NICWA 2019 Annual Report

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Annual Report


Relational Worldview

NICWA is dedicated to the well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families.

Vision Every Native child must have access to community-based, culturally appropriate services that help them grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong—free from abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, and the damaging effects of substance abuse.




Annual Report 2019







Physical Economical Political Social

Policies/Procedures Management Structure Personnel Management Fiscal Management Service Design Strategic Plans



Mandate Purpose Vision Mission Organizational Spirit Values

Human Beings Leadership “Champions” Information Funding Coalitions

A Message for Our Community Dear NICWA Members, Donors, and Friends, Child well-being and cultural strength has always been the driver of our work, from our responsive, community-based programmatic efforts, to our specialized network of training participants, to our sovereignty-grounded advocacy in policy and practice. A positive cultural identity, bonds with extended family and tribal elders, and spiritual strength are key to creating the conditions under which Native children, youth, and families thrive. As I reflect on 2019, I am especially reminded of this fact. Our work applies traditional teachings and practices in a contemporary context, relying on community members as vital contributors to effective, culturally competent services that meet the needs of children and families. In the 2019 fiscal year, we took the time to explicitly articulate our programmatic theory of change, which illustrates the way we work with stakeholders in tribal communities on tribal lands and in urban areas to prevent child abuse and neglect by strengthening families, communities, tribal governments, and the laws that protect them. Using the Relational Worldview model (See model on page 2), we focus on community or organizational environment, infrastructure, resources, and mission to achieve systems change at the community level. NICWA’s philosophy is that no solution developed and imposed from outside the community can ever effectively deal with the social and economic problems brought about by colonization. We believe in and facilitate locally developed and owned solutions.

Our work in partnership with communities is made even more urgent by the repeated attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and tribal sovereignty. This year marked a considerable investment in expanding and diversifying our relationships through the Protect ICWA Campaign. As a Campaign, we work to inform policy, legal, and communications strategies with the mission to uphold and protect ICWA. At major milestones in ongoing litigation, we informed and mobilized Indian Country and our allies to ensure the protections of ICWA stand. These are only a few examples of the year’s accomplishments. As this annual report illustrates, NICWA’s work with tribes, partners, and allies is comprehensive and interconnected. We know that a major indicator of the strength of an organization is its capacity to collaborate. This report captures just a portion of all that we have been able to accomplish with those who believe in the value of doing just that: collaborating. With your support and encouragement, we know that NICWA can continue to grow and help create a world where every Native child has access to community-based, culturally appropriate services that help them grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong.

With gratitude, Sarah Kastelic, PhD, MSW (Alutiiq) Executive Director



Annual Report 2019


NICWA Board and Staff Fiscal Year 2019 Board of Directors

Board of Trustees

President Gil Vigil (Tesuque Pueblo)

John Shagonaby (Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians)

Vice President Rochelle Ettawageshik (Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians)

Brad Earl (Nez Perce descent)

Secretary W. Alex Wesaw (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi) Treasurer Gary Peterson (Skokomish) Members Teressa Baldwin (Inupiaq) Mikah Carlos (Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community) Patricia Carter-Goodheart (Nez Perce) Cassondra Church (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi) Angela Connor (Choctaw) Paul Day (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe) Jocelyn Formsma (Swampy Cree)

Sherry Salway Black (Oglala Lakota) Allard Teeple (Bay Mills Indian Community) Victor Rocha (Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians)

*As of the end of our fiscal year, 4/30/19

Executive Sarah Kastelic (Alutiiq), Executive Director Terry Cross (Seneca), Founder and Senior Advisor Kim Christensen (Ojibwe), Development Director Brenda Nelson, Development Associate Tristan Tipps-Webster, Member Relations Manager Amory Zschach (Cheyenne-Arapaho descent), Strategic Communications Manager

Luke Madrigal (Cahuilla Band of Indians)

Betty Bryant, Project Coordinator

Aurene Martin (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa)

Lindsay Early (Comanche), Deputy Director

Robert McGhee (Poarch Band of Creek Indians)

Monica Hawley (Ioway), Bookkeeper

Lance Sanchez (Tohono O’odham Nation)

Lauren Shapiro, Director of Events and Training

Mary Tenorio (Santo Domingo Pueblo)

Nicole Stewart, Human Resources Coordinator Sarah Wittmann, Events Manager April Ybarra, Executive Assistant to Sarah Kastelic and Library Specialist

Annual Report 2019

David Simmons, Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy


Debra Foxcroft (Tseshaht First Nation)


Puneet Sahota, Research Director Vickie Wulf (Nippissing First Nation), Project Coordinator

Operations Tia Begay (Diné), Fiscal Manager


Barbara Gladue (Anishinaabe), Family Engagement Specialist Cori Matthew (Salish/Blackfeet), Director of Programs and Policy

Derek Valdo (Acoma Pueblo)

Vilma Vere, Fiscal Assistant


Program Alexis Contreras (Grand Ronde), Research Assistant

Where We’ve Been

Legend 6

Training Institutes

Each year, NICWA’s technical assistance, advocacy, training, and community development takes place in communities across the country and internationally. In 2019, we traveled to the following places to help ensure services and supports are culturally based, spiritually grounded, and centered on child safety and well-being.

System of Care communities Technical Assistance, Training, and Peer-to-Peer Training Activities



3 1

Technical Assistance, Training, and Peer-to-Peer Training Activities


4 4


2 2 3

Technical assistance to six Systems of Care communities A System of Care is a collaboration of organizations and resources that come together to serve youth and their families.

1 Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe - ?a? nsxwi Systems of Care


Training Institute Locations:

2 Mescalero Apache Tribe - Mescalero System of Care

1 Portland, OR

3 Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) - OPI Tribal Wraparound Initiative

2 Oklahoma City, OK

4 Pascua Yaqui Tribe - “Sewa Uusim”: Flower Children, Our Hope, Our Light, Our Future

3 New Orleans, LA

5 Sinte Gleska University - Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi “Bringing the Family Back to Life”

4 Palm Springs, CA

6 Tanana Chiefs Conference - Tanana Chiefs Conference System of Care

5 Albuquerque, NM


Training Institute Topics Topics:

Cross-Cultural Skills in Indian Child Welfare Working with SubstanceAbusing Families Qualified Expert Witness


Positive Indian Parenting Understanding ICWA Tribal Customary Adoption In-Home Services


Annual Report 2019


2019 River of Accomplishments

320 Online ICWA Course registrations

10 peer-to-peer webinars for NICWA members

Advisor to Sesame Street Foster Care Initiative

ICWA Oregon Compliance Committee j

Partnered with Oregon State Department of Human Services to train for 20 adoption attorneys


Assisted tribal child welfare programs to build capacity to better partner with the state to respond to the unique needs of Native children and families

First Kids 1st Tribal Leadership Series Toolkits



Youth Engagement


ICWA Advocacy




Child Welfare Services



Annual Report 2019

Launched the Protect ICWA Campaign in response to Brackeen v. Bernhardt.

