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Welcome again everyone to my Up Close and Personal series with all of your Favorite adult stars, where we get an inside look at what they like, what their interests are, how they got into the Adult Business and other juicy personal details that come from being close friends with them as well as some gorgeous pictures of these lovely ladies and all their important social media and web links!

Miles: Yessssssssssss... What a special fucking day this is, because not only have we known each other for more than... One Year (Laughs...

Ryan: A LONNNNGGGGG Goddamn Time... (Laughs)

Miles: Our Porn Anniversaries coincide around the same time... (Laughs) But we have also stayed friends all this time, and it’s like amazing...

Ryan: Ummmmmm... Friends with Benefits!! (Laughs and makes Devious Grin)

Miles: And we also have a lot of the same awesome Hobbies...

Ryan: ANAL ... (Smiles and Laughs)

Miles: And not just that, but you are Outdoorsy, and you are into Guns, and all kinds of cool stuff... (Laughs)

Ryan: Yessssss!!!!! (Laughs)

Miles: So for those of you that don’t already know, this is the LEGENDARY, Ryan Conner...

Ryan: Well, that’s me!!!! (Laughs)

Miles: Absolutely, also Hall of Famer also, now, tell us how did you first get into the Business? This is an interesting story actually...

Ryan: The whole truth and nothing but the truth... (Laughs)

Miles: Because you were living down in the San Diego area originally...

Ryan: Yep, I used to fuck around with a girl, not “Fucking” but she was my friend, and we both found ourselves in similar situations needing money, and she said “I know something we can do ...

Miles: YEAHHHHH!!!!!!

Ryan: And she didn’t tell me what it was... (Laughs) I kept asking her but she would say “Nah, nah, nah, let’s just see if we can do it... (Laughs)

Miles: YESSSSS!!!!!!!! (Laughs)

Ryan: (Laughs) So, she just picked up a pack of like... I don’t know some little Wine Coolers you know and was like “OK let’s go!” and so we went over to this... I want to say it was a shady Motel, but it’s Gay Porn that was down in the San Diego area,

Miles: That’s right there is a lot of Gay Production down in San Diego...

Ryan: Yeah, the predominant companies are Gay Porn Production Companies...

Miles: They shoot more Gay content down there...

Ryan: Yes Exactly… (Laughs) A LOT more...

Miles: It’s a big College town and Navy town...

Ryan: And the Big Business of Straight Porn was predominantly in LA at the time... So, this guy shot us, (Laughs) and it was Fantastic, it was Easy, and I was like “Wow, this is GREAT!”

Miles: So your first scene was a Girl/ Girl scene...

Ryan: Yes, that’s right it was a Girl/ Girl scene...

Miles: Niccccceeeeeee so you guys did the Horizontal Mambo!!!!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Laughs)

Ryan: YASSSSSSSSS! (Laughs) And I was like “Hey this is pretty cool!” so I asked the guy ... “So, can I work more? Do you have more things?” So then he put me with 2 Gay Guys that did a Bi Scene,

Miles: And how did that go?... Was it easy or hard?

Ryan: I didn’t have any issues at all (Smiles) I guess I kind of took to it like a duck to water (Laughs) ... For me Fucking comes easy I guess ... (Laughs)

Miles: You were like “Gimme that Dick!!!!!” (Laughs) Show you guys what you are missing! (Laughs)

Ryan: The only thing that I find is that Porn brings a lot of people out of the woodwork that need money and are desperate, but aren’t necessarily good at what they are doing... (Laughs)

Miles: That’s True (Laughs) that’s True... Or Professional...

Ryan: They just think it’s going to be Fast Money... So, some guys, maybe they are Gay in their private life, maybe they are just Gay for Pay, but you know some people have a hard time getting it up, and keeping it up, that kind of thing, I tell people all the time, Male Pornstar has to be one of the hardest jobs I know... SOOOOO much pressure you know, SOOOOO much pressure OMG. You know you THINK that the scene is riding on the girl, because most people are probably watching the girl, HOWEVER, the whole Base of the scene, the Foundation of the scene is the man. If he can’t work, we don’t have a scene.

Miles: That’s exactly what I tell people. He is there to market the product, which is the girl, and make her shine. And there is a very specific set of...

Ryan: ...Tools yes exactly...

Miles: That they have to have... And there a LOT of guys who come into the Business who say “Well I’m a swinger” or “I have an Onlyfans so I can do this shit!” and then they come to a REAL Porn Production Set, and we expect them to 1) Get Hard, 2) Stay Hard, 3) Cum on Cue, 4) Deliver Dialogue, 5) Position the Girl, 6) Open the girl up to Camera, 7) Transition well...

Ryan: Those are BIG ones, those are BIG ones... (Laughs)

Miles: Because it’s NOT fucking for Home, and I explain that to guys and they say “I can do THAT!” and they are still running away from the camera and hiding the hardcore... (Laughs)

Ryan: Yeah, yeah, I tell people all the time... If that’s something that you want to do you should film it first, and once you FILM someone doing it first, then you know what you are looking for.

Miles: Yep 100%

Ryan: And then you will know how to move based on that ... And YES the man DRIVES the scene... The man is the Workhorse of the whole scene... (Laughs)

Miles: He’s the Workhorse, he’s got to be on point the entire time...

Ryan: AND he’s got to make it look easy... (Laughs Hysterically) And it’s the HARDEST job there.

Miles: Yep, that’s true, 100% if you are uncomfortable, it looks great on camera...

Ryan: Yepppppp! (Laughs)

Miles: As soon as you get comfortable, you better move because it doesn’t look good.

