. families

The fact that working women earn more than working men

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions.

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Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 782. In which of the following occupations are 99 percent of all workers women? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

College or university presidents

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. ooooooooooooooooooo.

Corporate managers Middle school teacher


Preschool or kindergarten teacher

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 783. In today‘s U.S. work force, ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. men and women have the same types of jobs rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

women and men receive the same pay

sssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttt. Answer: c

women are concentrated in several categories of jobs

a majority of working women hold ―pink collar‖ jobs

Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 784. The concept ―glass ceiling‖ refers to ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. top

the not-easy-to-see barrier that often prevents women from reaching the


the fact that women‘s dreams are easily broken

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. the fact that cleaning the home is all most women do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. the barrier that keeps women in service work Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 785. In which of the following job categories are the workers mostly women? yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.



Corporate managers


College professors

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Elementary school teachers

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 786. An important exception to male domination of the U.S. workplace is that ________. cccccccccccccccccccc. women now own more than 13 million businesses dddddddddddddddddddd. women hold 80 percent of pink-collar jobs eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

most college and university faculty are women

ffffffffffffffffffff. a majority of corporate executives are women Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 787. The concept ―comparable worth‖ means that ________. gggggggggggggggggggg. women should hold political offices in proportion to their numbers in the population hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

the market system should determine the pay for any job


all jobs should be rewarded equally

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 788. In the United States in 2020, women in the labor force working full time earned ________ to every dollar men earned. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 98 cents llllllllllllllllllll.

93 cents


83 cents

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 63 cents Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 789. The factor that accounts for the greatest share of the difference in the earnings of working women and men in the United States is ________.

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oooooooooooooooooooo. differences in education pppppppppppppppppppp. differences in family responsibilities qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. gender discrimination in the workplace rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. the type of work men and women do Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 790. Researchers discovered that, on average, women who are CEOs earn ________ as much as men who are CEOs. ssssssssssssssssssss.

46 percent

tttttttttttttttttttt. 56 percent uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 76 percent vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. 86 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 791. The category of the U.S. population that performs the most hours of housework per week ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

unemployed women

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. unemployed men yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. unemployed men zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. employed and married women with children Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions.

Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 792. Among U.S. adults between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-four, ________ percent of women and ________ percent of men have completed a four-year college degree. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

27; 37

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. 41; 33 ccccccccccccccccccccc.

65; 52

ddddddddddddddddddddd. 58; 58 Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 793. Women earn what share of all bachelor‘s degrees in the United States? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

38 percent

fffffffffffffffffffff. 48 percent ggggggggggggggggggggg. 58 percent hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 68 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 794. As of 2021, women held about what share of seats in Congress? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

28 percent


48 percent

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 68 percent lllllllllllllllllllll. 88 percent Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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795. In which of the following nations does the political power of women come closest to that of men? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. United States nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Sweden ooooooooooooooooooooo. China ppppppppppppppppppppp. Yemen Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 796. Women have served in the U.S. armed forces ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. since World War II rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. since the Vietnam War sssssssssssssssssssss. since the Persian Gulf War ttttttttttttttttttttt. since colonial times Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 797. What is at the heart of the controversy over women‘s participation in the military? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Women score lower than men on the military‘s intelligence (IQ) tests. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Women cannot operate high-tech equipment as well as men. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Women have only recently joined the U.S. armed forces.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Women are seen as nurturers, a belief that clashes with the image of soldiers who kill. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 798. At every class level, ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. women have less income, wealth, education, and power than men do zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. power.

women and men have equal amounts of income, wealth, education, and

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. men outnumber women bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

women see themselves as a minority category of the population

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions.

Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 799. The greatest share of violence against women takes place in which of the following settings? cccccccccccccccccccccc. The workplace dddddddddddddddddddddd. The home eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Public places ffffffffffffffffffffff. College campuses Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 800. According to government researchers, about what share of college women experience some form of sexual assault during their time on campus? gggggggggggggggggggggg.

1 percent


10 percent


20 percent


80 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 801. The most obvious and direct type of sexual harassment, in which one thing is exchanged for another, is widely described using the Latin phrase ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllllllll. carpe diem

ad hoc

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. sine qua non nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

quid pro quo

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions.

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Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 802. Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in ________. oooooooooooooooooooooo.

Latin America

pppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

the United States Africa

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Asia Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 803. Sexual harassment is an important social issue because ________. ssssssssssssssssssssss. this practice actually targets men more often than women tttttttttttttttttttttt.

this practice affects 80 percent of women at some point.


this practice almost always involves blatant threats

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Answer: b

this practice almost always takes place in the home

Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 804. Structural-functional analysis points out that industrialization encourages ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

men to take control of the workplace

increasing gender equality women to have more children

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. greater importance to tradition Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

805. Talcott Parsons described gender in terms of ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. power differences bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. complementarity ccccccccccccccccccccccc. violence ddddddddddddddddddddddd.

the sexual objectification of women

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 806. Talcott Parsons explained that men tend to exhibit ________ behavior, while women are more ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. instrumental; expressive fffffffffffffffffffffff. expressive; instrumental ggggggggggggggggggggggg.

egalitarian; hierarchical


rational; emotional

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 807. Friedrich Engels claimed that capitalism ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. reduced all forms of inequality jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. reduced patriarchy kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. had little or no effect on patriarchy lllllllllllllllllllllll. increased patriarchy Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 808. Friedrich Engels claimed that men‘s desire to control their property eventually brought about ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

educational reform


widespread use of birth control


monogamous marriage


the rise of industry

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 809. Intersection theory focuses on ________ as a source of social disadvantage. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. gender alone rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

race alone


class alone

ttttttttttttttttttttttt. gender, race, and class Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 810. When did feminism begin as an organized social movement in the United States? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

During the colonial era

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. In the 1840s wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. In the 1940s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

In the 1980s

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 811. Feminists do not support ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. bringing an end to gender stratification zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. bringing an end to sexual violence aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.weakening the importance of gender in people‘s lives bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. limiting sexual freedom Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

812. Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of U.S. society, but seeks to give women the same rights and opportunities as men? cccccccccccccccccccccccc.Liberal feminism dddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Socialist feminism

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Radical feminism ffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Structural-functional feminism

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 813. Which type of feminism links the social disadvantages of women to the capitalist economic system? gggggggggggggggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Liberal feminism Socialist feminism

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Radical feminism jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Structural-functional feminism Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 814. Which type of feminism seeks to end patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Liberal feminism

llllllllllllllllllllllll. Socialist feminism mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Radical feminism

Structural-functional feminism

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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815. A recent national survey found that support for feminism is expressed by ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooo. a majority of people who identify with the Democratic Party but less than a majority of people who identify with the Republican Party pppppppppppppppppppppppp. a majority of people who identify with the Republican Party but less than a majority of people who identify with the Democratic Party qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. a majority of people who identify with the Democratic Party and a majority of people who identify with the Republican Party rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. neither a majority of people who identify with the Democratic Party nor a majority of people who identify with the Republican Party Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 816. Looking back over U.S. history, we see a general trend by which women ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssss.

have gained both greater economic opportunities and greater power

tttttttttttttttttttttttt. have made little movement toward equality with men uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

are steadily losing ground and becoming less equal to men


have retained their position of dominance over men

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 817. A main idea of multicultural feminism is that ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. itself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. than nonminority men yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. categories of the population

people should seek the elimination of gender

women in minority categories of the population are better off feminism finds little support among women in minority

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.while all women face disadvantages, the life experiences of women differ according to their race, ethnicity, and class position Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 818. Briefly describe the extent of male–female differences in mental and physical abilities. Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 819. What does the research by Margaret Mead in New Guinea lead us to conclude about gender? Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 820. What does Naomi Wolf mean by the term ―beauty myth‖? Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 821. Why is ―earning an income‖ clearly no longer a man‘s role in the United States? Provide some specific data in support of your claims. Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 822. What three factors account for most of the income disparity between women and men? Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 823. What is the meaning and importance of the term ―glass ceiling‖? Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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824. What criticism would feminists make of the current membership of the U.S. Congress? Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 825. What criticisms of pornography are made in the chapter? What importance does pornography have to gender inequality? Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 826. How does the structural-functional approach lead us to view gender? How does the social-conflict approach differ? Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 827. What is the main insight of intersection theory? Provide earnings data to support the importance of this approach. Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 828. Define multicultural and global feminism. What do these approaches encourage us to recognize about various categories of women? Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 829. The socialization process links gender to personal identity (gender identity) as well as distinctive behavior and activities (gender roles). In this essay, explain why gender is a central element of socialization across the life course from birth through early adulthood. Begin by addressing the fact that people are quick to ask about the sex of a newborn child. Consider parental expectations, peer group activity, and school life. Provide data where you can. Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 830. Make the case that gender is or is not a central dimension of social stratification in the United States. Consider issues such as income, wealth, work, education, and power. In other words, to what extent do men represent a privileged category of people in this country today? Provide specific evidence to support your position. Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 831. In a short essay, answer the following questions: Is social class or gender more important in shaping the life of an individual born in the United States today? How does each factor matter? Provide reasons for your choice. Consider how social class and gender interact. Learning Objective: LO 14.1: Describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification. Topic: Gender and Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 832. The chapter has provided considerable evidence that a society‘s level of economic development affects patterns of gender inequality. Provide an analysis of the relationship between the development of an industrial and postindustrial economy and the extent of gender stratification. Learning Objective: LO 14.3: Analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions. Topic: Gender and Social Stratification Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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833. Apply the structural-functional and social-conflict approaches to the issue of gender. What are key insights offered by each theoretical approach? How does each approach view gender differences and gender inequality? How does each respond to the changes in gender across the twentieth century? Learning Objective: LO 14.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to gender stratification. Topic: Theories of Gender Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 834. Define feminism. Describe the three main types of feminist thinking in the United States today. What do the approaches have in common? How do they differ? Also suggest any reasons you see to criticize feminism. What is your view of the various types of feminism? Why? Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 835. Radical feminists envision a world free from gender differences. Write an essay in which you imagine how such a world might operate. Would families exist? How would human reproduction occur? Do you support efforts to create this world or not? Why? Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Feminism Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 836. Provide survey data from the chapter that indicates changes in public attitudes regarding gender inequality over the past half century. Today, how does political party identification affect public support for feminism? Learning Objective: LO 14.5: Contrast liberal, socialist, and radical feminism. Topic: Politics and Public Support for Feminism Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 15: Race and Ethnicity In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 118 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


24 (69%)

29 (50%)





11 (31%)

20 (35%)

7 (39%)





9 (15%)

3 (17%)

2 (29%)





8 (44%)

5 (51%)







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Chapter 15: Race and Ethnicity TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 837. Although linked to physical traits like skin color, the concept ―race‖ is constructed by society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 838. Scientific research supports the claim that there are three biologically pure races. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 839. Some people considered to be ―White‖ actually have darker skin than some people considered to be ―Black.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 840. Over past decades, the number of people in the United States who define themselves as multiracial has increased substantially. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 841. In most cases, race and ethnicity refer to the same thing. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

842. Being Greek, Italian, or Vietnamese involves a distinct ethnicity. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 843. Typically, ethnicity is harder to change than racial identity. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 844. All people who are classified as in a minority category are poor. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 845. People within a minority category typically share a distinct identity. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 846. Most of the states in the United States now have a ―minority majority,‖ meaning that most of the state‘s population falls within a minority category. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 847. Sociologically speaking, a ―minority‖ is any category that is numerically less than half of a society‘s population. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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848. Prejudice is a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 849. Research with the social distance scale among U.S. college students shows increasing social acceptance of people of various racial and ethnic categories over time. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 850. Scapegoat theory holds that the most powerful people in a society are the most likely to hold prejudices. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 851. Theodor Adorno linked extreme prejudice to a certain personality type. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 852. Culture theory states that prejudice is a part of the culture in which people live and learn. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 853. ―Discrimination‖ refers to holding an unfair belief about an entire category of people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

854. Prejudice and discrimination can be either positive or negative. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 855. Prejudice and discrimination are found in not just individuals, but in the operation of society‘s institutions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 856. Prejudice and discrimination can reinforce each other. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 857. Pluralism is the idea that all people should live with their own kind. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 858. ―Assimilation‖ refers to everyone in a society shedding all their traditions and ―melting‖ into a new population with a new way of life. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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859. ―Segregation‖ refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 860. Racial segregation has existed, but it has never been legal in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 861. The first Native Americans immigrated to the United States about the time the explorer Christopher Columbus came to the Americas. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 862. Owning and operating gambling casinos has enabled the typical Native American in the United States to achieve well-above-average income. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 863. WASPs, ―White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants,‖ have been the dominant category of the U.S. population throughout most of this nation‘s history. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

864. The U.S. Supreme Court outlawed slavery in the Dred Scott case of 1857. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 865. By 2020, more than half of all Black adults in the United States earned at least $55,000 annually. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 866. People of Chinese ancestry were the first Asian Americans to come to the United States, and they remain the largest in terms of population. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 867. Of all categories of Asian Americans, Japanese Americans have the highest average income. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 868. Among Asian Americans, more than 55 percent of all men and women over the age of twenty-five have completed four years of college. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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869. The largest Hispanic minority, in terms of population, is Cuban Americans. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 870. Arab Americans come from more than twenty different nations in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 871. White ethnics are non-WASPs of European ancestry. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 872. The chapter-opening story about the class at New York‘s Bronx Community College explains that ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

race is a simple matter of skin color


many people have a multiracial and multi-ethnic ancestry

ccccccccccccccccccccccccc. States

race has little importance to the lives of people in the United


most college students have little awareness of race

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 873. All human beings are members of ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffff.

a single biological species

various species, depending on color


various species, depending on cultural background


various species, depending on where in the world they live

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 874. Sociologists define the concept ―race‖ as ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. people who fall into any minority category jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. a person‘s skin color kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

a cultural heritage shared by a category of people

lllllllllllllllllllllllll. a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 875. Typically, people who live in ________ perceive fewer racial categories than people who live in ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. the United States; Brazil nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Brazil; the United States ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

the Northeast; the Midwest


the West; the Northeast

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 876. Sociologists consider the ―scientific‖ racial types of Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid to be misleading and even harmful. Which of the following responses best explains why? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Every society‘s population contains a lot of genetic mixture. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Various racial categories are genetically very much alike.

sssssssssssssssssssssssss. The skin color of Caucasian people ranges from very light to very dark. ttttttttttttttttttttttttt. All of these statements are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

877. Which of the following concepts refers to a shared cultural heritage? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Race Minority

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 878. ―Race‖ refers to ________ considered important by a society; ―ethnicity‖ refers to ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

cultural traits; biological traits


biological traits; cultural traits

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. differences; what we have in common bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. what we have in common; differences Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 879. A family leaves Russia and takes up residence in the United States, where they gradually lose Russian cultural traditions. Doing so, these people have modified their ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccc.


dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. ethnicity eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ancestry ffffffffffffffffffffffffff.


Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 880. Which of the following concepts refers to a category of people, distinguished by physical or cultural traits, who are socially disadvantaged? gggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Minority hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ethnic category iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Racial category jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Out-group

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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 881. Which of the following is the largest minority category within the U.S. population? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. People of Asian descent llllllllllllllllllllllllll. People of African descent mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. People of Hispanic descent nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. People of Native American descent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 882. In the United States, people in minority categories of the population typically have less ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. income pppppppppppppppppppppppppp. occupational prestige qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. schooling rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 883. A minority is defined as a category of people who are ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssssss. both small in numbers and disadvantaged tttttttttttttttttttttttttt. less than half the society‘s total population uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. set apart by that society and subordinated or disadvantaged vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. born in some other country Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

884. According to the most recent data, Black Americans accounted for about what percentage of the U.S. population? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

44 percent

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 33 percent yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 25 percent zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

12 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 885. Six states currently have a ―minority majority.‖ Which are they? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Texas, New Mexico, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Maryland bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. South Carolina, New York, Florida, California, Georgia, and Mississippi ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. New Jersey, Georgia, Mississippi, California, Washington, and Oregon ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Louisiana, Alabama, California, Arizona, Louisiana, and Florida Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 886. In which of the following regions of the United States do we find counties with the least amount of racial and ethnic diversity? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffffff.


Midwest and Plains States

ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. South hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. West Coast Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 887. Below are statements about prejudice. Which of the following responses is most correct? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Prejudice involves prejudgments.


Prejudice treats everyone in some category the same way.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Prejudice can be positive or negative. lllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

All of these statements are correct.

Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 888. You would be expressing a ―stereotype‖ if you ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. made any generalization about people nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. described everyone in some category in the same way ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. held an opinion about someone based on personal experience ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. treated anyone in an unkind way Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 889. Based on research using the social distance scale, you can correctly say that U.S. college students ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. express less prejudice than students did fifty years ago rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. see greater differences between minority categories than students did fifty years ago sssssssssssssssssssssssssss. express no prejudice toward any racial or ethnic categories of the U.S. population ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Answer: a

All of these responses are correct.

Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 890. Scapegoat theory states that prejudice is created by ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. cultural beliefs vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. high levels of immigration wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

frustration among disadvantaged people

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. people with rigid personalities Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 891. Authoritarian personality theory states that extreme prejudice is ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. built into culture itself


a trait of certain individuals with particular personalities

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. found among low-income and disadvantaged people bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. found among most people in all societies Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 892. According to Theodor Adorno‘s authoritarian personality theory, prejudiced people ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. view society as naturally hierarchical dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. reject ethnocentrism eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

do not view actions as either right or wrong

reject all conventional cultural values

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 893. Research that supports the culture theory of prejudice is ________. gggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

Theodor Adorno‘s research on prejudiced people


Emory Bogardus‘s research on social distance

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

W. I. Thomas‘s vicious cycle theory All of these responses are correct.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 894. Conflict theory states that prejudice is ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. a tool used by powerful people to oppress others llllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

built into culture itself

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Answer: a

common among immigrants

common among certain people with rigid personalities

Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 895. While prejudice is a matter of ________, discrimination is a matter of ________.

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biology; culture

pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

attitude; action choice; social structure


abnormality; what a society considers normal

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 896. Institutional prejudice and institutional discrimination refer to the fact that ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. some people hold rigid and unfair attitudes tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

bias was more pronounced in this nation‘s history


bias is built into the operation of social institutions

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Answer: c

many people still hold prejudiced opinions

Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 897. The idea that prejudice and discrimination form a vicious circle means that ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. prejudice is more common than actual discrimination xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

it is easy to prove that most stereotypes are wrong

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. most people do not act on their prejudices zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. prejudice and discrimination reinforce each other Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 898. The claim that defining members of some minority category as inferior will make them inferior is one application of ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

social distance research

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.

the iron law of oligarchy

the Thomas theorem


authoritarian personality theory

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.3: Distinguish discrimination from prejudice. Topic: Discrimination

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

899. Which of the following concepts refers to a state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct, but have more or less equal social standing? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.







Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 900. The United States is not truly pluralistic because ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

some people live in ―ethnic enclaves‖


many people value ethnic diversity

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. standing lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

racial and ethnic categories do not have equal social

there is little racial diversity in this country

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 901. ―Assimilation‖ refers to the process by which ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. minority categories

people become more tolerant of those in

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. the dominant culture

people in minority categories gradually adopt patterns of

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. social standing

all people in minority categories become more equal in


people regain their lost cultural heritage

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Understanding

902. The Matsui family came to the United States from Japan thirty years ago. They now speak English at home and the Matsui children date non-Japanese students at college. This family‘s story best illustrates which of the following concepts? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.




Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 903. Which of the following concepts refers to biological reproduction by people of different racial categories? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.



Racial typology

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Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 904. The adoption over time of the English language by Mexican immigrants in the United States is an example of ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. segregation aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. assimilation bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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905. In the United States during the 1930s and 1940s, the existence of the ―Negro leagues,‖ with all Black baseball players, is an example of ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. assimilation dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. pluralism ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. miscegenation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 906. Which of the following concepts refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people? gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Segregation




Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 907. Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton documented which of the following patterns in U.S. inner cities? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.


The absence of racial segregation

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. De jure segregation nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Declining segregation Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

908. The killing of people in the Darfur region of Sudan in Africa is a recent example of ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.

assimilation genocide



rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hypersegregation Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 909. The ancestors of which of the following categories of people were first to settle in the Western Hemisphere? ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.


tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. European Americans uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Black Americans vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Native Americans

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 910. When the first Europeans arrived in the Americas in the fifteenth century, Native Americans ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

followed shortly thereafter

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. before

had migrated to North America from Asia a century


came with them from Europe

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. had inhabited this land for 15,000 years Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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911. Native Americans gained the right to U.S. citizenship in ________. a. 1865 b. 1924 c. 1965 d. 1990 Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 912. The overall social standing of Native Americans is ________. e. above the national average f. about the national average g. below the national average h. mixed, with families found equally at all class levels Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 913. People who are called ―WASPs‖ have ancestors from which country? i. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark j. Spain and Portugal k. Germany and Austria l. England, Scotland, and Wales Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 914. Historically, WASPs dominated social life in the United States until about ________. m. 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln n. 1932, with the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt o. 1960, with the election of John F. Kennedy p. 1992, with the election of Bill Clinton

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 915. What Gunnar Myrdal called the ―American dilemma‖ was ________. q. the denial of basic rights to Black Americans by a so-called ―democratic society‖ r. the segregation of Native Americans on reservations s. the restriction of immigration by a nation that was built by immigrants t. the refusal of many people in minority categories to improve their social standing Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 916. A national civil rights movement, which sought to end instances of lawful discrimination, took place during ________. u. World War II v. the 1950s and 1960s w. the 1970s x. the 1990s Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 917. Which of the following women escaped from slavery and then assisted countless Black people in their flight from slavery using the Underground Railroad? y. Sojourner Truth z. Ida Wells-Barnett aa. Marion Anderson bb. Harriet Tubman Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society.

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Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 918. The largest category of Asian Americans in the United States is people of ________ ancestry. cc. Korean dd. Japanese ee. Chinese ff. Vietnamese Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 919. Significant immigration of Asian Americans to the United States was first sparked by ________. gg. laws regulating Chinese immigration enacted in 1882 hh. the California Gold Rush in 1849 ii. the need for labor during the Great Depression in the 1930s jj. World War II Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 920. In 2020, Asian Americans represented about ______ of the total U.S. population. kk. 36 percent ll. 26 percent mm.

16 percent

nn. 6 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

921. Which of the following regions of the United States has the greatest concentration of Asian Americans in the population? oo. The upper Midwest pp. The Plains States qq. Florida and Georgia rr. The West Coast Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 922. Japanese immigrants differed from earlier Chinese immigrants by ________. ss. settling in rural areas tt. coming to this country in far smaller numbers uu. clustering in urban enclaves vv. returning regularly to their home country Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 923. Which of the following categories of the U.S. population is most likely to own and operate a small business? ww.

Native Americans

xx. Black Americans yy. Korean Americans zz. Mexican Americans Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 924. The Latina/Latino population of the United States is ________. aaa. spread evenly across the country bbb. concentrated in the West, Southwest, and southern Florida ccc. concentrated in industrial cities of the Northeast ddd.

concentrated in the Deep South

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 925. Which of the following categories of Hispanics in the United States is largest in terms of population size? eee. Cuban Americans fff. Mexican Americans ggg.

Puerto Rican Americans


Bolivian Americans

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 926. Arab Americans and Hispanic Americans have which of the following in common? iii.Their numbers are declining. jjj.They have ancestors from many different nations. kkk. They share the use of the Spanish language at home. lll.They share the use of the Arabic alphabet. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 927. Which statement about Arab Americans is true? mmm.

All Arab Americans have been in the United States for at least one generation.


Some Arab Americans speak Arabic; some do not.

ooo. On average, the median age of Arab Americans is older than for the U.S. population as a whole. ppp.

The median family income for Arab Americans is well above the national average.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society.

Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 928. The concept ―White ethnics‖ refers to ________. qqq.

people of Hispanic ancestry who have very light skin

rrr. people of any ethnicity who are working class sss. biracial or multiracial people ttt.non-WASPs of European ancestry Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 929. In Robin D‘Angelo‘s book, White Fragility, racism is explained in terms of which of the following statements? uuu.

Racism a set of personal attitudes and behavior.


Becoming a ―color-blind‖ society is vital, even if it will be difficult.

www. xxx.

