17 minute read
Daily Schedule
Pre-Kinder 7:45 am - 2:30 pm
Kinder 1 7:45 am - 2:30 pm
Morning Arrival
Nido de Aguilas does not provide supervision for children before 7:30 am. Parents should not bring children before this time. Children should be in their classrooms by 7:45am. When children arrive late they miss important aspects of the whole group meeting time, and miss out on valuable classroom experiences A timely arrival allows the children time to transition into the classroom environment
● EYS children cannot walk from the parking lot to their classrooms on their own Parents need to make sure their child is left with the teacher inside the classroom
● All PK children should enter the PK building using the main entrance located next to PKA. This is for the safety of the children using the bathrooms at the end of the hall.
● It is important to say goodbye to your child prior to leaving and reassure them you will pick them up at the conclusion of the school day. Please avoid leaving without your child's knowledge.
● All EYS teachers are experienced Early Years educators. Teachers know how to handle difficult goodbyes. Please trust that they will be able to calm and comfort children who become upset when their parents leave. If your child is experiencing separation anxiety and cries for more than 15 minutes, you will be contacted.
Early Dismissal Schedule
On early dismissal days all students (PK and K1) attend school from 7:45 am – 2:30pm.
After School Departure
All students must leave campus at 2:30 pm unless participating in a supervised activity. Arrangements must be made so that no student is left unsupervised. Parents who fail to regularly pick-up their children or leave them unsupervised on campus, may result in a formal communication and request from the School.
● For those parents picking up their children from school, we ask that you pick them up in the classroom. Children riding the bus will be taken and put on the bus by one of the teaching assistants.
● If a child is not picked up by 2:40 pm, they will be waiting for you in the EYS office, located on the bottom level of the EYS building.
● Your child will be released only to those that you have pre-authorized.
● Any changes in departure, (i.e. change of bus, leaving with a different person, visit to a peer’s house, swimming lessons) need to be communicated to the teacher personally during the morning drop off or via email. Any changes in departure or schedule that occur after morning drop-off need to be communicated by telephone to Maria Teresa Geisse in the Early Years Office to ensure that your teacher receives the message, as teachers are unable to view and respond to communications (phone or email) during the school day.
● For early departures, a "Special Permission to Leave School" slip must be collected from Maria Teresa Geisse in the EYS office at the time of departure This piece of paper notifies the guard at the exit that the child has permission to leave school early with you Without the slip, you will not be allowed to exit the campus You will also be required to sign in at the guard station to receive a visitor’s pass when taking your child from school early.
Food And Celebrations
Healthy Food Guidelines
Research has shown that the school environment has a vital role in shaping children's eating behaviors For this reason, Nido has formulated Healthy Snack Guidelines to help parents provide nutrient-dense foods for children to consume while at school These guidelines are meant to foster proper growth, development and to assist students in gaining greater understanding of healthful eating habits for lifelong benefit.
Healthy Snack Guidelines
Parents are to provide snacks that will make a positive contribution to their child's health, with an emphasis on providing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole-grains as the primary snacks and water as the primary beverage. Portion sizes should be age appropriate.
Healthy Snack Ideas
● Fruits and vegetables
● Dried fruits (raisins, apricots)
● Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin)
● Nuts (be mindful of allergies)
● Dairy (cheese, yogurt, milk)
● Popcorn (light or air-popped)
● Whole-grain products (select granola and cereal bars)
● Muffins and breads (low-sugar varieties including bran, zucchini, carrot)
● Water
Foods that Impede Children’s Ability to Learn Effectively (and subsequently are discouraged):
● Candy and other refined sugars (lollipops, chocolate bars)
● High sugar baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.)
● Salty food items with high saturated fats (potato chips, tortilla chips, puffed cheese snacks, crackers, etc.)
● Soft drinks and most juices
● Those with a high level of artificial colors and flavors.
