13 minute read
Course Number: 4011 Grade level: 9
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: n/a This course, for all 9th grade students, includes the study of ecosystems, and how human factors and personal choice affect other factors within shared systems. Further study will include investigation of the human body and how behaviors affect health by focusing on the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems. Strong emphasis will be placed on scientific investigation skills including: planning, data collection, data processing and presentation, and evaluation as well as scientific research. Students will be assessed on these skills as well as the content of the topics addressed.
Course Number: 4012 Grade level: 10
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Life Science This course, for all 10th grade students, addresses topics in matter and energy, solution chemistry, states of matter, waves, motion and forces. Strong emphasis will be placed on scientific investigation skills including: planning, data collection, data processing and presentation, and evaluation as well as scientific research. Group project investigations are an integral part of every unit. Students will be assessed on these skills as well as the content of the topics addressed.
Course Number: 4019 Grade level: 11/12
Credit Value: .5 Prerequisite: Physical Science 10 This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of modern astronomy. The course is divided into two parts: the first part surveys the new data collected on the planets in our solar system and the second part of the course is a survey of extra-solar bodies, galaxies, and the general structure of the universe. The course will emphasize how modern astronomers use technology such as telescopes, probes, and rovers as scientific platforms to gather data on the wonders of space. Students may have a chance to take a field trip to one
of the major telescopes in the region; part of the cost must be assumed by the family.
Course Number: 4024 Grade level: 11/12
Credit Value: .5 Prerequisite: Physical Science 10 In this course, students will examine the global public-health challenges facing the world today. Students will evaluate case studies and analyze data sets and models in order to explore the political, environmental, and social factors that strengthen or weaken a society's ability to successfully respond to health problems. Topics addressed include the biology of infectious disease, the quantitative measures associated with health issues, and the role of global health policy initiatives.
Course Number: 4021 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: .5 Prerequisite: Physical Science 10 In this course students will examine equity in access to environmental resources (clean air, land, and water) and to the decision making process that regulates and or limits access to these resources. Students will evaluate case studies and analyze data sets and models in order to learn about inequities that currently exist and the impact and effectiveness of national and global solutions, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
Course Number: 4026 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: .5 Prerequisite: Physical Science 10 This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of engineering. The course emphasizes the use of mathematical principles to design and then build various structures including towers, bridges, turbines, trebuchets, hydraulic arms, and vehicles, such as boats, airplanes, and rockets. The DIY nature of this course will introduce students to the safe use of table saws, scroll saws, routers, jigs, and other wood-working tools for the purpose of constructing various machines which students will test against their theoretical models.
Course Number: 4050 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science. This course is the first year of a two-year course following the IB Biology Standard Level syllabus which prepares students to take the IB Biology SL exam in May of the second year. It may be taken as a stand alone general high school biology course. The topics addressed include cells, molecular biology, ecology, energetics, and genetics. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment.
Course Number: 4051 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science. This course is the first year of a two-year course following the IB Biology Higher Level syllabus and is intended for students who plan to take the IB Biology HL exam in May of the second year. It corresponds generally to an introductory Biology college course. The topics addressed include cells, molecular biology, ecology, energetics, and genetics, from both the core and AHL topics in the IB Biology Syllabus. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project.
Course Number: 4106 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science. This course will generally follow the IB Standard Level core syllabus. This may be taken as a stand alone high school chemistry course. The topics addressed include atomic theory, stoichiometry, periodicity, bonding, energetics, kinetics, equilibrium, and acids and bases. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project.
Course Number: 4107 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science & Math 10 Advanced. This course is the first year of a two-year course following the IB Chemistry Higher Level syllabus and is intended for students who plan to take the IB Chemistry HL exam in May of the second year. It corresponds generally to an introductory chemistry college course. The topics addressed include atomic theory, stoichiometry, periodicity, bonding, energetics, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, and oxidation - reduction. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project.
Course Number: 4205 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science. Note: This is a math-based course. Students with strong math skills will be set up to have the most success. This course will generally follow the IB Standard Level core syllabus, serving as both a one-year Physics course and as the first year of the two-year IB SL course. The topics addressed include measurement, mechanics, thermal physics, waves, nuclear, atomic and particle physics. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project. Laboratory reporting skills will be stressed, fostering those required within the IB criteria.
Course Number: 4206 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science and Math 10 Advanced. Note: This is a math-based course. Students with strong math skills will be set up to have the most success. This course will generally follow the IB Higher Level core syllabus, serving as both a one-year Physics course and as the first year of the two-year IB HL course. The topics addressed include measurement, mechanics, thermal physics, waves, nuclear, atomic, quantum and particle physics. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project. Laboratory reporting skills will be stressed, fostering those required within the IB criteria.
Course Number: 4315 Grade level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Two successful years of High SchoolCredit Value: 1 Science. Students must be comfortable using technology. IB Design Technology aims to develop internationally-minded people whose enhanced understanding of design and the technological world can facilitate our shared guardianship of the planet and create a better world. It focuses on analysis, design development, synthesis and evaluation. The creative tension between theory and practice is what characterizes design technology within the IBDP sciences subject group. This course will serve a one year course in Design Technology or as the first year of a two-year IB course. Units will include: Human factors and ergonomics, resource management and sustainable production, modeling, and material science and manufacturing. Students must participate in the Group 4 IB project. Note: IB Design Technology is categorized as an IB Group 4 course; National Plan students should check with the National Plan Coordinator to ensure that this course meets the science prerequisite requirements for university.
