Nigerian observer 15 10 2014

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The Nigerian




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Gaza: Did Israel’s Hannibal directive lead to war crime?

Dep Gov, family give thanks BENIN CITY- This years annual thanksgiving service of Edo State Deputy Governor, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen Odubu with his family took place at St. Albert’s Catholic Church,

University of Benin, Benin City. The service was attended by the deputy governor ’s wife, Deaconess Endurance Odubu, family members, members of the State

Executive Council and All Progressives Congress (APC) Chieftains across the state. Addressing the congregation, the deputy governor acknowledged the hand of God in his

household. This, he said would encourage him to continually appreciate Almighty God for His blessings and favour upon him and his entire family. Continues on page 2

Robbers kill Police, Nollywood actor By OTAS OSAYANDE


Page 31 Kanu charges Eagles to go for goals

ASABA - A seven-man gang of armed bandit operating in Asaba, Delta State yesterday engaged the police in a fierce battle, killing a police officer, a Nollywood Actor, Clem Onyeka and one unidentified person through stray bullet. The NIGERIAN robbers chased them to OBSERVER gathered St, Luck Hospital and that the actor was opened fire as soon as returning from a movie they got closer to the location when he ran into bullion van, shooting armed robbers who sporadically apparently attacked a bullion van. to scare both the Police It was also learnt that and passers bye Mr. Onyeka was hit by a However, before the stray bullet during the Police could get their feet gun duel between the on ground the robbers robbers and policemen. had done the havoc, he It was also gathered said. that the fierce battle The Delta Police which lasted hours along Command Public DBS road, off Okpanam Relations Officer DSP road close to police Celestina Kalu while headquarters, Asaba reacting to the incident resulted in the death of said that the robbery one of the armed robbers attack on the bullion van who was immediately was foiled. whisked away to an Kalu said that a gang unknown place by the of armed robbers had gang. unsuccessfully attacked According to an eye a bullion van with police witness, at about noon, a escort at about 2.30pm. bullion van and a police However, DSP Kalu escort were driving along said “that the police DBS road when the escort displayed

gallantry, as they repelled the attack of the robbers in a fierce gun duel.” According to her “A bullion van that was coming from Awka, Capital of Anambra state to deposit money at the

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in Asaba, was attacked along the DBS road this afternoon (yesterday) by armed robbers. The police escort team with the bullion van

however lunched an attack and shot dead one of the robbers, but his gang members took the corpse away in their vehicle. The operation was unsuccessful, as the driver of the bullion van quickly drove away from the scene during the exchange of gunfire between the police and the robbers”. The PPRO added that

a passer-bye was however killed by a stray bullet during the exchange of gunfire. According to her, “It was a serious gun battle as the robbers, who operated in a SUV vehicle and a Toyota Sienna car, opened fire at the bullion van. The police escort responded and killed a member of the gang, but Continues on page 2

Akpata lived for a viable Nigeria - Mark

ABUJA - President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, has described the late Chief Tayo Akpata as a nationalist who lived for a viable and united Nigeria. Senator Mark in a condolence message to the family of late Chief Akpata said the deceased was a fulfilled Nigerian who devoted his life to the service of

humanity. He recalled the services rendered by late Akpata while in active service to the nation, noting that, “Chief Akpata lived a life full of passion for our country. He was a nationalist to the core. “When he served as the Executive Secretary of the defunct Petroleum Trust Fund, (PTF), he was outstanding. He was

TIT BIT “It is easier to find a needle in a haystack than for one woman to learn from her mate; how to make her husband love her more.” - Kingsley Ogbeide-Ihama

ever ready to teach the younger generation from his vast experiences. He preached love, peace and unity to every Nigerian. We will miss his Continues on page 2

NOMINATION FORM: Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar (2nd right), National Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), John Oyegun (2nd left), Party’s National Secretary, Mai Mala Bunu (left) and Director-General Atiku Campaign Organisation, Babalola Borishade during the collection of Presidential Nomination Form by Atiku Abubakar at the Party’s Headquarters in Abuja yesterday. Photo: OMOYE AMINU.

Boko Haram: Group drags CBN to

By RAHEEM IBRAHIM LAGOS - A human rights group in Nigeria, Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has dragged the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to court over its failure to expose the persons involved in alleged money laundering through the Apex Bank to fund the activities of Boko Haram. The suit filed yesterday at the Federal High Court

Ikoyi followed a Freedom of Information request by SERAP to the CBN governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele dated 15 September, 2014. The originating summons with suit


number FHC/L/CS/1547/ 2014 was filed on behalf of the organization by Adetokunbo Mumuni.

In the suit, SERAP argued that the “a necessary implication of the rule of law is that a public functionary and institution can only act in accordance with law, as

to do otherwise may enthrone arbitrariness. Obedience to the rule of law by all citizens but more particularly those who publicly took oath of office to protect and Continues on page 2

2015: Reps restore troops deployment By EDITH IMOISILI

ABUJA - The House of Representatives returned from its two-week Sallah Break to kill any hope of

striping the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) off the exclusive right of requesting for the deployment of troops to


election venues. You would recall that the lawmakers had, on Tuesday, September 30,

approved INEC as the only institution with the exclusive rights to request for the deployment of military to Continues on page 2




News Dep Gov, family give thanks

Continued from page 1 Dr. Odubu thanked the parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Andrew Obinyan for the life-changing role he played in his Christian


In a homily Rev. Fr. Obinyan centred his message on the topic, “Do not forget what God remembers”.

He explained that man tends to forget the will of God in the face of the circumstances of life. The cleric urged the

Continued from page 1 preserve the constitution is a desideratum to good governance. In a democratic

information is released to the Plaintiff.” The organization also said that, “Unless the reliefs sought herein are granted, the Defendant will continue to be in breach of the Freedom of Information Act, and other statutory responsibilities. It is in the interest of justice to grant this application as the Defendant have nothing to lose if the application is granted.” The organization is also seeking for a declaration that by virtue of the provisions of Section 4 (a) of the Freedom of

Information Act 2011, the Defendant is under a binding legal obligation to provide the Plaintiff with up to date information relating to the following: That the persons involved in alleged money laundering through the Central Bank of Nigeria to fund the activities of Boko Haram which have contributed to the unlawful killings of innocent Nigerians and destruction of property and the exact nature and duration of any such transactions. No date has been fixed for the hearing of the application

congregation to give more attention to spiritual matters saying that it is the source of life, rather than being satisfied as mere social beings. He enjoined the congregation to be selective in what-occupies their attention lest, they embark on pursuits that would not guarantee their salvation. Rev. Fr. Obinya described Dr. Odubu as humble and loyal to legitimate authority and urged him to sustain the culture. The cleric also encouraged the deputy governor to always begin and end his day with prayers. The students and youths of the parish also presented an award titled “friends of the youths” to the deputy governor. The ceremony was graced by APC Chieftains across the state, members of the state executive council, National Assembly members, Local government council chairman, political associates, family members, friends and wellwishers.

Continued from page 1 election venues. The approval followed the amendment of Section 29(1) of the Electoral Act No. 6, 2011. On Tuesday, however, Deputy House Leader, Hon. Leo Ogor, in a motion, urged the House to rescind its decision taken in the Committee of the Whole to retain Clause 29(1)(b) in the proposed amendment to Section 29(1) of the Principal Act and delete the said Clause 29(1)(b). Ogor’s motion was titled: Rescission pursuant to Order 9, Rule 57(6) of the Standard Orders of the House of Representatives on the Decision taken in the Committee of the Whole to Retain Clause 29(1)(b) in the Proposed Amendment to Section 29(1) of the Principal Act (Electoral Act, 2010). Ogor argued that retaining Clause 29(1)(b) in the amendment of the Principal Act is tantamount to ceding the President’s powers relating to the operational use of the Armed Forces to the INEC, against the provision of Section 218 of the Constitution. He noted that “the provision of Section 217(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), there shall be an Armed Forces for the federation, which function, by virtue of Section 217(2)(c), includes suppressing insurrection and acting in aid of civil authorities to restore order when called upon to do so by the President, but subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly. “By the provision of Section 218(1) of the Constitution, the powers of the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the federation shall include power to determine the operational use of the Armed Forces of the federation. “By the provision of

Section 218(3), the President may, by directions in writing and subject to such conditions as he may think fit, delegate to any member of the Armed Forces of the federation, his powers relating to the operational use of the Armed Forces of the federation and not to any other party other than those specified in the Constitution.” Ogor expressed optimism that by the provision of Section 218(2) of the Constitution, the envisaged members of the Armed Forces of the federation that the President can delegate his powers relating to the operational use of the Armed Forces of the federation, in line with Section 218(3), are the chiefs of defence staff, army staff, naval staff and air staff, and not to any other institution or head of any other agency of government. “By the provisions of sections 217 and 218 of the Constitution, an Act of the National Assembly cannot delegate to any other person not specified in the Constitution the discretional powers of the President and Commander-in-Chief as it relates to the operational use of the Armed Forces of the federation. “The provision of Section 1(3) of the Constitution, which stipulates that if any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail and that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void,” he added. But it took a deafening chorus of ‘nay’ to put an end to the motion when the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, put it to voice vote. Section 29(1) reads: “Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law and for purposes of securing the vote, the Commission shall be responsible for requesting for the deployment of relevant security personnel

necessary for elections or registration of voters and shall assign them in the manner determined by the Commission in consultation with the relevant security agencies. “Provided that the Commission shall only request for the deployment of the Nigerian Armed Forces only for the purpose of securing the distribution and delivery of election materials and protection of election officials.” The Union reports that this means that a repeat of the recent action of the Presidency to deploy troops during the gubernatorial elections in both Ekiti and Osun states will not be witnessed in the country, if this amendment is signed into law. The Union also reports that the bill was earlier referred to the committee on July 8, 2014 for public hearing, and the committee submitted its report on Thursday, September 25, 2014. Meanwhile voting on the harmonized report of the. Constitutions amendment begins tomorrow in the floor of the House oh representatives. The Speaker of the House Alhaji Aminu Waziri Tambuwal announced this yesterday while presiding over the session when Members have officially resumed sitting after Sallah break in Abuja. Alhaji Tambuwal said by the time the amendment shall have been concluded the seventh Assembly would have recorded a significant landmark achievement. He therefore enjoined his colleagues to be advocates of this noble success by lobbying with their colleaques at the States Assembly to ensure issues raised in the constitution amendment were passed with the two-third majority. The Speaker specially mentioned Local Goernment financial autonomy and State Police as key areas of note in the process. Later, the Chairman ad-hoc Committee on constitution amendment, Emeka Ihedioha read the section and finally laid the report before the House.

Group drags CBN to court

society, this is meant to be a norm; it is an apostasy for public institutions like the CBN to ignore the provisions of the law.” SERAP also argued that, “CBN has so far failed, refused and/or neglected to provide the Plaintiff with the details of the information requested. By virtue of Section 1(1) of the FOI Act 2011, the Plaintiff is entitled as of right to request for or gain access to information which is in the custody or possession of any public official, agency or institution. By the provisions of Section 2(7) and 31 of the FOI Act 2011, the Defendant is a public institution.” “By virtue of Section 4 (a) of the FOI Act when a person makes a request for information from a public official, institution or agency, the public official, institution or agency to whom the application is directed is under a binding legal obligation to provide the Plaintiff with the information requested for, except as otherwise provided by the Act, within 7 days after the application is received. The information requested for by the Plaintiff does not come within the purview of the types of information exempted from disclosure by the provisions of the FOI Act,” the organization also argued. According to the organization, “The information requested for, apart from not being exempted from disclosure under the FOI Act, bothers on an issue of National interest, public peace and security, public concern, social justice, good governance, transparency and accountability. The Defendant will not suffer any injury or prejudice if the

Akpata lived for a viable Nigeria

Continued from page 1 bluntness and panache. Senator Mark however urged the family of Chief Akpata, people and government of Edo State to take solace, “in the landmarks that this great son of Benin Kingdom has left in the sand of time.

Robbers kill Police, Nollywood actor

Continued from page 1 his members took his corpse away and escaped in their waiting vehicle,”.

Reps restore troops deployment to INEC

NBA calls for unconditional release of Okey Wali By ELIZABETH AGBOEGBULEM PORT HARCOURTThe National President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Augustine Alegeh, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), has called for immediate and unconditional release of his predecessor, Okey Wali (SAN), who was abducted on Saturday, by unknown gunmen in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Alegeh made the appeal, yesterday, when he visited the victim’s family members, in his home, Rumualogu, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of the state, to show solidarity with them. Addressing journalists at the Wali’s residence accompanied by the chairmen of the five branches of NBA in the state and some members of the bar, the national president decried the spate of insecurity in the country. “I have come to the family of our 26th president, Emmanuel Okey Wali, along with chairmen of branches of Rivers State and some leaders of the bar to show solidarity with the family; to show the family that the bar is in pains as they are in pains and the bar will stand with them at all times and also to use this opportunity to appeal to anybody who is involved in the abduction of Mr. Wali to please, please in God’s name consider releasing him on compassionate grounds. “He has served the country very well, he has always fought for the defenceless and most importantly he does not possess the health that

would enable him to survive in maltreatous conditions. So we appeal passionately for his safety and delivery, that’s why we have come here today”, he said. “We have always said that the principal function of government is to provide for the welfare and security of the people, that’s the constitutional role of government; more important that any role that government has to play. “And, if we are faced with situations, where kidnapping still exists in our country, it shows that there is failure on the part of government and we have called on government also to please step up their acts and take more proactive steps at addressing the security situation in the country”, he said. On punishment to kidnappers, Alegeh argued that capital punishment was not a solution to crime. “Punishment may be a deterrent to criminal activity, but will not totally stop criminal activity. So the function of government is to provide security first and foremost and, when there is a breach, then, the law will apply. “So, I do not see how you promulgate laws and laws themselves will be a substitute to the function of government. No matter how draconian the law may be, government still has a responsibility to provide security. “The most important thing is that we should have a proper police force that is well funded and well equipped and that is grounded with the people. And, I believe that we have the resources to police the country, whether we have the will-power is in doubt.

Don’t sell your vote - Lawmaker advises

LAGOS - A female lawmaker Alhaja Muhibat Rufai Adeyemi , representing Ojo constituency 1, has appealed to Nigerians not to sell their votes during the 2015 election. She explained that people must elect their representatives based on trust. She made the appeal while answering questions from correspondents during the weekly time-out With the Press at Lagos House of Assembly. She added that people should shun empty promises and gifts before they vote in 2015 election. Hon. Adeyemi also remarked “All Progressive Congress (APC) does not distribute money to make people vote for politicians. She said the votes are for developing our society. The lawmaker disclosed that voting for money is not encouraging, stressing that APC members only vote for development. When asked if politicians are corrupt, Hon Adeyemi said, “I don’t believe corruption is rampant

among politicians. It is a social menace among people”. She cited a level 3 civil servant who built mansion in a local government. She said some workers print fake receipt. She therefore said corruption is not only embedded in politicians. Speaking on internal democracy, Hon Adeyemi said she has been a progressive since she entered politics. She announced that there is nothing like consensus candidate, adding that every body can come to the party to seek election. “The candidate must be well known to the party leaders and people,” she said. Commenting on unemployment, she remarked, “I sold kerosene to make ends meet when I was unemployed, sold second hand clothes when I was in the university. She advised youths to lay hands on any thing profitable instead of fighting. She also appealed to the federal government to provide enabling environment for investors.






BENIN CITY Members of the Road Safety Corps, in Edo state have called members of the public to Imbibe the culture of proven integrity commitment to duty passion for saving lives as well as avoid acts of criminality. The call was made by Mr. Oro. Amayo a guest lecture sectoral workshop organized by the special Marshals and in partnership with the federal road safety corps, FRSC Zone RS5:1 The workshop has as its theme; “Improved Regularity and enforcement capacity in FRSC: ways forward in Road Traffic crash and Fatality Reduction”. Speaking at the workshop, the state coordinator, Mr. Friday Ekhator commended the special marshals of the FRSC for engineering the Traffic regulation, Including signs, standards and laws made to be obeyed, stressing that the FRSC was created to establish order in the Nigerian roads and ensure proper compliance enforcement of law, Mr. Ekhator regret the

challenges of road safety management in Nigeria regardless of the poor attitude and psychology of the Average Nigerian motorist. He therefore called on motorists to have a change of attitude to ensure safety in our roads. Guest lecturer at the workshop, Mr. Animam Beecroft Osirike, The unit coordinator, unit 16, Benin City, highlighted the regulatory roles of special marshals as making the highway safe for motorists and other road users, Educating motorists and other members of the public on the proper use of high ways as well as Regulating the use of mobile phones by motorists. Two officials of the special marshals were honoured and

decorated for their hardwork and untiring effort at keeping the road safe always, The awardees were, sir. Chief (Dr.) Luke Abbas (KSC) and Mrs. Lol Okwudike. Speaking with The NIGERIAN OBSERVER, The National co-ordinator of the FRSC, Mr. Nseobong Charles Akpabo, advised motorists and road users in Edo state to keep to the laws of Trafic, avoid any situation that could warrant punishment by the FRSC and stay a way from Alcohol before driving to ensure the safety of lives in the state and country at large.

BENIN CITY-Lift Above Poverty Organization (LAPO) a NonGovernmental Organization committed to the social, health and economic empowerment of women and other disadvantaged Nigerians, will hold the 21st edition of her Annual LAPO Development Forum tomorrow Thursday October 16, 2014 A statement by Sabina

Idowu Osehobo and James –Wisdom Abhulimen, General Manager and Manager, Media and Advocacy respectively, indicated that the forum scheduled to hold at the International Conference Centre, Abuja beginning at 10am, has as its theme “Governance, Poverty and Peace Building in Nigeria”.

Edo State Deputy Governor, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen Odubu (right) being welcomed to the marriage reception of Mr. Emmanuel Giorgio Eliosa and Dr. Daniella Uyiosa, daughter of Hon. Lucy Omagbon, Chair of Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State by a former member of the Federal Executive Council, General Godwin Abbe (rtd) and his wife. Photo: MOSES OBOH.

LAPO Holds Annual Forum On Governance According to the statement to the Forum shall provide a veritable platform for development organization, government agencies, professional bodies, members of the civil society and other stakeholders in development to discuss, exchange ideas and proffer pragmatic solutions to development,

poverty and governance issues in Nigeria. President of the National Council of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and former Managing Director of Access Bank, Mr. Aigboje AigImoukhuede shall deliver the key paper at the event while Professor Eddy Erhagbe, a Public Affairs Analyst and senior lecturer at the University of Benin shall chair the event. Initiated in 1987, LAPO was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1993.

Over the years, the organization has demonstrated uncommon commitment to poverty alleviation through the provision of innovative social and economic empowerment services to women and other disadvantaged groups across the country. Poverty, poor health, discrimination, low selfesteem, ignorance, illiteracy, governance and environmental degradation are among social issues addressed by –LAPO.

BEDC Holds NERC Stakeholders Meeting Tomorrow

Edo State Deputy Governor, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen Odubu with his wife (left) being presented a plaque of honour by Rev. Father Andrew Obiyan with the President and members of Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students (NFCF) at St. Albert Catholic Church, University of Benin, Ugbowo Campus. Photo: MOSES OBOH.

BENIN CITY-The Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) will tomorrow hold a Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) stakeholders consultative meeting on Aggregate, Technical, Commercial and

Collection loses (ATCC) and impact on the electricity retail tariff. Venue is the Rockview Hotel Owerri, Imo state beginning at 10am. A statement by the BEDC requests its customers and stakeholders to attend without fail.

N155m Theft: Court Orders Bureau De Change Operator’s Arrest

IKEJA - An Ikeja High Court has issued a warrant of arrest against a Bureau de Change operator, Dipo Adedokun, over an alleged N155 million theft. Justice Olutoyin Ipaye issued the warrant after Adedokun failed to appear before the court for the continuation of trial. The judge revoked the

N15 million bail earlier granted to Adedokun and ordered the operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to arrest him. She said Adedokun should be arrested and produced in court on the next adjournment date fixed for October 28. Earlier, Counsel to the EFCC, Mr Kayode Oni, told the court

that the accused had failed to appear at two consecutive proceedings without cogent reasons. Oni, therefore, asked the court to revoke his bail and issue a bench warrant against him to enable the EFCC to arrest him and expedite the trial. However, Adedokun’s

Counsel, Mr Rafiu Bello, objected to Oni’s oral application and pleaded with the court not to issue the warrant against the accused. Bello explained that the accused was facing severe health challenges as a result of his being incarcerated for over 14 months and facing multiple criminal charges

preferred against him by the EFCC. The reports state that the accused is facing a twocount charge of obtaining money under false pretences and stealing. The EFCC alleged that Adedokun stole the money belonging to a businessman, Mr Oboden Ibru, under the pretext of helping him to

convert the money to U.S. dollars. The anti-graft agency said the accused failed to convert the money as agreed and refused to refund the complainant’s money. According to the EFCC, the offences contravene Section 390 (8) of the Criminal Code, Laws of Lagos State 2003 and Section 1(3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and other Fraud Related Offences Act, Laws of the Federation 2004.




Across The Nation Accept Defeat In Good Fate, Abdulsalam Urges Politicians GOMBE - Former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalam Abbubakar, has urged politicians to accept defeat and results of the 2015 general elections in good fate and in the interest of democracy. Abubakar, who made the appeal during an interaction with newsmen in Gombe, advised politicians not to take politics as a do-or-die affair, but to play it according to the rules. “The most expensive commodity now in Nigeria is peace. “As we go into the 2015 general elections, we should do all the best we can to maintain peace and tranquility in this country because without peace, there will be no country, without peace nobody will go and pursue his livelihood. “I appeal to all of us; all of us have a role to play in maintaining peace in this country. “So we must approach the election with a sense of responsibility. “Election is not a do-ordie affair; in any competition there is a winner and when a winner emerges the loser should accept and know that there can be no two winners at the same time. “So the loser should go back and see what mistakes he had made; what his or her shortcomings are and prepare for the next elections. After all, in Nigeria, the tenure for governance is four years. “In a life of a nation, I think that is nothing to cry about. Within the twinkling of an eye, it will come and go,” he said. He advised the electorate to vote according to their conscience, to ensure credibility in the polls. On the progress made in democracy in the last 15 years, he said there was room for improvement, adding that nation building was a continuous process with people

building on what others had done. On the insurgency in the North East, he appealed to the insurgents to give peace a chance. The former head of state also had earlier paid a courtesy visit to the Emir of Gombe, Alhaji Abubakar-ShehuAbubakar, during which he condoled him of the death of his father, Alhaji Shehu Abubakar. The former head of state congratulated the emir on his appointment.

