Nigerian observer 20 10 2013

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The Sunday






• Vol. XI NO. 4,018 • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 20 13 • N 100.00


Pg. 23

Confession Of A Divorcee

Man Steals Phone, Uploads His Pictures To Victim’s Whatsapp

Oshiomhole Holds Stakeholders’ Meeting On Security, Edo House, Tomorrow GOVERNOR Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State wishes to invite all stakeholders, including members of the security agencies in the state, civil society groups, labour unions, market women association, student groups, NonGovernmental Organisations, community leaders and indeed all men of

goodwill to a stakeholders’ meeting to discuss the state of security in the state and the status of the Edo House in Lagos. The meeting will hold on Monday, October 21, 3013 at the ldia College Hall, Benin City at 12:00pm. Attendees are expected to be seated at 11:30am.

Fishermen in the Niger Delta.

Environmental Pollution

How Nigerian Farmers Lost Lawsuit To Shell By YEMISI AKINBOBOLA

In a stunning and dramatic legal ruling that echoed from the serene court chambers in the Netherlands to the heart of rural Niger Delta in Nigeria, the District Court of The Hague dismissed all but one of the lawsuits brought against Royal Dutch Shell, an Anglo-Dutch oil and gas company, by a group of farmers seeking compensation for the environmental damage caused by the company.

The lawsuit was filed in 2008 by four fishermen and farmers accusing Shell of ruining their livelihoods through environmental degradation. The claims centred on oil spills that occurred between 2004 and 2007 at the Ibibio-I oil well in the village of Ikot Ada

Udo in Akwa Ibom State. The villagers wanted Shell to repair the damage caused to their communities by cleaning up the oil spillage, adequately maintaining pipelines to prevent future leaks and paying compensation for loss of livelihoods.

POLITICS & ISSUES ASUU Strike: Who Will Pgs. 16/17

Ini Edo

Save These Students?

The court’s ruling revived the old debate on the activities of multinational oil companies in Nigeria. When commercial oil exploration began in the region in 1958, many people felt it was the dawn of prosperity for the country. Continues on pg.2




NEWS Unemployed Man, 24, Remanded Over Alleged Rape Of Two Teenagers

accused persons. He, therefore, ordered that the accused persons be remanded in prison custody till the errors were cleared and adjourned the case to October 21.

AN Asaba Chief Magistrates’ Court has remanded a 24-year-old man, Oghenemine Ahwi, in prison custody over the alleged gang rape of two teenagers. The Chief Magistrate, Mrs Augustina Monye, who did not take the plea of the accused, said that the case was beyond the jurisdiction of her court. Monye therefore ordered that duplicate copy of the case file be sent to the office of Director of Public Prosecutor (DPP) for advice and adjourned the case to October 25 for mention. The accused, a former commercial motorcyclist (Okada), and others now at large are facing charge of having unlawful carnal knowledge of the girls aged 13 and 14. The police prosecutor, Mr Joseph Nwogwu, told the court that the accused and others now at large committed the offence on August 30 at Koka Junction in Asaba.

suits filed within Nigeria against oil companies such as Shell and Chevron. But according to Nnimmo Bassey, an award-winning environmental activist and head of the advocacy group Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria, this did not stop the companies from damaging the environment through gas flaring, the burning of natural oil. When the courts fined the companies for damages, “the corporations just laughed it off; they did not paid attention to (the) fines,” Mr. Bassey told Africa Renewal. For their part, the companies have denied the charges, arguing that the damage was being caused by oil spills from pipelines destroyed by criminals looking to make profits from illegal oil. The villagers’ failure to get compensation in Nigeria pushed them to file lawsuits outside the country. Evert Hassink, campaigner at the Dutch environmental organisation Friends of the Earth, says such cases don’t bring “good solution for the victims’ or “lead to a better oil field practice.” This despite that some 400,000 tons of oil have spilled in the region over the last 30 years as a result of corroded and poorly maintained pipelines, destroying the environment and ecosystem, according to Friends of the Earth. Transnational Justice The first lawsuit against Shell outside Nigeria took 13 years to be heard in court. It was filed in 1996 by the fam-

ily of Ken Saro-Wiwa, an author and activist, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, under the Alien Tort Statute, a 1789 law that gives non U.S. citizens the right to file lawsuits in U.S. courts for violations of international law committed outside the U.S. Although Shell settled out of court in 2009 and agreed to pay the SaroWiwa family $15.5 million, it denied the charges that included complicity in human rights abuses and inhumane treatment of the Ogoni people. “Transnational litigation arises in circumstances where the legal system in the country where the harm occurs is not capable of providing justice locally,” said Robert Percival, the director of environmental law at the University of Maryland in the U.S., in an interview with Africa Renewal. “As a result, the victims will try to sue these companies in (the companies) home countries.” According to The New York Times, “while the pollution damage itself was not in dispute (in the Nigerian case), Shell argued that the spills had been caused by socalled bunkering or oil theft from the pipelines as well as outright sabotage.” “This ruling will enable more people to understand what is happening on the ground in Nigeria,” said Jonathan French, a Shell spokesman. “We have this rampant problem of criminal

Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole signing the kidnapping law on Friday in Benin City.

Court Remands Suspected Killer Of Commissioner In Zamfara

A middle aged man, Daheeru Chukwu, was remanded in Gusau prison over the assassination of a former Commissioner of Agriculture in Zamfara. The suspect, 38, who appeared before the State Magistrate Court, was alleged to be the principal accused person who murdered Alhaji Ibrahim Sani in January. He was arraigned on a four count charges alongside two others, one of whom is now dead. They were accused of armed robbery, culpable homicide, illegal possession of fire arms and criminal conspiracy. The offences are contrary to the provisions of sections 6 (b), 1 and 2 (a) (b) and 3 (1) of the armed robbery and fire arms special provisions act (2004). The offences also run contrary to Section 221 of the penal code. According to the first information report signed by the prosecutor, Sgt. Augustine Audu, Chukwu allegedly conspired with the others and shot the commissioner dead. The incident, according to the prosecution, happened in the vicinity of a mosque along Gusau-Sokoto byepass road. The prosecution further stated that the gang had used a pistol, with registration number W31149MMSH, to kill the victim and ran away with his car, Hyundai Sonata saloon with registration number HU 342 ABC. They were, however, intercepted by the Police near Sokoto. Earlier, another accused, Bello Abdullahi was arraigned at the same court but separately. Abdullahi had allegedly

threatened to kill the late commissioner, for denying him (accused) employment. The presiding judge, Justice Musa Usman, said that there were some technical errors in the case files against the

Nwogwu said that the accused and his accomplices gang-raped the two girls without their consent.

He said that the offence committed by the accused contravened Section 358 of the Criminal Code, Cap C21 Vol. I Laws of Delta, 2006.

CMD Urges Govt To Build More Male Wards At Ota Hospital DR Babatunde Banuso, the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of Ogun State Hospital in Ota, has called on the State Government to build more male wards in the hospital. Banuso who made the call while speaking with newsmen yesterday in Ota, said the move would help to increase the intake of patients. He added that there should be deliberate effort by the government to ensure that good amenities are in place to supplement the existing ones. “The government needs to build additional male wards to avoid the hospital turning down emergency cases. “We also need adequate

facilities to save the lives of patients who require urgent attention in the hospital,’’ the CMD said. He said the two existing male wards were not sufficient to admit enough male patients. Banuso said there were many male patients who were suffering from chronic diseases and needed to be admitted, saying the insufficient number of male wards had stopped their admission. He commended the state government on its recent commissioning of female wards, saying the provision of such wards had helped in tackling a lingering problem confronting the hospital.

activities: oil theft, sabotage and illegal refining. That is the real tragedy of the Niger Delta.” The District Court of The Hague, on 30 January 2013, agreed with Shell about most of the spills that had occurred around the villages of Goi and Oruma. So did Mutiu Sunmonu, the managing director of Shell Nigeria. “In the past years we have seen a decline in operational spill volumes. These spills, however, were caused by sabotage and the court has, quite rightly, largely dismissed the claims.” The court dismissed all the claims except one, for which it ruled that it was reasonable to demand a duty of care from Shell for the “people living in the vicinity of the Ibibio-I well and especially fishermen and farmers.” It ruled that Shell therefore should have taken security measures to prevent sabotage and as a result was liable for damages. The ruling appeared to give hope to advocates of international law that anyone could file a lawsuit in any country, or so it seemed until three months later, when the US Supreme Court ruled in April 2013 against the use of the Alien Tort Statute, which has been part of US law for more than two centuries. The case had been filed by Esther Kiobel, the wife of the late Barinem Kiobel, one of the Ogoni Nine activists executed by the Nigerian military government in 1995. The court ruled that “nothing in the ATS’s (Alien Torte Stat-

ute’s) text evinces a clear indication of extraterritorial reach.” “The court essentially said that we should presume that the first US Congress in 1789 did not intend to allow the US courts to hear cases based on tort that happened outside the US, and I think that is wrongly decided,” said Professor Percival. Despite this apparent setback, the ruling may not have much of an impact on cases from abroad, as “it was already so difficult to win these cases.” There is hope, however, for a landmark ruling made by the Economic Community of West African States Court of Justice in December 2012, which ordered Nigeria to take measures ìto ensure restoration of the environment of the Niger Delta,” to prevent environmental damage and to ìtake all measures to hold the perpetrators of the environmental damage accountable.î The hope is that this will set a precedent for the future in reforming Nigeria’s legal system, or at least ensuring that Nigerians will have recourse to justice within their own country. “I think that’s the trend of the future, that you will see developing countries being encouraged to improve their own legal systems so that they can provide justice,” said Professor Percival. That, perhaps, is a beacon of hope for the people of Niger Delta.

...Farmers Lost Lawsuit To Shell

Continued from pg.1

But decades later, pollution and other environmental damage have led to a feeling of discontent and to protestsósometimes violent ones. The quest for justice and human rights has taken the people of Niger Delta to the courts in Nigeria, and more recently to the United States and the Netherlands. Oil exploration and production in the Niger Delta region is a joint venture of multinational oil companies including Royal Dutch Shell, the United States corporations Chevron, Exxon-Mobil and Texaco, Agip (Italy), Total (France), and the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. Shell Nigeria alone accounts for about a fifth of Nigeria’s total oil production. The Niger Delta people’s ongoing concerns were vividly captured in a 2011 report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), published after a two-year scientific evaluation of Ogoniland in Rivers State. The evaluation covered 69 sites and revealed serious environmental and public health concerns. The UNEP report found contamination in the soil, groundwater and vegetation. It further found that “illegal activity” around the oil pipes had also contributed to environmental devastation. The same environmental problems that UNEP identified had triggered activism in the Ogoni region in the early 1990s, with numerous law-





A Search For Genuine Democratic Transformation THE news of Nigeria ‘s election into the Security Council is no doubt a cheering development especially at this time when we are struggling to maintain a positive image in the international community and building social economic bridges of sustainable development With this elevation, it is necessary to look at the nation in the African context and what has been the challenges of the continent so far even when we try to give a good account of ourselves, events by the day contradicts that posture. We have had so many issues in the international arena that could have deprived us the seat at the United Nations but trust Nigeria, just like her citizens CHANGE OF NAME AMIOLEMEN – I, formerly AMIOLEMEN SUNDAY, now wish to be known, called and addressed as AMIOLEMEN EKHUEMUENOTASUNDAY. All former documents remain valid. United Bank for Africa PLC and the general public should please take note.

anything of the extra ordinary is possible. It is only in Nigeria, where the rich and powerful, afraid of their shadows, will drive in bullet proof amoured vehicles. When most Nigerians heard that two BMW armoured cars valued at N225m were bought for the Aviation Minister, Ms. Stella Oduah, it did not come as a surprise. But it was a surprise to the Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Capt. Fola Akinkuotu that Nigerians and the world have come to know about this transaction. There is no doubt that there are several of such fraudulent transactions across the nation and the international community quite aware of the Nigeria mentality and if possible they will aid the culprits to exploit Africa’s resources. It has been observed that an open greater global economic integration will not generate economic growth and therefore sustainable development for Africa. Africa is basically a natural resource continent which has no control over the global raw commodities

NADJA NADJA Weds Weds EJESUBO EJESUBO The solemnization of marriage between former Miss Nadja Kalliokosi (based in Sweden) and Mr. Ejesubo Ebowinoyi (A business man) took place on Saturday 19th October, 2013 at the Oredo Local Government Council Marriage Registry in Benin City. Amongst those present were Mr. Ehigiator Stanley, Mrs. Asiruwa Patricia, family members, relations, friends and well wishers. Picture shows the couple at the registry. Congratulations! Photo: SONNIE .E.


market. The free market advocates who incidentally are the industrialized nations are not in a hurry to moderate their determination to intensify the exploitation of Africa,s natural resources. The questions most Africans will want answer to is, how will Africa reorient its economic activities and production in order to control resource extraction, necessary to address the falling standard of living of the African people. It has been suggested that the cancellation of debts of poor African countries and better terms of trade ought to improve Africas economic growth and help the continent build a sustainable economy. But unfortunately, the rich countries expected to assist Africa grow economically are the captains of the resource extraction. The marginalization of African member countries in decision making and policy implementation in major international institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank,

IMF, WTO, serious as the development is, has been ignored by the industrialised nations. It is therefore with mixed feelings that some people reacted to the election of Nigeria into the UN Security Council for the 2014 to 2015 term as non permanent member. There is no doubt that the election would promote preventive diplomacy for the peace as a fulcrum of its agenda at the Council which has five permanent members, China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the US. With Nigeria in the United Nations Security Council, an international relations expert Prof Saleh Dauda believes this is a reflection of the nations return to the world stage as a regional power in Africa and he expects the country to seize the opportunity to contribute more to international peace and security. “This is a testimony we are regaining our rightful place in international relations and this is attributable

RITA Weds DAVID The solemnization of marriage between former Miss Rita Adesuwa Okoro (based in London) and Mr. David Ndubuisi Opah (A Protocol Officer) took place on Saturday 19th October, 2013 at the Oredo Local Government Council Marriage Registry in Benin City. Amongst those present were Mr. Mike .N. Kanu, Mr. Felix C.N. Okoro, Mr. Martins Awo, Mrs. Rosemary Ugwi, family members, relations, friends and well wishers. Picture shows the couple at the registry. Congratulations! Photo: SONNIE .E.

to improved image of Nigeria due to improvements in internal domestic issues. There is respect for human rights now in the country, stable polity and there is a growing influence of Nigeria in the international system. Although the election will not solve our internal problems, it can improve our internal affairs and enhance the credibility of Nigerians who travel abroad. “I will like to see African problems take the front burner and we should be able to articulate African problems with a view to attracting international support on issues such as desertification, HIV, malaria, stable governance and terrorism,” he noted. It was the view of a former Nigeria Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Alhaji Mogaji Mohammed that the election would enhance Nigeria’s credibility and make the nation play more active role in international security and he expressed the confidence that the election would help attract foreign direct investment to Nigeria. The fundamental problem with Africa and Nigeria not

excluded is that the continent has not been able to come up with any patriotic and nationalistic policy that will squally address the economic problem of the continent. Because of the corrupt tendencies of African leaders and the massive looting of the continents financial resources by these same leaders, which are stashed away in bank vaults of the western countries, they become stooges of these western countries who now dictate to them, unfavorable policies through the International organizations and Africa becomes poorer. Irrespective of the seat at the United Nations, the important task of overcoming Africa’s miseries, and reversing Africa’s fortunes will rest squarely on proper management of African economies, putting a halt to corrupt practices, focusing on people oriented development programmes and working toward genuine democratic transformation.

STEPHANIE Weds ORHUE The solemnization of marriage between former Miss Stephanie Agho (A fashion designer) and Dr. Orhue Orhue (based in Spain) took place on Saturday 19th October, 2013 at the Oredo Local Government Council Marriage Registry in Benin City. Amongst those present were Mr. Orhue Orhue (Groom’s father) Mr. Agho Francis, family members, relations, friends and well wishers. Picture shows the couple at the registry. Congratulations! Photo: SONNIE .E.




NEWS Ugiamwen Community Benefits From Free Health Care By RAYMOND OSOGBE HON. Elizabeth Ativie driven free health care campaign train landed at Ugiamwen, Ehor ward of Uhunmwode

Local Government Area, amidst praises and thanks from the Enogie of the Ogiamwen community HRH Edward Obamogie and his subjects.

Apostle Suleiman Charges Christians To Dwell On God’s Spirit

BY MORRION HAYBLE A three day international men’s convention with the theme: “The spirit filled man” organized by Omega Fire Ministries, OFM has opened in Auchi with a charge on mankind to endeavor to dwell on the Spirit of God so as to discover the purpose of existence. General Overseer of the ministry, Apostle Johnson Suleman who gave the charge while declaring the conference open noted that the world was essentially being controlled by three main spirits which he said, were those of God, devil and man adding that the highest and mightiest of them all was that of God. Apostle Suleman emphasized that until a man lived on

throne as Enogie, he has not seen any government agent, whether elected or appointed in any capacity, bringing a sophisticated mobile clinic to his domain. He lauded the initiative of the only female member of the Edo State House of Assemby which he want

others to emulate. Speaking to this medium at the end of the exercise, Hon. Ativie expressed gratitude to God for giving her, the courage and strength to bring succour to her constituents. Meanwhile, the free health care initiative train will land at Ugonoba in Egbede ward

in Uhunmwode Local Government Area tomorrow. She however urged all other towns and villages in the locality to exercise patience as the medical train would eventually come to their respective communities in due course.

the Spirit of God, his life would be unbalanced and distorted pointing out that the convention was to correct the short coming and bring people back to the original and authentic state of their destiny.The man of God explained that the spirit filled man was one living in Christ and allowed his spirit to control him and able therefore to survive the wickedness of the world. Also in a remark, coordinator, Omega men’s Fellowship, Pastor Joseph Iyare lamented that the Christian world had been more physically and mentally conscious than that of the spirit and urged the congregation to allow the lesson of the convention to enrich them.

Champion Humanitarian Services, Cleric Charges ChrisBy BETTY IDIALU materials, Pastor Siji Dara also tians PASTOR Siji Dara, Zonal Pastor of Christ Embassy Warri has charged religious bodies in the country to champion the campaign of humanitarian service by way of giving back to the society. The zonal pastor gave the charge during the presentation of oxygen tanks and installation of Loveword Plus decoders at the Central Hospital Warri. Pastor Siji Dara, who was represented by Pastor Yomi Morankiyo said the “Reach Out Nigeria Project” is a national evangelical campaign designed by the Spirit of God through President of Believers Loveworld ministries, Pastor Chris Oyakhilomen. Pastor Morankinyo said the theme of this year’s “Reach Out Nigeria Project” is Celebrating Possibilities, to ignite the Spirit of patriotism among Nigerians. Chief Medical Director, Doctor Kingsley Agholor thanked Christ Embassy for the items and expressed optimism that the partnership will be a continuous one. Another beneficiary of the Reach Out Nigeria Project was the Alderstown Primary School for Special Children also in Warri where educational materials were donated to the school. Presenting the educational

Speaking with THE SUNDAY OBSERVER, the Enogie Obamogie, commended Hon. Ativie for what he referred to as her unparalleled philanthropic spirit. Enogie Obamogie who himself was the first beneficiary of the exercise, stated that , since his 15 years on the

represented by Pastor Ben Olele said at the presentation ceremony that “this year’s “Reach Out Nigeria Project” campaign is exploring all avenues to give back to the society, noting that one of such ways, was The Back To School -Initiative Project, adding that Back To School -Initiative is an arm of Christ Embassy Inner City missions to the indigent children geared towards providing basic amenities required for conducive learning. Other school that benefited was Opete Secondary School which got a well equipped library to enhance students learning. While receiving the items, a representative of the School thanked Christ Embassy for the gesture and prayed for God’s blessings on the ministry. At Udummurie Community in Uvwie Local Government Area , where a water project was commissioned by Christ Embassy, Pastor Siji represented by Pastor Owoyeyu said the project would go a long way in addressing the problem of portable water in the community .

Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State (middle) with members of the State Judicial Service Commission after their inauguration in Asaba on Friday.

Woman Charged For defrauding 109 Accommodation Seekers

FOR allegedly defrauding 109 accommodation seekers of N14 million, a 34-year-old landlady, Taibat Aruna, was in Lagos charged before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court. The accused, a resident of Esa Quarters, Ojo, on LagosBadagry Expressway, is standing trial on a 30-count charge bordering on conspiracy, fraud and stealing. The prosecutor, Insp. Edet Okoi said the accused with others still at large committed

the offences sometime between June 5 and August 8 at Ojo. According to him, Aruna obtained the money from the accommodation seekers on the pretext of letting out selfcontained apartments located at Ojo to them. The woman did not provide the accommodation as promised and also failed to refund the upfront rent collected, he said.

