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Up Close & Personal with Miles Long

Miles Long

Up Close and Personal with


Welcome again everyone to my Up Close and Personal series with all of your Favorite adult stars, where we get an inside look at what they like, what their interests are, how they got into the Adult Business and other juicy personal details that come from being close friends with them as well as some gorgeous pictures of these lovely ladies and all their important social media and web links!

Miles: Wooooff ff DANNGGGGG, it’s defi nitely my LUCKY MONTH, today is SUPER, SUPER SPECIAL, Not only because I’m interviewing a Lovely Lady with the SAME last stage name, (Laughs) But also because she is my Long Time Super Bestie, and is also the June Cover of FHM Magazine South Africa AND featured in the June Issue of Playboy Denmark, with BOTH photo layouts shot by Yours Truly! I’m talking about the AMAZING, the BEAUTIFUL, inside and out, the GENUINE, and phenomenally talented, world famous, Eva Long, shot by Miles Long, and we actually joked about many years ago………

Eva: We DID! Well Hello! (Laughs) I dunno that intro will be a tough act to follow; I wanna meet THAT girl (Laughs)

Miles: We joked about that Many years ago when you when you did your Very, Very, Very fi rst scene in the Business... Which was with ME... (Laughs)

Eva: We are talking VERY First scene in the business... (Smiles)

Miles: Very, Very First scene... (Smiles) We took some pictures you know, so you could put them up on the Agency website, and then we did a POV... And I just remember a couple things... #1 you squirted ALL OVER THE PLACE and made this big wet spot in the middle of the Den...

Eva: Yep!!! (Laughs)

Miles: And then the other thing that stuck with me forever after that was that you said “I love a THICK Cock, Deep in my Ass.” That’s what you said. (Laughs)

Eva: ME?? (Blushes)

Miles: I had just met you too. (Laughs) I had just met her and that’s what she said... (Laughs)

Eva: Laughs Hysterically... (Smiles)

Miles: And I said, “You know what, I think you will go FAR in this Business!!!!” (Laughs) I think you got a Talent, and I think you should stick with this Kiddo. (Laughs)

Eva: Have I gone LONG????? (Makes a big grin) And I took that and ran with it didn’t I!!!! had right if you think about that right?


Miles: Now let’s go way, way back, how did you fi rst get into the Business?

Eva: Yeah, so I was living in AZ, and I was in the restaurant business for the longest time, (Smiles)

Miles: Nicccceeeeeeee... A Service Business...

Eva: (Laughs) I mean I worked every position in the Restaurant Business... (Laughs)

Miles: I bet you did... (Laughs) especially Doggie right? (Laughs)

Eva: Late Nights... (Smiles) Manager’s Offi ce... (Laughs) Nope, they all wish... (Laughs) That’s Funny. (Laughs) But I was a Workaholic, I just worked all the time and I needed a change...

Miles: OK...

Eva: You know, I knew it but I also just, didn’t know it, and it just came to be, and so I said “You know what? My family and I are going to move to Vegas!”

Miles: ... Awesome...

Eva: Ummmm I had thought about getting into this Business when I was younger... Eva: ... It had crossed my mind... And of course my Husband was like into it. (Laughs)

Miles: Nicccccceeeeeeee... I like that guy already! (Laughs)

Eva: He was like “You got some talents that can be used right there!” (Laughs)

Miles: YEAH!!!!! He was like “I’ll Co-Sign on that Thick Cock Deep in her Ass!” (Laughs)

Eva: Right???? He was like we need to Practice for you, A LOT! (Laughs) Get you ready! (Laughs)

Miles: Yeah! Practice! (Laughs)

Eva: So, ummmm... But I was too shy, I wasn’t confi dent, I was afraid, you know I was like “Oh my gosh you know it’s like something that people don’t necessarily think that highly of... (Laughs)

Miles: And this is interesting though I think that this is something that a lot of women can relate too, so it’s interesting that you talk about that. So you thought that taking the leap of faith, and getting into the industry, you thought that maybe help you with some of the things that you were maybe a little insecure or selfconscious about...

Eva: RIGHT...

Miles: By helping you work through that...

Miles: And she LIKES IT! (Laughs) Look at that ORGASM, what a dirty whore she is! (Laughs) Oh Fuck I gotta be like HER! (Laughs)

Eva: Like immediately if you are doing Porn, you are Doing Drugs, in Alleys and all this stuff ... Anyways...

Miles: Not being a Strong, Empowered, Self-Employed, SelfConfi dent Woman, who is the boss of her own career, which I think is a way better way of looking at it, personally. (Laughs)

Eva: I agree. (Smiles)

Miles: Which is true also (Laughs)

Eva: Which I have a huge business sense running Restaurants, I mean you have to. It’s all about Costs, Labor Management...