Femi Kuti Urges Nigerian Leaders To Shun Corruption

R - L: ACM Zaiki, HOD Special Marshal Personnel (SMP), Dr. Sini Twabe, National Coordinator SMP; Oluwasusi Familoni, Sector Commander Edo State; Ralph Asekomhe, Zonal SMP Co-ordinator at a Seminar Organised for Special Marshals in Benin City recently.

Representative of the President and Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, signing the condolence register of Late Mrs. Oluremi Oyo in Abuja recently.

Church Debunks Report on Collapsed Building

BENIN CITY – The authorities of Christ Chosen Church of God International said it was erroneous to say that the 40 years old building in the local branch of the Church at Uzama Street in Benin City collapsed. A statement by the Church Public Relations Officer (PRO), Apostle N.G. Atoe indicated that the said building was being pulled down in order to give way for the erection of an ultra modern structure, as well as create room for enough parking space. The statement also noted that contrary to media report and speculations that three persons died, only one person died while about five others were injured when the building “inadvertently caved in”. The building was not a failed one. It also did not collapse on its own. Those

employed to demolish the old building were working when it inadvertently caved in. “Our local branch at Uzama that inherited the old office block was pulling the old office block in order to create enough parking space when the unfortunate incident happened” the statement added. The statement also expressed the condolences of the church to the families of the deceased, while commiserating with the families of those injured. According to the statement “as at today only one of them is on admission as the others have been treated and discharged”. On the reaction which greeted the incident that led to the destruction and looting of the main church hall, looting of the Resident Pastor ’s property and the burning of the

church bus, the statement noted that they were all acts of

provocation, while praying that incidents like these will never be associated with the church again.

LAGOS - Femi Kuti, a musician and son of legendary Afro beat musician, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, has urged leaders in the country to shun corruption and implement programmes that would develop the country. Kuti made the call in an interview with newsmen in Lagos, during the celebration of the 2014 edition of Felabration. Felabration is a ceremony to celebrate the life and times of Anikulapo-Kuti, which had “The Amalgamation of the People of the Niger Area’’ as its theme. The event was attended by people from all walks of life. Anikulapo-Kuti, who founded the Afro beat genre of music in the late 1960s, achieved worldwide fame with evergreen songs like “Shakara’’, “Zombie’’ and “Water no get enemy.’’ Femi Kuti said if corruption was reduced, the nation would stand a good chance to meet its development goals. He added that “our leaders should abstain from corruption and have the love of the masses at heart. “Corruption is not only carried out by leaders alone, masses also do it. “Therefore, both leaders and average citizens should shun corruption and pay attention to national development.’’ On the annual celebration of Felabration, the musician told newsmen that it was meant to enlighten the masses and to brainstorm with stakeholders on the need for national development. ‘He said ``Felabration is to impact change on economic development. “We want all sectors of the economy to get a boost, such as electricity, roads, tourism and agriculture.’’

Malaria Elimination: Kebbi Maps Out

BIRNIN KEBBI - The Kebbi state USAID funded training by Health Communication Advocacy Collaborative (HC3) has mapped out media campaign strategies on the elimination of Malaria. The state HC3 Consultant, Mr. Sammy Olaniru, told newsmen in Birnin Kebbi that the Kebbi Malaria Elimination Committee had been trained on the effective strategies to be adopted to eliminate the disease. He said the training was also supported by United Statesbased John Hopkins School of Public Health and Center for Communication Programme Nigeria (CCPN) on the Malaria elimination programme. He said the training was aimed at enabling the state to develop

Campaign Strategy

a comprehensive state-level Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) programme on Malaria elimination by 2020 in line with Federal Government policy. Olaniru explained that the programme would also reduce the huge epidemiological burden of Malaria disease on Nigeria that had affected economic development. He called on the State Government to sustain support to the programme especially in developing strategic framework for maximum capacity building on elimination of Malaria. The consultant said modalities would be evolved to

adopt the national policy on Malaria elimination appropriate for the state. “The document would guide the state and partners to plan and implement communication interventions with focus on right message to the right audience for effective elimination of Malaria,” he said. Kebbi and Akwa Ibom states are the beneficiaries of the USAID, John Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Centre for Communication Nigeria and Health Communication Capacity Collaborative sponsored by the programme.




News APC Ovia N/E, Ekaladerhan Zone Reaffirms Threat To Resist Imposition

BENIN CITY – Members of the four wards in Ekaladerhan zone, comprising Iguoshodin, Utoka, Oghede and Oduna wards of the All Progressives Party (APC), Ovia North-East constituency II in Edo state have threatened to resist the issue of imposition of any kind with all their resources, no matter, where the imposition is coming from. According to them, they will be left with no option than to seek other avenues to actualize their aspirations, if they are not allowed to exercise their democratic rights. The APC members stated that they were reaffirming their decision to resist imposition and lopsided appointment into political offices in the present administration as the primaries of the APC draws near. In a press statement signed by Mr. Perry Osemwengie Egbon from Iguoshodin ward, Chairman of the Ekaladerhan zone, Mr. Ikponmwosa Nosa Oghede Ward, Mr. Amend Asemota — Utoka ward, Comrade ME Amadasun Oduna Ward, Hon. Peter Omorodion— Iguoshodin ward, Pastor Sunday E. Erhahon Oduna ward, Mr. Uyi Aimienoho, Youth Coordinator — Iguoshodin ward and other members of the executive committee and leaders, it called on the hierarchy of the APC in the state to wade into the unfair, inequitable and crafty treatment that have been meted to them over the years, stressing that the only succour will be to zone the House of Assembly seat in Ovia-North East Constituency II to Ekaladerhan zone to

compensate them for the years of neglect. While demanding that it is their turn to produce the next House of Assembly member, the statement made comparison between the two zones in the constituency that Iyekovia zone three wards comprising Okada East, Okada West and Uhen Wards have produced a member of the state House of Assembly for two tenures, a Commissioner, Chairman EDSOPADEC, Council Chairman, SA, SSA, having a total of twenty units and a total vote of five thousand two hundred and sixty-five in the last election. Whereas, Ekaladerhan zone four wards with a total of forty-seven units and a total vote of eight thousand and seventy-four in the last election have a Council Secretary which they claimed is the privilege other council chairman, two SSAs and only recently an Executive Director. The statement stated that it was obvious that Ekaladerhan zone has been short-changed

Pa Osatohanmwan Osunde For Burial years.

BENIN CITY - The family of Osunde Evbuomwan of Okhokhugbo in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State has released the programme for the burial of Late Pa Osatohanmwan Osunde Evbuomwan, who passed on, to eternal glory on July 24, 2014 at the ripe age 105

Pa Edenabuohien Funeral Begins Tomorrow By LAWRENCE OMORODION ODION/ ROBINSON OMEIZA

BENIN CITY - The families of late Pa. Johnson Uhunamure Emofonmwan and late Madam Omo Isiuwa Asoro have announce the death of their father, late Pa Sunday Perry Edenabuohien at the age of 64 years.

Late Pa Sunday Edenabuohien

and will no longer tolerate a situation where they have been turned into a spectator rather than an active participant in the political arena. “We have been reduced to an audience rather than being actors in the theatre of politics in our constituency. We have therefore taken our destiny in our own hands, we will no longer give in to empty promises or unfair and oppressive formula of political appointment and patronage. For the past eight years there has been no forum for interaction and consultation with Ekaladerhan zone in order to articulate and proffer possible solution by our so- called Representatives. No motion has been moved on the floor of House concerning the zone in respect of developments. The effect of the constituency project is non-existence in the entire zone. We have no access roads to our village, no water; our farmers are neglected without being part of the agricultural revolution in the country”.

According to the burial statement signed by promise Ikilo Emonfonmwan, tomorrow, Thursday October 16, 2014, the body will be taken from the Stella Obasanjo hospital mortuary to his resident for lying in state, while service of songs would hold at his residence, No. 5 Iguma Street off Jesus Christ Road, off Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City at 4pm. Interment will follow immediately at the same venue. Saturday October 18, 2015 at noon, there will be social dance at his residence, while the burial ceremony will climax on Sunday October 19, 2014 with a thanksgiving service at Eagles Ministry Int’ Inc (a.k.a Glory Land Chapel), No 90/92 Upper Sakponba Road by St. Maria Gorett Road Junction, Benin City at 9am.

Until his death, he was a successful farmer and the Odionwere of Okhokhugbo Village in Egor Local Government Area of the State. According to the release and signed by the eldest sonMr. Henry Osunde; the burial ceremony would commence on Friday October 17, 2014 with interment of Pa. Osunde’s body after which social wake would follow that same day at his residence on No. 1 Osunde Street, Okhokhugbo Village (Odionwere Compound). Pa. Osatohanmwan Osunde Evbuomwan was survived by a wife, 5 children, 23 grand children. The ceremonies would climax on October 24, 2014 with family rites.

Late Pa Osatohanmwan Osunde Evbuomwan




South-West Police Decries High Rate Of Crime Among Youths


7 Men Docked

By RAHEEM IBRAHIM LAGOS- Disturbed by the incessant attack, looting and killings in Lagos Island by youthful gangsters in recent times, the Police Area Commander, Area ‘A’ command, Mr. Imohinmi Edgal has warned parents and guardians to caution their children against illicit conduct or blame themselves. The Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) also declared that anyone caught with dangerous weapons like guns and cutlasses will no more be considered for bail, but will be dealt with accordingly. Speaking at the security meeting organised by the Joint four Community Development Associations (CDAs) at Ward B3, Lagos Island at weekend, Edgal emphasised that all the divisional police stations under his command have been directed to deal with the youths that always forment troubles in their respective areas without mercy. The ACP who was represented by the Crime officer of Lion Building Divisional Police Station, ASP Maikano Joseph said “We are no more begging any of the miscreants and armed robbers to change for better; we are going to deal decisively with anyone of the notorious gang members caught. There will no more bail at the stations but we will take them to court for prosecution”. He warned parents and guardians who indulged their children and wards to prepare to face the consequence as they too may be prosecuted for aiding and abetting, adding “You either warn your children or get ready to face the wrath of law”. Similarly, Superintendent (SP) Ayeni Sam who represented the DPO Adeniji Adele Police station solicited for the support of the community in getting rid of the bad gang by instantly calling CDAs members available or Police if the miscreants want to strike or are fomenting trouble for immediate action.

Commissioner of Police, Oyo State, Mr. Kola Sodipo (right), hands over the key to one of the recovered vehicle to the owner, Pastor Remi Olasunkanmi (left), at a news conference in Ibadan on Monday.

2015 Elections: Association Urges Nigerians To Vote Credibles Leaders LAGOS - The Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions (ASSBIFI) has urged Nigerian workers to vote for leaders with good conscience in the 2015 general elections. The ASSBIFI National President, Mr Sunday Salako, told newsmen in Lagos that labour unions should collaborate to ensure a peopleoriented government is brought to power in the elections. “The current realities of workers’ welfare across sectors calls for a collaboration of labour unions to usher in a

government that would aid the realisation of workers’ yearnings. “We should shine our eyes very well as the 2015 elections draw nearer to install leaders who will champion the cause of Nigerian workers with good conscience. “We need change, champions who will not allow the status quo to remain; people of good conscience should be supported to find their ways into governance,’’ Salako said. He cautioned workers not to be misled by candidates who sought votes by giving out

financial and material compensation which would not last. According to him, religion, ethnicity, language and political party affiliations have done much harm in hindering the labour unions’ joint fight for justice for workers. The ASSBIFI leader said that the 2014 Pension Reform Act had a lot of flaws which gave employers room to manipulate workers’ interests and welfare. Salako, who condemned casualisation of workers in the banking sector, said that the sector had been hijacked by a

LAGOS - The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has closed its case at a Federal High Court in Lagos in the trial of Raymond Omatseye, charged with contract scam. Omatseye, a former Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), is standing trial on an amended 27-count charge bordering on contract scam. He had earlier pleaded not guilty to the charges and was granted bail by Justice Rita Ofili-

Ajumogobia. The reports state that at the resumed hearing of the case on Monday, the prosecutor, Mr Godwin Obla (SAN) informed the court that the case was scheduled for hearing. He, however, told the court that he had closed the case for the prosecution having called three witnesses. In his response, the Defence Counsel, Mr Olusina Sofola (SAN) notified the court of his intention to file an application for a no-case submission.

Obla, in a reply, said the prosecution had a right to respond, adding that he had 14 days to do so. After listening to the submissions of both counsel, Ofili-Ajumogobia said she would hear both applications for the nocase submission and the response of the prosecution on December 2. She adjourned the case to December 2. Reports state that Omatseye was re-arraigned on January 21, 2013 when he pleaded not guilty

to the charges and was granted bail. The case was opened on February 4, 2013, when the defense produced its first witness, Malam Ibrahim Ahmed, an Investigating Police Officer with the EFCC. The second and third witnesses — Malam Mohammed Shehu, a former Acting Director of Procurement and Malam Aminu Alyu, a staff of Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) — were called on May 30, 2013. All witnesses gave various

Commissioner of Police, Oyo State, Mr. Kola Sodipo (right), inspecting some of the stolen vehicles recovered at a news conference in Ibadan on Monday. With him is the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Criminal Department, Mr. Dasuki Galadacin.

SANGO-OTA (Ogun) - A

few powerful people who had the wherewithal. He urged all labour unions to shun any act of anarchy in pressing home their demands. “We don’t support anarchy in any form; we believe in doing things in a decent way, keeping in mind best practices around the world. “We can go to any length to articulate our grievances but with the best practice, we will not take laws into our hands,’’ he said. Salako added that the government still had to do more for Nigerian workers.

LAGOS -Seven men were arraigned in Lagos over alleged vandalism and theft of telephone cables worth N300, 000. The men — Shola Ogunyemi, 21; Wale Zakka, 46; Chibueze Usher, 23; Mojeed Jamiu, 21; Augustine Michael, 27; Almeed Jaiyeola, 24 and Femi Francis, 28, — are standing trial before a Tinubu Magistrates’ Court. The accused, whose addresses were not provided, are facing a twocount charge of stealing and conspiracy. The prosecutor, Insp. Ignatus Okeke, told the court that the accused committed the offences on Oct. 12 at 5.00 p.m. at the FCMB car park, Marina Road on Lagos Island. He said the accused were caught vandalising telephone cables, property of the defunct Nigeria Telecommunications Company (NITEL). Okeke said the offences contravened Sections 285 and 409 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The reports state that Section 285 stipulates three years imprisonment for stealing. The accused all pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Magistrate, Mrs Yetunde Pinheiro, granted the accused bail in the sum of N50, 000 each with one surety each in like sum and adjourned the case till Oct. 17 for mention.

Contract Scam: EFCC Closes Case In Ex-NIMASA testimonies D-G’s Trial before the court as to the nature and form of the contract awarded by the accused while serving as D-G of NIMASA. The prosecution alleged that the accused was said to have been involved in contract splitting and bid rigging estimated at N1.5 billion. The offences contravened the provisions of Sections 58(4), (d) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and the provisions of Sections 14(a) of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2004.

Teenager Docked Over Generator Theft teenager, Kehinde Pote, was

charged before an Ota Magistrates’ Court, Ogun, for allegedly stealing a generating set valued at N15,000. Pote, 17, who lives at No. 23 Ojuola St., Itele, in Ota, is facing a one-count charge of stealing. The prosecutor, Insp. Peter Molokwu, told the court that the accused committed the offence on Sept. 15 at about 10a.m. at Oke-Aro Road, Agbado, Ota, Ogun. Molokwu said that the accused was found with a generating set valued at N15,000, which he could not give satisfactory explanation

about the ownership. According to him, the offence contravened Section 430 of the Criminal Code, Vol. 1, of Revised Laws of Ogun, 2006. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and Chief Magistrate Titi Bello, granted the accused bail in the sum of N20,000 with one surety in like sum. Bello ordered that the surety must reside within the court’s jurisdiction, and also show evidence of gainful employment and provide evidence of tax payment to the Ogun State Government. The case was adjourned till Dec. 3 for hearing.




Association Spends N65m On School IKEJA - Chief Biodun Jolaoso, National President, Government College Ibadan Old Boys Association (GCIOBA), has said the association had spent N65 million on some new projects in the school. Jolaoso, who made the disclosure at a news briefing on the school’s 85th anniversary in Lagos, said that the projects would be unveiled on October 18, at the college. According to the president, events to mark the anniversary will hold from October 17 to October 18 at the college, in Ibadan, Oyo State. He said that the projects that would be unveiled include a hall of fame and scroll of GCIOBA honours award recipients and a new library. Jolaoso said that the association had invested more than N150 million in infrastructure development in the past 10 years in the school. He said that there were 3000 students with about 20 regular teachers at the GCI and such ratio could not produce academic excellence. “The college was founded in 1929 and up to late 70’s, GCI was a citadel of learning with a thriving boarding system and wellequipped science laboratory. “But today, the story is totally different. The school is facing serious challenges in the area of decayed infrastructure, academic decadence, poor staffing, over population, security and sanitary problems,’’ he said. Jolaoso urged the state government to partner with the GCIOBA to establish a board of governors for the school to improve on the quality of its students and teachers. He stressed the need for the government to partner with the association to develop an infrastructure master plan and source funds for the school through endowment, grants and direct alumni intervention. “We appreciate the challenges facing the state government in terms of

heavy demands on its meagre resources. “That is why we the old boys are saying that the state alone cannot run or fund education. “We are ready to partner with the government in a Public Private Partnership arrangement,’’ he said. Jolaoso said there would be a public lecture: ‘Challenges of Re-inventing Quality Education in Nigeria’ on Friday and an election of new officers for the association on Saturday October 17, 18, 2014 to mark the anniversary.


Some sympathisers of Synagogue Church of All Nations protesting within the premises of Ikeja High Court at the Commencement of a Coroner inquest into the collapse of a building within the Church premises on Monday.

AgriculturalareasFacilities: of cassava production,

OSOGBO Osun Government has said that the state would collaborate with the Federal Government to facilitate the presence of more agricultural facilities in the state. The state Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. Wale Adedoyin, told newsmen in Osogbo that more agricultural facilities were needed in the state to boost food production and achieve national food security. “Although we have felt the presence of the Federal Government in the state in the

Woman Pleads Guilty To Drug Peddling

provision of storage facilities and provision of modern equipment for food processing from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, but we want more of them,’’ Adedoyin said. He said that Governor Rauf Aregbesola had approved the establishment of more farm settlement in parts of the state to be prepared and be allocated to prospective young farmers to produce food crops and livestock. He also said that the state government had provided

Osun To Partner FG

facilities in some farm settlements located in Ede, Ife and Ilesha, among others, for use by young farmers. The commissioner explained that the farm settlements would be designed to provide job opportunities for youths, provide more food for the people and reserve for external consumption. He said that the government would open up the land, prepare the land and allocate the land to

applicants who would also be provided with other inputs, credit facilities and security to farm. He said the ministry had organised a good number of workshops to train and retrain farmers in the state through farmers’ congress and associations, this year. Adedoyin assured that the government would not relent in assisting and encouraging farmers to produce more food for internal and external consumption.

Flooded Onikoyi Iba Community, New Town Area of Lagos on Monday.

Empowerment Programme

14,000 To Benefit

LAGOS - The Lagos State Deputy Governor, Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire has said that over 14,000 residents would benefit from the second phase of the state’s Economic Empowerment programme. Orelope-Adefulire spoke with newsmen at the flag-off of the second phase of the programme held at Alimosho Local Government Secretariat, Lagos. It would be recalled that in August, the state government flagged off the programme aimed

at empowering 20,000 residents with various skills. Such skills include tailoring, catering, make up, decoration and hair dressing. About 12,000 residents benefited from the first phase of the programme held in 10 centres across the state. The second phase of the programme will also hold in 11 centres across the state for a duration of four weeks. She said that the programme was initiated by the state

government to enable more residents acquire skills for self employment. Orelope-Adefulire enjoined participants to take advantage of the training programme to learn definite skills or vocations of their choice. According to her, the first phase of the programme was overwhelming, encouraging and successful. “All participants showed enthusiasm, commitment and dedication, so I enjoin you to pay

attention to your instructors for this phase to also be a success,” she said. The deputy-governor said that the government had provided the training and other logistics required at no cost to all participants. Orelope-Adefulire said that the only requirement for participation was to be a legal resident of the state, which required the registration card of the Lagos State Residents Registration Agency (LASRRA).

LAGOS - Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of a Federal High Court in Lagos ordered the remand of a 32-year-old woman, Ifeoma Eze at the Kirikiri Female Prisons. The judge ordered the remand of Eze, charged with illicit drug deal, after she pleaded guilty to a onecount charge of trafficking about 6,200g of cannabis, popularly called Indian hemp. The accused was arraigned by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). Justice Aneke ordered the accused to remain in custody until October 24, when the facts of the case would be reviewed, and her sentence pronounced. Earlier, the prosecutor, Mr. Ernest Agwu had told the court that the accused was arrested on July 21, at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos. Agwu said that about 6,200 g of the narcotic drug was recovered from the accused, during the clearance of passengers boarding a flight to China. According to the prosecutor, the substance was concealed in a large envelop, carefully tucked in the luggage of the accused. He said that the offence contravened the provisions of Sections 11 (c) of the NDLEA Act Cap N30, Laws of the Federation, 2004. After the plea of the accused, the prosecutor had made an oral application for the remand of the accused. Consequently, the judge ordered that she be remained in custody, and adjourned the case to October 24 for review of facts and sentencing.




Across The Nation Legal Aid Council Receives 166 Cases KANO - The Legal Aid Council (LAC) in Kano State has said that it received 166 cases from aggrieved persons between January and August. The State Coordinator of the council, Alhaji Abubakar Umar told newsmen in Kano that out of the total number of cases, 84 were criminal, while the remaining 82 were civil. According to Umar, 98 of the cases have been concluded in the

courts, while the rest are still pending. The concluded cases included 32 criminal and 66 civil disagreements. “In civil cases we have people who don’t want their cases to go to court, they will talk to us to call on the other party and negotiate in our office,” Umar said. He also said that most of the civil cases were on inheritance, marriage, debt, and land disputes.