GOVERNOR Adams Oshiomhole has condoled Alhaji Aliko Dangote on the death of his brother, Alhaji Garba Dangote. In a condolence message, the Governor said “it is with a heavy heart that I write to convey the condolences of the good people and Government of Edo State, as well as my personal commiseration, to you over the passing of your dearly beloved brother, Garba Dangote. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the larger Dangote family at this very difficult moment of grief. Alhaji Garba, no doubt, had lived his life to the full-

est and made indelible mark, as a businessman and a community leader who was also a

devout Muslim. His passing at this time is a serious loss to not only his family, but the

Gov. Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State

Alhaji Aliko Dangote

Okoi said the offences contravened Sections 285, 312 (1), (3) and 409 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The accused entered a plea of not guilty. The Magistrate, Mrs. Margaret Dan-Oni, granted Aruna bail in the sum of N2 million with two sureties in like sum. “One of the sureties must be a religious leader, while the other must be gainfully employed and resident within the

court’s jurisdiction. “They must also show evidence of three years tax payment.’’ Reports say that the accused, on conviction, may be sentenced to a 15-year jailterm. The magistrate adjourned the case to November 11 for mention.

Oshiomhole Condoles Dangote On Brother’s Death people of Kano State and the nation at large. A time like this, as difficult as it may be, calls for renewed faith in Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala), trust in his judgement and surrendering to His Will. We pray Almighty Allah to give you and the rest of the family he left behind, the strength and courage to bear this irreparable loss of a beloved brother and elder. We also pray that Allah in His infinite mercies grant him His forgiveness and reward him with Aljannna Firdausi, as He assures His favoured.




WORLD NEWS Pakistan Tells UN At Least 400 Civilians Killed By Drone Strikes PAKISTAN has confirmed that of some 2,200 people killed by drone strikes in the past decade, at least 400 were civilians and an additional 200 victims were deemed “probable noncombatants,” a U.N. human rights investigator said on Friday. Ben Emmerson, U.N. special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, also urged the United States to release its own data on the number of civilian casualties caused by its drone strikes. Emmerson said Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry told him it had recorded at least 330 drone strikes in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan’s largely lawless region bordering Afghanistan, since 2004. Clearing out militant border sanctuaries is seen by Washington as crucial to bringing stability to Afghanistan, particularly as the U.S.-led combat mission ends in 2014. Most, but not all, attacks with unmanned aerial vehicles have been by the United States. Britain and Israel have also used them. In an interim report to U.N. General Assembly released on Friday, Emmerson said Pakistani government records showed that drone strikes had killed at least 2,200 people and seriously wounded at least 600 since 2004. He said Pakistan had confirmed that “at least 400 civilians had been killed as a result of remotely piloted aircraft strikes and a further 200 individuals were regarded as probable noncombatants.” “Officials indicated that, owing to underreporting and obstacles to effective investigation, those figures were likely to be an underestimate” of civilian deaths, Emmerson said. Emmerson, who visited Pakistan in March, noted that principal media monitoring organizations had recorded a “marked drop” in reported civilians casualties from drone strikes in the tribal areas during 2012 and the first half of 2013. The tribal areas have never been fully integrated into Pakistan’s administrative, economic or judicial system. They are dominated by ethnic Pashtun tribes, some of which have sheltered and supported militants over decades of conflict in Afghanistan. “The involvement of CIA in lethal counter-terrorism operations in Pakistan and Yemen has created an almost insurmountable obstacle to transparency,”

Emmerson said. “One consequence is that the United States has to date failed to reveal its own data on the level of civilian casualties inflicted through the use of remotely piloted aircraft in classified operations conducted in Pakistan and elsewhere.” During his Senate confirmation process in February, CIA director John Brennan said the closely guarded number of civilian casualties from drone strikes should be made public. The U.S. government, without releasing numbers, has sought to portray civilian deaths from these strikes as minimal. Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, said at the time that she had been trying to speak publicly about the “very low number of civilian casualties” and to verify that number each year has “typically been in the single digits.” However, she said she was told she could not divulge the actual numbers because they were classified. In May, U.S. President Barack Obama signed a document that he said codified guidelines for the use of force against terrorists. He said before drone strikes were taken, there must be near-certainty that

no civilians would be killed or wounded. Emmerson urged the United States to declassify to the maximum extent possible information “relevant to its lethal extraterritorial counter-terrorism operations; and to release its own data on the level of civilian casualties inflicted through the use of remotely piloted aircraft, together with information on the evaluation methodology used.” He reported that in Afghanistan, the U.N. mission said while casualties were likely underestimated, it had assessed that in recent years drones strikes appeared to have inflicted lower levels of civilian casualties than other air strikes. Emmerson said “the United States appears to have succeeded in avoiding the infliction of large-scale loss of civilian life in Yemen” when carrying out drone strikes. “Nonetheless, there have been a number of incidents in which civilians have reportedly been killed or injured,” he said.

SEVERAL prominent British Muslims said police have warned they may be in danger, after they were named as enemies of Islam in a video purportedly made by extremists linked to Somalia’s Shebab militants. London’s Metropolitan Police said it was investigating the hour-long film, which was posted on YouTube on Wednesday but has since been removed. “We’re aware of the video reportedly released by alShebab,” a Scotland Yard spokesman told AFP. “We are currently assessing its content. A number of individuals have been spoken to following the release of the video.” At least four Muslim commentators — all of whom have spoken out against extremism — said they had been visited by police after being named in the film. The US-based monitor SITE Intelligence Group had identified the video as having been produced by the Shebab, the Somali group that claimed responsibility for a bloody attack at a Nairobi shopping mall last month. Reportedly narrated by a man with a British accent, it singled out the commentators

as having “mutilated the teachings of Islam”, according to the Guardian newspaper. Ajmal Masroor, a London-based imam and journalist, wrote on his Facebook page that police had told him “to be more vigilant”. “The basic message... was that my life was in imminent danger from the terrorists,” he wrote. He added: “I shall speak out loud and clearly against extremism and terrorism no matter how many threats I receive.” Mohammed Ansar, a filmmaker and journalist, said police were now regularly patrolling outside his home. “In between locksmiths, security people and interviews,” he wrote on his Twitter page. “It is quite a thing to have your faith and values truly put to the test. To have your life and those you love, at risk. Quite a thing.” Commentator Mohammed Shafiq and Usama Hasan, a senior researcher for the anti-extremist think-tank Quilliam, also said they had received visits from the police.

Prominent British Muslims Warned Over “Shebab’ Video

An image grab from Syrian State TV on October 15, 2013, said to show wreckage of a car following shelling by rebel fighters on Damascus’ Dummar district where the Syrian President attened a prayer for Eid al-Adha.

E. A. ADEBOYE On Sunday

Creative Miracles (2) MEMORISE: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 Read: John 11:39-44 THE God that we serve exists from eternity to eternity, He created the universe and the creatures in them and apportioned time for them. However, this God does not exist in space and time. Whatever He had done before, He can do again as many times as He needs to. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” He heals instantly and He heals progressively, some healings are repairs and for those body parts that are beyond repairs, He replaces. According to your needs for healing the Lord will visit you today! In John 9:1-7, the Lord gave the man who was born blind brand new eyes. That is a creative

miracle! In Genesis 18:914, when Sarah’s womb was dead, He gave her a brand new womb. Take the example of the raising of the dead like that of Lazarus recorded in John 11:39-44. The truth is, for a dead man, everything in his body is dead and meant to decompose. So when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it was more than just bringing him back to life. He had to perform a lot of creative miracles in him - in his flesh that had decayed, in his blood that had turned black, in his brain that had melted. He recreated every part of him. A young child developed a growth in the brain and she was taken to India for a brain surgery. But after the surgery, the child could

not walk again. Her mother brought her to the camp during one of our programmes, and the Lord said somebody was getting a brand new brain. The Lord gave the girl a new brain. A lady who had many fibroids had her womb removed in the process of treatment. Later, she came for me to pray on the anointing oil she brought so that the Lord will give her another womb. She continued to rub her stomach with this, and God gave her a new womb and she had her baby. In the name of Jesus, receive your creative miracle now. That part of your body that is dead, I command it to be replaced. Every missing cell, organ that is needed for you to live well is restored now in Jesus name.

KEY POINT Father, in my body, family, ministry, academics and finances, give me a creative miracle, create whatever is missing that I need.

“He heals instantly and He heals progressively, some healings are repairs and for those body parts that are beyond repairs, He replaces. According to your needs for healing the Lord will visit you today! In John 9:1-7, the Lord gave the man who was born blind brand new eyes.”




Man Steals Phone, Uploads His Pictures To Victim’s Whatsapp A stupid thief accidentally uploaded photos of himself to the WhatsApp account of a 12-year old boy. The thief stole a mobile phone from the 12-year-old in London, and then uploaded pictures of

himself to the boy’s WhatsApp profile, Essex police said. The 12-year-old was at the Debden train station shortly after 11:00 am, when the thief asked him what time it was.

When the boy pulled out his phone to check the time, the thief grabbed the phone out of the victim’s hand and ran away. Detectives got a break in the case when a man, de-

scribed as about 20-years-old, 5 feet band 5 inches tall, uploaded two pictures of himself onto WhatsApp through his newly acquired phone. The thief apparently did not realize that the phone was signed into the victim WhatsApp account and his photos were posted to the boy’s profile. Essex police released the photos of the man in the hopes that someone recognizes him and turns him over to the police. “Through instant messaging, the thief has revealed that he lives in South London” Detective James Smith said. “We call on the friends and family of this man to contact us or advice him to turn himself over to the police. “I cannot believe that this man has incriminated himself,” the victim’s family said.

Man Masturbating To Photo Of His Teen Daughter

A woman walked in on her husband masturbating while holding a photo of their teen daughter. Nyasha Matsiya, 37, of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, was caught red-handed by his wife of 13 years pleasuring himself while staring at the photo of their 16-year-old daughter. The incidence which took

place in the city of New Magwegwe became known to all and is still the talk of the neighborhood. The incident occurred around 2:00 pm when Glinis Matsiya went to her room. She thought that her husband was sleeping. She quietly opened the door to their room and found him masturbating to a photo of their teenage daughter. “In-

stead of the husband explaining himself, Nyasha Matsiya accused his wife of being disrespectful by entering the room without knocking” a source who spoke on condition of anonymity said. The husband then ran out of the house and was followed by his screaming wife. “Glinis wanted to go to the police to report her

husband’s despicable act, but was retained by one of the neighbors who told them to sit down and talk instead of washing their dirty laundry in the public,” the source added.

Odd News Compiled By Emmanuel Okogba O. & Irene Aleogho

$1 Million Discovery In Abandoned Apartment OWNER, Ma Guangdi was preparing to advertise for a new tenant for the apartment in Dongguan, China, and was in the process of cleaning up when he discovered the cash. When the bed and mattress in the main bedroom were moved, four large packages tightly wrapped in tape were

revealed. Opening one of the packages, Mr. Ma discovered bundles of notes in various denominations, from 5 to 50 Yuan. He decided to notify police, who seized the cash on suspicion it was gained by illegal means.

39-year-old Zimbabwean woman, Annie Mpariwa who is HIV positive has been arrested for breastfeeding a neighbor’s baby without her consent. The case which is already in court has been set for further hearing on the 24th of October for an HIV test to be performed on the toddler. She was arrested last week on charges of common nuisance and should the child test positive; the charges will be raised to “deliberately infecting another person with HIV”. The mother of the 14month-old baby said seeing her child being breastfed by her neighbor was traumatiz-

ing. According to her, the neighbor snatched the child while she was playing outside and hid her in her room. But after searching for the child for quite some time, she went and knocked on Annie’s rented room and got no response. Upon peeping through the window, she saw her breastfeeding the little girl. “I was shocked, I nearly fainted,” she said, adding that Annie’s breasts were leaking milk yet she was not a nursing mother or pregnant.

HIV Positive Woman Breastfeed Neighbour’s Baby

Woman 31, Pretends To Be Teenager To Sleep With Boy Of 14yrs WITH so many men out there, why would a grown woman feel the need to sleep with a 14-year-old child? Naomi Dixon, 31, of Florida, is accused of posing as a teenage girl in order to have sex with a 14-year-old boy.

Dixon met het victim at a party near the woman’s home in Deltona, where she told the boy that she was 17-yearsold. The two went home after the party and had sex. The victim told investigators that

after they met, he hung out at Dixon’s house many times, and they had sex about eight times. The victim finally told his mother about the relationship after Dixon became too controlling, and on some occasions would not allow him to leave the house. He had a hard time leaving Dixon’s house, when he tried to leave, she would get upset, lock the door and even choke him, according to a police report. The teen told police that on one occasion Dixon carved her initials onto his arms with a knife. When she was arrested, at first, Dixon denied having sex with the boy, but after further interrogation, she admitted to sleeping with him. However, she insisted that she thought he was 18-years-old. Dixon is charged with sexual assault involving a child. She is being held at the Volusia County Branch jail in lieu of $50,000 bond.

I Was Carried Away By The Aroma - Stealing Housewife A housewife in Sapele, Delta state, identified as Oghenero reportedly got her fingers burnt, when she allegedly attempted to steal a pierce of meat from a neighbor’s soup pot. It was reliably gathered that the woman, a mother of three, gained access to the soup after the neighbor who was preparing it left it on the fire unattended and went into her room to get her GSM phone which was ringing.

The light fingered housewife was said to have moved into the kitchen while the other woman was speaking with her caller but was caught by another neighbor who had been watching her movement from a distance. Confirming the incidence, the neighbor said the hot piece of meat fell from the thieving housewife’s mouth after she was slapped by her

brother in-law and she confessed to have been carried away by the aroma from the pot of soup. Family sources said the latest incident is not the first as the woman has been involved in several cases of petty stealing for which her husband threatened to send her packing.




N this edition we will focus our attention on the major character he exhibited, we need to learn from his weakness, we need to overcome. Abraham exhibited many


Sunday Sermon With Bishop Clement Ehidiamhen

compromise them if they are not yet changed. Saul, David predecessor lost his throne because in two occasions, he said “When I saw the people leaving…” (Paraphrased).

Character Study Of Abraham (4) characters that distinguished him from many men which are: He Always Had an Altar For God: An altar is an exalted platform from which God presides over man. A holy altar is the meeting point between God and man. An altar is a place of communion and sacrifices. An altar is a place of prayers. Every wise Christian has a personal altar with God. One thing is to have an altar another thing is for the altar to be effective and for any altar to be effective it must always be on fire with prayer and it must always receive sacrifice of thanksgiving. Leviticus 6:12-13 says “And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings. The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out”. Genesis 12:7 says “And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there build he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him”. Genesis 13:3&4 says “And he went on his journeys from the South even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Hai; Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first: and there Abram called on the name of the LORD”. Abraham was a man of prayer He Gave To Hospitality: Hospitality is the act, practice or quality of offering a generous welcome to guest or strangers. Every thing a man need is in people. What you lack others

might have and not until you receive with open hands other people, your lack may continue. Many individuals don’t practice this act of kindness because of selfishness. Dear reader note that you can never have enough that will be enough. It is out of the little you have that you affect others positively. Even in your pain let others gain. Romans 12:13 says “Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality”. 1Peter 4:9 says “Use hospitality one to another without grudging”. It is written of Abraham in Genesis 18:1 -5 when he encountered the Angels that came in the form of men, even when he had not known them before, he welcome them and gave them a good reception and respected them. Little did he know that he was doing it to the messagers from the Most High God. This simple act brought to manifestation the birth of Isaac the child he loved. How do you see people, are you the type that people will meet and wish never to meet you again in life? Many ladies have missed their God ordained life partners because of poor and sarcastic reception. Many lives have been cut short because of poor reception. Please never forget that whatever your needs are, the solution is in another man, your reception determines your

connection for collection. Hospitality is reciprocal. Abraham Was Generous: Abraham is a man that had children born

How many people’s life have you affected positively without any demand from them. When last did you think of another person financially

“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment;

in his house, took care of the children, raised them like his own children even when his wife had not yet given birth. Genesis 14:14 says “And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan”.

outside your own family? Think and make amends if guilty. He Was A Disciplined Man: Abraham was divinely commended by God as a man that will bring up his children in the fear of God and discipline manner even when Abraham was not having a child yet. Genesis 18:19

that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him”. WEAKNESS IN THE CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM Compromise: In my own words, I will like to describe compromise as a situation where a man carries out an action that was not commanded by God or that is not in his mind to do just simply because he does not want to offend another person or make another person happy leaving regret behind for himself. A man that truly wants to succeed must set a standard for living. He should be a man of positive principles. Though those principles might be changed with time, he should not

“That decision you are about to take, have you inquired from the Lord. Don’t you think if you go ahead you might make a mistake that you will regret for life. Take a look at the life of Abraham who adhere to his strength and overcome his weakness.”

Many people have lost their seat in the house of God today because they compromised by selling their conscience just because they want to break away from a particular association. When God told Abram to leave with his household, he took Lot with him and Lot became an excess luggage. If you read Genesis 13 you will discover that until Abram separated from lot, his communication with God was limited. In Genesis 13:14&15 says “And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art Northward, and Southward, and Eastward, and Westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever”. He took vital decisions without asking God and that eventually resulted to regrettable irreversible mistake. Genesis 16 gives a detailed account of how Abram was pressured into impregnating a housemaid by Sarai, his wife simply because she could not give birth without enquiry from God went ahead to do it. Proverbs 3:5-7 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil”. That decision you are about to take, have you inquired from the Lord. Don’t you think if you go ahead you might make a mistake that you will regret for life. Take a look at the life of Abraham who adhere to his strength and overcome his weakness. You are blessed.




Health Benefit Of Banana

A banana is an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants. It is variable in size, colour and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple or brown when ripe. Bananas grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. The scientific names of most cultivated bananas are musa acuminata, musa balbisianan, and musa paradisiacal for the hybrid, musa acuminata. Who will not love to eat banana? It is sweet, tasting, exotic fruit that can tackle your taste buds and refresh your mind. Something hard to believe is that banana is the 4th staple food that is eaten all over the world, right after rice, wheat and corn. In some of the tropical regions of Southeast, the fruit and its leave are used in cooking, the leaves are usually used as fish wraps. Bananas that can be cooked are also known as plantain and are green in colour. What essential nutrients does banana contain? It is rich in essential vitamins such as A, B complex, B6 and C. 75% of banana is composed of water, and the other important nutrients found in it are potassium, manganese, protein, phosphorus, calcium, iron, carbohydrates and fibre. Banana As The Best Food For Improving Digestion: The content of dietary fibre and carbohydrates present in banana help to regulate bowel movement which then result in healthy digestive system. It is ideal for getting rid of chronic constipation due to the pectin contents present in it. It helps reduce stomach ulcers and also diminishes the risk of developing gastric cancer. It is natural remedy for curing acidity in the digestive track due to its antacid effect (personal experience). Banana As A Mood Fixer And Stress

Reliever: Next time, when you feel stressed out or if you would need something to fix your bad mood, try eating a banana. Why? Because the tryptophan contents found in bananas have a soothing effect on the brain. Tryptophan is a kind of amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter, which is helpful in stabilizing mood. When we are stressed out, our body loses potassium; eating banana could prove to be the best source for maintaining a balanced potassium level. Reduces Blood Pressure: It is highly recommended for the people having high blood pressure to increase the intake of this fruit. The low sodium and high potassium contents make an ideal combination to reduce the chances of stroke and also prevents hypertension. Positive Effects On Vision: Eating a banana on daily basis can have a positive effect on vision. To avoid the risk of macular degeneration (loss of vision with growing age) 3 serving of banana is suggested per day. A study revealed that out of people who had 3 serving of banana per day, 36% didn’t develop macular degeneration at all. Ideal Food For Dieting: The fruit contains 108 calories, the fibre present in bananas are found effective in lowering overheating habits. The vitamin B6 present in the fruit is effective for reducing obesity. Good Source Of Vitamin B6: There are a number of benefits vitamin B6 has, to maintain body’s health. The vitamin B6 found in bananas has antiinflammatory properties that help to reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Banana B6 also maintains

the lymphoid gland functioning, which are responsible for the production of white blood cells and thus protects the body from infections. Banana As A Ready Source Of Energy: Banana is a power boosting fruit; the healthy carbohydrates

present in bananas helps to increase energy. The reason why bananas are recommended to be taken at breakfast is that they contain all the power giving elements that will get you through the day. It is also recommended for the people executing strenuous workouts. So throw away those energy drink and eat

ealth Watch


bananas instead. Strengthens Bones: The prebiotics called fructooligosacchajride are of essential nutrient by our body, these prebiotics are present in bananas. It helps the body to absorb calcium; as a result we get strong bones. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis that many people develop at a later age because the potassium

potassium levels present in bananas. Quit Smoking-Take Banana’s Help: You might have tried to quit smoking many times before, but the sick feeling, headaches, stomach cramps, irritation and stress may have forced

to be drained out without smoking and ease out the cramping legs. Researchers suggest that at least 4 bananas should be eaten in a week to supplement your body with powerful nutrients. Also, there are a lot of varieties

contents found in bananas prevent the loss of calcium by the body. As Effective In Diarrhea: In uncomfortable conditions, like diarrhea electrolytes are drained out of the body, causing weakness. These electrolytes can be restocked with the help of

you to start smoking again. Give banana a chance and try to quit smoking. The rich source of potassium, magnesium and other vital vitamins present in the banana gives your brain a smoothing effect whenever it screams for nicotine. It also makes up for the energy levels that you want

of bananas available in the market; red, green and yellow, but it is suggested to make the most healthy and delicious choice. The bananas with yellow skin and dark spots on them are 8 times more effective in enhancing the functionality of white blood cells than the green bananas.


