Night Sky Strategies
Issue II, Leo 2008:
Black Light Disco 1
Behind The Sun By Austin Coppock
The Sun is said by astrologers to be at home in the Sign of Leo. It is the part of the year where we become aware of our identity and need for self expression. The self is re-infused with the energies of the spirit. This year, however, when Luna returns to the Sun’s embrace on August 1st, there will be a total solar eclipse. Symbolically, if the Sun is the identity expressed, then how do we consider the gaping, lightless hole of an eclipse? Perhaps an absence of expression, and of identity? As even the greenest neophyte of most Eastern spiritual traditions could tell you, there is a depth to absence often lacking in the simplicity of presence. As we consider the black sun, we consider what precedes expression. Identity precedes expression. But what precedes identity? The swirling chaos of self-consciousness. It is only as patterns emerge and are concretized by the mind into a notion of “self” that the identity emerges. Identity is a simplification of selfconsciousness. It is necessary in order to be able to “think” about oneself. It is also socially convenient. It makes people seem comprehensible, and behavior predictable. But it is a convenience. People’s identities change as their perspective on themselves changes. People’s identities change as different parts of their being are called to take leading roles in life’s drama. The eclipses of August are just such a time. But identities rarely go quietly into the night. All living things have an inertia of being, a survival instinct. We tend to hold onto who we’ve been, because what lies before us is ourselves-as-unknown. For between our costume changes, we are caught without mask and makeup, unsure of what role to play. In such times, it is common for people to attempt to play the role they’ve just been evicted from, with meager results. The has-been musician fits very poorly into the rockstar’s leather pants.
We must make a conscious us effort not to shy away from this costume change. An animal runs from what it fears, and therefore its cage is fear. Although most humans, most of the time, reside within the same bars, we have the capacity to do better. The solar eclipse is a symbol of and gatew gateway ay to exploring the chaos lurking beneath the masks we’ve been wearing. You are more than the role you’ve been playing. Beneath your script and costume is a staggeringly elegant and complex being, far too big to find expression in a single chapter of life. fe. The totality of self requ requires a lifetime, if not lifetimes, to perform. perform To be conscious of this fact too often interferes with our ability to play our current role adequately. It intrudes on the experience. But this month the masks come me off. Without a face, we will wander hungrily through the costume shop. And so, this month Night Sky Strategies offers a series of mirrors to reflect on your temporary nakedness. Welcome to the black light disco. In “Eclipses, Eclipses, Awakening, and Astrology Astrology” Astrologer and Film-maker Jocelyn Marquis provides a straight forward examination of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of August. She is kind enough to include a horoscope-style exploration oration of the eclipses for each sign. In “The Messenger’s Promise”” Night Sky Strategies’ resident heretic, Ryan Valentine, Valentine scours the religious technology hnology of cultures past and present in order to find just the right words to ritualize and ride this month’s strange blend of energies. In “The The Spectacle of Madness Madness” Playwright and Astrologer Nick Civitello offers us another discovery in n his constant search to unearth the arc archetypal hetypal currents in pop culture. culture In this month’s installment, he explores the ast astrological rological outlines of the Joker in the Batman mythos. And, as always, s, your editor provides a break breakdown of the month’s nth’s highlights and low points in three bite size sections. Check out the psychic geography of the month to come in Nigredo, Bardo and Rebirth Template.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Behind the Sun by Austin Coppock…………………………………2 Eclipses, Awakening and Astrology by Jocelyn Marquis………….5 The Decans
by Austin Coppock
July 22nd-August 1st: Nigredo by Austin Coppock………………….9 August 2nd-11th: Bardo by Austin Coppock………………….……11 August 12th-22nd: Rebirth Template by Austin Coppock………….13 The Messenger’s Promise
by Ryan Valentine
The Spectacle of Madness by Nick Civitello
About the Authors……………………………………………..24
“Pragmatick Schoolmen, men made up of pride, And rayling Arguments, who truth deride, And scorn all else but what your selves devise, And think these high-learned Tracts to be but lies, Do not presume, unless with hallowed hand To touch these books who with the world shall stand; They are indeed mysterious, rare and rich, And far transcend the ordinary pitch.” -Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 3 Books of Occult Philosophy
Eclipses, Awakening and Astrology By Jocelyn Marquis The eclipse axis shifts to Aquarius-Leo from Virgo-Pisces this month, giving a break to mutable folks who’ve had their worlds rocked as recently as last February. Eclipses represent times of awakening, catharsis and sudden opportunity. An eclipse is really an amplified Full or New moon, because it is more exact by degree, its effects seem to be stronger. There is a balance of the internally intuitive and externally conscious elements of the psyche during these periods, represented by Sun and Moon, masculine-feminine, day and night or yin and yang. During an eclipse phase, these complimentary energies fuse together in a balanced and interdependent way. Eclipses can bring situations to a head: conditions that were bad but toddling along, or "good enough" are finally seen for what they are and brought to the surface of consciousness where they finally must be