Forum Endorses Al-Makura For Second Term

L-R: Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Affairs, Rep Mohammed Sani Kutigi; Deputy Leader of delegation and Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha and Chairman, Senate Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Affairs, Senator Abdulazis Usman at the 131st Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference in Geneva recently.

Saraki Shelves Presidential Ambition ILORIN The Chairman, Senate Committee on Ecology and Environment, Dr Bukola Saraki, has said that he had shelved his ambition for the presidency in 2015 general elections. Saraki, who was the former Governor of Kwara, said this in a statement he signed in llorin on Monday. He said that the decision to step down his ambition was because “Nigeria’s political outlook for 2015 is very complicated. “ This is the time for every patriotic politician to situate his personal ambition in the context of the country’s overall interest”. Saraki’s presidential bid

has sparked widespread excitement across the country in the past few months, with various interest groups urging him to contest the election. The groups expressed the belief that his political and administrative experience would salvage the country from its current challenges. “I have always maintained that I did not leave the ruling party to join the opposition because of any personal interest. “Anyone who understands Nigeria’s politics would know that it takes courage and selfsacrifice to do that.”

Rep. Aminatou Habibou of Niger Republic (left), with Chairperson, House Committee on Women in Parliament, Rep Binta Bello, at the 131st Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Conference in Geneva recently.


kwara Trains 2,300 Teachers ILORIN - The Kwara Government has commenced a two-day training on Ebola preventive measures for


Woman, 26, Docked

ABUJA - The police have arraigned one Godstine Ojieaga,26, in a Wuse Zone 2 Senior Magistrates’ Court Abuja, on a one-count charge of stealing in a dwelling place. Ojieaga, who resides at Wuse Zone 3 was alleged to have entered her neighbour’s room and made away with her handbag. The prosecutor, Cpl Umaru Ango, told the court that on October. 1, at about 2 p.m., one Ms Ope Olayinka reported the

matter at Wuse Police Station. Ango said that Ojieaga, who also resides at the same block with complainant, went into her room without her knowledge and stole her black handbag. He informed the court that the bag contained the complainant’s office and school identity cards, ATM card and N11, 000 cash. The prosecutor told the court that the offence contravened

LAFIA -Alhaji Musa Ilu, Director-General, Governor. Tanko Al-Makura (TA’AL) Campaign Organisation, has said that the governor ’s developmental strides in office will earn him a second term in the 2015 general elections.

the provisions of Section 288 of the Penal Code Law. The accused, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge levelled against her. The magistrate, Mr. Abdulazeez Anka admitted her to bail in the sum of N100,000 and a surety in like sum. He also ordered that the surety must reside within the jurisdiction of the court and adjourned the matter till November 4, for hearing.

some 2, 300 teachers across the 16 Local Government Areas of the state. Alhaji Lamidi Alabi, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Human Capital Development, stated this during a visit to some of the designated training centres. He said that teachers across the 17 centres were going through intensive training on Ebola preventive measures in schools. Alabi said that health teachers of primary schools and principals of junior and senior secondary schools were also being trained on the use of infra-red thermometers.

According to him, Ebola Virus Disease preventive tools such as hand sanitisers, bowls, towels and customised polythene bags have already been distributed to the schools. He reiterated the resolve of the government toward the Oct. 15 resumption date for schools in the state. Alabi charged teachers and students to be committed to their academic work, adding that the government had cancelled mid-term holidays for the 2014 academic session. The reports state that medical experts from the Kwara Ministry of Health are involved in the training of the teachers.

Ilu expressed the view in Lafia while receiving a letter of endorsement of Governor. AlMakura in 2015 from a group called “Kwandere All Progressives Congress (APC) Forum”. He, therefore, called on the people of the state to support the governor, to enjoy more dividends of democracy. He said: “Gov. Al-Makura has done and is still doing his best in transforming the infrastructure of the state’’. According to him, the transformation is aimed at improving the standard of living of the people. “Every body can testify that Gov. Al-Makura has transformed all the sectors of the state’s economy, especially education, roads, electricity, water supply, health, agriculture and commerce. “Gov. Al-Makura’s infrastructure development has impacted positively on the lives of the people of the state. “This is so especially the students, rural dwellers and even people at the urban centres and he has changed the face of the capital city, Lafia positively. “Gov. Al-Makura’s developmental strides do not only fight unemployment, poverty, youth restiveness but also social ills.’’ The Director-General promised to forward the letter to the governor for consideration and urged party supporters to be lawabiding and respect constituted authorities in the interest of peace and development. He also called on the people of the state and Nigerians at large to live in peace by tolerating one another, irrespective of ethnic, political and religious affiliation. The state Chairman of APC, Mr. Philip Sheku, commended the governor for his achievements and called for their sustenance. Sheku, who was represented by the state Secretary of the party, Mr. Aliyu Bello, thanked the forum for endorsing the governor for a second term. Earlier, the leader of the forum, Mr. Jamilu Galadima, said it endorsed the governor because of his good performance.




Health Disease Burden In Africa

Matters Arising THE first African Health Ministers meeting, organised by African Union Commission and World Health Organisation (WHO) in Luanda, Angola, reviewed health care services in Africa and expressed concern about the disease burden on the continent. At the conference held in April, the ministers noted that heavy burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases in Africa necessitated the need to facilitate the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) across African countries. Citing a report of WHO, the ministers said that Africa had 69 per cent of the world’s HIV cases, 26 per cent of global tuberculosis cases and 80 per cent of the world’s malaria cases. According to them, the report indicates that the figures account for 47 per cent of global under-five mortality and 65 per cent of global maternal mortality. The ministers, however, expressed worry that most African countries had yet to be on track in efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDG5) on heath. Stakeholders observe that this development is because most of the populations are not covered by effective healthcare interventions, while accessibility and coverage of essential health services are still low. Making reference to a report of the health experts’ technical session at the meeting, they note that 43 per cent of pregnant women had access to antenatal care, while 49 per cent of births were handled by skilled attendants.


In the report, the experts stressed that the percentage was low, compared with the global average of 55 per cent for access to antenatal care and 70 per cent for skilled personnel managing childbirths. At the end of the technical session, the experts proposed the adoption of TJHC as a tool for addressing factors relating to inadequate health care delivers’ in most African nations. The experts noted that who attested to the viability of UHC as a programme that could ensure the evolution of required health services without suffering financial hardship. With this development, Nigeria’s Minister of Health Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, therefore, proposed 2020 as the deadline for African countries to implement UHC. “You cannot just work without a target; it is like playing football without a goalpost. Setting the deadline is to encourage countries to implement the UHC. This is required especially in countries that have not started anything about the UHC; if the year 2020 is set as the time limit, many countries will work hard to implement it - The aim of the UHC is to ensure equal access to health care, breaking financial barriers and ensuring quality care,’’ he said. Chukwu assured the participants at the meeting that Nigeria would meet the deadline, stressing that the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) had set pragmatic targets to

implement UHC. He also said that the Nigeria’s Presidential Summit on UMC organised in March was, indeed, a platform for the implementation of UHC in the country. Nevertheless, Dr

Oluwafemi Thomas, the Executive Secretary of NHIS, said that although Nigeria would be able to meet the deadline, other African countries might not beat the 2020 deadline. In Nigeria, we have started; we have got all the political commitments and the restructuring, which we need, is also concluded. The UHC Fund has been established; I think the strategy is right and the procurement process is on.

Therefore, as soon as we procure all the equipment that we need, we will deploy them. “Even at that, from the little efforts we are making, it is getting clear that people are beginning to trust NHIS programmes because we have seen renewed interest in the programmes via increased enrolment. In the last quarter, we

have been able to enroll more persons than what we did in the last three years; so we are really on course. “From 2011 to November 2013, the NHIS was able to enroll 600,000 enrollees but in the last four months or thereabouts, we have been able to enroll more than 700,000 persons,’’ he said. Sharing similar sentiments, delegates of Ghana and Rwanda at the meeting opposed - the 2020

“Citing a report of WHO, the ministers said that Africa had 69 per cent of the world’s HIV cases, 26 per cent of global tuberculosis cases and 80 per cent of the world’s malaria cases.”

“From 2011 to November 2013, the NHIS was able to enroll 600,000 enrollees but in the last four months or thereabouts, we have been able to enroll more than 700,000 persons.’’ deadline, insisting that many African countries had their peculiar challenges. They stressed that 2020 was too close for many African countries in efforts

agreed that a 2025 deadline should be set for AU member states to implement TJHC so as to allow the countries to have more time to take action.

to attain effective implementation of UHC Nevertheless, the representatives from Namibia, Senegal and Republic of Congo concurred with the proposed deadline. Dr Luis Santo, WHO Regional Director for Africa, said that although the interest exhibited at having a deadline demonstrated the commitment of the health ministers to the full implementation of UHC, an agreement ought to be reached on a deadline. He urged African countries to strengthen their health care systems, while improving on efforts to have skilled human resources so as to ensure quality health care delivery. The ministers, therefore,

They noted that the challenges facing most African countries in efforts to implement UHC included political instability and incoherent health financing policies. The ministers, therefore, pledged to develop comprehensive policies and strategies for health systems, in collaboration with other sectors, in their respective countries in order to achieve effective implementation of the health programme. All in all, analysts agree that the implementation of UHC will be feasible in Africa within the specified time-frame, if all countries exhibit appreciable commitment to providing unrestricted health care services for their citizens before the deadline.




International Features

Gaza: Did Israel’s Hannibal Directive Lead To War Crime?

THE July-August war in Gaza drew international condemnation for a number of reasons, but one episode proved more deadly than any other: an Israeli air and artillery bombardment on Aug. 1 that killed 150 people in a matter of hours. Six weeks on from the war, with the toll of destruction still being counted, there is deepening unease about what took place that day, especially over whether too much force was used. Some legal experts say a war crime may have been committed. The events unfolded just as a three-day ceasefire was supposed to come into force. Hamas militants emerged from a tunnel inside Gaza and ambushed three Israeli soldiers, killing two of them and seizing the third. To rescue the soldier - dead or alive - and ensure Hamas could not use him as a hostage, the Israeli army invoked what is known as the “Hannibal directive”, an order compelling units to do everything they can to recover an abducted comrade. What ensued was a furious assault on a confined area on the eastern edge of Rafah, the largest city in southern Gaza, home to around 200,000 people. Israeli artillery and tanks bombarded four neighborhoods for several hours - at times firing a shell a minute - while fighter jets carried out air strikes. As well as the 150 people killed, medics in Gaza said around 200 were wounded, the majority civilians. It was the deadliest day of the seven-week conflict, in which more than 2,100 Palestinians, again most of them civilians, were killed, as well as 67 Israeli soldiers and six civilians in Israel. In the weeks since, civil rights campaigners, international legal experts and some Israeli military officers have raised concerns about the assault. One specific reservation is whether the abduction of a single soldier could have justified such heavy and relentless use of force in a populated area. A panel set up by the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission is due to start investigating potential abuses in the war by both sides shortly, with Rafah one of several incidents investigators have indicated

they will examine. Israel’s Military Advocate General, the army’s chief legal body, has opened its own probe into the events and has said it could launch a criminal investigation. International legal scholars have raised red flags over the justification. “If it is a legitimate military target then we’ve got to question if the damage and death done to civilians was proportionate,” said Iain Scobbie, a professor of public international law at the University of Manchester. “In this case the answer is clearly no, it is not proportionate,” he said, adding: “If it’s not a legitimate military target, it’s clearly a war crime because it is an unjustified use of force with effects on the civilian population.” The Israeli military said the advocate-general’s factfinding teams were still working to establish precisely what happened and as a result it would not comment on specifics. But in a statement the Israel Defence Forces said: “There is no IDF directive or procedure which allows for a violation of international law, including the law of armed conflict.” AUGUST 1 Mediators in Cairo had agreed with Israeli and Hamas representatives that a ceasefire would begin at 0800 local time. It is not clear what time Hamas attacked - Hamas at first said it was before the ceasefire started, Israel said it was after - but militants leapt out of the concealed tunnel to ambush the soldiers. Other Israeli soldiers from the same elite reconnaissance unit scrambled to the scene, where they found two bodies and realized that the third soldier, Second-Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, had been dragged back into the tunnel. The troops, all from the decorated Givati Brigade, got special permission to enter the potentially booby-trapped tunnel for an underground pursuit. They recovered some of Goldin’s belongings, which allowed forensics experts to conclude later that he was killed in the ambush. Hamas has said it has the remains of Goldin and another Israeli soldier killed in the war. Colonel Ofer Winter, the Givati Brigade commander,

said he was informed about the ambush at around 0900 and about half an hour later got word that a soldier was unaccounted for. “I declared over the radio the word that no one wants to utter - “Hannibal” - which means abduction,” he told the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth on Aug. 15. “I began to plan an assault towards Rafah. I instructed all

where they said the soldier was taken was hit from the air and from the ground,” said Hani Hammad, 28, a Palestinian journalist based in Rafah. In his comments to Yedioth Ahronoth, Colonel Winter defended the decision to use so much firepower. “Everything we did stemmed from the understanding that we could bring Hadar Goldin

carry out rescue fire,” he explained, adding that in the other two cases, residents had been warned to leave the area prior to troops moving in and before artillery was used. “The Hannibal protocol declared for Hadar Goldin is completely different,” he said. “It should be examined at completely different levels.” It remains unclear how high up the chain of command the declaration of the directive went. Yet regardless of who gave the green light, one central question remains: was

Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu forces to move forward, seize the area, so that the kidnappers would not be able to move.” Intense artillery shelling, tank fire and air strikes followed, according to accounts from local reporters, residents and medics. At one point, the artillery fired at a rate of one shell a minute, with six cannons firing explosive and non-lethal smoke shells, according to a Reuters photographer. Abdel-Hakim Lafi, 57, had returned to his house in the area that morning in anticipation of the ceasefire. No sooner had he and his two sons got home than the bombardment began. “We ran out of the house and down a sandy road and as I was running shells were falling,” he told Reuters. “One hit two women in front of me, I saw them, they were blown up, they were killed in front of my eyes.” One of his sons, running just behind him, was also killed. “Everything west of the area

back alive,” he said. “That is why we used all the force. Anyone who kidnaps has to know he will pay a price. It was not revenge, they just messed with the wrong brigade.” FALLOUT In the days that followed, international attention focused on getting a durable ceasefire in place. But questions soon started to be raised about the Rafah bombardment. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel called for an investigation into why the Hannibal directive was employed in a populated, urban area, saying it “fundamentally violated the principle of distinction in international law”. In an interview with Reuters, Brigadier-General Roy Riftin, the head of the IDF artillery, drew a distinction between Rafah and two other incidents in which heavy artillery was used. “When a force is in jeopardy or under severe threat, we

it proportionate? Marco Sassoli, a professor at the University of Geneva and a leading authority on international law, said it appeared not to be. “They may not simply bomb a whole area if they don’t know where the person is, just to make sure that the soldier cannot be evacuated,” he said. “It is an advantage not to lose one soldier but it is not such a great advantage that it would justify risking to kill hundreds of civilians.” Other experts underscored the importance of recovering a soldier, while saying that did not justify carte blanche. “It’s more than just a simple mathematical calculation,” said Michael Schmitt, a professor of international law at the U.S. Naval War College’s Stockton Center, who would comment on the principles involved but not the specific Rafah case. “All militaries rate the protection of their forces as very high and for very good

reason. You want morale among the troops, you want troops to know you will come to their assistance if they get in a tight spot and so forth,” Schmitt said. “Although if someone has been captured this does not mean you can completely take off the gloves,” he added. I N T E R N AT I O N A L CRIMINAL COURT Part of Israel’s rationale for responding so intensely in such cases is that it has paid heavily for captured soldiers in the past. In 2006, Gilad Shalit was seized near Gaza and spent five years in Hamas captivity. He was released in exchange for more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners. The Hannibal directive was drafted in 1986 after three soldiers from the Givati Brigade were captured in Lebanon. Their comrades saw the vehicle getting away and did not open fire. The directive aims to ensure that does not happen again. Critics say it is misinterpreted on the ground as implying that it is better to have a dead soldier than a captured one. The military has declined to define it precisely in public, only emphasizing the need to prevent a soldier being taken. The debate has at times prompted army chiefs to stress that while risking the captive’s life was allowed, targeting him was not. Israel, having fought many wars since its founding in 1948, has been accused of war crimes many times, and has leveled similar accusations against its enemies, including Hamas. What could be different now is that the Palestinians are on the brink of joining the International Criminal Court, a move that would allow them to take action against Israel, but could also open the door to criminal proceedings against Hamas. The head of the U.N. Human Rights Commission panel investigating the Gaza war has said any evidence it gathers could be used by the ICC in a war crimes case against Israel. The panel’s final report is due by March next year. The next few months - including whether Israel decides to cooperate with the investigation - will prove critical in determining if war crimes charges are eventually leveled. • Courtesy: Reuters




Opinion Between Blood Donors And By EKAIWE IGINUA OSEMWEKHA

IN 1967, during the Nigerian civil war, some of us who were in the secondary boarding school became victims of blood donation on one Saturday morning, we woke up to observe that fierce looking soldiers have encompassed the southern axis of our campus. As some of us who were highly frightened decided to exit through the Eastern axis there were gun shots in the air and we had no option but to take cover. At first I had a foreboding of a sinister prediction of illegal conscription into the Biafra Army. But they were not Biafra soldiers but Nigerian troops because one could easily distinguish them from their uniforms. The earlier information that reach us through our local radio was that, Federal troops have captured Onitsha with heavy casualties leading to loss of many lives and others in need of blood inorder to stay alive. The leader of the group was carrying a mobile microphone and said “Do not fear, we are your friends in Nigerian Army. We need your co-operation to save the lives of wounded soldiers fighting in battle front to keep Nigeria One”. As a youth, I was very frightened because it seemed to me that this type of forced process can easily annihilate students like us who were not fed correctly by the school authority despites the fact that huge sums of money had been collected from our parents for this purpose. My fear was not rhetoric because some of us actually fainted on our way trecking back to campus which was about 20 kilometers from the local health facility. The only compensation

from this forced blood donation was a bottle of Guinness Stout. There was false claim by these bloody soldiers that this drink was capable of replenishing the lost blood from our system in few minutes. The soldiers got away with the stolen blood at no other expense of screening because H.I.V. and other infections were not very prevalent as it is these days. With modern technology blood recycling is possible these days. There was a BBC television a footage depicting a machine for blood recycling. So no blood is wasted by surgeons in the operating theatre as it is carefully channeled towards this machine. So, in this way no blood is wasted. It is cost effective and devoid of any health challenges that could be associated with a blood donor. According to a respondent Dr. Eghosa, he said, “The health hazards occasioned by blood donation has diverse health challenges that could impact negatively or positively on the consumer. So it is very crucial that Laboratory Scientist should thoroughly screen blood before they are sold to the consumers”. According to a Johavah Witness publication captioned “is H.I.V. screened Blood safe? “This question came to the fore in Nigeria when it was found that a baby girl was infected with HIV through transfusion she received at one of Nigeria leading hospitals. According to the hospital’s Medical Director, soon after Eniola’s birth she was found to be jaundiced. An exchange blood transfusion was prescribed and the father donated some units of blood. But the father’s blood was

AS water is very essential to human life; so is skill needed in the life of every serious minded human being. The lack of skill is a major cause of corruption. The importance of skill acquisition includes: self employment, diverse job opportunities, employment generation, effective functioning, and crime reduction. SELF EMPLOYMENT A skillful man is a self employed man. The skill you are reading right now is as a result of the skill acquired by the

writer. There are so many self employed writers today who do not border themselves of carrying files from one office to another in search of job. They specialize in freelance writing and they make huge amount of money from it. In the same vein, many successful businessmen and women whose names are heard in many parts of the world are self employed. Skills acquired by websites designers are what they use to cater for themselves instead of indulging in cyber – threat or online theft which is

Blood Recycling

found to be incompatible. So, blood from the hospital blood bank was administered. Before long the baby tested positive for HIV though both parents tested negative. According to the hospital, the blood transfused into the baby was screened and found to be HIV negative at the

donating the blood, the donor was at the window period of HIV infection.” This is but a single case yet it high lights the fact that blood transfusions are not risk-free. Describing the HIV window period, the U.S. centers for

is 25 days. Even so, there is a chance that some individuals will take longer period to develop detectable antibodies although in very rare cases, it can take to 6 months. So, the fact that blood has been screened for HIV is no guarantee that it is safe. The San Francisco, AIDs foundation warns “Although HIV may not be detected by a test during the widow period. HIV can be transmitted during that time. In fact, individuals are often most infections during

died in England occasioned by this doctrines from Jehovah witness and my entire family regreated this kind of bizarre injunetion. From the information reaching me from the deased immediate younger brother, “my sister was surrounded by Jehovah witness set and peruaded her to reject blood transfusion until she fell into a comma and eventually died “. In the light of the above, recycling of blood in our local

“ How then did the baby get infected? The Nigerian Government investigated the controversy and concluded that the likely source of the infection was the transfused blood. The Nigerian Tribune newspaper quoted a virologist as saying. “At the time of donating the blood, the donor was at the window period of HIV infection.” time it was transfused into the baby. How then did the baby get infected? The Nigerian Government investigated the controversy and concluded that the likely source of the infection was the transfused blood. The Nigerian Tribune newspaper quoted a virologist as saying. “At the time of

disease control and prevention says it can take sometime for the immune system to produce enough antibodies for the antibody test to detect and this time period is commonly referred to as the window period. Most people will develop detectable antibodies within 2 to 8 weeks the average

this time (shortly after they have been exposed to HIV”. Jehovah’s witness have long followed the Bibles direction to abstain from blood.(Acts 15 29) The protection this has afforded them underscores the wisdom of obeying God instructions. However, my younger sister

health facilities should be accorded the almost exigency it deserves in order to avoid unnecessary death occasioned by some contrary doctrines . This recycling method will also eliminate the health challenges as a result of dispensing contaminated blood to patience in dare need of blood transfusion.