“Next time, when you feel stressed out or if you would need something to fix your bad mood, try eating a banana. Why? Because the tryptophan contents found in bananas have a soothing effect on the brain. Tryptophan is a kind of amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter, which is helpful in stabilizing mood. When we are stressed out, our body loses potassium; eating banana could prove to be the best source for maintaining a balanced potassium level.”



OZONE is a major component of smog. The weather report on radio and TV tells you that it is going to be sunny and hot and that an orange ozone alert has been issued. What is ozone? What does an orange alert mean? Why should you be concerned about it? In this article, Craig Freudenrich examines what ozone is, how it is produced, what health hazard it poses and what you can do to reduce ozone pollution. Ozone is a molecule of three oxygen atoms bound together (O 3 ). It is unstable and highly reactive. Ozone is used as bleach, a deodorizing agent, and a sterilization agent for air and drinking water. At low concentrations, it is toxic. Ozone is found naturally in small concentrations in the stratosphere, a layer of Earth’s upper atmosphere. In this upper atmosphere, ozone is made when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an oxygen molecule (O2), forming two single oxygen atoms. If a freed atom collides with an oxygen molecule, it becomes ozone. Stratospheric ozone has been called “good” ozone because it protects the Earth’s surface from dangerous ultraviolet light. Ozone production from NOx pollutants: Oxygen atoms freed from nitrogen dioxide by the action of sunlight attack oxygen molecules to make ozone. Nitrogen oxide can combine with ozone to reform nitrogen dioxide, and the cycle repeat. Ozone can be found in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the


a t m o s p h e r e . Tropospheric ozone (often termed “bad” ozone) is man-made, a result of air pollution from internal combustion engines and power plants. Automobile

of the afternoon and early evening, dissipating during the cooler nights. Worldwide seasonal changes in Tropospheric ozone: Tropospheric ozone increases during summers in the northern

well, carried by prevailing winds or resulting from cars and trucks that travel into rural areas. Significant levels of ozone pollution can be detected in rural areas as far as 250 miles (402 kilometers)

Environment With ANTHONY AIBANGBEE coughing. Young children, adults who are outdoors and people with respiratory diseases are most susceptible to the

How Ozone Pollution Works

exhaust and industrial emissions release a family of nitrogen oxide gases (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), byproducts of burning gasoline and coal. NOx and VOC combine chemically with oxygen to

form ozone during sunny, high-temperature conditions of late spring, summer and early fall. High levels of ozone are usually formed in the heat

and southern hemispheres when the climate is hot. The most Tropospheric ozone is observed during

downwind from urban industrial zones. Ozone pollution can travel from urban to rural areas.

high levels of ozone encountered during the summer. In addition to effects on human, the corrosive nature of ozone can damage plants and trees. High level of ozone can destroy agricultural crops

summer in the northern hemisphere. Although ozone pollution is formed mainly in urban and suburban areas, it ends up in rural areas as

Avoiding And Reducing Ozone When you inhale ozone, it travels throughout your respiratory tract. Because ozone is very corrosive, it damages the bronchioles and alveoli in your lungs, air sacs that are important for gas exchange. Repeated exposure to ozone can inflame lung tissues and cause respiratory infections. Ozone exposure can aggravate existing respiratory conditions such as asthma; reduce your lung function and capacity for exercise and cause chest pains and

and forest vegetation. Avoiding Ozone Exposure To protect yourself from ozone exposure, you should be aware of the Air Quality Index (AQI) in your area everyday; you can usually find it in the newspapers or on a morning weather forecast on TV or radio. What do the numbers in the AQI mean? The AQI measures concentrations of five air pollutants: ozone, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. These pollutants are chosen as criteria

By Emmanuel Okogba O

“To reduce your exposure to ozone, you should avoid exercising during afternoon and early evening hours during the sunny season. You can as well make your own ozone detector, you can make ozone test strips to detect and monitor ozone levels in your own backyard or around your school.”

pollutants, but these are not all of the pollutants in the air. These concentrations are compared to a standard set out. An index value of 100 means that all of the criteria pollutants are at the maximum level that is considered safe for the majority of the population. To reduce your exposure to ozone, you should avoid exercising during afternoon and early evening hours during the sunny season. You can as well make your own ozone detector, you can make ozone test strips to detect and monitor ozone levels in your own backyard or around your school. You will need corn starch filter paper (coffee filters work well) potassium iodide (can be ordered from a science education supplier-). Basically, you make a paste from water, corn starch and potassium iodide, and you paint this paste on strips of filter paper. You then expose the strips to Air for eight hours. Ozone in the air will react with the potassium iodide to change the color of the strip. You will also need to know the relative humidity, which you can get from a newspaper, weather broadcast or home weather station. Reducing Ozone Pollution There are several ways you can help to decrease ozone pollution: limit using your automobile during afternoon and early evening hours in the late rainy and sunny seasons; do not use gasolinepowered lawn equipment during these times; do not fuel your cars during these times; do not light fires for outdoor grills during these times; keep the engine of your car or boat tuned; make sure that your tires are properly inflated; use environmentally safe paints, cleaning and office products (some of these chemicals are sources of VOC).



A few days ago Nigeria celebrated her 53rd birthday. But Nigeria at 53 is still an infant, a country that is still struggling to become a nation. But even infants themselves must show signs to convince their parents and people around them that they are growing though they may not be able to run, they can crawl as an evidence of growth. But in the case of Nigeria there are no signs of growth to prove that we are growing but instead Nigeria is aging shamelessly and disgracefully. Nigeria has had so many years of “Dark Ages” power failure, incompetence in governance, in politics, security, not to mention the level that educational system has fallen to even as we write, (speak?). Will all these gigantic or monumental problems come to an end at 53? Well, Nigeria still owes its citizens the many stolen years of dark ages – an entire youth for over 100 million citizens both dead and alive. Nigeria had a very promising childhood at birth at her independence. She had “a post colonial burst of youthful exuberance” says a scholar, which was by Nigeria’s politics. Did Nigeria then remain an infant that had hope of skiping her youth and jumping into adulthood? Well, we can rightly say that Nigeria’s youthfulness was either stolen or postponed. Alternatively we can also say that Nigeria jumped her youth and suddenly became old. This has left Nigeria in a state where she just has to manage or get by without the growth spurt expected of a young country. Is Nigeria old before its time and as an old man


shrinking like babies instead of growing? Most people, organizations, companies and even countries assess where they are, where they

let the person read it with a look at some really achievable goals. The persons may even do well to add his own. Nigerians are tired of the photo-trick and 419

traffic jams. The Federal Road Safety Corps should speed up what they are doing about enforcement of speed limits and they should also regularly engage the

BRIO With Francis Odupute

Flashback: Nigeria At 53-Can

The Dark Ages End?

want to be and where they should be as they approach a certain or round number in age. As they do these assessments, they strategise to arrive at or achieve a set goal before that big day. In the case of Nigeria the opposite has always been the case. Or apart from planning exorbitant political and social parties, has this kind of assessments started taking place in Nigeria at all levels of government starting from the grassroot which is the local government and ward levels? Each government – federal, state and local governments – should put up a document towards “Nigeria at 53”. Such a document is necessary for each government because it is only when you have to document or photograph your assets that you realise the task ahead of you. Nigeria at 53 should go beyond mere talks, promises and even rebranding with millions of green and white flags from tiny to mega sizes of billboards and painting instead filling potholes, and other unpleasant birthday sights and scenes. Such a document would fit the rebranding scheme by providing tangible infrastructure in time for Nigeria at 53. Just in case this article is read by anyone in the corridors of power


Nigeria at 53 projects that are expensive and empty publicity that lack life improving substances. The number of people who die on our roads each year are more than the number that die of HIV/AIDS. Construction of railways will assist in reducing the number of deaths we record on our roads and it will also reduce the time wasting

drivers that ply our roads in some few hours of educational road safety talks in order to enlighten them on road usage. The road traffic attacks can stop. “A national pothole filling exercise” to fill over 1 million dangerous and life – threatening potholes and rough road edges as an essential and urgent component of a Nigeria at 53 campaign,

potholes kill. In any case, there is

permanence. A fellow Nigerian has described Nigeria angrily as a fake

still time to strategise and put in place the calculated steps needed to establish a serious nation that can “age gracefully”. Tuesday, October 1, 2013 should have been a concrete date for evaluation, examination and scrutiny, not for clapping and corruption but for contribution and changes, not for photo tricks but for

country. Attention to the above mentioned points can make him change his mind over night. But will the sun finally shine on Nigeria and eliminate the “Dark Ages” at 53? It is said that the miles are counted after the race. Let us watch and see what it will be or look like after Nigeria clocks 53. We hope the “Dark Ages” end at Nigeria’s 53rd birthday.

“Most people, organizations, companies and even countries assess where they are, where they want to be and where they should be as they approach a certain or round number in age. As they do these assessments, they strategise to arrive at or achieve a set goal before that big day. In the case of Nigeria the opposite has always been the case.”




What Have You To Say On The Apo The recent killing of some persons unthinkable killing. The Killings? suspected to be members of the dreaded security agents found to Boko Haram sect in Apo quarters in Abuja has continued to generate controversy as to how genuine the claim by the Nigerian security operatives are. Naked Truth went to town to seek the divergent views of Nigerians over this controversial issue which is not the first of its kind in the country. Their responses are presented for your reading delight. Excerpt. Security Issues Should Be Left To Security Agents -Odekhe M. O. We are too quick to draw conclusion on certain vital national issues, most especially when it has to do with destruction of life, property and security. It’s a pity for the people who are affected in the recent Apo killing in Abuja, but we should be careful enough not to allow our dear nation’s image to be tarnished among the comity of nations. A major security issue of this kind should be left in the hands of the Police, State Security Service (SSS) and other special or private investigators to handle. The police especially should be able to find the culprits and prosecute them accordingly. If I may ask, what makes people think that the action was carried out by Boko Haram? If it was in the Niger Delta zone, I am sure the same people will say Niger Delta militants and if it was in the SouthWest, maybe they would have say OPC. My argument is that, its high time we grew above this level of jumping to irrelevant conclusion on any national issue of this kind. One day, we will be attacked by a foreign body and the police authority will be chasing Boko Haram or Niger Delta militants or OPC depending on the affected area. There Is Need For Good Intelligence Gathering By Security Agents

-David Onimisi Lawani The Apo, Abuja killing was a sad and pathetic killing totally uncalled for. It shows clearly that Nigerian security agents are not on the same page in diligently trying to fight crime and criminality. Intelligence ought to have been gathered before opening fire on the innocent traders squatting in that uncompleted apartment. It further demonstrates the low and primitive approach employed by Nigerian security agents in trying to crack alleged criminal gangs. No wonder the Chief Justice of the Federation, Miriam Aloma Muktar recently decried weak and thoughtless ways deviced in prosecuting criminal cases in our law courts. “A situation where somebody is charged to court and later the prosecutor will start looking for evidence is totally unacceptable”, she said. The owner of the uncompleted building should be duly invited for questioning. The man or woman who supplied the information about the persons living in that uncompleted apartment should never be allowed to escape justice because he/ she was the one who created the wrong impression that led to the dastardly attack. Independent investigators should be urgently constituted to look critically into the issue so as to help unravel the circumstances leading to the gruesome and

have carried out the attack must never be allowed to go scot-free. Nigerian government must evolve measure in order to help sanitize and orientate our security agents on the importance of intelligence gathering before any invasion of perceived criminal hideout so as to forestall incidence of wastage of lives and

Ernest Quite frankly, the unfortunate disaster is a pointer to a serious deficiency in our consciousness to maintain peace in a crisis-ridden society. It is no longer news that everybody now live in the fear of the unknown as the next victim of kidnapper, robbery, rapist cannot be

Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar

properties. There should be close synergy among security agents in the fight against groups with criminal intention to perpetuate evil Discipline among security agents should be seen to be enforced so as to serve as deterrence to would be careless and negligent security agent. It Is A Pointer To A State Of Lawlessness In The Society -Ikhureigbe

ascertained as these agents of darkness even roam about openly during the day with impurity. The Apo killings could be seen as a high degree of insensitivity to the lawlessness that the state has graduated into. Nonetheless, it is necessary for security apparatus in the state to be more responsive and alive to the responsibilities they are saddled with. Careless killing is never

Naked Truth With CITIZEN EMMA KOLA OKHAKHU accepted or tolerated any where in the world. It stands condemned! It’s Unfortunate -Okogba Emmanuel O. The issue of the Apo killing is still something that is not clear. While some are saying those killed are not terrorist, there are some others saying they are members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect. the thing is that if they were truly members of this sect, then it is a welcomed development because the rate at which they terrorize Nigerians is really alarming and nothing short of a similar treatment would be right for them. But if the reverse is the case, that is, they were innocent citizens, then it is quite unfortunate. It Shows Insecurity Going Out Of Proportion - Innocent Omoaka The killing goes further to attest to the fact that the insecurity in the country is growing out of proportion by the day. Until a full scale of investigation is carried out to ascertain the identity of those killed and if they were terrorists, was the killing necessary or were other options open to the security operatives other than the killing? If this questions is not answered, then one can only say that there is no guarantee for the protection of lives of Nigerians. Also, it goes to show that the wave of insecurity in the country has gone to the extent that

“The Apo killings could be seen as a high degree of insensitivity to the lawlessness that the state has graduated into. Nonetheless, it is necessary for security apparatus in the state to be more responsive and alive to the responsibilities they are saddled with.”

the security operatives treat every individual and group as suspect and treated with impurity. A Wicked And Cruel Attack - Praise It was a wicked and cruel attack. It was inhuman and barbaric; what reasonable human can do that to his fellow humans. It really shows what the bible described as “the heart of man is desperately wicked: who can know”? What is worse than being attacked when in deep sleep and not just ordinary attack but with sporadic gun shots? I can imagine what happened that night, I can see people running towards the gun shots inviting them from sleep to their deaths. What happened in Abuja; Apo that Friday night can be said to be the junior brother to what happened in Kenya the following day. A Wicked And Inhuman Treatment To Man -Osaretin Okhomina This is another clear case of man inhuman treatment to man. It is the highest height of tyranny, wickedness and utter lawlessness. Why kill innocent souls and brand them Boko Haram suspects? Why open fire on defenseless citizens of this country, and tell the whole world they are enemies of the land, without concrete reasons? Before any man can be punished there must be a proof of his culpatrility and must be certified to be so. My country, Oh my country. What is wrong? Does it mean morality is no longer our watchword? Let the federal government look into this matter with a view to ascertaining the veracity, that the victims were indeed Boko Haram and if not the perpetrators of this heinous crime against humanity should be brought to book. God bless Nigeria.





What Is Your Take On The Acceptability Of Other Religions And Their Observance NIGERIA, with her unique multi cultural, ethnic, tribal and religion components, has always believed that the differences among her people is the beauty of our dear nation. Hence, when muslim faithfuls in the country joined their counter parts around the globe to celebrate the Eid-el-Kabir feast, the messages of felicitation from muslim and other religious leaders, politicians and citizens from other religious clime, preaching on religions tolerance was one of the high point of the event. In view of this development, SUNDAY OBSERVER interns: Favour Nosakhare, Irene Aleogho, Endurance Aiyomwan and Davidson Aigbe went to town to sought the divergent views of the populace on the acceptability of other religion and their observance as the current festivity suggest. We serve the same God in different ways. There’s no problem celebrating with them. - Patience Obaze They are humans and we all cannot have the same belief, it’s because of this fact that we all have our different ways of thinking and living, so in whatever way our neighbour wants to live we should be supportive and celebrate with them. We serve the same God in different ways. We don’t have to join in their practice but we can felicitate with them - Marcel Illuobe Everyone can celebrate his or her religion. It’s everyone’s right but we do not have to join in his or her practice. We can just felicitate with them, congratulate them and wish them a happy celebration. I think that is how far we can go for them. It’s Okay To Celebrate With Them, Though The Diversity In Religion But There Are So Many Similarities - Aleogho Roseline

I think it’s Okay to celebrate with them, though the diversity in religion but there are similarities, for example the Salla they just celebrated symbolize the continual provision God gives and they kill rams which also has a relationship to the time when God provided a ram for Abraham to Sacrifice in

us happy Christmas, so it is very good to accept other religion. It Is Not Proper Celebrating With Them - Ogbemudia Joy In my observation, I believe that the acceptability of other religion is unfair, celebrating with them because they don’t celebrate with us, besides they believe that it is not their religions while then

happy and celebrating. It really gives me joy. I do celebrate with them because they also celebrate with me during Christmas. Infact, it is what they believe in and was born into. To cut it all short we are one Nigeria, one happy family and one nation. Let me use this medium to say happy Eidel-Kabir to the Muslim

It is only right that we join those who are celebrating in whatever religions festival they are celebrating, as long as it does not involve shedding human blood. I believe this is one of the ways religions tolerance can be achieved in a country like Nigeria. It Is Really Nice And Mature To Celebrate

place of Isaac in the bible and when we check into the Koran and bible we see a lot of similarities. Far back into history, Islam came from Christianity through Ishmael the son of Abraham who was not the blessed son of God. Each time we celebrate with them we actually profess peace as we preach. I Do Respect Any Religion And I Am Prepared To Tolerate Every People Practicing Their Religion - Osamudiamen James I think it is their religion and that is what they believe in, besides, everybody serves the same God, I see no reason why we should not celebrate with them, it is a good thing to celebrate with them and wish them happy Salla because when we Christians are celebrating ours, they do celebrate with us and wish

celebrating with us. Imagine when they are celebrating, most of the things in the market rise than before. Every One Has The Right To Celebrate His/ Her Own Religion – Omoruyi Osas I strongly believe that it is a good thing to celebrate with other religion, as for me some of my friends are muslims, that makes it more interesting for me to celebrate with them and wish them happy Salla because when I am celebrating my Christmas they do celebrate with me and wish me a happy Christmas, I think there is nothing wrong in the acceptability of other religion because it is their religion. I never Judge or condemn any religion – Faith Osah As for me, I am really happy when I see others

faithful. Choosing One Religion Over Another In A Country Like Nigeria Where We Have Numerous Religion Is Sentimental – Emmanuel Okogba

With Other Religions – Festus Osagie The bible tells us to love one another, we should love everybody no matter the religion or colour. As for me I really do take them as my brothers and sisters because

we all are serving one great God with them, because I have them as my friends they are really kind and good if you truly understand them. There Is a Popular Saying That One Cannot Serve Two Master – Igbinedion Elvis The word religions according to the oxford advanced learners Dictionary is the belief in the existence of a God or gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of them. That is a religion is characterized by certain beliefs and mode of worship. And it is what we believe on we exercise our faith towards. And as a believer of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I will say that any religion that doesn’t teach the truth or believes in God Almighty as our creator, Jesus as our Saviour and the Holy Spirit as our comforter and the Holy bible as Gods word will never be accepted by me. Also I have no right to condemn or judge any body, but I have the right to use the bible to correct any body that is going to the wrong path. (2 Tim 3:16). To round it off, I am saying; any religion from any body that doesn’t preach or follow the truth in the Holy bible or turns the Holy bible upside down in one way or the other, is not and will never be acceptable by me. God bless you.

“They are humans and we all cannot have the same belief, it’s because of this fact that we all have our different ways of thinking and living, so in whatever way our neighbour wants to live we should be supportive and celebrate with them. We serve the same God in different ways.”