Ryan: Yeah, yep, yep, I agree... And for some people that isn’t natural for them so they have to get into an imaginary headspace, and that’s like a big deal too... (Laughs)

Miles: To have your Alter Ego... (Laughs) Take your Clark Kent glasses off... (Laughs)

Ryan: Right??? (Laughs) Exactly, so it’s not an easy job.

Miles: So you went from that initial scene, so how did you migrate up to more Mainstream, high end, and straight Porn productions?

Ryan: So I asked the guy, he had a legit production company down there in San Diego, and I think he’s still around actually... And I said, “Hey if I want to do this full time, what do I do? Like are there more people that I can work for... (Laughs) Like I knew NOTHING about Porn at that time. (Laughs) And he was like “Well, I know... “ And I can’t remember her name now, I have it written down somewhere because I am so forgetful, but he said “I have this girl’s number, she is huge in the industry, give her a call and she will tell you who to contact up in LA...

Miles: Niceeeeee, Niceeeeeeeeee... (Laughs)

Ryan: And, that’s exactly what I did. So she gave me the name and number of a contact at VCA, Vivid, Wicked, and what was the other one...

Miles: Metro?

Ryan: Yes that was it, Metro. (Laughs) Right? The Fabulous 4... right? And of course from there it grew, more people find out “New Meat” (Laughs)

Miles: Well and another really special thing about you was that back in those days, there were not a plethora of girls who did Anal... But you came in to the business, and you liked it and you were a Champ already, and I think that’s how we met actually, when you first came in we did an Anal scene together. (Laughs)

Ryan: Yep!! Yep!! (Laughs) In fact I have to say that MOST of my scenes were Anal. Like almost ALL of them. (Laughs) And I’m going to touch on another topic that was a real big one that kind of made me Star; there were a lot of girls who were not doing what we used to call “Interracial” scenes.

Miles: Yep that’s right I mean we don’t even call it that anymore I don’t think...

Ryan: I’m old school, so that’s what they called it back then... (Laughs) And they would ask you “Do you do Interracial?” ... And I’m like “What?” (Laughs)

Miles: They used to give a girl a checklist...

Ryan: Yes and you would just check of what you did and didn’t do... (Laughs) And I was like there’s pretty much nothing here I don’t do on this list besides this beating stuff... (Laughs) And they would be shocked and surprised. I guess back then girls would get paid more for their “Firsts”…..

Miles: Yes, like their First Anal, their First DP, their First (what they used to call) “Interracial”...

Ryan: And back then, unless it was like a DP or a gangbang I never asked for more pay for anything. I just did it because I figured, I like it, and I already cleaned out, so why not? I find nothing wrong with anything on the lists or other people so let’s do it!

Miles: And that’s what makes you a CHAMP... (Laughs) You were like “I’m just doing this because I LIKE it... Wait I get a check too? Even BETTER! Where do I sign up!!!!!” (Laughs)

Ryan: Yes! (Laughs) Exactly!!!! (Laughs) You know I tell people all the time I got into Porn and Porn was a Blessing for me; it was a Godsend, because I could be the Mom and the Dad.

Miles: That’s Right! (Laughs)

Ryan: Because back then in a short amount of time. (Laughs) I mean unless you were on a really big shoot, you would be in and out in maybe 3 hours or 4 hours? And Gonzo came along and people were just popping off scenes left and right.

Miles: Yep, I remember you would sometimes be doing 3 scenes every day.

Ryan: Yes, Yes, 3 Anal scenes a day ... (Smiles) Because I was like I’m already cleaned out and ready so why not? I love Anal. (Laughs) And then I got a reputation for NEVER cancelling so people would call me, and say “Hey this girl flaked, or Baled, or she’s not showing up, or she’s 3 hours late... Can you be here?”...and I would be like “I’m at a scene right now, but I will be there in an hour.”

Miles: YEAHHHHHHH... (Laughs)

Ryan: Yeah those were FUN times! (Laughs)

Miles: It’s True, I fondly remember those days... (Laughs) You know I try to explain to the kids these days what it was like back then..... Because back then, we started in an Era where they mad really big productions, we made MOVIES... And at some point people had sex in them.

Ryan: Yes, we started out in an Era where everything was a big production, and then Gonzo along, and so, you went from, I remember one time where I was on set for 16 hours, reading dialogue... Like we were sleeping all over couches... (Laughs)

Miles: That’s what I’m saying, because these days a lot of the kids will shoot their stuff on their phones, and back then we were shooting on the cameras that Mainstream Films were shooting their big movies on, I remember one time I was shooting a scene standing over 2 people having sex in a Hot tub, and it was a 500,000.00 Camera, with a 250,000.00 lens, and I’m straddling the Hot tub, with my feet in the water and holding my camera way above my head to get this shot... And I looked over at the Director who was at his Director cart looking at the Monitors, and he said “Beautiful Shot Miles, by the way, you know if you drop that Camera into the water you are fired right?” And then after we finished the shot and he called ‘Cut’, we all burst out laughing... (Laughs)

Ryan: Yep those were the days for sure! (Laughs)

Miles: Now, coming full circle, you are on the Cover of FHM Australia this month, as well as FHM Top Adult Stars Magazine, which is in stores now here in the US! Congratulations, and also let me say just how AMAZING you looked and what a pleasure it was to shoot you for those, especially since every time I shoot you, our shoots just come out AMAZING!

So where can people see more of you on the interwebs? What are your social media and stuffs? Twitter.com/RyanConner69 Instagram.com/ryanconnerxworld

Keep up with Miles Long and all his adventures here: Twitter.com/mileslong4real Instagram.com/mileslong4real Mileslong4real.com




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