Miles: Did you say Cock or Costs? (Laughs)

Eva: (Thinks aloud to herself) I think I said Costs (Laughs) But I could have said Cock... (Laughs)

Miles: Equally important... (Laughs)

Eva: Sometimes my mouth does that... (Blushes and Laughs) Mind of its own...

Miles: OK...

Eva: So we decided we would move to Vegas and did we think right off the bat I would do Porn? No, but we thought about it………… thought about Dancing... Thought, you know there are a million restaurants here, so I could bartend, or get back into the restaurant business, just didn’t know, needed a change. Kind of hard to pin point why or where that thought process came from and you know people ask and I just say “I dunno, it kinda just happened.” Anyway, moved here, started researching and looking for Agents, and Agencies that represent Adult Models...

Miles: Nicccceeeeeee...

Eva: And, I came across an Ad on Craigslist that said they were scouting for new talent... Eva: So there was an Ad that was looking for girls for represent... (Laughs)

Miles: Oh so you were on a website or newspaper (Laughs)

Eva: Yeah it was on Craigslist. (Laughs)

Miles: Oh so it was and Ad on Craigslist...

Eva: Looking for Adult Models... (Laughs)

Miles: Oh, they said Adult?

Eva: They said Adult Models to represent, because it was an Agency... For that upcoming weekend, so I called, and set up a time to come and meet, and it was at one of the Casinos, and so I met with this Guy, and we did some test photos, and just talked, and he sent my photos to the Agent, and she called right back and said “I would love to represent you.”

Miles: I bet she did... Eva: So I spoke with her on the phone for a few moments and that was it, I was signed and that was when the Agency was fairly new, and I had a job booked for 5 days after that, with Pure Mature, I went and worked with you, got some Test Photos, got some Photos for the Agency Website, got my feet wet so to speak (Laughs)

Miles: Got some content... (Laughs)

Eva: Got your fl oor wet... (Laughs)

Miles: Yep Yep... (Laughs)

Eva: And then it just started going from there! And... Was it easy in the beginning? No, but...

Miles: But it never is for anything that is worth working for, that you want to build a business, and build a brand, it doesn’t happen overnight, no matter what Business you are in you know what I mean?

Eva: Right, and I mean easy in terms of Money, you have to prove yourself, you have to prove that you are reliable, you have to build a brand, so I Danced, I worked for a Bachelor Party Service, things like that to help supplement my income and just kept going and in the beginning it was like... You have a shoot in LA tomorrow, you know, so you get up you drive to LA and go... A lot of back and forth to LA, and so on and so forth, and then here we are!

Miles: And a few years later, you know you are the Cat’s Meow of Girl/ Girl performers, very well known... (Laughs)

Eva: Turned into that, never really anticipated that at all to be honest... (Laughs) So, lots of Boy/Girl obviously, always got booked and people loved to have me on set and as we transitioned to...

Miles: And a FANTASTIC Onlyfans following now...

Eva: Yah! Really started focusing on my Onlyfans... Right before the Pandemic hit is when I really started thinking about that anyways... And then everything happened with Covid and it was almost like... My instincts were already working towards that, so I really started paying attention to that and got a great following and really are thankful for everyone on there... So yeah, I really enjoy that.

Miles: Now here’s an interesting question, maybe there’s a girl who would like to get into the business, and they are with a signifi cant other or husband or boyfriend, or something and they have some trepidation because they are worried that it might change their relationship at home, maybe what they do on fi lm or their perception, or their relationship between their partner and them, Can you tell us a little about that, because you know because you have one of the most stable relationships that I’ve known throughout the history of the adult business and girls that I have known.

Eva: Yeah, there’s no one formula for it, you know every relationship is diff erent, depending on if you are just starting out in the relationship, or you have been together a long time, I will be celebrating 22 years of marriage...

Miles: That’s INCREDIBLE, that’s as long as I have been in the Business you know what I mean so...

Eva: Right, so when I got into the business, you know 8 years ago, my Husband was super supportive, so it’s not something you want to keep from anyone fi rst of all, because you won’t be able to……. (Laughs) You want to be honest, but you know your persona on fi lm, and how you perform, if your partner is into watching you, they will probably, most likely be, “Can I have some of that in the bedroom? Can I have that right here?” You know? So, you know I LIKED that aspect of it, I thought that was cool, I knew that going in with my Husband...

Miles: And you guys were a bit more open in your relationship anyways right?

Eva: Yes, we were, we have had other people into our sex lives... So, you know, we are already super open, so just being open and honest, and understanding, and if there’s a problem I would just let your partner know, so if you are having problems with anything, if you are uncomfortable with anything, please just tell me fi rst and just talk to me...