Student Birthdays
Student birthdays will be celebrated in coordination with the homeroom teacher The food brought to class must be in accordance with our healthy snack guidelines. Parents are to check with homeroom teachers for any food restrictions due to children with food allergies. Celebrations should be simple (one food item and one drink item) and we ask that balloons, piñatas and other birthday elements are not brought to celebrations. Birthday party invitations may be handed out at school only if the entire class is invited, or if all of the boys or girls in a class are invited to the party.
Class Celebrations
Food brought to class must be in accordance with our healthy snack guidelines. Parents should coordinate with homeroom teachers if they are interested in sponsoring other celebrations such as religious, international holidays, etc
EYS celebrates the following events:
● National Holiday
● Halloween
● Thanksgiving
● End of Semester Celebrations
● Celebrations of Learning
Academic Instruction
The Instructional Program
The EYS curriculum is designed to create opportunities for deeper learning and exploration about the world in which we live Units of Inquiry are authentic and meaningful for students and strengthen 21st century skills such as problem solving, collaboration, and creativity, as well as help students to develop a growth mindset Children become inquirers by asking questions, conducting investigations, and developing independence by making decisions about their learning.
Nido’s Early Years School focuses on cultivating student curiosity and developing pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills. Foremost among these skills is the ability to communicate in English. English language learners need a stimulating environment to acquire the basic knowledge and skills that develop spontaneously. Teachers guarantee, through Units of Inquiry, each child will be supported in their social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. This lays the foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. .
Objectives of the EYS Program
Our Students CONNECT:
● Express empathy and appreciation of others.
● Identify and articulate emotions toward greater self-regulation
● Become confident communicators
Our students EXPLORE:
● Establish an identity as readers, writers and storytellers.
● Expand pre-reading and pre-writing literacy skills.
● Develop logical thinking and math readiness.
● Strengthen a variety of gross and fine motor skills.
Our students ACT:
● Engage in joyful and cooperative play and learning.
● Exhibit independence self-confidence, and initiative in their learning and social interactions.
● Solve problems creatively and critically
Student Responsibilities
● Be curious
● Make positive choices
● Active learner
● Respectful member of a community
● Listen
● Follow classroom agreements
● Be responsible with belongings
● Develop work habits
Parent Responsibilities
● Be involved in child’s learning
● Listen to your child
● Give your child space and support to grow and learn
● Participate in school related activities
● Maintain open/constant communication with teachers
● Volunteering
● Collaborate with the school community
● Share resources and materials from home
● Participate in Celebrations of Learning
Teacher Responsibilities
● Provide safe, meaningful environment
● Provide clear limits, classroom agreements, and routines for the children’s comfort and security
● Be a guide; provide necessary tools for optimal learning in every domain (Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Social Emotional Learning, Physical Education and Approaches to Play and Learning)
● Keep families informed about their child and the classroom
Special Classes
EYS students will attend one specialist class per day. These classes complement and advance the rich Units of Inquiry and teaching of Early Years Learning standards. EYS students participate in the following specialist classes:
● Music
● Art
● Outdoor Education
● Spanish
● Library
Teacher/Parent Meetings
Although we are eager to talk with you about your child, morning arrivals and afternoon departures are not the best time for a lengthy discussions. The children need our attention, and we want to be available for them. If you would like to meet with their teachers, please send an email and we will schedule a time to meet with you. We are here to support both you and your child.
Field Trips & Outside Performances
Field trips and outside performances expand the educational program at Nido de Aguilas and enrich student learning To be eligible to go on a field trip or to perform at a function outside of school, students must bring a permission slip signed by the parent and returned to the teacher before the scheduled trip Students without signed permission slips will not be allowed to attend field trips or outside performances.
Field trip protocols are also stated in the Internal Regulations Handbook
Daily Reading
Nido encourages daily reading to help children achieve reading fluency and comprehension. The primary goal is to help children grow a love for literature. Reading provides excellent practice of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and higher level thinking skills. The EYS encourages parents to read to their children in their native language and encourages students to practice reading in English daily.
