10 Must-Have Virtual Event Technology Tools In the current situation, of the global pandemic due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus; conducting events is a major concern and nearly impossible. People have started organizing virtual and online events and have started adhering to event technologies to a large extent. Event technology has been in use for quite some time now and majorly these technologies were used on live events organized in an offline environment. Now, these techniques and tools are applied to virtual events.
Virtual events are principally the events that take place in the digital setting through the internet, digital media, and related platforms permitting the audience and organizers to get connected from any place. Some of the common types of virtual or online events are webinars, virtual conferences, and hybrid events. At present, due to some recent global crisis, there has been a standard change from live events to online events. More and more brands and businesses are now working with the
virtual event chances to connect with their patrons. From virtual seminars, conferences, parties, family functions to exhibitions, expos, and roadshows, and virtual meetings, everything is considered with the realm of virtual events. Any event management college in Mumbai that offers certification programs offers hands-on training on conducting various virtual events. Virtual events have now gained fame as they have verified to be more appealing, collaborating, cost-effective, reachable, and easily controllable as compared to live ones. So here comes the must-have virtual event tools and technology that are a must these days. Virtual Event Registration Event registration is the most imperative first step to implement a successful event as the simple and hassle-free registration process will confirm that the host gets the maximum audience participation through supreme registrations. Event registration is an indispensable part of event promotion and marketing; therefore, it needs to seamless, mobile-compatible, and handy with the least efforts. There are quite a few popular online event registration platforms like Eventbrite and Event which empowers the organizer to have maximum participation throughout and helps to collect information, badges, and vital counts. Every event management college teaches the application such event technology tool that will help in making the online event registration seamless and more collaborative.
Virtual Event Website A website in this digital age is an indispensable component for any business and brand promotion and when it is the case of virtual events then a website can demonstrate to be highly functional and valuable. It is the coolest and simplest virtual event stage for all-inclusive event
management and marketing where one can use the website to feature and publish necessary information, details, and news about the event, to facilitate the attendees and interested patrons.
Virtual Event Apps Most people take the download of event information through their mobile devices. Creating a mobile event app to concur with the event website can help make the event more pragmatic and collaborative. Any professionally qualified person, suppose a BBA in event management, is capable of handling the app following the website. Like the website, the event app should showcase the branding of the event and encompass a clear download of its benefits. The app can also help in professional networking, knowledge building, and awareness generation and data on participation surveys before, during, and after the event. The app also helps to build up and sustain interest in the event through gamification and real-time Q&A sessions.
Name: NIEM India Website: https://www.niemindia.com/