11 minute read
Welcome again everyone to my Up Close and Personal series with all of your Favorite adult stars, where we get an inside look at what they like, what their interests are, how they got into the Adult Business and other juicy personal details that come from being close friends with them as well as some gorgeous pictures of these lovely ladies and all their important social media and web links!
Miles: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... So a lot of you guys don’t know but... I am actually half Asian, so, it was one of the reasons I was VERY excited to shoot my very good friend Jessica Cho for Playboy, which was pretty fucking spectacular, I gotta say... in fact it was one of the most spectacular shoots that I have ever shot, BUT, I know that A LOT of folks would like to know a little more about you because, maybe some folks know that you dance, but I think that you are so fucking pretty that they would like to know a little more about you. Sooooooooo, tell us, how did you first get into the Business?
Jessica: Awwwwwww (Gets a little Shy) ... Oh Gosh, I started modeling back in my College years...
Miles: Okay...
Miles: Right... Plus you explore a lot more sexually right? ... I bet you hooked up with some Girls because you worked at Gentlemen’s Clubs right?
Jessica: Of COURSE…… (Makes a big grin)
Miles: REALLY!!!!!
Jessica: Oh my GOD I have so many stories... (Smiles)
Miles: Oh you DO! Okay, Okay, so wait, wait... (Laughs) Let’s rewind, the VERY first time you hooked up with a person... Was that a Boy or a Girl?
Jessica: We had a really GREAT connection (Smiles...
Miles: Now what about Girls? (Laughs) Were you interested in Girls back in High School or did that come later?
Jessica: Not back in High School, that came later after I Graduated and I became more in tune with my body ... (Laughs)
Miles: And more Exploratory right?
Jessica: EXACTLY!
Jessica: And then afterwards I started dancing to pay for School! (Makes a Coy Smile)
Miles: Oh Okay, so you got into dancing at Gentlemen’s Clubs as a way to pay for School! That’s such a noble thing and I think that a lot of girls should consider that because ... they have more time to Study that way...
Jessica: EXACTLY ... (Smiles) ...
Miles: And plus they get a chance to meet a lot of exciting folks right?
Jessica: EXACTLY...
Miles: ...Plus they get really comfortable with their bodies right? ... (Smiles)
Jessica: EXACLTY... (Laughs) ... And it really helps with your Confidence too!
Jessica: It was a Boy... (Laughs)
Miles: And was it his Idea or your Idea? (Laughs)
Jessica: (Laughs) It was his Idea... (Laughs)
Miles: Okay so a lot of Girls say that the first time isn’t so great because they don’t quite have the motion of the ocean yet... Because they are still trying to figure out Tab “A” into Slot “B” and stuffs (Laughs) ... Was it Great or was it So-So?
Jessica: (Laughs) it was GREAT!
Miles: Wow, that’s GREAT!!!!
Jessica: Exactly! (Smiles) That was back in High School and that was GREAT, really GREAT.
Miles: WOW! ... Okay so you had a really good time there...
Miles: Because you start Dancing and going to College and you get more exploratory...
Jessica: EXACTLY... (Laughs)
Miles: Niccccccceeeeeee...OK so the first time you hooked up with a Girl, was that Dancing or in College?
Jessica: That was in College... (Laughs)
Miles: Oh REALLY? So was that a Roommate? Or was it at a Party? Tell us about that...
Jessica: It was at a Party...
Miles: It was at a PARTY! ... (Laughs) So you went to this Party, and you saw another Hot Girl there, and ...
Jessica: OMG she was the BEST.. (Smiles Coyly)
Miles: And was it your Idea or her Idea?? (Laughs)
Jessica: It was her Idea... (Laughs)
Miles: Ohhhhh! So did she like drag you into a Bathroom? (Laughs) And totally start making out with you?
Jessica: (Laughs and Blushes) ... No it was a Costume Party!
Miles: It was a Costume Party! ... OK so what was your Costume?
Jessica: Soooooo (Laughs) As usual I went as a School Girl (Shows off her School Girl outfit she’s wearing at the interview)
Miles: A School Girl... Perfect, Perfect... I buy that one, and what was she?
Jessica: And she was a Hawaiian Dancer ... (Laughs)
Miles: She was a Hawaiian Dancer... And then like, she made eyes across the room and then motioned to a Bedroom? Or what happened?