All the major institutions of U.S. society are racist at a systemic level. It is up to Black people, not White people, to bring an end to racism.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 15.6: Apply political analysis to the issue of racial and ethnic inequality. Topic: The Politics of Racial and Ethnic Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 930. Define race and ethnicity. How do they differ? Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 931. What evidence is there that race is a socially constructed concept? Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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932. What is the ―trend toward mixture‖ in terms of race in the United States? Why is it correct to say that not just the country is becoming more diverse, but so are U.S. families? Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 933. According to the chapter, what factors define a minority category of the population? Based on these factors, explain why we should consider Black Americans to be a minority. What about Asian Americans? Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 934. What is a stereotype? How can applying the sociological perspective help to assess the validity of any stereotype? Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 935. Describe the Bogardus social distance scale. What does research using the scale tell us about changing attitudes of college students toward people in racial and ethnic minority categories of the population? Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 936. What is racism? Provide examples of racism in U.S. history. Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 937. What is the scapegoat theory of prejudice? What is the conflict theory of prejudice? Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

938. Provide the essential insights of critical race theory. Include a clear explanation of systemic (or institutional) racism. How does this theory view the assertion that people should strive to be colorblind? Provide at least one criticism of this theory. Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 939. List and define four patterns of minority and majority interaction. Provide an example of each from U.S. history or events in other parts of the world. Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 940. To what degree do you think U.S. society is pluralistic? Provide specific data in support of your assessment. Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 941. Who were the first people to settle the area that is now the United States? When did this settlement begin? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 942. What are WASPs? How do they differ from ―White ethnics‖? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 943. When did slavery of Black Americans begin in the United States? When was it outlawed? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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944. What is the importance of Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman in the history of Black Americans? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 945. Why is it correct to say that Arab Americans are a diverse category of our population? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 946. Describe the social standing of the major categories of Hispanic Americans. Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 947. Explain how political conservatives understand the causes of social inequality among various racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population. Then explain how progressives understand these same patterns of social inequality. How does position on the political spectrum lead people, not only to understand racial and ethnic inequality differently, but also to support different societal responses to this inequality. Learning Objective: LO 15.2: Describe the extent and causes of prejudice. Topic: Prejudice and Stereotypes Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 948. Explain the assertion made in the chapter that race is socially constructed. That is, explain what biological traits may be used in defining race, but why a biological definition cannot explain the reality of race in the United States. Provide examples to illustrate your arguments. Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

949. How are race and ethnicity dimensions of social stratification in the United States? Provide evidence that many racial and ethnic categories of people are minorities—socially disadvantaged due to their racial or ethnic identity. Consider ways in which disadvantages linked to race and ethnicity combine with those rooted in gender and class. Learning Objective: LO 15.1: Explain the social construction of race and ethnicity. Topic: The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 950. Describe the history of one or more minority categories of the U.S. population—Native Americans, Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Arab Americans—in terms of the following patterns: pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Provide as much historical evidence as you can. In your opinion, which of the four patterns of interaction is most pronounced in the case of the minority you wrote about? Why? Learning Objective: LO 15.4: Identify examples of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. Topic: Majority and Minority: Patterns of Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 951. Why do various racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population have different social standing? Why do some categories surpass the national average in income, while others do not? Consider both cultural patterns linked to a category as well as the operation of the U.S. economy. Explain the different answers to these questions advanced by political conservatives and political progressives. Learning Objective: LO 15.5, 15.6: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 952. Can you imagine a future in the United States where members of our society would be truly color blind? Explain how this might become possible. Alternatively, explain why you think that this is not possible. Is ―color blind‖ part of the solution from all points of view on the political spectrum? Learning Objective: LO 15.5, 15.6: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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953. Write an essay critically evaluating affirmative action as a social policy. Begin with a look at the Controversy & Debate box and do additional research as needed. What is this policy? What is its stated objective? How successful has it been? What arguments are made supporting affirmative action and what arguments are made opposing it? Which position do you find more convincing? Why? Learning Objective: LO 15.5: Assess the social standing of racial and ethnic categories of U.S. society. Topic: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 954. What is the main thesis of Robin D‘Angelo‘s book White Fragility? Why from this point of view is racism not a personal trait? Why, then, can a solution to the problem of racism not be a matter of changing attitudes? Learning Objective: LO 15.6: Apply political analysis to the issue of racial and ethnic inequality. Topic: The Politics of Racial and Ethnic Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 16: Aging and the Elderly In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 113 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are

―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (two-thirds are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


24 (67%)

37 (65%)





12 (33%)

17 (30%)

8 (57%)





3 (5%)

2 (14%)

2 (33%)





4 (29%)

4 (67%)







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Chapter 16: Aging and the Elderly TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 955. In nearly all high-income nations, the elderly population has been increasing rapidly. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 956. Rising birth rates are a major cause of the increasing share of the U.S. population that is elderly. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 957. In general, higher-income nations have the largest share of elderly people in their populations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 958. Increasing longevity is a major factor driving up the share of the U.S. population that is elderly. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 959. In the United States, men typically outlive women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies.

Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 960. The median age of the U.S. population now stands at twenty years. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 961. The ―old-age dependency ratio‖ refers to the ratio of nonworking elderly people to working-age adults. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 962. As the elderly population of the United States increases, the physical and social segregation of the elderly will almost certainly decline. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 963. The ―young old‖ refers to people under the age of fifty-five. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 964. The study of aging and the elderly is called gerontology. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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965. Older people typically report a loss of sensory abilities, such as hearing. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 966. As people get older, their personalities change so that people who knew them years before would say they are not the same person. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 967. Seniors with higher incomes assess their own health as better compared to seniors with lower incomes. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 968. Almost all societies throughout the world define their oldest members in negative terms. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 969. Today, average life expectancy in the lowest-income nations is just above fifty years. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 970. ―Age stratification‖ refers to inequality among elderly people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

971. In hunting-and-gathering societies, older members are considered to be a valuable resource to the community. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 972. In horticultural, pastoral, and agrarian societies, the oldest members have the greatest wealth and power. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 973. Gerontocracy is a form of social organization in which the oldest members of a society have the greatest wealth and power. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 974. In general, industrialization raises the social standing of the elderly relative to younger adults. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 975. Industrialization leads more elderly people to move out of the labor force, giving rise to a stage of life that we call ―retirement.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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976. In the United States, most elderly men, but not most elderly women, live alone. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 977. Bernice Neugarten states that the key to successful aging is maintaining personal dignity as a person accepts the inevitability of advancing age. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 978. Social isolation is a more common experience among elderly women than among elderly men. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 979. Elderly people were more likely to retire a century ago than they are today. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 980. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in economic insecurity for many seniors as employers laid off workers and also cut back on retirement pensions and benefits. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 981. Poverty rates among the U.S. elderly have steadily increased in recent decades. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 982. Of all age categories of the U.S. population, people over the age of sixty-five have the highest

poverty rate. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 983. Women are more likely than men to visit and care for their elderly parents. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 984. Elder abuse is a form of family violence that often goes unreported to police. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 985. Ageism is the belief that the oldest people are the wisest and should have the most power. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 986. Disengagement theory is guided by the symbolic-interaction approach. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 987. Activity theory states that a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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988. Social-conflict analysis points to ways in which the elderly are socially disadvantaged. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 989. Modern, high-income societies tend to separate death from living. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 990. ―Euthanasia‖ refers to providing comfort and care to a person who has a terminal illness. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 991. In 1900, half the population of the United States was younger than twenty-three; in 2023, half the population is older than _______. yyy.

twenty five

zzz. thirty-eight aaaa.




Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 992. The share of the total population that is elderly is increasing quickly in ________. cccc.

the world‘s lowest-income nations


all the world‘s nations


the world‘s high-income nations

ffff. just the United States, and not elsewhere Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 993. Causes for the increase in the proportion of the population that is elderly include ________. gggg.

increases in both the birth rate and life expectancy


decreases in both the birth rate and life expectancy

iiii. a decreasing birth rate and increasing life expectancy jjjj. an increasing birth rate and decreasing life expectancy Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 994. Today, there are ________ times more people over the age of eighty-five in the United States than there were in 1900. kkkk.


llll. 50 mmmm.




Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 995. Assume you have a business that markets products to older people. Looking ahead, you have reason to expect ________. oooo.

increasing sales, because your target population is increasing in numbers

pppp. decreasing sales, because your target population is decreasing in numbers qqqq. little change in sales, because your target population will remain stable in numbers over the next several decades rrrr. that your target population will increasingly become disproportionately men Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

996. The concept ―old-age dependency ratio‖ refers to ________. ssss. the ratio of children to elderly people tttt. the ratio of elderly women to elderly men

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the ratio of working-age adults to nonworking elderly people

vvvv. the ratio of people over age sixty-five to those between eighteen and forty Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 997. Compared with the ―young old,‖ the ―old old‖ as a category of the population in the United States ________. wwww.

contains a larger share of women


is richer


has better health

zzzz. is almost entirely composed of men Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 998. Across the United States, there is a higher percentage of people who are elderly in the population of which region of the country? aaaaa.

The East Coast


The Midwest and Plains states


The West Coast


The Gulf Coast

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 999. The concept ―gerontology‖ refers to ________. eeeee.

estimating people‘s life expectancy


a medical specialty dealing with old people


the study of aging and the elderly


a treatment that restores vitality to seniors

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


The concept ―gerontology‖ has the Greek root geron meaning ________.

iiiii. jjjjj.

―later living‖ ―old person‖




―fully earned‖

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1001. A majority of people over the age of sixty-five in the United States ________. mmmmm. consider their health ―good‖ or ―excellent‖ nnnnn.

report having trouble walking

ooooo. ppppp.

are bedridden are receiving intensive care in a hospital or nursing home

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1002.

In general, seniors with higher incomes ________.

qqqqq. rrrrr.

have more health problems than people with lower incomes assess their health in better terms than people with lower incomes


have the same level of health as people with lower incomes


die earlier due to greater consumption of rich foods

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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With advancing age, older people notice ________.

uuuuu. vvvvv.

increase in height and weight less keen sensory abilities, including taste, sight, and hearing

wwwww. they are more materialistic xxxxx.

dramatic changes in their personalities

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1004. Research suggests that, by and large, people reaching old age ________. yyyyy.

become more positive about life


become more negative about life

aaaaaa. bbbbbb.

think and feel much the same about life as they did when they were younger have high levels of depression

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1005. What effect did industrialization have on life expectancy in the United States and the nations of Western Europe? cccccc.

Life expectancy increased.

dddddd. eeeeee.

There was little effect on life expectancy. Life expectancy decreased.


Life expectancy increased for women but decreased for men.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1006. In global terms, life expectancy is ________. gggggg. highest in the lowest-income countries hhhhhh.

about the same everywhere, but higher for women than for men


about the same everywhere, but higher for men than for women


highest in the highest-income countries

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context.

Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1007. In general, industrialization has what effect on the social standing of the elderly in relation to younger people? kkkkkk.

It reduces the social standing of seniors.


There is little or no effect.

mmmmmm. nnnnnn.

It raises the social standing of seniors.

It raises the social standing of older men but reduces it for women.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1008. Historically, how did industrialization change patterns of working for income among people over the age of sixty-five? oooooo.

People continued working for as long as they could.


People begin to retire from paid work, often by about age sixty-five.

qqqqqq. rrrrrr.

People came to see retirement from paid work as a sign of failure and weakness. The peak earning years for workers shifted later into the sixties and seventies.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1009.

The concept ―gerontocracy‖ refers to a society in which ________.

ssssss. tttttt.

there is a pronounced ―youth culture‖ the highest-income people have most of the power and prestige


religious leaders have the most power


the oldest people have the most wealth, power, and prestige

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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The type of society that typically operates as a gerontocracy is ________.

wwwwww. hunting and gathering xxxxxx. industrial yyyyyy.

pastoral, horticultural, or agrarian



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1011. Age stratification is found in which of the following types of societies? aaaaaaa. Only in hunting and gathering societies bbbbbbb. Only in horticultural and pastoral societies ccccccc. Only in industrial societies ddddddd. In all types of societies Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1012. Which of the following statements about the living arrangements of the elderly in the United States is correct? eeeeeee. Most men live with spouses; women are about equally likely to live with a spouse or to live alone or with another person. fffffff. Most men live in nursing homes or other assisted-living facilities; most women live alone. ggggggg. Most women live in nursing homes or other assisted-living facilities; most men live alone. hhhhhhh. Most men and women live in nursing homes or other assisted-living facilities. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1013. Bernice Neugarten claimed that people who experience old age most successfully are those with ________. iiiiiii.

disintegrated and disorganized personalities

jjjjjjj. passive-dependent personalities kkkkkkk. defended personalities lllllll.

integrated personalities

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1014. Social isolation is most commonly a problem for ________. mmmmmmm. elderly men nnnnnnn. elderly women ooooooo. elderly men and women living with their children ppppppp. elderly men and women living with spouses Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1015.

For most U.S. seniors, which of the following is the greatest source of social support?

qqqqqqq. Staff at nursing and retirement homes rrrrrrr. sssssss.

Other, nonfamily seniors Family members



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1016. The practice of older people retiring from work ________. uuuuuuu. is as old as society itself vvvvvvv. emerged along with the spread of agriculture wwwwwww. developed about a century ago along with industrialization xxxxxxx. emerged only in postindustrial societies Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Over the life course in the United States, income peaks at about what age?

yyyyyyy. thirty-five to forty-four zzzzzzz. forty-five to fifty-four aaaaaaaa. fifty-five to fifty-nine bbbbbbbb. sixty to sixty-four Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1018. The median wealth (net worth) of U.S. seniors is currently about ________. cccccccc. $2,500 dddddddd. $25,000 eeeeeeee. $250,000 ffffffff. $2,500,000 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1019.

Which of the following illustrates the concept ―staged retirement‖?

gggggggg. Alicia carefully plans for retirement beginning when she is in her twenties. hhhhhhhh. Marco‘s job as a police officer requires him to retire at age sixty. iiiiiiii.

Latoya continues working past the age of sixty-five, but at a reduced level.


Sam finds other activities to fill the time once spent working.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1020.

The poverty rate among people between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four is ________.

kkkkkkkk. above the national average llllllll. the same as the national average mmmmmmmm. below the national average nnnnnnnn. almost zero, because people receive Social Security Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging.

Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1021.

Over the life course, poverty rates in the United States are lowest among those ________.

oooooooo. between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four pppppppp. between the ages of fifty-five and sixty-four qqqqqqqq. between the ages of thirty-five and forty-four rrrrrrrr.

between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-four

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1022. Since 1960, the poverty rate among the U.S. elderly ________. ssssssss. has dropped significantly tttttttt.

has fluctuated up and down

uuuuuuuu. has remained stable vvvvvvvv. has gone up Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1023.

Poverty rates among Black and Hispanic elders in the United States are ________.


about the same as among elderly, non-Hispanic Whites

xxxxxxxx. more than twice as high as elderly, non-Hispanic Whites yyyyyyyy. ten times higher than among elderly, non-Hispanic Whites zzzzzzzz. lower than among elderly, non-Hispanic Whites Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1024. Among U.S. seniors, the gender gap in income ________. aaaaaaaaa. does not exist bbbbbbbbb.

is much smaller than it is for the population as a whole

ccccccccc. is greater than it is for the population as a whole ddddddddd. is the same as it is for the population as a whole

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1025. Most caregiving to older people in the United States is provided by ________. eeeeeeeee. the staff at nursing homes fffffffff.

hospital staff


women, typically daughters and wives

hhhhhhhhh. Answer: c

senior friends and neighbors

Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1026.

Estimates place the share of elders who experience some form of abuse each year at ________.


about 5 percent

jjjjjjjjj. about 10 percent kkkkkkkkk. about 25 percent lllllllll.

about 50 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1027. Which of the following statements best describes situations that increase the risk of elder abuse? mmmmmmmmm. A caregiver to an older person also has a full-time job. nnnnnnnnn.

A caregiver to an older person also cares for his or her young children.

ooooooooo. ppppppppp.

A caregiver to an older person has little help or support from other people. All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application


The concept ―ageism‖ refers to ________.

qqqqqqqqq. failing to provide necessary care for the elderly rrrrrrrrr. the reality that we all grow old sssssssss. prejudice and discrimination directed against the elderly ttttttttt.

forcing elderly people to retire from paid work

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1029. Gordon Streib concludes that older people ________. uuuuuuuuu.

are not a minority category as, say, Black people are


are more disadvantaged than people in other minority categories

wwwwwwwww. are an advantaged segment of the population xxxxxxxxx. have the highest risk of any age category of becoming poor Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1030.

Disengagement theory is guided by which theoretical approach?

yyyyyyyyy. The social-conflict approach zzzzzzzzz. The structural-functional approach aaaaaaaaaa.

The symbolic-interaction approach


The sociobiological approach

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1031.

The main point of disengagement theory is that ________.


seniors wish to be independent just like everyone else

dddddddddd. society remains orderly by disengaging aging people from positions of responsibility eeeeeeeeee.

aging people do not require as much care as most people think they do

ffffffffff. seniors wish to remain active Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging.

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Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1032.

One criticism of disengagement theory is that ________.


few seniors ever want to disengage

hhhhhhhhhh. seniors have little to contribute to society iiiiiiiiii. many older people do not have the money to permit them to disengage from work jjjjjjjjjj.

many older people are not physically or mentally able to work

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1033. Activity theory draws on ________. kkkkkkkkkk. the social-conflict approach llllllllll.

the structural-functional approach

mmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnn. Answer: c

the symbolic-interaction approach

the sociobiological approach

Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1034.

The main point of activity theory is that ________.


a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age

pppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqq.

seniors should not try to do more than they feel they can seniors should retire knowing they have earned the right to relax

rrrrrrrrrr. some seniors have far more wealth than others do Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1035. Compared to disengagement theory‘s focus on ________; activity theory has more of a focus on ________. ssssssssss. staying active; the value of retirement tttttttttt.

the operation of society; the needs of elders themselves


society as a whole; patterns of inequality


the negative aspects of aging; the positive aspects of aging

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1036. Following the ideas of Karl Marx, Steven Spitzer suggests that capitalist societies ________. wwwwwwwwww. care more about elders than about children xxxxxxxxxx.

ensure that elders end up with the most wealth


treat elders as being the wisest of all people

zzzzzzzzzz. Answer: d

devalue elders because they are, on average, less productive than younger adults

Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1037.

In centuries past, with respect to dying, ________.


people avoided discussing death

bbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccc.

people refused to accept the reality of their own death people were more familiar with death than people are today


people lived far longer than is typical today

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1038. Today in the United States, what percentage of people die after reaching the age of fifty-five? eeeeeeeeeee. 37 percent fffffffffff. 57 percent ggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhh.

67 percent 87 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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In today‘s society, most deaths occur in ________.

iiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjj.

impersonal settings such as hospitals or nursing homes the homes of people‘s children

kkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllll.

a person‘s own home

a hospice

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1040. The right-to-die debate is mostly about ________. mmmmmmmmmmm.

whether people should die before their time


whether doctors have the ability to delay death

ooooooooooo. ppppppppppp.

how much control people have over their own death whether low-income people have the same quality of life as high-income people

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1041. What document specifies the medical procedures an individual wants and does not want under specific medical conditions? qqqqqqqqqqq.

A living will

rrrrrrrrrrr. An insurance policy sssssssssss. A death wish ttttttttttt.

A living trust

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1042. Which of the following countries has the most permissive law involving physician-assisted suicide in the world? uuuuuuuuuuu.

The United States


The Netherlands

wwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxx.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life.

Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1043.

Which concept refers to assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease?



zzzzzzzzzzz. aaaaaaaaaaaa.

Euthanasia Gerontocracy



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1044. What is the term for a facility that provides care and comfort for people as they approach death? cccccccccccc. Hospital dddddddddddd.

Elder hostel


Nursing home

ffffffffffff. Hospice Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1045. Read the four terms below. Which of the four is NOT one of the stages in the dying process described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross? gggggggggggg.




iiiiiiiiiiii. Negotiation jjjjjjjjjjjj. Acceptance Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Compared to young adults, people over the age of sixty-five are ________.

kkkkkkkkkkkk. far less likely to vote llllllllllll. slightly less likely to vote mmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnn.

about equally likely to vote

considerably more likely to vote

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 16.6: Apply political analysis to issues involving aging. Topic: The Politics of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1047. Which of the following statements about the effect of age on voting in the 2020 presidential election is correct? oooooooooooo. A majority of young people voted for Biden; a slight majority of people over sixty-five voted for Trump. pppppppppppp. Young people were evenly divided in their voting; a slight majority of people over sixty-five voted for Biden. qqqqqqqqqqqq. Biden.

Slight majorities of both young people and people over sixty-five supported

rrrrrrrrrrrr. Slight majorities of both young people and people over sixty-five supported Trump. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 16.6: Apply political analysis to issues involving aging. Topic: The Politics of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection


What do sociologists mean by the ―graying of the United States‖? What, precisely, is changing?

Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1049. What share of the U.S. population is now over the age of sixty-five? How has this share changed since 1900? Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1050. How is the increasing share of the U.S. population over the age of sixty-five likely to change our way of life? Learning Objective: LO 16.1: Explain the increasing share of elderly people in modern societies. Topic: The Graying of the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1051. What does industrialization do for life expectancy? What does it do to the relative social standing of the oldest people in a society? Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1052. What is age stratification? Is the United States a gerontocracy? In what ways are seniors advantaged? In what ways are they advantaged? Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1053. Identify several ways in which the lives of older people in Japan differ from the lives of their counterparts in the United States. What accounts for such differences? Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1054. Why is social isolation a greater problem for aging women than aging men? Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1055. What is the poverty rate among elderly people in the United States? How has it changed in the last fifty years? Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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What is caregiving? Who provides most caregiving to elderly people in the United States?

Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1057. Describe the debate about whether or not elderly people should be considered a minority. Do you think the elderly are a minority or not? Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1058. Apply disengagement theory and activity theory to growing old. What insight do we gain from each approach? Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1059. Apply social-conflict and feminist theories to aging. What insights do we gain from these approaches? Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1060.

How do modern societies separate death from life?

Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1061. How do the voting patterns of the youngest adults and the oldest adults in the United States differ? Learning Objective: LO 16.6: Apply political analysis to issues involving aging. Topic: The Politics of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1062. What are the biological changes associated with growing old? In light of these changes, why do sociologists claim that aging is just as much a cultural issue as a biological issue? In applying the sociological perspective to the cultural dimensions of the aging process, consider the effects of industrialization on the social standing of the elderly. Learning Objective: LO 16.2: Describe age stratification in global context. Topic: Growing Old: Biology and Culture Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1063. To what extent are the elderly in the United States advantaged or disadvantaged? Provide data on income that addresses this question. Also consider cultural patterns that contribute to, or discourage, ageism. In this discussion, provide your own assessment about whether or not elderly people should or should not be considered a minority. Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1064. Growing old is not the same experience for all categories of people. Point out ways that gender, race, and social class shape the aging process. Learning Objective: LO 16.3: Discuss problems related to aging. Topic: Transitions and Challenges of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1065. Explain the insights offered by sociology‘s three major theoretical approaches on growing old. What is the argument made by (structural-functionalist) disengagement theory? How does (symbolic-interactionist) activity theory differ? Finally, what does social-conflict theory add to our understanding? Learning Objective: LO 16.4: Apply sociology‘s major theories to the topic of aging. Topic: Theories of Aging Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1066. In what ways does U.S. society separate death from life? Why do we do this? What approach to death and dying would be more beneficial? Why? Consider the work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in developing answers to these questions. Learning Objective: LO 16.5: Analyze changing attitudes about the end of life. Topic: Death and Dying Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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1067. Point out ways in which the politics of seniors differ from the politics of young adults. How did these two cohorts differ in their voting in the 2020 presidential election? Should we expect young people to become more conservative as they age? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 16.6: Apply political analysis to issues involving aging. Topic: The Politics of Aging Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 17: The Economy and Work In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 112 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, more than half of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions, some are ―Understanding,‖ and a few are ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


20 (54%)

30 (59%)





17 (46%)

18 (35%)

7 (50%)





3 (6%)

3 (21%)

1 (10%)





4 (29%)

9 (90%)







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Chapter 17: The Economy and Work TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1068.

The economy organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1069. The economy did not emerge as a distinct social institution within a society until the Industrial Revolution. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1070.

One main foundation of industrialization was creating new, more powerful sources of energy.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1071. Compared to agricultural work, industrial jobs involve less specialization. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1072. The invention of the corporation is the event that defines the emergence of a postindustrial society. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1073. In contrast to the mechanical skills that were important during the Industrial Revolution, the Information Revolution requires workers to gain literacy skills. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1074. It was the Information Revolution that drew workers from a wide geographical region, concentrating population in dense, central cities. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1075. Agricultural production is part of the primary sector of the economy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1076. The concepts ―primary sector,‖ ―secondary sector,‖ and ―tertiary sector‖ refer to how efficient and productive a sector is in terms of generating economic value. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1077.

The operation of the global economy pays little regard to national borders.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1078. Adam Smith‘s idea was that, in a capitalist system, government tells businesses what to produce and government also tells consumers what to buy. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1079. Although there are many privately-owned companies in the United States, most of the U.S. economy is owned and operated by the government. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1080.

Taken together, local, state, and federal governments are the U.S.‘s largest single employer.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1081. Socialism is correctly described as a ―laissez-faire‖ economic system. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1082. Socialism has spread around the world to the point that, today, a majority of the world‘s nations have a socialist economic system. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1083. Combining a market-based economy with an extensive social welfare program yields a system that is called ―welfare capitalism.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1084. Capitalism is more economically productive than socialism; capitalism also creates greater economic inequality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1085. The concept ―state capitalism‖ refers to an economy in which all productive enterprises in a country are owned by the government. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1086. Socialist economies create greater economic equality than capitalist economies, but with a lower overall living standard. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1087. Denmark is an example of a European nation with a system of welfare capitalism in which high taxes pay for extensive government-provided benefits. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1088. Today, only about 1 percent of the U.S. labor force works in agriculture. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1089. Most people with jobs in the primary labor market would probably rather have jobs in the secondary labor market. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1090. In the United States, the share of workers who are members of labor unions reached a record high level in 2021. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States.

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Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1091. The concept ―paraprofessional‖ refers to work that requires skills but typically lacks a broad theoretical knowledge of a field. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1092.

Most self-employed persons work in jobs that are correctly described as ―professions.‖

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1093. Self-employed workers iun the United States are more likely to have blue-collar jobs than whitecollar jobs. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1094. A recent trend in the United States is a steady increase in the share of small businesses owned by women. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1095.

In 2021, the lowest unemployment rate in the United States was found among teenagers.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Prostitution and selling illegal drugs are included in what is called the underground economy.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1097. Automation, especially when linked to computer-based artificial intelligence, has the effect of reducing the demand for human labor. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1098.

One effect of computer technology is giving workers greater power over their employers.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1099. Between 1950 and 2000, the government reports, the only job that disappeared in the U.S. economy was elevator operator. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1100.