addressed. This can happen at a job or in a relationship, depending on where you find the eclipse falling by house, or if the degree of the eclipse affects a personal planet. An eclipse conjunct Venus, for instance, could bring a significant relationship into your life, or a monetary windfall. This is the sudden opportunity element, when positive circumstances are illuminated. Whether the qualities of the eclipse are interpreted as good or bad, really the point is to elevate consciousness enough to incorporate a more authentic sense of self. Letting go of old skins can be painful, but eventually brings you to higher and better place. In considering the Aquarius/Leo axis, we see there has been tension, and that people of these signs have had a pretty rough time the last few years. For Aquarius, Neptune hovering near your Sun has confused your sense of identity. Prior to passing into Virgo in September of last year, Saturn opposed to your Sun. The transit forced awakening in relationships, which was hindered by your already unstable self image. The likely outcome was an encounter with obstacles to finding a reciprocal and enduring relationship. For Leo, Saturn on your Sun forced you to take on responsibility that probably diminished your essential sense of creativity and compromised your self esteem. Meanwhile, Neptune over there in your seventh house creates ambiguous circumstances in your partnerships and you may have felt you don't quite know where you stand with that certain someone.
The exact opposition of Saturn and Neptune occurred twice last year (2007), in March and June, at 20 and 21 degrees, respectively. The second eclipse in Aquarius on the 16th this August is conjunct to Neptune. Presumably anything left behind from the Saturn-Neptune Saturn opposition should see clarity now. Reforms can be made in the lives of people who realized during the phase of the opposition where they might have been unrealistic (Neptune), and forced to make a practical assessment (Saturn) in order to achieve their goals. The eclipse in Leo on the 1st of August makes no significant aspects to other planets, which doesn't mean it has less potency, but that thematically it won't bring up patterns that are attached to old business. Leo rules intuitive creativity and passion directed outward. Aquariuss is the inventive intellect, logical and directed inward. Depending on the houses affected, the eclipses will have news for you. If your sign is affected, the transformations that occur will be the most personal and likely have a profound resonance with within your relationships.
ECLIPSE HOROSCOPES Aries: Creativity and relating to groups is impacted in this eclipse cycle. A personal project you have been pushing among a group of peers might get greenlighted if the group is ready to work to help you achieve your goals. Taurus: Your professional ambitions and home base come into sharp sharper focus under the eclipse cycle. You may be asked to make a dramatic relocation in order to realize an important aspiration.
Gemini: Your logical mind and passionate need to learn are in conflict this month. You may have to break with routine and convention to embrace a journey that has life changing implications. Cancer: Finances are impacted and the resources of others become available. You may receive a very lucrative offer that surprises you. Leo: Your sense of self as it relates to another is implicated. Relationships begin and end under this influence. You are guided by a strong sense of conviction and know what you want, which helps. Virgo: Your work life is changing. New opportunities become available while issues from your past finally see resolution. Libra: Important creative forces are at work and in your romantic life this month. A love affair can precipitate out of nowhere. Accept all invitations, especially from groups or organizations you are involved with that are holding events. Scorpio: Significant developments occur in your home situation over this eclipse cycle. This could potentially disrupt efforts you are making in your professional sector. All will be clear by next February. Sagittarius: Efforts you have made to reach out to people (especially foreigners) in regard to media and publishing begin to bear unexpected fruit. You have uncanny intuition on the 16th. Capricorn: Your financial outlook is changing, likely for the better. New ways to generate substantial income precipitate in August and in January/ February of 2009. Aquarius: Relationships are getting a kick start in August. Important self discoveries made in this phase bring new awareness that positively enhances your interaction with others. Pisces: A promotion is possible even if conditions have seemed unbearable and indefinite. The eclipse of the 16th offers a resolution in a debilitating matter tied to your past. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Jocelyn Marquis 2008
The Decans By Austin Coppock
Night Sky Strategies presents each Zodiacal month in 3 separate sections. These divisions of each Sign are called decanates, from the Latin “deca”, meaning “10,” because each decanate is 10 degrees of the complete, 360 degree circle of the Zodiac. Since each Sign is a 30 degree wedge of the pie, there are 3 decanates in each Sign. The decanates are as old as Horoscopic Astrology itself, and can be found in the Greek and Latin writings that are the swaddling clothes of the newborn system in the first few centuries B.C. The decanates serve to divide each Sign into 3 further subdivisions, each with its own particular energy, represented by the Ruling Planet of the decanate. This further division sharpens the astrologer’s ability to assess the quality of time, as well as the character of those born to that time. The decans are also called the “Faces” and in them we see the character that this word suggests. The decans provide us with the Faces that the Signs of the Zodiac wear. But the history of the decanates goes beyond