Promoting The Status Of The Girl Child

The international Day of the Girl-Child was Just marked on October 11, 2012. The theme for this year’s International Day of the Girl—Child is “ INNOVATING FOR GIRLS’ EDUCATION”. It is being set aside to canvass more opportunity for girls, who are confronted with inequality with boys, access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care and protection from discrimination, violence and forced child marriage. The unequal access of girls with boys to various opportunities strongly indicate that the girl-child is placed at a disadvantaged position with serious implications for her status in the society. This is further reinforced by the patriarchal nature of society in which men are more valued than women. The thrust of this paper is, therefore, to highlight the aforementioned inequalities as well as to determine the factors responsible for them, examine the status of the girl-child and suggest the way forward for Nigeria. HIGHLIGHTS OF GENDER-BASED INEQUALITY Education Even though it is widely acknowledged that education facilitates the socio-economic and political development of a country, Nigeria is yet to truly grasp the reality of the enormous benefits of ensuring the education of the girl-child. One major area in which the girl—child and women are oppressed is that they do not have equal access to education as their male counterparts. Girls still lag behind boys at all levels of education, According lo Osagie (2008), Education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for women, as both the Cairo and Beijing conferences affirmed. Yet, among children not attending school, there are twice as many girls as there are boys, and among illiterate adults women are twice as many as men. In the same vein, Ojoho (2008) declares that the proportion of gender discrimination in school and labour market is ranked highest in Sub—Sahara Africa. In Nigeria, statistics show the following levels of illiteracy: Males Females 1985 48% 70% 1990 40% 63% 2001 26% 43% (World Bank, 2003) According to the World Economic Forum (2013) women represent more than two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adult population. The National Population Commission (NPC) (2001), equally observes that there were more literate males (65.7%) than females (47.8%). Obviously, the trend shows that the girl-child is denied equal educational opportunity with the male child. There are many odds against women’s education. The mindset is that no matter how intellectually endowed a girl- child may be, she is relegated to the background. Foremost, is the male superiority belief which is deeply entrenched in the cultural system. Supporting this view point Oladeji (2005) is emphatic that in almost all known human societies of the world, males are preferred and were more socially accepted than females, buttressing that these preferences and social acceptance are derived from culture transmitted through socialization processes. He adds that several socialization processes are in most Nigerian societies gender-specific and are imposed on the child from birth. Females are taught to be gentle, conservative, and peaceful and play supportive roles to males. Hence, from the family to the educational institutions, stereotyping affects the child’s status. It is evident from gender-based sex roles that the girl-child s essentially disadvantaged as roles are already imposed on her without recourse to her ability potentials, talents, and skills. This is unfair and unjustifiable. It has been observed that girls empowered through education are discouraged from studying science and engineering-based courses. According to Ofoegbu (2009) Even when the girl-child has access to education, she is restricted to the so—called traditional occupations for women — nursing, teaching, secretarial and clerical jobs. These stereotypically feminine occupations are less lucrative in comparison to the non— traditional professions like engineering, estate management and medicine that are dominated by men. Alika (2009) notes that gender stereotyping in the school curriculum and the academic process still exists. Certain subjects such as the sciences, mathematics and other technical disciplines are tagged masculine, while secretarial studies and home economics are tagged feminine, thereby denying both sexes the opportunity to benefit from exposure to a wider choice of subjects. Graphic illustration and textual language in instructional materials still tend to present gender roles in a stereotyped manner, thus limiting girls’ aspirations. In teaching or classroom exposure, the girl-child is also entangled in another gender bias situation. Alika (2009) remarks that many teachers in Nigeria arc gender insensitive because they are products of the society, coming to school loaded with gender biases. Thus, through their classroom interactions they transmit a “hidden curriculum”, which places the female child at a disadvantaged position. She adds that some teachers tend to set higher expectations for the boy and express surprise when a girl achieves highly, especially in “masculine” subjects such as science and mathematics. This may eventually affect her


performance which determines whether or not she will drop out of school, which invariably leads to gender imbalance. The Women in Technical Education and Employment (W1TED) group should not relent in its commitment to the actualization of the girl— child’s potentials in science

because their bodies (bone structure, pelvis, reproductive organs) are not yet fully developed. Prolonged and obstructed labour, which haemorrhage is common among pregnant young adolescents, can lead to hemorrhage, severe infection and maternal death. Those who survive may suffer from

and engineering based courses. It is not only through education that the girl child can be empowered but also through skill acquisition. But government’s skill acquisition programmes mostly in state capitals and local government headquarters are so grossly inadequate that the vast majority of uneducated girls and teenage mothers can hardly benefit. Nutrition and Medical Care The girl-child and women have remained perpetually poor because they were in their childhood denied education. Lending credence to this point, Oyemwense (2008) asserts that women have consistently remained poorer than men because of the social preference to educate only the male child. According to her, childhood marriage deprives the girlchild of a bright future and leaves her psychologically devastated. She adds that with women’s disadvantaged economic status, they are forced into prostitution with the attendant consequences of being highly vulnerable to infections and diseases such as HIV/AIDS and venereal diseases. Prostitutes suffer psychological injuries such as flashbacks, anxiety, and depression, sleep disturbances and stress. As regards early marriage, girl’s ages 14 & younger run a very high risk of complication in pregnancy and childbirth compared with other adolescents. This is

vesicant vaginal fistula (VVF), a debilitating condition that causes, chronic incontinence and results in shame and social isolation. Girls who are married young are also more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. Girls physiological vulnerability due to the small size, inelasticity, and lack of lubrication of the vagina and cervix is compounded by their exposure to frequent, unprotected, and sometimes forced sexual intercourse within marriage; lack of information about sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and inability to negotiate their own protection. The foregoing is indicative of the lot of the Nigerian girl, who plays a mother’s role of bearing and nurturing children at a tender age; and contends with a menial job without leading a fulfilled and productive life. She barely survives and lives in penury. No wonder, the

UKAID (2012) reports that 42 percent of Nigerian children are malnourished; it adds that 47% of Nigerian women are mothers before they reach the age of 20. The lack of sincere commitment to the education of the girlchild also has serious implications on her health status, as an individual as a future mother and ultimately the nation. According to UKAID (2012), Nigeria has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world. One Nigerian woman dies in childbirth every ten minutes. The maternal mortality rate is 545 deaths per 100,000 live births. Without mincing words, the health status of the Nigerian girl is terribly poor essentially because she was denied education. She needs education to understand the wisdom in accepting family planning, which plays an essential role in reducing maternal mortality and in raising healthy children who are future leaders. The lackadaisical attitude of leaders to the adage that “prevention is better than cure” and “Education for a girl is education for the nation” has left Nigeria with intractable problems on all fronts. The girl-child, who loses the core right of being educated at a tender age, loses all other rights of reproductive health, economic empowerment, political participation, protection against violence and all forms of discrimination. It is, therefore, quite disheartening that in the 21th century, the Nigerian girl-child has nothing to boast of, having lost all her rights from the on set. It is unimaginable that while the Nigerian girl is confronted with early child marriage, her counterpart in developed countries is exposed to functional education in science and technology couched in computer literacy. Gender Violence The girl-child suffers physical, sexual and psychological violence. She is subjected to physical beating more than her male counterpart, and sexual abuse such as rape by the houseboy, driver, and gardener or forced into early marriage without her consent. In war situations, she is a victim of rape. With the various manifestations of physical and sexual violence, she is psychologically devastated. Lending credence to the aforestated, Musa (2008) remarks that in academic communities, the most prevalent form of gender violence is sexual harassment accompanied with rape and intimidation. In offices and places of work, a great deal of intimidation and subtle sexual harassment also occurs (Nosike, 996, Ganny, I 99 Musa, 1998). Media The mass media have not sincerely addressed issues which affect the girl-child and women in general. They still perpetuate the stereotypes and trivialize issues about women. The media have not significantly changed the— societal misconceptions and prejudices against the girl—child, hence her low status in the 21st century. Corroborating this point FabUkozor (2006) submits: “The world news media including Nigerian press have failed in their ethical responsibility to promote the cause of women by not giving women issues the attention they deserve”. Ikem (1998) makes it blunt: “As long as newspapers and magazines are controlled by men, every woman must write articles which are reflections of men’s ideas. As long as that continues, women’s ideas and deepest convictions will never get before the public”. She adds that “the notion is still apt today” and writing in the women’s page is “a dumping ground for anything the male editors consider women’s story”. The mass media account for the poor status of the Nigerian girl-child due to their inadequate and negative portrayal of women, mostly in their domestic, motherhood and sex roles. Obviously, such reports which degrade the status of the female child only further weaken her resolve to gird up her loin and actualize her potentials for a fulfilled life. She is certainly not encouraged and inspired by the way women are portrayed in bad light. Udegbe (1996) expresses concern about the inaccurate perception of women by the media, which portray them as dependent, product users, domestic minded, sex objects in advertisements and unlikely to be portrayed as experts or holding paid jobs, while the men are portrayed as more active. Independent, and professional than females. (To be continued)

“Even though it is widely acknowledged that education facilitates the socio-economic and political development of a country, Nigeria is yet to truly grasp the reality of the enormous benefits of ensuring the education of the girl-child. One major area in which the girl—child and women are oppressed is that they do not have equal access to education as their male counterparts.”




Knowing Your Husband HAVING a family and coming from a family is the most beautiful thing in the world. Family is the oldest institution in the world, ordained by God and is God’s desire that every family of the world live in harmony, love and peaceful. Love is the foundation on which family is built. In the Bible, God instructed the man love your wife while the wife be submissive to your own husband. Loving your wife is not based on any condition. That is how to have marital bliss, both wife and husband need to respect and understand each make-up, the chemistry that make up that individual, many homes have broken because spouses have failed to understand and respect the make-up of their partners. On the other hand, some wives don’t know what it means to be wives, likewise some husbands. In this write-up we

will look at what wives heart is through his should know about stomach. Men love

food a lot. As a wise wife, who want her man to dance to her tune must know and understand that no man will refuse a good

Motherhood With Chelson SMS 08023457637

dish, food are of different varieties, give him varieties and delicious food, ensuring it is served on

“Understand that men are naturally created to love and they don’t want excuses or story when and how they want it from their wives. When they want it, they want it now and no postponement except for a few disciplined ones.” their husband. The first thing a wife should know is understanding the make-up of a man, how, what and who he is created to be. Men are very simple if the wife is wise, for a wise woman builds her home while the foolish wife destroy it. Know that men are created to work and they love working. A man is unhappy when he is not working. So, do not disturb or delay your man when he is working or going to work and support him when he is not, make him happy. There is a saying that the road to a man’s

time and well prepared with love. Understand that men are naturally created to love sex and they don’t want excuses or story when and how they want it from their wives. When they want it, they want it now and no postponement except for a few disciplined ones. Men throw away reason at times when they want it that is why any excuse falls on deaf ears. A wife must know, understand and accept this and try her best to satisfy her husband sexually whenever he wants, needs her. Men want to be

honoured as kings from their wives. They want to be introduced in public by their wives as king. In the bedroom, honour him as owner, sitting room as lord, at dinning table served him as king, no visitor deserves better honour than your husband, serve him yourself, better food, meat and drink. Every wise woman must give honour and respect to her husband for peace to reign. Respect him in obedience, that is where submission come to play. Learn to keep quiet when he is talking and apologize when he is offended. Appreciate your husband by saying words that are pleasing, words of thank you for men love to hear their wives say it. Thank him for everything and anything even when he says it is his responsibility to discharge. Never wait to thank him until you want something or done something for you. When you thank him for everything and even the ones yet undone, his head will swell up to do more.

“Men are very simple if the wife is wise, for a wise woman builds her home while the foolish wife destroy it. Know that men are created to work and they love working. A man is unhappy when he is not working.”




How To Build Marital Bliss By EMMANUEL OKOGBA O.

WE fall in love, get married, have children and raise a family. Over the years, love deepens, the bond strengthens, but our feeling of marital satisfaction waxes and wanes. During the “bad times,” there is more arguing and blaming, less sharing and touching, fewer moments of joy and appreciation. But we weather the storms, and some 50 percent of us do stay married. What most couples don’t realize, says marriage experts, is that there are things they can do to ensure better times than worse, to make riding out the storms smoother and easier. Marriage is like a beautiful garden, says Renee Colclough Hinson, Ph.D., Executive Director of The Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment. “It requires skill and constant attention. If tended to, it will thrive, but if neglected, it will wither and die.” IT TAKES WORK FOR ALL OF US “You mean I have to work at it?” Yes! “There is no couple that doesn’t have to work hard at improving their relationship,” says Sallie Foley, MSW, author of Sex Matters for Women and an instructor at the University of Michigan. Believing that the good times will continue to roll on their own is setup for disappointment and disillusionment, she adds. The fact is that all marriages have problems that cause conflict and strain the relationship. Among the most common problems are: Money: There never seems to be enough, or if there is,

one person is upset about how the other spends it. Sex: It’s the reason 45 percent of couples seek marriage counseling. Usually, one partner desires sex more often and on different terms than the other. Work: Partners have different role expectations about who does what within and outside of the home. Children: Couples may disagree over how to raise

John Gottman, University of Washington psychology professor and founder of The Gottman Institute, has videotaped more than 3,000 couples to try and isolate the conditions that make relationships thrive or fail. He’s found that when discussing a problem, an unhappy couple starts out by criticizing a partner’s behavior. Then comes an attack on the partner’s personality or character, followed by expressions of contempt — a particularly corrosive factor. Naturally, the attacked partner goes on the defensive,

has found. For instance, they draw on humor to relieve tension and pepper the conversation with expressions of affection to maintain calm. GOOD COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Don’t despair if you don’t communicate like one of Gottman’s happy couples. You can learn the tricks of the trade — so to speak — says Colclough Hinson. To see how good communications can help solve marital problems, let’s con-

and discipline children. POSITIVE COMMUNICATORS FARE BEST These problems won’t lead to marital meltdown if you can talk about them constructively with your partner.

prompting a counterattack. A fight ensues, and needless to say, the problem is neither directly addressed nor solved. By contrast, happy couples use five times more positive behaviors in their arguments than negative ones, Gottman

sider a typical cause of friction, i.e., the wife feels her workload has become too great and she wants her spouse to help out with the kids. Here’s What You Should Do:


elationship With CHELSON SMS: 08023457637

Send “I” Messages. A good example is: “I’m concerned about the current state of affairs at home. Can we set aside some time to discuss our roles, responsibilities and chores around the house?” “You” statements are demanding, critical and controlling, but “I” statements are self-revealing and invite real listening and understanding, notes Colclough Hinson. When you ask to set aside a mutu-

ally agreed time to talk, you are showing sensitivity to the other’s need — now may not be the best time for him to talk. Furthermore, you both make a commitment to focus attention on the problem in the near fu-

ture. Be Empathetic. Listen to your partner and give empathetic responses to the content of the message you’re receiving. “I understand that you feel you are being taken for granted because you do most of the work with the kids. I’d like to help reduce your burden.” The point is to be thoughtful about how you respond. It could be a statement of acknowledgement — “What you are saying is” an affectionate touch of the hand, or a sincere look. In short, you want to convey to your partner that you care and can see the problem through her or his eyes. Think It Through. Come up with a solution you both can accept. This action will reinforce shared decisionmaking. Be sure to discuss the obstacles that may thwart achieving the solution and develop strategies to work around them. For instance, suppose you agree to put the kids to bed three nights a week but find that you have to work late on one of your “on” nights. What will you do? Provide Feedback. “I really appreciate it when you put the kids to bed. I don’t feel like I have sole responsibility for the care of the children.” Positive feedback will encourage your partner to stick with the solution. The next time you want to work out a problem with your spouse, consider following the steps above. They’ll keep a difficult-tohave conversation from sliding into negativity — the ruin of more than one relationship.

“Marriage is like a beautiful garden, says Renee Colclough Hinson, Ph.D., Executive Director of The Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment. “It requires skill and constant attention. If tended to, it will thrive, but if neglected, it will wither and die.”





OR nearly four months now students of Nigeria universities have been at home following the strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities

which components including the retirement age of lecturers had been met, the secretary to the government of the federation senator Ayim Pius Ayim and the minister of Labour and

of the striking lecturers earned allowances. He explained further that in line with the said agreement, the earned allowances were supposed to be paid by the lecturers’ respective

Politics And With


ASUU Strike: Who Will S

Productivity Mr. Emeka (ASUU). The strike which the Wogu had made frantic union called on July 1, and unsuccessful efforts to 2013 over alleged non- cause the striking lecturers implementation of the rescind their decision. The union had also 2009 ASUU/Federal Government Agreement is rejected appeals from Vice still raging with no end in President Lamiadi Sambo sight following the to return to classes with that adamance displayed by assurances ASUU members toward government would do the federal government more in the areas of infrastructure offers to end the strike. In fact, negotiations development of the between both parties have nation’s universities. Government’s position since broken down with ASUU members on the 2009 agreement and threatening not to meet the crippling ASUU strike with the Governor Gabriel was made clearer by Goodluck Suswam led NEEDS president Jonathan when he said assessment committee. According to ASUU, the during his September 29, government offer of N130 Presidential Media Chat billion as an incentive for that government was not them to call off the strike limiting its funding of the is a far cry from what they universities to the N100 agreed with the billion it has so far for the government in 2009 and released of contained in the 2012 development memorandum of infrastructure. The president revealed understanding it signed with the government on that the N30 billion his the implementation government released to strategy. ASUU is the vice chancellors was to demanding that the federal assist them in the payment government release the sum of N400 billion for the development of infrastructure in both federal and states owned universities and about N95 billion only for the payment of earned allowances for federal universities lecturers. They have vowed never to return to classes until their demands are met. On the side of the federal government, the amount it has offered so far was the much it could offer. Besides the Governor Suswam’s NEEDS Assessment committee assuring ASUU of government’s gradual implementation of the 2009 agreement, most of President Goodluck Jonathan

universities from their internally generated revenues. Although critics of the president had accused him by his comment of compounding the situation by not offering practical solutions to the current ASUU strike, others feel that ASUU was taking undue advantage of its influence as a powerful labour union to hold the nation’s education to ransom. Many including president Jonathan have accused ASUU of playing politics with the strike action in their refusal to shift any ground insisting that the federal government was trying to cause them to re-negotiate the 2009 deal which they are not ready for. To them, “an agreement is an agreement” and a deviation from that would constitute a serious breach that would have damaging effects on the advancement of the nation’s universities.

The question on the lips of many now including Nigeria students and victims of the ASUU strike and several others before the current one is that, how has the shutting down of the universities for four months now helped the educational advancement of our universities, how has it raised the standard of teaching and learning in our institutions of higher learning which the ASUU had by their frequent strike actions contributed in lowering. Many tend to agree with the popular opinion among Nigerians that ASUU had refused to call off the strike because they want their earned allowances paid before they can call it off. Nigerians are unable to reconcile the deft with which ASUU is alleging decay in infrastructure and the visible improvement in social and physical infrastructures in federal universities for some years now. If the states owned universities have not

Protesting students against ASUU strike correspondingly begun to enjoy such improvements should not be seen as good enough reasons to shut down our educational sector under the guise of a strike action. Like the president stated during the presidential media chat, the federal government had on its own volition set up the technical committee on state of infrastructure in the nation’s varsities which submitted its report upon which the NEEDS A s s e s s m e n t implementation committee was put in place. ASUU national president Mallam Nasir Isa Fagge had in his bid to justify the ongoing strike gave what he called decay in infrastructure as one of the reasons for the strike action. Not many will agree with ASUU on this point as they feel that ASUU should have first admitted the fact that there

had been significant improvement in infrastructure with new lecture halls, theatres, libraries, hostels for students dotting the landscapes of the universities. They contend that all this couldn’t have happened if not for the improvement in resource allocations to the varsities including donor funds such as PET Fund, Education Tax fund etc. They agree though that a lot still needs to be done in the area of infrastructure, they do not agree with the idea of a quick resort to strikes to arm twist the government as has become the fashion of ASUU members. A visit to the University of Benin where Professor Osayuki Oshodin holds sway as vice chancellor confirms this position where much academic infrastructures had sprang up in recent past. Some public commentators

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calls on the ASUU to call off the strike action, the lecturers have devised some lame dock strategies of street demonstrations to build a favourable public opinion through their

realize though regrettably is that in as much as Nigerians appreciate the essence of education in national development, they equally expect the government to be

resort to blackmail and outright appeal to fear of the adverse consequences the suspension of the strike action without government meeting their demands would have on the nation’s universities social/physical infrastructures. A protest of the Nnamdi Azikwe University branch of ASUU on Monday last week in Awka was one of such image laundry efforts by the lecturer when the ASUU Unizik branch Chairman Prof Ike Odunegwu lamented what he called ‘a situation where our rich people send their sick ones to India for medical treatment because our teaching hospitals are in shambles due to lack of proper funding is no longer acceptable. Continuing, he said “our government is budgeting N2.3 trillion for the building of a centenary village, but it can not release the sum of N400 billion to upgrade facilities in our public universities”. He missed the point because he failed to say anything about the poor attitude to work even by consultants in public health institutions who by so doing divert the frustrated patients to their private clinics. What the learned Professor perhaps didn’t

responsible enough to manage its scarce resources in such a manner that ensures justice and equity even for the less vocal sectors of the economy, like the farmers groups and those in the informal sectors who also require as much attention as ASUU is demanding but unlike ASUU, lack the capacity to hold government to ransom. This is not the time to play to the gallery. Let us face the real issues. Interestingly the students on whose behalf the striking lecturers claim to be embarking on the industrial action do not seem to be on the same page with them as they accused the lecturers of self serving motives oiled by volt envy of the robust earrings of political office holders, which they believe they equally deserve. The students’ position was made known in Kano on Tuesday during a protest by the National President of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Comrade Yinka Gbadebo. He urged ASUU members to reconsider their stance on the strike as most of the demands were not implementable. He therefore urged them to call off the strike while they dialogue with the government. NANS

position was informed by anger being expressed by students and parents of university students over their children’s continued stay at home over issues they feel could have been

the talks between ASUU and government brings to the fore the issue of university autonomy. The concept of autonomy of university which would confer some level of

Save These Students?

ing opposition al parties, had ted to play to the by asking the federal ment to fulfill its e’ as contained in reement as according m it tend to raise a question as to the e of fulfilling every e made. What are we aying? That even h the federal ment in the face of competing demands sources including the insecurity in the land has sapped the nation ould meet ASUU billion demand e it had agreed to do 009? This is the same nment that has hed nine new federal sities to take more s off the street. ASUU begin to see the before it and call off ke. The reality being vernment had moved s initial stance of no for ASUU members elease of N130 billion promise to release money in due course.