Daily reading can take several forms. In the Early Years School, parents are asked to read with/to their child (which is an excellent habit to continue through to middle school). Most of the time students are encouraged to read books of their choice. Parents can help their child by asking him or her questions about the text and by having a discussion.
Children will find reading easier if they practice reading consistently We ask that your child read for pleasure or you read to them on a daily basis
What Parents Can Do
Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in developing their child's love for reading by:
● Providing a quiet, comfortable space, free of major distractions.
● Providing a defined time for daily reading. Incorporating reading into a bedtime routine is an ideal time
● Limiting TV viewing and computer/video games
● Helping your child develop self management skills and foster their love of reading
EYS Reporting to Parents
The school year is divided into two semesters. Teachers use a digital portfolio platform called Seesaw. Seesaw is used as the primary communication tool to share individual and group learning and development with parents throughout the year. Parents meet with teachers at the end of quarter one and quarter three, at which time learning goals are set as a partnership. Parents will receive a standards-based narrative report at the end of both semesters via PowerSchool.
Early Childhood Child Growth & Development Standards
Teachers will routinely inform parents of students' individual growth and development in all Early Learning domains (Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Social Emotional Learning, Physical Education and Approaches to Play and Learning) through personal contact and/or Parent/Teacher Conferences. Teachers will work with parents to provide appropriate opportunities to help students improve their skills. Students must demonstrate progress towards meeting the expectations of all Early Learning standards for their respective grade levels.
Parent/Teacher Communications & Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are held at the end of quarter one, and again at the end of quarter three.
The conference gives teachers and parents a chance to discuss your child’s academic and social emotional progress, as well as other important school-related topics. Subsequent conferences will be scheduled at the request of the parent or teacher. Parents of students who are experiencing academic difficulty or are displaying behavior problems will be invited to discuss these matters with their child’s teacher
During each semester a Celebration of Learning event will be held to display the learning that takes place during the year. The celebrations begin during the second semester for PK and during the first semester for K1.
PowerSchool, Nido’s student information system, is intended to provide parents, students and teachers with a secure and simple way to view attendance records from any computer with Internet access Registration for students happens through PowerSchool
To access PowerSchool, go to Powerschool or go to Nido cl and log into the Parent Portal If you do not have your DIRECTIONS SHEET, USERNAME or PASSWORD handy, please contact your homeroom teacher, and/or the EYS Office, to receive the required information. Each time your child is marked absent an automatic mail is sent home which informs the parent that the child has been marked absent. If this is incorrect, the parent is required to contact the EYS office so we may account for the child's whereabouts.
● Please be informed that by age four your child can and is expected to take care of his/her own toileting needs. During the first quarter the children go to the bathroom as a group at least twice a day. The rest of the day they are allowed to go alone whenever they feel it is necessary. An adult will closely monitor the children at all times.
● Your child will be monitored by an adult in the bathroom, and will be given verbal support to assist him/her with his/her toileting needs We will try to refrain from providing adult assistance in order to begin helping the children take care of their toileting needs independently Only if necessary or in the event of a toileting incident will teachers physically assist a child in cleaning themselves with written permission from parents.
EYS Toileting Procedures Form to be signed and returned by parents. Please also see the Changing Clothes And Hand Washing Protocol (Appendix 10) of the School Community Life Handbook.
Allergies/Health Issues
● Any health concerns, issues or allergies should immediately be communicated to the school nurse’s office as well as to the teachers in the classroom. To communicate with the School Nurse, email healthunit@nido.cl.
● If your child has an allergy, there is a protocol in place that the Nurse’s Office and the classroom teachers will follow to ensure that your child is in a safe environment.
● Any medication that your child needs should be brought to the Nurse’s Office together with a prescription from the doctor. It is the parent’s responsibility to create a plan with the nurses for administration of the medication.
● Classroom teachers do not administer medication to children.
Room Parents
● Each year we ask for two parents to be “Room Parents” for the classroom. These parents help plan classroom parties and events, coordinate activities, and assist teachers with various projects. These parents will work closely with the Nido Parent Association (NPA) to promote parent activities.
