Nightmare Zine - vol.1

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Nightmare zine

VOL. 1 July 2020

Shoko Matsuki Kim Antonissen

Livia - Romania

I was in a crowded party. I knew I had to reach the rooftop to find someone. Each room had some people or creatures partying. In the kitchen there were two identical looking fish dressed up in suit drinking martini. Only their lower lip was moving when they were talking. On the stove they were cooking alive lobsters. I interrupted to ask them where i could find the rooftop. The fish were very polite and they seemed to know me and my mission. “Oh you are the girl that has to reach the rooftop�.

Kim - The Netherlands

I was dreaming that I was sleeping and in the corner there was figure looking at me. At some point I woke up and I got scared and wondering if I was dreaming or not. I went out of the bed to switch on the light and see if there was someone. Ofcourse there was nobody and i went back to bed.

Chihiro - Japan

The skin headed nuns forced me to choose two options: branding my head or cutting the little finger. I chose the latter and my little finger was gone. And I could survive.

Hiromi - Japan Hiromi - Fukushima, Japan, 1996

Even now, I can vividly recall this worst nightmare I had when I was 5 years old. In the forest covered with the fallen leaves, I was running away from a mannequin doll. It was chasing me. When it caught me and I thought it was the end of life, I felt it softly touched my neck.

Joy - Belgium

My mother says I have premonitory dreams. When I was little, I dreamt of her. I said: What do you have in your boob. She went to the doctor to find out she had a benign tumor in hear breast. It was small enough to be removed on time.

Shoko - Japan

It was a hot summer day. I went to the swimming pool nearby. I enjoyed swimming. I felt it was nice and I swam deeper and deeper. When I tried to swim up to breathe, I found it strange. Although I tried again and again, I couldn’t reach the water surface. And I had to remain in the water.

Corinna, Greece

I am a married woman to a strict man, which I don’t love but I was forced to marry. I am in love, though, to another man, my lover, with whom I am dreaming my future. It’ such a misfortune not to be together with the one I love. In my dream one day, I see my lover as a hunter and my husband as a wild animal. I see the hunter killing the animal and bringing it to our home and hanging it on the wall. With a sharp knife, he opens the chest of the animal and takes out the heart of it. And with the blood of the heart, I die my hair.

Kanako - Japan

I was eating toilet paper in the toilet. Then I woke up to find myself covered with saliva.

Gintare - Lithuania

In my childhood dreams I always saw a big cat, with one red eye in the middle. It used to be a big cat in the size of a car or a truck.

Masamichi - Japan

One family was suffering from mysterious diseases. They held a conference for journalists to spread the knowledge and understanding for their diseases.Their faces were covered with gross smallpox which exactly looked like salmon caviar.

Ayako - Japan

A mole was chasing me. I ran and ran in the underground.

After that we all went to the church and we were waiting for the groom. I did not know who he was, so I tried to call someone who could figure it out. The groom never appeared.

Eleni - Greece

Me and my whole family were all gathered for my wedding. My sister’s godmother was telling me to wear something more proper for the occasion. She also told me to wear lipstick but I didn’t want to.

Ryota - Japan

As a kid I was up till late although my mom insisted I go to bed a couple of times. I was reading a fairytale book on the couch with no light on. Street light coming into our house was enough to read the letters. I felt someone was looking at me through the window in front of the couch. There were 2 “green� soldiers looking at me and pointing their weapons at me.

Balasz - Hungary

There was a party going on and I was outside. Around the house there were many plants. I started to hear noises and see weird animals between the plants. They were trying to get closer to me. I got scared so I ran into the house. Inside it was no better unfortunately, because spiders tried to enter. I jumped around to avoid them but they came close to me. I was going crazy so I ran into the bathroom to take a cold shower. While showering the shower cabin shoot itself out to space and the shower cabin became my spaceship.

Maria - The Netherlands

The bed was placed on top of a very high but small stone. I looked down and I saw a very deep black hole with lots of insects. I was scared to fall and touch the insects. The bed was wobbling and I told him to not move, because the bed might fall. He said he would lay down quietly. At some point he started to touch me and kiss me. Suddenly he stopped because the bed was hanging on the side of the stone and he was afraid it would fall. I told him to continue. We had sex. Then the bed fell down in the hole but we continued. The bed was falling an falling. I yelled at him that he should not stop and he said ofcourse not!! Then I woke up.

Audrey - RĂŠunion Island

I felt someone sitting on the corner of my bed. My eyes were popping out of my skull, as I tried to check for the intruder. I soon realized that I could not move. I looked in the mirror and I did not see my reflection. I have seen myself terrified with someone/something’s hand around my neck. This thing was squatting on top of me. Its feet on my chest, its long crooked fingers coiled around my neck. This absurd sight woke me up for good.

I was at my grandmother’s with my parents, my mother went to one of the bedrooms and at some point she became an owl. My father thought it was just an animal that had entered the house through the window and started trying to kick her out with a broom, while I yelled at him to stop, because I was the only one who knew it was my mother.

Clara - Spain

I dreamt that my boyfriend was driving really fast. We were flying from one part of the road to other part. At one point, he decided to fly over a lake but he failed and we landed on the lake. The car was floating until they rescued us. We continued our trip but later we fell from the cliff, and the car was turning upside down. When we landed on the sea, we called the police. A red-haired old drunk man appeared and wanted to help us. At some point more people appeared. They had different ages and genders, but all of them had the face of the old drunk man and were staring at us.

Iris - Vietnam

I was in panic because I realized that my teeth were crooked and I lost a few of them. I felt super anxious and only relieved when I knew it was a dream.

Reiko - Japan

I saw myself exactly as I was 29 years ago. I was in the hospital and it was right after I just gave birth to my son. I’m excited. Tomorrow I will return home with a new born baby. I entered a room to pick the baby up. When I was about to hold the baby in my arms from the nurse, the baby was dropped on the floor and fallen into pieces like a marionette. I look at these small hands scattered on a floor.

Submit your nightmares for zine number 2 at @nightmare_zine See you!

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