Creation of Awareness Generation & Capacity Building

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Creation of Awareness Generation & Capacity Building

The sustainable development goals Center is a center created to achieve global goals. These goals were set to be for 2030 and taking initiation, implementation of strategies to achieve these goals. Providing all the basic resources, getting expertise technically, etc in every state is the motto of SDGCC. The SDGCC will act as a set or combination of monitoring, evaluating, knowledge hub, capacity building, planning, organizing resources with proper analysis and forecast. For creating awareness generation and capacity building, it is always good to have a glance at the sustainable development goals. What is SDG SDG is the acronym for sustainable development goals. It is a set of 17 global goals which always intend to attain political, technical, environmental, resourceful growth throughout the world. Also if the focus is on preventing the challenges from various aspects of the world. The vision of sustainable development of girls is to attain a poverty-free, safeguarding the planet and ecosystems for the healthier lives of mankind. All the 17 goals were categorized under three pillars. Namely- Environmental, Social, and Economical. Environmental Goals:● Life on land ● Life below water ● Clean water and sanitation ● Affordable and clean energy ● Climate action ● Responsible consumption and production. Social Goals:● Gender equality ● Reduced inequalities ● Quality education ● Sustainable cities and communities ● Partnerships for the goals ● Peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Economical Goals:● Zero hunger ● Good health and wellbeing ● Decent work and economic growth ● Industry innovation and infrastructure. ● No poverty. These are the 17 sustainable development goals. Functions of Sustainable development goals Center To achieve the 2030 agenda, the SDGCC always focuses on innovations, partnerships, aligning work plans to the sustainable development goals, getting solutions by segregating the departments in villages and panchayats, etc. Also to meet the requirements of sustainable development goals, mission, and vision, it has a set of functions. They are as follows● Integrated Planning and Implementation ● Academic Platform ● Resource Mobilization and Partnerships ● E - module ● SDG Localization ● Monitoring and Evaluation ● Awareness generation and capacity building Thus creating awareness generation and capacity building is a vital function of sustainable development goals Center. Need of creating awareness generation and capacity building In recent times, creating awareness, exhibiting ourselves like self-advertising is also counted. Because the sustainable development goals are not for individuals, these are to achieve global wealth and can be achieved through teamwork. So that's the reason, creating awareness generation and capacity building place a predominant role. Every individual should understand what SDGCC is and how it works etc. Then the individual comes out to take the responsibility of achieving these goals and to meet the agenda of 2030. If everyone works for this agenda, achieving all the 17 goals is just a cakewalk. Awareness generation and capacity building It is not so easy to create awareness generation and capacity building easily but few measures are already in practice by the sustainable development goals Center. Consolidated Reports:- providing the growth reports in multiple ways like a monthly report, trimester, semester and annual consolidated reports by SDGs awareness generation gives clarity for everyone where we are and how far we reach to achieve the agenda of 2030. By seeing these annual reports, the public also can give a positive response by seeing a gradual improvement and creating new commitments and partnerships in achieving the sustainable development goals individually.

Brochures:- In simple words, brochures are the self-introduction of anything. By seeing a brochure, one can come to know about the organization, its mission, and vision, So designing innovative brochures and distributing them widely can reach out to the public easily and register in their minds properly. Social media will act as the best platform for sharing the brochure. Brochures act as catalysts for the plans getting implemented. Action Awards:- providing SDGCC action Awards play a dual role. These awards were encouraging and gave recognition to the hard workers which also gives them the motivation to work more. On the other hand, the awards create a healthy competition between all the people and everyone starts working to achieve global goals. Awards, rewards, and appraisals always stood on top in achieving the targets, creating self-motivation, and spreading awareness everywhere. The SDGs awareness generation provides Awards for every department at various levels. Resource Material:- providing proper resource material is a part of strategic planning and implementation. Because the resource material gives clarity of thought that what we have and what we need to achieve you. So utilizing these resources, one can plan accordingly and achieve the target faster. So the SDGs awareness generation provides proper resource material for every department concerning every goal separately. Posters:- Posters are the major means of advertisements. Advertising ourselves is not from a commercial perspective but it is a means of letting others know about SDGs. So posters for each department will act as a stepping stone for achieving the awareness generation and capacity building. These posters also can be posted on social media as well as with print media. Bottom lines The sdgs awareness generation is a team came forward to eradicate poverty as well as to create a sustainable planet for the well-being of the entire world. The sustainable development goals Center coordination, Punjab is putting its maximum effort and achieving the targets easily. sdgs awareness generation

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