2 minute read
from January Newsletter
by nidhi-rao
Instagram Linktree
Both the district and divisional instagram pages include important information; don't forget to stay up to date!
@todivision10: I post weekly tips, monthly agenda posts, reminders for upcoming events, and more!
@tokeyclub: LEDCON details, club contests & awards, district/international events, and more!
The Divisional Linktree includes the monthly DCM/PCM presentations, officer resources, forms to fill out for service activities to earn divisional points, and more! Scan the QR Code below to access the Linktree (can also be found on the divisional instagram bio)
LEDCON Fundraising
T-O's annual convention, LEDCON, is filled with service and fun! In order to attend, you must fundraise to pay for the registration and hotel costs.
The President is to preside over each meeting and ensure requirements for the chapter have been met; these include dues, deadlines, and making sure that each officer is completing their tasks on time. They are also to develop K-Family and inter club relations, decide what competitions to participate in at LEDCON, inform the advisor of current news with Key Club, and make sure everyone is receiving all necessary information.
President Vice President Secretary
The Vice President is to assist the President with any given tasks and help with additional responsibilities throughout the team. They are to be in contact with the advisor as well and ensure all activities and events for Key Club are accomplished in an organized manner.
The Secretary is to submit monthly reports containing their activity with Key Club for that particular month, update the roster with new contact information for each officer, take attendance and write meeting minutes at both officer and general meetings, and keep track of the service/social hours throughout the school year.
The Treasurer is to stay up to date with deadlines for club dues, control the club's money, its collection, and disbursement, reconcile bank statements, record all expenditures and income for the week, deposit club funds, and collect all monies from club projects.
The Editor is responsible for completing the monthly tasks assigned. These include the Newsletter, Articles, HOTO, Photos, Letter to The Editor, and the Riddle of the Month.
The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the school club's website and updating it with all new, important, and relevant information.
Presidents and VPs
Duties of the Club President
Duties of the Club Vice President
Online Report Form (link here) Communicate any questions you may have about the monthly report with me or our District Secretary, Dylan Dam
Treasurer duties
YOF Grant Information
Website Resources
T-O and Key Club International
Logos: Google Drive Folder
Editor's Handbook
TheEditor'sHandbook,createdbyourDistrict Editor,BethanyTran,hasalloftheinformation youwillneedtoknowinordertoaccurately performtheresponsibilitiesoftheEditorposition andcompleteallrequiredtasks.
The 2023 Call to Convention Guide includes important details regarding LEDCON registration, an in-depth description of the different events/activities, and more!
Welcoming Activity: Beginning activity with games, inflatables, and meeting other attendees!
Forums: Sessions meant to allow attendees to learn how to better themselves, their home club, and/or just to have fun.
Contests & Awards: Clubs from across T-O enter contest and awards to compete for first place!
Theme Contest: Individuals or groups dress up according to theme and compete against each other!
Talent Contest: Individuals or groups perform talents in front of all attendees. Winners are decided through vote by the entire convention.
House of Delegates: Delegates from each club come together and vote on changes to the Bylaws and next year ' s District Staff
Scholarships: Scholarships ranging from $200-$20,000 are awarded to graduating Key Club seniors.
Governor's Ball: Incredibly fun, prom-like event, to cap off an already amazing convention (music, dancing, and fun!)
Club LEDCON Promotional Package Fundraising
As there is a cost to attend LEDCON, it is important to begin fundraising now! Below are a few fundraising ideas, and to the right, there is a QR Code to scan the Club LEDCON Promotional Package with more fundraising ideas and additional tips to help your club
Fundraising Ideas:
Bake Sale. 5. Sell Christmas-themed decorations
Raffle 6. Trivia Competition
Quiz Night 7. Themed T-Shirts
Candy bars sale 8. Restaurant Spirit Night
Fun run 9 Book fair