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Bridging Courtyards of Economies
from Work Portfolio
by NidhiRatani
Bridging Courtyards of Economies
Site : Surat Science Center, Surat Scale : 1800 Sqm. Time Period : 16 Weeks , Semester 9 (2020)
The project is a bazaar and an exhibition built in the surat science centre, it deals with the juxtaposition of elevated or cantilevered or supported element i.e. Bridge and spatially intangible space created with partly or completely surrounded planes on an area of flat ground i.e. Courtyard for celebrating coexistence of various economies and sociology of surat city.
The final outcome of the project is based on the usage of optimum construction material and technique through advanced technological parameters for interior design practise.
Learning Outcome : The studio learning is seen as an experiment between making of interior elements, organization of interior elements and modes of technologies in resolving assembly based construction of enclosed spaces; explored through abstraction.