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from Test bank Womens Health A Primary Care Clinical Guide 5th Edition Youngkin Schadewald Pritham
by StudyGuide
C. “Who are you having sex with?”
D. “Are you involved in a sexual relationship with men, women, or both?”
Answer: D
10. The nurse is conducting a sexual assessment with Wendy, a 16-year-old client, who appears nervous. The nurse sees on Wendy’s questionnaire that her period is a week later than usual. What would be the most effective way for the nurse to begin the conversation with Wendy?
A. “Many young women your age experience irregular periods for different reasons. Isthis something you are experiencing?”
B. “So, I see that your period is late. Do you think you are pregnant?”
C. “Have you been using condoms when you have sex with your boyfriend?”
D. “Don’t worry. It’s highly unlikely that you are pregnant, only being a weeklate.”
Answer: A
11. Inthe PLISSIT (permission, limited information, specific suggestions, and intensive therapy) model of sexual health care interventions, the first step is which of the following?
A. Perform a Pap smear
B. Palpate the client’s abdomen
C. Ask about the patient’s past medical history
D. Ask permission to discuss sexual function
Answer: D