12 Native Grandfamilies advocated for raising relative children through the GrAND Voices Project at Capital Hill

Information and education for tribal leaders, tribal social services directors, federal policymakers, and mainstream advocacy organizations regarding ICWA, Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First), Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, and (AFCARS)

Appropriations testimony for FY2019 federal budget

Annual Policy Priorities '

Support Tribal Leaders


Defend ICWA


Educate for Culturally Informed Policy


Advocate for Federal Funding

1,240 requests for Information

Two tribal child welfare program reviews to strengthen tribal services and resources for children and families

1,352 NICWA members

Two new Native youth board members, Lance Sanchez (Tohono O’odham Nation) and Mikah Carlos (Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community)

First ever peer-to-peer exchange for tribal Systems of Care grantees hosted by the Pueblo of San Felipe

First Kids 1st Tribal Community Asset Mapping toolkit—designed to support Native communities implement a youth-led process to help improve Native youth well-being in their communities j

Community asset mapping with the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Youth Council



Annual Report 2019


37 th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference: Our Families, Our Future: Celebrating 40 Years of the Indian Child Welfare Act Since 1987, NICWA has served tens of thousands of people advocating for the safety, health, and spiritual strength of Native children. Each year, representatives from tribal and state child welfare departments, community members, governments, and organizations gather together for the premiere conference in Indian child welfare in the nation: the Annual Protecting Our Children National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Set at the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, NICWA’s 37th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, home to 23 tribes and a rich cultural landscape. The conference broke records, making it the highest attended NICWA conference in history and providing workshops to highlight best practices, collaborative and innovative programming, skill-building resources, cuttingedge research, and essential prevention efforts.

Conference is a space for respite and reunions between new and old friends and families. It is an embodiment of the traditional cultural belief that nurturing networks of care providers foster safety and well-being for children and youth in Native communities. Inspiring keynote presenters and panelists spoke on strategies for protecting the Indian Child Welfare Act and ways to strengthen its implementation. Local tribal government leaders welcomed us to New Mexico and talked about their experience with ICWA. Cultural performers from both the Zia and Pojoaque Pueblos shared their stories and culture. Through workshops, general sessions, and evening events, the conference created a community where participants shared their experience, learned from one another, and walked away with valuable resources to advocate for the next generation of Native children and youth. We hope to see even more child advocates at our 2020 Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, on March 29–April 1.

Conference Attendance



Tribes States & Provinces








1,552 0




Annual Report 2019





Financials Expenses


Grants and contracts $708,922 Contributions $484,583

Conference and training revenue $772,454 Product sales $30,680

Membership $133,410

Interest income $35.00

Program service fees and reimbursements $336,524

Satisfaction of program restrictions $627,132

Total $3,093,740

Program Services $1,645,790

Fundraising $389,489

Management and general $915,965

Total Expenses $2,951,244 Net Assets, Beginning of year $528,667 Revenue Over Expenses $671,163



Annual Report 2019


Investors May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019 Individual Donors Abeita, Carma Abiragi, Kristin Ahsoak, Joshua Aitkens, Gilreath Alexander, Laura Alexandra, Merrin dedicated to Donna M. Abbott Alexis, Contreras in memory of Margaret Kendrick Alfers, Julia Alvarado, Alexis Anderson, Katherine Anderson, Kirsten Anderson, Nik Apodaca, Francesca in honor of Kevin Loretto Appodaca, Christina Arasin, Donna Armendariz, Salvador Aspa, Elvira in honor of the children of the Colorado River Indian Tribes Atwood, Barbara Baggett, Judy in honor of David Simmons Bagwell, Linda Bailey, Robert and Patti Bailey, Susan and Warwick, W. Michael Baker-Shenk, Philip and Charlotte Baldomaro Lucas, Cheryl in memory of Cecelia Bearshield Ballo, Shauna and Scott Barnes, Alesha in honor of




Nancy Barnes Barney-Lees, Robin in memory of Marilyn Johnson Williams Barrett, Kathryn Barrett, Yvonne in memory of Muriel Sharlow Barrios, Cathy in memory of William Thomas Barron, Pepper Barsotti, Elaine and Michael Bear Comes Out, Emerlynne Beckford, Anita Begay, Tamana Begay, Tileah in memory of Rosalee Scott Belone, Desiree in honor of MMIW Benavides, Annick Benedict, Kate and Bennett, Thomas Benincasa, Gabriela in honor of Vincent Flifford “Billy ThunderKloud” Bennett, Elaine in honor of Ryan Joseph Johnson Benson, Samantha Bentle, Laura Bentley, Regina Berry, Rachel and Matthew Biggs, Lynn in memory of David Sloan Biggs Birk, Jennifer and Seaman, Tim Bishop, Jennifer Black, Ronald Blackie, Jolene Blake, Richard Blank, Bruce in memory of Michael J. Miller, MD Bogany, Julia

Annual Report 2019

Boo, Mary Boro, Justin in honor of Heather Pruzan Bradach, Michelle Bradley, Kelly in memory of Shae Bradley Brantmeier, Ann in memory of my mom Brewer, Chris Brimecombe, Lynne and Jerome Brinkhorst, Allison and Schulze, Becca Brunner, Joan and Morton, Jane Bryant, Betty in honor of Tré Bryant and James P. Nelson Bryson, Ann McKay, in honor of beloved M.S. Bullwinkle, Kristeen Burggraf, Erin in honor of Wanda Campbell Burles, Sherry and James Burnham, Violet Burnstead, Cate Butler, Dawn Butler, Terri Caballero, Nydia Caesar, Michael Cahn, Katharine and Alan Campisi, Kristine Capistrant, Heather in honor of Ramsey County ICWA Caraher, Georgina Carpenter, Diana Carter, Tina Casey, Jerome in honor of Clare Whalen Casey, Kay Catron, Destiny

Chalmers, Michelle Chavarria, Terrie in honor of Cayden, Than Paui, Anthony, Bernard, and Marie Ching, Jennifer Christensen, Kim dedicated my family, Devo Team, Carol, and Rosalee Clarke, Dana in memory of those who have gone before us Clifford, Bev in honor of Billy ThunderKloud Clothier, Christine S. Cohen, Jason Cole, Barbara Coleman, Maria in honor of Elizabeth Ezi and Rita Stineburg, my two moms Collins, Paul and Susan in memory of Julie Joan Collins Connelly, Ian Connor, Angela and David Cook, Dorothy Cooper, Gwendalle Corn, Carol Crisp, Sarah in honor of Jennifer Cahill and Joan Leigh Crist, Roseann Cross, Marena Cross, Terry and Thaler, Kristin in memory of Isabel Cross CrossBear, Shannon in honor of Brian le Garde Croy, Conrad Culver, Sheryl and James Cushway Zepelda, Kimberly Davies, Norman and Hoye, Vanessa Day, Monica Roth and John

DeAloia, Mary and Paschal Desmond, Brenda in honor of Charlotte Beatty Devarajan, Dev and Sumathi Diaz, Shirley DiPono, Valerie Diskin, Margaret in honor of William “Bill” Escoube and Charlotte Bahlke Stanley Escoube Dobyns, Lisa Lynn in memory of Marvin James Hudson Lewis Doud, Christine in honor of Jenny Goslin Dreyfuss, Karen Duerr, Laura Duran, Elizabeth Durham, Kim Eanet, Lindsay Earl, Brad Early, Lindsay Eberlin, Kristen and Bowers, Evan Echohawk, Lucille Eichenauer, John and Fran Elbaum, Shay Emery, Charlotte in honor of my children and in memory of my son James Englert-Jessen, Eva Epps-Giddings, Yvonne Epstein, Catherine Erickson, Aurelia Ermey, Danielle Esch, Jill Eschright, Audrey Ettawageshik, Rochelle and Frank

