Magazine eVeRY W MaN is a Masterpiece
October 2010
A True
Worth Preser
Sarah Warburton
ometimes we need to be reminded that each of us is a work of art. And whether you are admired by many or just one, you are a unique creation worth taking c a r e o f . “ To d a y e v e r y w o m a n l i v i n g i n America has a one in eight chance of b e i n g d i a g n o s e d w i t h b r e a s t c a n c e r. T h e g o o d n e w s ? I f c a u g h t e a r l y, t h e 5 y e a r s u r v i v a l r a t e i s 9 8 % . U n f o r t u n a t e l y, i f diagnosed late, the sur vival rate drops t o 2 3 % , ” s a y s D r. S a n d r a Te m p l e t o n . “ M a k e a commitment to get your mammograms on time and remember that a diagnosis of breast cancer isn’t the end of the world. As a breast surgeon, I’m usually able to tell my patients I’ll only be a major disruption in their lives for a short time…if we’ve caught a problem early and taken prompt action. Timing really is ever ything!” The two biggest risk factors for developing b r e a s t c a n c e r a r e b e i n g f e m a l e a n d g e t t i n g o l d e r. Ninety out of a hundred women with breast c a n c e r w i l l s h a r e o n l y t h o s e r i s k f a c t o r s . D r. Te m p l e t o n s a y s , “ To o m a n y w o m e n t h i n k t h a t i f they don’t have a family histor y of breast canc e r, t h e y d o n ’ t h a v e t o w o r r y, ” s h e s a y s . “ F a m i l y histor y is important…but it isn’t the most comm o n f a c t o r. G e t y o u r b a s e l i n e d o n e b e t w e e n t h e ages of thirty-five and forty (earlier if you have a family histor y) and then remember your annual m a m m o g r a m s a f t e r t h e a g e o f f o r t y. ” Yo u r f a t e i s i n y o u r h a n d s ! M a m m o g r a m s a n d self-exams are invaluable tools. In fact, about f o r t y p e r c e n t o f t h e c a n c e r s t h a t D r. Te m p l e t o n treats were initially felt by the patient or her doctor during a well woman exam. If you feel something strange or get an abnormal mammo-
gram result, don’t panic. Call D r. Te m p l e t o n a n d s h e ’ l l t a k e you through the next steps. She says, “Eighty-five percent of abnormal mammograms are due to benign growths; but for the other fifteen percent it’s
a life-saving scan. How fast we get the ball rolling makes a real dif ference. Most of my patients do extremely well and they’re able to look back with gratitude on the mammogram or self-exam that caught a problem e a r l y. A n d o f c o u r s e , t h e b e s t part of my job is telling women that there’s absolutely nothing wrong. That’s a statement I love to make!” D r. Te m p l e t o n s a y s , “ D o n ’ t let the fear of surger y keep you f r o m f o l l o w i n g u p o n a n a b n o rmal mammogram or a lump… t h e e a r l i e r w e d e t e c t c a n c e r, t h e easier and more ef fective the treatment.” Ever y year brings n e w w a y s t o m a k e t r e a t m e n t t a rgeted, ef ficient, and ef fective. In the last fifteen years, science has proven that lumpectomies and radiation are as ef fective as mastectomies and are less invasive and easier on the patient. When you are under the care o f D r. Te m p l e t o n , y o u b e n e f i t
“If caught early, the 5 year survival rate is 98%. Unfortunately, if diagnosed late, the survival rate drops to 23%”
from her philosophy that the treatment should be as individual as the person being treated. Like great art, your course of treatment and preser vation will be based on what you and your body require. Please don’t wait.
Sandra Templeton, MD, FACS Diseases and Surgery of the Breast 281-494-3000 Methodist Professional Building Southwest Freeway @ Sweetwater
A Timely Doctor Donnielle Carter
f you ask people what they want in a doctor, most people will tell you that they want a doctor to take the time to communicate with them and show that they care. In our current age of fast food, drive-through pharmacies and high-speed internet, is that possible? Yes it is. And Dr. Baltazar of Sugar Land Vein Specialists is a shining example of that. Jay Jurica works in retail and stands all day long. He knew he had varicose veins but he wasn’t letting himself worry about it. However, his legs felt tight and sore and he would end the workday fatigued from the pain. His wife encouraged him to get his varicose veins looked at. Jay discovered that Dr. Baltazar offers a free consultation and he decided to check it out. He figured he didn’t have anything to lose but the pain. Jay was impressed that he was able to get in to see Dr. Baltazar right away and when he showed up for his appointment, Dr. Baltazar saw him at the appointed time, “So often when you go into a doctor’s office these days you arrive when they tell you, but you see the doctor an hour or more later. It feels like I’m on an assembly line. I saw Dr. Baltazar at the actual time of the appointment.” And during the initial consultation, Dr. Baltazar was friendly and helped Jay figure out not only how to take care of his varicose veins but also that it was caused by poor circulation. “Dr. Baltazar was a very different doctor. He was a real nice guy, he spent time with me, talking about family and asking me about mine. I wish he was my family doctor.” Speedy recuperating time was a main factor in Jay’s decision to move forward with the procedure at Sugar Land Vein Specialists, “Other procedures said that down time was 5-6 weeks. I couldn’t have that in my
life. With this procedure it was only 1-2 weeks. I also liked that the procedure was quick, virtually painless and done in his office. I didn’t have to check into a hospital.” Jay was back on his feet in no time, standing tall and working without the pain and tightness in his legs. And during his recovery time Dr. Baltazar told Jay he could call him anytime day or night and ask him any questions or talk to him about any concerns he might have. Dr. Baltazar even called Jay to check and see how he was recuperating! Wow?! “Dr. Baltazar is like an old time family country doctor. You can tell that he really cares.” If you’re concerned about varicose veins, check out Dr. Baltazar of Sugar Land Vein Specialists. A doctor who treats his patients like people, communicates openly with them, and genuinely cares about healing their pain. How did we get so lucky to have him in Sugar Land? Ulises Baltazar MD,RVT, FACS - Sugar Land Vein Specialists 281-240-8400 • 4660 Sweetwater Blvd Ste 130 Free screening upon appointment
Jay Jurica of Arcola Feed & Tack
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An Artist with Bodies
Donnielle Carter hen thinking about art work most people go to paintings, statues, books or the like. What about bodies? Can bodies be a work of art? Dr. Ahmadi of Avante Plastic Surgery says “Yes they can!” and he proves it everyday. Dr. Ahmadi is a double board certified plastic surgeon. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. At Avante Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ahmadi performs many kinds of artistic procedures including; facelifts, nose reshapings, breast augmentations, reductions, and lifts. The procedure that really shows off Dr. Ahmadi’s artistry is the Lipotuck™, a one stage procedure he created that combines liposuction with tightening of the skin, to provide a flatter stomach and a more streamlined waistline. A former patient proclaimed that after going to Dr. Ahmadi, “I couldn’t be happier. Your sculpting is beautiful and beyond what I had imagined. I smile a lot more because I feel so much better about myself.” And another client said, “Since my surgery I have felt like a new person! The confidence that you gave me has been remarkable! I can now wear clothes that I once just dreamed about. Thank you Dr. Ahmadi!” An artist can be defined as someone whose work exhibits exceptional skill. Still wondering how a surgeon can be described as an artist? Check out Avante’s website and check out the astounding before and after pictures for yourself. Dr Ahmadi has a passion for bodies! And a passion to help people feel better, look better and find that motivation to have the life that they truly before
desire. Why wait when you hear comments like, “Put your fears aside and leave the rest to Dr. Ahmadi! He is very patient and will listen to your requests and he will do the best job for what you’re asking.” If you’re looking to make a change to your body, why not put your body in the hands of an artist? Someone who has dedicated their professional life to making bodies the works of art they truly are. Dr. Ahmadi of Avante Plastic Surgery, a pioneering creative surgeon and an artist who can assist you in becoming the you you want to be. Call today for your consultation. Avante Plastic Surgery 281-265-2639 (BODY) 1112 Soldiers Field Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479
Breast Cancer Survivors Offering Support
Seated left - right: Jenny Hrbacek, RN, Reconstruction of a Survivor and SOS; Melanie Frederick, SOS; Dr. Jennie M. Bennett, founder and director of Reconstruction of a Survivor; Rosemary Herron, SOS and support group facilitator; Joanna Waits, SOS and Bill Bross, Director of Spiritual Care and Values Integration at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital. Standing left – right: Julia Kerner, SOS; Ann Daniel, RN Methodist Sugar Land Cancer Center and support group facilitator; Karen Platt, Chaplain at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital and support group facilitator; Janet Ely, founder of SOS; Marilyn Seiler, SOS and Marsha Yeager, SOS and support group facilitator. ethodist Sugar Land Hospital has recently partnered with two breast cancer support groups, Survivors Offering Support (SOS), and Reconstruction of a Survivor, to offer breast cancer survivors a group support system at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital. The newly formed breast cancer support group, Survivors Offering Support at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, featuring Reconstruction of a Survivor’s cur-
riculum, “Navigating Life’s Roadmap After Breast Cancer,” will begin in October, breast cancer awareness month. Women from all types of backgrounds, ages, races, and geographic regions, who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer, are undergoing treatment or have completed treatment are welcome. The support group will help women diagnosed with breast cancer understand that breast cancer affects them both emotionally and spiritually, not just physically. It provides women a belief that they will have a better future after breast cancer—this belief is a part of the healing process. The three founders of Survivors Offering Support vowed that no woman had to face breast cancer alone and thus formed the breast cancer support group 10 years ago out of their homes. “The need for a far reaching support group was apparent, and I thought partnering with Methodist Sugar Land Hospital’s Spiritual Care Department would enable the group to grow even more and provide our current survivors and new members the increased opportunity to learn, meet other survivors, find support and share experiences,” said Marsha Yeager, facilitator for the group. The curriculum series, “Navigating Life’s Roadmap After Breast Cancer,” was written by Dr. Jennie M. Bennett, breast cancer survivor of 14 years and founder and director of Reconstruction of a Survivor. “The mission of Reconstruction of a Survivor is to fill the gap
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to serve all women diagnosed with breast cancer as they find the power within themselves, surround themselves with similar survivors, feel that nothing has been taken from them, and understand that deep down they long to explore all that is purposed for their life,” says Dr. Bennett. Bill Bross, Director of Spiritual Care and Values Integration at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital stated, “The mission of Reconstruction of a Survivor and the local Survivors Offering Support group aligns perfectly with the vision and mission of Methodist Sugar Land Hospital—we promise to cultivate a safe, spiritual, and healing environment. We look forward to reaching into the Fort Bend community to impact the lives of women at any stage of breast cancer.” Please join Survivors Offering Support at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital on Thursdays, October 14th, November 18th and December 9th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00, located at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital in the Main Pavilion conference room D. For more information or further dates, please contact the Spiritual Care Department at 281-274-7164. For more information on Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, please visit or visit Reconstruction of a Survivor’s website at
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 5
Different Families with the Same Dream Sarah Warburton
etting medical training in India, the United Kingdom, and then the United States gave one local fertility specialist more than a world-class education…it also gave him a fantastic world-view. This triple board-certified doctor, Dr. Subodh Chauhan, says, “Couples from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different generations have different expectations for building a family. I approach each patient as an individual and take things one step at a time, because having a baby is a personal and precious choice that’s different every time.” Women of all ages and backgrounds are turning to Dr. Chauhan for help conceiving. If you’re younger than thirty-five, Dr. Chauhan recommends trying to get pregnant for a year before seeking out a specialist… but after the age of thirty-five you and your partner might not want to wait longer than six months. He says, “Come see me earlier if you have a history of endometriosis, failed pregnancies, heavy periods, thyroid trouble, diabetes, or irregular cycles. We want to optimize your conditions for a healthy pregnancy.”