This has caused many Nigerians to begin to see ASUU as being the problem rather than the solution. The resort to strike action as a means of solving the problems of our university education, ananyst believe is not the way to go as the ‘failure’ by the government to fund the universities as demanded by ASUU and their resort to strike both constitute two wrongs that can not make a right. Apparently conscious of the growing apathy towards the strike action by both prominent and ordinary Nigerians through

• Dr. Fagge, ASUU President

resolved without a resort to strike action. With the huge financial burden incurred by the parents as a consequence of the industrial action by way of running rents for off campus accommodation, irregular academic calendar with students spending more than necessary number of years in school with adverse social and economic implications for the students and parents, the students voted no to the prolonged ASUU strike. The present deadlock on

adm inistrative/financial independence on the individual universities including labour issues should be encouraged as a way of promoting competitiveness among the various institutions. A situation whereby we have an octopus in the name ASUU with enormous powers to shut down the nation’s universities at the slightest provocation should be discouraged. Labour issues should be such that are peculiar to the individual universities under the autonomy regime.

“What the learned Professor perhaps didn’t realize though regrettably is that in as much as Nigerians appreciate the essence of education in national development, they equally expect the government to be responsible enough to manage its scarce resources in such a manner that ensures justice and equity even for the less vocal sectors of the economy, like the farmers groups and those in the informal sectors who also require as much attention as ASUU is demanding but unlike ASUU, lack the capacity to hold government to ransom.”





NE of the great blessings of being a Christian is the hope it gives. We know that this life is not the end. We are looking forward to much more when Jesus comes again. And Jesus is coming again. Are you ready for Him? Will you join us when He comes? You will if you have turned your heart to Jesus. The Thessalonians turned from idols to serve the living and true God. What has your religion done for you? Has it done anything for you? Some say, “Lets not mix religion with business”. Somebody else says, “Don’t mix religion with politics”. Others say, “Don’t mix religion with education”. Keep these things separate When you do business, do business not religion. When you are in politics, do politics, not religion. When you are in education, do education, not religion. By the way where do you think religion is practiced? Some people practice their religion only on Sunday. Is that going to do

Turn Around Religion

any good? Suppose they die on Wednesday and they have never practiced any religion on Wednesday. Will it help them then? There is much need for a turn-around religion, which will change you. What does your religion do for you? My religion will change you. It will get you going in the right direction. If you don’t have God, you won’t make it. In fact, the Bible talks about the end of the wicked as being a place of eternal torment. I don’t want you to go there. I want you to turn around now and go in the right direction. Paul had that same desire for the people of Macedonia when he wrote to them in 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10, “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance as ye know what manner of man we were among you for your sake. And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction,


unday Diet


“AND there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full”. The occupants of the ship cried out because their lives were threatened, “master, carest thou not that we perish”. Mark 4:37-38 In the boat, was also the Lord Jesus, who one could say did not see the danger being felt by His disciples, but rather He was at peace and hence He spake peace to the storm. “Peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm”. Mark 4:39. Beloved, so many people have committed suicide as a result of life-threatening situation they find themselves, which should not be the way-out of any challenge. We must never be

oblivious of the fact that dependence on man will not yield the desired result but if one looks unto God in prayers and fasting, God could raise a helper to solve the problem. Jere 17:5-6, Psalm 37:5 states “commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. Relying on Him is a choice that any one who desires to be free should exercise. He knows who really rely on Him. He never disappoints such people at their moment of needs. Beloved, the challenges of life could come in diverse ways. God could decide to cause it to happen for Him to manifest His great and Mighty power on Mankind In John 9:1-7, A man was

with joy of the Holy Spirit. So that ye were examples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God ward is spread abroad, so that we need not speak any thing. For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true

God. And to wait for His son from heaven whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come”. This test explains about turning from idols to serve the living and true God. In these verses the Apostle Paul shows us the RESULTS that come from the turn-around religion. Firstly, a new determination is the result which came to these Thessalonians believers




Paul said, “Our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance”. He came there with a message of power. He said, ‘You know what kind of men we were among you for your sakes”. The Gospel is a Gospel of power. When you have Jesus you have the power. But you must have Jesus. You must have the Gospel. You must have Holy Spirit. You will have the Holy Spirit once you have the Gospel because the Gospel is empowered by the Holy

Spirit. That turn-around religion will give you a new determination because it is the Gospel of power. That determination carries you through much affliction accompanied with the joy of the Holy Spirit. It is not an easy road, but it is a joyful road. It is a road full of pleasure and joy even if it is not an easy road. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back. That is what turn-around religion, will do for you.

“There is much need for a turn-around religion, which will change you. What does your religion do for you? My religion will change you. It will get you going in the right direction. If you don’t have God, you won’t make it. In fact, the Bible talks about the end of the wicked as being a place of eternal torment. I don’t want you to go there. I want you to turn around now and go in the right direction.”

Rely On The Lord In All Your Desires

reported to have been born blind. He did not see throughout his time as a child, a boy, until he became a man, when the Lord Jesus passed by and saw him. It is reported that neither the man nor the parents sinned to earn him the blindness that he had but he remained so as an assignment for the Lord Jesus to accomplish. There is no doubt that the healing of the blind man brought in fame and also show cased the mightiness of the Lord’s power. It became an eye-opener to many that he has creative

miracle power. Heb 13:8. In Isaiah 38:1-5. A king was sick and a prophet was sent to inform him of his imminent death. “Set the house in order, for thou shall die and not live”. (Verse 1). King Hezekiah cried to the Lord and reminded Him of his covenant with Him (verse 13) The only reliable God immediately directed His own prophet back to the king for an amnesty. “I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears;

behold I will add unto thy days fifteen years! We must not lose hope of life, no matter the situation as long as it is reverently committed to Him in prayers. Jehoshaphat’s invasion by three nations is another case in point that the Lord showcased that He has power to deal with any one who contend with those that put their trust on Him 2Chron 20:1-3, 15. His enemies were made to fight against one another for Jehoshaphat to be free.

“Relying on Him is a choice that any one who desires to be free should exercise. He knows who really rely on Him. He never disappoints such people at their moment of needs. Beloved, the challenges of life could come in diverse ways. God could decide to cause it to happen for Him to manifest His great and Mighty power on Mankind”

As long as one decides to put his trust on God, not on prince and Princess, the battle of life, though tough would be surmounted. Isaiah 43:2, Isaiah 45:2. There is no short cut to enjoying the good things of life without Jesus. He remains the vine and any branch that is not attached for nutrient will not survive. John 15:5. Beloved, the time we are in is a trying moment and anyone who desires to overcome must endeavour to endure in prayer at all time. We must endeavour to pray for His mercy and Grace to live a life of obedience if we are to enjoy His marvelous blessings. Let it be known that he knows all we are passing through and He has made a divine promise that He would be with us till the end. May His grace continually be upon us as the days go by. Remain blessed.




Fashion How To Take Care Of &Style

MAINTAINING your hair is relatively with the right kind of steps. Hair is made of protein, so keeping a healthy diet and good hygiene is an essential part of maintaining luscious locks. At the same time, here are some other things about hair care, and what you can do at home to get unbelievable beautiful hair. Wash Hair Sparingly With A Good Quality Shampoo: Many people insist that washing hair too often can leave hair dried out, leeched of its natural oils, and damage your hair. Shampoo your hair at most, every other day. Some people wash their hair only twice a week. Try shampoo that do not contain sulfates or parabens which are preservatives that cause irritation and eye problems after prolonged use. Both of these chemicals are not healthy for you or the environment, so try to use shampoo with natural cleansers. Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Don’t just go for any old shampoo; go for the shampoo that works for you! Curly or coarse hair probably wants frizzminimizing and softening shampoo. Straight or oily hair probably wants a gentle shampoo designed for daily washing. Colored or treated hair probably needs a shampoo that fortified with extracts or amino acids, because treating your hair is essentially damaging it.


Dry hair probably needs shampoo with glycerin and collagen to help restore some moisture into the hair. Use Conditioner Depending On Your Hair Type, Length And Treatment Damage: A good rule of thumb is to

and try a homemade solution, follow these steps for conditioning your hair probably based on hair type for fine hair. If you have very limp hair, try a botanical oil treatment before you shampoo. Use lavender or tea-tree oil, for example, and work it under

condition every time you shampoo your hair, although very processed or dyed hair probably needs a little more love than natural hair. Once a week, use a store-bought product, or venture on your own

your cuticles before shampooing. Wash shampoo away and apply conditioner from the midshaft down to the end. Leave in for a minute before washing for medium to thick hair. Use

Since hair is made of proteins, make sure that you eat a balanced diet, rich in lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet will ensure betterlooking, better-feeling hair.

a moisturizer with natural hydrators. Keep your conditioner light. Apply conditioner all over your hair and let stay for 2-3 minutes. Be careful about using products with too much protein. Too much protein can leave your hair feeling brittle. While protein is the building block of healthy hair, use conditioners that come with balanced ingredients. Frizz-control serum can be

used in small quantity to tame frizzes, make sure you do not use too much, and wash once a week with a deep-cleanse shampoo to avoid buildup, which will leave hair looking dull and flaky. Don’t Brush Your Hair Too Much: One more surprising habit of people with beautiful hair is their reluctance to use a brush. Many women and men prefer using a naturalfibre comb to detangle hair immediately after showering and only then taking one pass through. Brushing or stimulating the scalp can pull hair from the follicles, create split-ends, and irritation. Contrary to

the old wives’ tale giving your scalp a massage or 100 brushes a day will not stimulates hair growth. Let Hair Dry Naturally: After you get out of the shower, give your hair a quick pat-down, squeezing the hair gently between the towel. Do not rub the hair, this can weaken the follicle and make the hair brittle and dull. Afterwards, give your hair a quick brush-through to get rid of tangles and let your hair dry naturally. Try not to use a blow-drier healthy hair because it does not respond well to heat. Hair can sustain heat damage easily, especially from blow-driers. If you have to use a blow-drier, dry your hair using the lowest temperature setting and limit usage to once a week. If you shower before you sleep overnight, put your hair up in a bun and let it air-dry overnight. Your hair should be dry in the morning Treat Or Dye Your Hair Sparingly, If At All: Dyeing and treating your hair can take a lot out of it. People who opt for natural hair often don’t experience the same problem with dry, damaged, or overprocessed hair. If you do dye your hair, try it every once in a while. Take a break from dyeing and give your hair a little breather. It should respond favourably. Style Your Hair Naturally, Minimizing Styling Damage: Styling by itself won’t overly damage your hair, but repeated styling multiple times per week put some serious strain on the hair. Avoid perming, crimping, straightening, curling, and bleaching or colouring hair if at all possible. So you want to go out on Saturday night and need your hair straightened that’s fine. Just make it an occasional treat, not a permanent


thing. Don’t use rubber bands to pull back or otherwise style hair, rubber bands will encourage your hair to get snagged. Ripping it out of the follicle, try not to use hairstyles that tightly pin and pull the hair back. Styles such as cornrows or tight ponytails can cause damage at the roots, or put stress on the follicles. Instead, experience with up-dos a simple ponytail or chignon looks clean and requires very few hair products. You could also just keep your hair down and wear a headband. Remove Stress From Your Hair: Physical and mental stress will keep your hair from realizing its full potential stress on hair loss, so try not to let stress overcome you. This means finding healthy emotional outlets for your stress. Eat Healthy And Give Your Hair The Right Amount Of Vitamins: Since hair is made of proteins, make sure that you eat a balanced diet, rich in lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet will ensure better-looking, better-feeling hair. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C (Strengthens hair), iron (helps transport tissue), and omega-3 fatty acids (grows healthy hair). Give your hair some time to show new brilliance. What you eat will not have an immediate difference on the hair you already have, but it will help with hair that is newly growing. Trim Your Hair Regularly: The best way to get rid of split ends is to do it yourself Take some hair shears and attack the split ends about ¼ inch above the splitting. Many women with perfect hair have made it a priority to get their hair trimmed, or trim it themselves, every 68 weeks.



s h o W b i z




I Truly Miss Don Jazzy - D Banj

Don Jazzy


My Husband Does Not Care About My Romantic Roles - Mercy Aigbe The actress was not too long ago caught in

the web of scandal when she allegedly left her

husband at a party to do something else and later

showed up with a different dress after her husband started what was described as a “desperate” search for his wife. They have moved on after that saga and she is now talking love. She was asked recently how her husband reacts to her kissing and fondling roles in movies. This was what she said, “I don’t think he cares, because he knows it’s a make-believe sort of thing. There was even a film that I’m supposed to kiss somebody, and when he watched the film he told me that, I did not do it well. He said it was not done professionally. The only thing I cannot do is to act nude”.

Mercy Aigbe and husband

Pa Kasumu Recieves Aid From Lagos State Governor LAGOS State Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola has responded to the cry of ailing veteran actor, Kayode Odumosu popularly known as Pa Kasumu, who has been battling with serious liver and heart related ailments for a while now and in des-

perate need of N12 million. According to a source, the governor has taken up his treatment after watching Pa Kasumu’s interview on channels TV. When asked the exact amount the governor was planning to donate to Pa Kasumu, the source

Fashola, Lagos State Governor

said “it is not a specific amount at the moment. He will first be examined by medical experts who will do a proper evaluation of his health status and make recommendations as to the exact treatment he will receive. The fact at the moment is that everything he

Pa Kasumu

needs will be catered for by the state government”.

D’banj Don Jazzy, without mincing words, dominated the music scene for nine years before the relationship went sour and they went their separate ways. Now, they have formed individual group, D’banjDB Records, Don JazzyMavin Record, but something still seems to be connecting them together. In a recent interview, D’banj confessed that he really missed Don Jazzy whom he had spent the better part of his career with. He said “if I say I don’t miss Don Jazzy, I’m lying. I have spent the better part of my career with him. I was married to him in a way. So I miss everything about

MoHits: the family, the movement, and the vibe of being in the studio with him. I miss the jokes and the arguments, but I have since keyed into the notion that nothing can stop a moving train. Nevertheless we can always do music together. The track ‘top of the World’ was produced by a Grammy Award winner. The songs ‘Finally’ and ‘Don’t Tell Me Nonsense’ was produced by my producer while ‘Oliver Twist’ was produced by Don Jazzy. So why won’t I have him on my 10 years anniversary album?”

Kcee Announces New Album, Sets Release Date Limpopo and Okoso crooner Kcee has joined the band wagon of album releasers for 2013. The former star Quest Music talent Hunt competition winner and member of the group KC Presh announced on his

Instagram page that the album will drop 1st of November 2013. Chart topper “Okoso”, “Pull over” and “monster” hit “Limpopo” will feature on the album.

Album Cover Kcee

Nollywood Actress, Dakore Akande Pregnant With Second Child

The actress was one of the people that hosted the Nollywood’s Award ceremony where she showed

Dakore and Husband

off her growing bump. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Akande.






Fela Anikulapokuti, Bob Marley Unite At Felabration 2013

KYMANI Marley, Femi Kuti will both be performing at this year’s Felabration. This year’s Felabration will be celebrating not one but two legendary musicians Organizers have announced that Kymani Marley, son of Reggae music legend, Bob Marley is one of the top acts for this year’s festival. He will join Fela’s son, Afrobeat maestro Femi Kuti as headliner. Other headliners include Fuji icon KWAM1, pop icon 2face Idibia and best selling rapper M.I. The theme of Felabration 2013 is “Movement of the People”. The annual international festival instituted to celebrate the life times and music of Afrobeat creator Fela Anikulapo kuti kicked off on Monday, October 14, 2013 with a symposium titled: “movement of the

people: the Fela/Bob Marley perspective”. On Tuesday, October 15, the music segment proper of

the festival held at the New Afrika shine, IkeJa, Lagos. on Saturday 19, 2013 a street carnival was


GLOBAL BUZZ Chaka Khan: Still

Looking Good At 60 YVETTE Marie Stevens a.k.a Chaka Khan turned 60 in March 2013 but age doesn’t seem to be holding the diva back. The US Grammy award winning singer – song writer was in Lagos recently where she performed at the “Love Music Love Life Luxury Concert” alongside Angelique Kidjo. Rocking her customary curly mane, she rocked a black low bodie top on a pair of black pants held together with leather waist belt. Looking sultry, she gave it her all on stage as

R. Kelly’s upcoming 12th studio album, Black panties, has been pushed

Femi Kuti

Kymani Marley

ria and beyond for his distinctive rap and smooth delivery on the mic. And the Ogun state


born rapper who participated in the 2013 Hennessy Artistry wants to take on the king of New York, Roc-A-Fella boss, Jay Z to a freestyle battle. In a recent interview, when asked what he would tell Jay-z if he had a moment with him, vector said “I will really like to freestyle with him. I hear he doesn’t write in the studio and that’s cool but some where in my head I’m thinking we can out do that guy. I’d like for him to see that hip-hop for Naija no be beans”.

Olamide Postpones Album Release Because Of Samklef RAVE of the year Olamide a.k.a “Badoo” showed the depth of the relationship he had with music producer cum singer Samklef when he postponed the release of his album “Baddest Guy Ever liveth” because Samklef was launching the same day. Olamide tweeted his reasons for postponing the album which he claims was due to his old buddy Samklef’s album: 4KP: The Gift of God which was to drop the same day with his. He will now fix a new date for his own. Olamide is expected to

release “Baddest Guy Ever Liveth” by the end of the year.

she performed hit songs like “Ain’t nobody”, “I’m every woman”, “Through the wire” and more.

Chaka Khan

to me. I wouldn’t say it has been challenging though I have gone through a lot of experiences that made me a wise, good and a loving father. I like a woman with a great sense of humour; that’s very important to me. And of course, she has to be very attractive and intelligent. Above everything else she should have a close relationship with God because that’s very important to me as well. That’s exactly why I am yet to get married. I want to be successful in my marriage just as I am in my career”.

back a month. It will now arrive on December 10th via RCA Records. As previously reported, the album was due November 11th but last minute tweaks in the mastering process has led to the new date, a representative for the singer confirmed. While the track list has yet to be confirmed. R. Kelly released the first single “My Story” this past summer, an autobiographical rags-to-riches song that features 2 chainz.

R. Kelly

Kim K’s Engagement Ring From Kris Humphries Auctioned At $620k


Why Actor Kalu Ikeagwu Is Yet To Marry When questioned on why he is still in the bachelorhood, the actor had this to say “Do I want to get married? Yes. But that would be when I find the right person; I mean that person I love so much and want to spend the rest of my life with; that is when I’ll settle down. The reason I am not married now is that: marriage is very important to me. I have come to terms with the fact that marriage is the most important institution from God. And I take that very seriously. Ultimately, I would like my relationship with my wife to be like that between God and the church; that’s why it is important

GSM: 08163121378

R.Kelly’s “Black Panties” Gets Pushed Back

Nigerian Rappers Can Outdo JayZ In A Freestyle Session - Vector PROLIFIC Nigerian rapper, Olanrewaju Ogunmefun otherwise known as Vector the Viper, is renowed in Nige-

held on the streets of IkeJa, Lagos. While the high point of this year’s festival will be today.

Sunday, October 20 with the performance of Femi Kuti and Kymani Marley on the same stage.


KIM Kardashian’s engagement ring from ex-husband Kris Humphries has been sold at auction for $620,000. The ring which Kim paid for herself, but weirdly returned to Kris after she broke up with him was sold at a Christie’s auction in NYC. The unknown buyer bought the Lorraine Schwartz creation, which features a 16.21 – carat center diamond and two 1.8 – carat side diamonds for a total of $749,000, which is plus tax. The amount is a signifi-

cant drop from the ring’s initial reported worth of $2 million.

Khris & Kim

US Rapper Wale Folarin Coming To Nigeria US based Nigerian born rapper Wale Folarin announced via twitter that he



is due for a home coming in November. This visit is coming on the heels of a recent collaboration between himself and Starboy Wizkid on a track titled ‘Drop’. The rapper who has never been to Nigeria might just be coming only for a show. But many are keeping their fingers crossed in anticipation and hoping that he truly comes so they can behold the Nigerian who is making waves and rolling with the likes of Rick Ross, Drake, Lil Wanyne and co in Obama’s country.