A corporation is an organization with a legal existence apart from that of its members.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Conglomerates are giant corporations composed of many smaller corporations.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1102. ―Oligopoly‖ refers to a company that operates in more than one country. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1103.

―Monopoly‖ refers to a corporation that operates within a single sector of the economy.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1104. Political conservatives favor an economy based on a free market; as one moves left on the political spectrum, more and more of the economy is under the control of the government. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 17.5: Apply political and sociological analysis to economic systems. Topic: The Politics of the Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


As a social institution, the economy ________.

ssssssssssss. is generally considered to be the least influential of all institutions tttttttttttt. has remained much the same throughout human history uuuuuuuuuuuu.

assigns jobs to a society‘s population


organizes production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1106. Which of the following social institutions do most sociologists claim has the greatest effect on society as a whole? wwwwwwwwwwww.

The family


The economy


The political system



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1107. Over the course of human history, revolutionary changes in which of the following have brought great transformation to the economy? aaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Production technology

bbbbbbbbbbbbb. Family structure ccccccccccccc. Population size ddddddddddddd. Natural resources Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1108. The chapter describes three technological revolutions that transformed all of social life. Which of the following is NOT one of them? eeeeeeeeeeeee.

The Agricultural Revolution

fffffffffffff. The Industrial Revolution ggggggggggggg. The Immigration Revolution hhhhhhhhhhhhh. The Information Revolution Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1109. The development of agriculture was set in motion by ________. iiiiiiiiiiiii. changes in church doctrine jjjjjjjjjjjjj. using animals to pull the plow kkkkkkkkkkkkk. the discovery of writing lllllllllllll. the discovery of oil

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1110. The economy first became a distinct social institution during which historical stage of technological development? mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hunting and gathering societies nnnnnnnnnnnnn. Agrarian societies ooooooooooooo. Industrial societies ppppppppppppp. Postindustrial societies Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1111. As societies industrialize, a smaller share of the population works in which of the following locations? qqqqqqqqqqqqq. Farms rrrrrrrrrrrrr. Factories sssssssssssss.

Assembly lines

ttttttttttttt. Industrial production Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1112. The Industrial Revolution was based on ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuu. the spread of cottage industry vvvvvvvvvvvvv. an increasing share of people working in their homes wwwwwwwwwwwww.

a decline in productive specialization

xxxxxxxxxxxxx. applying new sources of energy to production Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Which of the following new sources of energy launched the Industrial Revolution?

yyyyyyyyyyyyy. The gasoline engine zzzzzzzzzzzzz. The steam engine aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Wind power

bbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Electricity Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1114. Early factories in New England, where the Industrial Revolution first developed in the United States, ________. cccccccccccccc. employed women who earned half the wages paid to men dddddddddddddd. manufactured textiles eeeeeeeeeeeeee.

discouraged any worker organizations


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1115.

The postindustrial economy is defined by ________.

gggggggggggggg. an increase in the share of production taking place in factories hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. the mass production of goods and services iiiiiiiiiiiiii. a shift toward the production of raw materials jjjjjjjjjjjjjj. an increase in the share of people engaged in service work and using computer technology Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1116.

Which of the following concepts refers to an economy based on computer technology?

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Postindustrial economy llllllllllllll. Industrial economy mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Technological economy

nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Agrarian economy Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy.

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Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1117. Read the following four statements about the Information Revolution. Which of the statements is NOT correct? oooooooooooooo. There is a shift from making tangible products to generating ideas. pppppppppppppp. There is a shift from mechanical skills to literacy skills. qqqqqqqqqqqqqq. There is a shift from farming to turning raw materials into finished products. rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

There is a shift from working in factories to working almost anywhere.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1118.

Which sector of the economy generates raw materials directly from the natural environment?


Primary sector

tttttttttttttt. Secondary sector uuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Tertiary sector vvvvvvvvvvvvvv. None of the other responses is correct. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1119. Turning metals into automobiles is work that falls within the ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwww. primary sector xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. secondary sector yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. tertiary sector zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. agricultural sector Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

1120. Looking at economies around the world, the primary sector generates the largest share of economic output in ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. high-income nations bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

middle-income nations

ccccccccccccccc. low-income nations ddddddddddddddd.

The share is the same size in all nations.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1121.

The rapid expansion of social media is one indication of the growth of the economy‘s ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. primary sector. fffffffffffffff. secondary sector ggggggggggggggg.

tertiary sector


None of the other responses is correct.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1122.

In the United States, about what percentage of the labor force performs tertiary sector work?


10 percent

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. 30 percent kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 50 percent lllllllllllllll.

80 percent

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1123. The concept ―global economy‖ refers to ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. economic activity that moves across national borders nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

the fact that only a few countries contribute to the global economy

ooooooooooooooo. leadership

the fact that economic output is under the control of global political


economic activity within a high-income nation

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy.

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Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1124.

Globalization of the economy results in which of the following?


All regions of the world engage in much the same economic activity.

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. sssssssssssssss.

A larger share of domestic production remains within a nation‘s borders. A small number of businesses represent a huge share of global economic output.


The world‘s nations are becoming more equal in terms of economic output.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1125. Capitalism is an economic system in which there is ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. government control of production vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

private ownership of property

wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Answer: b

pursuit of collective goals

a focus on the well-being of people with the greatest need

Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1126.

In a capitalist economic system, ―justice‖ amounts to ________.


doing what is best for society‘s lowest-income members

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. everyone being more or less economically equal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. freedom of the marketplace allowing people to follow their self-interest bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

allowing government to guide social life

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1127. The social thinker whose ideas provide the greatest support for the operation of a free-market economy was ________. cccccccccccccccc. Thorstein Veblen dddddddddddddddd.

Adam Smith

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Karl Marx ffffffffffffffff.

Max Weber

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1128. The United States is a mostly capitalist nation because ________. gggggggggggggggg. the vast majority of productive businesses are privately owned hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

the nation has a system of free elections


the nation has high living standards

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Answer: a

of the extensive government control of the economy

Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1129.

Socialism is an economic system in which there is ________.


collective control of production

llllllllllllllll. private ownership of property mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. pursuit of individual profit nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

no government involvement in economic activity

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1130. Which of the following traits does NOT describe the operation of a socialist economy? oooooooooooooooo. Collective orientation pppppppppppppppp.

Government control of production

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Laissez-faire economy rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Command economy Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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In a socialist economic system, ―justice‖ amounts to ________.

ssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttt.

trying to meet the basic needs of all in an equal manner enacting policies to boost company earnings


freedom of the marketplace


allowing production to be guided by consumer choice

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1132. What is the hypothetical economic and political system, envisioned by Karl Marx, in which all people in society would be socially equal? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Capitalism xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Socialism yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Welfare capitalism

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Communism Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1133. Which of the following concepts refers to a political and economic system that combines a mostly market-based economy with extensive social welfare programs? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.





Welfare capitalism

ddddddddddddddddd. Answer: c


Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1134. Which of the following nations is a high-income country where about half of economic production is state-controlled and there is an extensive range of social welfare programs? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffff.


ggggggggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: b

China Cuba The United States

Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1135.

The concept ―state capitalism‖ refers to a system in which ________.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

the government owns and operates most economic enterprises privately owned companies cooperate closely with the government

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllll.

the government owns but does not operate most economic enterprises

large businesses control the government

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1136. Which of the following countries best exemplifies a system of state capitalism? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The United States nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


ooooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppppp.

North Korea South Korea

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1137.

Contrasted with socialist economic systems, capitalist economic systems are typically ________.

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. equally productive rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. more productive sssssssssssssssss. less productive ttttttttttttttttt. Answer: b

not concerned with their level of productivity

Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Contrasted with socialist economic systems, capitalist economic systems typically ________.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

generate more economic inequality generate less economic inequality

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

generate about the same level of inequality

do not generate any social equality

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1139. Concerning the issue of personal freedom, capitalist systems emphasize people‘s ________, while socialist systems emphasize people‘s ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

collective needs; personal needs freedom from basic want; freedom to pursue their self-interest


freedom to pursue their self-interest; freedom from basic want


social needs; material needs

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1140. In the United States, about what share of the population aged sixteen and older is in the paid labor force? cccccccccccccccccc.

22 percent


42 percent


62 percent

ffffffffffffffffff. Answer: c

82 percent

Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1141. Over the course of the last century, the share of people in the U.S. labor force involved in agricultural work ________. gggggggggggggggggg.

has remained about the same


has declined steadily


has increased dramatically


has increased, but only slightly

Answer: b

Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1142.

By the 1960s, most of the people in the U.S. labor force had which type of job?

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllll.



mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.



Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1143.

In the United States, yesterday‘s family farms have given way to ________.


importing most foods from abroad

pppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

collectively run farming communes corporate agribusinesses


smaller, individually run farms

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1144.

The concept ―primary labor market‖ refers to jobs that ________.

ssssssssssssssssss. provide extensive benefits to workers tttttttttttttttttt. are typically taken by teenagers uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

require no particular training or experience


offer little pay and low security

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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In recent decades, union membership ________.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. has increased in the United States and other high-income nations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. has increased in the United States, but not in other high-income nations yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

has declined in the United States, but not in other high-income nations


has declined in the United States and other high-income nations

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1146.

Read the four descriptions below. Which statement does NOT apply to a profession?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Having theoretical knowledge of a field Working for a large, well-established company


Having authority over clients


Professing a community, rather than an individual, orientation

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1147.

What percentage of today‘s U.S. workers are self-employed?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffff.

6 percent

26 percent


46 percent

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: a

66 percent

Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1148. Which of the following would be included in the operation of the underground economy? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

A teacher who is on disability leave for a long time


An executive who illegally ―borrows‖ funds from the company

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. An Uber driver who fails to report most of their income lllllllllllllllllll. Food servers who are paid less than the minimum wage Answer: c

Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1149. Which category of the U.S. population is showing the greatest labor-force increase in terms of percentage? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

White men


Hispanic women


White women


Black women

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1150. The increasing use of computers is having which of the following effects on the workplace? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Computers are deskilling labor. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Computers are limiting workplace interaction. Computers enhance employers‘ control of workers.

sssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttt. Answer: d

All of these responses are correct.

Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1151. A conglomerate is ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

a giant corporation composed of many smaller corporations


a corporation in the manufacturing sector

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. a corporation engaged in both legal and illegal activity xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

any company that completely dominates a market

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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The concept ―oligopoly‖ refers to ________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

any corporation with more than $1 billion in annual sales the largest company in a particular field


domination of a market by a few producers

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. a large company operating in all three economic sectors Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1153. Modernization theorists see large corporations as ________. cccccccccccccccccccc.

offering little to help low-income nations seeking to develop

dddddddddddddddddddd. unleashing the productive power of capitalism to speed development in low-income nations eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

responsible for the debt crisis in many low-income nations

ffffffffffffffffffff. needing the technology currently available in low-income nations Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1154.

Dependency theorists see large corporations as ________.

gggggggggggggggggggg. the key to meeting the needs of people in low-income nations hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. helping low-income nations to develop local industries iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. a major source of foreign investment for low-income nations jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

intensifying global inequality

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1155. The results of a survey of a random sample representing U.S. adults found that ________ percent said they had a positive view of capitalism and ________ percent said they had a positive view of socialism. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 65; 42 llllllllllllllllllll.

85; 10

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 33; 62 Answer: a

45; 67

Learning Objective: LO 17.5: Apply political and sociological analysis to economic systems. Topic: The Politics of the Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection


What is a social institution? What is the economy?

Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1157. In the history of human societies, at what point did the economy become a social institution distinct from the family and other institutions? Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1158. Name three technological revolutions that reorganized societal production and resulted in broad changes to many other dimensions of social life. What factors caused these revolutions? What changed as a result? Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1159.

What important changes in production defined the Industrial Revolution?

Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1160.

Name the three sectors of the economy. Give an example of production in each sector.

Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1161. What are the three defining traits of capitalism? Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1162.

What are the three defining traits of socialism?

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Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1163.

What is welfare capitalism? How does Denmark illustrate the operation of this system?

Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1164. How do capitalism and socialism differ in level of productivity? What about in level of economic inequality? Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1165. What are the primary labor market and the secondary labor market? In what ways do work and its rewards differ in each case? Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1166. What is a profession? What are four characteristics of professional work? Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1167. What is the underground economy? Provide several examples of work in the underground economy. Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

1168. Define the concepts ―monopoly‖ and ―oligopoly.‖ Why are these economic patterns controversial? Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1169. Briefly describe the relative importance of market systems and government in the operation of the economy favored by the right and the left sides of the political spectrum. Learning Objective: LO 17.5: Apply political and sociological analysis to economic systems. Topic: The Politics of the Economy Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1170. Compare and contrast three types of economies according to their dominant technology: agrarian, industrial, and postindustrial. What are the characteristics of production in each? In what ways does each type of economy shape society as a whole? Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Summarize historical changes to the economy. Topic: The Economy: Historical Overview Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1171. State the defining characteristics of two economic models: capitalism and socialism. How do these models compare in terms of (a) overall productivity, (b) level of economic inequality, and (c) extent of political freedom? How is welfare capitalism an effort to combine the benefits of both systems? Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1172. Based on what you have read in this chapter, describe an economic system that you think would come closest to being ―just.‖ This economic system might be some combination of the types of economic systems described in the chapter. Explain what you mean by ―just‖ and how the system operates to generate ―justice.‖ Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies. Topic: Economic Systems: Paths to Justice Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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1173. Describe trends in the U.S. labor force over the course of the last century. What technological changes have accompanied the shift from agricultural work to blue-collar work and then to whitecollar service jobs? What changes in other social patterns have accompanied this shift? Consider rural–urban residential patterns, family patterns, and the relationship between work and home. Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1174. How has the nature of work in the United States changed over the last 150 years? Answer this question referring to the three sectors of the economy. In your answer, include the changing share of self-employed people as well as the changing importance of labor unions. Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1175. Describe the importance of unions to the workplace, including both public sector and private sector employment. What share of U.S. workers do union members represent? How has this share changed over time? Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Analyze patterns of employment and unemployment in the United States. Topic: Work in the Postindustrial U.S. Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1176. Explain how corporations operate as the core of the U.S. economy. How has the globalization of the economy made many corporations much larger? What are conglomerates? Look ahead to the world‘s economy at mid-century: Do you think large multinational corporations will dominate the world more than they do now? Is this good for the world‘s people? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1177. What arguments are made in favor of a free-market economy? What are the arguments made by those who favor a large regulatory role for government? Consider issues such as economic productivity, economic inequality, and the extent of corporate welfare. Learning Objective: LO 17.4: Discuss the importance of corporations to the U.S. economy. Topic: Corporations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis


Explain how and why the assessment people make of the economy and the best economy depends

on their position on the political spectrum. How do the views from the right, the center, and the left differ? Learning Objective: LO 17.5: Apply political and sociological analysis to economic systems. Topic: The Politics of the Economy Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1179. What does survey research tell us about how U.S. adults assess capitalism and socialism as economic systems? How have these assessments changed in recent decades? Can you account for these changes? Learning Objective: LO 17.5: Apply political and sociological analysis to economic systems. Topic: The Politics of the Economy Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 18: Politics and Government In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 108 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, half of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder include

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―Understanding‖ and several ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


17 (49%)

26 (51%)





18 (51%)

21 (41%)

8 (53%)





4 (8%)

3 (20%)

1 (14%)





4 (27%)

6 (86%)







Chapter 18: Politics and Government TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1180. The concept ―government‖ refers to the formal organization that directs the political life of a society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1181.

According to Max Weber, authority is just another word for power.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1182.

Traditional authority gains importance as a society becomes industrialized.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1183. ―Authority‖ refers to power that people perceive as coercive and unjust. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1184.

Traditional authority is one source of strength for patriarchy.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

1185. Charismatic authority is based on extraordinary personal abilities that inspire devotion and obedience in others. Answer: True

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Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1186. Rational-legal authority is also called ―bureaucratic authority‖ because it is legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1187. Max Weber‘s idea of the ―routinization of charisma‖ is the claim that charisma does not exist in the modern world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1188. In absolute monarchies, hereditary rulers claim a virtual monopoly of power based on divine right. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1189. Democracy and rational-legal authority often exist together, just as monarchy and traditional authority do. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

1190. More than 90 percent of the world‘s people live in nations that are considered to be politically free. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems.

Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1191. A comparative examination of socialist and capitalist systems suggests that political liberty and economic equality almost always go together. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1192.

Authoritarian governments give people little voice in politics.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1193. In a totalitarian political system, one political organization gains total control of society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1194. In the same way that the economy is becoming more and more global, so is the world developing a single global political system. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1195. In terms of government expenditure per person, federal spending is about the same today as it was when this nation was founded more than two centuries ago. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1196. Based on voting patterns in the United States, Black people tend to be more politically liberal than White people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1197. Transgender rights is one example of a social issue. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1198. A recent study carried out by Forbes found that a large majority of the richest 400 people in the United States are registered Republicans. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1199. A general pattern in voting is that higher-income people with extensive schooling tend to be more liberal on social issues such as transgender rights than lower-income people with less schooling. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1200. In the 2020 presidential election, rural people overwhelmingly supported the election of the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum.

Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1201. Evidence supports the claim that partisan polarization in the United States has increased in the last two decades. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1202.

In almost all of the states, people serving sentences in prison cannot vote.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1203. The pluralist model states that the United States is far less democratic than most people would like to think. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1204.

The sociologist closely associated with the power-elite model is C. Wright Mills.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1205. The Marxist political-economy model suggests that capitalist societies are democratic, giving some political voice to everyone. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1206.

Political revolutions tend to occur when and where living standards are at their lowest level.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1207. Extensive civil liberties make democratic societies more vulnerable to terrorism. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1208.

Terrorism is widely considered to be a new form of asymmetrical warfare.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1209. The concept ―military-industrial complex‖ refers to the close association among the federal government, the military, and defense industries. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1210. Nuclear proliferation is the process by which the two superpowers engage in an arms race. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


The deadliest war in U.S. history, in terms of loss of American lives, was World War II.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1212. Of all young people in their late teens or twenties in the United States, only one in five is qualified to join the armed forces. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1213. Most people who join the armed forces in the United States are volunteers. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1214. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been part of the experience of people in the United States due to extensive coverage by mass media and social media. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Politics is a social institution that is defined in terms of a society‘s ________.

oooooooooooooooooooo. distribution of power, goals, and decision making pppppppppppppppppppp. technology qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. income distribution rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. means of production Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Max Weber defined power as ________.

ssssssssssssssssssss. simply a reflection of wealth tttttttttttttttttttt. the ability to achieve desired ends, despite resistance uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. the operation of a government vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. the source of all bureaucracy Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1217. Which of the following concepts refers to the formal organization that directs the political life of a society? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. The political system xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Rational-legal authority yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. The power elite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1218.

Preindustrial societies, explained Max Weber, are characterized by having ________.


mostly traditional authority

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. mostly rational-legal authority ccccccccccccccccccccc. mostly charismatic authority ddddddddddddddddddddd. no authority at all Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1219. Industrialization decreases the importance of which type of authority? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Traditional authority fffffffffffffffffffff. Rational-legal authority ggggggggggggggggggggg. Charismatic authority hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oligopolist authority Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1220. As Max Weber saw it, the essential difference between power and authority is ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

authority is more rational


people perceive authority as legitimate, rather than coercive

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. raw power is always the foundation of justice lllllllllllllllllllll. power is more efficient than authority in getting the job done Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1221. Which of Max Weber‘s types of authority rests on extraordinary personal abilities that inspire devotion in followers? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Traditional authority nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Rational-legal authority ooooooooooooooooooooo. Charismatic authority ppppppppppppppppppppp. Oligopolist authority Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1222. In human history, leaders who attract many followers, including Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., display ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. traditional authority rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. rational-legal authority sssssssssssssssssssss. charismatic authority ttttttttttttttttttttt.

power rather than authority

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1223. Max Weber said that, in a setting in which leadership is based on charismatic authority, a crisis results with ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. the death of the leader vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. the fact that few people choose to follow a charismatic leader wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

the fact that charisma existed only in the ancient world

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. All of these responses are correct. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1224. What Max Weber called the ―routinization of charisma‖ involves charismatic authority ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. disappearing entirely zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

becoming a reflection of a leader‘s unique personality

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. becoming sheer force bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. rational-legal authority

transforming into some combination of traditional authority and

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1225. Which of the following concepts refers to a political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation? cccccccccccccccccccccc. Democracy dddddddddddddddddddddd. Monarchy eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Totalitarianism ffffffffffffffffffffff. Oligopoly Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1226. In which of the following types of societies would you most expect to find monarchy as the political system? gggggggggggggggggggggg.

Hunting and gathering







Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1227.

In Max Weber‘s view, monarchy claims legitimacy based on ________.


traditional authority

llllllllllllllllllllll. charismatic authority mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. rational-legal authority nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

sheer force

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1228. Which of the following concepts refers to a political system in which power resides in the hands of the people as a whole? oooooooooooooooooooooo.




qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Aristocracy


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1229.

Which nations in the world today claim to be democratic?


All low-income nations and a few high-income nations

tttttttttttttttttttttt. No nations uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Almost all high-income nations and some low-income nations


All nations

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1230.

Which of the following concepts correctly describes the political system in North Korea?







zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Totalitarian Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1231. In 2020, about what percentage of the world‘s people lived in countries that can be considered politically ―free‖? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 9 percent bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

19 percent

ccccccccccccccccccccccc. 39 percent ddddddddddddddddddddddd. 69 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1232.

The concept ―political economy‖ refers to ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. any system in which people are unequal fffffffffffffffffffffff.

the interplay of the political and economic systems


democratic political systems


the most efficient form of government

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Capitalist societies base their claim to democracy on ________.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. people having considerable personal liberty jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. meeting the basic needs of all people kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

maintaining public order

lllllllllllllllllllllll. their high living standards Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1234.

Socialist societies base their claim to democracy on ________.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. people having considerable personal liberty nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. meeting the basic needs of all people ooooooooooooooooooooooo.

maintaining public order


their high living standards

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1235.

The concept ―authoritarian‖ refers to a political system that ________.


has high legitimacy


relies on more than one kind of authority


denies most people participation in political life

ttttttttttttttttttttttt. includes free elections Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1236. A totalitarian political system ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

mixes politics with religion


is completely democratic

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. is government without any bureaucracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. concentrates power so that the government closely regulates people‘s lives Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1237.

In 2021, the U.S. federal budget amounted to about ________ per person.



zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. $200 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.$2,000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1238.

Economic liberals support which of the following?

cccccccccccccccccccccccc.An economy free from government regulation dddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Taxing all people the same amount of money each year

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Extensive social welfare programs ffffffffffffffffffffffff. Answer: c

Greater personal choice in matters of lifestyle

Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1239.

Which of the following would be described as an economic issue?


The abortion controversy

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Poverty iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Transgender rights jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. The debate over parental involvement in school curricula Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

1240. In general, people with moderately high incomes tend to be ________ on social issues and ________ on economic issues.


conservative; conservative

llllllllllllllllllllllll. liberal; liberal mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

liberal; conservative

conservative; liberal

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1241. People with lower social standing in the United States tend to be ________ on social issues and ________ on economic issues. oooooooooooooooooooooooo.

conservative; conservative

pppppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

liberal; liberal liberal; conservative


conservative; liberal

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1242. Two-thirds of people with incomes of at least $200,000 a year are registered ________; a majority of the 400 very richest people in the United States are registered ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Republicans; Democrats

tttttttttttttttttttttttt. Democrats; Democrats uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Republicans; Republicans


Democrats; Republicans

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Which of the following statements about political affiliation in the United States is true?

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. supported the Republican Party.

Historically, Latina/Latino voters have

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. If only people in minority categories of the population had voted in 2020, Donald Trump would have won the presidency in a landslide. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. decades.

Black people overwhelmingly have voted Democratic in recent

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.The last five U.S. presidents have all been Republicans. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1244. In the United States, ________ people tend to vote Democratic, while most ________ people vote Republican. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

rural; urban


urban; rural


high-income; low-income


conservative; liberal

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1245. In the 2020 presidential election, which of the following categories of the U.S. population had the highest share of people voting? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Black people

Non-Hispanic White people


Latina/Latino people


College-aged adults

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


About what share of eligible people voted in the 2020 presidential election?

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. 46 percent jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. 56 percent kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

66 percent

lllllllllllllllllllllllll. 76 percent Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1247. In general, how does income affect the likelihood of voting in the United States? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Most high-income people vote; most lowincome people do not. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. People of all income levels are about equally likely to vote. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Most low-income people vote; most high-income people do not.

ppppppppppppppppppppppppp. women, but not men.

Higher income increases the share of people who vote among

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1248.

A pluralist approach to the U.S. political system suggests that ________.

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

power is concentrated in the hands of a few

an anti-democratic bias exists in the capitalist system

sssssssssssssssssssssssss. power is widely dispersed throughout society ttttttttttttttttttttttttt. many people do not vote because they are alienated from the political system Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1249. A power-elite model of the U.S. political system suggests that ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

power is concentrated in the hands of a few


an antidemocratic bias exists in the capitalist system

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. power is widely dispersed throughout society xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. most people do not vote simply because they fail to register Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1250.

The Marxist political-economy model suggests that ________.


power is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few


an antidemocratic bias exists in the capitalist system


power is widely dispersed throughout society

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. many people do not vote because they are satisfied with the political system Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1251. Which of the following statements about political revolution is correct? cccccccccccccccccccccccccc. Political revolution almost always produces a left-wing government. dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Political revolution almost always produces a right-wing government. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. government. ffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Political revolution almost always produces a democratic

Revolution can and does produce many types of government.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1252.