We’re fortunate to live in such a culturally-diverse, cosmopolitan community… and Dr. Chatham’s experience makes him uniquely qualified to help patients with a variety of expectations and life experiences. He says, “Some patients are worried about a genetic problems in their family history, and others want a balanced family. Our technology gets better every year. Now through IVF we can minimize
miscarriage, avoid problems, and help you achieve the family of your dreams. We can also evaluate the chromosomes and transfer only healthy embryos as well as help couples balance their families. Talk to me about your concerns and I’ll look for solutions.” “I’ll always honor my patient’s feelings and give each one the information she needs to make a decision,” says Dr. Chauhan. “Infertility is not a life-threatening disease, so the best course of action is always the one the patient is most comfortable taking. One woman might want testing, but no injections. Another might ovulation medication, but nothing else. Another might want IVF and another might want a child by any means necessary. I promise to listen, support you, and always put my experience and my resources to work in the hope of making your dream come true.”” Fertility Specialists of Houston 4724 Sweetwater Blvd, Ste 105 Sugar Land, TX 77479 832-553-5IVF (5483) Email Dr. Chauhan your questions at
Gone With the Wind
Sarah Warburton emember the storm that ripped through our community last August? Not only did the wind knock out the electricity in over 90,000 homes in Fort Bend and South Houston, it took out quite a few roofs in Greatwood, New Territory and Richmond/Rosenberg, too. Get a free roof assessment by Ameristar so you’re not caught by surprise when the next wind storm blows through town. Owner Joe Rangel says, “We recommend regular roof inspections, so wear and tear doesn’t become major damage down the line. The worst way to find out you’ve got problems is when a storm bashes a hole in your roof.” From gentle breezes to major gusts, wind takes a toll on your roof over time. Once nails are loosens, even a moderate wind can do some damage…and violent winds and debris are a bigger risk. Call up the professionals at Ameristar and let them get up there and take a look. Joe says, “I’ve always believed in giv-
6 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
ing people our honest opinion. If your roof doesn’t need any work done, we’d love to be the first to tell you so. We handle repairs and reroofing and we’re proud to offer you references and have you check our credentials. Our work—and our customers—speak for themselves!” If big, bad winds huff and puff and blow your roof in, then you have to deal with the drama of the insurance company. Joe says, “Ameristar specializes in insurance claim recovery and we have experience with the local requirements for roofs all over this area. We’re fully insured and licensed…and we’re also certified by the manufacturers of the products we install. Our team has successfully met all criteria required to gain the elite certification of CertainTeed Quality Master Installers. That means the manufacturers will offer our customers the best additional warranty coverage available. We’ll inspect your roof, walk you through the claims process, and meet with
your insurance adjuster. Ameristar will get it approved and get you what you deserve. We warranty our work…and we won’t ask for a cent until the job is completed to your satisfaction!” Don’t rely on a roofer that’ll leave you blowin’ in the wind. Ameristar stands by their customers and they stand behind their work. As Joe always says, “We stake our reputation on your recommendation!” Ameristar 281-238-4230 3821 F.M. 359 Richmond, TX 77406
Unwind and Enjoy!
Sarah Warburton
ife today moves so fast that it’s hard to slow down and relax. You don’t have to go back in time to find that hometown feeling…it’s alive and well at Classic Chevrolet. General Sales Manager, Mark Kolon says, “Our motto is ‘Relax and Enjoy the Difference’ and we take pride in making life easy for our customers. I really believe we’re the kind of dealership and service center that you’d feel confident sending your mom into…even if all she needs is a little air in her tires. We try to hire good-hearted people and we’d love for you to come by and check us out.” You’ll love the relaxing vibe at Classic Chevrolet, where the sales staff wears jeans and boots in the winter, shorts in the summer. They’re laid back and friendly, and they genuinely want to make you happy. Mark says, “Our salespeople are empowered to handle your whole transaction. We know it’s stressful to watch a salesperson run back and forth to talk to some hidden finance manager for counter-offers and final approval. We don’t do
high-pressure, closed door transactions, or high-priced add-ons. From start to finish you’ll deal with someone who can make a decision for you. We want to earn your business with our huge selection, low prices…and the decent way we treat people.” What makes a community? Classic Chevrolet believes it’s more than the place where you live; it’s the people who live there. Mark says, “Our owner, Don, encourages people to belong organizations like the Exchange Club of Sugar Land, Rotary and other networking clubs to build relationships and reach out. In our first year of business we donated over $100,000 to charities like local schools and the women’s shelter of Fort Bend. Everything that comes across our desk gets reviewed and Don’s actively looks for ways to support our hometown. That’s the kind of business we want to be…one that gives back!” Why should business be impersonal? You won’t have to look far to find the face of Classic Chevrolet here in Sugar Land. Don
Kerstetter’s not only a resident of Fort Bend County, he’s also on site at the dealership every day. He says, “Our business is as much about people as it is about cars. I’ve always said I’d rather make a customer happy than make a sale…because we want to win your loyalty for the long-term!” Classic Chevrolet Sugar Land 13115 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, TX 77478 Sales: (866) 498-5485 Service: (866) 500-1660
Ladies, Look at the Big Picture Sarah Warburton ure, brushing your teeth and visiting the dentist contributes to a good smile and fresh breath…but did you know that your dental health affects the health of your whole body? “I was shocked to learn that heart disease
is the number one killer of American women,” says Dr. Thomas Lomonte D.D.S., “especially since gum disease dramatically increases the risk of heart attacks. It got me thinking about other dental health issues specific to women…and some of them are quite surprising!” You know those earrings that irritate your earlobes or that bracelet that makes your wrist itch? If it’s 14k, it’s probably the nickel mixed
with the gold causing the problem. Women are more than eighty-five percent more likely than men to suffer from a metal allergy… in fact, one in four women may have an allergic reaction to nickel! Dr. Lomonte says, “Although it’s rare for patients to have allergic reactions to dental fillings, we do use alloys. If you suffer from a metal allergy and your gums are frequently irritated, sore, or reddened around your filling… come talk to me. In one particular case, a woman with a severe metal allergy found that her fillings caused dermatitis throughout her body. We have a variety of options besides metal alloys when it comes to making your fillings, so we can minimize your allergic reaction while giving you a healthy and attractive smile.” Even your hormones affect your dental health! Menopause often brings increased dry mouth, changes in taste, and risk of gum disease. Some studies suggest that Hormone Replacement Therapy may help with these symptoms and the bone loss associated with periodontal disease. Pregnant women may suffer from red, swollen gums… and pregnancy gingivitis. Dr. Lomonte says, “Periodontal disease increases the risk of pre-
Come in as a patient and leave as a friend! term delivery and low birth weight. Come in for a prenatal dental exam and be extremely conscientious about flossing and brushing throughout your pregnancy for your own health…and the health of your baby!” A healthy smile is a crucial part of the big picture…for every mom, daughter, aunt, grandmother, and sister. Dr. Lomonte says, “At every stage of life, it’s crucial for women to think about their dental health as part of their overall well-being. Come to see me twice a year and tell me about issues like allergies, life changes, or any other concerns…and we’ll get you a smile that’s happy and healthy for life!” Thomas M. Lomonte, D.D.S. 12122 Murphy Rd., Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 530-1440
Because man does not live by tortillas alone... Lupita’s is serving up hot sizzling fajitas At Lupita’s, you’ll always feel welcome, and you’ll never leave hungry! Jaime, Lupe, Rigo and Leo Garcia say, “We promise to continue offering delicious food from quality ingredients... from our familia to yours. Muchas gracias for your loyalty and support!” Catering Available
Southeast corner of Hwy 6 & Williams Trace
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Look a Little Closer!