Eustaquio, Joseph Evans, Marneena Fahey, Maura Fairbank, Megan Fairlamb, Betsy Farahat, Sarah Farmer, Carmen in honor of Marilyn Stapleton Fast Horse, Anne in honor of Lummi Child Welfare Faxon-Mills, Jesse Faxton, Beverly Feuerstein, Angie in honor of Katryn Adams Field, Daniel Fitzgerald, Denise in honor of JaVonte Prothro Flanagan, Zoe and Hildenbrand, Jeramie Fleming, Sharon Flores, Amelia in honor of ASPA BOYS Folds, Andrea Forman, Kathleen Fortune, Jerry Francis, Sharon Franklin, Jason and Kremer, Angela Frazier, Misty Fuller, Renee Funmaker, Henrietta in honor of Garrett Harmer Gaguine, Aaron and Chernay, Rebecca Gallegos, Tami Garcia, Alene Gavenus, Katie George-Bettisworth, Retchenda

Gerding, Alethea Gibson, Taylor and Bechtold, David Giesige, Claire Ginter, Darla J. in memory of Linda Logan Givens, Joyce in honor of John and Jennetta Givens Glazer, Michele Glenn-Rivera, Danielle Gloor, Prisca Godbehere, Denise Gooden, Myrna in honor of grandchildren Taylor and Gabriel Hernandez Goodkin, Gwen Goodman, Carol in honor of Stephanie Wood Goodman, Denise in honor of Hettie Charboneau (Cherokee Nation) Gorter, Charlotte Grant, Ellen Grant, Jessica Gray, Paul Green, Rebecca Greenblatt, Sarah Griffin, Elizabeth Grika, Jasmine Gund, Charlotte Gutoff, Bija and Koch, Daniel Guyton, Wendy Guzman, Cynthia Haaga, Don Haber, Gabrielle and Posner, Ari Hail, Toni and Brian in memory of Linda Logan Hamilton, Stephanie in honor of

Brett Kavanaugh Hammarlund, Jaime Haney, Tracy Hansel, Iona and John in honor of Eli and Lucille Quaempts Harden, Deborah and Andrei in honor of Margaret Sporlock Harker, C. Harper, Krista Harper, Tammi Hart, Sandra Hathaway, William and Elizabeth Hawley, Monica in memory of Rosalee Scott Hayden, Susan and Beaston, John Hayes, Gail in honor of Sara Heath, Rachel Heuer-Reisberg, Daniel and Friderike Hicks, Darryl and Dorothy in honor of Sarah Kastelic Hix, Lisa in honor of Josie Caroline Stanley-Reiter Hixenez, Seaver Hobbs, Patricia in honor of Wynema Thorn and Barbara Jackson Hogan, Raymond and Platt, Emily Hogg, Dana Holden, Libby Holt, Jill Hopper, Steve and Cindy in honor of Sarah Hopper Horan, Alyson and Dieckhoff, Andrew Horsman, Carolyn and

Rodriguez, Rudy Horwitz, Sheryl and Knudsen, Larry Hostler, Heather in honor of Hilton Hostler, Jr. Hoyt-Mcbeth, Mandi and Steve Hughes, Katie Hunter, Dolores Huntington, Joyce Israel, Nancy Ives, Tleena Jacobs, Reanna in honor of the Lower Sioux community Jacobs, Timothy and Mary Lou Jager, Mary Elizabeth James, Penney Jennings, Madeleine Johnson, Kristine in memory of Elizabeth Ballew Johnston, Margaret Jones, Francine and Laird Jones, Nadja P. in memory of Darrell Alonzo Jorgensen, Miriam and Smith, Timothy in honor of Sarah Kastelic Junker, Monte Kade, Allison Kamps, Christine Kansen-Karr, Camber Kaplan, Roberta Kastelic, Sarah and Kristian in memory of Rosalee Scott Katov, Jonathan Katsikis, Melissa Khweis, Juman Kilchestein, Kristen King, Kristina

Kingman, Thomas Kline, Christine and Ed Koch, Gerald and Rosette Krueger, William Kuehnert, Kim LaGou, Candace LaMere, Frank Lance, Daline LaRoque, Resa Larson, Kim Lassila, Kathrin Lebel, Helen Lee, Terry Lerman Freeman, Esther Leto, Kristina in honor of Angela Ingermann Levander, Ximena Lewis, Michael in honor of June Sepulveda Lewis, Virginia Lichtenbaum, Wendy Lichtman, Risa Lipo, Ellen Little Sun, Jeannette Lockhart, Bonnie London, Miriam in honor of Sara London-Hinman Lopez, George Lopez, Leah MacCarthy, Carey Macomber, Madeline Mahan, Alexander and Burchuk, Sasha Malleis, David Marchese, Miranda Martin, Aurene in honor of Elizabeth Martin

Martin, Michael Martinez, Art Mason, Shary Mathews, Rodney and Eunice Matthew, Cori in memory of Rosalee Scott McAdoo, Amanda McCloud, Constance in memory of Berniece Secena McCloud McCray, Tameka McKinley, Sarah in honor of the Stephanie Gutierrez Family McKinsey, Katherine McNichol, Tim and Egan, Anne McVickar, Matthew Mehr, Kenneth and Ryna Mendez, Rebecca and Evans, Mark Mendez, Veralyn in memory of Terrance Mendez Mickley, Moll and Chuck Miether, Diane Milfred, Les and Miller, Mindy Miller, Clinton Miller, Haley Miller, Joseph Miller, Peter Milligan-Milburn, Erin Mitchell, Margaret and Johnson, Mitchell Miyashita, Koichi Moen, Nicole Momper, Sandy in honor of Kathleen and Lincoln Faller Montoya, David in memory of Blasa Drorame Moore, Gregory


Moore, Janet and James Moore, Melanie Morgan, Rebecca in honor of Shelby Gansler Arrol Morley, Geralyn Morton, Sara and Millkey, Alexander Moses-Johnson, Marcella and Lance Mota, Tania Mott, Vallerie Mueller, Megan Mullally, Kathy Mullis, Nancy Murillo, Erika Nafziger, Jon Nagler, Ray Nakai, Maxine Nelson, Debbie in memory of Carol Anderson Nelson, Linda Neroda, Kimberley Neubauer, Tania Newman, Carol Newman, Joyce Newton, Amy and Johnson, Kurt Noah, Mariah and Taylor, Ryan Nolley, Charles in honor of National Spiritual Assembly of Bolivia and Andres Jachkollo Norton, Tasha Novak, Nancy O’Dell, Carissa Olsen, Elena Onstott, Ashley Orell, Laurie


Annual Report 2019


O’Shea, Patricia in memory of Carbery O’Shea O’Sullivan, Emily Pacifico-Cogan, Danielle and Daniel in memory of Sara Glasgow Cogan Packo, Denise Panofsky, Margaret in honor of Marta Robinson Paschke, Linda Patrick, Maggie Payer, Candace Penn, Charlotte Peterson, Gary and Yvonne Petoskey, Michael and Barbara Phipps, Melissa in honor of Monty Harding Jr. Plaster, Mike Polensek, Natasha Pombo, Amy Pranaat, Holly Preston, Cora in honor of Americans of Conscience Checklist Preston, Will Price, Melissa Quaid, Katherine Ramsey, Megan Rasmussen, Madison Rawlings, Lynette Raye, Nilla and Hamilton, Jack Reading, Ann Red Cloud-Owem, Powhatan in honor of all my fellow veterans Reddy Abel, Alison and David Reese, Heather Remington, Kathleen Resoff, Linda Revel, Dan Richard, Derrak and Jennie