Importance Of Skill Acquisition

also related to Internet. In that case, they don’t have the time to answer to anybody. They are self employed due to the technical skill they acquired sometime ago. They are hired by many companies on daily basis because the skill they acquired, keep them going. They are simply boss of their own. DIVERSE JOB OPPORTUNITIES Have you ever seen anyone


who acquired many skills? Such a person is classified as someone who is up and doing. Those who are skillful in many areas, stand the chance of gaining job in many establishments. Honestly speaking, people who have many skills are being searched for by many companies. That is where you see company A, B, and C standing in a queue

“Skills acquired by websites designers are what they use to cater for themselves instead of indulging in cyber –threat or online theft which is also related to Internet. In that case, they don’t have the time to answer to anybody.”

fighting over one person. They are searched for because they can do many functions due to the series of skills acquired. E M P L O Y M E N T GENERATION Many governments are still finding it difficult to provide jobs for the citizens because the citizens are lacking basic skills needed. There will be a lot of jobs generated for the citizens of a country if the citizens are well equipped with skills. This is why it is necessary for government to organize skill acquisition programmes for the masses as it will go a long way to providing job for the job seekers. E F F E C T I V E FUNCTIONING Organizations that employ

skillful workers to assist in their organizational duties have nothing to lose at all because there will always be rewarded with effectiveness in their performance. This is because the employee has acquired necessary skills needed for him to perform the work as desired by the organization. The knowledge he gained from the training on that specific job makes him to do the organization’s work as desired by the management of the organization. CRIME REDUCTION Skill acquisition reduces the crime rate in many nations. People begin to think on daily activities they will do to make money. Apart from the monetary gain, he also has satisfaction and fulfillment. With this he fills comfortable in life and do not disturb his or her life in any way




THE core premise of the 2014 Human Development Report, launched in Tokyo, Japan last week by Prime Minister of Japan Shinzô Abe, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark and Director of the Human Development Report Office Khalid Malik focuses on persistent vulnerability as a major threat to human development, and warns that unless it is systematically tackled by policies and social norms, progress will be neither equitable nor sustainable. ACCORDING to income-based measures of poverty, 1.2 billion people live with $1.25 or less a day. However, the latest estimates of the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Index reveal that almost 1.5 billion people in 91 developing countries, including Nigeria are living in poverty with overlapping deprivations in health, education and living standards. And although poverty is declining overall, almost 800 million people are at risk of falling back into poverty if setbacks occur. WE believe that by addressing vulnerabilities, all people may share in development progress, and human development will become increasingly equitable and sustainable globally and Nigeria must key into various development processes to be part of solution and also be in position to benefit from same. IT is equally heart-warming to know that the 2014 Human Development Report comes at a critical time, as attention turns to the creation of a new development agenda following the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It is therefore an imperative for the post-2015 SDGs to have a standalone Goal to address vulnerability in the next 15 years.


2014 HDR

Tackling Persistent Vulnerability in Nigeria THE Report holds that as crises spread ever faster and further, it is critical to understand vulnerability in order to secure gains and sustain progress. It points to a slowdown in human development growth across all regions, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). It notes that threats such as financial crises, fluctuations in food prices, natural disasters and violent conflict significantly impede progress. OBVIOUSLY , the Boko Haram insurgency poses a great threat to human development in Nigeria and the global community must come to the rescue of the country beyond skeletal military assistance from some developed countries of the world. Boko Haram insurgency alone is not only leading to heavy losses of human lives and property, millions are already rendered homeless and are refugees in their homeland. Livelihoods of over six million persons have been affected and economic life in North Eastern Nigeria have been crippled. Investments in Nigeria are already threatened even though government grandstands that it has what it takes to curtail the threat. BESIDES, floods and desertification occasioned by Climate Change have continued to wreak havoc and render millions homeless destroying livelihoods and exacerbating food crisis in the country. AT the moment, the President, Goodluck

Jonathan is seeking $1bn to combat terrorism in the country. This request must not be politicised by anyone and we urge the National Assembly to expeditiously approve the request. The President must demonstrate prudence, transparency and accountability in the use of such funds to assuage the fears of those opposed to the securing of such a facility given our past history as a nation. Additionally, government needs to make conscious efforts to mitigate impact of Climate Change and tackle ocean surge, desertification and flooding in Nigerian coastal communities. There should be clear cut plans and actions for rehabilitation, resettlements and empowerments for affected and vulnerable persons and communities. IT is also instructive to point that reducing both poverty and people’s vulnerability to falling into poverty must be a central objective of the post-2015 agenda. For us, eliminating extreme poverty as roundly canvassed by the report, is not just about ‘getting to zero’; it is also about staying there. FINALLY, the Report calls for governments to recommit to the objective of full employment, a mainstay of macroeconomic policies of the 1950s and 1960s that was overtaken by competing policy goals following the oil shocks of the 1970s. It argues that full employment yields social dividends that surpass private benefits, such as fostering social stability and cohesion. We believe that Nigeria, having had its fair share of the oil shocks during the era should abide by recommendations and prescriptions of the 2014 Human Development Report, if it hopes to overcome its vulnerability challenges by 2030.




Political Platform

Youths As Political Sacrifical Lamb THE man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny. It is a naked truth that for the past two decades, the youth have been used as a political sacrificial lamb to appeals political achievements. In the light of this, these political bigwigs manipulate the youth in an attempt to buy their aspiration and change their world view, by offering them money. This political cabal, no doubt know that the youth are verbrant and should be in the frontline of political violence because of their raw courage to partake in it. A Muslim cleric usman dan fodio once said “conscience is an open wound which only the truth can heal”. It is an empirical reality that the youth has been bravely cheated by those power brokers in government who are there to feather their nest. It is a fact finding that those politician do not have the youth at heart because they expose them to political violence which is detrimental to them. Electoral violence is an extremely sensitive issue possibly as sensitive as Religion. In Nigeria, in cases were these youths are caught in such acts, they could face the wrath of the law or loose their lives in the process. To this end, the principle of do and die is employed by these politicians to prevent washing their dirty linen in public. Where such youth are caught and made to confess, they are denied by their sponsors. Election has been defined as the action or an instance of choosing by vote one or more of the candidates for a position, especially a political office. In Nigeria election which is held in every four years is synonymous with diabolic ritual performers, because in retrospect this is a time where the aggressive

gallstone of politicians is at the peak or climax stage. They gabble an political languages which is probably difficult to comprehend. Youth are often seen gibbering in the face of unhealthy atmosphere which psychologically serve as the mother of low-self esteem and unproductive determinism. The youth who are suppose to be the building blocks of the society has lost focus, hoping that the only way to cut-corner is becoming a political tool and gain financial “Uhuru” it is not far fetched to ask where does the youth occupy in the society. Our leaders whom have ruled the country before are still in the political Anena of the Nation. The youth only pay up service in the Affair of their country. To stop this menance, a broad-based measure should be adopted by all facets of life to re— write what was negatively written in the minds of the youth because the mind is like a slate were the positive and negative aspects of human behaviour are in romance. In the light of this political hullabaloos, the youth are in the front burner of these myriads of political crises. Fierce youth gangs often get engaged to provide security for top Government officials. They are guaranteed uninterrupted access to acquisition of arms and ammunition, in addition to protection from and detention by security operators. They find frustrated youth as willing instruments for perpetuating violence in the pursuit of their group or individual interests. Thus all the general elections conducted after independence in Nigeria, were marked by widespread violence, intimidation, bribery and corruption just to


manipulate or wrench power in Nigeria. The Nigeria polity over the years has been immersed with endemic executorial violence rather than elections to be embraced as one of the important process that strengthen democratic institution and facilitate peaceful transition of power. They are seen as a violent means of acquiring the spoils of democracy.

will hijack ballot boxes and commit other electoral sins. Notwithstanding, life arms and amination are given to them to carry out their criminal activities. After these politicians in their capacity fail to collect this arms and other dangerious weapon from them, they go into the society committing all forms of crime like robbery, raping and even killing.

This has led to the death of a lot of youth used by politicians to carry out their crime. In most cases, the youth are in the vanguard of violence conflicts that have occurred in different parts of the country. Pre-election period is a period of great exportation and brain washing of the youth. They are trained to become political thugs which

Their operation makes society unsafe for social and cultural life of the people and scaring foreign investors from investing in the economy. The youth keep performing this uncircumcised act forgetting it is detrimental not only to the society but to their ownself. George Santayana once said; “those who do not remember

“The youth who are suppose to be the building blocks of the society has lost focus, hoping that the only way to cutcorner is becoming a political tool and gain financial “Uhuru” it is not far fetched to ask where does the youth occupy in the society.”

the past are condemned by it” they forget to remember those who have died in the process of commiting such electoral violence. The government believe that to regain peace and tranquility for the administration, youths given arms to hijack ballot boxes must be gilded at close range or send them to their early grave if they are found wanting. For the general public to sleep with both eyes close, government normally apply

When the youth are educated politically, violence will drastically be reduced to the nearest minimum because education will raise their moral standard to know they are the cause of bad governance. The youth should be enlightened on the effect of yielding to the voice of political predators who are likely to prey on them and the effect of myriads of political crises which can

synergistic approach inorder to secure the trust of the people who voted for them. The security agents are ordered to make sure all hands are on deck to protect life and property because there is no progress without peace. In a situation where by crime increases, pressure is mounted on the security agents to in turn extend this aggression to their operation to fight crime. For government to address this issue, it should provide free education to all and sundry because education is light, not just to be educated in learning but also in character, because in the society today, there are several educated illiterates who only know how to read and write but lacks morals in their conduct and way of life.

drag them to their knees or toss them like of coin. They should be made to understand that they are the future of the Economy, social and political strength of the Nation whom the betterment of the country in the future rest on their shoulders. The ability to create job employment opportunities for the youth has eluded the Nigerian state. The government should try as much as possible to create job for the youth by building industries and making the country an industrialized Nation. The electoral commission should be impartial and this will help to secure the trust of the electorate, especially the youth. The constituted chairman or boss of the commission should be nonpartisan to avoid deviation from what is supposed of him.





Pluralistic Relativism Of Criticisms

“CRITICISM is a disinterested endeavor to learn And propagate the best that is known and thought in the world”. Mathew Arnold (1822-1888) Essays in Criticism. Encapsulated in rhapsodic ebullience hallmarked by serendipity were Christopher Columbus on discovery of the Western Hemisphere, Luigi and Lucia Galvani on the theory of galvanism, Volta on the production of electric current by conduct of two dissimilar metals- and thus the invention of the battery, Faraday on Magnetism, Archimedes on his mathematical principles, Cyrus W. Field on his projection of the first Atlantic cable, William Penn the British Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania, Leonardo da Vinci on Mona Lisa and others too numerous to mention. In his poem “The Volunteer Day”, C. Lewis took an emotional and retrospective glance at the travails, trauma and tribulations of the volunteers of war for ancient England, “It was not Fraud or Foolishness, glory, revenge or pay! We came because our eyes could see no other way. There was no other way to keep man’s flickering truth alight; these stars will witness that our course burned briefer, not less bright”. So also the altruistic zeitgeist of these inventors. They stood between Scylla and Charybdis, Critics and Kill –sports, but with dogged pertinacity, the punctiliousness of a Spaniard and Trojan perseverance they were able to move mankind forward, critics were their best friends and their worst enemies in the journey. Man is Hegelianly imperfect, perfection is nowhere within the purview of man –hence imperfection is a uniovular twin with man. Giving this state of imperfection –mistakes, defects, shortfalls, indispositions, and even death becomes a concomitant of man and his activities. Longfellow asserted that “No man is an Island unto himself”. In the light of this, social, political, cultural and educational engineering heightened a concatenation of events that gave rise to “The Society” and “The Social Contract.” In professions, men, women, students and critics contribute their quota towards ensuring a viable “social contract.” Ideally, the critic is the argo – eyed spectator who sees a better part of the game. He mirrors- in and mirrors-out activities through communication engineering, information technology and information management,

seeing the world as a global village. A critic should have a profound and all- embracing understanding of his profession and goings-on in society and the world, to enable him form informed opinions and views. A critic, say in “Architecture” must have and know the nuts and bolts of the architectural profession, the basics of “Architectonics” –construction, designs, planning, framework, and style and History of designs. He should have hindsight, cognate experience, formal and informal training. He should be master of situations and not situations mastering him. Karl Popper a foremost authority on criticism asserts in his book “ The Open Society and its’ Enemies”- chapters 22,23 and 24 and Conjectures and Refutations” chapter 10 [Rout ledge and Kegan Paul, 1963] that “the institutionalization of criticism is the basic precondition of improving social and political theories and society” Popper recognizes that politically, there are good and bad rulers and also good and bad critics, but that in any situation criticism must be institutionalized. Which good critic will want to work under a bad or dictatorial ruler and vice versa?. The courage or foolhardiness of the critic is brought to the fore here. A good critic must espouse the good course to enable society move forward. The Aristotelian concept of the pursuit of the greatest good for the largest number should be his diadem and garlands of honour with which he is festooned even unto death. Is there such a critic? “Few”. A critic is a human being and unless he is given the enabling environment he cannot appropriately deliver. Though many have climbed to the pinnacle of martyrdom in it and they changed the world for the better. No critic would have liked to work against Hitler during the slaughtering of the Jews, Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, Hastings Kamuzu Banda, Stalin , Mobutu, Abacha and Tsars of Soviet Russia. ETC. Apart from dictatorship, another problem the critic faces is lack of tools to do his work and democracy. But he should not develop, in Marxian dialectics, “An inverted attitude to an inverted world.” The profession and every facet of life is literally closed because there is no mirroring-out. There is communication erebus as there is no way to get information except from government propaganda machinery and literary hirelings. Nobody


knows what is going on except what they want you to know. Wherever information is hoodwinked, teleguided and unnecessarily classified, it precipitates information imperialism, news autocracy and the messiah complex. This first tool of a good critic,

reviewer, arts pundit, an expositor in a colloquium, seminar and symposia, an evaluator, a judge of formal standard, professional analyst and an authority on the subject then he is a critic. But when a critic resorts to being a paid hack, pen-outrage,

that society has bad and good critics, but a pot-pouri of bad governments and the larger society made them what they are? Since perfection is outside the reach of man, what is the middle of the road approach and personality of the “Dynamic critic” of the modern era that will be able to move society forward. It is an unacceptable

be it in philosophy, politics, Religion, Mathematics, the Arts and the sciences etc is the “fact” yes the raw facts, not deductive and speculative reasoning, researched and proven truth. This is the one basis and inobliterable plinth on which the “Art” of Criticism” rotates. A critic must be an effervescence of information and not exiguous of it. He should not hide under the “capacious umbrella” of generalization, social forces, livid analogy, kierkgard’s existentialist determinant, bias and subjectivity. If he appears as a newspaper columnist, commentator, an arbiter, wine connoisseur, book

an animadversionist, bad press, brickbats, disparaging flak, querulous fault –finder, a detractor, momus and stricturepossessed, then, there is paradigm shift and normative gap in the practice, he is a bad critic, but in a bad society he is a “Heroic Critic”-the plural impasse. The French philosopher Rene Descartes asked himself “what is that we know certainly? The answer is obvious. But he asked conclusively that he was certain he could think and from that he inferred his existence- cogito ergo sum [I think: therefore I exist]. So also do I wish to state with unmistakable exactitude

over simplification to assert that he is either good or bad. No, that betrays uncompromising intransigence. He should be near-good or near bad not perfectly bad or perfectly good. In his “Ideology and Utopia” Professor K. Mannheim was greatly rebuffed by Dr. Bhikhu Parekh, lecturer Department of political studies, University of Hull for his taking Sociology of knowledge as his answer to ideology and criticism. He asserted”………….like moral ideals that cannot all be achieved these demands cannot all be met. In heightening up its concept or achieving comprehensiveness, a theory or

criticism may lose in empirical richness. In trying to be “absolutely accurate” it might become as chaotic as the reality itself losing in coherence what it gains in suggestiveness. As no criticism possess all the qualities one ideally expects in it, beyond a certain point, the choice between them is a matter of individual discretion. Objectivity or partiality, therefore is not the only or even always the highest virtue in criticism. If a discipline is dominated by a single body of assumptions that its professionally socialized, practitioners unconsciously assume to be self-evidently true, there is much to be said for advancing or accepting an extreme criticism in order to stir them into critical self=reexamination and to encourage a radical reappraisal of concepting tools of the discipline since objectivity and impartiality are achieved as a result of the clash of subjectivity and partiality , falsehood and extremism often make most worthwhile contributions to the discovery of “truth”. Dennis J.O . Haan in his treatise “HASTY CONCLUSIONS” said “ A Persian King wanted to teach his four sons never to make rash judgment. So he told the eldest to go in winter to see a mango tree, the next to go in spring, the third in summer and the youngest in fall , after the last son had returned from his autumn visit, the king called them together to describe what they had observed. “It looks like a burnt old stump said the eldest”. No “said the second, “ it is lacy green”. The third described it as “beautiful as a rose., the youngest said, “No ,its fruit is like a pear”. Each is right, “said the king”, for each of you saw the tree in a different season “. This didactic jeremiad serves to caution the critic that given the multi-dimensionality of thought we can only see a portion of the truth at any point in time and hence can not be “completely Right. The “Dynamic critic” of the modern era should be able to Continues on Pg 15

“Apart from dictatorship, another problem the critic faces is lack of tools to do his work and democracy.”




Opinion Continued from Pg 14 develop a comprehensive basis of vision , a dynamic and synthetic viewpoint that encompasses, explaining and integrates conflicting perspectives with truth and the love of society as the signet of his actions. Critics have always been buffeted by parochialism in government. Religion and philosophical cycles etc.

Socratecs, Plato, Aristotle ,Isaac Newton, Gallileo,, Sigmund Freud, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Voltaire, Helvetius, Bentham and Adam smith were victims. Why do men criticize? There are two schools of thought in this regards. One says men generally do what they do because of selfish interest and the other says for the general good. In the psychological theory of

...Relativism Of Criticisms human interest and action as initiated by Hobbes, refined by Locke , and perfected by the thinkers of the French Enlightenment, Man , it was argued, was essentially a practical being, to make the world a habitable place. Reason, it was argued further,

was set in motion by Human desires; indeed, it was created by desires, so that the more a man desired the greater the stimulus he had to think and therefore the greater his reason .As Voltaire in his “Treatise of Metaphysics” remarked “the passions are the wheels which make all these

“Why do men criticize? There are two schools of thought in this regards. One says men generally do what they do because of selfish interest and the other says for the general good.”

machines go round”. Vauvenargues reflected the same attitude in his “Introduction to knowledge of Human mind”, when he concluded that the true Nature of man did not lie in reason but in passions. Helvetius observed in his “Treatise of man” that reason in itself was insert and was set in motion only by desire. Bentham argued, further, that of all Human passions the concern for personal interest was the most powerful, most important, most uniform, most lasting and most general. Adam Smith corroborates this view in his belief that it is natural for man to prefer himself to mankind; indeed, he argued that this desire comes with us from the womb and never leaves until

Ajunwa: One Year As Press Secretary IT was Mahatma Gandhi, the once reformist from India, who said that man often becomes what he believes himself to be. Gandhi goes further to elucidate that if a man keeps on saying to himself that he can or cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that the man may end up by really becoming capable or incapable of doing it. So, it was not out of place when Governor Theodore Ahamefule Orji of Abia State announced on October 22, 2013 in a press briefing by his Chief of Staff, Mr. Cosmos Ndukwe, saying that Mr. Charles Ajunwa is the Chief Press Secretary (CPS), replacing one Mr. Ugochukwu Emezue. It is unmistakable one year after that Ajunwa has proved himself capable of the position of the CPS, having done well as one of the humble and finest reporters in the Nigerian media industry when he pitched tent with the famous ThisDay newspapers. The governor was clairvoyance in seeing Ajunwa and appointing him to serve him as his CPS, a position that requires hi-tech diplomacy and leadership tactics, of which Ajunwa has been showing that he was grounded in all of that. Ajunwa’s humility and total submission to Jesus Christ and with his utmost characteristic to being God-fearing endear him to all and sundry that have investigated him or have had the opportunity to be in contact with him or have heard about him. He is a man of few words, but with positive actions that have enlivened the government he serves and brought about media respect against dissenters. Unlike what it used to be before he came in: Dissenters to the government were hounded and labelled kidnappers and

anything unprintable, which were not supposed to be so. From all indications, Ajunwa is not representing his boss with brickbats and wickedness, but with respect to the individual’s right to freedom of speech, when any airs his or her opinion that may not be truth against the government he serves. Ajunwa comes out and responds to such opinion by pointing out what the government he serves has done right and has been doing right and intends to do right in respect to the opinion, thereby putting the dissenter through with the rightful information that the dissenter had lacked. Looking at the obedience with which Ajunwa handles his office, it reminds one with the phraseology by one Israelmore Ayivor thus: “You are your own canoe and you are your own paddle, so paddle your own canoe. Society had taught us to give away our power and abilities by making us to believe that other people are responsible for our success and failure. That is not fair!” Yes, since Ajunwa assumed office one year ago, he has seen that it is not fair to molest opposition politicians or writers, but to always inform them with the information about the government he serves they perhaps had, but pretend they do not have and prefer to cast the public against the government. This graduate of University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Ajunwa who began his journalism career with the Daily Times in 2000 after his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme at the Guardian Newspapers, has lowered the tension that once circled around the government in Abia State, thereby making nonconformists


to see the government of Governor T.A. Orji through the lens of objectivity and

his family name and his to always represent in the positive. Many people both in the

• Gov Theodore Orji of Abia State

constructiveness, not through the destructive lens. To be frank, with the information that circles around Ajunwa while investigating him in the cause of this essay, he is a prudent and prodigious man who is always concerned about

ThisDay and Post Express Newspapers, where he later joined and worked in the Politics Desk before moving on to the African Economy, published by Development Economic Resources (DER) from where he joined

THISDAY in 2008, have all said that Charles Ajunwa is an enchantment; a man who uses his quiet and calm voice and enviable brain to disarm any riotous or calamitous situation. A peacemaker, they have said he is. Like Robert Kahn would say that new capabilities emerge just by virtue of having smart people… it is essential to say that humanity and the people of Abia State are lucky with a Chief Press Secretary to the governor like Charles Ajunwa whose word is his bond; a man who does not tell lies just for the lucre of power and position. Ajunwa who was also the National Assembly Correspondent for The Country Newspapers before his appointment as CPS, have shown that he has the talent to unearth potentials. This is plain in the creditability that Abia State has been enjoying in and out of the media since his emergence as the CPS. Again, with the dexterity with which Ajunwa works shows that he loves the government that appointed him and he is working for, showing the government that it is much more than the sum of its achievements. Possibly, Ajunwa is a student of Israelmore Ayivor thus: Those

we die. It is clear, that, man acts out of personal interest, but in some cases, man acts out of a genuine desire to improve- his kind and move the world forward. In all the critics endeavour let him allow conscience, nurtured by truth to be his guiding light. Shakespeare agrees thus “To thine ownself be true, and it must follow as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man”, for it is only this that can salvage the critic from the “plural impasse” and lay bare the pluralistic relativism of criticism and critics • CHIEF BOBSON GBINIJE MANDATE AGAINST POVERTY (MAP),WARRI: 08023250378.

who mistrust their own abilities are being too wicked to themselves, discouraging themselves from doing what they should have been excelling in. If you are good at discouraging yourself, you can’t be a good leader because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges. Probably, Ajunwa has been applying the words of Thomas A. Edison, which says that the first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary. Ajunwa is not a man of small moments of honesty. He is always an honest man. He has been showing the clause in Orison Swett Marden’s “Learn to Expect a Great Deal of Life”, which is: “The greatest thing a man can do in this world, is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other.” Thanks to His Excellency, Governor Theodore Orji of Abia State for his prescience in exploring Charles Ajunwa and appointing him as his Chief Press Secretary. While Ajunwa is showing that he is a man of honesty, the government and him are wished success, as the government lasts. According to Charles Luckman, success is that old ABC meaning ability, breaks and courage.