Collection of Money from Parents
● Each classroom usually collects approximately 20.000 pesos from each parent per student in the classroom.
● This money is given directly to the Room Parents and is managed only by them. The money will be spent on consumables for the children of that class
Student Services
Student Study Team
The Student Study Team is composed of EYS administration, EYS counselor, classroom teachers, Support Services coordinator. A school nurse or Learning Resource Center specialist may also attend, if necessary. Determining the most appropriate level of ongoing support for the child is the most important objective of the team.
EYS School Counselor
The EYS Counseling Program is aimed at assisting students, parents, and teachers Some of the counseling services being offered include:
● Individual and small group counseling
● Classroom guidance
● Consultation with teachers and parents
● Parent information sessions
The School Counselor collaborates with parents and school support personnel and may recommend that parents seek a psychological and/or psycho-educational screening when needed through the Nido Learning Support Center.
Counselors conduct on-going observations of students in a variety of settings and share their observations with teachers and the Student Study Team. In cases when children require support from an outside specialist, the counselor acts as a liaison between school and the outside specialist. Referrals and recommendations for psychological and/or psycho-educational evaluations are made by the entire SST team This process is carried out in consultation with families
Media Center/Library Policies, Rules and Regulations
Nido's Media Center program expands the learning experience beyond the wall of the classroom into the world. The Media Center is a central hub for teaching, research, experimentation, practice, creating, working, learning, and play. In a welcoming and collaborative atmosphere, reading, discovery, imagination, and creativity come alive. Wonder and curiosity become central to personal, academic, social, and cultural growth. As a research facility for the older students and a “curiosity and exploration lab” for the younger children, the Media Center provides opportunities to develop inquiry-based skills and habits of the mind, which will enable students to continue their individual quests for learning throughout their lives.
General Library Information
1. Library hours are 7:00 am - 4:00 pm from Monday through Friday.
2. Materials are arranged in the following sections: ECC (EYS), E (everybody fiction and non-fiction), BB (Big Books), J (junior fiction and non-fiction), Pro (professional), Reference, JSp (Spanish), JB (biography) and Periodicals.
3. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, yearbooks, directories, etc., are classified as reference material and are to be used in the library.
4. Videos and DVDs are for instructional use only and are not available for students or parents to check out.
Checking Out Books
● EYS students may check out one book for a period of 7 days Students may not check out books if one or more books are overdue
● Parents may check out five books for a period of 14 days
● Staff may check out books for a period of 30 days
● Students are required to pay for lost or damaged books.
Co-Teaching and Flexible Scheduling
In partnership with the Media Center staff, teachers are encouraged to plan curricular projects that revolve around the use of our media center. The Media Center staff will work in partnership with the teacher to co-teach needed skills for the project. Our curricular information literacy (library) skills will be integrated into these units.
“Flexible scheduling,” means that teachers and Media Center staff work together to agree upon a timeframe in which to work on projects with Media Center resources as needed throughout the year.
Lost and Found
Students are responsible for making sure that their belongings are kept in a safe place. Uniforms and supplies all look alike; therefore, we cannot stress enough the importance of marking all belongings in permanent ink with the name of the student and his/her grade
The EYS has a lost and found basket located in front of the EYS Office There are also lost and found closets in the Elementary School, Middle School and High School Offices
Students should not bring valuables such as large amounts of cash, expensive jewelry, and iPods and like devices, cameras, handheld games, mobile phones or other electronic devices to school. Unmarked items not claimed within a reasonable period of time will be donated to a charitable organization.
School Uniforms And What To Bring
Students in the EYS are required to wear the Nido uniform daily. Uniforms are available at:
● Scolari (located at Balmoral 163, Las Condes, phone +56-2-2212-8540)
All uniform items should be clearly labeled with the complete name of the child.