Which of the following responses is a factor encouraging political revolution?

gggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Rising expectation of a better life hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Unresponsive government iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Radical leadership by intellectuals jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding


―Terrorism‖ refers to ________.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. the use of military force by a nation state llllllllllllllllllllllllll. the use or threat of violence as a political strategy by an individual or group mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. organized, armed conflict between groups nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. unorganized, violent conflict between any two parties Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1254. In general, terrorism is the strategy favored by ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. a weak organization against a stronger foe pppppppppppppppppppppppppp. a left-wing organization qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. a right-wing organization rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. a strong organization against a weaker foe Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1255. Which of the following concepts refers to the use of violence by governments, often against their own people? ssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Authoritarianism tttttttttttttttttttttttttt. State terrorism uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Totalitarianism vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Counterterrorism Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1256. Terrorism typically targets ________. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

the lowest-income people

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. government leaders yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. civilians zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

members of the armed forces

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism.

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Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1257.

Which of all U.S. wars was the deadliest in terms of loss of (U.S.) lives?


The Civil War

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. World War I ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. World War II ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. The War in Iraq Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1258. With respect to war, the chapter explains that ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. human beings are naturally eager to engage in war fffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

there is nothing in our human biology that makes it natural to go to war

ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. nations usually fight wars over wealth hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. war has been very rare in human history Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1259. A sociological profile of men and women in the U.S. armed forces today reveals a large share of young people who ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

are of working-class background


are college graduates

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. live in the Northeast lllllllllllllllllllllllllll. have been drafted Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1260.

Terrorism has been called a new kind of warfare because it ________.


is less violent

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. is ―symmetrical,‖ involving two opponents of roughly equal power ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. lacks clearly stated objectives and is not about controlling

territory ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. involves only members of the armed forces and not civilians Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1261.

About how much money does the world as a whole spend annually for military purposes?

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. $19 million rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. $190 million sssssssssssssssssssssssssss. $19 billion ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

$1.9 trillion

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1262. The ―arms race‖ refers to efforts by the United States and the former Soviet Union to ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. reduce nuclear arsenals vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. move to less deadly weapons wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

increase their military power

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. work together to wage war on other nations Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1263.

The ―military-industrial complex‖ refers to ________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. the fact that war often destroys a country‘s economic infrastructure zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. the military

the close link between the government, defense contractors, and

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. the fact that the postindustrial economy is increasingly dominated by war production bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. corporation

the fact that the military is the world‘s largest industrial

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy

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Skill Level: Recollection

1264. For almost fifty years, what strategy has kept the peace between the world‘s nuclear superpowers? cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.


dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

High-technology defense


Resolving underlying differences

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1265.

The ―stability–instability paradox‖ refers to which of the following?

gggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. War has both helpful and harmful consequences. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. War is disruptive but tends to create a more orderly world. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. The world‘s lowest-income nations are the most likely to engage in war. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. more likely. Answer: d

Nuclear weapons make nuclear war less likely but conventional war

Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 1266. What are the three types of authority identified by Max Weber? Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1267.

What is the difference between power and authority?

Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1268. What are the key differences between monarchy and democracy? Why does industrialization encourage the transition from one to the other? Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1269. What are the differences in the approaches to political freedom taken by capitalism and socialism? Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1270. Define authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Provide an example of each system in the world today. Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1271. What is the welfare state? How has the size of government increased over the history of the United States? Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1272. Describe the attitudes of the U.S. population by making use of the political spectrum. How do gender, race, and class figure in? Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1273.

How are social issues different from economic issues? Provide an example of each type of issue.

Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1274. In the United States, what categories of people are most and least likely to vote? Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1275. Provide a short description of how the U.S. political system operates by making use of the pluralist model, the power-elite model, and the Marxist political-economy model. Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1276.

Identify three factors that encourage political revolution.

Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1277. What is terrorism? What is state terrorism? Learning Objective: LO 18.5: Identify causes of revolution and terrorism. Topic: Power Beyond the Rules Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1278. What is the military-industrial complex? Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1279.

What is nuclear proliferation? Do you consider this process a concern? Why or why not?

Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1280.

What is the ―stability–instability paradox?‖

Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1281. According to Max Weber, why does society need to transform power into authority? In what three ways does this transformation take place? What is the link between traditional authority and

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preindustrial production? How are rational-legal authority and industrial/postindustrial production linked? Learning Objective: LO 18.1: Distinguish traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority. Topic: Power and Authority Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1282. What would a truly democratic society look like? Describe such a society in terms of its political process. How would leadership be carried out? How would leaders be selected? What, if any, importance to your vision of democracy is given to race, class, and gender? Learning Objective: LO 18.2: Compare monarchy and democracy as well as authoritarian and totalitarian political systems. Topic: Politics in Global Perspective Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1283. Describe the political spectrum. Distinguish between social issues and economic issues, and explain what categories of the U.S. population tend to be liberal and conservative with regard to each type of issue. Where do the major political parties fall on the political spectrum? Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1284. We hear a lot about ―two Americas,‖ which include the ―blue‖ regions of the country that favor Democratic candidates and ―red‖ regions of the country that favor Republican candidates. Review National Map 18–1 and describe these two categories of the U.S. population in as many ways as you can. Learning Objective: LO 18.3: Analyze economic and social issues using the political spectrum. Topic: Politics in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

1285. Describe the distribution of power in the United States using each of the three theoretical models of political power. What do the three models have in common? What are their major differences? To what extent does each assess U.S. society as democratic? Why? Learning Objective: LO 18.4: Apply the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist models to the U.S. political system. Topic: Theories of Power in Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1286. What have sociologists learned about the causes and character of war? That is, why do nations go to war? What strategies seem to be able to prevent war? Finally, how is terrorism a new form of twenty-first century warfare? Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1287. What have sociologists learned about the social makeup of the U.S. armed forces? Which categories of people are most likely to be in the military? Do you think that the policy of having a ―volunteer‖ army distributes responsibility for national defense fairly? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 18.6: Identify factors encouraging war or peace. Topic: War and Peace Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 19: Families In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

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Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 114 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and ―Understanding‖ questions with a few ―Application‖ questions). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


23 (66 %)

29 (55%)





12 (34 %)

20 (38%)

7 (39%)





4 ( 7%)

3 (17%)

2 (25%)





8 (44%)

6 (75%)







Chapter 19: Families TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1288.

Kinship is based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1289. A larger share of children in the United States is born to unmarried parents than is the case in Sweden. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1290.

Parents and children form what sociologists call the extended family.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1291. Another name for the extended family is the conjugal family. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1292.

―Endogamy‖ refers to the pattern of people marrying partners from the same social category.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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―Exogamy‖ means that parents of similar social position pass on their standing to their children.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1294. The dominant residential form in the United States is neolocality. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1295.

Around the world, most marriages are polygamous.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1296. Polyandry unites in marriage one woman with two or more men. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1297.

Bilateral descent is found in societies that have a relatively high level of gender equality.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1298. In Islamic nations in the Middle East and Africa, the law permits a man to have more than one wife. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Structural-functional theory points out how family perpetuates social inequality.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1300. Feminist theory links the operation of the family to patriarchy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1301.

In traditional societies, parents may arrange the marriages of their very young children.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1302. Romantic love is the basis of marriage in preindustrial societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1303. Research involving heterosexual couples indicates that a majority of U.S. married men are unfaithful to their partners at some point in their marriage. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1304. Survey research indicates that most adults in the United States say they want at least three children, although many do not go on to have this many. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course.

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Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1305.

Grandmothers have an especially important role in Black American families.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1306. Until 2015, interracial marriage was against the law in sixteen states. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1307. The share of multiracial and multiethnic marriages and families in the United States has been increasing. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1308.

Among single parent families with children, the parent is more likely to be a mother than a father.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1309. At least one multiracial person has been elected president of the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1310. Jessie Bernard pointed out that, among heterosexual couples, ―marriage‖ actually involves two different experiences—a man‘s marriage and a woman‘s marriage. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1311. One reason for today‘s high divorce rate in the United States is that, over time, women have become more economically dependent on men. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1312. The COVID-19 pandemic had the effect of decreasing the rate of both marriage and divorce in the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Divorce Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1313.

More than half of people in the United States who divorce remarry, most within five years.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Remarriage and Blended Families Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1314. Among victims of murder, men are more likely than women to be killed by a spouse, partner, or ex-partner. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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Research suggests that growing up in a one-parent family disadvantages children.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1316. Before they reach the age of eighteen, almost half of U.S. children live with only one parent for some period of time. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1317. Just one-third of all children in the United States are living in households with married parents. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1318. In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that same-sex marriage must be permitted throughout the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1319. In most nations in Africa and Asia, there is no legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1320.

―In vitro fertilization‖ refers to conception by an unmarried couple.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1321. The rate of marriage in the Unites States has hit a fifty year low.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1322. Survey research indicates that a larger share of people who identify as Republicans compared to people who identify as Democrats say that marriage and having children should be a priority in life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1323. The chapter-opening story of Rosa Yniguez, who came from Mexico to live and raise her three children in California, makes the point that ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. immigrants to this country are likely to discard traditional family patterns llllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Latinas who are new to the United States avoid forming families mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. today‘s Latinas, on average, are having more children than their mothers did nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. few Latinas who come to the United States work for income Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1324.

The family is a social institution that is found in ________.


most, but not all, societies


about half of human societies in the world today


high-income nations, but rarely in low-income nations


every society

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ―family‖ as ________.

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. people who live together in a household tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. people who engage in economic cooperation uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. or adoption

people living together who are linked by birth, marriage,


people who consider themselves to be a family

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1326.

People include as ―kin‖ others to whom they are linked by ________.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. common experience and similarity in culture xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. ethnicity, religion, or locality yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

ancestry, marriage, or adoption

common country of origin

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1327.

The Latin root of the word matrimony means which of the following?


―The condition of motherhood‖

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ―Involved in economic cooperation‖ ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. ―One who supports children‖ ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

―Relationship of love‖

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1328. A family that includes parents, children and other kin is called ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. a nuclear family fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

an extended family


a family of affinity


a conjugal family

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world.

Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1329.

A family composed of one or two parents and their children is called ________.


a nuclear family

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. an extended family kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. a family of affinity lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

a consanguine family

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1330. In which types of the following is family changing most quickly? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Low-income nations nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Middle-income nations


High-income nations

ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. Answer: c

Nations with traditional culture

Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1331.

The concept ―endogamy‖ refers to marriage between ________.


people of the same sex

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. people of different social categories sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. people of the same social category ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

people related by birth

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1332. A system of marriage that unites only two partners is called ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.




wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. monogamy


Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1333.

A system of marriage that unites one woman with two or more men is called ________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. polygyny zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. polygamy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. polyandry bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1334. David Popenoe‘s research is Sweden pointed to the conclusion that families become less important in a society as ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. the extent of economic inequality increases dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

religious affiliation becomes more common

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. government welfare programs expand ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. the rate of immigration increases Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1335.

The concept ―patrilocality‖ refers to ________.


rule of men over women

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. the husband‘s family

a residential pattern by which a married couple lives near


a system of tracing descent through men


a family composed of only men

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1336. Assume you were visiting a society in which people traced family ties only through women. This society would correctly be called ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.



mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. matrilocal nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1337.

Typically, industrial societies make use of which of the following systems to trace ancestry?

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.

Bilateral descent Matrilineal descent


Patrilineal descent

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Neolocal descent Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1338.

Matrilineal descent is typically found in which type of societies?


Hunting and gathering, where women gather vegetation

tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Horticultural, where women are the main food producers uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Industrial, where women enter the workplace vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Postindustrial, where women dominate the economy

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1339. To which region of the world would you travel if you wanted to visit many countries where the law permits polygamy? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

North America


South America


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Scandinavia Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world.

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Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1340. According to the structural-functional approach, which of the following is counted among the tasks of the family? a. Socialization of the young b. Regulation of sexual activity c. Social placement d. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1341.

The incest taboo ________.

e. exists only in industrial societies f. is found in all societies g. is found among all living species h. is defined and applied in the same way in all societies Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1342. Following structural-functional theory, the family ________. i. operates to perpetuate social inequality j. is important enough to be called the backbone of society k. encourages patriarchy l. has little importance to society Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1343.

A social-exchange analysis of family life is likely to consider ________.

m. how families keep society as a whole operating n. how families perpetuate social inequality o. how individuals select partners who offer about as much as they do to the relationship p. how families regulate sexual activity

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1344. Social conflict and feminist theories explain that families perpetuate social inequality in U.S. society through ________. q. inheritance of private property r. encouraging patriarchy s. passing on racial and ethnic inequality t. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1345.

In traditional regions of many lower-income countries, marriage ________.

u. has little to do with romantic love v. is unknown w. is delayed until the people reach their thirties x. almost always ends in divorce Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1346.

The concept ―homogamy‖ means that ________.

y. people marry because they benefit from being married z. women usually marry older men aa. people marry others who are socially like themselves bb. most marriages are based on romantic love Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


In the United States, romantic love ________.

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cc. is the culturally ideal reason people marry dd. is a very stable foundation for marriage ee. keeps the divorce rate low ff. All of these responses are correct. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1348. What is the effect of industrialization on the number of children in a typical family? gg. Families have more children. hh. Families have the same number of children. ii. Families have fewer children. jj. Families no longer are concerned about how many children they have. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1349.

In today‘s high-income nations, children are ________.

kk. an economic asset ll. an economic liability mm. able to earn more in childhood than what parents spend to raise them nn. leaving home to go to work earlier in life than ever before Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1350. In the United States, a recent trend involving parenting is that ________. oo. women are having more children pp. women are marrying earlier in life qq. more adults are delaying having children or choosing to remain childless rr. most men now marry by the age of twenty Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


In the United States, the average (median) number of children per family is now about ________.

ss. four tt. three uu. two vv. one Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1352. An important consideration leading many parents to limit the number of children they have is ________. ww. the fear of an ―empty nest‖ later on xx. the high cost of raising children yy. gaining the approval of extended family members zz. the government policy of heavily taxing children Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1353.

The term ―empty nest‖ refers to ________.

aaa. families whose children have grown and left home bbb. women who choose to remain single ccc. women who marry but choose to remain childless ddd.

couples who are unable to have a child

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1354. The most difficult transition in married life is typically ________. eee. the birth of a first child fff. the death of a spouse ggg.

the last child leaving home



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1355. Today‘s baby boomers are often called the ―sandwich generation‖ because ________. iii.of their love of fast food jjj.they do not easily combine family and work responsibilities kkk. their families rarely eat meals together lll.they spend time caring for both children and aging parents Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1356. Describing the lives of working-class women, Lillian Rubin reported that the typical woman said she wanted a husband who ________. mmm.

would confide in her


was handsome


had a steady job and was not violent


was rich

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1357. Among Native Americans who migrate from reservations to cities, a common pattern is ________. qqq.

strong extended kinship

rrr. a fluid, or changing, household sss. using kinship terms for unrelated people who live together ttt.All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1358.

Patterns that describe many Latina/Latino families include ________.


strong extended kinship


rather conventional gender roles

www. xxx.

parental control over children‘s courtship All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1359. Which of the following categories of the U.S. population has the greatest share of female-headed households? yyy.

Hispanic Americans

zzz. Black Americans aaaa.

Asian Americans


White, non-Hispanic Americans

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1360.

Regardless of race or ethnicity, families headed by single women are ________.


at high risk for poverty


much larger than other family types

eeee. much smaller than other family types ffff. likely to experience greater upward social mobility Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

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1361. The region of the United States in which the share of multiracial marriages is highest is the ________. gggg.




iiii. Plains States jjjj. Midwest Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1362.

About what share of all U.S. adults over the age of forty have married at some time?

kkkk. 38 percent llll. 58 percent mmmm.

88 percent


99 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1363.

Since 1990, the U.S. divorce rate has been ________.


increasing dramatically


increasing slowly



rrrr. decreasing dramatically Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1364. The COVID-19 pandemic had what effect on the divorce rate in the United States? ssss.

Pushing it upward

tttt. No significant effect uuuu. vvvv. Answer: c

Pushing it downward Making divorce both more common and happening earlier in a marriage

Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1365.

Based on the chapter, which of the following categories of people are at greatest risk for divorce?


Young people who marry after a short courtship


A couple facing a wanted and expected pregnancy


A couple whose parents never experienced divorce


A couple with good jobs and steady income

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1366.

Most people in the United States who divorce ________.


remain single

bbbbb. ccccc.

experience a rising standard of living remarry within about five years


have experienced family violence

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1367.

In the United States, family violence is ________.

eeeee. fffff.

considered a private, family matter a serious, often criminal problem


no longer considered a serious issue the way it was in past decades


mostly harmful to men

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Almost all adults who abuse children typically have what in common?

iiiii. jjjjj.

They are middle class. They are women.


They were abused themselves as children.


They were married at a very young age.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1369.

Research shows that growing up in a single-parent family ________.

mmmmm. is beneficial to children nnnnn. has no effect on children ooooo.

can disadvantage children


is beneficial to boys, but harmful to girls

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1370.

Mounting research suggests that the experience of cohabitation ________.


strengthens a couple‘s commitment to one another

rrrrr. sssss.

may actually discourage marriage increases the financial security of children


encourages childbirth more than marriage does

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1371. In 1989, which country became the first to permit legal same-sex partnerships with many of the benefits of marriage? uuuuu.




wwwww. Sweden xxxxx.

The United States

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States.

Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1372.

About how many nations in the world now recognize same-sex marriage?


One: Just the United States

zzzzz. aaaaaa.

Ten Thirty


One hundred

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1373. Looking ahead twenty years in the United States, we can predict with confidence that ________. cccccc. the divorce rate will drop dramatically dddddd.

most people will not marry


family life will be diverse

ffffff. women will play an ever-smaller role in child rearing Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1374. Research data show us that one factor that affects how important people feel families are in their lives is their _______. gggggg.

degree of religious belief


social class position

iiiiii. jjjjjj.

age type of work

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1375. In political terms, the category of U.S. adults who attach the greatest importance to family life are which of the following? kkkkkk.

People on the far left


People who are slightly progressive

mmmmmm. nnnnnn.

People who are conservative

People who have no interest in politics

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 1376. Define the following terms so that you clearly distinguish each from the others: family, kinship, and marriage. Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1377. How does the nuclear family differ from the extended family? Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1378. What are exogamy and endogamy? Give an example of each. Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1379. Define patrilocality, matrilocality, and neolocality. Which pattern is favored in the United States? Why? Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1380. Define patrilineal descent, matrilineal descent, and bilateral descent. Which pattern is favored in the United States? Why? Learning Objective: LO 19.1: Describe families and how they differ around the world. Topic: Families: Basic Concepts and Global Variations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1381. Following the structural-functional approach, what are three tasks carried out by the family? Why do some analysts claim that the family is the ―backbone of society‖? Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1382.

How does the family perpetuate social inequality with regard to class, gender, and race?

Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1383. What does social-exchange analysis have to say about the process of courtship? How is mate selection something more than just a matter of individual feelings of ―love‖? Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1384.

What are the major insights about families and family life provided by feminist theory?

Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1385. Identify at least one important issue involved in each of the following stages in family life: courtship, settling in, child rearing, and later life. Which stage of life, in your view, involves the greatest challenges? Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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In what specific ways does social class affect families and family life?

Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1387. Provide a distinctive trait or pattern about each of the following: Native American families, Latina and Latino families, Black American families, and Asian American families. Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1388. Identify at least four factors that are related to the high divorce rate in the United States. Why did the divorce rate increase along with industrialization in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1389. What is family violence? What laws have been enacted in order to address this problem? Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1390. What is cohabitation? What advantages does this type of relationship have for those who choose it? What disadvantages can you identify? Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1391. Describe the change in public acceptance of gay and lesbian marriage in the United States over the last half century. What are several significant events in this regard? Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1392. Describe the declining share of young adults (Generation X and Millennials) who live in families. Offer an explanation of this trend. Learning Objective: LO 19.6: Describe the diversity of family life in the United States. Topic: Alternative Family Forms Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1393. What do we know from survey data about the link between political affiliation and attitudes concerning the importance of families? Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1394. Why do some analysts (especially those guided by the structural-functional approach) describe the family as ―the backbone of society‖? That is, what important things do families do for society? To what degree could other social institutions (including government) perform these tasks in place of the family? Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1395. Why do some analysts (especially those guided by the social-conflict approach) describe the family as a system that perpetuates social inequality? Consider (a) class stratification, (b) gender stratification, and (c) racial and ethnic stratification. Does the family system encourage or discourage meritocracy? Why? Can you imagine a family form that would not play a part in supporting social inequality? Explain. Learning Objective: LO 19.2: Apply sociology‘s major theories to family life. Topic: Theories of the Family Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1396. In the United States, people commonly think of marriage as a result of romantic love. Applying the sociological perspective, make the case that society, as much as interpersonal attraction, is at work in bringing people together. Learning Objective: LO 19.3: Analyze the changes a family experiences over the life course. Topic: The Experience of Family Life Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

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1397. Sociologists tell us that families in the United States are diverse. Exactly how are they diverse? Describe differences in marriage and family life that are linked to (a) class, (b) gender, (c) race and ethnicity, and (d) sexual orientation. Why are families becoming more diverse? Do you view this trend as positive or negative? Why? Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1398. Any family is really many families as it changes over time. Consider how families typically change as people move through the life course. What are the major traits of family life beginning with courtship, settling into marriage, child rearing, and later life? What special opportunities and challenges can you see in each stage? Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1399. Looking ahead fifty years, predict the state of the U.S. family. As you see it, how will families differ from how they are today? In what ways will they be the same? Consider factors such as the popularity of marriage, the likelihood of divorce, the number of children people will have, gender differences in marriage, and the need for caregiving (especially of the older population). Learning Objective: LO 19.4: Explain how class, race, and gender shape family life. Topic: U.S. Families: Class, Race, and Gender Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1400. Examine the figure in the chapter showing attitudes about interracial dating. Describe the changes in these attitudes over the last twenty-five years. How do people of different ages express somewhat differing attitudes about this issue? Is this age difference still significant? Learning Objective: LO 19.5: Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life. Topic: Transitions and Problems in Family Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1401. The family is one issue that has been part of the culture wars resulting from political polarization in the United States. In what ways do conservatives and progressives view the family differently? Learning Objective: LO 19.7: Apply political analysis to the family and family life. Topic: The Politics of the Family Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 20: Religion

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 107 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, most of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollction‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


22 (60%)

30 (57%)





15 (40%)

16 (30%)

6 (60%)






1 (10%)

2 (29%)





3 (30%)

5 (71%)



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Chapter 20: Religion TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1402.

The concept ―sacred‖ refers to the familiar, everyday elements of life.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1403. Religion is a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on what is sacred. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1404. The same elements of life are defined as sacred by people throughout the world. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1405.

―Ritual‖ refers to activity in which the sacred is embodied in formal, ceremonial behavior.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1406. ―Faith‖ refers to what we know to be true based on what our five senses tell us. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1407. Emile Durkheim claimed that, in religious life, people celebrate the awesome power of their society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1408.

A totem is any object defined by members of a society as profane.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1409. One of the functions of religion for society is to operate as a system of social control. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1410. The symbolic-interaction approach treats religion as socially constructed meaning that provides greater certainty and security for our lives. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1411. Karl Marx pointed out the many positive functions of religion for social life. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1412.

All world religions define women as more morally worthy than men.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

1413. Max Weber argued that the rise of industrial capitalism was encouraged by Calvinist religious doctrine. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1414.

A church is a type of social organization that is well integrated into the larger society.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1415. State churches are found in societies that hold to the ―separation of church and state.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1416. Members of denominations typically accept religious pluralism. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1417.

Charisma is a personal quality that allows someone to attract others as followers.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1418. Members of a sect accept the surrounding society as good. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Churches place greater importance on the personal experience of conversion than sects do.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1420. A cult is a religious organization largely outside of a society‘s cultural traditions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1421.

―Animism‖ refers to the belief that God is an active force in the world.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1422. Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1423.

In global perspective, most of the world‘s Muslims are not Arabs.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1424.

―Polytheism‖ refers to accepting many religions as true.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Christianity is one religion that has never experienced internal divisions.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1426. To Muslims, Muhammad was not a divine being but Allah‘s messenger. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1427.

Of all world religions, Judaism has the most followers.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1428. Hinduism is closely linked to the culture of India. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1429.

Confucianism is closely linked to the culture of the Middle East.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1430.

Eastern religions may be correctly described as ethical codes of conduct.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1431. Compared to Eastern religions, Western religions make a more clear distinction between the sacred and profane. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1432.

The United States is a less religious society than, say, Japan or Sweden.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1433. In the United States, members of some religion denominations (such as Episcopalians) have higher average social standing than others (such as Baptists). Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1434.

―Secularization‖ refers to the historical increase in the importance of religion.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1435. The concept ―civil religion‖ refers to tolerating practices and beliefs that differ from your own. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1436. ―Seekers‖ who pursue ―New Age‖ spirituality believe that everything and everyone is connected by a divine force or plan. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Most spiritual ―seekers‖ are closely tied to established denominations.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1438. In the United States, people who hold fundamentalist beliefs generally support traditional, otherworldly religion. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1439. Following Emile Durkheim, the ordinary elements of everyday life are correctly considered to be ________. oooooo.




qqqqqq. rrrrrr.

religion ritual

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1440.

The concept ―sacred‖ refers to what is ________.


common to everyday life


found in every culture


seen as set apart from everyday life and extraordinary


no longer found in today‘s world

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Religion is a social institution that is best defined as involving ________.

wwwwww. beliefs and practices concerning what is sacred xxxxxx. ideas about good and evil yyyyyy.

a series of beliefs about creation


norms about how to live

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1442. Following Emile Durkheim, we would define as profane those things we understand ________. aaaaaaa. in terms of the past bbbbbbb. as set apart as ―forbidden‖ ccccccc. in terms of ultimate meanings ddddddd. in terms of their everyday usefulness Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1443.