“To be frank, with the information that circles around Ajunwa while investigating him in the cause of this essay, he is a prudent and prodigious man who is always concerned about his family name and his to always represent in the positive.”




Midweek Magazine SINCE October 15, 2008 when the first International Day of Rural Women was observed globally, the world has not stopped rolling out the drums in commemoration of a day that signifies honour for the dignity of labour in womanhood. Established by the UN General Assembly in its Resolution 62/136 of December 18, 2007, the day “recognizes the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural, and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty”, according to the UN Women policy statement with regard to the day. As Nigeria joins the rest of the global community in celebrating the day, the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Edo State under the leadership of Hon. (Mrs.) Blessing Maigida has once again re-echoed the stance and mantra of the administration of the Comrade Governor of Edo State, Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole in the area of women development with the particular focus of her ministry on rural women empowerment. As the ministry reels out its modalities for the effective inclusion of rural women in all its women-centred development initiatives, the Honourable

Commissioner, in a chat with our Principal Features Writer, Ijeoma Umeh, says setting one day aside to honour rural women is good, but including them in d e l i b e r a t e developmental programmes of all three tiers of their enormous contribution to national growth would imbue them with a greater sense of worth. Also in a separate chat, the Director, Women Affairs, Princess (Mrs.) Margaret Jos-Bazuaye stated that with the right enablers, including empowerment through access to finance, literacy programmes and good road networks to bridge the gap between the rural women and the urban centres, the status of the rural women will be boosted enough to square with the vicissitudes of a fastchanging socioeconomic horizon, also noting that the link in dates with the World Food Day, celerated October 14, is a clear indicator that women had direct link to food security the world over. Excerpts Government is making deliberate Policies Targeted At The Rural Women Maigida A year has gone by today since your Ministry celebrated the last International Day for Rural Women. How would you assess

International Day Of Rural Women: the improvements in the fortune of rural women considering their measured and acceptable input in the n a t i o n ’ s developmental strides? Have the rural women been fully appreciated? We cannot fully analyse and appreciate the role of our rural women in the orchestration of development whether at the federal, state or local government levels. Their roles cannot be over-estimated. Our women are the true food baskets of the nation and that is the stark reality. If we take careful stock of whatever foodstuff we have deposited in our kitchens or store houses, we will find how starved we would be if women decide to down tools. You may make a mental calculation of our staple food, particularly the locally processed foodsfrom the raw palm kernel to the cassava into the finished palm oil and the cassava flour, that is mentioning but a few. Therefore, there is no manner of celebration we put up today that can properly appreciate the hardwork of our rural mothers. In terms of the improvements in their fortunes, well, if we have to analyse that in terms of their economic status, I must tell you

that our mothers in the rural areas, by their nearness to the serene and sublime rural areas and their closeness to nature, are more wealthy in several aspects than their urban counterpart. They are directly originally in charge of the resources of the land and by virtue of that affinity are opportuned to have first hand access to the produce of the land before it gets to the urban centres. So I would boldly say that the rural women are not poor in all sense of the word. And since the last celebration when we worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between the rural woman and her urban counterpart, remarkable progress has been recorded, all thanks to the Comrade Governor who has the interest of women at heart and works assiduously to ensure their welfare becomes an integral part of government policies and programmes. Let’s consider a few of those strides of progress made, please Yes. In celebrating the previous year, we took certain steps in determining how far the rural women have come, and we did the consideration side by side with the contribution of these women in ensuring food security and the

“With little or no formal education, no social status, aside the communal meetings and co-operatives, these women still manage to keep their heads held up and that is an achievement. In the rural areas most of these women find it difficult to secure land rights or to access vital services such as credit, inputs, extension services, training/ education.”



development of the rural areas. First, let us consider the status of the rural women. With little or no formal education, no social status, aside the communal meetings and co-operatives, these

leadership of the Comrade Governor. Are there other focal areas which need to be highlighted, which would be the crux of your planned programmes and

a o p

t w r r d d

Princess (Mrs) Margaret Jos-Bazuaye

women still manage to keep their heads held up and that is an achievement. In the rural areas most of these women find it difficult to secure land rights or to access vital services such as credit, inputs, extension services, training/education. Their vital contribution to society are largely unnoticed. We have partnered, and are still partnering with other change agents to bring these rural women out of obscurity. That is the target of the UN and that is the focus of the present administration under the able

activities? Yes, the UN women has made it explicitly clear that “we must enforce and protect the rights of rural women”. That when women have access to land, there are improvements in household welfare, agricultural productivity and gender equality, that greater progress is made against poverty, genderbased violence and HIV/ AIDS. It makes everybody better off. Considering all that you have now highlighted, what would be the expectations from your ministry in the

h p p l o f e a t l v f p m o c t m c C W P a




Midweek Magazine

ing Up With The Dnynamics Of Change

area of consolidating on the gains of the past? It would not be a very tall order reaching out to women whose critical role in the growth of rural economics of both developed and developing countries

on local government/ rural areas sensitization visits to feel the pulse of the women in the local communities, keep them abreast of those grey areas in their empowerment needs, for example, need for them to be more aware

have been definedparticipating in crop production and livestock care, provision of food, water and fuel for their families, engaging in off-farm activities to diversify their families livelihoods, carrying out vital functions in caring for children, older persons and the sick. My ministry has not rested on its oars in the continuous bridging of the gap through our monthly markets in collaboration with the Chair- persons of the Women Development Programmes at the rural areas. We also embark

of their health needs and status through periodical check ups, free medical care, enlightenment on their educational/ literacy status, skill acquisitions, access to micro-credit facilities, need for formation of cooperatives and so forth. You are also aware that the state government has embarked on massive empowerment of widows in the rural areas in cash and empowerment tools. These exercises will continue. Will there be any programme for

women adult literacy programmes? That is not new. Most women development initiatives are packaged with literacy programmes in perspective. We have adult literacy programmes at the grassroots and the onus has been on us to keep motivating and encouraging these women to take advantage of these lofty initiatives. Our own skill acquisition centres are also open and free for women to take advantage of, learn skills that will help them better their lot and improve their i m m e d i a t e communities. I assure you we are not resting because we have a governor who also works tirelessly to ensure the happiness of all. “The connection to world Food Day is not coincidental”- JosBazuaye. October 14 is World Food Day and it appears there is a link between the rural women and agricultural development that needs to be clarified. What’s your take on that? Of course, it is a clear indication that rural women’s importance in enhancing agricultural and rural development

world-wide cannot be over emphasised. While the World Food Day celebrates the relegation of hunger and poverty to the abyss of history, the Rural Women’s Day on the other hand highlights rural women’s role in food production and food security. If we therefore consider both days side by side, we will see how integral the role of these women are in our collective existence as a people. What would be your own perspective of the Rural Women’s Day and what are the expected gains of the programmes and initiatives of all stakeholders in commemorating the day? The gains would be several. First, we will work to renew our commitment to empowering these women with the tools they need to build stronger families, better communities and healthier lives. Secondly, Women farmers need to be empowered, policymaking also becomes imperative and thank God the governor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole-led administration is very concerned about the wellbeing of women and continues to carry them along in its policy-

making and decision process. Do you think the state government has done enough in that regard? Of course, we have a gender-sensitive governor who hardly makes policy statements without recourse to how it would affect women, both in the rural and urban centres. The empowerment of women, including widows, was done in all the 18 local government areas of the state and in Edo State, we can also boldly say that we are safely out of the maternal mortality orbit due to the proactive stance of government in the maternal care of women. Same goes with infant mortality, that has also reduced due to the free antenatal and postnatal care of newborns, up to one year of their lives. However, more still needs to be done because we can’t stop hammering on the need to bridge the gap, the state government has also done so much in road construction and rehabilitation, both at the state and local levels. New road networks would help the rural women link up with markets all across the state. We are working hard to meet the UN Women expectation in the area of boosting the

status of rural women. Workshops, seminars and literacy programmes will see to that.

Glaring facts · Rural women comprise more than one quarter of the total world population. · 500 million women live below the poverty line in rural areas. · Women produce 60-80% of basic foodstuffs in subSaharan Africa and the Caribbean. · Women perform over 50% of the labour involved in intensive rice cultivation · Women process 100% of basic household foodstuff in Africa (name thempalm oil, cassava) processed into (‘garri’, cassava pudding or ‘akpu’ local rice, millet, beans, etc). · Women perform 30% of the agricultural work in industrialized countries. · Women head 60% households in some regions of Africa. · Today, on farms and ranches around the world, an estimated one billion women are making vital contributions to the agricultural industry, as small farmers, entrepreneurs, labourers, policymakers and scientists.

“However, more still needs to be done because we can’t stop hammering on the need to bridge the gap, the state government has also done so much in road construction and rehabilitation, both at the state and local levels. New road networks would help the rural women link up with markets all across the state. We are working hard to meet the UN Women expectation in the area of boosting the status of rural women. Workshops, seminars and literacy programmes will see to that.”





Late Prof Tijani M Yesufu’s 7th Fidau Prayers By USMAN ABUDAH

WHENEVER the Muslim Ummah are gathered either for a naming or burial ceremony, an observer would certainly not find it easy to confirm at the first instance, except the wailing of the females around the location that would unveil the reason for such a gathering: but if it is a child naming ceremony, the role of the smoke going up the sky from the backyard would make a realistic visitor to the spot of the ceremony know precisely the reason of such a mammoth assembly. Getting closer to the venue, one would see hundreds of plastic chairs arranged under canopies, still yet un-occupied. Don’t get the impression that the attendance is poor, not until you advance towards the sitting room, where around the entrance, hundreds of pairs of shoes and slippers would unfold the huge numbers of sympathizers who have assembled to participate in the ceremony taking place. This was the picture this writer observed at the Boundary Road residence of late Professor Tijani M. Yesufu in Government Reservation Area in Benin City on Saturday October 11, 2014 when hundreds of Muslim adherents gathered to observe the 7th day Fidau burial ceremony of the erudite conomist, Prof. T. M. Yesufu who answered the glorious call of Almighty Allah at the age of 88. In the large main sitting room of this scholar were the Muslim Ummah from all the muslim communities of Agbede (his hometown) Auchi, Okpella, South Ibie and Benin City. The sixty (60) chapters of the Holy Quran were distributed to readers very versed in reading and indeed, there was a rush amongst members as each person is expected to handle a chapter: after the distribution, the reading was solemnly done, thus creating a frightening silence that could make the drop of a needle sound like a coin dropping on a hard concrete floor. Next stage was the preaching to establish the faith of being a moslem, the benefits hereafter, when one would be put in Allah’s witness box to personally account for one’s deeds while on mother earth.

No witnesses, either your children or wives, solely yourself Personal experiences recounted by some speakers they had with late Professor Yesufu unfolded his absolute belief in Islam. Alhaji Umoru Oyarekhua, Chairman of Udo Group of Companies, Benin

Retired Colonel Momodu Yakubu, a much travelled Nigerian soldier who has been to USA, Germany, Lebanon, UK and other parts of the world both for training and peace keeping, appealed to

Prof T. M. Yesufu

City said: “We were first sponsored by the then State Government on the holy pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and when we got to Mecca, and showed the Professor the Arafat Mosque, he shed tears, tears of endless and total submission to Almighty Allah. Years later, he called me and few others, sponsored our pilgrimage to the holy land with his own money. He was an astute Islamic disciple despite his academic achievements”.

“Don’t get the impression that the attendance is poor, not until you advance towards the sitting room, where around the entrance, hundreds of pairs of shoes and slippers would unfold the huge numbers of sympathizers who have assembled to participate in the ceremony taking place.”

the children of late Professor to “ensure that, first, the family he left behind is more united than when he was alive as this would enhance peace to him in Algena and also keep his hard earned reputation as a forthright Islamic disciple and a disciplined Nigerian”. This writer recalled before the audience: “The late Professor of Economics had his Bachelor of Arts (Exeter) Bachelor of Science (London) and

Ph.D (London) and was the Pioneer Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Manpower Board in Lagos. He was a calm personality, who upon noticing any disagreement between youths and even elders, would turn the occasion into a lecture period, assessing the utterances and behaviours of those involved and melt it into a soothing gain to both sides – thus establishing the stupidity of even embarking on skirmishes. He had such a disarming grip of language usage that knocks out any basis for impossible self ego. He indeed midwifes the Midwest Institute of Technology (MIT) that he later also midwife into the University of Benin (Uniben) of which he was also the pioneer Vice Chancellor”. The Ummah moved out from the sitting room and occupied the chairs the canopies, ate to the full, some parceled some take aways The soothing colour of white canopies and plastic chairs coupled with the white attires of his children, unveiled a sense of fulfillment amongst the Ummah as one of his children whom I later gathered is Bala: his sense of piloting the food servers also unfolded a part of the late Professor’s observatory attention. Abudah a Journalist, is Founder and Artistic Director of Afenmai Heritage and Cultural Studies




Natural Medicine

Blood Purification I have a scientific-minded curious and inquisitive friend. One day during his routine visit to my home, he observed: “ I have noticed that you drink one blood tonic regularly. However, you have never discussed that medicine with me even though you talk about herbal medicines a lot each time we meet. Why? It seems you don’t want to share information about this particular blood tonic with me”. He went on when he noticed I was still silent: “From you, I now know about moringa, mistletoe, ginkgo biloba, reishin mushroom, matol km, Swedish bitters, yoyo bitters, immunocal and several other herbal medicines. But I have observed, you haven’t said anything about this new blood tonic you started using three months ago. Haba, this is unlike you. Dr. MAO”. I smiled. First of all, I disabused his mind of a conspiracy to hide any health information from members of the public, let alone him, my bosom friend. Thereafter, I began to give a lecture on the latest blood medicine in my home pharmacy for family use. What I was drinking was safi herbal blood tonic. The first herbal bottled blood medicine I used was brought in from abroad by a friend. Safi blood tonic is available in over 80 countries around the world. Fortunately, it is now in Nigeria. I bought my current bottle in Benin City. It is not therefore a new blood tonic as my friend claimed. Any good natural medicine practitioner is aware of the blood tonic has been in circulation since 50 years ago, and it has been a

leading brand of herbal medicine for blood purification, building and fortification. Available information show that Safi blood tonic originally derived 100% from the potent ancient traditional medicine of the Indians called ayuvedic medicine. Later, the herbal derivative underwent the finest, modern technological process which resulted in the Safi blood tonic of today which is made from 39 different herbs. All these attributes make the blood tonic an exceptional herbal medicine with several functions. To start with, the blood tonic is an alterative. This means it has the ability to reverse a disease condition to normality. Put in simple language, the tonic can restore a sick person back to good health. Secondly, Safi blood tonic eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, other microorganisms as well as toxins from the body because of the tonic’s antiseptic, disinfectant and detoxifying properties. Thirdly, Safi blood tonic de-acidifies the blood and body. An acid body is responsible for poor blood circulation, low blood oxygen, body pains and sluggish waste elimination. Also, an acid body is a favourable medium that enables bacterial, viral, fungal and other microbial, viral, fungal and other microbial organisms to grow as well as quickly multiply. Furthermore, cancer cells like acid body. Invariably, by de-acidifying the blood/ body, Safi blood tonic eliminates the risk of infections. Additionally, it builds up the body’s

resistance to cancer, a major killer today. Fourthly, due to its detoxifying action on the colon, Safi blood helps in bowel cleansing. Consequently, it prevents and resolves constipation whether it is chronic, acute or intermittent. Remember, Dr. Norman W. Walker in his

cleansing abilities is that it is also a diuretic. Thus, it can assist the body to flush out harmful impurities from the body through urination. Fifthly, Safi blood tonic also helps in weight reduction. In other words, overweight or obese people need it. If you want to maintain your normal

great book COLON HEALTH, wrote that death begins from constipation in a diseased colon. Moreover, because of its de-toxifying properties, Safi blood tonic cleanses out body cells, tissues and organs of harmful impurities. Hence, it is beneficial for detoxifying the bodies of alcoholics, smokers, hemp users, drug abusers and coffee drinkers. What aids Safi blood tonic’s

healthy week, the blood tonic comes handy, too. So far, we have been talking about the blood purifying benefits of Safi blood tonic. At this juncture, let’s turn our attention to other health advantages of the combined blood purifying and blood-building properties of the tonic. Sixthly, Safi blood tonic builds up poor blood which is associated with the slow

“All these attributes make the blood tonic an exceptional herbal medicine with several functions. To start with, the blood tonic is an alterative. This means it has the ability to reverse a disease condition to normality. Put in simple language, the tonic can restore a sick person back to good health.”

With Dr Mao 08030717341

healing process of the body, body aches/pains, waste accumulation in the body, cold hands and feet, metabolic sluggishness, lethargy as well as general malaise. Unknown to most of us, rushing to the chemist for a drug isn’t the best option when you feel unwell. The first line of standard medication, accepted by renowned natural medicine healers world-wide, is blood cleansing and building. With

itching can be cleared by the tonic. All these health conditions cause unsightly blemishes on the skin. Eighthly, Safi blood tonic relieves burning sensations experienced during urination. Ninthly, it boosts the libido. Helen Farmer Knowles, author of THE GARDEN HEALER notes: “A strong blood means sound erection and sexual arousal”. Tenthly, safi blood tonic

this alone added to appropriate lifestyle, drinking enough water daily, regular exercise, proper eating habits, leisure, good bowel action, rest, adequate sleep and a de-stressed life, you will achieve optimal health. Seventhly, we must realize that beauty is skin deep. It doesn’t really depend on the lotions and creams topically applied on the skin each day. You need to work from within the body to the skin surface. Indeed, when you always purify and build-up your blood with safi blood tonic, you will benefit from a deep, natural and sustainable spotless, soft, supple, smooth and glowing complexion. In other words, acne, pimples, boils, heat rashes, skin eruptions and

regulates menstrual cycle which is very critical to a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child. Lest I forget, the blood tonic is equally good for stopping nose bleeding and coping with skin/ blood disorders caused by changes in seasons. In life, you can never say all you know about anything because of time and space constraints. Similarly, no natural medicine practitioner can tell you everything about Safi blood tonic. Therefore, all I can say here in summary- as I told my friend- is that Safi blood tonic should be a cherished item in our medicine chef at home. As a word is enough for the wise and prudent, so affirms the holy bible.




New Horizon

Teachings Of The Holy Quran (3)

THUS have we made of you an Ummal justly balanced. That ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the messenger a witness over yourselves and we appointed the Qibla to which thou vast used, only to those who followed the messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the faith). Indeed it was (a changed) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people most surely full of kindness, Most merciful. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance) to the heavens, now shall we turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque, wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. Even if thou went to bring to the people of the Book all the signs (together), thy would not follow thy Qibla nor art thou going to follow their Qibla, nor indeed will they follow each other’s Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires then wert thou indeed (clearly) in the wrong. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons, but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know. The truth is from the Lord, so be not at all in doubt. To each is a goal to which Allah turns him, then strive together (as in a race) towards all that is good. Whatsoever ye are, Allah will bring you together. For Allah hath power over all things. From whencesoever thou startest forth, turn thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque, that is indeed the truth from thy’ Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what you do. So from Whencesoever thou started forth, turn your face thither, that there be no ground of dispute against you among

the people. Except those of them that are bent on wickedness. So fear them not, but fear me, and that I may complete my Favours on you, and ye may (Consent to) be guided. A similar (Favour have ye already received) in that we have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you, Our Signs, and purify and instructing you in scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge. Then do yon remember Me, I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith. O ye who believe, seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere. And say not of those who are slain in way of Allah. they are dead Nay, they are living, though ye perceive(it) not. Be sure we shall let you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods lives and the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere Who say, when afflicted with calamity, “To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return”. They are those on whom Descend) blessings from their Lord, and Mercy. And they are the ones that receive guidance. Behold, Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the season or at other times. should compass their round, it is no sin in them. And if anyone obeyeth his own impulse to Good-be sure that Allah is He who recongiseth and knoweth. Those who conceal the clear (signs). We have sent down, and the guidance, after we have made it clear of the people in the Book on them shall be Allah’s curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse. Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare (the Truth), to them I turn, for I am Oft— Returning, Most Merciful. Those who reject

Faith, And die rejecting on them is Allah’s curse, and the curse of Angels, and of all mankind. They will abide therein, their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot). And your God is one God, there is no god but He. Most gracious Most Merciful. Behold in the creation of’ the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of

Wise. Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah) they love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are over flowing in their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold they would see the punishment. that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the Punishment. Then would those who are followed clear themselves of those who follow (them), they would see

the Night and Day, in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies. and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead, in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth, in the change of the winds, and the clouds, which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth (there) indeed are signs for a people that are

the chastisement and all relations between them would be cut off. And those who followed would say, “if only we had one more chance, we would clear ourselves of them, as they have cleared themselves of us”. Thus will Allah show them (the fruits of) their deeds as (nothing but) regrets, Nor will there be a way for them out of the fire. O ye people, eat of what is on earth, lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of

“If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires then wert thou indeed (clearly) in the wrong. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons, but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.”


