Interior Architecture Portfolio

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Interior Architecture Portfolio Nidya P. Laksmana

Welcome to Nidya’s Curiculum Vitae!


I’m an Interior Architecture fresh graduate from Universitas Indonesia who has skills in design thinking process. My experience has made me an adaptable person at work & able work both in teams & alone. One of my strengths is that I can work professionally & keep my personal and work life separate.

Basic Information Name Birth date MBTI Address

: Nidya Permatadewi Laksmana : Bogor, 12 December 1997 : ENFP : Jl. Kumbang no. 8 Bogor


Education SMA Negeri 1 Bogor 2014 - 2016 Interior Architecture Universitas Indonesia 2016 - 2020 GPA : 3.45

Skills Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Sketch Up AutoCAD

Interest Interior Architecture Music & Performance Exhibition & Installation Crafting


nidyalaksmana nidyalaksmana/

Organization Experience Head of Sponsorship Division Ekskursi Arsitektur UI: Orang Laut

2020 2019

Member of Interview Division Tim Besar Ekskursi Arsitektur UI: Orang Laut


PIC of KBB (Karya Baru Bersama) Division: Pepunden Tandur Temu Karya Mahasiswa Desain Interior Indonesia XV


Ticketing of Indonesia Creative Digital Architecture and Interior Design Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (BEKRAF) 2019 Head of Entrepreneur Division Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur UI


PIC of Art World Workshop (AWW) Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur


Staff of Community Dedication Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik UI


Working Experience Interior Designer Internship M Design Consultant


Basic Design 2 Teaching Assistant Department of Architecture, UI


Buildings Technology 3 Teaching Asistant Department of Architecture, UI


Hello! I’m Nidya, The one who believes that every design has its own story. In the past four years of my college life, I was given a chance to tell people’s (or living things?) stories by creating a design for them,

So, let me tell you

their stories...

Studio Projects

Story #1 : See-turtles

Story #2 : Enkaunta

Story #3 : Ostei

Story #4 : Optical House Installation

Story #5 : Pepunden Tandur Graphic Design

I dyllic

story #1


Sea Turtles Ecological Conservation

This is a story about sea turtles whose lives are threatened with extinction because of climate change and human greed. The world has changed, and so has the habitats of our friends. Those that could normally lay eggs anywhere, must now try to find the best place to prevent their extinction. Therefore, I did reprogramming the beach which was not originally used for our friends to lay eggs, to become a paradise for them.

this is SEE-TURTLES, a place where sea turtles can live happily, lay their eggs, gave birth to a thousand sea turtles cubs, and finally eliminate the endangered label from them. This place will save our friends, and in return, our friends will save the world by maintaining the marine ecosystem. Kayu Arum Beach, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

This project will arrange sea turtles food based on their species and how they migrate. The food will attract every sea turtles that will past through this beach when they migrate. Sea turtles that usually choose the beach for laying their eggs based on how the beach provides their food will be expected to be laying their eggs on this beach. With so many turtles laying eggs on this beach, this beach will become a fertile beach by taking minerals from sea turtles eggshells. area #1, client: hawksbill seaturtles

area #3, client: baby seaturtles

area #4, client: olive ridley seaturtles area #2, client: every species

what seaturtles can do? eat fish

cleaning themself by symbiosis with fish


migration path green seaturtles

migration path hawksbill seaturtles

migration path olive ridley seaturtles

the path will be taken by baby seaturtles

area #3 area #1

coral dominant seagrass dominant area #4

area #2


The sea turtles food (algae and coral reefs) will grow naturally in the medium provided by this project. Other than that, algae and coral reefs will symbiosis with each other to accelerate their growth. Several species of the food will attract the fish that will symbiosis with another species, including sea turtles, and other species of sea turtles will eat the fish.

eat coral eat seagrass

what human can do? In response to abused sea turtles' captivity that allows humans to meet the unhappy sea turtles, this project will allow you to see happy sea turtles in their natural habitat. The material of this building will be coated by medium for algae and coral reefs to grow. By that, the sea turtles will not be bothered by the presence of humans.

story #2


A Multipurpose Shelter This is a story about Jakarta and its hustle and bustle, especially Blok M. This hustle and bustle is the reason that two important roles in this story appear. The visitors who make the crowd happen, and the parkers, who manage it. The density of Blok M makes these two roles have their problems. Parkers who are always working but do not have proper rest areas and visitors who always want a shady walk. In another story, they often meet each other. Blok M, Jakarta Selatan

magnet 1: Blok M magnet 2: Exit access

the most crowded street in Blok M

three designs will be placed at three intersections that allow visitors and parkers to meet

this is Enkaunter, a shelter that will provide a resting place for parkers that always busy day by day because of the masses that always happened in Blok M. This shelter will also make the visitors more comfortable as they walked by. This project was placed in the most crowded street in Blok M, knowing by the bottom-up approach, to make a quality rest time for parkers that usually have a limited time to rest. This project will allow meetings between visitors and parker on their rest time. Parker that usually becomes a source of information for visitors to ask for directions is the main reason why this meeting should happen. Placement at the intersection will make it easier for parker to give direction.