the passive assessment of qualities of time. As much or more than any other element of Astrology, the decanates, or decans are tied into a magical tradition that stretches back into antiquity, disappearing into the harsh sands of Egypt’s mystery traditions before Astrology as we know it was created by the Hellenistic Greeks. Since that time, the decans have been associated with deities, angels, and daemons. In Muslim Empire, Gayat Al Hakim detailed their usage in the Picatrix, The Goal of the Wise. In Renaissance Europe, Kabbalists assigned the angels and daemons of the Shemhamephoresh to the 36 decanates. Years later, the grandfather of the modern Western Occultism, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, described the decanic images, their qualities and uses, in his famous 3 Books of Occult Philosophy. The 36 decanic images also form the basis of the modern Tarot’s Minor Arcana. They are vertebrae in the backbone of the mystery traditions. For reasons unknown to me, modern astrologers have favored the Signs, but neglected the decanates. In some places, the decan system is used, but without the traditional planetary Rulers, which provide the essential character that each Face wears. The decanates are important tools and carry with them a rich legacy. For these reasons I have chosen to reintroduce the practical use of the decanates in this publication. Enjoy.
July 22nd-August 1st: Nigredo Essential Nature of the First Decanate of Leo The first 10 degrees, and days, of Leo are ruled by Saturn and said to be of the nature of the 5 of Wands, called “Strife.” In this face of Leo, one’s confidence is called into question,by others or by one’s own doubts. There is a need to prove oneself. This scene is about finding confidence under pressure. When this energy is active, people push too hard to make their opinions heard. This time is often characterized by a tangled egos, each too unsure of themselves to back down. Hence “Strife.” Birthdays People born within this decanate are often drawn to performance arts and managerial positions. They tend to be “a bit tense” and often have something to prove when they are younger. They improve with age, and gain confidence as they accumulate experience. They are more sensitive to criticism than Leos born under other decanates. Tell them they did a good job. Or not! July 22nd-August 1st 2008: Nigredo The energy of the Sun’s first week and a half in Leo is different this year. Usually this time stimulates people to put themselves, unproven, into new arenas of self expression. This year, as the Sun shines through this decanate, and the structure of the self becomes more clear, the emphasis is on separation rather than expression. On Saturday, July 26th, Mercury slips over the border into Leo. The energy underlying communications and thought patterns enters an uncertain realm of self expression, bringing our thoughts in line with the issues to be addressed by the eclipse to come. On Tuesday the 29th, Mercury conjuncts the Sun. Here the mind makes an inventory of the self. The selfconcept here energized here will serve as the raw material for the coming eclipse’s effect on the identity.
Venus in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius on Thursday July 31st, the day before the eclipse. This configuration is both pleasant and otherworldly. The needs for attention and affection suggested by Venus in Leo are muted by Neptune in Aquarius, allowing us to cross some of the ego boundaries usually strictly maintained. We are impelled to step away from the melee of auto-performance and recognize to what degree we’ve been talking over other people, either eithe out loud or in our heads. The ego dynamics within relationships become more apparent and make a likely topic of conversation. This year, the first decanate of Leo follows the waning Moon’s slow roll back to meet the Sun. The week and half leading up to this spectacular celestia celestial phenomenon is exactly thatthat a lead st up. Finally, on August 1 , the solar eclipse occurs. And It will be the eclipse that opens the doors to the black light disco, where your shadow’s invited tto o dance all month.
August 2nd-11th: Bardo Essential Nature of the Second Decanate of Leo The second decanate of Leo is ruled by Jupiter, and equated with the 6 of Wands, called “Victory.” In the first decanate of Leo, the focus is on putting oneself out there, in spite of personal limitations. However, the second decanate is ruled by Jupiter, and has a correspondingly positive emphasis on celebrating the inherent virtue and power of a person. The energy during this period tends to boost people’s confidence, and thus it lacks the squabbling element that characterizes the first decan. It is a time where people naturally learn from one another, and teach simply by being. Birthdays People born during this time tend to be the most stereotypically royal Leos, with a certain assumption of stature. They are, however, often quite willing to see nobility in others as well. They tend to be friendly, gregarious, spiritual and hopeful. They like to share their “wisdom.” Many annoyingly positive Leos were born under the middle decanate. August 2nd-11th, 2008: Bardo The Sun enters the second decanate of Leo on the heels of the Solar eclipse. The celebratory energy usually associated with this decanate takes on a different character this year. These 10 days are sandwiched squarely between the Solar eclipse st of August 1 , and the Lunar eclipse of August 16th. While the decanate usually highlights the victories won by who we are, this year the victories will be won by who we are becoming, and who we are willing to stop being. The real victory to be had here is the triumph over past glories. A new story demands a new hero(ine). Mercury and Venus, the intellect and the passions, play a pivotal role in this particular segment. On August 5th, the last day of Venus’ stay in Leo, she moves into a trine with Pluto.