Ritual is a matter of ________.

eeeeeee. formal, ceremonial behavior fffffff. whom people socialize with ggggggg. beliefs about truth hhhhhhh. doing what has not been done before Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1444.

Faith is a way of knowing based on ________.


scientific research

jjjjjjj. what our human senses tell us kkkkkkk. a culture‘s common sense lllllll.

conviction or belief in things unseen

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion.

Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1445.

Sociological analysis of religion is concerned with ________.


understanding patterns of religious activity and their effect on society

nnnnnnn. which religions are true and which are false ooooooo. the purpose of life ppppppp. discerning the will of God Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1446. Which of the following concepts was used by Emile Durkheim to refer to an object in the natural world collectively defined as sacred? qqqqqqq. Totem rrrrrrr.






Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1447. Emile Durkheim pointed to three functions of religion for society. Which of the following is NOT one of them? uuuuuuu. Establishing social cohesion vvvvvvv. Increasing social conflict wwwwwww.

Promoting social control

xxxxxxx. Providing meaning and purpose Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Which of the following is a valid criticism of the structural-functional approach to religion?

yyyyyyy. Ignoring the effects of religion in everyday life zzzzzzz. Ignoring how religion provides meaning in everyday life aaaaaaaa. Ignoring religion‘s ability to generate social conflict bbbbbbbb. Ignoring the positive consequences of religion for society Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1449. Guided by the symbolic-interaction approach, sociologists examine ________. cccccccc. how daily rituals construct the boundary between the sacred and profane dddddddd. how religion gives our existence a measure of security and meaning eeeeeeee. the use of ritual and religious meaning to strengthen social ties, including marriage ffffffff. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1450.

Karl Marx believed that religion ________.

gggggggg. focuses life on the present rather than the future hhhhhhhh. supports social inequality iiiiiiii.

treats existing society as secular


was a sure sign that revolutionary change was coming

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1451. An analysis of how religion supports the interests of a society‘s elites would fall under which of the following theoretical approaches? kkkkkkkk. Structural-functional approach llllllll.

Symbolic-interaction approach


Social-conflict approach

nnnnnnnn. Social-exchange approach Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion.

Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1452.

What do the sacred texts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common?

oooooooo. Support for patriarchy pppppppp. Belief in multiple deities qqqqqqqq. The use of the same sacred symbols rrrrrrrr.

Support for secularization

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1453. Max Weber carried out historical analysis of the rise of the Industrial Revolution and capitalism that linked this change to ________. ssssssss. religious warfare tttttttt.

divine intervention in the world

uuuuuuuu. religious values and beliefs, especially those associated with Calvinism vvvvvvvv. the birth of science Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1454. In his analysis of Protestantism and the rise of capitalism, Max Weber stated that Protestantism ________. wwwwwwww. held back the development of capitalism xxxxxxxx. supported the status quo yyyyyyyy. encouraged greater gender equality zzzzzzzz. stressed the importance of duty and hard work, boosting economic production and fostering the rise of capitalism Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding

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Following Max Weber‘s analysis of religion, we could say industrial capitalism is ________.

aaaaaaaaa. disenchanted religion bbbbbbbbb. an example of traditional religion ccccccccc. likely to encourage greater social equality ddddddddd.

the foundation of all religion

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1456. Which of the following concepts refers to the fusion of Christian principles with political activism, often Marxist in character? eeeeeeeee. Evangelism fffffffff. ―New age‖ spirituality ggggggggg.

Liberation theology



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1457. Supporters of liberation theology hope that this social movement will achieve which of the following goals? iiiiiiiii.

Keeping politics out of the church


Helping people endure their suffering


Encouraging personal growth

lllllllll. Reducing social inequality and, especially, poverty Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1458.

A religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society is called a ________.

mmmmmmmmm. church nnnnnnnnn.






Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult.

Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1459. Over the course of its history, the Roman Catholic Church has existed in various places in different forms, including as a ________. qqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrr.

state church


sssssssss. denomination ttttttttt.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1460. As the official Church of England, the Anglican Church is correctly described as which of the following? uuuuuuuuu.



State church

wwwwwwwww. Cult xxxxxxxxx. Denomination Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1461.

In the United States, the Amish would be an example of a ________.

yyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzz.

state church cult





Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

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A sect is a type of religious organization that ________.

cccccccccc. dddddddddd.

supports the political state is tightly linked to the larger society


is highly structured, with formally trained leaders

ffffffffff. stands apart from the larger society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1463. Which of the following typically forms as a breakaway group from some established religious organization? gggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhh.

Sect Church




State church

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1464.

A charismatic leader is most likely to be found in which of the following?



llllllllll. Cult mmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnn.


State church

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1465. Which of the following concepts refers to a religious organization that is largely outside a society‘s cultural traditions? oooooooooo.






rrrrrrrrrr. Denomination Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult.

Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1466.

Which of the following religious organizations began as a cult?

ssssssssss. Islam tttttttttt. Christianity uuuuuuuuuu. Judaism vvvvvvvvvv.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1467. Which of the following would you expect to be the least stable type of religious organization? wwwwwwwwww. Cult xxxxxxxxxx.




zzzzzzzzzz. Answer: a

State church

Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1468.

Animism is the belief that ________.


God has a plan for the entire world

bbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccc.

everything in the world is a conscious, living force that is able to affect us nothing is sacred


people can find little meaning in their everyday lives

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1469. Animism is closely associated with which of the following societies? eeeeeeeeeee.

Industrial societies

fffffffffff. European societies ggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhh.

Native American societies Agrarian societies

Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1470. The priesthood, a specialized occupation in which a person takes charge full-time of a large religious organization, first developed in which type of societies? iiiiiiiiiii.

Hunting and gathering



kkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllll.



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1471.

Christianity is one example of which of the following types of religions?







ppppppppppp. Answer: a


Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1472.

―Polytheism‖ refers to ________.


acceptance of many religions as true

rrrrrrrrrrr. belief that all things in the world are sacred sssssssssss. belief in many gods ttttttttttt.

openness to new religious experience

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


A majority of people in which global region are Muslims?

uuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvv.

North America South America

wwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxx.

The Middle East


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1474. In the United States, the Muslim population includes which of the following? yyyyyyyyyyy.

Arab Americans


Asian Americans

aaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbb.

African Americans All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1475.

The world‘s largest concentration of Jewish people (almost 6 million) is found in ________.

cccccccccccc. dddddddddddd.

Europe North America



ffffffffffff. Asia Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1476.

Which of the following is the oldest of the world religions discussed in the chapter?



hhhhhhhhhhhh. Judaism iiiiiiiiiiii. Christianity jjjjjjjjjjjj. Islam Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world.

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Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1477.

The concept ―karma‖ refers to _________.


the Christian belief in salvation

llllllllllll. the Hindu belief in the progress of the human soul mmmmmmmmmmmm. the Muslim desire to do the will of Allah nnnnnnnnnnnn.

the first five books of the Jewish Bible

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1478. Buddhists are a majority of people in which of the following countries? oooooooooooo. India pppppppppppp.

Saudi Arabia



rrrrrrrrrrrr. Canada Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1479.

The founder of Buddhism was which of the following people?



tttttttttttt. Muhammad uuuuuuuuuuuu. Confucius vvvvvvvvvvvv.


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1480. Confucianism is closely linked to the traditional culture of _________. wwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxx.


yyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Japan Iran

Answer: b


Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1481.

In general, compared to Eastern religions, Western religions _________.

aaaaaaaaaaaaa. are deity-based bbbbbbbbbbbbb. operate more as ethical codes of conduct ccccccccccccc.

are less clear about what is sacred and what is profane

ddddddddddddd. lack a conception of any god Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1482. In national surveys, about what percentage of people in the United States claim to believe in a divine power? eeeeeeeeeeeee.

24 percent


44 percent

ggggggggggggg. 64 percent hhhhhhhhhhhhh. 84 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1483.

In the United States, about 40 percent of adults claim to be _________.

iiiiiiiiiiiii. Catholic jjjjjjjjjjjjj. Jewish kkkkkkkkkkkkk. Protestant lllllllllllll. Muslim Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1484. When all the evidence is considered, about what share of the U.S. population is really at least somewhat religious? mmmmmmmmmmmmm. 10 percent nnnnnnnnnnnnn. One-third ooooooooooooo. Two-thirds ppppppppppppp. 90 percent Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1485.

In the United States, ________ are more religious than ________.

qqqqqqqqqqqqq. older people; younger people rrrrrrrrrrrrr. women; men sssssssssssss.

members of sects; members of churches

ttttttttttttt. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1486.

All through the South, the largest share of Protestants identify with which denomination?

uuuuuuuuuuuuu. Lutheran vvvvvvvvvvvvv. Baptist wwwwwwwwwwwww. Methodist xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Episcopalian Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1487. ―Secularization‖ refers to which of the following? yyyyyyyyyyyyy. The historical importance of religion in people‘s lives zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The historical increase in the importance of the sacred


The historical decline in the importance of the sacred

bbbbbbbbbbbbbb. The historical concern of the church with social change Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States.

Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1488.

Which of the following is a correct example of civil religion?


Singing patriotic songs on the Fourth of July

dddddddddddddd. Tax exemptions for churches eeeeeeeeeeeeee. The sex scandal in the Catholic church ffffffffffffff.

High religiosity among members of sects

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1489. The most recent surveys indicate that about what share of U.S. adults claim no religious affiliation? gggggggggggggg. 50 percent of men and women hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 32 percent of men and 26 percent of women iiiiiiiiiiiiii. 20 percent of women and 26 percent of men jjjjjjjjjjjjjj. 10 percent of men and 8 percent of women Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1490. Read the four statements below. Which of the four is NOT a trait of religious fundamentalism? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Endorsing conservative political goals llllllllllllll. Seeking the personal experience of God‘s presence mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Interpreting religious texts literally nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Accepting religious pluralism Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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Which of the following nations stands out as the most religious of all high-income countries?

oooooooooooooo. Japan pppppppppppppp. Sweden qqqqqqqqqqqqqq. The United States rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding


What is the distinction between the sacred and the profane?

Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1493.

What are three societal functions of religion pointed out by Emile Durkheim?

Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1494. In one or two sentences, what was Karl Marx‘s concern about the effects of religion on society? Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1495.

What is Max Weber‘s thesis regarding Protestantism and the rise of capitalism?

Learning Objective: LO 20.2: Discuss the links between religion and social change. Topic: Religion and Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1496. How are each of these types of religious organizations distinctive: (a) church, (b) sect, and (c) cult? Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1497.

Identify six major world religions. Which is the largest in terms of number of followers?

Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1498.

Looking sociologically, what are two ways in which Eastern and Western religions differ?

Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1499. Why do researchers have difficulty measuring religiosity? Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1500. What is secularization? Do you consider secularization to be a positive or negative development? Why? Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1501. How do spiritual ―seekers‖ differ from members of established churches? Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1502. Based on the ideas of Emile Durkheim, identify three functions of religion for society. In light of these functions, do you think that a decline in the importance of religion might threaten U.S. society? If so, how? Could the family and, perhaps, the school ―take over‖ some of religion‘s functions? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 20.1: Apply sociology‘s major theories to religion. Topic: Religion: Concepts and Theories Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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1503. Discuss the various types of religious organizations: church (and its two subtypes, state church and denomination), sect, and cult. Exactly how are they different? Is one type of organization ―better‖ than another? If so, how and why? Do they come into being for the same reasons? What evidence is there that they appeal to different categories of people? Learning Objective: LO 20.3: Distinguish among church, sect, and cult. Topic: Types of Religious Organizations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1504. Compare and contrast the six world religions surveyed in the chapter. What do they have in common? How do they differ? What are the general differences between Western and Eastern religions? Learning Objective: LO 20.4: Contrast religious patterns around the world. Topic: Religion in History and Around the World Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1505. How strong is religiosity in the United States? Obviously, the answer to this question depends on precisely how one measures ―religiosity.‖ Discuss various ways to do this and how they yield somewhat different pictures of religiosity. Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1506. What is secularization? Is secularization a reality in the United States? That is, is religion getting weaker, stronger, or simply changing its character? Provide evidence to support your arguments. Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1507. What factors lead some analysts to characterize the United States as a ―postdenominational‖ society? How do ―seekers‖ pursue spirituality without being connected to traditional religious organizations? Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application

1508. Do you think that a society could exist without any conception of religion? In his song ―Imagine,‖ John Lennon declared that a society without religion would be a worthy goal. Do you agree? Try to describe how such a society would deal with questions of ultimate meaning and purpose. Explain why you think Lennon was right or wrong. Learning Objective: LO 20.5: Analyze patterns of religiosity in the United States. Topic: Religious Trends in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 21: Education In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect all that is new in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 107 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and most of the remainder are ―Understanding‖ questions with a few ―Application‖ questions). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

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Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


29 (66%)

20 (50%)





15 (34%)

16 (40%)

10 (67%)





4 (10%)

1 (7%)

1 (12%)





4 (26%)

7 (88%)







Chapter 21: Education TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1509. Education is the social institution that provides members of a society with important knowledge and skills. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1510. The extent of schooling in a society is closely tied to the society‘s level of economic development. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1511. Historically, the lowest-income people in every society have been the most likely to go to school, so that they could learn what they needed to know to earn a living. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1512. In the world today, about one-fourth of young people never reach secondary school. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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What is taught in schools around the world reflects local cultures.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1514. In India, compared to the United States, a larger share of young people go to college. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1515. The Japanese place greater importance on achievement test scores in college admissions than is the case in the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1516. A larger share of young people graduates from high school in Japan than in the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1517.

In 2021, more than half of U.S. adults were college graduates.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1518. Wealthy British families send their children to ―public schools‖ that are the same as private boarding schools in the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1519.

Providing schooling at public expense is one way our society increases equality of opportunity.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1520. Schooling in the United States favors theoretical learning over practical learning. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1521. One latent function of schooling is establishing social relationships and networks. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling. Topic: The Functions of Schooling Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1522.

In the United States, schooling is an important path to upward social mobility.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling. Topic: The Functions of Schooling Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1523. If school officials consider some children to be gifted, teachers may treat them accordingly and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Recollection 1524. Following a social-conflict approach, schooling in the United States helps to eliminate social inequality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1525. Because the United States is so rich, almost 90 percent of students attend private schools. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1526. Social-conflict theory supports the policy of tracking to give all students instruction geared to their abilities. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1527. Most private schools in the United States are ―prep schools‖ that typically enroll children of wellto-do families. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1528. Between 2000 and 2019, the ranking of the United States in terms of the share of our population completing a college degree declined in relation to other nations. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling.

Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1529. Research indicates that children in the United States spend only about 13 percent of their waking hours in school. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1530. James Coleman concluded that the only factor needed to improve schooling was increased school funding. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1531. Regardless of the level of a school‘s funding, some students benefit from more ―cultural capital‖ than others. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1532. Young people paid a high price when the COVID-19 pandemic led to the closing of schools in recent years. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1533. Families with high incomes are much more likely to send their children to college than families with low incomes. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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On average, completing a college degree adds about $50,000 to a person‘s lifetime earnings.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1535. Community colleges enroll about 30 percent of all undergraduates in the United States. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1536. From a social-conflict perspective, schooling in the United States transforms social privilege into personal merit. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1537. Research shows that, in the typical college classroom, most students are active participants who speak up. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1538. Rather than schools creating violence, in most cases violence spills into schools from the surrounding society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1539. In the United States, Black Americans are less likely than Latina/Latino Americans to drop out of high school. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools.

Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1540. Theodore Sizer maintains that, in order to do their job well, U.S. schools need to be large and bureaucratic. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1541.

Dropping out of school greatly reduces a person‘s chance to earn a good income.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1542. The dropout rate is higher for young people from high-income families who have many opportunities to succeed without going to school. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1543. In 2020, 5.3 percent of people between sixteen and twenty-four years of age had dropped out of school. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1544. Most people who do not complete their schooling have parents who also did not receive much schooling. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1545.

The concept ―functional illiteracy‖ refers to withdrawing from school before graduating.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1546.

There has been significant grade inflation during the last several decades.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1547. Today‘s colleges provide opportunities for not only young people but also adults seeking new careers as well as personal enrichment. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1548. Supporters of the school-choice movement argue that competition is the best way to encourage the public school system to improve education. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1549. In 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of home schooling increased to about 9 percent of all school-age children. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools.

Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1550.

Currently, there is a surplus of schoolteachers in the United States.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1551. Support for public schools in the United States is considerably greater among people who identify with Democratic Party than those who identify as Republicans. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 21.7: Apply political analysis to issues involving education. Topic: The Politics of Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skills Level: Understanding 1552. During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools closed across the United States. Within a few months, majorities of people affiliated with both political parties supported returning students to the classroom for in-person instruction. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 21.7: Apply political analysis to issues involving education. Topic: The Politics of Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skills Level: Understanding

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1553. Education is the social institution by which society provides people with important knowledge, including ________. ssssssssssssss. job skills tttttttttttttt. basic facts and information uuuuuuuuuuuuuu. cultural norms and values vvvvvvvvvvvvvv. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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In low-income nations, most education is a matter of ________.

wwwwwwwwwwwwww. formal schooling and then college xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. what parents and other community members teach their children yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. what children can teach themselves zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

teaching by religious leaders

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1555. The fact that, historically, schooling has been mostly for elites is evident in the fact that the word ―school― has the same root as the Greek word for ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ―learning‖ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ―wisdom‖ ccccccccccccccc. ―leisure‖ ddddddddddddddd.


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1556. If you were to enter a school in ancient Greece or China, the students you would find there would be mainly ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. women fffffffffffffff.




hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: c


Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1557.

In the world as a whole, about what share of children reach the secondary grades in school?


Almost all



kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllll.



Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies.

Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1558.

One major reason that schooling is limited in India is that ________.


there is a lack of teachers

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. ooooooooooooooo.

religion forbids formal schooling most children become soldiers


many low-income children must work for income

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1559. On which of the following continents do we find the most countries with high rates of illiteracy? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Africa rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.



South America

ttttttttttttttt. Answer: a

North America

Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1560.

Getting into college in Japan, compared to the United States, is more a matter of ________.


athletic ability

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. performance on achievement tests wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. family ties xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

being rich

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1561. In Great Britain, regardless of their scores on achievement examinations, the children of well-todo families ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

generally do not go to college

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. must go to state universities like everyone else aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. typically go to boarding schools and then to high-prestige private universities, including Oxford or Cambridge

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go to trade schools, but only if they are men

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1562. At what point in our history had a majority of adults in the United States earned a high school diploma? cccccccccccccccc. The early 1800s dddddddddddddddd.

About 1880

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The early 1900s ffffffffffffffff.

The mid-1960s

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1563. In the United States in 2021, about what percentage of the adult population had a high school diploma? gggggggggggggggg. 41 percent hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

61 percent


91 percent


99 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1564. In the United States in 2021, approximately what percentage of people over the age of twentyfive have earned a four-year college degree? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllll.

38 percent

58 percent

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

78 percent

98 percent

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1565.

In the United States, a cultural focus of education has always been ________.

oooooooooooooooo. pppppppppppppppp.

what is philosophical what is practical and job-related


what is theoretical


on tradition

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1566.

The functions of schooling include ________.


socializing the young

tttttttttttttttt. cultural innovation uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. helping to integrate a diverse society vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling. Topic: The Functions of Schooling Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1567. Which of the following is a latent function of schooling? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Ensuring some common culture xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Teaching about the U.S. way of life


Providing child-care

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Teaching job skills Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling. Topic: The Functions of Schooling

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Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1568. Which of the following statements applies the symbolic-interaction approach to schooling? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If teachers think some category of students is superior, those same students may end up doing superior work. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. learn at home.

Teachers convey specialized knowledge that children are not likely to


Some categories of students are tracked into better classes than others.

ddddddddddddddddd. Schools are intended for learning, but they also are places where many people meet their eventual partners. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1569. From a social-conflict point of view, schooling in the United States developed in the late nineteenth century because that was the time when ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffff.

factory owners needed an obedient and disciplined workforce

immigrants had to learn English in order to work in factories

ggggggggggggggggg. good

the country had to teach immigrants that its way of life was right and


schools were invented

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1570.

One result of tracking in schools is that ________.


the brightest students get the worst teachers


students do not get to study what they are interested in

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. the students who get the best schooling are usually those who are more privileged to begin with lllllllllllllllll. students from disadvantaged backgrounds end up in higher tracks where they cannot do the work Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Jonathan Kozol criticizes the U.S. educational system for ________.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. focusing too much on students‘ future careers nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. making too little use of achievement tests ooooooooooooooooo.

unequal funding that makes some schools far better than others


paying some teachers more than they are worth

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Recollection 1572. An example of the cultural capital advantage of well-to-do students in U.S. schooling is parents who ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. spend more time reading to their children rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. value schooling and provide more encouragement to their children sssssssssssssssss. do more to develop imagination in their children ttttttttttttttttt.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1573. Comparing student performance, researchers have found that the most important cause of the achievement gap between high-income and low-income children is ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

differences in schools


differences in home environments

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Answer: b

regional differences

differences in personal health

Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1574.

As income-level goes up among U.S. families, we find that ________.


there is no difference in the share of children who attend college


the share of children going to college goes down


the share of children going to college goes up


more women, but fewer men, go to college

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling.

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Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1575. Community colleges are an important part of higher education in the United States because they ________. cccccccccccccccccc.

enroll about 30 percent of all college students


greatly expand the opportunity to attend college

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. undergraduates

enroll almost half of Black American and Hispanic American


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1576. Recent debate about student loans highlights the fact that ________. gggggggggggggggggg. colleges and universities now provide adequate funding to permit anyone who wants to attend college to do so hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. college tuition has come down to the point that most students do not require financial aid iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. almost 50 million young people have educational debt totaling $1.75 trillion jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. the Biden administration has expressed little support for federal financial assistance to students Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1577. Which of the following responses correctly states the effect of additional schooling on average income? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Earning a high school diploma and a college degree do not change average income levels. llllllllllllllllll. Earning a high school diploma does not affect income, but earning a college degree raises income. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Earning a high school diploma raises income, but earning a college degree does not affect income. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. income levels.

Earning a high school diploma and earning a college degree both raise

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality

Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding


According to Theodore Sizer, bureaucracy harms schooling by ________.


imposing rigid uniformity on culturally diverse schools


emphasizing test scores and other numerical ratings


expecting all students to progress at the same rate


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1579. For the United States as a whole, about what percentage of people between ages sixteen and twenty-four drop out before completing high school? ssssssssssssssssss. 1 percent tttttttttttttttttt.

5 percent

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

25 percent 45 percent

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1580.

Which of the following categories of the U.S. population has the highest dropout rate?

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Asian American people xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Black people


Hispanic people


Non-Hispanic White people

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1581. Research suggests that the level of functional illiteracy in the United States is about what share of adults?

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19 percent

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccccccccccc.

39 percent 59 percent


79 percent

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1582.

The problem of functional illiteracy means that ________.


many young people leave school without having learned basic skills

fffffffffffffffffff. many older people have forgotten the lessons they learned in school ggggggggggggggggggg. a significant share of U.S. children never attend school hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

many teachers in U.S. schools do not know how to teach

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1583. According to the federal government, about ______ of twelfth-grade students are below basic skill levels in reading, mathematics, and science. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

3 percent



kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. one-third lllllllllllllllllll. two-thirds Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1584. One indication of recent grade inflation is the fact that almost 60 percent of all grades given to today‗s high school students are ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


ooooooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppppppp.

Cs. Ds.

Answer: a


Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools.

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Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1585. Assume that you support the school choice movement. What are you likely to say is the reason that U.S. public schools perform poorly? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Some schools lack adequate funding.

sssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttt.

Schools have no competition. The nation has a high poverty rate.

Too many parents are not involved in the schools.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1586.

Magnet schools encourage ________.


students to specialize in specific areas of study


school busing for cultural diversity

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. students to take control of their own learning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

students to complete their education in fewer years

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1587. Charter schools are ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

private schools that typically enroll high-income students


public schools that have the freedom to try new programs and policies

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. private schools that have a religious curriculum bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. public schools that are run by private companies Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1588. Which of the following concepts refers to the practice of including people with disabilities in regular educational classes and programs? cccccccccccccccccccc.


dddddddddddddddddddd. Mainstreaming eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


ffffffffffffffffffff. Magnets Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1589. The recent COVID-19 pandemic had what effect on the share of U.S. children who are being schooled at home? gggggggggggggggggggg. The share declined as half the states banned home schooling. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The share stayed about the same. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. The share declined to about 3 percent. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

The share doubled to about 9 percent.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1590.

In the United States today, ________.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. there is a surplus of teachers llllllllllllllllllll.

there are enough teachers


there is a shortage of teachers

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. private schools lack enough teachers Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1591.

Public schools have been losing teachers in recent years because of ________.

oooooooooooooooooooo. job-related frustration pppppppppppppppppppp. low pay qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. a pay gap between teachers and other professionals rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools.

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Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1592. In terms of political affiliation, the most positive assessment of public schools in the United States is made by ________. ssssssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttttttt.



uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Independents vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Republicans and Independents Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 21.7: Apply political analysis to issues involving education. Topic: The Politics of Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skills Level: Understanding

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 1593. Define ―education‖ and ―schooling.‖ Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1594.

Describe how the development of schooling is linked to economic development.

Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1595.

In low-income nations, why do girls typically receive less schooling than boys?

Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1596. What percentage of U.S. adults are high school graduates? College graduates? How have these percentages changed over the last century? Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1597.

What are four societal functions of schooling for the operation of society as a whole?

Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling.

Topic: The Functions of Schooling Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1598.