Rieger, Lisa Rienks, Shauna Rinck, Emily Rininger, Melissa Rivera, Lizette Robinson, Linda Rodriguez, Gloria Roessel, Faith and Slater, Matthew in honor of Sarah and her incredible staff Rokop, Terence Romero, Jacy in honor of our ICWA representatives Rood, Rose Rose, Ahniwake Rose, Jennifer Rosenthal, Larry Rosston, Jean Roth, Gabrielle in memory of mom & dad Rudd, Carmon Rumsey, Leah Saavedra, Scarlett Sam, Jana San Miguel, Roban in honor of Leo Manuel Verdugo Sandberg, Ingrid and Rosenberg, Gabriel Sanders, Susanne Sandness, Jamie Sang, Michelle Santos, Melissa Sarracino, Donalyn in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Lorenzo, Sr. Schaefer, Robin Schaffer, Alexandra Schmalberger, Donna Schmitt, James Scott, Charlotte

Annual Report 2019

Scott, Cindy in memory of Rosalee June Scott Scott, Tessa in honor of Little Star and Veronica Sennie, Megan in memory of Paul D. Sennie, Sr. Seward, Timothy Shadlow, LaDonna Shapiro, Lauren Sharp, Christopher in honor of Gabriel and Polly Sharp Shawa, Jon Sherman, Lukas Shippert, Margaret Silva-Johnson, Tania in memory of Jimmy Johnson Simmons, David Simon, Alison Skidmore, Genevieve Smith Goering, Emily Smith, Lauren Sofranac Madore, Anastasia and Beatrice Spence, Bernadette in honor of the fight for our children Spence, John Spero, Nancy and Brand, Norman Spurlock, Margaret and Robert Starr, Leona Staudinger, Nicole in honor of Leslie Staudinger Steimle, Kai and Eric Stein, Erika in honor of Mary LaMantia Stevenson, Chris Stevenson, Shauna Lee Stilwell, Kathryn and Kate in memory of Ron Stilwell Stoffer, Marsha Strand, Jacqueline

Sullens, Heather Suta Ramirez, Martha and Alger, Rex in memory of Alfonso Suta Swanson, Kristie Szrom, Katie Tange, Lisa in honor of Nicole and Ashley Taylor, Dana Tenorio, Mary Terry, Dominic and Theresa Test, Gretchen Thiel, Kristin in memory of sweet little Loan Thomatos, Tom Timmons, Mahogany Timmons, Tina in honor of my ancestors Tipps-Webster, Tristan and Andrew in honor of Jo Anne Tipps Tommie, Martha Totemoff, Amber Trabue, Sandra Trawver, Kathi Tremaine, Tom Trope, Jack Tsoodle-Marcus, Charlene Udall, Anne and Clark, Tillie Uken, Valerie in memory of Zachary Bear Heals Ullrich, Jessica in honor of Penny Westing Uses Arrow, Candi in honor of Janet Lee Walksnice Valentyn, Alicia in memory of Robert Valentyn Valladarez, Fernando in honor of what we stand for Varela, Veronica Varga, Allison

Vaughan, Katie Vere, Vilma Verner, Tara Vetter, Daniel Vickrey, Kelly Villasana, Monica in honor of Carmen Santos Vogel, David Vogel, Eve Vogel, Kelly Vollmer, Ken Voluck, David in honor of Catherine Rogers Wagner, Darlene Walker, Brian Walker, Oliviah Walker, Ren Wallulatum, Vincent Warner-Mehlhorn, Alice in memory of Pat Babcock Warren, Elizabeth and Mann, Bruce Washburn, Katherine in memory of Dr. Joseph H. Washburn, Jr. Waukey, Ted Webster, Joseph Week, Michelle and Becker, Trevor Weinstock, Jonathan Weinstock, Judith Weitzer, Alex and Boettcher, Rhiannon Wendel, Robert and Britton, Jeannie Wendt, Drew Werle, Dan in honor of Lily Fanning Wesley, Bonnie White Eagle, Gail White Hat, Marlies dedicated

to Albert White Hat, Sr. and Emily White Shirt, Susan White, Lucille White, Monyca Whitehead, Tristan and Goldman, Sara Wiest, Lily Williams, Loren Wittmann, Susan in honor of Sarah Wittmann Wladaver-Morgan, Susan and David Wollesen, Debra Wolpert, Kate and Matthew Woodstock, Molly Woolley, Jeana Wright, Rachel and Cecchi, Lorenzo Wright, Travis Wright-Kuhns, Beth and Marcos Wykis, Ali Yalch, Jacqueline Yates, Michael York, Duncan and Sarah Zitzelberger, Tracy and Wagoner, Kevin Zschach, Amory Zug, Marcia Zusman, Anna Tribes and Alaska Native Villages/Corporations Cherokee Nation Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Cowlitz Indian Tribe Kletsel Dehe Wintun Nation Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians Lummi Nation Muckleshoot Indian Tribe

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Nisqually Indian Tribe Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians Peyote Way Church of God Poarch Band of Creek Indians Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians Puyallup Tribe of Indians Round Valley Indian Tribe San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians Seminole Tribe of Florida Skokomish Indian Tribe Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Spirit Mountain Community Fund Squaxin Island Tribe Tulalip Tribes of Washington Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians Government First Nations Health Authority Humboldt County, California State of Washington Private Foundations, Corporations, and Organizations A and R Solar SPC Alton Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation Berkey Williams LLP Casey Family Programs Center for Adoption Support and Education (Administration for Children and Families, DHHS)

The Collins Foundation G.A. Jr. and Kathryn M. Buder Charitable Foundation Generations United (W.K. Kellogg Foundation) Johnson Scholarship Foundation Meyer Memorial Trust Oregon Community Foundation Southcentral Foundation University of Maryland (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, DHHS) University of New Mexico (National Institute of Nursing Research, DHHS) Washington University in St. Louis (National Institutes of Health, DHHS) W.K. Kellogg Foundation Annual Conference Sponsors Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Ak-Chin Indian Community AMERIND Risk Cherokee Nation Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation Comcast NBCUniversal Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Cook Inlet Tribal Council Council on Accreditation Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Eaglesun Systems Products Eight Northern Indian Pueblos

Council, Inc. Forest County Potawatomi Gun Lake Tribe Handel Information Technologies Isleta Pueblo Jacobson, Magnuson, Anderson & Halloran PC Jamestown S’Klallam Kaibab Paiute Kauffman and Associates Laguna Development Corporation Little River Band of Ottawa Indians National Indian Gaming Association Native American Rights Fund Navajo Nation New Mexico Gas Company Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Poarch Band of Creek Indians; Wind Creek Hospitality Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Prairie Island Indian Community Presbyterian Healthcare Services Public Services New Mexico Pueblo of San Felipe Quapaw Tribe Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians Sac and Fox Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe Sandia Resort and Casino Seminole Tribe of Florida Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux (Dakota) Community Sonosky, chambers, Sachse,

Endreson & Perry, LLP Southcentral Foundation Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association Spirit Rock Consulting The Standard United Auburn Indian Community Ute Indian Tribe In-Kind Ainslee’s Salt Water Taffy Alaska Airlines Caesars Entertainment Christensen, Kim Croy, Conrad Eaglesun Systems Products Kastelic, Sarah and Kristian LaGou, Candace Lettuce Entertain You Matthew, Cori Neon Museum News from Native California Pacheco, Farrel and Ray Peterson, Yvonne and Gary Individual Members Abalone Abbott, Jodi Abeita, Carma Abeyta, Jolene Acuna, Cassandra Adams, Edie Adie, Arlene Agnes, Cesa Aguchak, Michelle Aguirre-Gutierrez, Ruby Ahenakew, Anita Ahenakew, Ruth Ahiyite, Cathy

