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ES Report Cards
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ES Report Cards
The Elementary school reports student growth in two ways, through Progress Reports and Report Cards.
Progress Reports are sent home after our Parent-Teacher conferences at the end of Quarter 1 and Quarter 3. They will review the content of your conferences and supply any additional important information.
Report Cards are sent home at the end of each semester. In December, they will provide information on the growth of your child against our established standards. In June, they will give you a final picture of what your child has accomplished during the school year. Grades can change from one Report Card to the next as the work that the students are doing within our standards becomes increasingly complex.
Academic Performance Standards for Students
Teachers will inform students and parents of academic growth through sharing student work, assessment folders, personal contact, communication notebooks, parent/teacher conferences, emails, and/or phone calls. Teachers will work with parents to create appropriate interventions to help students improve skills in need of improvement.
National Plan Students: Standards Based Evaluation and the Ministry of Education
Standards based reporting reflects the International School of Nido de Aguilas’ philosophy as it allows us to know and clearly communicate the growth of every student. The learning standard represents learning objectives at each grade level. They represent the learning outcomes of Nido and the Chilean Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Education, under Decreto N 67, specifies that evaluations must be transferred to grades on a 1 to 7 scale, 4 being the minimum passing grade for a course. Therefore, in order to formally report student performance to the Ministry of Education, a standard normal table has been developed to convert our grades to points, and ultimately a percentage and a grade on the Chilean standard scale. The passing grade will be 2 points (equivalent to a 4.0 on the 1 to 7 scale). This conversion will be done at the end of the semester averaging all the points obtained in each standard assessed to obtain the final score.