As if the Solar Eclipse the week before wasn’t enough to dredge the darkside, Venus’ trine to Pluto will see forgotten, suppressed and neglected feelings crawling out of the pit and demanding that their stories be told. It is an aspect that does not favor light hearted fun, but instead sets the stage for intense, honest interactions. Power games within relationships will become intolerable around this period. Here the emotional nature is pulled into the egoic transformation that the solar eclipse has opened the gateway to. After a quick check-in with her dark reflection in Pluto’s strange mirror, Venus strolls into Virgo, where she will make her home until August 31st. The archetypal shift from Leo to Virgo is a polar one. In Leo, Venus inspires loud and proud self expression. In Virgo, social situations become enclosed by an excessive consideration of what is correct. There is a questioning awareness of role, place, and value that is absent during Venus’ stay in Leo. The neurotic tendencies that Venus’ pass through Virgo tend to activate are exaggerated by Venus’ pending conjunction with Saturn in Virgo, which occurs on the 13th. The time between Venus’ entry into Virgo on the 5th and conjunction with Saturn on the 13th will throw a nervous light on relationships and finances. It is important to appreciate the necessities exposed and exaggerated during this time. Within these circumstances are the keys to the person you need to become. On the 10th, Mercury follows in the steps of Venus, trining Pluto in late Sagittarius and then passing into Virgo the following day. Here, Mercury picks up after Venus, adding a perspective from the depths to the wash of feelings from below, and hopefully making sense of the emotional events of the week before. Then, on the 11th Mercury moves into Virgo. Unlike Venus, Mercury is quite comfortable in Virgo, and brings the full arsenal of the intellect to bear on the emotional and financial difficulties unearthed by Venus. As feelings translate themselves into facts, the outlines for the re-condensation of the identity will become clear. Pay attention, and consider who all this is pushing you to become.
August 12th-22nd: Rebirth Template Essential Nature of the Third Decanate of Leo The third decanate of Leo is ruled by Mars, and equated with the 7 of Wands, called “Courage.” Here, after being affirmed in the second decanate, “Victory,” one is again challenged to prove oneself. This decanate often creates challenging and exhausting situations, where one must hold on by strength of character alone. Birthdays When a person is born with the Sun in this decanate of Leo, they have a strength which shows itself best in crisis situations. They are tenacious and energetic. Their beliefs tend towards maxims in the family of “Never say die,” and “You can rest when you’re dead.” They deal well with having enemies but can have a difficult time chilling out. August 12th-22nd, 2008: Rebirth Template The 3rd decanate of the Sun’s stay in Leo sees the moon grow fat and full, only to be eclipsed at the apex of its light on the 16th. The Lunar Eclipse finishes out August’s pair of eclipses, but not without a boatload of other planetary fun. The days leading up to the Lunar Eclipse are tense, with the moonlight thickening and both Venus and Mercury in Virgo on their way to a conjunction with Saturn. Mercury follows swiftly on Venus’ heels, processing emotional reactions swiftly and transforming them into actionable intelligence. Venus hits Saturn first, on Wednesday the 13th. Here affections and finances are strained through a very particular filter. This will be a difficult point for those who have refused the calls to realism in the emotional and financial sectors of their lives. For those who have made the requisite sacrifices to the dark god of reality, there is a certain satisfaction to be found in one’s arrangements. Nonetheless, it’s a poor time to get married, start at business, or plan a party. Mercury conjuncts Saturn on Friday, the 15th. Thoughts and communications are sucked into necessity. Like a colony of ants on sugar –coated blueprints, the thoughts and communications
are all over the architecture of the situation situation.. Here the social, emotional and financial difficulties highlighted emotionally by Venus’ pass through Saturn’s gate will be worked over in detail. And for the finale, on the day following Mercury’s conjunction to Saturn, we bear witness to the Full Moon’s eclipse. Saturday the 16th is action packed, as it containss not only the eclipse, but Venus in Virgo’s trine to Jupiter in Capricorn, and Mars in Virgo’s square to Pluto in Sagittarius. Venus’ trine to Jupiter will spin off a few rays of saving grace, ce, providing hope for the future and quite possibly a taste of benefits to come. On the other hand, Mars’ in Virgo’s square to Pluto provides an understanding of just how much work real transformation demands. The lunar eclipse will b bring all of the questions about identity back down do to earth. It is within the vase of the water-bearer bearer that we will reconstitute ourselves. And so after fter being abducted in into the space between the eclipses, we’ll be spat out of the black light disco and stagger back into the daylight. Most likely hungover. The rest of the Sun’s stay in Leo sees Mars vacate Virgo and move onto Libra on the 19th, indicating that conflicts will shift from quibb quibbling ling over details to fighting to keep the situation balanced. On the following day, the Sun in Leo trines Pluto, adding a final transformational note to what is already a month overburdened with evolutionary intensity. O On n the very last day of the Sun’s stay in Leo,, Mercury catches Venus in Virgo, realigning thoughts oughts and feelings. fe This meeting shifts internal gears, and indicates that the feelings will take a backseat to the mind, which will scout ahead over the month to come come.