Sarah Warburton t first glance, there doesn’t seem to be any reason that men and women’s eye would be different. Maybe women use more mascara and prefer sunglasses with a little bling, but other than that, what’s the difference? “Actually, says Dr. Anh Doan of Missouri City’s Vision Source, “a 2008 study by Prevent Blindness America and the National Eye institute showed that more women are diagnosed with major eye diseases than men. I know women sometimes put their own health last…but an annual eye exam is just as important as your annual checkups with an ob-gyn.” Hormones cause more than mood swings…they can affect your vision, too! If you’ve got that “piece of dust stuck in your eye” feeling all the time, you could be one of the six million women who suffer from dry eye syndrome. Dr. Doan says, “When not enough natural tears are produced, you may feel an itchy, burning sensation in your eyes that doesn’t go away. Dry eye syndrome is especially common in pre and post menopausal women and can also be caused by thyroid issues. Come in for an exam and I may recommend prescription drops, punctal plugs, or a combination of treatments.” If you’re queasy in the mornings, have a heightened sense of smell, and crave specific foods, you already know the strange effects of hormones during pregnancy. Those same hormones may change your vision as well! Dr. Doan says, “Women experience dry eyes, puffy eyelids, sensitivity to light, migraine-like headaches, and changes in vision clarity. Most of these changes are just temporary nuisances, but blurred vision or “seeing spots” could be signs of high blood pressure or diabetes. If you experience either of those, I’d recommend a visit to your doctor.”
Forget diamonds… sunglasses are a girl’s best friend! They defend your eyes from long term sun damage like cataracts and macular degeneration, as well as short term damage like corneal burns. When you’re standing on the sidelines of a soccer game, make sure you’re wearing sunglasses that block at least 99% of both UV-A and UV-B radiation. If you’re always driving kids around town, choose UV-protective sunglasses that are polarized to combat glare. Women owe it to themselves and their families to protect their eyesight. Dr. Doan says, “Annual eye exams and protective sunglasses are the two best decisions women (and men!) can make for the health of their eyes!” Dr. Anh Doan, Therapeutic Optometrist Vision Source! 281-261-2647 4725 Highway 6 South You can become a Friend of Dr. Doan’s on Facebook at: Vision Source – Missouri City
Give Yourself a Hand! Sarah Warburton
ave you been running around taking care of the kids, making sure dinner’s on the table, working long hours, and putting your own health last? Stop, take a breath, and give yourself a hand for all that you do. Then at least once a month, take a moment in the shower or while getting dressed to give yourself the kind of hand that could save your life. Dr. Leslie Cohan of The Woman’s Place says, “Regular self-exams and mammograms are invaluable ways to safeguard your health. Take care of yourself with the same care you show to others!” Breast exams should be done right after your period. Dr. Cohan says, “All breasts are textured, but if the lumpiness can be felt throughout your breasts, it’s probably normal tissue. The American Cancer Society recommends that you start breast self exams at the age of twenty and stay alert for warnings signs like a solid lump or hard knot, swelling, warmth, redness or darkening, changes in the size or shape of a breast, dimpling or puckering of the skin, an itchy, scaly
sore or rash on the nipple, pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast, nipple discharge that starts suddenly on one side, and new pain in one spot that doesn’t go away. Contact me with any concerns and we’ll talk about what’s really going on.” Protecting your health is one thing you don’t have to do all by yourself. Dr. Cohan says, “At your regular exam, I’ll do a clinical breast exam and we’ll have a chance to talk about changes in your breasts, your family histor y, and when to start mammograms. In general, I recommend women have a baseline mammogram between the ages of thirtyfive and forty, and then have an annual screening mammogram at age forty and beyond. However, if you have a family histor y of breast cancer or the inherited BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, you should get an MRI and a mammogram ever y year. We’ll talk together about your family histor y, your situation, and your personal risk.” Take a little time for yourself this month…and next month and the month
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Dr. Cohan and her daughter Kailey after, too. Monthly self-breast exams, annual mammograms, and regular clinical exams at your ob-gyn checkup are a great way to give yourself a hand and protect your health for life! The Woman’s Place (affiliated with the Woman’s Hospital of Texas) 713-795-0349 16552 Southwest Freeway Sugar Land, TX 77479
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 9
What Women Should Know
Charlotte Grace hen it comes to signs and symptoms of a heart attack, make a big differthere can be some differences in the symptoms for ence in your health. women compared to men. Heart attacks tend to be under Heart disease can diagnosed in women because of a low clinical suspicion of heart lead to heart attacks disease when they may present with similar symptoms. Chest pain or strokes, and is in women can be more intense, and they may use different terms to the leading cause of describe the pain (sharp, burning). They can have more symptoms death in the United unrelated to pain. In some cases, pain or other sensations are experi- States. So ladies, enced in the neck and throat. Another report identified fatigue and you owe it to yourshortness of breath as frequent complaints among women. Chest self, your family and pain often radiated to the back or jaw. They also have a greater like- your friends to heed lihood of angina being induced by rest, sleep, and mental stress, in this “well” meaning addition to or instead of physical exertion. Women often drastically advice. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Bhardwaj in his new underestimate their own risk of coronary heart disease, and physiSugar Land office at The Woman’s cians’ estimates can sometimes be affected by that. Dr. Bhardwaj of Internist Associates of Houston recently shared Place on the north side of Highway this important information with us. He knows that women are 59 between Highway 6 and First natural nurturers and caretakers. He also knows that they tend to Colony Boulevard by calling: 713pay more attention to everyone else first. Dr. Bhardwaj completed 797-9933. Remember, when you his residency in family medicine from Baylor College of Medicine take care of yourself, it’s easier to and his residency in internal medicine from Weil-Cornell Methodist take care of everyone else. Hospital. Certified by both the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Board of Internal Medicine. Internist Associates of Houston Dr. Bhardwaj also suggests women have their cholesterol levels 713-797-9933 checked regularly. High cholesterol is known as a “silent killer,” 16552 Southwest Freeway because there are no symptoms. People with high cholesterol levels At The Woman’s Place have twice the rate of heart disease compared to those with norSugar Land, TX 77378 mal cholesterol levels. Something as simple as a blood test could We're here to help.
Is There a Monster in Your House? Donnielle Carter
oblins, witches and monsters…oh my! What kind of monster should you be most concerned about this Halloween? The monster under the stairs? The monster in the closet? The monster underneath the bed? Brian Jackson, owner of Jackson Air & Heat, says the biggest energy monster in your home is your old air conditioning system. It can do the monster mash and eat up to 60% of your utility bill. What? Now that’s just monstrous! However, there is no need to live in terror of this ravenous monster. With the $1500 tax credit and a $1000 rebate on Trane’s XL20i air conditioning system, there has never been a better time to upgrade your system and defeat the hungry monster. Treat yourself with a free evaluation with no tricks. But hurry because the offers will disappear at the
Licensed to
10 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
end of October. Halloween opens the door for Fall and Winter and another monster that could sneak in… the cold monster. Brian suggests, “Before the cold arrives, make sure your family is safe and get your furnace checked”. An unchecked unsafe furnace can produce carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous gas and unlike some monsters, you can’t see it or smell it. So before you reach to turn the heat on, call and schedule your appointment to have the experts at Jackson Air & Heat come out and give your furnace a complete safety inspection. Family owned and operated since 1982, keeping your family safe and comfortable is Jackson Air’s number one goal. Brian says “as Sugar Lands oldest independent Trane Comfort Specialist, We are proud of the fact that
80% of new customers are referred by their family, friends and neighbors”. They are all EPA and NATE certified, factory trained, and up to date with the latest changes in the A/C and energy industry and ready to defeat the monsters at your house. As the air turns cooler and thoughts of costumes, candy, magic and monsters come to life don’t forget to protect your home and your family from monsters. Upgrade your energy gobbling monster unit and get your furnace checked by those who care about protecting your family from monsters as much as you do. Jackson Air & Heat, the good guys with a cool reputation – so cool they have a License to Chill..
Jackson Air 281-240-1037
The Toot h Fairy’s Favorit e Helper
Sarah Warburton
ooth fairies all over the world keep busy, collecting teeth and leaving treats…but even the hardest working tooth fairy needs help from a friend. At Little People’s Dentistry, Dr. Bianca Sanchez says, “I love helping the tooth fairy and all my other friends with their loose teeth…and their questions, too!” Allyson N. had a loose tooth that kept wiggling, wiggling, wiggling. She used her tongue and her fingers, but she just couldn’t wiggle it out. She said, “Dr. Sanchez, my wiggly tooth hurts when I bite down, but I just can’t wiggle it out on my own. Would you help me?” Dr. Sanchez wiggled that wiggly tooth right out and gave it to Allyson in a treasure box for the tooth fairy. Dr. Sanchez says, “Some of my little friends come in with teeth so loose my magic toothbrush does the trick.
I also have ‘magic gauze’ that I can whisk over their wiggly tooth and the next thing they know…it’s out!” Your tooth fairy only wants your baby teeth…so please don’t wiggle your grown-up teeth! Dr. Sanchez says, “When big kid teeth come in, it takes up to a year to grow a strong root. Just because it might feel wiggly doesn’t mean you should take it out! I’m always happy to take a look and help you decide if your wiggly tooth is ready for the tooth fairy or not.” Even tooth fairies ask Dr. Sanchez for advice. She says, “Sometimes your tooth fairy may not realize that twenty of your baby teeth will fall out. If the tooth fairy gets over-excited and pays too much for the first tooth, you might get a little less next time. Some of the best tooth fairies leave little toys or books instead of money, too!” If you’re a patient at Little People’s Dentistry, Dr. Sanchez wants to hear your tooth fairy stories. She says, “I have a special treat for every patient who shares a tooth fairy story with me…and we’ll enter you in a contest to appear as an illustrated ‘little person’ too!’ Little People’s Dentistry “Because Kidz Are People, Too.” (located behind Kohl’s in the Offices at Riverstone) 281-261-0020 4706 Riverstone Blvd., Suite 200
What’s the the difference?