Course Number: 4316 Grade level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Two successful years of High SchoolCredit Value: 1 Science. Students must be comfortable using technology. IB Design Technology aims to develop internationally-minded people whose enhanced understanding of design and the technological world can facilitate our shared guardianship of the planet and create a better world. It focuses on analysis, design development, synthesis and evaluation. The creative tension between theory and practice is what characterizes design technology within the IBDP sciences subject group. This fast-paced higher level course will serve a one year course in Design Technology or as the first year of a two-year IB course. Units will include: Human factors and ergonomics, user-centered design (UCD), resource management and sustainable production, sustainability, modeling, and material science and manufacturing. Students must participate in the Group 4 IB project. Note: IB Design Technology is categorized as an IB Group 4 course; National Plan students should check with the National Plan Coordinator to ensure that this course meets the science prerequisite requirements for university.
Course Number: 4305 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: Two successful years of High School Science. This course is the first year of a two-year course following the IB Environmental Systems and Society Syllabus which prepares students to take the IB ESS SL exam in May of the second year. This course intends to give students a sound, knowledge-based understanding of the interrelationships between ecosystems and societies, focusing on the scientific, ethical and socio-political aspects of environmental issues. The topics addressed include systems and models, ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity, water resources, and environmental value systems. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project. Note: This is a transdisciplinary course. Students taking this course will satisfy the group 3 and 4 IB requirements and may choose another subject from any of the 6 groups to complete their sixth subject for the IB Diploma. For the Nido diploma, one year of science and one year of social studies credit will be awarded; for the national plan diploma two years of science will be awarded.
Course Number: 4031 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Biology SL I This course will complete the IB Biology Standard Level syllabus. Students are prepared to take the IB Biology SL exam during May, and complete the 40 hours of practical work required for internal assessment. The topics addressed include evolution, ecology, human physiology and an optional topic. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment.
Course Number: 4041 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Biology HL I This course will complete the IB Biology Higher Level syllabus, finishing students’ preparation for the IB Biology HL exam in May, as well as completing the 60 hours of practical work required for internal assessment. The topics addressed include evolution, ecology, plant science, human physiology and an optional topic. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment, and includes participation in the Group 4 project. Students may expect to receive work over vacation periods.
Course Number: 4101 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Chemistry SL I This course will complete the IB Standard Level Chemistry syllabus. The course prepares students to take the IB Chemistry SL exam during May. The topics addressed include oxidation - reduction, advanced thermodynamics, organic chemistry, and optional topics. Practical work will constitute about 25% of the course and its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project.
Course Number: 4103 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite:IB Chemistry HLI This course will complete the IB Chemistry Higher Level syllabus, finishing students’ preparation for the IB Chemistry HL exam in May. The topics addressed include oxidation - reduction, advanced thermodynamics, organic chemistry, and optional topics. Practical work will constitute about 25% of the course and its assessment and includes participation in the Group 4 project.
Course Number: 4202 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Physics SL I This course will complete the IB SL syllabus. The topics covered include electricity, magnetism, energy sources and one extension topic to be chosen by the class. This second year course will focus on preparation for the May IB Exam. Practical work will constitute about 25% of the course and its assessment, including participation in the Group IV Project. Laboratory reporting will emphasize completion of the students IB portfolio for submission to external moderation.
Course Number: 4204 Grade level: 12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Physics HL I Note: Students who desire to take the IB Physics Higher Level Exam should take Physics HLI in grade 11, then Physics HL II in grade 12. This course will complete the IB HL syllabus. The topics covered include electricity, magnetism, energy sources and one extension topic to be chosen by the class. This second year course will focus on preparation for the May IB Exam. Practical work will constitute about 25% of the course and its assessment, including participation in the Group IV Project. Laboratory reporting will emphasize completion of the students IB portfolio for submission to external moderation.
Course Number: 4317 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Design Technology SL I In the second year of this two-year IB course, Design Technology specifically focuses on the units of: Innovation and Design and Classic Design. DP Design Technology achieves a high level of design literacy by enabling students to develop critical-thinking and design skills, which they can apply in a practical context. While designing may take various forms, it will involve the selective application of knowledge within an ethical framework. This year students will further apply the skills they learned throughout the course and will complete their Design Project which serves as the IB Internal Assessment. Note: IB Design Technology is categorized as an IB Group 4 course; National Plan students should check with the National Plan Coordinator to ensure that this course meets the science prerequisite requirements for university.
Course Number: 4318 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Design Technology HL I In the second year of this two-year IB course, Design Technology HL specifically focuses on the units of: Innovation and Design, Innovation and Markets, Classic Design and Commercial Production. DP Design Technology achieves a high level of design literacy by enabling students to develop critical-thinking and design skills, which they can apply in a practical context. While designing may take various forms, it will involve the selective application of knowledge within an ethical framework. This year students will further apply the skills they learned throughout the course and will complete their Design Project which serves as the IB Internal Assessment. Note: IB Design Technology is categorized as an IB Group 4 course; National Plan students should check with the National Plan Coordinator to ensure that this course meets the science prerequisite requirements for university.
Course Number: 4310 Grade level: 11-12
Credit Value: 1 Prerequisite: IB Environmental Systems and Society SLI This course will complete the IB syllabus. The topics studied include soils and food production, atmospheric science and climate change, and human population and resource use. Practical work constitutes about 25% of this course and of its assessment. Note: This is a transdisciplinary course. Students taking this course will satisfy the group 3 and 4 IB requirements and may choose another subject from any of the 6 groups to complete their sixth subject for the IB Diploma. For the Nido diploma, one year of science and one year of social studies credit will be awarded; for the national plan diploma two years of science will be awarded.