The Messenger’s Promise By Ryan Valentine Last month Mercury, as trickster, delivered his diatribe, and this month we experience the very darkness he proclaimed. Not one, but two eclipses in the month of August. That’s just epic, that’s what that is. This year the entrance into Leo is a black hole in the sky where the Sun usually is. Leo, the fiery sign of egoic identification and consistency, will become a catalyst for the reform of personal expression. I prefer not to think of an eclipse as a negation of the suns energy, so much as an inversion of it. Many of you are going to behave very badly, life-changing bad, and the rest of you will be the ones pointing and laughing. In a more constructive sense this will be a time for some pretty grand life modifications, or the realization of significant changes that were put into motion over the last couple of months. Changing jobs, changing cities, changing partners, changing goals. Changes that take place in parts of our life that bear directly on our self-identities. It is the moon after all, which makes this whole crazy thing possible. The moon which, despite what modern science would have you believe, is made up entirely of our dreams and fears, our hungers and joys, our most cynical and romantic notions. It will be these which guide us, for better or worse through the first weeks of Leo. Until finally, spectacularly, the moon is eclipsed and we have nothing but the dark earth to work with. The Earth which is made out of our blood and sweat, the violence of our passions, and it will be these which guide us through the final weeks. In light of such distinctive energetic signatures I have found myself in complete agreement with our daring (read: mad with power,) editor in recommending the Nought-I, a ritualized contemplation on, and confrontation with the 'not-self'. Which could also be thought to represent all possible selves. The ritual itself utilizes the 'voces magicaes' or mantra sounds used by the Greeks during the Hellenistic period and features a synthesis of symbolisms from the archaic European gnostic traditions. It is to be used as a key for an intentional change of consciousness, a supplement and gateway to meditation on the themes this month makes mandatory. A read through on the eclipse itself is recommended. Typical effects include: A heightened awareness of, and dissociation from, standard egoic structures. Neglected parts of the personality may emerge more clearly into consciousness. Diminished ego needs are also a common experience. Surgeon General’s Warning: Do not attempt to intentionally alter your consciousness by ritual or meditative means if you are a crazy asshole. This is for spiritual grown ups.
The Nought – I Alogos vel Zraa. Pan Athanatos. ÂÊOYÔ AÂOÔS AÂOÔS AÂOÔS ÔYOIÊEÂ! EÂ ZOIÂ KYSÊTH EÂ ERÊTH EÂ EREBÊTH EÂ PAKERBÊTH ÂO I am the headless daimon with sight in my feet, I am the mighty one possessed of the immortal fire, I am the truth who hateth that unjust deeds are done in the world, I am the on that maketh the lightening to flash and the thunder to roll, I am the one whose sweat is the heavy inseminate rain upon the surface of the earth, I am the one whose mouth is utterly aflame, I am all-begetting and perfect destruction, I am the flavor of the aeon, I am Wine and Strange Drug beyond all Meaning, I am the strength of Seven, yet I am not of them, I am the ice that freezes the blood of gods, I am the inconceivable nature dreamt in perfection, I am the incarnate reality of the living word, I am eternal and immediate in realization, I am an empire of sensuality, I Am That Which Is Not Alogos shrieks in testimony to Pan Athanatos! Sorrow not for Great Pan. Mourn not his absence! But exceed, aye, exceed! Iacchus is the wine ever-drunk, his skin ever enclosing emptiness! The Shining Blood that sears the I/eye, Formless blinder, liquid exstasis! The intoxication falls upon the world.