“They are the ones who buy Errow in place of Guidance and Torment in place of Forgiveness. Ah! What boldness (they show) for the fire. (Their doom is) because Allah send down the Book in truth but those who seek causes of dispute in the Book are in a schism far (from the purpose).” Satan for he is to you an avowed enemy For he commands you what is evil and shameful, and that ye should say of Allah that of’ which ye have no knowledge. When it is said to them.

Follow what Allah had revealed’ They say, “Nay, we shall follow the ways of our fathers”. What even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance. The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout like a goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries, deaf, dumb, and blind. They are void of wisdom. O ye who believe, eat of the good things that we have provided for you. And be grateful to Allah, if it is Him you worship. He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience nor transgressing due limits then is he guiltless for Allah is oft-forgiving Most

merciful. Those who concal Allah’s revelations in the Book, and purchase for them a miserable profit. They swallow into themselves naught but fire. Allah will not address them on the Day of Resurrcetion nor purify them, grievious will be their chastisement. They are the ones who buy Errow in place of Guidance and Torment in place of Forgiveness. Ah! What boldness (they show) for the fire. (Their doom is) because Allah send down the Book in truth but those who seek causes of dispute in the Book are in a schism far (from the purpose). It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards. East or West, but it is righteousnessto believe in Allah and the last day, and the angels, and the Book, and the Messengers, to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the way farer, for those who ask, and for the ransome of slaves, to be steadfast in prayer and give Zakat, to fulfill the contacts which ye have made, and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic Such are the people of truth, the God— fearing. O ye who believe the Law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder, the free for the free the slave for the Slave, the woman for the woman But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any responsible demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude. This is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave chastisement. In he law of equity there is (saving of) life to you. O ye man of understanding, that ye may restrain yourselves It is prescribed, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves any goods, that he make a bequest to parents and next of kin. According to reasonable usage, this is clue from the Continues on page 24




Place Of Prayer

With Pastor Samuel O. Osaghae

EVERYONE that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. Proverbs 16:5 Pride is the mother of all other sins. It was the first sin ever recorded in the world. Lucifer was a glorified angel, the leader of the heavenly choir, until pride consumed his heart. Pride was

level. When God humbled king Nebuchadnezzar, He turned him from a human being into an animal, and he was driven from among men and dwelt in the forest with animals for seven years (Daniel 4:29-37) king Nebuchadnezzar’s experience is an example of what happens when God to humbles a man. To avoid this kind of humbling

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortionist, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that l possess. And the publican, standing afar off would not lift

will have a judgemental spirit. Whenever you look at a woman that puts on jewelleries you will be tempted to pass judgement on her. That you are now having a “holier than thou” attitude is an indication of pride. Whatever sacrifice you make as a mark of consecration to God must be done decently and with all humility; not as a doctrine or

what led him to rebel against God and this led to his fall from glory. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: l will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 The devil is the father of pride. Therefore, every man that entertains pride in his heart cannot be called a child of God. Man, as used in this article, encompasses both males and females. Children of God are known by their fruits; chief of these fruits is humility. Humility is the last rescue of any man. It was the last card of God played to save the world from the grip of sin and from the hand of the devil. Jesus is God’s humility expressed in humanity. Any child of God that does not reflect humility is not born of God. The only thing the Lord Jesus asked us to learn from Him is humility. See Matthew 11:29: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Taking a look at this same scripture from the Amplified Bible, we see an amplification of rest which is a benefit of humbling ourselves just like Jesus: Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. Matthew 11:29 (Amp). The most terrible sin in the world is pride. If a terrible sinner is humble, there is hope for his salvation. However, there is no hope for a small’ sinner who has pride in his heart. This is because pride will not allow that small sinner own up to his sins and repent. God does not promote anyone who has not humbled himself. The bible says in James 4:10Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Humility is your responsibility; not God’s. Do not pray for God to humble you; you have to humble yourself. When God humbles you, it amounts to judgement. If God humbles you, it is disastrous. When God humbles a man, He will destroy everything that concerns that man and reduce him to an undesirable

experience, do not wait for God to humble you, humble yourself. If God is interested in helping you, He will set you up to give you an opportunity to humble yourself. He brings somebody who is your equal or who you are better than and arranges a situation where that person is placed above you. And then He begins to check your heart to see what your reaction will be. God will not lift you up until He sees your humility. You are not qualified to be lifted up except your humility is sighted. So if God wants to lift you up, He will allow you to experience some embarrassments that will check your humility. If you humble yourself, He will take you up. The reason why many remain stagnant is because they fail God’s test of humility. When God sets them up to give them room to humble themselves, pride will not allow them humble themselves. And so, they remain just the same way they have always been; without progress and upliftment. The pride that will make you remain stagnant in life is broken from your life today in the mighty name of Jesus. If you smell pride, know that danger is coming: Pride goeth before destruction and haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). No one falls just like that; pride goes first before a fall follows. Fornication and adultery were not the only sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Beyond that, there was something that God saw that made Him wipe out their existence from the map of humanity. See Ezekiel 16:49a, 50c- Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride….therefore I took them away as I saw good. May your life not be wiped away as a result of your pride. There are certain human behaviours that are indicative of a heart that has the seed of pride in it. I will now highlight some of these behaviours. If the seed of pride is not checked and plucked out, it will germinate, grow and blossom into a full manifestation of pride. Whenever you are talking about what you did to earn what you are looking for, God calls it pride. Telling God all the effort you have applied that qualified you for what you are begging Him for, e.g. I have paid my tithe, l always come to church early, etc, is a show of pride. There is nothing you do that can qualify you for what you are looking for. See this illustration of Jesus in Luke 18:9-14: And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted In themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for every one that

because somebody said so. Let it come from your spirit as a sacrifice unto God. If this is your mind on the issue, then when you see other Christian sisters who have not made such sacrifice, you

longer be motivated to buy clothes for you; he will assume you already have more than enough. Trying to be in the level that God has not placed you is pride

exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. Pride can destroy the effectiveness of your prayers. When you come to God, do not quote what you have done. Many come to meet me for counselling and they are busy quoting their statistics. I have fasted, I have prayed, I have sown seed. All these statistics you are quoting is the problem. You think you can do all these to bribe God. It is not those actions of yours that make God respond to you, the price was paid by the Lord Jesus. Every other thing you do is a sacrifice to make God know how desperately you need His intervention. There is no way you can prove that you are More righteous than another person. Only God can prove who is more righteous. I want to beg those who have made up their minds to sacrificially surrender some areas of privileges to God not to cancel out their blessings as a result of pride in their heart. For example, there are certain Christian sisters that have made up their minds not to put on necklaces, and all forms of jewellery. It is a sacrifice; let It be that. If you see it as a signal for holiness, you missed it because that is not what describes holiness. When you begin to use your self-denial to accredit your holiness, you have defeated the essence of holiness, because it will put pride in your heart. You

will not see them as less holy. You can’t judge righteousness by observation; only God knows the intent of the heart. Another evidence of pride is when you become unhappy when someone else is celebrated instead of you. You feel you should be the one being celebrated instead of the person being celebrated. Such unjustified unhappiness shows pride. Anyone that is not happy at another person’s prosperity is showing jealousy and pride. A proud man is a man who is not contented with his level. He is a man who will force himself to the level of his ambition. You do not have a car, but you keep borrowing cars from your friends to drive just to act like you too are a car owner. That action may slow down the manifestation of your own car. This is because by your action, you are trying to claim what you do not have; therefore those that would have blessed you will hold back their blessing thinking you are already at the status you are claiming. Godliness with contentment is great gain. You are going for an occasion and then you go and borrow expensive clothes and shoes to wear just to give a false impression of wealth. Why not wear what you have? Your own season will come; calm down. Do not put yourself where God has not placed you. If someone that would have bought good clothes for you sees you wearing expensive clothes, he will no

and it will lead to shame. See proverbs 11:2: When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. A proud man will always stalk about how he is better than other people. When you tell stories just to make people see you bigger than how you really are, it is pride and such pride will eventually bring shame. Another way you can tell a proud man is when a man always wants to be recognised. At every occasion, he seeks to seat at the high table. He wants everyone to recognise him as a very important personality. A proud man will strive with others over taking the front seat. When there is strife in your heart because someone sat on your “respected” seat, it is a sign of pride. Such pride leads to strife. Whenever you have a heart of striving with somebody over a placement, it is a sign that there is pride in your heart. When there is a struggle over placement, recognition or status, it is a display of pride. A humble man will not struggle seats with anyone; he will humbly give up a seat just to avoid strife. There is the story of a lady who was going home from a church programme. At the bus park she got into a bus only to be tactfully pushed out by another man who claimed that he took the seat first. That seat was the last available seat in the bus, but rather than strive, the Christian sister gave up the seat and went to look for

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The Tragedy Of A Proud Man another vehicle to enter. Humility does not blindly claim right; Humility submits! The bus in contest soon departed the motor park without the lady but with the man that took the sister’s rightful position in the bus. As the bus journeyed along, a vehicle, whose driver lost control, rammed into the bus. It was a terrible accident. Many of the passengers were injured in the accident but only one person died. And the person that died was that man that took the seat of the lady. If the young woman had struggled and eventually sat in that position in the bus, she may have been the casualty. Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Philippians church, admonished them thus: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves(Philippians 2:3). He continued in verses 5 to 9 of that chapter: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. Christ Jesus was God and had every right to claim Godship even here on earth. But being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself. His humility brought about exaltation. There are some Pastors who cannot sit down to listen to a younger Pastor preach. Beloved, this is the seed of pride. There is no person you cannot learn something from. You either learn how to do something or how not to do it. However it is, it is a lesson. If you assume that there is nothing you can learn from a person because you feel you already have all the knowledge and experience, it is a show of pride. A proud man will not make heaven. If someone you are more experienced than is asked to preach, you must listen in humility; not with a sharp eye that searches for mistakes. When the preacher gives instructions such as lift your hands to the Lord, do not search for an excuse not to obey. Remember, the scripture in 2 nd Peters 5:6, Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. If you want to qualify for lifting, then you must first humble yourself before the mighty hand of God.




International Features Mexico Mass Grave A Challenge For President Nieto

MEXICAN President Enrique Peña Nieto has sought to keep Mexico’s crime problem on the fringes of his agenda. But the disappearance of 47 students in Guerrero could change that. As tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Mexico this week to call for the return of 43 students who went missing last month, many demanded an answer to one simple question: Who is in charge? In the state of Guerrero, it’s a simple question with no clear answer. The governor is under fire for doing little to stop rampant crime and violence; a local mayor and police officers are accused of being in cahoots with organized crime syndicates; and nine mass graves containing at least 28 scorched bodies – some possibly the missing students – were recently discovered. Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto addressed the nation last Monday, more than a week after the college students were abducted in the city of Iguala. He promised a thorough investigation and expressed outrage. Despite his tardy response President Peña Nieto has avoided being pulled into the center of attacks on the government, a place his predecessor Felipe Calderón often found himself. In fact, in his nearly two years in office Peña Nieto has rarely spoken about violence – an issue that consumed President Calderón’s agenda, including a public crackdown on organized crime and drug cartels. The former president’s approval rating wavered as he often found the media message spinning out of his control. Pena Nieto has taken a markedly different approach, at least publicly. “The conversation about organized crime changed significantly when Enrique Peña Nieto took over,” says Duncan Wood, director of the Mexico Institute and the Wilson Center for International Scholars, a Washington-DC-based think tank. Peña Nieto has deemphasized security as a feature of the “Mexican reality,”

and focused on the country’s economic potential, says Mr. Wood. But Mexico has come under fire for human rights abuses in recent months, including an alleged mass execution by military officials in June – which involved soldiers shooting the suspects with the victims’ weapons, attorney general Jesús Murillo Karam said on Friday. Now there’s suspected involvement of local police and the complicity of a mayor in the kidnapping of the missing students in Iguala, a town 120 miles south of Mexico City. With more than 58 percent of Mexicans saying crime is a principle concern, according to the national statistics service INEGI, whether Peña Nieto can continue to avoid the topic is in question. The president “doesn’t want to fall into the same trap or make the same mistakes that Calderón made, which is you become personally identified with the violence,” Wood says. “But at some point, you get a problem so serious, that the president has to get involved.” A month into former President Calderón’s administration, he donned fatigues and declared war on organized crime. While Mexicans initially supported his decision to send thousands of soldiers to stamp out crime in big cities and small towns across the nation, their enthusiasm waned as the social cost and death toll mounted. In January 2010, 15 teens were gunned down at a birthday party in Ciudad Juárez, sparking outrage across the country. Calderón said the killings were likely due to connections the kids had to local drug gangs; the murders, a settling of scores. But, when it turned out that the kids had no illegal ties, the president had to backtrack, acknowledging that innocents were increasingly targeted by cartels. This was a turning point in his administration. Wood says today’s public outcry over the missing students has echoes of when Calderon got involved after the birthday party shooting. So far, Peña Nieto’s sideline approach to the drug war has led

him to avoid the spotlight, even when the government has successes like capturing kingpins. Earlier this month, the president left the job of announcing the capture of top cartel leaders, Hector Beltran Leyva and Vicente Carrillo Fuentes to trusted deputies, instead focusing his public appearances on ground-breaking energy, education, and telecom reforms. His government has mostly ended practices like “perp walks,” where captured cartel bosses were paraded in front of the press, and he avoids using phrases like “drug cartel” in national addresses. Observers say that may be changing as crime again becomes a glaring concern. Mr. Carrillo, of the Jaurez Cartel, was briefly marched in front of cameras after arriving at the Mexico City airport on his way to federal prison late last week. The government reports that the murder rate has gone down over the 22 months Peña Nieto has been in office, falling from 22 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2012 to 19 per 100,000 residents in 2013. Mexico’s image abroad has improved, with international headlines heralding “Mexico’s Moment.” Foreign Direct Investment hit a record high of $35.2 billion in 2013 – though GDP growth was a small 1.1 percent that same year. Erubiel Tirado, security expert at the Iberoamerican University in Mexico City says the government strategy has, in fact, been “Calderón-like,” just with some cosmetic changes. And Mario Patrón, deputy director of the Miguel Agustín Pro Juarez Human Rights Center in Mexico City calls the president’s behavior toward crime “reactionary” and ad hoc. When so-called self-defense groups picked up guns to confront drug gangs in Michoacán earlier this year, the president responded by naming a commissioner to take control – effectively sidelining the state governor – and pumping money into the state. He named an antikidnapping czar in early 2014 after citizen safety groups insisted the crime was worsening

in parts of the country. In August, Peña Nieto announced the creation of a gendarmerie to provide temporary, rapid-response security in high crime areas. The group was deployed to Guerrero

students, killing three. Scores more disappeared. A little over a week later, mass graves containing 28 charred bodies were discovered near Iguala. The single path leading to the graves indicates the victims were possibly forced into a “death march,” toward their burial site, reports The New York

but the problems still remain,” Wood says. The state of Guerrero, referred to as “El México bronco” – the untamed Mexico – has long struggled with violence and crime. A 2008 judicial reform process, which is supposed to be completed by 2016, has made little headway here nor in many other states across the country. It

Times. Though the identities of the victims are still unknown, many suspect the bodies belong to the missing. Families of the missing students have provided DNA samples. “They had nothing to defend themselves with,” says Margarito Ramírez, a farmhand whose son Carlos is among the missing. Mr. Ramírez and other families await information on the fates of their children at the Raúl Isidro Burgos Normal school in Tixtla, 75 miles north of Acapulco, passing the time worrying and praying at a makeshift altar to St. James. “We have faith that God wants this … that he’ll bring them back,” Ramírez says. Others took to the streets in protest. “You took them alive, we want them back alive,” protesters chanted in the Guerrero capital of Chilpancingo this week. Some 22 police officers are currently in custody for their alleged roles in the disappearances. “The police have been reformed so many times [in Mexico] over the past 20 years,

is up to the states to implement the federal reforms, but many have resisted. Impunity is a widespread issue in Mexico, with nearly 97 percent of crimes in Guerrero state going unsolved. “There are cases here of families that are too fearful to file a complaint” for the crimes committed against them, says Sofia Mendoza, a city councilor in Iguala, whose partner, Arturo Hernández, was kidnapped and killed with several colleagues a year and a half ago. Others in the city of 128,000 say they’re now keeping an even lower profile around town, and they’ve noticed others staying home due to the perceptions of insecurity. “Parents won’t give their children permission to attend church events,” says Manuel Victorino, who works at a local parish. The president’s previous pronouncements on improved security can’t be correct, he says. “If Mexico were calm,” Mr. Victorino says, “It wouldn’t be necessary to say so in the media.”

Enrique Nieto and disarmed the Iguala municipal police force soon after the discovery of the mass grave. As more information comes to light in the case of the 43 missing students, Peña Nieto may be pulled deeper into the fray. The missing students, from a college known for raucous protests and clashes with public officials over its budget and role in training rural teachers, went to Iguala on Sept. 26 to ask for donations to fund a trip to Mexico City. They were pulled over by municipal police after commandeering three buses. The police opened fire on the

“You took them alive, we want them back alive,” protesters chanted in the Guerrero capital of Chilpancingo this week. Some 22 police officers are currently in custody for their alleged roles in the disappearances.”




International Anti-ISIS Campaign: Obama

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and his military commanders yesterday met with defense chiefs from more than 20 nations participating in the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. The daylong meeting comes as the White House tries to tout progress in the U.S.-led campaign against the militants, while also girding the public for a military effort that could extend well beyond Obama’s presidency. Administration officials said the meeting would focus on military strategy and ways to bolster the campaign to counter the extremists. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the meeting would be an important effort to further coordinate and organize the international fight against the Islamic State militants. “They will be working through

those specific areas and defining specific contributions that these nations will make,” Hagel told reporters at the end of Monday’s meeting with defense ministers of the Americas in Arequipa, Peru. Among the countries represented yesterday will be Arab nations that have joined the U.S. in launching airstrikes against the militants in Syria, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. European partners like Britain and France are also participating, as is Turkey, a key NATO ally that borders both Syria and Iraq. The U.S. has been pushing the government in Ankara to play a larger role in taking on the extremists,

killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, the chief prosecutor said yesterday. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel was crossexamining Pistorius’ agent, Peet van Zyl, on the second day of a sentencing hearing in South Africa for the double-amputee Olympic runner who was found guilty last month of culpable homicide by Judge Thokozile Masipa. The judge has wide latitude when deciding on a sentence. Pistorius, 27, could receive a fine and a suspended jail sentence or as many as 15 years in prison. Van Zyl was called to testify by Pistorius’ defense lawyers, who are arguing that Masipa should be lenient on the multiple Paralympic champion, who they say has suffered emotionally and financially after the shooting. Van Zyl testified Monday regarding what he called Pistorius’ extensive charity work before the Feb. 14, 2013 shooting death of Steenkamp and said that Pistorius had now lost all his product endorsements because of the killing. Cross-examining van Zyl, Nel said “You view Mr. Pistorius as a poor victim of this case.” Van Zyl denied that. Nel also questioned Pistorius’ motives for getting involved in

smart career move for athletes to lend their names to good causes and that he was obligated to participate in such activities for their sponsors. “They market themselves by being involved in charity,” Nel said. “It’s merely an advancement of your career to become involved.” Van Zyl said it could be perceived that way, but added: “I think that a lot of sportsmen really want to make a difference and to contribute.” Nel challenged van Zyl after he said “maybe there would still have been some opportunities” for Pistorius were it not for alleged inaccuracies in media reporting on the case. Van Zyl said that, since the killing, he had received some invitations asking Pistorius to address audiences and share his life story. “The legacy that he’s left behind is still relevant today,” he said. The prosecutor appeared incredulous at van Zyl’s remarks, suggesting


who are locked in a fierce battle for territory on Turkey’s border. The fight over the town of Kobani in particular has emerged as a major test of whether the U.S.-led air campaign against the Islamic State can roll the militant group back in Syria. On Sunday, American officials said Turkey will let U.S. and coalition forces use its bases for operations against the militants. However, Turkish officials denied that it had reached such a deal with the U.S. and said the two countries would hold deeper talks in the

coming days. “I am optimistic about progress that we are making with the Turks as they ... further define their role in the coalition against ISIL,”


Hagel said Monday, using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State. Islamic State extremists have carved out a vast stretch of territory from northern Syria to the outskirts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad where they have imposed their harsh interpretation of Islamic law. The

fighters have massacred hundreds of captured Iraqi and Syrian soldiers, terrorized religious minorities, and beheaded two American journalists and two British aid workers. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled into Turkey from Syria ahead of the militants.

Pistorius Being Portrayed As PRETORIA - Oscar Pistorius was being portrayed as a “poor Victim - Prosecutor victim” ahead of his sentencing for charity work, saying it was a

Pistorius’ manager was blaming the media and others, including prosecutors, for the predicament of a man who had killed a young woman by firing four hollow-point bullets through a toilet door. Masipa found Pistorius not guilty of premeditated murder and of murder for shooting Steenkamp through a toilet cubicle door in his home in the pre-dawn hours of Valentine’s Day 2013. He testified he mistook her for an intruder about to attack him and denied prosecution assertions that he shot her during an argument. Pistorius’ sentencing hearing is expected to last around a week. Defense lawyers have also called a social worker, who testified that correctional supervision for three years with periods of house arrest would be a suitable sentence for Pistorius. Prosecutors have insisted he should go to prison for killing Steenkamp. Pistorius in 2012 became the first amputee to run at the Olympics.