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) Sarah Warburton
ith the release of the Women’s Health Initiative women have a lot of questions and concerns that need to be addressed. The best place to go is Fort Bend’s own compounding pharmacist, Dr. Lance Campbell, Pharm.D. he is available to answer those questions. You can schedule a 1 hour consultation with Dr. Campbell where he will explain the fundamentals of BHRT and how they will benefit your health. You can discuss any concerns with him as these are 1 on 1 sessions to allow for more questions if needed. Some of the things covered will include: the difference between estrogens (estrone, estradiol, estriol) and their function; natural progesterone’s function and benefits on mood stabilization, bone growth, etc; testosterone’s utility in women and the misconceptions associated with its use; and to help you understand your hormones and how they interact with the other systems in your body. Dr. Campbell believes that you should never “swallow a
pill blindly”, rather know exactly what you are taking and why. “Knowledge is the key to a healthy life, and through the acquisition of the proper information you can take control of your health”. Contact Campbell’s Compounding to make an individual appointment with Dr. Campbell, or get a group of your friends and do it together! Take control of your health today, and start feeling better! Campbell’s staff can also assist you in the selection of the appropriate nutritional supplements that are best suited for your new balanced nutritional lifestyle. They will also be there to support you in your new lifestyle changes. If you have any questions regarding this program Dr. Campbell and his staff are only a phone call away. Individual and Group classes available! Campbell’s Compounding Pharmacy 281.980.2555 4760 Sweetwater Blvd.,Suite 103
To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 11
Don’t Be Frightened By Your Shower Karen Daniels oes the filth and grime on your shower door scare you? Do images of the movie Psycho come to mind because you can’t see who might be lurking on the other side? (Insert creepy music here.) Well, fear no more, Miracle Method has got your new shower door! Paul and Jonee Barnett have been resurfacing countertops and bathrooms for years in the Fort Bend County area with their com-
At Miracle Method, they only use shower enclosures engineered to the highest possible standards for maximum reliability. And the lifetime guarantee against defects in craftsmanship and materials will protect you against any future scares. The Barnetts’ will help you plan your bathroom makeover. Choose the color of your bathtub, white, bone, almond, or other, and then select one of Miracle Method’s Natural Accents™ stone finishes for the tile surround, vanity top or even your tile floor. Select your shower door and the Barnetts’ will schedule the entire job. And you’ll be happy to know that if the doors are installed in the morning, you can use the shower that night. A new shower door gives the room an instant refreshed look with very little down time. Give Jonee a call today about your bathroom and find out how they can change your entire tub and bath from the inside out. Miracle Method provides personalized service, quality products, and expert craftsmanship—something you can’t always get from the other guys.
pany, Miracle Method. Their customers would always ask about a new shower door to complete the look of their remodeled bathroom. Jonee explains, “Our customers didn’t want the hassle of dealing with multiple contractors, and now they don’t have to. It’s a nice service to offer our customers. There are so many choices and sometimes that’s all the bathroom needs.” Dare to imagine the possibilities a new shower enclosure can provide. Choose heavy sculpted glass with sleek hardware from patterns that reflect your personality and sense of style. Or select from the more traditional series that also provide a broad spectrum of colors, frames, and finishes. Don’t be afraid to remove the daunting mask of a shower curtain and turn your bathroom into a work of art. •
Pre-K to 8th Grade
Miracle Method Surface Refinishing 281-240-2284 603 Murphy Road (by appointment only) Stafford, TX
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12 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
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Italian Magic
Karen Daniels ave you been looking for a charming Italian bistro in Sugar Land that everyone in the family can enjoy? La Magia Café & Pizza blends the comfortable Italian bistro ambiance with today’s busy family schedule. Once you’ve tried it, it will soon become your favorite place to eat. When you arrive you’ll be seated at a table or booth, your drink orders will be taken, and while you read the menus, the kids can entertain themselves with the arcade games. Feel free to try something from the main course selection such as: Ravioli Pomodoro,
Veal Marsala, or Chicken Francois. Each authentic entrée has many flavors, from various regions of Italy, using only the freshest ingredients and herbs. If there’s a dish you love, but you don’t see it on the menu, ask about it anyway. The owner, Ray Razmdideh said, “A lot of our daily specials have been requests from our customers. They tell us what they like, and if we have everything to make it, we will. This inspires us to create new recipes that everyone can enjoy.” You’ll even love the weekend specials that La Magia has to offer, such as Ravioli & Shrimp made with light cream tomato sauce or Linguini Chicken Broccoli made with garlic parmesan sauce. Visit the website: lamagiacafe. com and view the menu for yourself. Whether you prefer dine-in, delivery or carry out, coupons can be printed directly from their website and you can take advantage of ongoing specials like 14 Free hot wings with the purchase of two of their fabulous large brick-oven piz-
To advertise, 281-235-0600
zas or $5.00 off any purchase of $20.00 or more. Need an easy atmosphere for a business lunch? Come by Monday through Friday and choose any entrée and soup or salad for only $6.99. And if you’re thinking about a place to throw your next party, contact Ray about reserving the entire restaurant for your special occasion. So you can quit looking for the perfect neighborhood restaurant, LaMagia Café and Pizza is located at the corner of Highway 6 and Settlers Way in the Kroger shopping center. Come and see for yourself, the magic of Italy right near your own backyard La Magia Café 281-565-0366 3699 Hwy 6 South (in the Kroger shopping center)
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 13
An Unexpected Twist
hen LaDonna Marie of the Art of Skin signed up with Couture for the Cause, she didn’t have any family members with breast cancer…but before the event took place that all changed. She says, “Two of the chairwomen for the Couture for the Cause are clients of mine and they asked if I’d be interested in helping out. I really felt led to this cause and was so happy to contribute sponsorship and donations for the goody bags. I had no idea how close to my heart this event was about to become.” On September 25th, the American Cancer Society’s Couture for the Cause, “Escape to Treasure Island” presented by Sterling McCall Lexus delivered an evening of thrills and merry making at the Sienna Plantation Resort Lagoon. Honorary Chairs Debbie and Marvin Marcell and Molly and Michael Cooper, Event Chairs Susie and Doug Goff and Christen and Dave Johnson and their committee put together an evening of food, fun, and fantasy…for a fantastic cause! The highlight of the evening was a fashion show of “plank walking models” wearing cravable couture and fabulous fashions from Tootsies and Festari. An added twist? These models were cancer patients or survivors, seizing their own opportunity to give back.
14 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
Shortly after LaDonna signed on with Couture for the Cause, her mom Cathy felt a lump in her breast. She says, “It was about time for my annual well-woman
exam anyway. When I visited my ob/ gyn, Dr. Deanna McDonald, she felt the lump and asked me to call Dr. Sandra Templeton, a local breast surgeon. At my exam a few days later, Dr. Templeton asked me to schedule a mammogram and an ultrasound. The breast imaging center at Methodist took care of me the same day…and just a few days later I went in for a biopsy. The hardest part was that the biopsy happened on Thursday of Labor Day weekend, so the results were delayed. I count myself blessed that that’s the first waiting I had to do in the whole process.”
Cathy didn’t have any family members with cancer, so she hoped for the best. She says, “When Dr. Templeton called with the results, I knew from her tone my lump was cancerous. We’d caught it in the very early stages, but she’d seen seeds around the lump and we needed to discuss our options. Dr. Templeton spent over two hours in her office talking with me and my family about my x-rays, explaining everything, and making notes for me. I’ve never had a doctor spend so much time or speak so clearly to me. When I walked out I felt comfortable with our plan—first a biopsy to see if the seeds were cancerous, then a lumpectomy or mastectomy with reconstructive surgery by Dr. Chevray. After my experience, I consider Sugar Land the new medical center. Feeling strong and confident depends on the quality of care and compassion you receive…and I received the best!” LaDonna says, “My mom’s been such an inspiration. It’s really no longer a question of ‘if ’ your circle of friends and family will be touched by breast cancer…but ‘when.’ We all need to pull together for a cure.” Her mom, Cathy adds, “I thank God for the lump that gave me a clue…and for all the support I’ve been given!” For more information or to get involved visit:
A House to Call Home
Donnielle Carter ome is talked about a lot. What is home? Groucho Marx said, “Home is where you hang your head.” William Shakespeare announced that, “People usually are the happiest at home.” And William J. Bennett said, “Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms.” But perhaps it was best said by a girl wearing ruby red slippers her eyes squeezed tight and wishing to go somewhere, “There’s no place like home.” So what makes a house a home? It takes more than bricks and mortar, walls and a roof. It takes love. Love by those in it and by those who build it. All About Carpets and Floors, Sugar Land’s premiere destination for flooring, tiling, and remodeling, is a family owned and operated business by Bob & Renee McKelvey who make customer satisfaction their number one priority. They know what it takes to make a house a home and they’ve been helping residents achieve that for over 20 years. Bob and Renee are very excited about offering Johnson’s Premium Hardwood Random Width Planks Flooring and the Forever Tuff™ a highly scratch resistant finish that offers the first ever 50-year warranty! With many colors and styles to choose from including, Carnival, Renaissance, Metropolitan and Villa, Random Width Planks are both beautiful in nature and unique in character just like your desires of how you want your house and home to be. All About Carpet and Floors is more than carpets and floors, Bob
has compiled an extensive network of expert and reputable trades people and contractors to assist you with any change you can dream of to make your house more warm, more comfortable and more to your tastes. And with Renee’s sense of style and eye for elegance she can help you fine-tune your tastes and desires so you truly have a home you’re proud of. And with an extensive selection of styles, colors and textures to choose from including porcelain, marble, granite, travertine and more, All About Carpet and Floors can assist you to find what you’re looking for, a home to reflect your style and fit into your budget. Their in-store and field technicians are trained to tackle any project, answer any question and help you in every way possible. Stop by the family friendly, warm and welcoming showroom anytime Monday-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm and see why that girl in the ruby red slippers clicked her heels together and said, “There’s no place like home.” So when you’re ready to upgrade your floors, re-design your bathroom, kitchen, living room or bedroom check out All About Carpets and Floors with Bob & Renee McKelvey. A family owned and operated business that can help you make your house a home. All About Carpet and Floors 281-265-3700 3145 Highway 6 South (next to Shipley’s)
To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 15
Awareness and Care
Karen Daniels
ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month; a time for breast care education, walks for the cure, and a time to reflect on the lives we’ve saved and the ones we’ve lost. This awareness has saved countless lives and helped many people achieve optimal success with their health. Becky knows the difference awareness and care can make in your life. When Becky found a lump in her breast, she did what anyone would do…she called her doctor and made an appointment. Her doctor told her not to worry; it was just a cyst. So Becky went on about her business and began finalizing the trip to Rome she and her husband Ricky were planning to visit their son. The thought of leaving the country without a second opinion bothered Ricky. He insisted Becky see another doctor before they left. Right before they were scheduled to leave she received the diagnosis – Stage 2 Breast Cancer. The doctors gave her the okay to visit Rome, see her son and begin treatment as soon as she got back. The good news… this past June Becky completed her treatment and is on the road to recovery, but wants you to know one thing. “I strongly encourage everyone to have regular mammograms. I didn’t, but I got very lucky. I am so grateful for my
husband’s awareness and insistence to get a second opinion.” Along the journey, certain people and products made her life better. Through Kelsey at Kalologie, Becky found: iS Clinical Skincare. “The Hydra Cool Serum was my favorite. You only need two or three drops, and it felt so good on my scalp and face, making it cool and refreshed. The chemo gave me extremely dry skin and their products helped combat that. I never got red patches that can sometimes occur.” iS Clinical Skincare products provide solutions for anyone going through chemotherapy or radiation. It addresses issues such as acne, chafing, uneven complexion, burns and scar tissue. Their products contain powerful anti-oxidants to guard your skin and strengthen cellular health using the safest, most effective ingredients like B3, B5, green tea, and vitamin C—all with UV protection. Whether your skin has been compromised by chemotherapy, radiation, or medication, call Kelsey at Kalologie and let her help your skin look and feel better. Kalologie Skincare/Medspa 281-265-0880 15890 Southwest Freeway Whole Foods Shopping Center Sugar Land, TX 77478
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16 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
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281.419.2911 26226 I 45 N Spring, TX 77386
fun is a
thing to do!