Ashby, Erica Ask, Nate Aspa, Elvira Atimalala, Ituau Atkins, Corrina Atkins, Julie Aubrey-Herzog, Winona Audy, Georgette Augustine, Michael Austin, Nathalie Axtell, Sara Babcock, Christine Backward, Savannah Bailon, Doris Baker, Addie Baker, Ann Baker, Rebecca Baldwin, Teressa Baracker-Taylor, Brooke Barett, Yvonne Barfield, David Barney-Lees, Robin Barrientos, Rebecca Barrios, Ivonne Barron, Pepper Baskin, Bernadine Basler, Joe Bates, Sue Batson, Karen Bean, Avilene Bean, Jenny Bear Comes Out, Emerlynne Bear, Melissa Beard, Martha Beaver, Angela Beck, Connie Beckford, Anita Bedree, Jeffrey

Ahsoak, Joshua Albert, Diane Albert, Edward Albert, Robert Alfers, Julia Alfred, Thaidra Alidio, Maria Allen, Harvey Allen, Kristin Allen, Shirley Allman, Marie Altschul, Deborah Altvater, Denise Aluskak, Elena Alvarado, Alexis Alvarado, Josephine Alvarez Gomez, Gloria Alvarez, Yvonne Ambrose, Gladys Anderson, Katherine Anderson, Rosemary Andrashko, Jennifer Andrew, Mary Andrew, Michael Andrew, Sylvia Andrews, Brad Andrews, Frances Andrews, Robin Antone, Carol Antone, Monica Apetagon, Rhonda Apodaca, Francesca Appodaca, Christina Aranda, Gloria Arellano, Tammy Armendariz, Salvador Armijo, Bobbie Asham, Shirlene



Annual Report 2019


Begay, Deidre Begay, Tileah Begay, Tina Bender, Michelle Bennett, Laura Bennett, Marlyn Benson, Samantha Bergelin, Heather Beshear, Laura Bettelyoun, Roberta Betts, Laura Bialy, Francis Big Wolf, Michelle BigGeorge, Patricia Bighead, Maria Bighorn, Estelle Bighorse, Leah Bigpond, Kowashay Bill, Nathan Billy-Elliott, Diana Binneboese, Erin Bird, Cheryl Bird, Doreen Black Bear, Nikita Black, Patricia Blacksmith, Cynthia Blackwater, Vera Blake, Richard Blaylock, Miralene Bloom, Jamie Blythe, Jeanette Boek, Bonnie Bogany, Julia Bokinac, Patty Borau, Stephan Bothe, Lindsay Boudreau, Elsie Bowman, Jan-Ellen Braveheart, Lynn




Breen, Ivy Brennan, Catherine Brewer, Chris Brigette, Manson Bright, DJ Brockie, Nicole Brooks, Tabitha Brown, David Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Gertrude Brown, Hana Brown, Ronsena Brunk, Alice Bruyere, Vera Bryant, Betty Buffalo, Frank Buffalo, Shannon Burggraf, Erin Burnham, Violet Burns, Penthea Bushie, Ian Butler, Courtney Butler, Dawn Butler, Terri Cabrera, Guillermo Cadman, Louisa Cagey, Christine Cain, Julie Callahan, Nicole Campisi, Kristine Capoeman, Terri Carl, Sheila Carlson, Sandy Carreon, Micah Carrillo, Kellie Carrywater, Patti Carson, Jo Carter-Buffalo, Beverley Caso, Nina

Annual Report 2019

Catcheway, Cameron Cavaliere, Angi Cavalli, Megan Cavanaugh, Willam Cazares-Diego, Andrea Celestine, Melissa Chacon, Maria Chaliak, Jim Chalmers, Michelle Charging Crow, Elsie Charlie, Ida Chartrand, Chelsey Chartrand, Danielle Chartrand, Jaime Chaves, Ashley Chavez, Rosita Chia, Loretta Child, Michael Christensen, Kim Christensen, Marilyn Christianson, Saygar Clarke, Dana Clarkson, Brent Clemetson, Kim Cleveland, Lillian Cochise, Tazalynn Cole, Barbara Cole, Beverly Coleman, Nola Coleman, Tresia Collins, Desiree Comanche, Marlena Commanda, Robin Concho, Veronica Conn, Abe Conner, Jena Conner-White, Tonnye Connor, Angela Conqueringbear, Daryle

Constant, Joan Contreras, Alexis Cook, Kristin Cooke, Meagan Cooper, Gwendalle Copeland, Casey Copenace, Howard Copenace, Lena Cordova, Rosalie Coriz, Dorothy Coriz, Monica Coriz, Stanley Corn, Carol Cornelius, Tania Cournoyer, Chiara Cross, Marena Crown, Theresa CrowShoe, Jackie Cuellar, Pat Cuellar, Stephanie Cuero, H. Paul Cultee, Casie Cummins, Crystal Cunejo, Delores Curry, Rochelle Cushway-Zepelda, Kimberly Dailey, Caroline Dailey, Jackie Danard, Patricia Danforth, Sheena Daniel, Lisa Daniels, Erica Daniels, Frank Daniels, Joseph Daniels, Natalie Dano-Chartrand, Linda Darcy, Sabra Daugherty, Amanda Davidson, LaTisa

Davis, Ann Davis, Jodi Davis, Julie Dawson, Gabriel Dawson, Mary Dayton, Josie R. De Vito, Christian Deal, Amber DeCoteau, Lester DeCoteau, Stephanie Deere, Samuel DeGroot, Jessica Dehaas, Anne-Marie Dei-Amoah, Marlene Delvin, Jennifer Denver, Tilford Derendoff, Valerie Desjarlais, Wayne Desmarais, Lorraine DesRosier, Joycelyn Devermann, Krystal Diamond, Jacalyn Diaz, Shirley Dickenson-Hall, Shayne Discon, Bernice Dobyns, Lisa Lynn Dockstator, Josh Docter, Amanda Doctor, Dan Dodson, Kara Dolan, Kelly Dolan, Twyla Dominguez, Sunni Doney, Louise Dooley-Alonzo, Anna Dooline, Marietta Doolittle, Crystal Doucet, Marie Dowan, Karen

Dowell, Donald Dozette, Katherine Dreaver-Jordan, Shanese Druschel, Mindy Duckworth, Angela Dunayevich, Jessica Duncan, Stefanie Durham, Kim Early, Lindsay Eastman, Arlyn Echtenkamp, Kash Edwards, Emma Eisen, Karla Eleazer, Heather Eleshansky, Cheryl Ellis, Rebecca Emery, Adirian Emery, Janet Enders, Maline Engebretson, Steve Enos, Antoinette Ense, Donald Erhart, Phyllis Ermey, Danielle Escamilla, Erica Espinosa, Christopher Ettawageshik, Frank Ettawageshik, Rochelle Evans, Jo-El Evans, Molly Evans, Shoni Evans, Silver Ewan, Faye Ewan, Nelly Fahley, Michele Fank, Brianna Farmer, Carmen Farren, Amanda Fast Horse, Anne

Feliz, Susann Felter, Rachel Ferguson, Marilyn Fernandez, Melodie Fernando, Samantha Filby, David Fineday, Anita Fisher, Fred Fleary-Simmons, Dondieneita Flewelling, Misty Flint, Joslyn Flores, Amelia Flores, Jacqueline Folger, Dayna Folger, Donna May Fontes, Shannon Forney, Paul Foster, Laurel Francis, Sharon Frank, Geraldine Frank, Virginia Franklin, Ariane Frasier, Patti Fredericks, Melanie French, Andrea Friedenthal, Alan Frisch, Shane Frisk, Levi Fudge, Margo Funmaker, Henrietta Gabel, George Gachupin, Annette Gallegos, Alfreda Gamechuck, Diana Garcia, Arnold Garcia, Estela Garcia, Gloria Garcia, Ivan Garcia, Manuel