Jessica: No we just went and started making out (Laughs) ... It was sooooo Hot!
Miles: Niccccceeeeeeeeee...
Jessica: We had a few drinks together... (Laughs)
Miles: Niccceeeeee... (Laughs)
Jessica: And then just started making out (Laughs) and it was so much fun... (Laughs)
Miles: Yesssssssss, so now did you go Downtown or her, or did she go Downtown on you?
Jessica: (Laughs) ... we went Downtown on Each OTHER!
Miles: Oh, Shit OK!!!!!!! (Laughs) And that was like your First Time Ever right? (Laughs)
Jessica: Yes! (Laughs)
Miles: And so did you ever get her number and hook up with her again?
Jessica: (Laughs) ... that was just a one-time thing for me... (Laughs)
Miles: That was a one-time thing but it opened your eyes to “Man I got to do THIS again!” (Laughs)
Jessica: (Laughs) YESSSSSSSSS! (Laughs)
Miles: You were all “Man I can’t wait to sit on another Girls face and give her a Moustache Ride!” (Laughs) OK! So you did that, now what about Threesomes? (Laughs)
Jessica: Threesome? (Laughs) I’ve had those too... (Laughs)
Miles: Now what’s Jessica’s favorite Threesome, is it 2 Boys and Jessica? Is it a Boy and a Girl and Jessica? Is it 2 Girls and Jessica?

Jessica: Usually my favorite is me, another Girl and a Guy... (Laughs)
Miles: Oh so you like... (Laughs)
Jessica: I LIKE Girls... (Smiles)
Miles: The BEST of BOTH WORLDS... (Laughs)
Jessica: YESSSSSSSSS! (Laughs)
Miles: Niccccceeeee (Laughs) Nicccceeeeeee... and you like to SHARE, like taste the other Girl off the Guy and Vice Versa... That’s like super-hot right?
Jessica: EXACTLY... (Smiles) EXACTLY... (Makes a Devious Grin)
Miles: Now what about Anal Sex! (Smiles) Have you had Anal Sex before?
Jessica: Actually I have...Frowns) And it wasn’t the best...
Miles: Oooooooo, you had a bad experience right?
Jessica: Yeah... (Laughs) It wasn’t the Best so, I’m still hoping to find that special someone who would teach me the ropes... (Smiles)
Miles: Niccccccceeeeee... (Laughs) Oh, because you heard from all your Girlfriends that once you have that Anal Orgasm you are hooked so you are like “Looking for the right Guy” (Laughs)
Jessica: Yes, EXACTLY!!!!!! (Laughs)
Miles: You hear that Guys? She’s looking for Mister RIGHT!!!! ... (Laughs)
Jessica: I NEED the right Guy! (Smiles)
Miles: She NEEDS the right Guy... (Laughs) Are you that GUY? (Laughs and Gestures to Everyone) GUYS! She NEEDS the right GUY!!! Fuck that’s AWESOME, OK, so now, what do you like to do in your Spare Time? What are your Hobbies?
Jessica: Working out, going to the Spa...
Miles: I can totally see those...
Jessica: I LOVE Shopping... (Smile)
Miles: Shopping! (Cheers) Gotcha... (Laughs) What about
Pets? Do you have any Pets?
Jessica: Yeah, I have 2 Dogs, one is named Dasher, and one is named Boo-Boo...
Miles: Okay... (Laughs) What kind of Dogs? Little Dogs? Big Dogs?
Jessica: They are little Spaniels ... (Laughs) They are so Cute, BooBoo is a little puppy right now, and Dasher is just a Brown mix.
Miles: Awwwww that’s really cute! (Laughs) Where is the Craziest Place that you have ever had sex?
Jessica: Oh I know exactly the answer to that one, and I’m probably going to get into so much trouble for this... (Laughs)
Miles: No not at all! (Laughs)
Jessica: This is BEFORE Social Media by the way... (Laughs) We DIDN’T get caught! (Laughs)
Miles: She didn’t take a picture of it, she just DID it! (Laughs) CONTINUED ON NEXT
Jessica: So my Boyfriend and I, I’m from East Lansing Michigan, (Laughs) so what we did was, we decided to have sex off the Michigan State Campus...