You are invited to join the fun at the St. Luke’s Sugar Land Hospital’s Fall Festival Celebrating our Second Anniversary Activities include: · Bringing the fun–Radio Disney will have fun activities planned playing Radio Disney hits, interacting with kids and parents. Participants can register to win an “Extreme Halloween Makeover!” · Amusements for kids including a 22" giant slide, rock wall, bouncer, bawl crawl, spots challenge and other fun games. · Face painting and fun hairdos · Explore the Texas Children's Kangaroo Crew ambulance especially for kids. · The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center will offer patient education · Parents Health Check 281- 637-7000
1317 Lake Pointe Parkway, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Have You Seen What’s Around the Bend?
D Sarah Warburton
o you ever have trouble seeing what lies ahead? If you’ve been wearing glasses or contacts all your life, it’s hard to imagine opening your eyes and seeing the world clearly. Dr. Colby Stewart, MD of Houston Eye Associates says, “There’s a reason LASIK is one of the most common procedures in the United States. It literally changes the way you see the world…in a matter of minutes!” Maybe you don’t think you’re a candidate for LASIK? Come talk to Dr. Stewart. “New advances have made LASIK accessible to more people. I’ll do a pre-exam work up and if you are a candidate, I’ll recommend the laser I think will deliver the best results. At the Houston Eye Associates, we have access to a variety of different LASIK technologies from CustomVue Vision Mapping to a variety of lasers to the IntraLase BladeFree Cornea Preparation…so we can design your procedure based on what’s best for your eyes. You won’t get a one-size-fits-all experience here.” Said Dr. Stewart. How long have you been wearing contacts or glasses? In less than six minutes, your life could be changed forever! Dr. Stewart says, “Patients are amazed at how quick and pain-free the LASIK experience is. We give you an anti-anxiety medication to help you relax before your procedure and the process takes less than six minutes for both eyes. The next morning most of my patients drive themselves to their follow-up appointment…without glasses! And it’s a myth that you’ll need LASIK again in ten years. Once the procedure is done, you’ll have your new vision forever.” Not only does Dr. Stewart use the latest LASIK technology…he helped develop it! Several years ago, Dr. Stewart developed tracking and goal adjusting Internet software used by many doctors today. He later invented an instrument specifically used with the IntraLase—the Stewart Vibrating IntraLase Spatula. But his advice about getting LASIK gets right down to basics. Dr. Stewart says, “Wherever you decide to get LASIK, be sure you choose an experienced surgeon who gives you plenty of face time so you can ask him all your questions.” Looking beyond LASIK, Dr. Stewart is also a glaucoma-trained general ophthalmologist and an expert in cataract surgery. He says, “I work closely with a number of local optometrists to manage conditions that require surgery. New developments come along all the time to keep this field exciting. For example, a patient undergoing cataract surgery may be able to have an intraocular implant that will also correct their vision…both near and far!” When you need to see what’s coming at you, come see Dr. Stewart. He says, “My father, the late Dr. Robert Stewart was one of the original founders of the Houston Eye Associates, which is now the largest ophthalmology group in Texas and the second largest in the United States. I spent summers working as an ophthalmology technician in his office…and I always knew that helping people see clearly was my passion, too!” 832-785-9591 •
18 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
Size Matters Sarah Warburton hen you want all-out comfort, you need an air conditioning unit that’s the right size for your home. Bryan Bellamy of All Out A/C says, “People are surprised to learn that the size of their air conditioner may be inefficient for their home, costing them money and cutting down on their comfort.” Even in Texas, bigger isn’t always better…and a larger air conditioner doesn’t mean more comfort or more cooling! Surprised? Bryan says, “Sometimes installers base the size needed on the maximum capacity—what it would need to run in the middle of summer in the heat of the afternoon—but that’s unnecessary seventy-five percent of the year. If you have an air conditioner that’s oversized for your needs, it’ll ‘short cycle’ (runs for a shorter time than it should) and won’t pull enough humidity out of the air. We see a fair number of these oversized units in our area. On the other hand, if you choose one that’s undersized, it’ll run all the time and will burn out faster than it should.”
How do you know what size is right for you? Turns out it’s as simple as choosing the right A/C company! Bryan says, “We base the size needed on a number of factors like the square footage of your home, the insulation used (and where it’s used), the air tightness of the home, and the local climate. A properly sized air conditioner will actually save you money over the long run, because it’ll do its job properly and efficiently…just like those of us at All Out A/C!” Is your air conditioner roaring or choking or struggling to keep up with the heat? If it’s over ten years old, it could cost you more to keep it than you’d save with a new one! Bryan says, “Energy efficient air conditioners really do pay for themselves over time. We’ve also got the newest two-speed equipment. It runs at a lower capacity during the spring and fall and a higher one in the summer for comfort when you need
it. Mention this article and receive fifteen percent off on any complete replacement high efficiency air conditioning and heating system. Call us for an evaluation and we’ll go all-out every time…to get you the comfort you deserve!” All Out A/C and Heating 281-238-9292 626 Highway 90A, Richmond, TX 77406
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UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 19
Now It’s Your Turn Y Charlotte Grace
our mom and dad did the best they could with what they had and now it’s your turn to return the favor. As your children have become more independent, you may be one of those people who find that their parents need more assistance. And while there are all kinds of handy advice and entire stores devoted to babies and child rearing, there is not that much information available when it comes to taking care of aging family members. It’s good to know that Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital has got you covered. Their commitment to serving senior patients in the greater Houston area has prompted them to open a new Senior Behavioral Care unit and it’s just a few exits north of Sugar Land. Located on the 8th floor of the hospital, this unique unit has been specially designed for patients 65 and older with psychiatric and medical needs. Where else can you go to find a hospital with a separate emergency room just for seniors? Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital has created a place of healing and support for individuals and families in need of the special care that geriatric patients require. Their talented, multidisciplinary team includes geriatricians, social workers, nurses, recreational and occupational therapists and personal care aides.
20 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
Memorial Hermann’s Psych Response Team is ready when symptoms like a loss of appetite and insomnia could be more than just a medical problem. Some issues may signal an underlying psychiatric condition. If a senior you know exhibits personality changes or mood disorders, even assaultive behavior; that could warrant a phone call to the Senior Behavioral Care unit. They are available 24/7 to offer a holistic approach to meeting the medical and psychiatric needs of senior patients. If you’re unsure of what to do or even where to begin, call social workers Vanessa Southard and DeShana Hall, together they have an impressive 40 years of experience working with families to get the right help at the right time. Under the leadership of Brian Kern, RN, director of patient care and affiliated doctors, Zaki Moin, MD, Jorge Raichman, MD and Matt Thompson, MD, they will answer your questions and explain options that are available for your situation. Now that it’s your turn, Memorial Hermann’s Senior Behavioral Care unit is here to help. Memorial Hermann Southwest Senior Behavioral Care Unit 713-456-4800 7600 Beechnut, 8th Floor Houston, Texas
Pain? No Gain!