Rivers of being return to the seas of dream and nightmare! Mine ancestry lies deep within the estuary. Mine hand is empty, the sensorium of flesh is beyond sight! Behold the resurrection of an archetype - the nomad-line endures! A mouth that is utterly aflame - through me! That blackest of speech comes now, I Am That Which Is Not! Seeking the wisdom in the simulacrum of death The sword of intellect lies abandoned beside mine bed I bear only its empty sheath in facing my enemies! ÂÊOYÔ AÂOÔS AÂOÔS AÂOÔS ÔYOIÊEÂ! Inner into Outer Outer into Inner Inner into Outer In my shrieking, I go forth as Sphinx Silent and Mighty Rechtaw Ever unbound! As Master becomes Slave And Slave Becomes Master All paths are open to me as I walk backward Along the crooked path unto the neither-neither Which lies within the womb and tomb.! In me is found all artifice! O' Ye Flesh of I, form 'd of all Darkness! Opposer of the Light, Substance of Form! Spirit of Death, I raise Thee Our Lady as the Secret Image of Life veiled in Death. I beseech Thee, O' Illuminator of the Darkened I!
O' Ye Flesh of I - Formed of all Light! Opposer of the Darkness, Substance of all Desire! O' Spirit of Life, I raise The Guardians of the Womb The Liquid Surface of the Light Itself, wherein lay the Secret Image of Death veiled in Life. I beseech Thee, O' Darkener of the Illuminated I! Most Black Dye of the Vacuous Places, blood sucked from wounds between the Stars, Poisons as are born from the Dragon's Mouth, O' Pathway! Thou Gate Between! O' that Moment of Annihilation! O' Millions-of-Forms-of- Being, O' Living Ecstasy of the Backwards Embrace of Beauty. I evoke Thee! Unbound from the Centre of the Vesica-Piscis, Unbound from the Circle of the Arte. Unbound from the Axis of the One Phallus, Unbound from the Circle of the Arte. Heed not the Breach of Time or Distance, Knowing Union, yet Self Distinct; Eye divided betwixt Sight and the Greater Vision, Hand divided betwixt Sensations! Oracle resonance of the Dual Logos! Thy Fissure is my Pathway, One Sigil unto all Sigils; One Dream unto all Sentience; One Continuity unto all Existence; By mine Hand and Eye, All is aligned unto the Cynosure of I. ÂÊOYÔ AÂOÔS AÂOÔS AÂOÔS ÔYOIÊEÂ!
The Spectacle of Madness By Nick Civitello Insane Strength
It's Leo time again. While certain annual traditions, like Saturnalia, regularly commemorate the death and rebirth of a solar deity, the height of Summer is the season when the Sun is unquestionably active, very much alive, and noticeably more powerful. In temperate climates, this fleeting display of power is revered and appreciated through picnics, pool parties, and trips to the beach. In areas of the world that are already quite warm, the Sun's augmented strength can be terrible and oppressive, and is more often associated with heatstroke and sun poisoning than with lemonade and ice cream. In the study of astrology, the Sun is, of course, associated with the core of personality, the true self. It is appropriate, then, that the world is more aware of the Sun's presence during Leo time, when the Sun is in its natural, dignified home. In the Rider-Waite Tarot, Leo is represented by the Strength card, which depicts a snarling lion being held in check by a robed woman, adorned in flowers and crowned with a symbol of infinity. While the lion is obviously strong, the titular "Strength" is that of the woman, who has tamed her fearsome and powerful animal. Such is the strength of Leo, whose higherminded consciousness is utilized to keep a raw, burning chunk of personality in check. Leo, after all, is Fixed Fire. If the lion is not allowed any freedom, then the fire will not be nourished, and will fizzle into introversion and a black hole of selfesteem. If the lion is allowed too much freedom, the Leo runs the risk of being perceived as a needy and histrionic diva, a self-centered and obnoxious loudmouth. Leo is oft associated with leaders and royalty, and also with the actor and showman. Both professions require that their fires stay fixed, that the robed woman of the Strength card be strong and discerning. A leader is nothing without subjects, and an actor is nothing without an audience. But Leo's drive for public validation sometimes leads into dark corners. Sometimes
the woman and the beast are one in the same, and their narcissistic self-lust creates a vacuum of destruction for anyone in the vicinity. Joseph Stalin was born while the Sun was in Leo. He was a vicious tyrant who, depending on which source you believe, killed somewhere in the range of a low 3 million or as high as 60 million of his own people. In the Italian theatrical tradition known as Commedia dell'arte, a principal stock character was a clown known as Harlequin, a covetous mischief-maker who was the source of many predicaments and obstacles faced by the less clever characters. (Interestingly enough, Harlequin's name is said to derive from the Latin for “Little Hercules,” the Greek demigod who was, himself, a fine example of the Leo archetype.) Stalin remained a strong leader because people were terrified of him. Harlequin remained an audience favorite because he made sure they were in on all of his jokes, and were able to laugh along with his trouble-making antics. Through amoral and destructive means, their lust for attention was sated. Anyone who's into comics should see where I'm going with this. As well as anyone who's seen any advertisements for The Dark Knight, the film that just amassed $155 million on Friday and Saturday alone, destroying the previous record for highest-grossing opening weekend. Oh, I was excited to see a Batman movie this weekend. But what I really wanted to see was Heath Ledger's portrayal of a mischievous, mass-murdering clown. Let's Put a Smile on that Face of Yours! I see the flipside of Leo, generally, as a “wild card” character in a story. Someone who follows their own path, without regard for what others think is right. Whether they end up on the side of the angels or devils is incidental. They're just being themselves. The focus of this article has ended up in the latter faction, and the concept of “wild card” is a sentiment with which the Joker certainly identifies. The Joker is the centerpiece of Batman's rogue's gallery. A brightly-plumed maniac with an ever-present grin, a warped (but brilliant) mind, and one of the highest death tolls in the comic book world, people all over the world know who he is and what he's about at a glance.