Perspective How To Manage Your Time By FAVOUR NOSAKHARE


HESE days, time seems to be at a premium. We have devices that keep us constantly connencted with work, with friend and family, and sometimes even with complete strangers, as a result, it’s easy to get distracted. If you’re like most of us, you have a lot to accomplish, I’ll show you a great way to do just that! Prepare yourself first, by taking 30 minutes of your time to fix yourself something to eat and relax: then make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish. But before you can manage your time, you need to know what it is you must manage. A list of tasks, from the mundane to the critical, will help you get a handle on what needs to be done. Assign realistic priorities to each task. Priority 1: due today by 6pm Priority 2: due tomorrow by 6pm Priority 3: due by the end of the week Priority 4: due during next week. You can further prioritize tasks within this grouping by adding a decimal place. For example, a priority 1.0 task needs to be done immediately, where as a priority 1.5 task simply needs to be done by the end of day. Balance Your Effort: work on small portions everyday that will be due by the end of the week, starting with the most important tasks first. Today’s tasks, concentrate on what is at hand, do not

allow yourself to lose focus. Then move on to the next daily task. Once today’s tasks are completed, mark them as such, and proceed to tomorrow’s tasks, when tomorrow’s tasks are complete, work on the tasks due early next week. A small portion of each is better than one huge, laborious task and this will keep your time managed more efficiently and reduce stress and eliminate burn out, make one of your final daily tasks the completion of tomorrow’s task list. Each day should be ended with a new task sheet for tomorrow to keep you on track. Focus On Your Most Productive Time Of Day: some people work better in the morning, and some are more focused in the evening. Manage Time In Increments: play a game with yourself by competing against the clock. Work in fifteen minutes, half hour or intervals, scientifically it is known that 45 minutes work followed by a 10 minutes rest is the best for the average studies. Give yourself a time goal to complete a portion of a task or the entire task. Take a Break: clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus, Decide before hand on a 5, 10 or 15 minutes break and stick to that decision, Breaks provide incentive by giving you something to look forward to having. Keep Track Of Your Progress: cross things off the list as they are completed. You’ll feel more relieved and relaxed just by getting through the daily tasks. Not only will you be

“Sometimes, it may seem that there is not enough time to do everything that you need to. This can lead to a build up of stress. When revising for examinations or during your final year when you have to combine the pressures of intensive study with finding time to apply for jobs, good management of your time can be particularly important.”

getting things done, finishing tasks will give you a sense of accomplishments and spur motivation. Reaccess the list: rewrite and prioritize your list on a regular basis. Add new tasks to the list. This should be done on a daily basis, especially when you are just getting started with a time management regimen. Eliminate or adjust tasks that are completed, or fall in priority. Delegate tasks to others. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to do it all. You can be much more effective if you can delegate task as necessary. Use technology to complete tasks more quickly, efficiently or accurately. Today’s mobile technology features dozens; if not hundreds of apps that will help you manage and even accomplish your tasks efficiently. Leave Time For Fun: while there are times when we just need to power through a large project, it’s important to give yourself time to let loose. Not only will it refresh your mind, it’s good for your body, too. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time but make sure that you do! Sleep For 6-8 Hours Every Night: getting the proper amount of sleep will help keep you alert and energetic able to think clearly and function at a high level. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY It’s important that you develop effective strategies for managing your time to balance the conflicting demands of time for study, Leisure, earning money and job hunting. Time management skills are valuable in job-hunting, but also in many other aspect of life, from revising for examinations to working in a vacation job. Sometimes, it may seem that there is not enough time to do everything that you need to. This can lead to a build up of stress. When revising for examinations or during your final year when you have to combine the pressures of intensive study with finding time to apply for jobs, good management of your time can be particularly important. Once we have identified ways in which we can improve the management of our time, we can begin to adjust our routines and patterns of behaviours to reduce any time-related stress in our lives.


AVE you decided to meet new people, but you are shy or don’t know how to make the first moves? If you see somebody you think might be interesting, and want to strike up a conversation, I will show you a few tips on how to break the ice. Conversing At A Party Or Club 1. Be casual: everyday is the mood for a good time, and unless they are wearing a scrowl that says, “Don’t even think about invading my personal space”. The person you want to talk to is probably in the same mood. 2. Catch their eye: if its possible, try and make eye contact, if you do. You’re off to a good start. Smile warmly and make your way towards them. if you can’t catch their eye, work your way over to where they’re standing, touch them gently on the shoulder as you cross in front of them, if there’s somebody already standing in front of them, stand beside them. 3. Say something: it doesn’t matter what you say to get the conversation started. Its more about how you say it. If you can deliver the best opening line in the world with confidence, go for it. If not, stick to something more basic. Such as “Hi my name, Mark”. And offer to shake hands. 4. Start basic: talk about how you ended up at the party and ask them how they came to be there too. If the weather is remarkable. Remark over it, but don’t dwell. Weather conversation are generally short, boring and indicate that you don’t have much to say. 5. Find out what interests the other party: what sports and hobbies do they enjoy? What classes are they taking and what’s the end result? (Degree, job etc.) 6. Listen: this is the key to good conversation, being able to truly listen to the other person and asking questions about the things that interests them is not just a great way to make conversation. You may end up with a new friend as well. 7. Let the other person ask about you: volunteer things like your name, and anything that’s a good conversation starter such as “Hi my names are Ebuka. But I broke my arm while rock climbing last weekend”. If there is something you happen to share with the other person – a sport, a love of food, a favorite political candidate by all means, share the goal is not to be silent. Just do not introduce yourself to somebody for the sole purpose of talking about yourself. Conversing In A Public Place 1. Be selective: in public places, especially in larger cities, people are generally wary of strangers coming up to them with a big smile. “what are they selling”? is usually the first question on

How To Start A Conversation With A Stranger By EBUKA AZUBUEZE their mind what do they want? Are they muggers? Missionaries?” some or all of these question may run through their mind as you approach them, so think before you act. If it is somebody who you see often, whether during break, on a subway platform, or on the street where you work-try and make eye contact without being too obvious about it (i.e. Don’t stare!) make eye contact, smile in a friendly way, and then do whatever it is you were doing in the first place. Unless you are playing with the tips of a knife as you make eye contact and smile, this will establish you in the friendly category. Make Eye Contact Before You Approach: because people are more wary in public places. If you come up behind them or they don’t see you behind them or they don’t see you approach. You could startle them. But make your friendly intentions clear. You diffuse any possible tension that could arise. Save your best pickup lines for the bar. Say something light, humorous, or topical to first break the ice. For example, “Hi, my name is Ruth. I work over at smithers and Burns and notice you are here often, do you work in the neighbourhood? It’s simple, direct and is open-ended enough to get a response, which can range from “Leave me alone”. To, Hi, I’m goho! I have seen you here too. Would you like to have a seat? Ask about what brings them to the same place as you on a regular basis: chances are there are a lot of shared interests. Just waiting to be uncovered. Ask leading questions and listen well to the responses. Conversing At A Music Venue Talk about the music: a good time to make your approach is between the opening act and the headliner. You can ask how they liked the opening band, or if you think they’re a good match for headliner. Ask them if they go to a lot of concerts, or if it was special, they could be avid

concert goers or following band, or may even personally know people in one of the bands. Chances are good that they will know a lot about the band or bands on stage. Ask about other music: Find out what they like, Musically and who their favourite artists are. You can say things like “I think the guitarist is pretty good, but I like the guy from “stapled far drum” better. Make eye contact: Much like being at a party or club, try to make eye contact, but if that is not successful, don’t be afraid to just walkup to somebody and introduce yourself. If it doesn’t work out Be aware: Look for signs, some more obvious than others, that your conversation is going somewhere. If there’s no connection, you will recognize that instinctively. You will receive monosyllabic answers like “oh”, hi” when you introduce yourself or a glib response like, “Not much”. When you ask them what’s going on. If the person you want to talk to doesn’t seem like they’re interested in talking back, then don’t force it. It could be that they’re just having a terrible day. Or it could mean they just don’t want to chat with you. If they are clearly distracted, looking for somebody or something, you have either picked the wrong time to make an introduction. Or they are trying to suggest you leave them alone, without them having to force them to actually tell you they are not interested. If you sense any of that, excuse yourself, wish them well and be on your way. If you still hope to strike up a conversation with this person, the better you are able to key in on their moods and looks, the more likely it is you’ll be successful next time you make your approach. 2. Know when to fold em: If nothing is working, try again at a later date. If you get a similar or more hostile response the second time, do not make a third attempt. After two attempts, the person has a pretty clear idea that you’re interested in talking to them. Let them make the next move.

“If they are clearly distracted, looking for somebody or something, you have either picked the wrong time to make an introduction. Or they are trying to suggest you leave them alone, without them having to force them to actually tell you they are not interested.”




Human Angle Below are 20 wise marriage tips from a man that was recently divorced. You wouldn’t normally think that a divorced man would give good advice on being a husband, but this man has been through enough hardship -to know what is worth fighting for MARRIAGE ADVICE I you wanted or not. 6) Take full accountability WISH 1 WOULD HAVE for your own emotions: It’s HAD: Obviously, I’m not a not your wife’s job to make relationship expert. But you happy, and she can’t there’s something about my make you sad. You are divorce being finalized this responsible for finding your week that gives me own happiness, and through perspective of things which that your joy will spill over I would have done different... into your relationship and After losing a woman that I your love. 7) Never blame your wife, loved, and a marriage of If you get frustrated or angry

she’s upset, stand present and strong and let her know you aren’t going anywhere. Listen to what she is really saying behind the words and emotion. 9) Be silly.., don’t take yourself so damn seriously. Laugh. And make - her laugh. Laughter makes everything else easier 10) Fill her soul everyday.., learn her love languages and the specific ways that she feels important and validated and cherished. Ask her to create a list of 10 things that make her feel loved and

to take time to nurture herself. Sometimes she will need to fly from your branches to go and find what feeds her soul, and if you give her that space she will come back with new songs to sing... Okay getting a little too poetic here, but you get the point. Tell her to take time for herself, especially after you have kids. She needs that space to renew and get re-centered, and to find herself after she gets lost in serving you, the kids and the world. 15) Be vulnerable.., you

mask around her, and show up perfect all the time, you will never experience the full dimension of what love can be. 17) Never stop growing together.. The stagnant pond breeds malaria, the flowing stream is always fresh and cool Atrophy is the natural process when you stop working a muscle, just as it is if you stop working on your relationship. Find common goals, dreams and visions to work towards. 18,) Don’t worry about money. Money is a game,

Always choose love. Always choose love. In the end, this is the only advice you need. If this is the guiding principle through which all your choices is governed, there is nothing that will threaten the happiness of your marriage. Love will always endure. In the end marriage isn’t about happily ever after. It’s about work. And a commitment to grow together and a willingness to continually invest in creating something that can endure eternity. Through that work, the happiness will come.

at her, it is only because it is triggering something inside of you. They are your emotions, and your responsibility. When you feel those feelings take time to get present and to look within and understand what it is inside of you that is asking to be

memorize those things and make it a priority everyday to make her feel like a queen. 11) Be present. Give her not only your time, but your focus, your attention and your soul. Do whatever it takes to clear your head so

don’t have to have it all together. Be willing to share your fears and feelings, and quick to acknowledge your mistakes. 16) Be fully transparent. If you want to have trust, you must be willing to share everything. Especially those

find ways to work together as a team to win it. It never helps when teammates fight. Figure out ways to leverage both persons strength to win. 19) Forgive immediately and focus on the future rather than carrying weight

healed. You were attracted to this woman because she was the person best suited to trigger all of your childhood wounds in the most painful way so that you could heal them. When you heal yourself, you will no longer be triggered by her, and you will wonder why you ever were. Allow your woman to just be. When she’s sad or upset, it’s not your job to fix it, it’s your job to hold her and let her know it’s Ok. Let her know that you hear her, and that she’s important and that you are that pillar on which she can always lean. The feminine spirit is about change and emotion and like a storm her emotions will roll in and out, and as you remain strong and unjudging she will trust you and open her soul to you. Don’t run-away when

that when you are with her you are fully with her. Treat her as you would your most valuable client. She is. 12) Be willing to take her sexually to carry her away in the power of your masculine presence, to consume her and devour her with your strength, and to penetrate her to the deepest levels of her soul. Let her melt into her feminine softness as she knows she can trust you fully 13) Don’t be an idiot.... And don’t be afraid of being one either. You will make mistakes and so will she. Try not to make too big of mistakes, and learn from the ones you do make. You’re not supposed to be perfect, just try not to be too stupid. 14) Give her space... The woman is so good at giving and giving, and sometimes she will need to be reminded

things you don’t want to share. It takes courage to fully love, to fully open your heart and let her in when you don’t know if she will like what she finds. .. Part of that courage is allowing her to love you completely, your darkness as well as your light. Drop the mask... if you feel like you need to wear a

from the past. Don’t let your history hold you hostage. Holding onto past mistakes that either you or she makes, is like a heavy anchor to your marriage and will hold you back. Forgiveness is freedom. Cut the anchor loose and always choose love. 20) Always choose love.

Marriage is life, and it will bring ups and downs. Embracing all of the cycles and learning to learn from and love each experience will bring the strength and perspective to keep building one brick at a time. These are lessons I learned the hard way. These are lessons I learned too late. But these are lessons I am learning and committed in carrying forward. Truth is, I loved being married, and in time, I will get married again, and when I do, I will build it with a foundation that will endure any storm and any amount of time. If you are reading this and find wisdom in my pain, share it to those young husbands whose hearts are still full of hope, and with those couples you may know who may have forgotten how to love. One of those men may be like I was, and in these hard earned lessons perhaps something will awaken in him and he will learn to be the man his lady has been waiting for. The woman that told him ‘I do’, and trusted her life with him, has been waiting for this man to step up., If you are reading this and your marriage isn’t what you want it to be, take 100% responsibility for your part in marriage, regardless of where your spouse is at, and commit to applying these lessons while there is time. Men- this is your charge: Commit to being an epic lover. There is no greater challenge, and no greater prize. Your woman deserves that from you. Be the type of husband your wife can’t help but brag about.

Confession Of A Divorcee

almost 16 years, here’s the advice I wish I would have had… 1) Never stop courting; Never stop dating. Never ever take that woman for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you promised to be that man that would own her heart and to fiercely protect it: This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with. She chose you. Never forget that, and never get lazy in your love. 2) Protect your own heart. Just as you committed to being the protector of her heart, you must guard your own with the same vigilance. Love yourself fully, love the world openly but there is a special place in your heart where no one must enter except your wife. Keep that space always ready to receive her and invite her in, and refuse to let anyone or anything else enter there. 3) Fall in love over and over and over again. You will constantly change. You’re not the same people you were when you got married, and in five years you will not be the same person you are today, change will come, and in that you have to re-choose each other everyday. She doesn’t have to stay with you, and if you don’t take care of her heart she may give that heart to someone else or seal you out completely, and you may never be able to get it back Always fight to win her love just as you did when you were courting her. 4) Always see the best in her. Focus only on what you love. What you focus on will expand. If you focus on what bugs you, all you will see is reasons to be bugged. If you focus on what you love, you can’t help but be consumed by love. Focus to the point where you can no longer see anything but love, and you know without a doubt that you are the luckiest man on earth to have this woman as your wife 5) It’s not your job to change or fix her... your job is to love her as she is with no expectation of her ever changing. And if she changes, love what she becomes, whether it’s what

“If you are reading this and find wisdom in my pain, share it to those young husbands whose hearts are still full of hope, and with those couples you may know who may have forgotten how to love. One of those men may be like I was, and in these hard earned lessons perhaps something will awaken in him and he will learn to be the man his lady has been waiting for.”



Continued from previous story

SHE then narrated her story to him. He promised to help her in return for something. He asked her what she would give him if he helped her spine the straws into gold, she answered and said she will give him anything he asked from her. He asked her to close her eyes. When she closed her eyes with his magical power he turned the whole straws in the room into gold. When he was through with all of it he then told her to open her eyes and to her greatest amazement the room became full of gold. She was now very happy. He left and promised to come back to collect his reward any time he wants to. When the king came in the morning, which was after the third day to see if she had spined the straws. He was surprised that the room full of straw had been turned into gold overnight. He became very happy with her because she had made him have lots of gold. This made him fall in love with her and asked her to marry him. They got married, she became the queen after a while she got pregnant and gave birth to a very handsome baby boy. She was so fond of her baby and never stay away from him for a moment. One evening as she was playing with her baby in her arms the man that helped her turn those straws into gold came and demanded she should give her baby to him. She asked why, he then reminded her that he has come to collect his reward for the help he gave to her. The queen love her baby so much she could not give him the baby as a reward, she asked him to name some thing else. She offered to give him riches, anything else but not her baby. He left without accepting anything but promised to come back for the baby. Another evening he came to make the same demand. The queen pleaded with him to


Story Time accept other valuable things he refused them all again. and it was a secret between him and the

and city to city collecting people’s names was on his way back to the palace got tired after a tedious

She read out the name from the book her servant gave to her and immediately the man turned into a tree. That was the end of Rompel stilt skine. The queen and

Rompelstiltskine By ROSELINE BINITIE

queen. After much pleading by the queen again, he promised to leave her and the baby in peace if she could tell him his name and gave her a period of seven days to complete the assignment. With this, the queen sent almost all the servants in the palace to go to both far and near villages, towns and cities to bring all the names of the people to her. They all left to search for names. They wrote down all the names they were told on paper and went back to the palace to deliver them to the queen. Before the day he gave, he was still going there each day to know if she has gotten his name. Each of the days he had been there he would always ask her what his name was. Then the queen will start to read out all the names she has got. He laughed at her because non was his name. The search for the man’s name continued on the sixth day.One of the queen’s servant who had been moving from village to village, town to town

search and was passing through a very thick forest. He decided to rest under a tree, as he was there resting, he heard the voice of some one in the forest singing. He decided to go close to where the voice was coming from, unknown to the person somebody was watching from a hidden place. He saw a weird man dancing round a huge fire and was singing with his name. Am Rompel stiltskine The queen can never Know my name Am Rompel stilt skine The queen can never Know my name Am Rompel stilt skine The queen can never Know my name Rompel stilt skine. The queen’s servant quickly wrote down his name on a book and head back quickly to the palace. When he got there he ran to the queen, told her what he saw in the forest and gave her the book where he wrote down the man’s name. On the seventh day the man came to ask the queen as usual what his name was.

her baby lived happy in peace ever after.


hildren’s World

With CLEMENTINA UKIRI 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789


1.I have two legs, but I cannot walk with them. I have two eyes, but I cannot see with them, I have two hands, but I cannot move them, I have mouth but never speak. What am I? A statue 2.I am a very long snake, I have no head and tail what am I? Road 3.I am an object right inside me there is a river what am I? Coconut. 4.I am an important thing I am always present in churches. What am I? Bible 5.I am an object, I have no legs and hands but I can travel to any where I like to go? What am I? a letter. 6.I am a long stick, I touch heaven and earth. What am I? Rain 7.I am a huge bird, I swallow number of people everyday. What am I? Aeroplane. 8.I am fearful, inevitable to all mortals, and made the rich and the poor equal. What am I? Death. 9.We are two parts of human body. We live in the same place, we quarrel and fight all the time and settle soon. What are we? Tongue and teeth 10.I am a very good friend of carpenters, bricklayers and electricians. What am I? bag of tools. 11.I am a particular part created by God. I am found in all birds, animals, fish of all kind. What am I? Eyes.