Sarah Warburton thletes in every sport have heard the saying “No pain, no gain,” but Dr. Mark Vann, MD asks you to reconsider. He says, “That saying may hold true for muscles, but pain is a warning sign for your joints, ligaments and tendons. If it doesn’t go away in about a week, you should be evaluated to avoid a catastrophic injury down the line.” Running through pain without seeking treatment could send you running to the ER. Maybe you never thought about pain in your heel as a serious problem, but it’s the most common reason runners come to see Dr. Vann. He says, “Pain on the bottom of your heel may be plantar fasciitis, a common form of disabling pain experienced by athletes. Pain a few inches above the heel bone could mean Achilles tendonitis. If these areas of inflammation aren’t allowed to heal, they could progress to severe scaring, thickening, tearing and even rupture… and that often means surgery and extended recovery time. Could you be running with a broken foot? It happens more often than you’d think! Dr. Vann says, “Many patients are surprised to learn that a stress fracture often feels like an ache that won’t go away, eventually changing to severe pain and
disability. Our office is able to provide a full Orthopedic exam and treatment plan that’ll get you back on course without putting the future of your feet at risk.” Runners come in all shapes, sizes, and genders…but women are more likely than men to suffer from ankle and foot pain. Dr. Vann says, “Your body is a machine that should work in harmony. As an orthopedist, I have an understanding of the biomechanics of your entire body and access to a range of solutions from new technology to at-home stretching programs. Do your part with proper warm ups and stay alert to warning pains and I’ll do my part to keep your body working like it should.”
Dr. Mark Vann Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Orthopedic Surgeon Lower Extremity Specialist Sugar Land Medical Plaza 1327 Lake Point Parkway, Suite #520 713-590-5490 •
AIRSHOW Takes To The Skies October 23 And 24 At Ellington Airport ...with thrilling aerial performances, aerobatics and demonstrations. The United States Air Force Thunderbirds will amaze and captivate audiences with the team’s precision formations in the F-16C Fighting Falcon. The 2010 Wings Over Houston Airshow features amazing aerobatic performances by Sean D. Tucker and Team Oracle, Julie Clark in the Chevron Mentor, and John Klatt Airshows. The always-popular Tora!Tora!Tora! will reenact the World War II air power attack on Pearl Harbor. Also returning will be a firepower demonstration with the Korea / Vietnam era aircraft, including the Huey helicopter, AD-4 Skyraider, O-2 Forward Air Command “Oscar Duece” and AC-47 Spooky Gunship. A new addition to this year’s line up is the Smoke-n-Thunder USO Jet Car, a 26-foot long rocket that never leaves the ground. Its Westinghouse jet engine churns 10,000 horsepower and pumps about 6,000 pounds of thrust. Military demonstrations include the C-17 Globemaster III, A-10 Warthog West Coast Demo Team, Air Force Heritage Flight, U.S. Coast Guard MH65C Dolphin Helicopter and U.S. Navy F/A-18C Hornet from the West Coast Demo Team. Also new this year will be a C-130 cargo drop demonstration. Other highlights of the 2010 Wings Over Houston Airshow include the “Legends & Heroes Autograph Tent”, 6th Cavalry Historical Association, Military Museum of Texas, and Houston Fire Museum vehicle displays.
WWW.WINGSOVERHOUSTON.COM To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 21
Working With a Winning Team Sarah Warburton
ou can tell a lot about a player by looking at his team. When Tom Noble founded The Noble Group back in 1996, he focused exclusively on Retirement Plans. But Tom’s passion has always been serving the needs of his clients, and a significant part of caring for clients is listening to them. Repeatedly Tom’s clients were requesting additional services from the firm, specifically individual Wealth Management and group Health and Welfare Benefits. It was clearly time to search out the best available talent in these areas and expand the Noble Group’s services through them. Tom explains, “Listening to the needs of our Clients served as the genesis of
Mark says, “The days of ‘buy and hold’ are over.
the incredible Team we have today. I’m extremely proud of the tremendous depth of talent you will find here at The Noble Group. Now in addition to retirement planning, we have specialists in group benefits like health and welfare, as well as the wealth management services of Mark Knodel.” If you want to win over the long term, you need a professional on your team. Everybody’s heard the old advice, “just hold on to your assets; they’ll go up over time.” That strategy just doesn’t hold water in our new economy. Mark says, “The days of ‘buy and hold’ are over. You don’t have to sit and watch your accounts bleed money. At the Noble Group, we’ll help you grow your investments in a strong market and protect them in a weak one. We’re on your team one hundred percent.” What kind of advisor do you want on your side…one that’s operating on auto-pilot or one that changes strategies with the changing markets? Mark says, “I’ve never thought it made sense to ‘wait it out’ just because everyone else is losing money. We move assets between different asset classes as the markets change. Our Absolute Return Strategy (View Mark’s Absolute Return Strategy at strives to grow your money when the market permits and helps to protect your money when things get rough. My top priority is getting the best results for you.” “Mark’s strategy has been a breath of fresh air for us and for his clients,” says Tom. “His tactics allow you to potentially participate in good markets and in bad…and to generate favorable results across the board. He’s a great guy to have on your team!” Call Mark Knodel today to schedule a free consultation and review of your current investment portfolio and allow Mark to help you take a proactive approach towards your future. Mark G. Knodel, CRPC Division Head - Wealth Management Securities offered exclusively through NRP Financial 4665 Sweetwater Blvd., Suite 106 Sugar Land, TX. 77479 281-313-1907 • 800-372-5834
The Screening You May Have Missed Sarah Warburton
f you don’t smoke, you may not have given any thought to your risk of oral cancer but actually one out of four oral cancer victims has absolutely no risk factors at all. Today three times more women die from oral cancer than from cervical cancer… and oral cancer has a higher death rate in the United States than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, cancer of the brain, liver, kidneys, or ovaries. At EcoDental Dr. Danny Nguyen, D. D. S. says, “The key to catching a curable cancer is early detection…and that means an oral cancer screening.” How do you check for oral cancer? With the help of a dentist! The number one spot for oral cancer is underneath the back of your tongue…you can’t see it on your own. Dr. Nguyen says, “At your six month checkup, I’ll look for white or red spots that aren’t from a bite or burn. Then I’ll feel your lips, the outside of your face and jaw,
and the floor of your mouth for any lumps. If oral cancer is detected early, it’s ninety percent curable…and that’s what I want for my patients!” Currently, one American dies every hour of every day from oral cancer…because seventy percent of oral cancers are detected late. In fact, forty-three of those who are diagnosed die within five years. When people realized pap smears are crucial in detecting cervical cancer, PSA in detecting prostate cancer, and mammograms in detecting breast cancer, the survival rate for those diseases went up. Now Dr. Nguyen hopes that educating patients about the importance of oral cancer screenings do the same for oral cancer. You don’t have to be frightened of going to Dr. Nguyen for a dental checkup or an oral cancer screen. At EcoDental you’ll find an experience that’s easy on you and good for the planet. Dr. Nguyen says, “My staff and I will
do whatever it takes to put you at ease and give you a relaxing, renewing visit. That’s why we accept all major insurances, offer interest-free financing, and have evening and weekend appointments. Taking care of your health doesn’t have to be stressful. A typical oral cancer screening in our office takes less than five minutes, but it could save your life!”
Dr. Danny Nguyen, D. D. S. • Ecodental 281-491-9494 15870 SW Freeway #500 (59@Hwy 6 next to Whole Foods) Sugar Land, TX 77478
Where Fort Bend Moms Turn for Advice
Sarah Warburton ort Bend moms and moms-to-be know they’ll get the support, the warmth, and the answers they need from another mom right here in Fort Bend. At Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates Southwest, local mom Chantal Nguyen-Tran, M.D., F.A.C.O.G says, “We really emphasize patient education. If you have questions about your pregnancy, nursing your newborn or conducting your monthly self breast exams, my nurses and I are happy to help.” As the mother of three (including a twoyear-old son), Dr. Nguyen-Tran understands how full your schedule is…and so do her three assistants. Esmeralda has six-year-old triplets, Amanda’s the mother of two, and
Leslie loves working with moms-to-be. Dr. Nguyen-Tran says, “Our office is a friendly, convenient place for all the women in your family. I see patients one Saturday a month and every week day...we pride ourselves on being efficient and convenient. My patients know all their concerns and phone calls will be answered promptly. We all love children so don’t be afraid to bring your baby with you!” Every mom needs a little TLC and that’s one of the reasons women love the intimate, boutique style clinic at OGA. Dr. Nguyen-Tran says, “I want to make life easier for our patients, so in addition to our in-office ultrasound and on-site lab, I moved many surgical procedures to in-office. I offer endometrial ablations to relieve excessive bleeding and permanent birth control choices like Adiana®. We encourage our patients to ask questions, so we can help them get the answers they need.” When moms and moms-to-be need answers about their own health, they want another mom on their side. Dr. Nguyen-Tran says, “Patient education and continuity of care are my top
To advertise, 281-235-0600
concerns. My staff and I work with women from adolescence to post-menopause, and we follow up with our patients and alert them as to when they need a well-woman exam, pregnancy checkup, colonoscopy, a bone density test…or a mammogram.” Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates, P.A. Southwest 713-578-3820 17510 West Grand Parkway South, Ste 430 in the Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Medical Plaza
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 23
Where Can You Find Your Color of Happiness? Sarah Warburton
hat’s your “happy color?” Is it the blue of a cloudless sky, glowing cranberry, or a simple, soft white? At Heritage Paint, you’ll find over three thousand colors (and trims and finishes) presented with a smile by an employee with the experience you need. Owner, Bruce Hendricks says, “I’ve been in this business for thirty years and my employees bring an additional seventy years of experience to our store. We know paint and we love to help you find the best product that will make you smile.” Enjoy the thrill of transformation…with a green twist. Benjamin Moore offers one of the only zero VOC paints on the market. Bruce says, “Even our tints are VOC-free, so our green paints really are great for the planet and perfect for painting a child’s room! And our popular line, Aura, doesn’t need primer and covers most colors in only one coat. Come look at our 3300 colors or bring us a color to match. We can always send you home with a color sample…and we’ll make sure you have all the equipment and the advice you need!” Nothing lifts your spirits like giving your home a facelift. Maybe you’re intimidated by the newest tricks and techniques? Heritage Paint now has a full “how-to” video library, so you can come by and learn how to achieve that faux finish, how to use plaster paints or metallics, and you’ll know you have the encouragement and support of the Heritage Paint staff to help you out. Bruce says, “We have lots of customers who want to try techniques themselves and they’re always so pleased how do-able getting a striking texture or finish really is. I love it when they bring in pictures of their ‘new’ kitchen cabinets or dining room. When someone does the work themselves, it gives them an added reason to be proud of their gorgeous home!” Ready to change your outlook? Change the color of your rooms! Whether your “happy color” is Golden Honey or Santorini Blue, at Heritage Paint you’ll get the highest quality products, personal attention, and straight-up, old-fashioned customer service. See them at their new location at 4709 Hwy 6 South at Dulles. Stop by our new location! Heritage Paint and Decorating 281-499-2000 4709 Hwy 6 S (at Dulles)
24 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
Hitting the Highway or Going Off-Road?