How does schooling advance the goal of socially integrating a large, diverse population?

Learning Objective: LO 21.2: Apply structural-functional theory to schooling. Topic: The Functions of Schooling Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1599.

How can officially labeling students as ―deficient‖ or ―gifted‖ generate a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1600. What is the ―savage inequality‖ in U.S. schools as described by Jonathan Kozol? What theoretical approach guides Kozol‘s analysis? Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1601. Why does the home environment have more effect on academic performance than the school environment? Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1602. Provide evidence that, in the United States, receiving higher-level schooling is linked to higher income. Learning Objective: LO 21.3: Apply social-interaction theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Interaction Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1603. What are several reasons that community colleges are extremely important to higher education in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1604.

Identify several consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for schooling in the United States.

Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1605. Based on the work by Theodore Sizer, what are five consequences of bureaucracy in U.S. schools? Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1606.

What is ―functional illiteracy‖? How extensive is this problem in the United States?

Learning Objective: LO 21.5: Discuss dropping out, violence, and other problems facing today‘s schools. Topic: Problems in the Schools Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1607. Describe the level of support for public schooling in the United States. How does political affiliation shape the level of this support? Learning Objective: LO 21.7: Apply political analysis to issues involving education. Topic: The Politics of Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1608. Write an essay in which you demonstrate that the extent of schooling around the world is linked to (a) level of economic development and (b) national cultural patterns. Include the United States in your comparative analysis. Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

1609. Describe the changes that have taken place in the extent of formal education over the course of U.S. history. When was mandatory education universal? When did a majority of people become high school graduates? What is the extent of U.S. educational achievement today? Learning Objective: LO 21.1: Compare schooling in high-, middle-, and low-income societies. Topic: Education: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1610. Applying the social-conflict approach, what are the problems in the U.S. educational system? Consider quality of public schooling, inequality among schools, and access to higher education. Consider class, gender, race, and ethnicity in your essay. Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1611. Describe the role of community colleges in U.S. higher education. When did community colleges become widespread? Compared to other types of colleges and universities, what benefits do they offer? What special importance do community colleges have for people who are socially disadvantaged? Learning Objective: LO 21.4: Apply social-conflict theory to schooling. Topic: Schooling and Social Inequality Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1612. What is the school choice movement? Why do many people support this initiative? Why do many others oppose it? Present your own views on this debate, providing evidence to support your arguments and conclusions. Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1613. Why, in your opinion, is there a teacher shortage in the United States? Do you think the pay for teachers is adequate? Do you think teachers, on average, are sufficiently trained and motivated? What steps could be taken to improve both the quantity and quality of the educators in our public schools? Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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1614. What is your view of an ideal educational system in the United States? Describe how schooling would operate in your ideal case. Who would have access to college education? Would intellectual ability or ability to pay matter in the admissions process? Explain your vision. Learning Objective: LO 21.6: Summarize the debate over the performance of U.S. schools. Topic: Current Issues in U.S. Education Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1615. How is public education involved in the current political polarization that has divided our nation‘s population? Consider how support for public schools is linked to political affiliation as well as the parental role in deciding what children learn in the classroom. Learning Objective: LO 21.7: Apply political analysis to issues involving education. Topic: The Politics of Education Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 22: Health and Medicine In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect the changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 114 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, almost two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of

cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are ―Understanding‖ with a few ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


25 (63%)

23 (44%)





15 (37%)

26 (50%)

7 (50%)





3 (6%)

1 (8%)

2 (25%)





6 (43%)

6 (75%)







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Chapter 22: Health and Medicine TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1616.

Cultural patterns help define what is or is not healthy.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1617. From a sociological point of view, societies define ―health‖ so that being healthy is sometimes a matter of what is normal, which may be, from an outsider‘s point of view, having the same diseases as one‘s neighbors. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1618. As examples of changing conceptions of health and illness, fifty years ago, few people in the United States understood the dangers of cigarette smoking or excessive sun exposure. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1619. Social inequality affects a society‘s patterns of health. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1620. The World Health Organization claims more than half of all humanity suffers from illness caused by poverty. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection


Diseases such as heart disease and cancer are the leading killers in low-income nations.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1622. In much of the world, illness and poverty form a vicious circle, with each contributing to the other. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1623. Industrialization gradually led to dramatic improvements in human health. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1624. Over the course of the last century, an important health trend in the United States was a rising death rate from infectious diseases. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1625. Social epidemiology is the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society‘s population. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1626. Over the life course, on average, women have better health than men. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1627. In the United States, the infant mortality rate among children in low-income families is about the same as the rate for the children born to wealthy families. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1628.

―Type A personalities,‖ which are linked to masculinity, are harmful to human health.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1629. In the United States, on average, people with higher incomes have a more positive assessment of their personal health than people with low incomes. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1630. AIDS kills more people in the United States each year than various diseases caused by cigarette smoking. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1631. As a result of cigarette smoking, some 480,000 people in the United States die prematurely every year. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Eating disorders are related to how our society defines success and attractiveness among women.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1633. According to the U.S. government, about 20 percent of U.S. adults are overweight. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1634.

People with more money to spend are more likely to become obese.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1635. Opioid drugs are the leading cause of death in the United States among all people under the age of fifty-five. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1636.

Gonorrhea and syphilis can be cured with penicillin.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1637. The rate of obesity in the United States is well below the rates of most other high-income nations. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1638. The opioid epidemic, along with an increasing rate of obesity, has resulted in a decline of life expectancy in the United States.

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Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1639. The world region with the highest rate of HIV infection is the Middle East. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1640.

Heterosexual sex cannot transmit AIDS.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1641. Today‘s advanced medical technology has made the definition of death much clearer. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1642.

―Active euthanasia‖ refers to using a physician‘s services to bring about a patient‘s death.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1643. The acceptance of the scientific model of medicine in the United States was symbolized by the founding of the American Medical Association in 1847. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Holistic medicine seeks to change the focus of medical practice from treating symptoms of

disease to preventing disease and promoting health. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1645. In 2022, 60 percent of all physicians in the United States were women. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1646. The role of government in providing medical care is greater in the United States than in other high-income nations. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1647. The U.S. health care system is one example of the model called socialized medicine. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1648.

Talcott Parsons is the sociologist who developed the concept of the ―sick role.‖

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1649. Talcott Parsons claimed that, to qualify for the sick role, a person must want to become healthy and act in ways to restore health. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1650. Social definitions—meaning how we understand our situation—have little to do with the reality

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of health and illness; these are simply medical conditions involving human biology. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1651. Social-conflict analysis claims the profit motive enhances the quality of medical care in the United States. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1652. One criticism of the social-conflict analysis is that it minimizes the improvements in health care brought about by rising living standards and scientific medicine. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1653. Advances in human genetics hold out promise of preventing disease but also raise ethical issues about how this technology should be used. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1654. From the right side of the political spectrum, people typically claim that responsibility for health and personal well-being falls primarily on the individual. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 22.6: Apply political analysis to health care in the United States. Topic: The Politics of Health Care Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1655. In a national survey of U.S. adults, only about 20 percent of respondents claimed that it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all U.S. adults have health care coverage. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 22.6: Apply political analysis to health care in the United States. Topic: The Politics of Health Care Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Society shapes human health because ________.


cultural patterns define what is or is not healthy

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. social inequality affects a population‘s health yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. society‘s technology affects people‘s health zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1657.

In the world‘s lowest-income nations today, life expectancy is as low as about ________.


forty years

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. sixty years ccccccccccccccccccccc.

seventy years

ddddddddddddddddddddd. eighty years Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1658. According to the World Health Organization, about how many of the world‘s people suffer from serious illness caused by poverty? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

1 million

fffffffffffffffffffff. 10 million ggggggggggggggggggggg. 1 billion hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 10 billion Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries.

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Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1659. If you were to visit a low-income nation to study its high death rates, what would you find to be the most common causes of death? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Cancer and heart disease


Infectious diseases

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Accidents lllllllllllllllllllll.

Old age

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1660.

Poor health in low-income nations reflects which of the following factors?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Limited safe drinking water nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Limited access to medical personnel ooooooooooooooooooooo. The lack of a nutritious diet ppppppppppppppppppppp. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1661. In low-income nations around the world, about how many children die before they reach the age of five? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. 1 in 3 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 1 in 13 sssssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttttt.

1 in 300

1 in 3,000

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1662. In Western Europe and North America, scientists began to understand the causes of infectious diseases at about what point in history? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 1650 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. 1750 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 1950 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1663. Advancing medical technology has attacked infectious disease in low-income countries with what result? yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Almost nothing: This technology has had little effect. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Death rates drop causing rapid population increases. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Birth rates have dropped to near zero. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Most children die earlier in life than ever before.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1664.

Which of the following diseases is the biggest killer in today‘s high-income nations?

cccccccccccccccccccccc. Heart disease dddddddddddddddddddddd.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Pneumonia ffffffffffffffffffffff. Cholera Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1665. Today, more than a century after the onset of the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increase in the share of deaths caused by which of the following? gggggggggggggggggggggg.

Infectious diseases such as influenza and pneumonia


Chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

Infant deaths immediately following birth Workplace-related accidents

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Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1666. Which of the following is an example of a chronic illness? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Influenza llllllllllllllllllllll.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Accidents nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Answer: b


Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1667.

The rate of accidental death for men is _______ as the rate for women.


half as high

pppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

about the same about twice as high

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ten times as high Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1668. According to data from the federal government, approximately what percentage of U.S. adults are overweight? ssssssssssssssssssssss. 23 percent tttttttttttttttttttttt. 43 percent uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

73 percent


93 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection


Social epidemiology is the study of ________.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. the biological basis of disease xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. the availability of doctors around the world yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

the age at which people die

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. the distribution of health and illness in a population Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1670. Research shows that masculinity is linked to health because ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. our culture‘s definition of masculinity encourages stress and heart disease bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. men learn to be strong and avoid illness ccccccccccccccccccccccc. men avoid many of the lifestyle dangers common to women ddddddddddddddddddddddd. homicide

young men are less likely than young women to be victims of

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1671. The leading cause of death among people under the age of fifty-five in the United States today is which of the following? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Cancer fffffffffffffffffffffff. Stroke ggggggggggggggggggggggg. Opioids hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Kidney disease

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1672. In the United States, which of the following factors has a strong link to life expectancy? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Race jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Gender kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Social class lllllllllllllllllllllll. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health.

Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1673.

Which of the following statements about gender and health is correct?


Women have a higher suicide rate than men.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. ooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Men have fewer accidents than women. Women generally have better health than men.


Women are more likely to be victims of homicide.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1674. Read the following statements about health in the United States. Which of the statements is correct? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. world.

The children of high-income families have the best health in the

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. low-income nations.

Children in low-income families are as vulnerable as children in some

sssssssssssssssssssssss. income people.

High-income people assess their own health more positively than low-

ttttttttttttttttttttttt. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1675. In the United States, how does the life expectancy of White children born in 2019 compare to that of Black children born in 2019? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

It is about four years longer.


It is about the same.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It is about two years shorter. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

It is about four years shorter.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Which of the following categories of the U.S. population has the highest life-expectancy?

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. White men zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. White women aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Black men bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Black women

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1677. In the United States 480,000 people a year die prematurely due to the effects of ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccc.sexually transmitted diseases dddddddddddddddddddddddd.

automobile accidents

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.cigarette smoking ffffffffffffffffffffffff. drinking alcohol Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1678. Which of the following categories of people in the United States is especially likely to smoke cigarettes? gggggggggggggggggggggggg.

Married people

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Divorced people iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. People with college degrees jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. People in the labor force Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1679. Research shows that many college women believe ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. physical attractiveness is less important than ―what‘s inside‖ llllllllllllllllllllllll. being thin is key to being attractive mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

they are thinner than men would like them to be

weight has little social importance

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health.

Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1680. In the United States, the most widespread health problem related to eating is which of the following? oooooooooooooooooooooooo.








Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1681. The average body weight for people in the world as a whole is about ________; the average body weight in the United States is about ________. ssssssssssssssssssssssss.

150 pounds; 167 pounds

tttttttttttttttttttttttt. 175 pounds; 157 pounds uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

137 pounds; 184 pounds 150 pounds; 148 pounds

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1682.

In which region of the United States is the problem of obesity relatively less serious?

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. The West Coast xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The Southwest yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

The South

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.The Midwest Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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In which of the following nations is the rate of obesity highest?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Japan Canada




The United States

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1684. Which continent of the world experienced the highest rates of HIV/AIDS? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. fffffffffffffffffffffffff.



ggggggggggggggggggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

South America North America

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1685. An exception to the general decline of infectious diseases in the United States is the increase in ________ after 1960. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. cancer jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. obesity kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


lllllllllllllllllllllllll. sexually transmitted diseases Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1686. HIV can be transmitted through ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

any casual contact


direct contact with blood, semen, or breast milk


not observing proper social distancing


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health.

Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1687.

Upon infection, people with HIV ________.


display obvious symptoms

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. get very sick right away sssssssssssssssssssssssss. display no symptoms at all ttttttttttttttttttttttttt. get mildly sick from time to time Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1688. Which of the following is considered a behavior placing people at high risk of HIV infection? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Anal sex vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Sharing needles

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Answer: d

Using drugs that impair judgment

All of these responses are correct.

Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1689.

The concept ―euthanasia‖ refers to ________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. illness

assisting in the death of a person suffering from a terminal


people‘s legal ―right to die‖

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. providing medical treatment to seriously ill people bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. providing medical assistance to those who cannot afford it Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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As of 2022, how many states in the United States have passed ―right to die‖ legislation?

cccccccccccccccccccccccccc. No state dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Three states eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Ten states

All the states

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1691. Scientific medicine typically develops first in ________. gggggggggggggggggggggggggg. pastoral societies hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. agrarian societies iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. industrial societies jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. hunting-and-gathering societies Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1692.

The rise of scientific medicine in the United States began about when?

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 1960, with advances in computer technology llllllllllllllllllllllllll. 1917, about the time of World War I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 1890, as the rate immigration increased nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 1847, with the founding of the American Medical Association Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1693. It is correct to say that the medical establishment in the United States is oriented toward which of the following? oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Holistic treatment pppppppppppppppppppppppppp. Herbal healing qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Traditional healing arts rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Scientific medicine

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world.

Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1694.

Holistic medicine asserts that ________.

ssssssssssssssssssssssssss. the most important task is treating symptoms of disease tttttttttttttttttttttttttt. patients should rely on themselves—not just physicians—to ensure their health uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. treatment of patients by physicians should be impersonal vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. healing should take place only in hospitals Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1695. In which of the following nations is almost all medical care under the control of government? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. China xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Great Britain yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Japan zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Answer: a

The United States

Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1696. Of all high-income nations, which country relies the most on a direct-fee market system to pay for medical treatment? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Great Britain

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Sweden ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. The United States ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Japan Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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The concept ―socialized medicine‖ refers to which of the following?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Employer insurance programs that pay for medical care fffffffffffffffffffffffffff. A medical system mostly owned and operated by the government ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Programs to improve health by giving people support groups hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Families taking care of their members Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1698. Which of the following is the most common way people in the United States pay for medical care? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

Private insurance programs The government‘s universal health care program

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. HMOs lllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Medicare and Medicaid

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1699.

In the United States, an important medical issue is ________.


a surplus of nurses

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. a shortage of nurses ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. the fact that many hospitals are going bankrupt ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. the increasing number of medical personnel leaving the country to work abroad Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1700. In his structural-functional analysis, Talcott Parsons claimed that society responds to illness by ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. punishing ill people rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

withholding treatment to those who need it most

sssssssssssssssssssssssssss. using the ―sick role‖ to relieve ill people of many daily responsibilities ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. forcing people, sick or not, to perform important work Answer: c

Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1701.

Talcott Parsons viewed illness as ________.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. a sign of weakness vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. a made up concept wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

a necessary and helpful part of society

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. dysfunctional to the operation of society Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1702. A criticism of Talcott Parsons‘s approach to health and medicine is that it ________. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. says little about the issue of prevention zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

places doctors rather than people in charge of health

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. assumes sick people can afford to take time off from work bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1703.

A symbolic-interaction approach to health and medicine emphasizes ________.

cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. the meanings people attach to health and illness dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. social inequality in terms of health eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Answer: a

how societies must excuse ill people from most responsibilities

the functions of illness for society as a whole

Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1704. The topic of psychosomatic disorders is of greatest interest to sociologists guided by which theoretical approach? gggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

The structural-functional approach


The symbolic-interaction approach


The social-conflict approach

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The sociobiological approach

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1705. From a social-conflict point of view, capitalism fails to support human health because ________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. techniques and technologies llllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

it does not encourage development of new medical

physicians have little financial incentive to work

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. income nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

it makes quality of care dependent on

it pays little attention to science

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1706. Following the social-conflict approach, patterns of health and illness are seen largely as a product of ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

how people define the situation they experience how the larger culture defines health and illness


social inequality

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1707. Which of the following statements linking position on the political spectrum to attitudes about health care is correct? ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Conservatives see health care as primarily a personal responsibility; progressives see heath care as a governmental responsibility. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Conservatives and progressives agree that health care should be a personal responsibility. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Progressives see health care as a personal responsibility; conservatives see health care as a personal responsibility. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Progressives and conservatives agree that health care should be a governmental responsibility. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 22.6: Apply political analysis to health care in the United States.

Topic: The Politics of Health Care Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


List four reasons sociologists claim that health is a societal as well as medical issue.

Learning Objective: LO 22.1: Explain how patterns of health are shaped by society. Topic: What Is Health? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1709. What diseases were leading causes of death in the United States in 1900? What about in 2019? Describe the pattern of change. Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1710. What is social epidemiology? How can this field of study improve human health? Provide examples of what we can learn from this field of study. Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1711.

How does social class affect human health? Provide data in support of your answer.

Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1712. What evidence supports the claim that cigarette smoking is a major health problem in the United States? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1713. How does the distribution of eating disorders in the U.S. population help demonstrate the fact that disease is a social as well as a biological phenomenon? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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1714. What do we know about the problem of obesity in the United States that shows this to be a social and cultural issue? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1715. What is the most common method of HIV transmission in the United States? What about the world as a whole? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1716. Define euthanasia. What is active euthanasia? What arguments can you make in support of and in opposition to this practice? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1717. In a paragraph. describe the extent and importance of the opioid crisis in the United States. Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1718. How does holistic medicine differ from scientific medicine? What are the advantages of each approach? Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1719.

What is socialized medicine? How does it differ from a direct-fee medical care system?

Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1720.

Present several reasons for the shortage of nurses in the United States.

Learning Objective: LO 22.4: Compare the medical systems in nations around the world. Topic: The Medical Establishment Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1721. Briefly explain why feminist theorists claim that scientific medicine can takes sides on important social issues, including gender inequality. Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1722. Analyze the link between health and economic development. Describe patterns of health in lowincome countries. What are the most common diseases and causes of death? How do such patterns differ in high-income nations? Learning Objective: LO 22.2: Contrast patterns of health in low- and high-income countries. Topic: Health: A Global Survey Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1723. What is social epidemiology? Answer by sketching patterns of health for the U.S. population, taking account of (a) gender, (b) social class, and (c) race. Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1724. Why is cigarette smoking considered the leading preventable cause of death in the United States? Describe the health consequences of smoking cigarettes. Using the sociological perspective, explain what categories of people are most and least likely to smoke. Has the smoking hazard always been recognized? Why, in your opinion, are cigarette smoking and vaping still common, especially among college students? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1725. Use the case of eating disorders or obesity as the focus of an essay that explains why health and illness are correctly understood as societal and cultural issues as much as they are medical issues. Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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1726. Discuss the ―right to die‖ debate. How has modern technology created this debate in the first place? What are the arguments for legal euthanasia? What are the arguments against it? Which side do you find more convincing? Why? Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1727. Drawing on sociological data and analysis found in this chapter, develop a basic approach to improving health in the United States. You might organize this by preparing a listing: ―Five things we need to do in this country to improve human health.‖ Learning Objective: LO 22.3: Analyze how race, class, gender, and age are linked to health. Topic: Health in the United States Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1728. What is the contribution to understanding health and medicine made by each of sociology‘s three major theoretical approaches? Apply the structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, and socialconflict approaches in turn. Do they agree on any points? Learning Objective: LO 22.5: Apply sociology‘s major theories to health and medicine. Topic: Theories of Health and Medicine Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1729. Describe how attitudes about how health care should be provided vary among people who are politically progressive and politically conservative. Learning Objective: LO 22.6: Apply political analysis to health care in the United States. Topic: The Politics of Health Care Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 23: Population, Urbanization, and Environment In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect the changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 120 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, almost two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (most are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Application‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning (―Application‖ and ―Analysis‖).

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


25 (64%)

39 (64%)





14 (36%)

16 (26%)

6 (46%)





6 (10%)

1 (8%)

1 (14%)





6 (46%)

6 (86%)







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Chapter 23: Population, Urbanization, and Environment TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Demography 1730.

Demography is the study of the size and composition of a society‘s population.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1731. The concept ―fecundity‖ provides a simple and useful way to measure population increase. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1732. To calculate a crude birth rate, divide the number of live births in a year into the total population and multiply the result by 1,000. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1733.

The crude birth rate in North America is lower than that for Asia.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1734.

The crude death rate is the same measure as the infant mortality rate.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understanding 1735. The crude death rate for the United States is very high by world standards. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1736. In the United States, the infant mortality rate for Black people is more than twice as high as it is for White people. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1737.

The average life expectancy for U.S. children born today is about sixty years.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1738. The movement of people out of a territory is called immigration. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1739. The forced transport of 10 million enslaved people from Africa to the Americas is an example of involuntary migration. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding

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Most people migrate due to a combination of ―push‖ and ―pull‖ factors.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1741.

In general, low-income countries grow as much from immigration as from natural increase.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1742. An annual growth rate of about 2 percent will cause a society‘s population to double in about thirty-five years. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1743.

Sex ratios are usually greater than 100 because men typically outlive women.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1744. In many low-income nations, parents value sons more than daughters, which explains why the age-sex ratio in these nations may be higher than 100. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1745. An age-sex pyramid is useful, in part, because it helps predict the demographic future of a society. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1746.

The planet‘s population first reached 1 billion about the year 1500.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1747.

Thomas Robert Malthus expected population to increase according to an arithmetic progression.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1748.

It would be fair to say that Thomas Robert Malthus was a pessimist about the future of the world.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1749. Demographic transition theory states that humanity must act now to reduce fertility if we are to save the planet. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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In 2020, ninety-five nations had a birth rate below the zero population growth point.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1751.

Until recently, China regulated fertility with a ―one-child‖ policy.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1752. ―Zero population growth‖ refers to cases in which a nation‘s birth rate drops to zero. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection

Urbanization 1753. Today, the three or four largest cities contain as many people as did the entire world some 12,000 years ago. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1754.

A metropolis is a large city that socially and economically dominates an urban area.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


In general, Snowbelt cities are larger in geographical area than Sunbelt cities.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1756. Since 2000, most rural counties in the United States lost more population to migration than they gained. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1757. Emile Durkheim‘s concept of mechanical solidarity parallels Ferdinand Tönnies‘s concept of Gemeinschaft. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1758. Georg Simmel claimed that urbanites are so interested in each other‘s lives that there is little privacy in cities. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1759. The University of Chicago‘s sociology department was an early center of learning that focused on cities and urban life. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Environment 1760. As societies gain technological power, more population, and affluence they have a greater and greater effect on the natural environment. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1761. In general, the way of life of people living in low-income nations causes much more harm to the environment than the way of life of people living in high-income nations does. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1762. The limits to growth thesis states that humans can expect to solve whatever environmental problems come along. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1763.

Because our planet is mostly covered with oceans, there is no shortage of fresh water.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1764. At the present rate of loss, almost all of the rain forests will be gone by the end of this century. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1765. Global warming could cause the level of the oceans to fall by two to three feet during this century. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1766.

Protecting the rain forests is vital to maintaining the Earth‘s biodiversity.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1767. Environmental racism is a pattern by which environmental hazards are greatest for the poor, especially low-income people of color. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1768. Recent survey research indicates that both political conservatives and political progressives are equally concerned about the effects of global climate change. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: The Politics of Climate Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding


In 2022, about how many people are added to the world's population each year?

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 800,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

8 million 81 million

800 million

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Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1770.

In 2022, the world was home to about how many people?


8 billion

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.

4 billion

1 billion


800 million

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1771.

Demography is defined as the study of ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. democratic political systems fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. human population ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

changes in human culture


the natural environment

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1772. ―Fertility‖ refers to ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. life expectancy for a nation‘s population jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

norms that encourage people to have children

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Answer: d

the maximum number of children a woman can have

the incidence of childbearing in a nation‘s population

Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1773. Assume a country has a population of 400 million people and, in a given year, has 4 million births. What is this country‘s current crude birth rate? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.





4 million


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1774.

Which of the following concepts refers to the maximum possible childbearing for women?


The crude birth rate

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Fertility sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Fecundity ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

The refined birth rate

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1775. Which of the following concepts refers to the number of live births in a given year for every thousand people in a population? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.