Garcia, Merilee Garcia, Natowa Garcia, Rick Garcia-Jones, Jessica Garner, Tiffany Garrow, Claudette Gass, Douglas Gayton, LeClaire Gebken, Suzanne Gemmill, Faith Genereaux, Joan Gensaw, Melanie George, Nachya Geronimo, Natell Gillman, Nathan Gilman-Bagwill, Brenda Givens, Agnes Givens, Joyce Gladue, Barbara Godbehere, Denise Goddard, Tyler Godina, Ariana Golchuk, Alicia Golec, Roger Gomez, Connie Gomez, Darlene Gonzales, Norma Gonzalez, Christi Gonzalez, Shawna Goodale, Kathleen Goodblanket, Amiyonette Goode, Sarah Gooden, Myrna Goodrow, Jessica GoodTracks, Lark Gordon, Michelle Gorman, Carlee Goseyun, Zahra Gould, Diane

Gragg, Tara Grant, Jessica Gray, Evangaline Gray, Paul Green, Michael Green, Rebecca Green, Ryan Green, Theressa Gregory, Alyssa Gregory, Kristy Gregory, Orvena Greif, Lisa Grover, Agnes Guanzon, Genevieve Guerra-White, Anna Marie Guerrero, Tasha Gundersen, Stacy Gurrola, Maria Guthrie, Anne Guzman, Veronica Haile, LaDonna Hamilton, Bobbie Hamilton, Candy Hamilton, Felice Hamilton, Joann Hancock, Emily Haney, Tracy Hansen, Heather Hanson, Marita Harding, Kathryn Hardy, Glenda Harlan, Emily Harlan, Mosiah Harrina, Magdaline Harris, Wendy Hart, Rita Hart, Sadie Hatch, Natalie Hawley, Monica

Hayes, Lenny Heaton, Travis Hemen, Sunny Heminger, Sonni Hemping, Max Henderson, Chris Henry, Antoinette Henry, Gerdenia Henry, John Hernandez, Rachel Herrera, Delores Herrera, Micaela Herrera-Murray, Ana-Maria Hickman, Crystal Hicks, Casey Hill, John Hill, Shawna Hill, Tammy Hillaire, Roberta Hinton, Cora Hoaglen, Cindy Hobbs, Jyl Hogg, Dana Holdip, Constance Hooper, Jeanine Hosller, Daniel Hostler, Heather Houghton, Susan Houle, Mary Ann Howacum Haft, Sandra Howe, Jacoby Hudspeth, Melissa Hunker, Laura Hunt, Anna Hunter, Jessica Hunter, Lillian Huntington, Joyce Hutchason, Maggi Indian, Violet

Juarez, Esteban Jumper, Moses Juneau, Sampson Kaiser, Jamie Kalama, Kahelelani Kamiakun, Atwice Kangas, Rachael Kannard, Haley Kashoya, Archie Katsikis, Melissa Keene, Megan Kellenberg, Rebecca Kelly, Diane Kelly, Edna Kelly, Erica Kelly, Sheryl Keluche, Idella Kenny, Carrie Kenton, Loranda King, Cecila King, Lawrence Kinlicheenie, Darva Knox, Cerre Koehler, Joanne Kollar, Sharon Kompkoff, Anne Koropatnicki, Julie Koza, Bridget Kozevnikoff, DoraAnn Kranz, Vanessa Krywonis, Katrina Kuntz, Jamie Kyles, Synethia La Caille, Chenoa Laff, Aaron Laforme, Bonnie Lagimodiere, Sandra LaGou, Candace Lamattina, Leah

Innes, Jason Iron Shooter, Stephanie Isaac, Leanna Ivan, Elizabeth Ives, Tleena Izaksonas, Elena Jackson, Christine Jackson, Lisa Jackson, Sammy Jackson, Sophia Jackson-Bear, Jane Jacobs, Agnes Jacobs, Kerry Jacobson, Naomi James, Alexandra James, Jerry James, Julia James, Penney James, Sabrina Jefferson, Kali Jeffries, Chastity Jenkins, Kim Jensen, Janifer Jimerson, Barbara Johansson, Leona Johns, Amy Johns, Willie Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Jacqueline Johnson, Kristine Johnson, Lisa Johnson, Lou Johnson, Milly Jones, Charinda Jones, Skylar Jordan, Lynnette Joseph, Vanessa Jourdain, Jennifer Jourdain, Lawrence



Annual Report 2019


Lambert, Carmella LaRance, Gary Larocque, Jackie Larson, Donna Lavallee, Marie Lawrence, Catherine Laycock, Zoe Leake, Robin Ledoux, Virginia Lee, Alisa Lee, Heather Lefebvre, Donna Legaspi, Cristina Leivas, Iris Lekander, Robert Lelonde, Amanda Lemley, Brandy Len, Marissa Lentz, William Levesque, Elaine Levine, Nicomi Levi-Thompson, Nastasia Levy-Boyd, Sonya Lewis, Angela Lewis, Jennifer Lewis, Lovel Lewis, Melvin Lidot, Tom Lightning, Sylvia Lightning-Earle, Koren Little Sun, Jeannette Little, Ashley Little, Carol Little, Shannon Littlebird, Cina Littlecrow, Tomasita Lockhart, Bonnie Lofland, Bruce Lolnitz, Rachael




Lomeli, Esmeralda Lonewolf, Tessa Long, Allison Lopez, Debra Lopez, Elvia Belen Lopez, George Loudbear, Rebecca Louis, Helen Louis, Robert Louissaint, Jeff Lourdes, Guadian Lozano, Stephanie Lucero, Kristin Lucero, Nancy Ludgate, Robert Lujan, Alicia Lujan, Rita Lukowski, Abbey Lundin, Jenn Lunsford, Mindy Macarro, David Macdonald, Yvette Machiche, Victor MacIvor, Madeline Madison, Amira Maher, Nakomis Main, Emily Maldonado, Allie Maldonado, Kevin Malemute, Jason Mallari, Twila Malleis, David Maloney, Samala Malutin, Denise Mandamin, Betsy Mandamin, Isaac Mandamin, Mable Manley, Amanda Mann, Austin

Annual Report 2019

Manton, Patrice Mantovani, Claudio Manuel, Lorenzo Many Birds, Ann Manzanilla, Deatra Mariano, Lisa Martin, Charles Martin, Lexus Martin, Lisa Martin, Marie Martine, Kandis Martinez, Lisa Martinez, MistiFawn Mason, Shary Mathieson, Amy Matthews, Martha-Jane May, Barbara Mayfield, Joel Maynard, Lisa D. Maytwayashing, Michael Mazurek, Alex Mbonu, Shelley McBride, Adrianne McCarthy, Mary McCarty, Patrick McCook, Sandra S. McCray, Tameka McDaniel, Victoria McDonald, Jasmine McDonald, Patricia McGarry, Traci McGee, Angela McGee, Melissa McGeshick, Melissa McGeshick, Susan McGinty, Cindy McGinty, Lucy McKay, Kimberley McKenzie, Nancy

McKinney-Cameron, Wanda McMillen, Barb McPherson, Edna Meanus, Linda Medina, Alicia Melton, Alix Mendez, Veralyn Mettler, Kimberly Meyers, Alicia Meyers, Doreen Miguel, Felicia Migwans, Teresa Milburn, Tina Miller, Cynthia Miller, Pam Miller, Stephanie Miller, Tiajuan Miloud, Meegan Miranda, Natalia Mitchell, Michelle Mix, Elise Molina, Steven Mollet, Elexa Monias, Vinetta Montero, Sophia Montgomery, Amanda Montoya, Janice Montoya, Monica Moostoos, Robyn Morceau, Linda Moreno, Angela Morgan, Patricia Morin, Janet Morin, Violet Morris, Gretchen Morris, Jan Morris, Mellonee Morrison, Mariah Morrisseau, Jenna