Sarah Warburton ither way, All Out Off Road has you covered! Don’t let the name fool you, these guys can service and accessorize “onroad” vehicles like your family car and your fancy truck…as well as your off-road SUVs, heavy-duty trucks, ATVs, UTVs, and Jeeps. Owner Chance Kamp says, “The guys in our service department do complete installations and modifications to anything you bring in…and they also handle oil changes, front end alignments and service your tires. Our team always goes all-out to deliver excellent service!” Even if you spend your weekends off-roading, it could be your everyday ride that needs a little TLC. Get the all-out treatment with the service team at All Out Off Road. They’ve got a skilled team ready to tackle your front and rear end repairs, exhaust systems, lighting and electrical work, and tires and wheels for any make and model of car, truck, or SUV. Let them bring the same experience and enthusiasm to servicing your vehicle that they bring to fixing it up with Grady accessories. They’ll keep
Nelson you driving strong…on and off the road! Ready for a little off-road fun? Hunting season’s finally going strong and All Out Off Road’s
ready for the challenge! Whether you’re looking for doves or deer, get your ATV or UTV ready with the expert advice, exciting accessories, and excellent service and installation at All Out Off
Road. Travis from the Richmond location says, “We can build pretty much anything on a hunting rig. We do window tinting, gear boxes, racks, lights, hunting seats and seat covers and anything else you might want. If you’re going out into that south Texas mud we’ll even set you up with a winch for when you get stuck!” If you need it to ride in comfort—on or off the road—you’ll find it at All Out Off Road. Chance says, “All our guys love talking shop…and we’re happy to walk you through all the ways you can accessorize your car, truck, or SUV. If you can drive it, we can trick it out…and service it, too!”
All Out Off Road 1 281-341-9494 708 Hwy 90A Richmond, TX. 77406
All Out Off Road 2 281-499-3806 13261 Murphy Rd. Stafford, TX. 77477
Which little piggy gets to go to market?
You need me!
Trevathan, CPA, PLLC provides small and mid-market firms in and around Houston with unique solutions to help clients focus more on achieving their goals and less on accounting issues. Our qualified staff, analytical tools, and holistic approach help our clients to improve their operations and provide them with the freedom to run their businesses.
Cash Flow Gives You Freedom To Run Your Business
Trevathan CPA, PLLC 19901 Southwest Freeway Sugar Land, TX 77479 Certified Public Accountant Phone: 281.207.1333 Fax: 281.207.1334
To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 25
Where Can You Get More? W
here do you sign up for more news about the best businesses in town…and get a little treat, too? At www.SugarLandNetwork. org you’ll find a list of fantastic local businesses in categories from automotive to fitness to travel…as well as an interactive community calendar and job listings. Brian Covault, founder of the TCRN Sugar Land Network says, “Go to our website and sign up to receive our free newsletter…and we’ll throw in a free slice of pizza from the 1905 Pizza Bar (no purchase required)! After you sign up online, you’ll be taken to a place to click and print a coupon. We think you’ll love hearing more about our favorite places in our newsletter, on our blog at www.BestBusinessesinSugarLand. org, or on Facebook…where we’re also offering a chance to win.” Have you been planning a big charity event, a fundraiser, or an educational seminar? Reach out to the community and share your event on Sugar Land Network’s interactive Event Calendar. Brian says, “Non-profits, churches, schools, as well as civic and community organizations can log on and submit an event to be posted. We make a real effort to get your events posted the same day you make your request…
so it’s easy to reach out to the community. That’s one reason we also created a Job Opportunities page. Any employer can submit their openings and
applicants will get a look at what’s available.” Are you following the best businesses in Sugar Land on Facebook? “New fans” can get insider information about businesses and community resources like restaurants, medical services, home improvement, churches, and a chance to win a $25 gift card to any restaurant in the TCRN Network. Brian says, “If you go to BestBusinessesinSugarLand and click “Like” during the month of October, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to restaurants like 1905 Pizza Bar, Amici, Escalante’s, Aura, Perry’s, Kona Grill, Vineyard on the Square, Olive’s or Pier 36 Seafood. Recognize your favorite in this list? Then “Like” our page on Facebook for a chance to win and visit www.SugarLandNetwork. org for information about our FREE Preferred Customer Card for more discounts and savings at participating businesses.” “These are the same places I send my friends and family,” says Brian. “They excel at customer service and deliver the kind of quality experience I know you’ll love. All of us in the TCRN Sugar Land Network are dedicated to being the best around!” “Tough Moms Need Tough Feet” Treatment Options Available For...
*Bunion Pain *Sports Injuries *Ingrown Toenails
*Nail Fungus *Heel Pain *Falling Arches
New KLaser Treatment Available-$100 OFF
Marco A. Vargas, DPM *Board Certified 281.313.0090 Locations: Fort Bend County • Colorado County • Fayette County • Wharton County • Waller County 26 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
How To Treat Severe Back Pain, Neck Pain, Sciatica or Spinal Stenosis… without Drugs or Surgery
uring our life time we all have trauma to the spine. From small sprains, falls and lifting to major trauma, like auto accidents and everything in between. Contact sports like ice skating, horseback riding, wrestling, picking up children...every activity in life produces forces to contend with. Tears in the muscles, tendons, and joint ligaments set the stage for degeneration. Your immediate response is important. The problem is MOST people do nothing, and the result is a weak and unstable spine. Understanding the “pathway to degenerative disc disease” is critical in understanding the mechanism and changes necessary to end suffering. Major and minor injuries cause weakness and abnormal movement that we call “dysfunction”. The adult spine requires motion to pump oxygen, water and nutrients into its interior to stay healthy. Motion dysfunction can reduce these much needed components which may be devastating to the disc. Symptoms may appear as localized pain in the back, numbness, tingling or burning in the legs or arms. As Motion Dysfunction begins the damage occurs over “time” This is why “age” is often blamed as the culprit or cause. The “time factor” of age is not the main cause. Early spine trauma is responsible for later
pain in the same way that exposure to the sun causes future skin damage. This process can be prevented, slowed, stopped or even reversed depending on where in the process it is treated. Even spinal conditions which were once thought to be permanent or require surgery can often be reversed or at least improved without surgery. The Lordex Decompression System at Sugar Land Spine and Disc can provide non-invasive relief for your aching back. The Lordex creates a slight vacuum to open up the disc spaces, restoring normal blood flow and nerve activity so your body can begin to heal. If you have been suffering with neck or back pain for some time and have tried every-
thing else, this program may be for you. Sugar Land Spine and Disc is offering 17 Point “Spinal Decompression” Qualifying Assessment. During this free assessment you will find out if you are a candidate for this revolutionary new therapy. They will check your ligaments, muscles, hips, pain index reflexes, discs, tendons, pelvis, MRI, flexibility, motion, balance, and nerves. If you are having any back pain; whether it’s a small amount or completely debilitating, the professional staff at Sugar Land Spine and Disc will evaluate you to determine where you are in the process and determine what type of treatment you need. And if you are not a candidate they will refer you to the appropriate specialty. Get all the help you need from Dr. Stacy, Dr. Michele and Dr. Nicole. Dr. Stacy says, “Our goal has always been to instill a total awareness in our patients about the entire body…not just where it hurts! Sugar Land Spine and Disc 281-491-3472 (DISC) 54 Sugar Creek Center Blvd. Ste . 100
When you end up flat on your back, Sugar Land Spine and Disc will get you back on your feet. Call Sugar Land Spine & Disc today for your Complimentary Patient Information Packet!
281-491-DISC (3472) Need a Chiropractor? Call Sugar Mill Chiropractic - 281-494-1690
Is Life a Balancing Act? H Sarah Warburton as your get-up-and-go got up and gone? You should be living life with energy and vitality. Get back into the groove with the help of Dr. Dina White of Natural Solutions Hormone and Laser Center. She says, “Fluctuating hormone levels and excess body weight can sap your strength. Once your body is back in balance, you’ll enjoy optimum health again!” Hormonal imbalances make your crazy life harder! They can cause mental fogginess, a decrease in libido, sleep disorders, loss of lean muscle tissue, hair loss, and weight gain. Dr. White says, “At Natural Solutions Hormone and Laser Center, we assess each patient to design the optimum bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and nutritional regimen customized for their goals. We can address issues specific to every stage of life for both men and women…so you can enjoy stability and health.” Give your energy levels a serious lift by getting your hormones back in balance. Dr. White says, “Bio-identical hormones have a chemical structure just like the hormones that naturally occur in your body. Restoring your ideal hormonal balance lets you body work at its peak. Menopause, PMS, migraines, even depression can all
be alleviated with bio-identical hormone therapy! You’ll enjoy better sleep, better sex, a better complexion…and fewer hot flashes and ‘down’ moments.” Balancing your work life, your home life, and your health takes way more than twenty-four hours a day. Let Dr. White help you achieve your weight-loss goals with the HCG Medical Weight-Loss program. She says, “Many people have lost a pound a day on this program. We’re seeing really dramatic results. Once you lose your excess body weight, your energy levels go up and you live your life with an extra boost of confidence.” Get your balance back with a complimentary consultation at Natural Solutions Hormone and Laser. Dr. White says, “We also offer laser skin resurfacing, laser hair removal, laser spider vein treatment, Botox® treatments and laser facial rejuvenation. In all areas of your life, I want you to look and feel your best!” Natural Solutions Health and Wellness Center 832-364-9444 16651 SW Freeway, Ste 100 (Methodist Professional Building #1)
Saving Your Smile
Sarah Warburton ne woman went to her local animal shelter to pick out a new kitten…but on the ride home the kitten got out of its cardboard box. Dr. Marty Powell says, “The kitten was trapped between the accelerator and the brake pedal and the woman did not want to step on the kitten. As a result, she ended up in a pretty serious car accident. When she came into our office, she needed major reconstructive dental work.”