Refined birth rate

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Crude birth rate


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1776. One region of the world has both the highest birth rate and the highest infant mortality rate. Which is it? yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Latin America


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Europe bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1777. In global perspective, the crude birth rate of high-income nations such as the United States is ________. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. much higher than average dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

slightly higher than average

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. about equal to the average ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. below average Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1778. Among which of the following categories of the U.S. population is fertility relatively low? gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

Hispanic American people


Amish people

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

Asian American people Rural, farm people

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1779. If you were studying countries with very low infant mortality, in which of the following global regions would you be most likely to look? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Latin America


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Europe nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1780. In terms of migration within the United States, the region of the country most often left behind is ________. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. the heartland or Great Plains, from North Dakota down to Texas pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.

the South


the West Coast, from Washington down to California

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. the Southeast, including Florida Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1781. Read the following four statements. Three of them are true. Which of the statements about migration is NOT true? ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Migration can be voluntary or involuntary.

tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Movement into a territory is called immigration. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Movement out of a territory is called emigration. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

Migration has little or no effect on population size.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1782. The United States is a high-income country with low fertility; therefore, we would expect population increase to result primarily from which of the following? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Both immigration and natural increase


Natural increase only


Immigration only

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Emigration only Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1783. Looking at countries around the world, what is the relationship between average income level and rate of population increase? a. The lower the average income, the greater the rate of population increase. b. All nations are increasing their populations at about the same rate. c. The higher the average income, the greater the rate of population increase. d. Low-income nations‘ populations are holding steady, while populations of high-income nations are decreasing. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1784.

The demographic measure called the ―sex ratio‖ refers to ________.

e. how easily couples conceive children f. the number of men for every 100 women in the population g. the number of women for every 100 men in the population h. the ratio of children to adults in a population Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Why are sex ratios usually below 100?

i. Because many societies abort male fetuses j. Because more women than men are born k. Because women typically outlive men l. Because life spans have been getting shorter Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1786. If you were to examine an age-sex pyramid for a low-income nation, you would expect to see which of the following patterns? m. A wide base, indicating a high birth rate n. A square shape, indicating a low birth rate o. A bulge in the middle, indicating a ―baby boom‖ p. A bulge at the top, indicating that most people are senior citizens Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1787.

If a nation has a sex ratio of 106, as India does, it is very likely that parents there ________.

q. value sons more than daughters r. value daughters more than sons s. value sons and daughters equally t. place little value on children Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1788.

Throughout most of human history, families had many children because ________.

u. children were a source of needed labor v. birth control was not reliable w. high death rates meant that many children did not reach adulthood x. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1789.

When in history did the global population begin to spike upward?

y. 1500 z. 1750 aa. 1900 bb. 1975 Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1790.

When did the world‘s population reach 1 billion?

cc. 1600 dd. 1700 ee. 1800 ff. 1900 Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1791.

How much did the world‘s population increase during the twentieth century?

gg. Not at all—it stayed about the same. hh. It doubled. ii. It tripled. jj. It quadrupled. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1792. Currently, about how much of the global population increase is taking place in low-income nations? kk. 33 percent ll. 50 percent mm.

75 percent

nn. 99 percent Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1793.

Thomas Robert Malthus claimed that ________.

oo. the world could sustain an ever-larger population pp. population increase would eventually bring chaos to the world qq. industrialization would reduce the birth rate rr. population decrease threatened the world in the future Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1794.

Malthus argued that ________.

ss. population would increase in geometric progression tt. food and other resources would increase in arithmetic progression uu. people would reproduce to a point beyond what the planet could support vv. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1795.

The basic idea behind demographic transition theory is ________.


population patterns reflect a society‘s level of technological development

xx. population increase will outstrip the planet‘s ability to support us yy. population increase is now mostly in high-income nations zz. population is declining to a dangerously low level Answer: a

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Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1796.

In the preindustrial stage of technological development, population ________.

aaa. increases very slowly, with a high birth rate offset by a high death rate bbb.

increases rapidly due mostly to natural increase

ccc. increases rapidly due entirely to immigration ddd.

decreases very rapidly

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1797. Which of the following statements correctly describes societies at the postindustrial level of technological development? eee. Birth rates are low. fff. Death rates are low and steady. ggg.

Birth rates are low, and death rates are low and steady.

hhh. None of the other responses is correct. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1798. In the United States, the birth rate is currently ________. iii.at the replacement level jjj.below the replacement level kkk.

slightly above the replacement level

lll.well above the replacement level Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


The concept ―zero population growth‖ refers to the level of reproduction that ________.

mmm. nnn.

produces a perfect age-sex pyramid keeps the sex ratio steady at 100


maintains population at a steady level


will take the population steadily downward to zero

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1800. Which of the following nations would you expect to be most concerned about a declining population? qqq.

A landlocked country such as Chad

rrr. A large country such as Brazil sss. A high-income country such as Japan ttt.A low-income country such as Bangladesh Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1801. In most of the low-income nations of the world today, what is the average number of children born to a woman? uuu.




www. xxx.

Seven Three

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1802. In low-income countries, increasing the range of opportunities available to women is likely to ________. yyy.

stimulate the economy, raising economic output

zzz. lower the birth rate aaaa.

result in more schooling for women


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

Urbanization 1803.

About how long ago in history did the first cities emerge?

cccc. dddd.

10,000 years ago 4,000 years ago


2,000 years ago

ffff. 1,000 years ago Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1804. According to the chapter, most historians agree that the first city was ________. gggg. Ur hhhh.


iiii. Jericho jjjj. London Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


In medieval cities of Europe, what was found at the city‘s center?

kkkk. A central business district llll. The ghetto mmmm.

Government buildings


The cathedral

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1806.

With the Industrial Revolution, how did the physical design of cities change?

oooo. pppp.

Cities took on a new focus on business. Winding streets gave way to broad and straight boulevards.


Urban populations became much larger.

rrrr. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1807.

In what year was half of the U.S. population living in urban places for the first time?



tttt. 1920 uuuu.


vvvv. 1985 Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1808. The Industrial Revolution had what effect on U.S. cities? wwww.

Buildings became much taller.


Cities became much larger geographically and had many more people.

yyyy. zzzz.

Cities stood at the center of an expanding urban region. All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1809. About when did urban centralization—the industrial metropolis—reach its peak in the United States? aaaaa.








Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1810. After about 1950, urban decentralization has led to ________. eeeee. an expansion of suburbs fffff.

the development of vast urban regions


the growth of edge cities

hhhhh. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1811. If you were to compare Sunbelt cities, such as Houston, to Snowbelt cities, such as Detroit, what would you find? iiiii.

Sunbelt cities are typically smaller in physical size.


Sunbelt cities generally have smaller populations.


Sunbelt cities generally have larger populations and are larger in physical size.


Sunbelt cities lack the sprawl typical of Snowbelt cities.

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application


The concept ―megalopolis‖ refers to which of the following?

mmmmm. A vast urban region containing many cities and suburbs nnnnn. The largest city in any country ooooo.

A dense, central city


The ―rural rebound‖

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.3: Summarize patterns of urbanization in the United States and around the world. Topic: Urbanization: The Growth of Cities Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1813. Which of the following concepts was used by Ferdinand Tönnies to refer to a type of social organization in which people come together only on the basis of individual self-interest? qqqqq.


rrrrr. sssss.

Gesellschaft Mechanical solidarity


Organic solidarity

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1814. Which of the following concepts, used by Emile Durkheim, means about the same thing as Ferdinand Tönnies‘s concept, Gesellschaft? uuuuu.

Mechanical solidarity


Organic solidarity

wwwww. Gemeinschaft xxxxx. The blasé urbanite Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1815. According to Emile Durkheim, while traditional, rural societies were built on ________, modern urban societies are held together by ________. yyyyy.

likeness; difference


difference; likeness


money; morals


choice; conformity

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1816. The Industrial Revolution influenced urbanization in many ways, including where cities were sited. If you were to look back in history, you would find that almost every U.S. city was founded ________. cccccc.

in the West


on an island


on a waterway


in a valley

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1817.

A third urban revolution is now taking place in ________.


the United States


high-income nations


middle-income nations


low-income nations

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.5: Describe the third urban revolution now under way in poor societies. Topic: Urbanization in Poor Nations Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Environment 1818. Which of the following concepts refers to the study of the interaction of living organisms and the natural environment? kkkkkk.




mmmmmm. nnnnnn.


Urban studies

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1819.

The concept ―environmental deficit‖ refers to ________.


long-term harm to the environment caused by a short-sighted focus on material affluence

pppppp. qqqqqq.

the fact that too few people are engaged in the study of the natural environment the fact that natural scientists ignore the social dimensions of environmental problems


efforts to protect the environment to benefit future generations

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1820. Which of the following concepts refers to the optimistic approach to environmental issues that claims science can promote progress and solve environmental problems? ssssss.

The sustainability thesis


The Malthusian thesis


The limits to growth


The logic of growth

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Which of the following statements expresses the ―logic of growth‖?

wwwwww. Material affluence is dangerous to humanity. xxxxxx. Technology and human ingenuity will continue to improve our lives. yyyyyy.

Quality of life on the Earth is declining.


Growth makes no sense because we cannot sustain it indefinitely.

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1822.

Which of the following statements expresses the ―limits to growth‖ thesis?

aaaaaaa. We are rapidly consuming the Earth‘s finite resources. bbbbbbb. Whatever problems technology creates, technology can solve. ccccccc. Quality of life on the Earth is now improving. ddddddd. Growth makes sense because it raises living standards. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1823. As a high-income nation that values consumption and convenience, the U.S. can be described as ________. eeeeeee. a ―Malthusian society‖ fffffff. a ―recycling society‖ ggggggg. a ―disposable society‖ hhhhhhh. a ―sustainable society‖ Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1824.

Which of the following accounts for most water use in the world today?





kkkkkkk. Households lllllll. Answer: b

Water parks, golf courses, and other recreational settings

Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1825.

Which of the following is evidence of the shortage of fresh water now found around the world?


China‘s supply of ground water is declining rapidly.

nnnnnnn. Water supply in the Middle East is at a critical level. ooooooo. Mexico City has pumped so much water from the ground that the city continues to sink about two inches per year. ppppppp. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1826. Why is the gradual loss of the world‘s rainforests an important environmental concern? qqqqqqq. Rainforests are vital to maintaining the planet‘s biodiversity and climate. rrrrrrr.

Rainforests are necessary grazing lands.


Rainforests are a vital source of hardwoods and other raw materials.

ttttttt. Rainforests are a source of air pollution. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1827. Scientific evidence shows that the average temperature of the planet is ________. uuuuuuu. holding steady vvvvvvv. increasing wwwwwww.


xxxxxxx. lower than it has ever been Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1828.

The environmental racism thesis falls within which theoretical approach?

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yyyyyyy. The structural-functional approach zzzzzzz. The sociobiology approach aaaaaaaa. The symbolic-interaction approach bbbbbbbb. The social-conflict approach Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1829. Political attitudes affect how one views the state of the natural world, as correctly described in which of the following statements? cccccccc. A majority of political progressives say the United States is current doing enough to address climate change; a majority of conservatives say more needs to be done. dddddddd. A majority of political conservatives say the United States is current doing enough to address climate change; a majority of progressives say more needs to be done. eeeeeeee. Progressives support the ―logic of growth,‖ while conservatives do not. ffffffff. Both conservatives and progressives say that much more activism is needed to adequately address climate change. Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: The Politics of Climate Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Why is the crude birth rate ―crude‖?

Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1831. Compared to world standards, how would you describe the U.S. crude birth rate, crude death rate, and infant mortality rate? Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1832.

What is a net migration rate? How is it calculated?

Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1833. What is an ―age-sex pyramid‖? Why is it useful in the study of population? Provide examples of how to interpret an age-sex pyramid. Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1834.

What two assertions about population and resources were made by Thomas Robert Malthus?

Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1835. What are the four stages in demographic transition theory? Apply this theory to the population history of the United States. Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1836. How do population patterns differ in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? What accounts for these differences? Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1837. What is the ―demographic divide‖?

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Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1838. What three urban revolutions have reshaped human societies? What changes have occurred in each of the three revolutions? Learning Objective: LO 23.5: Describe the third urban revolution now underway in poor societies. Topic: Urbanization in Poor Nations Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1839.

State the basic idea of the ―logic of growth‖ thesis. Provide a critical assessment of this thesis.

Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1840. State the basic idea of the ―limits to growth‖ thesis. Provide a critical assessment of this thesis. Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1841. Why are environmentalists concerned about the loss of the planet's rainforests? Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1842.

What is ―environmental racism‖?

Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Demography 1843. Examine the two age-sex pyramids shown in the chapter. Write an essay in which you analyze these pyramids showing how they provide information about the past, present, and future of these societies‘ populations. Learning Objective: LO 23.1: Explain the concepts of fertility, mortality, and migration and how they affect population size. Topic: Demography: The Study of Population Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1844. Clearly state the warning given to the world by Thomas Robert Malthus. How does demographic transition theory respond to this warning? Provide data on the history of global population increase and indicate whether or not you think it provides evidence that supports Malthus‘s view. What about demographic transition theory? Which position do you find more convincing? Why? Learning Objective: LO 23.2: Analyze population trends using Malthusian theory and demographic transition theory. Topic: History and Theory of Population Growth Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Urbanization 1845. What is ―urbanism as a way of life‖? Develop a description of urbanism drawing on ideas of Ferdinand Tönnies, Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, and Louis Wirth. In what ways do they agree? Also note points of disagreement. Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1846. What do we learn from the urban political economy approach? How does this approach differ from the ―urbanism as a way of life‖ theory developed by Louis Wirth and others? (Consider whether cities are self-defining on the basis of population size, density, and diversity or whether cities reflect larger economic forces such as capitalism.) Learning Objective: LO 23.4: Identify the contributions of Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Park, Wirth, and Marx to our understanding of urban life. Topic: Urbanism as a Way of Life Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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1847. What is ―climate change‖? What data support the claim that the planet is getting warmer? What efforts are being made to address this issue? How important was this issue in the 2020 and 2024 presidential campaigns? Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1848. Write an essay in which you sketch out principles that would lead to an environmentally sustainable way of life for the planet. Would our attitudes toward consumption change? If so, how? How would this be affected by the current level of global stratification? Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1849. Environmental issues are matters of disagreement in the United States. Based on discussion and survey data found in this chapter, explain how and why political progressives and political conservatives view the natural environment in different ways. Link these views to the ―limits to growth‖ and the ―logic of growth‖ theses presented in the chapter. Learning Objective: LO 23.6: Analyze current environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. Topic: Environment and Society Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 24: Collective Behavior and Social Movements In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect the changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 120 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, two-thirds of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and all of them fall within the lowest two levels of cognitive reasoning (―Recollection‖ and ―Understanding‖). Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (half are ―Recollection‖ questions and the remainder are divided between ―Understanding‖ and ―Appling‖). Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


26 (67%)

25 (46%)





13 (33%)

19 (35%)

9 (48%)





10 (19%)

5 (26%)

2 (25%)





5 (26%)

6 (75%)







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Chapter 24: Collective Behavior and Social Movements TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1850. Fashion and fads, riots, crowds, mass hysteria, and public opinion are all types of collective behavior. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1851.

In general, sociologists claim, collective behavior is easy to explain.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1852.

To a passing observer, all types of collective behavior appear very much the same.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1853. Disasters and mobs are both examples of collective behavior. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1854.

People sitting on an oceanside beach is an example of a casual crowd.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


One type of crowd may change into another type.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1856.

Unlike a mob action, a riot usually has a clear goal.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1857. In the United States, only a handful of actual mob lynchings have ever been documented. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1858. Some riots are fueled by hate, but riots can also be caused by positive emotions. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1859. Contagion theory was proposed by Gustave Le Bon. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Convergence theory claims that crowds can have a hypnotic effect on participants.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1861. People in crowds who act emotionally are not necessarily acting irrationally—there may be a good reason for the strong emotion. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1862.

Crowd behavior arises from the people who join the crowd.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1863.

While gossip may spread throughout a society, rumor is localized.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1864. Propaganda, by definition, involves only statements that are false. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1865.

As a general pattern, in industrial societies, traditional style gives way to changing fashion.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


According to Georg Simmel, trendsetters are usually people from the lower class.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1867. In recent decades, many fashions born among people who are poor have become popular among people who are more affluent. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1868. Fads are sometimes called ―crazes.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1869. Another name for ―mass hysteria‖ is ―moral panic.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1870. Hurricane Ian, which devastated some of southern Florida in 2022, is an example of a ―natural disaster.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1871.

Genocide—the systematic killing of many people—is one example of an ―intentional disaster.‖

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1872. The social damage from a disaster is especially great when a toxic substance is involved.

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Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1873. Kai Erikson claims that, as serious as many disasters are in the short term, they usually are over quickly with no long-term effects on people. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1874. Social movements are common among members of preindustrial societies. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1875. Almost every significant public issue in the United States involves a social movement favoring change as well as one opposing it. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1876.

All social movements call for basic change to all of society.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1877.

Social movements always form among the people who are the most disadvantaged.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1878. William Kornhauser‘s mass-society theory suggests that involvement in social movements is likely among people with strong social ties. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1879. William Kornhauser‘s mass-society theory claims that social movements are personal as much as political in that participation in a movement offers people a sense of meaning and purpose. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1880. Neil Smelser, who created structural-strain theory, argues that an effective social movement need not have a clear statement of the problem or a clear understanding of a solution. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1881. Social movements need resources, including members, in order to succeed. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1882. Culture theory would argue that a statue or some other symbol often serves as the rallying point for forming a social movement. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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―New social movements‖ tend to be about ―bread-and-butter‖ economic issues.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1884. Political-economy theory links social movements to opposition to the capitalist economy. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1885.

In U.S. history, women have been at the forefront of most social movements.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1886. The ―coalescence‖ of a social movement includes its efforts to ―go public.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1887.

Some social movements continue, even after they achieve their original goal.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1888. The big picture of U.S. history shows that social movements almost never bring about significant social change. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Collective behavior involves action that often _________.

gggggggg. is unplanned hhhhhhhh. involves a large number of people iiiiiiii.

is controversial


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1890.

Collective behavior is difficult to study because _________.

kkkkkkkk. it involves only one particular kind of behavior llllllll.

it is often transitory—that is, it is brief and passing


it is always violent

nnnnnnnn. people object to being watched Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1891. Which of the following is NOT a form of collective behavior? oooooooo. A fad pppppppp. Mass hysteria qqqqqqqq. A deviant subculture rrrrrrrr. Public opinion Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1892.

A collectivity involves a large number of people _________.

ssssssss. with minimal interaction and few well-defined norms tttttttt. who know each other well uuuuuuuu. who interact in a formal setting such as a college classroom vvvvvvvv. who are members of a well-defined social group Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior.

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Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1893.

Which of the following is an example of a local collectivity?


Family members quietly reading in their living room

xxxxxxxx. Excited soccer fans throwing bottles and damaging automobiles as they leave a stadium yyyyyyyy. Two people holding hands as they walk through the woods zzzzzzzz. A radio audience spread across the country Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1894. Which of the following is a good example of a crowd? aaaaaaaaa. Many people walking on a city street who stop to observe an auto accident bbbbbbbbb.

Many people who are graduates of the same college

ccccccccc. A few people who are walking through a city park on their way home from work ddddddddd. Answer: a

A few people who live in the same college dorm

Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1895. The chapter presents several types of crowds. Read the list below and indicate which is NOT one of the types of crowds discussed in the chapter. eeeeeeeee. Casual crowd fffffffff. Acting crowd ggggggggg.

Lasting crowd


Conventional crowd

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


A New Year‘s Eve celebration in a public nightclub is an example of which kind of crowd?

iiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjj.

Protest crowd Conventional crowd

kkkkkkkkk. lllllllll.

Expressive crowd

Casual crowd

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1897.

Because of the intense emotions of people within them, mobs _________.

mmmmmmmmm. can be violent and destructive nnnnnnnnn. tend to last a long time ooooooooo.

include people who get to know one another


are generally quite predictable

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1898.

A riot differs from a mob in that the riot _________.

qqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrr.

is not usually violent

typically has little focus or clear goal

sssssssss. involves fewer people ttttttttt. is very rare in U.S. history Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1899. Contagion theory states that people in crowds _________. uuuuuuuuu.

make their own rules as they go along


carry a plan for their behavior into the crowd

wwwwwwwww. behave in surprisingly ―normal‖ ways xxxxxxxxx. are taken over by a wave of emotion Answer: d

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Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1900.

Convergence theory states that people in crowds _________.


make their own rules as they go along

zzzzzzzzz. carry a plan for their behavior into the crowd aaaaaaaaaa.

behave in surprisingly ―normal‖ ways


are taken over by the contagious emotions of the crowd

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1901.

Emergent-norm theory states that people in crowds _________.


make their own rules as they go along

dddddddddd. eeeeeeeeee.

carry a plan for their behavior into the crowd behave in surprisingly ―normal‖ ways

ffffffffff. are taken over by the contagious emotions of the crowd Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1902.

Mass behavior is defined as collective behavior _________.

gggggggggg. hhhhhhhhhh.

in the form of a riot or a mob involving people in a crowd


among people spread over a wide geographic area


involving powerful emotions

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Which of the following is an example of mass behavior?

kkkkkkkkkk. A riot llllllllll. Rumor mmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnn.

A mob

A crowd

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1904. The concept ―gossip‖ refers to _________. oooooooooo.

statements that are untrue


beliefs that are widespread

qqqqqqqqqq. rumors about people‘s personal affairs rrrrrrrrrr. widespread attitudes about controversial issues Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1905. ―Widespread attitudes about controversial issues‖ is the definition of which of the following concepts? ssssssssss. Public opinion tttttttttt. Gossip uuuuuuuuuu. Rumor vvvvvvvvvv.


Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1906. Which of the following concepts refers to efforts to shape the public‘s attitudes on some issue? wwwwwwwwww. Fashion xxxxxxxxxx.



Mass behavior



Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior

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Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1907. Sociologists say that people in preindustrial societies typically conform to a ―style.‖ By contrast, they point out that members of modern societies are influenced by _________. aaaaaaaaaaa.

nothing at all


conventional styles


fashion and fads


deep-rooted traditions

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1908. Hula hoops, streaking, Beanie Babies, and Pokémon cards are all examples of _________. eeeeeeeeeee.


fffffffffff. fashion ggggggggggg.



social movements

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1909. Fashion differs from a fad in that fashion _________. iiiiiiiiiii. is shorter lived jjjjjjjjjjj.

is less conventional


reflects established cultural values

lllllllllll. never changes Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1910. Thorstein Veblen used the concept ―conspicuous consumption‖ to refer to which of the following? mmmmmmmmmmm.

Doing things in public instead of in private


Consuming expensive things to show off one‘s wealth


Boycotting certain products as a form of protest


Trying to look more socially disadvantaged than you really are

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1911. The fears about the possibility of a meteor hitting the earth could easily give rise to which of the following? qqqqqqqqqqq.

A conventional crowd

rrrrrrrrrrr. A moral panic sssssssssss. A protest crowd ttttttttttt.


Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1912.

―Mass hysteria‖ is another name for _________.


an acting crowd


a casual crowd

wwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxx. Answer: c

moral panic


Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1913. The enormous explosion at the port of Lebanon in 2020 is an example of which of the following types of disasters? yyyyyyyyyyy.

Natural disaster


Technological disaster

aaaaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbb.

Intentional disaster Supernatural disaster

Answer: b

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Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1914. Hurricane Ian, which devastated part of southern Florida in 2022, is best thought of as an example of which of the following types of disasters? cccccccccccc.

Natural disaster


Technological disaster


Intentional disaster

ffffffffffff. Nuclear disaster Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1915. The massive loss of life in the Syrian conflict over the past decade is an example of which of the following types of disasters? gggggggggggg.

Technological disaster

hhhhhhhhhhhh. Natural disaster iiiiiiiiiiii. Intentional disaster jjjjjjjjjjjj. Nuclear disaster Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1916. Kai Erikson explains that disasters harm people in a way the public often fails to realize by _________. kkkkkkkkkkkk. destroying property llllllllllll. killing people mmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnn.

breaking down people‘s communities

devastating infrastructure

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1917. The atomic tests near Utrick Island in 1954 were a disaster for the 159 people who lived there. Kai Erikson explains that this disaster _________. oooooooooooo.

brought the people together in a good way


continued for the rest of the people‘s lives


was completely fixed by the U.S. government within a few days

rrrrrrrrrrrr. showed how it is possible to predict and prepare for disasters Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1918.

Social movements are defined as _________.

ssssssssssss. unlawful activity in the form of rioting tttttttttttt. widely dispersed efforts to force people to conform uuuuuuuuuuuu.

any formal organization that uses propaganda


organized activity that encourages or discourages social change

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1919.

In preindustrial societies, social movements _________.


are quite rare

xxxxxxxxxxxx. yyyyyyyyyyyy.

are typically about economic issues commonly take the form of rioting


are more common than they are in modern societies

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1920. Today, social movements are most likely to develop around any number of _________. aaaaaaaaaaaaa. widely held beliefs bbbbbbbbbbbbb. controversial public issues ccccccccccccc.

national goal

ddddddddddddd. popular pastimes Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements.

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Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1921. Of the various types of social movements, which brings about the least change to the structure of the entire society? eeeeeeeeeeeee.

Alternative social movements


Redemptive social movements

ggggggggggggg. Reformative social movements hhhhhhhhhhhhh. Revolutionary social movements Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 1922.

Which type of social movement seeks radical social change but only in some people?

iiiiiiiiiiiii. Alternative social movements jjjjjjjjjjjjj. Redemptive social movements kkkkkkkkkkkkk. Reformative social movements lllllllllllll. Revolutionary social movements Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1923. Which type of social movement seeks radical change in all of society? mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Alternative social movements nnnnnnnnnnnnn. Redemptive social movements ooooooooooooo. Reformative social movements ppppppppppppp. Revolutionary social movements Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1924. Alcoholics Anonymous, an organization that seeks to help alcoholics achieve a sober life, is one example of which type of social movement? qqqqqqqqqqqqq. Alternative social movements rrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Redemptive social movements


Reformative social movements

ttttttttttttt. Revolutionary social movements Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1925. Efforts by government health officials to get the public to wear masks and socially distance as the COVID-19 pandemic began is a good example of what process related to social movements? uuuuuuuuuuuuu. Formalization vvvvvvvvvvvvv. Moral panic wwwwwwwwwwwww. Claims making xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Structural strain Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1926.