Miles: Sure of course...

Eva: You know, I’ve never been a performer from the start who has ever wanted to work every single day, and all that stuff like that, so really as long as you are open about it and honest, and understanding to your partner that it’s a job, just like any other, and when you are on set it’s very professional, and while you are having sex with someone, when you fi nish and the camera is off , and you are done, you hug and you say goodbye, and you go back to your partner.

Miles: Now, let’s ask you this, what does sexuality mean to Eva Long? And also as a woman, and maybe also as a performer, and maybe also as a wife, is there a diff erence between the three? Or are they sort of all encompassed in to one?

Eva: They’re under one umbrella for sure. Sexuality for me, what brings my sexuality out personally as me, is taking care of myself, feeling good, by taking care of myself, eating well, exercising... Exercising gives me a lot of sexual energy...

Miles: Oh, interesting OK...

Eva: Which makes me feel good about myself, I can see results, you know when I am working on things, as a Performer it’s interesting because you’re dealing with so many diff erent scenarios and scripts, and I am a MILF so a lot of times I get a lot of the same types of scenarios, like if it’s with Girls, I am the aggressor, I’m the “Mommy”...

Miles: The Predator YEAHH... (Laughs)

Eva: And I like that, I think that’s fun, a young lady who is sort of innocent but curious at the same time, not super meek, turns me on. (Laughs)

Miles: Sure!

Eva: As far as being a wife, my husband just loves the role playing...

Miles: OH, niccccceeeeeee...

Eva: And being together for as long as we have been together, you keep it spicy! You know? So, when I leave the set and he’s like, “So what did you do today?” we can use that, that’s like fuel to our fi re... Eva: Which is cool so... (Laughs really hard) So it’s all under the same thing, but I like to be a chameleon, I like to blend in to wherever I am at and whatever is going on.

Miles: Now maybe some folks might not know that you were nominated for Girl/Girl Performer of the Year... Maybe, tell us, what did that mean to you, and also maybe some of the folks who were maybe not as strong a performer as you, or shy or new or whatever, how was it that you still managed to make every scene unforgettable. Because it’s like eating diff erent food all the time, not everything tastes the same, but you still want and enjoy the meal right?

Eva: Being nominated for Lesbian Performer of the Year was a huge honor, IS a huge honor, ummmm was shocking to be honest,

Miles: I’m not shocked, I seen you Fuck; I will co-sign on that Shit! (Laughs)

Eva: (Laughs)

Miles: Sorry... Sorry... (Laughs)

Eva: It was shocking in terms of just interesting to see where my career has gone in that way... I’ve always been paired with newer performers, never girls so I’ve known that sometimes these girls are nervous or sometimes...

Miles: Sometimes they haven’t tried that before...

Eva: Some of them haven’t even been with a woman before...

Miles: That’s True... Yeah... Hard for us to imagine but it happens, very normal...

Eva: Right!

Miles: Just not normal for us! (Laughs)

Eva: And I fi nd that very Brave, I fi nd that very Intense, for someone to not only have their fi rst Girl/Girl experience, but on FILM... Miles: Orgasm on FILM! With Eva Long... Now that’s pretty fucking AWESOME! (Laughs)

Eva: Because I have my own... I get nervous. I get butterfl ies before each scene you know. (Laughs) So what I wanted to show these girls was that they were taken care of in the scene.

Miles: Nicccccceeeeeeeeee...

Eva: That they’re... OK, they’re Safe, that they’re going to be OK, we’re going to get through it, and there have been a couple where they were... Diffi cult, (Laughs) I won’t lie...

Miles: Ahhh (Laughs) Sometimes people get into the Business for not the right reasons, and it shows!

Eva: Right! (Laughs) And you can feel it. You can feel it when you go to kiss and it’s like...She Pulls Back Away)

Miles: Right! (Laughs)

Eva: What I do in those situations, I’ve never stopped a scene, never said I couldn’t do it or whatever, I just pulled through, I just focus even more directly, I just dive more into that scene, into that body, and fl ip them, and I’M doing all the work, and I just take it all on myself... And for me it WORKS.

Miles: YEAHHHH... (Laughs)

Miles: Where can we see more of you on the Interwebs? What’s your Social Media handles and stuff ?

Keep up with Eva Long and all her adventures here:

twitter.com/EvalongL instagram.com/evalongoffi cial/

Keep up with Miles Long and all his adventures here:

twitter.com/mileslong4real instagram.com/mileslong4real/ www.mileslong4real.com/ povmania.com/ girlgirlmania.com/ imdb.me/mileslong

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