An Indian boy walks inside his house damaged in the October 7 firing between India and Pakistan at the border area of Treava Village in Arnia sector, in Jammu, India recently.

Oscar Pistorius (centre), listens to two of his legal team members, including Barry Roux (right), at a court yesterday where the sentencing process enters its second day.

Thai PM Plays Down Concern Over Tourist BANGKOK - Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha yesterday dismissed growing diplomatic concern about a police investigation into the murder of two British tourists in Thailand as a pretrial witness hearing began. Prayuth denied that the Thai charge d’affaires in London, Nadhavathna Krishnamra, had been summoned over concern about how Thai authorities have handled the case. “They did not summon us. We went to provide clarification to them,” Prayuth told reporters. “We went to show them how we work. They might be surprised at how quickly we work but we explained the steps we have in place.” Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found dead on a beach on the island of Koh Tao in September. Miller, 24, had died from drowning and a blow to the head while Witheridge, 23, died from head wounds. The British government said on Monday it had summoned Thailand’s top diplomatic representative in London to call for the investigation to be “conducted in a fair and transparent way” amid growing concern that two Myanmar men charged with the murders may have admitted to the crimes under duress. Police said the two workers from Myanmar, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, had admitted to killing the tourists and that DNA found on Witheridge matched samples taken from the men. They have been charged with murder, rape and robbery. British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent said yesterday he had met Thai police, Myanmar’s envoy to Thailand and Thai Foreign Ministry officials to discuss the case. He gave no details. The murders dealt a fresh blow to Thailand’s tourism industry, which accounts for 10 percent of gross domestic product. Thailand is under martial law following a May coup

Murder Investigation

and the sector is struggling to recover from months of political protests. The arrests of the two Myanmar men followed intense scrutiny of the police who had been accused of bungling the investigation in the days following the killings. A pre-trial witness hearing began on Tuesday and the two suspects were in court but did not give testimony. Their lawyers called for the trial to be postponed to allow

more time to prepare a defense but the plea was rejected. “The lawyer just had contact with the suspects yesterday. They need time to talk and understand each other before the trial,” said Andy Hall, a British rights activist and researcher based in Thailand who is monitoring the case. “Both the British and the Myanmar governments have asked for a fair trial and a fair trial takes time.”



EBHOHIMEN – I, formerly Miss Nancy Ejehiyioki Ebhohimen, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Nancy Ejehiyioke Aikpokpo. All former documents remain valid. All concerned authorities and the general public should please take note.

EHIOZE– I, formerly Miss Ehioze Ruth Ese now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Egbadon Ruth Ese. All former documents remain valid. Concerned authorities, Ambrose Alli University (AAU) Ekpoma and the general public should please take note.


REFUTAL It has come to the notice of the Royal Family members of the late ENOGIE OSAGIE OMORUYI OSEMWENDE of UTE NE’ UREKPOKI Community in Benin, Edo State, that: A member or some members of the family, is/are pointing accusing finger(s) at a/some prominent member (s) of the public as responsible for the death of their departed Enogie. It is pertinent to state that to the best of the knowledge of the family members, that there was no time such a discussion was made against any person dead or alive. The family vehemently disassociates itself from such a wicked accusation, which at best is a figment of the imagination of whoever is peddling such a wicked rumour please. Signed: John Ada For: ENOGIE PALACE UTE NE’ UREKPOKI Upper Mission, Benin City




New Horizon Continued from Pg 20 God-fearing. If anyone changes the bequest after hearing it, the guilt shall be on those who make the change. For Allah hears and knows (all things). But if anyone fears partiality or wrong doing on the part of the testator. And brings about a settlement among (the parties concerned), there is wrong in him for Allah is oft forgiving, Most Merciful. O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may ( learn) selfrestraint. (Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship) is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own freewill it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye fast, if ye only know. Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran, as a guide to mankind, also clear (signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present at his home) during that month should spent it in fasting but if anyone is ill, on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you. He does not want to put you in difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you, and perchance ye shall be grateful. When my servants ask thee concerning Me. I am indeed close (to them). I (respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me. Let them also, with a will, listen to my call, and believe in Me, that they may walk in the right way. Permitted to you on the night of the fasts, but the approach to your wives. They are garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves, but he turned to you and forgave you, so now associate with them, and seek what that

Allah had ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread, then complete your fast till the night appears, but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are limits (set by) Allah, approach not night thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men, that they may learn self restraint. And do not eat up your property among yourselves

for vanities, nor use it as bait for the judges with intent that ye may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of (other) peoples property. They asked thee concerning the New Moons, say. they are but signs to mark fixed periods time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back. It is virtue if ye fear Allah. Enter houses through the proper doors, and fear Allah, that ye may prosper. Fight in the cause of’ Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress Limits, for


... Of The Holy Quran (3) Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for Persecution is worse than slaughter. but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there, but if they fight you, slay’ them. Such is the reward of those

restrain themselves. And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction, but do good, for Allah loveth those who do go good .And complete the Hajj or Umra in the service of Allah, but if ye are prevented (form completing it) send an

whatever good ye do (be sure) Allah knoweth it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, O ye that are wise. It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage). Then when ye pour down from (mount). Arafat, celebrate the

who reject faith. But if they cease. Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more Persecution and the religion becomes Allah’s. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. The prohibited month for the prohibited month and so for all things prohibited, there is the law of equity. If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who

offering for sacrifice such as ye may find, and do not shave your head until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill, or has an ailment in his scalp, necessitating shaving (he should) in compassion either fast, or feed the poor, or offer sacrifice, and when ye are in peaceful conditions (again). if anyone wishes to continue the Umra on to the Hajj, he must make an offering such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford, he should fast thee days during the Hajj. And even days on his return, making ten days in all. This is for those whose household is not in (the precincts of the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is strict in punishment. For Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And

praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument, and celebrate His praises as He has directed you, even though, before this, ye went astray. Then return from the place whence it is usual for the multitude so to do, and ask for Allah’s forgiviness. For Allah is OftForgiving, Most Merciful. So when ye have accomplished your rites, celebrate the praises of Allah, as ye used to celebrate the praises of your fathers, yea, with far more heart and soul. There are men who say: “Our Lord: Give us (Thy bounties) in this world’. But then will have no portion in the Hereafter. And there are men who say. “Our God, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter. And save us from the foment of the Fire”. To these will be allotted what they have earned, and Allah is quick in account. Remember Allah during the appointed Days, but if anyone

“Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for Persecution is worse than slaughter. but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there, but if they fight you, slay’ them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease. Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more Persecution and the religion becomes Allah’s. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.”

hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if anyone stays on, there is no blame on him, if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allah, and know that ye will surely be gathered unto Him there is the type of man whose speech about this worlds life may dazzle thee, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart, yet is He the most contentious of enemies. When he turns his back, his aim every here is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and progeny but Allah loveth not mischief. When it is said to him, “Fear Allah,’’ he is led by arrogance to (more) crime. Enough for him is Hell- and evil bed indeed (to lie on). And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is full of kindness to (His) devotees. O ye who believe, enter into Islam whole-heartedly and follow not the footseps of the Satan for he is to you an avowed enemy. If ye backslide after the clear (signs) have come to you, then know that Allah is Exalted in Power. Wise. Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds with angels (in His train) and the question is (thus) settled’? But to Allah do all questions go back (for decision) Ask the children of how Isreal how many clear (Signs) we have sent them. But if any one after Allah’s favour has come to him, substitutes (something else). Allah is strict in punishment. The life of this world is alluring to those who reject Faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection, for Allah bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will. Mankind was one single nation. And Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings, and with whom He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed: but the people of the Book, after the clear signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy. Allah by His Grace guided the believers to the Truth, concerning that wherein they’ differed. For Allah guides whom He will to a path that is straight. (To be continued).




Spiritual Platform

Dealing With Strange And Evil Attacks Frame Work Scripture Psalm 35:15-18

‘But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together; yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I know it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? Rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.” This chapter will open your eyes to strange attacks, particularly against mankind. We shall have two testimonies as openers: Testimony 1: A young woman could not marry and she was 40 years old. Men came into her life but no marriage materialized. She joined a good prayer fellowship and was given some prayer points, which she prayed violently as directed. After a few weeks she had an unexpected visitor from her village - her mother. She (her mother) confessed that she took her menstrual pad, bewitched it and kept in a crack in the wall at the back of her house. She (daughter) went to the village and confirmed what her mother had said. This was the beginning of her breakthrough. Testimony 2.The church has

been invaded by satanic ministers with strange prescription! Hear this. A man was loosing his children one by one. He panicked and went to a so- called man of God. After praying, the so- called man of God brought out a weird prescription: He told the counselee that he should go and ejaculate, put the resultant sperm into a bottle and bring it to the church for a spiritual exercise. The so- called man of God lit seven assorted colour candles round the bottle and prayed over them. Instead of the man receiving a solution to his problem he started to menstruate. In this chapter we shall take some strange phenomena: (I) Attacks through Female Menstruation (ii) Attacks through Male Sperm (in) Demonic Breeze Attacks (iv) Demonic Strange Touch. From these sub-themes we can see that there are strange attacks many people face in this world. Our problem is that the church which is supposed to enlighten people very rarely expose these evils. The more these terrible things are exposed, the more people learn to pray and thus to deal with them Attacks through Female Menstrual Period Women, their reproductive years usually between 15-45 year of age menstruate monthly or twice a month. Before the pharmaceutical industry


OGBANEKI COMMUNITY Oredo Local Government, Edo State


The Odionwere of Ogbaneki Community, Pa Monday Aghaleleghian Uwudia wish to bring for the information of the general public that following the recent affirmation of the Benin Monarch; HRM Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Erediauwa, Oba of Benin that the Odionwere of Ogbaneki Community is the head of the community. It is hereby directed that all transactions relating to sales and acquisition of piece of land is subject to the dictate, directive and approval of the Odionwere. The information has become necessary as to put to an end, any circumstances that may commit any person, individual or authority from dealing with unauthorised person or persons purporting to be acting on behalf of the Ogbaneki community. Emphatically, the Odionwere, Pa Monday Aghaleleghian Uwudia as the Odionwere is the only authorized Head to append on any land transaction in the community. Land speculators, agents, property buyers, concerned authorities and the general





Signed: Pa Monday Aghaleleghian Uwudia (Odionwere)


With Rt Rev (Dr.) C. I. Umane

advanced into the production of menstrual pads, women were using pieces of cloth to trap the blood flow. Now menstrual pad is the order of the day. Menstrual pads trap the blood flow and what we posit here is the careless handling of these menstrual pads by many women to their hurt. The used pads, very often, are carelessly handled: *being thrown into your

menstruation * prolong pregnancy, In counseling sessions, we have seen these things, one time or the other, in the life of many women. Many of the problems women face come from carelessness and ignorance. The bible talks about being careless in the story of the ten virgins waiting for the Bridegroom. Matt 25:1-13: “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the

night and the pad is shown to her to confirm ownership. If the owner is not strong, her spirit appears at the evil summon and the harm is done. A pronouncement of irregular menstruation is made and this manifest physically, The enemy could remove menstruation totally. For this to

The sources of contact with women of easy virtue, who in most cases are agents sent from the marine are hotels universities (sex depots near them- Oluku, Aviele and Ekpoma-all in Edo State) secondary schools

dustbins/refuse dumps which are patronized by witches and wizards. *being thrown into waste paper baskets where evil hands can easily get at them, *being thrown into flowing rivers, occupied by hostile spirits. Many women are not careful hence they run into demonic attack through their menstrual pads. The blood in these pads is extracted by demonic agents, licked, drunk or preserved in satanic blood banks for their festival use. Powers of darkness have thus accessed many a woman’s blood to their hurt, resulting in manifold and diverse afflictions some of which are: * irregular or prolonged menstruation or seizure of menstruation. *barrenness, * miscarriages tied to times/ blood sightings * contaminated children, * difficulties in getting life partners, * lack of interest in families by husbands * breast cancer, * movements around the womb, * dreams of blood leading to miscarriage * covenants with spiritual husband, * wrong choice of husband, * inexplicable constant sickness, * uncontrollable sexual urge, * family unrest and divorce, * development of polygamous tendencies, * inexplicable internal heat, * severe headache during

bridegroom. And five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you; but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” . Five were wise but five were foolish and careless. No oil in their lamp. Other passages that talk about carelessness are found in Isaiah 32:7-11 and Isaiah 47:8. S The enemy’s aim is to strive to access, to steal or smuggle out a woman’s menstrual pad and/or to find out the dates of her menstrual cycle. When this is achieved, the process of attacks starts. One or several things can happen: The spirit of the owner of the menstrual pad is summoned at

be done, sand would be taken from where the sister has urinated and evil imprecation imposed on it. The sign that this is the case is that the woman would observe an intense stomach ache during menses or at irregular periods. Every woman of childbearing age should open her eyes and be watchful. Mind where you dispose of your menstrual pad. Besides, you must aggressively pray to paralyse and destroy all evils done to you when the enemy had access to your blood and urine. Attacks through the Male Sperm We shall now look at the male side of the equation. This is attack against the man through his sperm. The word sperm is a shortened form of spermatozoa, an essence or emission from man that fertilizes the female egg. This is an important element in the propagation of the human race. Satan being the enemy of the people of God as you can see from his anger in Psalm 8, devices schemes to destroy the source of reproduction of man. Medical sciences say that the sperm is the purest form of blood. The aim of Satan is to destroy, kill or maim. How can the evil one have access to a man’s sperm? A man is attacked through sexual intercourse with demonic women. Unknown to them their sperm is collected by devilish devices, including invisible and visible bags. The collections are sent to a sperm bank under the sea from where the contamination takes place.

hairdressing saloons pools offices markets cinema halls night clubs dead churches night parties/obitos beauty shows notorious Red-light Districts in major towns. Demonic house helps (girls). Testimony 3:A young man attended a party where he saw a girl who he called ‘bushmeat’. Took her to a sleezy hotel where he had illicit sex with her- what he called ,a nice time. The following morning the girl, without being told of the address of the philanderer man, came and all attempts to drive her away proved abortive. His colleagues heard when he was telling a girl to go away but when they came to the office, they could not see the girl who was standing there. This young man had to be delivered in a fellowship. A pure marine who turned into a human being to cause harm to people. Many of the women you see around are not human beings. They come from the marine. Have you not really wondered about the many people you see in the markets and in the streets of popular cities? Christian counselors have reported on single girls who are obviously from the marine but wear human bodies. These girls find it difficult to marry and when they do marry, child bearing is difficult. Mr. lkye Uzoma, the Occult Grandmaster now in Christ had this to say:

GSM: 0803579951

To be continued





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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091


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By SAM EHEBHA GSM:08056626091

Your Star



NAP 15 XX 15 XX 15 NAP 18 XX 18 XX 18 PAIR 25 Vs 28 PAIR 5 OR 7 GOODLUCK LET IT BE









NAP 16 XX 16 XX 16 NAP 17 XX 17 XX 17 PAIR: 13 or 15 PAIR 42 OR 43 BE A WINNER FOR SURE







16 9




7 10 15 1 49 38


26 39 14 24 44 26 For three Draws?




Liverpool Coach Backs Club’s Fitness Programme

Balotelli Was ‘A Rotten Apple’ - Berlusconi

IN an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport, Berlusconi claimed he had advised against signing Balotelli in February 2013. Balotelli joined Liverpool before the 2014-15 season and has failed to score in the Premier League for the Anfield-based outfit, while Berlusconi is convinced Milan coach Filippo Inzaghi will find it easier to rebuild the Serie A club without the Italy international. “I remember that he [Balotelli] had been bought against my advice,” Berlusconi said. Berlusconi reckons Milan are on their way back to becoming the kings of Europe, adding that players like Balotelli would have held the seven-time Champions League-winners back. “With [Jeremy] Menez, [Keisuke] Honda, [Stephan] El Shaarawy, [Fernando] Torres, [Nigel] De Jong, [Giacomo] Bonaventura, Alex Zapata, [Andrea] Poli, [Mattia] De Sciglio, [Ignazio] Abate, [Sulley] Muntari and [Riccardo] Montolivo the base is already there, and there is no more rotten apple in the locker room,” the club president and former prime minister of Italy said. Berlusconi also revealed that Carlo Ancelotti - who coached Milan from 2001-2009 - had been consulted when the club signed former Real goalkeeper Diego Lopez, plus Alex and Menez from Paris SaintGermain in the most recent transfer window. Lopez was Ancelotti’s number one goalkeeper for the majority of last season, while the Italian coach worked with Alex at Chelsea and PSG, and Menez at the French capital club. “Carletto [Ancelotti] has been one of our advisors in the market,” Berlusconi said. “[He is] close to me and [Milan CEO Adriano] Galliani, because he gave us his advice for Diego Lopez, Alex and Menez.”

• Balotelli

LIVERPOOL first-team coach Mike Marsh has backed the club’s fitness programmes, despite the Reds’ methods for managing the condition of their players having come in for criticism. Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers declared that some of his players need two days without full training following matches after Daniel Sturridge picked up a thigh injury during an England training session last

month — two days after he had played 89 minutes in a 10 friendly win over Norway. Three Lions manager Roy Hodgson, though, has suggested that Raheem Sterling’s fatigue — which led to his request to be rested for Sunday’s 1-0 defeat of Estonia — is a result of him being used to an extra day without training after Reds matches. Marsh, however, says he has complete faith in

“Daley Blind is a common-sense footballer, a version of Darren Fletcher a few years ago. And Falcao is the one we’re all waiting to see, he’s got fantastic goalscoring ability.” Despite the big-money arrivals, Ferguson is pleased than Van Gaal has decided to use the club’s academy as well. He added: “The rebuilding of the team, they’ve brought in some good quality which is really important because you need quality at Manchester United, you need the best players. “What’s pleased me about Louis is he’s given about seven of the young kids their debuts, which falls into line with the history of the club. I think the supporters will respond well when a young player gets his opportunity.” Ferguson was often pictured in the stands last season as the man he initially chose to replace him, David Moyes, struggled to get the team performing. There was never anything to suggest Ferguson was influencing Moyes, but he is adamant he has nothing to do with Van Gaal when it comes to first-team affairs. “There’s no ongoing dialogue. He comes into my office sometimes after a game, we have a chat, it’s not a matter of picking up the phone to him as he’s a very capable person, a strong leader. He knows what I’m about but there’s no need for him to phone

me,” he said. Ferguson remains a United ambassador and director, as well as filling a number of other roles. He continues to work with UEFA and the League Managers’ Association, but says fewer managers are now calling him for advice, as was often the way in the past. “One or two do, not many. I think they probably think I’m dead!” he said.

Ferguson Backs Van Gaal, Praises New Signings

SIR Alex Ferguson felt Manchester United needed the injection of talent provided by manager Louis van Gaal and chief executive Ed Woodward. The Reds responded to a Angel Di Maria celebrates poor first season after scoring against Everton Ferguson’s retirement by (Reuters) bringing in Van Gaal and On the other signings he underneath him the likes of added: “Herrera played Daley Blind, Angel di against us three years ago Maria, Radamel Falcao, for Bilbao, he’s a talented Ander Herrera, Marcus young player and we Rojo and Luke Shaw. scouted him quite a lot. He’s The new signings have quite aggressive for a lad helped United into the top who’s not got a great frame. four already despite some “I watched Rojo at the indifferent performances, World Cup and thought he and Ferguson believes fresh did well. He’s capable of faces were needed. playing left side or centre Referring to the £59 back. million capture of Di Maria “Luke Shaw we tried to from Real Madrid, he told get when he was 16. They MUTV: “When you can (Southampton) wouldn’t identify ability like that for sell him but they always Manchester United, they said we’d be the first to have the resources to do that know if he did. He’s a - fees I never quite equalled talented boy, good but they needed a big footballer and likes to get injection this year.” forward.

• Alex Ferguson and Louis Van Gaal

Liverpool’s methodologies for building players up to maximum fitness, and believes it will help the club as they begin to play more and more matches. “We know it’s a tough fixture list with the amount of games and the quality of the opposition so we know it’s going to be tough, but the more players we have available the better,” he told Liverpool’s official website. “Our fitness programmes have been well documented. We try to recover the players as best we can to prepare for the game. We have a couple of days’ recovery after the game and we work with the group of players for the next game. “We do quite a lot of analysis with the players so we break them up into smaller groups and feed back in different ways.” Liverpool next face the prospect of three matches in a week, with Sunday’s trip to Queens Park Rangers followed by a Champions League game at home to Real Madrid on the Wednesday, before they welcome Hull City the following Saturday.

Arsenal Players ‘Devastated’ For Ozil

AMID rumours linking Ozil to Bundesliga powerhouse Bayern Munich, England international Wilshere said the players at the Emirates had felt the loss of the 25-year-old midfielder - who is expected to miss three months of football. Wilshere said Ozil’s love of the game will make an extended layoff hard to take. “We are devastated for Mesut because he can play in that number 10, we have seen what he can do at number 10. We have players who can come in,” Wilshere said. “It’s tough to take but it is part and parcel of football. I have had my fair few injuries. It is not a curse, it happens and you just have to deal with it. “It will be hard for him [Ozil] because he likes football, he has never really had an injury before. He had a slight one last season. “I am not even sure how long it is, I’ve not been back to the club. It will be difficult for him. But he is naturally quite a fit lad so he will be alright.” Wilshere said Ozil’s injury will throw open chances in the

middle of the park to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Theo Walcott - who returned to the training track on Monday after a nine-month layoff due to rupturing the ACL in his left knee. “Ozil was playing on the left a bit so it probably won’t change much in the centre,” Wilshere said. “Chambo will get a chance. Theo is coming back as well. Now it might give Theo or Chambo a chance.” Arsenal host Hull City on Saturday, in their return to Premier League action from the international break.

• Mesut Ozil




Clasico Debut Was Meant To Be THE Uruguay star is in line to make his longawaited Barca bow at the Santiago Bernabeu on October 25 - a day after the expiry of his four-month ban for biting Italy’s Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup. Suarez looked sharp in his country’s friendly against Oman on Monday, scoring twice in a comfortable 3-0 victory. The former Liverpool man has now set his sights firmly on El Clasico - and feels destiny has decreed that he will debut for Barca at the home of their fiercest rivals Real. “It’s a huge coincidence but I’m looking forward to the experience,” Suarez told Barca Magazine. “You know, I’m the kind of person who believes that things happen for a reason,

Luis Suarez

‘I Accept My Mistakes But...’