In this story, there will be three spots that will make it easier for parker and visitors to encounter. Because there were so many unused buildings in this area, I take advantage of it and intervene in those buildings with this shelter. Every spot will have a resting area for parker, a walking area for visitors, and a spot where parkers and visitors will possibly meet. By providing three spots in this crowded area, every parker will have their shelter to rest.




meeting area resting area walking area

This meeting will make it easier for the visitors to ask parker and the parker to gave them the direction they needed

3RD LAYER laminated glass to reduce heat from the sun

2ND LAYER silver hair plants to reduce air pollution

1ST LAYER The main structure that can be functionated as a seat and table for parker to rest

story #3

ostei River

School Existing

Fishing spot Existing

A Fish Market for Local Society This is a story about a society who, I believe, can develop their site potential for decent work and economic growth. The area near the river and residents who often hold events for fishing are the main reasons why they can develop the potential of their site. Shibi Street, Depok

Service room to process freshly caught fish Market to sell fish residental area

this is Oscteich, a fish market that will be filled with local society. The site that nearby the river will be an advantage for the local society, who loves fishing, to go fishing and bring the fish directly to the fish market. Other than that, from site mapping data, this society still lacking places for them to shop for groceries. So, as in response, the second floor of the Oscteichthyes will be filled with groceries that will help the buyer to cook the fish provided on the first floor.

balcony nearby school frozen foods vegetables spices

selle market

seller and so the possib

service room nearby river

existing structure extending structure in a response from empty land

Most of the prog and buyer was various kinds of program that is balcony. The fun where parents, a wait for their child

er flow

selling table waterways fish cleaning area

fish area atmosphere

buyer flow

d buyer have their own flow bility of two parties meet is small

gramming and flow between seller based on typology studies from the fish market. The additional s injected into this project is a nction of this balcony is the place after shopping, can comfortably dren who are in school.

cashier atmosphere

balcony atmosphere

storage for seller’s personal item

story #4

optical house

A House for Connecting This is a story about a family that rarely sees each other. Even though they live on the same roof and pretty close to each other, the boundaries of their old house is the one who separates them. Therefore, I made them a house, not like the old one, but one that could trigger them to see each other often. Budi Agung, Bogor


this is Optical House, house for a family of five who will have their own private space but also will trigger them to meet each other. By providing visual connectivity between their private space and the center of the house, it will be a trigger for them to use the semi-private space often. The space that will be the center of this house and placement of their private space was based on activities analysis on their old house.

2nd center 1st center

daugther’s room bathroom


family room parent’s room grandma’s room kitchen + dining room bathroom living room 1ST FLOOR

there are two centers of thi family likes to cook, fro grandchildren, making the k of this house. The second ce family room that they often u

1st visual connectivity

family’s access guest’s access

2nd visual connectivity

is house. Because this om grandmothers to kitchen the main center enter of this house is a use to relax.

other than that, this family tends to have frequent guests. Therefore, I separate the public space from the semi-private space with intangible boundaries. this will keep the semi-private space private.



living room expected not to interfere with semi-private space

visual connectivity trigger the daughters to the center of the house

kitchen + dining room center of the house

daughter room

family room

access to the 2nd floor near the entrance of the family bathroom close to the living room for guest’s use

openings for sunlight to enter the first and second floor

garden near the family room for easy access

story #5

pepunden ta

UI x Trisakti Installation Collaboration

This is a story about a traditional dance from Central Java, ‘Tari Gambyong’. This is a dance performed by Central Javanese women when there is a rice harvest. This dance is a dance to welcome the rice harvest and hope for the rice goddess (Dewi Sri) to bless the harvest. ISI Surakarta, Surabaya


We want to convey the story to visitors by presenting elements that represent the dance such as the shawl as an important element of the dancer's clothing, the hanging rice symbolizing the rice harvest, and the atmosphere that is made sacred to symbolize the sacredness of the dance.

The interpretation of the essential elements of this dance is expected to be able to tell th

he whole stories to visitors.

graphic design

i dyllic

Small Business for Handmade Jewelry

My friend and I did branding for our small, handcrafted jewelry business. The idea of this small business is to make jewelry from beads and make rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. We want to capture the concept of jewelry, so for the logo and branding, we want to make it as fluid as possible so that it represents the fluid of jewelry. The unsymmetric and sketch-like logo and branding is to portray the rawness of handmade.

For the Instagram feed, we keep the idea from our logo and developed it into an asset that can be used in the Instagram feed and stories. We also take our product photos which we used on the Instagram feed.

you have come to the end of my portfolio, but these stories will continue to add up as time goes by because I believe there are still many stories that I have to tell...

see you on

another story!

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