Morrisseau, Judy Morrisseau, Lucille Morton, Leslie Moscinska, Shara Moses, Keith Moses, Lola Moss, John Mota, Tania Mowers, Jeffrey Mullally, Kathy Mullis, Nancy Munholand, Nikki Munks, April Munn, Diane Munnell, Gina Munro, Davis Murray, Vicky Musqua, Delores Myer-Nault, Lenore Myers, William Nachor, Dan Napish, Myrna Naquayouma, Angela Nava, Anne Nayokpuk, Karla Nelson, Bette Nenneman, Katheryn Nerby, Denise Newman, Joyce Newton, Rebecca Nicholls, Kim Nielsen, Crystal Noah, Kyndall Noltcho-Clarke, Gail Northwest, Phyllis Nugent, Timothy Nunn, Christina Oberle, Linda O’Berry, C.J.

Obregon, Silvia O’Brien, Laurinda O’Dell, Carissa Ogden, Derek Ohara, Mary Ohman, Matt Olanna, Emma Old Coyote, Nina Oliver, Amanda Oliver, Marcy D. Oliver, Timothy Olsen, Vivien Olson, Narcisse (Dusty) Orr, Martin Orrantia, Rose Ortiz, Theresa Osceola, Moses Osceola, Tina Ottertail, Tracy Outcelt, Cheri Owen, Carrie Owen, Faith Pablo, Yolanda Packo, Denise Pahe, Rebecca Paker, Olivia Palacios, Pauline Parisian, Sarah Parker, Crystal Parmeter, Devyn Partridge, Kerry Patriquin, Melissa Patterson, Billie Patterson, Yashicia Paukan, Josephine Paul, Helen Paypompee, Terry Peace, Kathy Lou Peacock, Carolyn

Pecora, Peter Peloquin, Selena Penn, Charlotte Perez, Joe Perez, Phillip Perez, Tracy Perrault, Anne Personius, DeeAnna Peshlakai, Priscilla Peter, Filma Peters, Faith Peterson, Gary Petoskey, Michael Pettibone, Lori Pettigrew, Dallas Pfeiffer, Charlotte Phillips, Christine Phongsavath, Alison Pico, Anthony Pinkham, Brooke Pitaqanakwat, Randy Pitka, Carmen Plumer, Gina Plumer, Joseph Poitra-Chalmers, Helen Polit, Aimee Potts, Kristen Powell, Lisa Powell, Misty Powskey, Brooke Price, Melissa Priest, Trista Prince, Wendy Purcell, Matt Purcell, Te’Ata Quam, Lori Querubin, Samantha Quintana, Donna Ramgoolam, Neil (Noble)

Ramirez, Andrea Ramirez, Maria Rammelsberg, Jessica Ramon, Bernadine Ranville, Ron Rawlings, Lynette Raygoza-Garcia, Stephanie Razo, Leslie Red Leaf, Carlotta Red Leaf, Jacqueline Red Owl, Karen RedFeather, Elizabeth Redsky, Julia Reece, Melanie Reer, Lynn Regula, Kara Lynn Reid, Meghan Remes, Amy Reyes, Loui Reynard, Kristine Reynolds, Shelby Reynon, Tara Reynon, Tim Rice, Brittany Rice, Crystal Rice, Marina Richardson, Jim Riffle, Megan Riley, Beverly Riley, Rebecca Rininger, Melissa Riordan, Ruth Rios, Crystal Rivera, Gina Rivera, Lizette Roan, Dean Robbins, Sherry Robertson, Michelle Robideau, Wihinna

Robinson, Brenda Robinson, Earl Rocker, Steven Rodgers, Natalia Rodriguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Mona Rollins, Sylvie Roosendahl, Britta Rose, Carol Rose, Laurie Rosetta, Amanda Rowan, Grace Rowland, Sonya Rudd, Carmon Ruis, Linda Ruiz, Lisa Ruiz-Vasquez, Maria Rundle, Dave Running Wolf, Heidi Running Wolf, Paulette Rush-Buffalohead, Jenny Russ, Julia Rutenbeck, Tuanya Ruvalcaba, Frances Sabido-Hodges, Charity Sage, Rita Sahota, Puneet Salazar, Desiree Salazar, Monica Salem, Neda Sallison-Fritts, Minnie Salter, Paula Sam, Corrinna Sam, Jana Samuel, Rachel San Miguel, Roban Sanchez, Jenae Sanchez, Tony Sanchez, Warren

Sandberg, Victoria Sander, Ann Sanders, Neil Sanderson, Cheryl Sanderson, Sylvia Sandia, Carla Sapcut, Yonevea Sasakamoose, Lisa Sather, Heather Saul, Lovina Sautelet, Leah Sauve, Alita Sawyer, Keely Scherer, Angel Schneider, Daniel Schoedel, Andrew Schubert, Tina Scott, Charlotte Scott, Matthew Scott, Natalie Screechowl, Eddie Seciwa, April Secord, Gina Segodi, Delphine Seitz, Dicie Sennie, Megan Sequak, Robert Sequi, Doris Serawop, Winnifred Seschilie, Darlene Sevison, Alan Shadlow, LaDonna Shane, Kenny Shannacappo, Sarah Shapiro, Lauren Shelde, Lisa Shelton, Brett Lee Shemayme, Deborah Shepherd, Corissa

Stagaman, Danielle Stagg, Angie Stand, Darren Standingrock, Paulette Stanley, Rosella Starr, Leona Steele, Kevin Steen, Tyson Steven, Elizabeth Stewart, Justina Stewart, Nancylee Stewart, Nicole Stewman, Marie Stockbridge, Elisabeth Strand, Jacqueline Stricklan, Phyllis Striling, Charlene Strong, Carolyn Summers, Jules Sun Child, Laurie Sunchild, Serene Surechief, Joan Suta Ramirez, Martha Sutton, Beverly Swain, Carrie Swain, Maria Szacik, Jessica Tange, Lisa Tanner, Ina Tanner-Moar, Joanne Taylor, Dana Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Myranda Taylor, Sheila Tenorio, Felix Tenorio, Lurlyn Tenorio, Mary Thom, Alyssa Thomas, Cheryl

Shillingsworth, Bruce Shilts, Mandy Shopteese, Carol Shortman, Farrell Shoulderblade, Mary Shue, Felecia Sierra, Amber Silva-Johnson, Tania Silveira, Virge Silveroli, Nanette Simeon-Hunter, Teresa Simms, Hilary Simon, Janelle Simonson, Brittany Sinclair, Lorraine Sinclair, Terri Singh, Charlotte Sitting Eagle, Bronte Skaggs, Nickie SkunkCap, Gayle Slizewski, Michael Small, Cara Smith, Carol Smith, Christy Smith, Kimberly Smith, Marwin Smith, Robin Snake, Salena Sochay, Steven Soder, Natalie Soles, Kelsey Solopow, Shelly Sommer, Shannon Southworth, Vitamay Spaner, Sarah Sparks, Sharon Spence, Bernadette Spence, John Spencer, Roger