Baby Jeffrey is one on 20th October, 2013 Wishing you long life and prosperity. From mum and dad, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alonge





The Church Where God Lives Is One (2) WE should make it impossible for Satan to point to any Church member and say, “See how these people who claim to be Christians hate one another. The devil is happy when Christians expend their energies fighting one another than fighting his forces. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the disciples went forth to proclaim a risen Saviour. Their one desire was the salvation of souls. They rejoiced in the sweet communion with Saints. They were tender, thoughtful, self-denying, willing to make sacrifice. In their daily association with one another, they revealed the love that Christ commanded them to reveal. By unselfish words and actions, they rekindled this love in other Believers. The Believers moved forward in willing obedience to the commandment that “As I have loved you, so you must also love one another”. (Jn 13:34). But the early Christians started to look for mistakes in one another. We still have the experience today. Members make unkind criticism about their Pastor. If Pastor goes to the beer parlour to buy water or malt, they will say Pastor went to drink beer. A Pastor bought milk and went to a restaurant to ask for water to mix the milk and drink it. One of his church members who was passing by broadcasted to people that he saw Pastor drinking wine. If the restaurant woman is truthful, she will explain the fact. What is wrong in wine? Sweet upwine that is not adulterated is good for the body. Women going for child delivery found sweet upwine very helpful. People become more severe in their criticisms. In their zeal to condemn others they forget their own errors. They forget the lesson of brotherly love that Christ taught. The letters of Apostle John to the churches dwelt upon brotherly love. (lJn 4:721) A Pastor went to a beer parlour to buy malt to drink. A member passing by saw the Pastor coming out of the beer parlour and he went to broadcast the news that Pastor went to drink beer in the beer parlour. They sell many things in the beer parlour like mineral, malt, pure water, etc. The Pastor can enter beer parlour to buy some of these things. It is wrong for any person to say


that because the Pastor entered a beer parlour, he has gone there to drink beer. Jesus Christ said He came to this world for the unrighteous to be saved. Pastors are supposed to go to beer parlour and “lgbo smokers” den to preach the good news, not bad news to win the souls of the people to Christ. But when you get to some churches, Pastors spend the whole time saying how many people they healed, deaf and blind they cured. This is bad news. You are supposed to be excited when you hear good news, not terrified with bad news. (Luke 4:18). A

will like it. The Pastor continued by telling them that there is something sweeter than the Igbo” they are smoking and He’s Christ. They became converted and threw away their lgbos”. The Pastor has helped them to solve their problem, not adding to their problem. (Jn 13:14). God is not shocked by our sins because there is no sin we are committing that Jesus has not dealt with both realistically in life and sacrificially on the cross. He associated with call girls,

God wants us to live by our hypocrisy. Some people tell lies only to themselves. When other people get close to them, they see them more than they think but are too polite to tell them what they see. The beer parlour flourish not because most people going there are alcoholics but because it is there they can tell people secrets which they usually do not want to tell others. God has put into the human heart the desire to know and be known, to love and be loved, and people seek this counterfeit love

Pastor went to a den of lgbo smokers” and did not know how to preach to them, seeing them with long sticks of “lgbos”. He started by asking them what is the taste of the “lgbo” they are smoking? They answered that if the Pastor tasted it, he

alcoholics and chiselers. He didn’t leave what they did nor leave them as He found them. But they enjoyed his company. The story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) gave us the picture of our own life. We cut ourselves off from the life

from the beer parlour. A large part of the secular, indifferent, irreligious Society today have more genuine concern for others than many church people. Stifling of soul and pretence to be meek is reduced among many pagans. They cheat on their

light and water bills and laugh about it in the beer parlour, they get drunk in the open and they tell their marital troubles to their hair dressers, they talk honestly to their bar attendant, they talk deeply to their Doctor, they talk indiscreetly to each other. There is real openness and transparency in them that is missing among many church people. If a person with openness and honesty accept Jesus Christ into his life, he is more born in the spirit than most church people. Commitment to the work of God without honesty will not open the door for the Holy Spirit to enter a persons

life. The word “Confession” in the New Testament implies that Christians should be honest with God and each other. This is the only way the Holy Spirit can come in and give his gifts to the person. Honesty is essential

to Christian growth. When a person lives an honest and open life, he doesn’t give false picture about himself, his family, work or church. People that know him can attest to him. Honesty is costly, but therapeutic and liberating. When honest people pray together, Christ healing begins. Children need to know who their parents really are, not giving them false picture of what parents are not. The equation for New Testament Christianity is fourfold. (Acts 2:42) These are: Fellowship, Doctrine, Communion, Prayers. Most Churches are strong only in Doctrine, Communion, and Prayers. A 3wheel vehicle (KEKE NAPEP) cannot go far. A vehicle with 4 wheels is required to go a long journey. The church requires the 4 wheels to be a church. Honesty is the key to personal effectiveness with people. God uses our confessed and redeemed sins more than all the Biblical Passages we have learned or memorize. Confession and honesty in the church is the only way the church can face the present burning and political issues of the nation. Honesty is the only policy. In the Church today, people’s hearts are shut out of brotherly love. Many people who profess to love God neglect to love those who are united with them in fellowship. Whatever denomination you belong, we are the same faith, members of one family, children of the same heavenly father, with the same blessed hope of immortality. Unbelievers are quick to point out every mistake, and every inconsistency in our actions in life. So we should not give them room for the reproach to our faith. May God give us the grace to be meek and lowly so as to abide with Him. Send your reaction on this message to E-mail: or 07055599615.

“In the Church today, people’s hearts are shut out of brotherly love. Many people who profess to love God neglect to love those who are united with them in fellowship. Whatever denomination you belong, we are the same faith, members of one family, children of the same heavenly father, with the same blessed hope of immortality. Unbelievers are quick to point out every mistake, and every inconsistency in our actions in life. So we should not give them room for the reproach to our faith”.




NEWS FEATURE OVER the years, many leaders especially those in the helm of affairs saddled with the responsibility of moving the nation forward lack vision. This lack luster development has drawn the nation backward, putting untold hardship on the people especially the less privileged in the society. A visionary leader and an astute politician, Chief Paulinus D. 0. Akpeki M H R , F C I D A , H o n o u r a b l e Commissioner for Housing, Delta State in his lecture at the ZIK Leadership Conference and Award held in Abuja pointed out that, one of the major ways and means of empowering the people economically is through the housing sector. He said, it has the potentials to generate employment,

terrorism and substantially address wealth distribution as well as security concerns. “This is achievable because investment in housing affects all facets of our life through its multiplier effect on economic development through forward linkages to the financial market and backward linkages to land, building materials, tools, furniture and labour markets”. Chief Akpeki explained that, construction of a medium size (2/3 bedrooms) bungalow is capable of directly creating employment for an average of 76 workers and 100 housing units scheme engages 76,000 workers between the period of 12 to 18 months. “If in a year we build a 1,000 housing units estate in each of the 36

increase productivity, raise standard of living and alleviate poverty. He further stated that, it also has the capacity to reduce crime rates, insurrections, militancy,

states of the federation and FCT, we would create a workforce of 2,815,000 per annum’. The Honourable Commissioner said this labour force consists of all

professionals in the building industry as well as skilled and unskilled labour namely bricklayers, plumbers, carpenters, tillers, iron benders, painters, excavators, electricians, suppliers of materials, furniture makers, food vendors, security men and others. He stated that, right to adequate housing is considered a core human right, quoting the Universal Declaration of Human Right adopted and proclaimed by UN General Assembly in 1948. Article 25 of the Declaration, states everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing-for himself and for his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services

Similarly, he said the 1976 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which is now binding on more than 149 countries including Nigeria has the most significant Universal Codification provision of the right to adequate housing in its article II SubSection (1). He expressed his regret on the nonchalant attitude of the government to provide suitable and adequate shelter for all citizens as enshrined in Section 16 Sub-Section (l)(d) of the 1999 constitution. To reverse this trend, there is urgent need for the cost of building materials to be subsidized by government with a view of opening up the building space. In order to bring down the cost of building,

cost of taxation and provide housing infrastructure if any meaningful development is to be achieved the housing sector.

Delta State, supportive of the tenets and ideology of the 3-point Agenda of the tenets and ideology of the Uduaghan led government and indicative of the long-

Chief P. D. O. Akpeki

How To Reduce Terrorism And Other Social Vices In Society With The Housing Sector

Delta Towers, Abuja

and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”.

more efforts should be channeled towards the conduct of more research on how we can use local materials such as clay and other local building items”. He appealed to government to reduce high

Chief Paulinus Akpeki the Ugo of Okpe kingdom lauded the giant strides of Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan (CON), the Executive Governor of Delta State on the provision of housing infrastructure which has led to the availability of affordable and sustainable houses for the teaming Delta population since he took over the mantle of leadership. “The fundamental objectives of the Housing Development Programme of the Uduaghan led administration are provision of shelter for Deltans without discrimination on the basis of place of origin, political affiliation, gender, religion and other restrictive delimitations; the effective translation of the basic tenets and objectives of the National Housing Development Programme, enshrined in the workerfriendly National Housing Fund; progressive development of basic social infrastructure in

term commitment to and belief in the selfaffirmation of the people, to whom Delta State Government owes its mandate, as guardian of the popular will and the provision of the minimum facilities of comfort and wellbeing for the generality of the population in line with Government’s sincere belief in the humanity of the electorate which is the source of its mandate”. He pointed out that the state capital, Asaba including Warri, Agbor, Kwale, Koko, Oleh, Ozoro, Aboh and all adjoining areas of the nook and cranny of Delta State, the Ministry of Housing has left timeless infrastructure of low-cost housing units and facilities designed to give impetus to the governments resolve that by May 29, 2015, nearly every Deltan including the young of impressionable age could be voluble about the unparalleled and uncommon transformation of the housing development sector.





Take Charge And Take Control


HERE is a seemingly harmless phrase that has swept the country. People no longer just say, “Good-bye”. They inevitably add “Take care”. But I contend its wrong to say “Take care”, instead say, “Take a chance; take charge; take control”! Why? Because people who take care never get anywhere. If you want to manage your problem successfully, you need to take a chance, take charge, and take control”. Taking a chance by itself is a reckless risk, but when you take charge, you manage the risk while when you take control, you manage people who reach a point your problems. where they just can’t Take charge, take handle people anymore. control, and never They can’t handle surrender leadership. government regulations What do I mean by anymore. They can’t leadership? Leadership handle cash-flow is the force that selects problems anymore, your dreams and sets anyone who dreams and your goals. It is the force his goals also has that propels your frustrations such as lack endeavors to success. of time and money, high I know of a story about interest rates, a black Smith who disappointments, when struck a long round iron your best people let you bar trying to make down such frustrations something out of it, but can mount up, and if you couldn’t and he ended surrender leadership to making a fizzle out of it. them, you’ll soon cash Your dreams don’t have in, give up, throw in the to fizzle. Your life can towel, quit. Don’t give in sizzle, and your to such temptations. problems can be Don’t Surrender overcome if you will Leadership To Fears: take charge and take The bible says, “God has control by learning and not given us a spirit of following the dynamic fear but of power and leadership principles love and a sound mind” outlined in this chapter (2 Tim 1:7). That means and I promise you that when you surrender to you will be amazed on fears, you can be sure the how many leaders are fears did not come from unaware of these God. God does not give principles. us the spirit of fear. If Don’t Surrender you have any fears, all Leadership To you have to do is cure Frustration: There are yourself of one fear, and


that’s the fear of failure. This will help. I would rather attempt something great and fail than attempt nothing and succeed. I admire people who make a commitment, and stick their neck out like the Governor of Edo State

have conquered the fear of trying. You can become the person you want to be. Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure….it does not mean you haven’t succeeded yet. To every failure, there is a lesson been thought.

(Comrade Adams Oshiomhole). Even though he is unable to fulfill all his promises but more than half has been achieved, not like other Governors or even the top most leader in the country. There is no need to fear failure, just as I said earlier, even if you lose the race, you still remain the winner because you

Don’t Surrender Leadership To Outside Forces: In a corporate structure, leadership is not always at the desk of the president or the chairman of the board. Too often people in top positions surrender their power to outside forces. I know this to be true. Don’t surrender leadership to forces such as poverty, don’t allow

“People, who take care, never go anywhere but those who take a chance, take charge, and take control always succeed.”

lack of money to determine your dreams or your goals. There is always a way to raise the capital you need. You may have to save and count your pennies, but somehow, the money will come. There is a survival principle that always manifests itself. Don’t Surrender

Leadership To Faces: Lots of people do that. I’ve seen it happen, I’ve done it myself. You read an audience, you see an eyebrow raise, hear a throat being cleared. Through body language, someone suggests that he may not support you. You read on his face that he’s going to criticize you. He’s not going to back you, he’s against you, before you know it, you have been intimidated by body language into silence and retreat. At that point you have surrendered leadership to face. Don’t Surrender Leadership To Faults: A lot of people do that. Somebody comes along with a good idea only to have someone else say, “Oh, but it will take too long, or it will cost too much” or “somebody else is doing it”. They

find fault with a good idea and annihilate it. They surrender leadership to the faults instead of to the potential. There are problems with every idea. But problems call for polishing, not for demolition. It’s amazing how faults can control our

lives if we let them.

If you have a problem and you decide to let the problem become an excuse, you have surrendered leadership. And then arise above them, you can if you have the right attitude. That leads me to the next principle. Don’t Surrender Leadership To Facts: The problems we are facing today may be fact, not just theory. The unemployment statistics are factual. You may recognize this truth when you collect your unemployment cheque. But don’t surrender leadership to it. Hope to motivate yourself more with the next story. Note: People, who take care, never go anywhere but those who take a chance, take charge, and take control always





Probe Into ‘Phantom Goal’ As Hoffenheim Demand Leverkusen Replay

HOFFENHEIM have called for a replay after losing 2-1 to Bayer Leverkusen thanks to a freak ‘phantom’ goal as the German Football Federation (DFB) prepares to investigate. Leverkusen went top of the Bundesliga on Friday as Stefan Kiessling’s 70th-minute winner at Hoffenheim was scored in bizarre circumstances. Replays showed his header only ended in the back of the net after flying through a hole in the side netting. In the immediate wake of the goal, Kiessling could be seen waving his arms in frustration at what he clearly thought was a miss. But with the ball in the net, he was quickly congratulated by team mates and match official Dr Felix Brych, a FIFA referee,

awarded the goal. A DFB sports court is set to meet on Monday to investigate the goal with Hoffenheim expected to lodge an appeal while Brych will file a report. “It’s a scandal. We are definitely going to protest,” Hoffenheim director Alexander Rosen fumed to reporters after the match. “That was no goal, there are no two ways about it.” Kiessling admitted replays left him him cringing. “My immediate thought was that the ball didn’t go in,” the 29-year-old Germany striker told Sky Sports.

Angry Vasco Fans Invade Dressing Room After Another Defeat

DOZENS of angry Vasco da Gama fans fought their way past security guards and remonstrated with players on Friday, less than 24 hours after the Brazilian club lost another match to deepen relegation fears. Some supporters invaded the dressing room where the squad were preparing to train and others shouted abuse from the terraces. Police were called and a group

Klose To Return For Lazio MIROSLAV Klose is back in the Lazio squad for Sunday’s trip to Atalanta, but Cristian Ledesma is at risk. Klose returns after a month out following knee surgery. However, Lazio are stll missing Stefan Radu, Abdoulay Konko and Giuseppe Biava. Lazio squad for Atalanta: Marchetti, Berisha, Strakosha; Dias, Ciani, Novaretti, Pereirinha, Cavanda, Cana; Ledesma, Onazi, Ederson, Candreva, Lulic, Gonzalez, Hernanes, Biglia, Felipe Anderson, Crecco; Floccari, Klose, Perea, Keita

of fans were allowed to meet manager Dorival Junior. None of the players were hurt. Vasco lost 2-0 at home to sixth-placed Goias on Thursday to leave them third from bottom with nine games remaining. Four teams go down. “The club has security guards but 10 men can’t hold back 50,” Vasco official Manuel Barbosa told the Globoesporte website. After the defeat some fans daubed graffiti declaring the team ‘Shameless’ on the walls of the Sao Januario stadium. The supporters have threatened violence if the club also lose this Sunday’s derby against Botafogo. Vasco is one of Rio’s most famous clubs but they are notoriously badly run. The team were relegated in 2008 for the first time in their history but bounced straight back into the first division the next year.

“Then everyone came to (congratulate) me and I saw the ball was in the net. “What was I supposed to do? I was surprised and I told the referee that. “When I see the pictures of the goal, it’s a shit situation. “People are being offensive towards me, but there’s nothing I can do about that. “I didn’t realise what was going on during the game.” There is a precedent for this unusual situation after a replay was ordered when Bayern Munich’s Thomas Helmer was credited with a goal which didn’t go in the net in a 2-1 win over Nuremberg in April 1994. Nuremburg lodged a complaint to the DFB but Bayern won the replay 5-0 on their way to clinching the title. Hoffenheim coach Markus Gisdol said he fully expects the game against Leverkusen to be replayed. “I think we will see that game again, anything else would be a joke,” he said. “We can’t have a replay for Bayern Munich but not one for Hoffenheim.” Referee Brych said he had no indication from any of the players that anything was wrong with the goal. “I had a small amount of doubt but the reaction of the players was clear,” said Brych. “There was no indication (from them) that it could have been an irregular goal, therefore I awarded it. “I had an exchange with Stefan Kiessling but nobody, including him, told me that it wasn’t a goal. “The ball was in the net and for everyone on the pitch it was a legitimate goal.” Having seen Kiessling’s goal, ex-Germany defender Helmer, who scored Bayern’s phantom

goal 19 years ago, said the match has to be replayed. “It’s a matter of seconds and you don’t always know for sure how the ball went in,” Helmer told broadcaster Sport1. “Kiessling would also have

• Miraslov Klose (left), challenged by AS Roma’s Leandro Castan

representative from an ethnic minority. The FA has been accused of making “a big mistake” and a “public relations disaster” by football’s two most important anti-discrimination organisations, Kick It Out and the European body Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE). Now Grant, who is also equalities minister, has said she will raise the issue. Grant said: “Sports governing bodies must reflect the make-up of the diverse society that we live in. I expect the FA to ensure that voices from all backgrounds are heard loud and clear and contribute to this important piece of work to help strengthen English football. I will discuss the issue with the FA next week.” Kick It Out chairman Lord Herman Ouseley said he had

Leverkusen coach Sami Hyypia admitted it was not the ideal way for Bayer to go top of the league, although Bayern Munich or Borussia Dortmund can usurp them later on Saturday.

• Pep Guardiola

Guardiola Demands Patience As Bayern Munich Close On Record BAYERN Munich return to Bundesliga action hosting Mainz 05 yesterday with coach Pep Guardiola having warned his stars to accept his future decisions in the hunt for silverware. Having gone 33 Bundesliga games unbeaten, Bayern are closing in on Hamburg’s league record of 36, set in January

England Sports Minister Airs Commission THE new sports minister already raised the issue with Concerns Helen Grant will speak to the Dyke, who has said he may Football Association next week to express concerns about the all-white, all-male commission appointed to improve the England team. FA chairman Greg Dyke’s plans for the commission have been plunged into crisis after FA board member Heather Rabbatts launched a stinging criticism about the lack of even a single

wondered, what do I do now, what happened? “And these seconds decide whether he’s a good lad or a bad boy, but the game must be replayed, there can be no question.”

appoint two more people to the commission, and questioned why he had not used Rabbatts’ contacts and experience to bring on a suitable representative. Ouseley told Press Association Sport: “This has been a disaster for the FA in public relations terms. “Heather must have been at her wits’ end to go public like this. “I raised this with the FA chairman as soon as he made the announcement and he told me he was conscious it was an allwhite, all-male membership and that he was trying hard to get an ethnic minority representative. “I find it very surprising therefore that someone as close to the chairman as Heather Rabbatts, with all her experience and contacts, was not asked for her advice on ensuring diversity.”

1983, but Guardiola has told his squad to tow the line. With Bayern leading the Bundesliga by a point and players returning from injury, competition is set to increase, but the Spanish coach is demanding patience. “We will only fight for the (league) title at the end of the season if every player accepts my decisions — otherwise we will have problems,” he told Bayern’s magazine. “I support those who accept them, but those who don’t want to understand them will often find themselves sitting in the stands.” Traditionally a strong midtable side, Mainz have had an erratic start to the season, winning their first three league games then losing their next four before drawing with Hoffenheim a fortnight ago. Bayern midfielder Mario Goetze scored for Germany in Tuesday’s 5-3 win over Stockholm and is back in contention for selection after an ankle injury. Goetze is hoping for an appearance against Mainz after a long lay-off having damaged his ankle after returning from April’s hamstring injury at the start of the season. “(The Sweden game) was important for me after so long out,” said Goetze.”

“How long I will play for against Mainz is down to the coach. “I’m just looking forwards and am excited about the future — hopefully without injury.” Bayern, who host Czech side Viktoria Pilsen on Wednesday and are top of their Champions League group, are without Swiss winger Xherdan Shaqiri until December after he returned from international duty with a torn hamstring. Mainz are waiting on the fitness of striker Nicolai Mueller, who has six goals this season, after the 26-year-old twisted an ankle in training on Wednesday. Mainz coach Thomas Tuchel described the training ground accident as “one of those awful moments” and the guests need their top scorer at Munich’s Allianz Arena. Champions League side Bayer Leverkusen have the chance to go top of the German league on Friday when they travel to mid-table Hoffenheim. With just a point separating the top three, second-placed Borussia Dortmund host fifthplaced Hanover 96 boosted by their injury worries having been eased by the international break. Midfielders Nuri Sahin, Marco Reus and Jonas Hofmann all returned to training on Wednesday.




Alex Ferguson Has No Regrets About FORMER Manchester the full backing of the Football United manager Alex Ferguson Retirement Association. says that he does not regret his decision to retire and is happy to provide assistance to his successor, David Moyes. Ferguson retired in May after a record-breaking 26-and-ahalf-year spell at United in which he won 13 Premier League titles, two Champions League crowns, five FA Cups and four League Cups. It made the 71-year-old Scot the most successful manager in the history of the British game, but he said he knew that the time had come for him to step down. “My reaction was that I knew it was the best thing for me. I knew I’d done my time,” Ferguson told Saturday’s edition of British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. “My attitude was: ‘The only way I could really enjoy my life was to forget it,’ because you can become withdrawn about what you’re going to do.