Uniform Options:
● Blue with red piping Nido athletic shirts (short and long-sleeve)
● Blue, grey, or red Nido t-shirts
● Blue or grey Nido hooded sweatshirts
● Nido navy fleece zip-up
● Nido logo or plain navy pants, leggings, or shorts (purchased from the NPA store, Scolari, or from any retail provider)
● Comfortable shoes
● Nido sun hat
● Water Bottle
In cold weather students may wear winter jackets of their choice; however, the only sweatshirts permitted are Nido sweatshirts.
Hats are encouraged to be worn outside the classroom for protection from the sun.
● The cubbies in the classrooms are relatively small. In addition, we sometimes go for walks and picnics and use the backpacks to transport lunches and/or snacks. For this reason, we ask that you send a moderately sized backpack. Wheels on backpacks are permitted but not encouraged.
Other Things to Bring to Class
● Please bring a water bottle (labeled with your child’s name) on a daily basis.
● Sun Hat – Each child is required to have a sun hat to wear while outside. Please bring a hat clearly labeled with your child’s name and classroom to leave at school.
● In the Spring and Summer time, please apply sunblock on your child before coming to school.
● Please bring a complete set of extra clothes (according to season). Be sure each piece is clearly marked with your child's name Also remember, once we have used the set of spare clothes that are kept at school, it is very important that you replace them as soon as possible You might also consider including an extra pair of shoes
● Please bring a family photograph to be left at school
● Bringing personal toys from home is strongly discouraged. We have a wealth of didactic materials available in the classroom, and toys from home can cause social discord or get lost easily.
The Transportation contract and additional information may be found in the School Community Life Handbook While the school assists with the coordination of the transportation, the buses are privately owned and operated by the bus providers The choice to use one of the school buses is an individual agreement between the bus provider and the parent Fees are stipulated by the bus provider and approved by the school
Expected behavior from students:
● Show courtesy, safety and proper conduct at all times.
● Follow and respect instructions given by the driver.
● Remain seated at all times with a seat belt fastened.
● Respect others and the property of others.
● Refrain from eating and drinking on the bus.
● Refrain from throwing objects inside and outside of the bus.
● Refrain from requesting the driver to turn on the radio.
Report to the school any observations, and complaints related to safe, orderly transportation of students (forms for this are available at the school).
It is important to have procedures in place to assure a timely, safe arrival to and from school To ensure this, we are including the following expectations:
● Be ready for the morning pick-up at the appointed time and place. Buses should be at the school by 7:30 am. EYS teachers will be waiting for the EYS bus children upon arrival to school. Children wait with the teachers at the bus stop until it's time to head to the classrooms. Children are not allowed to go to their classrooms alone.
● Children walk to the bus stop accompanied by a teacher and may not go to their bus alone. Children should go to the departure site and promptly board buses to ensure the timely departure of buses at 2:30 pm
Changes to students' bus schedule must be communicated to the child's classroom teacher and the EYS office prior to the school day commencing. Teachers are unable to read and respond to parent communications (phone or email) during the school day For example, if students are riding home by car with parents or with friends, they must inform their teacher that they are not riding the bus in addition to turning in the necessary permission forms. The transportation coordinator will honor no special transportation requests on early dismissal days. Parents may not leave non-bus riders with the assistant teachers who are chaperoning or awaiting bus riders.
Emergency Requests for Change of Pick-Up or Drop-Off Address
Last minute requests to change transportation arrangements create many complications. We ask for the cooperation from parents for these requests. In an effort to facilitate the communication of the emergency requests, we kindly ask you to submit the following information in writing:
● The original pick-up or drop-off address.
● The new pick-up or drop-off address (please be sure to explain which address is the original and which is the new)
● An emergency telephone number that can be used to clarify instructions, if necessary
Students can provide a change of address request to the EYS office.
Student Activities
After School Activities
After School Activities extend the academic program at Nido de Aguilas by providing students with additional opportunities to connect authentically, explore with curiosity, and act purposefully. The After School Activities program runs over two semesters.
Information regarding ASA will be available at the beginning of each semester. It will include a list of activities, policies, description of activities, schedules, places the activities meet, activity advisors and other pertinent information.