Following Leo's royal theme, he has been dubbed the “Clown Prince of Crime,” and his schemes always possess all the subtlety of a carnival. A loud, neon, murder carnival. The Joker always makes sure his crimes will be seen, heard, and talked about for years and years to come. He's been responsible for some of the most grievous tragedies in the Batman universe. He killed Jason Todd, the second Robin, by beating him half to death with a lead pipe. He crippled Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl, and daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon, by shooting her through the spine while her father watched in helpless horror. He also killed Gordon's wife, shooting her point-blank in the head as she tried to protect a group of infants from his homicidal glee. Needless to say, he's also exterminated a massive amount of Gotham's lesser known residents, from criminal scum to total innocent, whatever he finds most amusing. “I'm a dog chasing cars,” he says in The Dark Knight. “I don't have plans. I just do things. I'm not a schemer.” Unlike other Batman villains, he's not into crime for profit or power. He just wants everyone to know who he really is, and that person is really into killing. And we, the audience, continue to offer approval for his actions, because like Harlequin, he's let us in on the joke. Just like going on a civilian-killing rampage on Grand Theft Auto, we connect with The Joker because he appeals to our desire to destroy needlessly. It's a dark place that most don't want to recognize or accept, but the capacity to do so exists in us all. He personifies chaotic destruction, and provides a showcase for it. It is interesting to note at this point that unlike most members of the comic-book universe, The Joker has never, ever been given an alter ego or true name, nor has he been given a definitive origin story. As alluded to in the new film, he has been portrayed as lying so often about his former life that he himself is confused as to what actually happened. The closest that DC comics has ever come to offering a beginning to his story was in Alan Moore's The Killing Joke, and even then, there is a point in the story where insanity overtakes a common man, and he simply becomes The Joker all at once. True to Leonic form, he cannot stop externalizing. He does what he is, and vice versa. If the Leo that we know is represented by a noble lion, a singular pillar of strength, who fights to defend his pride, then the dark side of Leo can be equated to the lion's natural enemy: the hyena. The dog-like hyena is a scavenger of the African savanna. They are generally uninterested in fighting over food, so if they want to grab a lion's kill, they'll come in numbers large enough to murder a lion. Though they are small, their teeth are powerful enough to literally crush bones. The Joker has been known to keep hyenas as pets. Like him, the hyenas always appear to be grinning and laughing. Like them, he is never there to fight, only to kill.