• Mike Ashley, Newcastle owner

Newcastle Fans Protest Against Owner Ashley

HUNDREDS of Newcastle fans have joined a march to protest against the way in which owner Mike Ashley is running the club. The demonstration, organised by the Time 4 Change group, saw several hundred supporters parade through the city’s streets and past St James’ Park ahead of Saturday afternoon’s Premier League clash with Liverpool. Ashley has enjoyed an uneasy relationship with fans for much

of his time at the helm with the decision to rename the stadium, the controversial sponsorship deal with payday loans company Wonga and the appointment of director of football Joe Kinnear the most recent flashpoints. One of the main issues raised

Wenger Sets Sights On Champions League Final

ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger is optimistic about his side’s chances of reaching the final of the Champions League this season. The north London club have reached the final just once during Wenger’s 17-year reign, losing 2-1 against Barcelona in 2006, but have started this campaign in spectacular form and top Group F following wins over Olympique de Marseille and Napoli. The Gunners have been knocked out in the last 16 in their previous three European campaigns, but the Frenchman has renewed faith that his side can progress deep into the competition. “We have experience everywhere we go we try and play without any inhibitions,” the 63-year-old told “We were a bit unlucky with draws in the last five or six years because we often came up against Barcelona, Bayern Munich or AC Milan, and it was very tight. “Hopefully this season we’ll progress to the quarters, semifinal or even final; why not?” Wenger has never won a

European title with Arsenal and, while he is still frustrated by conceding the lead late on against Barcelona seven years ago, he acknowledged the many scalps the Gunners claimed on their way to the final. “That season we got to the final without losing a game and without conceding a goal,” Wenger continued.

during the protest was the club’s perceived lack of ambition they signed only one senior player during the summer transfer window, Loic Remy, and that was a loan deal. However, that particular issue, and specifically the Wonga deal, was addressed by Kinnear in his programme notes. He said: “The chasm that exists between the league’s six most commercially powerful clubs and the rest is significant and growing ever wider. “Even putting the strongest four performers to one side, clubs like ours really have to over-perform in all areas in order to compete season after season with the likes of Liverpool and Spurs. “Their last published accounts show turnovers of £169million and £144million respectively, compared with our £93million. “While that gap is striking enough, it is in respect of commercial turnover where the

real gulf is evident. “Liverpool reported a commercial turnover for 201112 of £64million while Spurs reported £53million. Ours, in contrast, was just shy of £14million, increasing to £17million for 2012-13. “We cannot, at this time, compete commercially with the very biggest global brands in football because the hugely lucrative (sponsorship) deals will go their way. “But what remains of the marketplace for the rest of us, we must and will fight for our share, and more. “Through astute financial management and by maximising every commercial opportunity available to us, we will give ourselves the best possible chance of competing on the field with those whose strength off it makes them - on paper at least - untouchable.”

“‘Am I going to miss this?’ My attitude was, ‘I’m not going to miss it. My time has come.’ I’d picked the right moment. The successes were mindboggling, to think what had happened to me in my career at United. Forget the past. It’s no use to me.” Moyes, 50, has endured a difficult start to life at Old Trafford, losing three of his first seven Premier League games, but Ferguson, who is now a United director, said he was on hand to provide help and support. “My life as a United person continues,” said Ferguson, whose new autobiography is released next week. “And that means winning; enjoying watching them winning. I don’t need to worry about refereeing decisions, agents or the press any more. “We’ve got a young manager and I’m there to help him. We’ve had a lot of dialogue, David and I, over the last few weeks and he’s been very, very good. He’s been very open about what his plans have been. Any help he’s needed or wanted, he’s got it there.” Ferguson also described the England manager’s position as a “horrible job” after current national coach Roy Hodgson became embroiled in a racism storm over a joke about a monkey that he told his players during a half-time team talk. Hodgson apologised for any offence caused and was given

“I don’t think the manager’s job with England is a good one. I think it’s a horrible job,” Ferguson said. “For instance, (FA chairman) Greg Dyke comes out and says they’re going to win the World Cup in 2022. He may know something about football — and I’m sure he’s trying to learn what’s going on — but from grassroots levels right up to the national team, that is a massive job.” Ferguson expressed surprise that Hodgson had been angered by criticism from former England striker turned television presenter Gary Lineker over England’s performance in a recent 0-0 draw in Ukraine. “Now, I scan papers more than I did in 20-odd years,” he said. “I was interested in reading all the things about Roy Hodgson and the game in Ukraine, the angles they (journalists) take.

HIGHLY sought youngster Adnan Januzaj has committed his future to Manchester United by signing a new five-year deal at the club. Januzaj hit the headlines after scoring two goals on his first Premier League start against Sunderland earlier this month, and was rumoured to have attracted the attentions of Juventus and Barcelona. However, the winger has now

agreed a new contract with the Premier League champions and, speaking to the club’s official website, says he hopes to establish himself in the first team in the coming months: “It’s a great thrill to be able to sign for Manchester United. Since arriving here I have always felt like this was the right club for me. “This season has been great for me – going on the pre-season tour, making my debut in the Community Shield win at Wembley and then breaking into the team at Sunderland – it’s like a dream. “I want to work hard now and establish myself as a Manchester United player.” Manager David Moyes also said he is thrilled to have secured Januzaj’s services and says the future is bright for the youngster. “I’m delighted that Adnan has committed his future to United. He is an outstanding talent and has impressed me consistently since I came to United in July. “It’s great that he recognises that this club, with its tradition for developing young players and giving them a chance on the biggest stage, is the best place for him to be.”

United Look To Future As Januzaj Signs New Deal

Townsend Frustrated By ‘Silly News’ TOTTENHAM winger Andros Townsend has called for an end to the controversy surrounding Roy Hodgson’s joke about a monkey in space. Hodgson used a joke about NASA sending a monkey and a human up in a rocket to illustrate the need for England players to give Tottenham winger Townsend the ball when he was in space during the match against Poland. The leaking of the joke has sparked a row culminating in a letter of complaint from a pressure group being sent to the Football Association demanding that Hodgson attend a ‘race appreciation’ training course.

Townsend told BBC Sport however: “It has all been said now, it has been in the news the last few days and I think everyone should focus on us qualifying on Brazil and not focusing on negative, silly news. “The manager told the player to give the ball to me, so that is a compliment in a way.” Hodgson, who apologised if any offence was caused, expressed his frustration and anger that his side’s achievement in reaching the World Cup earlier this week has been overshadowed by the details of the joke he told in the dressing room at half-time against Poland.

Peter Herbert, the head of the Society of Black Lawyers and who runs the new Race For Sport organisation, today sent a four-page letter of complaint to

• Andros Townsend

Sir Alex Ferguson

the FA, saying it was wrong to declare the matter closed. The letter from Herbert to FA chairman Greg Dyke states: “To announce that the matter is ‘closed’ without any action being taken against the England manager is unacceptable and wholly inconsistent with your policies on equality and diversity. “We are using the appropriate complaints procedure to urge the FA to provide mandatory ‘race appreciation’ training and ‘cultural capital and cultural intelligence’ training to Roy Hodgson and all football managers in the UK.” Jose Mourinho and David Moyes have thrown their support behind Hodgson.







FIFA U-17: Ruthless Eaglets Slay Champions

NIGERIA’S Golden Eaglets showed no mercy as they dumped world champions Mexico 6-1 in an opening U17 World Cup group game yesterday. It was an emphatic victory Kelechi Iheanacho scored over Mexico after the Eaglets double brace, while Isaac started slowly with the Success and Chidiebere defending champions all Nwakali scored one each. over the place and enjoying Mexico started the game on more of the ball. a high note, taking charge


with first shot on target in the 3rd minute but saved by Alapamsu in goal but could not capitalise on that to punish Nigeria. It was a complete one-

Golden Eaglets’ Kelechi Iheanacho scored four goals against Mexico yesterday.

IOC Appoints Head Of President’s THE President of the Executive Office International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, has appointed Jochen Färber as Head of his Executive Office. A statement by the IOC yesterday however said Färber will take up his post on December 1. He is currently Managing Director of the Olympic Training Centre for Fencing in Germany and heads the

centre’s marketing arm. A journalist by training and a communication and marketing expert, Färber has a long and extensive experience in the world of sports both from the media and management sides. He was involved in the organisation of four Olympic Games, four Paralympic Games and more than 20 Fencing World

Championships. Färber, who is a German national, was also Head of Broadcasting at the International Fencing Federation. He also founded and ran his own public relations (PR) and communications agency for over 10 years, and was responsible for the communication of the Munich 2018 bid.

interesting game in the survival battle as both teams need victory to be sure of safety. Kwara United are on 49 points with +3 goal difference, while Akwa United have 50 points. It is a winner-take-all game. Nembe City look doomed to play in NNL next season looking at their goal difference of -18, even a win against Sunshine, which will give them 52 points may not be enough as they must beat Sunshine Stars as much as 190 to get hope of staying put in the top flight. Lobi Stars currently on 49 points with -7 goal difference will host Kano Pillars in another winner-take-all clash

at Katsina Ala. A lone goal victory may not be enough for coach Evans Ogenyi-tutored side. Pillars will come at Lobi because they know just a point from that tie will seal the title for them. Nasarawa United will host Heartland in the last game of the season, a win will give the hosts 52 points, currently on -6 goal difference, at least a 4-0 win may do it for the Lafia boys without conceding any goal. As it stands now, Nembe City and 3SC look set for life in the NNL, while two out of Wikki Tourists, Akwa United, Nasarawa United and ABS will join them in the lower division next season.

Who Goes Down With 3SC?

THE battle to survive relegation in the Nigeria league will be fiercer than the three clubs challenging for the league crown. Apart from 3SC who are already doomed to campaign in the Nigeria national League (NNL) next term, the other three teams are far from known and that will be decided on the final day of the season. As many as 10 teams are not sure of their status, from 10th-place Gombe United on 52 points with -9 goal difference down to the 19thplaced Nembe City, any team could drop to the NNL. The game between Kwara United and Akwa United will be the toughest and the most

sided game in the second half with Nigeria kids on rampage. In 19th minute Nwakali cleared off the goal line what could have been the first goal of the game after Alapamsu fumbled an aerial ball. Chidera Ezeh fired wide from the edge of the box in the 20th minute and 22nd minute. Iheanacho scored the opener in the 33rd minute against the run of play when he fired a left-footed shot to the roof of the net off Isaac success set up after his shot on target was blocked by Mexico goalie. In the 40th minute, Kelechi Iheanacho hit a brace to give Nigeria 2-0 lead after a great footwork inside the Mexico 18-yard box. A minute later, Jaimes capitalised on the defensive blunder to score for Mexico and take the tally to 2-1. Iheanacho completed a hattrick with volley from a Success flick from a throwing in the 49th minute.

Nwakali extended the Eaglets lead in the 52nd minute to 4-1 with a 25-yard shot. In the 55th minute Zarradden Bello’s attempt at goal was saved for a corner kick by Mexico goalkeeper. Success failed to score on one-on-one situation, surprisingly shot wide in

58th minute. Luiz Hernandez hit bar in the 59th minute and Alapamsu made a save from shot off rebound . Isaac scored in 60th minute, before Iheanacho scored his fourth goal of the night in the 70th minute to make it 6-1 with another leftfooted strike.

. . . Morocco, Tunisia Win Opening Matches Too MOROCCO and Tunisia on Friday won their opening matches at the 2013 FIFA Under-17 World Cup, which kicked off on Thursday in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Morocco defeated Croatia 3-1 in group C in Fujairah, while Tunisia prevailed against Venezuela 2-1 in a group D tie in Sharjah. The Moroccan goals were scored by Karim Achahbar (27th and 40th minutes) and Nabil Jaadi in the 45th while Robert Muric scored Croatia’s consolation goal in the 59th minute. In their group D encounter in Sharjah, Tunisia defeated

Venezuela 2-1 with goals from Chiheb Jbeli (25th) and Mohamed Ben Larbi (47' PEN). Venezuela’s goal was scored by Jose Marquez in the 51st minute. Cote d’Ivoire, the only African team that tasted action on the opening day, lost 0-1 to Italy in group B. Africa’s fourth representative at the tournament, Nigeria, will open its campaign for a fourth title on Saturday against Mexico in a group F match in Al Ain city. The tournament, featuring 24 teams, will run through November 8.

Gerrard Joins ‘100 Club’ As 10-Man Newcastle Hold Liverpool STEVEN Gerrard netted his 100th Premier League goal from the penalty spot as Liverpool twice recovered from a goal down to draw 2-2 with 10-man Newcastle in a pulsating clash at St James’ Park. Yohan Cabaye sent the home fans into raptures with a dipping shot from range that flew into the far corner of the net past Simon Mignolet in the Liverpool goal and the visitors struggled to force their way back into the match initially. But an incisive run from Luis

Suarez in behind Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa – who started with Fabricio Coloccini sidelined through injury – led to a penalty being awarded as the defender tugged him back on the shoulder and was promptly shown the red card. With Newcastle down to 10 men, Gerrard stepped up and lashed home the spot kick to bring up his century of goals in the English top flight and eighth against the Magpies in the competition, restoring parity for his side in the process. The game then took a surprise

turn just before the hour mark as substitute defender, 22-yearold Paul Dummett, ghosted in at the back post and fired a crisp half-volley beyond Mignolet to restore the hosts’ lead. Suarez was again the architect as Liverpool drew level for a second time in the match with an effortless run down the left and pinpoint delivery to present Daniel Sturridge with a simple headed finish that gave his side a share of the points in a thoroughly entertaining encounter.

• Steven Gerrard (left) celebrates his 100th goal for Liverpool





31 Year Trader In Court Over Alleged Theft Of N5.8m A 31-year-old trader, Oben Emamoge, who allegedly stole N5.8 million, has appeared before an Apapa Chief Magistrates’ Court in Lagos. Emamoge, of no fixed address, is facing a four-count charge of conspiracy, obtaining fraudulently, stealing and forgery. The prosecutor, Sgt. Uche Simon, told the court that the accused committed the offences on June 12 at No. 41 Ire Akari Estate, Isolo, Lagos. Simon said that the accused fraudulently obtained the sum of N5. 8 million from Computer Dialect Academy located at Ire Akari Estate, Isolo. “The accused forged and presented a confirmable proof of product believed to be from NNPC, and a letter from a bank with the intent to defraud the company,” he said.

Simon said the case was reported to the police when the company discovered that it had been duped. The accused, however, pleaded not guilty. The prosecutor said the offences contravened Sections 285, 312,361 and 409 of Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. Section 312 stipulates 15 years imprisonment for obtaining money under false pretences. The Senior Magistrate, Mr. M.K. Fadeyi, granted the accused N100, 000 as bail with two sureties in like sum. Fadeyi ordered that the sureties must show evidence of tax payment to the Lagos State Government. The case was adjourned till November 1, for mention.

Court Dissolves 6yr Old Marriage Over ChildIessness AN Ilorin Area Court on Thursday dissolved the six-yearold marriage between one Aminat Toheeb and her husband, Ismaila, over childlessness in the union. The 30-year-old Aminat, a resident of Tanke area, Ilorin, had earlier prayed the court to dissolve her marriage to Ismaila since the union had not produced a child. The plaintiff told the court that her husband was not showing concern to their predicament and was engaging in extra - marital

South Ibie Youth Commends By AUDU ADAMA EDSG THE Edo State Government and Security Operatives have been commended for ensuring that Peace returns to the hitherto troubled - South – Ibie Community in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State. The commendation was made by the President of South – Ibie Youth Development Association, Comrade Original Momoh in an Exclusive Interview with the Sunday Observer shortly after the Eid – El – Kabir prayers at Sabo quarters in Iyakpi South – Ibie. While pledging his loyalty to the Aidonogie of South – Ibie, HRH Alhaji Aliyu K. Danesi, Comrade Momoh also commended the Monarch for influencing the citing of the National Open University in South – Ibie and called for more support for the Traditional Ruler. The Youth Leader also used the opportunity to thank the people of South – Ibie for finding him worthy of the Appointment and promised to unite all the Communities in South – Ibie clan through regular Meetings, Workshops and Seminars. He also promised to embark on wide range of consultations for advice and useful suggestions with Opinion Leaders, Power Brokers and Politicians in the area.

affair while blaming her for their challenge. “My husband was not encouraging me as expected of him, instead he sees fault in me everyday,” she said. According to her, their marriage was contracted in 2007 and was yet to produce a child. “My Lord, I want an end to this marriage because I cannot continue to endure in an unproductive marriage,” Aminat added. The defendant, who did not object to the prayer of his wife, said she was free to go and try other men. Ismaila also prayed the court to grant the prayer of his wife without any claim. The presiding judge, Mr. Ibrahim Abdulquadri, dissolved the marriage and issued a certificate of divorce to the plaintiff.

Chief (Hon.) Mrs. Elizabeth Ativie inspecting the ongoing Free Health Care Service Mobile Clinic organised by her at Obadan in Uhunmwonde Local Government Area of Edo State. While the Enogie of Obadan looks on. Photo: OSADEBAMWEN SUNDAY.

Politicians Decry Negative Campaigns In Anambra

CONCERNED politicians have called on political parties and politicians, campaigning for the November 16 governorship election in Anambra, to desist from staging negative campaigns. The worried politicians made the calls in separate interviews with newsmen. They said that the ongoing campaigns, which featured a lot of mudslinging and character assassination, could result in provocation and degenerate to violence. Chief Mike Kwentoh, the State Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), said that campaigns ought to be issue-based and modest, while projecting party mani-

festos, so as to enable the electorate to objectively assess the candidates. “I have seen what has been happening in the campaigns: parties destroying opposing parties’ billboards and using abusive language in their electioneering; I seriously condemn that act in its entirety. “I advise Anambra people that we are all one and we will continue to be one after elections; they should be guided by sound political norms in their actions and utterances. “Considering the way these campaigns are going, it may de-

generate to violence, kidnapping, maiming, arson and other vices, in view of the security challenges facing the nation,’’ he said. Sharing similar sentiments, Mr. Emma Nweke, an APGA chieftain, reminded the people that campaigns represented an opportunity for candidates and their supporters to advertise their programmes to the electorate, stressing that it was not meant to destroy their opponents’ reputation. “Campaign is a way of reaching out to the people to tell them what you will do for them if elected; but that is not what we

can boost our revenue capacity. “The decision to set up the committee was to fast track development projects being earmarked by the council. “This administration has concluded arrangement to purchase Toyota buses for transport business as part of steps to boost our revenue generation capacity”, he said. Responding, the chairman of

the Finance, Economic and Planning Committee, Mallam Aminu El-Rufai said the committee would work hard to increase the council internally-generated revenue. “All the revenue generated will be accounted for and used judiciously for the benefit of the people,’’ he said.

Council Chairman Inaugurates 14 Man Committee To Boost IGR

THE Chairman, Etsako Central Local Government Council in Edo, Mr. Emmanuel Momoh, has inaugurated a 14-man committee to boost the Internally Generated Revenue of the council. Momoh inaugurated the committee at the council secretarial in Fugar with the mandate to ensure that funds generated were used to execute projects that would benefit the people.

He said the council could no longer depend on the dwindling federal allocation, hence the need to look inwards and generate funds internally for project execution. “We need to increase the revenue capacity of the council because we can no longer depend on federal government allocation. “This committee needs to work out modalities on how we

are seeing in Anambra, the standard and quality of ongoing campaigns is not too impressive. “The Anambra people want to hear about the candidates’ programmes and plans for them and not the defamation of other candidates in the name of politics; these candidates are successful in their own right and they should be respected”, he said. However, Chief Okey Nwoke, the Director of Publicity, Ezeemo Campaign Organisation, said that such electioneering was somewhat normal in politics. “Apart from presenting the track records of candidates, like we are doing in PPA, campaigns represent a time to dig into the past of your opponents and tell the electorate why they must not allow bad history to repeat itself. “When you tell an ugly truth about your opponents’ past, it does not amount to calumny or mudslinging, but if you cook up falsehood for the purpose of denigrating your opponents, that is what is not acceptable,’’ he said. Nwoke noted that in an election where many candidates were vying for one seat, personal attacks were common, adding, however, that the issues raised in the confrontation were often statements of fact.

Civil Society Group Urges ASUU To Call Off Strike

THE Coalition of Concerned Civil Society Organisations (CCCSO), has urged the ASUU to sheath its sword in the interest of the nation. This is contained in a statement signed by the Executive Director of Conscience Nigeria (CN), Mr. Tosin Adeyanju, on behalf of the organisations in Abuja on Thursday. “ We wish to appreciate the modest efforts of our labour leaders and other stakeholders who have sacrificed to resolve the face-off between the Federal Government and ASUU. “ From all indications, it ap-

pears that sense of reasoning has failed to prevail in the interest of Nigerian students,” it said. According to the statement, Federal Government has made concession and put something on the table, but ASUU is yet to shift ground. “ In the collective interest of our nation, we cannot afford to sit on the fence at this critical time. This is the reason why we are out to say this strike must come to an end now. “ We are also disturbed by the allegations from the political class suspecting that politics has

crept into the whole matter. “The ASUU’s demands to a reasonable extent are in order, however, the subsisting concerns over the likelihood of political interference is premised on their refusal to shift ground,’’ it said. It urged ASUU to shift ground because it was a universal fact that government anywhere in the world found it difficult to meet all the demands of labour unions. “ Aside salary issue, no government in the history of ASUU strike in the country has made this kind of offer. According to the statement, the

government has made N100 billion available for infrastructure as against N30 billion for allowances. “ We are of the opinion that ASUU ought to have accepted the offer and work out modalities for short and long term special funding of the universities,” it said. The statement also urged ASUU to work with the National Assembly and other stakeholders to fashion out a workable road map to realise its dreams and to guard against future occurrence. It also advised the union to take

the advantage of the forthcoming national dialogue to make university reform and development a focus of discussion. The coalition regretted that strike was killing the nation’s collective efforts and the future of the present generation. “ Our children are tired and want to go back to the classrooms as soon as possible. “ We also call on the union to think of the future of the students and the future of the nation in general,” it said.

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531 Ag. Editor. EUBALDUS ENAHORO (08034742291). Deputy General Manager (Marketing) (08023457566), Assistant General Manager (Advertisement) (08023808856) Lagos Office: 3/4 Amode Close, Kudirat Abiola Way, By Olushonsun Bus Stop, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631.

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