Annual Report 2019


Thomas, Irene Thomas, Maureen Thomas, Wendy Thompson, Kaetie Thompson, Kellie Thompson, Lawanna Thompson, Rachelle Thomson, Michelle Thorbjornsen, Brian Tigertail, Mary Timmons, Mahogany Timoteo, Thomas Tipps-Webster, Tristan Tittle, Verna Titus, Miriam Toddy, Frances Tootoosis, Betty Lynn Tootoosis, Dawn Tosa, Danielle Trabue, Sandra Tripp, Charles Trujillo, Bernadette Tsatoke, Johanna Tso, Candice Tso, Crescentia Tsoodle-Marcus, Charlene Tucker, Arlene Tucker, Elma Tulee, Betsy Turnbull, Anne Turner, Jennifer Turner, Melody Twilia, Bear Cub Two Two, Karla Uken, Valerie Ullrich, Jessica Under Baggage, Glorianna Urbina, Brenda




Urness, Chenoa Valandra, Maria Valdez, Georgia Valdo, Derek Valenzuela, Gilbert Valenzuela, Juanita Valladarez, Fernando Vallo, Colinda Van Schuyver, Jenifer Van Zile, Marisa Vande Lune, Linda Varela, Veronica Vasquez, Valerie Velazco, Martha Velazquez, Andrea Vercoe, Moana Vere, Vilma Verner, Tara Via, Buffy Vickrey, Kelly Villagomes, Ashley Villalba, Brenda Virden, Michelle Wabnum, Thomas Wagner, Darlene Wagner, Miranda Wagner-Bellingham, Paula Wahnee, Brian Wahnee, Toni Wahwasuck, Arlene Walker, Brian Walker, Heidi Walker, Joe Walker, Lenora Walker, Linnea Walker, Maria Walker, Oliviah Walker, Tammy

Annual Report 2019

Walkingagle, Kari Wallulatum, Vincent Walters, Tamara Waquie, Christine Washburn, Katherine Wasky, Jayna Wassillie, Emma Wassillie, Georgiann Waterman, Anita Waters, Stacie Watson, Maigan Watters, Charlotte Wauneka, Susie Weasel Head, Marcel Weatherwax, Joleen Weber, Jenn Webster, Joseph Weldon, Stephanie Wells, Susan Wesaw, Alex Wescott, Matthew Wesley, Bonnie Wheeler, Melanie Whiskers, Carrie White Hair, Sunshine White Horse, Nancy White, Clarence White, Craig White, Irene White, Janette White, Monyca White, Rene Whitehorse, Angelina Whiteman, Geraldine Whitworth, Brandelle Wier, Lyssa Williams, Carolyn Williams, Jeanette

Williams, Joni Williams, LouAnn Williams, Norma Williams, Sinea Williamson, Carol Willie, Alyssa Wilmer, Shane Wilson, Donna Wilson, James Wilson, Juliann Wilson, Mary Wilson, Valerie Wilson, Velvet Winters, Constance Winters, Nicole Wiseman, Anna Wisener, Shannon Wisner, Geri Wolf, Virginia Wood, Julia Wood, Lachelle Wreggitt, Carleigh Wright, Jessica Wykis, Ali Wynn, Jewel Xavier, Olga Yamate, May Yann, Temre Yates, Michael Yava, Erin Yazzie, Dacia Yazzie, Sherri Yazzie, Wilfred Yerxa, Angela Yik, Savannaroth Dean Yogi, Jennifer Youngman, Kalina Zamora, Tracy

Associate Individual George, John Turquoise Bailey, Adam Baldomaro Lucas, Cheryl Barbry, Lisa Bentle, Laura Black Feather, Robyn Blake, Christopher Brewer, Katherine Brown, Rusty Butzke, Carole Carter, Stephanie Cass, Evelyn Castillo, Errlinda Costa, Erica Crawford, Mark Demientieff, LaVerne Dennis, Vanessa Donacio, Jesus Draper, Janet Dreyfuss, Karen Faller, Kathleen Fish, Rebecca Formsma, Jocelyn Foxcroft, Debra Giordano, Jo-Ann Glenn-Rivera, Danielle Hammond, Shaneen Hutallay, Lamhi Ikenasio, Kose Jack, Ladybird Jacobs, Reanna Jones, Nadja Kallen-Brown, Karen Kastelic, Sarah Keith, Jennifer

Kiracofe, Love Koch, Gerald Leof, Allison Lewis-Garcia, Jaynie Luna, Lupe Manuel, Mildred Marcantel, Candi Martin, Michael Matanakiwan, Nanookasi Matthew, Cori McAdoo, Amanda McKee, Kathleen Mertens, Maxi Miller, Allison Miller, Nancy Montoya, David Morrison, Judy North Cloud, Beaver Oso, Stacie Romero, Jacy Rose, Ahniwake Roth Day, Monica Rundles, Dottie Sage, Melanie Salois, Emily Matt Sarracino, Donalyn Schmalberger, Donna Smith, Trisha Smith-Savage, Tawny Snodgrass, William Timmons, Tina Townsend, Larry Valdo, Jennifer Wait, Dorothy White Eagle, Gail Wright, Ross

Coral Boodhoo, Tricia Capistrant, Heather Carroll, Dione Chouteau, Camilla Cross, Terry Esch, Jill Fisher, Mike Fleming, Sharon Franco, Diana Givens, Fay Goodman, Denise Hofbauer, Trina Holder, Lea Ann Jones, Francine Kolb, Karan Leigh, Rovianne Lewis, Lorree Lopez, Leah Madrigal, Luke Mars, Anemone McKenzie, Leola Mithlo, Sandra Prout, Jo Prue, Robert Seneca, Nicole Shanker, Tamera Slater, Matthew Organizational Members Cedar American Indian Health & Family Services Bureau of Indian Affairs Eastern Oklahoma Region Capacity Building Center for Tribes Denver Indian Family Resource Center, Inc. Humboldt State University,

Department of Social Work Indian People’s Action National CASA Association Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition Nevada Division of Child and Family Services Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Association Skokomish Indian Tribe Surrounded by Cedar Child & Family Services University of OK National Resource Center for Youth Services Associate Corporate Carlton County Public Health & Human Services Sage Association of Village Council Presidents Casey Family Programs- Joan Poliak Seattle Field Office Casey Family Programs-Arizona Casey Family Programs-Austin Casey Family Programs-Bay Area Casey Family Programs-Denver Casey Family ProgramsHeadquarters Casey Family Programs-Idaho Casey Family Programs-LA County Casey Family Programs-San Antonio Casey Family Programs-San Diego Casey Family Programs-Yakima Four Feathers Counseling

Tribal Members Cedar Catawba Indian Nation Cedarville Rancheria Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Chugachmiut, Inc. Copper River Native Association Elk Valley Rancheria Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes Greenville Rancheria Hoh Indian Tribe Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida Muscogee (Creek) Nation Native Village of Kotzebue Native Village of Port Lions Nome Eskimo Community Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Pueblo de San Ildefonso Pueblo of Pojoaque Pueblo of San Felipe Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska

Sage Aleutian/Pribilof Island Association Apache Tribe of Oklahoma ICW Prevention Program Comanche Nation of Oklahoma Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Four Directions Treatment & Recovery Center of Mescalero Kenaitze Indian Tribe Kiowa Indian Tribe Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma Osage Nation Social Services Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma

Thanks to all our investors who make NICWA’s mission possible! Your contributions make a huge impact and go a long way to help create a world where every Native child has access to community-based, culturally appropriate services that help them grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong. Please note that every effort is made possible to ensure our Investor and Member listings are an accurate account of all gifts made during our 2019 fiscal year. To learn more about ways to raise awareness for NICWA’s work, please email:



Annual Report 2019


5100 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97239

(503) 222-4044


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