In the recent film, The Joker's pets are starving attack dogs, a distant cousin to the hyena. The Joker himself is described by the authorities as a “mad dog” several times during the film, an indication that the beast from the Strength card has been completely unleashed. The Treasured Square A square, or quartile, is a relationship which astrology deems a “hard aspect.” It is the closest that two planets can come to openly warring. In a natal chart, it can create openly hostile feelings between different sections of the personality; for example, a person who has one of their lights in a square to Saturn will likely have a bitter distaste for authority and discipline. If many squares exist between two people, the synastry does not bode well for a harmonious association. They will clash if they share space. Batman's a blatant Scorpio archetype. His Fixed Water personality has allowed him to carry the hurt of his parents' murder and turn it into a fanatical crusade to avenge them by dispensing vigilante justice. He is a hero, but he stands in the dark, among things that creep and crawl. He's a master of many weapons and fighting styles, but his primary weapon is terror, which he uses to intimidate Gotham's criminals into submission. He has no actual super powers, but he has plans to destroy every single one of his Justice League pals, should they ever run amok...or get in his way. He is relentless, unscrupulous, tortured and obsessed, but he has his reasons. He's the goddamned Batman, and he's way Scorpionic. With Batman well-established as a Scorpio archetype, and The Joker now presented as a dark Leo archetype, it stands to reason that they should share as much hostility as they have. But if that's so, then why isn't one of them dead? Well, Batman's atypical of the Scorpio archetype in popular culture. Most other vigilantes who share a resonance with the “Death” card would have little compulsion with taking out a mass-murderer. The ends would justify the means. But Batman has a moral code which he cannot seem to bypass, a code which includes an inability to take the life of even the most deadly and openly destructive foe. Even in frank Miller's alternate future, The Dark Knight Returns, where Batman resolves himself to finally end The Joker's life, the worst he can bring himself to do is break The Joker's neck, stopping just short of killing him at the moment of truth. The Joker is forced to end his own life in this story, twisting his spine with a strength fueled by mania, laughing himself into oblivion all the while. So, Batman's insane morality prevents him from killing The Joker. All he can do is lock him up and await his escape so that they can dance the dance anew. But The Joker has no moral compass, and no problem with wholesale slaughter (which is only one letter away from “laughter,” after all.) Why hasn't The Joker killed Batman? Lord knows he's had chances over the years.
“I don't want to kill you!” The Joker says to Batman, in my favorite scene in the new film. “What would I do without you? You complete me!” And now we get to the heart of it. There is no aspect more senselessly destructive than the square. It arouses discomfort and anger in any sane and rational mind. But The Joker's not sane. And he's in love with senseless destruction. This openly hostile relationship provides dramatic depth, something that a good performer needs to make a show pop. After all, if Batman weren't around to try and stop him, then crime would be too easy. There'd be no sport in it, and no one would care. He needs someone to get the better of. He needs someone to make fun of. This is why he often refers to Batman as “darling,” and why he can always belly-laugh with maniacal joy as Batman beats him to a pulp. He knows that they'll be doing this forever, and to his twisted mind, Batman's heavy fists feel like bliss.
Editor’s Note: This article provoked a series of intensely nerdy discussions between the author and editor about the archetypal layers of the Joker character. This question is made more complex by the fact that the Joker has been rearticulated by a dozen writers and played by several actors. Both are agreed that in addition to the layers of Leo, there is also a distinctly Uranian flair, demonstrable by the parallel between the Fool Card in a Tarot Deck and the Joker Card in a standard deck. Uranus in Leo, perhaps? We could also throw Ketu, the South Node, in there. But we won’t. Because we like you.
About The Authors Austin Coppock(alypse) Austin Coppock is an author, astrologer and occultist living in the Northwestern United States. He graduated from Antioch College with majors in Philosophy and Psychology, but was soon seduced away from ivory-tower approved reading lists by the insistent allure of arts and sciences forbidden and forgotten by our modern era. After a few years immersed in the study of an obscure style of kungfu, the fates pulled him to his current work as an astrology instructor and consultant. He is reportedly the depraved mind behind the weekly astrology column “Abyssal Epistles,” and is the editor and creator of “Night Sky Strategies.” You can contact Austin for private consultations, astrologer classes, and rabid praise. Email: Weekly Column:
Nick Civitello Nick Civitello is a playwright and astrologer based out of Orlando, FL. His work has been featured in Sydney’s Short and Sweet New Play Festival as well as Playwrights’ Rountable ’08 Launch. He maintains a blog which matches up pop-culture mythos with astrological archetypes: Nerdcore Astrotypes. For more information, please visit the following url: Nerdcore Blog: Myspace:
Jocelyn Marquis My name is Jocelyn Marquis and I was introduced to the world of astrology by my father, John Marquis, who was an avid astrologer and visionary painter. I seriously began to study at the age of sixteen and over the years developed different skills, moving from natal astrology to synastric and composite analysis. I feel astrology is a great tool for understanding personal motivation and overcoming the more challenging elements that might otherwise hold us back. After sixteen years of research I have only ccome ome to realize that I still have a lot to learn, proving to me that astrology is truly an art form. Among my most significant influences are include Robert Hand, Stephen Arroyo, and Erin Sullivan, and of course, my dad! Website: Myspace:
Ryan Valentine Ryan Valentine lives quietly in Canada where he tends to his immense garden of marijuana, and performs gay marriages when he isn't fervently campaigning the American Government to relax its censorship of the pornography industry. He is also the editor of the Sutra of the Poison Buddha. Myspace:
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