Miles: Oh so you went to have Sex on the College Campus...
Jessica: Yeah! We were in College at the time, and so we went and had Sex outside against one of the Dorms! (Laughs)
Miles: WOW!!!! That’s a GREAT FUCKING STORY! Now wait, Nighttime? Daytime?
Jessica: Of COURSE Nighttime! (Laughs)
Miles: Niccccceeeeeee... Winter or Summer, was it cold or hot?
Jessica: It was Summer...
Miles: WOW... That’s Fucking AWESOME! That’s a GREAT Story!
Jessica: I DON’T suggest trying that now though. (Laughs)
Miles: Yeah I wouldn’t suggest doing that nowadays! (Laughs) Because if you got caught that would be a super bad thing. (Laughs)
Jessica: Yeah, Definitely don’t do that now... (Laughs)
Miles: So now, I bet you have a bucket list of Crazy Sex you would like to try but haven’t yet... So what’s on that list? Like “I’ve always wanted to have Sex in an airplane bathroom.” Or I don’t know could be anything you know? On a Beach in the Sunset or whatever it is...
Jessica: (Laughs) ... My biggest Fantasy is to find that one true Guy who can give me my First Anal Orgasm... (Laughs)
Miles: Oh so you REALLY want to make this Anal Orgasm happen...
You are SUPER serious about that! Find that special Romance Novel Guy that just gives you that earth shattering Anal Orgasm... and then you are just hooked for LIFE!
Jessica: EXACLTY!!!! (Laughs)
Miles: WOWWWWW, that’s a GREAT Fantasy, that’s a Fantasy you can make a Reality if you are the Right Guy... You hear that Guys? (Laughs) Don’t let me down out there! (Laughs) What about Travelling? Do you like to Travel?
Jessica: I LOVE to Travel...
Miles: So where are some of the places you have liked the most?
Jessica: I of course LOVE being here in Las Vegas! But I LOVE Miami too!
Miles: Ahhhhh Great Choice, I could tell because I just took you to see the new Show that opened at the Wynn called “Awakening” which was FANTASTIC! It was really good, it was my Pleasure to take you and Bella Madisyn there, so not to worry we will take you to some more shows on your next Visit out here! And Miami, what a great party city right? Great Clubs, sitting on the Beach, walking around in Thongs, and you look really good in a Thong so you fit right in I’m sure... (Laughs)
Jessica: Yessss just take me to any Beach and I’m good! (Laughs) I also LOVE Texas...
Miles: Nicceeeee... Where abouts?
Jessica: Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, I’ve been there for Dancing and I really love it there.
Miles: I was just going to ask you, do you go there to Dance!
Jessica: YESSSSS, I Travel Dance A LOT!!! (Laughs) It’s a lot of Fun!!!
Miles: And you get to meet a lot of nice people and stuff...
Jessica: And you don’t get Bored because you are always in one City.
Miles: You don’t get stuck in a rut right?
Jessica: Exactly you can just be on your way and refresh yourself...
Miles: That’s Fantastic, now is there places that you would like to travel to but you haven’t been to yet?
Jessica: If I really could, I would love to go to Australia; I wanna go and see the Kangaroos and everything! The Koalas and stuff and also one of my big things is to go back to South Korea, I’ve only been there when I was a little kid and I don’t remember it at all. So I want to go back.
Miles: Now do you also still speak Korean or ...
Jessica: No, even though I was born there I came over here when I was very young and I don’t speak very much Korean at all. (Laughs)
Miles: You’ve got to get a Rosetta Stone or something and brush up on it before you go... (Laughs)
Jessica: Oh God Yes, I would need to use a Translator or use my phone... (Laughs)
Miles: Now that People will see you in your Playboy Feature we just shot, or one of the other Magazines out there, they will probably want to see more of you ... Where can they see more of you on the interwebs? What are your social media and stuffs?
Keep up with Jessica here: instagram.com/iheartjessicacho/ twitter.com/heartjessicacho faceook.com/heartjessicacho
Keep up with Miles Long and all his adventures here: twitter.com/mileslong4real www.instagram.com/mileslong4real www.mileslong4real.com www.povmania.com www.girlgirlmania.com www.imdb.me/mileslong