When you need help finding your smile again, turn to Dr. Marty Powell and Dr. Laurena Moore Powell, DDS. Their warm and friendly practice
28 ~ UPCLOSE ~ October 2010
offers professional dental care for the entire family…whether you need a simple exam or more extensive work. Dr. Marty Powell says, “This patient needed crown and bridge work, a few extractions, and I cosmetically treated her with porcelain veneers. I knew she’d been through a lot and I told her not to worry, we’d get her a smile she’d love.” Do you have the smile you really want? If wear and tear, uneven teeth, genetics, or worn enamel keeps you from smiling, veneers could give you the straighter and brighter smile of your dreams. The talented husband and wife team at Powell Dental Care have the vision to see the smile you could have…and the skill to make it happen. Dr. Marty Powell says, “I’ve been very pleased with the quality and durability of the porcelain veneers we use, and they can be custom matched to the color of your existing teeth. If you’re getting a full set, you may choose a brighter shade. Most of our patients choose veneers for the way they look, but in the case of this patient, they actually
protected the surface of her damaged teeth.” This Good Samaritan got her smile back, even more beautiful than before! Dr. Laurena Moore Powell says, “Happy endings like this is one of the reasons I really love this profession.” Dr. Marty Powell says, “I love helping people find their smiles. We get some patients who really don’t know where to go for help. When we see them leave our office happy and full of confidence, it’s an incredibly wonderful feeling.” Powell Dental Care 281-302-6284 3681 Highway 6 S @ Settler’s Way
Ready to Change Your Life?
hen I looked in the mirror,” says Mary, “I didn’t see the woman I used to be… or the woman I wanted to be. I needed a big life change. Dr. Jeffery Alford was my primary care physician, so I signed up for his Wellness Program. Since February I’ve lost over sixty pounds and I feel fabulous! I thought since I was in my fifties my metabolism had just come to a halt…but Dr. Alford and his staff gave me the support and direction I needed to turn things around. They were always there through every weigh-in and through every slip up to get me right back on track. I’m almost ready to transfer to the maintenance program…and I feel great! This is one change I’ll keep for life!” What would positive change mean for you? As the owner of Costumes and Dancewear, local businesswoman Karen had a full schedule, but excess weight was draining her energy and affecting her health. She says, “I’d started having health issues from high blood pressure and cholesterol levels to difficulty sleeping and pain in my legs. I was tired of struggling with my weight and going through one diet after another. Mary is the man-
Photo by Hazel West Photography ager at one of my stores and when I saw what amazing success she had, I got the name of her doctor…Dr. Alford.” “Dr. Alford’s program allowed me to make healthy choices and really stick
to a diet…without getting hungr y. I love that there are no injections, just a balanced dose of all-natural amino acids. He also diagnosed me with folic acid deficiency, which helps control mood and appetite. I’ve lost thirty-three pounds over the last eight weeks and I’m confident that I’ll lose more. Dr. Alford told me it would take about a year to lose a hundred pounds and knowing that we’re doing it the smart and responsible way really makes me trust the program. He’s changed my health for the better… and that’s really changed my life!” Ready for a change? Call 832-494-7469 and get started today! Dr. Jeffery Alford 832-494-7469 Sugar Land Wellness and Weight Loss 16651 SW Fwy #100
Sage Advice Sara Sage
Good Question!
’m not going to pretend I have all the answers, I don’t. And you know what? Just saying that feels really liberating. I don’t have all the answers, but I am willing to question everything. A wise man once told me that a question empowers and an answer dis-empowers. Why is that? Well, usually, we are always looking for the “right” answer as if there is only one answer for every situation. Whenever we think we have found the right answer, we quit looking for other possibilities, and that’s the part that dis-empowers us and cuts us off from other opportunities. Instead of concluding that you only have one answer or one choice in every situation, what would happen if you were willing to ask, “What else is possible?” If that sounds like fun to you, give it a try. Another reason looking for the “right” answer slows us down is that we think once we decide on something we’re stuck with it…FOREVER. Wow, do you think that could throw an anchor into the decision-making process? What if you could choose and if that didn’t
work, choose again? Or just ask another question. I might ask, “What’s right about this I’m not getting?” A question simply opens a door so something different can show up. And it doesn’t have to be a really difficult, well crafted question; it can be a simple question like: What is this? How can I change it? Can I change it? Indira Ghandi said, “The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” And Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” My “advice” for today is start asking questions. So I’ll leave you with my favorite question, “How does it get any better than this?” This is truly a one-size-fits-all question. Think about it—if things are really great wouldn’t if be exciting to see if they could be better? And on the other side of things…if they are not so good, or downright awful, wouldn’t you want to know, “How does it get any better than this?” If you’re smiling, we’re off to a good start.
To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 29
a winning team! Dr. Mark Maffet joins Methodist Orthopaedic Specialists of Texas The team at Methodist Orthopaedic Specialists of Texas (MOST) welcomes another all-star! Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mark Maffet brings in-depth expertise and skill in a wide range of sports medicine specialties to his new position on the MOST staff. Dr. Maffet is a leader in knee and shoulder arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery, with a long history of helping athletes of all levels return to full health following injury or illness. Don’t live with the pain. See Dr. Maffet – or one of the other board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic specialists at MOST – and get back in the action!
Call 281-494-MOST (6678) for a personal appointment today.
1201 Brooks Street Sugar Land, Texas 77478 281-494-MOST (6678)
TurnedOn! Sarah Warburton
Sight, Sound…and Style!
Sarah Warburton
o you want a room where you can watch your favorite movies…without the television and speakers being the focal point of your design? You don’t have to choose between a stylish décor and your home theater any more. We asked our local home theater experts, Richard Machemehl and Scott Crain of Home Theater Evolutions, about two revolutionary products that let your room—and your movie—look (and sound) amazing! Imagine transforming your new flat screen into a work of art! The new Vutec Art Screen lets you decide when to display your television…and when to disguise it. Choose from one of twelve original paintings and four different frame styles. Maybe you prefer a completely custom masterpiece? It’s possible to request a reproduction of your favorite painting or photograph. Richard says, “The Vutec comes with a remote control and mounts on the wall around your television with a velvet filler between the television and the picture frame. We’ll handle the complete installation and set-up. We can even sync the Vutec up with your universal remote so your painting will roll up whenever your TV is turned on and come back down when it’s turned off again. Come into the showroom and see how easy this system is to use and how great it looks!” When it comes to speakers, you don’t have to choose between “hidden” in-wall or huge, obtrusive floor models. In the showroom at Home Theater Evolutions, you can sample the newest speakers that really combine the best of form and function. Scott says, “We’re really excited about the new Parrot speakers by the Danish company Starck. All four of their colors—black, white, gray, and lime—are popular, but Richard and I actually chose them for their contemporary aesthetics and excellent sound quality.” Want speakers that deliver sound without a lot of clutter? The sleek Parrot speakers by Starck use wireless technology, no external stereo receiver is necessary. They have an integrated iPod/ iPhone adapter already built in and is also Bluetooth capable with Wi-Fi built-in so you can play music without docking your iPod or mp3 player and stream music directly from your laptop or home computer. They come with a Bluetooth remote control and a built-in subwoofer, which gives a deep bass coupled with high powered tweeters. You’ll want to see (and hear) these spacious and sound filling speakers for yourself in the Home Theater Evolutions showroom. Ready to sample more of Scott and Richard’s picks for high quality, reasonable budget home theater components? Visit their showroom for a great selection, free in-home estimates, and no hidden pricing. Their motto? “Tell us what you want and we’ll put together a package that fits your goals, your space, and your budget!”
Home Theater Evolutions 281-980-2300 3157 Highway 6 at Williams Trace
To advertise, 281-235-0600
UPCLOSE ~ October 2010 ~ 31
You discovered her favorite restaurant. She introduced you to your husband. Now, you could save her life. State-of-the-art BreaSt CanCer DiagnoStiCS: Digital Mammography Breast Ultrasound Breast MRI MRI Guided Biopsy Ultrasound Biopsy Stereotactic Biopsy A special thank you to the Fort Bend Junior Service League members who are the faces of our Women’s Health Campaign.
Reminding a friend to schedule a mammogram could save her life. According to The National Cancer Institute, the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early are getting a high-quality screening mammogram and having a clinical breast exam on a regular basis. You can rest assured that at the Breast Center at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital you and your friend will receive the high-quality mammogram you need. It is the only full-service center of its kind in Fort Bend County that women can rely on for dedicated breast radiology expertise, state-of-the-art technology and compassionate care.
Call 281-242-PINK (7465) to schedule a mammogram at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital.
LEADING MEDICINEÂŽ Spine BreastCenter Center
16655 Southwest Freeway Sugar Land, Texas 77479 281-242-PINK (7465)