FORMER Liverpool striker Luis Suarez says he still feels aggrieved over being found guilty of racism in the infamous incident with Manchester United’s Patrice Evra in 2011. Suarez, 27, was then was me who did wrong. I found guilty of having accepted that and begged racially abused Evra during a forgiveness, but the racism Premier League game, and thing, when I was accused was banned for eight matches without evidence, that did upset by the FA, in a decision not me.” accepted at the time by either Suarez was keen to say that the player or his then club. the Chiellini bite, as well as The Uruguay striker, who other similar incidents joined Barcelona from involving opponents when Liverpool last summer for playing for Ajax and Liverpool around 80 million euros, has in the past, were mistakes yet to make his Blaugrana which he had accepted were debut as he is currently wrong. serving a ban imposed for Suarez’s Barcelona debut biting Italy’s Giorgio has been delayed after his Chiellini at last summer’s lengthy ban for biting Italy’s World Cup. Chiellini at the World Cup. Luis Suarez was banned “It is good to accept that for eight matches in the you have made a mistake and Patrice Evra incident. Suarez that’s what I did,” he said. “I maintains his innocence left it a few days [last summer] despite being charged with because you have to remember racial abuse towards former that I’m only human and United defender Evra. sometimes it’s hard to face the As part of an orchestrated truth. I found it hard to take in media campaign ahead of his and to realise what I had done. likely Barca debut in the La “Those were days when I Liga clasico at Real Madrid didn’t want to know about it. I on Oct. 25, Suarez was just wanted to be with my wife interviewed by his new club’s and children, who supported website. me through that time. I didn’t When it was pointed out want to listen to anybody, or in the Q&A that “your temper speak to anybody. I didn’t want has caused you several to accept it.” problems over the years” and Suarez said he had been asked if he regretted able to leave Anfield happy as anything, the Evra issue was he had won the European again brought up. Golden Boot last season (an “When I say I’m sorry it’s award shared with Real because I regret something,” Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo), Suarez said. “Being sorry and been the leader who implies regret. But they have returned Liverpool to the also sometimes judged me on Champions League. things that aren’t true, such as “Personal success is always the racism thing. welcome and makes you “I was accused without happy, because that’s evidence and that’s what recognition of the good work grieved me the most. The you have done,” he said. others were actions when it “But I put the team ahead

of that and last season Liverpool came so close to winning the Premier League, which would have been spectacular. I appreciate all the work the team did. But I missed six matches and scored all those goals in the Premier League without being the penalty-taker. “I really could leave happy because if I hadn’t had the attitude and mentality to lead the team, I don’t think Liverpool would have done as well as they did. Getting back into the Champions League was another target I had in mind.” Luis Suarez will team up with fellow South Americans Lionel Messi and Neymar next season at the Camp Nou. Suarez says that it was his leadership and goals which helped Liverpool return to the Champions League. While having just played a few friendly games for club and country during his ban, Suarez said he was now anxious to get back to competitive action. “All I can say is that I have arrived with the desire to be a success at Barca, that I am hungry to win titles,” he said. “I haven’t played in European competitions for a few years and I want to do the best I can in every game. “Nothing in my life was given to me, and now I have the chance to play for team that I have always wanted to play for, and it’s a chance I intend to make the most of. I want to show the fans that I want to be a success at Barca and to help my teammates as much as I can.”

Suarez further admitted that it had been difficult being on the sidelines watching his teammates compete. “When I have gone to the last few games that the team has played I’ve noticed how I’m getting more anxious to play and help them out,” he said. “I hate feeling so impotent because I can’t do anything to help them. The first two months were the hardest because I didn’t feel like a footballer. That was the worst part. “It is always good to accept your mistakes but what angered me most was not feeling like a professional, not feeling like another worker, like other footballers do. That’s what hurt me the most.”

Dani Alves and Messi

- Suarez

and of all 19 teams in the league, it’s precisely against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu that I’ll make my comeback. “There must be a reason.” Suarez’s first UEFA Champions League appearance for Barca is set to come on November 5 at Ajax - a club he captained and scored 111 goals in 159 appearances for prior to moving to Liverpool in January 2011. And, much like the fact his bow for Barca will come against Real, Suarez believes it is fate that he

will play against Ajax this season. “There are so many coincidences - and in Amsterdam of all places!” he added. “To go back there after so much time and to return in the Champions League against the first team I played the Champions League with, for the team I have dreamed of all my life, which is Barcelona - yes, it’s destiny again. “It will be a very special game for me, to meet again with all the people at the club, and the fans. I love all of that.”

Alves Could Quit Barcelona

DANI Alves’s future at Barcelona has been thrown into further doubt following remarks by his representative. Dinorah Santana, who is the player ’s former girlfriend and also acts as his agent, told Cadena Ser’s ‘Que t’hi jugues’ programme she had doubts over whether Barca really wanted to extend the Brazil international’s contract. “If the club wanted to extend his agreement then they should already have done so. I wouldn’t have done things that way,” said Santana in criticism of the club’s management, before claiming the 31year-old will not be short of offers.

“Clubs that want him will emerge in December or January and then we’ll see what he wants to do, although we haven’t spoken to anybody. “Dani just wants to concentrate on playing and not worry about the future.” Alves’ contract at the Camp Nou expires in 2015, although the player was convinced it contained a clause that specified it would be automatically renewed until 2016, something former boss Tito Vilanova was also sure of. “Tito told us he wasn’t worried because the contract ran until 2016. Afterwards, when we looked at it, that wasn’t the case,” Santana alleged.




Ideye Returns To Training After Injury NIGERIA international Brown Ideye has returned to training ahead of Monday’s EPL game between West Brom and Manchester United. He had been sidelined with an ankle injury, but he is now back in business.

The striker, who cost The Baggies £10 million this summer from Dynamo Kiev, expressed his delight over his return. “I’m so happy to be back in training after 2 weeks out of Action,Big thanks to the Medical staffs#Biglovewba #GreatGod,” Ideye tweeted.

It’s Our Job To Score Goals - Eramus BAFANA Bafana are one game away from qualifying for the 2015 Morocco, African Cup of Nations tournament and they welcome Congo for the return match to night. One of the strikers in the team, Kermit Erasmus claims that strikers are always criticized for not scoring, but he’s glad they are now scoring for the

Ideye is back in training after an injury layoff

Algeria Out To Seal Qualification

ALGERIA will aim to secure their spot in the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations when they host Malawi at the Stade Mustapha Tchaker in Blida tonight.

The Fennecs are currently at the top of Group B with six points from three matches, followed by Mali with six points, while Malawi and Ethiopia complete the group with three and zero points. Christian Gourcuff ’s side will be confident at home against a Malawi side they defeated 2-0 in Blantyre on Saturday with Rafik Halliche and Djamel Mesbah scoring the goals. Algeria have scored five goals in three matches so

far in the competition, with all of them coming from different scorers, while they have only conceded one goal. Malawi are yet to keep a clean sheet in their group games, conceding two goals in each of the three games they have played so far. The Flames lost 2-0 to Mali and beat Ethiopia 2-0 before losing to Algeria at home on Saturday. Malawi last qualified for the Africa Cup of Nations in 2010 while Algeria will

be eager to return to the competition after crashing out of the group stage in 2013. The other fixture in Group B will see Mali taking on Ethiopia at the Stade du Mars in Bamako, where the Eagles will also target maximum points in order to consolidate their position in the top two.

Can Misfiring Zambia Finally Ignite?

ZAMBIA will today face a big test of its character when they host fellow strugglers Niger in a must-win 2015 AFCON Group F qualifier in Ndola.

Revived Cote d’Ivoire Seeks To Complete Cote d’Ivoire hope to Six-pointer Cote d’Ivoire defender

clinch another three points today when they host DR Congo in Abidjan in a 2015 AFCON Group D qualifier. The Elephants host DR Congo just four days after beating the latter 2-1 away in Kinshasa. That win lifted Herve Renard’s men from third up to second and within a point of Group D leaders Cameroon who had thumped them 4-1 on September 10

prior to that away win last weekend. Cote d’Ivoire have six points, Cameroon have seven, third placed DR Congo have three points while bottom placed Sierra Leone have one point. “Many people expect from us to display a beautiful football, but they mustn’t be surprised if that’s not the case. They are qualifying games,”

Kermit Eramus

national team. Erasmus was speaking after Bongani Ndulula and Tokelo Rantie netted both goals as they claimed the victory in Pointe Noire last Saturday. “It’s always like that where strikers are criticized when they’re not scoring goals, however, our job is to score goals,” said Erasmus. “It’s now pleasing to see the guys scoring and hopefully we’ll do the same again on Wednesday.” When asked about his thoughts about coming back to play on a grass pitch after playing on an artificial surface in Congo, Erasmus admits they are happy about it. “We’re happy to come back and play on a grass surface, we saw some of the guys and the effects of the artificial turf, it took its toll on them,” concluded Erasmus.

Serge Aurier said. “The most important for us is to qualify, regardless of how we make it. Wednesday’s target is the three points and that’s it.” Victory on Wednesday will cement The Elephants top two status and move them to nine points and within touching distance of qualification with two games left to play.

The 2012 African champions head into match-day-four needing a win to keep their interest in the race to Morocco alive after drawing 0-0 away to bottom Niger in the first leg last Saturday. “Wednesday’s game against Niger is very vital for us because it will set the pace on the teams’ qualification and we just have to pick maximum results,” Zambia coach Honour Janza said. Third placed Zambia have picked up just two points from their opening three Group F qualifying matches.

Zambia are also tied on the same number of points with Niger while Mozambique are second on five points and Cape Verde lead on six points. Furthermore, Zambia have managed to score just one goal from three games that came in a 2-1 away defeat to Cape Verde on September 10. That statistic has raised concerns about the state of Zambia’s clearly aging strike force whose average is age is now 30. There are strong calls for Janza to play 22-year-old Nkana striker Reynold Kampamba who has been in fine form in both league

and Africa for his club this year with eleven and five goals respectively. However, Kampamba was not even on the bench in the first leg in Niamey despite travelling with Zambia to Niger in a match that ended scoreless. Meanwhile, Zambia has also been rocked by the expulsion of veteran captain Christopher Katongo after an alleged tactical fallout with Janza. It will be interesting to see if Janza, after his bold decision to axe Katongo, will also bring a breath of fresh air to Wednesday nights lineup, especially in attack.




AFCON 2015 Qualifiers... AFCON 2015 Qualifiers...

I’M Yet To Recover From Eagles Loss In Sudan THE Minister of - Minister Sports, Tammy Danagogo, said on Monday that he had yet to recover from the defeat of Nigeria by Sudan in a qualifier for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON). The Falcons of Sudan defeated the Super Eagles 1-0 in Khartoum on Saturday in AFCON 2015 qualifying match. The result of the match placed the Eagles at the bottom of its group, with South Africa leading the group with seven points, Congo; six points, while Sudan; three points. Danagogo told newsmen that he was pained that Nigeria lost to Sudan for the first time since 1967. “I am trying to overcome that loss; it was a shocking defeat and indeed I was really pained, Nigeria was pained too. “But as sportsmen, we know that when you go into the field it’s either you win or you lose, so it has

Stephen Keshi

Kanu Charges Eagles To Go For Goals

happened. “We are trying to see how we can move forward from there,’’ Danagogo said. The minister, however, expressed optimism that the Eagles would turn the table around, going by the criticisms the team faced after the loss. He wondered why the country which is AFCON defending champions, should be struggling to qualify from a group which had teams that were made up of local players.


Pressure On Nigeria To Beat Sudan

NIGERIA will now have to beat Sudan today in Abuja to keep alive any chances of qualifying for next year’s Africa Cup of Nations in Morocco. The African champions are by Sudan over Nigeria after at the brink of missing out on they also defeated them 4Morocco 2015 after they 0 in a first-ever meeting of crashed 1-0 to Sudan at the both nations in 1963. weekend. The Super Eagles were It was only the second win disappointing in Khartoum and would need to raise their game today if they were to beat Sudan. South Africa lead the standings with seven points from three matches. Congo are second with six points, while Sudan have three points. The Eagles are currently rooted to the bottom of Group A with a point and Nigerians showed their disapproval when the team were reportedly booed on arrival at the Abuja airport. The gates have been thrown open for fans to come out and cheer the Eagles to an important victory.

I Can Resign As NFA Chairman... AMAJU Pinnick Chairman of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA) said on Monday that he was ready to resign his position if that would guarantee Super Eagles qualification for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON). Pinnick said this on Monday when he visited the Super Eagles training session at the National Stadium Abuja. He said he was ready to sacrifice his position if that would make the Eagles win their remaining three games in the qualifying campaign. “We are going to talk like brothers and friends and if there are things that are holding the back success please voice it

out. “If you say you want me to resign so that you people can win, I want you people to say it. We are ready to win this AFCON 2015. “Nigerians are so passionate about this game; everywhere I enter now, they tell me that Nigerians will not want to hear excuses. “So, please we don’t want to hear any story; go ahead and prove us right,’’ Pinnick said. The NFA boss further said that the NFA board would meet yesterday in Abuja to deliberate on the way forward for the Eagles before today’s crucial encounter. “Any decision we are going to take at the level of the federation will be at the best interest of Nigeria.

“We are not going to look at any decision based on hearsay or media blitz we are going to take decision based on statistics and records. “Once we are able to get through this match on Wednesday, we will beat Congo in Congo by God’s grace and then beat South Africa in Uyo, which gives us 10 points. “Technically if we get 10 points we will be second in the group; we are working and praying towards that and I believe we will be able to achieve it,’’ he added. He expressed the optimism that Nigeria would qualify for the competition, noting that nothing good had ever come easy.

Ukraine-based forward Babatunde Michael has not rejoined the Nigeria squad after he was ruled out of the first encounter due to a knee problem. And CSKA Moscow winger Ahmed Musa could be a doubt after he picked up a knock in Sudan. Sudan have grown in confidence ahead of this game after making the Eagles look

so ordinary in front of their fans. Sudan coach Mohamed Abdallah ‘Mazda’ said they are prepared for all Nigeria will throw at them in this reverse fixture. “We know what to expect because Nigeria is bottom of the table and badly need to get a win. But we shall not give them that room to do what they want to do,” said ‘Mazda’.

STEPHEN Keshi, the Super Eagles Head Coach on Monday raised alarm over plans by some individuals to sabotage the team’s qualifying campaign for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON). The Eagles on Saturday lost to Sudan 0-1 in a match they needed to win, thereby endangering Nigeria’s qualification for the AFCON 2015. It was also Sudan’s first goal in the qualifying race, having lost at home 3-0 to South Africa and humbled 20 in Congo Brazzaville. It was Sudan’s first victory over the Super Eagles since 1967. Keshi, however, told newsmen after the team’s training on Monday evening that some people were out to sabotage the team’s effort to qualify for the AFCON 2015 because of their personal interest. “The criticism is not about the game, its propaganda. It’s something people just want to do to kill this team that we are trying to put together because of self interest.

“This is our country, we don’t have to sell it and it’s not for sale. “If you don’t want to support us just keep quiet but if you are to contribute to their success, then come and cheer the team. “If some people are going around sabotaging the team not to succeed, then, we are killing ourselves. “If we don’t go to Morocco, you (journalists) are not going to be; Nigerians will only be watching other countries on television,’’ Keshi said. The big boss, as Keshi is popularly called, noted that he had prepared for the worst case scenario should the team fail to qualify for the AFCON 2015. He said that the call for his sack was not unusual as far as coaching was concerned. “Coaches are employed and sacked; I have been to other countries and I have never been sacked but if it comes in Nigeria, no problem, I will take it. “I have been here before in 2002 with Amodu Shuaibu,

FORMER Super Eagles captain Kanu Nwankwo has charged the Super Eagles to be in killer mood when they file out against Sudan today. Kanu was a surprise guest to the Eagles training on Monday evening. The former African Footballer of the Year told the Eagles that now is the time for them to prove that they deserve to wear the green and white colours of Nigeria. “The coaches are not happy. We didn’t get the three points. But all the same I believe the Sudan game is gone,” said ‘Papilo’. “Right now what we have to do is focus on the Wednesday game and make sure that we win. “The only thing that would make everyone happy is for them to get the three points and even if it’s seven goals they score to make everyone happy.”

Keshi Raises Alarm Over Alleged Sabotage On Super Eagles when we qualified the Super Eagles for the World Cup but we were asked to leave after winning third place at the AFCON in Mali. “It’s not about the game; it’s about personal interest; so if tomorrow they say Keshi leave, no problem, I will go because about three countries are waiting. “Nigeria is not the last place football will be played and it will not be the last place I will coach,’’ Keshi added. He said the team was focused than ever to make Nigerians happy in today’s return-leg AFCON 2015 qualifying match against Sudan at the National Stadium Abuja. Keshi also said that the players had resolved not to be distracted with the loss in Sudan but to use the return-leg encounter to put smiles on the faces of Nigerians. The Eagles handler noted that the country would be the loser if the Super Eagles failed to qualify for the AFCON 2015. This, he pointed out, would have defeated the aim of defending the trophy it won in 2013.





More Firsts for M Oshiomhole

atters In Focus By


TIME and again, the point has been made that the real purpose of government, at whatever level, is to do for the people what they cannot do for themselves. Primarily, it involves creating the enabling environment for those with means to invest in areas capable of enhancing or improving the people’s socio-economic interests. This is the promise, to deliver the right and quality environment for business and investment, Comrade Adams Eric Oshiomhole made at the inception of his administration some five years ago. From all available records, he has not only delivered on the promise, he is also adding more quality economyboosting projects to his long list. On Friday, October 10, 2014, he played host to a very satisfied President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, who was in Benin City, Edo state capital, for the second time in as many weeks, to turn the sod for commencement of the construction works on the one billion dollar ($1b)) Edo-Azura Independent Power Project, IPP. The project investment bill comprises a princely seven hundred million dollars ($700 m) for the construction of the power plant and and another three hundred million dollars ($300m) for associate gas infrastructure. Conceptualized in 2010 and jointly incubated by the Edo State Government and Amaya Capital, the key promoters of Azura Power West Africa Ltd, the project enjoys the privilege of being the first of its kind in many ways. It is the first Nigerian power project to benefit from the World Bank’s risk guarantee

status, having been covered by the global bank’s Partial Risk Guarantee structure, specifically created to meet the developing needs of emerging global markets. Thanks to the development commitment of the governor, the guarantee emphasises the status of, particularly, the state as a viable centre for global investment market. The Azura-Edo is also coming with the patent to create the country’s template for the successful development of IPPs as it is expected to play a pioneering role in determining the future of the nation’s power sector. This obviously explains why, in addition to enjoying world bank’s risk guarantee status, it also comes with the privilege of being a multilateral investment agreement guarantee project. In other words, while it will suffer no financial support hiccup for reasons of high risk and or lack of investment confidence till completion, its firm multilateral investment agreement support presupposes that it is assured of multiple investment backers. In real terms therefore, there is assured guarantee that its chances of a sussessful completion is assured both in terms of quality and general impact. These facts underscored President Jonathan’s unabashed happiness as he turned the sod for the construction of the project, expected to be completed in 2017. The President’s joy over the coming of the project is understandable. Above everyone else, he understands how potentially important it is to both the federal and state governments. On the one hand, it will come in handy in the quest to create more

e m p l o y m e n t opportunities for more Nigerians, in and around the state, as it has on offer about 10, 000 jobs during both the construction and post

are happy to associate with this private investment. This project is a first in so many ways. It is the first fully financed private power plant, it is

two term tenure and has showned interest in becoming the country’s president. There is hardly any doubt that a courageous individual like

• Comrade Adams Oshiomhole

production periods. Indeed, for a country that is in the crippling grip of a severe unemployment, the project is nothing short of being a divine provision. On the other hand, there is no controversy over the fact that it will also be very invaluable to solving the country’s near comatose power sector. With its 450 megawatts, which can be scaled up to 1, 000 megawatts, it is bound to produce a positively invaluable impact on the country’s very challenging business environment. Thus, whichever angle one looks at the project, it is a win win situation for both the state and the country, a reason why, during the sod turning ceremony, the president could hardly keep to himself his joyful testimony. Hear him. “We

also the first power project to see the World Bank financial guarantee and multilateral investment guarantee agencies. Without power, the economy cannot grow”. For the new lease of life the Azura-Edo independent power project is offering to both country and state in the generation of power and creation of employment, there is need to, once more, beam the light on the Comrade Governor’s assured commitment of developing the state’s socio-economic potentials. Despite the impression created by his unobjective and partisan critics, so much is evident of his turn-around development impact everywhere across the state. Now he has barely two years to the end of his

him fits the bill with regards to the kind of leader the country deserves. Beyond that however, there is also the important question of who succeeds him as 2016 hots up. There two

fundamental issues here. One of them is that the country needs a decisive leader who is not afraid of doing the needful for the good of every citizen irrespective or tribe or religion. Like glove in a doctor’s hands, he fits the bill. Secondly, the people of Edo state need to consider only those with an unwavering commitment to the task of working for general interests in spite of formidable counter interests. The said individual must also be as tenacious in the quest to work for the people rather than defer to certain power brokers. In these matters and more, the Comrade Governor has proven to be very trust worthy. Therefore, it is important to consider the axiom which says that it is better for intending travellers to seek the counsel of those who travelled the path before if they desire a successful journey. For all that he has done to put Edo state as a development reference point, for all his track records, he should be a major issue on who rules the country and an indespensable guide on who succeeds him in Edo state.

Tomorrow On This Page A propaganda-based government may be willing to sell everything, including the Government House; but even in the worst of times, it will never sell its propaganda machines - NTA and FRCN - Josef Omorotionmwan

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531 Editor. BARR. SOLOMON IMOHIOSEN (KSJI)-(07030699646). Deputy General Manager (Marketing) (08023457566), Assistant General Manager (Advertisement) (08023808856) Lagos Office: 25A Alli Street, Off Tinubu Square, Lagos Island, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631. All correspondence to: 24 Airport Road, Benin City. E-mail: (ISSN 0331-2674)

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