Deprivation theory states that social movements arise among people who _________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyy. feel adrift in society zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

have plenty of money and other resources


feel they lack enough income, basic rights, or human dignity

bbbbbbbbbbbbbb. mobilize around cultural symbols Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1927.

The concept ―relative deprivation‖ is based on the idea that _________.


people evaluate themselves by making comparisons to specific others

dddddddddddddd. some people always have more than others eeeeeeeeeeeeee.

people always judge their situation in absolute terms


getting more makes people feel better about themselves

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements.

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Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1928. The assertion by some rural people that they are being left out of what they see as a city-based political process would offer support for which of the following theories explaining social movements? gggggggggggggg. Culture theory hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. New social movements theory iiiiiiiiiiiiii. Mass-society theory jjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Deprivation theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: EasySkill Level: Application 1929. Mass-society theory predicts that social movements will involve people who _________. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. are socially isolated llllllllllllll. have sufficient resources to launch and sustain them mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

feel they lack enough income, power, or human dignity

nnnnnnnnnnnnnn. mobilize around cultural symbols Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1930.

Structural-strain theory claims that social movements ________

oooooooooooooo. have no single cause pppppppppppppp. begin when there is widespread agreement that society has some serious problem qqqqqqqqqqqqqq. often come together following some precipitating factor rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Resource-mobilization theory states that social movements require _________.

ssssssssssssss. a cultural symbol tttttttttttttt. money and other necessary resources uuuuuuuuuuuuuu. a sense of relative deprivation vvvvvvvvvvvvvv. high technology Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1932. Which theoretical approach states that social movements depend on rallying around symbols? wwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mass-society theory xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Deprivation theory yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Resource-mobilization theory zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Culture theory Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1933. The political economy approach to social movements is closely linked to which of the following social thinkers? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Max Weber bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Neil Smelser ccccccccccccccc. Karl Marx ddddddddddddddd.

Thorstein Veblen

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1934. In what way do ―new social movements‖ differ from those in the past? eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. They are more likely to be international. fffffffffffffff.

They are likely to focus on social rather than economic issues.

ggggggggggggggg. people.

They are likely to attract support from middle- and upper-middle-class


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements.

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Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1935.

Which of the following is the best example of an issue that defines a ―new social movement‖?


Poverty in the United States

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Climate change kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. The strength of labor unions lllllllllllllll.

The wages of immigrant farm workers in the U.S. Southwest

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1936. Which of the following is an example of a new social movement? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The movement to address climate change nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

The movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour


The ―Black Lives Matter‖ movement

ppppppppppppppp. Answer: a

The movement to strengthen labor unions

Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1937.

An example of the importance of gender in social movements is the fact that _________.


few women have embraced activism in the United States

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. sssssssssssssss.

men have taken most leadership roles in U.S. social movements men tend to avoid participation in U.S. social movements


women typically have taken most leadership roles in U.S. social movements

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

1938. One stage in the life of a social movement is called ―coalescence.‖ This stage refers to which of the following? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

The emergence of the movement


The movement defining itself and ―going public‖

wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Developing a capable staff to keep the movement operating

The decline of the movement

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1939.

The stage of a social movement called ―bureaucratization‖ refers to _________.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. the emergence of the movement zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. the movement defining itself and ―going public‖ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. developing a capable staff to keep the movement operating bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

the decline of the movement

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1940.

Which of the following best explains why social movements decline?

cccccccccccccccc. They have accomplished their purpose. dddddddddddddddd. They suffer a loss of resources, including motivated members. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The existing power structure attracts movement leaders who ―sell out.‖ ffffffffffffffff.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1941. According to a survey of students entering college in 2019, what share said they had taken part in some type of political demonstration? gggggggggggggggg.

About 2 percent


About 10 percent


About 30 percent


About 50 percent

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements.

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Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Recollection 1942.

Which of the following statements is correct?


Social movements emerge to encourage or resist change.

llllllllllllllll. Social movements are rare in modern societies. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Social movements have done little to change U.S. society. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Social movements are all politically liberal.

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


What are three reasons that collective behavior is difficult to study?

Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1944.

What are three key differences between ―collectivities‖ and ―social groups‖?

Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1945. What are five categories of crowds? Give an example of each. Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1946.

What does an ―acting crowd‖ become when it turns violent?

Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Provide a one-sentence description of the contagion theory of crowd behavior.

Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1948.

Provide a one-sentence description of the convergence theory of crowd formation.

Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1949.

Provide a one-sentence description of the emergent-norm theory of crowd behavior.

Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1950. What is the difference between ―rumor‖ and ―gossip‖? Give an example of each. Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1951.

What is public opinion? Do all people‘s opinions have the same importance? Why or why not?

Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1952. What is propaganda? Provide an example of propaganda. Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1953. Define ―fashion‖ and ―fad‖ so that their differences are clear. Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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1954. What is a ―panic‖? What is a ―moral panic‖ (also called ―mass hysteria‖)? Provide an example of a moral panic. Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1955.

What is a ―disaster‖? What are three types of disasters? Give an example of each.

Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 1956.

Name and define five types of social movements. How are they different?

Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 1957.

What is claims making? Why is this process important to the success of a social movement?

Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1958. How does deprivation theory differ from mass-society theory as an explanation of social movements? Which do you think is more accurate? Why? Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1959. Explain the political-economy theory of social movements. Provide a criticism of this theory. Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1960.

How do ―new social movements‖ differ from older social movements?

Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis


What are the four stages in the life course of a social movement?

Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 1962. How does collective behavior differ from the other social patterns of interest to sociologists? What are the difficulties in studying collective behavior? What do you see as the special benefits of doing so? Learning Objective: LO 24.1: Distinguish various types of collective behavior. Topic: Studying Collective Behavior Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1963. What is a crowd? How is it different from a social group? Describe the main characteristics of the five major forms of crowds: casual, conventional, expressive, acting, and protest crowds. Provide an example of each. Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1964. Describe contagion theory, convergence theory, and emergent-norm theory. What are the points of similarity and difference between these three theories? Discuss the strengths of each theory, as well as the points that may be criticized. Learning Objective: LO 24.2: Identify five types of crowds and three explanations of crowd behavior. Topic: Localized Collectivities: Crowds Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1965. What have sociologists learned about disasters? What are the three types of disasters? Provide an example of each. Explain why the social damage caused by a disaster may end up being more serious than the property damage. Learning Objective: LO 24.3: Describe rumor, disasters, and other types of mass behavior. Topic: Dispersed Collectivities: Mass Behavior Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

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1966. Sociologists have developed a number of theoretical explanations of social movements. Identify the six theoretical approaches noted in the text and provide an account of each. What do we learn from each? What are the criticisms of each? On the basis of this material, do you think we have developed an adequate understanding of social movements? Why or why not? Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1967. Based on the discussion found in the final boxed feature (―Are You Willing to Take a Stand?), why do you think so many people in the United States are reluctant to become involved in social movements? What cultural characteristics of this society might explain this reluctance? (Consider our cultural support of individualism and our high living standards.) In light of this pattern, how do you explain the fact that, over our history, many people have become involved in social movements, often with significant results? Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 1968. Identify at least three of the social movements mentioned in the chapter. Using one or more theories of social movements, provide an explanation for the emergence of each. Can you identify stages in one of the social movements? If so, what are they? Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application 1969. In your opinion, what condition or situation in the world today calls out for a social movement aimed at change? Why is change necessary? Do many people agree with you that this is an important issue? What would you do to help bring about this change? Learning Objective: LO 24.4: Analyze the causes and consequences of social movements. Topic: Social Movements Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

Chapter 25: Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect the changes in Sociology, Eighteenth Edition. Each question is tagged to indicate one of four levels of learning that move from lower-level to higher-level cognitive reasoning. The four levels:

Recollection: a question involving recall of key terms or factual material

Understanding: a question testing comprehension of more complex ideas

Application: a question applying sociological knowledge to some new situation

Analysis: a question requiring identifying elements of an argument and their interrelationship

The 106 questions in this chapter‘s test bank are divided into four types. True/False questions are the least demanding. As the table below shows, half of these are ―Recollection‖ questions, and half are ―Understanding‖ questions. Multiple-choice questions span a broader range of skills (divided between ―Recollection‖ questions and ―Understanding‖ questions with a few ―Application‖ questions. Short-answer questions are spread across the highest three levels of reasoning and include several ―Analysis‖ questions. Finally, essay questions are the most demanding because they include the highest levels of cognitive reasoning.

Types of Questions


Multiple Choice

Short Answer


Total Qs


16 (46%)

21 (41%)





18 (51%)

27 (53%)

7 (50%)




1 (3%)

3 (6%)

2 (14%)

1 (17%)





5 (36%)

5 (83%)







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Chapter 25: Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1970.

Modernity is the product of social changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1971.

In global perspective, we see that some societies change, but many others do not.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1972. William Ogburn‘s theory of cultural lag states that nonmaterial culture (such as ideas) usually changes faster than material culture (including technology). Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1973.

Social change is usually controversial.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1974. Social change results from invention, discovery, and cultural diffusion. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection


Karl Marx claimed that conflict between classes has the effect of preventing social change.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1976.

―Modernization‖ means moving away from life in small, traditional communities.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1977. Modernization typically reduces people‘s range of personal choice about how to live. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1978. Modernization typically decreases social diversity. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1979. Sociologist Peter Berger suggests that the increasing importance of tracking the time—evident in the increasing use of watches and clocks—is a good indicator that a traditional society is beginning to modernize. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1980. Ferdinand Tönnies described Gesellschaft as based on the power of the community to impose morality upon the individual. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1981. Saying that people are ―essentially united in spite of all separating factors‖ is a good way to describe what Ferdinand Tönnies called Gemeinschaft. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1982. Emile Durkheim‘s concept of mechanical solidarity parallels Ferdinand Tönnies‘s concept of Gesellschaft. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1983. According to Emile Durkheim, modern societies are held together by difference leading to mutual interdependence, a process he called ―organic solidarity.‖ Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1984. Emile Durkheim understood modernization in terms of changes in the foundation of societal solidarity. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1985. Emile Durkheim considered an increasing suicide rate a good indicator that mechanical solidarity was getting stronger. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1986. Max Weber is the sociologist who worried that modern societies were prone to a condition he called ―anomie.‖ Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1987.

Max Weber declared modern society to be ―disenchanted.‖

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1988. While Max Weber linked modern alienation to inequality, Karl Marx linked modern alienation to expanding bureaucracy. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1989.

Karl Marx considered the defining trait of modern society to be capitalism.

Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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1990. Jeans, the type of clothing that became popular with young people in the 1960s and are very popular today with people of all ages, are actually centuries old. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 1991.

Karl Marx was a major architect of mass-society theory.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1992. Mass-society theory argues that the increasing scale of social life is leaving people feeling lost in a world of large and impersonal bureaucracies. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1993. According to mass-society theory, the mass media and social media have transformed countless local communities, forming a national culture. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1994. A criticism of mass-society theory is that it pays too much attention to social inequality. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

1995. Class-society theory of modernity is derived largely from the social-conflict approach of Karl Marx. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1996.

Class-society theory states that modernization has greatly reduced social inequality.

Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1997. Difficulty forming a personal identity is a problem of modernity highlighted by mass-society theory. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 1998. In a modern society, claims mass-society theory, people develop tradition-directed personalities and hold to conventional ways of life. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 1999. What David Riesman calls ―other-directed social character‖ means that people display superficiality, inconsistency, and an openness to change. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

Copyright © 2024, 2019, 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

2000. The social character that David Riesman calls ―other-directedness‖ means that people are unlikely to have interest in fads and other elements of popular culture. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 2001. Class-society theory characterizes the personal experience of modernity as a feeling of being powerless. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2002. The story of the Kaiapo people in Brazil shows that modernization makes people better appreciate their traditions and hold to them strongly. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2003. ―Postmodernity‖ refers to societies that are transformed by the Industrial Revolution. Answer: False Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2004. The theory of postmodernity claims that, in important respects, modernity has failed to live up to its promise. Answer: True Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 2005. The chapter-opening story of the inhabitants of a New York apartment who live a century apart demonstrates _________. oooooooooooooooo.

change over the last century has been dramatic


that, in some ways, life has clearly improved


that, in some ways, life has not improved


All of these are responses correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2006. The concept ―modernity‖ refers to changes in social patterns brought on by which of the following? ssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttt.

The fall of the Roman Empire The Enlightenment


The Industrial Revolution



Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2007. Which of the following concepts refers to changes brought on by the Information Revolution? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.






zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Postmodernity Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2008.

Social change is almost always _________.






good for everyone in a society



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Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2009. Sociologists point out that ________. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. some societies change and many others do not fffffffffffffffff.

social change happens all the time


all social change is good

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Answer: b

people like all social change

Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2010.

Sociologists explain that the consequences of social change are ________.


always positive

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. always negative kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. usually both positive and negative lllllllllllllllll.

impossible to assess

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2011. Comparing various social changes, we correctly conclude that ________. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. all changes that take place are planned nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

fads have the greatest importance

ooooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppppp.

most changes go completely unnoticed by people some changes matter more than others

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

2012. The coins we use today were first devised in the Middle East centuries ago. The fact that we use coins today in the United States is an example of which of the following? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.



sssssssssssssssss. Diffusion ttttttttttttttttt.

Sheer chance

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 2013.

Which of the following is a common cause of social change?


Discovery of existing things

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Diffusion of ideas from one cultural system to another wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Invention of new ideas and things xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2014.

Ralph Linton explained that many familiar elements of our own U.S. culture _________.


actually came to us from other cultures

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

are unique to our own society were unknown even a few decades ago


were discovered completely by accident

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2015.

Karl Marx highlighted which of the following in the process of social change?






Class conflict


Cultural diffusion

Answer: c

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Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2016. Max Weber‘s thesis on the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism highlighted the importance of which of the following in the process of social change? gggggggggggggggggg.





Social conflict


Cultural diffusion

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, and population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2017. Moving on has always been an important part of the experience of U.S. society. Remembering National Map 25–1, in which part of the country is there an especially large share of households that stay put, where people in a family have lived in the same house for thirty years or more? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. llllllllllllllllll.


The Southwest

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

The West Coast

The Great Plains

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2018. Demographic change in the United States over the course of the last century includes a trend toward ________. oooooooooooooooooo.

smaller household size


a larger share of older people in the population


living in cities


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change.

Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2019. ―Modernity‖ is the concept associated with social patterns that began to change the world about when? ssssssssssssssssss. 1492 tttttttttttttttttt.






Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2020. Peter Berger describes modernization in terms of several important changes. Read the responses below and select the one that is NOT a pattern of change that Berger links to modernity. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. A smaller share of people living in urban places xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The expansion of personal choice yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Increasing social diversity


A future orientation and growing awareness of time

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2021. Ferdinand Tönnies described modernity as the loss of ________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Gemeinschaft bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.



social diversity


personal choice

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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For Ferdinand Tönnies, the essence of Gesellschaft is ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. faith in established tradition fffffffffffffffffff. self-interest ggggggggggggggggggg.



neighborhood and friendship

Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2023.

A criticism of Ferdinand Tönnies‘s theory of modernity is that his theory ________.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.

saw modernity as entirely positive claimed modern people are business-like in their relationships

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. lllllllllllllllllll.

overlooked the fact that strong social ties still exist in modern society

did not see the Industrial Revolution as making much difference in social patterns

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2024.

Emile Durkheim claimed that the defining trait of modernity was ________.


faith in established tradition




common beliefs

ppppppppppppppppppp. Answer: d

an increasing division of labor

Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2025. Emile Durkheim‘s concept of organic solidarity is roughly the same as Ferdinand Tönnies‘s concept of ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


sssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttt. Answer: b

Gemeinschaft blasé urbanite


Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2026.

Emile Durkheim‘s greatest concern about modern societies focused on ________.


a rise of anomie


increasing personal choice

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. a rise in productive specialization xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

increasing personal privacy

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2027.

Max Weber defined modernity in terms of which of the following concepts?



zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Specialization Self-interest

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Rationalization Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2028.

For Max Weber, preindustrial societies are characterized by a focus on ________.

cccccccccccccccccccc. personal choice dddddddddddddddddddd. shared moral sentiments eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

productive specialization

ffffffffffffffffffff. rationality Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection

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Max Weber saw which of the following as evidence of modernization?

gggggggggggggggggggg. The rise of capitalism hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The rise of science iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

The spread of bureaucracy


All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2030.

Which of the following thinkers was, on balance, most critical of modern society?

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Max Weber llllllllllllllllllll. Emile Durkheim mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Peter Berger

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. None of these people was critical of modern society. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 2031.

Karl Marx understood modernity in terms of which of the following?

oooooooooooooooooooo. The rise of rationality pppppppppppppppppppp. Increasing productive specialization qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. The rise of the capitalist economic system rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The loss of traditional community Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2032. Denim clothing, including ―jeans,‖ first became popular in parts of the United States in about when? ssssssssssssssssssss. tttttttttttttttttttt.

The 1990s

The 1960s

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. About 1900 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. The 1850s Answer: d

Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2033.

A mass society is one that ________.


has expanding bureaucracy

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. is affluent in terms of high economic production yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. has lost much of its traditional social ties zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

All of these responses are correct.

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2034. Read the following four statements about modern society. Which statement is NOT consistent with the theory of ―mass society‖? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

There are more low-income people than in the past.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Kinship ties are weaker than in the past. ccccccccccccccccccccc. Religious beliefs play a smaller part in social life. ddddddddddddddddddddd. People experience moral uncertainty about how to live. Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 2035. A number of sociologists contributed to a mass-society theory of modernity. Which of the following sociologists is NOT one of them? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Emile Durkheim fffffffffffffffffffff. Karl Marx ggggggggggggggggggggg. Ferdinand Tönnies hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Max Weber Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2036. To say that modern society has a ―mass scale‖ means that many fewer people ________. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

live in small communities

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have a strong sense of cultural heritage

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. are very sure about what is right and wrong lllllllllllllllllllll. All of these responses are correct. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2037.

Mass-society theory offers a criticism of modern society as having ________.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. become less and less affluent nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. pushed minority populations to the margins ooooooooooooooooooooo. become an impersonal mass of socially rootless people ppppppppppppppppppppp. created too much economic inequality Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2038. The problem mass-society theory sees with the expansion of bureaucracy and the state is that ________. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. as bureaucracy and the state expand, people in local communities have less control over their lives rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. government is not very efficient sssssssssssssssssssss. ttttttttttttttttttttt.

there is an increase in social inequality

people feel the need for more personal freedom

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

2039. The class-society theory of modernity is based on the ideas of which of the following sociologists? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Emile Durkheim vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. Karl Marx wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Max Weber

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Ferdinand Tönnies Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2040.

The class-society approach to modernity focuses on which of the following?

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Marked social stratification zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Productive specialization aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Loss of traditional community bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Increasing rationality

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2041. If you were following the class-society approach, which factor would you focus on as shaping modern society the most? cccccccccccccccccccccc. Rationality dddddddddddddddddddddd.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Capitalism ffffffffffffffffffffff. Anomie Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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2042. Applying mass-society theory, you would claim that the biggest micro-level problem facing individuals in modern society is ________. gggggggggggggggggggggg.



too much tradition




establishing a clear personal identity

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Application 2043.

Individuals experience modern mass societies in terms of ________.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. pronounced moral relativism llllllllllllllllllllll. little personal choice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. too little privacy nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

the experience of inequality

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2044.

David Riesman described tradition-directed social character as which of the following?


Eagerness to adopt the latest fashions and fads

pppppppppppppppppppppp. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

Rigid conformity to established ways of life Being highly individualistic

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Wanting to change with the times Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2045. David Riesman described other-directed social character as which of the following? ssssssssssssssssssssss. Openness to the latest fashions and fads tttttttttttttttttttttt.

Rigid conformity to established ways of life


Being highly individualistic


Doing what has always been done

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity

Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2046. Read the four statements below. Only ONE statement is correct; which statement is it? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. modern societies do not. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. societies do not.

Members of traditional societies conform; members of

Members of modern societies conform; members of traditional

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Members of both traditional and modern societies conform, but to a different extent and for different reasons. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Neither members of traditional nor modern societies conform. Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understanding 2047.

Following mass-society theory, the key problem of living in a modern society is ________.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. finding any personal freedom bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. dealing with persistent poverty ccccccccccccccccccccccc. gaining a sense of power ddddddddddddddddddddddd. morally relativistic world

building a confident personal identity in a quickly changing and

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2048.

Following class-society theory, the key problem of living in a modern society is ________.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. economic inequality that leads most people to feel powerless fffffffffffffffffffffff. too much personal freedom ggggggggggggggggggggggg.

difficulty building a clear personal identity


too much rationality

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding


Herbert Marcuse challenged Max Weber by claiming that modern societies ________.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. are much too rational

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jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. are irrational because they fail to meet most people‘s needs kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. have made great strides in reducing inequality lllllllllllllllllllllll. have little effect on the individual Answer: b Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2050.

What did Herbert Marcuse have to say about science?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Science is the key to modern affluence. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Science is not new to modern societies; it has existed for centuries. ooooooooooooooooooooooo. ppppppppppppppppppppppp.

Science causes as many problems as it solves. Science is only one dimension of ―rationality.‖

Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2051. In the United States, our culture makes us think that modernity always involves which of the following? qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.






ttttttttttttttttttttttt. Celebrating the past Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2052. The Kaiapo of Brazil‘s rain forest and the Hog Hammock community off the coast of Georgia show us that ________. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.

―progress‖ is typically good social change is usually good for everyone

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. people do not have to change if they do not want to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. increasing prosperity

people sometimes lose their cultural foundation as a result of

Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity

Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2053. The concept ―postmodernity‖ refers to which of the following? yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Societies that have yet to industrialize

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Societies that keep their traditions aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Societies that have entered the postindustrial era bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. Societies that are just beginning to industrialize Answer: c Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Recollection 2054.

Scholars who take a postmodernist approach claim that ________.

cccccccccccccccccccccccc.in many respects, modernity has failed dddddddddddddddddddddddd. science holds the important answers eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.people should be optimistic about their future ffffffffffffffffffffffff.

life keeps getting better

Answer: a Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Understanding 2055. Read the four statements below. Which one of them is NOT correctly a postmodern view? gggggggggggggggggggggggg.

The future probably will not be as good as the present.


Science does not hold all the answers.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Cultural debates are intensifying. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. The family and other social institutions are not changing. Answer: d Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding

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What are four key characteristics of the process of social change?

Learning Objective: LO 25.1: State four defining characteristics of social change. Topic: What Is Social Change? Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2057.

What are the three important causes of cultural change?

Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2058. What demographic (population) trends are reshaping the United States? What are some likely consequences of these changes? Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 2059.

In what ways did the COVID-19 pandemic change social life in the United States?

Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: The Pandemic and Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2060.

What are Peter Berger‘s four major characteristics of modernization?

Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2061. Define the concepts ―Gemeinschaft‖ and ―Gesellschaft‖ in ways that make their difference clear. Apply these concepts to social life in the United States. Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application


Explain Emile Durkheim‘s claim that modern society is characterized by ―organic solidarity.‖

Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2063. What did Emile Durkheim say about modernization changing the basis of society‘s solidarity? How does modernization affect society‘s degree of productive specialization? Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 2064. What did Max Weber say was the defining trait of modern society? Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2065. In a paragraph, what is the basic idea behind mass-society theory? What is one criticism of this theory? Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 2066. In a paragraph, what is the basic idea behind class-society theory? What is one criticism of this theory? Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 2067. According to mass-society theory, what problems do modern individuals face? What does classsociety theory have to say about the personal problems of modern people? Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Application 2068. Is modernization the same around the world? Why or why not? Provide some specific examples in support of your position. Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity

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Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understanding 2069. What is postmodernity? What are the criticisms made of our society? Learning Objective: LO 25.5: Discuss postmodernism as one type of social criticism. Topic: Postmodernity Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis

ESSAY QUESTIONS/TOPICS FOR SHORT PAPERS 2070. In this essay, identify and discuss several causes of social change, including cultural processes (invention, discovery, and diffusion), social conflict, ideas, and demographic patterns. Of these factors, which do you think is the most important? Why? Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: Causes of Social Change Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 2071. Describe several changes in social life in the United States brought on by the pandemic that are likely to remain with us for years to come. Learning Objective: LO 25.2: Explain how culture, conflict, ideas, population patterns, and the pandemic direct social change. Topic: The Pandemic and Change Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Analysis 2072. What is modernity? How are modern societies different from traditional societies? Discuss the defining traits of modernity by applying the theories of Ferdinand Tönnies, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Application

2073. A sociological approach to understanding social change tends to contrast ―traditional‖ and ―modern‖ ways of life. Yet, as the box labeled ―Tradition and Modernity: The History of Jeans‖ explains, this form of clothing has been around a long time. Can you think of other elements of our social life that we think of as ―modern‖ that have existed for many decades or even centuries? Learning Objective: LO 25.3: Apply the ideas of Tönnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity. Topic: Visions of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 2074. Develop an essay that highlights various qualities of modern societies following (a) mass-society theory and (b) class-society theory. Carefully describe modern societies in such a way as to bring out the differences between the two theories. On what points do they agree? In your opinion, which is the more convincing argument? Why? Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis 2075. People in the United States are inclined to speak of social change as ―progress.‖ In this essay, critically assess that contention. In what specific ways are the lives of young people better than those of their parents? In what ways are they not better? Try to develop a more complex statement of the link between social change and quality of life. Learning Objective: LO 25.4: Contrast analysis of modernity as mass society and as class society. Topic: Theories of Modernity Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Analysis

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