Cool Roof Paint
Cool Roof Paint is a type of Heat Reflective Paint. This can be used on all types of roofs without any difficulty. It’s sun reflective type paint and it’s object is to decrease the roof temperature. It’s thermal insulating roof coating and which helps to minimizes the solar heat coming from the sun. This is very beneficiary in heated area.
Advantages of Cool Roof Paint
Reduce Energy Consumption
Reduce Utility Expenses
Easy to install
Roof Water Protection
Require low maintenance & low cost application
Decreasing roof temperature, which may increase roof service life Protect the roof surface from ultra-violet (UV) light and chemical damages
Cool Roof Cool roof are roof that are intended to keep up a lower roof temperature than customary roofs while the sun is sparkling. Sunlight is the essential factor that makes rooftops turn out to be extremely hot.
Types of Roofs ●
Low Sloped Roofs
Steep Sloped Roofs
Low and Steep Sloped Roofs
Low Sloped Roofs ●
Single-ply membranes
Built-up roofs
Modified bitumen sheet membranes
Spray polyurethane foam roofs
Steep Sloped Roofs Shingled Roofs Tile Roofs
Low and Steep Sloped Roofs Metal Roofs
Get Here Details of Cool Roof Paint Manufacturers
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